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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 88 KB, 920x684, random-hq-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7272653 No.7272653 [Reply] [Original]

How much photoshop is too much photoshop? Is it ok to change physical features that you dislike about yourself in all your photos? I think it is. Famous cosplayers do it all the time.

I think where the line should be drawn is when you start photoshopping elements of the costume itself, beyond just frayed seams.

>> No.7272660

Trying way too hard dude.

>> No.7272658

Yikes. The lady in OP could use some shoop. She looks like she's in her early forties.

(Is she actually in her early forties?)

>> No.7272663

In all seriousness she does look horrible. She's what 25? She looks like she is the same age as Yaya.

Also is she still denying her fake boobs?

>> No.7272664

OP here. She looks fine. Please don't derail my thread.

>> No.7272667

it's no secret that Jnig has a really big nose and edits it to look smaller in all her pics but there's nothing wrong with that. I do it too. I hate my nose. I would never alter my costumes in photoshop though.

>> No.7272666

I'm being entirely serious. I literally can't tell how old she is. Looking at her hands and neck, I want to say she's middle-aged, but given the OP mentions famous cosplayers, I imagine the woman in OP is younger.

>> No.7272668

So did she finally go full wig? I know that's not her real hair, and I knew it was only a matter of time before all that bleaching would thin and shorten her hair so much to the point of it being irrelevant on her head.

>> No.7272670

Wasn't derailment, I said she needs some photoshop.

Aaand it just hit me that that is JNig without shoop. Yikes. She needs to step away from the tanning beds.

>> No.7272716

I think it gets a little out of hand when you see someone irl and they look completely different in person than they do in their photos.

>> No.7272746

You guys realize that pic of OP is NOT JNigs, right? Hate her for legitimate reasons if you want, but don't be fucking retards

>> No.7272756

Tan blondes with tits to their chin and raccoon make-up always makes /cgl/ insta-rage, who care's if it's not the right whore?

>> No.7272766

>>Is it ok to change physical features that you dislike about yourself in all your photos?

Yes, you can. It's alright to take off a mole you hate, fix a zit, tone down your persistent under eye circles.
But when you start changing the shape of your lips, nose, hairline, waist, eyes. You have gone too far. That is not what you look like. We all need to get away from that, ad execs and cosplayers alike.

>>Famous cosplayers do it all the time.
Role models you should not follow. They make their living being fake.

>> No.7272767

It is her: http://nigri-nation.tumblr.com/post/48416634952

>> No.7272777

are you retarded?

>> No.7272780

are you allowed to photoshop your chub

like your fat rolls if you take a pic at a certain angle

>> No.7272790


So how about shopping in things like special effects?

Take the Avatar cosplayers for instance - shopping in fire or water or whatever - is that okay?

How about adding in other things like lens flare, or tweaking saturation or contrast?

Does fucking Instagram make all those point moot?

>> No.7272803


At THAT point it's not cosplay photography...

i'd call it digital art.

Photographers take photos. Editors make edits. Artists make art.

>> No.7272809

You're allowed to do whatever the fuck you want man.

>> No.7272815
File: 59 KB, 1920x1080, calcul8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shouldn't use photoshop in my opinion. Caring about what "famous" cosplayers do is no way to live. Where does it end once you start?

Personally I refuse to fap to photoshopped pics or fake breasts.

>> No.7272832
File: 39 KB, 499x548, obvious-photoshop-fail-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sometimes. If it's an unfortunate angle like turning back at the waist which will give you back fat rolls where you normally have none... yeah you can shop that.
But if you normally have a fat roll there, then no it is not ok to shop that away.

If you have a fat roll there cause you're leaning over. Yeah shop that. If you have a fat roll there regardless of what you are doing, nope no shopping that.

The general rule is what >>7272716 says.
When you start looking different than you do IRL. That's the line.

>> No.7272847
File: 29 KB, 300x300, opinion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ehh... Digital art is a pretty broad category. I think there's definitely a cosplay sub-genre of digital art.

Conversely, there are many categories of cosplay, so why not a digital art sub-genre of that.

So lets say that you have a beautifully designed cosplay costume, models that bring an immense energy to the shoot, a photographer or photographers, and maybe a director, who all plan and execute the shoot perfectly, and maybe some post-shoot edits done to fix blemishes, and then some one like me comes along and adds in a little water floating in the air, or whatever the shoot calls for, and suddenly it's not cosplay anymore?

>> No.7272900


totally agree, however, what you are talking about would be a full on photoshoot then, and unfortunetely what happens more often is that most amateurs just add in some lens flare to a picture someone took of them on the spot at some con with a shitty camera.

Some disclosure on edited cosplay photos would be nice, not just THIS IS TOTALLY NOT PHOTOSHOPPED. might as well admit it.

>> No.7272922
File: 219 KB, 512x284, 1385173724575.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Personally I refuse to fap to photoshopped pics or fake breasts.

I never knew white-knighting could go this far.

>> No.7272996


>Random fanblog reblogging something they didn't even originally post.

I don't think so

>> No.7273078
File: 1.54 MB, 1700x2168, 1342508026119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't be hard to believe it was her.
Also both pics have the weird little nose bump right in the middle.

>> No.7273085


I'm not the Anon you're talking to, but I kinda agree about fake tits - they're just not my cup of tea.

Speaking strictly of tits. I'd take natural small ones over fake big ones. Speaking strictly of tits, that is.

>> No.7273100

Unlike you I have a patrician's taste.

>> No.7273115

Aesthetics are more important than size and implants usually utterly ruin aesthetics. Look at Bailey Jay for example.

>> No.7273111

who is that girl? she's perfect, need more pics

>> No.7273117

It's definitely her dude. The original image is from the Chive.

>> No.7273202


>on /cgl/
>not knowing who Jnig is

Are you even a seagull?

>> No.7273204
File: 91 KB, 919x613, jessica-nigri-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her nose is consistently large in all her unshopped pics because that's how it actually looks. She edits it in all her pics but she didn't get to alter the ones they took for her Chive article.

When I saw her in person it was the first thing I noticed. Girl has a jewnose.

>> No.7273213

>jew nose

do you fucking even know what a jew nose is?

>> No.7273250

>that staged as fuck pic
Bitch acting like you a nerd, shut up

>> No.7273245

look in the mirror?

>> No.7273257

'are you serious? She looks like a woman in her late 40's.

>> No.7273290


I salute your dedication to the fine art of proper tit fappage.

>tips fedora

>> No.7273306

Typical Nigri fanboy that tries to deny any unflattering photo of her as legit. She's not perfect, dude. Get over it.

>> No.7273325

Maybe this guy is trolling but what he says is true.

She looks just like my maths teacher in high school and she was like in her late thirties. Then again, I'm not from the third world/USA where apparently standard is looking like Fishmen from Call of Cthulhu and so even someone as painfully average as JNig is a goddess to you.

>> No.7273355

In a recent interview, she says she's 24. And yes, still denying the obvious fake tits.

>> No.7273398

Really looks like two porn stars / porn scene about to happen in this picture.

>> No.7273442
File: 294 KB, 920x684, bajng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7273593

as i photographer, i really hate it when people ask me to photoshop them skinnier. i'm okay with doing surface stuff like blemishes, wrinkles, birth marks, etc. but idk i'm just really uncomfortable with photoshopping major changes to a person's body.

>> No.7273763

I'm not, this shit is done in fashion photography all the time. It's how shit sells in magazine advertisements. It'll improve the rate they;ll sell prints if they ever decide to. Cosplay is no different than someone dressed up in fashion/costume/etc.

>> No.7274420

Its like JNigs watched Jenna Marbles' videos and took them seriously.


>> No.7274760

If you're a photographer, how would you feel if the cosplayer photophopped some small things like blemishes, eye bags, etc.?

I feel embarrassed to tell anyone, but I really loved their photos, but not my acne. It's barely noticeable unless you looked at the original image

>> No.7274764

Dude has good taste in beer though.

>> No.7274826


i've met Jnig IRL and she's not that bad of a person, she's just not as pretty as she thinks she is.

>> No.7274852

This kind of shit has killed a lot of the joy of cosplay for me. I mean, I know what they're trying to do (it's more about the photo and the finished product, etc), but it seems like EVERY cosplayer must do it now, or they will be ignored.

>> No.7274901

The problem with Jnig and these other "efamous" cosplay girls who have self-promoted their way into their "status" is that they have created a false self-image and fantasy world for themselves to live in.

She uses photoshop to make her nose look smaller, she had surgery to make her breasts larger, and depends on lighting and strategic angles in her videos, yet she has started to believe that she actually IS this "optimized" version of herself that she can never truly be because of the attention she receives from the fake image of herself that she puts out there.

They all have cleaved a huge wedge between themselves and reality. The con scene and the internet have become reality for them. Jnig and Yaya are the two most effected by it since they're the two that have been the most successful at it. They conveniently ignore the fact that they both got to where they are now by deceptive means, and not purely by the merit of talent or looks.

Yaya is a driven, calculating, and talented girl who is average looking but can use being asian to her advantage in this subculture. Due to being average looking she needed fake breasts and lots of makeup + photoshop to complete the illusion. She has been trying to dominate the cosplay scene for over a decade and has worked very hard to acquaint herself with the right people. Due to the kind of work she did in the past, she also knows how to manipulate people. Jessica Nigri is a very driven and charismatic girl who is average looking but can use the fact that she's a thin 6/10 by normal standards in a subculture full of chubby 4/10s where a blonde cheerleader type is a rarity to her advantage. Due to being average looking she needed breast implants and lots of makeup + photoshop to complete the illusion.

They both networked on numerous sites, created alliances with men they pretended to like to use them for their connections, and self-posted on places like this for years to acquire their online followings.

>> No.7274916

I think Jnig at least works out to obtain and keep her figure. Yaya is disgusting.

>> No.7274923

I used to like Jnig but her e-fame is seriously getting to her. She's also doing that fucking annoying LOLSOQUIRKY shit that Zooey and JenLaw (fuck you tumblr) are doing.

And her latest Facebook bit
>Oh nooooooo... Guuuuysss... I am getting the urge to make something sexy that shouldn't be sexy..... MUST...RESIST... RUINING...EVERYONES...CHILDHOOD...M MORIES.. WITHMYSHITTYCOSPLAYANDGRATUITOU AMOUNTSOFCLEVAAAAAAGEEE


Is just....fuck, can you fish for compliments any harder?

>> No.7274934

Wow, what an annoying post. (From Jnig. She's just really fake)

(Don't you dare say anything about my waifu, JLaw)

>> No.7274937


Jnig can stay "hot" and desirable for 4 more years, tops, in my opinion.

either she'll break down, or she'll be replaced by younger, more desirable girls by then.

>> No.7274939

I just remember meeting her back before she blew up.

I think she was in her Dratini costume and she was just so SHY.

Like moe anime shy, it was adorable.

>> No.7274943

JNig is not particularly fit. She's just skinny with big fake boobs and no muscles. Anyone can look like that if they spend an hour on a treadmill every week.

>> No.7276259


>> No.7276274


Been saying this for years about Yaya. I started noticing back in like 2002 she was playing up the asian and in our hobby's stupidity we failed to realize she's CHINESE and not Japanese. She isn't from the land our hobby has strong ties to.
But nope, no one noticed and she worked with it.

I've always respected her skills though. She does have talent. But she also got to where she is through deceit and backbiting.

JNig is the same but with a lot less talent.

>> No.7276368

I've never met anyone that thinks Yaya is Japanese, though. Han is kind of a dead giveaway.

>> No.7276427
File: 38 KB, 640x339, 1388763481924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks burnt.

Too much photoshop is when you change your facial features. Ruins it if you meet them in person and they look nothing like they seem.

Just don't be like Kotakoti and abuse after effects/shoop then you are fine in my opinion.

>> No.7276430

People don't care about the race if they look asian. No one ever thought she was Japanese unless they're beyond help level retarded.

>> No.7276440

>Stop liking what I don't like you fucking pleb.
I hope you are aware that is what you just said.

>> No.7276445
File: 20 KB, 245x154, 1388764506413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to be friendly with Jnig, but then distanced myself because as another cosplayer I didn't like some of her behavior and she never comes off as fully "genuine" and we just felt like she was kind of fake. I dont hate her or anything, but she's definitely kind of too much drama for me and my group of cosplay gals.

Anyways, yes, her boobs are fake. She got them in November 2012. she went out with them first publicly at IPL5 event in Las Vegas. She tends to wear her padded bras still with them.

Her nose is bigger and she does shop it in some images, but with most cosplayers selling prints, the images are touched up so its not a huge deal.

Her skin is terrible, and she knows it. She knows she has "old" skin and fine lines from tanning and not taking good care of her skin, she just wears a lot of HD primers and high quality foundations to cover most of it, but after several hours the makeup tends to crack and you can see her lines more, which I think is when most of her unflattering pictures are taken, towards the end of the day. Jess loves her Instagram filters as they smooth her face out nicely. She knows she has shitty skin though.

Her hair. She doesnt wear a wig or have extensions, but her forhead is high and her hairline is DEFINITELY receeding from wig wear and bleach. She hides it well with her bangs. When she ties her hair up for exercise, she wears a sweatband to hide it as well usually.

Jess clearly isnt a monster, but like everyone else in the world, she is not perfect and insecure about her looks. She relies solely on her boobs to distract from her other issues.

>> No.7276485

Why is she wearing a wig in OP?
Has her hair finally fallen out?

>> No.7276487

proof of any of this?

I know her boobs are fake now, but nov 2012 sounds a bit early for the procedure in reference to her pictures where it's clear they are fake.

>> No.7276495


Well she's definitely wearing a wig in OP.
She clearly obsessed with her appearance and on some level I can actually sympathise with her. I have BD and if something occurs that causes me to deviate from my normal routine it's a real struggle fighting the impending breakdown.
Even so I'm satisfied with my appearance without things like false eyelashes, extensions, implants, pilings of makeup etc.

I know she obviously adores the attention, but can't imagine how stressful it must be going to con and worrying about whether some part of your body is going to drop off or droop or smear.

>> No.7276584
File: 82 KB, 600x750, 1379360719154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isn't early at all. If you drop around three grand for a good surgeon, you'd be surprised how well they can do. My Mother had implants for most of her life and then had them removed a year ago.

>> No.7276617

You're not a cosplayer.

>> No.7276654


that's not even shooped well

>> No.7276656


>implying it's a shoop

>> No.7276661


I know her hairline is far back, that's clearly shooped though

>> No.7276663
File: 162 KB, 1036x720, 1348946918225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's not a shoop, her hairline is just receding quite badly. I saw her in person last year and whilst isn't as obvious when she has her bangs down you can still see how far back it goes.

>> No.7276665
File: 23 KB, 319x320, 324sf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just a forehead type. Some women have long/curved out foreheads. It's no big deal.

>> No.7276666


If it's a shoop then reverse image and find the original.

Protip you won't be able to because that IS the original.

I actually like Jess despite the fact that she is a lying sack of shit, but I'm not going to deny that she has poor hairline game.

>> No.7276672
File: 2.63 MB, 476x264, ni3pnlkk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>people still trying to deny this

For christ sake you can even see how far back it is here.

>> No.7276679

>not that guy but decide to reverse search for kicks
>first result is this:
Interesting seeing men talk about her when it's just supposed to be us "jelly" bitches and all men love her. There's definitely more people going hnnnng and less bitching, but there's still bitching.

>> No.7276682


Yes I agree with you. She is in the public eye so much that it's not weird at all to me she'd worry about her looks so much, as its what makes her money. So while I don't dislike her, fame has made her lose sight of who she is which is why I'm not as close to her anymore. BD is a horrible thing to have to deal with and I can't fault anyone for that.

>> No.7276684
File: 24 KB, 501x423, Stare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You keep telling yourself that buddy.

>> No.7276706

I like how most the comments are saying she's a butterface but that they'd hit it anyway because of her tits.

She can officially never argue that we're the only ones who call her out for being butterfaced when a forum full of hot fit guys is saying exactly the same thing about her.

>> No.7276705


why is it that her hairline in the left picture doesn't look nearly as far back as it does in the other pictures?

>> No.7276712

because it's looking at her more from the front rather than the side

>> No.7276714


>> No.7276719

damn she has a serious case of jew nose in her unshopped pics. I never realized how big it was until I saw it from a side angle. It like....completely dominates her profile. Wowww.

>> No.7276725

I keep trying to look at her (so I can judge her) but my eye keeps going to that due. WTF

>> No.7276735

Female Attractiveness:
Pick one. Know that some people will always prefer the other.

Well, really it's a spectrum and your "position" in the spectrum will always be outside the preferences of some people.

>> No.7276737

Cute vs Sexy was never mentioned in that thread. It's a bunch of hot guys saying that her face is unattractive but that she has a nice rack.

>> No.7276740
File: 26 KB, 581x248, nosesyd2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's not actually a Jewish nose but a Roman one - Jewish noses are curved and avian. I sport the Roman variation myself as do a large population of England so she must have some relations back here.

Honestly I'd be interested in seeing her toes as the formation of feet can tell you a lot about a persons heritage.

>> No.7276745

Well, JNig is going down the "sexy" route. One of the things that'll make someone say "JNig is fucking disgusting" is a preference for cute over sexy.

Perhaps I should have linked this post>>7276679 to say my point with.

>> No.7276750


That site also had a thread where they were talking about how hot this 12 year old girl with huge tits was. Just to let you know what kind of people we're talking about.

>> No.7276760

>>Always gets called jew
>>has roman bump and roman toes

Thank you for making me feel better. Not being called a jew is like saying my eyes are pretty

>> No.7276765

>Just to let you know what kind of people we're talking about.

>> No.7276766

>have close jewish roots
>nose has roman bump

grandpa did have a syrid one though

>> No.7276770
File: 171 KB, 1568x1859, Picture 115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Roman nose 4 lyfe gurlz.

There are actually a lot more nose types than the 4 I posted above, but those are generally the main types you'll find in white/mixed people across Europe/America.

>> No.7276777
File: 1.05 MB, 320x240, 1379879758447.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7276804

I could masturbate to that nose. It looks like Tom Hiddleston's.

>> No.7276826


...I'm not sure whether you realise I'm a woman or not haha

Sometimes I do consider things like rhinoplasty, but, whilst perfect noses are cute, my gives me character.

>> No.7276827




>> No.7276864

Oooops I didn't. Well, take pride in making me bisexual over your nose.

>> No.7276879



>> No.7277586

She immigrated from New Zealand so it does make sense considering that country's history.

>> No.7277932

No, I said
>American women are so ugly that Jnig is an attractive woman to them.

>> No.7277975

I love seeing these pics because my skin is just as bad as hers and somehow that makes me feel better

>> No.7278023
File: 141 KB, 584x497, 1349840472561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her at age 20

>> No.7278260

You're lucky you haven't met some of the dumb weeaboos that fangirl/fanboy over Yaya. They're so stupid that they think it's a fake name and that she really IS Japanese.

>> No.7278266

Did you seriously think 12 years olds with big tits couldn't be hot or something?

>> No.7278269

That's still pedophile territory though.

>> No.7278272

No. If it doesn't look like a 9 year old girl, then it isn't pedophilic at all you dumb fuck. You think that men are getting aroused by "oh my, she has tits AND my special male instincts are telling me that she is only 12! yayaya! I will rape this child!".

If she looks like she could use a good fucking, then men want to give her said good fucking. Pedophilia is being attracted to little girls who actually look like little girls. End of story. End of line.

>> No.7278277

>being this mad
Right... typical man thinking with the wrong head. Enjoy doing 5 to 10.

>> No.7278286

You're such a typical girl, once you're cornered and realize you're wrong you start with the insults, lol. A hot person will be hot regardless of age.

>> No.7278295
File: 931 KB, 210x118, 1359767885000.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>typical girl
Not even that anon, not even a part of this thread but
oh my god. get out. you're disgusting, never come back to /cgl/, kill yourself if you have to. Just no. Stop that. You're also a pedophile in denial. Stop that too.

>> No.7278325

12 years olds typically do look like little girls though? 12 years old is borderline, depending on if a girl is past puberty or not, but even then it's still hebephilia, which is still considered quite socially unacceptable and is viewed as a form of mental disorder. I'm not saying a 12 year old doesn't have sexual thoughts, but generally they aren't particular mature in that aspect. And of course the vast majority of 12 year olds, even if they have sexual thoughts, don't really look like fully developed women. They look sort of awkward in-betweeny for about 4 years, usually until there at least 16 and sometimes older. Of course if a girl is young but looks significantly older than her age, adult men may feel attracted to her quite easily, but I don't think the average adult male is physically attracted to the average 12 or 13 year old girl, because frankly, they still look like children. That said, historically, adult men did frequently marry those who 14 year olds, which I still find quite strange (because when I look at a 14 year old I see a child), so perhaps my lense is a bit blurred by the age I live in.

>> No.7278368

>waaaah let me tell you what to do
How about a no, bitch. Btw, I'm a girl, stop being buttrustled that there may be younger girls that are "hotter" than you. There are ugly twelve year olds and there are better looking ones, how can you stupid enough to deny this?

I recall some anon posting a picture of her fourteen year old sister here, and the sister and her friends looked like they were in their mid twenties.. then what?

>> No.7278380

Courtney Stodden looks way older than she actually is as well.

>> No.7278387

Her skin doesn't look THAT bad...
From all the "OH MY GOD SHE HAS A LEATHER FACE" replies I thought she looked haggard as hell, but she looks like a normal human being with caked makeup and meh skin. I thought she was this Cassandra Bankson-tier pizzaface.

>> No.7278558

>12 years olds typically do look like little girls though?
No, no they don't.

Maybe a few decades ago they did.

>> No.7278571

>don't derail my thread
>start a thread with a photo of a lolcow
seriously, what did you expect?

>> No.7279061


a hundred times this.

I drop off my little brother at his elemertary school every day of the week, and some of the girls i see could EASILY pass as 18+ with the body features they have.

My friend says it's hormones in the milk or something, because comparing pictures from when me and my friends were in elementary school, the kids now are effing huge, and waaaay more "mature looking" then we looked back then.

>> No.7279081

There's multiple causes - some people say better nutrition, easier lifestyle, obesity, phytoestrogens in soy, etc. Obesity is often pointed to as a culprit for females as overweight/obese females are more likely to have periods and start puberty earlier.

"Grumbach & Styne (2003) stated that the
age of menarche is earlier than average in
girls with moderate obesity, compared with
delayed menarche in girls who are severely
malnourished. Lassek & Gaulin (2007), and
Lin-Su, Vogiatzi, & New (2002), reported girls
in the obese (more overweight) group to reach
menarche at an average age of 11.87±1.1 years,
and girls in the overweight group at 12.14±0.9
years, compared with 12.20±1.3 years in girls of
normal weight."

>> No.7279093

Did you not use the zoom function provided? The pores are massive and clogged, there are massive wrinkles around her eyes that someone her age shouldn't have, and the skin in general looks dry and leathery. That's from having a combination of things like using cheap make up, caking on cheap make up, not washing your skin and properly caring for it, and having a shit diet. People aren't just born with skin like that. That stems from years of active neglect.

I'm not telling you to kill her with fire, but pretending that there aren't visible signs of damage (and extensive ones, at that) is just naive.

>> No.7279149

If you know she's 12 and are still aroused that's pedophilic.

>> No.7279170

No. I don't see why. You can't control that easily what you're attracted to anyway.
As long as you don't get crazy and rape them, I think it's okay to feel aroused by little girls if they don't look like little girls.
And I am *not*, so believe me I've got no interest in saying that, other than being realistic.

>> No.7279189
File: 63 KB, 250x167, pikachu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're kinda gross, man.

>> No.7279195

I also do this. I plan on getting it done for real at some point, but that's $10,000 I don't have at the moment.

>> No.7279203

Nigri is an Italian name so that would explain the Roman nose.

>> No.7279221

I did not posted the other dumb messages. Just the first you quoted.
I mean... Stop being this paranoid other pedophilia americans ! 50 years ago nobody talked about pedophilia and that was wrong, now it's like the bogeyman and that's just freaking dumb.
I can't talk with you all anyway, you don't use arguments you just insult people.

>> No.7279229

sure is /pol/ in here

>> No.7279248

No ! I hate /pol/ ! I...
Oh fuck it. It's incredible how you would say absolutely anything not to think or debate, how you never try to go a little beyond your simple and dumb "feelings".

>> No.7279453

I can understand her shooping her features and whatnot. I see no problem with that unless she denies doing so. I mean the "lawl no faek tittays" thing is getting old, they're obviously fake and have been for some time now.

If what you say is actually true, I'd feel really bad for her. That is actually very sad.

>> No.7279525
File: 253 KB, 959x1085, Biiig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep telling yourself that tubby~chan

>> No.7279534

You make it sound like its fucking easy

>> No.7279544

Her face looks so unnatural for some reason.
It's kind of unsettling.

>> No.7279552

*narrator voice* here is the jnig or jnig fan in his habitat.
going anywhere a pair of tits might lead, to whitenight his beloved, ignoring any actual arguments, and retorting with "jealous" or "fatty"
regardless of the anon's weight, appearance, or gender.

>> No.7279641
File: 24 KB, 293x293, peachy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where is her upper lip

>> No.7279665

Lips tend to do that when you smile unless you have giant hooker lips.

>> No.7279714


>> No.7279742
File: 385 KB, 4368x2904, smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, no. Here are normal lips/a normal smile.

>> No.7279751

Glossed lips and bleached teeth from a model picture that is likely photoshopped

>> No.7279755

Those are pretty big though. Many people with thinner lips have theirs "disappear" in photos but it's not as obvious irl.
Bette Davis for example has that when she isn't wearing lipstick, as does Venus, as do I. It's not really that uncommon, and it's mostly in photos.

>> No.7279758

She's wearing nude lipstick and the light is shining on her face, it's there

>> No.7279760

I do remember Venus ranting about that on her tumblr at some point.

>> No.7279765

venus has a rectum for a mouth. that isn't common..

>> No.7279777
File: 24 KB, 445x311, big-lips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least hers don't look like a prolapsed vagoo

>> No.7279843

Weird that the thread is still up. You'd expect Dill to report this over a dozen times at least (JNig's only fan on /cgl/).

>> No.7279872

Dear god why... Is that real?
I really hope it's not.

>> No.7279874

Not just easy, but stupid as fuck as well I see...

>> No.7279901

I'm not easy. This is all I'm going to post so I won't derail the thread but my boyfriend read the whole 4chan conversation and every Skype message I ever sent to him and thought it was fine and I didn't say anything easy or flirt. Also I've made a lot of friends by talking to them in threads on 4chan the same way I talked to him.
Also why would I be "easy" to someone who lives all the way in Hawaii and I live in New Jersey? There'd be no chance of getting with someone that far away anyhow even if I was easy enough to want to.
And I've seen stuff similar to >>7279777
in real life. I was just wondering and was bored so I posted and asked.

>> No.7279904
File: 30 KB, 306x555, 1388902992055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt that instance is real, but botox lips can get kinda scary.

>> No.7279908

Yeah I've seen someone in real life with lips almost like >>7279777 in a tattoo shop. Why do people do that to themselves?

>> No.7279912

>this is all im going to post
>tells life story
Fucking stop.

>> No.7279913

Please. Shit like that picture actually does exist in real life. I'm not even certain myself if it's real or not.

>> No.7279933


The fake titties thing and her denying their silicone substance is a big problem for women.
I think anybody can easily say that Jessica Nigri plays a huge role in what has since become "nerd culture". You don't need to spend more than 5 minutes on her fan page to see the way that a lot of men revere her, and how any mentioned of her surgery is swiftly beaten down by angry backlash and cries of "u jelly".

The problem in Jessica claiming that she's au naturel is that provides this image to society, mostly men, that these are what breasts are supposed to look like. These enormous, circular, gravity-defying orbs glued to her chest, and this in turn goes onto influence people from young girls going to to get boob jobs in order to obtain what they believe is a normal chest, when really their natural chest was about as normal as it gets, to men harassing and abusing other women for the chest size/shape because it doesn't live up to this distorted standard that people like Jessica are providing with their lies.

Sad thing is I actually really used to respect Jessica before all this. I know people used to rag on her for sexualising characters and dumbing down gaming culture, but I think this is the most potentially damaging thing she's done to date and if any of you need proof of this, go to her Facebook page right now and make a post suggesting she has implants and wait for the responses to roll in,

>> No.7279945


Can I have him then?

>> No.7280013
File: 225 KB, 1500x1126, 2cool4skool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can have me

>> No.7280022

yeah I photoshop my nose as well. I don't how a person can put a picture up of themselves knowing it looks bad. it irks me.

>> No.7280030
File: 92 KB, 306x306, tumblr_mj1pu7qAh21s4g4a0o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say what you will, but Jessica Nigri is easily the hottest cosplayer in the world.

>> No.7280046

Are you a qt asian bf?

>> No.7280051
File: 371 KB, 1050x700, 375-41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in the Western world

Do you think there are bitter Japanese girls on Futaba that hate Omi Gibson the way /cgl/ hates JNig? Or any other famous Japanese cosplayer, for that matter?

>> No.7280058

No? I mean, I'm sure she's a nice girl and she's pretty humble and all that... but from an objective standpoint, she isn't spectacular or the 'hottest' as you put it. Time is certainly taking its toll, especially on her skin.

>> No.7280079


>> No.7280118
File: 128 KB, 612x612, 1365722653623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.7280122
File: 28 KB, 423x434, H9Rl1VS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wish Jessica would take one picture without smothering it in filters to hide her bad skin.

>> No.7280135

Also is this shooped?

It's so fucking hard to believe her hair line is halfway up her skull.

I can see a high hairline. I can see a five head. I can't hair way the hell up there.

>> No.7280144
File: 95 KB, 450x423, jok3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nah it's legit, a screenshot from a video before it was deleted. I think the angle and the fact that she has her hair scraped back isn't helping her case though.

>> No.7280150


>> No.7280154
File: 834 KB, 426x240, tumblr_mnvd6h6LYA1r82t6oo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hair looks fine to me.

And yes, the picture was shooped.

>> No.7280157
File: 349 KB, 2048x822, 1378081583623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



If you knew anything you'd have known it was a screenshot taken from a video.

Sometimes I actually feel sorry for Jessica. Pretty soon when she's old and ugly this bubble is gonna burst. Hell, he's already part way there.
How old is she anyway? Cause I'm like 22 and she looks like she could be in her mid 30's, but then again I have an aversion to sunlight.

>> No.7280160
File: 76 KB, 500x500, 1367518578931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All this denial.

Nobody cares if you think she's hot, I'm not saying she's ugly but you have to be deluded or blind to deny that her hairline is high as fuck.

>> No.7280174
File: 188 KB, 323x334, Untitled-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7280175

Yeah but see in this picture, it's not as far high as the car one.

Unless it's angling.

>> No.7280189
File: 70 KB, 612x612, 1388952957004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a picture

Boy, you're a genius.

>> No.7280187

>Hair looks fine to me.
Okay, are you a hair retarded male? Even if you don't want to believe she has a receding hairline, half of that hair is just extensions and the other half is fried and thin from all the bleach.
She has awful hair, she ruined it.

>> No.7280197


And you're a deluded fanboy who'll never get a girlfriend because of your pathetic obsession.

>> No.7280204
File: 500 KB, 465x700, tumblr_lxahfcsXEH1ql5ffro1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She has awful hair

Looks pretty nice to me

>> No.7280207

My hair's almost that high up naturally. I just never tie it all the way back like she does and never do hairstyles where my bangs are swooped back like >>7280160
It's not a big deal and doesn't look horrible or ugly as long as you always have bangs.

>> No.7280214

Anon you were replying to here. I feel like the plastic surgery debate is typically really tough, is it empowering or playing into stereotypes/men's fantasies? I think generally speaking if can be empowering, however, I draw the line when she won't just come out and say what they are. Like you said, people like her create an unrealistic image (which is fine as long as it is labeled as such). I don't think getting a boob job is inherently evil, good for her if that makes her happy, but I think it is terrible that as a role model she tries to pretend it is anything other than completely fake. Most of the men on her page have no idea or at least are playing dumb.

>> No.7280215

>Looks pretty nice to me

>split ends
>clear use of extensions


>> No.7280239

Not that guy, but a screenshot is a picture. It isn't a photograph, though.

>> No.7280364

My personal problem with Jnig is that she really isn't that talented. All of her cosplays are boring an uninspired, and it seems like all she does anymore is sexy versions of things that should not be sexy (Pokemon, Mario, Assassin's Creed, Skyrim) and they're all okay looking at best. The ones that are actual sexy characters don't look that special and the only cosplay I can think that she's done that's actually worth talking about is her Juliet one.

She also has no idea how wigs work and she either doesn't use them, or they look as dead and nasty as her real hair. Most of the time they are not styled correctly, and if they are they look sloppy and, as I said before, like fried, bleached, dead hair.

I personally don't think that prancing around in a yellow bikini with Pikachu ears or a low-cut AC costume that doesn't even make sense constitute as talent. If she wants to do sexy cosplay and make money whoring herself out, she should just cosplay characters that are already sexy and save herself the ~*~oh so very tedious~*~ work that is turning a pokemon into a bikini. She needs to step her game up to actually become someone worth talking about in a positive light. Otherwise, she's just a boring whore with a standard amount of talent.

Also, I really dislike the way she looks. There's nothing special about a skinny, tanned fake blonde with fake tits and raccoon eyes. If I wanted to see a girl like that, I'd just go the fucking mall or something. Or I could pay one to get naked for me and actually gain something other than gross looking cleavage out of the experience.

>> No.7280372
File: 60 KB, 500x647, 06hqzo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just be honest and admit she looks awesome. Beauty and being sexy is a big part of cosplay, whether you want to admit it to yourself or not.

>> No.7280380
File: 197 KB, 667x1000, IMG_3669 (crop).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm a lesbian and Jessica is like my nightmare girl.

Dried/fried hair filled with split ends.
False Eyelashes.
Like 3" of makeup.
Dat dry, cracking, enormous pored skin.
Orange Tan.

Her only real merit is that she does actually workout, but even that is kind brought down by the fact that she's willing to destroy her skin through tanning beds.

Picture related, a superior female specimen.

>> No.7280387

Different anon, just passing by and browsing cgl.

>raccoon eyes
>that god awful wig
>the same make up for every cosplay

>she has big boobs
>flat tummy

Yeah that doesnt look that awesome to me

sexy, cute, charismatic, handsome, prim and proper, innocent.. theyre all components for different cosplays. I agree with the anon who doesn't see much talent in a yellow bikini+pikachu ears. Yes sexy is a big component, but just because its sexy doesn't mean its talent.

>> No.7280390

Except she has the beauty knowledge of a 13 year old girl. Sorry that I don't think tanning, bleached hair, breast implants, and poorly caked one makeup are sexy.

Also, do you even see the wig in that picture? It's a hot mess. It looks just as nasty as her real hair. It's frizzy as fuck, and looks brittle and gross. That's lazy cosplaying right there. Bitch needs to learn better hair/wig care.

>> No.7280391


yeah but lesbians only like girls who look like men

most actual straight men love Jessica

>> No.7280397


>most actual girlfriendless neckbeards love Jessica


>> No.7280399

That's because they don't realize that she's a nasty whore who's ruined her skin and hair and has very little makeup ability.

Also, hot =/= talented. That's what I'm talking about in >>7280364. She has very little talent and that won't change because a bunch of 'real, straight men' like how she looks.

>> No.7280436
File: 580 KB, 1153x823, i aint readin this bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a lesbian

>> No.7280444

I remember there was a thread about lesbian seagulls a long while back, and everyone agreed they didn't like that butch shit

>> No.7280443

Hey girls. It's not JNig's looks that make her sexy. It's the way she carries and presents herself.

It sucks, but the prettiest girl in the world can be less then sexy while sometime ugly girls can come off as very sexy.

She may not be as pretty as she thinks she is, but that attitude is what garnered her success. I guess I'm just saying we could bitch or maybe if we had that attitude, guys would find us more sexy.

>> No.7280446

whats so sexy about being fake?
jessica pls go

>> No.7280447


lesbians like thin, nonthreatening women with no tits and ass

far different to men

>> No.7280457

This entire board is dedicated to looking fake.

>> No.7280460

>lesbians like thin, nonthreatening women with no tits and ass
Except, no.

I'm a girl who's into girls and I love big tits and ass. However, that's not my only requirement for someone to be attractive. I also find myself be attracted to girls who don't have tits or ass, and girls with various body types (muscular, slim, curvy, chubby, etc)

Not everything is black and white

>> No.7280466

I like cute girls with a slightly flat chest and a cute butt. Being Asian or partially Asian is a bonus though.
This isn't horribly uncommon for guys to like really.

>> No.7280477

>guys would find us more sexy.
>implying i have a problem with getting guys

Also im pretty sure guys like the boobs and dont care for her attitude.

>> No.7280508

>pretending to be a lesbian so you can trash someone

Nice try, anon. Go back to being fat and lonely.

>> No.7280511

What's wrong with her attitude? She seems like a 'one of the guys' type.

>> No.7280517
File: 977 KB, 768x1024, 1388962556298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7280526
File: 58 KB, 273x448, 1365461845655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7280528



>> No.7280531
File: 155 KB, 1080x720, f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Tell that to my naked girls folder.

>> No.7280538

>I like girls now mom!! deal with it!!

>> No.7280554
File: 13 KB, 353x239, all that bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7280570

The most beautiful of lolitas and cosplayers wear heavy makeup and false eyelashes. It's part of the whole deal to cover your blemishes and emphasize features. Also, the girl in the pic has some frizzy ass hair.

Sage for replying to a probable troll.

>> No.7280579
File: 95 KB, 315x572, 1369432103548.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7280582

Those are gross

>> No.7280587

>yeah but lesbians only like girls who look like men

But... saying that is as wrong as saying that straight girls only like manly boys who can protect them

>> No.7280588

Unless you have bad skin you don't need thick makeup to hide your blemishes. When I put my foundation on I do it with a light enough hand that you can still see my freckles.

>> No.7280624
File: 342 KB, 1333x1000, IMG_1201 (resized).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well she can't be that beautiful if she needs all that shit to make her look good.

Still superior.

>> No.7280625

The thing is, good lolitas and cosplayers actually do their makeup well and don't have gross looking raccoon eyes. They know how to do makeup decently and not just slap 3 inches of black eyeliner and eyeshadow around their eyes, then glue on some ugly false eyelashes and call it a day.

>> No.7280641

Do you really not think she puts a ton of effort into her make-up and hair as well? Why are you even comparing these two chicks, they aren't related and no one really cares about your Rockabilly waifu. It doesn't back up your point.

>> No.7280652
File: 138 KB, 1000x800, 1387498095389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put this in a reaction image.
because I know I'm going to use it every jnig thread I can.

>> No.7280687
File: 79 KB, 640x480, 1388965482796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Course she does, which is still an attractive feature in a girl, but the problem is when girls take it too far and go into fake-overdrive like Nigri.

I like a girl who looks after her appearance, not obsesses over it.

>> No.7280701

A lot of things come into play, though.
This girl is wearing the same amount of makeup as Nigri, it's just distributed better and is not of the shitty quality.

>> No.7280727

>This isn't horribly uncommon for guys on 4chan to like really.
Weebs with yellow fever love anything petite and Asian-looking.

>> No.7280729

I don't think you really know how make-up works, which--I mean, it's hard to believe you don't at all, since you're supposedly a woman and you've got a lot of opinions on how it should be.

>> No.7280741
File: 92 KB, 783x489, cglds).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7280745

that butthurt oozing from your post.

>> No.7280746

Right, because that picture is so natural.

>> No.7280753
File: 56 KB, 640x640, 1388966777789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking this.

Yeah, JNig sucks at makeup but lesbehonest guys do not give a fuck about her shitty eyeliner job. Really big out there tits will do all the work for her and she doesn't have to give a shit about her eyeliner. You think with all the time it takes for her to get ready and stuff the boobs in there she has time to worry about precision blending and other shit that better cosplayers and lolitas do?

>> No.7280778

>Boys are just dumb and don't realize how ugly and unattractive she is!

lol women are hilarious.

>> No.7280798

that zipper work looks fucking terrible... did she... did she GLUE it on??

>> No.7280803

That's not what Anon said. Anon said guys don't care about how bad her makeup is, and it is bad. She needs to ask a friend that's good with makeup to do her makeup for her sometime or something, I bet she'd look a lot cuter.

>> No.7280808

It looks like it was just glued on top of a tank top and probably isn't functional.

>> No.7280806

Yes, I look exactly like that. Remember, if anyone disagrees with your whiteknighting of Jnigger, it's an ugly, greasy girl! That is always the case!

>> No.7280809

That's honestly one of her worst cosplays. Posting that is not doing her any good.

>> No.7280815

Yeah, it's pretty much a tank top with a (probably bought) lab coat on top. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she styled the wig.

>> No.7280823

Well the wig is shit, too. It's frizzy and sloppy looking (hey, just like her real hair. Who would have guessed?)

Good to see that she's a bad with wigs as she is with her own hair

>> No.7280894

She's getting paid so much money by the company to wear that piece of shit

>> No.7280909

I dunno why, but I always thought she was cross eyed?

Don't other people see it too? I'm not really sure if it was just the makeup coming into play but she looks cross eyed in a few pictures

>> No.7280912

I think she needs to get some bangs, for real man.

>> No.7280914

She looks more wall eyed/lazy eyed to me

>> No.7281033
File: 122 KB, 661x879, mny-ccota-8-710321_0x440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I never said anything about natural, but she's still more beautiful than JNig.

>> No.7281036
File: 2 KB, 196x171, 1368624219936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7281071

She has the same thing Paris Hilton has going on in her photos.
I think it's just how some people's eyes look.

>> No.7281083


You ever see a drunks eyes and how they struggle to keep them open

>> No.7281160

How about you gimme source mang

>> No.7281311
File: 1.68 MB, 2437x1840, 1362630649980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jessica Nigri is easily the hottest cosplayer in the world.

You must be too new to remember Miyu. The girl is significantly hotter than Jessica and as a better & more fit body too. It's a damn shame she quit cosplaying.

>> No.7281330

Yo dill you're asian right? So you see a blonde white girl with eyeliner and fake boobs and immediately think she's hot kind of like caucasian neckbeards see Yaya and think tits + eyeliner on an asian girl = hot asian girl? Just saiyan.
I miss this bitch. She was cray cray but there's no denying she was much prettier than JNig.

>> No.7281336

I'm glad she quit. Like for her own sake. Remember back in the old days of /cgl/? we were way meaner back then.

>> No.7281344
File: 83 KB, 960x590, 1388981370366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I met her at the con
she wasnt as ugly as you all say

>> No.7281358

Yeah she's ok. She's definitely in the 6/10 territory with all the makeup. So that's above average and without the makeup I'm guessing she'd be like 5/10 which is still average and not ugly. When I met her IRL the biggest difference I noticed was her nose is really big compared to how it looks in her photos.

>> No.7281367

Miyu was much hotter in photos than she was in person. Super photogenic. In person, she was just cute.

>> No.7281379

Been dying for more pics of her Sailor Moon group... Got any?

>> No.7281408


>>7281311 here again.

She looked about the same to me when I met her. The biggest difference was that she's way shorter than I expected her to be.

>> No.7281417

I met her in 2008. Her face was a little too long, especially for her small frame, she had super stumpy legs, and her nose had a wicked bump. I remember wondering if she photoshopped it out or just avoided photographing it from the side.

>> No.7281431

She didn't start cosplaying until 2009 faggot, that's when she debuted her pikachu costume

>> No.7281437

I met her in 2008 too actually! Nothing about her nose stood out to me, but that's probably because she couldn't shoop the bump out of all them because a lot of the ones from back then were unshopped EBK con pics. So I guess I expected to see it there. It wasn't that bad from what I remember though. Jessica's bump is a lot worse. I met Jessica in '10 and then again in '12. While they both obviously use photoshop Miyu looked a lot more similar to her photos in person than Jessica does so I'm assuming Jess uses more photoshop.

>> No.7281458

Ok just to be fair: even tho I agree that Miyu is more attractive than Jnig you also have to remember that the only reason she has a nicer nose is because she had hers fixed. I don't think Jnig getting a nosejob would make her as pretty as Miyu but you still can't really compare someone's nose to someone elses who's theirs done just like you can't compare real tits to fake ones

>> No.7281460

They're talking about Miyu, you idiot.

>> No.7281467
File: 218 KB, 1024x1539, 1388983902353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are lots of cosplayers that are hotter than jnig

>> No.7281465
File: 53 KB, 604x453, notsure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're talking about Miyu.

>> No.7281470
File: 64 KB, 600x809, 1388984026683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in fact i have an entire folder full of cosplayers that are hotter than jnig lol

>> No.7281471

>posting a picture more shooped than jnig

>> No.7281474

I don't think that girl has to Photoshop her nose smaller like Nigri does

>> No.7281479

Oops meant >>7281474 as a reply to >>7281471

>> No.7281487
File: 73 KB, 640x960, SPCatstasha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tasha's my favorite female cosplayer. Her team is great.

>> No.7281483
File: 201 KB, 1024x1539, mikasa_by_kasuzameyuu-d6maqz0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's still hotter even compared to jnig's best and most shopped pics of herself

>> No.7281509

wait I've seen this pic lots of places before. This girl was a cosplayer? hahaha woww its weird to me how girls who look like this are getting into nerd culture now

>> No.7281533

Man, this girl was cosplaying since before "nerd culture" was exploited to the point it is now. She's considered an "old school" cosplayer.

>> No.7281566

I see you have a fetish for transexuals.

>> No.7281574
File: 1.92 MB, 240x135, Jessica2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]