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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7328678 No.7328678[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I miss the times when /cgl/ was much more interesting and funny.
What happened?

>> No.7328680

/fit/ raided here because they're all beta manlet virgins and then Moot literally became Hitler and killed this board.

Rather than listening to the majority, Moot panders to the vocal minority and this board is dead as a result.

In b4 you get banned because a lot of innocent people already have been banned.

>> No.7328686

We can no longer make fun of stupid cosplayers like Pixyteri or that fat bitch who liked homestuck and was just shit all around.
Now it's all circlejerking.

>> No.7328730

Mods came and took away the dramu. Now everything is hugbox and bland. Sure, things are more civilized, but now I find that I'm coming here out of habit instead of actual enjoyment.

>> No.7328735

In addition to this, the hugbox has incited tumblr to browse this board. Not just seagulls with tumblr accounts, but full-on tumblr SJWs who will pitch a fit over political correctness. On 4chan.

>> No.7328742

>Mods came and took away the dramu. Now everything is hugbox and bland.

THIS. Cancer and moralfags used to be trolled off the board.

>> No.7328755

Considering that this board is now dead, is there any alternative?

>> No.7328792
File: 285 KB, 996x394, moralfags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh, there's that word again.

Honestly, I'd just like to be able to criticize fat people and blatant attention whores again. Why is that so wrong?

>> No.7328830
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Yeah, I miss dramu threads. The 3 PT/Kooter threads were too much, I'll admit. If we could've kept it to like one Kooter General, one PT General thread, it probably would've been more tolerable.

I don't get how we can get multiple thinly-veiled JNig threads before Gmork axes them, though.

Hugbox on anonymous board feels so... repressed.

>> No.7328976

To me it feels like lolita is taking over the board. I feel it used to be more cosplay here.

But I'm not a real /cgl/ user, so don't listen to me.

And I miss /fit/ fridays.

>> No.7329046
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/cgl/ has changed. It's no longer about drama, vendettas, or trolling. It's an endless series of janitor battles, fought by drama starters and old fags.

Mods, and their consumption of fun, has become a well-oiled machine.

>> No.7329098
File: 100 KB, 784x596, ss (2014-01-24 at 05.54.27).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want dramu, go to PULL. Speaking of, does anyone know this ~secret forum~ that she speaks of?

>> No.7329137

could it be stamina rose? only other dramu board i've heard of.

>> No.7329142

Nah, it's not stamina rose. The girl she's saying this to isn't on there.

>> No.7329152

>Hugbox on anonymous board feels so... repressed.
Exactly. Like, what's even the point of being anonymous? Every other board on this site seems to be full of all sorts of disgusting bullshit. Was /cgl/ beginning to become kind of psycho toward specific people, as in actually threatening them, and that led to board death? Or is it seriously just because other boards spammed this place?

>> No.7329157

Never said it is a forum and our seperate site is a FB group, only the mods and the PULL founders got access to it.

>> No.7329161

Thanks for personally answering. Is the group simply you and the mods just talking shit about the members?

>> No.7329164

No, usually the content is about potential snowflakes and checking if someone is a troll, in the case of the girl I quoted she always would use "But I am in Japan" as argument for her claims which made some of the mods courius if she really is and at the end her IPs were always from LA and Washington at those posts.

>> No.7329169

That's actually a shame since when I'd browse the kanadajin thread she seemed to be pretty knowledgeable about Japan and living there.

>> No.7329171
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It's possible she is in Japan and was just using a proxy?

>> No.7329176

Nope, also her posting times wouldn't suit that besides that most of her posts are coming from the University of NM.

>> No.7329371

I agree. Sometimes I wonder if I'm really on 4chan.

>> No.7329394

>I miss the times when /cgl/ was much more interesting and funny.
such a time never existed, OP

it is always retarded fangirls arguing and circlejerking, and also tripfaggotry

the twin evils of board cancer

>> No.7330328

When exactly was this or do you mean when the board was more lenient on what you could post and talk about?

>> No.7334991

/cgl/ is alot like highschool
there will always, always, allwaayyysss be a new group that comes along and tries to be edgy with this "4chan is legion" stuff and try to act hardass when in reality, people treat them the same exact way and they can't deal.
When they move out and actually go outside, then they'll find friends, talk with coworkers, etc. and grow up, not needing to bitch about people who obviously never mattered in the first place.

Don't get me wrong, 4chan and boards alike are excellent resources but the naive and special immature groups never grow up and remain in this rut their whole lives...some actually grow up tho

>> No.7335003


Name the current tripfags and what clique they'd belong to at /cgl/-high.

>inb4 the dinosaur-old chart is posted.

>> No.7335021

Yeah that thing's old as shit. Why do we even post it anymore?

>> No.7337649

>cancer and moralfags

Just go back to /b/ already