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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7297392 No.7297392[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post pics, tips, and favorite places to shop.

>> No.7297404
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>> No.7297418
File: 34 KB, 500x375, 1389578308688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do some gals lower their heads and look down when someone else is taking a photo of them? It's not bad, I'm curious.

>> No.7297433

do you guys have any tanning tips? my problem is only my legs are tanning very fast but not the rest of my body

>> No.7297441

I've always wondered this as well

>> No.7297442

I need those transparent platforms oh my god

>> No.7297445

i heard it's a thing of nagoya gals. they think it's cute because they're acting shy

>> No.7297454

Tanner here. Can you give some more details about your tanning regimen? What types of beds are you using (base, high performance, high pressure)? What types of lotions (accelerators, bronzers, etc)? How often are you tanning?

>> No.7297461

Because they're fucking embarrassed of how much of a trainwreck they look

>> No.7297476

i'm currently not tanning... but my routine was just going on a tanning bed we got at home like 2 or 3 times a week(i don't know what type it is, it's really old)and my legs were really dark like after 2 weeks? my belly was tanned too but not my upper body from the breasts upwards... and this happens every time when i start to get tan

>> No.7297486
File: 21 KB, 300x300, 1389579830389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of the fad from last year where brands would put things into the transparent soles.

>> No.7297487

That is really common. The skin on the arms and chest is thinner than the skin on your legs and stomach, so it does not tan as well. I recommend using an accelerator lotion (bronzer-free lotion) on your legs/stomach and using a bronzer on your arms/chest to kind of help them catch up. Also, you might look into tingle lotions. They're not for everyone, but they'll definitely get you a good boost.

This is kind of hard since you're using a home bed, but tans are boosted by rotating beds. Since your bed is old, it's probably a base bed because they didn't have the more advanced bed types back then. You might check in to using a high pressure ("HP") bed at a salon a few times a month. Base beds help your body produce melanin, and then HP beds bronze that existing melanin. So using an HP bed every so often will give you a big boost. Also, make sure the lamps in your bed are not too old.

>> No.7297490

One more thing. A lot of tanners will turn around in the bed to help their arms/chests get darker. So, put your feet where your head would normally be.

>> No.7297488

It isn't really a gal thing but japanese girls do that to make their face appear rounder or to hide their ugly faceshape like Juria does.

>> No.7297508

thank you so much! i'm going to test it next time when i start tanning again

>> No.7297515

That's amazing, I want one that's completely transparent heel and rest of the shoe.

>> No.7297522
File: 164 KB, 600x493, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>favorite place to shop
d.i.a. of course

>> No.7297675

they sell those everywhere

>> No.7297689

That's been a thing for a while. Pleaser used to make shoes with things in the platforms, like fake goldfish. There's also "tip jar" stripper heels.

But, for the Anon wanting a pair of clear heals, go to odgirl.com and search "clear". There's a bunch of different options.

>> No.7298109

Anyone know good places to get gyaru/himegyaru wigs? I'd prefer Taobao but I'd take anything with good quality at this point.

Also favorite gyaru Taobao shops?

>> No.7298122
File: 74 KB, 360x481, tumblr_mzax9y4bU11r0op3yo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where to get these awesome fur things? Not sure what they're called.

>> No.7298130

>actual size 5 available
Holy shit thank you for that link!

>> No.7298284

Legwarmers? There's a ton on Ebay, since they're pretty popular with ravers and such.

>> No.7298292

They're also called "fluffies" or "leg fluffies".

I'm pretty sure Anon is looking for those specifically with the chains on them. Vinyl Dolls makes the best plain fluffies, but none of their have the chains n shit.

>> No.7298591

Tanner-anon, would you know anything about self-tanning lotions? Not a gyaru, but need to be super dark/orange for an event.

>> No.7298668

UV tanning is more my thing, but I've used several different types of self-tanners as well. The more high-end self tanners (St Tropez, etc) actually won't make you orange because we don't generally want to look like that in real life haha. So, I'd recommend going with a low-end self tanner for the orange look. If you need some recs, let me know. If a spray tan is an option, you might seek out a salon that has a Mystic Tan or VersaSpa as those are automated tanning machines (no person to spray you). They usually go in levels of 1, 2, or 3. If you're pale and you choose a level 3, you'll end up looking orange, so that would work too. For example, I'm pretty dark, and I wouldn't even do a level 3 because it's just SO MUCH DHA (bronzing ingredient). It would take about 5-7 days to wash off though, so keep that in mind. Would be the same with a self-tanning lotion though. If you need to get rid of the orangies after wearing that one costume, I'd say go with orange body make-up.

>> No.7298672

Woops, hit submit before I was done rambling. Or use a cosmetic tanner if you want to get rid of it right after you're done. I like Playboy Glitz Glam, but they also sell cosmetic "instant/wash-off" tanners by L'Oreal and other such brands at Walgreens, etc.

>> No.7299039

Thanks! And yeah, really wanted the ones with the chains but I guess it wouldn't be too difficult to just add chains to them myself.

>> No.7299049

Tanning question here!
I'm partial ginger which basically means I inherited my mother's super pale skin and inability to tan. I've tried tanning using spray on accelerators and some lotion stuff but even when I do tan it doesn't do much and it only lasts around two weeks before it's gone.

Is there anything I can do to get a noticeable tan that will stay longer than two weeks without me having to lay outside for 3+ hours every day just to maintain it?

>> No.7299088

Thanks for the reply. It makes sense that higher end brands aren't as orange, but I was hoping maybe some of them would be dark at least. Is Playboy Glitz Glam waterproof? I am open to trying new brands. Right now I am using Banana Boat's deep dark color which actually works quite well after one application but doesn't do much with subsequent ones. I try to layer on some spray tan as well but it streaks even when I sweat a little bit.

>> No.7299123

Thanks for the reply. Is Playboy waterproof? I would be more inclinded to use one-offs if I didn't sweat so much and have those "instant" tanners streak on me. Right now I am using Banana Boat Deep Dark Color. It gives me great color after just one application but then doesn't build up with subsequent ones. I am open to trying out other brands though, so if you have any recs, please post!

It would make sense that higher end brands would be less orange and more natural, but I was hoping there would be at least some brands that give you that super dark look.

>> No.7299716

Redheads not being able to tan is a myth! I have a few tanner friends who are natural redheads. The trick is patience and perseverance. It may take a brunette 2-3 weeks to get a base tan. It may take a redhead a month or more. As you're more prone to sunburn, you just have to take it slowly. I actually don't recommend outdoor tanning because it's not as safe as indoor tanning, but that's a whole other paragraph lol. Nevertheless, just take your time and keep at it. Once you get a strong base tan going, it won't fade as quickly.

Glitz Glam is a cosmetic/wash-off bronzer, so it is definitely not waterproof. I would probably recommend any of the lotions from the Fake Bake line for your purpose. Upon first application, they're not too orange, but if you need the orange look, just keep caking it on for a few days and it will get darker/more orange. However, if you want to be very dark, a spray tan is the way to go as it will be darker with just one session than any lotion will be.

>> No.7299735

Also, you will tan more quickly at a salon. Laying in the sun for 3 hours is equivalent to just 10 minutes or so at a salon. Plus it's a controlled environment, so you have the reigns on your own body. The sun's rays have more UVB in them than tanning beds (UVB rays are the ones that cause sunburns).

>> No.7299994

Thanks for the help. I think there's a tanning salon near me so I might look into going there. Didn't realize it took so long to get a base tan, no wonder it kept fading so quick.

>> No.7300083


Yeah and UVA is the shit that causes skin cancer. Good god, ya'll are some stupid people. Go bake yourself to death if that's your own choice, but, don't tell people it's safe and healthy. It's not.

>> No.7300114

I didn't say tanning was safe and healthy. I said tanning indoors was safeR than tanning outdoors. There is a different between those two statements.

Also, you need to research a bit more before you try to sound knowledgable. UVB is more often associated with skin cancer. UVA is associated with skin aging. Not to say they both don't cause both problems, but you just sound dumb when you say that one causes one problem, period.

>> No.7300131


The point is that they BOTH cause skin cancer. If you tan, you're over twice as likely to develop skin cancer in your lifetime. Saying, "Oh, it's UVA so it's not as bad" is misleading. I don't need to educate myself, you need to put more information in your advice. Telling people to try out tanning without mentioning the ridiculous amount of evidence that it not only can cause skin cancer but can also turn you into leatherface when as you age is misguiding, at best.

>> No.7300147

I didn't tell anyone to tan who is not already doing so, nor would I. However, if people are going to tan, then they should do it correctly. If someone is laying outside for hours every week, I will absolutely tell them it is not the best way to go about it. Just like if a teenager is going to have sex, don't just tell them not to because they're not going to fucking listen. Instead, tell them how to be safe. Regardless, I can see that you do not take in anything when it is in opposition with what you have said, so I won't argue the point further.

>> No.7300157


Yeah, but, handy Johnny a condom and telling him to be safe without warning him that he can get genital warts and/or incurable herpes even with the condom on is just bad parenting. So is telling people to tan correctly without mentioning the dangers. That's the shit that pisses me off, especially since this board has a hard on for tanning, and knowing how many younger kids are on here that downplay or just don't plain believe that there are lifelong consequences involved.

>> No.7300981 [DELETED] 

any advice to make gf more gyaru-like?

she's already japanese, tanning, and wearing less

How do I push her further? tattoos, piercings (tongue especially) are ideal. she's not a fan of the whole gyaru style

>> No.7300984

Where'd the trolls come from?

>> No.7300990

How is talking about the dangers of tanning 'trolling', may I ask? It's a well-researched fact.

>> No.7300995

That post is 60% 'Sex kills you' unrelated crap and then ends in 'Cgl has a tanning hard on'.
Which is a total load of crap since most people here are pasty fuckers.

And I've been baited.

>> No.7301532
File: 106 KB, 327x700, kumikki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any diet tips? I'm 5'9, 160 lbs. and I want to go down to 110 for J-fashions.

>> No.7301545

That seems really unhealthy. I'm 5'6" and when I was 110 back in high school I was a size two and you could see most of my ribs and hip bones. I can only imagine what it would look like on you.

>> No.7301547

That would be really underweight.

>> No.7301548

Your desired weight is unhealthy at your height.

>> No.7301549

Don't eat. When you feel like you're about to faint, eat a cube of cheese.

>> No.7301557
File: 120 KB, 571x799, 10036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, so helpful.

But seriously, how far below the 18.5 BMI range is it safe to go before getting health problems?

>> No.7301558

This is probably better suited for /fit/ or your doctor.

>> No.7301569

I'm currently 5'7" and 110 (17.something) and I am fucking miserable. I get heat sick ridiculously easy, my digestion is messed up, and I've started getting infections.
Why not aim for the lowest weight for your height that is still healthy.

>> No.7301572

I've heard ~16 as the bottom limit. That's the usual bmi of models, and it's also the bmi which aid agencies use to determine which children are starving enough to receive aid.

>> No.7301592

It really depends on your body and bone structure.
My BMI is naturally around 16 because I have extremely tiny bones. I don't look sick, my ribs and such aren't visible, and am perfectly healthy at this weight.
But most people at my height would look like a skeleton at my weight...it's really a personal thing and should probably be a question directed for your doctor or a nutritionist.

>> No.7301593
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You missed the joke.

>> No.7301698
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Has anyone shopped at Daisy Dress for Less? I found pic related for $29 but I want to see if people had a good experience buying with them.


>> No.7301716
File: 33 KB, 404x540, shoesies2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better picture

>> No.7301930

Any shop suggestions for cheapish gyaru style clothing?

>> No.7301967

I'm 5"4 at 100 pounds and I wouldn't suggest going that low. My weight loss was unintentional (Started walking to my new job, didn't change my eating habits and lost a lot)
Now my skin looks terrible, I can't eat certain foods and I get headaches all the time. Going too low (Even by a bit!) is not healthy and you should aim for something healthy for your height.

You're gauging your ideal weight for someone my height.

>> No.7301987

I need tips on how they got their hair so big. I'm almost 90% sure those are clip in ponytails and I'm on a quest on how to make those clip ins as big as possible.

>> No.7301994

Could try the old fashioned 80s solution of back combing(teasing) and hair spray?

>> No.7302029

Is DreamV cheap enough for you?

>> No.7302277

I'm used to cheap Taobao prices but this isn't that bad, so yes.

>> No.7303311


>> No.7303334


it IS back combing and hairspray plus some clip ins or extensions

>> No.7303338
File: 334 KB, 1200x1600, 1389799487950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love gal eye makeup, especially the strong, smoky eyes. My style isn't quite gal though. So I think I'll just stick to doing my eye makeup like this. Of course, I won't call it gyaru.

>> No.7305081

I can't even put on fake eyelashes. These girls are like super heroes.

>> No.7306116

How the heck do they get so skinny? I'm guessing eating smaller portions and diet pills.

>> No.7306122

I never liked her make up, it always seems like she slept in it or something.. She always looks dirty and sick to me.

>> No.7306127

This. Looks so cakey and her eyes are red..

>> No.7306129

What joke? The obvious eating disorder joke?

>> No.7306133

Looks like a taobao reseller. I've seen those shoes on eBay, you'd probably be better off just buying from there.

>> No.7306135

it's a line from the movie the devil wears prada

>> No.7306141

Requesting good gyaru make-up guides. Like, ones you all have used and have some success with.

In return I can post some gyaru themed Taobao shops.

>> No.7306142

I don't think your goal looks unhealthy, but of course nobody has the same body type. I would say aim for a set of measurements instead and use your weight goal as a guideline.

>> No.7306144
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>> No.7306155
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>> No.7306156

have you purchased wigs from this site??

>> No.7306158

And because I'm bored, here's a listing that's $16.99


>> No.7306163

What are you talking about? Half the girls look very underweight.

>> No.7306169

If you look at them they look like transparent versions of zori, which is pretty fucking awesome.

Also funny fact of the day is I reblogged OP's pic on tumblr and noticed some SJW idiot claim that gyaru is appropriating traditional Japanese clothing. There was so much lul.

>> No.7306174
File: 65 KB, 598x507, T2yCB4XhxcXXXXXXXX_!!346957299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't yet but I've got my eye on a wig I want. It's under $20. If you want to order, just check the item reviews to see if it's any good.

The one I want is http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3.w4011-3154916275.220.WzX2yG&id=18210852953&rn=3a7094652d24556ac6f58cb5c41f9eb9

It's rated 4.9 and has no complaints so I'm confident I'd get a good product.

>> No.7306189

Where are they getting their logic?
Not gonna lie though, I would love to do a gyaru outfit with a trendy print yukata.

>> No.7306193

I have no idea. Also I love gyaru yukata. My grandmother actually bought me one when she went over to visit her sister recently because they're "trendy" right now, and I haven't gotten to wear it yet because of the cold weather, and I'm really worried I'll get a lot of shit for appropriating even though I'm haffu, because I look pretty white.

>> No.7306197

**my mother when she went to visit my grandmother and her sister.

I'm not sure what my phone.

>> No.7306200

not anymore than most of the gyaru posted in this thread :/

>> No.7306202

her eyes look red and you can see some makeup in her eye
god damn that looks like it burns

>> No.7306203
File: 405 KB, 600x396, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wear it anyway! As long as it's summer and you're going to some event (even conventions!) then it's totally fine. Around here we usually get a dozen or so girls show up to our summer convention in yukata and one woman goes all out every year with coordinating everything. We have a Japanese culture convention more so than an anime/gaming convention so it's sort of normal here but they always look so cute and no one gives them any flack for it as long as they wear it properly.

>> No.7306242

Anyone knows a page where i can see better pictures of d.i.a. clothing? Cuz all i can find are crappy tumblr pictures

>> No.7306424

Anyone know where I can download scans for onee gyaru mags? I've tried goggling it but I never come up with anything. Also it seems like I can't find any good onee gyaru blogs or makeup tutorials.

I want to post a picture for critique but I don't have circle lenses yet, so I don't know if it would be worth it.

>> No.7306475

I download magazines from zasshina.com They have a ton of Japanese magazines for free

>> No.7306502

Just my opinion but circle lenses look odd on us gaijin girls anyway. Our eyes are already bigger so just adding more looks.. weird. Some girls can pull them off but some can't. Me, I just stick to colored contacts.

>> No.7306510

Someone tagged OPs pic as wa lolita.

>> No.7306512

>Our eyes are already bigger so just adding more looks.. weird
>eyes are bigger

No, our eyes look bigger because of eye lid shape, they're actually not. Circle lenses on asian girls who use eye tape look pretty much the same as on non asian girls.

>> No.7306514

She looks kind of high

>> No.7306542

Sorry, I didn't mean the eye itself is bigger, just it looks bigger. Forgot to add a word.

>> No.7306543

Thank you anon this helps so much.

Speaking on circle lenses I've seen a few people say you don't 'need' them to be gyaru, but I've seen gals react badly to people who don't wear them and call themselves gyaru.

I'm not too big on circle lenses myself but I don't want to half ass the look either.

>> No.7306555

>wa lolita
Someone doesn't know their basic Japanese clothing, much less fashion styles. It's sort of obvious that it's a coming of age kimono that's just had the fabric pulled up and tucked under the sash. I don't know technical terms for a lot of stuff but I do know that a fancy kimono with long sleeves plus the fur collar usually means coming of age ceremony because they're so expensive that they're only won for special events like that.

>> No.7306579

Guess that's just their opinion. Seems like such a small thing to react to though considering hair/outfit and even nails seem like they'd be a bigger part of the gyaru look.

>> No.7306745

I'm the astigmatism Anon from last thread. As I was told, if you have a completely valid excuse not to wear them, you don't have to, but you should make sure everything else like your hair and makeup is top-notch.

If you can wear them, you should, as gyaru is all about obsessive primping, but if you can't at least make sure you really know what you're doing in other areas and be aware some people might nitpick.

Half assing it would imply you're just being completely lazy with the fashion, not just lacking one aspect. If you don't wear circle lenses, don't use nails, don't poof your hair, and don't contour, that'd be more along the lines of half assing it.

>> No.7306850
File: 73 KB, 910x512, 1389914711047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got reminded of your post when I saw this on my dash.

>> No.7306966
File: 109 KB, 640x480, 1389917900779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get into gyaru (hime gyaru especially) but I'm worried about looking like an OTT sweet lolita. I'd like to maybe get a start dress from Bodyline, especially a JSK, but I don't want to be confused for a lolita if I do. Would the big hair (natural colored wig), nails, and shoes (really want heart heels) be enough to make it look more hime gyaru?

>> No.7306979
File: 434 KB, 500x588, 1389918227730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Bodyline wouldn't work, I was thinking something from Taobao like pic related.

>> No.7306989

... I'm sort of confused, actually. In what way, aside from the ridiculous nails, is hime gyaru any different than sweet?

I mean, hair color and style is all optional with lolita. At least two of those girls just look like lolitas.

>> No.7307006
File: 126 KB, 495x750, ageha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Misako, known lolita model and icon was recently modeling for Ageha. Is it hime gyaru or lolita, you tell me. I think it is as you said, make sure you wear gyaru style makeup, nails and hair.

>> No.7307008

The hair/makeup styling, and the variety of clothing you can wear that's 'princessy' as opposed to it having to be 'sweet lolita' as well. Sweet lolita encompasses stuff like candy prints and OTT deco shit which isn't really 'hime'.

>> No.7307015
File: 289 KB, 800x1212, misako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her Ageha coord

>> No.7307020
File: 40 KB, 600x750, $_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link? Also does anyone know how dresses like pic related sit on slightly taller people? I'm worried it'll be more like a shirt than a dress

>> No.7307024

It's just sweet lolita with a tan, big hair, open-toed shoes, and no petti.

>> No.7307044

This is what made me worried. I mean some of the hime gyaru pictures I've seen wear camisole style dresses or other dresses that aren't lolita style but I've seen some that looks like classic lolita or sweet lolita jsks minus the pettis and blouses.

As a newbie, it just sort of made me nervous because I don't want to mess up by looking more lolita than himegyaru.

>> No.7307048

it will

>> No.7307051


>> No.7307072

Ooo thanks anon

>> No.7307112

>>7307048 Darn, maybe something else will pop up later. Thank you!
>>7307051 Thank you kind anon!

>> No.7307118

tall gal anon here, i buy these kinds of things and wear skirts or cullotes underneath, i'm himekaji but it could work for hime as well, espsecially if you pair them with some white fishnet stockings and a pretty heel that matches the top.

>> No.7307260
File: 18 KB, 240x320, 8099302_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, a lot of lolita rules don't apply. Notice the lack of blouse under.

>> No.7307265
File: 62 KB, 382x600, EIGHT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7307303
File: 74 KB, 600x800, 1389924758551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting some of my favorite pics.
This is the same girl from OP

>> No.7307309
File: 301 KB, 491x368, tumblr_mzadv7RO3a1qc8nnvo3_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daaaamn. I wonder how much that rental cost.

>> No.7307313
File: 115 KB, 1024x768, 1389924915205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7307317
File: 77 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mz845o64k31ro5bwro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7307320
File: 63 KB, 359x640, tumblr_mzaw4sBpNe1qfyllbo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7307324
File: 39 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mz3t6ivWTT1qfyllbo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7307327
File: 63 KB, 422x750, tumblr_myyfyad2Ft1qfyllbo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7307328


>> No.7307331
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>> No.7307334
File: 50 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mz038bq9kf1qfyllbo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7307340

I have a pair of wedge knee boots in that shade, I never thought to pair them with a gyaru outfit. I wish I could find that blouse/skirt of hers though.

>> No.7307409

So sweet and hime overlap, to some extent?

>> No.7307425
File: 997 KB, 245x166, kanako.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yaaay welcome back! I was one of the Anons that helped you.

I find the gal threads more helpful than anything on lj or tumblr, to be honest. There also seems to be a more diverse range in tastes when it comes to substyles here.

>> No.7307441

anyone have any gal-related youtube videos? I'm a loli but I adore the bubbly way gyarus seem to act in front of the camera and seeing how different their culture is from lolitas.

>> No.7307452
File: 48 KB, 440x440, hime_gyaru_pink_bathroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of himegyaru will wear hime lolita on occasion I've noticed so it can be pretty confusing. A lot of dresses from hime brands like Jesus Diamante look similar, but but might not have the same construction quality as BTSSB or even the same materials. (This is especially true for lace in my experience.) There are also plenty of hime dresses and skirts that are too short to be considered Lolita or don't have the same silhouette. Like others have said, it's in the nails, hair and makeup.

Personally, I think it would be possible for you to dabble in both. You might want to consider himekaji as well. It's a cute style that's more wearable for every day and Dream V has a ton of items for it.

Even though it's not my aesthetic at all, I think it would be cool to go full hime. Pic related.

>> No.7307467

I've had himekaji suggested in the past and I've been looking a little bit at DreamV so that'll definitely be a possibility. Won't be getting anything to wear until spring/summer since it's too cold now so I've got time to see what looks best and everything.

>> No.7307470
File: 30 KB, 240x320, saike_101636072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping with some saike gal. I'd love to see more hippie/boho/new age/whatever they're calling it these days styles in gyaru

>> No.7307486

What? This is a thing?

This is perfect, where do I apply?

>> No.7307490

offtopic but that bathroom would be a bitch and a half to clean regularly

then again photo spreads like that are more concepts than anything

>> No.7307535

That is insanely cute! Matches most of my closet too, I've even got the braided headbands.

>> No.7307538

Nail game FIERCE!

>> No.7307640
File: 33 KB, 480x640, tumblr_mdjqb6KdsB1rtywqzo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it is a thing. Although not very popular these days. Though since kuronbo is popular and boho is predicted to be a trend this spring and summer, it may see a comeback.

I'd love to see more gals dress like this. I also like a lot of the more goth-y rokku outfits. Those and ora ora-ish styles are my favorite.

>> No.7307655

kuro gyaru* , kuronbo isn't a style

>> No.7307709
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>> No.7307736

I always thought it was 'kuronba' that was the misnomer. I saw the word "kuronbo" written on some Japanese gal's purikura pictures so I thought it was a legit name that was synonymous to kuro gal.

I don't know how, but you could try and combine all three of those into some kind of style if you want? Or just two. Oraora and Gothic seem like they might go well together or Gothic and Boho

>> No.7307781
File: 38 KB, 600x450, Bd-MRRXCYAAPVkt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kuronbo is not a style though, it's just a word used to describe how dark/tan they are. Black diamond members always refers to the style as kuro gyaru.

>> No.7308749
File: 199 KB, 500x262, 1389965034224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Kanako's deco.

>> No.7308797

Akanbo means 'infant/baby' and is usually shortened to pet form 'aka-chan'. The 'aka' is written with the kanji for 'red' because their faces are red when they're born. Kuronbo is a play on that, with 'kuro' (black) replacing red so it literally means 'blackie' (if you google image search it, a lot of blackface caricatures appear). It's not a term for gyaru, just black children/people. Kuronbou, on the other hand, are delicious sweets.

>> No.7308812

Isn't that from devil wears prada?

>> No.7308972
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>> No.7309060
File: 433 KB, 397x762, lizlisa0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got this ridiculously fluffy liz lisa sweater

>> No.7309202

That's really cute! It looks like it's super soft too.

>> No.7309253
File: 2.20 MB, 3264x2448, 20121226_012018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is
so please pardon my non-coord
i would also like to say i felt extremely large and awkward when i went to the stores in japan

>> No.7309300

Oh god, you too anon? I remember going into the Jane Marple store and thinking
>i am far too fat and western to be here
>maybe if i back away slowly

>> No.7309301


I really want that blouse/floral skirt combo dress up front.

>> No.7309596

Hoping I can get a bit of help here

I'll start by saying I'm not fat - not even pudgy, really. I'm 5'1" and about 98 lbs, but my thighs are still grossly pudgy and it just doesn't look right when I try and wear otk/thigh highs with gyaru.

What're some good exercises and the like to help get rid of that?

>> No.7309680

If you mean that little bulge at the top of the sock where it ends at your thigh, they just do that and a lot of people have this issue. Fake thigh high tights look smooth an nice though.

>> No.7309956

Not exactly - I know that that's part of the issue, but mainly what I'm getting at is despite being thing/not a lot of fat, I do have it on my thighs to the point where I do want to get rid of it. But I didn't actually think of getting a pair of those, I should probably look into that.

>> No.7309974

Look up pop pilates, she has heaps of workouts that target thighs and legs.

>> No.7310079

Anon, are you a dancer? All the fat goes to my thighs, but I also have lots of dance muscles.
I can never dance away the fat, I just dance my legs thicker.

It's a curse.

>> No.7310799
File: 52 KB, 184x197, inspiration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't spot reduce. It sounds to me like you're what we call "skinnyfat", meaning that you're thin, but it's mostly fat and little muscle. What you want to do is lower your body fat percentage and build some strength.

Cardio and diet are the best way to reduce your BFP. I usually job twice a week and do hill sprints once a week. Running is a full body workout and will make you look leaner all over. It also gives you strong legs and a cute butt.

But weight training and calisthenics shouldn't be ignored. Try and find a routine that you like that is a full body workout. If you're one of those people who is convinced that you will turn into Vin Diesel overnight if you lift weigts, then go for pushups, squats and lunges. Pilates and yoga are also a popular choice.

I'm a recovering skinnyfat and this is what I've been doing. I still have a ways to go and although I've only been at it since late November, I've noticed a difference. Pic related. I'm aspiring to be a somewhat fitter version of Serina.

>> No.7310807

I wanna be thinner but I'm scared to go running in case it gives me chunky legs.

>> No.7310816

are you eating a surplus or deficit?
I cut to 50kg (1kg away from being underweight for my height) and still looked terrible and skinny fat,

ive been thinking of bulking and doing mainly weight training with little cardio to build lean muscle.

>> No.7310894
File: 84 KB, 480x640, tumblr_macfuu6s2j1qd7vsto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless you're doing hardcore stuff or you're one of the like, 5% of the population who puts on muscle like crazy, you won't. Women who are "bulky" become that way because of an extremely rigorous workout schedule, supplements and a strict diet designed to make them put on muscle. My friend's mother did lifting competitions for a hobby and that's what she had to go through to look the way she did. A little light cardio three times a week and some working out shouldn't give you those kinds of results. Besides, becoming muscular isn't something that happens overnight. It's a gradual process. So if you think to yourself "Huh. My legs are getting bigger than I would like." you can always scale back.

There was a graphic somewhere of a skinnyfat girl's weight/measurements and body before and after she started working out that shows the difference. She looks great after. I wish I had it on this computer.

I started on deficit, but I felt hungry and tired all the time. It could just be what I was eating vs. how much. So I'm experimenting right now and still trying to eat on deficit. If I still feel like shit, I'll try surplus. I've always heard that you cut first then bulk, but it might be different for some rather than others.

Short answer: Yes. I would definitely do weight training now if I were you. But again, I'm no expert. If you can cut through all the broscience and insecurity, /fit/ can be pretty helpful with stuff like that. Though I find the information in their sticky to be more useful.

>> No.7310902

So, is this a style white people can pull off? It just appears to be Asian exclusive.

>> No.7310910
File: 58 KB, 250x333, tumblr_mg3036Ac9L1qb2uqko1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are plenty of really cute gaijin gyaru, but unfortunately they are usually not very active online. The online gal comms--at least on lj--have a shit reputation and are generally full of mediocre people snapping at each other like a pack of terriers. Tumblr seems to be where most of the good western gals are.

Unfortunately, a lot of them tend to follow the stuff in the magazines too exactly. They forget to style themselves according to their features and bodytype sometimes. What looks cute on a 75 pound model will not always look good on the girl aspiring to copy her. That, over-contouring (especially the nose goddamn) and Drag Brows are the scourges of the online comms, imho.

>> No.7310924

Another quick question to all gyaru girls here, what's your attraction to the style?

Don't take this the wrong way, but I always liked it because it seemed so wondrously decadent.

>> No.7310928


Okay, here's my story.

A couple of years ago in high school I went from at 5'5 (166cm) an already-skinny 7 and a half stone (roughly 105 pounds or 48 kg) to roughly 40kg (at my worst I was actually 38kg, but that lasted less than a month. I spent around a year at 40kg and 44kg respectively). That's a drop from a BMI of 17.4 to 14.5, and at no point in this I still didn't look anywhere near as skinny as 90% of the models I see people aiming for as "ideal" body types. This didn't come about from an eating disorder as it's commonly understood: I wasn't trying to lose weight and didn't initially notice myself getting skinnier - I was just stressed and depressed and suffered appetite loss as a result that caused me to accidentally miss meals all the time because I just didn't feel hungry. I was skipping breakfast every day because I had an early start on weekdays and slept in at weekends, and lunch most days. I was pretty much eating one meal a day and no snacks.

>> No.7310930


It was really, really horrible. Because I was already slim I didn't really lose weight off anywhere I would have actually liked to lose weight (my waist measurement actually went up from 22 inches to 24), but I got really flat chested and rectangle-shaped. My face looked gaunt (think heroin addict, but not in the chic way, and my skin started flaring up again even though I'd nearly stopped having spots and was past puberty by this point. My boobs went down from a UK 32E (unusual on someone already skinny) to a 28B. I was cold and tired all the time and even in rooms I could tell were hot I felt freezing cold. I couldn't show off my super-thin legs (which, FYI, still had fat-looking thighs) because I had to wear about 20 layers to not be shivering. My immune system went to shit and I pretty much entirely substituted sleeping for eating, so I'd get home from school and fall asleep straight away, and sleep in until 4pm-5pm at weekends, missing lunch as well as breakfast. Despite all this, my body only looked worse. I'd lost pretty much all my bust and hips - yes, I had skinnier legs, but I was totally flat-chested - and even now after gaining weight back I've never regained the hourglass figure I once had.

>> No.7310931
File: 36 KB, 190x571, T2OBtnXeVaXXXXXXXX_!!24845062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Interestingly though, while I wasn't into Jfashion at that point I did find I suddenly fit smaller western sizes that I couldn't fit before with my hourglass figure (sizing tends to assume skinny people are flat chested). I had boobs in the sort of size-12 reigon but a size 6 waist. Once I lost weight and became a rectange, I fit size eight stuff properly without it stretching across my chest.

But yeah. Be aware that a lot of the models you're looking at are young teens, who already have unusual body types/bone structures, who can be naturally super fucking skinny (aged 12, when pre-pubescent I had a BMI of 14.5 but was/looked perfectly healthy, just naturally skinny. Aged 16, with a BMI of 16, I looked gaunt and unhealthy as fuck.) This is one of the reasons using super young models is banned now - in the 80s or so there were some models as young as 12 in high fashion, because adult models couldn't provide the super-skinny ideal look in the pre-Photoshop era. Once your body matures, you are not gonna be that skinny without being suffering. It may be physically impossible for you to be that skinny at all. Also, Photoshop, people. Photoshop, camera angles, people comparing their own thighs stood normally to a photo of someone holding their thighs apart to give the illusion of a huge thigh gap...you should know this shit. Pic of shit-tier photoshop related - I've been 2kg lighter than her and three inches taller, and I still looked nowhere near that thin.

>> No.7310932

I really love the OTT rebelliousness of it. It's like other alt fashions but it has a certain something else to it. I'm not sure how to describe it. I'm a himegyaru/himekaji mostly and I love getting dolled up and made up and going out seeing other women almost cringe in jealousy/disgust. It has this air of trashy elegance that makes cute clothes lose their sense of cuteness. It's just over the top, and I love it.

>> No.7310935

Because that girl looks about 12?

>> No.7310949

TL;DR, diet if you're a total landwhale or you're gonna look shit in gyaru, but don't go under 18.0 or you'll feel like shit in gyaru.

>> No.7310976

Stuff like this really pisses me off.

>> No.7310978
File: 500 KB, 500x400, peggy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep swearing I'll whip up some delicious copypasta for every time this question is asked, but I always forget. I don't mind answering it anyway.

Originally, it was a rebellion against cultural ideals for beauty in Japan (IE. dark hair, pale skin, modest clothing and makeup). Obviously, since our cultures are different than the Japanese, we are going to like it for different reasons. Of course, there are those who just simply like the way it looks and that's that. Clothing choice doesn't have to have a "reason" behind it.

Personally, I like it because it's a hyper-exaggerated picture of femininity. It takes what we consider "beautiful" or "sexy" and makes it OTT to the point of caricature. That, and my idols from childhood are/were Elvira, Dolly Parton, RuPaul and pic related. So it's little wonder that gyaru attracted me.

>> No.7310984

Back in the day I was a huge fan of ganguro, I saved every picture I could find and watched every video interview or documentary that Youtube had. I loved the style because of how rebellious the whole ideology behind it was and how close the girls all seemed to one another, like a fashion family. Then ganguro pretty much became extinct and I didn't really know what to do with myself so I got into Jrock and visual kei style. It's only in the past few years that I've refound gyaru and even though ganguro is long gone, there's still that spirit to the new generations that you can look how you want, dress how you want, and pretty much say fuck you to the expectations of your society. It sounds a little special snowflakey but I love that these girls went against everything society saw as beautiful and bleached their hair, tanned their skin, wore outrageous colors and still made it into something utterly fabulous. Now, even though it's toned down in some aspects, you can still completely reinvent yourself from how you are now to something amazing and really feel good about yourself because of it.

I'm a somewhat skinnyfat? (I think that's the term, long legs/long arms/chubby thighs and stomach) really pale tomboy and getting into gyaru is just pure motivation to make myself better. I want to work out and slim down, get a healthy tan, and learn to do make-up better and make my closet more feminine rather than what it is now. It gives me a goal to achieve, you know?

>> No.7310985

Peggy Bundy! I swear this woman is the inspiration for just about everything.

>> No.7310991
File: 41 KB, 500x469, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>old school ganguro
>jrock and visual kei
Why aren't we friends?

>> No.7311009
File: 80 KB, 500x472, tumblr_mziyuwoStG1ro5bwro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a shell of my former self now, anon. I've moved on to Kpop land since all my favorite Jrock bands have disbanded over the years.

>> No.7311014

B-but we could still discuss bands you used to like. Why Kpop? They all sound like robots and look like plastic dolls. I don't get it...

>> No.7311027
File: 144 KB, 504x417, 20120526_seoulbeats_tvxq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sage because offtopic but some of Kpop is really catchy and early Kpop looked a lot like visual kei so I just sort of moved from one to the other since Jpop wasn't my thing. I miss jrock but I do love catchy music and hey, I used to love AnCafe and SuG so Kpop wasn't that different from them.

Anyway, back on topic!

>> No.7311132
File: 56 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mezeylgFpz1qjqqibo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember sneaking and watching Married With Children when I was in first grade. My parents thought it was "too mature" for me and "crass", but I adored it. Peggy was definitely my favorite of the bunch. I still love it to this day.

I used to be into JRock, too. I still am to some extent. Though I could never quite make myself interested in KPop. I like the odd song here and there, but I prefer 90s music, various metal songs/bands and a grab bag of random stuff from all different genres.

I recently started listening to Japanese artists again. I just got off a HimeTrance binge. That kind of music is popular with gyaru, I think. I tried listening to the songs made by some of the models made and had mixed feelings. I liked Aina and Yumachi's Agepoyo, but wasn't really a fan of any of Tsubasa's songs. Also, I recently stumbled across this group and was hooked:


>> No.7311140

Not same anon, but seriously comparing a talented artist like Takeru and Sug to Kpop is just no. I don't get the comparison because Kpop artists don't even write their own music. They are controlled by their companies in shitty contracts and are edited to hell and back.
I apologize for off topic..

>> No.7311148

Sorry, I don't mean they're on the same level musically, but some kpop has the same sort of style as SuG's. A lot of Kpop artists do write their own songs though, Big Bang's G-Dragon did all his own solo work and wrote a lot for BB.

Wow. I wasn't expecting that to come from girls dressed like that.

>> No.7311165
File: 396 KB, 293x700, tumblr_lqx5mubdZQ1r1vpkdo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nor was I when I first stumbled across it. I've been told the singer doesn't have quite the same chops live but is still quite good. Then again, I don't really expect most artists to. The studio is a more controlled environment so people are more apt to sound better even before retouching. Dazzle Vision is another good one that has a similar style.

>> No.7311267
File: 75 KB, 480x640, tumblr_m7hc3eB1QR1r7p8r3o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's everyone's inspiration both gyaru and not?

I remember seeing a translated scan of some gal models being asked what/who inspired them and almost none of them said another gyaru. A lot of just "regular" gals in street snaps and interviews seem to draw their inspiration from a variety of sources as well as models.

I'm curious to know how it is for everyone here.

>> No.7311309

K-pop has some of the best production quality in music.

>> No.7311328
File: 645 KB, 500x702, Tumblr_mcu474jzd41qdojzho1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really have a specific inspiration but I'm heavily inspired by types of gyarus like in OP's picture. I like mixing modern gyaru with the little pieces that look like they're out of the ganguro era. For non-gyaru inspiration, definitely Peggy Bundy like the other anon said. Her fashion sense is perfect and her hair is wonderful.

>> No.7311450
File: 78 KB, 759x404, 07e-kuranosuke-koibuchi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kuranosuke from Princess Jellyfish

>> No.7311484

Peggy Bundy was amazing. I loved her hair so much.

>> No.7311507

You mean the best auto tone editing? I agree

>> No.7311511
File: 488 KB, 403x302, tumblr_lo7e4ahTix1qbjuyyo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw yiss another Peggy fan!

I draw my inspiration from a lot of places (aside from the four ladies I mentioned.

There are a lot of gal models I like, but lately Sakurina has been my favorite. Kanoko, Serina, Mipochi and various other 96gals are nice.

Even though I think she takes it way too far for my tastes, I also like the sort of "mystic" style Lady Li brings to gal. I would like to try to bring elements of that to my style--mostly in fabric patterns and accessories--without going to the extent she does. (Honestly, I think her tastes in clothing, hair and makeup are more suited for shironuri but that's just me.)

There are tons of people and things I feel inspired by, but that's mostly it for the sort of gal-inspired look I go for. To be honest, sometimes I feel like my tastes are a bit too eclectic. Sometimes I want to wear gyaru-ish clothes, makeup and outfits, sometimes gothic lolita, sometimes something that looks like it might be worn by Stevie Nicks and sometimes drape-y layers of black. I guess my wardrobe is more united by a color than any one aesthetic. Still, sometimes I'd like to narrow it down some.

I dress really boring at work, though. I also own an alarming amount of t-shirts with wolves, dragons, wizards, unicorns and shit on them that I like un-ironically.

Sorry for the tl;dr

>> No.7311514
File: 79 KB, 600x800, amihamu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


JFC I need a nap

>> No.7311605

What would be good online resources for a total beginner to Gyaru? Is there a hand book posted any where similar to the lolita handbook?

I've been into lolita for years, but since I never get to wear it I'm look for something fun I can actually wear- and I am really digging what I've seen with Gyrau.

Especially "kuro gyrau."

I know of the magazines like egg and am looking to get a few of them, but other then that where should I be looking? what are the bare bones basics?
Any info is much appreciated.

>> No.7312003
File: 165 KB, 558x800, basiceyemakeuptut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say tumblr is pretty good if you can weed out the good from the bad. There are some decent tutorials on there. There are some bad ones there (pic related), but I know enough about makeup to "fix" the flaws and take away what useful information there is.

jmagazinescans on lj has a bunch of popular gal magazines. My favorites are Ageha, Egg and Soul Sister when I can find it. I also recommend looking for street snaps since it shows a wider variety of body types/etc. and also gives you a good idea of what your average gal looks like when she's hanging around and shopping with her friends or on her own. As OTT as some gal is, there's still a difference between "every day wear" and what one might wear to a special event.

On the whole, I would recommend staying away from the lj comms since it's full of mediocrity and pointless wank. Here's some other tips I wish I knew right when I first started out:

1. If you have a "western" nose, you don't really need to contour it. If you still insist, don't do it excessively. Often times, a highlight is all most girls need.
2. Please keep your body type and face shape in mind when dressing and styling yourself. Not enough gals do this. Take what you know about what suits you best and apply it to the guidelines of gal style.
3. Not all shades of blonde and brown are created equal. Some are more "gal" than others. Some gals look better to me with darker hair, anyway. If you naturally have dark hair, chunky highlights looks cute.
4. When you're just starting out, go with makeup choices that are the most recognizably gal. IE. Spiky lashes, smoky to neutral eyes and nude lips.
4. Whatever lipstick you choose should not literally be flesh-toned. It should have an undertone--usually pink or orange depending on if you're warm or cool colored.
5. Do not overpluck your brows into a thin, high arch. Most gals who do this either wind up looking haggard or drag as hell--and not in a good way.

>> No.7312281
File: 413 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mzc6cmhqpK1rjipvko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been using this tutorial.

>> No.7312305

DreamV seems to be sold out of just about all their himegyaru shoes, what other places sell princess-y shoes for a decent price?

>> No.7312384

>I remember sneaking and watching Married With Children when I was in first grade. My parents thought it was "too mature" for me and "crass", but I adored it. Peggy was definitely my favorite of the bunch. I still love it to this day.
I just bought like, 7 seasons of it on DVD for pretty much next to nothing and I'm working my way through rewatching it. While I like Peggy, Kelly is definitely my favourite.

>> No.7312764

Soooooo glad I'm not the only one who does this!

>> No.7312867

Does anybody know what happened to kanako? She deleted her blog, and her twitter also I think. Has she left the style?

>> No.7312970
File: 76 KB, 480x640, tumblr_llbaeeLuZ51qi1r0xo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately no I do not. Maybe she was just tired of social networking sites? I seem to remember her being in a recent issue of Egg. Unless it just happened. Our celebrities do that kind of thing all the time, though. Remember when Miley Cyrus kept deleting her twitter? Even a popular model in a niche fashion might do such a thing for the same reasons. I hope we see more of her again. She's super cute.

Anyway. Anyone have any advice for a gal with trichotillomania? My hair looks a bit thin in some places and a lot of it is damaged and broken from my constant tugging on it (if I haven't pulled it out). I'm starting to worry excessive heat styling is making it worse, even though I'm using a protector.

I'm contemplating getting a wig, but am a little too scared to take the plunge.

>> No.7313006

This has been very helpful, thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
The make up part I'm not worried about. Make up is kind of my thing.
After doing some poking around the big question I've got is: How brand based is Gyaru? Is it all about the brand(s) or the general aesthetic?

Got any tips on getting fake nails for the first time?

>> No.7313059

I really liked Sheos.

>> No.7313079
File: 20 KB, 320x426, tumblr_mjnhmbaZgc1qmzqsto1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem! Glad I could help. I would say the makeup is one of the most important things about it. Especially the eyes. So if you can get that down pat, I'd say you were well on your way. In general, most of the "western" girls who look best to me have the kind of makeup I described. Often times, dramatic eyes paired with a bold lip just doesn't look right in my opinion. It looks somewhat better on the models, but they've been styled professionally and are photoshopped, so of course it looks better. I think the western girls who look best/most recognizably gyaru have the kind of makeup I described. It depends on the person though.

It's far more brand-based in Japan than it is abroad as far as I can tell. I think it's mainly because most of them do not ship outside of Japan. Plus, it's more sensible for most gals to buy at a local shop than to pay the extra shipping and shopping/auction service fees for similar items. Being gal is about being stylish and to me makes the most sense if you follow the fashion trends where you live. However, I want to support Japanese brands (hopefully they'll see the market is there) so I'll probably buy a few pieces from popular d.i.a., glad news and my other favorites to mix with clothes from the stores in my area.

As for nails, I'd advise buying temporary nail sets on etsy or something before going to a salon and getting them done. That way you can experiment with different types of nails without making as much of a commitment and dropping as much money. My job isn't really the place to have long nails so I'm considering doing the same myself so I can pay my bills and still have the sparkly claws of my dreams.

>> No.7313456

Get a wig, they're wonderful.

>> No.7313462

Found some stuff on Taobao I thought I might share.


>> No.7313561

I'll stick with the make up you've recommend for a while, I've learned today I may be pro putting eye lashes on other but not at all on my self.

Eventually I'd like to use a pinker lip, but you have to walk before you run.

Well I am glad its not all brand based, I'm too tall for a lot of dresses/skirts. But there a boutiques around me that will do nicely for most things. I do really like a lot of hoodies styles I've seen and would like to get VW jewelry.

I like the stick on nails idea, that way I can just no wear them at the gym, plus there a lot more versatility if you can change them daily.

I've got a lot more poking about to do but I hope to be able to pull something together in month or so.

>> No.7313585

anyways you will look alien-like.

>> No.7313602

Not your first anon, but I'm about her size and an inch shorter! My legs get really big really fast. I'm working hopefully on getting leaner overall, but should I do everything but the exercises that are lower leg focused?

I don't really know how my legs are this muscular but it's just enough that they look too short as is. I guess living in NY I already walk everywhere

>> No.7313613

Nigga what are you doing here

>> No.7313640
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Most shades of pink are acceptable, but you're right to want to take it slow. I would master the eyes first definitely. It also wouldn't hurt to see how gals with a bold lip do their eyes to balance things out.

>> No.7313829
File: 46 KB, 712x506, squatz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I said you can always scale back if you want. I would try and stick with cardio though since that's the quickest way to burn fat besides diet. Sometimes I want really long skinny legs like a lot of the other gal models have, but I suspect that I would wind up looking like the girl on the left if I tried to achieve it.

>> No.7313882

>dat pic
That's not how the female body works.

>> No.7314022

If you do high-intensity intervals with things like press-ups, burpees, squats etc. you can still get some cardio out of it and the muscle will pretty much build itself as long as your protein and energy intake is sufficient - you don't need to bulk. Zuzka/ZWOW has some particularly good workouts, and the older bodyrock stuff is also good. Plyometric training and calisthenics in general are also quite useful - P90X and Insanity get hated on a lot on fit, but they are good if you want a routine to follow and can handle the repetitiveness. If you want to specifically bulk, then heavy weights and 3X8s are fine. I personally prefer the former approach because it's more useful for me - I need explosive/fast power and anaerobic fitness with short recovery time, so HIIT and plyo/oly lifting are right up my alleyway, plus my shoulders/back are borderline too big to fit in blouses that fit my chest. This is from triathlon/martial arts with weight training on and off over a number of years though, so I doubt a few weeks of heavy lifting will cause that much of an issue for you.

>> No.7314032

>mfw my whole family and I have the ass on the left naturally and we're the laziest couch potatoes ever
Anon, stop.

>> No.7314034

/fit/ here. You are wrong.

>> No.7314058

>Ass on the left
>Laziest couch potatoes

Hate to tell you, dude, but you have a problem with differentiating between left and right.

>> No.7314068

>implying /fit/ knows anything about females, let alone the female body

>> No.7314149
File: 1.04 MB, 375x500, 1388074662452.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not saying the infographic is correct, just that if I wanted twiggy legs like pic related, I would probably have to go on a major calorie deficit and rely on that to trim down more than exercise. Like I said, I am a recovering skinny fat and before I started exercising I almost had an ass like what was in the picture (except not quite as bad). So if I used the preferred methods of most Japanese gals to get even smaller than I was before I started working out, I would look like that. I guess I should have mentioned that I was only using the image as an example and not presenting it as an absolute. (I will admit that I saved the pic as inspiration because I hated squats as first and I am trying to get as close to the girl on the right as my body will allow me.)

Of course I know not all people are going to achieve the same results and squatting is not the only way to have an ass like that.

>> No.7314159

My ass looks plump like the one on the right and I don't do shit. Mine is just naturally nice.

>> No.7315357
File: 139 KB, 491x750, ageha on titan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On that day, Gyaru Secrets received a grim reminder

>> No.7315406

Likewise. People born with a flat ass can't do much to make it like the right pic except get lordosis or something. Squats can't make THAT much of a difference.

>> No.7315416
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>> No.7315769
File: 31 KB, 250x333, tumblr_m7hc3eB1QR1r7p8r3o2_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This makes me so fucking happy.

Anyway, gyaru very often collect stuff to do with one character--Stitch and My Melody have always been pretty popular--does anyone on here do that? If so, who?

>> No.7315793
File: 40 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mzk53daVTt1rczznzo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anyone into onee style here? I'm seeing that kuro and rokku are really popular in the comms these days, it's kind of hard to find a nice onee gal to get inspiration from. Also how do you gals even function with the super long deco nails?

>> No.7315827
File: 14 KB, 300x225, suzi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately, onee, mode and other styles like that aren't popular with the western comm because they're too "toned down" which is ridiculous. If I'm doing something where looking too OTT isn't appropriate but I still want to look cute, I'll take some style notes from onee gyaru.

I don't know if she considers herself gyaru or not, but a lot of stylesuzi's makeup/hair/clothes remind me out of something from Nuts or Jelly. You might want to check her out.

>> No.7315831
File: 246 KB, 399x595, pag-039_595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Egg always makes tutorials like this all the time anyways.

>> No.7315834

>tfw lordosis and a fat ass
my shit is stacked girl, bent ass back make da booty pop!

>> No.7315838
File: 423 KB, 1200x1600, P6050137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I know that. But for some reason the AoT ones in particular amused me.

>> No.7315841

her legs are fucking terrifying

>> No.7315863

When standing like a pigeon, pretty much everyone got legs like this.

>> No.7315867

Standing like a...?

>> No.7315868

Thank you anon. Yeah it's really disappointing the only other style that appeals to me is rokku but I really like onee, since I'm the type of girl that doesn't wear make up or gets dressed up too often it's a chance for me to show my 'other side' and be cute.

>> No.7315873

Have to disagree if you look at the picture, her legs are stick thin. This looks like some proana shit.

>> No.7315899

My legs look the same when pointing my legs inwards and I am far away from underweight.

>> No.7315921

She's standing normally. I have the same thing. She's slightly bowlegged. It keeps your knees and thighs (unless you're fat) from touching when your feet are together. Weird bone structure.

>> No.7318020
File: 40 KB, 400x300, tumblr_mpho18NrT81rfwy9jo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what you mean. I like kuro, ora ora and rock myself, but I'd love to see more variety. If it's one thing I've noticed on here, a lot of the gals who are anon have a wider range of taste than the community at large. I can't help but wonder if they just don't feel like posting.

There was a girl on here that liked ora ora and wanted to wear track suits and dress boyish and have straight dark hair. Someone like that would get flamed to hell and back for posting, I think.

>> No.7318616

Wow these pics make me feel so lazy about my own nails- they're amazing!

>> No.7318675

I don't want to bring up this debate again but I'm a newb and I'm waiting for all my makeup to come in (along with clothes) so I can get to practicing. The only problem I have is one of the comms I'm in is heavily discouraging posting for feedback if you don't have the 'basics'. They included lenses in the list, and I don't have enough money to fit circle lenses with this haul. I'm just feeling really bummed right now, because I was excited about getting feedback but everyday I see someone nitpicking about lenses.

>> No.7318678
File: 75 KB, 500x639, 1366740159788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey seagulls, does any of you wear circle lenses on a daily basis?
I usually wore them just for cosplay but since I got into gyaru I have been doing it everyday (5-7 hours). The issue is that by the end of the lapse my eyes start feeling really dry and tired, they hurt a bit too, the feeling remains for several hours even after removing them. I tried the lycee eyedrops and they help but just for like 10 minutes, then they feel the same again.
Is this normal, should I be concerned?

>> No.7318685

It sounds like they don't fit right. Did you have an eye exam done first to get your base curve?

>> No.7318692

That sounds shitty I understand, but get on their shoes, it must be very annoying getting noobs who want to do what they want and call it "gyaru". In my comm there's a bunch and we have to repeat shit 100 times a day (which could be solved by a quick google search by them).
If I was you I'd post saying they're on the mail, yours expired or whatever just so they know you actually researched and know what you're going for and that they're necessary.

>> No.7318720

No... they didn't hurt back them when I wore them occasionally so I thought they fitted.
I guess I should get one, right? is it expensive? usually I get me eye exams for free at costco, by any chance anyone knows if they provide the base curve?

>> No.7319085
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>> No.7319143

Are you talking about a regular eye exam? You need a contact lens exam specifically to get your base curve.

>> No.7319181

You need a contact exam. If you don't have the correct base curve, the lens can irritate your eyes. If it's only slightly off you wouldn't notice it until you'd been wearing them for a while.

Please don't wear your lenses anymore until you get an exam, it could really damage your eyes.

>> No.7319193

Anyone know good places to get circle lenses for astigmatism? I'm willing to pay the extra money but Pinky Paradise's selection doesn't have blue lenses.

>> No.7319217

Seconding this.

I have pretty bad astigmatisms too.

Am I just out of luck?

I'm looking for blue and red.

>> No.7319270

Are you me anon? Same hight but quite muscular due to my job. Pretty sure spot toning doesn't work though and you need to work out your whole body to get results on any problem zones you might have.

>> No.7319282

Oh I didn't know there was an specific contact lens exam, will definitely get one. Thanks for the info seagulls.

>> No.7319313

This. Wigs are awesome.

>> No.7319320

What >>7314159 said: my round booty is natural and i really don't deserve it.

>> No.7319323

Got a huge make-up set on sale after Christmas. I'm so excited to try it all out once my order of lashes come in.

>> No.7319523

Hi, I have astigmatism and wore circle lenses daily for several months without any issues. After 8 hours my eyes began to feel dry, but that's what happened with my prescription lenses too. Look for lenses with the highest water content possible. It'll really make a difference.

>> No.7319531

Dear Anons, I recently had lasik surgery and can't wear contact lenses for a while. Has anyone had lasik surgery and worn circle lenses after?

>> No.7319542

Recently purchased astigmatism lenses from eyecandys. They take forever though!!! Nearly 4 months!

>> No.7319550

On the topic of lenses, are you allowed to wear them, circle and/or color, when you take the photo for your drivers license?

>> No.7319572

I've worn colored contacts before and they never mentioned it because your eye color is listed on your information anyway.

>> No.7319618

Do you use that trick where you account for the astigmatism or are you just doing your plain prescription?

>> No.7319648

yes, that's exactly what I did. Of course it's not perfect, but it worked pretty good

>> No.7320615

Also, magazines photoshop models who are super slim to get rid of their prominant rib cages, hip bones etc so less attractive/unhealthy looking attributes of being skinny are removed. Search for Karlie Kloss Photoshop.

>> No.7320627

In response to the Anons talking about having dry eyes with contacts: While it is possible this is because they don't fit properly and you should definitely check in with your optometrist, I just wanted to point out that if you spend a lot of time in front of a screen, it can also dry out your eyes (you blink less when staring at a screen). So, computer, video games, watching stuff, or even lots of smartphone/tablet activity can cause dry eyes.

>> No.7320649
File: 14 KB, 600x289, ux_a08052800ux0025_ux_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any suggestions for glasses frames for gyaru? I've had frames like pic related, also black, since high school, and I'm finally going to get a new pair. I have a round face and my current frames look nice on me, but they don't work with gyaru or lolita at all.

>> No.7321130
File: 400 KB, 800x600, totti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you planning on wearing lenses with them? That's what most gyaru who wear glasses do. They will buy themselves a plano pair and double up. It is more common in some styles than others, though. Depending on what style you want to wear also depends on what frames you should buy. The same goes for Lolita. Though there are plenty of gal who wear frames similar to the ones you've posted.

Anyway. Unless you have some medical reason you cannot wear contacts (or the toric lenses don't have your perscription), then you should definitely try circle lenses. If not, make sure that the rest of your style is on point.

You might, MIGHT be able to get away with no lenses+glasses with some of the styles that are more masculine/casual or inspired by older gal substyles. It may work well with Ora Ora kei, but again, make sure everything else is near-perfect. I think Totti (pictured center) doesn't wear circle lenses.

>> No.7321213

One thing I need to know is with those long ass nails, how easy is it to go to the toilet?

>> No.7321335

Anna Sui do pretty frames, also Valentino.

>> No.7321341

You'll get used to it anon.

>> No.7321887
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>> No.7324073
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>> No.7324738

I got gifted some black and white cream eyeshadow. Anyone have experiences with this stuff? I haven't tried it yet but I don't want to toss out perfectly good makeup if I can use it for gyaru.

>> No.7324847
File: 85 KB, 500x667, tumblr_m3wxyatife1qc9gvlo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry but I'm afraid I don't have experience with cream eyeshadow. I've heard that cream shadows don't work as well if you have oily skin or are out in the heat, even with primer.

>> No.7324851
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>> No.7324884
File: 132 KB, 480x640, gals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow gals, i have a problem. i'm a pear shape and im thin, but the real problem are my legs. im quite tall, (5'8) and weigh 59 kilos. i was always about 52-55 but somehow i got fatter lately.

Any tips on losing thigh fat/weight loss? i want to get down to 55 kg.

>> No.7325250

Why are so many gals trying to lose weight when they don't even weight that much to begin with? You're thighs will have more meat on them, get over it. Also if you want accurate tips >>/fit

>> No.7325316
File: 105 KB, 478x640, tumblr_mbduuto3tY1qfyllbo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is some advice farther up in the thread. That being said, you could be skeletal as fuck and still pear-shaped. That's just the way your bone structure/weight distribution/whatever is. You would make better use of your time learning how to coordinate gal outfits that best flatter your shape.

You seem to be on the smaller side of the spectrum as far as a healthy weight for your size is concerned, so I wouldn't worry about it. Either way 55kg is too small for someone your height. Just practice healthy lifestyle habits (eat well and exercise) and let nature take its course.

>> No.7325525
File: 106 KB, 480x640, tumblr_me3xnepfKe1qb7w7bo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7326093


Thanks for the advice, guys. Any suggestions on where to buy? I've been looking at Priscila and Arily wigs and once I feel more comfortable in my styling, I'm going to get a cheaper one and try making a sujimori. I plan on experimenting with extensions as well.

I think I want to have several wigs eventually because it would be fun to experiment with different styles. I plan on sticking to more-or-less the same color, but I may get a couple of different ones.

>> No.7327076
File: 534 KB, 701x949, sk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know anything about this lenses? they're exactly what I was looking for but can't find where to get them (except for japanese websites)

>> No.7327130
File: 103 KB, 1142x205, 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey seagulls, where I can find cute images/materials for blog templates? I see a lot of gyarus having stuff in their blogs like pic related or more blinbling, I remember a looong while ago you could find them on some japanese websites but I lost the links

>> No.7327142

lol am i the only one here who thinks gothic gyaru is gross

>> No.7327158

That's because they are by a japanese brand.

>> No.7327171

Sujimori is so cool, it might take you a little trial and error until you find a wig you're happy with so don't be put off if the first one doesn't work out so great.
A heat resistant one might be best for you.

If you have weak hair, please don't put extensions in! Put extensions in your wig by all means, but they can really damage your hair, both even glue or clip in!

>> No.7327183
File: 48 KB, 500x738, tumblr_mjv1otHOgJ1s1agdlo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I supposed it, I was wondering if they by any chance were marketed with other name, someone knew if they were sold in some international website, or something like that could help me find them... long shot I guess

>> No.7327625
File: 532 KB, 1500x1000, 1390627776424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropping some Black Diamond pics.
Ugh, the cutie in the pigtails. Can't handle that level of cute.

>> No.7327626
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>> No.7327628
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>> No.7327631
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>> No.7327635
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>> No.7327637
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>> No.7327643
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>> No.7327646
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>> No.7327710

If you bumped into a group of girls like that, as a foreigner visiting Japan, could you ask for their photo without them spitting at you or not?

>> No.7327736
File: 18 KB, 360x480, 1353993182908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gothic Gyaru
It's called Rokku, and those aren't the best coords.

>> No.7327737

You probably could if you asked nicely. The interview with them said they went around doing a lot of interviews and photoshoots for magazines and they're in street snaps a lot.

>> No.7327741
File: 44 KB, 400x299, tumblr_m3ihy8fYX31r0ayw9o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blast from the past. Anyone remember this gal-cir? They were the first gyaru/ganguro I ever saw on some show where the host went through their purses to see what they had.

>> No.7327744
File: 49 KB, 480x680, tumblr_mr6roa0KLT1qgbsnpo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy hell, those extensions!

>> No.7327771

Thank you!
I hope so. It's so worrying when you think a subculture is cool, but that they might misunderstand you.

>> No.7327773
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>> No.7330749

hey, i heard that gyaru secrets were cancelled- does anyone know if this is true?

>> No.7330752

That thing lasted this long? I used to read them a few years back but they were just insulting everyone. No real drama or juicy secrets.

>> No.7330769

It's still the same. Every week it'd be like seven shitty secrets. Just the same "you're fat and ugly and you're not gyaru". I'm also surprised it lasted this long.

>> No.7330774

This is why I'm just going to stick to myself and maybe /cgl/ for gyaru buddies. I don't really want to get dragged into that shithole over a fashion style.

>> No.7331138

Black Diamond's single


>> No.7331225

I actually sort of like this. A ton of autotune but it's catchy.

>> No.7331229

Not even gyaru and I jam to this on the regular.

>> No.7331272

>denim leg warmers with pink crocs
All of my why.

>> No.7331289

Where the hell are they all getting those legwarmers with chains?

>> No.7331305

Doesn't d.i.a. make those?

>> No.7331312

Yeah, finally that shit site was abandoned. like >>7330769 said it wasn't even worth reading, when it was the same thing over and over again with like 4 secrets.

>> No.7331316

Suppose they do. Wish they had an online shop.

>> No.7331323

We're maxed out. Anyone want to make a new thread?

>> No.7331345


New thread