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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 84 KB, 720x960, sasukeandkrillinbuildabridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7309096 No.7309096[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Crossplay is absolutely retarded. So many people do it at so many conventions that it's managed to Milhouse its way in as a convention staple. Every time I hear some retarded bitch yammer on about how she's going to X con as Eren or Levi it makes me want to grind my teeth and steal their ears.

Nobody makes it look good. No, not even you. I don't care if you have the perfect binding technique and no hips. You look stupid. A male character should only be cosplayed by a man, and vice versa. Even if you have the highest quality crossplay around, it is inherently flawed because having begun with an incorrect gender made the costume wrong from the start. For a community that nitpicks over having precisely the right belt buckles, this is a glaring flaw.

A gender-correct cosplay of the same quality is inherently superior. It's more accurate, and assuming the person is cosplaying a person they resemble (as they should be) you will never achieve the same uncanny effect. So why do you morons shoot yourselves in the foot before you've even begun? Why not choose a gender-correct cosplay that you can actually achieve?

>B-but I'm a man on the inside! If I'm t-trans then I can cosplay as Link perfectly r-right?

Wrong. You transgendered tumblrfags are some of the worst offenders. Why are there so many of you in the convention setting anyway? Why is EVERYONE trans/gay/whatever at conventions? I'm starting to think you people are just pretending so you can be "unique." In any case, even though you might identify with the gender you are not, you cannot expect me to treat you as though you actually have the parts to match. Gender is determined by the reproductive organs in the body, that's that. Expecting people to think of you as anything other than what you are is delusional and idiotic.

Oh yeah, and fat people should only cosplay fat characters. Stuffing your grease rolls into a Kenshin cosplay just makes you look even more hilarious than normal.

>> No.7309100

OP doesn't even cosplays...

>> No.7309101


>being this butthurt

>> No.7309104

you chose a great picture for this hahahaha

>> No.7309106

As a matter of fact I do cosplay, that's why I understand all of these things about the community. But I cosplay characters I resemble and I do so to the correct gender.

>> No.7309110

How dare people have fun, right OP?

>> No.7309114

Haha, I know right? Those wings of freedom aren't going to be flying anywhere with those two in tow, especially the fat one.

>> No.7309118

you know whats retarded, the fact your jimmies got so russled over this that you had to make a thread about it.
its not going to stop.
you can make a thread about bronies, or whovians, or homestucks, they aren't going to go away.
you can make a thread about how you hate attention whores like Jnig, or hate tripfag circle jerks, its not going to go away.

you can make a thread complaining about how much of a faggot you are, but you're not going to stop being a faggot, and neither are they.

why not post in a feels thread? why make your own thread for a personal rant?

I can make a thread complaining about you, but you're not going to go away. so honestly, whats the point?

>> No.7309119

Congratulations. Good job. Obviously because you do something, everyone else must do it too.

>> No.7309123

But anime characters largely don't look like men. They look either androgynous or like women. There are very few occasions where male characters have actual male features.

>> No.7309126

Why not? You're hardly one to talk about russled jimmies with a response like that. Did I strike a nerve?

>> No.7309132

So did someone spit in your coffee today, OP? Or do you for some reason have a vendetta against the people in the picture?

>> No.7309133

I'm laughing so hard because more than half the time girls can pull off make characters very well, while actual makes are an unshaven, no make up wearing mess.
Cry more, anon.

>> No.7309137

Male characters. ^. Damn you to Mordor , phone
Not sure why anon is so butthurt, but I really love it.

>> No.7309140

>you can make a thread complaining about how much of a faggot you are, but you're not going to stop being a faggot, and neither are they.

(not OP)
FUCK you got me, I'm rolling over here

captcha roon hapnys

>> No.7309143
File: 103 KB, 700x525, link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This parroted argument isn't true at all. The Japanese standard for what is attractive in men is simply different than it is in the west. Not having rippling muscles and a square jaw does not make a man overtly feminine. Commonly crossplayed characters like Link, Eren and Marik have much sharper and harsher features than their female counterparts which definitely entail masculinity. If you really need to be a musclebound jarhead you can always cosplay from Fist of the North Star or Jojo.

>> No.7309144

>And marriage is between a man and a woman! None of that gay shit, because it's morally wrong!

>> No.7309145

You cannot make an accurate argument like that when in your mind you are comparing the best tier females and the worst tier males. You need to assume that the quality of the costumes are on the same level for the sake of argument, and if they are, the gender-correct costume is clearly superior.

FYI, female hambeasts are a rampant problem in the cosplay community and they love to crossplay. Don't go acting like they don't exist.

>> No.7309151


It was Zelda and Link, not Zelda with a dink!

>> No.7309153
File: 33 KB, 303x359, It hurts09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anime characters
>posts vidya character
Eren looks exactly like a flat girl. And let's not ignore shojo anime like Ouran HSHC, and the like. You gonna tell me those are all masculine looking characters?

>> No.7309152
File: 74 KB, 222x229, beeeees.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Projecting religious conservative agenda onto an aesthetic gripe

>> No.7309155

They exist, and badly because tumblr. I've been cosplaying male characters all my 11 year vet run without issue and have seen others done well by women. OP is just idiotic . Women doing male characters has existed since forever and there's nothing wrong with either gender doing as they please

>> No.7309167
File: 363 KB, 600x338, 1389984287420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh yeah, no. You're definitely not projecting.

>the cosplay has to be of anime only or it doesn't count!


>> No.7309191

What's wrong OP? Accidentally asked out a trap and now you're taking your butthurt on crossplayers?

>> No.7309200
File: 55 KB, 552x485, Eren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay fine, he looks more masculine in the anime. In the manga he looks more feminine than the actual women.

And my original argument was about anime characters, ya dingus.

>> No.7309205
File: 690 KB, 1912x2828, Teddie-Expressions3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>big round eyes
>Slender build
>Delicate facial features
>Looks like a girl when cross dressing

Face it, certain characters are better crossplayed

>> No.7309221
File: 651 KB, 2369x1526, 1389985433684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are truly the epitome of masculinity

>> No.7309222

Androgynous male characters are best cosplayed by androgynous males.

They exist.

Still recognizable as male.

>> No.7309227

Not all men are masculine. That doesn't make them women. Like I said, androgynous people exist and those cosplays are best done by them.

>> No.7309228

Here's the thing OP. Yes, people who have a bodytype that clashes with the character's does not look good. Someone over 140lbs at 5'4" looks terrible cosplaying Yoko. Girls who obviously look like a girl when trying to cosplaya a boy look bad. The "I'm trans!" fad that has been raging for the past few years is stupid.

But, making a post like this trying to convince, or worse tell/demand people change, is pointless. It may be a troll attempt, in which case you are only going to get people who support everything you are against.

Most people who look like a trainwreck and believe in the "Well, I CAN therefore I will" are the ones who provide the most entertainment to laugh at, or just make you feel better about yourself in passing them at a con. So why try to stop it? Just let it be.

>> No.7309229

Some women (like myself) have masculine features. Doesnt make me any less of a woman. Same goes for men with softer features. Cosplay what you want, geez. Make up and contouring can help anyone.

>> No.7309239

But most bishie characters look like women anyway, at least in their facial structure. I think caucasian women often have good facial structures to cosplay as androgynous anime men, this is just usually not the case in practice because most people who are into cosplay aren't in the best physical condition and are kind of flabby, and girls deposit and store fat differently from men. I've seen fit girls crossplay very nicely.

>> No.7309240

Your butthurt is delicious OP chan

>> No.7309250

Bitches don't understand that there's more to being a man than just facial features.

You know, male body? Wide shoulders, narrow hips and stuff like that?

>> No.7309276

You can definitely tell they are males though. OP was a little aggressive but I can't say I don't agree. Why do chicks cosplay as males? To me, it is instantly obvious that it is a female, so I feel like they have failed in some way.

>> No.7309286

Because maybe they like a male character? Gasp
I've been cosplaying male characters since 2006 because that's what I feel most comfortable in. I don't like genderbends either. Too bad.

>> No.7309287

You are trying so hard and not getting very far but in the end none of it will even matter

>> No.7309289

There are ways to broaden your shoulders with padding and other theatrical and drag methods. Tsk . Also, not all women have big hips. I'm Hispanic with small hips. My Chinese best friend has really narrow hips.

>> No.7309294

Because sometimes the only interesting characters from a series you like are male.

Because you might just like a certain male character better than the females.

Because people don't fucking care if like 2 people on the internet are mad about the fact that girls dress up as boys.

>> No.7309302
File: 33 KB, 480x320, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7309309

Bio-female, have all of those. Actually, I get mistaken for a man fairly often in day to day life, so might as well bring that to crossplay. And even if you don't have "male proportions," it's perfectly possible to look like you do with padding, or even just fitting the clothing properly.

>> No.7309307

They aren't confident enough in their femininity so they dress as a male character.
Or in the case of characters like Link he is basically gender neutral.
Or of course they are doing it because of sexual frustrations

>> No.7309313

No. I just happen to like male designs more. I grew up playing Castlevania and a lot of jrpgs on the Snes and ps1, so we had way more male characters I liked than female ones. I don't think one has to be labeled insecure just because they actually want to cosplay a character they like. Is that so unheard of? Someone's butthurt or ugly.

>> No.7309317

>projecting this hard

>> No.7309342

Cosplay by default is already stupid looking no matter how good you look. If you're going to look silly you might as well dress up as something you like as you're going to get laughed at either way

>> No.7309380


>> No.7309382

Don't rag on how people look unless you're brave enough to show how you look to prove you're not a hypocrite.

>> No.7309386

nice shitposting bait OP

>> No.7309392

One of them is actually female.

>> No.7309406

>Why do chicks cosplay as males?
probably because 90% of female designs are oversexualized garbage that they would get called fat whores for attempting to cosplay

>> No.7309413

I do agree with OP on one point, granny tumblr yards are annoying as fuck and 9 times out of 10 they are overweight women with sharpie gotees getting pissy you called them her and didn't complement their perfect Tony stark cosplay.

>> No.7309422

fucking auto correct
>tranny tumblr tards

>> No.7309429

Oh, this argument again.

>Androgynous male characters are best cosplayed by androgynous males.

>> No.7309442

I'm imagining an old folks home for senile Tumblr users, screaming on the front lawn about their cosplays.

Never again.

>> No.7309585
File: 106 KB, 554x439, 1370870749849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, OP. I know a transman who just tried on his Link wig and he looks near perfect. That being said, he's been on hormones for almost 5 years and looks exactly like an attractive guy in his late teens/early twenties. No one in a million years could mistake him for being female.

Apart from that, I don't like girl Links so much. When I think of Link, I think of a sexy elf dude with muscly arms and a lot of strength. Girls just don't do him justice in that manner. A few might possibly look somewhat androgynous in the face if they really try, but you can still tell they're female and that throws off what Link is supposed to be, for me at least.

I sense there are a lot of girl Links and crossplayers ITT who are pissed someone disagrees with them. People are entitled to separate opinions, you know.

>> No.7309597

I think a lot of it's indignation that the OP completely wrote off crossplay, with no exceptions. Most seagulls agree there are people who do crossplay really badly, like the Tony Starks with sharpie goatees. but there are crossplayers that make it look good. I just like when cos/crossplayers put in effort to look really close to the character, and don't give a damn if they're the same sex as the character.

>> No.7309614

I could've sworn have Cosplay and Crossplay were hobbies that people did and had fun with. I guess when the 2000's hit everybody decided anything that was 'fun' is supposed to be broken apart and analyzed, then you bitch about whatever you find.

>> No.7309618


>> No.7309624

It's all a matter of opinions. I don't agree with everything the OP said but I can see where he(she) is coming from.

>> No.7309630
File: 485 KB, 900x877, 6884937209_dbd78dc8e1_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It wasn't about analyzing "fun", it was that people got defensive after they realized they weren't "unique" enough.

at that happened well into the 2007ish~ era, not 2000ish.

That was just the internet's fault for being able to connect everyone BEFORE the cons happened. You would show up to a con with expectations and who was "better" than who.

it didn't used to be like that. It went from a hobby to an art. and art is fucking war. someone HAS to be on top all the time, that's just how it works.

>> No.7309643

>Implying that you should only cosplay characters who share the same gender with you.

Considering that 99% of anime characters are supposed to be ethnically Japanese and you're whining like a little bitch about people who dress up as a different gender I find this pretty fucking hilarious.

>> No.7309677

Just sucks I guess. I like to come to this board and see all the awesome cosplay people do. I would love to cosplay if I had the money to travel to cons, but I get too discouraged when everyone just bitches when someone cosplaying 'doesn't look the part'.

>> No.7309687

I have the same proportions as well with androgynous facial features and no tits. In fact I specifically avoid cosplaying women because I look like a twink in drag. Gotta just work with what you got.

>> No.7309693

Unless you can see somebody's genitals you don't really know their gender, you can only assume. You base who is a male on looking like a male, and who is a female on looking like a female- that is unless you check everybody's genitals to make sure. Therefore, if somebody looks male then they are male (in your mind), which can only mean that people can cosplay the opposite gender if they pass for it.

>2/10 made me reply

>> No.7309725

Yeah like look at how most character designers design women. For example, they're afraid to even put pants on her for fuck sakes and the thigh high and mini skirt trend doesn't compel all women to cosplay something of that caliber. For those who can and do feel confident in it, good for you. But for those who don't feel comfortable doing so can only refer to a few percentage of character designs that are comfortable looking, that don't allow for wardrobe malfunction, that don't show a lot of skin or that are ACTUALLY PRACTICAL for the setting and environment the female character is put into.

So why not cosplay males instead that have more practical costumes? That's why I know a lot of females lately that buy from the menswear section because a lot of the clothes there have pocket compartments, aren't tight on you, aren't embarrassingly transparent or translucent in some areas, don't emphasize the bust and the hips, don't have to choose between the large percentage of shoes that have heels and the small percentage that don't and other reasons. It's like women's fashion is SUPPOSED TO BE UNCOMFORTABLE ON PURPOSE according to said fashion designers and it should not feel that way.

>> No.7309734

Do what you want. It's a lot of fun spending time and energy on making the costume of a character you really enjoy being. Cons are supposed to be a mini vacation away from home and work/school

>> No.7309740

Yup. All this shit and more. I'd rather have full body practical armor than an armor bikini. I know not all women designs are like this, but so many feel that way.
I buy men's pants for said reasons. Especially the god damn pockets.

>> No.7309738

I cosplay a male character, get asked if I'm a girl. I cosplay a female character, get asked if I'm a guy.
I don't know what crossplay is anymore.

>> No.7309745

A very thin young woman could be good enough to cosplay a young man, and a very thin young man could maybe cosplay a youg woman if his face is soft enough, though I believe female>male is easier to pull than male>female.

However women with big hips, thigs and boobs shouldn't do such a thing, obviously.

>> No.7309748

How about people cosplay what they want and you stay butthurt?

>> No.7309764

Same. I've had friends that have makeup skills contour my face and dress me up, but I still look like a guy in drag because of the way I sit, move, etc. That and my face shape. Honestly, I like my body and features, but they cancel out cosplaying any super feminine character.

>> No.7309791

Not that anon, but do you even know what butthurt means? It just sounds like you're reaching in your ass for comebacks.

The women ITT are the only butthurt ones. No, you look like shit when you dress in male clothing with child-bearing hips and a large lump where you taped down your chest. The end.

>> No.7309795

Fine, fuckface, I'm going to strap my hairy 6' 0" 250 pound ass into Ryuko's battle outfit and you can shut the fuck up about it.

Nobody wants to see bad cosplay. I don't give a shit about you or your opinion on the matter, cosplay is not a fucking hugbox. Do not cosplay characters you do not look like or cannot look like. If you can't lose the weight, don't do it. If your jaw is too square, don't do it. If you can't convincingly pull off the makeup, don't do it. If you have to ask, the answer is "no". What matters is the end result. This is not a "what counts is on the inside" hobby. When there's a market for ugly fashion models who are beautiful on the inside, then we can talk about cosplaying whatever you want.

>h-h-how dare you say certain people can't cosplay

>> No.7309796
File: 370 KB, 950x922, gsg-daniela-eaglestower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Or in the case of characters like Link he is basically gender neutral

Fucking TP. Fucking SS.

>> No.7309800

I'm built like a sixteen year old boy. Anime dictates that my proportions aren't jiggly enough to be female. Guess I'll take my failure genetics and go sit in a corner because I just can't be accurate.

>> No.7309808

>I'm built like a sixteen year old boy.
Pics or it didn't happen.

>> No.7309825
File: 44 KB, 370x377, 1390004264980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True story

>> No.7309848


Some people don't seem to realize that not every female is built like an amazon. As a thin, taller-than-average Asian female with broad shoulders and narrow hips, I can just imagine how mad people would be if I cosplayed their favorite babe in a chainmail bikini without knockout curves.

I crossplay character I like, many of whom are male. Makeup can go a long way without making you look fake.

>> No.7309855

>Asian female with broad shoulders and narrow hips
I'm in the same position, except I'm still short. It's the perfect body type for bishounen or shota characters though.

>> No.7309863
File: 21 KB, 345x224, 1383806573122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fat people cosplaying SnK at all
>people in the military
>during a food shortage

>> No.7309884

Hey now, they can always be that Fatty McFats merchant or that chess-playing Fatty McFats, I blocked his name out and replaced it with Lord Baltimore, but I am sure that's not his name.

>> No.7309893

Oh fuck, that's a hilarious thought, anon.

>> No.7309909

You're right. A fat Lord Balto or that parkour merchant guy is fine. I'm talking about the ones with blubber spilling out of their 3DMG harnesses.

>> No.7309915

>I'm talking about the ones with blubber spilling out of their 3DMG harnesses.

LOL I figured as much and have rationalized this as said character ate another one because they were starving... and now added said eaten character's mass to their own. Voila.

>> No.7309934

lets see how amazing your cosplays are plz n thnx
if you're gonna be so butthurt you should at least back your argument up

>> No.7309943
File: 71 KB, 279x216, 1333319671229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't care if you have the perfect binding technique and no hips. You look stupid.

so basically even if you look exactly like the character physically (aka having the same masculine body type) you shouldn't cosplay it if you happen to have a vagina? which wouldn't be visible anyway?
the fact that a dude has a dick under his costume makes his costume more credible and thus better than a female who looks more androgynous/feminine and matches the character better physically but happens to have a pussy?
do you not hear how stupid you sound?

>> No.7309945

>To me, it is instantly obvious that it is a female

thats what separates good and bad crossplayers.
I more often than not pass as male in all of my crossplays.

>> No.7309948
File: 202 KB, 500x647, tumblr_mzgxifmFif1to7qjio1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we turn this thread into a crossplay photo thread now

>> No.7309966

I don't understand how the rules are set up where you "sorta" cant have a vendetta thread about a single person yet you can single out an entire group and it be okay. I also say sorta because people are still getting singled out in threads.

>> No.7309978

I'm not convinced. Your hands are tiny and you look like a girl from the neck down.

>> No.7309984
File: 302 KB, 740x492, 1390010149534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree.

>> No.7309988
File: 99 KB, 420x600, tumblr_mz9fxr0kKY1t7ny60o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7310002

That's a crossplay? Source please!

>> No.7310007

That's not a crossplay, that's Kaname.

>> No.7310024

>Gender is determined by the reproductive organs in the body, that's that.
It's just like how Santa is white, right? "He just IS".

Gender is not sex. Please get your terms correct.

>> No.7310021


So I should only cosplay people who are exactly like me??

I thought the point was to be someone else for awhile. Or possibly to show your love for something. But hey, you could be right I guess.

>> No.7310026

thanks for the laugh. <:3c

>> No.7310030

Almost rustled my jimmies, but waaaay too obvious of a troll. Try harder next time

>> No.7310033
File: 102 KB, 600x896, 1390011842146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, I posted the wrong one. That's a bio guy. Here's the one I meant to post. Sorry 'bout that. Their deviantart is beelzebobbles.

>> No.7310045

I'm uncomfortable crossplaying and walking around, although I think it'd be fun to have a girl make me crossplay in private to embarrass me in front of her. If she wanted me to walk around it in, okay...

>> No.7310151

Does crossplay keep you awake at night, Anon?

>> No.7310337
File: 342 KB, 826x1200, 38277678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about traps OP, who do you think should cosplay characters them?

>> No.7310652

Lolno. That is the body of a woman. Don't kid yourself.

>> No.7310661

yes, yes it does.

>> No.7310719

Well, when you have a scarf covering your hips and a leather jacket covering your waist and chest.

>> No.7310754
File: 11 KB, 217x233, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7310847

>Santa isn't white

go back to your tumblr yard granny.

>> No.7310883
File: 2.91 MB, 360x203, 1365977677846.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 OP for getting everyone to respond

>> No.7310898
File: 95 KB, 480x640, sailor bubba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're a man and do it as a joke (like Sailor Bubba) I will love you forever.

>> No.7310926

While people should stick to what they suit, big hairy men wearing cosplays that are for petite, very girly or sexy women are fantastic if it's done for a joke.

>> No.7310940

Thank you anon, I was so sad when no body made that point, and then you showed up

>> No.7310962

I just don't get the joke myself. I hate this shit. No different than slutting up a costume, distorting a character to get attention based on your bodytype.

>> No.7311088

That's the benefit of male privilege. Men are funnier than women by default.

Though, there have been a rare few occasions when slutting up male characters has been pretty funny.

>> No.7311094

Yeah, I hate that shit too. Bearded man in seifuku is funny, but a woman cross playing or trying to be bad on purpose is omg "that inaccurate bitch"
So much hypocrisy.

>> No.7311106

>When I think of Link, I think of a sexy elf dude with muscly arms and a lot of strength. Girls just don't do him justice in that manner.
Agreed! Link may have some feminine facial features but he isn't anything like the typical frail-bodied girls that go around declaring they're better than men.

Contrary to what everyone in this thread is saying, having narrow hips doesn't necessarily make you look masculine. No, you just look like a skinny girl in boy clothes.

>> No.7311139
File: 190 KB, 500x750, mg_5773aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if we don't cosplay them, nobody will
sometimes you just have to take a bullet 4 the greater good

>> No.7311147

More of these two??

>> No.7311151

Oh shut the fuck up already. People are going to continue cosplaying what they want. I'll grin extra hard as I work as my Utena cosplay just thinking its making you so mad.

>> No.7311154
File: 257 KB, 800x533, 1390073853395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, i just got it from google images

>> No.7311157

Seconding this, fucking christ. Makes me want to charge up my PSP.

>> No.7311167
File: 26 KB, 353x260, 1390074091662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

life is suffering

>> No.7311172

>stop hating what i like!


>> No.7311173

I want Hijikata and Kondo. Why does this pairing not exist? It's technically historically canon.

>> No.7311177
File: 177 KB, 500x202, being lewd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>historically canon
i giggled

>> No.7311194

I own a bunch of Shinsengumi books, so they kind of are. I likes it.

>> No.7311208

The only reason you 'pass' as male is because people at conventions are generally courteous enough to tell you you've passed or treat you like a male in respect to your character's identity , ignoring your own. It's not genuinely convincing and looks like shit.

>> No.7311234

Except that it IS. You /lgbt/ faggots just like to distort the meanings of such terms to suit your hugbox feminist tumblrtwat social justice crusade. Your gender is what it is and you can't change it, no matter what you might think you internally are or how much you surgically mutilate your body. At the end of the day, there's only one way for you to make babies.

>> No.7311235
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>if we don't cosplay them, nobody will
This is so fucking true about Hakuouki it hurts. I want hot dudes to start cosplaying otome games like Uta Pri, Amnesia, etc.

>> No.7311239
File: 83 KB, 497x388, hateyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>male privilege

Stopped reading there, take your feminist shit back to tumblr

>> No.7311312

Silly anon, /cgl/ is Tumpol. No going back.

>> No.7311320

Careful, anon. You'll be oppressing them if you say anything "mean".

>> No.7311400

I'm really okay with that.

>> No.7311409

I realllyyyy want to cosplay Kazama now. He was my favorite.

>> No.7311425

Kazama had a great character design

>> No.7311456

Gender and sex aren't synonyms though. I get that it's embarrassing to say sex but it's what you're referring to, stop saying gender.

>> No.7311471

Yeah no. Your thighs are womanly as fuck, you look nothing like a sixteen year old boy. You're very obviously a female.

>> No.7311475

Well, in common parlance they are. Academically, there is difference but as most people would use gender there isn't. I think a lot of the arguments are caused around people misunderstanding the language surrounding the issue of gender. It's understandable since the word gender did start to become synonymous with sex in the late 1970's and 1980s. I think it will probably end up reverting to the old academic definition of the behavioural characteristics associated with gender. It's important to explain this difference calmly. I've more often found that SJW types tend to just dogmatically charge through as opposed to communicate.

>> No.7311478

Did your parents get divorced because your dad slept with a tranny? You seem to have unresolved issues .

>> No.7311479

Even so the point remains the same. Your gender is determined by your sex, you cannot do anything about it save for expecting people to adhere to your inner delusion.

>> No.7311481

>can tell the difference between a man and a woman

The only unresolved issues here lie within the delusional fucktards that think gender is something you can decide.

>> No.7311518

Sex and gender are two different things though.

>> No.7311531

I'm not quite sure you read through what I put. I never said they weren't two different things. I merely stated that they can be used synonymously due to the semantic change that happened in the English language. The problem is people often get confused as to what people mean because for their entire lives they've only understood gender to mean sex due to the aforementioned semantic shift that happened in the late 1970s and early 1980s.

>> No.7311539

I think what people are confusing for awful fandoms, shitty fat people, or tumblrites is teenagers.

I can't say this holds true 100% of the time but look back at those awful moments, those terrible cosplays, the stupid-uneducated sexuality. Its teenagers.
Their brains are still in development, they think they know the world, and they can't shut their yappers. I think the majority of the things wrong with the cosplay community are people 16 and younger.

That being said, I don't think they shouldn't cosplay, I just think there needs to be more 18 & up conventions.

>> No.7311575

I wasn't even responding to you though..

>> No.7311580
File: 2.99 MB, 172x231, This warms my ice cold heart.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I err, don't know what to say anon. I swear to God I saw it highlight my post when I went over your quote.

I'm sorry. Have this gif.

>> No.7311586

Love that gif!

>> No.7311596

I crossplay all the time, though I choose characters with masks or incredible amounts of makeup and layers of clothes. People mistake me as male while I'm in costume in person and online (in pictures).

OPs point is invalid because his assertion is based on the assumption that he has a 100 percent accuracy rate in guessing gender.

>> No.7311609

I'm just sick of being bitched at for says female pronouns to someone who looks like a girl. (Biologically and in how the dress and present themselves) and then they bitch me out about how I should use They/Them pronouns. This is totally new to me. I have never heard of such a thing.
Perhaps I am not with the times anymore.

>> No.7311615

Why do you Psych 101 fuckers try so hard to apply the most extreme, Freudian bullshit to people who don't agree with you? Jesus christ, you really sound like some bitch who just finished a community college course and now you magically know everything about the world thanks to outdated medicine.

Fuck you and your bullshit. You fucking make people who actually have psy.d's in my field look like idiots thanks to you and your Tumblr wannabe fucking counselor shit.

>> No.7311623

Sounds like straight up tumblr faggotry with people getting mad about that stuff. There's no reason for you or anyone else to have to assume every new person they could potentially meet is actually secretly trans or perhaps a magical unicorn in disguise etc.

I'm finding that the English language IS changing to a point where you can use the word "they" to mean a singular individual where it was traditionally reserved for a group of people. Still, people shouldn't get so butt-frustrated with words. If a person happens to be trans but not "presenting themself" as their gender, then they will inform you if it matters that much to them. E.g. one of my friends didn't even tell me he was a trans-man until we were close friends and he felt it was appropriate to share that info. He never corrected me for using feminine pronouns ever. Then again, he also hasn't done transitioning stuff yet for monetary reasons but lives as a man.

I guess one bonus in English is that we don't really differentiate the plural "they" with a special masculine or feminine form, because I'm sure people would be up in arms about you presuming said group is either all females etc. That would be a horrible mess if the Tumbltards got a hold of that.

>> No.7311636

I have a trans-man friend as well. When he's mistaken as female, he claims it only means he needs to work on his presentation and views it as helpful.

>> No.7311676

>I'm finding that the English language IS changing to a point where you can use the word "they" to mean a singular individual

Actually, this has been the case for an extremely long time and what most native speakers will naturally use to refer to someone whose gender is unknown. Rules about not using 'them' as a gender neutral are prescriptive grammar (i.e. shit people arbitrarily decided and forced upon the language).

Anyway, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I agree with the Tumblr attitude of default referring to everyone as 'them' but from a linguistic perspective the use as a gender-neutral pronoun is actually quite natural English.

>> No.7311773

I have yet to understand why tumblr-folk get so damn angry when someone misgenders them. If you look, act, and talk like a woman, people will use female pronouns. It irritates me to no end when transgender people who aren't even taking hormones get extremely angry when they are misgendered, especially the ones who aren't even making an effort to pass. That and the fakeboi trend. Grrrrr.

I think I need to take a long break from tumblr.

>> No.7311807

BASICALLY the tumblr types that get super fucking mad about shit are all children (if only mentally) who learned everything they know about whatever pet-issue they have secondhand.

they dont pick up a fucking book or take a class, they just fucking parrot shit from someone else they are following on tumblr.

just look at how they fucking abused "triggers" into near meaninglessness
A trigger sure as fuck isnt a picture of a hamburger when you are a vegan.

>> No.7311820


Kind of makes me sad because they can be very real and debilitating. I don't have any myself but I've encountered enough people with PTSD to know it's a real thing. Them overusing the term to oblivion is doing no favors for the people who do have them.

>> No.7311824

Tumblr's pretty awful about having accurate information. There's tons of posts with thousands of notes that regularly circulate and are completely inaccurate. I believe someone explained this was the case because there's such a large flow of information moving by so quickly, you don't have the time to check all the facts, and get complacent about automatically accepting everything you see as the truth.

I think they also said something about people being swayed by the amount of notes a post has, i.e., you tend to think a post with 100,000 notes have everyone reblogging in agreement, which influences the way you view the thing, etc.

>> No.7311832


Yeah, the tumblr mentality about social issues is so fucking damaging. This shit is complicated and there's a lot of nuance, but all the tumblrshits want are cute memes/infographics that they can 'like' or reblog to demonstrate that they're good people or how you can't criticize them because their 14-year-old, middle class white asses are 'less privileged' because of a bunch of made up shit which completely defeats the point of the concept of privilege in the first place.

>> No.7311843


I'm actually somewhat flattered, anon. Thank you.

>> No.7312288

Both of your friends are just delusional women.

>> No.7312402

Perception is reality. It's real to them, who am I to question their reality.

>> No.7312431


>> No.7312442
File: 7 KB, 300x300, 23880235_p1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cosplay because I think some outfits look like a ton of fun to spend a weekend in. They are.

Lady wants to do some sweet armour that actually has pants? Why not. Dude wants to slip on that skirt and be the little girl for a weekend? Shit ain't my business. Feel the urge to be fat Naruto? I may laugh at you, but carry on. Someone wants to be a robot biomontster transexual cyborg dinosaur ninja in a dress? Go for it nigga.

As long as you are clean and your fat rolls and asscheeks are not contacting and contaminating areas I have to touch, wear whatever you want. How people get so judgemental about playing adult cartoon dress-up just baffles me. How can anyone take this hobby seriously enough to get so butthurt about shit like this? You all look equally retarded to normal people.

>> No.7312461
File: 52 KB, 213x283, 1265011704280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7312467

>not cosplaying whatever you like regardless of what gender the character is

Some people are just too pleb to be alive.

>> No.7312481
File: 186 KB, 500x348, 1274905502328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah let's see a guy do this acurately

>> No.7312535

I don't know what character that is but I'm guessing it's a man. An fair and pointy-jawed man with high cheekbones would do it better. There's plenty of them out there, you just have to get them to wear the makeup.

>> No.7312550

yeah if you can get them to wear makeup
lets face it
90% of male cosplayers won't touch the stuff with a 10 foot pole which makes me so mad because wasted potential- wasted potential everywhere

>> No.7312573
File: 389 KB, 412x622, 1262825928214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7312584

>terrible acne when teenager
>cleaned up since
>hardly any scarring but some redness/blemishing
>normally stick to masked/helmeted cosplay
>branching out into uncovered cosplay
>would like to use a little makeup to touch up

>I have no idea how to do this or what to buy
>no GF and fuck asking relatives because they think I'm enough of a faggot as it is

Tell me what to do.
Seriously, give me a man's guide to makeup. Infographics, recommendations, anything. No hour-long videos, please.

>> No.7312592

you should get some foundation if your skin tone is uneven- you can get away with going to a makeup store and say you're in a play and ask them to help you match your skin tone. it really depends what kind of characters you cosplay as- with bishounen type prettyboys you're going to need more visible eyeshadow/eyelined but for your basic male character, brown eyeliner for a bit of definition and maybe some eyeshadow to shape/color your eyebrows should be fine.

>> No.7312601

Funny enough, I was in drama in high school but they had all the girls do the makeup for the guys.

>> No.7312608

it's lame that they didn't teach you, but I guess that's to be expected if it's only a high school drama program. Anyway, I think the best thing to do is buy some makeup in neutral shades and practice with it. Make sure to photograph yourself too so you know how much is needed to show up on camera.

>> No.7313584

I've met women who looks more masculine than that.
And only one of them were competing in professional Tractor-Tumbling.

>> No.7313590

Most bikini babes actually have some muscle.
Look at white female powerlifters for instance.

If they were small and petite, they would make no sense unless you're Josh Whedon. Who should never be allowed to do any fight scenes involving petite females ever again.

>> No.7313601
File: 374 KB, 245x141, 1390166419508.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being this rustled over crossdressing and trans* people

>> No.7313637

Wasn't the food-shortage for the peasantry living in the outer sections?

>> No.7313686

But there were peasants in the military.

>> No.7313697

Gender identity and biological sex CAN be different. Not everyone chooses to identify as their assigned/biological sex, and may take hormones/get surgery to better fit their identity.
So yes, your sex is what it is, but you can change your gender to better fit your needs.
Secondly, not everyone wants another screaming, shitting pile of meat to take care of for 20+ years.

>> No.7314443

The people who "don't identify as their biological sex" are delusional. It's a mental problem and should be treated as such, not some special thing that deserves the hugbox reception. You can't change your gender. All you can change is whether you deal with it or decide to be a delusional twat and expect the world to abide by your delusions.

As far as the kid thing goes, whether or not you want one is irrelevant. If the only way you CAN make a kid is by getting a dick into your vagina then you're a woman and nothing but a woman. Feelings don't manipulate physical reality.

>> No.7314462

>It's a mental problem and should be treated as such
it is.
hence why people get therapy and need a doctors note to get hormones most of the time as well as for surgery.

>> No.7314467

That's great, but it still doesn't make them what they're trying to be. Not in the observable reality.

>> No.7314475

with the idea that gender and sex are the same thing, but they arent.
sex is biological.
gender is an identity.
you "feel" it.

>> No.7314476

Sex change surgery does.

>> No.7314480

nice b8 m8

>> No.7314541
File: 578 KB, 720x540, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. All that does is mutilate your genitals and make you a more masculine/feminine woman or man than you were before.

>> No.7314560

Today OP wasn't a faggot

>> No.7314576

Have you ever even seen a fully transitioned person? Someone from my high school is a trans male that went through transitioning after high school, and if I didn't know better, I would've thought he was his own brother. I'm not close to him, so I'm unaware when or whether he even went through sex change surgery for genitals, but he doesn't even look like the same person. Where as he looked like a thin almost frail girl back in high school, he just looks like stocky thick-armed, hairy-legged young man now, albiet a little shorter than average.
The human body is an interesting thing, hormones and the such can do a lot more then you think.

>> No.7314597

Yet you're calling him a he.

>> No.7314604

Transmale is female to male? I can't tell if you're confused or just being a shit and refusing to call someone that currently looks like a guy "he".

>> No.7314608

Taking on the appearance of another gender does not make you that gender.

There are plenty of big hideous bearded women but I would never call them dudes.

Also, your friend is a she.

>> No.7314622
File: 968 KB, 500x280, 1390198812124.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice bate mate

>> No.7314625

Now you're just being picky.
It seems pretty useless to argue with you over your opinion on sex and gender since a third of the thread has already done that, but are you going to ask of every person who you suspect to be trans to see their birth certificate so that you can call them the according pronoun? Are you going to demand to see their genitals and/or scarring as proof?

The person looks like a guy, so I'm calling him a he, jfc.

>> No.7314761

No one gives a fuck tho. That's why there's a distinction between trans* and cis people.

>> No.7314767

They wouldn't even bug me so much if they weren't all so damn retarded about it. Even worse is this new fad where everyone and their mothers are trans in the cosplay community. You don't meet nearly as many of them in real life and the ones you do are much quieter about it.

>> No.7314776

Yes because to them they are their perceived gender and since you can't tell it doesn't matter.
I give people their space on it if they're going through gender therapy but I get your problem with the tumblr fad and convention shit.

>> No.7314778

(Totally off topic, but your use of the Dance Moms gif was amazing.)

>> No.7314789

Most of the trans kids on tumblr won't be trans anymore a few years after high school.

It's like being bisexual was in the early 2000s: something every 4edgy7me teen could be to rebel against their parents and be special snowflakes.

All the trans kids on tumblr are doing is ruining the reputation and credibility of people who really are trans because they are desperate attention whores.

Ignore them. It's a fucking fad and it will pass.

>> No.7315327
File: 21 KB, 204x300, guest_pikminlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about PikminLink?
She's a pretty damn good crossplayer.

>> No.7315378

I like PL, but a lot of people have problems with her.

>> No.7315395

People have problems with her fans, not her.

>> No.7315508

It's decent, but it's still outdone by any male cosplay of the same quality because she lacks the ability to properly portray the character. The moment she opens her mouth to speak the illusion is destroyed. Plus, while Link is fair, he has masculine features which she just doesn't have.

>> No.7315515

>OP doesn't like crossplay
Well maybe you whine enough on 4chan everyone will accommodate your special needs

>> No.7315521

So? Your opinion isn't going to stop her or anyone else. You seem to have the notion that it matters if anyone thinks it doesn't look right.

>> No.7315528

Lol I've seen so many shitty male cosplayers because so many of them don't know how to shave, apply make up and get a wig. PL is one of my favorite Links. She has a great masculine face for Male characters.

>> No.7315530
File: 170 KB, 730x1095, link cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it does. Cosplay isn't a "do what you want!" hobby even though so many people seem to think it is. Nobody's going to stop you from doing what you want, but it's not going to make shit cosplay good or a decent cosplay excellent.

Pic related, superior.

>> No.7315532

>Cosplay isn't a "do what you want!" hobby
Yes it is a do what you want hobby. It's literally a person wearing a costume. That's it. Their money their rules.

>> No.7315533
File: 92 KB, 717x960, IMG_19899269183856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Let's look at what most male cosplayers do. Not doing my husbando justice is what.

>> No.7315537

Some versions of Link are actually voiced by women. Well, not that he's voiced really but I mean the 'hyaas' and 'ahhhs' and stuff.

>> No.7315535
File: 168 KB, 774x1032, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your argument is mediocre at best. There are shit cosplays, male and female, of anything. We're talking about good cosplays, so for the sake of argument let's stick to that. The only argument I'm making here is that a good gender correct cosplay > a good crossplay of the same quality. The gender correct cosplay can maintain the character in a way the crossplay cannot.

>> No.7315538

Cosplay is a hobby, not a contest. People cosplay for fun. And no one is going to look like a cartoon or game character unless its based off them like Ellen Page. You're so hilariously butthurt. Did your mommy not hug you enough and put your honor roll bumper sticker on the fridge?

>> No.7315539

0/10 for trollan, but that Link isn't bad. Not "superior" by any means but hey whateva.

>> No.7315542
File: 6 KB, 230x171, gyarados.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Of the same quality

Shit you people just don't listen, do you?


>> No.7315540

Then find a male link that's better

Has this cosplayer done all the armor variations and have the same level of props craftsmanship as PL?

>> No.7315543

>Cosplay isn't a "do what you want!" hobby

Um, pretty sure all hobbies are "do what you want". That's why they're hobbies.

>> No.7315546

I don't stalk cosplayers so fucked if I know. And it really doesn't matter, because by comparing these two pictures I find the male Link more convincing. There's no illusion in it.

>> No.7315550

>Cosplay isn't a "do what you want!" hobby
It's literally a group of nerds spending their own money to dress up like a character for a day. Get your head out of your ass

>> No.7315551


If this was actually true /cgl/ would be a very different place.

>> No.7315554

Not that anon but just because it's a hobby doesn't mean people aren't going to criticize you. If you can't take the criticism you have only yourself to blame.

>> No.7315566

the fact that you are dressing up as a character is indeed 'doing what you want' but i think the other anon means the costume specifics, details, and time commitment is less negotiable

>> No.7315582

Dude, calm yourself. Not everyone cosplays to be judged. I hate this post 2006 attitude where everyone has to be "perfect" or else. You're getting so mad over people making a fictional costume. Was your mom killed by a person in a cartoon costume? Just let people cosplay for fun. Only time they can be criticized is when they put themselves on tumblr with the tags or DA, asking for critique.
I cosplay for fun and it was never an issue back in the 90s. Guess everyone is extra fucking sandy now.

>> No.7315585

>people have different attitudes towards the same thing
Nice observation.

>> No.7315594

Yes we get that you think that. It doesn't really matter though.

>> No.7315595

>not everyone cosplays to be judged

well most people in life don't do things to be judged, but people will judge you for any reason at all, even for just living. it's not about asking or not asking. people are going to have opinions about you whether you want them or not, you have opinions about others that they don't necessarily want.

also, it's always been an issue it just didn't seem that way because people would talk about it with their friends rather than tell you online.

stop being so naive, people will judge you for whatever you want, if you put yourself out there it will happen, if you want it to stop, stop putting yourself out there.

>> No.7316035

Personally, I don't give a shit what people will say because cosplaying is already makes you look stupid, might as well go all the way and have fun. You are a dick for thinking your opinion has any authority whatsoever over other people, not for having an opinion.

>> No.7316104

Can we stop feeding the troll please

>> No.7316119

Cosplay only makes you look stupid if you look stupid in cosplay. This excuse is shit and is parroted by everyone who isn't good at it.

>> No.7316555

When DON'T you look stupid in cosplay? You're prancing around dressed as a fictional character, not exactly the most respectable hobby as much as it is an enjoyable one.

>> No.7317771

When you look good in it.

>> No.7318580

To get away from the food shortage.
That's a pretty common way to recruit.
Just look at the socioeconomic background fo the British and US forces, and tell me escaping poverty isn't a motivating factor.

>> No.7320852
File: 977 KB, 900x1200, 1390203858262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how would everybody feel out this crossplay?

>> No.7320861

i would say that you're all getting baited but op is just really retarded kek

>> No.7320878
File: 45 KB, 358x361, 1380144199298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stop laughing at how retarded you guys are.

230+ assravaged replies in an obvious troll thread. Good lord.

>> No.7320889

Most likely

>> No.7320902

look at it like this, western men are humans and eastern men are elves, the manliness scale stacks differently for different cultures. so for west you get guys like quadritch from avatar and the east you get guys like legoles from LOTR.