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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 129 KB, 813x416, 1359691712278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7316341 No.7316341 [Reply] [Original]

Feels, rants, confessions about lolita, cosplay, jfash, or anything else /cgl/-related.

Old thread >>7307415

>> No.7316395

>mfw I went from a hungry skeleton nerd to a buff 9/10 guy according to /cgl/

>mfw everyone associates me with the beta thirsty ass niggas from /fit/ now even though I've been going to cons since 2004

I fucking hate normalfags for this reason. HURR HURR LOOK I LIFT 1 PLAT LEMME GAS UP ALL THE GURLS AT A CON DO U EBEN LIF?

>> No.7316403

>buff 9/10 guy according to /cgl/
cant stop laughing
how do you fucks sleep at night
go back to drowning in /r9k/ pussy you faggot

>> No.7316412


>went over the 1k club (if you don't know what this is you're really pathetic)
> been on /fit/ since TYVD and timbo
> /fit/ calls me a 8-9/10 as well


- u (anally ravaged)

>> No.7316416

post before/after pic, anon?

>> No.7316432
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>> No.7316455

I fucking hate when I love a character so much, I do everything I can to make sure the cosplay is perfect, and make everything myself, looks great, and then when all is done, I go to see what other cosplayers have done, and they're all either complete shit, or they choose the laziest, alternate outfit the can for those characters, and it just pisses me off so much. I feel like, if you actually enjoy that character and want to cosplay them, you'd want to do it justice and make it as perfect as possible too?? I want to see other cosplayers do that character well, not just some half-assed bullshit costume.

>> No.7316466

>tfw just put in my first amazon.jp order and am getting my first GLBs in addition to some impossible to find manga and art books

>> No.7316473


Eh I used to think that way but I don't mind if they do it because they love alternate costumes (even if said costumes are easier)

>> No.7316490

That feeling when you have no cute cosplay girlfriend.

It feels bad, man.

>> No.7316503

tfw tea-dyed fabric, tested like 3 times, but still came out too dark.

gotta bleach it out now, so much effort hnnng. ;_;

>> No.7316518
File: 147 KB, 720x720, feels www.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when male crossplayer S
>starting to get into lolita as well
>wish I had a qt M girl into both
>we could do couple cosplays and coords together
>then proceed to have kinky sex in said outfits
>don't worry, I sew well and know how to (hand) wash things so they don't get ruined
>we could even switch sometimes
>then play vidya or watch animu in the afterglow

>that feel when have no idea when I'll ever find a person as twisted as me

Reposting cause hurrr.

>> No.7316580
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>tfw no qt cosplaying/crossplaying boyfriend

>> No.7316592

I have often the feel the most girls don't want a Cosplay-BF and want more some normal or alphaguy as BF.

>> No.7316626

>twisted as you
Are you fucking nine?

>> No.7316630
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>> No.7316645
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>tfw not white

>> No.7316655

>tfw asian but not qt

>> No.7316661


>> No.7316670
File: 63 KB, 494x510, ss (2014-01-20 at 10.11.41).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw ugly white

>> No.7316709

>tfw i look horrible with high collared blouses
>tfw i will never be elegant gothic loli

>> No.7316714



pleasepleaseplease just be drying at different speeds because i'm too poor to buy new fabric ad idk how to fix it ahh

>> No.7316717

I don't mean it in the edgy sense, nor do I think it makes me cool. I'm just not someone that 99% of people want to be friends with because my thought process is so incompatible with most people. I've fucking tried too, but I guess I was born to be a loner.

If there's a better word for my feel let me know, thanks.

>> No.7316722

There are always ops anon, also I believe there are some open neck blouses that can be quite gothic.Could you try bustier or corsets?

>> No.7316735

>tfw worst asian

>> No.7316744

>tfw when friends pressure me into traveling across country for shitty con and proceed to ignore me in favor of gaming tournaments
I could have spent ~$600 on something worthwhile
like chicken tenders

>> No.7316752



>> No.7316756
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Hell yeah bro.
Imagine all of the chicken tenders you can buy.

>> No.7316763

It's sort of the reason why I'm a little insecure about self posting here unless I know for sure I can take whatever people say or if I know I'm just showing off an outfit and I'm asking for help solely on the outfit (or other pieces like accessories).

>> No.7316787

I know how you feel, mang. I guess it's just one of those things where you're shit out of luck and have to tough through. I'm trying my best to, and I wish you luck on you're journey of being more confident and whatever.
And which worst asian are you, if that even is the worst asian one. I once mentioned worst asian and people mixed it up with others.

>> No.7316791

...Filipino, here. I believe that's the one people seem to judge a lot. But either way, I wish you the best all the same as well.

>> No.7316792

I love Filipinos, they're almost always really nice :<

>> No.7316810 [DELETED] 

what is the worst asian?

>> No.7316809
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Then we in this together, matey.
Sucks hard, but you just got to play with he cards you were dealt with, even if it's better to just fold.

>> No.7316850
File: 220 KB, 1920x1080, 1390278624184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>made a thread about wanting an otaku bf about 3 weeks ago
>went to a convention and actually got one
It was easier than I thought.

>> No.7316859
File: 166 KB, 500x574, 1350140705487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Insecurities prevent me from cosplaying. Ex-whalebeast now chubby. Hoping to thin out even more to wear j-fash. I have a honker of a nose, but was told on here before that it looked normal. Saw a girl with the same nose just earlier on another board only to see her be made fun of by a few people calling her Squidward. I'm just afraid of being one of those ugly cosplayers that end up on here to be laughed at by everyone.

>> No.7316863

Oh wait, I remember that thread. That was a pretty shitty thread, if I recall.
You just got to go do it in order to find out, right?
Also, what board did you post on, /soc/?

>> No.7316870

Nah, never posted a picture of myself on /soc/, but the girl I'm talking about did. Seagulls told me my nose was normal. I know I need to get out of my comfort zone someday, but I know I wouldn't be able to handle it if it turned in a negative direction.

>> No.7316878

Oh. Durr, I can't into words and understanding them.
But /soc/ a shit. Who cares about their opinion.
And always in life there are going to be people who will make fun of you for appearances. Life ain't all peaches and sunshine, and sometimes you just got to accept that some people think you're ugly.
If this makes you feel down I'm sorry, but it's my view on it.

>> No.7316882

>worst asian
the hell is this?

>worst asian

That is crazy, never heard such a thing in my lfe

>> No.7316887

>never heard such a thing
Wait, really?

>> No.7316889

even filipinos think they're the worst asian.

>> No.7316892

I never really cared for /soc/ before, but wanted to post my picture one time just to see what people honestly thought of my appearance despite being afraid. Now I know I won't. I completely understand what you're saying though, no hurt feelings.

>> No.7316893

Really. I mean I'm not asian so I guess that's why but my bf is Filipino...

>> No.7316895

Then you must be Filipino. I've never heard this until I hit /cgl/ though.

>> No.7316907

I lost interest in lolita and honestly its kind of a relief. I still like to look at it but I wouldn't wear it anymore. I gave away some of my dresses to a girl I know who was interested in lolita and the smile on her face made me realize I wont miss them at all. The rest I'll keep for casual wear since they are more understated pieces.

>> No.7317023


That feel when....

Have a really masculine jaw, and face,
and all I want to do is cosplay cute little anime girls.

>> No.7317042
File: 492 KB, 500x252, tumblr_lsk9e7oJyL1qaak14.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friends are beginning to cosplay tumblr fads and I'm cringing and going "No, please don't..." But I've managed to bite my tongue thus far.

If they do it well (like how I'm picturing) then fine, but I have to admit that I'm concerned because I doubt they're going to spend the money.

I also am getting fed up with how that site as a whole has changed them. They're acting so different now, and I know it's due to the crap they see on tumblr. All of a sudden they're into ~special snowflake~ things and Sherlock and fawns and social justice and highly skewed feminism and junk. Ugh. Some of them have even developed quirks that I KNOW they didn't have before.

I'm really tired of it. I'm trying to be a supportive friend by being like "Yeah! You should totally cosplay that small itty bitty fanart meme that's going around right now!" because I know it makes them happy and I don't wanna shit on their joy, but behind the scenes I'm rolling my eyes so hard. Honestly, why not just walk around wearing a doge mask? That's about the equivalent I feel.

>> No.7317051

I know how this feels, anon.

I'd say, just keep doing what you enjoy and hope you can still convince your friends to do the same. If they still want to do bandwagon things, just ask them if they'd still like it by the time the convention rolls or around or like, a month's time or two.

>> No.7317057
File: 1.01 MB, 320x240, gerard-way-interview-o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw loli bff is also a seagull
>tfw you notice each other posting all the time
everything is going better than expected

>> No.7317055
File: 221 KB, 692x552, 1359644090997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a friend like this.
He has a cute frame and DROP DEAD GORGEOUS LEGS.
But manly face.
It's so unfortunate.

>> No.7317061

Same here dude. Same here.
I've worn makeup before while cosplaying particularly girly characters and for some reason, doing so makes me look even more manly than when I go without. It's so fucking disheartening, especially when people at cons genuinely get surprised when they figure out that I'm actually a girl. I try to laugh it off, but sometimes it really bums me out. Maybe I just need to learn better techniques.

>> No.7317066

sorry, I misread.

I thought you meant you want to crossplay, which is what my friend in >>7317055 tires so hard to do.

>> No.7317099


Oh wow. I should have clarified.
I AM a dude...

I'm also six foot two, and a hundred fifty pounds. So I'm not exactly muscular...

>> No.7317100

I have this too. I have the perfect body for the cute types, or really for most characters, but a HUGE fucking jaw, and terrible skin. It doesn't help that everyone is quick to call "man!" or "trap!" online if you don't have a perfect heart face.

>> No.7317118

This cat is so ugly it's actually cute...in a way

>> No.7317120
File: 33 KB, 100x100, 11272507.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6'2 and 150
pls tell me youre single and into lolitas

>> No.7317123

hes the really ugly sailor mars crossplayer

>> No.7317149
File: 17 KB, 300x100, fitchan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was at the top of the page when I read this...

>> No.7317160
File: 50 KB, 640x480, uoaeu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Eh, well I work with what I have.
I am impressed that you picked that out though.


I am. And I definitely could be.

>> No.7317223

>>7317120 here and damn boy i wanna cut itas with your cheek bones, you're dreamy

>> No.7317237

damn if I stroked your cheek gently your god-given master genetics cheekbones would slice off my fingers
>captcha: dkjbkvd biogive

>> No.7317246

you look like a hot vampire in a historical fantasy show

>> No.7317249


Snape-sama? MAI HUSBANDO.
>>I'm a single lolita, and all I want is a tall, dark, and handsome boyfriend ;_;

>> No.7317267


heh. Sounds like fun.


Apparently I'm part Russian, and that's where it comes from.
I don't want to slice anything though, that wouldn't be cool.


I was just told to cosplay D from Vampire Hunter. I may have to look into this.


I say. There's another one I could do.

Anyways, enough of the ego stroking. Y'all should come to Calgary Expo in a few months. It's big enough for some sort of seagull meetup. Or something to that effect.

>> No.7317272


Oh yeah, I also forgot.....

>the face when no cute, cosplay girl.

>> No.7317274
File: 1015 KB, 800x600, 1389279995873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you want a bf and every time you talk about acquiring bf on tumblr, all your friends bring up their stupid asian guy fetish
my friends are all creeps with shit taste but they buy me things so i can't complain ;_;

>> No.7317286
File: 11 KB, 184x184, 1390289517387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw red hair

why me, /cgl/?

>> No.7317289

>size US 10 feet
I feel like Peggy Hill shopping for loli shoes.

>> No.7317291


Calgary would be a nice vacation. Bit far away in terms of gas expenditures for me, though. I'm in Michigan, so it's not that terribad of a drive. What's the convention size? I think the only Canadian con I've been to was Anime North, in Toronto

>> No.7317296

Damn, that's as big as my feet and I'm a dude.

>> No.7317297

a size 10 in women's is a size 8 in men's

>> No.7317298
File: 244 KB, 1053x1532, noodle me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats not to like?

>> No.7317300

tfw I want red hair.

Trade you! You could have my brown hair!

>> No.7317301

I'm 5'4" and a US 10 as well. I do a lot of thrift store hunting since I like Classic and have found some cute shoes. At least my feet aren't as big as my grandma's. She had a size 13AA.

>> No.7317302

Women's size 10 is men's 8.5.

>> No.7317309
File: 5 KB, 365x378, 1383283552460.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw those strong nordic features and genetics were wasted on some faggot who wanted to dress up as a female character on his favorite ani-may-may
just kill me

>> No.7317310

The skew towards effeminate features and slim, wispy, triangle shaped body types. I want a fucking man, with strong features. That can grow body and facial hair.

>> No.7317311

I'm classic too and thank god or I'd never find cute shoes to wear. I've been hearing good things about golden ponies lately so I think I'm going to pick up a pair from them. Buying shoes I can't try on always worries me though!

>> No.7317314
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oh, fair enough.

>> No.7317316
File: 157 KB, 800x685, snufkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once in a rare while, I just fizzle out of cosplay. I have absolutely no motivation to work on any costumes, I cant make up my mind on which character to work on next, and I just feel tired when I think about it. Even skimming through my photo albums just makes me cringe. I hate these slumps, especially when I really should be working on costumes right now.

I also have to confess that Im one of those people who wishes the majority of an anime con's attendees were cosplaying from anime, or even a Japanese video game. Im just tired of two-thirds of the con being Homestuck, Adventure Time, and Ponies. I dont mind Western fandoms being there, I just dont want them to be most of the cosplayers.

I feel hypocritical though, because I just added Snufkin to my cosplay list.

I also have a higher tolerance of AoT because I think their uniforms are cool and the belts on the legs are hot (when done right).

>> No.7317317

Don't get me wrong, some guys look really good, but most are pretty meh.
Maybe i would view it differently if i were asian and grew up with other asians, but as a general rule they don't appeal to me.
Not to mention i just find azn chasers really pathetic.

>> No.7317322
File: 51 KB, 459x600, japanese_guys_640_20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only recently have i been attracted to asian guys, especially their accents. not sure why, i usually like my guys tall (taller than my anyway, that's a problem a lot of the time because i'm 5'10), but... damn, haha

>> No.7317323

>wahhh i live in the west and 2/3rds of the cosplayers are cosplaying a western fandom
Cry more you fucking baby. Learn scribble characters and move to japan if it twists your knickers this fucking hard.

>> No.7317331
File: 10 KB, 184x184, 1390291243853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...b-but i am a guy with red hair. Everyone knows it only looks good on girls :C

>> No.7317340

I'm feeling a bit of regret getting into lolita even though I've been wanting to get into it for an incredibly long time. I was raised to be frugal, so spending large amounts of money always makes me feel that certain guilt. It doesn't help that some of my friends judge me for getting into something so expensive, since they were raised similarly. I'm living with the parents, but I don't ask them for money ever since they handle the bills and food and stuff for me already.

Also, I don't have many chances to wear it out since I'm shy and easily paranoid and don't like to attract too much attention. It'd help if I had a close friend that was into lolita too, but none of my current close friends would get into it, and I'm just really terrible at making friends and keeping them. I'm a bit of a shut-in because of overprotective parents, so I don't really go out a lot so it just makes it a lot harder to become closer to people.

I just...IDK guys I just want a friend thats on my level of socializing and is into lolita/jfashion/cosplay. Everyone I know either never goes out or goes out too much and why can't there be someone like me who likes the happy medium.

>> No.7317342

i didn't order from taobao for nearly a year, and recently i found a way to buy from taobao without pesky shopping services. i'm extremely excited at the same time i'm very worried about the future state of my wallet

>> No.7317345
File: 1.15 MB, 356x202, ryuunosuke.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I haven't started on that Hiei cosplay because I'm too nervous about the wig

I've got all the spiking tutorials in the world, I know how to cut wigs, I've done spikes before, but not quite like this. I'm just so uneasy. My girlfriend is so stoked about doing YYH cosplay with me and I don't wanna let her down.

>> No.7317346

well, for one, get a job so that you can find your hobbies without feeling guilty silly bum

>> No.7317348
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>mfw 5'6" and 19
I always get the feeling that people are talking about me behind my back.
I like tall chicks so that's a plus I guess

>> No.7317350

I do have a job, hence why I can even afford lolita without asking for money.
I just feel incredibly guilty dishing out anything more than $150 for a single item. I know that sounds pathetic as fuck and your probably asking why I even got into it in the first place, but I was just raised with that mentality all my life.

>> No.7317359

Easy, Tiger. If anything, the sea of grey Homestuck trolls is only a mild irritant; it doesnt stop me from enjoying the con in total. It just makes sense than an anime convention would draw more anime cosplayers. Your knickers seem to be the twisted ones.

Well I responded anyway

You've got this bro

>> No.7317367

Th-thank you. ~

I'll try my best. I ought to look into base wigs tomorrow while I've got the day off of work, maybe that'll help me ease into it.

>> No.7317394

There are actually a ton of girls who have a thing for male gingers, just sayin'.

>> No.7317419

I have size 11 feet and have a hard time finding shoes for lolita and everyday life. Although dr.Martens have been a blessing for normal fag/work shoes.

>> No.7317438

>Get out of crazy retarded relationship
>Find myself on several dating sites/flirting with a few different girls
>Realize they're all the same kind of fucked up crazy
>The kind that is only now obvious since I've been with it, know better than to go into a relationship
>It keeps happening
>Every girl I'm attracted to ends up being crazily retarded

What is with this?
Can anime/game nerd girls NOT come out completely fucked?

>> No.7317450

That's how it works, the only sane anime/game girls I know are ones that have been in a relationship for a few years or have no interest in love.

>> No.7317651
File: 97 KB, 413x393, 1387462905370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw nord/chilean mix but only look like a disgusting brit

life is sad

>> No.7317664
File: 33 KB, 640x480, AKUUUUU (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw all your friends aren't fun to hang out with anymore.

I understand the need for politics and the social justice cause, but... they just can't have fun anymore. About anything.

>> No.7317668

Jesus christ that face is like carved out of an Anne Rice book.

>> No.7317672

>brushing them all of as 'crazy''

Says a lot about you anon.

>> No.7317681

>date a variety of womyn
>notice obvious patterns of thought and action in all of them
>learned from the experience to steer clear of some of them
>"says a lot about you anon"

>> No.7317683

I had great friends that fell into the tumblr trap.
We aren't friends anymore since they started policing me about everything.

>> No.7317698
File: 211 KB, 1920x1080, 691711-twd206_001949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stupid cosplaying bitch befriended my poor sister and introduced her to tumblr
>now she watches anime and browses tumblr all day in my parents basement

>> No.7317703
File: 8 KB, 250x250, 1383459017284s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7317761

I just want to feel attractive for once, I want to be loved, I want a cute girlfriend to do cute cosplay things with and geek out with.

>> No.7317769
File: 16 KB, 499x306, 1331137639159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friends all became SJW Godzilla-feminist dykes, we need a support group for this shit
There was 8 of us, now there's only 2 of us left, the tumblrfags go to our local shitty community college and only hang out with the rest of their little cult, watch Buffy and Who and cry about gay people.

>> No.7317772

My boyfriend and I spent a lot of months watching Buffy but neither of us are sjws, most tumblr 'fandoms' are so frustrating and can ruin peoples love of shows. I'm glad there are a few of you left.

>> No.7317784

Damn right, I used to love Sherlock even before the show but they squeezed that love right out like a soggy lemon.

>inb4 ur not reel fan

>> No.7317800 [DELETED] 

Do you happen to have mapuche blood or you're one of the ~700k British Chileans?

>> No.7317805

>tfw you're a 4/10 woman at best
>tfw you get hit on by random guys every where that seem to hate gays and bisexuals
>tfw your best friend is bi
>tfw you're a lesbian

Why can't a sweet woman take an interest in me.

>> No.7317804

Do you happen to have mapuche blood or your father/mother happens to be one of the ~700k British Chileans?

>> No.7317808


I bet you're prettier than a 4, anon ~

>> No.7317813
File: 29 KB, 125x125, 00193998.0001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to be able to find someone to dick around with at conventions and go to them with and stay up late nights making props with and make costumes together to walk up into the con like we own the joint.

I want a best friend.
someone who puts the same fucking amount of effort into the relationship as I do. someone who remembers my birthday; and holidays; and actually gets me a gift with thought put into it instead of the usual box of fucking candy they saw me eating 3 days before the date.

someone to just call up in the middle of the day (if we both arent working of course or in school at the time, aha) to just come over and play video games with and not have them laugh or suggest to play mario instead or something because what I chose was an "anime game" (I WANT TO PLAY JOJO'S ALLSTAR BATTLE WITH SOME FUCKING PERSON WHO DOESNT JUDGE IT FROM THE TITLE SCREEN)

I want us to connect in all the ways a friend should. I'll always be willing to listen, and talk if they need to; and I'd expect a little bit of that in return for once in my fucking life.

no judgement for what I like, or how I feel. Just friends to the core of it all.

also we need to go to dennys at 4 am and question our fucking lives

>> No.7317821

Where are you from, anon?

>> No.7317832


I've been told this year will be about 70 thousand. Fifth, or sixth biggest in North America I think.


Shh, it's okay Anon. I still do listen to Turisas, and other bands like that.

>> No.7317834

i feel you anon

>> No.7317861

I think my Chilean family is all Spaniards with a bit of native in their blood. No one in my Spanish family looks English.

>> No.7317862
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One of my favorite games got super popular last year and it pisses me off because I've been into it for so long and now suddenly everyone and their grandma "loves" it and wants to cosplay from it. One of my friends is even doing a group of it with people where none of them have actually even played it. Said friend already grinds my gears because she stopped cosplaying things she likes and now in turn only "likes" things so that she can cosplay from them and become popular. She even asked me to find lenses for the cosplay because it's apparently so fucking hard to find them by herself and I just want to tell her to fuck off. Then there are these idiots from my friend circle who make the crappiest outfits but demand to get to cosplay the most challenging characters in the game. Why? Because it's popular and their friends are doing it.
I realize that this is childish but all of these people didn't give a crap about the game (or better yet even said it was shit) before it got popular especially amongst cosplayers and now are creaming themselves over it without necessarily even actually playing it. Especially since I couldn't cosplay from it earlier because I didn't have the money to do so, and now that I do, everyone is doing it. The only thing that still keeps me interested is knowing that at least I genuinely like the game and will look better than most because I actually put effort in my costumes. Nevertheless seeing everyone doing it just because it's the flavor of the month and hearing people complain about me "stealing" their cosplay character from a game I liked before they even knew about it makes me so fucking upset.

Sorry for the stupid rant but I just can't.

>> No.7317887

This is why I've had to blacklist everything that I might even be remotely interested in such as Steven Universe and especially Bee and Puppycat. I think both shows are pretty cool, but before Steven Universe had even aired and BaPC got funded to be a tv show people were already obsessive over them and I couldn't handle it. Overexposure to anything really sours my impression of it, even if I love it. (Also happened to Sherlock before I was active on tumblr)

As for the case with Bee and Puppycat, I think half of the reason I'm trying not to hear anything about it is because the show itself seems so tumblr to me. It's what everyone on that site seems to love, and I think that's why it's somewhat painful to watch. I like it, I do... But the reminders of tumblr hurt, especially when you think "Oh, they said this. Only a matter of time before there are 10,000 posts over analyzing and praising/hero worshiping it."

Why can't anyone on that site casually like anything? It seems like once they latch on to a fandom then it can never do any wrong and every post about it "MUST BE IN ALL CAPS OH MY FUCKING GOD U GUYS DID YOU SEE THAT EPISODE IT WAS FLAWLESS! FLAAAAAWLESS!" Remember the days when you could like/love something, but still not like everything about it?

In the end I'm getting fed up with their 13 year-oldesque hyperactive ADHD (yet at the same time crippling social anxiety) carbon copies. I don't understand it. Even back when I was obsessed with the site I never turned into that. Yeah I was exposed to social issues and maybe I started thinking a bit differently, but it was never that bad.

Thank god for tumblr savior is all I can say.

>> No.7317892

Maybe... we could be friends, anon?

>> No.7317907
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>Why can't anyone on that site casually like anything? It seems like once they latch on to a fandom then it can never do any wrong and every post about it "MUST BE IN ALL CAPS OH MY FUCKING GOD U GUYS DID YOU SEE THAT EPISODE IT WAS FLAWLESS! FLAAAAAWLESS!" Remember the days when you could like/love something, but still not like everything about it?
Why can't we deactivate the tumblr hivemind?

>> No.7317910
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>Sister is the beauty of all the sisters
>She always got compliments and told she'd marry the most handsome guy
>She recently married the nerdiest ginger with teeth that go for miles
>She's the happiest I've ever seen her

>> No.7317919

>dishing out anything more than $150 for a single item

>tfw you don't own anything over $120
>tfw you feel guilty for spending more than $60 for a single item
>tfw forever a shitty second hand wardrobe with no dream dresses

Well I do find some really nice pieces on mbok/y!j or taobao, but it requires constant stalking of the sites and I can't do that too often... And all of my dream dresses happen to be rare and popular and always go for at least $300...
It's even worse with accessories, I feel like my hand would wither if I were to pay a 100 for a single bag or a cardigan.

>> No.7317928

that happens with everything, and I feel horrible because the entire tumblr "girls r awsm!" circlewank is making teen girls turn into these entitled cunts who make everything into "I'm so oppressed! I need asspats and compliments and feminism! :(" and unleash their teen vagina fury onto anyone that gives them criticism or points out their errors.
Like, I get that little girls need encouragement and more stuff made for them/aimed at them culture and education-wise, and what Amy Poehler for example is doing is awesome. But some of these pretty ladies of tumblr are well into their twenties and should be acting like mature adults and not like speshul oppressed snowflakes because that's exactly what's making women unequal. On one hand, they need special conditions and loosened up rules but on the other they whine about how no one takes them/their art seriously. God dammit, that's why we have chick lit instead of "real lit".

Anyway, I filtered the crap out of my follow list, installed tumblr savior and entered every single sjw tag I could think of, and now post mainly mori girl and my photography. Life is gud.

>> No.7317934

That's really nice and sweet, anon.
I'm a huge softie when it comes to marriage/love, I married the best guy in the world who has a world of skin problems and no girl would ever touch him before me.
I hope she stays as happy as that for the rest of her life.

>> No.7317936

>teen vagina fury
that sounds awesome

>> No.7317937

Do you have any suggestions for blocked words? I always am searching for more things to add. So tired of the social justice butthurt bs.

... Of course then some people on my dash can't be bothered to tag their shit, but hey, it never hurts to at least try to block out the whining.

>> No.7317943

Anon I wouldn't be so dismissive you may end up with a dream dress, I paid $120 for Black witch and apple tree op in navy with headbow on mbok. I've seen it go for almost four times as much.

>> No.7317979

> tfw no female friends
>tfw no friends in general
I moved around so much in my childhood never stayed in a place long enough to make good friends.
20 now and no friends, I'm too shy and awkward to make conversation.
Girls usually hate me, and guys always fall for me (much to my boyfriends dismay)
I don't know if it's my personality or what, girls end up disliking me for no reason.
I just want a group of friends who I can loli with, and hang out.

>> No.7318004

>tfw an asian guy at an anime convention
>still can't find girls who are interested in me because I'm not the pretty kind of asian

It's a pretty shitty day when girls go on and on about how they want an asian guy -- ANY asian guy but me.

>> No.7318015

>found out my the guy I've seening is VERY sexually experienced
>he had fuck buddies, one night stands etc
I feel bad about all this. I don't think I can continue with him.
Am I being a shitty person?

>> No.7318018

Oh man, anon, this is totally me. And the shitty thing is that because of it, I buy cheaper clothes and shoes that don't last as long and end up spending more in the long run. I also want to be a lolita but struggle over spending $60 on a blouse or $30 for socks or whatever.

>> No.7318035

You sound like my friend. She fixed it by either asking directly what was unlikable about her, or saying straight up that she wants to be better friends.

Previous to that, I thought she didn't care about female friends because she was always with her bf, or choosing to hang with her guy friends over her female ones. So I told her she was a kinda shitty friend, and wasn't going to think about someone who doesn't try to think about others.

She self-reflected and changed, I tried harder to understand and be patient with her, and now we're besties.

>> No.7318039

If it's something that really bothers you, talk to them about it. If they're a jerk to you, dump them.

>> No.7318048

I have the same issue, only for me it's that I've just moved to a new town a few months ago and the only girls I've come in contact with are huge SJW idiots and even if I try to look past that my boyfriend can't because they annoy him to no end.

Tons of guys really seem to like and are attracted to me and so even if I share a lot in common with them it gets ruined by feels. I used to have a lot of girl friends but now it just seems like I can't find someone to connect with.

>> No.7318047
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>emotionally inexperienced with relationships
> have an above average sex patent number but zero gfs
> money attractive entertaining the works
> God of I just wasn't emotionally stunted maybe the girls would stick around for more then just the kinky sex and thrills

also con wise

>I want to do better more elaborate cosplay
> feel like I need a better body type to do cosplay
> loose motivation to do harder cosplay so just stick to the simple stuff

captcha: complete olossi

>> No.7318050

I recently decided that I'd do my first taobao order, but the idea of having to wear a size L anything makes me feel sick. My bust is usually a size S or M, but my waist usually is a L. I know they're asian sizes, but I can't shake the desire to want to lose weight.
I have been eating less at meals and skipping lunch and sometimes breakfast. It's been hard since my mum (who I live with due to my health) is always on me about not eating enough/ being underweight. I know it's not healthy but I'm not healthy to begin with. It's not like I'm anorexic or anything, and I still get my period so I dont see why it's a big deal.

I just wanted to get that off my chest.

>> No.7318053

Well it's not like he can change the past so I dunno how that would help.

>> No.7318054

I had this problem before until I ordered and found out size L was a bit too big for me. It made me really happy and relieved.

>> No.7318055

Date older women. Worked for my dude friends.

>> No.7318059


dont stop eating normally. your metabolism will sit the bed on you and your won't lose any weight. don't wanna work out? take hydroxycut hardcore. basically like taking vaccine pills that also speed up your metabolism. Don't take more then recommended and don't drink coffee while on it.. don't want to fuck up your heart beyond recognition eh?

>> No.7318062


really? explain

>> No.7318064


how old are we talking? I'm in my early 20s am I just fishing for late 20s now?

>> No.7318067


Look it up and make sure it's right for you but it's a pill, it has about 3 cups of coffee's worth of caffeine. It will curb your appetite, wake you up, and help you drop weight. diet and exercise will help make you drop weight faster of course if partnered with but on its own it's done fine by me

>> No.7318071

mid-late 20s are good, where do you live btw?

>> No.7318072

Yup, late 20s, even early 30s. Though tbh early 30s girls are less likely. Women in successful polygamous relationships are great too. Basically, date people that are emotionally mature enough to deal with your lack. 25- and under is still pArTy TiME~ and egocentrism for a lot of ppl.

>> No.7318074


Florida. Mid 20s sounds nice I'm always the youngest guy in my office so I've had to dodge 30 and 40 somethings but mid 20s I can do.

captcha: zymbut which

>> No.7318088

well, what's bothering you about his sexual history?

>> No.7318089

Thanks for your help. I can't exercise effectively due to my health, so I'm definitely going to try this out.

>> No.7318091

All the sluttyness.

>> No.7318095


I use the "Hardcore" version but really look into whats best for you. if the caffeine effects are too intense take Thymine. it takes care of that cracked out feeling.

>> No.7318096

what if they had been full blown relationships?

maybe this would be good for you? you know, he's possibly worked out the kinks in technique or something.

>> No.7318100

They weren't. I already said he had one night stands and fuck buddies etc

>> No.7318117

Ask yourself why you feel bad about his history. Are you worried he will cheat? Are you worried he needs sex to be confident? Is he insecure? Are you insecure? Figure out what exactly bothers you about it, so that you can talk to him about it. Give people a chance to be better than their past, because maybe they want to be too.

If you still don't feel comfortable about being with him, then be honest and breakup. Nothing worse for both of you than to have an elephant in the room.

>> No.7318133

>tfw you pay $440 for monthly transit
>don't want to move
>can't take days off saving them for honeymoon
>finding a job that pays the same is butts

sigh. i just want to be home at a decent time so i can craft more.

>> No.7318138

My biggest problem is that we obviously have very different views about sex. He spent his whole sex life doing things I find disgusting. For him sex is something you can have drunk with a woman he doesn't even know, for me it's something you only do in a relationship with someone you love. The more I think about it the more grossed out I get.

>> No.7318151


well then I'll keep the door open for late 20s early 30s any later I am not sure I'll have that much in common really..

>> No.7318154

if it's that much of a hangup, then do the right thing and dump him.

>> No.7318167

That's tough, anon. You should probably stop seeing him if it bothers you so much. The only reason you should keep seeing him is if you think he's worth sacrificing some of your beliefs for. If sex is special for you, then tell him that. If he can respect you and your wants, then don't focus so much on what he's done and focus on what he is doing right now.

I used to think that sex was just something to do, but I really fell for my current partner and I never even consider having sex with anyone else. It's possible to be committed despite your past beliefs if the person is open enough to it.

>> No.7318177

hey >> 7318071

this is for you

my replys are shit on a smart phone

>> No.7318178

Sex is something that is important in any serious relationship. If its so meaningless to him, you're going to have lots and lots of issues.

>> No.7318180


...like really shit

>> No.7318187

Just because someone can have one night stands or drunk sex doesn't mean all sex is meaningless to them.
Ffs, /cgl/, I thought you were better than this.

>> No.7318189

Suuure. Sounds like you're a one night stand hooker

>> No.7318296
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>cosplaying Nonon in few months
>discouraged because flabby
>home workouts not good enough
>move to apartment with built-in gym
>greatest boyfriend in the world walks me through it
>had best workout of my life
>dem glutes
>tfw bubble butt on the horizon

>> No.7318318


>> No.7318323

That's awesome, anon. Any tips for a skinny fat girl who needs to do home work outs?

>> No.7318375

Thanks! c:

I have some, fellow skinnyfat-anon.
>be consistent
>sets are your friend, they make goals for you to break
>complete sets or 30 minutes everyday
>focus on a particular area when you work it out, it makes them tense and make for better progress
>workout anytime you can, don't schedule them or you will be lazy! Do exercises like in the middle of watching tv or right before bed when you're not tired
>Do stretches after you workout too! This is important
>eat well! Protein is your workout buddy!
Good luck~

>> No.7318408

Hello skinnyfatty-chans.

This is probably going to sound like a ridiculously stupid question, but what the fuck do I do while "working out"?
My entire life I've never really "worked out" (except in like gym class), and I've been maintaining 100lb at 5'2.
I have tummy flab that I would really love to get rid of, but I don't know how.
I can't commit to diets (e.g. been trying to stop eating junk food but i just ate half a bag of chips just now oh god) and I hate exercising (because lazy bum).

Send help.

>> No.7318439

Same here. Just ate two fistfuls of Starburst. They were on sale at CVS, how could I resist?

Try resistance exercise, not just cardio. My body never looked better than when I was actually dedicated to doing Pilates every morning. Best thing about Pilates is, all you need is a yoga mat (or similar, like a few towels stacked on the floor) and Youtube or Netflix.

>> No.7318466
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Don't know if I'm gonna be able to room with a few friends at the convention I'm planning due to some beef

>Apparently I fucked up this nigga's computer the other day by using Chrome...the fuck you gonna fuck somebody computer up using Chrome? He also never once told me not to use Chrome

>Dude already had a shitload of viruses, spy/adware on his laptop, plus his roomates and friends are always using it so somebody could had done shit to it and I was unlucky that day

>Next morning, check Facebook on my phone, fucking dude tag me in a status calling me out and blaming me for "destroying" his laptop and demand that I pay for his repairs because he's a jobless bum and a fucking emo nigger who's too lazy to do a system restore or wipe out his hard drive and start over

>Get a text message telling me that he's sorry but he needs funds to fix/buy a new laptop because his roommate suggested so

>I'm pissed off so I start blasting him on Facebook telling him and anyone involve can go kill themselves and that anyone who was offended by that should go back to TUmblr or kill themselves too.

Real shit. /cgl/ tell me how you can honestly fuck up somebody laptop using Chrome and the laptop already had spyware and viruses that the dude never bother to clear out with freeware shit on internet? I honestly don't think I want to room with him for the next couple of conventions if he gonna cause drama over minor shit and not listen to logic.

Pic slightly related: Tired of the bullshit and it's only been 24+ hours.

>> No.7318477

He sounds like a dumb arsehole if he thinks Chrome can break a laptop.

>> No.7318489

It's not about eating or not eating junk food, I just ate a tub of Hokey Pokey myself and occasionally I'm just too hungry to give a damn so I go eat at BK.
It's how you burn that junk food. I do a lot of poi and gymnastics, stomach vacuums too. Look fine enough.
Vacuums help a lot with the gut.

>> No.7318499

Nonon-anon here.

Restrict your diet instead of committing to it. Don't carry snack cash on you. Don't buy anything like chips. Don't keep them in the house. I'm a recovering binge-eater and I just ate a box of candy in three days. That's 500 cal a day and I only need 800-1000 a day. Why? Because I decided to keep them near me.

Do sit-ups.
>lay down, knees bent
>have someone hold down your feet or hook your feet under something
>cross your arms over your chest
>lift up your back using your lower back
>10 sit-ups, 10-30 second break
>repeat two more times

You can do this with push-ups, too!

Also you can build your core little by little every time you stand around or something.
>suck in your belly button as if there's a string in your back
>push in your lower back

>> No.7318534

He's not a dumbass by any means but recently he been on some emo faggot bullshit about life and been a drama queen and loves to go overboard with simple shit.

I can see if I like pour soda on his shit, install the virus myself, or threw the laptop across the room, that one thing, but getting mad over a nigga because Chrome crashed and "fuck up" your shit?

Naw, shut the fuck up before somebody gets brutally honest with your ass and make you cry.

>> No.7318786

>feminist Godzilla
I just had the greatest mental image

>> No.7318792

>tfw my favorite things will never be popular
it's both a blessing and a curse

>> No.7318809

>tfw the cosplayers you usually do groups and shoots with are five thousand times more popular than you
It never used to bother me but lately seeing them post our shoots and things get 100+ notes and favourites and mine barely scrape 10, well...
I feel bad for being jealous because we're all best friends and it's not like it even matters that much, but at the same time it's a little hard to shake off.

>> No.7318818

>TFW gf is cheating on me and I'm sort of turned on by it

>> No.7319052
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>Package in the mail
>Get the slip right before the post office closes
>wait three days
>super excited for my new burando
>tfw getting to the post office five minutes after it closes

>> No.7319061


>> No.7319073

Nothing wrong with the whole feeling left out part. Don't worry about "shaking" it because it's entirely natural. Just don't lose the perspective you have right there in that post because too many people get lost in it. You're all still good friends from the sound of it and you have fun, keep on keeping on anon.

>> No.7319090

What do you look like, anon? Most of these girls are exposed mostly to kpop idorus~ with perfect skin and hair and makeup etc.

>> No.7319153

Thank you, anon, I hope you find $10 on the ground.

>> No.7319207

Who in here dates guys who aren't into nerd stuff?

I want a boyfriend but I don't wanna date a nerd guy. But I want him to be accepting to my hobbies.

>> No.7319228

>tfw finally feeling like getting the hang of posing in lolita
>tfw having a weird as facial expression/bitchface

WTF, seriously.

>> No.7319240

I'd be your friend. Hell I'd even dress up as Josuke to play ASB with you. Maybe I could be your jojo that night~

>tfw brazillian/japanese mix
>not half-bad, but...
>pretty noticeable gap in front teeth

At least I can cosplay ballsy sailors.

>> No.7319238
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>I want a guy that will accept me for being a neckbeard without actually being a neckbeard himself.

Do you even read what you post?

>> No.7319244

I'm not a neckbeard.

>> No.7319253

Find a casual. They're pretty common.
They're just guys who like things, or are at least open-minded to things, but they don't get obsessive with it.

>> No.7319254

why not a nerd guy? you know those fantasy football guys are just as nerdy as dnd players.

>> No.7319261

I don't find them attractive.

>> No.7319296

Yeah, since geeky shit is pretty widespread these days, casuals are fairly easy to find. I prefer those over dating geeks who are obsessed to the point where there's no room in their lives for me. I have trouble dating anyone who has no hobbies, though... it feels like a symptom of someone who's totally fucking boring. I like a happy medium.

>> No.7319299

what does a nerd guy look like?

>> No.7319308

What the fuck do you mean?

>> No.7319310
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>> No.7319314

They're often clueless about dating, inexperienced, shy when I prefer confident men, not outgoing etc

>> No.7319329


So... you essentially want a boyfriend with all of the characteristics of an alpha jock. Meanwhile, you browse the lolita board on 4chan and spend your free time talking to anonymous strangers instead of actually socializing in the real world.

Solid plan, anon. Solid plan.

>> No.7319331

>not outgoing

make up your mind. you seem to be making blanket statements.

>> No.7319344

sportsfags aren't any less clueless or inexperienced. Plus how smart can they be, they support people getting paid far too much in order to chase after inanimate objects.

>> No.7319338

I strongly prefer men like that. The rest about me is wrong though.

>> No.7319340

I do. Just date dudes you like, drop them if they're judge-y. It's not fucking hard.

>> No.7319352

You're being extremely judgemental.

>> No.7319353

Some woman thinking I was into ageplay while wearing my Marshmallow Bunny salopette.

feels bad man

>> No.7319354

God, I wish nerds looked like James Deen.

>> No.7319360
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>> No.7319361
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>> No.7319362

So is the bitch who just labeled a whole group to be inexperienced not confident clueless idiots.

>> No.7319390

Another reason some of us don't date nerds: you're all pretty insecure.

>> No.7319396

I'm a girl you idiot.

>> No.7319403

I'm sure.

>> No.7319413


I was actually cool with you preferring jocks until you made those blanket statements.

Preferences are fine by me, but being someone who dated a lot of nerds, your assumptions are pretty wrong.

>> No.7319414
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My 'friends' replaced me in a group cosplay, 'forgot' to tell me, then ditched me on purpose so I had to try and have fun alone. I found another acquaintance, but he ditched me as well and left me waiting somewhere for an hour before I caught on.

>> No.7319416

>tfw no cutie cosplay boyfriend or any boyfriend

Oh well

>> No.7319419

Those posts weren't made by me, idiot. I'm just laughing at how defensive you're getting.

>> No.7319428

I know that feel anon chan

>> No.7319431


I only made the last comment you dumbass.

>lel you get soo defensive

Literally all I said is that your assumptions are wrong.

>> No.7319455

Maybe its just me being my paranoid self, but it sounds like he's trying to use you as a scapegoat to get him a new computer after he and his friends/roomates fucked up the comp themselves.

>> No.7319482
File: 330 KB, 320x180, 1317895886484.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh /man/ here we go
tfw; (some unrelated sorry)
>lesbian but NEVER had a girl interested in me, only guys
>have had some guy friends confess that they like me, feel like SHIT because i cant even try to reciprocate the feelings
>apple shape
>literally have worst bone structure within the apple shape, ribs are wider than hip bone, shoulders are so broad, if i stretch while laying on my back my hips bones protrude out
>only thing that makes my body look feminine is my boobs
>cosplay wise; cosplay girls poorly w/ body shape, or crossplay boys and be ugly w/ face
>do squats w a bar religiously, notice results w/ butt but (haha) i realize i will NEVER have dem hips
>got a sewing machine but have NO idea where where to start/how to use it
>tired every day, cry every other day, so fucking SICK of myself and my bullshit but i dont know how to change

i can go on, but thats enough for this feels thread.

>> No.7319492

Where are you from, anon?

>> No.7319522
File: 48 KB, 1280x720, 1390356366084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you bitch. I'll fight you.
Nerd guys are the best.


>> No.7319554

>>College Age female
>>Likes all genders
>>They don't like me
>>With the exception of 30+ men because I look like a 14 y/o
>>Has issues with older guys because of bad experiences at cons

I just want someone to wear lolita with. They don't even have to be into lolita (although that would be really awesome), just lets go eat food and let me wear frilly dresses. I would also be cool with sitting inside and watching anime all day.

I'm so lonely.

>> No.7319566

I love fire emblem and such.
So, whilst I was searching around for wigs,
I found the GBA fire emblem games to buy at 25$ each.

I wanna cry in happiness. Although getting the first one would be even better (my deceased uncle had a super famicon and would play it in japanese with me even though I didn't know japanese), it's like I'm reliving those moments... Heh.

Thank you cosplay urges.

>> No.7319573

If you were from Canada I'd friend the hell out of you.

>> No.7319578

>Saw a girl walking around in Lolita at ASU
>Hot summer day

How did she feel?

>> No.7319582

Are you me anon? Let's wallow in feels together, even if you happen to be half ways across the world or something.

>> No.7319735

>>7319573 Alas I am from the country below you.

>>7319582 Yes I love friendship! I have so many feelings.

>> No.7319747

Hey, where are you located? If you're near NY cgl is starting to have loli meets.

>> No.7319766

Naw I'm more down South. The most North I'll be going this year is for Otakon.

>> No.7319811

Perhaps I'll do that.
I don't choose to hang out with my boyfriend over other people, it's kinda frustrating when I try and make plans with girls it's always like 'yeah sure' and back out last minute, or 'oh no, I'm really busy then, maybe next time' proceeds to see them out with others on Facebook.
I'm too shy to really ask or confront them about it, I just feel that it would make things worse or me look needy.
And like >>7318048 said, with guys, it starts off as friends but then they get attracted to me, and it becomes uncomfortable for me and my boyfriend.

Like I said above, that's exactly what happens to me too. Kinda frustrating, as my boyfriend is not into the whole cosplay/convention thing (loves the lolita) so it's nice to have guys to geek out with.

>> No.7320101

cant find the grinds my gears thread so the feels will have to do

whoever is in texas spamming those fucking rosettes for commission please stop

>has to sift through fucking rosettes on lacemarket
>goes to sales comm
>first fucking post
>"ATC rosettes!!!!!"

they're not that bad but its obnoxious as fuck

>> No.7320221
File: 431 KB, 679x936, cringeworthyshiet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on /cgl/
>pretending you have standards
it would be funnier if i didn't think you were serious

>> No.7320236

How do you guys feel about cosplayers learning certain skills for cosplays? I've been learning how to do a backflip for a mirror's edge cosplay.

>> No.7320239

So, what's the deal with all this talk about romance and women admiring jock men? It feels like I'm on /r9k/ instead of /cgl/

>> No.7320246
File: 45 KB, 512x512, hanyuu and exploud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naw, I know when niggas being paranoid, you don't sound like it but Me think he is trying to make me a fallman. I honestly think his roomate/my "best" friend is behind this tho because the dude is such a push-over emo faggot about shit and i got a message from a close friend about some bullshit rumors they're trying to start up.

Let's just say, I'm trying my goddam best not to go up to their apartment, storm the place with my fists upside their heads or an empty gun to scare them. I got too much self-worth to sink that low and too much real friends and family members who love me.

Still, fucking UGH

>> No.7320257

Get out, freak.

>> No.7320264

We are allowed to like whoever we want.

>> No.7320272
File: 49 KB, 486x473, King&#039;s life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never said you couldn't like whoever you want. I just find it amusing that both /cgl/ and /r9k/ have surprisingly similar obsessions over male-female relationships.

>> No.7320290


I think it'd be awesome.

I was recently thinking how cool it would be to do a Johhny Cage cosplay if someone could do the splits.

>> No.7320294
File: 51 KB, 330x319, 1390320592369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/r9k/ says that /cgl/ is full of attention whores and sluts and isn't good enough for them
>/cgl/ says /r9k/ is full of bitter virgins and assholes and isn't good enough for them
>yfw they're both a bunch of angry pricks who need to get off the computer and take a reality check

>> No.7320324
File: 39 KB, 486x473, 1390376495957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think either board are the demons they make each other out to be. I think we all should just get along ;_;.

It would make a delicious set up for a sit-com or animu. Having a robot and a seagull forced together by circumstance for a common purpose, it would be marvellous.

>> No.7320560

Why the hell hasn't someone made a lolita/cosplay/nerdculture dating site yet? I'd sign up for that. You could have a seeking "Friends" version, and a "Dating" version.. Has potential to be lucrative.

>> No.7320566

I'm pretty sure they have.

>> No.7320670

I always wonder if I'd run into my ex at cons or just in general... it'd probably be easier on their part and they'd probably just dismiss me quickly and walk away. But I'd probably turn into a nervous wreck and start freaking out. I know they don't care about me at all at this point, and yet I still do.

Is there something wrong with me, cgl?

>> No.7320717

>tfw wants a bf but parents would chase away any male especially if they weren't their approved type of asian 'cause racist af
>tfw wouldn't mind gf either but doesn't know any girls that would be attracted to me
>tfw when am a shut-in anyways because of overprotective 'rents even though I'm an adult

Sometimes I want to move out but my job doesn't nearly pay enough do so. Gunna be alone till I'm outta school I guess. Oh well.

>> No.7320883

That is very sweet of you but it is ok, I know that I'm ugly. I can accept it.

>> No.7321026

Not them but I don't like jock men. They're way too overconfident and usually have slept around a lot like manwhores and love to party after their games and get overly wasted and usually think they can treat girls like shit just because they're a ~cool jock~
I never liked sports anyways except for baseball and I don't even like baseball that much. Jocks always seemed repulsive to me.

>> No.7321034

>go to con this weekend for once not cosplaying saber
>find Fate related figures and decide to splurge
>girls at the booth love my costume, we start talking about Fate
>the whole booth loves Fate, so do I, we talk for at least an hour
>find out I'm not alone in my state and they also live in my city

I'm so happy, /cgl/. Also,

>see Apollo Justice cosplayer at a booth
>ask him if he liked Dual Destinies
>"I never played any of them actually."

>> No.7321037
File: 12 KB, 402x264, an exfoliating gel scrub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be /fa/
>cute nerd/gamer/anime/neurotic/attentionwhore girls never give you any attention
>only older club whores like you

>> No.7321046

>tfw I managed to get this year's AP jsk lucky pack in lavender and one for my friend in black
>been waiting for weeks, everyone else has already gotten theirs
>USPS tracking hasn't even updated, wtf
>call AP, they confirmed it was shipped and out of their hands
>call USPS, opened a "missing package case"
>wait three days, don't hear from them, call back as instructed
>case was "resolved" two days ago, didn't bother to notify me
>package is lost forever according to them
>suspicion that somebody stole it from the warehouse or something
>literal tears right now

>> No.7321050

There there.

>> No.7321062

club whores dont need personality

>> No.7321074
File: 470 KB, 1280x1706, shoah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've mostly written it off to the way I dress. The con sluts gravitate towards the alpha hipster nerd of their friend group, the normalfag whores go after me because I wear basicbitch H&M/Guess-type stuff. I don't look good with my hair in my face and dressing like a teenager but that doesn't mean I want to date a normal, I just wish my type of girls would realize that...

>> No.7321082

If only drunk chicks are interested, maybe you should stop focusing on how you dress and accept that you're just ugly? If you were attractive it wouldn't really matter what you wear, to ANY girl.

>> No.7321081

If you actually dressed well, you'd be getting tons of pussy at cons. Stop trying to get the shitty tweens, because they're not mature enough for that.

>> No.7321085

I want a cutie who likes nerdy things but doesn't obsess over them. Someone whose willing to go out and have a good time but then come back and relax too. I just want someone who lives in the real world and doesn't concern themselves with bullshit they read on tumblr or 4chan for that matter.

>> No.7321086
File: 40 KB, 429x398, Chillin&#039; Chihuahua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no problem anywhere else. I just don't care for older girls. I'll try it this time around Matsuri or San Japan. I'll dress like the biggest teenybopper fag and see what comes of it...

>> No.7321089

I think it's awesome! I'm going as a Jedi (Revan) and am learning some cool lightsaber spins and such to entertain people with.

>> No.7321087

I can't be that bad looking. I've done a bit of modelling in the clubs and events in my city. It's only gay guys and normals that ever talk to me, this is the root issue.

>> No.7321143

How far South are we talking? AL/GA/TN?

>> No.7321150

what are you on about guy? you're pretty

>> No.7321184
File: 82 KB, 277x260, 1386740426942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ace Attorney cosplayer
>never played them lel!

For fucks sake, I thought this was one series where we could avoid this shit.

>> No.7321210

at least he was honest
tell sieg hill to stop being a dick, he's your represntative.
also, /fa/ is bitchier than /cgl/ on their period week. and shuns anyone that dresses differently. its kind of bad dude. don't advertise yourself as a /fa/ggot if you don't want to get treated like one

>> No.7321451

Dem cheekbones.

>> No.7321482

Hey, you're my foot twin! I usually have to splurge on shoes. American Duchess in Nevada is my main go-to. I've also found recently that Vivienne Westwood goes up to US size 10 (UK size 8). VW's elevated 3-strap with bow heels are on sale on both 6pm.com and on the VW official site!

>> No.7321554
File: 717 KB, 1280x720, 1378963691153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be welding in class
>first time doing this
>manage to create a preddy gud plug weld
>get excited
>"S-sensei! L-look at what I m-made!"
>didn't realize I'd removed my goggles
>pick up the weld anyways
>I see my sensei looking angry
>mfw I realize I've burnt a massive hole in my goggles
>everyone in the shop is staring
>spaghetti is falling out of my fanny pack

Just kill me now.

>> No.7321817

Stop. You're saying "sluts" which usually translates into attractive girls. They like attractive guys. Work on your appearance there's only so much a "nice" personality will get you.

>> No.7322162


>stu in the background

>> No.7322168


All you need is a chalice in your left hand and you're set dude.

>> No.7322217 [DELETED] 

The whole 'jock' thing seems ,to me, to be a largely American phenomenon. I mean guys who were good at sports in the UK were lauded but not as much as it appears they are in the US.

>> No.7322231

The whole 'jock' thing seems ,to me, to be a largely American phenomenon. I mean guys who were good at sports in the UK were lauded but not as much as it appears they are in the US.

>Be /r9k/
>forced to go clubbing one time
>Forced to dance
>club girl stranger approaches and kisses me
>She then quickly breaks away and simply says "No"
>She walks off
>That's how I got my second kiss.

>> No.7322249

>tfw friendly late 20s male but still look 16 years old
>end up talking to 14-16 year olds at cons
>they ask me my age, and awkwardly withdraw when I tell them
>early 20s and late teenagers don't talk to me because they think I'm younger than them
>lying about my age would just make me really creepy

Oh god why. I have a girlfriend, I'm not looking for love or affection, just friends.

I have anime VHS tapes I subbed myself older than some of these kids. Also I'm scared I'll rapidly age one day and completely miss looking like an adult, heading straight to old age.

>> No.7322282
File: 82 KB, 673x513, faggot tree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when messed up my back and neck super hard yesterday from working on cosplay on the floor cutting out foam
>work messed it up even more from having to lift heavy things and drive long distances
>already go to the chiropractor 3 times a week
>can't afford to work on cosplay and work if I want to not be in pain all goddamn day

It's like, the one thing I want to do when I get home I'm not allowed to do because of my weak body and stressful as fuck job. I hate this so much. Having a table would make it easier but I still can't figure out how to attach the legs.

So now I'm sitting here drinking when I could be working on it. Great.

>> No.7322306

Dunno, sounds like you should just cut your losses and meet new people. But if you want to keep trying with those people, then you gotta at least try something new. Worrying about how they'll perceive you for being upfront is silly. If they don't like you for it, well, how is that different from them already not liking you now (which it sounds like)?

If they can't appreciate you making a sincere effort that's out of your comfort zone, then they're not worthy of being friends with you. Simple as that.

>> No.7322318

Oh man that's super awful.

>> No.7323057

>have a few extra dollas
>see Meta dress on eBay
>"bust can fit to 114cm, free waist! Barely worn!"
>for some reason, cannot find it's measurements anywhere
>finally confirm measurements from a previous sale on EGL
>snap that shit up son
>get dress
>white lace is stained yellow in some places but that's not the complaint...
>Bust gives me boob loaf like a motherfucker
>maybe 96cm MAX
>how the fuck did these girls fit into this dress?!

>> No.7323286

was it insured? USPS is fucking terrible you need to be blowing them up everyday until it gets fixed, "gone forever" is fucking bullshit and you need to be compensated

>> No.7323323

Are you me?
>T-thanks /fit/...

>> No.7323355

>sex patent number
Did you invent a new move or something?

>> No.7323379

>Can't sleep
>Spent 3 nights out of the last week just laying in bed awake
>Other four nights had shoddy sleep at best
>Constant migraine
>Sore throat
>Always feel sort of out of it or dizzy
>Only one with a driver's license in group
>Have to drive four hours to a con in two days

Help me, /cgl/. I need to sleep.

I'm actually going insane. I started crying uncontrollably last night because I couldn't get to sleep. It's never been this bad before.

>> No.7323386

Do you have a virus or are you an insomniac?

I get a lot of your symptoms except for the lack of sleep. My partner suffers from chronic insomnia and it is so awful. I hope you get better soon anon.

>> No.7323389

Are you me? other than the con part, I'm doing this for the last few weeks. I usually have to keep myself awake for a long time then sleep to reset myself. Or attempt to make myself benadryl sleepy by taking half a dose.
Honestly, it sounds cliche, but turn off all the lights, don't try to distract yourself, no movies, no music, etc. Open a window if it's too hot. And do some deep breathing. Maybe it'll help. Maybe it won't. But relaxing is always worth it, even if it doesn't end up getting you to sleep. Maybe some white noise like a fan will help.
Then again, I refuse to take my own advice so... there's that.

>> No.7323395

Well, both right now.

I usually can't sleep, and now I'm sick on top of it.

The migraines were a problem before, but I've now had one for almost two weeks straight.

I've been sleeping especially poorly the past few weeks here as well. I tried doing the 24 hour reset, but I ended up just not being able to get to sleep when I tried, and then went to work for a 9 hour shift.

I used to take a muscle relaxer (for my tendinitis) when it was really bad, but I ran out of them and don't have a refill. My sister has ADHD so she takes melatonin supplements to help her get to sleep, I might try taking three or four of those tomorrow and just crashing at 7:30. We have to leave around 5 to get there in time.

>> No.7323438
File: 291 KB, 1215x717, Udyr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be fatassfatass
>want to cosplay Udyr
>start lifting 6 months ago
>making decent progress
>realize i need at least 2 years to get even near that physique
>LoL will probably be irrelevant by that time
>thinking about getting on roids

>> No.7323457


Do more sets.

>> No.7323462

800 a day? holy shit you must be tiny

>> No.7323471

JFC anon. I would literally waste away to nothing if I ate like that.

I need like 3000 kCal/day or else I start to deteriorate. I'm not diabetic, but my metabolism is so fast my blood sugar fluctuates like I was. I've almost passed out more than a few times because I didn't get something to eat in time.

>> No.7323539
File: 25 KB, 327x297, 1386836094934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Implying you can get anywhere close to that natty you delusional fatty

>> No.7323622

Yeah, I'm pretty petite. I can eat three small meals a day the size of a hamburger and I'm full.
I kind of envy those with a higher calorie intake (food!) but I can feel you. My boyfriend has trouble eating enough to accommodate his build/height. He hates to eat because he often has to for no other reason than for fuel. D:

>> No.7323701

It was insured yeah, so I'm going to be getting my money back, but still. I was really excited for the print in the colorway I wanted; I already had a coord planned out for Katsucon. I'll probably find it secondhand someday though. AP storefront told me that this usually doesn't happen but in cases like this, items have eventually shown up, but I can't be too hopeful ya know?

>> No.7323737

I got banned from one of the brand's online stores. I feel devastated. It's my fault as I didn't even realise that they had invoiced me because I used a shitty mailing system that sent it to spam, but I should have checked it more. They said that if I try to order again, they'll "catch me" and ban me/keep them away from their website... I'm scared that a local lolita will try and order and they will get banned too. Ughhh, I hate myself.

>> No.7323751

Ouch. Let this be a reminder to obsessively check mail every waking second.

>> No.7324083
File: 354 KB, 250x130, tumblr_mm4mcndri41rjx7h0o1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you come back home from a meh day and see that your notes on your coords exploded

Holy shit such a good feel.

I live on superficial things what can I say.

>> No.7324361

Oh how many notes did you get? That happens to my things sometimes and makes me happy too.

>> No.7324404


To be fair, it's not huge by tumblr standards, but I broke 100 for the first time. And yeah, haha, I get you. It's a nice feeling and even though I know not to count on tumblr to know what I'm doing right, I'm just glad some people like my things I guess.

>> No.7324507


>> No.7324529

That shit happened to one of my cosplays over a year ago. Good feeling, man.

>> No.7324576

don't room with him, he's a fucking idiot who doesn't understand how computers work.

>> No.7325197

Oh nice job anon!! When I posted my first thing I expected 4-15 notes or something measly like that but it started exploding with notes and got 230 and I was like what the fuck happened? It was insane and I never expected it. It's not a lot at all by Tumblr standards but it's nice to see that over 200 people liked something that I posted and it made me happy. I wonder how the people who get 1,000+ notes feel.

>> No.7325199

>tfw in help thread asking a shit-ton of question
>total amateur
>my new is showing
>why am i making this cosplay oh god

>> No.7325213

>tfw Jap/German
>tfw not even attractive
>tfw only get attention from fujoshi when I visit area 11
Fuck my life. All my other Jap/white friends are attractive and shit and my sister gets offers from idoling companies and shit. Fuck.

>> No.7325217

>tfw Jap/Czech/German/Swed
>tfw really attractive
>tfw get attention from almost every guy, negative looks from girls etc

It's not all it's cracked up to be but like I am sorry for your lots.

>> No.7325222
File: 1.49 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_0131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels bad man. At least I cut my hippy ass looking hair. To think this was a 16 year old me.

>> No.7325231

>iphone 5 released september 2012
>back when i was 16
underage faggot detected


>> No.7325233

Im 18 right now. I looked like this from 8-17.

>> No.7325889

>close friend (19 years old) is in a bad family situation
>he was given an ultimatum to get a job before birthday in February or get kicked out
>hasn't really been trying hard enough to get a job
>decently popular on Tumblr, has a mass of girls and boys who want his dick
>anytime he fucks up they immediately validate it saying that it's not his fault
>all he's doing now is focusing on Tumblr fame, his new boyfriend and nothing else
>he acknowledges what he needs to do but instead of doing something about it he cries to his followers and drinks

I'm really worried about him but also irrationally angry that he isn't doing anything about it. He's getting more and more depressed and hopeless but he really could have done something about this to help himself a lot earlier.

Also speaking as someone who had troubles with alcoholism. I'm really concerned and I know I should talk to him because I'm his close friend, but I don't know if I'll get through to him because in the past nothing really has, except his boyfriend who also validates this. Fuck.

>> No.7326128




Haha, it's pretty exciting isn't it? I think you get used to it for a while though. I was so excited when my first post got 20 notes, but now when I get less than that, I can't help but feel disappointed. I certainly hope that doesn't happen with this. I already know it's an anomaly and I'll just keep doing what I do (and stop posting my extraneous and inflammatory opinions there by accident, lol).

>> No.7326874
File: 38 KB, 645x773, 111379804873312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>apple shape
>>literally have worst bone structure within the apple shape, ribs are wider than hip bone, shoulders are so broad, if i stretch while laying on my back my hips bones protrude out
>>only thing that makes my body look feminine is my boobs

I know these feels sis, sucks so much

>> No.7327233

>Stressed boyfriend
>Asks for ideas of how to unwind
>Suggest dressing up and going to fancy bar
>Boyfriend blurts out that he actually hates hates hates hates HATES dressing up, the idea of it, everything, hates it.

I didn't realize it would hurt that much. I love dressing up and it's a huge part of who I am as a person. I certainly don't expect him to wear dandy or anything he doesn't already own, in fact, I just wear figured you wear muddy jeans with tears to the dog park, and nice jeans and leather shoes to a nice dinner or something, but it makes him very uncomfortable. I slum it up to camp or hike, but not out of any great sacrifice - it just makes sense to me that you dress up for some things and dress down for others, within reason.

Now I'm hesitant to mention or do any lolita related things around him. :/ So much for finding a guy who was okay with it... Thanks for listening, /cgl/.

>> No.7329307
File: 52 KB, 157x289, 1390257223188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you can find a guy who's comfortable with you peacocking whilst in a relationship
I mean maybe if you find a guy who's into the idea of you cheating on him, but otherwise no dice.

>> No.7329396

>don't look nice ever or he'll think you want to cheat
>dating men who are that insecure
ishiggity diggity

>> No.7329413

I'm hourglass shape but also don't feel very feminine based on my shape tall, very broad shoulders, ribs visible quite broad , wide hips that bones are also visible, giant feet, fairly average sized breasts but big rib cage, round face, poor posture, mild scoliosis/curbed back and slightly chubby looking. I guess my waist and curves are positive but sometimes I wish I was short,petite and a lot more feminine.

>> No.7329433

Although I agree that not wanting your SO to look nice for fidelity reasons is kinda fucked, it's not an uncommon insecurity. I'd bet that most guys who say they don't have those feelings actually do. Even the ones who are convinced they don't see things that way must have it subconsciously.
Guy that truly don't have this view are probably more experienced. From the friends I have who I believe are like that are also looking for SO's who also have been around the block.

I'm pretty sure the bf of >>7327233 probably just doesn't like dressing up. Those who aren't used to very formal attire often find it tedious with very little reward. I don't know of any solution past the 3 second "Sometimes a girl just want's to feel special" stare followed by a head shake and a depressed look. There's always the restroom BJ/quickie, but that's not for everyone.

>> No.7329960

>4 replies offering friendship
>0 replies to those.
you must be so lonely