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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 54 KB, 806x521, 1388703142179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7274860 No.7274860[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey hey folks.

Family drama is over, and its time to finish this long-put off contest.

Three lucky winners get a a Ben Nye personal clown Palette. You can win this via:

*Best male clown makeup (timestamp required)
*Best female clown makeup (timestamp required)
*Best circus related memory/story (bonus points for pictures or souvenirs of memory)

One lucky winner gets the Super-Gropey funtime mystery box for best submission overall.

You can make two submissions, of any combination. Male face + story, two different female faces, etc etc.

No photoshop. Any submission with a hint of photoshopping is discarded, and all other entries of the poster disqualified.

Russian clownbro anon, you're still not allowed to play, but you're in school now anyways. Same goes for any other pro clowns if we are not the only ones. Hobby clowns are allowed.

Please include an email with your submission, or email me with a copy of your submission so that I can contact winners and get stuff mailed!

Contest submissions close 12am Sunday Morning, EST, 01-05-14

Ask questions about the contest if you got them. This is also a performing/makeup general thread.

>> No.7274866
File: 88 KB, 500x500, Ben nye clown palette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now lets look at the main prize: A Ben Nye personal clown Palette. Everything you need to create your clown face in one kit. Great for new clowns or for travel.

>0.5 oz. Creme Foundation Clown White Lite
>0.5 oz. Clown Palette (Black/Blue/Red/Yellow)
>White Eyeliner Pencil
>2 Latex Wedge Sponges
>3/8" Flat Brush
>3" 0.5 oz. Quick Cleanse Makeup Remover.

I'll also throw in a small bottle of Mehron Barrier/sealant combo spray.

The mystery box...Well, you'll have to wait and see. Just trust me it will be worth winning.

>> No.7274876

>clown contest wrapping up

Hows everything? Im sorry for your loss.

>> No.7274890
File: 190 KB, 816x896, guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im fine. Thank you for understanding, though I apologize for the wait.

Current submissions as of now are Four stories, 2 guys, 6 girls and one very sad puppy.

Makeup guide before anyone asks.

>> No.7274910
File: 131 KB, 500x375, 1348444932863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And of course, I always have copious amounts of clown pics.

>> No.7274912

Just take care of yourself clownbro

>> No.7274981
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Don't I always?

>> No.7275010
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>> No.7275048

Want to give us some hints on the mystery box?

>> No.7275064


Hey Gropey - any recommendations as to where I can get good quality clown clothes? Places I've bought from are all flimsy and fall apart in a matter of days

>> No.7275081
File: 83 KB, 1024x683, SPOP_Pagliacci030410_2_MG_0296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is because you bough costumes, not clothes. Same deal for historic reenactment/larps/ and even cosplay.

Honestly? Vintage shops, thrift shops, garage sales, historic costuming sites and making your own. Most clown clothing is based off of out-dated and exaggerated styles.

Classicaly clowns tend to be roughly designed off of 16-18th century clothes, as they were based off of comedia del arte. Golden age (1920-40's) American clowning tends to be an exaggeration of turn of the century clothes. Silver age (40-60's) spoofs the clothing of the 20's and 30's. Modern clowns are riffing the 40's-80's.

>> No.7275089
File: 24 KB, 313x400, tumblr_mgi9w62H7a1rjvgfyo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope! Just trust me it will be good.

>> No.7275091

can i submit for a friend?

>> No.7275096
File: 174 KB, 471x700, 1364806556141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure can, but I need that friend's contact, so they get the prize if any.

>> No.7275099

Thanks Gropey - I've been trying to get the 1930s style correct, though I'm finding it difficult to fill an exaggerating figure as all the clothes I acquire just fit me too well. I want to represent an emphasised caricature of the atypical clown (with flamboyancy) however everything seems so tame

I've got sensible clown clothes - now I'm on the hunt for stereotypical circus clown clothes

>> No.7275105
File: 1.17 MB, 598x900, mime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But don't go stereotypical. They loose the effect of being part of the clown.

Think about taking historic clothes and underwear and exaggerating them. You find a style you like and post a pic, and i'll help you pick them out.

>> No.7275128

Yay clown thread! Sup Gropalope?

>> No.7275198
File: 104 KB, 600x800, Dolly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gas prices and spy drones.

>> No.7275259
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>> No.7275294

Hmm, I'm gonna give a shot at an entry! I'm not into clowning personally, but I do costuming for theatre, so this is right up my alley. It should be fun!

>> No.7275376
File: 61 KB, 600x336, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes.... fun.... yesssss.....

>> No.7275575
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>> No.7275616

Whoa, wait, I only know Gropey from his posts on /tg/. What happened?

>> No.7275653
File: 12 KB, 300x300, MysteryBox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do lots of clowning, circus/vaudeville performance and makeup advice here, and have for a long time.

I am doing a new-years contest. Prizes include professional quality makeup, and the Super-Gropey funtime mystery box.

>> No.7275667

So Grope told me to ask here:
When clowns get together to make little clowns, what is the average clown mating dance like?

>> No.7275669
File: 619 KB, 1073x1503, 1378800241865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no I was going to try another clown face but I guess I've already entered twice. I can't wait to see the results, do we get to see the clown faces of the winners? it would be cool if we did. Plus I am leaving in an hour and won't be back until the 7th so I don't really have teh time to make another face. The best to anyone who has entered.When I get back if the thread is still active I might do another clown face just for fun. Have a great week end everyone!

>> No.7275678

I meant what happened to YOU Gropey.

>> No.7275690
File: 35 KB, 488x604, 1350342901758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When a male clown reaches maturity, he sheds his drab, juvenile coat, and adopts a more attractive hide with which he may use as plumage to entice a female.

But before he gets anywhere, he must first drive off competing males.

Though rarely lethal, dominance is established through competitions of physical slapstick (see figure a), presentation of plumage, and displays of skill. The lesser male, driven off, will have to find an uncontested spot for which to complete the next step...

Eh, do it. I havn't had a single entry today.

Total count is 4 dead family members, one dead friend, and my darling rat Bella having passed. Its been a shitty holiday.

>> No.7275695

>Total count is 4 dead family members, one dead friend, and my darling rat Bella having passed.
All it once? It must have been a hell of a slapstick routine!

(sorry to hear that, hope you'll be okay)

>> No.7275699
File: 210 KB, 605x441, 1284916736892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shoot, this picture looks so much like the entry I (>>7275294) just did makeup and took pictures for. At least, the color scheme is... Oh well! I'll be sending them your way after I clean up.

>> No.7275709
File: 138 KB, 700x700, male attracts the female..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After territory has been established, the male clown begins the second stage of a mate.

Through the procuring of baubles, brightly colored scraps, and alcoholic beverages, the clown will construct a nest with which he will use to hopefully house his mate in.

After construction of the nest, the clown announces his preparedness through a call unique to each male. With luck, his honking will be answered by the buzzing kazoo of a female clown (figure B), who will then inspect the nest and the male's plumage and nose. Should competition between suitors be tense, the male clown can always seal the deal with an offering of food, to show that he is a fit mate and provider (figure C, cont next slide)

>> No.7275708

FUCK YES Clown Nature Documentary!

>> No.7275712

Okay, I'm going to try and come up with something with my regular makeup (and maybe some of my sister's Homestuck makeup). If I can make something I like instead of something that makes me want to slam my head into a desk I'll post it in a bit.

>> No.7275714
File: 158 KB, 1280x960, snakz for da show.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(figure C)

C'est la vie.

Do it anyways!

You bet your sweet ass it is.

>> No.7275717

holy crap, that's cute. I wonder if my coulrophobic friend would object to this.

>> No.7275718

Can we get Morgan Freeman to narrate?

>> No.7275721
File: 525 KB, 1083x926, 1384664311362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might, I packed and washed the dishes in less time than i thought it would take so I guess I have time. I think I might try a scarier look since my first attempt for more cutesy. Yay clowns.

>> No.7275727
File: 61 KB, 447x595, squeeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With the female receptive, the mating ritual may begin in earnest.

Lasting several hours, a complex choreography takes place, involving the imbibement of alcohol, telling of bad jokes, watching of PeeWee's playhouse on DVD, and the eventual makeup-smearing dirty marathon sex on no less than 3 different surfaces in the dwelling.

This is followed immediately through prolonged contact and bonding. (figure D)

Why typically clowns mate for life, this is not always the case.

It has been known for a clown of a mated pair to die should the other half leave.

But that is for another documentary, as we continue on with the cycle of life....(con't)

>> No.7275731

Agh, fuck, I wasn't expecting this Final Sealer stuff to smell like mouthwash.

>> No.7275745
File: 106 KB, 454x640, family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go for it!

Don't push the subject though, OK?

I could think of no one better!

Please do!

After a gestation of 4 months, the gravid female will birth as many as 14 larva, which will blindly craw to her pouch. Here they will remain, and fight amongst themselves until only one or two finish development 6 months later. With only the strongest clownlings succeeding, the best of the species is available to pass on its genes.

The male and female will take care of their clownling(s) until the full juvenile hide replaces their downy infant fuzz. At this point, the Juvenile clown is driven from the nest, where they will either join another pack, or form into a new pack with neighboring clown young.

As time passes, and the young clowns enter into maturity, the beautiful cycle of nature begins anew.

And thus, life goes on.

>> No.7275749

I love you Gropey. In a non-homo, we've never actually met but I think you're cool kinda way.

>> No.7275752

This is fucking brilliant.

Didnt you also write about how clowns get thier noses?

>> No.7275767
File: 475 KB, 1280x872, 1364806633959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I smell a budding Bromance?

Indeed I did.

EVERYONE knows that REAL clowns get their noses is hunting down a male proboscis monkey, and fighting it to the death with nothing but a polkadoted loincloth and rolled up newspaper (week print, with the ads taken out, not the sunday edition. You can read the funnies before the hunt if you like).

The prospect, if successful with then tear off the mighty schnoz of the proboscis monkey, and craft his nose under a moonless sky, the blood of his slain foe dyeing the prize as red as the sunrise that will don upon the newly initiated clown.

And thus the cycle of life continues.

>> No.7275776

Hell, you smoke? You ever find yourself in the American Southwest near a certain border town were a man once fell in love with a Mexican Girl and I'll get you crash on my couch and get you some weed.

>> No.7275778

Thanks for the offer, but after the whole "train hopping around the south looking for a place to kill myself" thing, I'm avoiding that general area for a while.

Also, I don't smoke weed.

>> No.7275790

Well alright then. Damn shame, our Day of the Dead celebrations seem right up your alley too.
And you strike me as one of those crazy bastards who'd still be willing to venture into Juarez.

>> No.7275795

Im from New Orleans bro. Dia De los Muertos is nothing new to me, and I have been to Mexico for it.

Maybe another time.

>> No.7275807

Well yeah, offer stays on the table.
And Juarez is Juarez man. I wouldn't go alone, or with less then 5 other guys.

>> No.7275822

This is Gropey we're talking about.

>> No.7275834

Yeah, MAYBE I'd go with Gropey, but it got so bad in Juarez a few years back the Mexican government stationed the fucking army there to try and keep the cartels in check. They failed.
Once a lady in downtown El Paso (Oddly one of the safest cities in America) got hit in the thigh with a bullet that came over the border. Juarez's Mayor responded that there was no proof that it came from Juarez (It did) and even if it did, it was probably purchased in the US anyway.

>> No.7275840

I find Gropey very attractive but if I met him in real life he probably wouldn't even talk to me.


>> No.7275848
File: 68 KB, 720x698, 1388731013717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still wouldn't dick around in Juarez without my gun and being mostly sober.

Im a little fucked in the head, but I am not stupid.

Don't say that! I love meeting folks! If you're near VA, drop me a line and come see a show, or meet me at a con.

Just because I don't do random hookups with seagulls dosn't mean I don't like hanging with them.

>> No.7275857

Maybe you should work on that self esteem and then realize that you can have a meaningful friendship with someone too instead of simply focusing on something more romantic... If I were him I'd be pretty put off and slightly insulted by your statement.

>> No.7275858

What do you have? I have a little peashooter of a .38 semi auto, because guns are expensive and I got it for free.

>> No.7275864

>The sword swinging, bar fighting, freakshow clown won't go to Juarez unarmed

What do you think that says about the city?

>> No.7275887
File: 30 KB, 450x400, 1378354322860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all damaged goods, anon. Some people just need more time to sew themselves back together.

My CCW is a S&W airweight smallframe J in .357 magnum. First two are frangible round, last three are steel jacketed.

My "big" carry gun is my M1911 A1, still chambered stock for .45.

Nothing good. And I am sideshow, not freakshow.

>> No.7275897

Oh man, you have a 1911? Those are damn pretty guns. Like, I'd take one to the prom and NOT try to get into her pants until a few months of dating pretty.

>> No.7275905

And only after meeting her folks, and getting the ok from her Garand-pa?

>> No.7275916
File: 413 KB, 1308x1226, clowncollage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, this is my entry. My first time trying to use grease makeup, it was definitely different. I was original planning on doing some cute, cheerful clown girl makeup, but somehow it ended up like this. I guess this is my true clown soul.

>> No.7275921

Hell, I'd marry her. But hey, if she wanted to invite that Colt Navy from down the street in for some coffee, I'd be into it.

>> No.7275925

Awesome. You are now cataloged! Youcan either drop me an email, post it here or just keep an eye on /cgl/ for the last thread when I post it.

>Oh, anon-kun! have you ever oiled TWO actions at once? Tee Hee!

(cue accidental discharge)

>> No.7275931

>losing their shit over a 1911
Those are one of the MOST basic guns ever.
Are you serious.

>> No.7275932

I sent you an email right afterwards, if it hasn't hit you or I mistyped because I was convinced to do three shots in a row a couple of minutes ago it should hit soon or I'll resend if it bounces back.

>> No.7275937


Heh, I was just thinking hypothetically.

>> No.7275938
File: 904 KB, 2838x3784, arahahahj rushshsh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I did It woo yeah productivity. Didn't turn out that clowny though i feel like a member of a glam rock band though.

>> No.7275946

Beauty in simplicity. They are pretty, well built and almost never fail or AD.

I got it!

Lovely! Same as the other anon, you can either drop me an email, post it here or just keep an eye on /cgl/ for the last thread when I post it.

>> No.7275968

I like simplicity and reliability. My grandpa would tell me story about how in Korea you could bury one in the mud, come and dig it out a week later, and it would still fire like you'd just cleaned it.
He also had a fondness for the AK-47 for the same reason.

>> No.7275977
File: 2.47 MB, 1002x1303, cglclownentry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theatre Anon from earlier finally posting my entry! I'll send you an email in a moment, too!

Some how the pictures when I took my wig and wig cap off became cuter than the pictures with the wig on...

>> No.7275989

I Like it better with your natural hair too.


>> No.7276020
File: 26 KB, 500x628, 1348445085872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current submissions as of now are Four stories, 2 guys, 9 girls and one very sad puppy.

>> No.7276024

>very sad puppy

>> No.7276056
File: 1.94 MB, 3264x1840, the saddest clown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You heard me. This is one Anon's entry.

I totally accept it.

>> No.7276400

Aren't dogs the traditional clown companion?

>> No.7276729

The trained circus dogs were always my favorite as a kid.

>> No.7276782
File: 149 KB, 650x520, clown--dog_med.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. Dogs and Pigs: Easy to take care of, and smart enough to train. Traditional companions to clowns.

>> No.7276792

No clowns with cats, then?

I feel cats have the clowning nature.

>> No.7276807
File: 47 KB, 495x333, 1388780538552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not saying it never happened, but as far as animals you can perform with, I have never seen any posters or pictures of performing cats in a circus.

Cats are better of patrolling the grounds for mice, and cuddling with you after the show.

Poodles, Terrier and Lab breeds are favored due to their intelligence.

>> No.7277252
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>> No.7277417

Any particular kind of pig?
And I hear pigs are mean sons of bitches.

>> No.7277996
File: 18 KB, 386x386, tayahmsiconcert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so here is my best friend tayah
her facebook is in the email field due to the fact its the only way to contact her

>> No.7278003
File: 67 KB, 604x434, tayahfamily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sh comes from a family of clowns
this was their christmas pic a couple years back

>> No.7278008
File: 129 KB, 482x500, 1358673594347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now we're getting beyond my knowledge. I have never actually worked with a performing pig except once, and it was a potbelly, not a traditional pig.

$1,000 question: Does she perform?

>> No.7278024

suprisingly no. she goes to art school with me and has little interest in performing. she is an amazing painter though

>> No.7278040

Just want to make sure. Hobby clowns are fine, but even street performing clowns are disqualified.

>> No.7278057

Hey Gropey, what's your favorite drunkfood? Once you can keep food down again I mean. Chicken and Waffles for me.

>> No.7278062

As I am straddling the boarder of alcoholism, and I love to eat, I will say "anything that looks tasty".

Though truckstop diner hashbrowns with mushrooms and onions at 4am have a special place in my heart.

>> No.7279439

Submissions end in two hours and twenty minutes

>> No.7280256

Well, thats it! Four stories, 2 guys, 10 girls and one very sad puppy have all been entered and accounted for.

Judging begins soon!

>> No.7281925

Gropey, man, I just gotta tell you how much I admire what you're doing here. I've been trying to figure out how to get qt anons to send me pics of themselves in clown makeup for years! You did it in once fell swoop. Kudos, m8

>> No.7282123

lots of seagulls are crazy for him already. If he just wanted sexy clown girls he wouldnt hold a contest.

>> No.7282438
File: 48 KB, 712x475, 1389030719065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is all part of my plot to start a clown themed criminal empire and take over a major American city.

Besides, >>7282123 pointed out, if I really wanted to do this forother reasons, I wouldn't run a contest.

>> No.7282867

>I wanna be under those balloons.

>> No.7282952

Im glad to be of service.

>> No.7283136

Got a kinda related question for you Gropes. How do you keep your face as clear as you do? Even Bennye makes me break out.

>> No.7283185
File: 19 KB, 410x410, 12651769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty simple actually.

I wash my face first thing in the morning and in the evening with Neutrogena oil free daily scrub. Wash with hot water to get deep in, and rinse with ice cold to shrink the pores. I follow this with an anise astringent. I also change/wash my pillow cases every two or three days.

EVERY TIME I use makeup, I do as I do in my guide. At the end of the show, I use Ben Nye Remove-It All and wash my face again.

Yes, its aggressive, but it works.

>> No.7283853
File: 263 KB, 1314x720, 1379559425232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my gosh requesting clowns with pigs. That sounds amazing.

>> No.7283892

as a lolita who frequents ita threads, i've noticed lace, battenburg, and otherwise translucent parasols are generally hated.
and you look so sad and resentful holding that translucent parasol.
its okay gropey i feel u on that one
they don't think it be like it is, but it do.

>> No.7283926
File: 86 KB, 650x424, sparks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are sadly not as popular any more, but pigs are hardy, smart as hell and love doing tricks as much as dogs.

Thats not me.

>> No.7283939
File: 62 KB, 341x307, 1385464002435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's very dissapointing to hear. I just want to see cute pigs doing cute thing.

>> No.7283944
File: 115 KB, 400x333, 3_Pigs_Circus-400x333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a gift for you.

>> No.7283951
File: 758 KB, 167x301, ha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha, it's little trotters in the air. I really love you sometimes Gropey.

>> No.7283955
File: 126 KB, 510x415, PIG_01_RK0006_13_P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But... Why don't you love me all the time? :(

Belive it or not, the front-hoof stand is one of the easiest and natural tricks to teach a pig. The way their center of balance is allows them to tilt to better root in deep holes.

I fucking love piggy pigs. I would sell a kidney for a Kune-kune.

>> No.7283956


Errr...'scuse me.

Can we still send pics for feedback even with the contest over?

>> No.7283959

Go for it. Email's in the field.

Im gonna grab a nap. Night folks.

>> No.7283963
File: 481 KB, 315x400, 1365979431586.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, I don't think about you enough to love you constantly, all that love is saved for my husbando.
I can't believe it is legal and every clown in the world doesn't have cute little piggy side kicks, it just doesn't have sense.
Have anice nap, if you happen to want to post more cute piggies when you wake up I don't mind, hell I incourage it. Post pigs, you're not cool unless you do.
those pigs are so cute.

>> No.7283968

Good. He's my Husbandu. I'll cut a bitch.

>> No.7283969
File: 237 KB, 781x547, 1373556336467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay Anon, you can have him, he's too 3D and non fictional for my tastes.

>> No.7283981
File: 150 KB, 1024x681, CdS_Amaluna_act-Clowns-CWP_142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit that is the absolute cutest thing! I can just imagine the endless enjoyment that would be had with little teacup pigs doing tricks.

>> No.7284773

/cgl/: /clowns, girls and little pigs/

>> No.7285401

pigs belong in /an/.

>> No.7288411

fuck yo' shit. Those pigs are CLEARLY cosplaying clowns!

Judging has begun! Announcement of the winner will be after Marscon this weekend!

Any going to marscon, BTW?