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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 44 KB, 236x314, 1389314961125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7290295 No.7290295 [Reply] [Original]

Hey Seagulls, can we have a coord help thread? To the person I just bought this from on here, please don't think me a noob; it doesn't match what I was thinking it would in my wardrobe.

>> No.7290528


>> No.7290545

don't bump threads so fast. I'm working on it.

>> No.7290564

My apologizes! I didn't realize it was that fast since it was on the third page. Thank you for creating something though!

>> No.7290711
File: 1.05 MB, 960x720, MM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't worry! And here's my try. I'm not so sure about the blouse but eh. Tried to go safe here...

Also, my first time contributing to a coord help thread!

>> No.7290736

Thank you anon! I'll definitely keep this in mind.

>> No.7290767
File: 215 KB, 251x329, pico lace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this JSK in long and I really love the color, but I don't know how to coordinate it without looking like a frumpy farm girl. I was thinking vests, jackets, or cardigans/boleros could be nice to make it not quite so much plaid in your face, but I'm not sure, and I don't own any yet to try. I almost wish it were just a skirt rather than a JSK.

>> No.7290782

I think tights in navy or the purple colour would look great and then a white cardigan or white peter pan blouse with puffy sleeves. I'd do white shoes too.

>> No.7290802

I agree with what >>7290782 says, white bolero or cropped cardi and purple tights. The you can bring the other colors in with accessories.

>> No.7290866
File: 192 KB, 700x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have this in pink and I have white shoes...what would I need to make this a decent outfit?

>> No.7290902

Playing up the purple in the coord would help you get a more "refined" and less "farm girl" look. I think a beret in navy or purple would look really cute with it.

>> No.7290947
File: 326 KB, 665x675, coordododo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I get some help with this coord, please? I'm not exactly sure what to put in my hair. I have the headbow in the picture and it's more of a dark, dusty pink which wouldn't really match the other pinks. Could anyone give me some suggestions/links?

>> No.7290974
File: 253 KB, 2029x1071, ilikethembothcoord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this JSK now.

>> No.7290977

Sauce on the navy hat on the left?

>> No.7291006
File: 126 KB, 907x917, ilikethoseshoesanoncoord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

endlesslyvinatge on etsy

Oops I thought it was burgundy, not purple. Oh well.

General idea.

>> No.7291018
File: 176 KB, 229x313, Odette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have an idea for this?
I didn't want to do the stock coord, and the colour is actually more of a greenish blue in person.

>> No.7291016

Can I post a (worn) coord for critique? I want to try more casual lolita in preparation for spring/summer.

>> No.7291020

Go ahead.

>> No.7291038
File: 85 KB, 326x683, casualita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here goes nothing. Couldn't find a bolero/hoodie to match since I was in a rush.

>> No.7291042

Ohhh thank you very much, that hairpiece looks really nice! I've been meaning to get a pair of crochet gloves, too. Also that is a really shitty picture of the blouse but its really not that bad irl. That being said, I really do need to get some proper loli blouses in my tiny wardobe.

Thanks, they're from Modcloth.

>> No.7291046

>greenish blue
so glad I didn't buy that, greenish blue doesn't compliment my skin.
I have the red one on the way.
is the fabric quality okay?
First time buying a dress despite stalking /cgl/ for so long because poorfag, so I'm a little nervous.

>> No.7291053
File: 195 KB, 967x1187, 1389338867327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minus the white shoes, I have no idea what they look like and they could totally change this so.

>> No.7291057

The stripes on the socks dont really go with anything, you got polkadots, fruit and chocolate on the print so you ought pick one of those for socks, that or go with plain tights.
You got warm pinks/reds on your skirt and your shoes are a cool pink if you want to get picky but I totally understand how hard it is to match pinks. I'm not overtly offended by this getup overall seeing as you were in a rush.

>> No.7291061

It's a nice greenish blue, I actually like it better than the stock image.
I have the jacket in red.

It's even prettier in person, let me tell you.
The seams are strong, its incredibly soft, it has that silky type material on the inside, the accents are on there tightly (the balls aren't loose), all in all I'm incredibly happy, I just have no idea how to coord a greenish blue.

>> No.7291070

Personally I'd go with red shoes instead of the pink, and swap the socks for plain white ones.
I'm not sure about the shirt being tucked in, it cuts the image off. But thats more of a personal gripe.
All in all its not bad for a rush.
A red bolero/hoodie would look good with it.

>> No.7291092

I'm sorry anon but this is kind of really terrible. In general, t-shirts are really not lolita, even in casual lolita. They can work for fairy-kei, but not not lolita. Casual lolita means toned down, not normalfag clothes+lolita clothes.
That being said, unless you have a nice looking outwear to completely cover, don't wear a t-shirt and not expect to be called ita. Also burn those socks 'cause they look good with nothing ever.

If your gunna wear that skirt, you have to play off the colors on the skirt. The light pink trim is too unnoticeable to be wear so much pink, so play off the red instead, or maybe even the chocolate brown. Nice simple white peter pan-collared blouse, red cardi/bolero, white tights or frilled ankle socks, brown shoes, and a brown hat is what I can come up without looking for pictures.

>> No.7291117

I have so many mismatched pinks in my closet that I can't be picky anymore. I thought the socks looked okay because it's the same color as the skirt but I can see now that it's too busy.

The shirt is kind of to long to leave out. I also have the bow in the back and the shirt would just get bunched. Maybe if I had pinned the big bow somewhere the waistline wouldn't look so cutoff.
I wanted to stay away from just a white lolita blouse because I thought I would look too frilly and the white would be too much with the skirt. I originally bought the skirt hoping I could pair it with more than just brown and red but I guess I have no choice. Thanks everyone!

>> No.7291125
File: 166 KB, 1047x1228, 1389341562176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally like brown/golds with greens. I have no idea what color your dress actually is, however. In fact I did not realize it had a fountain motif (?still have no idea what that is actually) so I ran with a crown theme.

>> No.7291134

The blouse doesn't have to be decked out in frills and lace, just something to go with the cute aesthetic.

Searching up on Yesstyle for convienience, but F21 and what not have simple yet cute blouses that can work.
Tie front blouse are okay for casual too like:

>> No.7291187
File: 14 KB, 225x197, mD-lj5G5kaEROQjRmBZ2YIQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol yesstyle. I have a white chiffon blouse that might work (pic related), and I will keep an eye out for cute blouses from F21. I was saying that the white blouses I have already are more frilly and geared towards sweet and harder to dress down.

>> No.7291228
File: 53 KB, 175x229, fuckingL497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had Bodyline's L497 stuck in my wardrobe for about a year now. Usually I don't have any issues with coordinating things but this little shit has me stuck. The print is so busy with its different shades of pinks and random yellow. I'm not even sure if I like it anymore. Anybody fancy trying to convince me otherwise and come up with a nice coord?

>> No.7291481

They are shoes178 from bodyline

>> No.7291484

can we have a closeup of the print? looks like a dress for a polly pocket

>> No.7292559
File: 82 KB, 1351x741, crap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what I have and I need help putting something together with them

>> No.7293009


>> No.7293036
File: 238 KB, 700x1200, l497-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...what is so hard at making a coord with this? .

>> No.7294198
File: 138 KB, 1351x1101, crap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to add things but I don't know what I'm doing

>> No.7294994
File: 319 KB, 960x720, 1389498942909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first off, please ignore the horrible outfit. i bought this dress and was so excited i wore it without having anything to go with it. it was also one of my first dresses. needless to say, im still in the same boat. i would love love love some ideas on how to make this look beautiful. please and thank you

>> No.7295017

So, I'm not really into lolita, but I'm looking to get some advice on a cord I'm working on for a steampunk formal outfit. Would it be appropriate to ask it here?

>> No.7295022

White high collared blouse or white overcoat, white ankle boots/thigh high boots/mint heels, more opaque otks in either mint or white or white x gold. White or mint or gold hair accessories (florals, head eating bow). Style your hair/wear a wig (natural color) so it has a nice volume.

>> No.7295026

First step: get a petticoat, a nice one (non hot topic or bodyline). You need to have some shape to that dress. I know FRILL line is short so find one that will fit under.

>> No.7295031

I just thought I'd add I searched the catalog, and can't seem to find anywhere to post my coord question.

Anyone able to redirect me? Thanks. :)

>> No.7295034

this is a very old photo. my hair is black now. i have most of those items. i like those ideas thank you! do you have any ideas for colors other than white?
i have a petticoat now. this is an old photo. thank you though.

>> No.7295036

You might as well post it here.

>> No.7295037

Gold, mint, light yellow.

>> No.7295042
File: 145 KB, 541x960, faaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright. I'm just not that regular on this board, so I wanted to make sure I did things right.

This is my outfit right now, It's okay, but I need a formal outfit for a masquerade I'm going to.

The corset I plan on using is https://scontent-a-ord.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/971013_10151415587681875_1047140862_n.jpg

The skirt
http://www.ebay.com/itm/Azac-Gothic-Steampunk-Victorian-Bustle-Formal-Skirt-in-Many-Colors-Custom-/321293373563?pt=US_CSA_WC_Skirts&var=&hash=item4ace93d07b (in copper)

The bolero
http://www.ebay.com/itm/Bolero-Shrug-Jacket-Steampunk-Gothic-Country-Western-Chic-Trendy-S-3X-/281054279904 (in a dark brown)

I'll also get long gloves, the hat, and all the other accessories that I'm wearing in the photo along with it. I've added a few more things too.

I worry the colors are way too off for it to look good. :c

>> No.7295260

help please?

>> No.7295278

holy shit
>goggles above the brim of the hat
stop that

>> No.7295286

Jesus burn it with fire, all of it

Seriously though, are you trying to actually create a steampunk outfit, or is this just dressing up as a stereotypical steampunk costume? If the latter then whatever, but if this is supposed to be "serious" then... I don't even know where to start with this mess.

>> No.7295329

>Gold corset
>copper skirt
>brown bolero

You're going to look like shit in that.

This is why people hate steampunk; because you can't fucking dress yourselves. If you're set on th gold corset, use a plain, NOT METALLIC colored skirt. Metallic skirts are so fucking tacky. I'd say find one in a brown that matches the bolero. Then have your accessories mainly the brown color, with gold accents, and maybe some gold jewelery.

Also, a gold spraypainted nerf gun is not steampunk and I don't know why you stupid shits insist on carrying them around.

Put some tights on.

Steampunk is meant to be based off of victorian clothing, and not even a prostitute would show that much leg without wearing hose.

>> No.7295346

Where is this masquerade? Am I to assume it's a steampunk ball or are you just going dressed in steampunk?

Personally, I think your colours are off. The fabrics don't blend and the corset doesn't match the copper skirt. Get the skirt in black or change the corset. That belt is going to smush the outline of your skirt. Either wear it at your waist or as a bandolier. What colour/kind of top are you wearing under the corset?

What type of steampunk look are you going for? You have a mish-mash of accessories and types going on here. That hat doesn't really go with the aesthetic of the bolero, have you thought about a black hairpiece with the goggles instead?

Love the bolero, by the way.

>> No.7295354

If you own that, I'm fucking jelly, anon. I want that dress so hard in blue because it reminds me a lot of something CLAMP would come up with, but they don't have it in a small anymore.

Honestly I don't think the dress needs much. It's simple, but it's got a decent amount of things to look at, so I think what you've got is pretty good.

Maybe a white pair of socks or tights, and a simple pearl bracelet?

>> No.7295359

If you have arms that are even remotely longer than most peoples', do NOT buy this shirt.

The sleeves are too short to leave down, but too baggy to roll up or push up and have stay.

I got this shirt in black and white and I love it so much, but I can't wear it because of those fucking sleeves.

>> No.7295397

I own it in pink. It reminds me of clamp as well lol.
I just wanna make a pretty coord that won't end up in the ita thread lol

>> No.7295402

It's busy and it looks like shit.

Sell it. That's how you coord it.

>> No.7295479

It's part of a-con, but there's a huge group that does steampunk with it.

So, should I get that skirt in black, and then the boldero in black? Perhaps accessorize with the browns, and like you said, a black hairpiece? Would all that clash with the browns in the corset?

Also, Jesus, I don't really understand why I got such a negative reaction. Admittedly this is my first costume, and it is a bit of amish mash, but It can't be THAT awful, can it?

>> No.7295508

Because you're on a costuming and fashion board with impossibly high standards already, and for what you're going for, it's basically looking like a shoddy Halloween costume for a crafting hobby based in historical costuming (with a scifi costuming bend).

>> No.7295518

So, what would I need to do, pick a better genre? Admittedly, it is kind of a mix mash of different things. If I wanted to go, say, a more apocalyptic route, ditch the hat, keep the goggles, and make it a little more western, influence (with the duster and everything,
Would that make it any better?

Or should I just start over?

>> No.7295527

Well, it kinda depends overall what you're trying to go for at the basic core. Is it a SP themed masquerade/con, and it'd be weird to not be in a SP themed outfit for it, or is it wide open or something else-specific (like a comic or scifi con)? If wide open, I would maybe try something closer to your comfort zone in terms of styling, crafting ability or budget, and culture knowledge (so say, if you didn't know anything about comics don't try to make a specific superhero centered outfit, or whatever).

>> No.7295532

Also I should add that the only people that will really care if you look like a mess are probably craftsmanship-centric or super serious steampunks, and if you're not a SP yourself and don't give a fuck then just don't worry about it quite so much. Many, many people at cons look like trainwrecks and still manage to have fun.

Having met a lot of SP groups myself through friends, a lot of them look like shit, lol.

>> No.7295542


It's not SP centralized, and i'd like to think that steampunk has been something that's interested me for a while now. I've been meaning to make it a little less generic, but i don't really know what direction would be easiest and most affordable without making it look worse.

I kind of like the idea of a western/apoc theme, so maybe rough up the skirts, change the hat out for either just putting my hair up with the goggles, or a western hat. Honestly, I think that might help alot, and then obviously replacing the nerf gun for some kind of little edwardian esque revolver.

Realistically, I could probably do that for a small budget, and change the look entirely. Maybe add some western esque decor, and details

>> No.7295561

Forgot to mention, maybe some period-esque cowboy boots? IF I wanted to keep the skirts, and corset, i'd likely need to make it pretty rough and tumble looking, yeah?

>> No.7295593

Be careful

The stuff you have would indeed make a decent western costume, if you added more accessories, but it's very easy to go into aristocratic, especially with steampunk. Keep in mind you mostly have solid bland colors, so you'd likely be looking at non silks, and basic prints.

>> No.7295600

D I T C H the wig, it doesn't match anything you are wearing. A really lovely natural coloured wig is better for a more novice lolita b/c its likely to go with everything as opposed to sticking out like a sore thumb... like this one does with this outfit.

>> No.7295615

umm...yea thats my actual hair.

>> No.7295616

I hate to pile on but daaaamn. Don't do lace gloves first off, lace gloves are likely to look cheap and since the rest of the outfit already looks kinda cheap its not going to look formal its going to look like "twee con whore".
Steampunk is supposed to be kinda victorian in influence right? Maybe start looking at how real victorians dressed and start looking for ways to work steam influences in as opposed to looking at other steampunks and doing what they do: that just gets you nowhere. The copper skirt is tacky, the fabric looks really shiny and that much shiny fabric can really bring down whole look of an outfit. Bolero is cute as, just don't go brown: every steampunk does brown and its really not victorian fancy wear at all: fashion during that period was fairly bright and it seems a shame to lose so much of the actual influence for the sake of looking so dull.
Also: if it were me id be dumping the goggles for a formal dress. Builders don't wear tool belts to formal dinners and inventors in victorian society surely wouldn't wear goggles to a masque.

>> No.7295623

so, i kind of have to go with the brown bolero as my corset has a lot of browns in it, I decided to end up getting the blue skirt, and i'm going to incorporate some of the other leather bits, but also get some kind of decorative hairpiece with maybe some of those blue influences. Perhaps some silky black, brown, or blue gloves, and try to tie the golds into the dress better. Thing is, I don't have a massive budget, and I want it to look decent. I've bought a bustle, so I've got that covered.

>> No.7295624

OOoooh sorry anon, im so used to seeing split wigs! A lot of lolita think of hair as being just another accessory much like shoes that can be changed when required so wigs are pretty handy to ensure that your hair matches the aesthetic you are going for.

>> No.7295630

haha its ok. this was several years ago. so ive gotten much better at lolita and my hair is now black. thank you for the advice just the same though.

>> No.7295635

That sounds better! I have been to a few steampunk events irl and have often been very impressed with the people who do research into the time period and come up with a character- not just a generic "Inventor/traveler/smuggler/pirate". Since i read upthread about your interest working western styles into your outfits in future you should possibly check out what the old west was doing and wearing during the victorian as the gold mining that was going on might bring some interesting influences? Also: Blue glove would look great with that skirt.

>> No.7295640

I appreciate the positive attitude. While I can take criticism, I tend to stray from this board from fear.

For the western themed outfit, most of the things I"ve read, and seen are based on bar wenches at the time (IE pinstripe stockings, bright fluffy dresses, ect) That's not the direction my outfit lies, and it's certanly not what it currently looks like. It's cottons, and other flat fabrics. I'm okay with that, but I think a western direction would be better, with the flat scheme.

If I was to fix the outfit I posted, and make it more unique, I obviously couldn't just add a western hat, boots, and stuff, as that woudn't really be enough, however, the skirts wouldn't really fit either, not with the flat color/fabric scheme, so, I'm a little stuck.

Any ideas on how I could incorporate the flat fabric skirts into something? They're not flashy enough for bar wenches, but still skirts, so wouldn't be appropriate for a mining environment

>> No.7295647

Actually, after reading the rules of the masquerade, it's clear that big bulky props won't be allowed in, so I probably will keep it pretty simple and clean, just the corset, skirt with bustle, gloves, and a headpiece. It could be argued that's just period. I could add to it much later with steampunk accessories.

>> No.7295654

Definitely not suggesting bar wench. The idea of adding western to steampunk is actually a really great idea, it could really provide a wealth of inspiration. Id personally be looking on the internet to find out how women dressed for functionality in the victorian west (i know for example that most wore corded petticoats as opposed to stiff hoops for ease of movement) and then look at how steampunk tech could have made their lives easier? Also remember that people rode horses so boots would likely still be a stylistic choice.

>> No.7295661

So if i was to do a western themed steam outfit i would:
>Look at an one piece dress of maybe a plaid with a yoke (easy pattern and fabric to find that would still look right)
>Vintage lace collar (pick these up really cheap at vintage fairs)
> Replace standard steampunk goggles with a techy bronze spy glass
> Hard wearing boots
> Pistol of some sort and maybe a back slung rifle, possibly some form of waist pouch for amo (Waist pouches are easily and cheaply found through ebay and old army surplus stores).

I would also possibly look to mori girl for layering and colour coordination ideas? That way you get texture as well.

>> No.7295671

Should mention this would be a daytime outfit, not a formal one.

>> No.7295677

I have this, and I'm usually into sugary cavity giving sweet lolita, and I have no idea how to work with this. plus, I only have dark colored wigs, and a long white one.

>> No.7295679
File: 52 KB, 640x960, 1389519218948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7295687

I could probably mix some of my current gear in too, and then perhaps that middle belt that I"ve got. It's pretty western looking. Fortunately, I live in Texas, so finding cheap western supply is easy.

I"m a little confused as to what you mean by the dress, could you give me an example maybe?

I appreciate the imput!

>> No.7295691
File: 1.14 MB, 944x1828, Prairie-Dress-with-Petticoat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about something like

But perhaps with a less busy pattern, and more yellowish hints and colors?

>> No.7295696


Oh god, you're getting somewhere. Somewhere awesome.

>> No.7295698

My boyfriend used to wear western themed steampunk outfit, in a wild wild west style, it was really elegant and not costumey at all. I have to say that hats help a lot ! Also brooches and maybe some subtle indian inspired jewerly (like the blue gem they wear, I don't know the name).
If it's for everyday, you should looks for lower classes dress shape, with a flatter petti and without hoops. It can be buslted, but usually it's just a plain a-line shape with ruffles at the bottom (thinks little house in the field's teacher style)
I'll try to make a collage with some IW dress which would be awesome in that style

>> No.7295701

kind of like >>7295691

Where could I even buy that? I'll imagine the pattern would be simple, but I don't sew often

>> No.7295715
File: 57 KB, 500x500, steampunk ror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of. If you it lolita based, you could go with some classic basics. I'm not really into steampunk, but here is my collage of slitghly themed, everyday style steampunk lolita

>> No.7295723

Excuse me for the lack of gears or anything, I'd rather slow down on accessories instead of making big mistake. But here is the idea : basically any classic lolita brands release these high-collared long sleeved OP (especially VM and IW), and with a brown and cream/ivory centered lolita outfit, you can have a great base for clean, elegant and western inspired steampunk lolita.

>> No.7295726
File: 69 KB, 500x500, justyourregularsteampunkteachr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped the pic

>> No.7295730

Those are really cute!
How do these fit on bustier women though? I'm not petite by any stretch of the imagination. I'm not fat, per se, but don't have a small frame. When looking at lolita, is there are particular shape I should look for?

>> No.7295742

Thank you :)
you should look at >>7295718 if you are on the chubby side

Basically lolita is meant to be shortened and simpler version of ancient clothing, especially the dress I picked up for these collage, so you need some poof (A-line-shaped for classic) and a good hourglass shape (you can achieve it by wearing corset under your dress). To look more elegant you can aim for longer dress.
If you are looking for lolita brand, most dresses ar one-sized, so you have to know your measurement in cm to know if it fits. You can also buy offbrand tought.
May I ask your measurements ?

>> No.7296496

Turquoise and sterling silver. You can get it quite cheap down there.

>> No.7299605
File: 78 KB, 480x480, btssbcombs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was given these hair combs as a gift. I think they're gorgeous but when I wear them they just lie flat against my hair despite being quite large - so it looks silly. It sounds like a stupid question but how do I wear hair accessories like this? Do I just need bigger/more poofy hair?

>> No.7300253
File: 105 KB, 600x600, _E4_B8_BB_E5_9B_BE_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok so spreepicky is selling these shoes and i have no idea if theyre real or knock offs of something since im a total noob, help? thanks

i think this would look better like on the back of your head, and just one, thats my opinion though. or you can wear it kind of like a hairband? GL

>> No.7300306
File: 152 KB, 700x1200, bodyline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This in sax, I was thinking light pink RHS, white tights, suggestions? Thanks :)

>> No.7300889
File: 48 KB, 250x333, PrincessPearlSandals-sax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are replicas of Angelic Pretty's Princess Pearl sandals, just with covered toes. They also kinda look like AP's Jewelry Ribbon shoes.

>> No.7300891

I think these would look adorable if you had messy pigtails and had one in each.

>> No.7300900
File: 8 KB, 186x237, haircombsbraid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can do lots with them. I have done the single comb in the back in a half updo like >>7300253 suggested. I think they would also look good with braids, like those braid loops or just simple braided pigtails. I did pic related as an experiment, not sure if they would work for you (sorry for the messiness - I took it at the end of the day)

>> No.7300977

That's really cute!

>> No.7301174

Thankyou guys, this is really helpful! I think my problem was wearing them too far forward. My natural hair is almost long enough to do fancy braids and updos now so I'll be able to give some of these ideas a try.

>> No.7301198
File: 29 KB, 280x373, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought the wonder Queen bustier JSK in navy on a whim, and I'm not sweet at all.
I bought this shirt, pic related, in ivory and the wonder queen socks and tights in navy, (my SS stuffed up, I wanted 1 pair white 1 navy) sadly I didn't get the Headbow.
A hand in creating a more classic coord with these would be amazing!

>> No.7301212

Navy or bordeaux heels, bolero, beret, and less poofy petti

>> No.7302691
File: 186 KB, 691x1036, bodyline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got this dress in black, and it's my very first. I have no idea where to even start with coording it. It doesn't really have any other colors or a theme or motif to work around so I'm kind of lost. If anyone could give me suggestions or help me out, I'd be very appreciative, thank you!

>> No.7302719
File: 122 KB, 400x533, 07.20.12.BABY(3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to try something different because I kinda always do simpler non-print coords. This may have been too different.

>> No.7302956
File: 307 KB, 1200x1200, Witchy-Poo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a coord started, but need suggestions for to bring the bordeaux into the rest of the outfit and balance it out. The other blouses, shoes, socks and hair accessories I have are all too bright a red to match it so I'm a bit at a loss and mostly lobbed in black items.

>> No.7303223

Probably cheaper to order them directly from Antaina


>> No.7304461
File: 32 KB, 280x373, ko_14_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time working with a salopette, any help at all would be appreciated. I'm mostly stuck on what sort of top to wear underneath- cutsew or blouse, frilly or toned-down, etc. Also incorporating other colors into the acessories... would lavender TPs be alright?

>> No.7304972
File: 86 KB, 440x659, 1389841405075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaaah thanks for telling me anon! i will be wearing my first coord to a very imporant tea party and dont want to buy replicas, does anyone know where i can get shoes that match the dress on this picture (black or blue preferred)? thanks i appreciate it

thaaanks, i might buy them for some side coord later on!

i think this would look better with a blouse, white specifically, you could concentrate on whites and blues and itd look very nice. or you can play with the other colors on your dress, like lavender

>> No.7304981

Honestly, I find it pretty hard to find teaparty-like lolita shoes (if that's the style you're looking for) that don't look like a knockoff of SOME shoe AP/Baby/etc have put out at some point. If you want to stay absolutely, totally clear or replicas, maybe try mainstream loliable shoes that would veer your outfit a bit more classic. (Not to say high street replicas don't exist either, but at least then it won't be a lolita replica if you're afraid of offending the designers). I really like a lot of shoes made by the brand Chelsea Crew, DSW carries them as well as a few other places if you're outside the US. Nice mary-jane style pumps in different styles.

>> No.7304987
File: 150 KB, 500x618, 1389842128198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the fast reply anon, yea i think ill just look for something around my area to stay safe.

i know the dress comes off as more of a classic style, but i think this bow matches it pretty well even though its centered in the middle, should i buy it or get a more toned down accessory? sorry for all the questions, i just wanna make sure i look nice

>> No.7305043 [DELETED] 
File: 246 KB, 947x640, 109P227-e_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently got this in the black colorway. I'm heavily considering buying the bonnet, but still want ideas on cute headwear. I have a bell-sleeved chiffon blouse I'm dying to coordinate with it as well.

>> No.7305051

oh god

>> No.7305066

Basic black maryjanes (from like...Payless) are fine, honestly. Easy to find in black, too.

I have the JSK of that dress and the buttons are not silver, they're more goldish. Just so you know.

I wouldn't use that headbow (which I also have and it's actually really big--at least coming from the perspective of someone that doesn't do OTT sweet haha), personally.

>> No.7305090

I think that bow is pretty cute, personally, but I wear classic as well so maybe you want a sweet perspective on it.

>> No.7305120
File: 662 KB, 1000x1000, lis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to coord the Lost in Sea OP in light blue, but I'm having trouble with.... everything.
Not sure which shoes/tights to go with, and I have no idea on what to use for the hair accesory...

are you an alternate universe me or something?

>> No.7305197

I really like those middle and right tights and the pearly shoes, anon!! I think the white ones would balance it more (bwb instead of bbb) but you could do the right tights, with more white accents ;_; jelly of u rn

>> No.7305214

Sauce on the middle tights?

>> No.7305215
File: 895 KB, 822x614, inb4bodyline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of asked for help in another thread but I'm posting here too.

I'm kind of going for a country style with this dress and skirt. What kind of shoes should I buy? I'm really crap at picking out shoes.

>> No.7305224

i'm leaning more towards the middle tights right now, but i'm hesitating because of how they kind of have the fishnet type thing going on


>> No.7305239

sorry, I put the wrong link; it's actually
the price seems like the seller mistyped, though; they weren't that price when i first found them, haha.

>> No.7305241

i think i'll go with black mary janes then, also because im kind of tall. and i have the dress too, but i see silver, maybe if i put it on the light? idk; and i like sweet a lot, but also classic, so maybe it'll be fun to give this a sweet look

i think i will actually, thanks anon!

haha perhaps!, and i actually have the glitter tights on the right, and was gonna get some shoes similar to the AP pearl ones youre getting haha, (but idk if the glittery ones will look well with the bow I'm gonna get and black mary janes, so i might get some lacey white ones)

and i actually think its easier to coord the light blue one, kinda wish i wouldve gotten that one instead; and you should go with the pearl AP shoes, and the sparkly tights (or the middle one, those look cute too!) GL anon!

>> No.7305280
File: 1.19 MB, 1172x1009, MYXJ_20140115232326_save.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got these boots as a gift and I would like to coord them with something nice but I don't have any idea how.

>> No.7305284


>> No.7305313

I bought both of these dresses and am terrified of coording them now. I've seen a lot of misses.

>> No.7305340

same... i saw someone wearing it at ALA, but...
i think i saw her ask for help in one of these threads, but ignored the advice given about her tights....

>> No.7305343

*but she seemed to have ignored

>> No.7305370

yea, its tougher than you think it is once you actually get to look for things to coord them with :c which is y i keep coming back to cgl for help

what did she do that was off?

>> No.7305384

well i guess it wasn't something horrendous, like pairing it with orange or something, but she had the whole set (blouse/jsk/headpiece/wristcuffs) on paired with http://www.ebay.com/itm/121158323596
the shoes didn't match either, but i forget what they were.

admittedly, i might be biased because i felt i could coord it so much better, and i was kind of irked she used the tights despite asking for advice

>> No.7305407

aaah! i think i actually read that at some point, its because the dress has music notes on it, but you can baaaaarely see them unless you're up close- and theyre white not black. so yeee i see how it could clash but not terribly tbh

>> No.7305674
File: 100 KB, 900x501, coord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My attempt into coord this.

Should I wear a blouse under even if its a op? Im planning on wearing a ivory bolero and not sure about accessories yet.

Opinions on the bag? Im not sure about it yet but bears + bears I thought it would be cute.

>> No.7305681

Don't go for the bag.
The prints are way too different in art style and palettes to go.
If I were you I'd go for a woven picnic basket or a baby biscuit bag? I think you need a little more browns in the coord, it would help keep the blues from becoming too much.

>> No.7305699

thank you, that sounds lovely!

Maybe I can change my ivory bolero to a beige one too.

>> No.7306226
File: 67 KB, 300x400, CuriousBlouse-brown_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought this recently thinking I needed a brown blouse but it doesn't match any of my classic/sweet Innocent World stuff. I'm not even sure how to wear a brown long sleeve blouse without looking too top heavy. I'd like some skirt inspiration, what color should I pair this with?

>> No.7306247

Yeah, honestly anon, you've picked a tough one, because the print on this is just too damn busy. I collect berry prints, and I like gingham, but I won't touch this one with a ten foot pole for my own wardrobe. I'd say that your best bet is going to be a black high-collared blouse, white cotton lace wrist cuffs with black bows, and a red cardigan or bolero. White otks, black or red shoes. There's not a whole lot you can do with it, and you're probably best off sticking with solids. You might also be able to get away with a white peter pan collared blouse, and a black bolero with cherries on it.

>> No.7306253

Treat it more or less like black, where you need another very dark or very light color to balance it out. Burgundy and emerald green are my first choices, but solid cream could be lovely, too. Headwear in the same color as the bottom will help to tone down the darkness of it a lot too.

>> No.7306271

I have this sage green IW skirt that matches detail wise but I was afraid it was too light to be paired with it. What would you suggest for leg wear?

>> No.7307250
File: 16 KB, 250x333, AstreaSkirt-Antiquegreen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a pic of the skirt btw.

>> No.7307400

Does it not match up with Innocent World's chocolate color? That's a shame, I was considering that blouse for that reason.

>> No.7307851
File: 87 KB, 300x400, 242-0102_07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this dress in this colourway but have only worn it once since I bought it almost a year ago, because I have such a hard time coordinating it.
I paired it with an IW bolero, but I'd be interested in seeing what anons can come up with.

>> No.7309473
File: 116 KB, 612x612, 1389993324925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry about the Instagram photo, but can I get some con crit on this coord?

>> No.7309480


looks delighfully classy.

Do you have a necklace and bracelet in mind?

>> No.7309493


I love the blouse and the IW bag! Not sure if that print is flowers/roses, but maybe a nice simple floral necklace or bracelet if you wanted some accessories. Solid as is though, would wear/10.

>> No.7309551

Thank you!

Pearl bracelets, a Putumayo butterfly cameo ring and a small cake ring (I'm wearing this to a cupcakery). No necklace because the collar is a vintage piece of my grandmother's and I like it to stand alone.

>> No.7309613

Where is this skirt from?

>> No.7309621

Not the OP of that image but it looks like Bodyline.

>> No.7310443
File: 295 KB, 322x409, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would anyone happen to have any advice on accessories for this thing??

>> No.7314150
File: 214 KB, 487x326, ffaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I bought one of these boleros, (not going lolita, but victorian) for a masquerade at A-con

Without sounding like an ita, would it be okay to wear pearls over? I really want to wear jewlery, but don't want to look ita as fuck

>> No.7314151

If I put down the high collar I mean

>> No.7314197

Long pearls would be great with this I think, depends on your full outfit. Don't worry about the collar, I wear necklaces over high collars all the time.

But, if you're not going for lolita anyway, you can't really be 'ita'.

Sauce on this, btw?

>> No.7314210

Seam ripper and curtain holders

>> No.7314231
File: 264 KB, 534x800, lightbluejelly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any help with this dress in this light blue color? I have a coord for it already, but it's just so... Bland. I'd love help, since this is my first dress coming back to lolita after a few years. I'm rusty.

>> No.7314285


Only 35 dollars, and custom to order. We'll see how it looks when it comes in, but the seller has pretty good reviews

I got it in a brown to match this corset I bought at last years con. I dropped 175$ on this beautiful guy, and haven't had anything to wear it with!

I also got this skirt in royal blue

I think I'm going to play the blue up with my masque, and some long blue gloves, wearing all my leather gear and whatnot. (probably if not flat out victorian, gonna go for something a little more steampunk esque)

Gotta find some earings, and stuff too. I'm so excited! Never been to a masque before!

>> No.7314327 [DELETED] 

Forgot the image. can't decide if the brown will work though. :c I've got a brown bolero.

You guys think brown, or blue gloves?

>> No.7314352

The image.

Keep in mind, the bolero is in brown.

You guys think brown, or blue gloves? I want to see if I can incorporate the browns better

(what the hell, it keeps saying upload failed, welp, here's my coord so far)


>> No.7314550

Better coord picture. I might include a utility belt I have, and/or make a new one with the things I've got, considering making a belt takes like no time at all.


Ugh! Keeps saying upload failed!

>> No.7315096

I'm after 2 items to finish some coords and I'm in need of suggestions on what to get/where to get them from.
Any chance I could get some ideas?

Item 1: Large navy or white/offwhite bag
> something plain in design and suitable for sweet/classic
> brand or offbrand but preferably not a replica
> big enough for my con needs (can hold a small water bottle, a snack and maybe my dslr)
> not too structured in design (I've seen the boxy btssb ones on closet child and I'm not a huge fan of them)
> budget: under $90

I've considered the AP boston bags that they put in some luckypacks but I'd like to look at other options first.

Item 2: A petticoat
> A-line
> midcalf length
> minimal poof
> budget: under $80

I've seen a fair few on ebay but it seems like it could be a bit of a mindfield.

Any help is appreciated.

>> No.7315113

what is your coord already so we can have a base to work off?

otherwise i may start suggesting things you dont have.
but gold shoes would be killer with this, and not "bland"

>> No.7315124

Malco modes? They're a reliable brand and do quite nice A-line petticoats


>> No.7315133


I've heard a lot of good things about malco modes and I've previously checked them out but sadly the shipping cost pushes me well over budget.

>> No.7315147
File: 58 KB, 440x586, KL jellyfish jsk light.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

commencin dump

>> No.7315153
File: 73 KB, 386x550, kl jellyfish op light1e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this girl's floaty photos are really weird and kind of scare me

>> No.7315157
File: 96 KB, 419x640, 1390225532126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7315159
File: 55 KB, 440x660, 1390225763402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sorry, it's not really a dump, but here's some navy for inspo's sake

>> No.7315162
File: 67 KB, 440x586, 1390225907359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7315163
File: 98 KB, 440x662, KL jellyfish jsk dark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7315170
File: 67 KB, 440x659, KL jellyfish op dark 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7315171
File: 66 KB, 440x784, KL jellyfish op dark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7315173
File: 297 KB, 1000x1500, choke jellyfish 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and of course

>> No.7315179

What ended up happening with the rerelase?

>> No.7315210
File: 54 KB, 240x240, 1390230048992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was given this as a gift and I have literally no idea how to coord it. Any help would be seriously appreciated.

>> No.7315214

im sorry but ewwww animal prints
now that that is over with, i say match it with a plain piece, that shit's enough as is.

>> No.7315233

Lose two cm on the hips and we've got the exact same measurement.

>> No.7315307
File: 925 KB, 871x863, myjellycord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I have. Unfortunately, the veil part didn't come with the headdress (unpleasant surprise), so I've ordered a wedding veil to attach to it. Also, multiple people use the catgirl tights (like in one of the examples posted here), and mine seem darker than the others too. I was thinking I'd lose the tights and either go with basic lacey white ones paired with gold shoes, or maybe keep those shoes but go with lace ankle socks?

>> No.7315310

Oh, and the flower headdress is white IRL.

>> No.7315311


I love Baby's leopard print, I have a BTSSB beigey-grey leopard print cape and I absolutely love it, it's so pretty. I find it's best to use them as a statement accessory in a coord without much going on. They look best with non-prints.

>> No.7315316

I wouldn't wear the headdress, it doesn't really go. Roses don't really match an aquatic theme. The shoes are a bit too clunky for such a light floaty dress. Not sure about the handpiece either but the tights seem to match it pretty well.

>> No.7315373

Anon what are you smoking? Roses look fine, do you expect her to stick seaweed in her head instead? Also disagreed on the shoes, she can wear chunky MJs or heels both are fine. The dress is light and floaty which is why you ground yourself with large shoes.

>> No.7315419

I agree with >>7315316 about the headdress. Don't just throw on a flower headdress because it's pretty and happens to fit the color scheme. There are no flowers or petals in the print, so it doesn't really make sense.

>> No.7315448
File: 143 KB, 550x412, 1295907024855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, what's wrong with you? They really do look out of place. There are a lot of options, she could wear a lacey canotier, something with a bow, stars, moons, pearls etc.

The shoes are very cutesy and a bit juvenile looking for this outfit. The dress is more mature and does not need grounding with super cutesy clownish (don't get me wrong, I love me some clown platforms) shoes. I think these would look lovely and anon seems to like pearls and lace.

>> No.7315578
File: 576 KB, 1296x968, photo (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi /cgl/, I need a bit of advice

This is a coord I'm planning for a meet up in Feb., all I have left to sort out are tights and a bolero to match the dress. My main question is should I get those pieces in a raspberry color that matches the accents on the dress? I feel like especially with the tights that might be a abrasive on the eye. Should I go with baby pink? That color isn't really on the dress. And lastly white would be the easiest color to go with but the outfit would look really plain. (Also I know my pic doesn't show the colors of the dress too well, here's a better pic: http://hellolace.net/wardrobe/baby/2008/skirt/baby_skirt_frappe_add6.jpg))

Any help would be really appreciated, especially if you could link me to any finds you'd recommend!

>> No.7315581

*forgot to add I plan on wearing a plain white blouse underneath

>> No.7315586

Do you or anyone know the sauce on these?
Reverse image searches but no leads

>> No.7315587

>dem shoes
Where are they from?

>> No.7315647

>they did the mash
>they did the Amish mash
>the Amish mash
>it was a barnyard smash

>> No.7315651

Mish-mash is the word you're trying to say.

>> No.7315712
File: 48 KB, 250x333, 5111_900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would pairing this with brown work?

>> No.7315741
File: 90 KB, 600x560, 139519_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any help with this would be great. I have a white short sleeved blouse, but other than that I can't find anything that feels right.

>> No.7316356

haha wtf

Try coording it with gray? Pink and gray often look good together and that'll probably help tone down the overall look.

Sorry but I agree with >>7315373, you don't have to have a floral print theme to use them as an accessory. I think they're fine.

I also think that print could easily be sweet and doesn't have to go a mature route, so her shoe choice is fine as well imo (and I don't even do sweet). As long as everything overall is a little sweeter.

As long as it's a very warm brown, I don't see why not.

I would wear a cardigan in a dark purple or a berry color if you're going to pair a white blouse with this. I'm always a proponent of not coording things with plain white if they are very colorful unless you're going to toss more color back in there, and the print has some nice varying shades of purple to work with.

>> No.7316602
File: 119 KB, 300x450, 1390272754335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't get it, brown is always a warm colour. how can brown be cold?

Overall aesthetic is primary. Having a special ~theme~ is an added bonus. Flowers are neutral, you don't need a dress to already have flowers on it to match it with flowers. Going by your logic I can also say that jellyfish don't live in nests of lace so lace canotiers are out of place too. I gotta wear a diaper on the outside of my clothes to match dreamy baby room.

Consider the silhouette of each outfit. Chunky shoes =/= sweet lolita only. Lolita uses very voluminous skirts and looks good on slim legs. Without chunky shoes you easily look like you're standing on a pair of chopsticks, which is the effect you go for sometimes. But the jellyfish dress is poofy that is why chunky shoes won't go wrong. You don't wear chunky shoes because "sweet" and "clownish" you wear them to ground your huge silhouette. Any lolita, classic sweet or gothic can wear chunky shoes. Chunky shoes aren't designed for sweet lolita only.

The dress is not "more mature" despite its flashiness it is extremely versatile and can work for both cutesy and mature outfits. Look carefully.

>> No.7316605

>brown is always a warm color
>flowers are neutral
also wrong.

>> No.7316606

so, how can brown be cold? and why aren't flowers neutral? I can go around quoting people and saying wrong to everything too

>> No.7316609

>Going by your logic I can also say that jellyfish don't live in nests of lace so lace canotiers are out of place too.

You seem really dumb honestly, the print has specific things on it, flowers don't go with everything and if you think they do then you're even more of an idiot. You also seem to have no idea about how to balance out an outfit, doing something that is super contrasting doesn't balance out anything.

Also, since brown is made up of many different colors mixed together it can most certainly be a cool tone.

>> No.7316629

dusty browns are cold. grey-toned browns are cold. browns that have magenta undertones (instead of orange/red) are cold.

>> No.7316639

All colours can have warm or cold tones. Think black - then think how some black fabrics have reddish tones in them, and some have bluish tones in them. And when you wear clashing tones your outfit can look like shit, no matter how well-coordinated in every other aspect.

And flowers aren't neutral, they're natural. You can slap flowers on any kind of mori girl outfit, but for something like steampunk or OTT sweet or sailor, flowers might begin to be clashing with the other materials and themes in them. Like metals and brass, candies/whipped cream, or ropes/rigging/anchors. None of those go particularly well with a floral headpiece unless it's very specifically created and coloured to be appropriate, and even then, might be distracting from the larger feeling that the outfit is meant to convey.

>> No.7316640

brown is a mix of colors the shoes you posted have more red tones, some have more green tones, and so on. they aren't going to look very good together if the tones are a mixture of hot and cold.

flowers aren't neutral because well, they aren't. they don't go with everything. they go well with plain things and things that have flowers in them. its the same as how stars or hearts or candies don't go with everything. bows and lace go with pretty much everything because they tend to be key parts of either dresses or are just simple enough to work. prints are difficult because the accessories have to have some cohesion or something will look off. i wouldn't wear a dress covered in fruits with a necklace with stars on it, or one of the chocomint fuzzy star clips, it just would look bad. as for this dress it will look bad because there are two themes going on in it, ocean and sky, so it's pretty easy to see how pearls would go with that, stars as well. roses? not really.

>> No.7316751
File: 946 KB, 1000x1000, lis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different anon from the one who posted in this thread, but this is what I have so far for my Lost in Sea OP. Here are the problems I'm having, though:
I'm not sure which shoes to go with (the top ones look better, but the ones on bottom seem to match better color-wise)
Not sure I should just give in and buy matching wrist cuffs, or if I should go with one of the other options I think might match (or just say fuck it and make some myself.)
I think I'm going to go with the turquoise pendant, but I'm not sure.
Not really feeling the hat, to be honest, but I can't seem to find anything else to suit it.

>> No.7316761

ditch the flowers and find an chiffon and pearl headdress, it can be white or aqua or a bit darker. necklace is good and i like the wristcuffs at the bottom a lot. not too fond on the shoes but bottom is better on them as well.

>> No.7316766

>find a chiffon and pearl headdress
that's the problem i've been having, haha; my taobao-fu is not strong enough

thanks for the tips, though!

>> No.7316922

Where are those pink lace shoes from?

>> No.7316999

Nah sorry, flower canotiers ARE used with everything, they always have been. Have you been in this fashion for five minutes or something?

>> No.7317017
File: 74 KB, 580x873, KL Jellyfish dark long.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't see anything wrong with the hat, everything's so cute together.
I'd prefer the shoes with a higher heel but i'm biased. All of those wristcuffs would work fine with your co-ord. However for the one with flowers you may want to find cuffs with smaller flowers (about the size of the bow like in the top wristcuff) more of an issue with comfort, if you find it difficult to do things with the large flowers on your wrists.
I pick the bottom jellyfish necklace over the one above it, i think it's interesting to throw in a dash of slightly darker and brighter blue.

come on guys flowers go with most things in lolita. pic related, someone looking cute in jellyfish with a flower on her head

>> No.7317232

oh wow any clue on shoe source?

>> No.7317239


>> No.7317244

sauce on that blouse?

>> No.7317270
File: 53 KB, 570x380, fuckspamshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that a cinderella themed dress, because [search "Cinderella Glass Pearl Necklace Midnight Carriage Mint Pink Lilac Elegant Vintage Princess Fairy Tale Rococo Lolita Hime Otome Pastel" on etsy bc fuck spam shit]

>> No.7317278

yeah because spreepicky prices up their shit way too much

>> No.7317288

it's a mary magdalene replica http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2667235439

>> No.7317335

random /fit/izen noticed this board off the recent pics section of the front page. admittedly i'm more than a little drunk off of some whiskey, but you girls are cute as fuck talking about your cos fashion and whatnot. didn't even know you existed here- will come back and chat you up later. Re-commence with your fashion talk, good to know this part of the site even exists

>> No.7317339


Shoes are from ozzon, but they're pretty rare and have no internet presence as far as I can tell.

>> No.7317344

Yes they do? http://www.ozzon-japan.com/
Unless you just meant the shoes

>> No.7317402

Do they have a shopping service or ship internationally?

>> No.7317421

Lol, so much shitty "advice". I'd hate to see your coordinates.

>> No.7317429

Sorry for the misleading phrasing! Just meant the shoes

>> No.7317444
File: 58 KB, 480x480, ivory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this in ivory, I've only ever done goth and usually prefer darker colours, I have no idea what to do. I was going to go for brown shirt and boots but thats about as far as the thought process has gone. Perhaps steampunk lolita with leather accent etc?

>> No.7318629

I don't believe they ship internationally no, you'd have to use tenso or something. But you can find it secondhand on sites that do ship international.

It would work well for a steampunk coordinate, however since that style has a tendency to come out sort of.. tacky, I wouldn't try it full-on unless you had a good handle on both styles.

>> No.7318950

Dark brown sounds good. I'm not normally a big fan of steampunk but I can see how this print really lends itself to it and could be nice.

>> No.7318952

You'll need a shopping service. But they're worth it.

>> No.7319330
File: 222 KB, 700x1200, l387-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend bought me this dress (in green) when she was in Japan. All I have is Classic coords, so I don't know what to put together. I want to wear it, tho, since she bought it for me.

>> No.7319955
File: 200 KB, 841x935, ivoryco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


okay so after a hundred hours in mspaint I chucked a concept together. Some of these things I already own, the background of the grimoire tights is actually a map, but I do have other map print tights that are less red, but hte dress print had red in it, hence the red wig to try and tie it all in, maybe some red accessories in the hat. I also have plenty of golden pirate style accessories, so I dontthinkthey will be a problem (from chests to boats etc etc.). I have a simular wig in a much deeper red, but put that in for referance but its a bit lighter.

Im thinking, maybe add an underskirt and prop up some of the skirt? Or since its already a busy print would that be too much? - Goth trying ivory, its hard!

>> No.7320027

Please no
>The vest
Probably won't work and you can't even tell if the real vest looks good (in terms of quality) and looks good on you (fit and whether it suits your body type)

A bit too messy with the map print, although it won't look too bad with such high boots...but I'd loose the print stockings still. Boots are good to keep

>The hat
No rori in this hat at all.

>The wig
IDK why this colour it doesn't belong lol

>> No.7320310
File: 500 KB, 405x651, IMG_7444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, thought the tights were a bit of a stretch myself too, but I'm confused about the hat, plain tricorns have been used in loli forever, whats up with that? I mentioned the wig colour was off at least so thats also very agreeable.

The vest I was thinking of but dont have a picture of it a real leather corset style vest.

Though a hat can easily be decorated, I goggled a plain one to start from scratch and see others ideas. If you have some better ideas thats what I'm here for.

>> No.7320329

pic related looks terrible, so if this is what you're basing your choice off of then...

not that anon btw

>> No.7320339
File: 85 KB, 260x480, 31dd988b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a pic of something plainer, I got more if that isnt to your taste.

If you dont like it what would you do? I'm all ears for suggestions anon!

>> No.7320382

I think its really cute but I'd swap out the tights for either plain ones, gradient one, or a different pattern? The lace isnt working for me.

Depending on how long the chain the pendent is on, if its higher up I prefer the darker one, will pop more rather than blend in, and vice versa if longer.

Wrist cuff wise, I prefer the bottom pair, star motiff matches, and the triangular shape sort of mimics the lace at the bottom of the dress too.

>> No.7320420

still curious about those shoes if anyone knows off the top of their head

>> No.7320445
File: 140 KB, 448x550, wolf01_zps4d5bc007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some help with Wolf in Frame skirt? Preferred colors: black, navy, wine red. I appreciate any help.

>> No.7320525
File: 178 KB, 810x676, Wolf Frame coord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7320643

My gripe with the hat wasn't because it's a tricorn. It's because your particular tricorn doesn't work for Lolita. It's just....not cute, not feminine, neither is it classy. It looks something a gruffy Texassheriff wears. The tricorn here >>7320339 is cuter because of material choice.
I'd suggest something that uses felt, or a more IDK "gentle" (for a lack of better word) material for your tricorn. Add lace and flowers to it too. Look at AATP. Triple fortune. Surface spell. They got nice pirate hats

>> No.7320747

Ah right, that explains it, I have a few tricorns from AATP, my idea was to match the fabric to the waistcoat and bag (leather textures.) and pretty it up with decorations. Not get that exact tricorn but a leather one perhaps with no tooling but on google they were either cheap fake or swade or super tooled so didnt have much choice.

>> No.7320773

Thank you. I didn't even realise I could wear pearls with this dress. If someone has more suggestions, please do!

>> No.7321428

Oh I think pearls would be perfect with that print!

>> No.7322251
File: 2.04 MB, 2592x1936, photo (20).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>7315712 here,

which bag, /cgl/? I know neither of them match perfectly but it's too short notice to get a new bag at this point

>> No.7322266

I vote white

>> No.7322273

The white one

>> No.7322277

def not the brownxpink, go with white or solid brown if you have it

>> No.7322319

The only thing that I have that's solid brown is a swimmer biscuit bag, I feel like it's a bit too sweet for the coord.


>> No.7323012
File: 80 KB, 280x373, loyalty regimental.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to coord AP's Loyalty Regimental JSK with navy. gold, brown, and possibly cream, but I'm a bit stuck as to how to go about it. I was thinking a navy high collar blouse, but as far as tights and shoes, I'm kinda stuck. Help would be much appreciated!

>> No.7323203

Navy blouse, navy tights (maybe with a stripe or medallion sort of print?), brown shoes, gold accessories?

>> No.7323202
File: 822 KB, 941x950, sw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure what tights/shoes combo to go with. White tights/Red shoes, White tights/Navy shoes, Navy tights/White shoes

>> No.7323206

I like stripe tights and navy or red shoes, depending on if you want the shoes to pop or be subtle. Since you have red up top, you might want to go navy so it isn't too attention grabbing all over? Then again, it may balance each other out, hm..

>> No.7323250

Bumping for more wolf's frame ideas

>> No.7325205
File: 1.07 MB, 941x950, 1390465957370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ones with the yellow outline for sure! not too sure about the accessories you choose, and not the ones with the black x, trust me. it'll look divine!

>> No.7326298

Thanks for your help! I'll have to go and look for some navy tights; I don't know why I wasn't considering that as an option. Do you think a brown beret would work?

>> No.7326307

a brown beret would work, especially more so if it's a similar brown to the bow at the waist

>> No.7326314

Where are the gloves from?

>> No.7326625

They're from taobao; here's the link

>> No.7326687
File: 20 KB, 300x300, moitie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help me? This is my dream dress. It's a special dress and I want to try something different. A hime lolita x gothic lolita coord would be great, but I don't know were to start.

>> No.7326824
File: 428 KB, 804x709, coord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess this is fairly easymode, but any suggestions? The outfit is for a con, so some more OTT stuff would be good. Stuff on the top right I havent bought yet.
I got the full set for the jsk/shoulder overlay/buttcape/blouse/headbow/hat so the basics are covered. Also I have that one ebay petti in black everyone likes.

>> No.7327008

sorry, what ebay petti?

>> No.7327042

those accessories (top right) do not match the aesthetic of the rest of the coord (bottom row)

>> No.7327040

I would say go for more accessories, like clipping a lot more stuff to the headbow, both in black and gold. Also maybe getting some rings in gold rather than just black. The accessories right now look a little too sweet to be honest.

>> No.7327067

I'm assuming they mean one from victoriangirldress on ebay.
I've got one from them too, it's deflated a little bit since I bought it but that was about a year and a half ago with lots and lots of usage.

>> No.7327135
File: 51 KB, 600x450, Laughing_Cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7327147

what about pairing it with pink? a pink or white bolero, pink shoes, some pearls and pink roses in your hair, and white lace tights would be simple and cute. maybe a straw hat for the spring or summer, and you can pin a white rose onto it.

>> No.7327602

way to pick the most braindead boring options, lol

>> No.7327689

This might not be the right thread, but what sort of classic jsks would you suggest for a new lolita/ where the heck does one start?

>> No.7327740
File: 46 KB, 399x341, LLS00015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sweet on this skirt and I was wondering if wearing a pink or blue blouse, maybe a shade off of what is in the skirt would look tacky. Should I stick with white?

>> No.7327950

Maybe you should burn it?

>> No.7327954

Not wanting to sound acerbic like the previous poster, but are you new or just dont care?

>> No.7328216

It's a knockoff. It's already tacky.

>> No.7328470

I'd recommend basic allover florals, printless JSK's in either jeweltones on dusty shades (whatever suits you and tastes more). Save complex prints like painting prints until you're more experience in mixing solid colors and more simple prints.

Bodyline has a few decent starter floral pieces that could be used for classic (like the corset skirt everyone loves), but otherwise I'd try to find some cheap IW secondhand on mbok/yahoo auctions, or something on the sales comm. I wouldn't recommend trying to go with any offbrand finds.

>> No.7329520

You failed, but I was ready for a gigantic let down too. I've been looking for anything that would fit that was something I liked and didn't find horrible.. and there's a lot of that. I'm larger than brand so professor obvious >>7328216 is right. Its a knock off and I think its cute.

Thanks, y'all have been real helpful.

>> No.7329882
File: 793 KB, 1012x495, coordhelp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any chance I could get some general coord concrit?
I'm also not too sure what hair accessory to use but it kinda depends on how I do my hair (for reference it's just past shoulder length and I have a side swept fringe.) So any help choosing a head accessory + hair style would be nice.

>> No.7329883

People aren't being critical of your newness because it's a knock-off (well, not only that). The website that skirt is linked to is famous for absolutely shit quality and service, they're considered the worst possible company you could buy from. The skirt in the photo looks great, in fact, it might even be the actual AP skirt. What you would receive is HIGHLY unlikely to look anything like it.

>> No.7329884

If wouldnt pair the black crew socks with the black shoes.
As for head accessory, I like the pink with the gold trim as it plays on the gold detailing in the skirt but I'd make sure the pinks match. Depending on if you choose an alice headband or the bow clip, soft curls and a high side pony respectively.
My own two cents.

>> No.7329896

meant for >>7329882

>> No.7329897


Yeah, I was a little worried that all the black at the bottom would look a tad heavy. I'll see what I can find to fix it.

The pinks of the bottom bow and hair slides aren't a 100% match, they're just a tad darker than the skirt. I don't know how noticeable it will be but I'm going to wait until morning to see in natural light.

As for hair I think both ideas sound cute but it looks like it will be hot so a ponytail might be the way to go.

Thanks for the advice!

>> No.7329905
File: 66 KB, 350x500, tumblr_m8it3prygr1r3ex10o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to pair this up with a mint blouse, or even some darker colors like navy or browns. Any advice or should I just stick with whites and ivories?

>> No.7329906

Mint and pink will be perfect, but navy or browns seems a little bit difficult, with all that rococo influence. Maybe try with gold or gold accent pieces ?

>> No.7329907
File: 330 KB, 1589x888, securedownload-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This skirt? Also what shape petticoat goes with it?

>> No.7329933


I'd say bottom shoes and blue [lower] pendant, if you're going with the hat then I'd say the top wrist cuffs but maybe add a gold charm? Star or moon perhaps? I honestly really like this coord, but I'm a sucker for hats.

>> No.7329944
File: 46 KB, 404x607, T24iyvXlVbXXXXXXXX_!!32312230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I was really hoping it might look good with mint since I have this blouse and have never worn it! Hopefully this color mint will look nice? I have blue flowers and pearl accessories that match the blue on the design perfectly and a short crown boater hat with the same color flowers. I have several gold accented things and accessories I can toss on. And some gold granny style short heeled boots? Actually I might scratch the boots and go with a shorter booty in the same mint with some ivory bow clips... Ok great, thanks so much!

>> No.7329971
File: 712 KB, 900x1300, pirate coord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say no to the busy tights, waistcoat, and wig, but I do love those boots.
if you want to go piratey i'd say go with a more lolita hat, theres a lot of fancy tri-corns on taobao and what not.

>> No.7329972

White stripe tights, red shoes. Lovely coord anon, those gloves are gorgeous!

>> No.7329976

I'm sure it'll look good

>> No.7330015
File: 1.28 MB, 1200x1600, gothic hime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea where I was going with this

>> No.7330026

I would swap out the black lace ankle socks for some pink ones, and go with the bottom hair accessories, or maybe the black socks if you could get some gold shoes. I like the small clips better than the giant headbow. For your hair maybe curl it, or even try a side bun with one of the small hairbows on it?

>> No.7330027

Cupcake petti. Any better pictures of the skirt? Stock pics?

>> No.7330144
File: 32 KB, 300x400, EGL-19243NE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody wanna take a whack at this?

>> No.7330436

Hmmm, maybe some black or blue shoes (old school clunky heels or something a bit simpler?) with a silver cross necklace, and maybe a black or blue headbow or bonnet. You could also mix in a few clips that match the colors on your head.

>> No.7330984

So I was trying to challenge myself, make a bunch of outfits with one dress, but I've kinda hit a dead end with this one.

Should I try maybe combining it with different colors? Soft blues or green maybe?

>> No.7330986
File: 472 KB, 1920x1801, pink with pink roses taobao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And forgot my picture

>> No.7331469

Thank you, now that I know about their quality I can start looking elsewhere.

>> No.7331506
File: 39 KB, 250x333, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The skirt is a weird shade of pinkish cream none of my blouses match.

>> No.7331512
File: 86 KB, 960x720, 1390808921781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loyalty Regimental anon again! I came up with this coord. There would also be a brown / gold / white rosette as well for the chest (or possibly pinned on the beret), but I'm wondering if it's lacking in gold. Aside from that, do the ankle boots seem okay? Thanks in advance!

>> No.7331714
File: 1.02 MB, 1286x644, kidsyoyo halloween co-ord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my planned Halloween look with the kidsyoyo, it's OTT so I hope it helps.

I planned on also using gold tone jewelry with general halloween themes.
I'm also using underbust vest to help cinch in my waist and give me more definition as empire gowns don't suit my body type

The blouse is a big ruffly chiffon monster with a high collar and large bow tie so it helps to make it look less like a big layered mess (covers most of the bodice area)
I haven't decided on the stockings, shoes or bag but those will depend on how much cash i have to splash this year

You mentioned that you'll be wearing this to a con, I would keep the large bat backpack, but do take off the plastic lace. You could also paint your bodyline shoes gold.

>> No.7331758

Where is that underbust vest from?

>> No.7331794

None of the blues match, it looks messy.

>> No.7331889

I'm not sure if I'd be going with any of the socks pictured; the main point is that I'd like them to be some sort of navy emblem / striped sock / tights. Does the general color balance look okay? That's more my concern right now.

>> No.7331955

Are those Fluevogs? What's the style/family name?

I think the blues look fine together, the color temperatures match fine as long as the AP socks at top aren't any more royal blue than they look here. But I think the motifs on the bottom pair match better.

I'd add some more gold for sure- badges, pins, go on a hunt for brooches with motifs that match the military theme and add them on. At least a collar pin or a badge for the hat.

>> No.7332109

I definitely see what you're saying about the pattern on the bottom pair, and after thinking about it, I'm leaning more towards those too.

I'm gonna see about finding some decent military pins at the local army store. Thanks!

>> No.7332130

Thank you very much! :D
I really like the hair accessories and those shoes are perfect. Were can I buy the shoes? And a bought a wig like that recently. ^^

>> No.7332316

I got mine from Excentrique, but there's a few around on ebay and etsy

>> No.7332500
File: 111 KB, 480x640, QueensCoachJSKII-pink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any ideas on a more classic coord for this? I'll have the matching headbow hopefully, though I'm open to any suggestions!

>> No.7334501
File: 28 KB, 300x400, 1390943953872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought my #1 dream dress. I'd love to see if anyone has any inspiration for coording this!

>> No.7334717

Where can I find those starry tights and the cat bag?

>> No.7334762
File: 194 KB, 420x630, T2mgsOXkFXXXXXXXXX_!!11954735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got this beauty (jsk only). Any ideas what to coord it with?

>> No.7334848
File: 79 KB, 800x600, rrl co-ord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get some feedback on this co-ord? I'm really excited to get this dress and I want it to be just right.

>> No.7334885
File: 689 KB, 1200x1200, RedRidingHood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any suggestions for this? I'm trying to find cute wolf-themed jewellery in gold, but I'm mostly finding silver so far.

>> No.7334897
File: 165 KB, 971x1024, 1390957624812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying but I just keep finding the three wolf moon variety.

>> No.7334899

Same. I keep finding misshapen/tacky/ugly shit. There are some cute pieces in silver, but that doesn't go with the outfit.

>> No.7334931

Swap out the shoes for something that matches the lavender(?) of the OP, and maybe consider adding a small white bow clip or something to your hair to get a bit more white up there.

>> No.7334965

Where is that wig from? It's perfect.

>> No.7334974


Also comes in blonde.

There's a longer length version (click Full Wig Specials) which comes in natural black (shown), natural brown, blonde, pink and wine red.

>> No.7335671
File: 272 KB, 700x1200, jsk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting this in green and having some trouble. Any suggestions?

>> No.7335680

Don't buy things you don't have anything planned out for and save your money for something nicer next time.

There, that's my advice.

>> No.7335871

Ebay is where I picked up the tights and bag. The tights were cheap Halloween stock, so you may need to hunt around or wait till October

>> No.7336114
File: 124 KB, 453x874, MINE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides my shitty photo shop skills, what do I need to work on? I thought the iron fist shoes/bag could work, but correct me if i'm wrong.

>> No.7336335
File: 1.04 MB, 1093x765, 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /cgl/, first time trying to put a coord together (cosplayer here). Learned it's a pain in the ass to try and find any ouji/kodona stuff that isn't black, any suggestions appreciated!

>> No.7336446

Honestly I think they're kind of tacky for such an otherwise sweet/innocent looking coord... I prefer the route anon here >>7334885 went with a fuzzy bag instead, or a decorated picnic basket might be better, too with some lower, cuter red heels or TP style shoes.

>> No.7336772

Okay, thanks! I wasn't sure if it could be pulled off or not.

>> No.7338232

They're from Irregular Choice, 'Abigails Party'

>> No.7338239

I love this but I'd go for shoes that match the colour of the flower headband. I love the bag though, where is it from?

>> No.7338642

Excellent, thanks

>> No.7338691

It's from here.


I have some pink tea parties so gonna try them too.

>> No.7338784

Thank you! I'll have a look around!