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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7314385 No.7314385[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

lolita in public thread? pic unrelated

>> No.7314403
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>> No.7314420

Who's that monster?

>> No.7314428

Kamichama Karin

Those things on her head are ew.

>> No.7314429

whoops, forgot to add
>best experience?
>worst experience?
>most awkward experience?

>> No.7314496

>best experience?
The little girl who asked her mom if we were princesses <3
>worst experience? hmm, nothing too bad... I got some weird looks in walmart, but I just found it funny.
>most awkward experience? Probably the time when I was wearing a pretty toned down classic outfit in walmart and this chick just stopped in her tracks and got this really disgusted, confused look and her head just followed me as I went by. It was so funny, I just smiled and kept walking.
I'm pretty new, so not many experiences yet...

>> No.7314499

Lol they're noise-cancelling protection for handgun ranges, not part of her outfit.

>> No.7314512

I'm going to be taking public transportation alone to college this year and I was wondering if there's anything I should be worrying about? I'd like to wear J-fashion and occasionally lolita to classes, but I have no idea what to expect from public transport, since this will be my first. I don't have anything to protect me; I'm not really sure where to buy pepper spray or anything like that. Would I be better off just dressing normally and trying to blend in?

>> No.7314513

a happy and very nostalgic little old lady told me that I looked beautiful
when I got mad at a black lady for hogging a massage chair pad i was buying for my mom. i wanted to make sure it wasnt too rough and was getting sort of impatient waiting, so i finally went and stood by the chair to ask her if i could try it. as soon as she noticed me she started fawning over my rocking horse shoes, telling me i looked fabulous and offering me the seat and i felt super awful, oops.
>most awkward
getting laughed at and taken pictures of by a small herd of preteens. being a lone lolita does have its disadvantages, especially during a time like that.

>> No.7314515

Where and what time? NYC public transport is mostly alright, but it's a different story in LA, and even then there are certain parts of the day that are more safe or less.

>> No.7314517

no no, not the stuff on her ear. Like her lacey bunny ears (???).

>> No.7314520

it's dangerous to go alone, take this!

>> No.7314532
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>wearing lolita
>not having a pepper spray for each of your bags
Hell, I even decorate my sprays. I've already use them like 3 times.
I am not going to get harassed or assaulted for dressing different. They can all choke on my pink pepper spray.

>> No.7314561
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>wearing lolita to school
J-fashion is fine, but this is like the equivalent of autists who wear Naruto headbands in public.

>> No.7314563

those are common in lolita and it's clearly an alice in wonderland themed old school co-ord. you new, son?

>> No.7314567

And wear them with noise-cancelling headphones? Alrighty, then.

>> No.7314571


The sparkly effects will make you appear extra kawaii.

>> No.7314575
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except that a naruto headband is cosplay. are you a lolita? do you still not understand that it's an everyday fashion for people after coming on this board? it's not like every lolita will walk around in the poofiest petti they own with a pink cupcake dress and a hime wig. i wear casual classic loli to uni all the time.

i've never gotten harrassed or anything, but people stare quite a lot, and try to take pictures. i live in a small city though and i'm basically the only loli. if you look nice people will generally be nice.

>> No.7314578
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she's at a shooting range..

>> No.7314584

I bought my pepper spray at Big 5 Sporting Goods. I'm assuming you can buy pepper spray at any sporting goods store or even any store that sells camping or hunting supplies. Maybe even WalMart as well.

>> No.7314590

I don't know why, but I hate all striped socks with Lolita dresses.

>> No.7314595

I love you, anon

>> No.7314637

I don't think you realize what board you're on.

Pics of your decorated pepper spray? Potentially looking for inspiration for my own.

>> No.7314658
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>best experience?
In London, a group of tourists from Dubai stopped and asked if they could have pictures with me. They were all dressed in beautiful, clearly expensive designer stuff with perfect make up, so I felt pretty good about how I must have looked for them to ask for a picture.

>worst experience?
I wore a black half bonnet with an otherwise simple gothic coord to a uni lecture. On my way down the stairs to get to the lecture theatre, I passed a guy coming up the stairs who grabbed my shoulder to stop me, looked me up and down, and said "Why would you do this to yourself?" before walking off. I was more confused than upset.

>most awkward experience?
On the metro in Paris on my way to the btssb store, a girl and her friends approached me, pointed at my skirt and started talking excitedly in French. I had no idea what they were saying and my vague memory of conversational french disappeared in the panic. Eventually, a guy in their group realised I had no idea what was going on and told me, in english, that they just wanted to know why I was dressed so nicely and that they liked my outfit. I always feel like a dick not being able to speak the language in another country, especially when people are being friendly, I felt so rude.

>> No.7314673

>Go out in lolita for the first time
>Nobody mentions anything about my outfit
>Except one really gay shop owner says he likes my bag
>Things could have been much worse.

>> No.7314683

>asked me "why would you do this to yourself?"

That kind of ignorance boils my blood. You are wearing a dress, not having 30 piercings on your face. I just... Whatever I guess. Whatever people want to do , I don't get that question. I dye my hair a lot as a hair dresser, because I love experimenting with color. Once I went to a diner with a friend and the waitress asked me why my parents would allow me to dye my hair purple. And if they cared about me. I reported her to the manager and got a free meal. I don't get why people think unless you're in jeans and a polo shirt there must be something wrong with you.

I bet you looked beautiful.

>> No.7314684
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>> No.7314757

Pretty sure he was referring to the bonnet, not the dress.

>> No.7314773

Yeah, I think the bonnet is likely what made me a target in this case. I tend to find I get more attention (negative + positive) when I wear a head accessory than when I don't. Hats and large head bows seem to be more attention grabbing than poofy skirts, or at least they tip the outfit over the edge from "that's weird" to "that's so weird I feel I must comment on it".

Thanks anon.

What the everloving fuck is wrong with that waitress tho? I used to work as a waitress and, holy shit, making any kind of comment to a guest like that was just not a thing.

My grandma makes similar comments about my hair (which isn't even dyed a properly unnatural colour, it's a dark auburn rather than my natural mousy brown) and is constantly asking my mother when I'm going to change it back. I'm 21 and financially independent, why would they have any control over my hair?

>> No.7314795

A friend of mine does that to me all the time.

I'm naturally a brunette and I dye my hair varying shades of red. I've gone almost lavagirl pink, more natural gingery orange, dark auburn, burgundy. Right now I'm at crimson.

But she always makes offhanded comments about how my hair is going to fall out and that the dye is SOOO bad for my hair and all this other shit.

1- It's my hair. Even if it is bad for it, it's none of your concern.

2- I don't dye it frequently enough for it to be a problem.

3- It's BLEACH that degrades and breaks off your hair 9/10 times, and I have never bleached my hair.

4- I take care of my hair, and it's silky soft and smooth, moreso than hers, all the time.

People need to mind their own damn business. Everyone else loves my red hair, including me.

>> No.7314827

>color over brunette hair without bleach
H-how, anon?

>> No.7314840

It's similar to staining a piece of fabric. Say like when you drop some red wine on a white table cloth, the colour stains but it washes out. You aren't doing anything to the physical/ chemical structure of the hair, which is why it won't cause damage like bleaching or permanent dyes might.

It does depend on what type of hair you have, and how naturally dark/ pigmented it is, the type of result you'll get. I have brown hair with very orange undertones that soaks up hair dye like a sponge, so I can get very vibrant colour results without bleaching using warm colours like reds and pinks. If I try to use anything cool toned, even some kinds of purples, it looks like a nasty green clusterfuck.

>> No.7314844


>> No.7314850

Using semi permanent dyes, which are kinda like stains. Common brands are manic panic, stargazer, crazy colour, directions and special effects. You put them all over your hair and let it sit there for as long as you want (usually about 40 minutes, although I know some people leave it in overnight to make the colour more intense), then wash out. The colour usually lasts anywhere between 2-6 weeks before seriously fading.

>> No.7314851

Hair dresser anon here.
People who make "your hair is going to fall out" comment are usually the same people who think all contact lenses are bad for you, then proceed to never clean them right or go to sleep in them. You can dye your hair and still keep it healthy. Good eating habits and drinking water help your hair too. Some people are going to stay ignorant though...

>> No.7314853

You can do it with henna. Most hair will dye unless its jet black. I've put pink in my brown hair to give it a nice tint.

>> No.7314866

Henna does fuck with the physical/ chemical make up of the hair though so it's a bit different. Still, it does produce some fucking gorgeous colour results so if you just take proper care of your hair and want some nice, longer lasting red tones, go with henna.

>> No.7314869

This times a thousand. My circle of friends all dye their hair unusual colours, and all of us have hair that is in great condition. I tend to find that if someone can be bothered to dye and maintain an unnatural colour, they can be bothered to properly care for the condition of the hair.

>> No.7314875

>hair 1-2 shades away from jet black

>> No.7315092

I hate when people do this shit. Judging how you should live your life with their own little preconceived ideas.
And they even do this with such normal things.
>I usually wear makeup, not even over-the-top makeup (foundation, nude eye shadow, darkbrown eyeliner, tame mascara, gloss) and some people tell me (especially guys, bless them): "Why do you wear makeup? You don't need it. You don't need that much. Makeup isn't useful. etc." I know sometimes they mean it as a compliment, but really: I don't need to dress nice either, I just do it because I like it. And makeup didn't suddenly appear on my face, I obviously put it there for a reason and it might offend me a little if you tell me I shouldn't do so.
>People telling you when to shampoo. Yes, everybody knows shampooing everyday isn't great. Can't we, as a society, just all get over it.
>I like to wear desses and skirts with some thighs as casual wear which is quite normal in my opinion. And I don't even mean lolita. The fact that I don't wear jeans or sweatpants all day everyday seems to weird people out sometimes. They seem to think there needs to be an occasion to do so. But, as I usually explain, I feel that dresses and skirt can be miles more comfortable and are quick to put on.

Sage for rant about normal wear on a lolita thread. It's just that the fact that people can't get over such tame things when there is much more niche fashion in this world annoys me and makes me wonder how long is it gonna take for people to see outside of their norms.

Haven't gotten any bad/awkward comments about my red hair thought. I think it's because henna can look natural even for an unnatural hair color.

>> No.7316968

>most awkward experience?
I was out walking with some friends, a guy passes us and comments that I look pretty, like a doll. I just smile and thank him.
We cross the road and end up running into the same guy a few blocks down on the other side. He stops us this time ("Oh hey, it's you again!"), then starts going on about how I look like I could be Raggedy Ann or Pippi Longstocking (I wasn't even wearing a red wig). After I explained to him that it wasn't a costume, he said he was sorry if he had offended me and that I looked gorgeous. He then proceeded to touch my headbow and boop my nose, as if to demonstrate his point. Before he left, he told my friends to keep an eye on me and not to let me float away on a silver cloud.

I haven't really had any *bad* experiences... That was the only one that really stood out to me.

>> No.7316975
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favorite lolita in public picture

I have a small folder
Will dump now

>> No.7316977

that sounds sort of cute but also weird/creepy at the same time.

>> No.7316980

get it professionally done

>> No.7316984
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>> No.7317003

I will never get over the faces in this picture.

>> No.7317001


>> No.7317002
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>> No.7317004

they all look so fucking smug at her, disgusting pigs. she looks adorable from the back.
>tfw praying this isn't fahr

>> No.7317007
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>> No.7317010
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>> No.7317016
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I think this photoset is staged, though I'm not sure

>> No.7317020
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>> No.7317026
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>> No.7317029
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>> No.7317030
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>> No.7317036

>bitchface to the right

>> No.7317034

guys, my non-j-fashion boyfriend went to japan twice (one time 2 years ago another last year) and my non-j-fashion sister just came back from japan yesterday. they've both been to harajuku and report that everybody is just "dressed normal" even on a sunday.

if i go to japan where the hell do i actually find people who wear weird shit like me?

>> No.7317035
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another favorite

>> No.7317038

>They all look smug/staring at her
>They're working at a McDonalds.
I don't think they have any room to be giving anybody smug looks.

>> No.7317039
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>> No.7317045
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>those death glaress

>> No.7317048

dammit, wrong post

>> No.7317053

Yup. People will judge what they don't understand. Especially if they were raised by shit patents who never taught them that every culture is different and every human being is an individual.

>> No.7317062

Old fat and unattractive guys working at McDonald's judging a cute girl who wears alternative fashion.
>story of my life

>> No.7317064

varying degrees of want

>> No.7317065

She's so cute!
>dat mad jelly old hag in the background

>> No.7317070

>Notice kid sitting across from lady
>Realize lady must be wishin she was still young, and able to rock cute frills, instead of dealing with her kids and having the youth sucked out of her.

>> No.7317073

It's so much easier to walk around in Japan than the US (especially when done well), the people are either really happy to see it or are polite enough not to stare at you like you're a freak.

>> No.7317081

>cute girl
That's Marina/Fahr Sindram, the ~tumblr-famous~ Loki cosplayer everyone hates, manface extraordinaire

>> No.7317089
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>> No.7317161

Is it really?

>> No.7317170

Harajuku is totaly dead apart from sales days or events, you may find people at Koenji and Shibuya, or in lolita specific places. Anyway, the bige lolita scene died exactly ten years ago, what did you expect ?

>> No.7317173

what are lolita specific places? other than lolita shops

>> No.7317182

If you can read a little bit of Japanese look at shops, department stores (these are obviously your best chance to see other lolitas) and café/museum and event recommendations. They have it each month.

>> No.7317185

Sorry, should have added that it was in GLBs but you may find some in Kera

>> No.7317308

Went out in casual lolita today and had a guy attempt to take a sneaky pic on his phone. He was sitting in the row of seats to the right and has his arms crossed. I saw his phone peaking out from his elbow, and then a SUPER LOUD camera click sound.

He then quickly hid his phone and looked at the ceiling.

Smooth move, dude.

>> No.7317326

this happened to me, but it was this girl not a guy who did that. it was EXACTLY the same with the loud camera click - and a flash even lol then i moved closed to stand closer to her and i she very awkwardly pretended to take a photo of the inside of her bag. It was just a pitch black photo. She got off at the next stop which nobody gets off at.

>> No.7317379
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Taco Bell, hell yeah.

>> No.7317385

My idea of a suburb dedicated to masses of people wanting to dress freakishly and actually being a following is destroyed now that it were only exaggerated

Reminds me of the theory of the Illuminati

>> No.7317390

When I was there, there were definitely a lot of gyarus and lolitas in both Shibuya and a few in Harajuku (I think the lolitas had migrated to Comiket that weekend-- I saw quite a few there). Perhaps it's because everyone was on summer break when I was there, though.

>> No.7317389

nice ita coord

>> No.7317391

when is the best time in the whole year to go to japan and catch lolitas in the wilderness of the city? i don't want to go there and be disappointed.

>> No.7317393

bob haired girl should swap seats with obese girl. food greed makes me angry.

>> No.7317404


You reminded me I want to try doing a photoshoot of a fast food order taker or whatever in a lolita-fied version of her uniform.
Like the story being shes a lolita and the greasy lameness of what she does to earn it

I got some chill managers at my McDs but my main concern is how to coord it effectively to match the uniform + be comedic

>> No.7317413
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I doodled the idea a while back

>> No.7317442

Hell yeah, that's cool! I think you could make it comedic if the Lolita(s) were wearing extreme expressions, maybe. I- I'm not sure about uniforms though because they all tend to look drab...

>> No.7317933

Similar experience here.
Down the back of a bus in those awkward backwards seats, the woman facing me (and she was so close our knees were practically touching) tried to sneak a photo.

I looked up when I heard the shutter, and bless her, she went scarlet and held the phone up to her ear and said


>> No.7317941
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Well, I was thinking the work shirt we have would translate as the blouse, black skirt for the pants, then decoden a thrifted black cap, black stockings, black shoes coz thats the colour of socks and shoes we wear.
Sorry just gotta put this all down to some text!

>> No.7317948
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The worst I've experienced is probably that one time I went to a themepark with my sisters. Someone spat on my back while I was helping my little sister.

I went out in lolita again today, I've gotten a few funny/nice reactions.

>walk towards the shopping street
>a group of three old ladies walk by
>busy talking to each other
>I pass them
>''ohhh she looks like a barbie doll!''

>arrive in shopping street
>pass two guys going to subway
>they're looking at me and talking
>don't hear them quite well
>they say something about a princess

>walk around the city
>making my way towards the disney store
>two other guys walk in front of me
>they look behind
>notice me and giggle
>keep looking backwards
>their giggles are turned into serious faces
>they quickly walk into a bakery
>mfw they probably thought I was following them

>still on my way towards the disney store
>pass a young lady
>she mumbles something
>try to understand
>make out ''cute!'' and see her smiling

It's not easy having hearing troubles and I wish I could've said thanks to all those people. But I'm glad today was full of fun encounters!

>> No.7318549

Is that the top? I've never seen that uniform before! Weird. Anywho, that could work.

>> No.7318572

its titsmcgee! don't make fun of her, she's not fat she's busty. and if you make fun of her you're horrible because she's terminal, despite the fact she's a horrible person

>> No.7318579

vendetta-chan detected

>> No.7318691

if multiple people dislike someone to the same degree and post about it as frequently, does that make a group of vendetta chans? or one hated person?

>> No.7318789
File: 36 KB, 503x341, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me tell you of my brief encounter with the nyc lolitas
>go to kino bookstore with grandparents
>grandmother sees a group of lolitas, starts jumping up and down and pointing
"look! look! those girls are wearing that stuff you like!"
>secondhand embarrassment, but excited to see lolitas nonetheless
>try to talk to them, maybe exchange blogs or something, apologize for my grandma
>they go out of their way to avoid me, whispering to eachother
>I look at them and they walk away

that was a bad feeling. I get my grandmother is annoying, and that I was in normal clothes, but that was still..

>> No.7318826

That was rather rude of them.

>> No.7318835

Im not a lolita, but this is the 10th time I've read something negative about NY lolitas on ceeg.

>> No.7318857

Lone lolita in NY here, I thought that maybe the comm couldn't be THAT bad since I never saw them talked about here, but over the past week I've seen them get mentioned near constantly. It seems like the comm is so overrun with drama queens with attitude problems that nobody actually wanted to even talk about the shit... now that one person opened their mouth, then two and three people, everything is coming out about them. Just my take on it though.

>> No.7318864

To be fair that kind of shouting and attention seems a really awkward position to be in as the one being pointed out. Nobody wants to be treated like some rare zoo animal.

>> No.7318870

I think it's just because of the seagull meet thread and general new-comm-forming talk. NY gets brought up in most comm discussion anyway.

>> No.7318871

i agree
jfc at least bitching on cgl makes some sense, that bookstore story and pretty much everything else makes them sound like a group of complete bitches

How hard it is for someone brave to just make a "Bitch-Free NYC Lolita Community" facebook page ._.;

>> No.7318888
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I guess it's closer to dirty blonde than true brunette, my hair is pretty light brown naturally. I can get really vivid deep red colors, which look great with my skin.

Also, I just use regular permanent box dye from the grocery store. Usually the $3 ones, unless I want hardcore red, then I'll spring for the $11 boxes. My favorite is Garnier Fructis Nutrisse Ultra Color R3 Light Intense Auburn.

Pic related, you can see my hair color progression.

If I use a less vivid red, it always fades to that same orangey brown color after 1-2 months, but the long haired one was a month old, originally the same color as current.

Yeah, she's fucking stupid. She washes her hair every single day of the week, and uses her flat iron to dry it every day as well.

I wash every 2-3 days depending on necessity, and only dye every 3-4 months typically. The roots get kind of bad, but its better than damaging my hair I guess.

>> No.7318885

that is fahr

>> No.7318905

Box dyes have bleach in them. Admittedly it's not as strong as blonde dyes but it is there. Any dye that comes with parts you have to mix contains bleach and does damage your hair just as much as using the equivalent volume of straight bleach does.

With your base colour anon you could get away with using a red veggie dye, no damage what so ever, they're cheap, (Especially with hair your length) have more colour options available and you'd be able to keep it looking fresh with no damage consequences.

>> No.7318909

Nah, I look for ones that specifically don't have any bleach. If it doesn't say bleach free, I won't buy it.

Also, I've actually never had problems with damage at all. I don't even get split ends anymore, and my hair is usually nicer post-dye than it was before.

>> No.7318941

Well, the one you said is your favourite has bleach in it. If they come in two parts that need mixing, they undergo a chemical reaction that lightens your hair by damaging it. All drug store permanent box dyes have bleach in them. Again, if it comes in parts you need to mix together, it has bleach in it.

>Also, I've actually never had problems with damage at all. I don't even get split ends anymore, and my hair is usually nicer post-dye than it was before.
That's because the box dyes and the conditioner that comes with them are chock full of silicone, which coats your hair leaving it shiny and smooth. Downside being that if you use any heat on your hair the silicone melts and then you're left with hair made of plastic.

>> No.7318948

I've never seen anyone else posting about her personality like they know her. Just generic insults about her appearance, but that's expected of seagulls. So, yes, I'm thinking vendetta-chan.

>> No.7319079

wtf is wrong with you

>> No.7319125

Hah, looks like she's about to sneeze or yawn.

>> No.7319611

Nia. stop.

>> No.7319669

Anon might be Aussie because that's the generic Maccas uniform for Australian stores these days.

>> No.7319679

lol. it's all fahr, they're all staged.

>> No.7319771

> put together a cute outfit for a meet
> chicken out about going but change my mind last minute so I rush to get ready
> head to bus stop and this lady is looking me up and down
> she's wearing sweatpants, one of those tuxedo shirts and has her bun done up in a chux wipe
> I start to feel really uncomfortable as she continues to stare and I prepare myself for a tidal wave of abuse
> she takes me by surprise and instead starts telling me that I look really adorable
> we end up talking about fashion and my clothes until the bus comes
> everythingwentbetterthanexpected.jpg
> I ended up feeling really shitty for misjudging her

> bus finally gets to train station
> see train pulling up to platform
> don't want to be late to meet
> run like mad
> random guy screams 'run, Forrest, run'
> get onto train all hot and sweaty
> old guy says out loud 'my, oh my, don't we look cute today'
> realise train doors still haven't closed, turns out it had a 5min wait at the station
> I ran for no reason

And to top off my day:

> bus home stops at a local high school
> same high school has been banned from numerous services for bad behavior (including a fight in which someone got stabbed)
> highschoolers pile onto the bus but avoid me like the plague
> bus ride turns out to be surprisingly pleasant
> I finally get home and look in the mirror
> I realise that I look like shit
> my outfit was cute but I'm incredibly ugly so I couldn't pull it off
> feel a sense of relief that no-one openly mocked me
> also feel thankful that people complimented me even though I looked horrendous

I haven't worn the outfit since but I had a good chuckle when I saw that it got a reasonable amount of notes on tumblr (I had posted it the night before.)

>> No.7319785

>> my outfit was cute but I'm incredibly ugly so I couldn't pull it off

Seriously? you realized this when you got home, do you now own a mirror?

>> No.7319794

I think I've been there before...

>> No.7319862

Move on with your life. its really pathetic.

>> No.7319958


This story happened at a bit of a turning point for me since prior to that I'd been a bit blind to how shit I looked. After this event though I decided to pull my head in and work on improving. I guess the problem was a combo of me being ugly to begin with and my outfits, hair, and make up not really helping to hide my flaws or play up my strengths.

I've always know that I was pretty ugly but I've been learning ways to hide it. Stuff like make-up has helped me a lot but I still have a bit of learning to do, hence why I've found make-up threads on here to be really useful. I think my makeup skills and the general condition of my skin has improved since then (this story took place about 6 months ago) which has really helped me achieve a more polished lolita look.

My makeup and hair on the day were alright to begin with but it didn't really stay that way. I've since started to use a better conditioning treatment on my hair which has made it a lot more manageable and I've been practising various hairstyles in order to perfect them. I also swapped my old foundation for a BB cream since the former was giving me a very cakey look and was only worsening my dry skin issues. Fixing my eyebrows made a big difference along with learning about how to contour.


>> No.7319963


As for knowing what works and doesn't work for me, that's something that has come with time.
My outfit in the story worked in theory but since I never spent time examining it in the mirror I never got to see how bad it looked on me. Truth be told I've become a lot more nit-picky about my outfits and I've become better at trouble shooting them. I now dedicated a lot more time to getting ready and also pre-wear my outfits the night before in order to avoid a repeat situation.

Looking back at that particular outfit I realised that the skirt was just a little too short and that the socks hit me just a little too low on my thighs. In the end it just created a lot of emphasis on that area and highlighted how big my thighs are compared to the rest of my body. The flat teaparties I was wearing also made my legs look stumpier and the top of the skirt didn't hit my real waist which left me without any real definition on my upper body.

tl;dr I was young, inexperienced, and I looked pretty shit. I've since realised that and I've tried to work on my overall look

>> No.7320042

No one hangs out on Sunday at harajuku bridge anymore, haven't for years.

>> No.7320156

different anon but is fahr the girl who saved her hairline to look like tom hiddleston? looool what a fucking psycho

>> No.7323593

Was this a Laura Secord's? One of my dreams is shopping there in full classweet.
>tfw you'll never feel comfortable wearing sweet but dreams of a Laura Secord coord.

>> No.7323597

nvm, I just made out that the sign behind the counter said Godiva.

>> No.7323599

link to photo?

>> No.7323614

I have dark brown hair and red has never been a problem for me, even some of the lighter ones. Some people have more porous hair that takes color better, I guess.