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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7281327 No.7281327 [Reply] [Original]

So, am I wrong to say that I have notice a more, how can i say it "Tumblr" and potentially correct influence on /cgl/ in the behavior of this place?

I guess what I mean by that is that today's /cgl/, topics like drama, singling people out, the latest con rumors are frown upon and removed from here while about 2-3 years ago, topics like that weren't just welcome, they were the norm.

Another thing I have notice about /cgl/ today is how there is a sense of "Say something nice or don't say anything at all" mindset. Again, if you say something mean or cruel about somebody or something now, you will be banned or your topic will be deleted.

Pic not related

>> No.7281339

The lack of drama is because it's now banworthy. /cgl/ certainly isn't nice and doesn't pull punches, now or several years ago. Occasionally you see genuine tumblr but it's usually met with ridicule.

>> No.7281351

>post something about newest scammer alert
>get banned for two weeks for "doxing/personal army request"

>few days after ban, thread about same scammer pops up
>now on thread 2 about it

Mods and janitors are kinda ban happy nowadays. (Funny thing is that I didn't even find out I was banned until a week after it happened.)

>> No.7281352

perhaps. i think it just gotten softer in my eyes. That or is not summer yet.

>> No.7281362

Drama and singling people out were banned before everyone here started using Tumblr.

Honestly, I've been coming to various 4chan boards almost daily since 2007 and I have to admit that I like Tumblr way better. The SJW are annoying as fuck, but they pale in comparison to the cunts that plague the rest of this site. I'm glad /cgl/ isn't what it used to be.

Stone me all you want.

>> No.7281363

>OP whining about stuff without even knowing the basic facts

It's because Moot came here and asking for opinions and because of the dozens of daily threads about lolcows like Pixyteri, we got rid of singling out/vendetta shit.

We've also now got janitors and mods that actually do shit.

Also /cgl/ has always had a "Don't single out people" rule.

Also 2-3 years ago is, guess what, 2-3 years ago. Times change, people leave and new people come. 2-3 years ago we were up to our eyeballs in trips and now we've barely got five active ones which is a good thing.

>times change, get over it

>> No.7281382

>Occasionally you see genuine tumblr but it's usually met with ridicule.
One thing I've noticed lately are all the people calling "tumblr!" on shit that was the norm on /cgl/ before anyone was even on Tumblr. It's the latest sign of newfag.

>> No.7281386

Are you fucking serious? Mods need to get a grip.

>> No.7281387

They were bannable offenses before but people weren't normally banned for those posts. Now the janitors clean things up fairly quickly.

>> No.7281394

Noticed that too. It's obnoxious.

>> No.7281399

Other than the lack of updates on the /cgl/ queen, I like the new /cgl/. Less offboard invaders, less vendetta, and you can still have some valid drama whenever a scammer or something comes around.

>> No.7281400

Was just about to post this.
Are you me?

>> No.7281406

The only reason I miss the drama is because it sometimes pissed off and got rid of idiots in comms.

Now that things are so hush hush nice nice there's really nowhere you can go to talk shit about the girl leaving negative feedback while rage quitting comms or the girl filing paypal claims after getting a dress with pictures of her wearing it on her Facebook.

>> No.7281407

Con drama gets deleted? Never seen it happen, since said drama usually stays in the con thread it belongs in.

>> No.7281410
File: 118 KB, 500x281, hm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people being less awful
Jesus christ, why do you guys have to cry "tumblr" whenever you see someone say something you don't like?
I enjoy my fair share of dramu, but come on people. I think the real issue here isn't tumblr; the mods probably received complaints by the people who were singled out. Dramu culture is toxic and self-destructive by nature -- look at what happened to BtB. Eventually, /cgl/ will die as an outlet for it, and some new venue will be born. Such is the way of catty bitches and their shit.

>> No.7281494

Actually, Tumblr is not nice at all.
If you don't have an opinion consistent with the hivemind, people have no problem ruthlessly attacking, threatening, and even doxing you.

>> No.7281504

Yes, also thanks to jan-kun.

One person says something negative, some sjw bitch blows up and never stops reply and everyone else joins in and derails the thread.

>> No.7281520

>So, am I wrong to say that I have notice a more, how can i say it "Tumblr" and potentially correct influence on /cgl/ in the behavior of this place?
No, you didn't.

I mean, come on.

You can get banned for saying that a girl is fat or for just posting an unflattering picture of a girl.

And you can't blame it on the janitor; it's the reports that make your post deleted or not. So in other words; yes, if there are any Tumblr-having girls reading this - please die. I really hope and pray that you will die IRL. Die in pain. I don't care what "redeeming qualities" you have. If you have Tumblr, die.

>> No.7281531


>> No.7281535

Woah, calm down there, kemo sabe. You do realize that a large portion of lolitas here maintain a tumblr purely for fashion-blogging purposes, right? I would dare say most lolitas have one, if only to post outfit pics. Most are not involved in the "social justice" sphere.
At any rate, there's still plenty of judgmental wank to be had here. I still see plenty of fat-bashing and all that. The n-word still flies on this board. I think you can calm your tits for now.

>> No.7281539

The sad thing about tumblr is no matter how hard you try to filter out those crazies, something will always creep into your feed.

>> No.7281540

No, I'm not reading it. Tumblr must burn. It's the only way to save humanity.

>> No.7281541

>posting an unflattering picture of a girl
Yeah, that's one way to call it.

>> No.7281544

I'm not sure what you're implying.

I once got banned for saying "she has a big nose though". Then I posted a picture that featured her nose. Then I got banned for posting that picture.

>> No.7281548

thats mean anon kun, you cant be mean here, gosh.

>> No.7281549

Trust me, I don't like tumblr either, but you're about to give yourself an aneurysm.

>> No.7281550

>implying that this didn't happen long before tumblr
LJ's whiteknights, Coscom's Sunshine Brigade, and even /cgl/'s own tripfags and their cocksuckers.

It's hardly Tumblr's fault what's going on here at /cgl/ because it's always happened. You're just making yourself sound like some whiny cunt who got their vendetta post deleted.

>> No.7281551

>if there are any Tumblr-having girls reading this - please die. I really hope and pray that you will die IRL. Die in pain. I don't care what "redeeming qualities" you have. If you have Tumblr, die.
>all because some tumblrtards report people posting pics of fatties
Dear, I would say that you're the one the world would be better off without. I think the mods are going overboard, too, but people like you deserve to have acid thrown on their face.

>> No.7281553

Right. Sure you did. What exactly was your ban's explanation?

>> No.7281554

I have never seen a thread be 200% derailed because someone commented on a racial aspect of someones cosplay, ever back in the days.

>> No.7281558

Oldfag here, did you just not browse that often? Because that shit happened a lot.

>> No.7281563

>racism used to pass on this board (according to you)
>that was a good thing
I'll let you think on that one.

>> No.7281560

>"Don't bring community vendettas onto this board. Singling out individual cosplayers for the purposes of trolling them will not be tolerated."

Despite the fact that I did not insult her, I didn't have anything against her, I just said "she does have a big nose though (picture; unphotoshoped, no dicks on her face, no nothing).

You're probably the girl who reported me a hundred times, so why do I bother explaining this.

>> No.7281570

Then just how long have you been here? Because that's happened numerous times over the years.

>> No.7281569

>acid throw into face
Wow. Seriously? >>>/r9k/ fucking neckbeard misogynist whiteknight.

So *this* is okay, but calling someone fat isn't. Nice. Nice. NICE

>> No.7281572


I got banned for saying Mulan didn't have black people. It was apparently off topic for a disney thread.

>> No.7281573

>tumblr user here

>> No.7281575

It's probably because you commented in the first place on a topic where it sounds like the whole thing was about singling out a single person. Mods do that all the time because you can still be banned for responding to troll/off-topic/rule breaking threads.

>> No.7281577

I just remember that asians are the best guy, I miss him.

>> No.7281581

das rayceest

>> No.7281585
File: 58 KB, 640x480, 1388631671638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've never seen a thread be derailed by someone pointing out racial aspect to a cosplay, even back in the days
>I miss the days of the guy who made topics entirely about racial aspects of cosplay

>> No.7281589

Well, that's a rather cheap way to deflect what I'm saying, isn't it?
I don't have to be a social justice warrior to think that racism should not be tolerated under any circumstances. 4chan or not, it's still wrong and just plain ignorant.

>> No.7281597

First of all, how the fuck is that misogynistic? Secondly, she's the one emphasizing that she wants anyone at all with a Tumblr to die painfully, regardless of how good a person they are, just because a few butthurt fatty-chans were reporting pictures. She's the one wishing a worse fate on people for a way more retarded reason. If she can wish death on anyone just for having an account on an annoying, but harmless site, I can wish acid in her face for being that much of a raging cunt over her lack of precious drama.

Also, not whitekniting, I even said that I think the mods have been going overboard, too. I don't give that many fucks if fat girls are posted here.

>> No.7281599
File: 59 KB, 357x402, 1355463774029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get accused 'TUMBLR' if I don't automatically pop a hate boner on a certain topic
>don't even have tumblr
>mfw the people who accuse others of having tumblr prolly have tumblrs
More irritating than calling 'SUMMERFAG' imho.

>> No.7281602

This. This is why I think the majority of 4chan should be dealt with via fire.

>> No.7281603

>tumblr user here

>> No.7281605

the thread is already about it, its not bing derailed into it, are you dumb or what?

>> No.7281607

No, it was a thread about noses. The girl in question wasn't brought up until it was about 50% in.

A lot of other girls had their noses posted in it an commented on and they didn't get banned.

>> No.7281609

This. Just this. People always do this when they can't think of anything better to say in an argument. It's so obnoxious and childish.

>> No.7281611

Or you could just leave, ever though about that retard?

>> No.7281613

Are you upset because you know you've lost this argument?
Or do you just not know how to argue? Here's a tip: petty insults are not a form of evidence for your point.

>> No.7281614

Some individuals are instaban for just mentioning them.

>> No.7281618

I did for a while, actually. /cgl/ became less cancerous, though, so I returned and have been enjoying my stay for the most part. It's the other boards and people like you that that post was mostly referring to.

>> No.7281624

>tumblr user here

>> No.7281623

>call someone retarded
>two typos in a single sentence
Not trying to be a grammar nazi, but I just can't take a post seriously when they insult someone else's intelligence and make these kinds of errors.

>> No.7281626

>cant take post seriously
>answers to the post seriously

nice joke tard m8

>> No.7281629

Jesus christ, this is just getting sad. You should probably just go.

>> No.7281631

>tumblr user here

>> No.7281633

>makes no reference to the actual subject of the post
>considered to be answering seriously
I have no idea what you guys are fighting about and I'm not going to check through the comment thread to see what it is, but you do appear to be a moron.

>> No.7281635

I'd rather die than get acid throw in my face, man.

>> No.7281640

Let me guess. It was Jessica Nigiri or someone else that's regularly posted on /cgl/ to cause drama.

>> No.7281641

Actually, youre a moron for posting assumptions of what you think instead of actually reading anything at all.

>> No.7281645

jessicas thread has been up for a long time though, so I wonder what is with the inconsistencies?

>> No.7281648

No, it wasn't her, it was some girl who supposedly doesn't even post here anymore.

>> No.7281653

>misspells shit
>terrible at arguing their point
>unable to understand people
That's what I've gotten from the three posts of yours that I've read. I don't care what your original point was and whether it was valid or not, stupid is stupid. Even idiots can be right sometimes.

>> No.7281649

I'm guessing it has something to do with the holidays

>> No.7281662

>has to be on topic to be serious
And you think other people, are stupid, hilarious, hell you're being serious and you're not on topic either, did you think about that? ;)

>> No.7281665

Understandable, but I still think wanting to throw acid in someone's face for wishing the genocide of anyone who has a Tumblr account isn't as bad as wanting everyone with one to painfully die because a few offended people are keeping you from making fun of fatties.

>> No.7281666

I am being on topic, though. What I am saying is a direct response to what is talked about in the posts I have replied to. After some consideration I'd like to apologize, though. I think I was ruder than I should have been, I just felt bothered because I felt your reply to that one anon was inaccurate and I felt you were being rude to them while missing the point so I wanted to say something.

>> No.7281670

Have you not watched AHS: Coven? Having acid thrown on your face will give you mind reading powers.

>> No.7281678 [DELETED] 

Guy here. I am willing to support the cause of either camp, as long as one of you becomes my girlfriend. Good deal, no?

>> No.7281686

Fucking everywhere, I hate it.

>> No.7281698

You are either actually not old enough to be on this board or you're a delusional adult with the brain of a fucking teen, and that's depressing. I haven't read more "I hope u die pls die" since Emo poetry was a thing.

>> No.7281709

The board isn't pink, whats up with that age thing?

>> No.7281723

This place has always been against major bullshit (at least for the past three years, most people were not on board with really awful amounts of racism/sexism and stuff) but now it's gone into DON'T MAKE FUN OF FAT PEOPLE :( mode, probably because tumblr discovered this place in the last year or so.

I mean, people like sniper_nyan and r9kbros always got thrown out of here but now it's on a whole new level of PC.

>> No.7281725

All of 4chan is 18+.

>> No.7281730

Stop fat shaming you fucking bully.

>> No.7281731

Doesn't matter is a board is SFW or not, you have to be 18 to go on 4chan period.
No dramamongerer will ever top that cray bitch for me. Whatever happened to her, anyway? All I know is she deleted everything and disappeared.

>> No.7281732

You're fucking stupid it hurts. Social Justice existed way before tumblr.

>> No.7281738

Look, dude, it's not tumblr that's changing board culture. Board culture didn't change that much outside of what moot decided to change so that the board wouldn't become a cancerous shitpile and digest itself and what naturally happens with time.

The site is getting older and while older users come and go and teens are constantly (constantly CONSTANTLY) joining, some of its users are aging with it. And a lot of them are done with that edgy bullshit. Just fucking tired and embarrassed by it, because what you're doing IS embarrassing.

It's amazing how quickly people will cry tumblr when anyone does anything to prevent a thread turning into trash and it's NOT tumblr, I guarantee you.

>> No.7281743

Couldn't have put it better myself.

>> No.7281748

>Look, dude, it's not tumblr that's changing board cultur
Except it is.

It is shocking but true; /cgl/ was actually more fun and more lively when it was a tripfag circlejerk board.

>> No.7281754

Maybe if you were addicted to drama

Personally, I stopped caring about the personal lives of cosplayers and the rumors surrounding them when I stopped being underage

>> No.7281759

And that was changed due to better modding (it's not great now, but it's changed significantly) and moot's decision, not tumblr. Don't be so painfully wrong. How the fuck are you even connecting this tumblr? Why would tumblr take your tripfag circlejerking away?

>> No.7281761

So... about a half a year ago then?

>> No.7281773

Because when all the tripfags went away (the people on /cgl/ that actually cosplayed) it made room for Tumblrers to come here and grow in numbers. Before, there would be people to tell them to fuck off. Now there's none. Now there's just Tumblr.

>> No.7281775

>blaming everything on tumblr
I remember when I was seven.

>> No.7281777

Anon told people to go away to. Stop acting like Trips were a bastion of defense.

However I do agree that losing the fun trips was bad. The board had more offbeat threads that were on topic than what goes on now.

>> No.7281778

So... about half a year ago then?

>> No.7281785

This fucking logic. I don't even know what to tell you anymore. You're stupid, probably. I don't know how to explain what you just put together in your fucking mind and then typed out like "yeah, that sounds good".

Is this how simple your logic is for every other aspect of your life? I fucking envy you.

>> No.7281791

HAHA WHAT. Are you Stephanie Tanner? This anon, sharp as FUCK. You see, because they're implying the first anon is very young. Extremely young, like a young child.

>> No.7281792

>implying pointing out how pitiful it is for adults to thrive on a stranger's drama is somehow immature
I grew out of it four years ago, actually. I'm sorry, but you can't deny that it's rather pathetic to be so engulfed in a lolita or cosplayer's drama when you stop being a teenager. It's one thing to kick back and enjoy a good read about something particularly epic every now and then, but the way it was before the ban was just sad. I new people in their twenties who would spend hours raiding people's LJs to post screencaps of every little questionable thing they said.

>> No.7281797

This is what I get for being on 4chan at 7AM

>> No.7281802

No you retard. You said "I remember when I was seven" so I countered and completely #rekt the anon by saying that that would be about 6 months ago (implying he's underage).

>> No.7281804

We got it

>> No.7281820

>i grew up guiz

>> No.7281823

>this is the best comeback I can provide because there is no logical way to deny Anon's point

>> No.7281836

I'd just ignore them at this point, anon

>> No.7281853

Agree, it's really frustrating. It's like "I don't know how to respond so I'm going to say your opinion is invalid because you use tumblr" (even if we don't use it)
It sort of kills conversation

>> No.7281877

This is 4chan and not tumblr. Some of you niggers seem to forget that. When you have to mince words and be mindful of any backlash you might incur simply for being honest, then the whole point of this entire forum is moot. You might as well assign IDs to every board and add reputation because the point of 4chan is anonymity which leads people to be much harsher and in your face about their opinions.

Just grow some thicker skin and learn to let shit be. If someone is breaking a rule report the post, anonymously. If someone says something that pisses you off, then it is what it is. People have the right to offend you and you have the right to offend others. I suggest to all the /cgl/ only browsers to go to other parts of the site and lurk for part of a day. You seriously need to see how starkly different this board is in comparison to the rest of 4chan and why many believe it's a tumblr hangout and not really in line with the culture of 4chan.

>> No.7281888

i like you~

>> No.7281912

>I suggest to all the /cgl/ only browsers to go to other parts of the site and lurk for part of a day. You seriously need to see how starkly different this board is in comparison to the rest of 4chan and why many believe it's a tumblr hangout and not really in line with the culture of 4chan.

It's ironic because back in the day we had the reputation of being arguably the cruelest board. I remember when people from /b/ would talk about how mean we all were. Now we're one of the nicest boards.

Honestly, though, not being like the rest of 4chan is not a bad thing.

>> No.7281910

>tumblr user here

>> No.7281914

what? its like a landwhale saying shes healthy and lectures you about your eating habits, would you listen to the shit coming out of her filthy lard mouth?

>> No.7281916

cgl isn't "not mean", per say, they're just less mean than their cruelly mean glory days.

>> No.7281921

Actually, I think /cgl/ always had a decent reputation in that some older cosplayers and lolitas were decent about fostering younger ones and for every like 50 shitty responses you'd get 5 that were really worthwhile and helpful, which is a much higher average than a lot of boards. We were just overshadowed by yesteryear's "/co/ is love" because it hadn't become such an INTENSE shithole yet. It tried to pretend it was a better board than it was.

That, and now that more new boards have been added and they're all shitty places to be, we look a lot better in comparison.

AND we're not allowed to shit on/glorify our favorite pets anymore, so a lot of that specific sting is gone.

>> No.7281933

>Now we're one of the nicest boards.
No, now your meanness is kept under wraps for fear of the banhammer. The anger and cattiness is still there, under the surface of civility.
>Honestly, though, not being like the rest of 4chan is not a bad thing.
That's debatable. If you think everything about the rest of 4chan is bad and /cgl/ is better because it's different then I suppose so. I just wish seagulls had a bit of understanding on the general nature of this site. It's not a hugbox. You don't have to say nothing at all if you don't have something nice to say. You can say something mean and not be an evil, horrible cunt because of it. I'm not saying shitpost all over the place but you should leave your tumbler political correctness filter at the door. Speak your fucking mind when you like and don't worry about how the other person may feel. If they're that much of a newfag and underage, they shouldn't be here in the first place. Besides that, the janitor here is a stuck up cunt, tbh and needs to learn when to delete posts, when to ban, and when to let live.
>inb4 banned for saying cunt and nigger oh noes

>> No.7281936

Whoa now. /diy/ is a pretty cool board.

>> No.7281939

True, true! Sorry /diy/

>> No.7281940

I don't think you actually browse this board.

>> No.7281998

Naw I agree with her, the cattiness is still there, but its dealt with quickly.

>> No.7282053

Moot comes here a lot lately.