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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 421 KB, 496x664, 1389391616345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7292324 No.7292324[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Because one of you gooses knocked it off the board.

5 weeks until Katsucon. Do you DC area seagulls have your costume ready?

>> No.7292372

omfg no uhg kill me

>> No.7292376

Most likely not cosplaying this year. I lost 30 pounds within the past several months so I practically swim in all my costumes.

I doubt I'll have time to make a new one, since classes are starting up next week. Fuck.

>> No.7292697

Gotta cosplay homostuck

>> No.7292763

homostuck all the way

especially since most of the cancer is gone
the fandom is in a good remission now

>> No.7292811

It'll be my first con. Pretty excited. I'll be cosplaying Japan from hetalia (outfit and wig ordered, awaiting arrival), and Marco Rossi from Metal slug (most accessories ordered, still have to make the guns and find the vest and an appropiate wig).

I don't have anyone to stay with tho. If you are looking for someone to share a room bill at the gaylord then hit me up.

>> No.7292914
File: 60 KB, 320x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guest list isn't even worth going for. And Yaya's fake boyfriend or whatever is going. How dare he cosplay Leon with that shiny ass wig.

>> No.7292930
File: 63 KB, 320x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "musical " guest is worse. They're actually fine with Mlp and Homestuck now. Katsucon used to be one of my favorite cons since 2005. Now it's a mess.

>> No.7292933
File: 46 KB, 319x292, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meant to post the cropped pic. Sorry

>> No.7293187

I feel you. We can do it.

Kamui is going though?? I'm honestly really excited to see her work. She seems like such a genuinely nice person and her craftsmanship is so good.

yeahhh it's gonna be a mess. I'm rooming with a well-meaning but really weeby girl who's playing in that orchestra. I assume it's going to be really bad.

>> No.7293449
File: 488 KB, 700x466, homestuck stickers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a Canadian coming down for my first Katsu this year. Does anyone have any protips on places to eat, things to see?

Sorry for cosplaying homestuck all weekend? I'm an artist handing out free stickers+ miniprints for them while I'm down.

>> No.7293712

They've said on the forums the guest list is gonna be getting bigger and better. For locals, at least, it's worth paying attention to until the last minute. I understand that out of towners can't really afford to place money on a venture they have no idea how it will turn out.

>> No.7293715

(nothing wrong with cosplaying/liking homestuck)
but theres places to eat all around the gaylord, there are places inside, but they're very expensive,

>> No.7293718

There's a Subway a short walk away. There's an Elevation Burger too, but I've never been there, dunno how expensive it is.

>> No.7293742

Please don't bring up the forums, I'm getting tired of that one VRML guy's antics.

>> No.7293753

It's in natty harbor. There are a shit ton of good restaurants right next to the Gaylord. They're not as cheap as some other areas in town but you don't have to drive to get to them.

>> No.7293774

If you're broke as shit, there is a CVS right there so you can eat mega cheep. The next step above that is Elevation Burger and Baha Fresh

>> No.7293894

>I lost 30 pounds within the past several months so I practically swim in all my costumes.
How you do this?

>> No.7293897

Seconding this. I'd like to lose some weight...

>> No.7293988

Did somebody say food/restaurant guide to National Harbor?


>> No.7294236

I've been to one in crofton, and I have to say it was ok, like a 5 Guys burger but made with "organic ingredients" and they have really good shakes, all in the same price range, $5-6 burger $5 shake.

OMG Kamui really? I'm a huge fan of her armor, now I'm really excited to finally be going again!

I'm also excited to see Greg Ayres and his brother again, I didn't get a chance to talk with him longer at AnimeNext (my mom is childhood friends with his family ironically).

Oh and super art fight is on my must see list! I saw them a few years ago at Otakon and LOVED it!

>> No.7294554

Not worth it with a $70 badge price and already over priced hotel and parking. None of the guests are appealing. Why Yaya again?

>> No.7294675

thanks a bunch for the suggestions!
whoa, awesome! thank you! i'll be showing this to the others in my group, for sure!

>> No.7296286

Is it worth it to buy a badge this year?

I can't find the list of panels but the rave so far seems like the only thing that appeals to me (but it's not worth the 70 bucks)

>> No.7296610

Panel confirmations still haven't been released... my group finally got an email from staff but it was just to let us know its been delayed..

>> No.7296651

I'm so mad at this. They're taking forever, it feels like.

>> No.7297058

Never change Katsucon

>> No.7298867

Was there plans for a cgl meet-up?

>> No.7298896

Yep 10 on fri and sat (gazebo I think)

>> No.7299347

It's because they're waiting until the last minute to get approval from guests to say they're coming, and they need to slot in the guest panels first.

If a guest is so much trouble to bring, just let Otakon deal with them, it's fucking stupid to let your attendee panelists know where/when they're supposed to be at the last minute/day before/whatever because you're trying to appeal to obscure Japanese guest X's agency.

>> No.7299798

Holy shit a con I'm'm actually attending this year.

It's my first time there, never usually have the time/money for it,

how awfully organized is it, exactly?

(This con runner wants juicy stories of fail organization teams)

>> No.7299807

It's usually well organized in spite of everything. Last year was GODawful though because the hotel surprised us with a B'nai Brith youth organization sharing the hotel space with us. My sister broke down because of how loud they were being, they really were a bunch of brats.

>> No.7299857


As long as you rain shekels from your fallopian tubes onto the jewish masses, all will be ok as long as our overlords are appeased.

>> No.7299880


>> No.7299962

So...not that bad. I've heard godawful things about the masquerade, Im not gonna participate in it but yeah, there's that.

O-oh. Ok.

>> No.7300095

man never actually been to a cgl meetup. shit's going to be so weird.

>> No.7300125


Not really. It's the same as any other social event. Just don't be a sperg

>> No.7300142

lol I've just always pictured this board as myself, maybe 8 femanons and 2 other really angry anons so it'll be different to see people in person lol.

looking forward to it though!

>> No.7300935

I actually never feel more comfortable in a group than I do at Chan meets. I always meet-up with /co/ at NYCC, and honestly they've become the best part of that shill con.

>> No.7301230

Cutting calories, eating healthy, and running. That's literally it.

>> No.7302345

replace running with lifting
more muscle burns more calories

>> No.7302403

>tfw accidentally bought 2 wigs
Oh well, maybe I'll use one for something else later

Ohhhhh man I cannot wait. I wish I had a place to stay, but I guess I'll just walk a lot and grab a taxi somewhere, since I live in Arlington.

I was told there'd be raves, anyone know anything about that?

>> No.7302434

Different anon needing advise. I eat around 1000 calories a day or less (very few carbs), exercise 20 min a day everyday, drink water etc etc, and I'm still a bit chubs. Should I be exercising more, eating less? I feel like I'm always going to be chubs.

>> No.7302485

how active are you? Are you on your feet all day or do you work an office job?

Though I would recommend working out for longer than 20 mins a day, maybe 15 minutes of cardio and sets of weight lifting/pilates.
Weight lifting really does make the difference when losing weight.

>> No.7302502

I'm a college student with a sitting part-time job so I'm not really active. I do walk to my classes 30 minutes to and back, occasionally play frisbee etc.

I've been doing pilates for about two weeks now (sticking to my resolutions). I'll try taking on 15 minutes of cardio to my routine, even though I fucking hate cardio.

>> No.7302514
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fb.com/ events/179853892224503

Let's do something or just say hi. And decide on a way to easily find each other

>> No.7304339


Yo frenchy

Assuming that you're from Montreal, how is Otakuthon?

>> No.7305997

Not in the slightest and I want to LARP Jiraiya for con.

>> No.7306008

Otakuthon is kind of bleh. It's got a great setup but most panels are in french.

>> No.7306157

the venue is gorgeous but be prepared to be the speaking the minority language

>> No.7306407

Does anyone know pick-up hours for Thursday? I found the FAQ for last year. But the actual information is all incomplete as shit. I don't get why.

>> No.7306558

It's meh-average-borderline mediocre. I only go if i'm MC'ing their masquerade, otherwise...what Enver said.

Montreal Comiccon is better when it comes to the English/French Ratio but its not animu and there's still work to be done when it comes to panel-stuff and costumes-related things.

( 'sup Mathieu, I know you'll see this. )

but yeah, anyways, going to Katsu. my first non-Canadian con. Hell, my first con outside of the Quebec/Ontario provinces. (Between Quebec City, Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto, there are a couple of cons but...it's basically ran by the same people...at least 60% )

>> No.7306861

Pretty stoked. It's looking like we'll have a big P2 group. Just finishing a few things on my costumes.

>> No.7306957
File: 90 KB, 400x236, Yl3iiKE (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking forward to this? what's everyone wearing? I want to shoot errbody, email me

> first thing mentioned is the venue
Enver you're my favorite~

>> No.7306982

aww yeah you're going again? YAAAAY!

>> No.7308863
File: 258 KB, 604x604, JuniorMug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So fuckin' looking forward to this con man
Just gotta make the batzooka, glasses and find the vest and I can have a new cosplay soon

>> No.7310132

I'm so hyped for this con. I've never been, but I can't wait to see all the amazing cosplays, get photos in a gorgeous venue, and meet and hang out with so many buddies and people I've been wanting to meet forever. It's going to be awesome, I can just feel it.

>> No.7312096

Meeee tooooo!! This is my first time since 2007, and have never seen the Gaylord in person!!

>> No.7313968

3 weeks


>> No.7314024

Any buying tickets to Ani-Mia's Katsucon Party that is going on Thursday night?
I just saw something about in my news feed.

>> No.7314163


And why the fuck would I pay money to go to a party ROFL

>> No.7314168

For the first time in like... 3 years I have almost everything done.

>> No.7314196


Fuck you you fucking fuck

(I'm kidding, I'm actually happy for you. I'm just trying to get shit done in three weeks with a crazy ass professional job that is anally ravaging me)

>> No.7314318

Especially if it's outside of the immediate National Harbor area

>> No.7314378

Graduate student here who feels your pain. Working full days and then staying up way too late working on cosplay. Somehow I'll get this shit done.

>> No.7314392


Honestly, if I didn't have half of the stuff already finished from last year I'd probably be curled up in a ball sobbing. Most of the costumes I had to sew weren't particularly difficult at all.

>> No.7314693

Coming down from Canadaland for the second time. I generally loved the con last year (despite the obnoxious brats) thanks to meeting some cool people. I'm hoping to start and finish a FE:A costume in time for the con at the moment lol, not sure how that'll go.

>> No.7315870

There is a good chance I won't make it to Katsucon this month. And some of you seagulls will be real happy about it because you will have one less autistic black person out of your hair.

I had planned on transitioning to a formal job 15 days ago. But sadly the job had been practically collapsed because one of the offices won't be built until next month because of misinformation. I already started plans to take down the Yotsuba Society Website completely by Tuesday next week because of my suddenly collapsed situation.

I'm telling you this early so there will be no surprises.

>> No.7316258


Most of us don't mind you. Yes you can be awkward sometimes but you're not a bad guy

>> No.7316314

Thanks. (Doesn't change the fact that I'm in a shitty situation.)

Believe it or not a few seagulls wanted to fund a trip for me to attend AWA when I could not afford it due to a similar situation. I told them I have no interest, but go ahead and do it anyway. Sadly no one followed through.

I would love for someone to actually seriously fundraise a trip for me to attend Katsucon as a convention photographer/vidtographer.

>> No.7317950


>> No.7318124

Does anyone know ANYONE who needs a room at the gaylord Friday and Saturday night ? I tried the katsucon forums but everyone seems to be needing Thursday night.

>> No.7318883

Panel decisions are out. How'd it go, kids?

My panel is at 8:30 AM on Sunday. I will try not to be too hungover, but no guarantees.

>> No.7318887


>8:30 am

That sucks a lot

>> No.7318933

Tell me about it. Ain't nobody gonna show up, either.

>> No.7319289

I still haven't gotten an email for mine... Ugh I hate this waiting because I've been working my butt of for this and I don't want it to be for nothing, but I can't even join any photoshoots saturday because of this too..

>> No.7319576

Yeah, my YS panel starts at 7:45am on Sunday. My panel is simply not popular.

>> No.7319790

>Panel decisions are out
So unless they're purposely holding out on us or have slots put aside for guests that are unfilled, this doesn't bode well for the guest situation.

>> No.7319796

>mfw AUSA somehow got better guests this past AUSA than Katsu has so far
>mfw I have no face

>> No.7319819

It is pretty amazing, honestly. I hope they pull something out of their ass last minute or else I'm going to be extremely miffed I wasted money on a badge when I could just borrow my friend's badge for about an hour or so and sneak into a signing for Epcar then be done with it.

>> No.7319829

awh, what's the panel on? i have a sunrise shoot scheduled for Sunday, so i could come over and say hi!

>> No.7321535

science/medicine in anime! and I admire your dedication for scheduling a sunrise shoot.

>> No.7322240

I'm looking forward to it a lot but I just had three people drop from my room. now we've only got 5 people, it's hard to find anyone who doesn't already have a room at this point.

>> No.7322355

Get to CVS early as FUCK. They will have stuff that's been picked over later :c

>> No.7322429

I love the sound of that panel! I will definitely be checking that out!

>> No.7322443



I'm a light sleeper and I would literally rage shit at everyone if I had to room with more than two other people.

>> No.7322448

Hah. We've got 11 in ours.

It'll be interesting for sure.

>> No.7322462


If I don't get 8 hours of quality sleep at cons per night, I will seriously feel like 100% shit the next day. Good luck to you all, 11 sounds like a great number for an orgy.

>> No.7322473

we've got two double beds, couple people sleep on the floor, 2-3 to a bed depending on preferences. that and the fact that we're all drunk when we fall asleep means nobody has any issues. it's going to be expensive with 5 though, I wish I could find a couple other people. I'm banking on the last minute people who need a room the week before.

>> No.7322758

I've got 8 in mine. Gaylord rooms are big, so it's not so bad. I'm sure we can do 3 to a bed and then only 2 have to sleep on the floor.

That on the other hand... good luck.

>> No.7322783

Well, I'm an insomniac and don't sleep anyway, so I should be okay.

I seriously haven't actually slept, not even dozing off for a little, in about a week and a half.

I'm starring to shake all the time, and I need to eat every two hours or I just shut down.

This is my first time staying there, is there room on the floor to put out mats to sleep on?

>> No.7322811

I really want to go someday, but MAG is my con, and they're so close together that I can't really afford to go to both.


>> No.7323267

Sweet Christ. I'm only rolling with 3, including myself.
Staying at the Aloft. Never been. The rooms look nice enough, anyone have experience?

>> No.7323669

Wow ur so edgi

You couldn't fucking pay me to room with that many people, regardless of sleeping patterns. There's gonna be at least one person who won't shower the entire time, awkward sex, obnoxious drunk and/or high people, probably drunk vomit and/or piss.
You know there's gonna be more drama than would ever make a $40 room worth it

>> No.7323852

Even with 7 people my room is $85 for thurs-sun.. and luckily I'm the only one bringing an SO..

First time staying at the gaylord.. I'm really excited :)

>> No.7324708

anyone looking for a roomie for the con? Willing to pay and everything, just want to attend.

will give contact info/additional info.

>> No.7324895

whoaa neat. i've never seen a panel like that before, let alone been to one! i'll definitely come by and check it out.
awh thanks! it sorta happened on a whim, haha. still haven't decided what i'll wear for it yet.

>> No.7324918

I won't be able to answer until later, but I have a room at the Gaylord that I could use a roommate or two to help bring the cost down.

>> No.7324931

I'm flying all the way from California for this con
What's my best method of holding the gazebo down so that assholes like Yaya and JNig don't push me out the way when they want to do a shoot there?

>> No.7324933

No, all the people going are decent and won't get wasted. Room rules and such. No sex, no drugs or drinking/being drunk in the room. I personally know everyone I'm staying with, and we're all a bunch of nerds who don't drink anyway.

>> No.7324952

okay. let a guy know. I'm nice/neat and won't be weird or anything. just a fellow seagull wanting to attend and will pay my part :P

>> No.7325115

From Katsu's FB page:

Recently, we have received some questions regarding photography and we'd like to make some rules a little more clear.

The Gaylord considers its grounds off limits to photography without prior approval from the hotel. They have been pretty lenient in the past, and for the time being, the rules are still pretty much the same. Basically, it's a "no tripod rule" (which also pertains to monopods) unless you have prior agreement with the Gaylord or its parent company, the Marriott Corporation.

Those who have cell phone cameras, small hand-held cameras, and standard SLRs: you're fine. No worries. Take pictures. The Gaylord just doesn't want someone setting up a small studio in front of the gazebo, blocking traffic, capitalizing on their facilities, for instance.

Speaking of the gazebo (which yes, we have the gazebo), it will not be "public property," but part of our contract with the Gaylord. Because we have the Cherry Blossom Ballroom this year (the ballroom in front of the gazebo), that area will be off limits to the public, and secured for badge holders only. If you paid for registration, and have a badge, you're good.

As always: be responsible! Don't take pictures of people who don't want you to. Don't block hallways, stairwells, escalators, elevators, and doorways. Don't use flashes at events where you are asked not to. And if there are some prime spots you are taking model shots, please do so quickly, and let others have a chance.

Thank you.

>> No.7325168


aka We have no control,nor are laying out for photographers. If you know what you are doing go ask the hotel and good luck

also you bitches need to buy a goddamn badge

>> No.7325624


thanks guys! the official title is animedicine: from bandages to bullet wounds, and I'll be the Ms Frizzle if you want to say hello :)

>> No.7325629

>no tripods or monopods
That's absolutely ridiculous.
I have no desire to go to Katsu, between this and them banning asses last year.

>> No.7326572


Thank you!!!!! It had to be said. Starting to get tiring seeing some absurd setups.

Anime Expo, Otakon:
Photographers who set up those semi-studio setups with all the lightstands/softboxes/parabrellas, IN THE MIDDLE of a convention hall. Always re-adjusting and dicking around with the lights, do you guys even know what you're doing?
AND during high-noon, when the sunlight comes flooding in. Against two small speedlights!!! Honestly, are you really going to overpower the sun???

The steadicam guys was one thing, you could tolerate that. But now. Guys are bringing out the sliders, and even freaking jibs? What's next, the remote control helicopters with GoPro's / DSLR's? Bird's eye view? Getting a bit carried away. Just stick to the flythrus and panoramas.

Back to Katsucon, use some common sense. Don't set up those semi-studios during peak hours at the gazebo please.

>> No.7326741


Yes that's good to hear!!! Also been hearing a lot of complaining on this decision.. but its mostly from those who dont buy a badge in the first place.. therefore they need to stfu and go buy a badge like everyone else..

>> No.7327133

What about us who always buy a badge and really tired of their shit?

>during peak hours at the gazebo
So you mean anytime outside of 12pm-10pm.

>> No.7327287

canada where?

>> No.7327290

still haven't badged yet, better just to do it the con weekend?

>> No.7327292

>remote control helicopters with GoPro's / DSLR's? Bird's eye view?
That sounds cool from a PR standpoint, showing off all the halls and what's available from that point of view

>> No.7327584


Probably would be cool, it would offer a different perspective for the video. Unfortunately, the footage would only look nice when there are attendees in the video. However, you have a flying projectile. Liability insurance? Takes one lawsuit to drag the convention knee deep in mud.

Also, someone would be THAT guy who feels the need to smash down your expensive gear.

So no, please don't bring that shit to the convention.

>> No.7328347


Ugh still no response over my hopefully Saturday panel! This blowssss.. All my photographers are booked up because I STILL can't arrange anything..

((thankfully I've talked to a few who will at least take a few shots in their down time, but gah this still sucks))

>> No.7328429

There are plenty of photographers who have schedules open, plus there are ones who are charging but I assume you want your photographers because they are free.

>> No.7328668

...and to bump this thread with something katsucon related.

I've uploaded a playlist of the con before they moved to gaylord. Most of the videos are untitled but it's worth watching.


>> No.7329050

ALRIGHT. Who wants to hang out and get high?

>> No.7330750

I say no only because the anonymity makes me feel sketchy.. but normally I'd say yeah sure

>> No.7334264

16 days 'til day zero. Why is this thread not more hyped?

>> No.7334606

Cause I'm still mad about katsu not responding to their emails about panels!!!

>> No.7334611

Probably because most of us are in hardcore crunch mode. At least I am anyway.

Seriously? That is so dumb. I emailed the staff w a question about my panel (I've already gotten an acceptance email) but it's been complete radio silence.

>> No.7334968

When is your panel for btw? It seems like only sunday's panels have been approved so far..

It makes me feel as if they are having scheduling issues, most likely with guests, and thus can't send the acceptance emails yet... but they are cutting it soooooo close!!

>> No.7335013

Anyone else have a snow day tomorrow? I've got so much crap to do I'm so relieved to have a day where I don't have to work or go to classes.

>> No.7335031

So who is MostFlogged going to try to fight this year?

>> No.7335150


>> No.7336169

>16 days
>Still need to fix one costume
>Make props for another
>Get my ass out of the house to buy finishing touches on another

It's just daunting to think about.

>> No.7336216

Still looking for a cgl roomie. Any takers? Will pay my share for room costs and whatnot

>> No.7337667

Friendly reminder: do not eat any of the gummi bears at Katsucon.
They're the shitty haribo ones that make you shit your pants like a volcano.

Some douchewang has his friends giving them out just for that purpose.

Also 2 weeks, yo.

>> No.7337735
File: 58 KB, 320x240, riot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait! Doing Riot from Jem and the Holograms, along with some Resident Evil cosplay.

>> No.7337768

Do you have a Jem to serenade with "Perfect Match?" That song video was hilarious but catchy

>> No.7337779

Yes, I do have a Jem. She is doing Jem's "Broadway Magic" dress and it looks absolutely incredible! Neither of us can sing though, so as much as I'd like to do a "Believe/Don't Believe" duet, sadly it will not happen.

>> No.7337794

i wish i could go to Katsu. Please record some of your antics? I wish i could see you all in person.

>> No.7337921

I can't wait. 14 days.

>> No.7338016
File: 480 KB, 320x240, fightinroundtheworld.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MostFlogged's Katsucon plans

>> No.7338052

She probably gonna dump another big gulps worth the sprite on someone else her boyfriend fucked behind her back.

Probably before Saturday afternoon.

>> No.7338473

I will do what I can.

>> No.7338480

This was my favorite episode ever.

>> No.7339097

Making movies singing songs and fightin round the world!

>> No.7339200

Hydrate, run, diet. Cardio will make you drop pounds unless your metabolism is slower than a retard at Sunday school.

>> No.7339425

How would anon handle this:
I have a hotel booked for katsu. I'm coming from VA. My gf, her brother, and her ex (also best friend for a long time) and some other people are coming from NY. I found out that she slept with her ex a couple months back. I talked with her about it and she's remorseful. However the ex, who I met before and after it happened, never said anything about it.

I kinda just want to tell him to fuck off and not let him stay in the room.

>> No.7339471

>develop an NTR fetish

>> No.7339569

It would be kind of a dick move to put someone out of a room this close to the con, but I think most people would understand why you did it. Maybe talk it over with your gf, mention that you're not that comfortable with the idea of him being in the room now?

>> No.7339628

I wrote down what I'm thinking of saying. This would be right after I let everyone else into the room...

"You must thing I'm stupid. I thought you were ok since *gf* went out with you there had to be something positive in you. I know you've been friends for a while too so I never made it an issue. All of us *including other ppl* hung out together. But then you go sleep with the girl who I love, the girl who's got my heart? Thanks for that *guys name*. And after you knew I found out you didn't say shit in person. You could have approached me like a man and talked it out, but you didn't coward. Did you think I'd just let this slide? You broke man code. You're not even a man. Calling you a dog would be an insult to man's best friend. You've got no honor, integrity, or remorse since you carry on like nothings happened. I wish one day you feel the exact pain that you've inflicted. I'll never be your friend. I'll never shake your hand. You'll always be less than nothing in my eyes. So you're not welcome to stay here. Not even on the floor, because that's where a dog would sleep.
And if you want to apologize, don't say it to me. Say it to the woman I held when she was sobbing as she said " wjy did he say he loved me? Why did he say it? Why?"

>> No.7339634

Yeah. Don't be a faggot and say any of the things that you just wrote. Just be a man and tell him to go eat a bag of dicks.

>> No.7339729

>"Say it to the woman I held when she was sobbing..."
Bro he's gonna laugh in your face. He's probably dicking her right now while you're trying to decide which Fedora to wear.

>> No.7339831

Oh my god don't send that. Just tell him he's not welcome to stay in the room any more and that he needs to find somewhere else to stay. He sure as hell knows why already. BTW, your GF is just as culpable in this situation.

>> No.7339890

I would say cut it down to just "I am not your friend, I would never shake your hand, you are not welcome in this room, fuck off and preferably die."

>> No.7339929


I enjoy you.

>> No.7340216

Either that or he beats your ass in front of everyone.

>> No.7340229

Oh God. Anon, if you follow through with this please let us know so we can come and watch. Maybe get a few pictures or videos to preserve the hilarity for future prosperity.

>> No.7340793

This can only end poorly.

Back on topic, I heard that at MAGfest staffers were smelling open soda/water bottles etc to see if there was booze in them.

Can anyone confirm or deny this? I realize they're two different cons, and staffers know what goes down at these things, but I don't want my weekend to get fucked by some god-complex staffer smelling my spiked drink.

>> No.7340851

Our group got stopped last year(or year before) by a few staff when we were heading downstairs from our room? Thankfully, the bottle was downed right before they stopped us and they mentioned they just had to make sure.

They might be doing checks if bottles are out and in groups/seen shared

>> No.7341076

It didn't happen with Voxane or I. I had a flask though, but I didn't really see any staffers sniffing bottles.

>> No.7341097
File: 41 KB, 400x592, 1363318478418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I were to bring (closed) cans of arizona for the people I was shooting, would it be like "wow thanks" or more like "bye I don't want to be drugged today". I'm a male

>> No.7341175

Why Arizona? Bring a closed water bottle if anything. Arizona has sugar and can stain/sticky if spilled and can't be resealed like a water bottle.

>> No.7341185

How sad you can only have fun if you drink alcohol. I hope security is raised to throw out anyway outside the bar sea with drinks. I ran into a drunk neckbeard after my 18+ panel at 2am last year. Didn't appreciate him putting an ark around my friend and trying to hit on us as we attempted to return to our hotel room.
I fucking hate drunk con goers. Stay in your room or at the bar for that shit

>> No.7341194


this is illegal you know

>> No.7341428

At MAGFest? Maybe if they didn't have a wristband, but if you had a 21+ wristband you could open carry alcohol.

Katsucon not so much.

>> No.7341465

I most just lurk here now, but I just wanted to duck in and say that I'm working on the Marvel shoot to be around 12 or 1 on Saturday. V3 Speedball this time, which hopefully will look a lot better than the messy heroic age one at Ota. Also, maybe one other costume.

I really like the Aloft. It's a slightly smaller room in dimension, but with the very high ceilings and wide beds, it's great to stay in. I also appreciate that it has a small safe in the room so I can stow personal items/medicine/documents that I have to keep with me without beer getting spilled on them. Being cheaper than the Gaylord also makes it good. But remember to pack a coat -- It's a five, eight minute walk that's VERY cold.

>> No.7341671

Man, I'd be so happy with Arizona. I don't drink just plain water, but I know lots of people would prefer that instead ):

>> No.7342126

Was that English?

>> No.7342425

I didn't see them stopping anyone else but we were upstairs. I think they might have gotten a complaint about the room block and see if anyone was drinking but idek. As long as everyone can control their party volume and stuff i really don't care

>> No.7342429

Hrmm maybe not Arizona. Water bottles or maybe even those vitamin drinks will be better. VITAMINS AND ELECTROLYTES AND SHIT

>> No.7342517

One costume needs wig restyling.

Second costume needs a hairbow and some ankle ribbons.

Third costume needs trim sewed all over it.

Fourth costume needs bangs styled/trimmed.

Yeah I'm on track.

>> No.7343121

Katsucon is horrible about responding to attendees. Even an automated "fuck you I don't have time to type out a real answer" thing would be better than no reply at all. There's also only one active staff member on the forums, and they aren't acting in any official capacity.

Say what you will about Otakon, but at least their staff gives half a fuck.

>> No.7343128

Soooo, anyone here going to the con through Alexandria or by Alexandria who might be able to swing by on Friday morning to give me a lift to the con?

Long story short, I don't have access to a car that morning, and I'd rather not spend more money and time than I have to just to get to the con when it's just a 15-20 minute drive by car compared to an hour and a half to two hour commute.

>> No.7343264
File: 74 KB, 592x888, 1391313740414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of.. we finally got a response that we've been waitlisted... unless we want a 730am or earlier saturday slot.

pst anyone notice the @katsucongazebo account on twitter? pretty hilarious imo

>> No.7343454

Less than two weeks before the con starts and the schedule hasn't been posted yet.

What gives Katsu?

>> No.7343486

They're just now assembling the late-night schedule. I got notice less than a week ago that my panel had been put either on the hold list, or to host it late night. So they still don't have it all together.

But then, what else did you expect from Katsucon?

>> No.7343579

>But then, what else did you expect from Katsucon?
Ohh OHHH! I know this one!

>A yearly $5 price hike on entry fees
>A 5% decrease in folks cosplaying as anime characters
>The folks from the Navy ball joining in the rave, when their event synchs with Katsu
>Folks immediately vacating the auditorium after the masquerade ends because waiting for results is boring
>People who fail miserably at pulling off even the most simple or common cosplay

>> No.7343740


I'm still shocked that this con somehow manages to get 10k+ people to attend.

>> No.7343754

Same. The only people who seem to still care about Katsucon are newfag cosplay teens and attention whores fighting over the gazebo.

>> No.7343802

I may have named a handful of things wrong with the con (and believe me, it has its flaws) however I enjoy the experience. I'm looking forward to this year quite a bit.

Plus, somebody already paid for my ticket and room as a birthday present... so there's that.

>> No.7344093

I honestly wouldn't mind if AUSA replaced Katsu as the main DC area con before Otakon rolls into town. As an autograph hound, the guest list this year just leaves a fucking lot to be desired, especially in comparison to what AUSA managed to get.

At least I'll get to attend some panels now?

>> No.7344101

At this point, after going for cons for so long, it's less about the guests and the programming and more about the venue, dealer's room and having a good time with my friends.

Would I like to see a big name guest from glorious Nippon? Sure.
Is the lack thereof going to stop me from paying for a ticket and hanging out with friends I don't get to see very often? Not likely

>> No.7345843

How do you guys feel about a pool party Thursday night?

I haven't been swimming in a hell of a long time.

>> No.7346597

Who's trying to get their casual sex on at this con?

>> No.7346878

get out

>> No.7346895

>A 5% decrease in folks cosplaying as anime characters
>People who fail miserably at pulling off even the most simple or common cosplay
But that's any given anime convention

>> No.7346902

I remember talking about doing that again in the FB meetup page but we never really set a time so I don't know. Last year's pool party was pretty fun, though.

>> No.7346948
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>> No.7346952

... I don't want to get kicked out of the hotel before the con even starts, anon/

But I know I'm spending most of Thursday down at the pool, probably with some other friends.

We'll probably go grab our badges and then hit the pool.

>> No.7346964
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>> No.7346966

Oh god please tell me one you fuckers is gonna cosplay aikuro

>> No.7346991

Is Katsucon one of those cons that make guys cover their nipples with electrical tape, typically making the costume look even more scandalous? Anon should preemptively get some pink reflective tape to cover up with.

>> No.7347009

I don't know but I'm a girl so I don't think the staff would appreciate me running around the pool topless.

>> No.7347015

Does anyone know about Katsucon's registration pick up policy?

It says on the site you need photo ID, but then it also says that learner's permits are accepted? My boyfriend only has a permit, but in PA they don't have your photo on them. Will they still take it?

>> No.7347021

Does he have a school ID or something with a photo and his name on it?

I'd bring anything that has a photo + name just in case, so you can cover your bases.

>> No.7347026

He doesn't. But I do have a yearbook with his photo in it. That's all I can think of, and we can't get him just a photo ID because his parents are cunts and won't come along for proof of residency. He's been working under the table for years, so he has no tax forms or anything to use.

>> No.7347025

Hey I'm gonna be Mikisugi. My nipples will be glowing pink. That's all I can reveal for now.
Please look forward to it.

>> No.7347030

I've never seen the pool at the Gaylord. Is that open for everyone or just hotel guests?

>> No.7347031

Oh yikes. Uh, I don't know what to tell you. Get in touch with Katsucon, maybe? See if they can help you out.

>> No.7347032

Just hotel guests, like pretty much every hotel ever.

>> No.7347034

Rofl me too bro.

I'm using pink leds for that NOODIST BEECH effect and I'll be giving out glowing nipples to any aikuro cosplayer

>> No.7347037

I've emailed them already, but they're taking fucking forever to respond. Like, shit's in less than two weeks. I need some help.

>> No.7347051

Stop rooming with strangers and you'll be fucking fine. If those are friends you're staying with, find better friends.

I'm staying with 7 other friends of mine. We're cool about hookups as long as we don't walk in on it and we're all pretty responsible drinkers too.

>> No.7347055

>unless you have prior agreement with the Gaylord or its parent company, the Marriott Corporation.

Just send them a fucking email for permission you fuckwit.

>> No.7347056

Haha I'm using LEDs too. Let's skinny diving, friend.

>> No.7347062

>tolerating an SO cheating on you

stay beta faggot

>> No.7347146

I recall that they have in the past. A year or two ago staff kept telling a Johnny Cage cosplayer to keep his jacket on.

>> No.7347192

Breddy sinpur.

Don't let him stay in the room. Seriously. Toss him out. He isn't allowed in. If he gives you any shit, kneecap him.

Also, make sure you hook up with one of those random con girls. Ok? You're owed this one. Don't be beta.

>> No.7347370


I hope to see both of you filthy rebel pigs at the KLK meetup.

>> No.7347459


Oh shit there's a meetup? If there is, where/when?

>> No.7347845

The extensive KLK/nipples talk makes me want to whip up a Nui costume. I could never build a big enough wig in time, though.

>> No.7347848

Saturday, 4pm at the outdoor fountains!

>> No.7347874

Well, I'll be there pretty much all day thursday once I pick up my badge.

So if you head down there, look for the pale scrawny piece of shit in the mismatched bikini, that'll be me.

>> No.7347878

Is that 10 PM or AM?

Sorry, first time at Katsu.

>> No.7347886

I had really wanted to get a Mako together, but I have no sewing experience so I didn't really... have time to do that.

>> No.7348009
File: 57 KB, 700x500, gazebovalentine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your lineups, everybody?

>> No.7348195

Aren't you going to need a ride home? I am in annandale and would be okay with picking you up if you're nice enough to throw in some gas money.

>> No.7348210

>Bubblehead Nurse
>Fuck all, it's Sunday

I'm secretly hoping to have my Witch finished by then, but I don't have a wig so I shouldn't really wear it.

>> No.7348234

>cosplay more than likely won't arrive in time
>anxiety intensifies
Guess this one will finally be my last con where I look like a social retard.

>tfw just want to have a decent cosplay and go to the con and mingle with other cosplayers

>> No.7348245
File: 396 KB, 1024x614, katsu2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is it.. there is no turning back now..

I'm trying to wear my Furret kigu at night when I'm just relaxing, and I might wear Hajime on Sunday also if I don't be lazy and wear Furret..

and my dance team is having our showcase at 9pm on Friday, so everyone should come check us out, there are only a few of us attending, but it'll still be fun and we've been practicing our butts off.
>>we haven't decided on a location, but we were thinking the fountain area if its not crowded, we'll update our facebook/twitter once that's decided or if it moves last min

Oh and I'll be handing out valentines and chocolates so find me!!

>> No.7348249

>implying the damned chinese fucks get it here in time

Friday: Yu Narukami
Saturday: Yu Narukami (unless I manage to put something else together)
Sunday: It's fucking Sunday

>> No.7348308

Friday: Classic Team Rocket Grunt

Saturday: Teslapunk Soldier
>inspired by the Girl Genius comic, since the creators are guests this year

Sunday: Finn the Human
>his will be the first time I will be wearing a wig for a cosplay

>> No.7348315

Were you one of the team rocket grunts last year?

>> No.7348322

For the last 3 years, actually. This will be the 4th time I've used this costume.

Specifically, I'm the one with the Porygon and the sign.

>> No.7348340

I totally took pictures of you guys all standing in front of the doors last year and a video of all of the jews staring at you questioning what exactly you were doing.

Good times.

>> No.7348342

Wicked awesome. If you dig those up, I would be grateful to see them. I don't remember standing by any doors though...

>> No.7348401
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Here you go

>> No.7348437

Ok, this is freakin hilarious and awesome

>> No.7348439

Glad you enjoyed it.

>> No.7348797

Would anyone recommend this con to someone from Ohio that has been to Ohayo and Colossal? I want to go to a few other cons this year but not sure which ones I should choose within driving distance.

>> No.7348802
File: 37 KB, 376x500, rocket 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That ain't me. These ones are good, though.

This is one of me from 2011

>> No.7348816

Yes, as someone from Ohio. This is the best con on the east coast.

>> No.7348835

Pretty much wearing just Magical Emi and lolita since Marie fell through due to me massively fucking up the wig. I'll commission one for next year.

>> No.7348838


I dunno about that...

>> No.7348853

What would you say is the best?

>> No.7348866

I love Katsu but what the fuck are they doing this year? Did they have to spend all their budget to bribe the Gaylord after last year's Hannukcon debacle? The guest list sucks, there's not even a real musical guest, the panel schedule isn't live yet...
I'm sure it's still going to be a blast, but this has me feeling pretty apprehensive to say the least.

>> No.7348891

The real reason is that this year they have the Cherry Blossom Hall, which is in the vicinity of the Gazebo.

>> No.7348985

It depends. Why do you go to cons?

If it's for panels or guests, Katsu is mediocre to awful. If it's for dealer's room or AA, it's decent. Otakon is forty minutes away and kicks its ass in terms of panels, guests, and merch.

But if you go to hang out and cosplay, it's fucking awesome. The Gaylord is a beautiful hotel located in a resort development on the Potomac. The hotel has lots of elegant settings (the iconic Gazebo, anywhere around the Cherry Blossom ballroom, lots of plush seating areas), an indoor miniature forest, an indoor creek water feature, a gorgeous fountain, and a trippy mirror area near the spa. Outdoors, there's a small beach on the Potomac, the docks, the lawns, the rock features, the terraces, the crazy-ass sandpit with the giant, the cute town... whatever you want to do a photoshoot for, the Gaylord and National Harbor have it. The hotel and the con center are one building, so you can dress like a slut without carrying around a coat. Also the ball is kind of fun.

tl;dr there's nothing good about Katsucon except the fact that it's at the Gaylord and all my friends go.

>> No.7348989


I only go for friends, cosplay, and photoshoots. If one of these reasons were to become lacking, I would no longer attend this con.

>> No.7349550

>Otakon is forty minutes away and kicks its ass in terms of panels, guests, and merch.

Yeah, hi. I'd like to disagree with that immensely. Otakon had a ton of dealers, but they were all selling pretty much the exact same shit, each one more expensive than the next. Katsucon had very cut and dry dealers on everything you could want or were looking for. And the prices weren't ridiculous either. I went to Otakon and was trying to pick up an Accel World wall scroll and they said because it was a japanese import that it was worth $55 dollars. I went to Katsucon, and found the same scroll for $30.

The panels at Otakon suck as well. The con has way too many people, so any panel you try to go to, you end up sitting in line or having to get there 1-2 hours early just to make sure you can actually get in. And since it's Otakon, which now panders to more of a Comic Con crowd rather than actual anime fans, every faggot in and around those lines is spouting memes to pass the time.

I tried to go to one panel at the last Otakon, which was the Aniplex one with Gen Urobuchi. I got to the front of the line after they let people in, and they told me the panel was full while the entire back row was open. I got pissed and walked away, only to see them letting more people in 10 minutes later. The one panel I wanted to go to, they shit on me for. And then I went to some vocaloid panel which was essentially 3 aspie dykes doing shitty vocaloid cosplays and talking about nico nico douga.

Otakon a shit.

>> No.7349686

If you enjoy waiting in line to not even be sure you'll get in, sure. But fuck that shit. AUSA and Katsu both have Otakon beat as far as the DMV area goes. Just see >>7348866 for more details. I mean, Hell, I managed to just barely get into the VA after dark panel by sneaking into the middle of the line inadvertently. That's how piss poor the line management is- I didn't even know I was cutting. Luckily I was on my own then so I don't think I screwed anyone over.

Eh, I'd say they're usually even in terms of English VAs/other US guests. However, unless they suddenly reveal some more guests, it'll be child's play to outdo Katsu for even the smallest of cons this year. Japanese guests, yeah, Otakon has that market cornered on the Eastern seaboard.

>dealer's room
Nahhh, Otakon's is too huge with too many repeats with no real competitive prices in spite of that. Katsu's is smaller and has most of the good vendors from Otakon, anyway.

>artist's alley
Yeah Otakon has Katsu one-upped there, no question.

>> No.7349696

fuck, with the "just see" part, I mean to link to the post above mine, not the one I linked to.

... but on that note.
I'm going to guess that either, yes, they signed some "only our con" exclusivity deal for the weekend (which is stupid, the B'nai B'rith was an unwelcome surprise given most of those kids were rowdy jerks, but the chances of it happening again are unlikely) which sucked their funds dry OR they're waiting until the last minute to announce real guests... which is equally stupid as I doubt many people would drop everything to go to a con the week of.

>> No.7350024
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Because I want to get stabbed or mugged.

>> No.7350054

Hey /cgl/,

/fit/ and /p/ anon here and wanted to clarify a few
things as well as ask a few questions. The /cgl/ meetup is at 1000 hrs on friday by the gazeebo, then 1600 hrs on saturday in the same place? What about on Sunday, where/when will the meetup be?

Though i won't be cosplaying, I'll be people watching and taking photos, is this weird? If not I'd love to take you all's picture as i'll have my newish nikon with me and post it to Flickr.

Second question; if i'll just be people watching and taking photos, is it really worth buying a ticket? Sure I like animu , but what will i really be missing out on?

Third; when is the rave/dance/ball, and is it worth going to?

Finally; I hear parking is going to be a bitch and would love to car pull and pay my way. If this isn't an option i could give some people a ride, as long as they pitch in for parking and gas and are in PG, Maryland (im in bowie btw)

Thanks, and let me know

>> No.7350072

There probably won't be one on Sunday.

>Though i won't be cosplaying, I'll be people watching and taking photos, is this weird?
No. Cosplayers love having pictures taken. Ask before taking pictures, though.

> if i'll just be people watching and taking photos, is it really worth buying a ticket?
No. You're missing out on all the panels (shit), the dealer's room (cheaper online), artists' alley (shit), the masquerade (shit), dance (could be your thing).

>When is the rave/dance/ball
idk schedule's not up. Ball is usually Friday night though.

>> No.7350163

thanks anon, as for the meetup on Friday and Saturday, did i get the time/place right?

>> No.7350173

>panels (shit)
>dealer's room (cheaper online)
But both of those are blatantly false...

>> No.7350184

>BIG NEWS! This year our Video Gaming Room will not be sharing space in an Exhibit Hall. Instead, it will have its own dedicated space in the Potomac Ballroom, adjacent to Main Events. The Video Gaming Room will have a variety of systems with a mix of the latest games and retro favorites. By popular demand, we will have Pachinko machines again this year. Proceeds from Pachinko will go to charity; come visit the Pachinko table for more details. We’d also like to thank Save Point for providing us with a great selection of arcade cabinets once again. As an added bonus, fans of the Touhou Project will have their own systems set up to promote this popular game.
>For our twentieth anniversary, we have not one, but TWO rooms dedicated to Table Top Gaming. One room will be Open Gaming, where you can bring and play your own games. The other room will have a funtastic assortment of games provided by our friends at Foam Brain Games. After playing the games, you can visit their booth in the Merchants Room to purchase your own copies to play again and again! Be sure to check them out.
>Our twentieth anniversary also marks the return of a long-absent event – a LAN Party! The LAN Gaming Room at Katsucon XX is brought to you by the fine folks at Maryland LAN Gamers. This will be a BYOL event (Bring Your Own Laptop) for up to 40 players; LAN cables and power connections will be provided. More details to come.

Get hype.

>> No.7350211

> The /cgl/ meetup is at 1000 hrs on friday by the gazeebo
No, at 10:00 PM
I don't know about Saturday. No meetup Sunday
>Though i won't be cosplaying, I'll be people watching and taking photos, is this weird?
No, go ahead.

>Second question; if i'll just be people watching and taking photos, is it really worth buying a ticket? Sure I like animu , but what will i really be missing out on?
First, note that if you wanna take a lot of pictures you should probably get a badge for safety. If a cranky hotel staff member sees you without one actively hanging out with congoers and taking pictures they may ask you to leave, and then con staff can't help you. I say this due to the hotel's recent rules on taking pictures.

Second, check online when the panel schedule goes up. If you see any panels you want to attend, get a badge. If not, consider if you particularly want to see if you can get a good deal in the dealer's room (unlikely, most things you can get there are the same online minus shipping), if there's a guest you want to see (there's only one anime related guest of note so far, but if you like Richard Horvitz's roles too he's there; there will likely be more guests announced soon), or if you want to go to the video game room. Don't believe the other anon, panels aren't shit, many are good. If Charles Dunbar is running a panel, go see it, they're 10/10 imo. Educational, but fun.

>Third; when is the rave/dance/ball, and is it worth going to?
We don't know yet, and as I personally don't go to any of those as I don't find that sort of thing fun, I wouldn't know when they normally are. They'll have times up when the schedule goes up.

>Finally; I hear parking is going to be a bitch
It is, but I think there's a parking lot near the hotel/convention center that makes you pay less. If you can find someone to carpool with, definitely do that.

>> No.7350594
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Event page for the meetup is

FB: events/179853892224503

>> No.7350602
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Finalized my lineup a while ago, now it's just making sure my cosplays are in good shape & fixing up any little details. Not cosplaying Thursday or Sunday, will just be wearing one of the dresses I've made (either space print, or hockey goalie mask print).

Very excited for the con! Hoping to meet lots of folks & also get to catch up with friends that I haven't seen in months.

>> No.7350622
File: 153 KB, 599x590, katsu2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally decided when I'm wearing what. Really looking forward to Katsu!

>> No.7350630

I want to go!

>> No.7350669
File: 111 KB, 516x401, weatherprekatsuPNG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, you guys, just a heads up... Early forecasts are saying it's going to blow monkey chunks trying to get there on Thursday, especially if you're coming from north of DC. Obviously 10 days out is way too early to know for sure, but... It's saying 5-8" overnight Weds into Thurs for here around Philadelphia. Fun.

>> No.7350677
File: 384 KB, 1142x546, akbowlgethype.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't believe it's a week and a half away.

>> No.7350680

>tfw chinese fucks won't deliver my costume in time for be to actually have fun at this con

>> No.7350687

any pictures of the left? My homie's a massive persona fangirl.

>> No.7350691

maybe you should learn how to sew
or not order a costume so close to Chinese New Year or this late in advanced.

>> No.7350693
File: 84 KB, 740x800, sc2-ivy3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just one costume because I wanted to put all my energy into one nice one rather than several small mediocre costumes. Also everything else I have is too short for this winter crazy.

>> No.7350703

They told me that despite the new year, it would still be here in time if I got EMS.

It's still processing, lol.

>> No.7350711
File: 161 KB, 361x900, IMG_4262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahah I finished Maya pretty recently.

>> No.7350716

Ask for a partial refund if it doesn't arrive in time.

>> No.7350722

I'll tell you when i'm done panicking.

I'll watch you dance anon!

Oh baby.

My jap plastics normally arrive in 3-5 days once shipped with EMS. There is still time!

Overall I am excited. I just ask whichever deity has dominion over wigs to bestow me with their strength.

>> No.7350744

I'm convinced it's not coming. Two weeks, still processing. Fucking dumb.

>> No.7350751

Well, they do need time to actually make it. They make each one per order for the most part. I've ordered from them 4 times already with no issues in terms of shipping time.

Once I ordered a month and a half in advance, and they shipped it DHL for free because they finished it late. It still arrived in time, and they shipped it like 4 days before I needed it.

>> No.7351010

so hella snow is in the forecast. I wonder what the atrium looks like covered in snow.

>> No.7351379

I hope to God that the roads are clear enough on Friday and the weekend because God knows my ride my mom isn't going to drive my sister and myself to the con in inches/feet of snow.

>> No.7351422

If you're coming from VA, VDOT is pretty on the ball, especially when it comes to big main roads around DC. As for MDOT, no idea, but I have a feeling it's pretty good.

I'll be banking on the Woodrow Wilson bridge being clear, and I have no doubt that the crews will be on the ball if the snow hits the fan.

>> No.7351433

slightly worried about the snow -- i'm hoping to arrive Wednesday morning. i hope my flight won't be delayed.

>> No.7351580

Yayay! Tomochaaan are you part of the AKB cosplay group on FB? We are having a gathering saturday afternoon

Annapolis is about 45min north and we have a 50% chance of snow of up to an inch for thursday night.. but yeah still a bit far out and MD has been having some wack weather due to our bay and the mountain line.

Yeah our plows and salt trucks are on the ball as long as its under 6inches, which I have yet to see that much this year.. hell we salt the roads, close schools and end up with only rain

>> No.7351720

VDOT is very good in northern VA, due to it being the wealthiest tax base in VA. I was able to drive to work in the several feet of snow we got during snowmageddon back in early 2010. Although national harbor is in Maryland, it's only a hop, skip, and a jump away from Arlington. I can't imagine it would be that much worse.

>> No.7351734
File: 145 KB, 750x400, katsucon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friday: Junko until 1 for a shoot, Takane until 4 for a shoot, and then possibly back in Junko for the rest of the evening so I can make the meetup.
Saturday: Riven all day until 5, and then probably Takane for the rest of the evening.

Getting worried about the weather, too. I don't fly out until Thursday evening, so I'm hoping for no delays/cancellations.

>> No.7352494 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 549x480, hello i will be tomochin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'm part of the group -- I posted yesterday saying I hadn't made up my mind about who to cosplay, but I wound up deciding to cheap out and reuse Tomochin.

>> No.7352509
File: 36 KB, 549x480, hello i will be tomochin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'm part of the group -- I posted yesterday saying I hadn't made up my mind about who to cosplay, but I wound up deciding to cheap out and reuse Tomochin.

IIRC Katsucon 2010 was shortly after Snowmageddon and I didn't have any problems getting to or from National Harbor then.

>> No.7352521

>I say this due to the hotel's recent rules on taking pictures.

speaking of this, does anyone here know anything about/have experience getting press badges, or otherwise getting approval from the hotel itself to professionally photograph? this is my first katsucon and i've heard they're lenient, i'm not planning to bring a backdrop and umbrellas or anything, i just want to be safe re: the fb post regarding photography

>> No.7353182

I've been to Detroit. I've been to Atlanta. I've been to Chicago. While in a convention environment I've never felt threatened or otherwise concerned with being in a large metro/downtown area. However this will be my first time to Katsu, and it never hurts to be prepared. Is there anything in the DC/National Harbor area to be especially concerned about? Routes to avoid? Neighborhoods to not drive through?

>> No.7353204

National Harbor is a tiny resort town, so if you're staying in the Gaylord you have NOTHING to worry about except for obnoxious con-goers.

The town itself is populated entirely by rich white folk and tourists.

>> No.7353214

>National Harbor
You've really never been there, huh? National Harbor isn't in DC, it's across the river, and it itself is tiny -- you could literally walk end to end in twenty minutes. All you'll see is hotels, restaurants, and confused white people.

>> No.7353244
File: 54 KB, 1000x502, 1391662623489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have most of my stuff done, but I'm still panicking THERES NOT ENOUGH TIME WHY

>> No.7353260

Friday: Tanaka Punie from Dai Mahou Touge
Saturday morning: Tachibana Kanade/Tenshi from Angel Beats
Saturday afternoon: Satsuki for the KLK meetup
Saturday night: ??? no clue
Sunday early morning: Ms Frizzle for my Animedicine panel
Sunday later morning: Satsuki from KLK

I also landed one of those Arda shoots for Satsuki so I'm hoping I can schedule it for one of the times I'll already be wearing her.

>> No.7353264


National Harbor is located in Prince Georges County which is the most affluent black county in the US so you don't have to worry about crime as its just a bunch of rich black folks out there.

>> No.7353282

I wonder what the atrium looks like covered in snow.

>> No.7353364

This is a good question anon, and one that I'm also dying to know the answer to.

I'm this guy again >>7350054
wondering if anyone wants to ride share, or hitch a ride.

>> No.7353484
File: 862 KB, 1920x1920, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahahaha costumes done. I'm laughin'. Hope to be finished before we leave on thursday but it's a mystery.

But uh, FemEdgeworth, Apocalypse Esmerelda, Amethyst, and Sakura. And throw Police Panty in there somewhere too. CAN'T WAIT TO SEE AND MEET NEW PEOPLE YEAH CONS

>> No.7353594

probably dark

>> No.7353691


I've seen it before. It's not nearly as magnificent as you would imagine. In terms of how light it is, it's as if the sky was very overcast. Ya know, the kind where the cloud layer is super-low altitude?

I guess it's kinda cool...

>> No.7353740

fix your hair or wig cuz it looks fuckin shitty and i dont want people to laugh at you behind your back. I fuckin care about you anon. Love, some 4chan /b/tard

>> No.7353741

is that you as sakura. Fuck your cute. Post facebook name so we can stalk you and tie yo...er i mean treat you to a nice dinner. Muh boner...iluvyou

>> No.7353981

\(//o//)\ thank you anon! yup that is me. A nice dinner before being tied up would be nice haha. Buuut if you really want it, my facebook is RueTheDayCosplay

>> No.7354480

Have 2 costumes lined up, Izaya from Durarara on Friday and Kuroko from Kuroko no Basuke on Saturday. Will be leaving early on Sunday, didn't feel a costume would be worth the 30 minutes I'd wear it.

This will be my first time ever cosplaying, very excited.

>> No.7354507

Oh I am interested in shooting with you

>> No.7354593

Well as we are getting closer the forecast is continuing to change... here is is now a week out. Ill try to keep everyone updated!!

((For zipcode 20745))
>Wednesday -Overcast with a chance of snow. High of 37F with a windchill as low as 14F. Winds from the NE at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of snow 40%.
>Wednesday Night -Overcast with a chance of snow. Low of 30F with a windchill as low as 21F. Winds from the NNE at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of snow 50% with accumulations up to 1 in. possible.
>Thursday -Overcast with a chance of snow. High of 45F. Winds from the NNE at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of snow 20%.
>Thursday Night -Partly cloudy. Low of 32F. Winds less than 5 mph.
>Friday -Partly cloudy. High of 45F. Winds less than 5 mph.
>Friday Night -Partly cloudy. Low of 32F. Winds less than 5 mph.
>Saturday -Overcast with a chance of rain. High of 50F. Winds less than 5 mph. Chance of rain 40%.
>Saturday Night -Partly cloudy. Low of 32F. Winds less than 5 mph.
>Sunday -Partly cloudy. High of 45F. Winds less than 5 mph.

>> No.7354612

It's in the safer part of Baltimore. AX is in a much worse neighborhood out in LA.

The part of DC that Otakon is moving to in 2017 is actually more dangerous than the part of Baltimore it currently is in.

>> No.7354641
File: 65 KB, 1296x730, Frozen_Hans_Anna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moved from DC to Michigan a year and a half ago
>woke up this morning and it was 1F
>it's 12F right now
>almost as excited to go to Katsucon for the con as I am to go to Katsucon for the balmy 45F weather

>> No.7354678

You should negotiate with him. Try to only let him tie you up after taking you to a nice dinner at Eden Center, which is over in Falls Church and so worth the ride.

>> No.7354690

>>moved from DC to Michigan
You fucked up buddy, it's pretty much a freezing cold hell here every Winter.

>> No.7354693

Otakon is moving??

>> No.7354705

I know, man. I'm moving as soon as school is done.


>> No.7354745

Wow, that's really dumb. The Baltimore Convention Center is an awesome venue and the inner harbor is amazing for photoshoots or just generally being in. That's really, really dumb.

>> No.7354765

Blame Baltimore, I've lived here my entire life and there's been a 20 year battle of wills over what to do with the decaying arena and how to expand the convention center to compete with the one in DC that is twice the size.

Basically everyone in the city sat on their hands (except for the Hilton which has lost money every year) and Otakon had to leave because they're at max capacity at the BCC. Otakon might come back if the city ever gets its shit together.

The DC Convention Center is a few blocks north of Verizon Center in a kinda sketchy part of town, and sadly there isn't anything like the Inner Harbor or Camden Yards in walking distance.

>> No.7354893

That'd be awesome! If you want you can message me on Facebook (/RueTheDayCosplay) and we can arrange something or I guess you could try and find me at con lol.

>> No.7354945

Yeah the proposed plan is the owner of the Hyatt? I believe is going to rebuild his hotel and add underground parking, then they will add on to the con center, including a new arena and connecting it to the new Hyatt like how the hilton is.

The last time I read about this I think they said contruction would start by 2016 so by the time Ota contract was up at DCCC (5years?) Hopefully construction will be done by then..

Otakon is my home con, being 20min south, and I've been going since 2003. Sad to see it go but the hotel costs and everything in general there I'm glad to have it move.. the last 4 years I haven't attended one single panel or see a guest due to lines and shit.

>> No.7354971

It's either the Hyatt or the Sheraton, both those hotels everyone walks on top of when heading to the Inner Harbor. And, yeah, they put the plans out there but nobody wants to pay for the arena. Taxpayers aren't unless they can get an NHL or NBA team (not happening) and no billionaire is going to pay any unless they have a team coming to town.

Basically until the Baltimore Arena roof caves in I'm pessimistic of anything getting done. And it sucks man, I grew up going to Otakon and live in the county about 20 minutes away as well.

>> No.7355066

Source? Cause WeatherUnderground is giving me fucking ice storm possibilities:

>Wednesday: SNOW Mostly cloudy with periods of snow during the afternoon. High 36F. Winds ENE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of snow 50%. 1 to 3 inches of snow expected.
>Wednesday Night: SNOW Cloudy with snow. Low 29F. Winds NE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of snow 70%. 3 to 5 inches of snow expected.
>Thursday: SLEET A mix of wintry precipitation in the morning. Then scattered rain showers lingering in the afternoon. High 41F. Winds N at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of precip 70%.
>Thursday Night: SNOW Rain and snow showers in the evening. Foggy late. Low around 25F. Winds NW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of precip 30%.

>> No.7355101

Ever since they busted that underground southeast Asian gambling ring, I haven't heard much about Eden Center.

>> No.7355127

One week until the con and still no schedule out yet.

>> No.7355129

Food is still real good, that's what counts.

>> No.7355249

Anyone been to Cadillac Ranch? We can go meet there and go there for one of the cgl meetups if you guys want? Don't know how much/good the food and drinks are there or if there will be enough room. Any other suggestions??

>> No.7355283


Its good. Normally an hour plus wait that saturday.
We also have the match that saturday if yall want to have a room showing for the first match

/cgl/ vs /a/

>> No.7356009

Match for what?

>> No.7356649

wtf? why a match?

And I meant for Friday or something might be better

>> No.7356793

Hey what time does preregistration start on Thursday?

>> No.7356871

Its hard to say as the storm models are ever changing, last night it was calling for 3-5 for thursday again.. but today the models have already pushed the storm away and now only the small chance Saturday still remains and then on Monday there is another chance...

Ill do another forcast post after the weekend and this current storm blows through.

Remember if you are driving or flying just keep an eye out at least twice a day as we get closer

>> No.7356894

>one week until con
>still only one barely relevant English voice actor, the rest have nothing to do with anime, have only done bit roles/roles no one cares about, or come every fucking year
>they have a mangaka, but literally none of his work has been fan-translated and only a few titles got officially translated over ten years ago
>no other Japanese guests
>musical guest is some group no one's ever heard of
They better pull a miracle out of their asses or I am never pre-registering again. Seriously, what the fuck happened? The last 3-4 years were amazing.

Which isn't saying much because DC in general is much, MUCH safer than Baltimore, and I think they're trying to make it so you don't have to travel above ground in that area more than a block or two.

The best part of the move is that there should be around a thousand or so less people coming the first year when you factor in the Baltimore locals who won't want to go to DC and the locals who don't know it moved, so not only will there be a lot of space, there won't be as many people. Yeah 1000 people isn't a lot in terms of a con Otakon's size, but it IS still a lot of people.

>> No.7357204

new thread >>7356662

this one is on autosage