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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 2.17 MB, 1920x1080, Goldcoast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7290837 No.7290837[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Prepare to sweat in your finest Bodyline, my dears!


> What will we do in the party?
> 1,we will talk about lolita fashion,cosplay and bodyline in australia.
> 2、we want to know what kind of customers wear our dresses.(we will ask your job,age, etc) and we will ask customers what we need to improve on<service,size,price etc>
> 3,we will answer questions what australian local customers want to know from us.
> 4,we will takes some photos and maybe will show them on our top page.
> 5、we will provide free food and soft drink for BBQ.
> 6,if you are invited,just wear our dresses and come.
> 7,For the party space limit,we have to cut some customers.
> 8,For privacy,you can't take photo or video of us.
can't talk about us anywhere<internet etc>.
> If you can't keep the manner,Don't come please.
> We dislike non-education jealoussy gossip people.

HELLS YEAH!!! Who else is coming?!

>> No.7290844

Oh god. I saw this too. Does this mean the Sailor Moon is the overall winner or is Bodyline doing a round-the-world tour of its winners?

>> No.7290848


>> No.7290850
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>>we dislike non-education jealoussy gossip people

>> No.7290856

Just sent my email for an invite!!!! I've already activated my Bodyline infiltrati on persona!!! :D
So excited ^_^!

>> No.7290855

> We dislike non-education jealoussy gossip people.
>market caters to poorer lolitas
>poor people are generally lesss educated, lolitas are gossipy in general

Do they know their clientele at all?

>> No.7290860

>trying to imagine this picture
>asian wizard on the beach bbqing
>girls in shitty frills hanging out
>soda spilling on shitty dresses
Also they can take pictures but the customers can't? Lame!

>> No.7290869


>can't take photo or video of us

Yeah no, not gonna happen.

>> No.7290870

1 there will be no girls of shit smell at my bbq
2we will enjoy australian food customs
3 penus has already abused the privledges and this will be why we choose to do this

>> No.7290874


>> No.7290875
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Oh god I love the rules.

>can't talk about us anywhere (internet etc)
HAHAHAH, good one.
>We dislike non-education jealoussy gossip people.
Uh-oh, no seagulls allowed!

>> No.7290879

To sure as hell I'll talk about it!
But I've got no interests in going TLC style and recording video of Bodyline representatives so I can chop and change their sentences for my will and gain Youtube revenue

Anyway will Yan even be there?

>> No.7290882

>we dislike non-education jealoussy gossip people
Ooooh, are you talking about Venus & Margaret, Mr Yan? I think you are!

Nah, Super Wizard Yan needs to drop in on the BBQ from a parasail with a crate of Passion Pop under his arm. Then we can all go to Movie World and have pics with Bugs Bunny.

>> No.7290883

I don't which I'm more excited for, this or the design contest. Can't wait!

>> No.7290889
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Fuck that Bodyline rule.
I was thinking of having some uber fun and donning ~my finest lolita~ and then just finishing it off with some BL shoes. Then maybe for their survey they can learn a two about decent design.
Oh welzz. At least I have a chance to actually wear my BL dress out. What are you guys planning on wearing?
pic related

>> No.7290894

PLEASE someone needs to go and have a hidden video camera recording everything.

If not just for the lulz, we need more evidence of Mr Yan being creepy/dishonest/doing illegal things.

>> No.7290904


>> No.7290906
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its time to make use of those giant headbows ladies

>> No.7290915

I hope I wont be the only seagull there. I'm sure a lot will be there with ita intentions and I dont wanna waste my day hanging out with squeely weebs y'know

>> No.7290918

no mention of freebies? lame.

>> No.7290926

I know! I want to see Mr. Yan on film. It's going to be hilarious.

>> No.7290986

So who was the contest winner? where were they from?

>> No.7290992

Just... wow. First Misako, now the great Mr. Yan himself. The Japanese lolita world is finally paying attention to us!

>> No.7291084

pretty miffy we got yan >:0

>> No.7291105

>18th Jan
Oh well. I'm not travelling 5 hours to go to this when I'll be travelling to the Gold Coast next month. Can't wait to hear all about it!

>> No.7291161

no one else going?

everyone in the fb comm are taking it as a joke

>> No.7291212


>> No.7291221

I wonder if the reason that they want your details is so that if anything about the party does come out in a negative light they can try put a ban on someone. :/

>> No.7291230
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Vernissage - the lolita goon bag of choice.

>> No.7291233

Just give them fake details. Hahaha.

>> No.7291237

Partially that, I reckon.

I think really they just want to weed out whose already a customer or not and who just wants free food/fuck around

>> No.7291396

im tempted to go in full brand

>> No.7291404

they're eating BBQ, not worth it

>> No.7291408

its a dress code, jesus.
no matter how much you hate the event just comply.

theres better ways to have fun than pretending you're richer than everyone else there, because im sure some devout brand whores would be digging out a old BL piece to attend and maybe piggyback some mr yan fame.

>> No.7291411

you cant detect sarcasm can you. m joking and if i go im wearing my first bodyline dress

>> No.7291414

its to rsvp.
its easy for anyone to abuse the system and send like 5 emails on diff accounts to fuck with them and tell them theyre coming, have 500 sausages and 30 loaves of bread bought and only have 30 lolitas attend.

>> No.7291415

All wrong. I wouldn't be surprised if Mr. Yan asked what age, height, weight and ethnicity you were to weed out all of the uglies. Of course he would only want to give cheap food and soda to cute girls.

>> No.7291416

im sure some people are out there seriously thinking this though.

anyway to add to >>7291414
to calm any worries with knowing names and if you're actually a customer of theres is still reasonable considering not only will they need to be purchasing food and drink, but be hiring a place to host. i seriously doubt itd be in a park or at the beach. but these people are flying over from japan, its not like theyre just gonna host willy nilly.

well there goes everyone

>> No.7291418

You type like the same person although I'm almost certain you're two different people. Its kind of cute.

>> No.7291419

it would be funny if someone wore full brand though. will be sneaking the camera just incase

>> No.7291422

yep two different people and i agree its cute

>> No.7291430
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well i know im one of thse people

camera phones. we made it to 2014 gurl!

>mfw yan decides to confiscate our electronic accesses to the outside world

>> No.7291433

i kinda wanna know who you are so we can plot

>> No.7291434

I just noticed that it mentions 'keymen', does this mean only his representatives will visit?

>> No.7291451

So there is gold coast gulls around (the lolita kind anyway). Does anyone else want to go but doesn't own ANY Bodyline? Will Mr Yan be so furious with me if I turn up in AP? I might bring my deco-den tongs to set the mood.

>> No.7291456

I dont own any Bodyline so I don't know what to do. Indie brand dresses???

>> No.7291454

if you are able to forgive me for failing sarcasm

ooh what colour are you planning wearing? i have the blue one if i decide on it.

keymen are VIP. theres little people i see are important to the store besides yan himself i imagine, but i guess there'll be some models and assistants too, and most likely designer since "improvements" and "what kind of customers" are part of the "talk" they'll be having.

well i for one am definitely in favor of 2M sizes.

>> No.7291460

i forgive you dear anon-chan

>> No.7291465

No harm in emailing them.
Though I'm still waiting for their reply to my rsvp mail. Otherwise maybe ask someone to borrow. Not like a little BBQ on a $40 dress would be a harm.

>> No.7291470

i'd lend you one of mine if you're real desperado to attend and dont want to face any yan-fury.

even tho BL is a shit business, im sure like any event for btssb or MM or whatever you will be wearing the host's brand. this is our 2nd chance with in six months we've had interest from the lolita world for australia, if we dont make ourself sound like complete tards we could get a stronger lolita presence.

coz hey, apparently the gold coast is known for its strong japanese presense with its karoke bars etc, maybe this could be the next BTSSB brick and mortar. (please)

>> No.7291471

This is Mr Yan we're talking about, he's not going to fly out the Bodyline crew, he's a Chinese skinflint. In the cheapest venue possible with the cheapest food (discount hamburger patties, paper plates, byo utensils) you'll get Yan, his old lady assistant, the creepy photographer guy, and maybe one other old Chinese person if you're lucky.

>> No.7291476

oh, i know that this is gonna be cheap as hell for sure.
but i mean more on their behalf, BL not ordering a place with air con in a place world reknown for heat in the middle of summer sounds dumb without getting a trustworthy RSVP that includes names and if you're an actual customer, is what im trying to say about the concern.

looks to me to be like some kind of mini Bodyline convention more than a great tea party

>> No.7291488
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Never in my life would I have thought that my outfit was too expensive to attend a lolita event.

How do you think I will go in the design competition?

>> No.7291491


>> No.7291562

My eyes!!...such beauty!

>> No.7291568
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could work

>> No.7292066
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Any idea who the new < Ice princess> could be?

>> No.7292071

What a pass at Penus.

>> No.7292084

It's gonna b gud

>> No.7292267

that was actually cute video. looks like it was taken while she was in Japan. I wonder if she told earlier mr Yan that she can ice skate?

>> No.7292274

bump desu

>> No.7292406

its cute, and then you become sad because you know how horribly bodyline accommodates their guest models.

>> No.7292443

Damn. I live on the Gold Coast and have been wanting to get into lolita for ages, but I haven't bought any dresses yet. I wish they gave us more warning!

>> No.7293413

So does anybody know where it is being held yet? I cant find a recent order code so I can't rsvp, I'm just curious as to whether it's in public or a cheap ass hotel room.

>> No.7293469

I really wanna go but I'm not sure I can make it because of 1. work and 2. I only own 1 bodyline skirt T_T I might go stalk our comm sales....

tbh I want to go more because I'm curious, there's so much hype and bad press about bodyline...it's like an invitation to a possible train wreck. I've got my expectations low though!

>> No.7293505

>i guess there'll be some models and assistants too
No, honey. Don't forget that Bodyline's idea of modelling is someone who doesn't get paid or any freebies at all, what do you think you're going to get at bodyrine barbeque? I'm thinking coles $3 mince and 90c softdrink.

>> No.7293593

They could at least spring for a chicken stick and a Mars Bar biscuit for afters.

>> No.7293598


>> No.7293603

>3 is to be a Japanese or Korean language teacher
Sorry cracka but that will never happen. No one wants to take Japanese lessons from a pasty white weeaboo.

>> No.7293614

Are you bitches serious? Bodyline isn't notorious for being expensive. Fucking pick the cheapest OP or JSK you can find, and buy EMS shipping (if you get one product that is light, the shipping shouldn't be too expensive). It'll definitely be at your house in time for the event NEXT MONTH.
I doubt BL will be checking the tags to make sure your blouse, shoes and bags are ALL from their store. Just the main pieces.

Jesus fuck, you bitches are whiny. Don't into Lolita if you can't buy the CHEAPEST SHIT

>> No.7293617

Reminder that bodyline does not pay because model would need work Visa for that

>> No.7294173

Calm your tits, anon. You're getting upset over nothing here.
It's not next month, it's Jan 18th. Next week. I could definitely buy one dress, but I don't have any shoes, leggings, wigs or accessories to make up a whole coord. So yes, it's a shame they didn't give us more time to prepare. I'm sure more people would have been able to make plants to come if we had more warning.

>> No.7294208


relax your mammories, you're getting excited over nothing.

>> No.7294329

4 only girls who can be Mr. Yan waifu

>> No.7295322

I'm sorry for not wasting my money on sub par quality clothes? Theres a reason why some of us don't own any bodyline, I would rather pay an extra 30% and get a brand blouse secondhand or pay double and get a new one. Quality over quantity is key in my wardrobe, sorry for not being cheap!

>> No.7295450

>muh brandzzzzz

>> No.7295486
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18th eh?

Fuck that, YCS Sydney is on and Madolches arent going to top themselves!

>> No.7295738

Hang on, when I say anything at all about brand vs bodyline? Are you even reading the posts you're replying to?

>> No.7295815

I wanna buy bodyline to be honest.

>> No.7295826

Just read this on the bodyline website haha

Amanda worked very hard and was very patient. We wanted to make the best photos, so we did more than usual, but she kept her smile until we finished.

We can’t believe she is an American. She is even more kind than Japanese.

We visited the USA twice 5 years ago, but we only visited big cities: New York, San Francisco, etc.

We feel big city people are a lot more pushy and unfriendly.

>> No.7295842

>Mr Yan decided to visit the USA this year.
>Maybe one day Mr Yan will knock on your door!?
Don't forget to lock your door!

>> No.7295858

I'm curious

I RSVP but they haven't replied yet

and anon you can just use your email in the Tracking page and it should reveal your last order? it said you need only your most recent, not just "recent"

>> No.7295863

a skirt is all you need? its a main piece. heck I doubt they'll remember their products by blouse design either
I dunno what part of that statement was saying they weren't going yo be cheap, I've been saying that myself as well y know. unless you assumed from saying " VIP " it means it would be good.. coz VIP doesn't always mean celebrities or people of high standing, its just very important people to the business

>> No.7295873

Don't into being a massive swollen urethra if you're not going to read things properly before you try tell someone something.

>> No.7295876

did anyone get a reply to their RSVP yet?

>> No.7296010

So who wants to bet that Xelyna will turn up in a brown wig and lie about her age in hopes that Mr. Yan whisks her back to Japan

>> No.7296021

I doubt it anon. I bet she doesn't even own bodyline. Also do you have a vendetta against her or what?

>> No.7296105

I just think she is fake as hell and annoying. WEI SHAMAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.7296359

anons, i had a terribly dream last night! i was preparing to go to the bodyline bbq, borrowing some bodyline gear from another girl. white blouse, squirrel party skirt, it was an altered one, and...it was like a barrel. held no poof. i sat down to do my makeup and put on a wig/accessories, friends telling me to hurry up, and when i looked at the clock, it was 10pm, not 1 or 2 (the time the shindig was supposed to start). im not even from australia. I WOULDNT EVEN WANT TO GO TO THIS THING.

>> No.7296893

it's time to get off /cgl

>> No.7296947

but /cgl/ holds such a special place in my heart ;_;

>> No.7296978

Can we also talk about the design contest?
I'm tempted to design them something that has a hidden dick on it (so I can laugh if they choose it)...

>> No.7297063
File: 239 KB, 838x648, tartanjsk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did some shitty 10 minute photoshop job to submit.
The world needs more tartan.

>> No.7297070
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>burberry lolita

>> No.7297089

Not only can you be burando in the east, with my new bodyline dress design, you can also be burando in the west.

>> No.7297181

So has anyone gotten an invite yet?

>> No.7297301

I like the tartan, but I think the bow should really be on the waist rather than the chest. It look kind of bad, imo.

>> No.7297402

This looks really good if the fabric is good quality. I like the simple design in the front with the plain waistband and let's hope they don't fuck it up. Do it anon!!

>> No.7297451

Nope. I emailed them again asking if they got my email though and this is what was said:

We just arrive surfers now.
we will book place and send email to everyone on Friday.
Thank you

>> No.7297452


I wasn't going to put any bows at all to be honest except the waist ties. I know bodyline likes to add 7482737 bows to their dresses, so I kept it simple and added one bow only at the top because I'm anticipating they'd take the design and put itchy lace and satin bows all over.

I hope the fabric is decent, I think that is what makes or break tartan.

>> No.7297655

where do i submit? and is that a template for the contest or did you do it yourself?

>> No.7297718
File: 33 KB, 470x466, spy-watch-lcd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

m-mr yan, what time is it?

>> No.7297727

buy one off the sales comm? or ebay
would arrive in time

>> No.7298016

2014 Dress print Design contest start!
Send you print design to c@bodyline.co.jp
If we decide to make your design you get to keep it as a present and
maybe we will invite you to come to our event etc.
We will make a lot of print dresses this year!
The deadline is the end of Jan.
Do your best and good luck!

Itt's really easy to find premade lolita dress template on google images.

>> No.7298025

could people submit more than one?

>> No.7298031

since its not plural I would guess not.

>> No.7298046

that sucks, i love making designs and would like to submit a bunch.

>> No.7298265
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no this. duh.

>> No.7298267
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I win.

>> No.7298279

I had one of these when I was little. Coolest shit to have as a kid, even though it served little purpose at the time.

>> No.7299236
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You know what this means?

>> No.7299426

Anyone need a lift lol? My boyfriend has gone to study with Tibetan monks for 3 months so I'm lonely and don't know any coast lolita's. I just want a bitchy cgl bff

>> No.7300680

Put some yellow tartan in there, gurl I need more 'o dat

>> No.7300690
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>> No.7300691

submit all anyways!!!! (that's what i'm doing and if they say only one i'll just say oopsie)

>> No.7300699

Just submit from different email addresses.

>> No.7300703

bodyline has too much tartan.

>> No.7300807

not on the coast but im looking for someone to chill with~ id be glad to get you and drive you there if you can find me free parking aha

>> No.7301046

I tried emailing c and bodyline but the email address wouldnt work. Could someone post the email address here?

>> No.7301069

yes free parking is what I'm dying for :(

>> No.7301072

I've emailed c@bodyline.co.jp twice and got a reply to the second email. the first was my form for an invite and the 2nd was me asking if they got it, they just said they are gonna send invites the night before it happens... wtf

>> No.7301074

The depending factor of me going is if my bodyline gets here in time, otherwise I don't know what I would wear, cult party kei maybe, I'm not sure


use the Bruce Bishop carpark ladies, I'm a local and I swear by it, cheaper than parking on the street and safer

>> No.7301078

Wait have they revealed their location yet?

>> No.7301079

you're wonderful, thank you!

its going to be a long drive for me so I hope seeing this infamy will be worth it lel

>> No.7301080


No not yet, but this carpark is literally in the middle of everything, wherever the bodyline thing is held it's going to be at least within a 500 meter radius of this place

>> No.7303136

is the carpark flat rate fair?

>> No.7303139


read this link, it has all the prices, they're pretty reasonable considering you can ALWAYS get a space here. If you can find a spot around town it's free but very easy to get fined for being there too long

>> No.7303141
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>> No.7303144


gurl you up for this? i'll be your lift i really want someone to go with me ahaha

>> No.7303145

>mfw I find this trolling yanny boy shit hilarious but you are a man so you can't get in to yanland GC
>I have no face for this anguish

>> No.7307344
File: 75 KB, 480x800, 2014-01-17_12-19-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yanny boy sprang for the soul, maybe this won't be as cheap as we thought?

>> No.7307393


>> No.7307402

Holy shit, such Engrish.

>> No.7307414

>Don't talk about us anywhere
Scares me every time.

>> No.7307423

>hi, lucky girl
I got the chills. Good luck brave seagull

>> No.7307433

They didnt call me a lucky girl :'(

>> No.7307443

Don't worry, parking is free now.

I sent them a message asking if I can invite my friend since we're roommates and always share our bodyline orders.. Then they gave me this MASSIVE REPLY in BIG BOLD BRIGHT ALARMING RED LETTERS that I need to show a photo ID of my friend... urughhuhuh. I dont feel like fussing around with her to bother with this. What does having a Drivers License photo have to do with entering this.

>> No.7307446

Overall its making me uncomfortable :(

>> No.7307456


(no but please do come, I'm bringing a guy friend over I dont want him to be lonerly)

>> No.7308162


we have less than 18 hrs left

>> No.7308266

are they still saying they might have a meet thing in Melbourne?

>> No.7308286

OH GOD I'M SO LOOKING FORWARD TO HEARING BACK ABOUT THIS!! So sad I can't go since not in Oz, but how many seagulls bringing cameras or planning on shooting/recording hidden shit on their phones?

>> No.7308371

holy shit, I'm late to the party but that's the shitty template I drew for an online design contest like 5 years ago


>> No.7308412

Probably want to ID check that it's not Venus, Venus' mum or someone with a Bodyline axe to grind.

Anyway, can you please do a FULL REPORT with a BLOW BY BLOW account when you get back?

>> No.7308426

probably none.

>> No.7308490

ill be taking hidden snaps

>> No.7308509

I have no dea what to wear since i dont own anything bodyline other than socks, wigs and shoes. Should I wear something indie? (nightmare rising???)

>> No.7308541

>6,if you are invited,just wear our dresses and come.

How did you get an invite if you don't have any Bodyline? don't you have to give them your last invoice?

>> No.7308546

NVM just realised you have Bodyline socks wigs shoes.

Carry on everyone

>> No.7308547

If you don't have a dress, I do recommend wearing something indie that's not too recognizable.
Either solid color or floral print.

>> No.7308554

The amoun of bodyline wigs and shoes i own is tremendous. I just ordered a new head piece too :3


I don't own much indie stuff so I'm thinking either Nightmare Rising or a Lady Sloth pocket watch dress

>> No.7308556

I live like 15mins away from GC and am willing to accidentally crash the party in my shorts and thongs.

This is my first time on this board

>> No.7308559

fuckin do it mate

>> No.7308561

I think Nightmare Rising is good, the Pocket Watch dress might draw more attention.

>> No.7308566

Can we somehow convince /fit/ to show up there and just completely crash it and intentionally only talk like bogans? If Zyzz was here he would of done it.

>> No.7308569


Why does /cgl/ love /fit/ so much?

>> No.7308580

I only ment it would be funny to have a bunch of bulky overly aussie blokes crash a party intended for girls in frilly poofy dress. Mr.Yan might get flustered and his little chinese kokoro doki.

>> No.7308583


I believe /cgl/ did a poll where they would only touch people from /fit/ from 4chan

>> No.7308584

Oh god my Nightmare Rising dress is a bit big even though its a size 6 I lookl ike a fucking landwhale. At least I'll be at the beach~

>> No.7308589

Okay but that doesn't change my point I was trying to express when I made my post. I can see why people ould be more attracted to guys with aesthetics though. We are pretty shallow.

>> No.7308595


>We are pretty shallow.


>> No.7308599


Can't anyway - my lolita girl can't make it due to previous engagements. But you better all try your darndest to get a sneaky clip of yanny boy for me!

>> No.7308605
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We like pretty things. That said I don't personally think I am that shallow. Although I do admire attractive looking men and find muscled bodies visually superior. I wouldn't however date someone based purely off this. I dated a guy who went on /b/ because he was very nice to me and he wasn't the most handsome, he also had very bad acne that started to clear up towards the end of relationship, he looked a lot better to be honest without it, but then he turned into an arsehole so I dumped him, (I god damn cried when I did too because I am such a pleb and I felt guilty). But yes we are generally pretty shallow in terms of announcing whom we would theoretically date over the internet.

>> No.7308613


>we would theoretically date over the internet.

Makes sense. Thanks for the honesty. I must say this board is like coming onto a completely different website, which is kind of nice for a change.

>> No.7308625
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I'd have to agree that we are one of the boards with the more unique feeling to it in comparison to the majority, but not all, of the other boards. People tend to generally write in a more friendly manner, I have to say I have adopted it too, I didn't notice until I was posting on /a/ once and they legitimatley called me out on it saying it was strange. Unfortunatley this board does get a lot of traffic coming off other communities like tumblr or facebook, not that it is always a bad thing. however a few tend to do things along the lines of what we would commonly shun, posting emoticons is one of the seemingly lesser offences yet the one that annoys me to wits end, we are a image board for fucks sake. If you plan on staying for any length of time as an active poster I simply advise you to try to be polite or people will react unkidly and ask you to scoop the sand from your vagina, although being straight forward as you were in >>7308595 will also usually get you what you need if it is a request.

>> No.7308632

You've never looked like a landwhale!

>> No.7308635


Do many guys come to this board?

>> No.7308642
File: 722 KB, 680x739, 1388651624164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes but they are usually always cosplayers. We have a few male tripfags as well like ValleLator and such, I don't really bother with remembering them as I don't find my self caring, I remember ValleLator because I often see him posting in threads I read. The males generally stick to the progress, help, prop and sudgestion theads though it seems as well as a few others like selfposts ect, of and of course the fap threads. You seldom see them post in lolita thread though but doesn't mean they don't at all.

>> No.7308644
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>> No.7308653
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Alrighty awesome. Thanks for being helpful. Even though I've never cosplayed I like looking at all the costumes and stuff.

>> No.7308668

I've seen you before. It's funny when you find someone you know on cgl. You should totes show up in Iron Gate.

>> No.7308672
File: 45 KB, 132x154, 1380107269714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem man, I try to be useful. As much as I endorse people lurking until they have a general idea of how to behave on a specific board sometimes it's just easier to give people a breif outline. For example I shorten a lot of my words and use slang a lot on other websites as I am a bad speller and don't like putting a lot of effort into typing. like if i was on facebook i wud be talkin liek this cos it's easier for me. However I know it erks many people on here so I try to clean up my act. If people are told straight up don't use "LOL" don't use emoticons, speak in full sentaces unless using greentext because it upsets a great deal of people, they probably won't.

>> No.7308676

Ahhhhh who are you!!!! Will you be coming. Though the temptation is there I wont do it. Saving Iron Gate for the next comm

>> No.7308679

Thats waaaay too unlikely...
Whats the chances of us getting kicked out? I aint driving all the way from the Sunshine Coast just to get kicked the fuck out.

>> No.7308681

Oh gawd

and then Bodyline forever never wants to come to Australia and removes Flat rate shipping

>> No.7308682

They'd mostly be fat or hungry skeletons, not fit.

>> No.7308685

All the more Australian then.

>> No.7308686
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>> No.7308690
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>> No.7308692
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>> No.7308695
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>> No.7308703
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this was too funny in my head.

>> No.7308707
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>> No.7308709

A fellow AATP fan.
Aww I can definitely understand and Iron Gate is too classy for a yan barbecue. Sadly no, I don't even own any bodyline dresses.
Next comm? Con?
Also p.s. I hope you sneak a photo of Mr.Yan!

>> No.7308712
File: 7 KB, 224x224, heuheuhe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


aha thats good

>> No.7308730

I hope Mr.Yan makes it to secrets this week. Also do people have plans on telling him about the drop bear?

>> No.7309076

Things I want someone to put their big girl bloomers on and ask mr. yan:
>do the models really stay in that hotel?
>do the models really work all day with only one break?
>why are your models all white? can't black girls be models?
(I personally don't care but depending how he responds oh boy will mr yan look like a tool)
>you should restock your english site more
>Yan-kun, I've been a fan of bodyline for a while, your old site design was so cool! what happened?

>> No.7309138
File: 16 KB, 640x368, 1283154959714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>We can't believe she is an American. Even more kind than Japanese

>Mr Yan decided to visit the USA this year.
Maybe one day Mr Yan will knock on your door!?

Prepare yourselves, American seagulls.

>> No.7309318

I'll prepare my

>> No.7309322
File: 37 KB, 480x320, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god haha

>> No.7309433


>> No.7309459

Australia to fit is kinda what people think Japan is to /a/. Like some jacked paradise in a continent constantly out to kill you. Clubs with swole 6ft+ motherfuckers and sloots errywhere. Bogans lifting lmao2petrocans and barrel chested abbos with spears.

Please, for all that is frilly and good, let there be a swole invasion at the BBQ with some loud music and Zyzz-tier dancing.

>> No.7309587

yes con im gomen

>> No.7309981

anybody here yet?

>> No.7310367

Guzman y goman.
I probably won't have anything as impressive as Iron Gate for the next con but hopefully I can acquire a dream dress or get some moitie.

>> No.7310388


Plese enjoy suprise sausage yanwich.

>> No.7310406
File: 731 KB, 500x264, topkeklel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I just had to watch a video of Zyzz dancing. Oh man, I wish I was an Australian lolita with a /fit/ bf now.


>> No.7310448

R.I.P in peace Zyzz.

>> No.7310465

have we got any deets from the girls who went ??

>> No.7310468
File: 412 KB, 450x189, WANT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw, shiet. This makes me want to do the para para all over again.

This! I hope someone managed to sneak a photo or two.

>> No.7310512
File: 986 KB, 622x696, bodlinebbqextravaganza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gather around dear children and let me tell you a tale. A tale of 4 lolitas and a fashion wizard.

Please, call me J. in This is the story of I, a quiet girl, C, a well presented cutie, D, a newbie who is settling in and A, a rather...interesting girl.

I awoke this morning and prepared myself for this meet. I put on my dress and wore my bodyline shoes, socks and wigs. I drove into the city and picked up C, then made the long trip down to surfers.

Unfortunately the traffic was awful. Our 1 hour trip turned into a 1 and a half hour trip, but we arrived at Soul just in time. C and I made it to the foyer and we were stopped by a man in a pink shirt and shorts. He introduced himself as Mr Murakami and asked if we were here for bodyline. We nodded. He ticked our names off and said Mr Yan was waiting for us. He took up to an elevator and we got in.

When we got off we walked down a long corridor. C and I looked at each other as we passed some indoor spas. I expected Mr Yan to be lounging in there and I started to giggle. Suddenly we were in a beautiful roof top garden. Mr Murikami stopped and let us walk.
"Mr Yan."
It was really him. He shook our hands and offerened us a seat and an outdoor bbq table. There was a girl, D. She looked nervous. We introduced ourselves and Mr Yan asked us typical questions like what styles we like and what we do for a living. There was a lady, Ms Takinami, who offered us Woolworths cookies and mini chip packets.She then started to prepare salmon on the bbq.

After a while A arrived. 4 of us were there. We talked typical things. He asked us what we wanted from Bodyline. I told him that it would be nice if he restocked the english store more. C asked him if he could get a proof reader for the english site to fix up some errors. A asked if he could make larger sized blouses and went on about being plus sized. It somehow got onto the topic about contraception aides and they were...rather interested in knowing about them?


>> No.7310513
File: 116 KB, 704x960, bodlinebbqextravaganza2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turns out they didn't know about Implanon and A went into great detail for them. C, D and I were covering our faces trying not to laugh. They didnt understand, they thought that it meant that you couldnt have sex at all, so poor C had to translate for them.

We were serves the bbq salmon along with a tuna salad. C, D and I can't stad seafood so we were glad that there was sliced steak and mini hot dogs. Though they tasted like salmon... for dessert we had woolworths mini cupcakes. Ms Takinami asked us if we had plans for marriage in the future. We were also asked about our eating habbits and what our dream for the future were. Mr Yan said that most girls tell him that they want to live in japan so he was surprised. He asked to have some photos with us and then we moved down to the beach. We had photos and went into the water to do some jump shots. Lolita and the beach isn't the best combination.

When it was time to leave Mr Yan said he would get us free parking as was promised. He said he needed to come in our cars to get it. So I unlocked my car and he hopped in the back. Mr Yan was in the back of my car. We got out and he thanked us for coming. On the way home the car was filled with giggled, mostly about the contraceptive conversation. I dropped C off at work then finally arrived home.

Overall he wasnt creepy towards us. Just...strange and awkward. It was an interesting experience though. It did feel weird having him put his arm around me in the photos though. So not creepy, just really awkward. Enjoy your evening dear people.

>> No.7310515 [DELETED] 

Where are they all... are they dead...

>> No.7310518

There were only 4 of you?
Thanks for the report! Mr Yan is definitely creepy. And cheap.
The event sounds like it kinda bombed...

>> No.7310519
File: 22 KB, 126x126, 1329717067768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>woolies being mentioned in /cgl/ lolita stories

why is this so hilarious to me

>> No.7310521

Very nice location though and very happy with free parking

>> No.7310523

Only 4 of you? Now I wish I'd gone - still I don't own bodyline so....Sounds like it wasn't bad, I hope he comes back then. A contraception discussion would have been way awkward, although why did they ask if you'd like to get married? Props to all the aussie lolitas for not being total bodyline weeaboo models and saying 'I want to live in kawaii desu desu japan neh!?' Should be a nice change for the bodyline staff to meet some more level headed individuals...

Not surprised about the woolworths food though.

>> No.7310524

Fun fact Mr Yan was at Supanova last year

>> No.7310527

bisnova or gold coast ?

>> No.7310530

4 white girls ? no... he wont be fapping over his dream come true tonight

>> No.7310531

bris i think

>> No.7310533

actually we werent all wite

>> No.7310536

oh so thats probably why he wasnt being creepy to you

>> No.7310538

I think the short notice was a really big factor in that.
I would've gone if I had known more than a week beforehand.

>> No.7310540

im white though lol
OH an C told him about that person who got the lucky pack with the sleeves and he laughed and said that it was an accident that a worker did and he said that if the girl emails him he will send her another pack

he also said that he hates big brand lolita companies

>> No.7310555

yup, defs glad i didn't just go anyways in ap >.>
As >>7310538 said, this was really short notice, no time to buy something new, no time to cancel other plans.

really? How come it wasn't more..idk...talked about?

>> No.7310566

he just went to visit. and he didnt wear his wizard get up lol

>> No.7310593

What the heck! Who knew we were sharing the same building with him the whole time.

Do you know if he's coming back to Australia?

>> No.7310597

Same, I couldn't get my name rostered off at McDs so I couldn't get the day off in time :/ We need two weeks advance and I'm sure lots of places are the same. I'm so pissed by that short notice. I RSVPd anyway hoping some luck I could get the day off but eh. It was nice hearing back!

>> No.7310599

he likes it here and im pretty sure he'll be back he likes surfing and i said that id like his next promo video to be him surfing in his get up

>> No.7310601

10 people were meant to turn up and only 4 did

>> No.7310602

ily, this is amazing.
I love how they seem to be interacting with foreigners like they are liasing with a whole different species!

>> No.7310635

I'm actually curious to meet him now. I would have made my complaint to him to make longer dresses since in Australia the average female height is 5'3''..
Yep, one was definitely me lol. Did they seem any bit miffed about the lack of turn ups?

>> No.7310636

he said that there arent a lot of lolitas and he only saw 2 at nova.

>> No.7310638

mr yan's bald shines like a glorious sun

>> No.7310643

Did he elaborate on why he hated them? Oh man I would have went if I didn't stay like 1000km away or something.

>> No.7310649

I dont remember much i think it was something along the lines of they dont produce enough of each of their items and they look down on him and want him to raise the price. ill ask c she would probs remember better than me lol

>> No.7310669

Awesome job, Agent J!

Fuck, I called the Coles brand Mars Bar biscuits earlier. So close, soooo close.

>10 people were meant to turn up and only 4 did

So a normal Lolita Meetup then?

>> No.7310670

>yfw photos are published on bodyline's site and black girl is cut out

>> No.7310673


>> No.7310675

no. but knowing yan and all its possible.
it was just a joke anon. I wish, that would be great and hilarious.

>> No.7310710

I noticed he's been having this goal with him and producing lolita that he wants all girls even if they're poor to feel like princesses?

sounds more what a woman
or a drag queen would relate to and make a goal of than a straight male but w/e. maybe he's implying that big brands only give that opportunity to rich girls or "girls who are already princesses"
just like the deal with Venus, how he started questioning her attitude that she had when she visited like she was already a princess in her mind, and how he normally would choose a model who is yet to feel like a princess.

my skepticism anyway

>> No.7310714

what yo
even on the Sunday when it was least busiest I saw like 8 lolitas

he's a fool to believe making a last minute event would harvest the most attendees - in summer. not like we have bullet trains to get us around

>> No.7310718

xD he's so creepy but this post made me go 'awww' that'd be so nice if it were true. Now i want to try for the next bodyline contest...seems like it'd be more awkward than creepy nowadays, especially after the venus debacle. I know you get worked a fair bit but I wonder if they'd put off the return flight a few days if you said you booked a hotel to stay in japan a few days longer ( a week tops).

>> No.7310720

Well, boys grew up watching Disney too. I have met a few guys who have a help-damsels-in-distress outlook. Perhaps enabling girls to feel like princesses is Mr Yan's way of acting out his Disney Expectations.

>> No.7310742

he's definitely someone who lets himself get lost in the clouds in his own narratives

ie dressing like gosu wizard
weird sale shenanigans (its never just a store sale now, it has to have some background theme)

also to add to the "he wants to help girls feel like a princess deal" there is also that spiel he wrote recently about relaunching more lucky packs even though he couldnt do any more coz it would cost his business too much so he made ones with defects

>> No.7310824

So he asked us to guess his age. I guessed the highest at 43 (Spoiler: He's 35) I try cover my ass by saying it's unexpected for a CEO to be so young. He mentions the ages of Baby and APs owners. I asked if he talks with them. He says "no, they hate me" He said when Bodyline first launched with kera/glb, the other brands told him he was too cheap and to raise prices.
The most awkward thing that happened was the girl who brought up the contraceptive discussion.
(Just popped my 4ch cherry, yew yew)

>> No.7310829

C it's 2.09 in the morning. Go to bed. thanks for the goss though love.

>> No.7310861

Aussie lolitas being taller was mentioned in the bigger sizes discussion, as in longer torsos. So hopefully some longer dresses?

>> No.7311536

mfw when I'm short as shit with no bust and want bodyline to make smaller sizes >.>

am i the only one?

>> No.7311565

stop being poor and buy brand then

>> No.7311566

bodyline does make smaller sizes.

>> No.7311576

Yeah, only 4 is a tiny tea party! Well, barbeque. But it was super short notice.

I don't think this is exactly proof he's creepy.

>> No.7311578

j here. i asked mr yan about smaller size blouses. im very short and im too petite to fit a lot of brand blouses (i have to wear like 2 bras and wear them under jsks or high waisted skirts) they will be looking into making more sizes

>> No.7311589

They want him to raise the price? Interesting. So is there like a price cartel going on where brands collude to charge high prices for better profits, and they don't like that he's stopping them being the only place people can buy off? I'd always assumed that brands just need to charge that to stay afloat on small runs, but if they want him to raise prices before quality it might be a price fix thing...

>> No.7311595

It's not just you. They do technically make small stuff, but it seems to only be a few items. I've had to buy most of my stuff slightly too big in medium, since the majority of items just come in medium and large.

>> No.7311604

I think maybe it's just that brands make high profit margins off certain items (like super-expensive socks and pleather shoes) and not as much on dresses. Kind of like how McDonald's make more profit on sodas than burgers? But because (unlike print dresses) socks and shoes are less instantly identifiable as to which brand they belong too (and some brand non-patterned OTKs are pretty generic), I think they brands lose marketshare even to lolitas who look down on Bodyline because they'll secretly buy non-brand shoes, OTKs, etc. The low prices on Bodyline dresses don't matter so much because everyone can tell it's Bodyline, but I think brands lose market on shoes.

>> No.7311618

So only 4 people were there?
That's interesting. I know everyone says Yan is a creep but somehow I don't fully believe it. I wouldn't put it past internet Lolitas to blow things out of proportion and when maybe some small stuff is lost in translation. My guess is at worst he is a little weird or awkward.
I wouldn't mind sitting around and having a talk with him.

>> No.7311803

When was Bodyline ever in Kera or GLB though? Except for small paid ads in the back or an occasional street snap? He's probably lying. I hate to sound all _ifwinterends, but remember, Bodyline is a costume shop, not a lolita store, in Japan. It's not even in the same genre, so why would actual lolita brands even talk to BL?

>> No.7311812

Well, people in the industry get together at market road shows. It wouldn't be strange if their paths crossed at some time.

>> No.7311815

He's definitely been a creep to model contest winners, there's no question of that. Nadia posted on egl about how he proposed to her and was generally pretty inappropriate the whole time she was there, but later deleted it. I wish I had the screencaps because it was pretty much the first time any western lolitas had heard about creepy Mr Yan. I think she just wanted to put the whole thing behind her in the end though, she was a bit creeped out by the Love Nadia dress as well (which was made because of Mr Yan's feelings for her, she got sent one after he made it)

>> No.7311818

>Why did they ask if you'd like to get married?
I think this may be due to cultural differences. I'm American, so this is just a guess, but perhaps it's not a weird question for a Chinese or Japanese person (Mr Yan is Chinese, right?).

>> No.7311838

if you think about it, the love Nadia dress is actually kind of romantic, a dress in your honor, with a drawing of you just being adorable.

but from someone who creeps you the hell out? ech. I'd still appreciate the gesture though

>> No.7312333

....I only own brand idiot that's the fucking problem, I wish I could buy cheap loli too is what I'm saying. God what's your problem?
size M is still too big on me and not much stock is a small. I can fit skirts though.

>> No.7312398

are you married is a pretty common and not weird question in china/s.korea/japan

>> No.7312434

fuck off with the asia culture specialists in every bodyline thread jesus. I'm Chinese and yes it's not rude or uncommon, but only from relatives in the "How's your life going, whats your job like, got a boyfriend?" way. Anyone else asking is strange and implies they're propositioning you somehow, and men don't ask that question to women ever. It's very fucking rude and creepy.

>> No.7312507

What sauce goes best with Alaskan Husky, sweet or more sour?

>> No.7312525

>putting sauce
Maybe it's just cuz I'm not Chinese. I prefer it in it's own blood.
I think they said all that because they didn't bother hiding the fact they were predating/scouting for models. Someone just said "Why still trying to get these white girls. We can't be doing with this shit no more. Fuck it. Just ask."

>> No.7312589

j here. are you me cus im exactly the same

>> No.7312662

Yeah but she'd already declined his proposal and said she wasn't interested - iirc, he said he wanted to marry her, but she could still have boyfriends - so it's a bit weird then. "Romantic" gestures are differentiated from "creepy" by the feelings involved.

Do you want to marry me is not, though.

>> No.7312681

I am still cracking up over the woolworths cupcakes and that Mr Yan was in yr car(wtf).

Why is no one freaking out and photoshopping Mr Yan in a car with lolis?

>> No.7312995
File: 250 KB, 900x675, YEAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7313034

Is this... On the site? In store?

>> No.7313045

What the fuck is even on sale?

>> No.7313048
File: 80 KB, 360x450, Woman-checking-rearview-mirror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best I could do

>> No.7313054

2 coats 10 dollars cheaper, yay

>> No.7313057


I think you mean YEAH!

>> No.7313066

pretty sure I meant yay

>> No.7313112

Which ones? I didn't even notice...

>> No.7313116

What the fuck mates im reading this entire thread in an extremely thick australian accent

>> No.7313138

take a look at the "price down" section. Geez, you seagulls can be inept.

>> No.7313161

I'm so happy, oh my god.

>> No.7313213

>we werent all white
so you mean that one asian girl?
not a black rori in sight

>> No.7313256

Yup, it's on the site. It's glorious. Thank you, Aussie seagulls. Can't wait for Yan to come to the US

>> No.7313352

gravity is a bitch, huh.

>> No.7313378

>that one girl who isn't off the ground
that's unfortunate

>> No.7313397

>Winter clearance
>Australian summer

>> No.7313532
File: 866 KB, 900x675, hoverhover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i couldnt help myself

>> No.7313695

j here. im literally crying oh my god you guys are perfies. our sacrifice was not in vein. i was also talking to c about how i always wanted to be a hover loli. dream come true.

>> No.7313746

Are you American?

Chances there are any 'black rori's' in Australia? Pretty fucking low if they aren't from America. You think we have a nice supportive socio economic environment that allows fresh of the boat Africans and forced onto the equivalent of a reservation Aboriginals (not including mixed race Aboriginals, who I think have a tendancy to pass as white) an opportunity at becoming affluent enough that they can wear lolita? That's a nice joke. So yes 'not all white' usually means asian in Australia, since they represent a pretty fucking large part of (affluent) non-white Australia.

>> No.7313803

omfg, thank you anon.
C here, I didn't find Mr Yan creepy really. It was awkward, but probably less awkward than the average conversation with a 35-yo chinese dude. I'm pretty sure that it was Ms Takinami that started asking about marriage. She's the one who asked me, anyway. He seemed more concerned with talking about Bodyline's market share and popularity in different cultures, sizing etc. Chicky on the left talking about how contraceptive = weight gain, then me being asked to translate - most awkward/hilarious part of the day. Of course, reporting back that he's normal doesn't make for a very good story...

>> No.7313833

Oh my god, hover Yan.

>> No.7314509

bampu, did anything weird happen at the bbq? deets roris

>> No.7314568

ok so we are pretty sure we all know who is who now, now that the pic is out from bodyline.

>> No.7314589

I love this so much, thanks for the delivery.

>> No.7314631

Why would you go in AP anyway? To be a bitch? I don't like bodyline either, but if its their event, it's really messed up to show up in another brand.

>> No.7314642

I hope he doesn't raise the price. One of the reasons I love BL is because I can get pieces here and there for cheap. I was planning to make my first big order this year.

I like the Yandy man's bald head, but I wish he dressed up. Was it warm out?

>> No.7314672
File: 8 KB, 812x732, the joke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7314749

>Was it warm out?

Between 27-31°C that day. (87.8 fahrenheit)
I was burnt pretty terribly :\

>> No.7314784


>> No.7314808

There's like at least a one page ad, if not a two page ad in volume 22 of the GLB, I noticed it the other night when looking through. This is just as prints were starting to come out (so AP doesn't have a full spread like they do now, and Baby has just done the brand whore print) I'm guessing they pulled them not long after fruits parlour, the next one I have after that (chronologically) is 27 and bodyline is long gone (rose Toilette is part of the AP spread, but it's still not a feature in the way that they are today).

>> No.7314831

Sorry, one page- page 99, vol 22.

>> No.7314914

>Baby has just done the brand whore print

>> No.7314918

I assume anon means the border print dress. Basically, just stripes of 'BABY, THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT' all over the skirt.

>> No.7314946
File: 72 KB, 232x313, baby_jsk_babyborderscalloped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes this, sorry, that was its colloquial name and I never actually learned it's real name, which I cannot find for the life of me- anyway that was the print of the month in volume 22 of GLB.

>> No.7315019

then you should be pronouncing it as
like us locals do.

>> No.7315021

strange, the sexy lingerie LP pack is the only one with a broken link hmmm.

>> No.7315024

Whoa, that's hideous

>> No.7315038

Isn't the true name soemthing like "poker print" ?

>> No.7315041

straya cunt

>> No.7315050

i keep looking at myself in that fucking jumping picture and laughing

>> No.7315051
File: 18 KB, 300x358, 895545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heavier than mr yan

>> No.7315053

Ahh. Are you in the Eastern States?

>> No.7315054

I photoshopped him with a huge boner but didn't have heart to post it.

>> No.7315058

Not really, NZ, was just joshing around

>> No.7315060

Why do itas go to store openings with btssb and ap in replicas? I would go in ap because i don't own bodyline - as stated not because i hate it but because it's too big @_@ it's not bitchy if it's the only thing I've got to wear...I didn't go anyways and i did ask around if anyone would let me borrow - I do understand it would have been rude and I would have worn something plain and not well known. i ended up having plans anyways so it didn't matter. The event was really last minute so i didn't have a chance to buy any either fyi

People in this thread are jumping to conclusions about everything I say....

>> No.7315061


>> No.7315067

>I must go, a lolita princess needs me

>> No.7315080

J, I expected a better coord from you.
I thought Yannie-chan requested bodyline be worn only, so why is there an RA dress (correct me if I'm wrong)? Did Yannie-chan comment on this?
I don't mean to be offensive or rude, but didn't any more kawaii girls submit an email? Those coords are just...damn...

>> No.7315086

my co ord looked better when i was actually wearing my socks, shoes and would see my head dress. also i look like im taking an atomic shit in the picture. i'll get photos of my co ord another time. i dont own any bodyline dress, as i told yan, they are too big on me but i support their shoes, wigs, socks and accessories. he actually really liked the dress and liked that my necklace matched it.

>> No.7315107
File: 862 KB, 900x675, mr yans chinese dragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7315140

I think I laughed more than I was supposed to looking at this.

>> No.7315649


>> No.7315732
File: 1.65 MB, 300x196, 1353612976279.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are wonderful

>> No.7316136

It was something like that. Trump Logo Border print? I can't remember. I just know that a few of the Oregon girls had it and that there was a replica someone found from KStar that had the name misspelled.

>> No.7317592

I love you anon.

>> No.7317688
File: 336 KB, 150x462, 1373156481407.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you too Anon.