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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 92 KB, 1990x901, sgntth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7306507 No.7306507 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread is in autosage modo >>7248200

Don't forget to suggest to others before you ask for suggestions yourself!

Please suggest to a minimum of 5 people and preferably the ones directly above you.

>> No.7306592

alright! let's get this goin' guys

>> No.7306610
File: 1.15 MB, 1990x901, 5rey433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to be moving to Toronto in a bit and don't really know anyone there, I figure going to Anime North will be a nice way to meet some people. I'm not experienced with making cosplay, but I have an excess of free time and nothing to do, so I need something to obsess over for awhile. Preferably anime, for 'anime' north, but I'm not opposed to other ideas. I've done some minor film prop stuff.

I want to say Elizabeth but that Rai would be pretty awesome if done well.

You can practically go to the con without dressing up and say you're Amuro in casual clothes

Kind of on the fence between Chie and Haruko, you'd look great as both

Schierke for sure, too perfect not to

Perhaps Kurisu Makise or Moeka Kiryu?

Night Crawler will definitely require some makeup and Jubilee's coat might be tough. I'd say Heather is the best bet.

I like Rikka, also throwing out the idea of Feyris Nyannyan

by the first picture I think Anna is the best option hands down

>> No.7306614

P-Please cosplay my boyfriend.

>> No.7306617

i-ignore my mixing up of height and weight please, the program i used was confusing

it's too soon!

>> No.7306700
File: 30 KB, 463x500, OHGOSHSUGIOI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dear lord you're beautiful

>> No.7306718

Could cosplay davey havok/10

>> No.7306736
File: 127 KB, 500x281, pls.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have very nice looking facial hair

>> No.7306749

Please do Lelouch... Dear god, please.

>> No.7306754

This. I will come to toronto to see it.

>> No.7306759

casey jones TMNT

also I meant cosmetic makeup, not theatrical.
i'm fine with paintng myself blue.

>> No.7306764

Someone really short.

>> No.7306793
File: 1.44 MB, 1990x901, 1389907208207-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really poor at choosing cosplays for myself most of the time which is why I cosplay very minimally, so I'm definitely open to suggestions !

I'd be curious to see how your Gaius would turn out! any pictures without your beard?

>> No.7306797

great, I spelled accuracy wrong. woopsies

>> No.7306804


>> No.7306836
File: 337 KB, 1990x901, who.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't done one of these for a while! Definitely open to suggestions. Haven't watched much anime lately, will definitely check out what anyone has to suggest.

Gaius-- I think your face would be amazing for him.

Mitsuru would be super cute. I think the wig would look super good with your face.

Watashi would be super cute!

I think you'd be a really cute Ramona Flowers.

Sasha from Attack on Titan, perhaps?

Will do more in a bit, not feelin' it at the moment.

>> No.7306856

Aw thanks! I was worried since I have a bit of a baby face and didn't think I'd be able to pull the whole one eye covered by hair thing

I think anna and arya would be adorable !

>> No.7306867

I thought about that, too. But I think with your more serious expression, you don't look too babyfaced for it.

>> No.7306873
File: 35 KB, 604x365, 3875746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might do this, it would probably be the simplest to do, I'd just need to find contacts.

I've been bearded for quite some time, in retrospect I probably should have put a clean shaven picture in there, but I only have this one from when I was 15 or 16. Please excuse the horrible angle and emo phase.

I'd really like to do Gaius the most, I think.

>> No.7306886

anna or venessa!

>> No.7306895

pls do gaius

>> No.7306919


Malibu why the fuck are you posting on cgl now lol. Did r9k bore you too much?

Did emi the whale eat your dick yet?

>> No.7306934

/r9k/ still has trips?
I remember the days of people like whiteknightvm; for a while there, it was basically a proto /soc/.

>> No.7307027
File: 453 KB, 2048x935, CGL suggestion thread thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suspicion confirmed. Go with Gaius.
Arya Stark is always a good choice.
The pink wig makes me think of Miyuki and Princess Euphemia.


>> No.7307028
File: 918 KB, 1990x901, 1387437745375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't been keeping up with recent anime lately, though I've seen some characters that I've liked, so open to suggestions!

I'd personally like to see you as Fukawa from Dangan Ronpa..

You're gunna have to go pretty heavy on the make-up for those other characters, Heather would be the easy choice in that aspect.

Would always be nice to see more Shimakaze. Watashi and Hanna-Justina would suit you as well.

Yes, please do Gaius! With that face you could pull of nearly any of other FE:A guys as well.

Your neutral face looks great for Satsuki, but I'd love to see more Utenas as well!

>> No.7307040

dandy in space suit.
make my dreams come true

>> No.7307042

Space Dandy do it!

>> No.7307047

whoops that was meant for

and >>7307028
go as lain. thanks

>> No.7307050
File: 381 KB, 1920x1080, 2013-11-17_00004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please cosplay Ragna (Vikings), Farkas (Skyrim) or Ulfric

also I'm the one working on an Elizabeth cosplay right now.. will get it done in the next days hopefully!
Took some photos with the make-up, wig and blood yesterday but I'm way too shy to post one here

>> No.7307052

misfired your quote a bit there anon

>> No.7307057

Short and tiny? Nothing too complicated?


>> No.7307241

#1 !!

>> No.7307333

Your bulma is shit

>> No.7307341

Someone fat with a big nose



>> No.7307353 [DELETED] 

To be fair it did look completely different in the end, but hey I can see where you're coming from, it definitely could've been way better.

>> No.7307363 [DELETED] 

give me a character that fits that description and maybe I will consider it!

>> No.7307438

Hnnng, plz do Booker Dewitt, plz

>> No.7307509

this is my first post on cgl, im going to a con and needa commit to dat cosplay

emi has not yet done that

>> No.7307525
File: 1.20 MB, 1990x938, cosplaydrea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tweaked this from the last thread

chihiro would be perfect for you, or maybe Bee from bee and puppy cat if you're into that.
Do Space Dandy please
Please do Vanessa, that would be ideal. you would also make a great Arrietty
Doing Bulma again would be cool, you could also pull off Satsuki
Thanks for the suggestion! As for you, you are really manly compared to what you want to cosplay. I would say LeLouch would work good with you though. Also maybe Gareki from Karneval if you shaved.

>> No.7307546
File: 316 KB, 1990x901, NEW AND IMPROVED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you would make an adorable Chihiro! I could also see you as Yukata from Lucky Star
Oh man please do Dandy! You have the perfect face for him!
I could actually see you as Maya Fey from Phoenix Wright.Youd make a great Anna though!
I'd love to see Miyuki, I also suggest Sheryl Nome.
I could see you as Chuck Green from Dead Rising 2

>> No.7307555

Ah PLEASE DO RIBBON FROM KIRBY! Crystal shard was my favorite game on the N64! I've always wanted to do Adeleaide(sp?) myself.

>> No.7307576

Not doing bulma again because I'm already the best one I've seen. You need to eat a sandwich because you look like you have an ED.

>> No.7307584

Ahh i really want to do Adeleine too! I loved Crystal Shard so much.
You're very cute so the more masculine characters would be harder, Mable Pines would be pretty simple and nice.

>> No.7307591

huh? I think she was referring to me, anon
but maybe you could post your bulma so we can all see? now I'm curious !

>> No.7307596
File: 1023 KB, 1990x990, 1387437745375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can sew, and i know how to thrift

>> No.7307601

ahh yeah I'm just hoping I'll get the hang of how to make satsuki's boots not look weird and shiny haha! But I'm definitely down to do bulma again!

also you'd look super cute as schierke or ponyo, you have a really good face shape for cosplay!

>> No.7307617

also looking for more suggestions

>> No.7307623 [DELETED] 

Please don't do bulma again, at least not that version. You are too large and look too old to be doing a 16 years old version.

>> No.7307626

are you more biased towards characters from american comics or would you be into cosplaying from anime as well?

>> No.7307631 [DELETED] 
File: 98 KB, 500x816, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't do bulma again, at least not that version. You are too large and look too old to be doing a 16 years old version. You should do this one instead.

>> No.7307630

Either one would be cool to do! Your face handles colored wigs so well though so I'm leaning toward Bulma. Thank you very much for the suggestion!
Like I said before you would be a great Heather, I'd love to see it done.

>> No.7307637
File: 109 KB, 600x1185, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>7307601 #
Please don't do bulma again, at least not that version. You are too large and look too old to be doing a 16 years old version. You should do this one instead.

>> No.7307656

Jack Frost

Your nose screams Annie from Attack on Titan.


Sophie from Howls Moving Castle


>> No.7307657
File: 436 KB, 1990x901, IMG_20140116_204255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agh, Please do Chihiro. Also Knives Chao works too.

Space Dandy, altho it might be edging to your limit.

You have the perfect Arya face, you could also try Madoka or any other cute baby faced character.

As much as I'd love to see some Gaius Cosplay I think some of the more stoic face dudes might work best. (i.e. Jack Frost). YOu can also try Kaji from Eva.

>> No.7307668

Neville Longbottom... extra points for Herbology Professor Longbottom...

Trixi from Speed racer...

omg, you'd look adorable as panyo!! But I think you'd also look good as Nassica or Kiki because perfect ghibli face is perfect.

roxy from Scott Pilgrim

>> No.7307686

You sexy motherfucker.
You could do anything.. but I'd like to see you as Ciel. You would pull off an eye-patch well.

miyuki takara - pink is where it's at.


youmu~ <3

Is it animazement??

Scout mama.

None of them.
Go as a Madoka

>> No.7307692

chyah okay anon
she's a little cutesy but i guess i could give it a shot

>> No.7307700
File: 412 KB, 1990x900, Cosplaysuggestion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noel Vermillion!
Arya Stark for sure
You'd make an adorable Chiaki
Kairi from Kingdom Hearts
Mama Scout and Mabel! You'd be perfect!

>> No.7307703

Aw thank you! Maybe I'll settle for one of the GTA girls lol. I should do Mabel while I still have actual braces, times running out.
Yay, shes a character I've liked for a long time and been nervous about cosplaying.

>> No.7307719

Yes do it before you get the braces off
Velvet looks like you, so i like that, but you could also pull off Link or other elf character
Thank you, and no its ACEN sadly
Thank you, Ghibli is amazing so that is really nice to hear
Annie from Attack on titan maybe?
Thank you, I love Sophie!

>> No.7307729

Seconding Annie
Not enough girls have the Jew nose to pull it off

>> No.7307750
File: 977 KB, 1990x901, cosplay recs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bombshell HQ, your frame is great for her
The Minotaur would be cool, so long as you can make the skull look and fit well. It'd hide those pretty eyes, tho
I think your face shape would look fantastic with a Jubalee wig
Scout Mama and Mikuru
Xiao! You'd be adorable!

As for my own, I'd love suggestions! My ideas are running dry.

>> No.7307825
File: 668 KB, 1990x901, suggestion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally finished with the pic... suggestions were up here.

>> No.7307834


>> No.7307868


Ohshitohshit I'm geeking out oh shit ok hold on oh man oh fuck

>> No.7307885

finally. someone with realistic goals for their body type.
youd make an excellent amwthyst, but it will; be very overdone by the time you finish it

>> No.7307893

you >>7307750
and you >>7307825
should do the kiki thing together

>> No.7307985

or I could be: the best... ARRROOOUUND

>> No.7308054

Oh god Ponyo would be so cute it hurts.

velvet would be the bomb

>> No.7308104

I think I'm going to do Gaius; I can't sew very well so Lelouch and Ciel (especially) are out of the question - I don't want to buy premade stuff (is there a reason they never show people wearing the costumes in online stores?) and feel like Gaius would be the easiest to cobble together. It's forgivable if Gaius looks a bit patchwork, but I think Lelouch and Ciel's outfits would look awful without well fitted, high quality material.

>> No.7308125

Himari from Penguindrum

>> No.7309255

I still need to watch Penguindrum, but she's so cute. I'll have to look that up!

and now for more suggestions.

I'm definitely agreeing with the Annie suggestion for you. And I was actually thinking Madoka for a while, I have the wig sitting somewhere in my room. Perhaps I'll think of picking that project back up!

I think Velvet would be super cute with your face!

I'm saying Esme only 'cause seeing someone cosplay Esme would be wonderful.

Kokiri would be adorable, though I think less recognized. If you did the pregnant woman (and carry around a fake baby of course since you don't look pregnant. Or get a fake belly!), I think you'd be recognized much better. Or, if you did a Sophie that's kind of mid-transformation since she gains quite a bit of weight as an old woman.

I think something wig bangs suits your face best-- Mikuru I think would be really cute.

I agree, your face is perfect for a Ghibli character! Ponyo would be adorable, but I think you'd also be a really cute Sheeta!

Also, thank you for the suggestion or Arietty! I love that movie and I definitely wouldn't have thought of it!

>> No.7309450
File: 486 KB, 1990x1698, 1389907208207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see you as Dandy that'd be rad.
I know this is going to sound overdone but you would make a great Mako from Kill La Kill
Sonico or Mami
You would make a great Stocking or Captain Kidd from AC4
Im loving your Team Rocket! But i think you would make a great Cass from Fallout New Vegas

My Governor looks way better now that I have the correct eyepatch and pistol.

>> No.7310146

I'd love to see the Kill la Kill ones, but you might need to be a bitmore bishounen for it. Aside from that snake and jack could work.

Maybe also try, Travis Touchdown.

>> No.7310152

If I did mrs osono, I would probably make the pregnant bump. I thought Kokiri was a better face match when I'm not making stupid faces. Thanks for the idea though, totally gonna make a baby bump swimsuit.

>> No.7310311
File: 1.70 MB, 1988x960, cosplaysuggestions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta start thinking for my second cosplay for AX. I'm already doing Rikka from Chunni

Do Kaiki from Monogatari


I could see you as vocaloid Gumi

Space suit Dandy

Vocaloid SeeU would be great, or Katyusha from Girls und Panzer

Chihaya from Chihayafuru

Mikuru and Mami

Sasha from SnK


Reimu from 2hu


Genderbend Ryuko. also lrn2crop

>> No.7310726
File: 1.02 MB, 1990x901, suggestions2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a lot of cosplay plans and ideas and I am sorry.
Professor Sycamore. Lelouch would be really great too, though.
You'd make a really good Yuki from Haruhi Suzumiya, but a good Chihiro and Chiaki too!
Gosh, I'm seeing Yellow from Pokemon Adventures, and Sonia Nevermind from SDR2!
You'd make such a great Amethyst!
With the right makeup I think you'd make a really great Sakuya.
...Have you ever thought about cosplaying as Tulio from The Road to El Dorado?

>> No.7310748

Sweet Jesus you're adorable.

>> No.7310810
File: 1.25 MB, 1990x2048, cosplay ideas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mako! You would look so cute!

Mahiro, just based on face.

Buccaneer or Naked Snake


Cruella or Yzma. Mostly just because they aren't done enough.

>> No.7310903
File: 927 KB, 1990x901, tonythetimeclock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my gosh, the Tooth Fairy!
I actually think you'd make a good sassy LSP. c:

I think you'd make a good Eita. c:

Joel from the Last of Us.

Amethyst for sure!

>> No.7311205 [DELETED] 

i'm hoping it's more plausible without the beard. and.. with orange hair. very few characters that suit my body suit my face, unfortunately.

if you're confident you can make the skull work, go minotaur, otherwise i'd like to see yamcha

thank you for reminding me, i actually wanted to do that at some point

it's a terrible conflict

y-you too..

i fully support all tomoko cosplay

it looks like ibuki would be a lot of fun to do

i also fully support all elsa cosplay

if you can creatively do #1, go for it, adventure time is a safe bet though, i think it would be best

>> No.7311215
File: 813 KB, 392x784, gads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm hoping it's more plausible without the beard. and.. with orange hair. very few characters that suit my body suit my face, unfortunately.

if you're confident you can make the skull work, go minotaur, otherwise i'd like to see yamcha

thank you for reminding me, i actually wanted to do that at some point

it's a terrible conflict

y-you too..

i fully support all tomoko cosplay

it looks like ibuki would be a lot of fun to do

i also fully support all elsa cosplay

if you can creatively do #1, go for it, adventure time is a safe bet though, i think it would be best

>> No.7311237
File: 318 KB, 800x811, 1390075961726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We were thinking of doing something along the lines of this? As tempted as I am to make a dress for the clock, I may just use a suit.

>> No.7311243

Ah, I'm glad you like it! I just feel like, even with a Kiki, people wouldn't recognize you since she's only in such a short period of the movie! And lets be real, Osono was great.

What are you doing cosplaying The Governor when your face just screams Shane.

Ai Shindou or Rhyme would be so cute on you, I think!

Please be the Tooth Fairy.

Bubblegum and Marceline would be cute! Or Madoka and Homura would be really cute on you two!

I'm giving you another suggestion, I don't even care. Before you shave that beautiful beard off, do Joel from The Last Of Us.

Not gonna lie, I'd fucking fly to Toronto to be your Ellie. N-Not just to be close to you or anything, though.

>> No.7311323

c'mon now, clocks are round, you have to do the dress if you do that!

that'd be alright, my original fall back plan was jack frost, but joel would be even better. i shaved my face this morning, but it'll be back to that length in a 3 weeks, let alone the 4 months until the event

>> No.7311352

Ah that's true! You make a good point with that. c:

>> No.7311387

Good! Just make sure if you do it, to get yourself all dirtied up. I made my brother cosplay Joel with me at PAX last year (since he's somewhat interested in cosplay, as long as it's simple) and everyone seemed to love the more TLOU realistic makeup better, including the creators. There were way too many clean Ellies and Joels.

>> No.7311388

Cosplay someone drinking cyanide....actually don't cosplay it, just do it.

>> No.7311413
File: 244 KB, 650x812, 1390082301751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an add on to this, we were also thinking of red hair being Tsukimi and black hair being Kuranosuke?

>> No.7311559

Poster from the last thread. Here to make suggestions and I may post an updated version of my form.

I say Bigby Wolf, if you're a fan of The Wolf Among Us.

My vote is on Noel because there are never enough BlazBlue cosplayers. Also since Chrono Phnatasma is coming out in March.


If you're a fan of Scott Pilgrim, I think you could be a really good Knives.

From your list, Dandy could be really great. I think you could be a good Sanji, if you like One Piece.

You have such a cute face! I think Mio Naganohara from Nichijou.

Definitely Ponyo!

I would love to see Starla because I don't think I've ever seen a Starla before.

If you're gearing for something that you can thrift, I would go with Heather.

I say Oliver because Ni No Kuni was great. Also maybe Naoto Shirogane from Persona 4.

I'm not sure how you are with armor making, but I think you could make a really good FemShep.

I think you could do either Crella or Kiki very well!

Oh goodness they'd both be so cute! I would say Kiki's mom because Ghibli characters are usually really underdone.

I'm gonna say Snake but that's because MGS3 stole my heart.

I would say Eita.

Please do Robin Newman!

I think you would make a very good Bombshell.

Seconding the anon that suggested Madoka and Homura.

>> No.7311797
File: 1.03 MB, 1990x901, yeeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's this anon's post

>> No.7312144

The Buccaneer... also the beatnik from Iron Giant.

>> No.7312250
File: 273 KB, 1990x901, 1389907208207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had fun commenting on y'alls, so i figured id make one

>> No.7312317

Mahiro would be great but I also like the two for touhou.

Mirai would be adorable

From the pictures your personality would support Vash, but that nose and eyebrow combo for Balthier... I really want to see you as the latter, I think it could be great even as a first timer.

>> No.7312346

I think you could make a good Balthier, definitely go for that

>> No.7312372

I'm >>7307657

Man, Naoto would be cool. The only problem I have with Naoto/Oliver (and all the characters I'd like to do) is that my face is not KAWAII enough.

Which Is why >>7309255 >>7307719 (Annie.) sounds like a good idea. With enough conturing it sounds plausible. >>7310311 Sasha also works but it might take a bit more work.

Either way, I have a half finished Survey Corp unifiorm, I might have to finish.


I see it, you just have a real handsome face and you could easily take advantage of it. Regardless I think you could pull it off perfectly.

Gosh, how sweet anon. But, yea I'm somewhat looking into hiding the whole face area.

>> No.7312399

jelly anon spotted LMAOOOOOOOO

>> No.7312416

you could do a really cute penny

definitely go balthier if you can

i figured they were making fun of my mixing up of height and weight, 130cm would be 4'2

>> No.7312440

I'm not familiar with the other ones but you'd make a great Vash!

>> No.7312585

maechen is always the answer

>> No.7312809

True though I think they were both playing along with the joke, doesn't hurt pointing out I suppose.

>> No.7313740
File: 2.29 MB, 1990x901, suggestionblahrg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since the last thread 404ed I'm trying again
I also added Tsukimi from Kuragehime after I got suggested to go for her last time and watched the anime!

Balthier, please!

Tsukimi and Kuranosuke woult be so cute but also digging PB and Marceline

Tooth Fairy all the way but I think you'd make a great Wanda too.

you could make a cool Miss America (Marvel)


Valkyrie (Marvel)

>> No.7314437

From the characters you have listed I would definitely say Vash. As for me, the middle picture is giving me the feel of Arsène Lupin III.

I really like your Elizabeth look. I would say Satsuki from Kill la Kill or disbarred Phoenix Wright, if you like the game series.

>> No.7315103
File: 256 KB, 995x451, Untitled-1 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>7306793 What about Stocking or Maki from My Dearest Devil Princess? You look good with light pink hair.

Batanen! You got the chin. Or Dr. Tenma from Monster.

>>7307525 the bathhouse chick from spirited away, forget her name. You got that ethereal look... you'd be prettier then her though.

Kinue from GetBackers, she's super pretty with short hair... the type of hair only someone with your face can pull off.

Please do lsp... because it is lsp.

I think you'd make a really cute Su.

The rest of you guys, you all have good ideas... including the ones I mentioned specifically... these are just the only ones that an idea popped in my head.

Bah, I'm kind of limited.

>> No.7315164


>> No.7315282

Sanji is a great suggestion thank you! I even love to cook!

>> No.7315660
File: 1.20 MB, 1990x1080, le me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You still make a great Elizabeth, but jesus christ you make a good man too.

You'd make a really cute Mako! I could see you as Flame Princess too, just don't go setting yourself on fire.

Male Ryuko definitely, no contest. I kinda want to do that too tbh

I could definitely see you as Stocking

As the other people are saying Annie, but from your own ideas, I'd say Oliver.

You'd make a great Heather and ur still a qt

From your ideas, I'd say Mable or Lum. Probably Mama Scout too.

Ponyo or Schierke!

>> No.7315672

Either Satsuki or like someone else said, Stocking.
You should try Amy Pond!

>> No.7315715

You'd be a good Dante. Imposters would be easy and fun to get creative with and make some KND style weapons. If you wanna go full tumblr you can be Marshal Lee, but fuck that.

>> No.7315722
File: 287 KB, 640x480, ME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

definitely Elizabeth from Bioshock! There's also the chick from the Contrast game with the same retro vibe.

Jesse Pinkman from Breaking Bad

Kiki is perfect for you!! But for something new Sumomo from Chobits

Telma from Zelda Twilight Princess

Katniss from Hunger Games

>> No.7315767
File: 2.02 MB, 1990x901, cosplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may or may not have 4 more forms equally as full as this one with cosplay ideas. Help.

>Currently working on Tokimi for a Choushin group and Himari/Princess of the Crystal for a massive Mawaru Penguindrum group.

>> No.7315955
File: 1.85 MB, 1990x901, SuggestionsPls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need fun costume ideas for me 'n my lady. Her chart coming soon

>> No.7316014

Yeah, I got a suggestion to be Marshall Lee in the last thread. I might consider it as I've got the same jeans and same style shirt, even more accurate than the one I'm wearing there.

Also the converse too. Only problem is because I'm so tall I'd have to use a lot of body paint.

>> No.7316017

You've gotta make suggestions before you can get suggestions.

>> No.7316037
File: 1.64 MB, 1990x901, Suggestions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girlfriend part of this

Suggestions incoming
see >>7315715

Chachamaru is a good pic. A bunch of cute clothes to choose from

You'd make a good Eska from Korra. Might be hard without a Desna

Vash. Do it dood.

Kim Pine pls

Marceline and Bubblegum would be too cute

Fuckin' old school Catwoman man



Go as old snake. Get a good grey mustache.

>> No.7316039

isaac and miriel.. okabe and kurisu.. you people are glorious

>> No.7316158
File: 407 KB, 1990x901, cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay it's been a long while let's do this!

PLEASE DO HOLY MUSICAL BATMAN PLEASE though I think you're more suited for Robin and your gilrfriend >>7316037 Candy!!

>>7315767 You should go with the Space battleship pair! I think you to would be adorable and your face suits her.

Penny would be real cute!

Josuke would be great! jojo cos in general just makes me really happy haha

>> No.7316273
File: 487 KB, 1990x901, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First timer so no cosplay pics. I would generally like something simple to start with, but recognizable.

Do Space Dandy, you look just like him

I'd suggest Chihiro from your options, you'd could also do Index from Toaru Majutsu no Index, if you don't hate her

You look like Heather, so I'd suggest that one

Naked Snake, hands down

>> No.7316279
File: 358 KB, 1986x921, thingamajig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7316282
File: 73 KB, 700x1000, cosplay X version1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one is better

>> No.7316287

Nah I don't think so

>> No.7316293
File: 31 KB, 534x443, wot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is for cosplay suggestions, not a fking dating site questionnaire.

>> No.7316295

dat font tho

>> No.7316319
File: 110 KB, 1024x463, cosplay2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuki (Mirai Nikki)
Cordella (Fire Emblem Awakening)
Cid from Final Fantasy

>> No.7316322

No it's not.
That's from the cosplay resume threads.
It has nothing to do with suggestions.
And you need to stop overanalyzing everything. Spend more than a month here and you'd recognize other templates.

>> No.7316333

>all this samefag
>all dem deleted posts
what the fuck happened

>> No.7316342

seems to be more based on characters you like by personality as well, i actually like it and i never understand the idea of posting your own cosplay ideals if you are seeking others, makes more sense to post cosplay you have done before

>> No.7316378

Actually, that's who I'm cosplaying one of the pictures! Quite a bit of my wardrobe is hers. ;;

I just wanted to thank you because I ended up watching Penguindrum and I absolutely loved it! I think Himari will be my next costume!

>> No.7316382

You cosplay your ideas so people can see your tastes. It's the same as posting cosplay you've done.

Hashtag rocket science.

>> No.7316399

You didn't hashtag correctly. #dumbass

>> No.7316408

>taking it that serious
Holy fuck are you fifteen?
Or are you really so stupid to mis- you know what fuck it, I don't care how dumb you are, this place is hopeless.

>> No.7316549

The deleted posts are for the previous thread

>> No.7316695
File: 1.12 MB, 4420x1332, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd say... Kintarou


Conan. Definitely do Conan.


Out of those I'd say the first one.
Or if you want something else, Ayumu from Kore Wa Zombie Desu ka.

>> No.7316748


You have the ability to become a very masculine-looking guy with that jawline. Please consider getting a haircut and browsing /fit/ instead of /mlp/.

>> No.7316813

Buff Snape

>> No.7316817

None of those moe characters. Seriously-- your face does not suit it at all.

>> No.7316830
File: 62 KB, 711x488, hell yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... you would make a great D... just do it.

>> No.7316962
File: 1.38 MB, 1990x901, suggestion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you two would look pretty good as katniss and peeta
i think you could pull off gintoki pretty well
Araragi Koyomi
I think you'd look really good as Ymir from SNK
definitely dante

>> No.7316972



>> No.7317043
File: 155 KB, 788x900, dave rapoza skeletor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7317071

Sorry. Manly snape. That jawline tho

>> No.7317128

Fucking lost it.

>> No.7318108


>> No.7318119
File: 491 KB, 500x375, HEY.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7318276
File: 977 KB, 1990x901, 1389907208207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if already mentioned but snape would suit you will, or maybe Loki from the Avengers.

with your current hair, maybe Andrew Garfields spiderman?

Thor would be the easiest thing for you to pull of with that muscle tone and hair, but you could pull of bane with some hard work

personally I think you could pull of catwoman really well, more the arkham city version

Jesus christ do Katniss you will suit it well, or even mary jane from spiderman

Suggestions/reccomendations or any other tips and advice will be extremley appriciated!

>> No.7318298

How is it possible that no one has suggested Arya Stark and Gendry?

>> No.7318317

Oh shit, that might be good. We're GoT fans

>> No.7318324
File: 418 KB, 2250x3000, Slade_Wilson_(Arrow)_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be Hawkeye or Slade from Arrow

>> No.7318330

Too cute. You could really be anything you feel like, but Serena would be cute

>> No.7318348

They got Crixus to play Slade? Fucking sweet.

>> No.7318372


Because he looks nothing like Gendry? If you want Game of Thrones, I would suggest probably more along Cersei and Jaime (though I don't think he looks like Cersei much, either), honestly. Gendry's supposed to have a rougher face-- he's got this cute little button nose. Perhaps Jaqen and Arya instead, too. I'd say Lommy but no one would recognize Lommy.

>> No.7318377

Wow. Fucked that up-- that he looks like Jaime. I just woke up.

>> No.7318395

I could see Bran and Arya.

>> No.7318546

Lara Croft

Solid Snake

Kyoya Hibari

What the fuck, Thor dude.


...No fucking clue, anything you'd do would look good.


Andrew Garfield spiderman

>> No.7318611

Yo, if your still here, where did you get the Candy wig?

>> No.7318622

So much flavor of the month shit ideas in here.
How about cosplay something that actually takes some thought and fits you instead of something popular

>> No.7318627

thats boring

>> No.7318638
File: 637 KB, 682x1024, 10508011626_44b484ab41_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well actually i need to update my list.

>> No.7318817

They wanted something they can do as a couple, and she looks a lot like Maisie Williams. And since they wanted to cosplay as a couple, and Gendry is the closest thing Arya has that could be seen that way, I thought it would be good fit.

>> No.7319440

>no eyepatch
God why is live action comic stuff so bad on TV

>> No.7319891

I think I have to agree with the other anon about Chanchamaru. I think it would work really well for you!

New Dante from your list. Or Gideon Graves.

Doflamingo and Baby 5!

Wow, I'm a huge fan of Scott Pilgrim and I never thought of Kim Pine. You guys would look really cute as Raz and Lily!

From your list, Asuka from 3.0. I would say Mio Akiyama from K-On!

Araragi or like one anon said, Yuki from Mirai Nikki

Goodness, definitely Conan.

I think you could do Kyoya pretty well.

Since you like Free!, maybe Goro Sasabe?

I think you'd be a perfect Lenalee!

I think Hawkeye would work well.

>> No.7319985

You have to wait to see it happen, dumbass. It's an origin story for nearly every character

>> No.7320084
File: 1.55 MB, 1990x901, poop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls ignore my ugly face i swear it looks better with contouring make up
also i just realized I forgot to add Mako's 2 Star Uniform from Kill la Kill
Please be Gaius
Mitsuru would be good if you padded your curves better.
Space Suit Dandy!!!
>suggestions for crossplay
>chihiro is on the screen
lmfao but yeah do chihiro
anything just please don't do some dumb male version of ryuko be one of the dudes or something
pls be nonon

>> No.7320373
File: 1.07 MB, 4146x1870, 17484940303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn I'm late
dude we have the same height/weight please do Lelouch

Satsuki because I have a secret crush on her

Anna idk not good with non anime, but Anna


Chihiro I love Dangan Ronpa

you're very pretty. I think you remind me of Chie from Persona 4

>>7307657 I'd say Oliver, but Bridget would be nice to see

>>7307700 Sothe pretty pretty please.

>>7307750 Edward fo sho

>>7309450 I think you'd have fun being Snake

>>7310726 Kuriyama please and thank you

>>7312250 Gotta do Loyd. If you won't do it for me think of your children.

>>7313740 Homura would be cute

>>7316158 you're pretty and I love eva so I'm saying Asuka

>>7316273 do both the Persona mains. I believe in you

>>7316962 You're super pretty. Would love to see Mio fits your face really well

>>7320084 If you can cross that well Levi would be cool

>> No.7320380

i think i could contour my babby face to be levi if i really tried

you should be guy!!!

>> No.7320427

ok so i've never cosplayed before, in fact, this is the first time ive actually participated in this board
so I am around 240 (in the process of losing), i am short tho i'm 5'0"
and similar to >>7307825 I'm thinking amethyst, but i am assuming lots of big girls will do the same(does that matter???), are they any other suggestions?

>> No.7320462
File: 116 KB, 201x201, 1390381122429.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my god

>> No.7320467
File: 125 KB, 500x706, tumblr_mzsdcusylI1rapambo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just literally thought about that and i just seen this on tumblr
most accurate thing ever if i go as amethyst its scary holy shit

>> No.7320475

fat girls should cosplay fat positive characters or whatever amythyst is obese to cater to fattychans anyway whatever it takes to make them stay away from my kawaii skinny anime girls

>> No.7320476

Ugly? Don't be so hard on yourself anon...

Go with Thraja.

>> No.7320484
File: 17 KB, 236x399, 1390381753075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know, thats why i was asking for suggestions because i'm not comfortable going as some skinny anime chick. Ruining someones image of their waifu is not my goal.

>> No.7320492

even amethyst has some shape to her though so if you're an morbidly obese shapeless land whale you really shouldn't do it imo. like she has a defined waist and stuff.

>> No.7320496
File: 23 KB, 500x300, 1390381988857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a-anon.... don't be so sweet.
i'd need boobs for tharja though or would adding/boob magic work

>> No.7320503

Yeah I get that, but honestly i'm not totally shapeless, I think if I lose more weight I could do it,
I'm still in the process I've lost 20 pounds already
so thats why I feel a little more confident in even asking a question in this thread.

I just wish there were more plus size characters I could cosplay as
because the only one that comes to mind instantly is Amethyst.

>> No.7320507

be that fat candy girl from that dating sim

>> No.7320515

i meant padding lmao im not getting a boob job

>> No.7320528
File: 667 KB, 1200x800, 5414022710_b2ff6f426e_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean like her?
if i wasn't a beginner at cosplay, that would be so cool,
but i'm not even sure how i'd put that all together damn
that's a really awesome suggestion though i didnt even think of that

>> No.7320531

yeah her!
im sure you could find the pieces online if you don't know how to sew

>> No.7320540

not really sure of any suggestions (the only characters i know that constitute as plus sized are yamada and teruteru from dangan ronpa/sdr2, and i don't think those are the type of characters you're looking for), but i like your attitude. you're not getting all buttmad like most people who get insulted about their weight, and i'm glad you're mature enough to ignore it

>> No.7320547

thanks for your suggestion, i'm gonna keep that as an option!

>> No.7320557

if you have a pretty face you could cosplay that really cute sprite edit of fem!fat twogami from sdr2

>> No.7320588
File: 43 KB, 500x501, boop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you, people are always going to insult fat people, it's not new :p

i dunno my face might be too round??? (sorry for the shitty picture i dont take many selfies)

>> No.7320677

it would work for sdr2 togami since he's really round and fat and kawaii i cant find the genderbent sprite edit to show you what im thinking but its really cute

>> No.7320695

Aw thats ok thanks though, I think I'll stick with amethyst this time around since I'm still new and it's pretty simple to put together :)

>> No.7320726

make sure you look up a decent body paint tutorial, don't end up like first time homestucks lol

>> No.7320729

lol will do, thanks so much for your help!

>> No.7321716
File: 81 KB, 400x240, ga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always had a soft spot for bad girls, and they don't come much badder then you.

>> No.7321722

If you're gonna do SnK, please do Christa rather than Levi. Your face is too soft/feminine for Levi and it would require a lot of contouring and shadowing to try to make it less so.
However, if it's Christa, I have a feeling your face would work really nicely with it.

>> No.7321818

her nose looks like a potato, she is obviously meant for sasha.

>> No.7321882


>> No.7321941
File: 253 KB, 1990x901, 1389907208207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Xiao would look really cute on you! I really like Shiro from Deadman Wonderland and the white wig reminds me of her. That would be a cute cosplay for you to think about.
Please, for the love of god, please cosplay as the Minotaur.
You have such a cute variety of girls to cosplay as. Toph would be a really nice one for you to do.

>> No.7321966
File: 422 KB, 1994x908, 1389907208207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't done one of these in forever!

Penny! Also agreeing with Kim Pine suggestion
Balthier plzplz!
Serana AND Elizabeth!!!!!
Hmm your #1 looks like a really neat character design
Welp you DO have Dante's hair
Going with all those couple cosplay suggestions of the Hunger Games, also your GF looks like the new elf chick they put into the Hobbit, if she digs elves and dresses and such
You'd make a super cute Lux
Either Persona choice
OMG JING! Also please do Sanosuke Sagara!
Kefka from FF6
Nonon Jakuzure, you've got a good face for it!
Fire Emblem all the way!

>> No.7322035

please cosplay as Hans from Frozen, you'd be perfect for it!

>> No.7322561

Damn, never thought of Tauriel. I think we've got the three ideas we needed; Peeta and Katniss, Candy and Sweet Tooth, and Tauriel and maybe Legolas?

>> No.7322704

I think you could pull it off! (I was too lazy to search for Tauriel, thanks for knowing the name!)

>> No.7322961

I think Nano would be cute as all get out

>> No.7323116

Plenty, a collection being: any pregnant character ever, elderly sophie, and Telma from twilight princess... It's a bit discouraging to say the least.

>> No.7323328


>> No.7323449
File: 439 KB, 675x1035, tharja_by_minevi-d6aqphd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, you tease. I might just have to eat your heart right out of your chest.

>> No.7323477

You could probably find piees for gaius at goodwill and stuff, yeah. it's pretty easy to unseam a shirt or something to use for patterns and etc. just remember to fill your bag with candy for all us kawaii loli anons :)

>> No.7323506

Easy there, Bubbles.

Of course, 50 varieties of emergency snacks!

>> No.7324308

Of course the fatties never post their measurements.

>> No.7324403
File: 126 KB, 600x670, BrowPageImage1-resized-600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, don't say things like ugly... if I can give my two cents, I think defining your eyebrows a bit more and cheating to make them look as if they started earlier from the center with an eyebrow pencil would advantage you. They would frame your face and put forwards your pretty features.

>> No.7324411
File: 1.48 MB, 300x166, 1387601302034.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd forgotten how god damn cringey those marriage lines were.

>> No.7324803

hey some anons like abusive waifus........

>> No.7324829

Do you have a picture where we can actually see your face? Something without glasses or angles? None of those make it easy to suggest.

>> No.7324877
File: 64 KB, 500x375, tumblr_m50fcdY1m01qdzj6t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this pic makes my face look awful but

>> No.7324880

when i cosplay i contour the fuck out of my stupid pig nose dw

>> No.7325351


>> No.7325386

That helps a lot more! It looks like you have a fairly round head shape; use it to your advantage!
I immediately thought of Ritsu Tainaka.

>> No.7325488
File: 933 KB, 1400x630, cosplan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still working on losing weight. I've kind of yo-yoed my whole life, but I'm trying to take care of it now. I'll always have my muscular legs and sizable boobs, unfortunately. I'd be very happy with /co/ related suggestions!

You are so adorable! I think you'd be a great Berry from Tokyo Mew Mew.
You have such a unique and beautiful face! You're perfect for Tharja from Fire Emblem Awakening.
Have you thought about Hope from Final Fantasy XII or even the sequel?
You're such a cutie! Your hair is so lovely. You have the perfect look for Anne from Suikoden III.
You look like a cute fairy! You'd be perfect for Opal from Steven Universe or Pixie from X-Men.
Leann from Rune Factory 2?
Definitely Mako! I think you'd be a cute pie Xiaoyu from Tekken.
That makeup makes me think of Madame Xanadu from DC Comics.
You have a good face for Terra or Donna Troy, both from DC comics!
Satsuki from Kill La Kill?
Emeralda from Xenogears?
Please cosplay Lisa Lisa.
You're adorable! You'd be a wonderful Minmay from Macross!
Death from Sandman?
You have a cute bodytype for Monster Hunter armors!

>> No.7325743

That's a whole lot of dress... but leanns also quite cute, i'm flattered.

I think you should do Scarlett Witch.

>> No.7325848

oh man, i don't like K-ON! though...

>> No.7325850


>> No.7325859

I think you can pull off Prome from Gigantomakhia going by your lips and hair.

If I put on some weight I can do Delos and we can cosplay together. And you can pee on me to, you know, heal my wounds.

>> No.7326278
File: 1.83 MB, 750x1000, doop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Wanda! She's been on my want-to-cosplay list for a while, but I never thought I could pull her off. Thank you!

Yes, I did, haha. I normally don't like selfposting, but I worked really hard on that costume.

>> No.7326281

wow you're adorable

>> No.7326540

It's not in your suggestions, but you look a lot like Mila Jovokovich. I'd say you could do a kickass version of any of her characters (Leeloo, Alice).

>> No.7326605
File: 341 KB, 1990x901, 1389907208207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for some not-too-hard cosplays, preferably from classic animus. I've been on an 80's/90's magical girl kick.

Fire or Ice from JLI, Molly from The Runaways, Rogue from X-Men

Yomi from Azumanga, Mami from Madoka, Elizabeth from Bioshock

Nana from NANA, Miwako from Paradise Kiss, Trish Una from Jojo's

Honestly the first thing that came to me was Guy and then Onizuka. Atsumu from Ano Hana?

Gert from the Runaways, you have the perfect face for her! Tomoyo from Cardcaptor Sakura

That one Doctor from Dr Who, Hiccup from How to Train Your Dragon

Menma from Ano Hana, Misha from Katawa Shoujo, Suiseiseki from Rozen Maiden

>> No.7327210

Could we get more suggestions?

>> No.7327368
File: 2.93 MB, 4146x1870, ayYO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I didn't include a full body shot, I'm sick and really bloated right now. But to give a general idea, I'm an apple shape. I wear corsets when I cosplay and shapewear when I crossplay. (I am losing weight though, I've lost half an inch off my waist in two weeks! Pa-POW!) If I could get a Katawa Shoujo girl suggestion that would be great!

Lelouch! I think Kotetsu from Tiger and Bunny, and Kaiji from NGE would suit you well!

Sheeta, Satsuki and Utena! I suggest CC from Code Geass and Tohru from Fruits Basket.

Vanessa! I think Anri from Drrr!! and Azusa from K-on! would be cute!

Okabe and Dandy! I suggest Ginoza from Psycho Pass.

Chiaki Nanami! I think you'd be great as Sawako from Kimi ni Todoke and Taiga from Toradora!

Nai! I think Shirley from Code Geass and Simca from Air Gear would look great!

Mikuru and Mami! I recommend Momoi from Kuroko no Basket, and Mugi from K-on!

Delirium! I suggest Saber from Fate Stay Night

Bridget. I think Ezra from Fairy Tale and Morgiana from Magi would look great!

Stocking! I think Motoko from Ghost in the shell would look awesome!

Cruella and Kiki! Going with Coyboy Bebop, I think you'd make a nice Faye!

Overall I recommend cosplays that have an empire or a-line dress in them! I suggest Princess Peach from Mario!

Snake! I suggest Chad from Bleach and Masrur from Magi.

Tomoko! I suggest Midorima from Kuroko no Basket and Tomoya from Clannad.

Ai and Ibuki! I think Konata from Lucky Star would be cute!

Tooth Fairy! I think Cinderella would look great, and Nako from Hanasaku Iroha!

Marceline and Princess Bubblegum!!


Vash! I think Kagari from Psycho Pass would look great!

OK. This is getting long, so I'll continue suggesting in my next post!

>> No.7327412


Tsukimi and Elizabeth! I suggest Sebastion from Black Butler, and Tatsumi from Shiki!

LAIN! I suggest Kiichi from karneval and Jin from samurai champloo!

Josuke! I suggest Shizuo from Durarara!!


Peeta! (Sorry I honestly only know anime so I can't really recommend much else except like, Homestuck.)

wow, I think Katniss would look great!

Asuka and Kyoko! I suggest Kagami from Lucky Star, and Tamako from tamako market.

Kamijou and Araragi. I think Mikado from Durarara!!, and Akira from Eden of the East would be great!

I suggest Grimmjow from Bleach!

Rock from Black Lagoon, Izaya from Durarara!!, Kyon, and Marth from Fire Emblem.

Palazo, Monte Cristo from Gankutsuou, and Abel from Trinity Blood.

Lenalee Lee! I suggest SeeU from VOCALOID, Rei from NGE, and Ayu from Kanon.

The Joker and Captain America.

Krista! I suggest Menma from Anohana and Rika from Higurashi.

Gilgamesh! I think you'd make a great Alibaba from Magi and a great Battler from Umineko!

Braixen! I suggest Natsuno from Shiki, and Ciel from Black Butler.

Nano and Hilda! I suggest Kyou from Clannad and Ruri from Oreimo

Princess Sailor Moon!!! (Sorry I can't suggest much more than anime.)

Anaru! I suggest Miyu from Vampire Princess Miyu, and Momoko from Wedding Peach!

>> No.7327568
File: 1.65 MB, 1990x901, 1387437745375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God tier Jade would be adorable on you

Lana would be great for you! And it'd be an easy costume to put together

aaaaaa I'm so happy to see a Jolyne cosplayer~ Dana Troy would be cute!!

Hilda and Akko would be adorable

Braixen would be super cute to see!!

>> No.7327636

The thought of you as Godtier Jane is hnnnng inducing. Suggestion you don't have: Haruko Haruhara
Lucas from Earthbound
If it weren't for your budget I would say Guts from Beserk. From what you've suggested I'd go with Araragi Koyomi.
Please do Mirai or Anita King from ROD the tv
Snake would be pretty damn good. Maybe Joel from The Last of Us?

>> No.7327664

I'm biased and think you should cosplay as Asuka! But Edea Lee would also be so cute!

Thanks for the suggestion!

>> No.7327670
File: 644 KB, 1990x901, stuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Godtier Jade looks pretty awesome.
You look almost like a splitting image of Jane, I would go with that one.
Shadowcat would be good, I think you could pull off Rogue too.
Definitely Thor
I think you would make a great Catniss

>> No.7327875

kingpen or volstagg

tharja. edea lee would be cute, but will be overdone when you finish it

aoba. i dont like school uniforms in cosplay unless theres something unique about them. and homestuck is eww

mariah for sure


>> No.7327876


>> No.7327914
File: 1.38 MB, 1990x901, suggest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okarin would be awesome! do it!
I reckon Chihiro from spirited away would suit you
holy crap please be Astrid from fringe
Please try Yzma, that would be the best
I think you'd make a great Marceline

>> No.7327917

I support Pacifica all the way.

>> No.7327963

>Gert from the Runaways
I'm not fat enough.

>> No.7328083
File: 1.02 MB, 1990x901, suggestions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bulma from og Dragonball

if you're losing some weight you could do Lucius Vorenus from Rome.

Jane from Tarzan came to mind with that hat pic

first thing I thought of was Wendy from Peter Pan

def do Lana, or Casca from Berserk

you're a reallyyy good fit for Shadowcat yo

I want to see Kusanagi

for real tho do Bee. Or any Milla Jovovich character

Rock from Fatal Fury

I thought of Velma

one of the brothers from Disclosure

seriously anything on your list would work


second Waluigi

should try Gill from 3rd Strike dude

>> No.7328126
File: 187 KB, 221x663, Joker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy again, should I go with the Joker? my girlfriend will be going as arkham asylum Harley Quinn so thinking on going as matching Joker but can not find anything for it, costumes are terrible and struggling to find matching clothes, also on a hundred pound budget

Gambit will suit you well, but you also have a simular face to johnny depp (in my opinon) so anything he does really? jack sparrow..edward scissorhands etc..

give penguin ago, you can pull it off

You'll look good doing mikasa or maybe try raven from x-men

hit girl maybe? you seem round her height

Storm from x men!

Invisible Woman from fantastic four

>> No.7328235

So i made my post here >>7307700 but I'm just doing more suggestions because it's fun. Any others directed to me would be cool too.
Creulla devil!
Male ryuoko
Guy! That would be great :)
Henry from Fire Emblem Awakening
Please do Hawkeye!!!
Morrigan from Dragon Age!
Storm from Marvel comics
God Tier Jade for sure.
With that grey wig, Ciel from Black Butler!
Thor from the Marvel comics!
Colombia from Rocky Horror Picture Show
I don't know if you've played AC4 but I think you'd make a perfect Captain James Kidd :).

>> No.7328311

Original post >>7321941 but I'd like to make more suggestions, I definitely didn't make enough the first time

Casshern would be a really awesome cosplay for you to do (since you're tall/skinny)

Nightcrawler would be great to see!

I'd love to see a Cruella or Yzma cosplay! You definitely pull off either of them.

Male Ryuko would look good if done well

Tooth fairy would be fun to see (frozen is pretty overdone already!)

Suggesting Casshern (again) because I'd love to see that cosplayed well. (you've got the tall/skinny body for it)

Satsuki from kill la kill!

Space Suit Dandy! Or Honey.

Coraline would be a cute one for you to do!


Starfire would be kickass

You could definitely pull of Lana.

I never see Lettuce cosplays! Please be Lettuce!

>> No.7328554

>since you're tall/skinny

>> No.7328630


>> No.7328637
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>> No.7328654

You'll never be an astronaut, lanky fuck head.
Would not let a girl go near me if she's more than 5'7". That shit is too fuckin' tall.
Would make fun of a nigga if he was more than six feet tall.

>> No.7328658

>arguing facts with an info-graph of your opinion

>> No.7328666

lol you mad manlets?

>> No.7328671

To be honest that depends on where you live. If you live in Asia or South America then 5'11" is quite tall.

>> No.7328700

So it's tall in pointless countries?


>> No.7328723

omfg youre very pretty. where are you going to post your gambit pictures? i'd like to see them.

>> No.7328924

Trips of satan.
Confirmed for lies

>> No.7329075

im confused but my dick is still hard

>> No.7329173

You've got the same really skinny frame to pull off a good joker, and if you've got someone going as Harley with you it's pretty much a no-contest man.

>> No.7329256
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>> No.7329423

Here, thanks for the suggestions, just gonna bump with some more!
Lightning from FF
Looove Lana
Something classic like a Sailor Scout?
Nia from Gurren Lagann
That Penguin suggestion was a good one!

>> No.7329482
File: 965 KB, 653x846, 1390714829643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are these colours too far off? extremely early WIP obviously

>> No.7329844

I think the front green could be a little lighter, but it looks good to me.

>> No.7330087
File: 84 KB, 519x645, 1390759008145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a bit lighter and more of a beige than it looks in the picture, but still looks off to me. i wanted everything to be leather but it's hard to find in the right shade..

is there any way i could lighten it without probably-ruining it?

>> No.7330385

What kind of fabric is it>

>> No.7330450

it's soft rawhide, it's been a bitch to work with

>> No.7331968
File: 59 KB, 483x655, 1390845740638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New thread! >>7331967

>> No.7332045

Uhh.. youre a bit early

>> No.7332243

Well it's not quite dead yet.

>> No.7332314


>implying manlets can't get laid
>what is hollywood?

You sound beta as fuck, anon.

Being a manlet doesn't stop anyone worth a damn from getting vagina.

>> No.7332332

Are you new here or something

>> No.7332402

autosage at 250 m8

>> No.7332405

No... Autosage is at 300... You can even see this thread still being bumped up...

>> No.7332449
File: 366 KB, 354x635, 1390864447699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has been more difficult than I had thought. I should probably start measuring things before I cut them.

>> No.7332573

please be my boyfriend

>> No.7332583

only if you help me make my cloak

>> No.7332590

Where are you moving to Toronto from, anon?

>> No.7332598
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>all these thirsty bitches

>> No.7332611

I'm being friendly, you tool.

>> No.7332615 [DELETED] 

Sault Ste Marie, which has.. 2 or 3 cosplayers, as far as I am aware.

>> No.7332639

Sault Ste Marie, which has.. 2 or 3 cosplayers, as far as I am aware.

>> No.7332641

>Sault Ste Marie
People actually do stuff up there?

>> No.7332655

well.. no, it's an awful place. someone i have on facebook cosplays stuff with her friend, i don't think there are ever any sort of events.

>> No.7332660

You have my condolences. Hope you enjoy Toronto!

>> No.7332710 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 478x720, 1390875465979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno what I could go as. I'm looking for someone/something I look most similar to. That's my goal, to find something I could cosplay in that I'd be able to pull off well.

Something serious though. I already know I could do Geromy from Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff.

>> No.7333188

Mephisto for sure! You'd also look good as nephrite from sailor moon

>> No.7333295
File: 1.48 MB, 1280x720, smallerme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to post my face, say that i'm 5'9" and that I weigh 60kg.

I don't cosplay but my girlfriend wants to have a cosplay party. I have no fucking clue. You can chose to ignore this post entirely or make a quick suggestion. I'll probably go as Finn but that idea has been overused and the cartoon has become ... overused? as well.

Thanks guys, I'm sorry I couldn't return any favours. Don't think i'm not making an effort, I'm just definitely no help.

>> No.7333366

Do Finn, you're cute and you have his post-hair cut hair down pat, or maybe Davey if you can wrangle up a papermache bald cap and wig. You would also make a cute Kristoff from Frozen, but that would mean making a whole costume which is a bit much for a party.

>> No.7333375

Cheers for that :)

I've got blue shirts... Might buy some felt or what ever the material is and try terribly at making a hat.

Or I could just buy one. That might work too.

>> No.7333762

ezreal from league of legends

>> No.7333948

Do it. Just fucking do it.