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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 1020 KB, 1100x640, tumblr_mntxkdWO811rk65x8o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7278572 No.7278572 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a thread for loli couples?
Lolitas with brolitas, lolitas with other lolitas, lolitas with kodonas, lolitas with dandees, lolitas with EGAs... All accepted!

Please share your images here, and share a story if you have one.

>> No.7278589
File: 8 KB, 160x240, sincerelyalice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumping a bunch of related

>> No.7278591
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>> No.7278592
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>> No.7278594
File: 224 KB, 600x902, augustpair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of mine are dandyXlolita, sorry

>> No.7278595
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>> No.7278598
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>> No.7278600
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>> No.7278603
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aaand I'm spent

>> No.7278602
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>> No.7278605
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>> No.7278607
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>> No.7278962

bump for moar.

>> No.7279252


>> No.7279290


>> No.7279430

Is that Lavenderlilies?

>> No.7279451

>a loli holding another girl in a princess carry

So fucking cute. I wish that could be a trend.

>> No.7279456
File: 58 KB, 500x333, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never be a kawaii loli-chan's perfect loli trap bf

>> No.7279464
File: 230 KB, 683x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do they have to be couples IRL or just posing with each other and having cohesive outfits?

>> No.7279471


>> No.7279472

Fuck, WTB those narwhale socks on the left?

>> No.7279475

They're made by Teja Jamilla, but she's on vacation atm.

>> No.7279476

Narwhal tights, is what I meant to say...

> time to go to bed

>> No.7279479

>Teja Jamilla

>> No.7279480
File: 73 KB, 467x700, pirateromance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7279528
File: 119 KB, 720x960, 1388892561735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these two are just so cute together

>> No.7279532
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>> No.7279578

it looks harmless until you see pictures of rosarie. then you will want to vomit.

>> No.7279585

I still don't see what you mean.

>> No.7279591

though rosaire is a lolcow, I feel like you are just trying to make something out of nothing.

I'd like to continue this thread without you pushing drama on it. more cutesy couples instead.

>> No.7279593

Monitoring this thread.. what the heck would guys where to accompany lolitas?

>> No.7279600

Where I live, most guys who come to meets dress in steampunk.

>> No.7279603

Depends on the occasion. You can wear ouji, dandy, aristocrat, or just normal fashion (button up shirt and slacks ok). The most important thing is that you don't look sloppy (i.e. bathe, shave, and look presentable).

>> No.7279629

picture rosarie naked getting her fat roast beef pussy licked

>> No.7279649


I'm so sorry.

>> No.7279655

you're trying too hard anon.

>> No.7279659
File: 404 KB, 245x200, 1388120800195.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I not sure what's your fetish, but I don't really tend to picture other lolitas (specially if it's one that displeases me, as in your case) getting it on and then invite strangers on the net to do the same thing. Do you really have such a personal vendetta against her that you have to recall a post she made back in November of a fucking photo that isn't even of herself with a one-liner comment under it?

tl;dr gtfo nobody cares

>> No.7279681
File: 257 KB, 1000x719, 1388896326004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/r/ing more lolita/lolita and lolita/brolita!

>> No.7279699
File: 87 KB, 480x640, tumblr_myj8dp0lzY1rigd0uo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I amu rorita rezbian

>> No.7279706
File: 977 KB, 320x240, tumblr_mpa1qypyxk1qluf27o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I follow both the girls in that pic and they are the cutest fucking couple, oh my god.

>> No.7279724
File: 406 KB, 500x697, 1388897887668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sir Edward makes me doubt about my sexuality, I definitively have some sort of platonic love for her.
She has something that makes her look fragile and pretty, yet stoic and handsome at the same time. When I started following her I mistook her for a boy.

>> No.7279737

I'm so jealous of them.
I want to be cute and have a cute girlfriend too ;_;

>> No.7279739
File: 63 KB, 622x521, 1388898507307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with big labia? Also you have quite a strong vendetta.

>> No.7279794


>> No.7279800

I will eat pussy for burando.

>> No.7279803

We know, rosarie.

>> No.7279810

I would eat her pussy for burando, too

>> No.7279825

I would as well. Would people actually be into that?

>> No.7279828

is there a link to her tumblr? she's super adorable!

>> No.7279833

She is pathethically looking for a girlfriend but only has sweaty brando with broken seems :(

>> No.7279849
File: 100 KB, 480x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive always wanted a cute lolita to be a couple with ever since i started the fashion but im too shy and i Dont know that many people in my comm so im gonna just Muster up the courage to ask...Anyone here want to be cute lolita girlfriends? I could leave my email and we can get to know eachother a bit. It can be platonic or long distance , we can send eachother letters and stuff.

>> No.7279850

I hope it is!
Also wondering if it's posible to get an online sugardaddy. Wouldn't want to have one irl, bit i wouldn't mind sending some kawaii nudes with toys he sends me.

>> No.7279853


>sir edward
i'm so confused? looks like a girl to me

>> No.7279858

Do sugarmummys exist? I want to be the cute babygirl who lives under the protective wing of an older, elegant lady who wears classic lolita.

>> No.7279863

I generally consider myself heterosexual (maybe heteroflexible?), but would definitely consider a relationship with someone who had the personality of petitepasserine or nicholeal regardless of gender. *-* they're so adorable, im glad they found each other.

>> No.7279861

You and me both, anon... If only there were guys that were desperate AND had fat wallets.

>> No.7279867

Sir edward is just a nickname she goes by.

>> No.7279868
File: 92 KB, 600x450, kawaiimasks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here, that'd be wonderful. Would they be okay with you wearing a cute mask though?
I don't want the nudes to spread and for people to recognize me.

>> No.7279873

I thought that too, but they're all into wanting their girls to trust them like blind puppies so that'd probably be a no for them.

>> No.7279880

I actually have a fetish for mouth covering masks and it'd hide my identity so it was worth a shot lol but damn.

>> No.7279893

Maybe seek one out through an ageplay fetish community ?

Also I wear sweet lolita and recently realized that I prefer childish/toy prints and really have an urge to call guys daddy. I think this might be the start of an ageplay fetish but im not sure.

>> No.7279894

This please

>> No.7280151

what about brolita/brolita?

>> No.7280162


>> No.7280179

Fucking really, guys?

>> No.7280190

I'm >>7279825 and >>7279868 and yes, I'm 100% serious. Where can I get a guy or a girl to do this with?
I'd give them nudes of me with my toys and toys they sent me for cute clothes and nice sex toys.

>> No.7280196

>tfw no qt lolita gf

>> No.7280200

As much as I use that buy brand for blowjobs line, why would I be a sugar daddy for an online thing.

That defeats the purpose. I can look at naked girls on the internet WITHOUT sending them money for their things.

If you want an online thing just join mygirlfund.

>> No.7280210

People on other sites send cash for nudes and people on Gaiaonline desperately pay for nudes from girls with rare items and sometimes real money.
There are ways to find people into that. I just wouldn't want actual money, I'd want them to send me actual things like clothes and toys.

>> No.7280219

Just my viewpoint on it.

If I were to sugardaddy for a lolita, it's because I love the style of it in a non-fetish way. Especially the rare military style ones. While I'd rather date a lolita, if there was a financial aspect to it, I'd rather get the fun of sexy time than just nudes.

But then that feels like an underlying prostitution thing which I don't dig so I dunno. But I'd rather have a trophy lolita gf than an online thing.

>> No.7280227

Also just tossing out there, as fedora as this sounds, there are trustworthy guys out there.

I have pics ranging from fap-worthy to nudes of ex's, some being seagulls and would not release them.

I just think it's really fucked up and an absolute betrayal of the trust they put in you.

>> No.7280228

I'd only let them be my real life and not online sugardaddy/mommy if they were at least of 5/10 looks. That's not too hard to ask I think but you never know and I've never done that sort of thing before anyhow so I have no idea how it'd actually work.

>> No.7280232

If you live in Europe you could always join some traditional celebration in historic costumes

>> No.7280396

lel I now this guy

>> No.7281506

Same was as you can look at naked girls without sending them money, you could've gotten blowjobs without buying them brand.
And yet you did.

>> No.7281568

Am I the only one who finds him too manly to really consider him top tier perfect qt3.14 trap boyfriend material?

>tfw foreveralone because your type just simply doesn't exist

>> No.7281582
File: 379 KB, 630x941, 1388986186252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my ideal bf is andrej but with less of a manjaw

>> No.7281595

so, a woman?

>> No.7281601
File: 154 KB, 623x816, 1388986682706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No because they'd still have a dick and no breasts. It's complicated anon.

>> No.7281606

A woman with a dick and who acts according to male gender roles.

>> No.7281637
File: 61 KB, 1024x683, 1388987451961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less man jaw and shorter hair and he'd be god tier ultimate hasubando.

Also, I think Roger Garth is creepy as fuck looking in general and don't find him attractive at all, but in this one picture, I literally can't handle the fact that I'm not on his dick.

All I want is a hyper feminine perfect lolita trap with blonde curls and a big dick. Is that really so much to ask for?

>> No.7281652

The answer for you, my lady, is asians.
They're very androgynous. With a bit of makeup and a wig, some young asian lads can perfectly pass as a girl.
And of course, it also works the other way arround.

>> No.7281655

Different anon, but I just don't find Asians attractive 99 times out of 100. I want a naturally blonde, doe eyed trap.

>> No.7281660

Same, I just cannot into Asians for the life of me.

>> No.7282481

dafuq happened ITT

>> No.7282485

My bf is a 220lbs weightlifter. He loves my lolita stuff but I really don't know how he could dress to go with my outfits...

>> No.7282488

Nice shirt with slacks. Match tie color with the main color of your dress.

>> No.7282490


You literally just need eye surgery and a good dye job with certain facial features to achieve something like that.

There's like >2 billion asians so anything is possible anyways.

>> No.7282495

yup, nice and simple.

>> No.7282499

I need some help. Or at least another opinion on the matter?

I'm not a lifestyle lolita, I weart it occasionally or at meet ups and I try to keep it separated of my daily life.

Recently this one person I've been going out with found out my likings of "strange dolly-like clothings", as in his words. He says it is weeb's things and utterly ridiculous. I've tried to show him all my muses, but he still finds it terrible. I've never wore lolita near him and haven't said that I own any dresses.

I'm not thinking of throwing my dresses away or forcing him like them, but is there any way to show him it is not a weeaboo/crazy japanese fan fashion? Also, I'm terrible scared of wearing anything and he ends up running away... I've never thought I'd looked that bad in lolita, but still, I don't know what he is going to think

>> No.7282525

If he can't accept your hobbies, he's not worth it.

That aside, classic and Gothic pieces are elegant, especially nonprints and well made ones. Normals will probably think it's vintage.

>> No.7282526

Maybe he doesn't realize how much you like it? I'm hoping someone who cares about you wouldn't trash your interests to your face. I would probably sit him down and tell him you understand that he doesn't like it, and will try to not wear it in front of him, but lolita is something you like and that's not going to change.

>> No.7282543

>would put in so many cosplays. Unf

>> No.7282544

I'm more into classic, and all the pieces I've shown him are classics too. He says that, as it's a japanese fashion, only weeaboos like it. Thats prejudice, I know, but I'm not even into cosplay or anything

>> No.7282549 [DELETED] 

I'd wait until the topic comes up again before talking about it. If you ever show him the stuff you have just pick out the most plain yet elegant ones you have so he realizes you just like nice clothes.

I've also found making jokes about it makes guys who don't get it accept it a lot more. Hell, I showed my new guy my Royal Kitten jsk and he thought it was hilarious and cute. I'd be super casual about it. If he is still weirded out by just clothes I'd be a little weary.

>> No.7282550

He's not worth it

>> No.7282551

Well, I'll do it and see how I get around with it. I've never planned on being a lifestyle lolita, but I hoped to bring him to meets, since it's very common on my local comm. We are very friendly here, even boy/girlfriends seem to enjoy the time. I guess this just won't happen.

>> No.7282555

Fuck my reply, that dude is just being a stubborn horse's ass about it. That really sucks though, anon. Hopefully he'll lighten up later on.

>> No.7282558

Seriously gurl, he's not worth it. He doesn't respect your choices and tastes and it's not about lolita. If he actually respected and loved you he'd be accepting of anything you'd be interested in, and he's just shitting on it without consideration for your feelings. This will leak into other things and it will be toxic. I've been there, and you're either going to be stuck in an abusive relationship or have a nasty, nasty, breakup. You can try to explain shit, but people don't change.

>> No.7282560

Don't be one of those girls that bring her boy/girlfriend as an accessory or drag them to show off. If your boyfriend isn't fond of Lolita, don't force him to meets with strangers. It's completely acceptable to be two adults with separate hobbies. Just because everyone else does, doesn't mean you should.

>> No.7282807

I always wonder about this. Like, my partner likes Lolita fashion. He wears dandy (even precious burando dandy), and has organized meets before.
but there's always someone talking loudly and pointedly, sitting or standing next to me about 'urgh, girls who drag along their boyfriends'.

>> No.7282837

If he's obviously wearing brand and taking part in running things, he is as much a lolita (or dandy in this case) as anyone at that meet. I've met girls at meets who drag their boyfriends, and have met at least one whos boyfriend was an actual member of the comm and wore brand and was really there because he wanted to be. Its two very different things, and no one has the right to say you're dragging him along.

>> No.7282845

You're right, thanks. I guess we both just feel kinda awkward about it when someone starts going on about 'drag alongs' and making sideways stares at either of us.

>> No.7283065

I seriously hope so. He's kinda sweet and very thougthful, though he's serious about his thoughts on lolita

>> No.7283071

I'm sorry you had to pass through something terrible like that. I don't think he is going to that extreme of not let me wear it

>> No.7283197
File: 138 KB, 350x467, 1311326490669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought this was cute

>> No.7283198
File: 69 KB, 426x640, tumblr_lapxa3FIFI1qa20ryo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no idea if any of these people are dating

>> No.7283203
File: 142 KB, 500x564, 1353723753143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute cute

>> No.7283226
File: 234 KB, 1360x2048, awatea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7283241
File: 41 KB, 301x406, 1056108-lady_oscar_ign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy looks like IRL Lady Oscar holy shit.

>> No.7283245

Oh my god you're right, would husbando 10/10

>> No.7283249

Sooo straight traps? Do those even exist?

>> No.7283277

This thread inspires me to much. ;o;
My boyfriend wants to become a brolita, and he wants to walk out in public and go to meets with me!

The best part is that he'll let me dress in dandy and be his prince. It's quite enchanting and makes me so happy.

Sage for no contribution.

>> No.7287231


>> No.7287263

Yes, there's actually a load of them.

My fetish. Most the ones I've met online haven't even known about /cgl/ though.

>> No.7287274

How do you meet them, it it cragislist? Some secret corner of okcupid?

>> No.7292510

bump bump , want more pictures of cute couples

>> No.7292626
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>> No.7292629

Aww!! More of these two. Please

>> No.7292632
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>> No.7292640
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>> No.7292644

I honestly wish they were a couple.

>> No.7292643
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>> No.7292645
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>> No.7292647

What dress is this?

>> No.7292651
File: 446 KB, 500x667, tumblr_m7d3dnvPh61qbnou3o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish someone who knew Japanese could get the book and translate this page for me, I want to know what it says.

>> No.7292656
File: 193 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mqnisg1ktG1syf7ewo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7292663

Whoa. I'll never seen this before.

Though Akira to me is very girly, especially in comparison to my waifu Omi from exist trace.