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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 225 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mzq7qcaH7x1ssv2l9o3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7319132 No.7319132[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So the Melbourne comm still think they're funny when really this shit is embarassing.

>> No.7319160


>> No.7319183

I don't find it funny either but a lot of people do. Everyone has a different sense of humor, anon.

>> No.7319187

deer fuckers are a disgusting group. i get having fun and it was funny at first but now they just seem like they're taking themselves too far and they think they're the funniest shit, they'e like adam sandler.

>> No.7319194

Or whichever Aus comm it is.

>> No.7319197

It'd never stop being funny if they were Japanese Lolitas and had a meetup/photoshoot with black Lolitas while doing those poses.
Search it in your heart, you know it to be true.

>> No.7319200
File: 31 KB, 356x374, 1232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just cringe anytime I see that fucking yen necklace and the brandwhore knuckle dusters. It's gone beyond the joke. Something doesn't cease to look like shit just because it's "supposed to be funny".

>> No.7319201

She's wearing those rings wrong. If she's not crossing her hands it just reads "whore brand".
I can't deal with this

>> No.7319202

No tumblr, changing race doesn't change shit. It's unfunny edgy-desu garbage that they took too far.

>> No.7319204

>implying that Japanese Lolitas who can dress themselves would do stupid shit like this

>> No.7319205

>"whore brand".
yeah, that'd be for lis lisa not AP

Did anyone notice how shit her coord is? Why is she wearing red with that?

>> No.7319213
File: 289 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mzq7qcaH7x1ssv2l9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Full picture, even tackier.
>lying among my precious burando is totes rori!

>> No.7319218

Man it's an ongoing inside joke, stop getting your bloomers in a bunch.

>> No.7319230

I'm getting really tired of anons calling Tumblr whenever someone posts something they disagree with.
This is /cgl/, everyone here has a Tumblr.

>> No.7319226

If it's an inside joke, why do they keep making such a big deal about it publicly? The whole point of an inside joke is that you keep it to yourselves BECAUSE it's not funny for anyone else.

>> No.7319227

>yeah, that'd be for lis lisa not AP
What are you even talking about?

>> No.7319233

i dont give a shit about the videos, I just want to snuggle my face into all dat precious burando.

>> No.7319234

This would be a cute picture if it weren't for that fucking Yen necklace.

>> No.7319235

>whore brand
>lis lisa
>gyaru brand
>gyarus are know to be slutty

I thought it was funny.

>> No.7319236

Liz Lisa is a brand for whores. Duh.

>> No.7319237

It's not about having or not having one, it's about shit tumblr opinions, if you were actually not an idiot you'd get it.

>> No.7319243

Um, no.
"Tumblr!1!!!!11" is overused as fuck and you know it. Nothing ITT has anything to do with SJW shit or whatever it is you're extrapolating to justify your buzzwords.
pls go

>> No.7319251
File: 44 KB, 500x291, 1389824568261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I don't have a tumblr and still get accused of tumblr
I wish these whores would shut up.

Also OP, that shit is tacky/stupid as fuck and everyone that's not in on the 'le uber epic maymay jokesorz lelkek xD' knows it. I just tend to be indifferent and not talk about it.

>> No.7319257

because she's alanah and spends shit tons of money on brand and probably can't think of anymore good coords

>> No.7319273

Man they always photoshop her to look cute and then when I see her unedited photos...
>those grandma laugh lines
>that nose

>> No.7319274

>implying that changing the white girls into "KAWAII AND INTERESTING MINORITIES" doesn't reek of tumblr.

I agree that it's overused but come the fuck on it's obvious here.

>> No.7319278
File: 256 KB, 820x742, 459034852345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah. Look at these whores. They're so slutty. Wow.

It'd be funnier if you could at least spell the brand correctly.

>> No.7319284

Who crawled up your asshole? Gyaru are known for being slutty and stupid.

Also the magazine ads are way less OTT to make it more desirable for normalfags

>> No.7319287

Nah, Japanese lolis pretty much never do anything funny, so it'd be more shocking and black people would add to the stereotypical-ness of the entire thing.
This would actually be ~*super offensive*~ trigger warning: racism cultural appropriation or whatever to the typical tumblrfag.

>> No.7319292

Why are you so butthurt just because someone called your favorite brand slutwear?

>> No.7319294

Why are you so mad? Liz Lisa has evolved more into Himekaji and Gyaru isn't even the same as it used to be a few years ago. I'm not even Gyaru and I know that.

>> No.7319351

International lolitas always get it wrong.

>> No.7319379

Are Gyarus really sluts? I never wore Gyaru myself but I thought they were just trying to look American and not actually act slutty and dumb. I thought they just were normal but wanted to dress overly glamorously.

>> No.7319389

From what I understand, certain substyles of gyaru, there is an "attitude" associated with the look. I have friends hwo have seen gals spit in public, curse, cat-call, and generally act 'edgy' and unpleasant because it's part of the look.

So for some that may or may not translate to the bedroom.

>> No.7319393

...I think it's kinda funny. But I know I have a really dumb sense of humor.

>Japanese lolis pretty much never do anything funny
Did you not see the discussion in the Bodyline thread about Japanese lolis making joke dresses for one of the print contests a while back that consisted of one called "Kuri to Risu" (clitoris) and another one with a squirrel referencing tubgirl? The kicker was that they both won.

>> No.7319437

Ha different anon - I guess I missed that. That's wicked funny though.

>> No.7319490

The best whores are the ones you least expect.

>> No.7319506

I wish I could read japanese discussions for kawaii japanese rori drama

>> No.7319512

Eh, like >>7319389 said, their are different substyles. Hime Gyaru is all about dressing and acting princess-like. Onee Gyaru is a more mature take on it. In the past few years, Gyaru has evolved a lot. It doesn't focus on fake tans/lenses/nails as much as it used to. But those girls that act edgy (sometimes slutty) on purpose have died down a lot. "Gyaru" started off meaning a girl who was trendy and fashionable and now it's starting to actually mean that.

>> No.7319518

They make a lot of lovely videos too, like the ones for hanueli and the Misako High Tea. Most of the Sydney comm seems pretty sweet.

>> No.7320341
File: 88 KB, 480x720, honeycake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish someone would actually link to this magical 2ch lolita board

what? honey cake often gets paired with red
there's red in the print and on the socks
this shit is dumb but the coord is cute would wear/10

>> No.7320351

wait, what!? I dpn't remember seeing this post about tubgirl in that thread.

>> No.7320424

I love those striped socks, they are probably just offbrand right?

>> No.7320442

That blouse looks horrible with it though

>> No.7320453

I have no idea, most likely they're offbrand tights

well that's like your opinion man etc etc

>> No.7320456
File: 7 KB, 236x213, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God dammit Australia, This is why we can't have nice things.
This is why we have Bodyline BBQ's and not brand tea parties.

>> No.7320491

Misako had a tea party with us before the Yandy man anon. A few of us even had dinner with Misako. Australia can have nice things too.

>> No.7320509

The fuck she laying on?

>> No.7320522

Angelic pretty.

>> No.7320523

idk. their videos are pretty nice. i know haenuli completely fucking adore them. if anything, brands will appreciate their brandwhorishness

>> No.7320524

as long as you have shiverling, you can never have nice things

>> No.7320532

too big to be a bed but no way is that the f'ing floor..

>> No.7320536

Yeah I'd say this is pretty tasteless and gross

>> No.7320537

I like it. I'd fuck her slutty mouth on that bed of princess dresses.

>> No.7320541

What is shiverling?

>> No.7320545

Please note that it's the video content that is being criticized, not how it's been shot and edited. Deerstalker provide great quality photos, editing and videos.

>> No.7320552

Carpet, or timber floor?

>> No.7320554
File: 343 KB, 479x648, 1390383374883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was funny.

>> No.7320569

They clearly have the honey bears from the print on the ankles. I don't even follow Angelic Pretty and I know that they are fucking Angelic Pretty socks, cardboard box-chan.

>> No.7320572

didn't your mommy and daddy give you attention as a child or why you got this unexplained need to bitch?

>> No.7320574

about 99% overblown self-importance

>> No.7320582

Beds do come in other sizes than a single...

>> No.7320590

How could you say such things?
There's things that can't be helped...

>> No.7320591

uh, I'm the first person who asked, so only one of the anons you're replying to and No, they are not the Honey Cake socks, retard. http://lolibrary.org/node/7825

jimmies indieed rustled since no, you can't see anything on the ankle at all, clearly

looking back on this, it's obvious you were trying to make me mad, and yeah I guess you win this round.

>> No.7320607
File: 286 KB, 519x328, socks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you blind? You can clearly see the side of the bear and the dots.

>> No.7320606

Tell me more about shiverling

>> No.7320608

Go to bed little Sally, Adults are discussing things

>> No.7320612

I actually find their style really pretentious and not that interesting.

>> No.7320619

oh god you are an idiot. if you bothered to follow the comment train up I was asking about the twinning photo's girl's socks with the big wide stripes, jfc

>> No.7320625

>> Says they are not the Honey Cake socks
>> Links to pictures of the same socks

Who's the retard?

>> No.7320630

Different anon, but I thought it was about OPs coord as well. This makes more sense.

>> No.7320631

the one who replied to me and didn't bother to check the post I was replying to in the first place when I asked about the socks?

>> No.7320632

you know how __ifwinterends makes these really ridiculous, long winded self-important replies to anything related to Japan that are full of personal opinions stated as facts because she thinks she knows everything? Shiverling is sort of like that, except about really random topics like eating disorders, drug use/effects of using drugs, sexual consent, and now copyright.

And instead of "personal opinions" it's more often "crazy-ass statements you would expect from a frat boy trolling for the first time." And unlike __ifwinterends, who rarely replies to comments, shiverling will reply and reply and reply and run something into the ground with crazy tangents, nonsensical arguments, logic sidestepping, and so on and so on., all with the air that her psycho bullshit is somehow normal.

also one time she accused a shopping service of being racist because her cheap Chinese offbrand dress didn't fit perfectly and they told her she should wear a blouse under it because that's how it's worn in China.

basically she's crazy, blight upon the community, etc

some of her older bullshit is on getoffegl: http://getoffegl.livejournal.com/tag/name%3A%20shiverling but I think a good chunk is missing due to journals/communities deleting.

>> No.7320633

and why would they ask about the op if they were replying to a specific picture
dat damage control

>> No.7320640

You - you're the retard. Why? For your lack of reading comprehension.

>> No.7320654

Is it bad that i would like to see a gothic version of this? It's always AP and BTSSB

Just swimming in Moitie and Atelier Pierott

>> No.7320811

Black on black would look like nothing.

>> No.7320854

Moitie often has blue accent colours and white x black colourways aswell as some more colourful prints. Atelier Pierrot relase quite a few colourways of each item. So it wouldn't be black on black. Also Moitie have many recognisable prints I love the idea.

>> No.7320962

It was a joke, grandma.

>> No.7321416

I'd love to get one of the blue accent dresses, I love the colour combination. I'm just starting to get into Gothic recently and I'm surprised how much variation Moitie has.

>> No.7321931

I just watched the video for this and holy shit, her wardrobe is huge?


>> No.7321945

It's not all hers. I'm pretty a lot of it is borrowed just for the videos.

>> No.7321946

The jelly in me wants to believe most of that stuff was borrowed for the video.

>> No.7321947
File: 5 KB, 225x225, moitie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too anon, I love gothic but only own moitie socks and accesories at the moment as I hadn't had the courage to buy Moitie because of it's measurements. I really love this skirt.

>> No.7321949

I think I remember seeing a post somewhere about it when that shitty 'Buy more brand' music video was done. They just combined their best prints to make it look like the ~ultimate~ wardrobe.

>> No.7321970


Actually her wardrobe is that big
she has a tumblog and instagram where she posts her recent purchases http://instagram.com/milkyfawn

>> No.7321979

of course someone links me to this and I'm like ah thats cute and then I come here and cgl is ripping it to shreds, silly me

I liked when she tore the box and honeycake came out

>> No.7321980

How do people manage to get wardrobes that big, with such popular prints...
inb4 a job.
I work my ass off and I don't even have to pay rent because I still live with my mom, and I till can't afford brand every week.

>> No.7321981

Yes I've been to her house, shit's legit

>> No.7321987

mbok, yj! hours of searching, its all in the vid

>> No.7321992

That's really about it. If you have a job that pays well, take on minimal financial responsibilities (ie: no kids, no pets, living with family or have cheap rent, no other hobbies but lolita), it can happen.

>> No.7322000

The thread started before the video was posted (so only the image was there) and most people were hating on the video, mc melody yen necklace and brand whore rings etc. I actually quite liked the video.

>> No.7322005

I wish I had the patience to learn how to use those.

>> No.7322006

The lighting and colors are so nice but jesus fuck the narrator's voice is AWFUL. I know it's supposed to be a parody but I might need to mute the video to watch it.

>> No.7322007

The pictures make more sense now that I've seen this. Not as tacky as I thought because it's not Mc Melody Doll bullshit.

>> No.7322038


I make a lot of money and support my gf's habit. Find yourself a well off guy.

>> No.7322045

I'm asexual though.

>> No.7322058

Then I guess this isn't a solution for you.

>> No.7322059

It really isn't that hard. And there are guides on EGL.

>> No.7322091

I actually loved that. Haha

>> No.7322096

What is the typical waist size for moitie?

>> No.7322104

Depends. Moitie generally makes a couple of sizes, unless things have changed recently? They also produce a lot of .... very accommodating OPs. But their smallest size has a waist of 24" or smaller, I believe?

>> No.7322116

Looked it up. Size 2 is waist of 65cm.
I can't find measurements for size 3, and apparently they're moving away from multi-sizing.

>> No.7322154

Not to mention she's only 21?? I'm 27 and I can't afford that much brand. Damn it all

>> No.7322170

This is what I was wondering. I am 21 as well and thought that I had a pretty decent wardrobe, especially considering I'm a student, but her wardrobe is easily 3x the size and 2x as rare as mine. I feel like she must get a hell of a lot of money from her parents or something.

>> No.7322181

she works 2 jobs and lives at home

>> No.7322188

>I work my ass off and I don't even have to pay rent because I still live with my mom, and I till can't afford brand every week.
>I wish I had the patience to learn how to use those.


>> No.7322196


>> No.7322234

im 21 and a college student, too. the only thing keeping me from expanding my wardrobe to 5x the current size is my unwillingness to buy used. i have close to 40 main pieces but i know if i bought used,i would have over 200 easily. maybe i should reconsider because i just started school, but i hate the idea of wearing something already worn.

>> No.7322635

You can find things used that have barely been worn. My first piece of brand was an Angelic Pretty OP that had at least 2 previous owners, but it didn't fit either of them right so they never actually wore it. It was basically new when I got it.

>> No.7322661

Are you kidding me? Fuck off.
How do all of you "students" afford this much?

>> No.7322692

Ausfags don't have privatised student loans, just federal loans, leading to hilarious levels of financial incompetence.

>> No.7322697

Im american. The australians have it good, I am rather jealous.

>> No.7322708

Americafag student here -
student loans don't need to be repaid until after graduation + parents covering 1/2 of education w/ allowance + part time job + no other expensive hobbies + having poorfag friends so no other way to blow money = piles of burando.

>> No.7322716

Hope you're not taking out extra loans for burando - trust me, you'll regret it when you graduate. Fortunately I was not into lolita, but took out a bunch of loans due to poorfag parents because I had to and it fucking sucks paying them back.

>> No.7322725

No, I mean that I don't have to worry about paying off student debt immediately and that's the only big debt I have hanging over my head since otherwise I dorm and all my other bills are paid for. I would rather stab myself than have to take out more, even if it was for sweet sweet burando.

>> No.7322757

Yes, I noticed that too!! Hahaha

>> No.7322760

You sound like a prude.

>> No.7322767

Not going to lie, now is the time to do it...I graduated in 2012 and I bought all the lolita I could...now I haven't made a single lolita purchase in over a year because of debt & after-college life but at least I have cute clothes so at least I don't look poor.

It's also a good investment honestly. If you ever get in a financial bind you can always just sell your dresses.

>> No.7322769

I will never be able to contain my jelly of people whose parents pay for their education or give them an allowance post age 16-18.
Luckily good grades, a terrible young adulthood, and being dirt poor have allowed me to survive uni largely unburdened by college debt, but I still have 8k hanging over my head and like two dresses in my closet.

>> No.7322790

The standard skirts are 24-25', the jsks and ops are slightly bigger. There is a size 3 but there was not many releases of those however a lot of the recent ops have shirring so they can fit quite a lot bigger. My waist is 2' bigger than that skirt and the general moitie size, but I have come across size 2/standard items that maximum waist was 27-28'.

>> No.7322927

like idk i thought it was filmed well and it made me laugh

also holy shit all that brand

>> No.7323003

>I graduated in 2012 and I bought all the lolita I could...now I haven't made a single lolita purchase in over a year because of debt & after-college life but at least I have cute clothes so at least I don't look poor.

Same here. But my parents paid for my university in full so loans have never been a need to me at all. But I consider my lolita a partial fall-back fund in case I ever need a couple hundred dollars (I budget better than a lot of people I know besides, but just in case).

But if you do have loans I wouldn't take more. Work is scarce everywhere, you never know if you're going to be able to pay them back like that.

>> No.7323181

In Australia,

- a 3 year bachelors degree costs ~$18,000
- you go on a government provided, low interest loan
- you don't need to pay it back until you start earning over $40,000 a year
- if you are classified as independent (living out of home/have earnt more than $17,000 in the last 1.5 years) you can qualify for government study/youth allowance, usually $400-600 a fortnight depending on your circumstances
- rent is probably $130-250 a week depending on where you live

Most students either do that, + work (usually earning $16/hr+), or live with their parents and don't need to pay rent + work.

That's how you burando as a student

>> No.7323228

Pretty sure it when you earn over $55,000
Also, I think I'm on the highest allowance at around $400 a fortnight plus $80 rent assistance.
Also you forgot that uni students every semester get a $1000 bonus intended for books and stationary.
And if your like me and moved states to study your eligible for a 'relocation scholarship'
$4,000 the first year
$2,000 the second and third
And $1,000 every year after on top of the uni bonus.
But, you can only earn about $200 a fortnight before they take out .50c out of very dollar you earn over that limit.
So if my allowance was $400 a fortnight, and from working I earn $300 during the fortnight, they would only give me $350 allowance for that fortnight.

>> No.7323230

I forgot to say that I think I'm on the highest allowance you can get, without having children.
If you have a child I think only then is it around $600 plus all the child bonus'

>> No.7323240

This is a long as you don't have a partner who earns a decent wage.
The amount of people who can actually claim all this is quite slim. I am a mature age student and I can't claim shit as my partner earns just enough to be over the income bracket but not enough to help support me whilst I do my degree.

>> No.7323258

Also there is the joys of being a Christmas Casual. As uni is not on during this period many students spend their time working (sometimes 30-40 hours a week) for 2,3,4 months, which is a great way to save or buy burando.

This year I'm going to be a broke uni student as my rent is $430 a fortnight and my doctor told me I can't work and study :/ I'll just have to do my best at budgeting and will hopefully be able to afford an IW luckypack. The second half of the year should be a lot better though as my partner will be finished his course and can move with me, live in a sharehouse, pay half of rent etc. Then Christmas Casual time.

>> No.7323261

mfw I'm on this but because shit tier room mates i still can't afford brand because I'm paying their electricity >.>

>> No.7323319

They processed my payment wrong and I didn't get the $1000 student bonus until halfway through second semester >_< Also I moved states, but didn't know about the relocation thing?!

>> No.7323325

The relocation thing only works if you are classified as dependent living away from home.

>> No.7323330

I get a bit over $530 but that's because I'm a full-time student living away from home in a rural area.

>> No.7323336

While we're on the topic of Centrelink:

What happens if you were enrolled in uni but you failed a semester? For me it was because a close family member died and I was homeless for awhile, so I kinda lost the motivation to go and failed by default. Will I have a Centrelink debt if they find out?

>> No.7323345

No you should not. Especially if you let them know at the time. I left uni and moved back home towards the end of first semester last year due to health issues, I told centrelink about the situation and did not have to pay anything back. Also in regards to the schloarships (if you received either) you only have to study for thirty days after the start date thus you would not have to pay that back.

It sounds like you had an extremely hard year. I hope you are okay now and that nothing bad happend to you when you were homeless.

>> No.7323347
File: 1008 KB, 130x153, qwop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> be american
> go to 50k/year private uni
> scholarships, loans cover maybe 2/3
> graduating in 4 months
> mfw

inb4 "you chose to attend" - yes but schools sell their shit in such a nice package you can't help but think you'll get a good deal. never more wrong.

>> No.7323363

I never told them about it, and I'm not sure that I was actually going to uni for the full first month of the semester as it happened around then. But it shouldn't be too hard to prove it now, right? Especially the part about the death.

Thank you very much! I am definitely a lot better now, I hope your health is better now too. I was able to couch surf mostly, so I was pretty lucky.

>> No.7323372

>don't need to be repaid until after graduation
i feel like this is implying you dont need to care about it AT ALL until you graduate. like are you even thinking about it at all while enrolled? saving up anything some you can start repayment asap? or worse, in case of emergency? student loan debt stops for nothing, not even death btw

>> No.7323375

That's okay since your circumstances were quite difficult I'm sure you would qualify for an exception (need there be one). I think you only have to be enrolled not necessarily attending although I'm not fully sure.

That is very good to hear anon and I'm really glad you were able to couch surf. I am quite a bit better thank you although it was diagnosed as a chronic illness however I'm managing alright and am moving back to start uni again.

>> No.7323382

I was a bit worried because a friend of mine had to pay back all the scholarship money she got, but then again it was because she decided that uni wasn't for her.

Aw, I'm sorry anon. I hope your illness is under control and doesn't flare up. Health problems really suck, especially when they get in the way of everyday-life. I'm really glad you're back at uni soon and I wish you the best!

>> No.7323392

Another anon here! With Centrelink, as long as you were in study for at least a month or so you don't need to pay the money back. I had to leave uni earlier than that and had to pay it back. Don't remember the exact amount of days required though

>> No.7323463

What you may find though is that if you have to bump out your course completion date as a result of failing some units, centrelink will not pay you beyond your original course completion date.
>source: my bf failed a couple of random units and got shunted onto job seeker, even while still studying

>> No.7325474

I'm 20 tho'. It's just me and my mom living alone. I help towards living expenses such as electricity, food, water, etc. The mortgage for the house is paid off so there's nothing to pay there. If you ask me, I think I'm rather fortunate.

As for not wanting to learn how to use japanese auctions, I'm impatient. I'd much rather go on the comm sales and snab something nice and easy.

>> No.7325508

If the worst of the tumblr SJW bullshit had a fucked up flipper baby with your average youtube comment

and that fucked up flipper baby took the form of a human being

that would be shiverling

>> No.7325510


>> No.7325511

Kind of off topic I guess, but when you buy things off of Japanese auctions, how much are you saving exactly in comparison to buying on the comm sales? I get that people on the comm sale overprice in comparison to Japanese auctions, but when you include SS fees and shipping, how much are you really saving?

>> No.7325522
File: 1.03 MB, 500x352, 1382412847303.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7325526

I've purchased the cheapest items buying from Japanese sites. I bought a IW LP skirt a few years ago of the comm sales for $75 all together and I got the same one in a different colorway for $55. In terms of just a few cheapo items even it adds up pretty quick. I think the most I saved was buying a full memorial cake set in black for $250 total when the only other option would be buying the OP for $200 and then waiting around for the other pieces that would certainly have added up to more.

Another thing to remember is that Japanese and Western comms have different coveted pieces, there is quite a bit of overlap, but especially with new pieces the are valued differently.

>> No.7325541
File: 46 KB, 403x604, courtney-is-cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw, that's my friend! I love her.

>> No.7325572

Friends don't post friends so 4chan

>> No.7325600

I was worried about posting that pic in response... I usually just lurk but couldn't help it when I saw her posted.

>> No.7325607

I hope her house burns with all of her brand and rilakkuma items in it.

>> No.7325617

most of her rilakkuma stuff looks chinese bootleg anyways.

>> No.7325620
File: 518 KB, 450x257, 1365991420636.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these people with parents who paid for their colleges, gave them allowances, helped them pay for school, etc.
that must be nice...

>mom forced me to take classes that i couldnt afford
>she also got married to a guy that made 100k+ so there went my financial aid
>got hit with 4000 dollar bill i couldnt pay for obviously
>had to drop out
>mom kicks me out of house since I'm not going to school
>defaulting on student loans because money i am making is going towards living
>mom asks me why I dropped out are you f'ing kidding me mom

>> No.7325625


Huur huur huur.

you're whining about 0 things.

>> No.7325627

What a fucking cunt. She married a rich bastard and wouldn't help you at least pay for school? Damn

>> No.7325641

that was kind of a lot of money to 18 year old, jobless me in the past

I don't want to call my own mother that, but really how daft could she have been, really....

also this story took place 3 years ago, so I've talked with my mom about this/getting shit repaid/going back now finally, so good end!

>> No.7325656

These videos represent everything I hate with the Aus Comm.

>> No.7325672

I suppose, but the fact that she even has it pisses me off. I don't even have my own room at the moment. This is what I get for not doing my homework in freshman year so I could get a scholarship and fly straight off to college to get a well paying job to afford lolita with instead of having to make up credits and living with my parents.

>> No.7325677

Also, not underageb&, just haven't graduated highschool yet because I'm a lazy moron that doesn't even know what she wants to do with her life.

>> No.7325683

With federal student loans there's a 6 month grace period until repayment starts. They'll work with you if you need longer, oh and if you die they will get written off. Federal ones are actually pretty good, it's the private ones that fuck people over.

>> No.7325759

Fucking hate being American. I also have student loans and pretty much used most of my money from odd jobs on lolita. Now I have 1/2 of my pay check go to loans and the other half goes to helping out my family. Fucking blows since I love collecting lolita dresses but real life priorities man. I should have never started and should have thrown my money at my loans and have a huge part of it paid off. I have 15000 dollars in debt and hope to finish paying it off by next May. I sometimes even consider selling 99% of my wardrobe and see if it'll pay off my loans.

>cool story bra

>> No.7325814


American here. I'm $50,000 and counting and I just don't give a fuck anymore. My yearly income since getting my Bachelors is usually around $15,000 or less. I spent 4 years as a high-functioning homeless person by living on couches and trading labor for rent.

I'm back in school getting my Masters to hopefully kick myself into a $30,000 a year job. Until then, the loan people can kiss my ass. I don't make enough for them to garnish my wages, and they're surprisingly bad at tracking you when you're homeless, I've found.

>> No.7325819

I currently make 32000 a year and trying to get a better job. Also want to pursue a Master's but I wish I had your balls to just saw "fuck it" to loans and go for it. I want to pay this one off before I get myself into more debt. I want to be like you and not give a fuck but my 15000 dollars is scaring me enough.

And I don't feel jelly of non-American lolitas, like Australians or Europeans (unless you live in a third world country or live in a country with shitty currency), in regards to wardrobes because I know that they have a lot of things better off than us thus more disposable income. Europeans who use the euro and the Brits have it good with a strong currency too. When it comes to lolita, the only good thing Americans have going for us is our pretty lax customs.

>> No.7325845

Yuropoor there. The most I paid for a year in uni was 300 euros (but it was 15 years ago, it's more expensive now). After the first year, I was considere a poorfag and paid something like 30 euros a year and they gave me a little bit of money to help me too.

The downside is that our cheap unis campus look like crap... And that I pay a lot of taxes to support the social system, but I won't complain because I was able to get myself a good job at the end, instead of wallowing into poorfaggotery forever...

>> No.7325856

Yuro too, 400€/year at the uni, but it also include healthcare system in it. My uni is super top-tier and buildings are new. I don't care about paying taxes because it seems normal to me, even if they are high. I'm actually happy with this "socialist" system, or I'll never be able to afford such a good college.

>> No.7326043

Dear god I am jealous, that's so amazing. I pay $300 a month for just my health insurance...

>> No.7326058

Were are you from ?

It always cracks me up when some americans spit on our "socialist system and heavy taxes" but end having no health insurance but overpriced university. If I have an heart attack or anything in the street, my country pay for me being taken to the hospital and operated, and that's great. As long as you have okay grades and don't skip too much classes you can get some good scholarship and cheap students room too, so anyone actually get a chance to study and have a better life. There's a lot of thing I don't like here, but man this thing is so great, I'll never say anything bad about taxes. Yes there are high, but when I see hospital's and college's price in the US I can't but thanks my country.

>> No.7326071

??? I pay €1200 per year and that's considered cheap, since we've got people from neighboring countries (what up Germany) flooding our universities because theirs is more expensive. Obviously not as bad as the US but still... Where are you guys from?

>> No.7326075

*€1700, actually

>> No.7326078

1700€ sound pretty expensive !

>> No.7326080

Probably America. That's how much I pay or there abouts and I'm 'murrican. There are cheaper plans, but they have $5000+ deductibles. So if you're like me, you wind up paying more in the long run before you can make the deductible. I don't even get vision or dental with that plan. If I want that, I have to pay separately.

Some businesses provide their employees with benefits, though. But not everyone can get those kinds of jobs.

>> No.7326081


But as I said it's slowly becoming more expensive, but I doubt they will end up charging as much as in the US.

>> No.7326085

Haha, high five french fellow ! We are so lucky with our educational system !

Yes, a few years a go it was easily 100€ less expensive, but with crisis, inflation and such it augmented a bit. Still pretty cheap and pretty good actually.

>> No.7326087

Oh that's bad. We have basic vision and dental plan, but for further complements we have to see with private health care insurer. Tought it's obligatory to have one, even the cheaper, and state pay a lot for it if you are poor. Ah and most job qualify you for a private insurer with good advantage, the better being teachers's one.

>> No.7326094

I had a bike accident, and I ended brought to the hospital by firemen and at the end it only costed me 20 euros.

Sure I pay a lot of taxes for that, but it's reassuring to know they won't let me die like a dog if I was to develop a cancer or other serious and costly health condition.

>> No.7326097

That so much. I have to go to the doctor fairly often because of a back condition, it cost something around 23€ or so but I'm always refounded at least an half by the state and th other hal by my insurer

>> No.7326102

This isn't the melbourne comm though.

>> No.7326106

Yeah. I started out going to a public college that was 18k a semester, said fuck that, moved back in with my folks and transferred to a state school. It's one of the cheapest universities in the state and it was 3-4k a semester.

I'm thinking of becoming a custodian at this private school where I live just because they have a good benefits package and decent employee plans for retirement and etc. They pay a starting salary of 24k a year, too. It's tempting because they include psych, which is one of my biggest expenses.

>> No.7326108

Aw man I cba to learn French or I'd hop on over to leech off of your wonderfully cheap universities... Well, not really. I'm lucky that my parents are willing to lend me everything without interest. And if you're really not able to afford it then the government chips in.
€300 though. Damn.

>> No.7326114

Australia has free public health care, free ambulance trips (in most states), reduced cost of medicine even moreso for people with a health care card (given to students, poor people, elderly etc), and even going to the doctors is free (bulk billed). Xrays, blood tests and ultrasounds are free. The government even helps pay when you go to a private hospital or see a private specialist. Also free dentistry for young people and there are facilities that are free for health care card holders. Not forgetting that for either chronic conditions or mental illnesses you can have many sessions to see a psychologist, physio, dietitian etc. for free or a reduced cosh. Oh and our private health care isn't that expensive either mine is $88 a month.

>> No.7326318

nayrt but what are the rules/laws for non-citizens getting on that type of healthcare?

>> No.7326334

We have a reciprocal healthcare agreement with New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, Sweden, the Netherlands, Finland, Italy, Belgium, Malta, Slovenia and Norway thus if you are from any of these countries Medicare will cover (or help cover) the cost of any essential medical treatment whilst you are in Aus (pretty much you qualify just like an Australian does). If not you pay normal non subsidised fee or you use health insurance. Our full fees for doctors/medical treatment and medicine aren't very dear on the global scale either.

>> No.7326351


I got a load of inheritance money from my mum's parents when they both died (was a bit of a shock as they lived in the tiniest house ever) when I was 21, plus had extra money from other money I had and student loans. Even if I didn't have the savings, I have a full time job atm (only just above minimum wage) so I have regular income blabla.

>> No.7326364

Lucky girl. I (my brother and five cousins) am supposed to get a fair amount of inheritance from my grandparents wills when I turn 21 but the money has been dipped into a lot by lawyers and court cases. Three of my cousins are 21 or older and they haven't received anything, alot a fourth is turning 21 this year. The will also stated that if we were to need for education,illness or travel we could access it but no one ever has been able to. I'm not planning to spend it on burando but it would of definitely come in handy last year for medical bills and now for moving to uni etc. Ohwell I don't really care about the money as it isn't really mine nor has it ever been in my possession. With the original amount I was planning on spending half to pay off of my student loan.

>> No.7326380

I have a large amount of student debt but I don't really want to pay that off, as I can use the money for a car, maybeeee a flat deposit (I know nothing about house prices though..). Also I'm getting another bunch of money when I turn 25 (same with my sister, it's from a 'child trust fund'? that my dad's dad started when I and my sis were born). My parents aren't that rich at all (but at the time I did 6th form, my dad lost his job so I got EMA money), I think I've been lucky (or unlucky as I would have liked a few more years with my mum's parents and others who have died in my family, but sadly death chooses your date).

It sucks when I read about things like that, it sounds like money was lost maybe because people didn't get their share and tried to get some?

>> No.7326384

Of course I'm from shitty fucking murrica god damn it the USA fucking blows when it comes to health care. I was looking at Australia as a potential place to relocate to permanently...

>> No.7326470

Change your citizenship?

>> No.7326495

Is it that easy? Like here I need 5+ years of consistent residency, financial stability, fluency in the language, and it takes about a year to get.

>> No.7326500


Sooo has no one noticed that they actually ask for money to make these videos?

>> No.7326511

It's not particulary shocking, they make visually good videos, they spend time shooting and editing it. I would not donate but I'd understand why would someone do it.

>> No.7326530

You can get free NHS care if you go to the UK as a US citizen, iirc.

>> No.7326626

You know on Pateron? If you become a patron, does the money get taken from your bank account every time they upload a video?

>> No.7326885

I presume you're British. If you get a lump sum, you definitely shouldn't pay off your student loan. Just wait for it to be paid off or wiped over time. Use the money for something that will generate more money, like buying a house or starting a business or something like that. Student loans are nothing to worry about, they're pretty much just tacked on to your National Insurance Contributions.

>> No.7326913

Yep you're right. Someone else gave me similar advice, if I ever had the chance to pay off my student debt, they told me not to do it and gain interest on the money instead, as interest is usually higher than the debts interest. It takes 25 years to be wiped, so chances are it won't get fully paid off unless I become a highly paid job (not likely). I think some foreign students have managed to get away contributing nothing by moving back to their country and then 'disappearing'.

>> No.7326933

I read recently (although it was the Metro so who knows if it's true) that something like a third of EU students never pay back their student loans.

I'm not expecting to ever pay back my loan. I don't think costume making pays that well. Although, I found out the other day that puppetry directors can earn about £250 a day, so maybe there's hope, haha.

>> No.7326942

The Metro is quite reliable, I'd avoid the Sun and Mirror usually (the Sun published an article about a goblin in a suitcase scaring people? WHAT THE EFF??). I'm in a similar place, I did an art subject (fashion photography) where you -could- make money from assisting but I didn't enjoy it, so now I'm interested in setting up a fashion business but know nothing so am using some savings to study some courses and hope I find -some- purpose to life.

Anyway I'll shut up now cause I'm making the thread veer off topic, and I know nothing about the Australian comms.

>> No.7326953

Haha. My current back-up plan is general dressmaking; wedding, prom etc. Although, we did millinery 101 the other day and now I kind of want to make loliable hats for the rest of my life. So many pastel cloche hats, I can't even.

Sage for derailment.

>> No.7327127

As an American currently undergoing the process of becoming a citizen ... nope. Not even remotely easy.

You have to have someone sponsor you. If you're 18-30 years old, you can come over on a work-holiday visa which allows you to stay for a year. After that, you need to either a) marry someone, b) apply for a de facto partnership visa or c) find a company willing to sponsor your work visa while you go through the process of applying for residency.

This whole process is a topic of debate at the moment. But I won't get into that.

To apply for any of the above, it's a lot of paperwork and a lot of constant checking in with the government. I think my application was a good 30 pages of questions, plus affidavits, documentation of my financial and health status, and more. You're required to undergo rigorous background checks through the Australian Federal Police (not that bad, but time consuming) and the federal police of your own nation (ie: Americans deal with the FBI, which is a massive pain in the ass). They will also require a medical clearance at a specialised facility, which includes blood work, urine tests, a physical examination and a few other tests I can't recall off the top of my head. I'm pretty sure x-rays were involved.

And even after all this, they can still reject you if they feel you'll be a drain on the system. I've had to hire a liaison because I have a chronic autoimmune disorder which, while mild, means that I'm on medication daily that used to cost me $750 when I was living in the states. Here, it's $160 without insurance, $30 with medicare. If they decide that the yearly cost outweighs my yearly net input into the economy, they can boot me.

>> No.7327232

This might be relevant to you


>> No.7327268 [DELETED] 


Not anon, but this article irks me a bit. I know people who do it all the time. I live in a place where many people emigrate to down under all the time. My parents are immigrants. I'm studying for a career which may involve me going to other places for extended periods of time.

I'll give that the article's concerns are very real, but Cracked blows them out of proportion like everything else when they aren't lying.

>> No.7327293

Yup. It does one of my favorite bands used to be on there until they started their own system.

>> No.7327459

go away yasmin we dont want your shitty poop hats

>> No.7327507

I can understand. That is very handy and kind both your parents and grandparents seem to have really planned well and thought about your future. I bet it is very reassuring to know that you do have some extra money coming in incase anything happens. I definitely understand, it's always sad when a loved one passes away and you always wish you had more time.

Yeah you are right, there also is an issue with the two executors they one won't agree to let any of the money out. Also the lawyer who is working with the will and estate has charged huge amounts much more than she stated she would.
It all is a really big mess. I just hope that it gets sorted out soon. I do not mind how much I get as anything would be nice. It's sad though as my grandparents would never want this to happen.

>> No.7327511

Is there a limit to how many videos they can upload in a month? Because surely they could just milk people for money and upload videos all the time if they so wanted.

>> No.7327526

I second this.
I was in Melbourne for a year, on a Work Holiday visa, more or less trying to find sponsorship/a spouse/something. However, it was very difficult to find work. I even had call centers refuse me because they said my American accent was "offensive-sounding and rude-sounding," (which they usually followed with "no offense!" And with Tony Abbot STOPPING THE BOATS!! it's pretty rough to get in right now.

I found a few places to work, and tried everything I could to immigrate, but finally my immigration agent said, "Get married or go home." And, as someone who had went an entire year without a single date... Yeah.

I've been home for two years now and still miss it all the time.

For the record, it's hilarious to scare the shit out of Aussies by describing American Health Care and Student Loans.

>> No.7327549

Amerifat currently living in aus

I can go to a doctor and get medicine for about $90 in queensland (i am not a resident, i am on a WHV)

>> No.7327589

>it's hilarious to scare the shit out of Aussies by describing American Health Care and Student Loans.
Oooohyeah. Any time I tell them how much a monthly batch of my treatment cost while I was uninsured, they look like I'm talking about being subjected to medieval torture. Doctors are especially horrified. They find it almost impossible to believe that the stories of people dying because they'd rather do that than have massive hospital debt are true until I tell them about that.

>> No.7327619

California, America. My health plan (well, what was my health plain, right now I'm teaching in Japan so I don't pay into the old one) was Kaiser and one of their nicer plans.

>> No.7327624

Also, my university was $50,000 a year. Luckily I received enough scholarships to cover a lot of it, and my parents and relatives donated almost $10,000 to help through, but even so I had to put in a lot of my own money and also have $9,000 of loans.

>> No.7327663
File: 71 KB, 480x288, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's somehow managed to not advertise her poop hats on this one.

>> No.7327675

Gaaawd, when will she cotton on that no one is interested but her friends who are only being polite???

>> No.7330849
File: 209 KB, 500x333, wominz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont curr im rich

im going to japan after i graduate my shitty 50k/year school

>> No.7330878

you need a masters just to get 30k/year job?

im in my BS program and already making 30k

>> No.7330905

My Mum earns 50,000 a year and is a cleaner working for herself.I really did not know it was so terrible in the US.

>> No.7331001

in 'the secret life of lolita' or whatever on deerskin's blog... is she making fun of venus's facial masage routine around 1:40? i lol'd

>> No.7331703

A lot of college degrees will actually get you nowhere except a mountain of debt. I don't really understand how people can effortlessly defend the American education and healthcare system. No one should have to choose between surviving an illness or buried under a mountain of unpayable hospital bills. It's unreal. It's a country built by the rich for the rich, for the rich to get richer. If you are born into wealth, it's a great country, but if you are middle or lower class, good luck.

Get out while you can. A lot of debt won't follow you to another country (depending on the amount)

>> No.7332155

I'm not Yasmin, I'm not even Australian. Also I doubt she's had a millinery 101 tbh.

>> No.7332241

because people are retarded enough to think that liberal arts degrees mean anything.

sociology, anthropology, gender studies, wtf degree is that and what job did you think you'd get with it?

>> No.7332281

2ch lolita board? what is it called?

>> No.7332334

Paging Rosaire, she goes on there all the time.

>> No.7332369

2ch doesn't have a lolita board. It just has occasional threads here and there.

>> No.7332428

Even specialised degrees are getting shafted, though. That's just how new grads are treated across the board. My friend got an electrical engineering degree, should be in demand, right? Nope. They told him he'd need at least a masters or experience to get entry level jobs (how you get experience for entry level jobs without experience when they don't count internships is beyond me). So now he's doing data and risk analysis for some geological survey company, which has nothing to do with said degree, and pays barely above office lackey salary.

>> No.7332468
File: 499 KB, 500x200, 1375142530598.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Why Americans need The Next Revolution.
We are rapidly becoming a first world country in name, and a third world country in many citizens' actuality.

>> No.7332538

All this talk about not affording school/having monstrous debt... I'm feeling pretty lucky. Just turned 18 so I'm heading off to uni soon and from a combination of scholarships and my parents paying whatever's left over, I'm not going to have any student loan debt to worry about. (Unless I lose my scholarship, but that's probably not going to happen). Hopefully I can snag a job quickly so I can buy more "precious brando". (I only have 17 main pieces at the moment. Not too bad, but not a lot, either.)

>> No.7333269

>or experience to get entry level jobs (how you get experience for entry level jobs without experience when they don't count internships is beyond me).

This is the main issue I and all of my friends have had, and is happening in literally every major and profession you can imagine.

>> No.7336137


Part two.

>> No.7336152

Are they pronouncing 'ita' right? I didn't think it was pronounced like 'it-uh'.

>> No.7336153

it's not, but they are australian so they say things differently

>> No.7336154


I think it's just the narrator. I've never heard anyone else say it like that.

>> No.7336159

Some Australian lolitas say it like that.

>> No.7336163

yeah, some also say lolita like 'loleetur'

>> No.7336171

But I'm Australian, anon!

>> No.7336180

you're obviously one of the non retarded ones then!

>> No.7336185

It's definitely just the narrator putting on the accent - we don't say it like that here.

>> No.7336189
File: 84 KB, 591x448, 6Ct6W[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if we're talking shit about melbournians how about this
>complete fucking weeaboo
>apparntly kyarys biggest fan in melb
>looks like bailey jay
how the fuck can anyone even stand her considering kyray pamyu is a total hack anyway

>> No.7336190

i don't understand what you're talking about in any context

>> No.7336192

I just looked up 'bailey jay' thinking it was some weird-o rapper and was rewarded with shemale porn

>> No.7336194

Why does it keep going in and out of focus at the start?

>> No.7336197

How do you pronounce it?

>> No.7336200

it's a hard but short 'E' sound and a soft but short 'tuh' sound 'eetuh' but not too long of a vowel hold on the first syllable

>> No.7336213

I am an Australian lolita and say ita but I have met other Australian lolitas who say it like the narrator.

>> No.7336214

>Deerstalker pictures are located in Sydney.
>The videos feature the Sydney Comm in Sydney. (Under the harbour bridge at one stage).
>We aren't even talking about Melbourne comm.