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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 73 KB, 480x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7307625 No.7307625[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The old one is in autosage.


AP changed their site layout to Romantic Rose Letter and the head store posted photos of one of the new 2014 prints on twitter. Thoughts?

>> No.7307628

Oh, guess I posted it in a dead thread, will repost here- found a nice loliable hat shop in case anyone's interested, enjoy:

>> No.7307672

>Paying more than a brand dress for a fucking hat

You're kidding, right?

>> No.7307688

Are you kidding? I have a $500 pair of shoes I wear with my lolita. Step up, sis. The only reason I wear more expensive accessories than my dresses is because I can't get the dresses elsewhere. I'm fine with them being cheap but I won't cheap out on things I don't need to.

>> No.7307689

>$150 hats

>> No.7307690
File: 68 KB, 480x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know people get mad when the word ageplay is used but what else can be said about this print and these photos? I mean, aside from where is her diaper, pacifier, and bottle?

>> No.7307694

oh god that ric rac, why?

>> No.7307699

Yeah, this shoot just creeped me out. I'm not sure what exactly it was, but overall it just had a weird age play/exploitation vibe.
Which is weird because I've never felt like that about any shoots before, even with Dreamy Baby Room.

>> No.7307701

Honestly I think sweet lolita is ageplay, not the sexual kind though, but it has more elements of wanting to look like a fairytale princess than classic or gothic does. That's why there are so many childlike motifs, it's supposed to emulate a child dressing up like a magical sweets princess or some such. People who deny it are just butthurt and only associate it with creepy diaper fetishists. But the truth is we have to face facts and accept that it looks like little girls playing dress up.

>> No.7307713

Well I agree with the dressing up as a princess thing. But this print reminds me so much of that weirdo from My Strange Addiction who wears diapers. It just grosses me out to extreme levels. Wtf, AP.

>> No.7307716

You've clearly never been to a department store's hat section. Or bought hats from anywhere but high street shops for that matter.

>> No.7307723
File: 65 KB, 600x800, 1389932171895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like the print but the colors aren't good for me, damn.

>> No.7307878

The print is childish with all the toys, but the model looks cute.
AP is a lot less childish than brands like Nile Perch, where at least 75% of all their stock has pacifiers and "baby" and "it's a boy/girl" on it
Remember, childish in Japan = so kawaii oh mah gaw

>> No.7307888

I hope they'll release a special set in ivory.

>> No.7307892

This would have been amazing in a dark colorway like black or wine, stop with the all-pastel bs

>> No.7307920

It's a spring print, that's why the colorways are all pastel.

>> No.7308137
File: 140 KB, 525x427, L514_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RBL reminds me of Bodyline..

>> No.7308292

>stop with the all-pastel bs
>this is ap
>mainly sweet brand
>sweet focuses on pastels 9 times outta 10

>> No.7308303

Same here, and I prefer the BL version's print.

>> No.7308334

I remember her. I felt really bad for her, it seemed obvious she had some reaaaalllly deep set issues

>> No.7308331
File: 283 KB, 827x1600, 1380746814936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sooo ageplay omg

>> No.7308337

You know by "sweet" they mean pastel dresses with kiddie print motifs(stuffed animals, toys, pacifiers), and I agree.

Stuff like this is classy, and really leans more on classic than sweet.

Sweet should stick to simple, floral, starry/elemental, and food prints

>> No.7308338

What's the best place to buy secondhand Baby or Innocent World blouses? I only ever see them for $90+ but many girls I know mention them being a lot cheaper second hand. Am I just not looking in the right places?

>> No.7308341

To be fair, this is styled more as classic than as sweet.

>> No.7308345

Really loving this print, but going to have to hope I can catch it second hand some time.

I really wanted the Toy print to be cute, because the little duck in the preview was adorable but I really can't get behind it at all as a whole.

Looks a lot more like Tiara Rose tbh, which actually did come in black?

>> No.7308351

This is what I was wondering as well, who wants to pay near new price for something that has had direct contact with someone's armpits and probably for multiple wears?

JSK's and OP's I get since people general having something under/the prints make them unique enough, but most blouses aren't either of those

>> No.7308357

try mbok/y!japan...?
http://www.mbok.jp/_l?u=7410508 has some blouses

>> No.7308471


I've said this before and I'll say it again. Most normalfags don't associate lolita with ageplay because they don't know what ageplay is. They'll think you're dressed weird as fuck, but that's about it.

Literally the only place I've seen accussations of lolita being ageplay is on 4chan, which makes me think it's all just bored teens trolling each other.

>> No.7308662
File: 385 KB, 800x1200, l353-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I got this skirt in grey, but it arrived and it's too big for me. The only way it fits is if I lace it up all the way and then it just looks silly. I thought about altering it to make it fit, but I'm not good with how to alter high waisted skirts. Should I just turn it into a non-high waisted skirt, or bite the bullet and just sell it?

>> No.7308696

What dress is that?

>> No.7308700

Curiousity is nagging - what shoes do you don, anon?

>> No.7308704

They dont know its ageplay - they just think you're wearing a poofy dress for fetish reasons.

>> No.7308708

She looks like a loli-age sister babysitting the baby for a bit so her dress absorbs the environment shes in - like most prints I imagine. Otherwise thats one malnorished, skinny limbed baby.

>> No.7308710

This head accessory is simple but really neat.

>> No.7308714

More like 3/4

Look at their online store now, many wines, blacks, brown, navies...

>> No.7308723

There's this thing called autumn and winter where wine, brown and other dark colors are the thing. When spring comes and flowers bloom, there's pastels everywhere until mid July/August when the fall lines starts rolling out.

I've not even been into Lolita that long and I know this. It's even common in mainstream fashion. Do you have your heads stuck that far up your asses with your own personal preferences or what?

>> No.7308729

Lolitas are weebs with no fashion sense .., they only like to pretend they do. How does one not know of seasonal colors? People with a sense of the basics of fashion are hard to come by around here. Its like everyone is fashion retarded.

>> No.7308735

AP doesn't make any fucking sense though sometimes.
Like producing spring-colored pastel vomit prints year round. They may not be as bad as Meta but they're not that predictable.
It's like you're lolita retarded.

>> No.7308738

It's not even that. Does anyone look at magazines (I don't anymore, but I read them as a teenager) or go shopping (even just to look for loliable items) and pay attention to the general color palettes going around? I'm an everyday normal jeans and t-shirt person with zero effort when I'm not in Lolita and I know this stuff?

>> No.7308740

They usually have a few pastel prints even in the colder months though, because of the popularity of other fashions (fairy kei) and well, AP is known for that style. But they really do have a seasonal shift where certain colors and themes have more dominance than others.

>> No.7308743

There's this thing called a second-hand market where you can actually get brand dresses for less than $150.

You might be able to pull the shirring tighter? I seem to remember that bodyline usually does channel shirring in their high waisted skirts...

>> No.7308745


So many years of wearing pastel sweet AP, and still never gotten this, or any sleazebag come-ons, perverted looks or anything whatsoever.

They just ask polite questions, and if you tell them your friend is having a party, all questions are answered.

>> No.7308747

You dont know shit about AP... youre both fashion and lolita retarded, congrats.

>> No.7308761

inb4 VW

>> No.7308808

My guess was fluevogs.

>> No.7308838
File: 141 KB, 330x495, CT00026_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would a low square-neckline cutsew work with pic related? I want to avoid the high collar because I'm a fatass and high collars make me look even more planetary than I already am.

>> No.7308842

>and pay attention to the general color palettes going around?

You mean like highlighter "pastel neon" shit? I'd rather not...

>> No.7308843

Yeah but you know, some people don't need to do that. If you buy secondhand then you'll have enough money for $150 hats anyways.

>> No.7308845

Fluevogs mostly.

I do have a pair of VW but they're pretty old.

>> No.7308869

That's classic, genius.

>> No.7308870

That's just your one, only experience.
You think this shit doesnt exist just because your area didnt dish you shit?
Read a Lolita Horror Story thread for a change.

>> No.7308873

Are these long lasting shoes or something?
I'm more than happy to dish 500 on an immortal pair of shoes if it means I wont have to spend $500 on pairs of shoes for the next 10 years in exchange for one pair.

I honestly dont care for throwaway trend fashions anymore to accommodate this.

>> No.7308882

You are so upset. What the hell happened to you that you have to hate on sweet so much?

>> No.7308891

Last night I had a dream Milanoo (somehow) had a teaparty...
I decided to go and everyone was trying to kill eachother

>> No.7308899

They know it happens, they're just stating it's never happened to them. Why are you so mad?

>> No.7308902
File: 472 KB, 480x700, T2roVOXBVXXXXXXXXX_!!41178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Omg the embroidery on this coat! Hnnngh *__*

>> No.7308934

This hits me home, dat embroidery.
The model has the best dollface I dream of too.

>> No.7308943
File: 68 KB, 435x580, herroyalalienness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Reminds me of the hat the royal alien wore to the the royal wedding.

>> No.7308999

Gorgeous coat but they need to calm down on the shoop on that model's face, she's pretty but she looks like an oil painting.

>> No.7309018

I just bought a dress off a girl in my comm who is leaving lolita. The post stated the dress was in perfect condition, except a small stain on the cuff of the sleeve. When I got it home, I noticed the ivory parts in general were pretty grubby - in need of a good dryclean before being worn. But what annoys me most is that, there is a hole next to the zipper in the back, about 5 cm wide where the sewing has come apart.
Is this ground to ask for a partial refund? If so how much would be considered reasonable.

>> No.7309030

first, take photos of everything, second are you still within the 45-day-limit for paypal. write to her and ask if she knew about the flaws before asking for $X refund.

>> No.7309032

I think it would look totally fine. The vest has a lot of detail around the neck area already.

>> No.7309043

Jesus Christ, I'm getting goosebumps.

>> No.7309073

>There is no penalty for refusing to participate

That's a relief. What if there was a penalty for refusing to participate? How would she find us?

I'm tempted to reply to her, but I agree with Carmidoll.

>> No.7309099

I'm pretty sure they have to say stuff like that, I had to make out a survey for a Sociolinguistics class and I had to say similar stuff on the consent form.

>> No.7309166

Fluevogs are super comfy and I would say they're lifetime shoes, kinda like if you shell out for Docs, you know you will get years of use. You might have to get them reheeled and possibly resoled over time depending on the wear and if you're one to scuff your feet when you walk

>> No.7309172

>kinda like if you shell out for Docs, you know you will get years of use
Pfft, not anymore... Unless they're the few styles still made in UK.

>> No.7309592

There is a specific Made In England line that although costs a little more is more durable. I've also found buying secondhand docs another really good way of having longer lasting docs.

>> No.7309598

I know
>Unless they're the few styles still made in UK

Secondhand ones tend to be good, too. I have both. But I would never buy any of the print/color/"fashion" Docs, they're garbage.

>> No.7309673

I replied, I think it sounds fun. I hope not living in the US won't be a problem.

>> No.7309694

I'm still really pissed about the decline of Doc Martens.
I bought a pair last summer and the paint started peeling off in less than 6 months.

>> No.7309706

They're suppose to last at least 5 years. What gives??

>> No.7309711

Depends on the wearer. I wear my converse high tops for aprox 8 years now. Theyre still fin e.

>> No.7309720

I have a pair of new DM Mary Janes that I've worn almost every day for the past few months and they are holding up pretty well. I also have a velvet pair I bought a year ago that is in pretty good condition, the only issue being the velvet got wet a little too often and now I'm missing a little patch. My boyfriend got two pairs around the same time as me one is in pretty bad condition the other is alright. He wears his absolutely every day though so maybe Made In The Uk is the way to go. Also does anyone know any websites for secondhand docs besides eBay,etsy,yja,gumtree etc? I'm looking for a specific pair.

>> No.7309722

They're being made in China now.
I bought a pair to replace my old ones that is supposed to be real leather, and I really doubt that they even are. They're hardly above the quality of fucking BL's knockoffs; it's depressing.

>> No.7309723

Yup. They're probably all made at the same factories.

>> No.7309724

I've had mine for 16 years now and they're still perfect. I'm sad to see the new ones are so shit.

>> No.7309726

Damn, that's depressing.

>> No.7309768

I had a printed pink children's pair my parents got me on a trip to London growing up, I think those are still in better condition than my friend's adult printed Docs that lasted less than a year.

>> No.7309772

I'm not too fond of this print either but if it was in ivory with pink roses I'd be all over it! I really want at least one OTT dress in my wardrobe and these types of OP with princess sleeves and row of bows in front is what I'm looking for! I loved the style of Sweetie Chandiler but not the print itself

>> No.7309786

Is anyone else having "Internal Service Errors" when trying to do anything on the english Bodyline site? Rakuten is fine, but I'd like to order something internationally.

>> No.7309802

I am getting that error, too.

>> No.7309822

Sorry, I meant if you shell out for the Made In England line as opposed to paying for their overpriced made in China ones.

I wear through the soles of converse far too fast for that.

>> No.7309839

Ap's put up the new bg for this print on their website, any idea when it'll be going up? I really want the pink OP - I spent three years searching for my last dream OP princess dress and paid almost 600 for it w/o any headwear - it was even missing the backbow -_-

I'm not losing out on this one - I saved all my christmas money for it and have still put more aside from work to make sure I can try and get a set. Any ideas on the english site release date? Gonna be stalking like a mofo

>> No.7309842
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forgot my pic

>> No.7309854
File: 213 KB, 400x538, are you even trying baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When casual loli goes too far.

>> No.7309900

Them and bodyline need to learn to take better pictures.

>> No.7309905

I was hoping it wouldn't be too popular.
I like it, but not enough to try for the release.

Oh well.

>> No.7309920


Wasn't that OP Tea Party exclusive?

>> No.7309955

Feb issue of kera showed a different princess OP available for 41,740 yen.

It's not as extravagant, but it's still very princessy and pretty.

>> No.7309961

i was really confused over that as they also did a princess sucre teaparty exclusive and cgl nver clarified if they both were or if only 1 was =S

I really do want the teaparty exclusive one as I think the op will just be a re-hash of the chandelier princess design.

>> No.7310028

Yep. I was a loyal Doc Martin wearer, but I gave up about five years ago - got sick of having to replace my boots every year instead of every 4-5 years like when I first started wearing them (and I was wearing them less often by then!). Wish I'd taken better care of my originals :(

>> No.7310032


Yeah, I bought the La Princesse Sucre OP, and both it and the tea party Romantic Rose Letter OP were exclusive to the party. I haven't seen the other OP the anon above mentioned.

>> No.7310046
File: 96 KB, 477x358, composite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fluevogs are often really distinctive, in addition to being comfortable and durable. Obviously you have to do some work to take care of them (cleaning, getting them re-heeled when they get worn) but they're definitely investment shoes, the kind you still get compliments on years after you've bought them. Pic related, my favorite pair for wearing with lolita (or a little black dress!).

>> No.7310085

I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but what type of petti should I use with the Lost in Sea OP? Could I get away using a CP A-line?

>> No.7310220
File: 68 KB, 570x960, 1390018052854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick question:
do these leggings go with this dress?
They're black with white circles that look like they're drawn with a pen going in circles (if that makes sense?)
I'm leaning towards "kind of, but could be better".
quick/boring coord just to try on my new dress.

>> No.7310224


>> No.7310236

not really, it would be better if they were black with white dots in a similar size to the dress print.

>> No.7310238

yeah I thought as much.


>> No.7310271 [DELETED] 

Can anyone answer what's going on with ODIP? I wanted to order the angela stella series JSK since it's dirt cheap now on their site, but no available selection? It's not sold out either since it says there's stock. Unless Marie or whatever her name is causing shit again?

>> No.7310274

Deleted my old comment because I was a retard.
Anyway I wanted to place an order with ODIP but is it safe to order from her shop at all? I'm really skeptical but she has a JSK i want for cheap.

>> No.7310280

ODIP is temporarily closed at the moment, reasons unknown. If your dress is in the US, then it should be fine, but if its in the AUS shop, then nothing will be done until Marie is back.

>> No.7310324

Hello guys! I'm putting together my first coord, and I need advice on how to choose pettis. Any and all advice would be very much appreciated. What type of petti should I use for what type of dress? What is a good price for a petti? And where can I buy some good quality ones? I am pretty lost.

>> No.7310360

What is the best time of the year to buy Fluevogs? And how can you purchase them from Aus? Any help would be appreciated.

>> No.7310381

What do you mean, best time of year? They have a sale on a whole bunch of styles right now, but currently Caravaggio (the ones in anon's pic) are only on sale in pink and in like, 10/11 US. But there are sales throughout the years during the same usual times as all retailers. And they have their own site you can order through online- they have some boutiques in different places but idk if there's one anywhere in Aus.

>> No.7310385

disregard that I just looked it up anyway


326 Lt. Collins Street
Melbourne 3000, AU
61 3 9654 1428

1 Degraves Street
Melbourne 3000, AU
61 3 9639 9636

Hahndorf, Adelaide South Australia
61 8 8388 742

Hobart, Tasmania
03 62247688

Enjoy, anon. They're lovely shoes and very comfortable.

>> No.7310401

Thanks anon.I don't live in any of those city's but I hope it helps someone else. I meant is boxing day the best time to buy or another sale period? End of season etc. Basically when are you they most reduced?

>> No.7310449

where did you buy yours from then anon?

>> No.7310564

I won an auction using fromjapan about 9 days ago, but the dress still hasn't arrived in their office. It states on their website that shipping may take longer than normal because it's the new year, but it seems an awfully long time. Should I ask fromjapan to get in contact with the seller? Any advice?

>> No.7310569

I bought a pair in burgandy. Its gorgeous! im on a shoe shopping rampage. Spent 650 today on shoes...

>> No.7310610

omfg why must only the bottom half of Australia get them

but thanks for pasting tho!

>> No.7310613

bell petticoats are for bell shaped skirts

A-line pettis are for A shaped skirts..

if its round on the top its bell if its a flat slope its A..

>> No.7310625

fuck are you smoking?

>> No.7310721

I understood it

>> No.7310751

Fluevog stores & their website tend to have sales post-Xmas and also May 15, which is the designer's birthday. Doubt that applies to local vendors, however, and sizes tend to sell out quickly (I bought the pink ones last May when they first went on sale - if you're a 10/11, lucky you, because those are usually the last to sell out, so they get the most heavily discounted!).

>> No.7310765
File: 97 KB, 1447x400, VogWishList.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My current Fluevog wish list: I bought the burgundy boots already, but the ones in the middle were just marked down to half price, so I'm super-tempted. The purple are the most gorgeous but don't go with much of my wardrobe....

>> No.7310771

Thanks anon. I can hope for May 15th also do they offer international shipping online or will I need an ss? For once my huge feet (size 11)have been helpful. That is fantastic for my situation.

Anon may I ask what other shoes do you wear for lolita?Where you got them from? I always struggle finding shoes.

>> No.7310786
File: 85 KB, 625x392, petticoat_aline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7310788
File: 95 KB, 638x400, petticoat_bell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7310828
File: 121 KB, 500x500, TaobaoPumpsIvory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently had to replace all my shoes because of an orthotic condition, which was a nightmare. I have a few pairs of these Taobao shoes in different colors, a few pairs from the Antaina store (also Taobao) that fit okay, and then my Fluevogs. I'm mostly classic & gothic rather than sweet, which makes it a bit easier.

Fluevog does do international shipping, I'm not sure what the cost & customs fees would be, however!


>> No.7310831

remember to have your ding-a-ling peeking out from under your petti

>> No.7310836

Hi! Does anyone knowt he best place to find second hand EGA or the tags for it on mbok/y!j? I'm looking for a birthday gift for my boyfriend.

>> No.7310850

I love the purple but am so not keen on the rub off design. I tried them on in store when I was in Vancouver and just couldn't bring myself to buy them. This was when they were full price though... Unfortunately I'm gonna get hit with mental customs fees if I buy them now. Ah, decisions.

>> No.7310868

To be honest, I think a lot of Fluevogs look really stupid. They're shoes I imagine shitty steampunks wearing. Only the middle two in your pic look decent.

>> No.7310876

I'm fairly newish to the lolita community but I've been wearing it for a short while (been in the fashion since Novemeber 2012) and I've recently got the urge to follow some 'famous' lolita blogs. Who would you recommend that are good lolitas to look up to but aren't complete bitches?

>> No.7310897
File: 143 KB, 300x450, 1390062535496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I have chance to find it some day ? How much should I expect to pay for it ?
I'd gladly sell a liver for this beauty !

>> No.7310927

Are there any cute sweet lolita shoes in large sizes that aren't brand knockoffs or replicas?
I wear a US 10, and while classic/gothic shoes are easy to get in normal domestic shoe stores, sweet or even light/pastel colored shoes other than sneakers are really hard to find. Even simple mary-janes in pastel colors would be fine as I could add my own shoe clips and decorations.

>> No.7310957

I'm a bit uncertain about the rub-off design too, although it does help conceal any wear to the shoes later on :) I'm mostly debating because I'm not a heels person; I'm fine with the Baroques, which are only a 2" (I think?) but the Queen Transcendents are a 3.5" heel which is pushing it for me, even with the platform fronts.

Yay for you?

>> No.7310997

Sorry, no. Japanese women's shoes (not just in lolita fashion, but in Japan in general) are offered in a much smaller sizing range. It sucks for Japanese women who happen to have larger feet (US size 8 or above). They either have to wear men's shoes, which tend to be heavier, or Western shoes, which they have to buy abroad.

>> No.7311016

I doubt it. I love their dresses too but I would say that the only items we would have any luck finding are the series they sold overseas.

>> No.7311018

Classical puppets
$30 ish

>> No.7311019

contact their tumblr and see if they have stock left over/plan on doing a re-release?

>> No.7311022

do you use taobao? Seasons makes custom-sized shoes up to any size you want. They have a lot of secret-shop/antaina styled shoes

>> No.7311103

Question about mbok: I recently lost an auction with them, and they still have about 23k yen of my money. Can I send them a request for an item and use that money still? Or will they need to invoice me separately for the item and refund the other?

>> No.7311111
File: 61 KB, 477x358, baroque lorrain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rub off looks MUCH better in the burgundy; the purple and green ones look.. well, cheap for lack of better word because they're so bright.

Anyway, pic related is on sale right now and was my next wishlist shoe from them, and I'm so very tempted but I just bought a bunch of shoes and I absolutely should not be spending the money right now, even with layaway... I'm torn.

>> No.7311133


It reminds me of 90's Barbie accessories.

>> No.7311137

Last night I had some super strange dream where I was at an event with some e-famous lolitas wearing Candy Sprinkle. I don't give a damn about either of these things. Anyone else had any strange lolita related dreams?

>> No.7311141

I had a dream that that French lolita Mimi Elizabeth (?) died. I think I went to her funeral in it even though I'm not even from Europe and don't know her. It was really weird and I have no idea why I had it.

>> No.7311143

I had a dream in which an old teacher of mine was pecked to death by a flock of crows that had either come alive from a new crow print (something I've been hoping for for a while) or were foreshadowing it.
Safe to say my first lolita dream was a nightmare.

>> No.7311152

I had a dream where I had hijacked a mail truck and was rooting through packages and letters for one particular thing. I think it was some kind of heist or conspiracy kind of dream, but I don't remember...

>> No.7311155

That's a pretty bad ass dream. I want more lolita horror movies. Japan, you can do it.

>> No.7311166
File: 36 KB, 458x640, mimi9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, she's Finnish. Forgot to mention, I woke up with my chest heaving as though I'd been crying in my dream. Weird stuff. Pretty sure I've dreamt about other people from the internet, too.

>> No.7311175

You should still be able to use your leftover deposit to order another item. I've done that with Japonica before. (dunno what SS you're using but it should be the same with others?)

>> No.7311214

Has anyone here ever ordered from soufflesong? I'm sorely tempted by this headdress but I'm worried it'll look like crap:

>> No.7311247

The first lolita dream I had was one where people were wearing horribly fitting Vampire Requiem jsk replicas. And my boyfriend stole my shoes?

>> No.7311256

Let me try it. I am sorry for the wall of text incoming.
I am a male cosplayer who's into /fa/ as well: brandwhoring, runways, a lot of various perfume, avant-garde fashion (a lot of j-fashion as well) all that shit. My friend is a cosplayer as well but my style doesn't suit her at all and she doesn't want to try it for herself. Meanwhile the whole situation of myself dropping a shitload of cash on my own wardrobe obviously irritates her so I have decided to look for a solution in lolita fashion (seems she likes it).

Could you kindly educate me (basically in the form of RTFM -> and here goes your manual) in most basic terms what does it takes to construct a lolita outfit and image from scratch?
>Magazines, if you can grab your hands on some
That's what I will do.
>good sites/blogs to check out
That's what I will do as well.

Anything else you can offer as an advice for a man who doesn't know a shit about lolita fashion or lolitas community?
The brands I know at the moment are:
Angelic Pretty
Baby SSB
Innocent world
Is there something else worth checking for?

Can you recommend a brand site where you can buy the whole outfit at once as a set? From my own experience there is nothing worse then to spend a lot of cash on clothes which don't match from a point of view of those who know more than you.

And the last question, how do you deal with these SUP SOLD OUT EVERYTHING thing? What does it take to buy an outfit the instant it's being released? Some kind of preorders?

Thank you for your kind attention.

>> No.7311261
File: 104 KB, 480x640, 138302-iv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once, years ago, I dreamed that I got this huge haul in the mail, and I woke up eager to go play dress up before realizing it had all been a dream and my closet was still sad and empty.

Also, anyone else going bananas waiting for their Labyrinth OP? I saw some JSKs in the wardrobe posts, and I'm envious. It's "middle of January" now though, so I guess it'll be out soon.

>> No.7311280

Dumb question, but is this the Classical Puppets petticoat that everyone likes?

>> No.7311398
File: 101 KB, 486x790, anatomy_lolita_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What does it takes to construct a lolita outfit and image from scratch?
Pic related is your basic "formula" - some sort of hair accessory + blouse + skirt/jumperskirt/onepiece (blouse not necessary for the op) + legwear + shoes + coordinating accessories.

>Magazines, if you can grab your hands on some
Gothic & Lolita Bible is probably the best one, Kera also includes a lot of lolita. If you have a Kinokuniya near you, they carry both - otherwise, you can find scans online or order them from YesAsia or Amazon Japan.

>good sites/blogs to check out
I recommend hellolace.net and fyeahlolita's blog

>a brand site where you can buy the whole outfit at once as a set?
Luckypacks often offer this sort of thing, but you just missed the big time period for them (New Years). Otherwise, most brands release sets of things that are meant to go together - it's often seen as unoriginal/uncreative to wear full sets, but at least you know they match.

>how do you deal with these SUP SOLD OUT EVERYTHING thing?
Popular releases you need to buy as soon as they come out. Some sell out within minutes. There are always things that linger on sites for a while though - if you're not picky, that's a bit easier. You can also go for secondhand rather than buying direct from the brands.

>> No.7311407

Could anyone name me a volume of the GLB with an underbust JSK pattern?

X post from sewing thread

>> No.7311443

Why do you have to care what your friend thinks so much?
Isn't making her spend almost as much as you on clothes she kinda likes an elaborate way of making her accept your spending habits?
Actually its more than elaborate.

>> No.7311497

Thank you so much! Saved your post and your picture.

No, it's me who is supposed to buy her the said clothes. And I've checked at least the websites of brands I know, once again
Angelic Pretty
Baby SSB
Innocent world
and it's way cheaper then I spend on my clothes anyway. The only problem I see is how to learn to match them together in lolita-way of matching things and how to deal with SOLD OUT LOL thing.

>> No.7311501


I always dread what comes out of these surveys. Unless legitimate lolitas feel obligated to participate it's usually a bunch of weebs or tryhards who volunteer to respond and then you don't really have a lolita survey anymore.

>> No.7311591

Does anyone know when AP will put Romantic Rose Letter up for sale?

>> No.7311665

No, that's the daily A line. People tend to like their bell shape one the most

>> No.7311682

Lolita-matching is like 80s-matching, we believe in coordinating colours rather than complimentary colours, so it's quite common to see people head-to-toe in the same colour with a second accent colour, and for outfits to be built around 2 to 3 colours. For example, if you buy a pink dress with white trim it would be common to wear a white blouse, white socks, pink shoes and pink hair accessory with it. If you wanted to add a third colour, a popular choice would be pink x baby blue x white, so you could wear a pink hair accessory, blue blouse, white tights and blue shoes. Usually a colour is repeated at least 2-3 times in different areas of the outfit to give it an overall feeling of balance.

Apart from the brands already mentioned, I would also recommend checking taobao brands, such as Infanta, Kidsyoyo, Chess Story, Magic Tea Party, and Dear Celine. Most of the Japanese brands are also one size only so if she is particularly small, has a large bust size, or has a bust over 88-90cm she may have trouble fitting them. There are also some second hand websites such as fururun, closet child and tokyo alice.

>> No.7311700

I have both the bell and a-line pettis. It depends on what style youre going for and what the majority of dresses fit which petti.

>> No.7311706

derp, large cup size.

Also other brands to look at:
Moi meme moitie
Victorian Maiden
Mary Magdalene
Juliette et Justine
Atelier Pierrot
Atelier Boz
Putumayo (some lolita, some gothic)

Tokyo Rebel and Harajuku Hearts hold some items in stock from brands which may help you deal with items being sold out.

>> No.7311733

I have mostly classic dresses and a few sweet. They have so many petticoats that I don't know which one i should buy and which one is the one people keep saying doesn't deflate.

>> No.7311738

I am soooooooo nostalgic of old school...I began to be lolita in 2003.

>> No.7311744

Thank you so much anon. I did not know those shoes come in 10s or 11s as I could only find them up to size 8. That's a real shame anon, I can imagine it'd be quite hard. I'm into classic and gothic too. I also am thinking about getting the whimsy bordellos.

>> No.7311751

is the A-line petticoat that most people use/like; it would probably be fit for your Classic dresses

is the Bell shaped petti that people get, which would suit your sweet dresses

>> No.7311766

Their big A-line definitely doesn't deflate that easily, their bell shaped one has mixed reviews mainly depending on the weight of the skirt you want to put it under. I personally think of the bell shaped one as medium poof, definitely not extreme. I would not recommend the A-line if you like subtle to medium poof though.

A line: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w4004-302901031.2.ldDNNb&id=3401713800

Bell: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w4004-302901031.10.ldDNNb&id=3486735318

>> No.7311800

Thank you anons! Definitely getting the A-line then because I already have two other petticoats I layer for a more subtle look. I wanted something that would really make my dresses flare out.

>> No.7312539

Anon if you are still around may I ask what size do you normally get of the taobao shoes in your image? What size shoe do you wear. I'm an Australian 11.

>> No.7312542


>> No.7312555

You mean the Baby set, right? ...Didn't this happen months ago?

>> No.7312657
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idk if i want it as bad anymore, i do like the tulle overskirt but it's defs just a rehashed design relying on the print, i loved the draped look of the teaparty one. ho hum =\

>> No.7312659
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more info on this release?

>> No.7312697
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>that cute short skirt
>but that cute short skirt on my 5'6' body

>> No.7312856

Thank you! So small girls will have a problems with it? She is pretty much of a japan height, 148 cm.

>> No.7312876

That height is a lot more common and better catered for than say being 170cm. Pretty much all the brands should be suitable length, if their is a short and long option, chose the short unless you want the dress to be tea length. I think the other anon meant small as in very small measurements. Most brands are quite accommodating to a range of sizes, especially with corset lacing (for smaller girls) and shirring (for larger girls). Do you know what size she wears roughly?

>> No.7312883

What are the best taobao brands for blouses? Gothic and classic inparticular. Sorry if this would be more suitable in another thread.

>> No.7312901

It's XS or XXS usually... actually most of the time she's shopping in kids section for 12-14 years old haha.

>> No.7312911

I'm not from US, rather Australia so would that be an US 2 or so?

Hmm I think that she should fit standard items, but those with no shirring and corset lacing would be best. Also brands like Victorian Maiden,Mary Magdalene and Moi Meme Moitie would be suitable too. Some brands also release items in different size, mainly Innocent World and Juliette et Justine, Innocent World size small or Juliette et Jusine size 1 would probably be best too.

>> No.7312922

I am not from US either, so I don't know how does it correspond for US sizes. Thank you, saved your advice as well. Another question: which brands offer whole sets as it is, everything included? I guess that should be our first choice. Once again thank you for your help!

>> No.7312926

Are you from Australia anon? If so I have a better clue. AP, Baby and Meta sometimes do. Recently many of the brands released lucky packs (which generally consist of items that normally can make a whole coord). Angelic Pretty and Baby also released luckypack/special sets recently so if you could get a hand on one of them that'd come in handy. You would still need to buy a petticoat and shoes (sometimes they come in lucky packs) though however offbrand shoes can work.

>> No.7312932

As for classic, Victorian Maiden do some full outfit fukubukuro too but they are hard to grab because they don't sell overseas. I she want a full closet easily, she could also go for Innocent World's lucky pack A or B which are quite pricey but enormous and filled with several dresses, blouses, accessories and sometimes bags and shoes

>> No.7312960

I'm an 8.5 in most US shoes, although I often bump up to a 9 US for the extra width. My antaina and taobao shoes are size 41 and fit fairly well (they're a little long but with the straps, that's not a big deal). I can usually get away with a Japanese size LL (25 cm) if the style design is wide across the toe box. I'm not sure how that translates to Australian sizing or if that helps at all!

>> No.7313182

Are they going to do online reserves or is it like a tea-party/event only thing?
I don't know how the last release went down.

>> No.7313258

Can anyone recommend an SS for reserves? I've been in contact with Chibi Tenshi and Tokyo Pirates but I'm just enquiring atm.

>> No.7313282

Thank you!
> she could also go for Innocent World's lucky pack A or B which are quite pricey but enormous and filled with several dresses, blouses, accessories and sometimes bags and shoes
That's what we'll do.

>> No.7313301
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i just bought pic related and i'm looking for a cute skirt to coord it with.
it's a pale dusty pink with navy blue trim, i'm thinking a navy blue skirt would look good with it.
bonus points for a sailor themed skirt

anyone have any ideas?

>> No.7313344

I always see people here talking about how normalfags assume ageplay, especially when they hear the name of the fashion, but I can honestly say I've never met someone irl that just casually recognises the name lolita, or even knows what ageplay is. Lolita isn't a book a lot of people read just for the hell of it. Hell, I have a cousin named Lolita, and no one bats an eye at that.

>> No.7313376

Hey guys, I'm new to lolita, and was looking to start completely fresh, but I want to skip the ita phase entirely. I"m a little chubbier, so any tips, beit makeup, dresses, how to dress as a slightly bigger person, ect would be useful.

Hell, I don't even own a wig.

>> No.7313379

Yeah, I'm Puerto Rican and also have someone in the family named Lolita. Hell, there's a Hispanic news reporter named Lolita Lopez in NYC area. People are idiots.

>> No.7313384

Literally first thing you need to do is lose weight. Dead serious.

>> No.7313386

I figured. It's pretty much for petite women, right?

>> No.7313395

You don't need to wear a wig, just learn how to style your hair properly and balance your outfit with it.
I have no experience with being bigger in lolita, but I would say:
-wear dresses that fit you comfortably, not ones that "fit" you, which will help you avoid horrors like boobloaf. Plenty of indie designers (and taobao brands) do custom sizing, and many brand dresses have partial, half, or full shirring, which will fit you depending on how big you are. (I personally dislike full shirring on most dresses, but I think some of the Moitie pieces are really beautiful, if you're into that.)
-dress to your body shape. Certain cuts/styles will flatter you more than others.
-avoid knee socks and otks, as they tend to accentuate stocky legs
-if your bust is a problem, try wearing a sports bra to reduce a few cm. Also avoid empire waist dresses, dresses that have a lot of detailing around the bust, etc. (this goes with the point above)
-go for a little heel if you can. It will make you look slimmer.

Those are really basic tips. As much as I really don't like lolitatips, I would recommend checking out the links she has in her FAQ, as those actually seem to be helpful.

>> No.7313402

Alright. Will do. Thanks c:

>> No.7313408

Does anyone know of any UK comms that meet in York?
I've finally saved up enough money to get into lolita but I have cfs and cant really travel.
I'm not buying my first dress for a few months and feel it's probably better to wait until then to join a comm, but I like to plan ahead.

>> No.7313418

Another tip: don't use emoticons here.

>> No.7313445

There's a York comm but it's not particularly active. Some of the TPC members are planning a meet in York by the looks of it. 4chan won't let me link but if you scroll down the group you should find it.

>> No.7313457
File: 47 KB, 238x600, tumblr_mu2mod9O191ry1uy0o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are plenty of good plus size lolitas, avoid high necklines, maybe invest in some shapewear or a well fitting corset.

Pic related.

>> No.7313476

Thank you so much!

>> No.7313487

I really like R-Series for classic and gothic blouses. Dear Celine if you can even manage to get your hands on them.

>> No.7313491

Like mentioned, it already happened, online.

This looks like it'd pair well with MM pieces.

>> No.7313493

I'm debating if and when I do go to a concert (down-tempo/trip-hop) next weekend, if I could get away with wearing lolita or if it's a better idea to go in muggle/hipster wear. The only problem I can think of would be getting warm and possibly a large crowd (although, it is a fairly small venue). The kind of music going to be played doesn't seem to produce any kind of reckless behavior.

>> No.7313511

DON'T. I'm dead serious, do not wear lolita to a concert, unless that's classical music or something that requires people sitting. I once went to a concert in a more casual fairy kei and it was a disaster, despite the fact that the crowd wasn't really so energetic.

>> No.7313518

So wearing a salopette or something to a Kyary concert would be a no go?
I'm hoping to go to the one in either Chicago or Toronto, and I want to look cute.

>> No.7313534

Don't wear anything you'd be devastated to have ruined and you're likely fine. Not quite sure on the atmosphere of shows outside of metal and industrial stuff, but my advice from those is "Dress for Mobility".

That said I've been to metal shows in Lolita, nothing HUGE but still some bigger names and never had an issue.

>> No.7313538

Oh, these experiences have been in Toronto and bits of Michigan, if the specification helps.

>> No.7313564

Seconding >>7313511 and >>7313534 (same person?), wear it if you want but only if you're ok with sweating profusely in it, having strangers bump into you and maybe rip or pull something, spill drinks etc. I went to see Anamanaguchi at a pretty tiny venue and I wore a replica, it still was drenched in sweat (mine and other people's) by the end of the show, luckily it being a replica I just threw it in the wash.

>> No.7313581

Lose weight
Don't worry about wigs
Focus on looking nice more than focusing on it being lolita

>> No.7313586

The Blind Pig, perchance?
If so, the crowd ruined that show. Never did I ever expect a bunch of obese meat heads to punch me in the face, pull my ponytail, and shove me to the ground at a chiptune concert.

>> No.7313647

Does anyone know of a seamstress who I can commission a nice velvet skirt from? Or, does anyone know if Lady Sauriel is any good?

>> No.7313674

I have used Elegy and have been very pleased with the results. Both items I have commissioned have been velvet and have been pretty much exactly what I wanted. Miss chubi is very friendly and very good about collaboration, to give you what you want.

>> No.7313698

who is this? I'm in love

>> No.7313719
File: 174 KB, 550x550, maako3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dif anon here, but there's scotloli chiptune fans?
I miss that scene. I don't have friends that are into it anymore, I'd love to get back into it though because those tiny gigs have such nice vibes.

But fuck Anamanagutchi, they make amazing music but their gigs are just full of the worst people now that they're so big.

>> No.7313780

Seconding this, or commissions in general.

Sorry but do you maybe have more detail, for example how your experience was with communication, making time, price and discussion of ideas/being easy to work with for customization? I feel like there's basically no information from the past 2-3 years about custom makers other than 4oclock.

>> No.7313791

I posted a review on egl here:http://egl.livejournal.com/19439885.html

I think I went into decent detail, but if you want more info I am glad to give it. I buy a lot of indie brand and I like to try and talk up the ones I liked.

>> No.7313856

Thanks! The Elegy stuff looks gorgeous, she is one of the seamstresses I was considering.

>> No.7314018

Holy shit.
I was the anon who asked initially, and that black velvet dress is almost exactly what I've been looking for. Thank you, anon.

>> No.7314044
File: 44 KB, 420x960, 1390179116032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She doesn't have a blog but her name's Abigail and she posts to the Closet of Frills FB group sometimes.

>> No.7314056

This is probably an incredibly dumb question, but is it possible to have an SS or a second-hand shop keep an eye out for items for you?

>> No.7314064

Thanks so much.
Ah, she's beautiful, I wish she had a blog.

>> No.7314065

From Tokyo Pirates terms & conditions.

>Since most of my customers are lolitas and request a look-out service for rare or desired items from Closet Child, I have created a database of wishlists. It is a one-time 500 yen fee for the creation of a wishlist. Once made you can add and remove items at your leisure.

4chan won't let me link for some reason but it's one of the first things on her blogspot

>> No.7314067


Yes she does, I've seen her on Tumblr before.

>> No.7314073

I wanna buy this dress from APs japanese site because it is on sale.

Am i right that I need a shopping service for their japanese site?

>> No.7314077

yes. try chibitenshi.

>> No.7314080

It looks like their sale is over, anon.

>> No.7314082

She was featured on the gorgeouspluslolita blog but I don't think she has one herself

>> No.7314090

Woah, really? That's a sweet deal, I'll try setting one up with her. Thanks!

>> No.7314089

Wow, thank you! I've never used Tokyo Pirates before, so I hadn't even seen her page. I'll do this.

>> No.7314093

Oh really, that's such a bummer

>> No.7314103

Would you rather

> Be able to afford ~all the brand you want~ but be too tall for it with 2+ inch rise from your knees

> all the off brand and indie but it suits your height perfectly with a good cover of the knees

>> No.7314124

>Be able to afford ~all the brand you want~ but be too tall for it with 2+ inch rise from your knees
Need that even be asked?
2 inches isnt so bad. Plus underskirts.
Lolita is evolving anyway, dresses are getting shorter.

>> No.7314130

Nigga give me all of the brand there's no such thing as being too tall. Real niggas can look fabulous no matter what body they were born into.

>> No.7314132

able to afford all brand, I don't think 2 inches is a problem at all, many times I even think it look really nice when the skirt is a little short as long as the dress style works for it

>> No.7314136

Both seem pretty much fine, honestly. I prefer a just above the knee look and I myself am short. And there are a lot of very nice offbrand items I like so I wouldn't mind that either, as long as they still suited my style. I mean, you could still just buy really nice taobao indie. Closet full of Dear Celine blouses? Sure.

I guess the first for the sake of hanging on to my brand dream items. I already have the taobao ones anyway.

>> No.7314142

Give me the brand. I actually like it when the skirt sits just a little high.

>> No.7314153

Innocent World, Baby/Aatp, MM, VM, Meta, even Moitie all have some longer length dresses. The "princess length" is kinda in right now which is a benefit for tall girls. Being tall is only really a problem if you're an AP fan since their stuff is never over 90cm in length. But in general unless you're like 6'7" NBA-tier or something there's plenty of brand you can buy, you just need to be a little more selective.

>> No.7314158

This is not directly lolita-related, but while we're on the subject of weight loss, I was wondering if anyone had recommendations on weight loss/fitness DVDs?
I'm a 21 year old female and I'm about 10lbs overweight, though ideally I'd like to lose about 30lbs+, though I know I'd probably have to do more than a workout DVD for that.
My friend started doing the ~insanity~ workout or whatever and he said it works really well, but he's also a dude trying to build a bit of muscle so I don't know if that's the best DVD for me.

I also don't have a large floor space so I need something that's mostly stationary. Bonus points for dance-related ones.

Would also be nice if it was easy to find for download online.

Thanks in advance *-*

>> No.7314161

So I always see people talking about items going up on closetchild blog, but the only blogs I can find from them seem to have last been posted in over 3 years ago? Does anyone have updated URL's for their blogs?

>> No.7314166
File: 125 KB, 480x640, teufel von hameln jsk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have any pictures of a coord with this dress? i find its neckline to be very interesting.

>> No.7314236

How do you find dream dresses you're looking for in physical Closet Child stores?

Like is it possible to search their ameblo without having to view each page manually and scroll for miles?

Theres a dress I want I'm with 100% certainty will be sold in a Closet Child brick and mortar somewhere.

>> No.7314331

Where I used to live wasn't safe to walk or cycle and joining a gym wasn't going to fit into my budget.

I've used TiffanRotheWorkouts Youtube channel, it has 10-15min dance fitness videos and you can choose low cardio, high intensity, specific areas. Whilst you can't tone particular areas so to speak, I would always to extra with arms or do the dances with low weights.

I also reviewed my eating habits and would set time aside so I could cook my meals in bulk and have enough time in the morning to eat breakfast instead of chuggin' a coffee and then having a 10am cake binge.

Also I've done a few ~insanity~ DVD work outs and they're good if you're already active and want to push you're self to the max.

>> No.7314334

Link to youtube: http://www.youtube..

>> No.7314338

I don't think so anon also most of the things on the blog get sold in 1-3 days so the likelihood of something not on the first page still being there is very slim. I'd recommend contacting an SS to look out for that item for you.

>> No.7314364

99% of their actual stock isn't even posted on the blog.
Shinjuku and Yokohama cross off items that have been sold, so if the item isn't struck out then it's still there. Harajuku is full of lazy asses so they don't do that, and usually the stuff they post is gone before they even post it up.

>> No.7314377
File: 70 KB, 500x425, tumblr_lzdaxhuPsf1qhy6c9o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you so much, anon!!

>> No.7314382

Honestly, don't be too pessimistic about workout DVDs/videos. The trick is consistency and not giving up, no matter what workout you do. Probably the most success I've had losing weight with online videos was with the Bodyrock videos and Insanity in combination with a 1200 cal/day diet with the majority of it coming from veges/fruit and lean protein. I didn't feel like I was on a diet though, just like I was choosing better foods to eat.

My personal recommendations (i.e. have actually tried and enjoy or think are good)

Dance related:
Keaira LeShae - she shows you a routine, you learn it, the best way to do the workout is to follow her tutorial then repeat the routine for a song or two. Can be done in a small space

Workout videos:
Bodyrock (older stuff only - their newer stuff has a LOT of equipment)
ZWOW (also older stuff/no equipment vids only)
I recommend using this link to look up the videos you want.
Pop Pilates - Probably best to use a combination of her videos. Her early ones are just pilates/targeting body areas, but she now does HIIT and cardio videos as well. I would recommend following along with one of her challenges.
Pretty much all of the above only need enough space to lie down in if you select the right workout.

Beachbody/fitness DVDs:
P90X - takes bloody ages to do most of the workouts and the guy is annoying, some exercises need a lot of space. Their abs video is awesome though.
Insanity - much more my cup of tea, you get your arse handed to you every time. I would not recommend it for someone starting from sedentary or who has never done any fitness training before, as you only get technique pointers and the videos are very strictly timed. You will need some side-to-side space for some of the exercises.

>> No.7314446

>Harajuku is full of lazy asses

>> No.7314460

They're talking about the Harajuku Closet Child store being lazy because they don't update the sale status of the items on their blog.

>> No.7314472

Wasnt there an anon who loved hot pink tartan? Found this and thought of you, Anon! http://page4.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/d147204022

>> No.7314479

theres this too

>> No.7314501 [DELETED] 

ok, so... i don't know much about lolita or anything, but /fa/ said i should come here...

i'm 5ft 9in or 175cm, and i feel like i have trouble feeling feminine. i'm fairly thin. a size 7 at the hip usually, or 28 inch waist and 38 inch hip.

so i hate to interrupt a thread on such matters, and i've been skimming for advice on dressing to make myself seem smaller and/or younger and petite. i just feel clunky and manly a lot of the time.

A SIDE NOTE: i have looked through the thread and found some useful info, but i was wondering if anyone had some more specific advice for "girlifying" my body type.

>> No.7314516

May I ask your bust size anon? As your waist is quite significantly smaller than your hips you could really play up that feature and dress to show your curves/achieve the hour glass look (even in lolita). I'm a little shorter (5'8') and my measurements are pretty much the same (I also feel manly because of my wide shoulders). If you go for slightly longer items such as I.W long version that can help make you look smaller as the dress should be just past your knee or even a bit longer. Small heels are good or oxfords as they won't increase your height much. Wearing tights or stocking rather than otks or knee socks would also help. Small headwear also doesn't add much to height and can also make you look shorter. I find that light florals work well as they are quite feminine yet also aren't ott sweet, and would make you look more younger. A lot of innocent world dresses come to mind like Arabesque rose, Versailles rose etc. Chiffon blouses will also help look less clunky as they are very flowing .

>> No.7314542

parfaitdoll has a cute blog but is not a cute person

>> No.7314558


Are you kidding me? RambleRori can't dress herself for shit, and her attitude is appalling.

>> No.7314593

whats the deal with LSE? I have a real name, public profile, even pictures of me wearing lolita. Why won't they approve me?

>> No.7314623

this. though to be fair most of those recommended either can't dress themselves, have shit attitudes, or both (let's not forget fyeahlolita is milkteamilk)

>> No.7314640

Fill me in here? What did parfaitdoll do?

>> No.7314653

I thought I was the only one who disliked milkteamilk. She spoke shit about me behind my back but always acted as if everything was peachy keen to me.

>> No.7314655


>> No.7315217
File: 172 KB, 420x611, 1390230249869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone knows anything about this store? http://www.glitzywonderland.com/infanta-clothes.html i got here through facebook and apparently they're infanta resellers but i just wanted to know if anyone had had any experience with them

>> No.7315256

Why would anyone with half a brain buy from resellers?
It's more expensive and really not that much easier/faster. Learn to taobao.

I think it's funny that she has one of the most well respected lolita blogs but honestly can't dress for shit.

>> No.7315290

I've never seen a milkteamilk pic, how bad is it?

>> No.7315302



>> No.7315334

all i wanna know if this is legit or not you dumbass, thanks

>> No.7315359

I wana see too

>> No.7315568

Different anon, but I'll have to check out these seamstresses. Also, you no-waist jsks look really cute on you.

>> No.7315576


There are like 500+ trusted taobao resellers, just pick one of them and lose the attitude

>> No.7315580
File: 404 KB, 853x480, 1378154687770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noones gonna tell you with that attitude

>> No.7315593

It probably is, I highly doubt someone would put time into making a resale site that was fake. But like others have said you're pretty much getting scalped and slower shipping.

>> No.7315607

I posted in the help thread, but I figured some lolitas might know too. >>7315503

I'm editing a collar pattern and I want it to have a fairly high roll. can anyone recommend a definitive resource for this?

>> No.7315618

Has anyone bought from Eat Me Ink Me before? I like some of their things on Etsy, but one of the old reviews mentioned that there was no serger and I'd like to know how their seams are finished/if there's lining etc.

>> No.7315711

How long should I wait before contacting Japonica to see if my items have arrived/are ready to be shipped? It's been a couple of weeks, so they should be there, but I haven't gotten any updates from them.

>> No.7315880
File: 80 KB, 640x960, milkteamilk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the most recent pic she has on her blog...I can see why she doesn't post many pictures of herself.

>> No.7315887

I imagined her fatter.

>> No.7315907

would make you feel a lot better about yourself if she was a cunt AND a fatty, wouldn't it?

>> No.7315920

I don't really have an opinion on her, it's just I seem to remember her talking a lot about losing weight. My self-esteem's doing fine, though, thanks for your concern.

>> No.7315923

I don't think she's fat, she has a bunch of unshirred items that she wears iirc.

>> No.7315934

Hmm, must've been thinking of someone else, then, I guess!

>> No.7315960
File: 37 KB, 384x640, 1377625905547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just kill me seagulls. Yesterday I've decided to buy cutsew from AP that would fit my wardrobe perfectly, but instead of buying it instantly I thought that I would add money on my paypal first. And today (of course) all of these cutsew are gone.
If only I wasn't so fucking dumb and just bought it yesterday.

>> No.7315965

What is the purpose of adding money on Paypal?

>> No.7315976

Not to mention Parfait Doll did a whole blog post endorsment on Sugar Freedom and the tumblr reblog print, so I would take anything she said with a grain of salt, since that hints at really poor judgment and makes her a really unreliable source for information.

>> No.7315975

I don't use credit cards, so I have to send them from my bank account to paypal account.

>> No.7315983

Well, I'm sorry you missed out, anon.

>> No.7315985

You know PP can just pull the money from your account, right?

>> No.7315999

...no, I don't. How does it work?
I start to feel like complete idiot right now.

>> No.7316005

>Link PP to your bank account
>maybe link it also to your debit card of that account (tbh I can't remember if you have to, it's been so long)
>choose "instant transfer" when you go to check out

>> No.7316006

Did you order things from a lot of different sellers? Sometimes, all your stuff will come in, and they won't realize that it's all there. It wouldn't hurt to send them an e-mail asking for an update on your order.

>> No.7316022

I won a jsk and blouse from the same seller under the same ID within two days of each other about two weeks ago. I haven't heard about those. I also won a jacket a few days ago, which I didn't expect to be there yet.
I emailed them asking for an update, so here's to hoping. Their communication has been really shitty this time; I don't think I'll use them again.

>> No.7316033

Thanks! It seems that I really am retarded, I always thought that paying without money on the account would just cancel the transaction.

>> No.7316093

What are your favourite brands for chiffon blouses/blouses in general (taobao and brand)?

>> No.7316113

Innocent World on both counts, their chiffon blouses are so lovely and the cotton ones are great too. I have a few AATP ones and while the designs are very gorgeous, the fabric feels kind of rough.

>> No.7316131

Dear Celine now and forever

>> No.7316162
File: 495 KB, 500x321, love.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Decide to try becoming friends with another loli seagull who moved to my area. Message her over tumblr.
>Quickly become friends
>Find out we're the same shoe size
>I'm into Classic, she's into sweet, and she wants to try Classic.
>We go window shopping at local vintage shops yesterday, and find really cute vintage stuff that fits her well and looks super cute on her. We even find a shop with really nice, classic puppet tier a-line petticoats. Will have to go back and buy some.
>She lets me try on her Haenuli Dreaming Cinderella JSK, and it fits wonderfully(She had accidentally ordered the larger size, not realizing how large it ran, so it's really loose on her)
>Her boyfriend is pretty awesome, we geek out over stuff, and he even gets talking sports with my husband over dinner, and they have a good time.
>We even talk about helping out with cleaning each other's place and helping them with decorating and storage for their room.
>mfw, it was totally worth reaching out and trying to become friends. I've missed having a close friend I can geek out with over stuff and talk lolita.

>> No.7316168

muh feels
i wish i could find a buddy like that
where do you live out of curiosity

>> No.7316182

Over in Orange County, CA. The other seagull had moved from out of state to CA recently and hadn't really had a chance to make friends yet. I was actually pretty lonely and had a really terrible 2013, so I wanted to have a better year. This is the year I want to bring positivity and joy back into my life.

>> No.7316184

I'm happy for you, anon. My best friend is a fellow lolita, it's a good-ass feel. Lolifriends aren't essential to enjoying the fashion but damn if they aren't nice to have.

>> No.7316188

D'awwww. The OC group has a lot of great girls. I am glad you found a friend.
A fellow OC loli.

>> No.7316196
File: 10 KB, 248x234, 1327062763045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i live near torrance

>> No.7316197
File: 70 KB, 353x314, 1390263023073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never have a frilly friend

>> No.7316226

It's a great feel. Because also it means I have somebody to shop with, and since I know how to sew, I can help with any alterations she needs since she doesn't like sewing.

>> No.7316329
File: 98 KB, 567x921, IMG_20140121_110611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it was written 2+ not just 2 inches ? the average dress is 85cm long (sorry I'm bred metric) but there's people who'll be taller than more than 2+ inch rise and aren't NBA players or even close

>apologies for the dusty mirror photo was taken before I recognized the importance of cleaning it
Pic related, me in BTSSB Velveteen JSK circa 2002. Not modern day AP, but old school BTSSB!

I'm only 5'4'' and this gap from my kndsse is I'm sure more than 2 inches. Be I posted myself wearing this I'm sure I'd be banned from calling it lolita even though its a lolita dress, even if I stuck a petti in it where here I did not. And I agree with that.
Still wear this dress tho

But yeah
>>7314103 My answer would be option 2 I guess. A brand is just a brand when there is a aesthetic you're trying to replicate.

>> No.7316336

by god that wasn't a cthulu possession or anything yeah

>> No.7316365

I only have some accessories from her and I'm very happy with the finishing on the bows. Sorry that doesn't help much.

Eh, on the older side but she looks fine. Her modding attitude, however...

>> No.7317268

Wow. Im extremely jealous. And then I got even more jealous when I read that your SOs like each other too. Holy fuck, all my jealousy.

>> No.7317319

no offense but the jsk looks terrible on you.

the hem is way too short, bare legs are off putting (knees and down would have been cuter, not thighs and down), and no silhouette.

>> No.7317446

What kind of coords are appropriate for meets? I only got into lolita late last year and I have yet to go to any meets, so I was wondering what range of elaborate or casual is acceptable, i.e how OTT or plain can you go without other lolis judging you at all.

>> No.7317456

It depends on the type of meet anon, in regards to how ott or casual you can go. For brand partys, big events or cons even you can go completely OTT, casual meets to a park or to the movies or something you can go very casual. For dinner meets, high teas, I would pick something inbetween not too casual but not ott.

>> No.7317492

I remember a little while back reading that AP and BTSSB handbags arent really long lasting

What about their shoes?

>> No.7317497
File: 679 KB, 720x1280, 2014-01-02 15.55.50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still little bad at judging what's casual and what's not, so would something like this be too fancy for a casual meet or is it okay?

>> No.7317500

As a JSK or a dress to just to wear in general?
I'm really glad to have this kind of honesty, friends and significant others just tell me I look nice and leave it at that.

If the former, I definitely agree with you as I stated in my original post, the dress is not for lolita (despite the intention first buying it)!

Posting the photo was an example of a brand dress on a person who isnt "NBA height", just on the tall side of average. Though theres buckets of other dresses that are longer than this, I can only imagine someone taller than 5'4'' would run into this problem themselves and prove that brand isnt everything...

But yeah, if I gotta toss this dress than please let me know! My tastes are probably fucked

>> No.7317547

I think it's cute as fuck. It's just too short. I recommend wearing it with thigh highs though, and continue to rock it as a regular dress.

>> No.7317564

That looks gorgeous! If you're worried about it being OTT, I would just remove the bonnet. Is that your real hair or a wig?

>> No.7317582

It's a wig lmao, my real hair is short and hard to style.
And yeah I was thinking the same about the bonnet, thank anon!

>> No.7317642

So, I bought a pair of shoes from yikyu1991716 on the comm sales, they have a lot of positive feedback, one neutral and one negative so I thought it was okay.
However, this was like two weeks ago and they still haven't shipped my shoes out yet. When I bought the shoes, they told me that they'd ship them out the following Monday or Tuesday. I messaged them that Thursday or Friday (I can't recall when) to ask them if they had shipped them out as they said they would, but they said no and that they had gone to Disneyland for two days or something, but that they'd have them shipped out the following week--last week. I sent them a message on Saturday, asking them yet again and I've received no answer.
How much longer should I wait for a response from them before filing a claim? Is it too soon to start worrying or should I act now?
I'm not used to shipping taking this long.

>> No.7317798

The bonnet is a bit much. A hat or flower clipa would make it more casual

>> No.7317803

I think its really cute.i like how you're wearing it. I think wearing it with a cute red cardigan and braided twintails would be adorable

>> No.7317930

can knee high socks ever look good?

>> No.7317981

If I were you I won't want the shoes anymore I'll just want my money back and save myself the headache. Tell her you should have been informed of the delay in shipping. Tell her you wanted to wear the shoes for an event on 25 Jan (or 26th, whatever) and now it's obviously not going to arrive in time, you don't want the shoes anymore, you want a refund. one day after sending that message, if she doesn't reply, open a dispute. If she nicely refunds you without being a bitch, you could still leave a positive/neutral feedback (and explain why please). If she starts acting like an asshole, escalate the dispute to a claim and leave her negative feedback.

>> No.7318437

this is probably going to be a stupid question, but are baby's order forms in both english and japanese now? for direct order and reserve? the last time i ordered was when you still had to copy and paste a form into an email.

captcha: was existig

>> No.7318672

Basically the same deal- same quality as many knock-offs because in the end, they're all shitty pleather.

Basically no imo, unless you really have stick-thin legs and your dress is long enough to cover your knees well enough.

>> No.7319007

If they fit well and the dress isn't too short. I personally don't like the ones with big frills at the top.

>> No.7319527

Are there any other SS that can do a BTSSB reserve other than chibi and tokyo pirates? Other ones I know of have either not updated anything for a year or aren't in Japan. Don't want to miss out on Claudia.

>> No.7319609

Have you tried Tokyo Rebel?

>> No.7320389

There isn't any info about it, and it'd work out more expensive than buying directly and getting charged customs as I don't live in America.

>> No.7321156
File: 89 KB, 280x373, logo_ribbon_charm_headbow_ko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a tutorial for making a bow like pic related? The ones that lay sort of flat on your head, and almost look like they're melting or something.

I really like them, but there aren't very many of them floating around, and I can't seem to even find knockoff ones on ebay.