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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 98 KB, 720x960, 1390491592078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7323693 No.7323693[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Progress from Jessica Nigri's Link cosplay.


>> No.7323695
File: 84 KB, 960x960, 1390491619507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More progress.

>> No.7323722

who cares

>> No.7323732

Is that some Seras Victoria?

>> No.7323761
File: 84 KB, 299x288, 1328301791369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jessica Nigri
>making her own stuff

>> No.7323811
File: 236 KB, 768x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she works on some of her costume and others has help/someone make for her because her costumes are inconstant in construction quality. Look at her Lux cape. That trim! Why zig zag stitching mixed with straight stitched? Trim changes width. Etc. it's not hard to believe that someone with zero sewing knowledge is making this. Then you look at her Nausicaa cosplay which has custom gloves and clean construction and you can tell someone else had to have made it. So ya. She obviously gets help on some things but in others she's most likely on her own bc it looks like shit. If someone can make gloves and a fitted tunic they could make a cape with trim. Obviously whoever makes her stuff can't do it all the time.

>> No.7323833


You can't tell anything from those shitty instagram pictures so it may or may not be shit.

>Fucking puffy fabric paint

>> No.7323842

The bracer should be made out of leather, not Worbla of all things.

I don't mind her at all, but I'm not sure how I feel about her slutting up my favorite character.

>> No.7323863

Why do I always see slutty Link and never slutty Zelda?

>> No.7323869

Because idiots like Jnig don't know anything about the series and just pick the first character they see, which is link.

>> No.7323874

Link is easier and in some versions already doesn't wear pants.

>> No.7323885

Maybe they think Link IS Zelda. Bc you know the game is called Zelda.

Seriously tho it baffles me how people think peopl don't know casual tier games like Zelda.

>> No.7323895

I'm gonna give Jessica the benefit of the doubt and assume that she at least knows that Link isn't Zelda.

But Zelda's costume actually requires a bit of effort and attention to detail, even if you are making it slutty. She's not smart or talented enough to make it, so she chooses the easier costume, which is Link.

>> No.7323904

Like others said, it looks very sloppy. And one side doesn't match up with the other.

>> No.7323966

There are slutty Zeldas out there. You just have to look.

I posted one in a bad cosplay thread a while back but I didn't save it.

>> No.7323977

Why doesn't anybody do slutty genderbend Ganon?

In before people talk about how the Gerudo race is mostly women anyway blah blah blah I don't give a shit.

>> No.7323985
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>> No.7323994
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Found it, nevermind.

>> No.7323999

Her mom sews so I wouldn't be surprised if she made some of her costumes for her too.

>> No.7324000

It looks extremely amateur.

>> No.7324003

Is she seriously doing Link?
Why?, I mean, how is she suppose to show cleavage with that?

>> No.7324008


I want to fuck Jessica with my below average size penis

>> No.7324009

Making Links V neck even bigger so her silicone tits fall out.

>> No.7324014

And there goes another good character she's fucking up again.

>> No.7324022
File: 37 KB, 860x516, 1390500390053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This version of Link has a dip in his collar so she'll probably take advantage of that to show her cleavage.

>> No.7324057

i appreciate that shes trying, but its too little too late

>> No.7324074

Well at least she is actually making it herself.
Even if it is a made with some help and looks kind of sloppy.
Which version of link is she trying to make?

>> No.7324088

Twilight Princess. He's the only one who wears that bracer.

>> No.7324100

Unless she's just making it a generic version and using the bracer.

>> No.7324108

Is anyone else relieved that it's not a bikini or some green polyester dress from a thrift shop like most other fem Links?

It's surprisingly conservative, especially for JNig.

>> No.7324113
File: 279 KB, 620x350, 246209-66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link from Oracle of Ages/Seasons has a collar that would make cleavage easy to pull off

>> No.7324126

..she's cosplaying lux? all of my rage

>> No.7324129

Haha. You guys are acting like she's going to be true to the character and not just wear a green tube dress and hat.

>> No.7324138

lux a slut and shit in the current meta

>> No.7324198

Because her fans are casual fags. Link is extremely recognizable and she wouldn't have to wear a wig. Honestly I am surprised it took her this long to do.

>> No.7324414
File: 62 KB, 1032x784, the_dankest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I wear these dank shoes with Jessica Nigri start responding to my emails?

>> No.7324427

not by much. i'm assuming it'll consist of those "sexy pirate boots", nylons, and a green deep-cut tunic that ends just past her ass with a tight belt. i have never been so irrationally mad about someone's cosplay.

>> No.7326092
File: 247 KB, 900x1358, 1390571610364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks fairly conservative based on the tiny sliver of progress she showed us. Yeah I foresee some cleavage and heels coming, but at least it's not something horrendously revealing like pic related.

>> No.7326120

>top heavy as fuck
>goes shirtless and covers up legs

>> No.7326129

This is bad and she should feel bad.

>> No.7326153

>fat chicks doing revealing cosplays

>> No.7326155

Because a Zelda would require some actual skill, not just basic clothing items you could find anywhere.

>> No.7326282


One is a decent quality picture of a piece actually in progress. The other is a bunch of shitty cameraphone close-ups showing a small portion of a complete costume.

>making it herself

>> No.7326353

she has over 1.5 million followers and makes more money than she knows what to do with. You guys are shit posting on a WIP photo.

Dat jealousy.
Dat butthurt.

>> No.7326385

some of which are bought, I'm sure.

>> No.7326412 [DELETED] 

You can have abeard in DS2? Now this is progress

>> No.7326417


I want to be her boytoy that she only dates for his body and let her buy me expensive stuff

>> No.7326433

yeah no, she's not THAT famous. Numbers on FB can be manipulated at will, just look at that loser Rosanna

>> No.7326457

Anon has a good point

Also who'd be jealous of someone who has to put a fake persona on all the time?

>> No.7326464

i thought that was a bloody maxi pad

>> No.7326475

anon go that backwards. she's the fucktoy of someone with daddy's money backing him.

>> No.7326563

...how much money DOES she make?

>> No.7326642

I heard it was about $8000 a gig. I could be completely wrong, though.

Either way, she's getting paid pretty good money for slutting up characters.

>> No.7326651

doubtful considering how much she pushes her prints and calenders. And she still works at Trader Joes or whatever. She probably makes just as much as Yaya which is con tickets, flight and hotel and free booth space.

>> No.7326672

She quit Trader Joe's a long time ago. I worked with her. She still lives with her parents and doesn't have a job apart from attending conventions as far as I know.

>> No.7326679

> pretending there is a problem making an outfit sexy says the people who just post "sexy" threads

>Jessica literally does nothing but stay positive and became successful

>> No.7326708
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>> No.7326722
File: 145 KB, 640x640, 1390595417467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I made this out of a bunch of old left over fabric!"

I call Bullshit on that especially since the stitches are incredibly straight yet her Lux cape is messy as fuck. Monica was at her house while she was "working" on Link, so I guess we know who really made it.

>> No.7326731

8k? talk about waste of money

>> No.7326738

>current meta
So basically riot wants her to suck forever?
LoL doesn't exactly have a real player driven metagame, if someone finds a new way to play a character Riot shits on it.

>> No.7326743


>> No.7326761

You act like it looks bad.

I swear most of cgl are just butt hurt over Nigri's success

You guys didn't win

get over it

>> No.7326773


this board wants everyone to place nice, but if you get too successful you cannot even breathe wrong with out them complaining. She might not be perfect in the eyes of /cgl/ but she got far being NICE TO PEOPLE.

>> No.7326776

not bad.
Might not be the best link but I've seen worse.
I'm very suprised by the lack of cleavage here.
Her make-up still bothers me though.

>> No.7326778

aka probably most real celebrities or public figures? I'll put on an act in public if it will rake in the dough.

I don't usually think she's attractive, but she looks cute here.

>> No.7326798

>> Totally disregarding watermark erasing, not crediting people that made her cosplays, causing cosplay community's mental change to monetary values, and cheating on her boyfriend just to get famous

it's like cosplay community has its own 'Bliebers'

>> No.7326809

>being this delusional with hate over people who play dressup

>being manchildren

>sad you can't be successful

>> No.7326812

she credits people constantly and the water mark erasing is for posters that she gets permission from to do so

>> No.7326817

lol she doesn't even look that bad
you guys really do sound butthurt, i hate the girl but at least be valid in your points

>> No.7326819

I guess you missed the whole thing where she didn't get permission and was selling the prints with the watermark erased anyway?

>> No.7326879

She wanted to become an actress so I'm sure she's fake all the time. Just good acting.

>> No.7326887

And then claims that the photographer didn't have her permission to take her picture and was going to sue him if he doesn't take it all down because little miss actress got butthurt she got caught.

>> No.7326959

Another day, another shitty makeup job by Jessica.

Bitch needs to learn how to do eye makeup.

>> No.7327098
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>> No.7327112

That's pretty good.

>> No.7327134

It's painfully obvious that the only thing that she did herself were the shitty bracers. It looks like babby's first craft foam and modeling clay project.

On the whole, the design is way better than I expected though. At least she didn't make it a skin show for no reason.

>> No.7327140

Pleasantly surprised. Looks fine.

>> No.7327159

> implying you can even tell anything about her make up in this pic

she looks cute, please contain your jelly

>> No.7327161

not bad, but as >>7327134 said, there's a big disparity of quality between the bracer and the rest of the costume. Of course, many ignorant masses will eat it up and say 'she made everything', but we know better.

>> No.7327172

I can't place why, but she looks really uncomfortable.

>> No.7327190

Probably because she realizes how shitty her Play-Doh bracer looks when it's held against a decent costume made by someone else.

>> No.7327211

Why is her Master Sword silver? The hilt is purple/blue.

I'm not a fan of her, but it turned out better than expected.

>> No.7327212

Why does it look like she has no neck? Also her boobs look squished. I think the top was made too tight but she wore it anyway because she didn't make it.

>> No.7327214

Best Link costume, period! Even better than cosplayers that don't genderbend.

>> No.7327221

I've always thought this about every pic of Nigri. It's because her neck is so short.

>> No.7327251

>I made this out of a bunch of old left over fabric!

I don't think so Nigri. There's huge difference when you compare it to >>7323811
I never had a problem with her but why does she lie?

>> No.7327271

The funny thing is that Moika did even write about working with JNig on that cosplay...

>> No.7327376

I wonder how Monika feels about seeing Jnig completely stifle her on crediting

>> No.7327396

So when you cosplay you have to be perfect at prop making and sewing? You guys are being ridiculous, it's a good cosplay now please shut up.

>> No.7327400

like many people said it's not bad. the problem is her not being honest about who made the other parts of costume

>> No.7327427

Probably doesn't care, or at least won't call her out publicly since they're "best friends"

>> No.7327457

Doesn't Monika live in Atlanta and Jnig in Arizona? I highly doubt shes shipping costumes all the time over to Jnig. I would actually bet Jnig's Link costume is made by her mom. The pattern is similar to her Nausicaa costumes which was also decently made. (Looks like the same pattern was used for both costumes. Two front darts on a simple dress/tunic. Prob one of the reasons why she made Link too beyond her hair and casualfag fans.) But mommy doesnt have time to make all of them so you get shit like her Lux or armor bits being made by Jnig. So ya she lies. Its stupid but what can you do? Her fans arent going to believe anything said against their waifu nor do they care/can they tell if something isnt made well because boobs.

>> No.7327463 [DELETED] 
File: 244 KB, 514x389, proof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even JNig herself wrote about her being at her place on Twitter.

>> No.7327466
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>> No.7327529
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>> No.7327547

Only issue with this one is...it doesn't look remotely ANY similar to link. It just looks like Jnig in his clothes. I wish shed tone down the makeup and atleast style her hair.
Its the same with the saiyan goku- it was just Jess in a blue top and orange pants..

>> No.7327577

I agree, she doesn't have the facial structure to pull it off. She just looks like a pretty elf or something, not Link specifically

>> No.7327598

That's not what anon was saying. What >>7327547 meant is that she does the same makeup and hair for every character. If she styled a wig in a better color and stopped doing stripper raccoon eyes, it would look more like girl Link and less like Jessica in a costume she knows nothing about. It's like she's cosplaying a Jessica version of Link and not a Link that happens to be a girl.

>> No.7327600

....I have that same exact sword (shit quality). It's supposed to be Dark Link's sword, a.k.a the Dark Master Sword.
Bitch needs to learn her Zelda.

>> No.7327836

Isn't Link left-handed?

>> No.7327882

oh wow, so much for 'hay gais, I'm nerd just liek yoo'
yes, he is

>> No.7327896

it is surprisingly not shit.

>> No.7327941

Monika is in Arizona for the comicon this weekend.

>> No.7327945

She's obviously doing TP Link who is right handed in the Wii version

>> No.7328037

I was kind of hoping she'd have her tits out and no pants just to make all of /cgl/ rage.

But she actually did a pretty decent job. Not something I'd imagine an actual female Link wearing, but it's cute and modest enough.

In terms of her actually making the costume, don't you guys think that after this time she will have at least developed SOME skill in sewing? Sure she may have gotten help but I highly doubt she's making someone else do all the work. I mean, if she were really taking credit for all her friends' work I'm pretty sure one might've said something by now.

>> No.7328044

I get that. Her cosplays are never [character], they're "Jessica Nigri as [character]"
But that's her thing, and it's what her fans like so more power to her

>> No.7328050

That's actually good.

>> No.7328058

I can't get over that incorrect Master Sword. It's not even like, a minor detail, the colour of the hilt is just wrong, and the blade's a little dark. I think she picked up a Dark Link Master Sword by mistake. Aside from that, not too bad.

>> No.7328070

that looks like a bloody maxipad

>> No.7328079

i was pleasantly surprised. not as bad as i expected.

>> No.7328082

Like said before, Monika even wrote herself that she is working with JNig on JNigs cosplay.

>> No.7328089
File: 66 KB, 431x493, 1353311578482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't figure out what you were talking about until I looked at her cosplay again. The final painted version looks even worse because it looks like nasty old brown blood

>> No.7328147

Except she knows its the wrong sword. She posted on her instagram about it. It's probably one she had already. From what I gather, she kinda did this costume last minute. Probably not enough time to order/make a new sword.

>> No.7328330

Yeah, then it would've been a nice thing to do to at least write "Monika helped me" or something.

All I was saying is that I strongly believe she does at least SOME of the work, even if she needs assistance.

>> No.7328350
File: 131 KB, 640x960, jessicalink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I asked Lindsay Elyse Fanpage to be my Navi.... >And then this happened
>She puts up with a lot from me. Haha.

TP Link and Navi cosplaying together? Something tells me she hasn't really played Zelda.

>> No.7328356

You guys are just looking for things to hate on.
Do you really think every Cammy cosplayer out there has played every single Street Fighter game there is? Hell.. how many have played ANY of them period? Who the hell cares? This is fun, silly hobby.

>> No.7328358
File: 2.32 MB, 1667x2500, jessica_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is pretty. I don't care if she doesn't make her costumes. She has what so many cosplayers want and they're all just jelly.
She isn't perfect. She was in the right place at the right time and now makes a living doing this. Good for her.

>> No.7328363

Those faces should be reaction images.

>> No.7328364

>She has what so many cosplayers want and they're all just jelly.
No money and living at her mom's place because she is too poor to move out, sure is everyone's dream!

>> No.7328367
File: 78 KB, 720x960, 1390674760038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dem navi titties

>> No.7328368

ooooor a million fans, gets paid to go to conventions and make costumes, get's promo deals with video game companies, get's flown to japan, sells prints and makes hundreds of dollars in one day.

>> No.7328371

So much shoop.
Doesn't look like she did her own makeup, and it's an improvement. She does look good in this picture.

>> No.7328375

That doesn't make it acceptable. You should have played the game before you cosplay it.

>> No.7328373

damn. that Lindsey elise girl looks haggard without photoshop

>> No.7328374

>"She is pretty"
>accompanied by picture airbrushed so heavily she doesn't even resemble herself anymore

Not sayin she's an uggo or something (not exceptionally good-looking either), but seriously.

>> No.7328379

Making hundreds of dollars in one day and then few bucks a week for a month isn't exactly a great living. "Professional cosplay" ain't a valid career path.

>> No.7328377
File: 157 KB, 1119x557, U31Ze2O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unshooped pic was posted and yeah - it was shopped, but surprisingly not as much as it seems. Looks like good makeup and lighting is a key factor.

>> No.7328398

Yeah, holy shit, that Navi looks 40.

I like this toned down makeup a lot. Wish she'd do it more often.

>> No.7328401

Special not when living with your mom and having not to pay for food, rent, etc.

>> No.7329039

thought this was some random chick. It doesn't even look like her.

>> No.7329051

Is it clear to anyone else that the white knight is a samefag in here, or is it so obvious that no one is going to point it out

>> No.7329184

Or you are just a hater and can't believe there are jnig supporters on this board

>> No.7329194

>I think she is hot
>Only nerds care if she made the costume all alone
>haters gonna hate

>> No.7329197

Why are you green texting that

>> No.7329196

JNig has a lot of fans. A lot of my non-cosplayer friends like her. I don't care for her myself, but I still think her Link costume came out better than expected (honestly, I was expecting a fucking green bikini and hat, plus a few accessories), and the picture in >>7328358 with improved lighting/makeup/everything makes her look better.

Right now, I just see her, shrug, and move on. At least she's improving a little bit.

>> No.7329508

Lindze did the makeup for all the models at the shoot.

>> No.7329512

Until recently, yes I didn't believe there were jnig fans on this board

>> No.7329515

I hate this ugly cunt so much. I would pay money for someone to straight up deck her at a con

>> No.7329523

uh oh copying kara again

>> No.7329524

But left handed in the game cube version and left handed caonically. So no..

>> No.7329530
File: 82 KB, 182x243, 1364870671136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey janitors, how is it that people can say shit like this for an entire thread, yet I received a 3-day ban for simply talking about JNig's income level, which she's made public?

Also, why is /cgl/'s rule #2 ONLY ever invoked for JNig threads?

>> No.7329550
File: 227 KB, 2048x1366, 1390718317501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7329555

Jessica Nigri is like perfect example of "you know not everything needs to be sexy!whatever...."
I tolerated her and held her on the same level as any other cosplayer until I saw a pikachu "cosplay" by her. It was literally a bra, a belt, and some ears. Like what the hell even. Why is that necessary at all.

>> No.7329560

I'm just happy she wore a wig.

>> No.7329570

>Navi looks 40

That's kinda hot in a Yaya Han kinda way

>> No.7329577

I think she should do makeup like this more often, her racoon eyes are awful, I love this.

>> No.7329589

That's her hair. Or hair +extensions

>> No.7329590

Nah, definitely wig

>> No.7329608

Oh ok. My bad. I guess it does look too healthy to be her real hair .

>> No.7329617

Is it pretty much confirmed that she got a boob job cause those things are looking huge.

>> No.7329722

Are you fucking kidding me? How new are you? That was her first costume, the trash that made her famous. We had to look at all that sexy pokemon shit for months as she selfposted her way to fame.

>> No.7329809

Yep. Only sexless virgin males tend to think those melons are real. And people who are just idiots in general such as white knights.

>> No.7329810

That's some Britney Spears-level Photoshopping right there. It doesn't even look like Nigri anymore. More like a RealDoll because she looks so synthetic.

>> No.7329881

Actually on the wii navi is your cursor, she just never talks

>> No.7329890



It's called good photography and no raccoon eyes.

>> No.7329892

because she's not showing boobs.

>> No.7329938

Meh. I don't care if TP cosplayers go right handed because it IS canon for the Wii version of the game, even if people swear by being loyal only to the Gamecube version or whatever.

If she were doing OOT Link or something then there would be a reason to criticize her.

>> No.7329942

Which explains the "Hey Listen" sign, right?

Whatever, I guess it's not really that big of a deal.

>> No.7330005
File: 141 KB, 637x429, jessica_09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL. You guys don't know shit about makeup and photography lighting. How it can completely transform you. Obviously her lingerie shoot was photoshopped. What professional shoot isn't? But it's not the eye brightening that makes her look so unlike herself. It's the makeup. And the soft light makes her skin look way better than normal.
Everyone just wants to believe she can only look good with photoshop so they can feel better about themselves. Her usual raccoon makeup makes her look old. When done properly, she is gorgeous.
Pic obviously related. It's an unshopped photo that was leaked on reddit.

>> No.7330009

So That's why she's always holding the sign in front of her stomach

>> No.7330011

Lol that was literally her first costume, do you even cgl?

>> No.7330017

like you can even tell what was shopped or not with taht fucking watermark

>> No.7330021

>Her usual raccoon makeup makes her look old.
Actually it is rather all her wrinkles due to excessive tanning and not only her makeup.

>> No.7330037

I've seen some bad Navis in my lifetime, but this has to be the worst. Party city wings, a blue pushup bra with sequins poorly glued on to it? Awful.

>> No.7330041

Nah those wings look like She make them, hence why they look so bad, She probably should have just bought some

>> No.7330062

you are jelly and in denial

>> No.7330102

>still looks like your average sorority girl from any 4 year college with a boob job

You have no standards.

>> No.7330126

Anyone can be pretty if you badly obscure their face with a giant watermark.

>> No.7330132

Oh come on. You can still clearly see her face. The random hate in this thread is unbelievable.

>> No.7330133
File: 149 KB, 1024x683, 1390760923340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's definitely a wig.

It's kind of unusual that she bought a wig in the exact same style and color as her real hair.

>> No.7330170

What is up with her knees? They look gross.

>> No.7330173

More like what's up with everything, amirite?

>> No.7330194

....HER KNEES. Did she take a spill somewhere?

>> No.7330213

I can barely make out her features from that image. Maybe if it was bigger and higher quality, but the angle of that shot combined with the huge watermark makes it very hard to see her face clearly.

You're literally so blinded by lust that you can't even tell when you can't see her face in a picture.

>> No.7330214

Probably because she realized her hair is a dead, bleached mess and finally learned how to buy decent wigs.

>> No.7330218

Yeah, that TOTALLY hasn't been shooped.

>> No.7330232

I wonder how fast all you ugly cunts would kill yourselves if you were as scrutinized as hard as she was. Maybe your parents would be happy you stopped being a burden

>> No.7330234

Someone's trying too hard

>> No.7330240

I wonder how many of you neckbeards and fat girls would kill yourselves if you were scrutinized this hard over everything.

>> No.7330266

Where did she get that sword?

>> No.7330268

>ruining your own photo by slapping a giant watermark across the center

lol so tateful.

>> No.7330308


water marking is a business thing and is totally common with someone who sells prints. EVERYONE who sells prints should do this

>> No.7330324

Are you kidding? I would jerk off to all the attention.

>> No.7330326

If you're defacing your own photos to try to sell celebrity posters then you aren't a photographer.

>> No.7330331

If you don't have a watermark then have fun having your photo stolen and resold by neckbeards as their own.

>> No.7330353

You are completely ignorant. Every pro photographer watermarks their images when showing the proofs to the client. From my understanding, these photos were leaked from a private gallery. Which means these are the photos the photographer shows the client so they can pick which ones to purchase. If you don't watermark, then clients just screenshot the image and you don't get paid. That's how it works Jan the stock photo business as well. You purchase by the image. This is how every pro does it. You know nothing

>> No.7330358

When photographers send me image proofs to review 80% of the time they have a giant obnoxious watermark. Usually because its not the final image so they don't want it released.

>> No.7330384

If you want to have a watermark then you can put it tastefully in the corner like normal people do. Plastering it across the center is the equivalent of splashing paint all over it. If that's what you do then you're obviously not a photographer since you're less interested in the photograph and more in getting credit or money for merchandise.

>> No.7330395

Pixelette is not an amateur cosplay photographer like you're probably used to.They are a pro commercial photography studio. They are in it to make money from selling prints or digitals of the images they take of people to the clients themselves. As far as I know they don't sell prints or posters to the public.
I know Riki and Lindze both do shoots with them and they have mentioned they pay for the images they want to use. Most people would be happy taking some image with a small watermark and plastering it all over their facebook instead of actually paying the photographer for their work. Which is why they have to do the watermark like that.

>> No.7330403

Dumbass these are not the photos the photgrapher shares with the world. Just look at Pixelette's facebook. All those images have the tasteful watermark in the corner. That image above with the huge watermark was obviously not a finished image and thus not meant to be seen by anyone other than Jessica. It's not arrogant to watermark a proof. It keeps people from sharing images that havent been retouched.

>> No.7330415

are you an idiot or something? the watermark is REMOVED or put in the corner once the photo is paid for.

>> No.7330417
File: 42 KB, 1123x749, 1390773067028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure this is how they do it most of the time/
Proofs images are a different story.

>> No.7330421

Jessica is in this thread

>> No.7330425
File: 975 KB, 1277x719, LyQAOFB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ugly whores are so jealous of her massive tits and hot body it's funny to me~
The more you hate on JNig, the more men want to fuck her, and the worst part is that we'd still want to fuck her if she shaved her head!
The amount of projecting you ugly, fat, friendless bronze-diggers do has made you the laughingstock of this website and every shitty board from /v/ to /lgbt/ says "At least we're not /cgl/!"
While she's out living it up with friends and building life experiences, you're in here photoshopping boils off your neck and discussing what to do with your rope-like vaginal discharges.
Have fun!

>> No.7330464
File: 223 KB, 310x302, mylife2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to bed, Jessica.

>> No.7330470
File: 19 KB, 220x220, jew_basic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7330506

The only flaw with your fabricated excuse is that these pictures WERE released to the public.

>> No.7330539
File: 868 KB, 948x805, jessica.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She apologized on FB about the sword when she posted the picture, apparently it was the only one she had, she knows it not the right one
(not white nighting, just stating what happened.)
also im not happy with the navii

>> No.7330550

I don't mind this one since she didn't make it overtly sexy or anything.

I really wish she'd stop with the racoon make up

>> No.7330559


>> No.7330584

except that Monika has openly admitted to making Jnig's costumes earlier on directly to me. I think she has shut up about it now so Jnig doesn't get mad and let her ride her cosplay-famous coattails.

>> No.7330585

what do I look like, an idiot?

>> No.7330598

You look like black text on a website, I don't know what you look like, man.

>> No.7330607

How did she even get famous?
She's ugly. She has a 10 ten year old girl body aand she has no cosplay skill (craft or sewing).

>> No.7330663

wait...is monika asian?

>> No.7330665

Half Chinese, yes.

>> No.7330669

>no cosplay skill
I can sense the butthurt from here, bro. lol Monika's costumes may not be flawless, but she has a really solid background with garment and costume construction

>> No.7330673

they were probably LEAKED, as in a certain amount of people were able to see these photos and someone print screened and pasted

>> No.7330700

Okay Monika.

>> No.7330705

lol definitely not Monika, thanks. She may have decent costumes but she can take her bitch attitude and stick it up her ass.

>> No.7330803

Monika pls go

>> No.7331226
File: 59 KB, 637x960, minimalmakeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't even recognize her on the street without her trademark whore makeup. She's not ugly but she's quite... plain.

>> No.7331371

yes, they were definitely leaked. The link was posted on Reddit and promptly removed less than 30 minutes later. Apparently some fan of Jessica's hacked into Pixelette's host site and she was really pissed about it.

>> No.7331389

makeup like >>7330005
looks much better on her.

barely any makeup=meh
medium makeup= perfect, lovely
her normal heavy makeup= oh god what is that its a fucking washed out pornstar get it the fuck away from me

>> No.7331394
File: 113 KB, 630x701, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does she always shoop her nose?

>> No.7331414

do you even know what that means

>> No.7331436
File: 34 KB, 426x375, one_dollar_bill_origami_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>causing cosplay community's mental change to monetary values,

this is why I don't like her.
Slut up stuff all you want. It's your body and your rules. It's cool. The body is nothing to be ashamed of.

Helping turn cosplay into a 'like' and numbers game I absolutely detest. People who shit up communities for their own monetary benefit are bad people on principle alone.

You could argue she is shitting it up for females who are actual fans too cause guys already don't treat them seriously and just want them to be objects, but that's a little fuzzier to say for certain.

>> No.7331450
File: 20 KB, 452x370, 1390805749176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not previous poster

But you CAN see she slathered on the same over dark make up she always does.

Same make up, different day. She doesn't even try to do something different. It's always Jessica AS a character rather than the character. You could argue that's what she is all about, her persona. But there in lies the problem, that is not what this hobby is. You are not YOU as the character. You are supposed to be a fan who so likes the character that you go and be as close to them as you can.

That is the heart of what people are saying when they are mad she slutted up a character. It's the hubris of thinking that you, as a fan, are more important than the thing you say you are a fan of.

>> No.7331452
File: 70 KB, 960x639, 1390805844958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7331464

It looks a little different in >>7331452

>Pink lips instead of nude
>some pretty white eyeshadow underneath her eyes.

>> No.7331467

Leaked by Jessica and she posted it on Reddit.

>> No.7331487
File: 49 KB, 600x332, 53-too-much-makeup-e43c01b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's too much.

Did she or you forget Link is a natural blonde?
He doesn't have eyebrows that dark nor would his lashes be that dark.

All that black eyeshadow is too dark.

She would still be good looking if she toned it the hell down and thought about the coloring of the character.

But again she doesn't want to be the character. She isn't that kind of fan at all.

>> No.7331504

hell, she's not even a fan at all. She's cosplaying to become actress, remember?

>> No.7331508

She could be a B movie actress easily. Or a porn one since she's basically providing softcore porn as it is right now.

>> No.7331709

I think she would be hotter if she was bald

>> No.7331712

I've heard rumors shes going to be starring as an extra in a film, funnily enough playing the bitchy room mate

>> No.7331798

The photographer said the leaked images were unretouched. Not sure why she would lie about it.

>> No.7332209
File: 56 KB, 639x960, 1390857254275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7332214

>sidebangs and raccoon makeup

Otherwise, looks nice with a surprising lack of cleavage.

>> No.7332525
File: 97 KB, 612x612, jnig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks alright without it.

>> No.7332534

If she didn't have disgusting balloon tits, I'd find her super cute.

>> No.7333426

I would take her out to dinner.

>> No.7333464

I would be an awkward third wheel at that dinner.

TFW the best you can hope for with a girl is to be her beta orbiter.

>> No.7333472

isn't that spell theif lux

>> No.7333486

she looks way better without makeup (or unecessary makeup)

>> No.7333662

TP Link does have side bangs though.

What a cutie. Would wife/10

>> No.7333886
File: 109 KB, 487x252, this thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jessica, you probably have to be the most pathetic human being on this Earth. We KNOW it's you that always posts these threads about yourself and whatever lame new costume you make. We KNOW.

You're ugly, skinnyfat, have no ass, fried hair, orange skin, and fake ass balloon tits that look awful. You look like you came out of one of those shitty amateur porn films. You're just like every fat chick with J-cup boobs from high school, the only reason men want anything to do with you is because of your massive knockers and because you're easy. None of your fans have any respect for you, they just see you as an object. And rightfully so.

So please, stop with the blatant attention whoring because nobody on this board likes you. Not because we're jealous, but because of your attitude and personality. Get fucked.

>> No.7333978

>being this butthurt

>> No.7333993


> Obvious Jnig reply

>> No.7333995

TP Link also has hair that's a LOT darker than JNig's wig choice.

>> No.7334028

> Obvious butthurt reply

>> No.7334182
File: 685 KB, 1600x1067, 12186210394_c5b29e3873_h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7334187

Her neck is nonexistent,

>> No.7334207

I'm pretty sure that's her own hair, she uses it whenever she can.

>> No.7334220

>That navi underarm roll


>> No.7334231

Maybe she should have used a wig then.

>> No.7334238

Serious question. Why would someone "this famous" would post themselves here when it's obvious they are already famous here and known. I would like to read 100+ post talking shit about me.

>> No.7334241

That Navi is just lazy cosplay.
>bitches who don't cosplay bad ass characters like Midna.

>> No.7334250
File: 134 KB, 640x640, 1390938209705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, she got fried Tumblr pastel rainbow shit as hair since months.

>> No.7334254

>using puff paint

>> No.7334259
File: 85 KB, 720x960, 1390938374300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She doesn't show her hair anymore since going bald, even when being in casual wear this weekend at the con she would wear a wig because she is currently trying to grow out the dyed mess of hair.

>> No.7334307
File: 222 KB, 550x592, 1389570053249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you could make a Midna cosplay last minute without it looking like dog shit
According to them, this was a last minute cosplay made within a few days. I'm not defending this chick or saying her costume is good or anything, but cosplaying Navi is much more practical for last minute stuff. Midna's design in both forms is really complex and requires a lot of crafting and painting on top of sewing.

Not to mention, I would rather cosplay Navi than Midna, because Navi is my favorite sidekick.

>> No.7334328

>Implying Navi is better than Midna
Okay, I guess it makes sense for last minute cosplays. But I don't get why people would rush on cosplays to begin with.

>> No.7334351

>Implying opinions are a fact
I like Navi better than Midna, but I can understand and respect why people would think the opposite.

It happens, sometimes things come up and you get asked to cosplay with someone last minute. It's always good to choose characters with a more simple design rather than someone with a super complex one. If it weren't last minute it would've made much more sense to cosplay Midna, though.

>> No.7334354


>Liking Navi

The only sidekick-like character I hate more than Navi is fucking Claptrap.

>> No.7334363
File: 74 KB, 394x406, opinions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7334366

You are probably just a bandwagon jumping faggot who thinks it's hip to hate Navi.

>> No.7334369


>> No.7334431

Or you could've played the game and gotten annoyed by her incessant "HEY!" "LISTEN!" shit.

>> No.7334445



I love Claptrap.

>> No.7334459

Just someone who's played OOT long enough. Both DS and N64 versions.

>> No.7334458


>>7334431 This.

I played that game, and I wanted to reach into the screen and crush her stupid fucking fairy ass by the end of it.

Also >>7334445
Claptrap is the single most irritating character I've ever had to listen to. Every time a side mission comes up where I have to go back and talk to him, I grumble internally.

And he also did the "Over here!" thing incessantly.

Maybe it's just because I played the game like 4 times.

>> No.7334464

Then maybe you need to be on some medication if you're getting that assravaged over a little video game character.

>> No.7334466
File: 25 KB, 366x380, 1305435493032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah I would totally walk by her on the street any day and have no idea who she was if she want wearing her usual makeup. I actually like her a lot more like this. Jess you don't have to use a paint marker for your eyeliner.

>> No.7334470

I don't understand how this is honestly annoying. I barely notice it because I'm too busy being occupied with controlling Link. Also, you don't have to answer her when she tries to talk to you, she can be ignored. Simple.

>> No.7334475
File: 910 KB, 500x281, wsertgyhuj.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She was on an episode of Fangsm trying to win a dinner with someone from star trek, I almost did recognize her until she spoke telling the fat guy to "put his gun down".

I'll try to find the video, she is haggard in real life.

>> No.7334477

I need to be on medication because I hate the two most irritating video game characters of all time.

Video games are meant to provide hours and hours of entertainment. listening to a shitty character ramble on for hours is soul crushing.

>> No.7334481

Why is she holding the sword like that?? And that wig is so beyond shitty

>> No.7334482

The butthurt is strong with this one.

Here's an idea: if a video game pisses you off, don't play it. Let the non crazies enjoy great games like OOT while you mope in a corner because you can't handle a characters saying two words.

>> No.7334484

I would probably watch a porn she's in. (Just to laugh)

>> No.7334492

>Ablublublu, somebody doesn't like a video game character that I like!

Get over it anon. A lot of people don't like Navi because she's irritating.

>> No.7334494
File: 1.20 MB, 866x836, fagasm7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7334507
File: 30 KB, 500x375, timetostopposting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the only one who's butthurt in this thread, anon. Somebody shared an opinion and said they respected yours, but you just couldn't hold in your tears

Grow up and accept that opinions aren't facts, and that raging over a video game character is childish as fuck

>> No.7334519

Then you have shit patience.

>> No.7334522

>>7334477 most irritating video game characters of all time.

Your opinion.

>> No.7334533

>Lol ur butthurt because u think a character is annoying, and therefore do not like it.

>> No.7334563


i smell fedora. and you obviously have not played skyward sword. Fi is terrible with her spoonfeeding

>> No.7334650

I liked Fi's character but the spoonfeeding was AWFUL. I miss the old sidekicks who would give you hints rather than telling you exactly where to go and how to do everything. It makes the game less challenging, which makes it less fun.

Personally, the one sidekick I really didn't like was Midna. But I'm sure everybody ITT will disagree with me on that.

>> No.7334726


Is that Jessica? She doesn't look a like at all.
I know she shoops her nose but the nose here looks TOO big, even for her.

>> No.7334756

agreed. skyward sword in general kind of dropped the ball, in my opinion. in the 3DS release of OOT, navi also will now throw out a "hey you've been playing for a while! you should stop!"

>> No.7334923

I am pretty sure that is no Jessica. I've seen her in real life, sans shoop. This girl looks nothing like her

>> No.7334932

I hate games that tell you to take breaks. Fuck off, this isn't Korea.

>> No.7334980
File: 319 KB, 1920x1080, 00026205.Jessica.Nigri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly, it is her, I also saw that episode.

>> No.7334986
File: 81 KB, 640x853, 1390959872557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7334987

...Wow. What the fuck! I never noticed her nose being huge since I usually pay attention to erm... other places but damn. That nose is ginormous.

>> No.7334992
File: 291 KB, 2048x956, 1390960041498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once again Martin Wong photoshops beyond recognition.

>> No.7334993

The way she wears the glasses doesn't help it either.

>> No.7335023

she manages to get her tits in there.
of course.

>> No.7335039

lol that is not her. Not even the same face.

>> No.7335042

Martin Wong is a shitty circle jerk pleb tier photographer,

>> No.7335046

lol it is her

>> No.7335056

That is JNig. Looks like the very same face to me down to the mouth and nose. The only difference here is that she's not wearing prostitute makeup.

>> No.7335063

I'm talking about the picture of the woman in the black t-shirt. That is not Jessica.

>> No.7335094 [DELETED] 

It is.

>> No.7335102

not jessica faggot

>> No.7335164

Actually that is the nigs, I saw the episode and had to rewind to double check.

>> No.7335259 [DELETED] 

Um no, I'm not jealous of JNigger, I just feel that there are prettier and more talented cosplay girls that SHOULD get more attention.
She doesn't make that much money etither. Definitely enough to spend, but not enough to buy her own house. In all honesty, I would hate to have a job that is all depedent on my looks alone. Yeah, JN looks good, but she doesn't have any other sellable skills. I know people hate Yaya, but at least Yaya can sew, very well.

>> No.7335269

Because it's how JN got famous in the first place. She internet whored herself into fame.

>> No.7335353

The frames have something (glasses's brand maybe?) writen over it.

And if you're implying the girl from the other photo is her because of the glasses, I think you're wrong.

>> No.7335359

no, they are implying it is her because they watched the show that clip is from and the show said it was her...

>> No.7335370

the new series is out? S2?

>> No.7335381

i have no idea, I'm just following the comment thread

>> No.7335435 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 400x400, BEginner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>using puff paint

Because that's what beginners do.
No ones comes out of the womb with skills.
It doesn't look bad really.

But it is a testament that anyone as unexperianced as her does not deserve to be as popular as she is. She's a beginner with thousands of people who watch her. That's lame as hell.

>> No.7335462
File: 20 KB, 400x400, BEginner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>using puff paint

Because that's what beginners do.
No ones comes out of the womb with skills.
It doesn't look bad really.

But it is a testament that anyone as inexperienced as her does not deserve to be as popular as she is. She's a beginner with thousands of people who watch her. That's lame as hell.

>> No.7335520

because that isnt Jessica if they are saying its from S1

>> No.7335575

it's not her, this thread is just filled with delusional aspies who can't contain their jelly

>> No.7335651
File: 61 KB, 550x414, RPDR+14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The way she's done her highlighting here reminds me of Manilla Luzon from RuPaul's Drag Race.