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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7306650 No.7306650[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we talk about how awful MCM is going to be in May? MCM is terrible now anyway, but I think May is going to be the worst it's ever been. Thoughts? Eve Beauregard has now announced she'll be attending.

>> No.7306929

>but I think May is going to be the worst it's ever been

what makes you say that?

>> No.7307083

>but I think May is going to be the worst it's ever been
>Eve Beauregard has now announced she'll be attending.

>> No.7307554

My last MCM was last October. Thank fuck I'm never going to that trainwreck again. What the fuck were they even thinking with the bottleneck entrance/exit?

>TFW probably going to Dragoncon this year instead

>> No.7308783

That system sucked balls. and they spilt it in 2. the steampunk and ARMY OF TOY SOLDUIERS stands was in another room. cloak room was tucked out the way, and there seemed to be less stalls with tighter isles between them.
why don't they just rent out all of one side and open it out completely?

>> No.7309011

Shes going to be with SCG, also with Tabitha Lyons, Stacey, Tigerlily - the only decent one, and some Italian girl that I've never heard of. And then Kelly Jean is leeching with Jessica Nigiri on another table.

MCM will suck, there will be to many weebs filling up the corridors, plus it'll be hot, not a great combination. They better no close one end again...

>> No.7309040

They only closed one end in October because they were doing film/TV filming.

>> No.7309048

I went to MCM Manchester, basically like a glorified indoor market filled with overpriced imported shit you can find cheaper online. The giant replica swords place was the most reasonably priced stall there. Half the space was also virtually empty. Did actually enjoy the queue though, lotta fun spotting cosplayers.

>> No.7309501

I really want to know the delicious drama behind Kelly Jean not being with SCG anymore.
She used to be an admin and seems to have cut all connection with them after the calendar Kickstarter disaster.

>> No.7309765

So would I for that matter, I shall do some snooping....

>> No.7310574

Ha really? Hadn't noticed that until you mentioned it, she jump's from one person's coat tail's to another so fast I can't keep up.

>> No.7310575

I don't understand the whole SGC thing or why such a nice person like Tigerlily is involved with them.

>> No.7310615

Is the Telford expo even still a thing? I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere in forever.

>> No.7310630

I agreed to be part of a group MLP cosplay with one of my friends and people she knows (I dont know them, she met them at mcm before...) and this would be my first cosplay ever.
I'm not sure if I should back out, as it kind of sounds like the start of a weeaboo horror story - on the bright side, she's letting me in the hotel room for free.

>> No.7310634

You could just ask me. As it is I wished to disassociate myself from the guy who set it up.

Nothing against any of the other girls/photographer though, still chat with some of them.

>implying SCG has coattails to ride on


>> No.7310647

It's a MLP group. Why would you ever think that's a good idea?

>> No.7310682

Yep, still a thing but it's always pretty quiet compared to the others. It's on February 15th.

>> No.7310772

I knew you'd appear at the sound of your name and drama to explain.
Also I guessed it had something to do with the SCG head. I've seen many passive aggressive posts from you both.
Also Tigerlily is a bit of a coat riding bitch as well so it makes perfect sense.

>> No.7310789

>why don't they just rent out all of one side and open it out completely?

Because they're cheapskates.

>> No.7310800

I've not made a single passive aggressive post about anyone. I don't do passive aggressive very often in general, I just do plain aggressive. I am a firm follower in if you won't say something to someone's face, then don't say it at all (clearly not something you follow, however).

So you are wrong, but feel free to post an example (if you even have one) and I'll happily clear it up for you.

>> No.7310890

To be fair everyone is. There isn't many cosplayers these days who aren't riding the coat tails of someone else more well known. Not exactly 'OHMYGAWDLOADZOFDRAMU'.

>> No.7310896

Jessica Nigiri is confirmed I suppose.

>> No.7310916

Are you going to any conventions this year by chance? I only ask because I really want to meet you. And punch you in the face.

>> No.7310920

People who say this never know what passive aggressive actually means.

>> No.7310933

As long as you go in with an open mind and try not to pay much attention to the weebs it should be fine. Don't worry.

>> No.7310955

The last time I went to MCM London expo was in 2009 and I was 14 at the time. I thought it was pretty cool, but that might just be my young mind that was easily amused at the time. Has it gotten significantly worse since then, or has it always been shit?

>> No.7310964

I will be at Expo like I always am. Come at me, bro?

Passive aggressive is indirectly being hostile. I am not /indirectly/ hostile to anyone. I am on rare occasions directly hostile to people, but there are very few people who warrant that.

I do not lack the balls to call someone shit to their face.

>> No.7311399

Kelly pls be my friend

>> No.7311506
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It's a lot bigger, for sure. 2010-ish had around 55,000 attendees while 2013 had 88,000

If you ask me it's getting a little too overcrowded for the location, but that's the biggest place in London you're gonna get.

>> No.7311513

Tabitha Lyons has just been announced as a judge for the LSCC competition...do people not realise that she doesn't actually make anything?

>> No.7311548

just to back that up - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUJy4yUIXrQ

>> No.7311561

I cringed in on myself.

>> No.7312496

And this is why the cosplayers who've been around for years who do make their own costumes and props aren't bothering with competitions any more.

>> No.7312702

It's animeleague, you think they care?

>> No.7313012

I know they don't give a shit, they don't even do any research, they just go by 'likes' amount so they can take advantage of promoting they're shitty con

>> No.7313306

I thought mcm october was fine. Though Saturday was a shit fest cause you couldn't get anywhere. They need to open it up more and rent more space but I don't think they have enough action going on. Need more panels, less poor shops, and more planning.

>> No.7313322

They keep expanding the space. Inside the actual event halls was actually fine. The problem is managing the main thoroughfair.

>> No.7313342

I really liked the idea of opening up everything, but it was poorly done. Trying to get in/out of the building without going through the car park was a claustrophobic nightmare, and the traffic flow inside was an utter mess. With a bit more organisation it could work for May.
Not expecting anything though.

>> No.7313364
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That they are.
but it's been getting so crowed over the last 3 years, that it must have crossed there minds at some point.

>> No.7313389

In their defence the price hasn't changed but it has expanded all three years. October it nearly tripled in floor space, but they only got 10% more people in

They like their money sure, but excel gets nearly all of it

>> No.7313454

>You could just ask me. As it is I wished to disassociate myself from the guy who set it up.

What happened? Did dealing with him leave a nasty taste in your mouth?

>> No.7313517


>> No.7313551

So its jessica Nigri Eve Beauregard who's next liz katz

>> No.7313680

Well Yaya Han is at LSCC, so probably yes, on the subject how likely will it be if they bring HOC season 2 with them?

>> No.7315191

Oh god not HOC season 2 the first season was bad enough

>> No.7315209

I've kind of been wondering if the whole competition is a Heroes of Cosplay stunt from the beginning.

I hope not, or that if it is filmed for such a purpose that it doesn't affect the judging (wishful thinking). The concept seems like a great alternative for talents that don't enter WCS or ECG (although you can enter pretty much anything for ECG so maybe people just don't know enough about it to enter?).

>> No.7315584

They're screening entries to make sure they'll look good on film beforehand so very wishful

>> No.7315808


At least the "chillout area" now has some of the food / drink stands in it, rather than just being a huge empty space. But they still had a sit-down area and a Takoyaki stall in the main hall, right between the big anime / game stands and the cosplay stage. FOR FUCK'S SAKE.

They need to put all the 'ready to eat' (as in hot food, not the stalls selling hideously overpriced pocky you can get in Chinatown for 20p) food stalls in the 'chillout area' and concentrate on large, wide passageways in the main hall. Plus they need to actually THINK about where people are going to congregate (there's probably some legal requirement to have some water / drink available in the main hall, but they could at least tuck it in the corners or near the small pressers), and not have something that will encourage people to sit down nearby.

Music festivals (Monsters of Rock '88) and Football (Hillsborough) have both "learned their lesson" in the UK. How long will be be before MCM learn theirs?

>> No.7315874

There isn't a chillout area, that was an empty hall, nothing to do with MCM

>> No.7316210

In the least offensive way, if they're screening entries how is Ziggy running and presumably MC-ing the show? It's not like animeleague and showmasters don't have other people at their disposal is it?

>> No.7316246

Will there be a meet this May? For old times' sake?

>> No.7316264

I honestly don't want to know, Eurogamer was a disaster, we've been told we'll get allotted time slots for pre-judging, then get judged on the Saturday, if we're in the successful top 10 we shall preform again Sunday, why they couldn't do it all on the same I don't know...

>> No.7318648

So long as the #420$£SWAG fags aren't going I'd be up for it.

>> No.7318651

chinatown selling pocky cheap? HA FUNNY JOKE.

>> No.7319624

can't we all just get along

>> No.7319641
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I wish that I could bake a cake made out of rainbows and smiles, and we'd all eat it and be happy.

>> No.7320810

They only record the Sunday show, anyone who doesn't fit their appearance standards will get cut regardless of eligibility

>> No.7320834

That sounds awful.

Anon you sound like you've entered have you been told this?

>> No.7320851

Fuck you, I want her. She will be mine and you can't have her. Although if you help me get to her, I'll offer a timeshare.

>> No.7320860

I have indeed entered, I haven't been told about HOC, I asked Ziggy if she new anything about it, she said she hadn't

>> No.7321017

There will be so much drama after the whole event.

>> No.7321503

seems there is drama before its even started...

>> No.7323902



If only

The thing that ruined MCM expo for me was seeing the 'lol I'm so nerdy xD' guys take their 'I'm so nerdy because my boyfriend is xD' girlfriends to MCM where they cosplay something that isn't even anime (Catwoman with corset, Doctor Who, Spiderman zentai etc.) and then frown at the few people in anime cosplay because apparently that's 'too nerdy' and just not cool.

Fucking comic book fans have ruined MCM. It was okay when there were just a few of them but now it's like anime fans are a minority. Comic book fans seem to be strangely unaware of pretty mainstream games too.

>Friend cosplays red scout from TF2
>Some guy asks him "What comic are you from?"

Like, seriously? How can you not know TF2?

All the weaboo girls who were dressing as Death Note, Haruhi and Fruits Basket characters have now moved on to Homestuck, Nightvale and anything else popular on tumblr.

SnK gave some revival to the anime cosplay thing in October, but I got the feeling most people were doing SnK cosplays because they'd seen it on tumblr rather than because they followed Anime/Manga.

I never thought I would wish for Pocky-munching weaboos to return but please please please give them back. Yaoi guy might have been a loud obnoxious American motherfucker but at least he was fun. The fact he has been quashed by the boring 'I don't want to look at that shit' comic book crowd is testament to how stuffy and not-fun MCM expo has become.

>> No.7323935

While I'm on the anime side of things too, MCM was always a movie/comics event, anime is what saved it from dying off but it came very late on

MCM still allows them at least, go to the other two and it's western costumes only

>> No.7323963

>Fucking comic book fans have ruined MCM
You do know MCM is a fucking comic and movie expo, right? Anime fans were always meant to be the minority.

>> No.7324107


Yeah I knew, the clue is in the name (MCM) but it doesn't matter, they're a darn sight better than the comic book fans. Or at least the ones that attend today.

MCM has become a zoo, there are more people going to goggle at cosplayers (Men, women, children, families) than there are actual cosplayers. I feel like it's just shitty morphsuit spidermen trying to impress families wandering around with screaming kids.