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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 12 KB, 222x300, dreamy mr yan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7323459 No.7323459[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Last thread is on autosage >>7318065

Is this like the 4th thread in 2 days or something? This print contest is the best PR they could have done.

>> No.7323470


We still need more construction designs!

>BL design contest
>Mainly for prints
>Yan also approved designs for other items
>Socks, dress construction, coats, everything

I'm too tired to think of what else to say.

>> No.7323491
File: 41 KB, 500x750, drass .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's that you want a super generic dress?

>> No.7323492

I was thinking - why not make a CGL lolita print? And call it like Charming Gorgeous Love? Why now make a huge mashup of all print ideas - the Epic Dress of Lolita fashion? Cats, bunnies, mushrooms, fairies, bread, bees, tea party,meets and whatever we want? The Queen of dresses! something that would Baby in the corner! That would make Angelic not pretty anymore?

>> No.7323495

That would put Baby in the corner.
Also more typos. Screw you, Apple.

>> No.7323499

>Nobody puts baby in the corner.

I want a print of a little doll dressed head to toe in baby sitting dusty and unused in a corner, with a bunch of ita dolls in shitty bodyline sitting having a tea party without her.

>> No.7323498

So how long after the contest is over till some of the dresses are created and stocked? With all the nice stuff I've seen I'm thinking I may need a bodyline haul soon

>> No.7323518
File: 41 KB, 500x750, dress .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ott one.

>> No.7323542
File: 188 KB, 500x500, rococo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure there's no chance in hell they'd take a rococo themed print, but I think I might finish this anyway just for fun. Gonna have different portraits in each frame.

>> No.7323550

Kinda reminds me of newest IW print...

>> No.7323632
File: 163 KB, 844x580, 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been toying with an idea of sewing wide loose ribbons into the waist of a dress. Tacky or no?

>> No.7323650


>> No.7323657 [DELETED] 

oh fug woops

I've been toying with the bubble print idea in my mind tho
And am picturing overlaying white chiffony/organdy/can't remember the name fabric over a pale pale blue dress with bubble prints, to be kinda foamy?


>> No.7323659
File: 142 KB, 844x580, 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh fug woops

I've been toying with the bubble print idea in my mind tho
And am picturing overlaying white chiffony/organdy/can't remember the name fabric over a pale pale blue dress with bubble prints, to be kinda foamy?


>> No.7323675
File: 176 KB, 688x659, inspire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah... when you are designing a dress instead of visualizing what you see DRAWN you ought to take into consideration what it will look like in real life. Thats how ita lace monsters are formed. It looks nice on paper but the translation to the real world... not so much.

I suggest you gather inspiration from Angelic Pretty drawn pictures of lolitas.

>> No.7323678
File: 83 KB, 291x425, aliceset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also LOVE this concept.

>> No.7323692
File: 454 KB, 1200x800, 31499831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A snow print would be also something nice, something like pic related.

>> No.7323707
File: 1.80 MB, 1358x868, militaryloli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C-can someone try a Military Lolita design? PLEASE? I-I know it wont be accepted by bodyline... but I can dream, right?

>> No.7323710

A lot of these aren't AP.

>> No.7323713
File: 153 KB, 700x1200, p261-2 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bodyline's going to be getting this in their punk section soon if this counts. It's fairly ita-ish, but I imagine somebody could do something with it.

>> No.7323715

Okay, no1curr

>> No.7323719

>being this much of a bitch
How can argue that these are examples of how to make shit that looks good on paper look good in real life if half of these don't even exist in real life? Only one or two of the dresses pictured is actually a real dress.

>> No.7323724

Oh bodyline. If this didn't have them belts, and the skirt didn't have that box pleat skirt type of thing going on, this could be a nice basic and cute military JSK. I assume those chains are detachable.

>> No.7323728

honestly my main problem with it is the cheap uglyass gold trim the belts are no big deal and i really like the pleats, though the ruffles on the underskirt are annoying.

>> No.7323731
File: 61 KB, 640x480, first sketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on it anon.

>> No.7323733

wow that little girl on the far right is looking mighty sexual...

>> No.7323735

>cheap uglyass gold trim
Pretty much every sort of trim on bodyline's dresses is cheap uglyass shit. Whether it be lace or this crap.

>> No.7323736

How long until Bodyline replies to your subbmissions?

>> No.7323739

I actually really like this. The cape and blouse not so much, but I do like the JSK. However, I'd definitely go out of my way to get rid of them belts.

>> No.7323744

One day.

>> No.7323745

yeah, it looks like it can be removed and replaced easily enough but this is probably going to cost $70 or more so who can be bothered.

this looks really wonky, especially the skirt area. it would look awful in real life especially if you were relying on buttons to keep the shape.

>> No.7323746

When I've asked questions it sometimes takes them minutes to reply, sometimes hours, sometimes days. Sometimes they don't reply at all.

>> No.7323749

the belts can be easily hacked off, but i'll be dammed if i'd pay more than $50 to replace that gold garbage

>> No.7323752
File: 56 KB, 600x600, 1390493827773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it would look too wonky, I took inspiration from this D&G Jacket + the buttons on the skirt area are not supposed to be functional, so I think it's not too terrible.. but if you have any better ideas feel free to share.

>> No.7323757

God that's hideous.

>> No.7323760

...because they are simple and elegant designs without bows, ruffles and other shit coming out of the wazoo. Fucking relax your tight anus, whore.

>> No.7323762

stfu, bitch. Most jackets, dresses don't look half as good when laid flat.

Pay no mind to this idiot, anon. I like the jacket.

>> No.7323766
File: 277 KB, 632x470, circled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly it's really whatever this is that's weird, and it looks as if that's pretty much your only addition to from the original jacket design. the curved bit doesn't work for military very well, and putting it under a petti would be a bit awkward.

>> No.7323767

o-okay anon, I jst tried to make some nice military lolita stuff. I'm not gonna waste any time on this contest then.

>> No.7323774

damn what's wrong with me.. this >>7323767 want meant as a reply to >>7323757

>> No.7323775

>...because they are simple and elegant designs without bows, ruffles and other shit coming out of the wazoo.
The only ~simple and elegant~ one is the first picture that looks like that ita shit AP put out a few years ago, the rest have huge as fuck bows, too many bows, or are just bust shots that still have a million bows. They would look like shit in real life and who cares if they would, they're art pieces not fashion design ideas. Just admit you were wrong and be on your way.

>> No.7323782

this is a print contest anyways, there's no print on that.

>> No.7323780

Please don't be dissuaded but some random bitch! For the most part I thought your idea was stellar. Just tinker with it and get rid of that curved...edge.

>> No.7323787

Haha, wooooow... you are being a huge asshole for no reason. What the FUCK bows and ribbons are you seeing? If you think these are intricate designs you are one fucking boring broad.

I'm not wrong. You are a ravaged anus who needs to be pissy about ever fucking detail. Have fun having no friends, asswipe

>> No.7323795

Have you been paying fucking attention to the threads, dipshit? They have been accepting clothing designs too. Fucking READ previous posts before directing people

>> No.7323798

calm your shit girl. why are you so angry?

>> No.7323805

Ahh alright, thanks anon.

Though for that dress I was drawing most my inspiration from BTSSB, I'm a bit more of a classical fan than a pastel-y sweet person. Stuff like Favourite Ribbon and Love Ring Love Ribbon.

>> No.7323809
File: 254 KB, 688x659, bitchassnigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one hundred years in MSpaint l8r
how ita, so un-rori

>> No.7323815

These fucking broads are griping over petty shit. Fucking BE HAPPY that there are people in this thread making our dream prints happen. I don't need these assholes scaring them away with their sandy vaginas.

>> No.7323816

Not that anon, but I do kind of agree with her that these aren't really meant to look like they translate well in real life, the second picture has a pretty big buttbow and a lot of these are pretty theatrical looking, also you did kind of attack the girl saying they weren't all Angelic Pretty dresses. I really like Amai Kira's work, but I'm not sure it's the best example of how to determine what looks best in real life or not, especially since the designs aren't really all that straightforward.

I don't want to argue with you or anyone since you both seem pretty hostile, but both of you are getting really mad over nothing for no reason

>> No.7323818

Actually especially Love Ring Love Ribbon

Damn i want this dress

>> No.7323821

I think you need to take a breather. This isn't that serious business at all and you are getting far too angry over 0 things.

>> No.7323823


Instead of hounding me why aren't people actually trying to HELP the drawfags in this thread? Oh right... I'm in /cgl/ Lets bitch about shit instead of actually doing something productive! Yeah!!

>> No.7323827

Well ok then, how noble of you.
Though now you can admit those examples by that artist aren't very good examples in terms of being translatable in real life.

>> No.7323828

You aren't really helping anyone either, you're just flying off the handle when your opinion is disagreed with. I don't understand why you're so emotionally invested with a picture you posted.

>> No.7323829

Nah, fuck you bitch. I'd never give the likes of you the benefit of acknowledgement. I hope you get raped and die.

>> No.7323831
File: 86 KB, 697x606, 1390495641243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also you seem suspiciously crazy like rosaire-vendetta-anon-chan

>> No.7323835

Because I'm actually trying to help the drawfags. And instead of seeing others posting helpful content they are passing judgement and THATS ALL. If this bitch knows everything why isn't she posting shit?

>> No.7323837

Just want to help out the drawfags. That. Is. All.

>> No.7323843

Then refer to >>7323827

>> No.7323846

Oh lordie. Helping or not you're acting like an emotional trainwreck. I don't think you're being constructive enough either, other than you trying to give examples, and when someone told you that most of those examples weren't real you jumped down their throat. Other than that your only help has been "FUCK DA HATERZ BBY U GO GURL!"

>> No.7323851

Holy FUCK you bitches will look for any excuse to jump on the drama train. I'm not responding to you little fucks and will only pay my attention to people who are actually posting CONTENT related to this thread.

You fucking wastes of space.

>> No.7323862

Calm down. For fucks sake, it's just bodyline. I've been helping people myself this whole time, you are just crazy. This is just a thread for people who are attempting do draw things for a bodyline contest, it isn't a life or death situation. Control your autistic outbursts and try ignoring things you don't like rather than throwing a tantrum about it.

Holy shit, what even.

>> No.7323872

>this thread
Jesus fucking christ. Can we go back to military lolita?

>> No.7323873

Different anon: so there are actually non-vendetta-chans on our so poor and lovely rosefaile? I used to defend that bitch during wonderdrama, but this fucking fattie needs to gtfo as other anons say. She's mentally unstable and just stirring shit and attacking everyone. Inb4 iwe: deal that there are people who are fucking sick of that sick rosefaile.

>> No.7323886
File: 102 KB, 399x400, 1390496996478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.7323887

Why do you insist on bringing her up in every thread? Derailed. Good job, faggot, yet again.

>> No.7323892

I'm pretty sure than bitch-chan is the same anon as >>7323873

>> No.7323906

Hahaha...wow, these bitches would rather continue to gripe about an argument that ended rather than try to continue posting to help the drawfags or post something relevant themselves. Sweet Jesus

>> No.7323912

Possibly the salty one on the tights thread too. Must be that time of the month. Eat some chocolate ice cream and shut up please.

>> No.7323917
File: 208 KB, 700x1200, costume653-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for some lolita aprons and was thinking of getting a few maid dresses from bodyline and just taking the aprons off. Pic related. I want the pink one.

Would you say it's worth it? I can't sew for shit and am just looking for cheap aprons.

>> No.7323920

Oooohh yes this is cute!

>> No.7323924
File: 87 KB, 607x456, 1420121103163634001_t607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do we even have snow prints?

>> No.7323979

I own this one and it's really nice for bodyline.

>> No.7323983

Do you have any pictures?

>> No.7323993
File: 696 KB, 864x576, a221-butterflies_of_world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a lolita so I don't know what will look the best, but what about a dress with an overskirt based on the wings of a bird or butterfly? pic related

>> No.7323998

Open your door, step outside. Now there's a snow print.

>> No.7324015
File: 1.32 MB, 2829x2127, 7896075420_af142728b3_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it would look lovely. Something like pic related (White Admiral) would be really good for making it look elegant but still give the effect. It would really work well for gothic in my opinion since the idea is a bit creepy.

>> No.7324035

wow, thank you! a peacock or hummingbird print might be a better idea though since bodyline wants sweet dresses. I think a print with ornate birdcages/birdbaths might also look nice.

>> No.7324034

Can we please have the attention back to military lolita? Please?

>> No.7324049

I'll take the dress if you just want the apron, any colorway

>> No.7324076

With all the amazing prints everything is making, we might just have to open our own brand just to make them all.

>> No.7324077
File: 69 KB, 550x825, 1390501559764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hummingbirds with beautiful flowers and sort of windowing bustle at the sides like pic related gradient colored in a gradient matching the iridescence of the birds would be really nice.

>> No.7324366
File: 397 KB, 800x606, bds copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished(?) another print. I'm a bit unsure about the background, do you think it's too simple?

>> No.7324369

Maybe add more small butterflies throughout the skirt? Spread randomly?

>> No.7324377

Please don't do this.
I hate prints like this.

>> No.7324393

Bodyline book print please.

>> No.7324415

I honestly think it looks great how it is! I think adding too much could ruin it. Sorry if I missed it, but are there more colorways of this?

>> No.7324416

They have some military style stuff already (the sweets military series, some boleros) so I don't see why not?

>> No.7324423

I'm not fond of the dotted vertical lines. They are too similar in size to the dots in the background. Maybe a thin vertical lace going up with more intermittent roses would add more interest going up?

>> No.7324425

Too bad this thread doesn't cater to you. Give input or get out.

>> No.7324428

Two items are enough for you? I guess we can scrap making more sweet stuff. I mean... they have PLENTY of that, amiright?

>> No.7324432

Give it a rest bitch-chan!

FFS! >>7324416 told her than since they already have some she doesn't see why not try making more. Learn to read and calm down.

Take a break, why are you policing this thread? Go for a walk or something, you're getting so mad for no reason.

>> No.7324436

If you aren't posting content I have nothing to say to you. Instead of hounding me maybe you ought to untwist your own panties.

>> No.7324445

I am posting you asshat.

Also, read what >>7324416 said. Please.
>They have some military style stuff already (the sweets military series, some boleros) so I don't see why not?

>so I don't see why not?
>I don't see why not?
Do you understand what that means?

You're the one who needs to get out, I haven't seen you post any content at all, you're just bitching and making the thread shit.

>> No.7324448

what is your deal?

>> No.7324454

Yeah, I'm personally not really fan of prints like that either. I'm gonna see how Bodyline reacts before doing more colorways :)

I kind of see what you mean, so I will test some different stuff and see if it looks better, or I'm gonna keep it like this.

You do realize that posting comments like that isn't helpful or an input? At least the anon you replied to gave some kind of feedback for the print... You should relax and stop insulting people, it's just ruining the thread for everyone.

>> No.7324457

Honey, you need Jesus in your life. I refuse to argue with you so let it go already.

>implying giving idea requests it's providing content
>implying that my TRYING to provide aid isn't helping

But... to get back on TOPIC. I think Bodyline hasn't done Galaxy or Stainglass prints either.

Or maybe something involving lambs?

>> No.7324460

I'm not that anon, but you are literally ruining this thread.

>> No.7324462

Holy shit... I almost never post on 4chan. This thread is making recognize why I shouldn't. What a bunch of whiny bitches.

>> No.7324470

Whiny bitches in /cgl/? OMG what a surprise.

>> No.7324478

>not even trying to hide your typing style.

she's talking about you...

>> No.7324482

Samefag or not... here's an idea. Maybe you ought to post something other than commenting about me needing to calm down and post something relevant to this thread? The thread has been quite for HOURS and now that you all have someone to complain about suddenly it's oh-so-lively.

You guys really didn't have ideas for hours?

>> No.7324487

You are the one that keeps insulting and cussing people. How is that providing content? You say that people should stop making unhelpful comments, but you are doing the exact same when you are calling them out like that.

>> No.7324491

What is wrong with you? This thread isn't a design thread, it's a bodyline general thread. So it's not as active as the other threads or some shit. You seem awfully worked up over this, we had our creative pique the other day with Celestial Dreams or w/e.

You seem to really need us to make prints, are you trying to steal them?

>> No.7324496
File: 322 KB, 582x550, blackandwhite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the moon dress has reached 800 notes on tumblr

any feedback from the yandyman yet?

>> No.7324501

Well... unlike you folks I have something to do today. Enjoy wasting the rest of your daylight hours bitching away on here.

This is the most absurd idea I ever heard... I spat my tea. Bitch please, I wouldn't want to steal this.

>> No.7324502
File: 8 KB, 526x388, over20your20head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7324505

Funny how you are saying that I should post something relevant when I'm the one that made the thread, made several prints (which includes the latest one) and helped people in this thread. You are the one that is making irrelevant posts (like the one I'm replying too).

Anyways, sage because it's useless to talk to people like you.

>> No.7324506

hey guys, what if bitchyanon was hired by yandy-man to collect all the prints from the threads so they can make them without the contest. and since we're not making them she trying to make us pump out prints by attacking anyone who doesn't post a print idea.

>> No.7324508
File: 100 KB, 500x283, derailed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.7324520


Actually, I was hired by AP to take the ideas so they can make them first and say Yan copied.


>> No.7324523

What size should the file be? I have one that is 1300 x 1000, is that too small?

>> No.7324528

I think that is too small, for cutsew prints as example, the print has to be about 3000x2000 for the best quality.

>> No.7324531

god you're shit

>> No.7324532

>She is leaving

Anyone want to share ideas some more? I feel bad for military-anon, so I think we should get back to that a little since their request kind of resulted in an unnecessary explosion.

>> No.7324536

Aw shit, my print is 1500. Is all hope lost?

>> No.7324538

I've been working up an idea for a taobao(think surface spell, infanta)style military outfit I sketched it out but never got around to scanning it in, i'll see if I can find it.

>> No.7324539
File: 326 KB, 800x703, 38118859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will post some butterflies that could be used for prints.

>> No.7324541
File: 810 KB, 922x840, 38119483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7324542

Awesome I love these! I'm going to manipulate these a bit for a floral print i'm already working on.

>> No.7324546

Has anyone else not received their LP yet? Mine was ordered on the 1st, left Tokyo on the 14th, and my tracking info hasn't updated since. This is the longest I've ever had to wait between order and delivery for something Bodyline, I'm currently between being worried and being pissed the fuck off.

>> No.7324548
File: 620 KB, 992x832, 38119174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7324549

How have I never seen this before? Is this in the costume section instead of the maid section or something?

>> No.7324562

How big would be too big?

Not the anon that asked, I've been working 3000x2000 at 300dpi, is that fine, do you think?

>> No.7324563
File: 196 KB, 640x426, 1390513532009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd kill for some dresses styled after ballet costumes. Those sleeves and the top is to die for.

>> No.7324567

I think better too big than too small.

>> No.7324574

I'm having the same issue with mine. It says it left Tokyo on the 14th and now on the USPS site it says "origin post is preparing shipment" I'm really fucking annoyed about it honestly.

>> No.7324591

>Peach is my favorite color there needs to be more peach prints I need this on my body now.
Is my general reaction, good job anon.

>> No.7324661

Honestly, a brioche print could work.

>> No.7324673

That sounds good! We'll be waiting anxiously.

The top almost looks reminiscent of Rococo to me.

>> No.7324674

anyone know how warm is this?

>> No.7324676
File: 170 KB, 800x1200, h005-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped mah pic. looking for winter warmth, really.

>> No.7324710

a question for all of you talented digital artists: what program are you using for your patterns?

>> No.7324718

Come into this thread to get updates on moonprint. Get thread full of whiny bitches.

come on /cgl/ get with it

>> No.7324721

I wish it wasn't sold out in beige or pink.

>> No.7324724

What is the theme of this print?
I see birdcages, butterflies, beads, roses, perfume, and what appears to be nail polish... It's not bad, I just don't understand it.

>> No.7324731

It's Bodyline themed. Takes all the stuff Yan thinks his glorious princesses like and puts them all in one dress.

>> No.7324732

I draw lines in Photoshop, import to vectorize and/or color it in Illustrator then add depth/color in Photoshop, depending on the look I'm going for.

>> No.7324730

The top of a dresser?

>> No.7324736

I had high hopes for a mermaid print.

>> No.7324740

I'm in the same boat anon. Honestly, if it gets to the 40-45 day mark and i still haven't received it, I'm filing a paypal claim. eff this.

>> No.7324745
File: 380 KB, 643x425, Melty mermaid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, need more mermaids guys

>> No.7324747

I use SAI when not using copics.

>> No.7324755
File: 135 KB, 1000x1000, 26755489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody wanting to make a cinderella themed print?

>> No.7324759
File: 96 KB, 1000x1000, 26755489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7324761
File: 165 KB, 1000x1000, 26755489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7324765

I have it in pink, it is very scratchy and thin, would not reccomend

>> No.7324771

oh my god, do these motherfuckers know what I would do for a pair of clear plastic shoes? not jelly, not glittery crap, i mean cinderella-tier see through shoes.
I think the good ones are all 500$ ans up though.
Damn it.

>> No.7324778

I was actually sketching up one but my tablet isn't at home ...

>> No.7324784

You go to the website and read the rules and information?

>> No.7324781

How do I enter the contest?

>> No.7324793

This. So much.

>> No.7324800

I'm >>7324546 again, wow so I'm not the only one? Yours both say left on the 14th as well? Is it.. even -possible- to fake tracking info? No right? I'm confused and concerned. And I can't believe BL is still selling LPs after the fact.

>> No.7324802

Okay, let me get this straight. All of your packages got sent on January 14th, and it's January 23rd now. That's 9 days, just over a week. I don't really see any reason to panic.

>> No.7324820

Mine left on the 7th and I still don't have mine.
This is totally normal, calm the fuck down.

This is the tracking from one of my old orders. Note how it skips out half the tracking entirely. It's not uncommon for tracking to do this.
Seriously, don't worry. You'll get your stuff. You're forgetting that it's just gone Christmas and New Year. People have ordered stuff from all over the world and a lot of things are going to be shipped worldwide to many, many places. Besides, if you used airmail, then your packages are going to be of lesser concern to EMS packages.

>> No.7324822

I'm with >>7324802 on this one. Unless you guys ordered EMS, I don't see why you're getting upset. AIR takes like 7-14 (maybe more?) days to ship. Whenever I order from Bodyline, it takes a little over 2 weeks for my package to arrive.
Plus the tracking doesn't update very much.

Just wondering - is this your first time ordering from Bodyline?

>> No.7324832

Baby's first bodyline orders I'm guessing?
>>7324802 and >>7324820 make very valid points. I've waited over a month for one of my orders before now.

>> No.7324857

I wish we had update on Celestial Enchantment too.

>> No.7324881
File: 117 KB, 794x606, shellsdress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7324903

The mermaid princess in my heart needs this.

>> No.7324906

The first 4 results of the maid section are this dress, just saying.

>> No.7324913
File: 37 KB, 373x640, costume653-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7324915

Does anybody know how tall she is?
Wait isn't this that new model?

>> No.7324930
File: 319 KB, 700x1200, costume245-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it is their japanese one that also works in one of Bodyline's stores, Mr. Yan loves to make photos in her.

>> No.7324936

That's definitely not her. Different eye shape.

>> No.7324941

*of her

>> No.7324942
File: 99 KB, 700x1100, costume651-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think so. Sure looks that way. Here's another picture of her.

>> No.7324949

Doesn't look like Amanda in any way and the photos are longer at BL than she modeled for them.

>> No.7324951

Still a different model to >>7324930
She's quite a pretty model too.

>> No.7324957
File: 255 KB, 1495x1122, 20140123_190204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tried
and i gave up. hopefully the general ideas can help?

>> No.7324960
File: 123 KB, 700x1200, costume534-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bodyline usually only makes that bad photos only at girls that work at their stores.

>> No.7324978
File: 190 KB, 700x1200, costume541-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone should fire their editor.

>> No.7324983

Love it!!

>> No.7324990

I'm more annoyed with the fact that mine said it 'origin is preparing shipment' it's never done that before.

>> No.7324995

Every international package I've ever had has done that...? I dunno man, you sound like you're new at this.

>> No.7324998

My innocent world package along with my bodyline packages said that, but the iw package updated and now says it cleared customs so I think origin preparing shipment might mean inbound into customs for some reason.

>> No.7324997
File: 9 KB, 605x279, read.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you read my post at all? It did that, randomly, after it said it left Japan.

>> No.7325000

angelic pretty made one, I forget what it was called

>> No.7325002

Probably a mess up on the tracking. Quit your whining. You're not the only one in this situation.

>> No.7325005

Are you bitchy-chan again? Why are you so angry for no reason?

>> No.7325006

Yes, I did.

>I'm more annoyed with the fact that mine said it 'origin is preparing shipment' it's never done that before.

You're still overreacting. According to your tracking, It isn't even confirmed left japan yet.

>> No.7325009

Etoile Twins?

>> No.7325013

I think it's a kerashop collab?

>> No.7325014

No, I'm not bitchy-chan. I'm >>7324820.

>> No.7325017

thats the one.

>> No.7325035

"Processed through sort facility" doesn't mean it has shipped and left the country. "Origin post is preparing shipment" means the package is about to ship/has been shipped. Then it doesn't update until it arrives in your country.

>> No.7325045

Nah, there's more than one (probably more than 2) anons telling you that you're overreacting. Since you clearly have never had a package shipped internationally before, just sit tight and wait another week or so.

>> No.7325055
File: 15 KB, 756x454, jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even the one who was flying off the handle, I was just annoyed at the fact that it says something different on the USPS site than the Japan Post one.

>> No.7325089

Yeah, what that in the pic means is that it hasn't even left the country yet. Airmail is cheaper and slower because they basically wait until a cargo plane has enough room to put in the lower-priority (as in, not EMS) packages. So your package will sit for a few days sometimes until it makes its way onto a plane.

Once it gets to the US, you should get it more quickly. Until then, just check it every couple days and sit tight.

>> No.7325104

Actually "dispatch from outward office of exchange" does infact mean it's left the country. I do get what anon is saying, I'd be a little upset if my package tracking said two different things on two different sites.

>> No.7325120

I agree, original anon is not overreacting, it took bodyline ~10 days to get to the post office after new years orders and now shipping isnt updating. Im a bit miffed as well.

>> No.7325152

I've new to cgl but I've been really impressed by the collaboration on the recent BL threads so I thought I'd throw a couple of ideas out there in case someone with art skills wants to try them...

Regimental stripe [including some pastel colourways] pattern with scattered crowns, jewels and roses.

Border print of ducklings swimming on a pond with cattails and lotus flowers. Maybe cute frogs as well.

Library border print with fairytale books, so the spines read Cinderella, Snow White, etc. Have classic colourways as well as sweet ones. Maybe smaller scattered books over the rest of the dress as well.

>> No.7325162

No, it means it's left the customs office.

>> No.7325165

>Regimental stripe [including some pastel colourways] pattern with scattered crowns, jewels and roses.

10/10 would buy

>> No.7325180


>> No.7325187

ordered the cosplay LP when they first came out only for sized versions to be released. I hope they threw some various sizes in there so at least I get one thing that semi fits. Though I have a feeling I'll just end up selling most of it anyways.

>> No.7325192

I agree, sweet fantasy bookshelf needs to be a print guys. Sweet lolitas dont have a library print yet :'(

>> No.7325195

>Library border print with fairytale books, so the spines read Cinderella, Snow White, etc. Have classic colourways as well as sweet ones. Maybe smaller scattered books over the rest of the dress as well.

>> No.7325208

Same. I did this too. Was pissed when they released different size lucky packs. Most people on Rakuten seem to be getting sizes M or L.

>> No.7325219

Second, that Sounds nice.

I think someone asked this either in the last thread or here, but does anyone know how long it'll take them to make the stuff? I know obviously they won't be here by next month, but since they've accepted multiple prints, anyone have any guesses?

>> No.7325232

6 months to a year.

>> No.7325288


>> No.7325312

I would want this with all my heart

>> No.7325430

I'm still hoping for a print like >>7322292
suggested. Anyone want to dump wedding stock images or draw part or anything?

>> No.7325477

why are people slowing down with creating prints? Losing motivation? Only 1 week left for making anything!!!!

>> No.7325480

Why don't you pitch your ideas if you want something to happen. Or better yet, post your print drawings.

>> No.7325487
File: 350 KB, 1080x1000, dress_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it feels like the market is kind of flooded, ahaha.
plus, a lot of us can't draw...

this is my contribution.

>> No.7325515

i have, nobody commented so i assumed my ideas sucked and gave up.
this is very very nice anon. 10/10 would purchase

>> No.7325539

Do want! Please submit that.

>> No.7325545

I'm kind of wanting to make something, but since I've been stalking these threads I've been mostly sleep deprived, so I've been holding off because I just can't think straight rn. I really hope I have time in class tomorrow to kill where I can start brainstorming after a good night's sleep, and maybe I'll get something to post tomorrow.

I know Yan wants sweet designs, but I want to make a few Gothic pieces (or pieces that can be versatile in terms of style). I mean, surely he'll pick a few Gothic things out of the entire set of ideas we are submitting, right..?

>Will be mad if there is only sweet made
>So glad some of the prints sent are classicable or versatile enough

You sweet lolitas get everything you want, huh? I'm so jealous.

>> No.7325553

I'm jelly too, anon. Honestly I've been working on a sweet print just so I can get it free, wear it once to take a picture and then sell it to buy delicious gothic stuff.

>> No.7325612

ah, well anon i look forward to you posting!!! :)
haha, include darker elements? that would be entertaining.

I feel like, at least even if they dont pick a lot of designs, they will have a better idea of what we want as consumers. :)

>> No.7325618

"Hi -Anon-
Nice meet you.
We are looking for and comparing with many designs everydays.
Thank you for sending your design.
Yours sincerely

booo, they didnt like it i guess

>> No.7325626

can we see w hat it was? Please? For science

>> No.7325630

it wasnt one of the good ones
they were probably like "wow this fucking noob with the audacity to send us their shitty print"
ill try harder and edit/resubmit ^^

>> No.7325638

oh anon, I just wanted to see what was being rejected

>mostly so I can better gauge my chances

>> No.7325640
File: 13 KB, 430x327, sad_cat4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>week passes and still no reply

>> No.7325669

It's okay Anon I sent in a bullshitted Bathtime print and a melty JSK with full effort in and got no response for either.

>> No.7325682

I it the same message but the subject line was changed to "good design" so who knows?

>> No.7325862

Rabbit print anon here, I suddenly got this mail too, even if they first sent me a mail saying that they loved it and would contact me later that day (but they never did). Maybe they changed their mind or something..

>> No.7325869

Noooo. I wanted that print. Why, Mr. Yan?
So furious.

>> No.7325877

>Mr. Yan?
>So furious.
you did this on purpose right?

>> No.7325882

Yes, anon.

>> No.7325886

Keep up the good work anon.

>> No.7325888
File: 94 KB, 1205x881, 1389947379991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf whyyy I wanted that print. I swear to god if they dont pick the moon dress instead of this and come with a shitty cheap design I will write them a hate letter

>> No.7325972
File: 231 KB, 1500x538, cat print.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously this is still a rough sketch, but what do people think? I tried to have the kittens look different to Vanilla-chan, but I think I failed there..

>> No.7325973
File: 165 KB, 744x762, cat print dress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7325976

This looks very Bodyline-friendly.

I swear if that moon print doesn't make it I'll be so pissed. I mean, they're gonna butcher it anyway, but maybe it'll be salvageable!

>> No.7325982

This is absolutely adorable, just try tidying the lineart up a bit. Would wear

>> No.7325984

From the thumbnail I thought it was an ananas print...

>> No.7325998

For the people worried about delayed shipping, the shoes I ordered with the lucky pack arrived just now in a seperate package. I'm guessing the lucky pack should be here soon enough too. (I'm located in Croatia bdw)

>> No.7326000

I like it, very cute. Totally would wear.

>> No.7326082

wow dat jsk

>> No.7326123

the black one, oh wow I would buy that in a heartbeat.

>> No.7326127

Actually, they sent that to everyone that did apply as it seems, it is a mass-mail.

>> No.7326140

Gorgeous. Do want in black.

>> No.7326190
File: 209 KB, 500x667, 1390576953405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody else got their lucky pack.
Contains one of them bags and
L216 OP Black Size M (2499 Yen)
L438 JSK Off White & Pink Size M (2499 Yen)
L383 Blouse Black Size M (2999 Yen)

>> No.7326211


>> No.7326216


that is really nice but we all know Bodyline will turn that into an ugly cheap shiny satin monster.

>> No.7326237

Bodyline sends you material samples lately if your design was choosen, just saying.

>> No.7326238

I feel you...
3 weeks and counting.

>> No.7326271

Yeah I got a "thanks for sending in" reply and thats it.
Didnt get picked either i spose :(

>> No.7326275

Thats really late...I got mine in a week as well. Try resending!

>> No.7326303

Maybe we can print up that rabbit print somewhere?
I would be willing to pay for the fabric and make the skirt I love it so.
After the contest ends and if you really aren't chosen Rabbit-Anon lets talk about it! Maybe we can do a good factory print or something and sell it to cgl people who want it also!

>> No.7326337

I did a few days ago...
Yan doesn't like fucking tartan apparently.

>> No.7326343

Or knows how poor tartan sells on their site. They had to get rid of half their tartan shit via lucky packs.

>> No.7326346
File: 183 KB, 480x640, 6i8eft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes please! Somehow it looks like the print needs a little more, maybe cat paws in the top bit and lacey etc details? The design reminds me of their poodle skirt a bit.

>> No.7326357
File: 126 KB, 480x640, 1390584183890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

personally i would only buy tartan with a design on it, otherwise its so generic.

>> No.7326358

I found a decent resource for bulk printing if cgl is interested in going in on some prints after. I would be willing to but the bulk amount and distribute it to everyone for what it costs to get it. Minimum orders are like 150 Yards though so there would have to be a decent amount of interest in each print you guys wanted.

>> No.7326363
File: 45 KB, 500x313, Shut-up-and-take-my-money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any news on this yet?

>> No.7326367

>tfw I don't get the 'hype' and I know it'll made into a cheap dress if they like it enough.

Hope they don't make it crap..

>> No.7326370

Also the price of the fabric would end up being around $10.00 a yard or less. Is anyone else actually interested in this or am I just dreaming? Do many lolis even sew?

>> No.7326371

Ugh this is beautiful

>> No.7326375

Definitely would wear

>> No.7326381

i would buy 3-4 yards more easily than I would stomach the cost of shitty sweatshop sewing.

>> No.7326388

This is definitely something I'd be interested in, I love a bunch of the prints in this thread.

>> No.7326392

Good to know. I guess I'll ask again once we know for sure who won and who lost. Then we can pick favorites that could be worth printing for everyone. There are so many prints in these threads I love that I know Yandyman won't pick cause they are too classic.

>> No.7326391
File: 125 KB, 250x333, 1390585778222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel like it needs a bow somewhere, and that this cut doesnt match the design well. still, i appreciate the illustration. I really like it so far as cat prints go, keep up the good work anon

>> No.7326449

I am going to order in some fabric samples just to gauge quality on some of these printers.
Should I go for cotton or cotton poplin?

>> No.7326668
File: 65 KB, 960x720, 1390594395365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so i made this very quick sketch of what I think would be cute mermaids for a print. However I don't have my tablet at homa so i can't redo it in SAI to make it pretty. I might be able to do it in a vectorized look in Photoshop with my mouse but I'm not at all sure about it. If anyone would like to use it and make it better, feel free to do

>> No.7326681


>> No.7326709


Aside from some anons on here, who is going to buy this fabric you're 'selling'? You're probably not going to make a profit. No offense.

>> No.7326718

I don't plan on making a profit. I just want to break evenish. I can always sell the extra on Ebay or something, maybe advertise it on tumblr for other lolitas.

>> No.7326720

Imagine all the itas that will buy the material...

>> No.7326727

What I mean to say is I want to do this for fun and hobby purposes. Plus I love /cgl/ stuff like this when everyone gets all excited. It's fun! Plus I would love to see what everyone could come up with! If I had a whole lot left over maybe I could make some skirts and sell them off.
But yeah, I don't think it will be profitable, either way, but there has to be enough interest here to warrant it. Once we decide on a pattern maybe we can create a buzz on tumblr. I don't know.
Maybe it's just a pipe dream.

>> No.7326730

I think that's part of the fun too!

>> No.7326734
File: 264 KB, 1456x1080, Cleaning_the_House.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How a about a print with little woodland animals cleaning.
It sounds really cute, and maybe a generic princess in the center singing.

>> No.7326863

>LP being processed through LA facility
>Date January 19 2014
>its 24 and still no update.
I hate my life

>> No.7326882
File: 22 KB, 1436x212, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, help. I just put in the biggest BL order of my life and after the confirmation I got this error screen
I checked paypal and my money was taken and the receipt had all my items on it, but I haven't gotten an email from Bodyline. I made the order ~12 hours ago.
Should I be worried?

>> No.7326916

Have you tried emailing bodyline?

>> No.7326918

Try messaging them? You've got the proof on Paypal. If they don't do anything, you can just call Paypal instead to reverse the funds or open up a case or something.

>> No.7326947
File: 719 KB, 597x800, $_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exists already.

>> No.7326965

Alright. I supposed I wanted to check with you guys to see if this was a normal thing to get.

I placed the order, confirmed with paypal, and was taken to a page on Bodyline, saying it was the 'final confirmation' page. It listed all my items. I hit confirm and it took me to the error I posted >>7326882

I emailed Bodyline with the r@bodyline.co.jp email address. I attached pictures of both the error and my paypal receipt. I hope everything is okay. I'm just glad I kept a bookmark folder of the items I ordered. There are 14 of them, I really don't want to go through and find all the links again if I have to order a second time.

>> No.7326973
File: 113 KB, 751x357, progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't help myself, I had to give my idea a 2nd chance, it simply didn't let me go.

Well.. I took the suggestions of this thread into consideration, and removed the buttons from the skirt area and fixed the proportions on the coat. I also added a short jacket design. I hope, it looks better now.
Any more suggestions/feedback?

>> No.7327103

Please tell me that lace is all I dream of and more. Please.

>> No.7327115
File: 24 KB, 500x322, 1390606539826.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really want to submit more than one entry and i dont know if its against the rules to do so. should i email and ask or would it take too long for a reply from them. i was thinking of just sending them a couple more designs?

>> No.7327153

please say that the picture on your post is something to do with what you're submitting.
I would say go for it. I just finished submitting two more designs in addition to the first I posted ITT, but it's for socks and cutsews rather than a dress.

>> No.7327205

Read the front page of bodyline. You might find something out.

>> No.7327222

We need more cutsews anyways, at last Bodyline never fucked those up so far.

>> No.7327317

I can't sew, so if you get a print I want, I'll almost definitely buy a skirt off of you. Just so you know there is interest. ;0

>> No.7327324

I like it, but I find the collar strange. I don't know how that will translate into real life. Do you have examples of that collar?

>> No.7327335



>> No.7327384
File: 16 KB, 340x270, Fancy Cross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've been trying to come up with ideas for a print that could be pretty versatile. Crosses are generally Gothic, of course, but I was trying to come up with ideas that would make it appeal to Bodyline. Also, I think a Sweet Lolita cross print sounds cute, and I don't think I've seen it before.

I doodled some stuff, but I don't have a scanner, so the best I can do is take webcam pics. Which I might later, but idk.

Anywho, pic related, I was thinking that a nice, elegant and fancy cross with wings coming out the back sounded interesting. And laying around it could be rosary beads. It might just be me, but I think if done with nice coloring, it could be reminiscent of magical girls. That's probably because I'm thinking of it being done in the similar style of soul gems from madoka magica art. Laying around it could be other crosses of similar colors or something, but I'm not sure.

I was also thinking of "soft" stripes on the print background. When I say soft I just mean that they shouldn't be too contrasting, so just different shades of the same color or something maybe.

Then it could come in a pink, saxon, brown/red, and black/gray colorway. Or maybe a different color than brown/red for Classic, idk. I don't know if I can really do much if I attempt to make the print though. So I absolutely encourage anyone to run with the idea if they are interested. I- I hope someone likes the idea.

>> No.7327387
File: 8 KB, 249x202, Crucifix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pic might be a bit better for such an idea.

>> No.7327555

They finally added links to the other lucky packs but they just lead nowhere.

>> No.7327557
File: 122 KB, 700x1200, costume687-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like they add Monogatari cosplays.

>> No.7327561

Found the sexy lingerie one's link.

>> No.7327604

>cat laws
>Makes me think of infantas cream cat salo with the cat paws all over it
>all my hnnngggg

>> No.7327615

Have you checked your spam folder? I ordered from them around Halloween, and it got sorted to spam. I ended up getting my stuff in the mail before I even found the email!

>> No.7327667

You mean pineapple?

>> No.7327669

H-How stupid would someone 5'8 look wearing this..? ;_;

>> No.7327700

There's a chance it might not even cover the butt. I'm 5'7 and some of their school uniforms and cosplays are super short on me.

>> No.7327706

What are the quality of their cosplays anyways? I know bodyline contruction is usually kinda shit anyways, but is it at least accurate to their stock pictures?

>> No.7327717

I've heard their seifuku and stuff are surprisingly good quality.

>> No.7327724

You sure? I think I can see through the fabric on some of those models skirts..

>> No.7327809

yeah i'm thinking of maybe putting deer or some sort of animal on it idk yet?? ooh okay. thanks!
i did? gee thanks.

>> No.7327812

omg somebody buy it

>> No.7327843

Didn't you click the link? It says "WILL COME" meaning it's not in stock yet.

Anyways, don't make someone do something your not prepared to do yourself. You want to check it out so bad, you buy it.

>> No.7327847

WHEN it comes in to stock. Christ.
I refuse to buy bodyline. I'm not supporting their shady company. I just like seeing the low-tier shit people receive.

>> No.7327851

I will buy it if it's cheap enough

>> No.7327852
File: 106 KB, 500x619, pineapple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'murrrica and tea drinkers

>> No.7327853

I love the word ananas. I love the way it sounds and how it feels when you say it out loud.

>> No.7327857

I'd have to have it in every color...

>> No.7327858

The first thing I saw was the spigot and I cant stop laughing.

>> No.7327860

Okay, so if I were to get these tights when they're available to buy, do you think I could wear a pair of socks under them, say pink for example, have them line up with the pattern on the tights and then call it a day?

>> No.7327863
File: 97 KB, 700x1200, leg366-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, dropped my pic.

>> No.7327865

So you encourage other people to buy it for your amusement, laugh and mock them for wasting their money, but you won't buy it because you think it's shit?

>> No.7327870

You do realise that a lot of people bought the lolita lucky packs for this, right? Amusement? For their OWN amusement.

>> No.7327874

bodyline's tights aren't that great. here's a review
>The material feels very cheap and flimsy. They are also very thin. It wouldn't take much to get a large snag in these and I am actually a bit paranoid about wearing them for long periods. I tried them on briefly. They are one-size but I wouldn't recommend these to anybody over 5'4'' in height because even I struggled to get them up the whole way. It didn't help that I thought they could ladder at any second. I also wouldn't recommend these tights if you are plus-sized. Actually, I don't think I would recommend these tights to anybody at all! They are cheaply made and are not worth bothering with. I will be going to Primark for tights like this next time.

>> No.7327878

Yeah, I'm aware they're not perfect. I own about four pairs and two of them ripped.

>> No.7327991
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, 1390650823683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now I feel dumb.
Yes indeed, that is what I meant. Sorry, a late night and not being a native English speaker seems like a recipe for mistakes.

>> No.7328060
File: 199 KB, 502x813, skullprint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skullprint anon here. Just posting a progress shot for those who were interested in this. Critique welcome.

>> No.7328092
File: 527 KB, 744x984, colourpallete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi there mushroom anon here :)
I spent some time today cleaning up linework and laying down flat colours. I underestimated how difficult this part would be hahaha as i know shit all about colours.
Like it was suggested in previous threads i've tried to do a sweet colourscheme and also a more classic one.
Gonna go to sleep now, so hopefully in the morning i'll keep working on this :) 4 days to gooo!! aghhhh

>> No.7328136

That purple no.

>> No.7328150
File: 288 KB, 899x594, greyprintcgl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I think I'm done with the print. Next I'll design the dress it's gonna be on, because I don't really trust bodyline to come up with a nice design.. Anyways, I'll post the colorways here. These are considerably sized down, the actual files are really gigantic.

>> No.7328155
File: 299 KB, 899x594, plackprintcgl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol that typo in filename.. you can tell I just spent 6+ hours drawing this fucking thing. I need food and rest...

>> No.7328166
File: 289 KB, 899x594, greenprintcgl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One more colorway after this one, unless more are requested.

>> No.7328171
File: 289 KB, 899x594, wineprintcgl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last colorway. I can do more though if anyone wants a specific color.

>> No.7328188

I'm not a huge fan of this pink colorway.
do deep wine red or navy blue instead.
although it's probably too gothic for yan to approve in the first place. :c
I'm in the same boat as you, though, ain't stopping me from making a sword print haha.

>> No.7328215

And here's the design which is just very simple.

I'm not a fan of the pink either but it was requested in the previous thread. I'll do navy and deep wine red in a second.
I don't really care about winning the competition to be honest, I just wanted to design something I'd personally like to wear. I'm submitting it more for shit and giggles, really. If I don't win but someone absolutely wants this print anyway, I'll just put it up on spoonflower.

>> No.7328220
File: 318 KB, 972x685, design.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped my file

>> No.7328244
File: 298 KB, 899x594, navyprintcgl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7328249
File: 298 KB, 899x594, darkwineprintcgl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaand wine.

>> No.7328393

Anything new about anything? They really take a long time with the photos of the new model, their front page gets more and more of a clusterfuck daily though.

I start to think that it is Mr. Yan editting the front page and always killing the good layouts with this since he obviously lacks HTML skills.

>> No.7328584

you need to take the logos off the bottles bro. write something else

>> No.7328593

get a coat from dreamv instead

>> No.7328599

would it be tacky to write bodyline?

>> No.7328610

that flap ruins it. you should really just make that one solid piece.

>> No.7328611

We're autosaging y'know.

>> No.7328620

In my opinion Bodyline would probably like that, but I'd be less likely to buy it because Bodyline is best when no one knows it's Bodyline. Maybe the name of the print? Or you could even just write "eau du parfum" or whatever too

>> No.7328762

new thread >>7328760

>> No.7329626
File: 7 KB, 576x258, purple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The purple I'd agree is much too saturated. Something like pic related?
This is looking great. I like what you did with the sweet and gothic.

How do you intend to have the image be around the skirt? Are you going to draw it to repeat in a loop around? Are you going to have it blocked in multiple sections around it? Are you going to have it just once in the middle of the front (I hope not)?

If you're not going to loop it, I think that you should get the grass on the righthand side to be more rounded. The left has a good curve to it, but the right is just boxed off.

The background also needs some interest. Perhaps an all over print of little clusters of flowers that are in a slightly darker/lighter shade than the block color?

>> No.7329886

I'd wear these like it was blood of my enemies.
Too bad it aint gonna happen..Bodyline wants sweet and sweet only

>> No.7330474

No... in her

>> No.7330531

I dunno, tartan with a print looks super cluttered

>> No.7330535

So pretty!