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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 41 KB, 370x473, 1389740861976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7303850 No.7303850 [Reply] [Original]

Would you wear these, seagulls

>> No.7303860

No, they look cheap as hell. I can just imagine a girl in badly applied fake tan wearing those on a night out with half the rhinestones missing, only dirty yellow grey hotglue marks left in their place.

>> No.7303863

No, they're hideous and look like gaudy club wear.

Now, if they didn't have those rhinestones and were a shiny red? Sure.

>> No.7303867

They'd still look like gaudy club wear you stupid hooker

>> No.7303876

It's called glam you piece of shit

>> No.7303880
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they'd actually be good for walking on ice. Albeit, still ugly

>> No.7303877

I'm a stupid hooker because I like something that you don't.

Alright, then. Enjoy that buttrage.

>> No.7303892

those look tacky as hell

>> No.7303897

TIL girls look like penguins when walking in heels

>> No.7303900
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>fat rori detected

whats wrong? mad that your cankles couldnt squeeze into these?

>> No.7303984

Yes but I'm a crossdressing faggot

>> No.7303996

Not those rhinestone ones, no. Yeesh.
A solid black color will do.

>> No.7304087

they aren't even the good kind of rhinestones
those are like the shitty rainbow kind you get at like dollar stores

>> No.7304089
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Anyone in their right mind knows these shoes are perfect for lolita

>> No.7304095

This looks like Snooki, Dolly Parton, and an elf had a threesome.

>> No.7304100
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>> No.7304107

gross. no seagull would think that looks okay.

>> No.7304403

They're tacky as hell and I would wear the hell out of them.

>> No.7304409

Hurr Durr well done.

Jesus, are the users of this board getting dumber?

>> No.7304424

slut detected

>> No.7304433

They're like something a beautiful intergalactic space goddess from a sci-fi 70s anime would wear. Sailor Moon villainess type shit.
I'd wear them, but only with a specific type of outfit.

>> No.7304440

I wouldn't wear them with a dress. Maybe with black skinny jeans and a loose, plain black top, really understated silver bracelet/ necklace, incredibly understated make up and a short, boyish styled wig.
If I'm going all out on the shoes I'd have to go completely understated with the rest of my outfit.

>> No.7304467

What is even the appeal of these. Why not just get full wedges

>> No.7304514

Goats are kawaii you ignorant bitch.

>> No.7304700

my friend has these they aren't good for walking on ice they're not good for walking on anything they're tough as hell

>> No.7304755

At the very least get some Giuseppe Zanotti and not something from the clearance bin at Charlotte Russe.

>> No.7304897

Neh. Maybe if they're solid colored, I could work them into a Draenei cosplay...too bad I find them uncomfortable.

>> No.7304915

o shit. u just made me realize these could be great for pony cosplays

>> No.7304932

buttraged redditer detected

>> No.7305355

i have these in mint and rose. bitches are hard to walk in. youre almost certain to roll your ankle in them. make your legs look real nice though.

>> No.7305385

I think in a more really light golden/bronze color they'd look good with these dresses. Or with some more over the top or couture dresses.

>> No.7305392
File: 273 KB, 993x852, flapper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the image

>> No.7305449

How much harder are they to walk in than regular wedge heels

>> No.7305493
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>> No.7305496
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You somehow made me go from "I don't really care for these shoes" to "I fucking need these shoes" with that description.

>> No.7305504

mmmmm... sorry, I'm not really seeing it. They're far too modern and space age-y looking for the flapper style.

>> No.7305511

I own two pairs of shoes with this sort I heel and I love them. They take a bit of practice to walk in properly, but once you figure it out they are relatively comfortable and easy to manage.

Not that anon, but they are more difficult at first. Not even that, they are just very different. If you are used to high heels then you are probably used to walking with an emphasis on your heel so you don't fall forward, and these are the opposite. If you lean backwards at all you will tip, and risk injuring your ankle. You have to adjust to walking with most of the weight on your toe - and then it's as easy to walk in as regular wedges.

Wearing them feels like walking around on your tippy toes, which I think everyone can do. But the sole gives you this false sense of security that isn't actually there so whenever you put weight on your heel it ends badly. It takes practice. I think most people complain about them since they wear them for ten minutes, or out dancing and nearly kill themselves.

>> No.7305532

What are these style of shoes called? I'm trying to figure out the taboo keywords but can't get the results I'm looking for.

>> No.7305538

No because I have a long second toe that would hang over the edge of the shoe like a weird finger.

>> No.7305542

Are you're weighted at the front of the shoe?
I saw a video of a girl demonstrating how to walk in this awesome looking pair and she said that hers came weighted at the front so they'd be easier to walk in.

>> No.7305547

Heel-less wedge

>> No.7305546

not the front, I mean weighted on the bottom part that touches the floor.

>> No.7305553
File: 153 KB, 1044x1100, 1389857765146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but I think could wear sparkly shoes like these.
Those just are a little to tall for me.

Maybe glitter is tacky to most seagulls but I'm a sucker for sparkly things.

>> No.7305746


>> No.7305774

why the fuck would anyone wear those if you need to be so careful with 'em

>> No.7305897
File: 10 KB, 480x360, 1389884702087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they also come in looks that are less space-hooker and more classy.

Not to mention that they're a breeze to walk in once you learn how to.

>> No.7305910
File: 8 KB, 350x350, 652E3E7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I wouldn't go around calling that classy, but that's just me. Pic related is what I think of more when someone says classy.

>> No.7305912


that is literally the ugliest pair of shoes in this thread

>> No.7305914

I really wouldn't want to know what you wear to work then

>> No.7305916

Yeah, sorry, anon, but just because something is matronly and conservative doesn't mean it's classy. Those shoes are hideous.

>> No.7305918

Why? They're just some plain black heels. I'd understand if they were those peeptoe brown kitten heels, but this looks like a really plain classic shoe to me.

>> No.7305920

Long, rounded shoes with a very short heel like that scream 'grandma' or 'teen dressing up for school' to me. It's really just the length that makes them so unattractive. If the heel were a little taller, it would make the shoe look more angled (so your foot doesn't seem so long), and makes it a lot more modern and attractive.
Does that make sense? I'm not saying you need to wear some eight inch heels, just something that leaves less of your foot on the ground, as those do. Those look like the only thing not touching the ground would be your sole of your foot, which just looks old fashioned, imo.

>> No.7305923
File: 24 KB, 344x345, 1389886650558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh! I didn't even notice the heel length because of the angle. I meant something along these lines. Personally, I would wear kitten heels with an appropriate outfit and if they weren't butt ugly, they're really comfortable.

>> No.7305924

Totally imagining you skulking on your tiptoes around like a fancy velociraptor

>> No.7305926

everybody walk the dinosaur

>> No.7305933
File: 125 KB, 1415x1181, heels1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, those shoes look perfectly fine. They're classic and understated, without being grandma, and actually look nice. I know everyone can't walk in tall heels, but if you go too short, they look really, really bad.
I don't generally like kitten heels, just because people always seem to go for the most boring or tacky looking ones. Boring black or brown, or awful leopard print reminds me of being in a black Southern Baptist church. I think since the heels in those are so short, you really want to draw attention from them by having the actual shoe look really nice. I can dig some kitten heels with straps and the like, or novelty ones.

>> No.7305950

Yeah, I guess I like to keep the focus on the outfit and just wear whatever goes with it. Sadly I can't wear really high heels, I'm a skater and can't risk an injury.

>> No.7306113
File: 8 KB, 255x198, get a load of this guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7306557

I'd wear the fuck out of those boots given we'd have smooth pavement (potholey as hell) and I'd be bothered to learn the heel-lifestyle. Sadly, I can't be arsed. And they're kinda expensive

>> No.7306593

I have a pair and I don't find them hard to walk in at all. I feel more balanced with these than heels the same height. But I also prefer heels to flats so that might be it.

>> No.7307039

why heels > flats

>> No.7307145

I'd turn them into Demon Hoof heels and feel sad for the waste of gems. Maybe reuse them for something else.

>> No.7307160

These pair of shoes have nothing to do with cosplay or Jfashion.

>> No.7307243
File: 254 KB, 640x480, smooshsmoosh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking she looked more like south park's snooki monster but platinum blonde.

>> No.7307315

Used one of thise for taokaka cosplay

>> No.7307760

Its like you didnt even read the thread

>> No.7308829


>> No.7309882

Has anyone ever worn a pair of shoes this style? I'm curious how they are to walk in.

>> No.7309889

Made shoes like these for my Rachel Alucard cosplay. Surprisingly comfy, unless you're walking on grass.

>> No.7309913

You made them?? How?

>> No.7309927

So are the shoes Geishas wear, but this stops no one.

>> No.7309933


>> No.7309937

Does this style have a name yet, or am I just the only one that doesn't know it?

>> No.7310414
File: 115 KB, 800x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think going for less rhinestone coverage in a pastel colour looks okay.

>> No.7310436

They're a signature look by Jeffrey Campbell... Like how Vivienne Westwood has her Rocking Horse shoes. I think they're called night walkers?

>> No.7310439

And like VW, Jeffrey Campbell shoes have lots of knock offs by off and other brands.

>> No.7312598

I keep thinking these are dildos when i scroll down quickly

>> No.7313107

"Classy" and "boring" don't have to be synonymous, Anon.

Those are the kinds of shoes I wore back when I was still taking office jobs where I had to dress conservatively. If I couldn't be my flamboyant self, I just couldn't bring myself to give a fuck, so I wore the most generic, safe, business-appropriate clothes and shoes I could find and gave them no thought at all.

So these are exactly the kind of nondescript, low-heeled dress shoes I would have bought, because I could have worn them every single day, with every outfit I had, and nobody would have noticed.

>> No.7313310
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Probably used this tutorial. I wasn't too surprised when these shoes started to gain popularity, because I've seen Rachel cosplayers make similar ones, and they had no problems walking around. They look more intimidating than they really are.

>> No.7313336

You are correct, those are called Night Walkers. If they didn't look like you would like a crippled goat and end up having sore feet/ankles, I would wear them. I think the shape is appealing enough, they just looks so uncomfortable

>> No.7313349

That's generally why I buy shoes like those, they go with almost any outfit. I'm not a shoes person myself, so that's another reason I guess.