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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7267366 No.7267366[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Seagulls, describe your ideal con for me! What kind of convention would be perfect for you?

What are your main factors, that determine a successfull convention for yourself?

>> No.7267374

Con suite for snacks, something going on every hour of the day, decent photography and gathering locations, decent line control, reg lines that aren't a hot mess.

>> No.7267478

As it stands, most cons just don't appeal to me. I cosplay but don't do the masquerade. I have zero interest in most guests and panels. I go to cons so I can meet people with similar interests but I don't participate in most con activities. For a "perfect con" it would have to be aimed at an older crowd and be muuuuch more diverse in every way, and be more about teaching people and introducing them to new stuff rather than being one giant wankfest for whatever is currently on the shelves.

Location and theme
>Good location like Colossal so there's stuff to do outside the con itself without having to travel very far.
>Aimed at a slightly older crowd. Either don't let 16 and under in the con, or have an 18+ late night like Dragoncon does.
>All-in-one con with both Japanese and western media, tg, sci-fi, etc.

Dealers, AA, and other ongoing events
>Make AA either as big as or larger than the dealer's room.
>Try to keep the Dealers room diversified, but organized. Snack booths would be by snack booths, figure booths would be by figure booths, but half the dealers room wouldn't be figure and wallscroll vendors.
>Set up a lounge area for people to snack and chill, to keep them from creating clusterfucks in the hallways. Have some free snacks and water available.
>A fucking photoshoot room. Have a large room with all sorts of theatre backdrops, as well as better lighting. Keep shoots out of the hallway completely, but have some staff in the room to make sure people don't try to destroy property or loiter.
>Make sure the game room is large enough. Cramped game rooms always are BO deathtraps. Otakon uses that massive warehouse space.


>> No.7267482

Programming and Events
>Panels would be veeery selective. No "ask" panels, No five million panels about the same series or subject.
>Panels set up so they're easy to find. Room block A will always have panels for eastern stuff, room block B will be for vg and tg of any origin, room block C will be for western stuff, D will be for "general/misc" like cosplay workshops.
>Workshop/demonstration panels and panels about introducing people to new series within a genre would be heavily encouraged and make up a majority of the panel schedule.
>Rave would only happen on one night, but each DJ would be required to have a different set, so you'll have a block of D&B, a block of industrial, a block of animu remixes, etc.
>More "event" programming aside from the rave and formal ball. Gameshows and fashion shows are always a good choice. Hold game tourneis in an event room with a projected screen so spectating can be an event and won't clog the game room.

>Diversity. No "6 anime VAs and some guy who writes a webcomic" Don't just have entertainment professionals, get some metalsmiths, indie game designers, Kindle authors, dancers, and other artists to show off their work and teach others their techniques.
>Get guests someone above the age of 14 would actually want an autograph from. No pseudo-celebs.

I can't think of anything else. I don't really do video rooms or the masquerade so I can't suggest anything for those, but the usual setup for them seems fine.

>> No.7267486


I want to subscribe to your newsletter sir/ma'am

>> No.7267591

No con rave, instead there would be a disco complete with soul train lines. Music would be classic disco songs mixed in with more recent funk/disco inspired tunes from around the world. During the event you can sign up for the costume contest where you submit your disco inspired cosplay (the Edward Elric cosplayers in an afro as the Funkmetal Alchemist etc.)

Lights in the room would be dim but not completely dark for good viability.

>> No.7267719

i would actually be a lot more interested in a disco then a rave

>> No.7272685


I can't get over how many good ideas are in these 2 posts.

Making it more about teaching about all that is out there rather than all about the Naruto of the moment.
I would love a photoshoot room
Guest someone over the age of 14 would want
Panels covering LOTS of subjects.
Guest running more of a gamut than just VA #495023
I'd drop the age to 15 though. 15 and under would be allowed but only if your parents are on the premises.
Also badges for people 15 and under are identifiably different from a distance.
That will vastly cut down on babby first day away from parents so I'll forget any social training I have. It will also get most of them out of the building by 10 PM cause parents want to leave.

16 I'll give a pass to mostly. They can drive a car so one would hope they could be mature enough for 3 days.
But I would understand if they were grouped in the 15 yr old set. I'd be open to that.

>> No.7272768

No Homestucks.

>> No.7273793

Sounds like a con worth going to... Sounds expensive as hell to host.

>> No.7276004

Perfect Con

> pre-reg starts early and they mail you the badge ahead of time
> hotels can be booked at least 6 months in advance
> hotels cost no more that $149 a night
> parking is free and convenient
> internet at the hotel with no additional charges
>the con is no more than 4 hours from my home
> attendance ranges between 5,000 - 10,000
> restaurants and bars of variety within walking distance
> badges to distinguish those under 18, over 18, and over 21
> nice game room
> interactive panels that get the quests involved (game shows ect...)
> nice areas for group photo shoots

>> No.7276032

You could also get rid of a lot of the dumb younger crowd by limiting hotel rooms so that if someone is under 18, there is REQUIRED to be an adult in the room, and the adult needs to sign a form etc to be able to get in. And then you would get rid of the 14 year olds at the raves because an adult needs to pick them up xoxox

I would go to this con

Also for lolita appeal, usually if a known lolita brand is going to be doing a fashion show, tea party and/or selling in the dealers room (Anime Matsuri) then I am way more likely to go. Also most of the sewing, cosplay and lolita 101s are stupid and poorly run/organized. Maybe a youtube auition to host a panel would be a good way to weed out the slide show itas, etc.

>> No.7278634

this thread makes me happy. So much potential.

>> No.7278737

No homestucks
No fat people
No SJWs (especially this)
No Naruto

>> No.7279791


>> No.7279815

There are... tons of anime conventions...

>> No.7279818

Bullshit. All of them are infested to the brim with crap that there is no room for anime.

>> No.7279832

>a little more than just anime.. like maybe some lolita and video game stuff, more than there already is
>Artist Alley has its own room (looking at you, AM)
>Dealer Room has wide gaps between the booths, so there's no clusterfucks when people are stopping at a table
>no fucking MLP or Homestuck
>or steampunk
>no fanart limitations on the AA
>no rave, or at least keep out the ravesluts that don't even like anime
>more than one hotel nearby
>more than one food place nearby
>encourage good photographers to show up
>keep panel rooms in the same general area. I don't want to walk 20 minutes to get from Panel Room A to Panel Room C.

>> No.7279839

You must be going to some shit conventions, then.

>> No.7279860

NYCC - anime.
Don't need that shit. Bring back 2007

>> No.7280547
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>Costume doesn't break+stays on+feels comfortable
>Plenty of friends around
>Making lots of new friends
>People come talk to me about the series I cosplay from and recognize my character
>Good finds from the dealer's room
>No fucking homestuck/supernatural/MLP/dr. who/SNK cosplay
>The hotel room is comfy and next to the convention center
>Interesting programme
>A guest of honor relevant to my interests
>Lots of recognizable cosplay that took effort instead of shittily done tumblr casual crap
>Nice weather and an outside plaza you can relax at
>None of my friends spend the weekend being a whiny party-pooper that just complains about every single thing
>A nice after-con evening with friends at a restaurant to gossip and discuss the events of the day
>A roomy convention center that isn't chock full of kids screaming and running around

>> No.7280590

>a good size
not too large (so that meeting people is easier/it's not over crowded) but also not so small that there aren't hardly any people

>minimum age
I'm not even that old myself, but the 16 yr old and under crowd usually are a lot of the people whose cause issues at cons- er..at least from the ones that I've been to. I'd like to see a more mature audience.

>more focus on anime/jfashion/other japan based things
i'm so fucking tired of the dealers rooms being plagued with ~*~raver furry XD~*~ stuff and adventure time merch I could easily buy at hot topic.

>panels organized by people who AREN'T 15 or people who just want time to fuck around with their friends in front of an audience and get a free/discounted badge

>one that doesnt center around vic mignogna or a disgusting 12 year old plagued rave

>less bandwagon shitty cosplayers
Honestly, this is highly unrealistic but I really wish I could walk a few feet without seeing shitty homestucks or SNK cosplayers.

>> No.7281169

Sad to say, but if you put related dealers next to each other you would kill them. They'd just be grumpy they couldn't get away with undercutting each other. Whenever someone near me has the same shit, I put that stuff on the opposite side of my booth. A good portion of my sales are made "on a whim." It's catching people before they've seen it everywhere else. That's why certain spots in conventions are fought for nail and tooth, just to catch the crowd right away. You'd also be delegating dealers to spots they don't want.

I like a lot of your ideas, but I feel some would be expensive and some wouldn't work without a lot of staff. Still it's something for established cons to consider. I feel a good portion of conventions just try to keep the status quo and suffer from it.

>> No.7281182

No convention in their right mind would send badges early. The photocopies would be rampant and checking with a magnetic strip or whatever is expensive and can cause bottlenecks.

It would save us all so much trouble but I can understand why no one does it.

>> No.7281198


Metrocon is a fucking wasteland when it comes to food. It pisses me off every year. Lots of hotels, no food.

>> No.7282880
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>mfw I live in a country where we use plastic/canvas bracelets instead of badges and they always mail them well before the convention
>mfw when no reg lines

>> No.7282897

Anime Central does.

>> No.7282955

NYCC always have done that since 2006, and yes people did photocopy them with the extra time given. To say that "no con in their right mind would do that" and "no one does that"... well there are cons that have for years.

But now they have chips inside of them... and they did not cause bottle necking.