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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7275531 No.7275531[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is Jessica Nigri so hated amongst the cosplay community?
I understand that she is not amongst some of the older top tier cosplayers in terms of dedication and craftsmanship.
I understand that she only famous because of "lolomgboobs" and because, quite frankly, she's just plain hot.
But why shouldn't she be allowed to have her success? Please try to strip away your biases and have a civil discussion.

>> No.7275536

I think we dislike her cause we prefer people to 'pay their dues' before media touts them as THE cosplayer everyone should be.

I think we also expect someone to be actually good at something before they can be famous for it.

>> No.7275539

IMO, I liken to her to any of the famous "youtubers" out there. They put in work to get their videos out, they get a break and go viral, and then continue to work at what they're doing. No harm meant to anyone who's come before or the other competitors in the present. They just happen to be what's bigger at the time.

>> No.7275540

Because bitches will always be mad jelly when the hot chick in a skimpy outfit outshines ~flawless craftsmanship~.

/thread over

>> No.7275543

>I think we also expect someone to be actually good at something before they can be famous for it.
Isn't that really up to someone perspective though? Not trying to start a flame war, just making points.

>> No.7275559

Jessica is a girl who is easily the most popular cosplayer in America but has some of the WORST costume skills in the cosplay community, so people get jealous and feel she's unworthy, etc. And since most of her fame is based around her looks and vapid sexuality she becomes something many girls hate: being reminded that their hobby is based around sex and if they aren't sexy they can't compete.

>> No.7275577

I just find her really typical, honestly.

>tanned bleached-hair beach babe doing "lol nerdy" stuff for attention because attractive girls are apparently rare in this field

>> No.7275580

I was with you up until that last part; cosplay isn't based entirely around sex at all, it's dressing up as a character for fun and showing off your love for that character/franchise.whatever. Jnig goes around MAKING it about sex with her shitty costumes, when it isn't. Another reason why people dislike her.

>> No.7275585

>Isn't that really up to someone perspective though?

Well, bad fabric choices, shoddy painting, unhemmed edges aren't really up for debate on perspective. It is what it is & what it is is pedestrian blunders that no one even a little decent makes.

>> No.7275587

But every other famous cosplayer does their outfits that way too. I'm not saying that they aren't better. But they all have lots of cleavage and skimpy/skinny outifts. But no one else gets so much shit for it.

>> No.7275591

JNig made it popular because of her shitty Pikachu gijinka.
And several of her outfits after that had titties flying everywhere when they didn't need to.

>> No.7275593

>>tanned bleached-hair beach babe doing "lol nerdy" stuff for attention because attractive girls are apparently rare in this field

I find the most telling thing about this argument is that it makes you realize that there are LOADS of talented attractive women out there. The people like Jnig realize this and know they aren't anything special so they pick a smaller field so they can be rare again.

>> No.7275594

I am in complete agreement with you, but you seem to be implying that she's the only popular cosplayer that does that.

>> No.7275596

She's not. Yaya does it too.
I don't really notice many other cosplayers but I know there's more.

JNig's just one of the big ones, and that's how she got there.

>> No.7275603

>but you seem to be implying that she's the only popular cosplayer that does that.

I'm trying to think of other 'tits out' cosplayers and if they just do JUST that and I can't think of one. All of them have costumes of skill or substance in their backlogs. There must be some right? Some that did it before Jnig?

Cause if I can't think of one that makes her the only one who hasn't bothered to make one costume that wasn't about her tits.

>> No.7275604


She's a part of the problem. She gets as much shit as those other cosplayers do because they're making cosplay into a horrible thing where it's more about the sex and less about the comics/games/actual "nerd" thing.

>> No.7275609

Jnig wears tons of makeup, boosts her bust, bleaches her hair and picked a niche community to stand out. The geek niche works, their standards are low when it comes to overexposed women.

I do like her, but I won't forget why a nd how she's popular.

>> No.7275618

As I said earlier, I used to like her but her e-fame is going to her head and she acts like a stereotypical "nerdgurl" and I hate that shit.

You can be a girl and like video games.
You can be a girl and like comics.
It's when you force it down other peoples throats that makes you look fake and a trend jumper.

There's better girls to hate though.
Like Yaya, our "ambassador"
Or any of the other bitches on Facebook that you've never heard of but somehow have hundreds of thousands of fans.
I ain't even gonna lie though, if I was a chick, I'd dress slutty too, get all the attention.

>> No.7275622
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pic related

>> No.7275625

I personally don't believe 90% of this - it has jelly butthurt ex boyfriend all over it.

This is the kind of shit a "friendzoned" little bitch does.

>> No.7275638

>cosplay isn't based entirely around sex at all, it's dressing up as a character for fun and showing off your love for that character/franchise.whatever

BAD cosplay and people who don't give a shit see it this way. But if you actually want to be an ADMIRED cosplayer then you either have to be an amazing craftsman or a hot babe who shows her tits. Most cosplayers want to be admired but dont have the sex appeal to do it. You don't like facing this reality because you know you cant be sexy.

>> No.7275640

She has 4 lvl 30 accounts on league of legends and has actually streamed herself playing with some of her league friends. Good try though.

>> No.7275642

So you're saying Vann made that image depicting himself and labeling himself the conspirator? lol I doubt that.

More like the image was made by a butthurt /cgl/ jealous fatty.

>> No.7275646

Playing League of Legends in itself doesn't make you a real gamer. It's free to play and literally the most popular online game in the world.

>> No.7275654

I play it, I host LAN parties with friends who play it, and I've also happen to have been gaming since the early/mid 90's. Am I not a real gamer?

>> No.7275657

She seems to have a good social interaction with her fans. Those pictures of her with that creepy fat neckbeard that stalked her all throughout-- what was it? Anime South?-- she seemed to be cool with making that malewhale happy. I probably wouldn't be cool with that guy following me around like some morbidly obese puppy.

I'm no fan of hers. I wish she'd deviate from her generic same makeup and try something new. I also wish she'd give other people more credit for making her things.

>> No.7275666

>Most cosplayers want to be admired but dont have the sex appeal to do it. You don't like facing this reality because you know you cant be sexy.

Or a few people out there were taught different. That sex isn't everything. It's important but it shouldn't be your basis for everything you do.

>> No.7275668


Is it the only thing you play?
Probably not.

>> No.7275670

Tell that to the majority of "cosplay fans" (ie fat neckbeards) out there.

>> No.7275672

> I've also happen to have been gaming since the early/mid 90's

Do you seriously not see the difference here.

>> No.7275673

You ever bring normal friends to a con?

Biggest mistake I made. I didn't know they'd be such fucking creepers.

I still cringe at the memory.

>> No.7275713

and now multiply that by hundreds, because JNig's sex tactics are bringing these normal people thinking her cosplays are definition of cosplay. No wonder why there's been increase of creepers at conventions

>> No.7275742

I have nothing against Jnig. She seems like she would be fun to go drinking with. I see her more as a spokes model type cosplayer. Imo there are different types of 'cosplayers' out there. Some ppl do it for a hobby seriously, others more actually and others its a job.

>> No.7275748

JNig is a pleb.

She specifically appeals to people who don't even like cosplay and panders to them with her sexualized, lazy costumes.

Basically 95% of her social network following are the that say "tits" in every comment.

She made it "cool" to be a sexy cosplayer and now there are hundreds of no name "like" bait Facebook babe cosplayers out there all doing the same overdone characters.

I honestly have more respect for pornstars than all these copycat JNigs.

>> No.7275762


>she's just plain hot

troll confirmed

>> No.7275771

Not at all, I think that she's an extremely attractive woman. I think that at least 90% of males would agree.

>> No.7275777

You're pretty dumb. Virtually every female character in anime/manga/video games is a fantasy of human beauty. People who look at cosplay are not interested in you unless the way you look is provocative. You will not be popular in cosplay unless you are sexy. It's as simple as that.

This isn't society's fault, it's yours for not understanding your own hobby.

>> No.7275779

Or maybe you're just an autistic moron who thinks anytime a man thinks a girl is sexy is "creepy" and hitting on a girl is a violation of human rights.

>> No.7275784


Attractive in a "I'd marry that" way, or "I'd tap that" way?

Good to know leathery damaged skin and raccoon make up is attractive, I'll have to get on that.

>> No.7275785

If you got rid of all the female cosplayers that only dress up to get attention from the masses, cosplay would no longer exist.

>> No.7275786


im not even hating, i enjoy cosplay and i like drama threads. /fa-fit/ here, she looks much older than she should and will not age well. the amount of eyeliner she wears is distracting and im sure it's a trainwreck when she wakes up.

i'd be lying if i said i'd never seen a good picture of her (fox, pikachu) but most everything else i'd put her at a 6 or lower.

>> No.7275787

Jealousy is not attractive.

>> No.7275791

Because her and Yaya are the cancer killing cosplay.

>> No.7275793
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fyi, here's a picture of an "extremely attractive" girl

high cheekbones, dainty chin, thin nose, heart shaped face

>> No.7275802

You weren't there to view his friends--maybe they were being creepy.

>> No.7275803


You write off everyone who doesn't think like you which is why I cannot respect or agree with your point of view or anything you say supporting it.

I've been at this hobby for about 15 years and I've done plenty of movie, anime, comic, TV, and book cosplay. Of all of those less than half were provocative and people really liked them if photography of them is anything to go by.

You can be popular without pandering to the lowest common denominator of sex.

I think you only understand this hobby from the last 5 years. You only understand the surface area of it. Typical.

>> No.7275805
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nope try candice

>> No.7275809
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>>If you got rid of all the female cosplayers that only dress up to get attention from the masses, cosplay would no longer exist.

Or it might go back to 1995 levels.

I'm very much ok with that.

>> No.7275810


an outfit any girl on /cgl/ would literally kill for

she's smokin

>> No.7275812

wow female here and you sound like the biggest feminist bitch on /cgl/

youre probably one of those girls who bitches about restaurants like hooters and how it degrades women

>> No.7275813


both are pretty.
Plus no one put their make up on with a trowel.
That's always a plus.

>> No.7275817


sex is, if anything, the highest common denominator.

>> No.7275814


and we are done here.

You need to work on your debate skills.

>> No.7275819
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Jessica is hot. Get over it. Stop being jealous and start being inspired.

>> No.7275823




>> No.7275826

Replying only with "You need to work on your debate skills" in itself shows your lack of debate skills.

>> No.7275827

inspired to be fake? no thanks

>> No.7275828

If your goal was popularity and attention and turning that into cash, which is easier: spending years honing your craft and multiple skills in the hopes that people take notice of your craftsmanship among a sea of talented cosplayers, or show your T&A and create an image of a "I'm hot AND nerdy" special snowflake that panders to neckbeards and a generally more mainstream audience, which would you choose?

>> No.7275830
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>but her e-fame is going to her head

Where is this coming from? or are you just pulling that from your ass?


this is from the con she wore the Venus cosplay
Listen to the first thing she says...

>> No.7275832

JNig, Yaya, Vampy, and Amie Lynn should all just ditch cosplay and star in porn movies.

>> No.7275836


more nigri for you


you're very existence is proof of the power of sex. you can backwards rationalize this shit as much as you want, but humans are designed to recognize traits of beauty and want to fuck those traits above all else.

>> No.7275846 [DELETED] 

You make it sound like cosplay is some great and noble thing. It's just nerds dressing up as cartoon characters for attention. If you can get attention and fame for being hot and showing boobs, what's wrong with that? Just because you made your own shit and spent hours in you boyfriend's garage teaching yourself how to be a novice at craftwork doesn't mean anyone really is supposed to care.

>> No.7275847

why is being hot and sexy mean you need to do porn vids? If they wanted to show their vagina they would have already.

should I tell that to every cosplayer that shows their boobs at a con?

>> No.7275850

You make it sound like cosplay is some great and noble thing. It's just nerds dressing up as cartoon characters for attention. If you can get attention and fame for being hot and showing boobs, what's wrong with that? Just because you made your own shit and spent hours in you boyfriend's garage teaching yourself how to be a novice at craftwork doesn't mean anyone really is supposed to care.

>> No.7275854

Or maybe all the fat uglies who can't be hot in costume should just ditch cosplaying and work as seamstresses.

>> No.7275855


its not like Nigri walked into comic con 2009 and told everyone to give her massive E fame

it was neck beards zooming in on her name tag and stalking her facebook

>> No.7275860

>sold prints of her shitty Pikachu costume "scented with Jessica's very own perfume!"
>collected "donations" for new Pokemon costumes
>every Pokemon costume was a headband with shitty hotglued ears and a shitty tail with a matching bikini
>started the print selling trend that cosplayers follow now to try and make a career out of a hobby, no one realizes that her "costumes" don't violate copyright because more than 50% of the design is changed but most cosplayers' aren't
>admitted to ninjattorney in an IM that she was anonymously posting herself on /cgl/ to try and go viral
>has fake tits and never admitted it
>always alters costumes to expose more cleavage
>lies about making her costumes
A lot of people blame her and Yaya for sexing up cosplay, but cosplay was sexed up before that. My problem with her is the deceitful bullshit she's been spewing since she first started with her stupid Sexychu costume.

>> No.7275863

Oh, I forgot:
>refused to sign to Heroes of Cosplay's first season because she didn't want the drama
>saw Yaya and everyone's renewed e-fame
>agreed to be on season 2 despite its horrible reputation in the cosplay community

>> No.7275871

Do you have proof for any of those allegations? (Other than the first few obviously)

>> No.7275875

>>admitted to ninjattorney in an IM that she was anonymously posting herself on /cgl/ to try and go viral

pics or this shit didnt happen

>> No.7275883 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7275894

I didn't say there was anything wrong with that. My point is that Jessica does what she does because her main goal is different and it's an easier route for her to take.

>> No.7275896
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>always alters costumes to expose more cleavage

ok do you know anything about her other then her costumes from 2009-2010?

>lies about making her costumes

is it that fucking hard to believe a woman can make clothing? especially if you think its so shitty. where is the proof she makes nothing?

btw if you follow her instagram she constantly posts progress shots

>> No.7275898

Strip away my bias? Kay.

She uses the exact same makeup for every costume and it only suits them about 20% of the time. I'm almost convinced she has eyeliner tattooed on or something.

>> No.7275899

>saw Yaya and everyone's renewed e-fame

this IS SOILD bullshit
did laugh tho

>> No.7275902
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Um no?

>> No.7275904

It is just nerds dressing up as cartoon characters, but assuming everyone does it PURELY or MAINLY for the attention is where I disagree. Attention is always one positive benefit of cosplaying, but I question anyone who spends that kind of money on a hobby just for that unless it's bringing them in a significant amount of money in return.

>> No.7275907

Ya wut m8?

>> No.7275913

what do most do it for then? fun?
so oncesomeone gets random E fame should they not be allowed to cosplay because then its only for attention apparently?

>> No.7275918

Because Nigiri actually looks like a pornstar when she has her racoon eyes on.

>> No.7275920

you look fat enough to be a porn star
does that mean you should have sex for a living?

>> No.7275919

Yeah because my friends following girls to escalators to look up skirts is cool.

I won't even say what else they did, just dropping that as an example.

So, yeah, reverse-autismed you so hard you count trains as they go by.

>> No.7275922

Because she's a big fucking liar, that's why. That and she's a hypocrite. She says she won't ever pose nude because she "has too much respect for herself." With how much skin she bares, she's basically providing softcore porn as is. The only thing we haven't seen are her genitals or nipples. Too much "self-respect" my ass.

And the lying... oh my god, stop lying about your costumes and stop lying about your breast implants, Jessica.

>> No.7275923

Hey I never said she was ugly, I just said she's make a good pornstar. Why are you whiteknighting so hard when there's no reason to do so?

>> No.7275930

the door swings both ways
why are you hating so much for no reason

>> No.7275935

Well, I would imagine fun yes, if you're miserable doing it what's the point? But lots of reasons, it's a creative outlet, it's a great way to meet friends and hang out with friends, meet other fans of a series... I would say those are the main reasons most people do it. When you make attention-seeking your priority, it shows in your choices and a lot of people don't respond well to that.

As for your second question: People can do whatever the hell they want, cosplay what they want, but that doesn't mean everyone is going to or has to like them. I will never understand why there are constantly threads about Nigri filled with defenses of her. It's cool if you like her and it's cool if you don't. She doesn't have to be everyone's cup of tea nor should people feel bad if they happen to like her.

>> No.7275939

I'm not hating. I said she's be a great pornstar because she has both the body and the face for it. Unfortunately for your argument, or whatever the fuck you're doing right now, I only watch porn with attractive people in it.

I'm honestly not sure why you're so offended.

>> No.7275948 [DELETED] 
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>there are constantly threads about Nigri

I am a fan of Jessica and this NEVER happens


is this your first time in /cgl/ or something?

>> No.7275950

Attractive is subjective. She's not even my type, everyone's got different taste.

>> No.7275956
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>there are constantly threads about Nigri filled with defences of her.

I am a fan of Jessica and this NEVER happens

the most that happens is once in a blue moon girls like me come out and try to say something but 99% of /cgl/ hates her guts, no matter what she does /cgl/ hates her so badly

is this your first time in /cgl/ or something?

>> No.7275953

Look for screenshots of Jessica's old website. She had a "donation" paypal and sold scented prints. The screenshots used to be so common before the new janitors.
She's made sluttified everything since 2010, have you been living under a rock? Try looking at her fanpage on Facebook.
>Slutty Mario
>Slutty Teemo
>Slutty Fox McCloud
>Slutty Connor
People asked her where she got her costumes and she would always tell them it was a secret. She just recently started claiming to make her own costumes because she figured out she could get nerd cred for it. She didn't go from hot glued ears to commissioned costumes to talented seamstress overnight like she pretends she does.
Progress shots, anyone can ask a commissioner for those. Plenty of commissioners out there will allow someone to say they made a costume for an extra couple of bucks.
Why else would she sign up for season 2 of HoC when every real cosplayer hates that show? More views, more fans, more stupid people throwing their money at tits.
Any cosplayer that's been around before 2009 knows that JNig is full of shit and will do anything to get nerds to throw money at her so she doesn't have to pay for her own stuff.

>> No.7275961

While it's not as bad as it used to be since moot changed shit, people still create thinly disguised threads all the time to bitch about Nigri and her ilk.

>> No.7275959

The only reason why she's well know is because she was on Kassem G's comic-con video on youtube.

If it wasn't for that, she'd be a nobody.

>> No.7275965

Nigri threads always have their share of white nights. Or people looking to troll.

>> No.7275967

if there was this much legitimate lying for years I think there would be at least some people coming out with some real proof by now

but there hasnt been

>> No.7275971

because people are deluded by her 'charm'

>> No.7275972

All the people that hated JNig enough to save folders of screenshots have moved on and started getting half-naked and selling prints themselves. I find her distasteful and trashy, but I don't hate her. I just know the truth about her and it's sad that this community was so quick to forget the stupid shit she did.

>> No.7275983
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>Progress shots, anyone can ask a commissioner for those.

With your logic


also youre saying if their is proof of something positive about her you wont believe it...but if some comes up that proves something negative about her youll believe it in a heartbeat...nice logic gurl

>> No.7275986


I always wondered why she never hosted HoC. I know they wanted JNig over Yaya just because JNig is more eFamous than Yaya.

I honestly think it was a tactical maneuver by JNig to stay under the radar so she didn't have to own up to the fact that she doesn't make her costumes and doesn't know shit about costume making.

She's not dumb enough to pony up that she's a fraud.

>> No.7275988

Hey, I've got a question. What in the fuck does Jessica want to do as a job once she's too old for cosplaying sexy characters? I mean, she can't work as something like a respiratory therapist because when a potential employer Googles her name... well... softcore-ish photos everywhere.

>> No.7275993

One of the people she commissioned came forward about it. That was good stuff. I'm sad now that I didn't save any of it because I thought JNig's 15 minutes of fame would finally end.

>> No.7275997

I honestly think its more that she feels like she already has enough hate, idk why she would be on S2

>> No.7276001
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see this video

>> No.7276010

do you also think VS models couldnt get a job either if they wanted to?

modelling even in underwear isnt viewed that poorly as you think in businesses

>> No.7276016
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>Didn't even know about cosplay before doing it.

Holy shit, I was on the fence about her but this takes the cake.

Pretty much confirms she's a fake geek and is just riding out her accidental fame.

>> No.7276022


"I got taken away from college, and now im doing this for a living, andI want to go back to school"

this just shows how torcherous modeling managers can be

>> No.7276025

In certain professional settings it sure as hell is. It's considered "unprofessional conduct" if you're applying for certain jobs such as a teacher, doctor, nurse, etc.

>> No.7276028

>cosplay = true otaku

lel go tell /a/ that see how they respond

>> No.7276029


I'm loling so hard.

I'm assuming English isn't your first language and give you an A+ for sounding it out.

Not even being sarcastic.

>> No.7276030
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I honestly meant that.
They offered no actual rebuttle in the points made.
They DO need to work on their debate skills.

As for you.
Nice try with your NO U. Textbook.

>> No.7276031


good god my sides

>> No.7276037
File: 12 KB, 320x240, helloooooo nurse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She could cosplay as a nuse

>> No.7276043

>you can backwards rationalize this shit as much as you want, but humans are designed to recognize traits of beauty and want to fuck those traits above all else.

I like how you think no one can be more than that or that is all we are.

Are you the type that also thinks that "hey she was dressed that way so I am allowed to touch her?"
That's what your animal instincts said, just follow them.
That will serve you well.

No, I was not being sarcastic. Please go ahead. I want you to.

>> No.7276042 [DELETED] 

are you a retard?

>> No.7276049

average nurse is a nigger or Muslim
there is no high standard for nursing

>> No.7276053

Even if a few people were taught different, sex selling isn't anything new.

There's a reason why people like her get recognition, and it's because they know how to sell themselves. Sure, there's people in the community who are admired for their craftsmanship skills and dedication, but people like Jessica indeed get hired because they're sexy, regardless of their skills or their commitment to the cosplay community.

>> No.7276057

What kind of doctors offices are you visiting?

>> No.7276059
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>The only thing we haven't seen are her genitals or nipples.

give it time.

She'll be like Alisa and eventually wear something so sheer or conforming that she might as well be naked.
Then someone will just shoop out the barely there fabric and make her look naked.

Eventually every girl who treads on their looks does this. It's just their nature to need that attention. Can't help it.

>> No.7276077


After her cosplay "hotness" wears off, she'll resort to erotic videos to get her fame and attention back...

applemilk anyone? not a cosplayer. but she had the same "mindset" that Jnig has, and i see her going down the same route.

>> No.7276086

A lot of people seem to think her 15 minutes of fame will end soon. I doubt it just look at yaya she's ancient and still manages to make herself relevant and is still milking it for all she can. Jessica will be around for a while and she's just going to keep getting bigger and no I don't like her just calling it like I see it

>> No.7276095


yaya is a rather special case in that she is asian, so the "bias" of western cosplay drama doesn't affect her. she will cosplay even as an old women.

Jnig is being subject to standards of western cosplay... which implies that she'll only do it as long as she gets attention from it.

>> No.7276102
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To be honest..
If I were even a fraction of as good looking, I wouldn't be ashamed of more revealing cosplays either. Maybe not as simple as >>7275819 with just plain underwear, but maybe more like Kamui's armor and generally all dat skimpy fantasy mmo armor that's just super fun to build. Yes, I'm actually working out to be hotter, but let's be honest - can't beat genes.

Sorry but the majority of this thread is just jellies to me. I can somewhat understand the 'omg lying bitch' thing, but only somewhat. Like, who cares, be the bigger person.

>> No.7276117

yeah! I'm inspired! let me staple my cosplays together, push my tits up, and go in the most revealing outfit I can!
even if I'm butterfaced, I can just cake on shittons of pornstar makeup, but it doesn't matter, they're not looking at my face anyway! thats why they'll think I'm the most gorgeous creature!

maybe I'll even start a kickstarter or two!

thanks jessica!

>> No.7276121

She's rich, popular, talented, and gorgeous so bitches get jealous. Happens all the time.

>> No.7276129
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She's popular because of her pleb following and people who actually make their own costumes and know their fandom don't take kindly to her.

Her fame was an anomaly and she's milking it as long as she can. Then she'll have to get a real job.

>> No.7276136

those looks wont laste forever.

they're fading already. try using less makeup, and take care of your hair. seriously, you have some potential to look cute!

>> No.7276137

>She's popular because of her pleb following and people who actually make their own costumes and know their fandom don't take kindly to her.

Isn't that the truth. Nothing but 'zomg bewbs' people care...oh and coattail riders. Can't forget them.

>> No.7276140

That's the spirit! Then everyone who says anything negative about you will be revealed as a jealous fatty.

>> No.7276146

Because hardwork means jack shit and jessica proves that right.

>> No.7276147

>coattail riders
You mean all of JNig's cosplay friends?

>> No.7276148

i also post in therpf and there's tons of progress threads and evidence of making your own cosplay.

>> No.7276149

oh and, no one likes the cold hard truth no matter how many times they pick at "craftsmenship", its means absolutely nothing.

>> No.7276150
File: 361 KB, 600x550, make them drool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone! even if they are prettier than me!

now to start making the big bucks! who knows? maybe I can make enough to get a boobjob, and then lie about it.
you know, some guys dont like fake tits you know, so that's why I'd lie.

>> No.7276151

i think the difference is an actual registered nurse which goes to college and just an office assistant or pima type nurse who only has to go to a short program. they're usually college dropouts and ex hood rats and Filipinos.

an actual nurse pays well.

>> No.7276154

Other girls just fight so much and are all round bitches.

They gossip, go shopping, care about their appearance, and act so dumb all the time. Teehee, I don't know how to do X! Argh, such morons. Do they think they're cute?

I like video games, science, can burp the alphabet, and lounge around in sweatpants. I don't gossip, I have serious discussions with people who have over an IQ of 20, unlike those other girls who can't talk about anything other than reality TV.

I get along with guys so much better than girls. I'm practically a man in a woman's body!

You go girl, we're so different from those other bitches!

>> No.7276156

there's tons of progress threads and evidence of making your own cosplay.

cant you argue that someone else is taking those photos for you?
even the ones with you in them?

thats my point ass hat

>> No.7276157

>reality TV

girl pls

>> No.7276160

wow /cgl/ sure is 13 tonight

must be the holiday break

I cant wait for highschool to go back in session

>> No.7276161

>I'm almost convinced she has eyeliner tattooed on or something.

SO MUCH THIS. the things I hate the most about her is her damn makeup racoon eyes

>> No.7276163

Relax, this is a copy pasta >>7276154

>> No.7276165


Being a gamer to me is having meta good gaming skills all across the board in different gaming genres and having the drive to improve. People that follow the industry and can dissect gaming mechanics to learn the science of the game.

People that pick up gaming just because it's popular (LoL) aren't true gamers, just band-wagoners.

Also JNig sucks.

>> No.7276167

Nurse's assistants are terrible because they pretend to know about medical things, even pretend to be real nurses, but they're as close to a nurse as the McDonalds fry pit guy is. A bunch of them almost killed my friend's sick baby with their incompetence and strange desire to cockblock her ability to see a doctor or even a real nurse.

>> No.7276168

>Then she'll have to get a real job.
i think a lot of people don't know how much she actually doesn't make a living out of cosplay.

yaya says she does it for a living too, but they don't pay rent or real bills w/cosplay money. they usually have someone (man or parent) fronting their actual bills. they're probably making as much as a minimum wage job. the place where i do believe they'd take a big haul would be by internet begging on kickstarter

>> No.7276169

But she just said in a recent interview she does cosplay full time? I don't see how she can have another job with all the photoshoots she does and the cons she seems to attend every weekend.

>> No.7276175

Maybe your friend shouldn't have been an incompentent mother and took the advice from nursing staff that aren't registered?
Seriously, mothers are the most retarded people in hospital who scream "incompetence! Neglect! Nurses nearly killed my baby!!" All the freaking time. They listen to something a nurse has said and take it the wrong way 47393t282% of the time.

>> No.7276177

well there's actually pretty easy ways to produce convincing evidence with time stamps and actual progress.
a rational person can see the difference.
because faking does happen from time to time, usually the person being stolen from will speak up.
i don't think most people would go through all the trouble of building such a huge web of lies. but it's usually figured out by internet detectives.

i think you're the ass hat here you fucking vapid shit cunt, you can't get that it's easy to prove when you are doing your own work, it's harder to fake the evidence and pay off people to cover for you and then convince people of something that is a lie.

jeez you are a special type of retarded fuck aren't you.

>> No.7276180

>"I got taken away from college, and now im doing this for a living, andI want to go back to school"

so she quit school to dress up as fictional characters and take pictures for guys to drool over? and then makes it like she's forced to do it? are you kidding me?

>> No.7276186
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I'm inclined to believe this as well.

Cosplaying to pay the bills is like living on a stripper's wages. Your income is at the mercy of your fans and isn't a steady paycheck. She might have a good few months of selling prints but it's not a constant stream of money, she'll be broke when the prints stop selling. All these "famous" cosplayers are defendants of their parents/husbands/boyfriends incomes.

tldr; A Plummer makes more money than JNig.

>> No.7276182

not that anon, but I've dealt with someone like that before
>alright staff, bring me a doctor
"no no, you're fine, just a sore throat
>I need a fucking doctor
"no you don't you're fine"
>seriously bring me a fucking doctor

I had to downright yell at them until they replied. I was in so much pain from being sick and I was not dealing with their shit.
turns out, I had mono.

>> No.7276183

you guys seem to be forgetting that although yaya is an old hag and an attention whore, she actually does have some fucking skills when it comes to cosplaying.

>> No.7276184

i do know that it's not hard at all to be an assistant nurse or whatever my retarded sister does it. while i have met 1 registered nurse in my life (on a personal level) and they where smart and accomplished. there's a world of difference. especially when you see these pretend nurses taking the bus and talking about their time in a gang.

>> No.7276187

does anyone else remember when her house burnt down and she got a shit ton of donations or whatever?
that was when I found out who she even was and from the get-go I thought she was totally full of it.

>> No.7276190

Anons are dusional thinking you can't make money from Cosplay. All these "celeb" cosplayers have gotten a small taste of just how much can be made and now they want jnig status because she banks. Why do you think all these girls are so desperate? It's not attention it's money there is serious money to be made. Jnig gets paid for appearance at cons and makes about 9k in her online sales

>> No.7276189

she doesn't have another job, she has a secondary source of income, which is usually a man or her parents.

strippers do the same thing, they say stripping keeps them living good, so they don't need another job to live glamorously, but they have boyfriends who provide the real income. their funds go to fun and their little activities.

if you live at your parents and gamble on the weekends you could say you're a full time gambler and that's how you make money. but irl it's that your parents just pay your bills.

>> No.7276192

>Nurses are terrible because they pretend to know about medical things, even pretend to be real doctors, but they're as close to a doctor as the McDonalds fry pit guy is.
Nurses are shit too. They don't care about caring any more.

>> No.7276196

sounds like someone else knows what paying bills is actually like.
it's really hard to talk to people who don't actually experience in it, they usually think it's oh rent whatever, no it's a lot more than that.

and i too make the stripper analogy when it comes to internet fame.

>> No.7276199


It costs money to make money. 9k off prints doesn't go very far when you figure in how much it costs to get them made, paying for costumes, paying photographer, giving him his cut off print sales, paying taxes, and supposedly paying rent, phone, gas, car payment, etc.

I've seen her vlogs from her tiny ass room.

She isn't rich.

>> No.7276203

I doubt photographers get a cut of her profits

>> No.7276216


If the professional photos being taken are for the purpose of reselling then yes the photographer is entitled to a cut in the profits.

>> No.7276220

I never got this. How the hell someone like Jessica Nigri can be so much more famous than other girls?

Yes, she is hot, but she's not exactly the type nerd guys find the most hot. I mean, you rarely hear some nerd going on about not having a blonde bimbo waifu.

>> No.7276226

I've known a few strippers/prostitutes and they make enough money to support themselves. They're not rolling in it but they can pay their own bills fine - and yes I mean rent, insurance, electric, internet etc. Most of them don't have boyfriends or parents to help out either...Maybe it's an Australian thing and our sex workers get paid more? But seriously, over here if I was a stripper I'd be debt free in a month or so...y'know, if I was a good looking female.

On the other hand I've also had friends who tried the stripper thing and couldn't make enough to pay the rent so they had to go back to actual jobs, not gonna lie though they weren't the most attractive girls.

>> No.7276230

She looks really bald here
I only see her fb pics so I wouldn't know but is she balding for real?

>> No.7276232


Like we've concluded earlier she's successfully pandered to the lowest common denominator pleb. People who don't even know or appreciate cosplay know about JNig and only see her as some cute blonde with tig ol bitties that wears skimpy outfits.

She crone the market in sexy cosplay and now her coat-tail riding buddies want a cut.

>> No.7276234

They are entitled but that doesn't mean she gives them anything because "I'm famous I'll give you credit in exchange! Just look at how many Fb fans I have!"

>> No.7276242
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>> No.7276244


Model/Photographer and Singer/Producer have the same kind of business relationship.

Both get royalties for the final product the mutually worked for to make.

>> No.7276252

Because she does basically the same ugly make up for every damn character.

>> No.7276258

Because she's a weird "face" for all of cosplay when it comes to a layman audience. Her and Yaya basically, even if they deny this, make it all about sex appeal. And since they're mascots for the subculture, that becomes what pleb people's perception of the hobby is. Anything out side of that is weird, or unworthy of attention, despite craftsmanship or skill. To outsiders, they're literally the only reason to pay any attention and since not everybody plays the titty game, a lot of really talented people don't get the exposure they may deserve (at least when compared to the amount of exposure someone like Nigri or Yaya gets).
I don't really care so much that they're popular, but care more about how warped in one direction the reason for cosplay popularity is to the broad viewership, and how it eclipses otherwise talented individuals.

>> No.7276269

Personally, I hate her because she looks like my high school math's teacher and I hated that cunt. I'm so offended by people calling JNig "sexy, hot!:)" all the time on /cgl/ because it implies that cunt of a teacher was that as well.

>> No.7276275


Yes to your whole post.
There are anons in this thread that are hell bent on telling us that our hobby has always been about sex, that all life is about sex so we might as well be fine with it.
Fuck that lie.

>titty game
hahah. I'm gonna call it that. I had been calling it "Let me get out my tits for you" cosplay

>> No.7276283

jnig is that you

>> No.7276284

there's all kinds of situations, but in my experience the ones really making a lucrative living are supported by "boyfriends", who want a trophy stripper to show around.

but in jnigs case i'm not going to say it's her boyfriend, i don't know a young girl like that not involved in sex trade (not a stripper or pro) i'd say maybe her parents still foot the bill. strippers don't usually have parents around because well they're strippers. lol.

it's fast money but they spend it just as fast, because they're strippers/hookers for a reason. so it seems glamorous at first then it slows down and shit starts to pile on, drugs get more expensive, guy aren't paying as much attention, etc...

>> No.7276291

Dear janitor-senpai,
Its been so long since I've last you... I miss you. Remember the great times we used to have together? Well, you need to come back...here...at home. We need your help! I LOVE YOU JANITOR-SENPAI!
p.p.s sage

>> No.7276294

I just think she's generic and boring. I don't really have a problem with her, aside from that. If someone said they're a "fan" of her in front of me I'd probably laugh and try to take the piss, though.
I still can't believe she's not a porn star after all this time.

>> No.7276297
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Go to bed Jessica.

>> No.7276298

It really makes me laugh when people say that cosplay has always been about sex.

Maybe an aspect of it has (but then, where do you draw the line between dressing up in the bedroom and dressing up for nerd fun), but around 15 years ago cons/cosplay were anything BUT sexy. It was just people celebrating games/comics they like, often in what could be considered an embarassing manner. That doesn't necessarily include sex and sex appeal was the last thing a lot of cosplayers thought about then.

I can't hate Nigri because I don't know her personally, and she doesn't come across as a bad person online. Props to her/whoever does her marketing for that.

I do dislike the make-up but it fits in with that persona and panders to her niche excellently.

What makes me sad though is how individualism has taken over cosplay and Jessica is a great example of that. In my country (dunno about the US) it was all about forming groups to get as complete a cast as possible, to really recreate the spirit and love of a series. Nowadays people generally just want to be good cosplayers to place in competitions etc. and get attention for themselves. Not everyone is like that, but I feel it's just inevitable when more people join a community.

Rather than hating on it though it's better to just promote a positive attitude and set what you think is a good example, rather than bashing people online with no productive outcome.

>> No.7276301

Oh and in the spirit of /cgl/ here is one genuine complaint: the awful makeup/wigs on her recent Ghibli cosplays. Why.

>> No.7276306

>rule violation, announcing sage

>> No.7276307

>telling people on an anonymous image board that bitching is bad

lel what are you retarded? people bitch here specifically because its anonymous, to say "oh bitcheen is bag gurrhs" here of all places is just outright retarded.

>> No.7276322
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I guess because of her butchering of people's cosplay ideals and lowering the bar. Also, girls think it's given them a bad name. I wouldn't know because I don't cosplay and I think she's pretty nice and okayish-looking as far as I'm concerned, but I do get why people would dislike her. Her fans are horrifying, though.

I get everything about the situation except the fact that some people get so awfully buttmad concerning her. That goes for both male fans and female... Uhh, haters I suppose. Yeah, some guys think with their dick but why would you want attention from those kind of people anyway? It seems like hell, having to fake-smile and pretend to like those sleazy dirtbags to pay the bills while they make nasty jokes about "horr horr nice PERSONALITIES hurr". Is it because she gets a lot/some money from it? I thought cosplay was about the geek culture, craftsmanship and having fun to you guys?
Why does it get to some of you that much? It's a chick with big boobs, like many others.

>> No.7276382

Maybe she got famous not only because tits and ass, but because she also knows how to play the public and sell herself?

A bunch of nerd girls are just as awkward as nerd guys, even if they are pretty and make incredible costumes. I don't think that's a bad thing, but if you are looking for "fame" you need to be much more extroverted and social, like J Nigri is.

>> No.7276428

Because she's hot and famous.

>> No.7276435
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OP here, I have to hand it to you /cgl/, I expected to get a few replies. But you guys have managed to keep this going for 12 hours with 176 posts and 80% of them are just pure seething butthurt with a tad bit of jealousy. If I knew nothing else of this board I would think that you were all cynical assholes.

OP out.

>> No.7276595

Why do you guys always, always default to the "butthurt and jealousy" card? I've never understood why people aren't allowed to be upset over something like this. It's annoying when someone comes along and butchers your hobby, especially when they don't even have a passion for it and they're only in it as a piece of ass. It's even more insulting when people such as she and Yaya are dubbed these cosplay masters when neither of them really are. They rely heavily on photoshop to make both their bodies and costumes look good.

>> No.7276614

> Boobs
> Not dicks

>> No.7276621
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>quite frankly, she's just plain hot.


Jessica Nigri is a butterface. Everyone has been saying that since the very beginning of her online exploits.

She got famous because:

A) Tits. She shows a lot of skin and can stretch her looks to a 6/10 in a tiny niche sub-culture full of 4/10s who have never used a treadmill.

B) She's been self-promoting for 5 years now

>> No.7276620

because is women like her that invented "BOOBSPLAY" and butcher any character to sex appeal.

>> No.7276622

dat jew nose

>> No.7276628

There is literally no reason for you to spew this kind of venom at someone like Jessica unless you were jealous. She looks good and has done nothing to anyone except be sweet, humble and kind. All you do is try to denounce her appearance because you don't like people hearing that she is attractive. Even if you personally don't find her good looking you wouldn't be yelling at people to cease and desist their positive opinions unless it hurt you to hear them because of jealousy.

>> No.7276626
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>> No.7276629
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>> No.7276632

Face looks fine to me.

Also, you don't become famous just because you promote yourself. Every female cosplayer under the sun does everything they can to promote themselves and they don't get nearly a fraction of the attention Jessica gets. You can't force people into thinking you're hot.

>> No.7276633
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>> No.7276637
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>> No.7276641
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>> No.7276643
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jessica is the new queen of /cgl/
all hail the queen

>> No.7276644

She knows her face is average as fuck so she uses her tits. I can assure you that we can ignore an average face and large nose when tits as nice as hers are involved. That's how our dicks work.

>> No.7276645

Jesus, she's popular within a shitty fanbase within a shitty hobby. Do you know how much this hobby applies to anything, /cgl/? It will earn you next to nothing unless you're going into design, nobody gives a shit whos craftsmanship is better. You know what people do care about though? Looks and boobs. Society would prefer a strip of fabric over your nipples rather than ~super awesome craftsmanship desu~ anyday,so stop giving so many fucking about jessica nigri and just let everyone enjoy themselves.

>> No.7276647


JNig pls go

>> No.7276649

*so many fucks

yes I am mad.

>> No.7276650


that's just what happens when you have concealer on and you smile like, once

people who don't have those lines visibly otherwise (which she probably does but not that much) will look like this too

>> No.7276655

Hey /cgl/, can we think realistically here for a moment? I doubt all of you have perfect photos all the time always. All of us know the feeling of shitty con pictures where the flash goes off, and you can see the grease of our make up. There will be good, bad and decent pictures. Stop pretending that people actually look like their one-shot, shitty con hallway pictures.

>> No.7276671
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>Implying you can contain this amount of sexy

>> No.7276673

Nice body. Unfortunate face. /thread

>> No.7276674

You keep trying to insult her face but she looks very pretty.

Post a picture of your face for comparison.

>> No.7276690

I also think her face is fine. People just trying to find something to complain about. I just have a beef with all that eye make up though. She'd look so much better if she just toned it down a bit

>> No.7276691
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Ok but I don't see how posting my face makes any difference just because you don't like my opinion that her face is unfortunate looking.

You're probably Jnig whiteknighting herself. Sorry not everyone thinks you're attractive. At least you have nice boobs.

>> No.7276693

Hi Jessica

>> No.7276695

You seem to be unfortunate looking in both your face, and body. Why don't we make a thread about how shitty you are and post all of your personal facebook photos? It obviously wont matter, since it is just my opinion after all.

>> No.7276697

That guy is cute.

>> No.7276701

nice selfpost faggot

>> No.7276703

You must be a dude, that guy is a cutie.

>> No.7276711

Wasn't me

>> No.7276713

>post something implying that the picture wasn't actually the poster
>nice selfpost hurr
I'm guessing subtlety is too much for you, huh?

>> No.7276722

209 replies and you're still trying to say that none of you are even a little bit jealous?

>> No.7276726

nope, try harder

>> No.7276733

I'm a guy. Why would I be jealous?

I've been with women who have prettier faces than Jessica. Have you ever been on a large college campus? Girls with better looking faces than her are really really common.

I am fairly convinced that she is in this thread actively defending herself. C'mon Jess. If you're so insecure that you already had to get implants to distract from it then you already know what we're saying is true.

>> No.7276732

She has a grandma wrinkle face. Dat aint kawaii

>> No.7276739


Why is disliking someone always linked to jealousy? Everyone has a different idea of what they find attractive. I like women with class and a small nose, so Jnig is way off the mark.

>> No.7276741
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>> No.7276749

I'm a little envious, but I'm also not one of the people who shit on Jnig in these threads all the time. I want people to acknowledge me, even if it's just because of how I look, but I feel invisible most of the time. I think part of it is because people don't like to ask me for pictures at cons when my husband is with me unless he's cosplaying too, maybe he's intimidating? Whenever we split up for a little bit it seems like people start chatting both of us up. I've also caught him kinda glaring at people (men) when they ask me for pictures, but he doesn't seem to realize he's doing it. Meh.

>> No.7276762

Maybe because you're demanding everyone stop liking her and making exaggerated insults in an obvious effort to war against her. Positivity in her direction makes you unhappy.

>> No.7276764

Either you're a girl pretending to be a guy or you have serious beta issues. Shoehorning in accusations of fake boobs in effort to slander someone is kind of sad.

>> No.7276769

>hating on jnig

this is just jelly. she's hot, cute and a good cosplayer

three ingredients to the jelly recipe

>> No.7276776


>9k a year

the fuck? i make like $3k over 4 days at AX, how is she making so little money? even part time at a minimum wage job pays 10k.

That girl isn't going to last very long on attention alone.

>> No.7276780

>paying photographer
>giving him his cut off print sales
While I don't disagree with the rest of what you said, the two above items are a one or the other thing. You either pay the photographer up front for his services and get the rights, or you don't pay him upfront and he gets a cut. Jnig has also used photos without paying/giving a cut before, though she has most likely wizened up and stopped doing that after the first time the photographer in question got pissed.

>> No.7276786

*wised up
Ha, wizened. Oops.

>> No.7276787


I have a friend who couldn't decide whether she wanted to be a scientist, a makeup artist in Hollywood, or an actual artist. Over the summer, after dropping out of school for all of the above, one by one, she decided her true calling was for nursing. But obviously she doesn't have all the time in the world, so she did the nursing assistant thing. A month later, she was an NA, and was posting pictures and statuses galore about "We finally made it, guize! Let's go change the world!"

She now claims to know everything about the human body. Sick? Don't you worry, she'll diagnose the shit out of you.

It's fucking obnoxious as hell. Sage for rage rant.

>> No.7276793

>You seem to be unfortunate looking in both your face, and body

Face seems attractive to me, but that's a matter of opinion

But body? WTF, you can't see any of it to make that judgement.

>> No.7276795

Pay to win

>> No.7276830

That is so depressing you didn't save it. I've been around the cosplay community since the early 2000s, and watched this jessica shit unwind along with all the speculation that she hasn't made jackshit but I've never heard of anyone having solid proof like this. Everyone suspects it here on /cgl/, but even I would like to see this proof.

>> No.7276855

is it me or people saying 'dur hur your all jelly' buncha neckbeard fanboys and fem cosplayers who wants to earn money like jnig?

>> No.7276905
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Right. It couldn't possibly be because people don't appreciate when someone barges obnoxiously into their hobby/community and just pretends that they're into things that they display no actual knowledge of, even when given the chance. And, to top it all off, forces attention by means of sexuality.

You obviously didn't even bother to read my post, because I never made it all about how she looks. She could be pretty and actually know what she's talking about and people wouldn't care. There ARE pretty cosplayers who both take care of themselves and have a legitimate knowledge of the things that they claim to be oh so hardcore into.

Also, "you"? Don't fucking act like /cgl/ is one, massive entity. You're replying to a bunch of anonymous people on the internet who don't collectively have the same view. Some hate her because they are jealous, yes, but then there are people who don't appreciate liars or people who fake being into things for attention. Especially when it's something that they've worked hard to be a part of. It's a shitty and dishonest thing to do, especially when it's all for the sake of garnering attention. Did you ever stop to think that maybe someone has a problem with liars or attention whores? A lie is a lie, dude. The fact that it's over shit like this makes it even stupider.

>> No.7276934

Probably, but the thing that they don't realize is that youth fades. I model and I'm not famous by any means, but is it annoying as fuck sometimes? It totally is. I don't want to be 60 and doing this. Hell, I don't even want to be 30 and doing this. It's fun at my age now and it's good money, but I'd rather have a degree because that shit secures me more than modeling does. The costumes are fun, it's nice not having to bust my ass in retail working late nights or something like my friends do, and it's neat being hired for events but like.. Dude, it gets exhausting. At the end of the day, it's a job like any other and some days I don't really want to get out of fucking bed.

>> No.7276985
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>Shoehorning in accusations of fake boobs in effort to slander someone is kind of sad.
>accusations of fake boobs

Haha. Nope no accusations here. She got a boob job and you'd have to be blind not to see it.
It's not slander if it's true, which it is.

>> No.7277018

What's with this whole "You can only jusge X if you are also X"
Shit, it's like people can't have objective opinions on aesthetics without being "teh hottest thing evar".
Or, to put it more accurately, can't have an opinion unless YOU think the hater is also hot. HMM. I think it might be time to post YOUR face, anon.

>> No.7277034

You allowed to have an objective opinion. However you don't need to go around throwing said opinion in everyone else's face as if it were a fact. That just makes you an asshole.

>> No.7277050

how are you suppose to do something before you know about it?
im confused
were you born with the all knowing knowledge of cosplay?

>> No.7277080

Because cosplay lovers, other than the FB titwatch, like to support fellow fans of things they love that do a good job paying homage.

In Jessica's case, she's blatantly a marketing product first and a pseudofan second.

Either are fine, but when you present yourself as one and turn out to be another, it causes bitterness.

>> No.7277108

Yeah you're joking, that guy is cute.

>> No.7277118

I don't like his face either, but you can't really tell much about what his body looks like. Judging by what you can see of his chest, it looks kind of wide/buff though so he might actually have a pretty nice body.

>> No.7277138

Wut? That guy's not bad looking at all. Pretty attractive.

>> No.7277140
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As a female with a tendency to get jealous, I actually think Jessica is really pretty.

I think a lot of /cgl/ is jelly and too afraid to admit it. Maybe not of her looks, but of her status. Lots of seagulls work really hard on their costumes and are proud of them, and I can understand why it would hurt when they don't get nearly as much attention or praise as pic related. I can sympathize, because there are cosplayers I used to be jealous of too.

But I do think it's shitty to shit on people and call them names when they've really done nothing wrong, or when there's no real proof of their wrong doings.

It's okay to be jealous. We all have been at some point.

>> No.7277232
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>one costume that wasn't about her tits

>> No.7277233
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>> No.7277235
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>> No.7277244

Her face is fucking haggard. She's really ugly in my eyes. Not that that's a reason to hate someone, just saying.

>> No.7277250

I'm not saying she's the embodiment of female perfection, but I really don't understand how she can be rated as ugly in anyone's book. Not saying you aren't allowed to have your opinion. But what do you do you consider attractive then?

>> No.7277251

I have to admit. she works out. she looks good. not pretty but sexy. but I don't think she should be famous, just because she looks hot.

there are lots of good crafters and really good cosplayers, and they have really small fan base. she has 1 million likes on fb, and I don't think she deserves it.

you can call it jealousy, I won't deny it. I would like to have a bigger fanbase but I wouldn't go fot the "blonde, sexy, nerdy" look just like her. I like hating her instead. happy now?

>> No.7277255

She has stated herself that she doesn't believe she deserves 1 million fans. But it doesn't stop from still going I guess.

>> No.7277261


"fanbase" in cosplay is just the amount of guys fapping to you

if thats what you want then get your tits out in a sexy rule 63 Smaug or something

>> No.7277262

Didn't she borrow this costume from PixelKitty?

>> No.7277263

The only thing she has going for her really is her body. I am just not a fan of any of her facial features. I wonder how she would look with all that makeup striped off. The make up and hair makes her look even worse.

>> No.7277268

well, that's something.

If you read it clearly, I sad "I would like to ahave a bigger fanbase, but I wouldn't go for that look" seriously. I've made almost 100 different costumes and no one has seen my tits.

Iwould be OK if Kamui or Lightning cosplay had 1 million likes. at least they make real costumes.

>> No.7277269


>> No.7277265
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I don't think she's bad looking either (there are far worse looking cosplayers out there) but what I dislike about her is that she doesn't stay true to the original in ANY of her cosplays and that she alwaus uses the exact same makeup, even when it's unnecessary.

pic related, I absolutely hate how she cosplayed Nausicaa. Putting on makeup for cosplay is one thing, caking up completely is another. Not to mention an inaccurate wig and that she butchered the original outfit.

>> No.7277266

No, I thought she had too, but they are in fact different. The Supergirl, however, in >>7277232 may be from PixelKitty. All I remember is PixelKitty letting JNig borrow a costume at SDCC a couple of years ago, and assumed it was her Anya one.

>> No.7277267

Okay, but what do you consider attractive? I'm just curious.

>> No.7277270

I don't follow her so I don't know nor care. The point of my pictures is to show that not everything she has ever worn was about her tits.

>> No.7277271

Derp. Meant in >>7277233

>> No.7277282

Nice, healthy looking skin, big brown eyes, natural hair. small nose, big lips. I've always thought Angelina Jolie was beautiful.
The "blonde and tan" look just puts me off because it reminds me of dirty club sluts.

>> No.7277283

>because it reminds me of dirty club sluts.
That is honestly just inflammatory. I'm not sure if you're being serious or if you're just the worst troll ever.

>> No.7277292

I agree with >>7277267 . I've been in nerd-geek scenes for years and never seen a real nerd like her. blonde and tan makes her look easy and slutty. but, maybe, and probably, jnig wants to look this way. which is even worse.

>> No.7277303
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I think she looked better in her Moxxi costume when she had a darker wig on and was whitefaced, but maybe that's just me. I'm not a fan of the blonde and leather look.

>> No.7277311

still slutty, but definitely better with dark wigs.

>> No.7277316

>has done nothing to anyone except be sweet, humble and kind
You talk about her like she was fucking Mother Teresa

>> No.7277326
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>> No.7277328

Why do you people care so much? Do people really get into cosplay expecting to be famous? What about just having fun dressing up as one of your favorite characters?

I don't get it.

>> No.7277332

Promoiting yourself as a fantasy costume wearer/maker??
I live in a shity south american country and from time to time I come here to read about the north, and people... You never cease to amaze me.
Also I don't know how much used you are to seeing plastic boobs like to end up in a point of arguing wheter this girl's are natural or not

>> No.7277351
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>totally makes all her own stuff

>> No.7277356

She looks like a soccer mom or the slutty aunt.

>> No.7277363

No gloves, no pants, not even long socks! Whether or not she makes her own stuff, that lack of safety protocol with presumably fiberglass makes me want to scream.

>> No.7277425
File: 997 KB, 500x258, th_th618336.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JNig has never really bothered me but mostly because she's always reminded me of Jane Krakowski on 30 Rock

>> No.7277428

Naw that lady's nose is small and cute. Jnig has a really big nose.

>> No.7277565

Some of the hate is jealousy because she makes mad dosh from lonely, desperate betas.
Some of it is the fact that she doesnt do her costumes 100% and commissions or has someone else do it for her and never gives credit.
People also dont like the fact that she doesnt give proper credit or monetary compensation to her photographers.
Also some complain that she made popular the trend of sexy-ing up a costume (meaning have the slightest reference to the character and then its all T&A).

Thats pretty much it, if im forgetting something let me know.

>> No.7277591
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Then you get creepers like this one.

>> No.7277680

well at least that's an attempt to pretend to do it. instead of just saying and not providing shit.

but what is she sanding? a mold?that's weird.

you can usually provide a lot of proof when you make your own stuff because well you're doing it you can show plans and work progress and you putting it together step by step.

>> No.7277699
File: 326 KB, 352x431, plastics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I spent about 80 percent of my time talking about Jessica Nigri. And the other 20 percent of the time, I was praying for someone else to bring her up so I could talk about her more.

>> No.7277752

24 hours and this thread is still going.

>> No.7277769

You seem to have some anal damage.

>> No.7277842

I thought that was a drag queen at first. That is not a flattering photo of her.

>> No.7277864
File: 81 KB, 312x312, NNNGGH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That goddamn eyeliner.. Every. Single. Time.

>> No.7277943
File: 17 KB, 409x384, 1388815919977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cause if I can't think of one that makes her the only one who hasn't bothered to make one costume that wasn't about her tits.
>make one costume that wasn't about her tits.


Still about tits. See those straps. There are several versions of LD that don't have those straps. Of course she went with one that did. Gotta make sure the boys and girls are looking right where she wants the focus.

This one isn't all about the tits but it is about sex appeal. You can say it scoots by but I don't think it does. Voided.

Didn't make this one. Voided.

When she 'makes' a costume it is ALWAYS about her tits. She knows where her popularity comes from.

>> No.7278061


As a person who regularly cuts, shaves, and sands wood, if she was really doing the work, her shirt would be pasty white and dusty.

Not saying that she def. doesn't make her own costumes, but that picture provides poor proof that she does.

>> No.7278067

That ain't wood. That's fibreglass, which makes the photo even more ridiculous.

>> No.7278070

I really hate all the Lady Deadpools that refuse to do the fucked up skin, but insist on leaving their mask off for pictures. Yeah, I get it, she had nice skin once. Once. But so did Deadpool, and you don't see a bunch of men in blonde wigs with their masks off. Just using it as an excuse to be lazy and still get attention.

>> No.7278077

Putting aside for a moment how obviously bait this thread is:

- Does shoddy worksmanship, also evidence that she frankly lies about how much work she actually does.
- That tiny little thing where she took a photographer's pictures of her, shooped out the watermark, sold it as a print without his permission, claimed the photo was taken without her permission when called out, then tried justifying herself by saying she made him "facebook popular"
- Obvious fake tan/redface on her sexy Connor cosplay which is kind of hugely racist and fundamentally no different than those tacky-ass "sexy native" costumes from Halloween stores
- Acting like she was above the rules at PAX with the whole no booth babes allowed thing and then crying about injustice when they rightfully gave her the boot.
- General narcissism and being far too ok with harassing dudebro comments as long as it means she gets mo' attention and stays "popular"
- The fact that we keep having to fucking hear that the only rational reason anyone could possibly dislike her is due to jealousy.

She's cute IMO but that flashy smile hides a pretty fugly personality. At this point her success has obviously gone to her head.

>> No.7278079

Pick out any of Jnig's outfits that aren't pointless genderbends or "sexy" versions of something.
Yaya was fucking on to something.

>> No.7278082

>That tiny little thing where she took a photographer's pictures of her, shooped out the watermark, sold it as a print without his permission, claimed the photo was taken without her permission when called out, then tried justifying herself by saying she made him "facebook popular"
Either she did
>took a photographer's pictures of her, shooped out the watermark, sold it as a print without his permission
twice or you're thinking of two separate incidents.

>> No.7278084

>- Does shoddy worksmanship, also evidence that she frankly lies about how much work she actually does.
Nobody cares about "workmanship" in cosplay except other autistic cosplayers. And she's always been honest about what she makes and gives credit when she gets help.

>- That tiny little thing where she took a photographer's pictures of her, shooped out the watermark, sold it as a print without his permission, claimed the photo was taken without her permission when called out, then tried justifying herself by saying she made him "facebook popular"
He didn't have rights to the photo to begin with so its fair game.

>- Obvious fake tan/redface on her sexy Connor cosplay which is kind of hugely racist and fundamentally no different than those tacky-ass "sexy native" costumes from Halloween stores
You heard it here first, folks: Fake tans are now immoral and racist.

>- Acting like she was above the rules at PAX with the whole no booth babes allowed thing and then crying about injustice when they rightfully gave her the boot.
They didn't give her the boot. They just told her to cover up. Which she did. There was no controversy.

>- General narcissism and being far too ok with harassing dudebro comments as long as it means she gets mo' attention and stays "popular"
Unfounded statement. Jessica has always been humble and grateful to her supporters. She could teach your average female cosplayer a thing or two in that department.

>- The fact that we keep having to fucking hear that the only rational reason anyone could possibly dislike her is due to jealousy.
It really is the only reason. Your hatred for someone who has done nothing wrong is unsubstantiated.

>> No.7278086

>He didn't have rights to the photo to begin with so its fair game
How so? Photographers automatically have the rights to their photos.

>> No.7278088

Sailor Venus, San from Mononoke Hime and Juliette from that shitty game?

>> No.7278096

Technically Juliet is already a sexy costume.

>> No.7278095

> I'll just call everyone else autistic so that no one will notice I actually am.

>> No.7278101

The fact that fanatical neckbeards like this exist do not help matters.

>> No.7278107

She didn't giver her permission for the photo to be taken and the convention had rules against it. Con chair himself spoke up about him not having the rights.

>> No.7278108

if i have to hear cgl starting one more legal debate I'm going to fucking scream.

let's just agree that it was a twat move regardless of what the law says?

>> No.7278109

Which is still better than jealous cyber bullies.

>> No.7278111

Uh-huh. Which is totally why she was posing for the picture in question and looking directly at the camera.

Does it hurt knowing she's never gonna sleep with you?

>> No.7278113


>> No.7278117

Well yeah but it's not a sexier version it's literally what the costume looks like.

>> No.7278124

Sorry, that's not how it works. The only thing it means if she didn't give permission for the photo to be taken is that he can't use it in a commercial capacity as he has no model release. That's all. It does not magically give her the rights to the photo.
Also, what's your argument for the other guy who she admitted was technically right when he called her out on selling his photos without his permission?

>> No.7278127

Funny how her followers run out of ways to defend themselves once you remove the word "jealous" from their vocabulary.

The whole concept of jealously revolves around the idea of resenting someone for having something you want. As hard as her personal army will try to deny it, most of us are capable of functioning without any desire for most of her "accomplishments". Trying to be cosplay famous is just a sign of how shallow and needy someone is and not much else.

So honestly, having someone who stands for things that are the opposite of why cosplaying is actually FUN is, shockingly, bound to rub people the wrong way.

>> No.7278132

What's there to defend? To this day Jessica's haters can't manage to say anything bad concerning other than "Hurr durr she ugly durr" or make up some groundless rumor.

When you act like that it's obvious that you are jealous. The only reason you want to trash her is because she's pretty, popular and it makes you angry when people keep talking about her. If that wasn't the case you wouldn't even give a shit.

>> No.7278138

>groundless rumor
You're saying all the photographer stuff concerning both the photographers is just a groundless rumor? I'm not saying she's a terrible person for doing it or that she hasn't learned her lesson, but she did what she did.

>> No.7278143

Go change your diaper and come back when you actually plan on reading things people post here. Your buttpain is a very large part of the problem.

>> No.7278144

>San from Mononoke
I had no idea she even did that.
>Sailor Venus
And I forgot she did that recently, too.
Surprised I missed this one.
Good job.

>> No.7278145

And there you have it, folks.

>> No.7278146

As a card-carrying member of the male patriarchy I ain't jealous of shit except her ability to waggle her fake funbags around and get cash for it.

>> No.7278151

Kinda sad given there's girls out there who do a better job of waggling their funbags (quite literally considering it IS a job for some girls) and make less cash for it.

>> No.7278156

JNigs is kind of like Twilight: it's not actually her that's the problem, it's the fact that her fans are fucking lunatics and an embarrassment to society in general.

>> No.7278165

but she didn't even make the Sailor Venus costume

>> No.7278172

Or maybe you're just one of those beta males that gets whiny and jealous whenever a woman is getting lots of attention since you don't get any.

>> No.7278264

>Yaya was fucking on to something

Have you seen her costumes? Chun Li and pretty much every single original costume is tits galore

>> No.7278285

This is the best description of JNig I've read in a while. While I dislike JNig, her insane and disgusting fanbase is even worse. The "Nigri Nation" is one of the worst non-fiction based fanbases I have seen outside of Beliebers. Funny enough, she's also a Belieber.

>> No.7278289

So because she lies about her tits, manipulates thousands in to giving her moneys for prints and tits, lies about making cosplay, lies about her fandom, lies about god knows what else ... That counts as jelly?


Sorry not sorry but I dislike her for who she is and what she is. Not for her appearance. She's a parasite.

>> No.7278305

>Nobody cares about "workmanship
oh shut the fuck up troll
>Jessica has always been humble and grateful to her supporters. She could teach your average female cosplayer a thing or two
really? such fake support it's ridiculous, way to white knight faggot
> the only reason
given lots of legitimate reasons
still can't admit he's wrong and a huge faggot

if i call them bullies and jealous that way they can't talk shit, it's like using the worse than Hitler defense
>fucking crazy ass white knights

really faggot still trying to defend some random whore ? dude she's not going to fuck you nigger

i honestly don't get the jnig defense corps, just saying everyone is jealous, really? EVERYONE is jealous even when they have a legitimate complaint? they're just jealous sounds more like you're a fucking retard.

i frankly don't give a fuck, stupid bitch ca keep her hundreds of dollars she makes cosplaying a year. gad she's the biggest fish in the worlds smallest pond.

>> No.7278389

>"look ma I did it again! Im being retatrded on the internet"

>> No.7278554

Shouldn't thread be deleted already for badmouthing JNig and hurting her feelings?

JNig fangirls/Dill where you at?

>> No.7278566

is it weird that I've always imagined jnig acting like her?

>> No.7278582

9/10 for making everybody respond. Never seen b8 this good here, but you overdid it towards the end. Good effort tho.

>> No.7278698
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>> No.7278913

I'm not saying that she did get a boob job (because I believe that she did). But that status is the most obvious fake I've ever seen.

>> No.7278918

did not*

>> No.7278985

You created a thread asking for why people hate this person and you're going around, claiming that people are shoving things in others faces when you've done nothing but fight everyone in the thread on their reasons for disliking her. You're projecting so hard that it's pathetic that you yourself can't even see it. Nobody in this thread, nobody, told you not to like her. They stated their reasons, their opinions, for not liking her. And, you? You replied to only ones you felt as if you could win against and ignored any replies that seemed literate and legitimate, because you know that you're acting like a little shit.

Whether your JNig herself or some desperate white knight is irrelevant. Your entire thread is shit and so is your blatant butthurt.

>> No.7279002

>I don't understand why she can be ugly to someone

The same way that anyone can be ugly to anyone. It's called having different tastes and opinions. This isn't some mind blowing concept. People have different ideas of what beauty is. I don't go for girls like JNig, because I personally don't find tans and bleached hair and raccoon eye make up to be attractive. That's neither bitterness nor jealousy. That's me saying that I don't find girls who do that to be sexy. I like redheads with freckles and women who look like Dita Von Teese. That's MY idea of sexy. To someone else, their idea of sexy is Megan Fox or Christina Hendricks. None of it is wrong. They're matters of opinion, based on what someone finds physically attractive. JNig's method of pretending to be into things that she honestly has no clue about is something that also puts me off. I'd rather have an ugly girl or a 6/10 who actually, you know, likes what she dresses up as than a "hot" girl who does it for attention yet doesn't actually enjoy the series.

>> No.7279003

Not OP, good try though.

>> No.7279106
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>> No.7280035

used to play a lot of WoW with a girl named Lindsay who is from Arizona and has done some modeling with and around Nigri and girls with whom she associates. you can find her relatively easily online.

Lindsay was nice enough, but was actually awful as fuck at WoW and acted like a 10 year old weaboo most of the time. She did, eventually, get "better" at the game but other than that is generally bad at games; its not as though you can be unaccomplished at WoW as long as you throw copious amounts of time into it. she also started playing as a pally in BC and has generally only played other easymode classes/specs.

from personal experience, I can say that these girls are undeniably attention whores. they LOVE the attention and their con-going is mostly just to feed them that attention.

it's also fair to say a large amount of the appeal gaming holds for them is the attention they receive for it. lindsay, for example, was awful as fuck at WoW and it took YEARS for her to even learn what the fuck she was doing as a pally; this is with countless neckbeards helping her and a bottomless supply of gold from them. she mostly stuck with it because she felt special as a result of the attention she got on ventrilo, etc.

as negative as this seems, I think it's still fair to say that these girls aren't MOSTLY legitimately into games/anime/cosplay and such. lindsay is also super-fucking-duper into Indiana Jones and cosplays as a femme-Indy. she's legitimately a WoW player, etc. etc. it's not as though it's all just make-believe and they have ZERO interest in any of it.

the important thing to remember is that they're just attention whores. every group of people has them, and these ones just happen to stick out as sore thumbs.

>> No.7280061
File: 223 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lindsey is actually a fairly cool chick. I met her and we gushed about borderlands and marching band together. However I liked her honey brown hair so much better. Now she looks like Jnig

>> No.7280081

because she lies of making costumes by herself , she denies that she had a boob job (that is soo obvious, I mean c'mon!) pretends to be a "nerdy guurl" to gather her fapdom .
she's 24 y/o but looks like a 50 y/o hooker. she uses a very heavy mascara and eyeliner, makes her cosplay characters look like sluts. she sexualizes every single character she cosplays (even when the character shouldn't supposed to be "sexy" or shouldn't reveal that much body).
i just hate the fact she's so famous and considered as "the best cosplayer" . her costumes are nothing special (i've seen much better) , most of her cosplay are truly skimpy. there's way more better cosplayers who deserve a little highlight. she's a fap material, not a pro cosplayer.

>> No.7280117

I agree. she was never outright mean to me or anyone, never put people down seriously, etc. i haven't had her on FB for a while because I found all the comment trains about her being sexy/gawjus/etc from neckbeards to be unbearable.

i actually met her through an old friend who dated her in high school, and did enjoy playing vidya with her. most of the memories i have were shit like her offering to run me through low-level dungeons on her pally and then bubbling and /dance'ing on my corpse for like 20 minutes. it's funnier in retrospect than it was at the time.