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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 584 KB, 931x720, 1386890878751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7237743 No.7237743 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, friends! I was hoping to start a new thread to post cringe-inducing videos in since there hasn't been one for a while.

Itas, bad cosplay, horrible makeup, just generally messed up, anything's fine. As long as it's bad it's good!

Let's start with some classics:

>> No.7238135


i got cancer watching this

>> No.7238140

I stopped after twenty seconds. Holy fucking shit.

>> No.7238146

Try getting through this video.

>> No.7238208

Have some blood raining night, /cgl/.


>> No.7238256

this is the greatest thing

>> No.7238264

>those legs
>those tits
>that fucking voice

coming in at 9 seconds

i quote my husband: "someone must love her..."

>goodbye, you pathetic bitch

>> No.7239184

Here's somewhat of a two-parter:

This one isn't necessarily bad. To be honest, I really like it.

And now here's something really horrible.

And finally, when I die I want this played at my funeral.

>> No.7239190
File: 40 KB, 664x528, devinjkaibasixx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dare you to watch all his videos.

>> No.7239207

This HAS to be posted in every one of these threads

>> No.7239212

Not exactly Cosplay, but furry related. This is fresh content, posted today or so.



>> No.7239227


All jokes aside, he gives me such horrible, serial killer vibes. I really would not be surprised if I saw him on the news one day.

>> No.7239233

There is something seriously wrong with that guy. His attention seeking and perverted behaviour are seriously creepy.

>> No.7239236

Ugh that make me motion sick from watching the camera being flailed around. Then I saw his face/hair. WTF.

>> No.7239241
File: 272 KB, 500x366, ulrt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


God I fucking love Oldphan, She is so fucking bad its good. I could hear her say BUU BUU BUU for eternity while flicking my bean to her busted ass bald cap and refrigerator art style of make up. God damn it Phanchan you've ruined me.

>> No.7239243
File: 1.14 MB, 260x146, 1382294197184.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck. What the fuck. That's the whole fucking video.

What is this. This video is nightmare fuel.

>> No.7239246
File: 37 KB, 484x361, 12348534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7239250


>> No.7239263

I really feel like more people should see this


>> No.7239280
File: 189 KB, 500x281, EYYYYYYYYY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm gonna be judged for this
>I'm gonna be put on 4chan for this

>> No.7239334


>> No.7239949

>The only person you are making a fool out of is yourself.

>> No.7239951
File: 329 KB, 640x920, 1296420277363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7239977

3 sec.

>> No.7239990

.... What...

She looks like she literally has the plague.

This comment;
"What you fail to see if how loud and obnoxious you were probably being. The way you guys act in this video is the embodiment of what people hate about our community. The difference between being an otaku or anime fan vs. a weaboo is how upfront and obnoxious the person is. You guys are pushing your fandom (which I actually think is okay in small doses) into normal society, and they rejected you. Btw, you can even have a hood on in some malls, so why would you get away with a dog costume?"

>> No.7239991


prepare for extreme terror and shame.

>> No.7239996

My face the whole video was basically D:
Really, poor thing.

>> No.7239999

What the fuck is this shit?

>> No.7240012

7 days....

>> No.7240026

10/10 made me laugh

>> No.7240033

Your welcome fellow Anon.

>> No.7240510

Watch this, muted, while playing eerie horror movie music.

>> No.7241585


i hate onceler cosplays.

>> No.7241599

Dear God why.

>> No.7241619

Those fucking "lyrics". Oh my god. It's Latin. You can find the actual lyrics.

>> No.7241644

> tfw I know people in the brony video
The dude in the background sometimes with the pink wig and shirt with "cutie marks" all over it is lovingly known as Captain Cupcakes and he is a bucket of spaghetti.

>> No.7241705

Let's get into the Christmas spirit

>> No.7241744

Not to mention it's the opening for Elfen Lied, so it's actually super easy to find the lyrics.

>> No.7241746

>mah wife nikki is a frikki eater

>> No.7241785

This fucking show, man. I could watch it for hooooours.

>> No.7241819
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>> No.7241824



>> No.7241857

gosh i love chip cheezum

>> No.7242152

One of my favorite videos

>> No.7242603

Oh shit, I've seen this around before but never connected it to the whole Wolfie dog skull internet detective drama. Wow.

It seems like the teen bandwagons are only getting more regrettable and more documented. That shit's following them on the internet until they die. The kids going through 12 year old homestucker weeaboo vampire werewolf phases are going to have facebook photos follow them forever. The internet does not forget.

>> No.7245683

I don't know if this is worse or better than teens going through a scene phase.

>> No.7245700

Worse because one of them fucking killed a dog and kept its head in her house or something

>> No.7245712
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>> No.7245722
File: 14 KB, 425x320, shinshrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I killed a rabbit with a dart and played with its insides and then kept its ribs in a jar once because I liked how they looked.
Who cares how they died or who has their bones?

>> No.7245740


>> No.7245757

Type in 'Wolfie Balckheart' and you should probably get the whole story

>> No.7245761

'Blackheart' stupid phone

>> No.7245772

God, I am so glad that my friends and I didn't film ourselves walking around the mall in cosplay when I was 14. I am so glad YouTube didn't exist when I was 14.

Have some Jesus.

>> No.7245776

Who cares? Non-psychopaths care.

>> No.7245808
File: 145 KB, 400x310, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw ep 5

>> No.7245838

I made it as far as 1:20. That poor YGO wall screen.

>> No.7245849

This chick and all her videos are so annoying. She tries so hard.

>> No.7245913

It makes me so upset that I went to that high school

>> No.7246068

I don't quite understand wtf these folks are doing and I feel bad for giggling a couple times...

>> No.7246073 [DELETED] 

WTF? He he serious with this, I just...What?

>> No.7246179
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>> No.7246353

>mfw watched all released episodes
>more than once
I hope you're enjoying your stay in hell with the rest of us, sempai.

>> No.7246595

Is it about menstruation?

>> No.7246616

I think everyone has gone through a phase or two as a teenager. I don't think there's anything wrong with this. It does take courage to dress how you feel in your youth. Even now, look at much shit lolitas my age (25) get for being themselves. At least his mother seems very reasonable.
The media always wants to take a regular trend or whatever and blow it out of proportion.

That missing dog story though. I hope that other kid had nothing to do it with it. That's creepy. He may actually be a sociopath.

>> No.7246619

There's nothing wrong with murdering dogs?

>> No.7246622

Fuck you, you inhuman piece of shit.

>> No.7246624

I said I hope that dog wasn't murdered. I said I feel bad.
Learn to read.

>> No.7246642
File: 25 KB, 349x349, 1387380260791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw I learned about this

>> No.7246645
File: 2 KB, 216x118, download (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I typed in name.

>oh, he's kinda cute. Nothing too bad.
>then a fucking dog head all bloody what the fuck

Traumatized this morning. Better than coffee. I'm up.

>> No.7246646

No, I just didn't read the entirety of their post. I thought they didn't mention that and were just acting like it was okay. So I wasn't asking it like I didn't think there was anything wrong with it. I was asking it like they thought that.

>> No.7246671

>No, I didn't read the entirety of their post.

Well, there you go.

>> No.7246672

Another great classic right here:


>> No.7246681

Yeah, I know. I'm dumb.
The point is I'm sorry for making you think I'm okay with the murder of dogs and I promise that I absolutely am not okay with it.

>> No.7246680

>always gotta be that one annoying bitch who meows and thinks she's cute
I made it through 40 seconds.

>> No.7246723

my favorite




>> No.7246760

/r/ing that one video of the pile of hetalia cosplayers humping each other in a mcdonalds. Used to be posted a lot a few years back, but I haven't seen it in a while.

>> No.7246784


>> No.7246885

Wolfies a chick or was idk what now

>> No.7246902

She's really beautiful, I'm jealous.
Of her looks, I wouldn't want her personality.

>> No.7246908


>> No.7246933

what.... what about jews and muslims?!

>> No.7247272

>"I already have my base makeup on"
Is... she sure?

>> No.7247606

That was mesmerizing, though.

>> No.7247622 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 641x388, fuckingzit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"base makeup"
>zit staring into my soul

>> No.7247671
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>> No.7247694
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>zit staring at me in the face

>> No.7247772

Seconding this. I haven't seen it before but it sounds amazing.

>> No.7247821
File: 195 KB, 648x434, 1387426000214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dunno if these have been posted here before

>> No.7247829

This is pretty much my favorite weeaboo video of all time. It reminds me of all the creepy/disgusting/socially retarded people I went to anime conventions with when I was 13-15. I guess there's a group of disgusting weeb children like this in every high school.
>I was pretty awful myself until about age 16

>> No.7247840
File: 1019 KB, 500x204, dondothistome.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7247928


Same retard?

>> No.7248013

This guy is amazing

>> No.7248065
File: 46 KB, 166x181, newwhut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when that guy who yells about owing money just up and vanishes

sage for no contribution.

>> No.7248364


>> No.7251746

Parody still hilarious though

>> No.7251887

I remember loving that video back when I was a wee kingdom hearts fan.

...god that was uncomfortable.

>> No.7251892



Oh my goodness I can't stop laughing.

>> No.7251933


>That one guy that just poofs out of existence


>> No.7251951

not the bucket...

>> No.7252311
File: 90 KB, 300x300, sweaty lantern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh, why do belly dancers have to be so weird.
>m-my diiiick

>> No.7252681

Also seconding this.

In the meantime, have a brony dance video.

>> No.7253010



>> No.7253054

>i love cupcakes
>do you also love diabetes?

lol'd hard

>> No.7253093

uhm... What

>> No.7253099

This girl is actually in my comm (well, state; I don't do Homestuck), and she's so ridiculously talented, I want to hate her, but can't.

>> No.7253116

Ew please no. This one genuinely makes me feel ill every time I watch it.

>> No.7253121


>> No.7253210

http://youtu.be/8pPQ5WPWIoU Update videos always feel cringe-y to me especially when people try to do improv jokes or just be lulsorandum!!!1!!! Saw this in the last cringe video thread a while back.

>> No.7253992


>> No.7254778


>do I look like I'm going into labour

>> No.7254792

that's a man, right?

>> No.7254826
File: 1.76 MB, 1430x804, thumbs up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is Reicheru okay?

Utau Alucard is too sexy to withstand.

>> No.7254862

Can someone please do a livestream of this? This is a series that can be well appreciated when watched with others

>> No.7255275

Yes we need to make this happen.
like right now

>> No.7255479


>Seriously asking this

It's a man, albeit using a voice changer (badly)

>> No.7256179

/r/ing that video of all the worst most cringiest moments of a brony con

>> No.7256733

>It does take courage to dress how you feel in your youth
I think it's more that people that age don't give a fuck yet and don't have to. It was a great time.

>> No.7256785


>> No.7256803

Got only the "concert".
and the whole thing if you are masochist with too much free time

>> No.7256900

Why is everyone in this video so young? I didn't know that game attracted such a young audience. Someone is using a Leap Pad or some shit around 1:30.

>> No.7256909
File: 52 KB, 613x117, why tho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this image alone says enough. Still:

>> No.7256940

it wasn't actually that bad..? With more practice (with wigs, costumes, lip syncing and camera work) i think they can produce some good stuff.

>> No.7256943

>vagina cesspools of ketchup

that's not even lolsorandum, that's like some tourettes shit right there

I hate these types of videos because they don't ever edit out the bad/awkward parts and the camera fumbling, they just apologize. They probably think they're being "real" or some bullshit but they just look like an unrehearsed idiot.

>> No.7256952

I think the audience has gotten a LOT younger this year. Just last week my 9-year-old cousin asked me if I played Minecraft, apparently his whole class has started playing.

>> No.7257394

Gakupo scurrying around in the beginning made me laugh. I feel like if they had a better camera (I feel like it's all really washed out and blurry?) this would have been a lot better.

>> No.7257645

>"How many of you have Autism and how has it helped you in your modding career?"
>10 seconds of awkward science

Hahaha, I this is too good.

>> No.7258040

Thank you, friend!

>> No.7258164

This hurts me to watch

>> No.7258521

Oh fuuuuuuuuuuuuck


Great. Now I actually have knowledge of this....I agree with >>7246642

>> No.7258975


I cringe so hard every fucking time, the whole channel if full of this kind of shit.

>> No.7258989




I never thought the day would come when I would see someone I actually know here

>> No.7259004

I cringed for over ten straight minutes, I think my face is stuck. Goddammit anon, you're paying for my plastic surgery.

>> No.7260853

You ass, there is nothing cringe-worthy about Josip at all.

>> No.7263830

Just skip to the last 30 seconds if you want.


Full blown Koreaboo.

>> No.7263857

Not really cringey, just tryhard and unfunny.

>> No.7263858

Not to sound like HURR DURR THATS RACIST, but really, it doesnt make you asian by applying eyeliner. All my rage.

>> No.7264241

>So I have a friend with Crohn's disease
Stop right there.

>> No.7264308

>"How many of you have autism"
i fucking lost it

>> No.7265527
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This video...holy spaghetti

>> No.7265890

Not anime related, but this video just creeps me out a lot.


>> No.7265921


>How many of you have autism
>Don't all of you speak up at once

Dis kid.

>> No.7266006



>> No.7266076

Oh my god. Luckily, he sounds like he's mentally disabled.

Props to the dude that kept telling him that the girl wasn't interested. Seems like a sweetiepie, 10/10 would boyfriend

>> No.7266118


This is really great.
>I'd let her Po-Pi-Po me anytime

>> No.7266122
File: 21 KB, 360x273, leobullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you like TMNT a lot

>> No.7266178

Embarrassment in its purest essence.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pidZLzgV6HE <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/pidZLzgV6HE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

>> No.7266206

ACen '12, I saw some awkward neckbeard in the line for JYB's signature. He was videotaping himself doing live commentary as the line stood at a complete standstill.

I wonder if it's up on yt anywhere, I'm afraid to look.

>> No.7266979

Rocco an Garret look like chil dudes to hang out if they weren't so fucking annoying....

>> No.7267011
File: 42 KB, 613x480, ohgosh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-what am I watching?

>> No.7267019

Holy crap he's talking about Asians like they're some alien species. And I skipped his no gf rant in the beginning, that was painful

>> No.7267039

Holy shit. I didn't even know Minecraft attracted such a young audience.

>> No.7267070

i love you

>> No.7267077


Three words:

Homestuck. Tentacle. Dicks.

>> No.7267129

/fa/ here. great bod

>> No.7267145


>>that music

>> No.7267168
File: 38 KB, 155x242, hirano30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That fucking singing.

>> No.7267198
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>do i look like i'm going into labor

>> No.7267205
File: 65 KB, 500x282, 1388364428246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh nooooooooo

it was pretty friggin' obvious girl was done with this but as a person who works with mentally handicapped people this huuuuurrrrtttsss

>> No.7267207

Cringeworthy but still better than anything that Pewdiepie has created.

>> No.7267216
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stopped after 45 seconds.

>> No.7267224
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>> No.7267229

random question but who keeps drawing deadpool like that?

>> No.7267265
File: 24 KB, 388x298, 1325992730317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're fucking shitting me right?

>> No.7267269

It's strongbad from Homestar Runner dot com (it's .net)

>> No.7267275

Ahaaha, thanks for making my day,anon.

>> No.7267327
File: 73 KB, 500x375, kaiba mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>all her OCs have black hair with rainbow colored streaks
>goldmine of a DA user name has the word 'random' in it
>the word 'tentabuldge' itself
>dat craftsmanship

So are these people making these to use as dildos or

I mean, I can't think of any other reason why you would want to make a model of a tentacle dick. To display on your shelf with your other homestuck crap? To show off to friends? "Hey guys I totally made a model of what I think that one guy's tentacle dick looks like."

Just why


>> No.7267386

(this is all staged right???)

>people tell me i look like rufio

>> No.7267449

you do know that kid killed himself like a year later right?

In the most weeb tryhard way ever by hanging himsef with is dog collar and leash he wore everyday.

A fucking leash.

I'm from this town and had the unpleasant chance to meet all of these wolf pack kids, and they're typical furries plus the emo bit. Like going to each others houses to have orgies and do drugs and shit.

They're all like in their early to mid 20's now and this still wear all that bull shit tripp stuff with tails to malls.

>> No.7267578

how do you take your coffee?

up my ass!

>> No.7267661
File: 108 KB, 685x1024, mfw2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Riding Moltres to save Reshiram
>my wife Reshiram has been captured

This fucking song, dude

>> No.7267696

omg simply golden

>> No.7267699

Does anyone have the video of the two girls who just bought foam? I'll love you always

>> No.7267744


>> No.7267798

It has to be staged, especially with Rocco and Garrett from Mega64 in it. Garrett has more than one evangelion-related tattoo but those two aren't spazzy weeaboos.

>> No.7267856

Why do they always look down?

>> No.7267889

My fave
>Those horrible teeth on everyone
>That guy that disappears
>That Hotshotgg

>> No.7268841

nobody should be this excited about fucking foam.

>> No.7268848

wait... they just bought the foam because they could? I kept thinking that it was for a fursuit or something but it seems like they just... spent over 80 dollars just to frolick around with it. jesus christ that's the most autistic behavior I have ever had the chance to witness

>> No.7268887

They... spent $86 on foam they're not even using for anything? Couldn't they have bought something else?
And I was laughing a lot for the first 2:39 of the video but the car ride was painful and I made a yelp noise when they ran into their apartment and the one girl had big shitty cat ears on.

>> No.7269247

>mfw i tried posting this four times and no one paid attention

>> No.7269274

This.....hurts so bad to watch.

>> No.7269917


>> No.7269926

They're fursuitors, so they did buy it for fursuits...for as autistic as they act, they're actually very skilled at it

But still, nobody should be that excited for foam.

>> No.7269961

Someone told me they build good suits.

PFFT. Nah.

The dude here who built that Kyogre makes good suits admittedly.

Probably knows how to act in public too.

>> No.7270073

>oh em gee haxxors!!
I've seen some bad MLP speeches but this was the worst. Kid had so much false charisma and used nothing but shitty image macros for his presentation. Intense secondhand embarrassment.

>> No.7270081


As someone who has collected MLP for the last twenty years, I begin sobbing on the grave of my hobby at about a minute in.

>> No.7271717

They are making fun of weebs. I didn't know this at first and cringed my butt hole off.

>> No.7271736
File: 37 KB, 524x468, 2efe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7271856

That kid who asks about Autism.

Imma call him Lil' /v/

>> No.7272002

Not cosplay but still....


>> No.7272018

What the hell. Why the hell are they so excited about $80+ on foam, of all things and then yelling it at everyone they drive past?

I really want to hope they used it for... something, at least.

>> No.7272045

they're surprisingly... well-adjusted

>> No.7272105

They're furries, they normally use foam like this in the under structure of fur suit and accessories . Price wise this stuff can be expensive, $80.00 for that much foam in that thickness is a pretty good deal. Even if they didn't make anything right now it can be re-sold to someone in the furry community.The rest of the yelling and being tards while driving is very cringe worthy

>> No.7272109

Alright, now that I can understand.

But yeah, the yelling and the "lolz teh random!!" was quite cringey.

>> No.7272292
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>All the videos on that channel

>> No.7273810
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> Nobody Posted Final Fantasy Randomosity Version 3.14?
/cgl/ you disappoint me...

>> No.7273989
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>> No.7274016

Holy shit that was awesome

Now I want to learn how to belly dance.

>> No.7274096
File: 810 KB, 240x240, tumblr_maz0cbGqV91qezk6n.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I made it 2 minutes in before I cringed so bad I couldn't continue.

>> No.7274106

My personal favorite

>> No.7274114
File: 50 KB, 206x206, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk I'm laughing pretty hard at the fishy logic bit.

Also wondering where their parents are when all of this is being filmed.

>Mfw the chick playing Sasuke is old enough to drive.

>> No.7274117
File: 22 KB, 253x256, 1387748711336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unfortunately meet that guy in 2010 at Kumoricon. It was also the first time I discovered Adult Babies was an actual fetish thing.

I don't sleep well at night anymore

>> No.7274401

So Joey has a boyfriend now?

>> No.7274426

It's the fucking canned laughing and taped applause that freaks me the fuck out so much. Like, if not for that he'd just be another pervy creep on the internet, but it's the fucking laugh/applause tracks in his videos that take him from rando perv to possible cannibal.

>> No.7274434

Holy shit, isn't that dangerous as hell?

>> No.7274515


>> No.7274532

This is adorable in a very pitiful way.

>> No.7274550

This was actually really cute. Her cover seemed good. I think she just needs better lighting and less text on screen. (cute background items and sock and/or shoes would be nice too)

>> No.7274588
File: 528 KB, 1281x4568, 1363918534648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A classic

>> No.7274600
File: 376 KB, 900x702, 1386431788781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>played with its insides

>> No.7274613

This isn't /b/ dipshit

>> No.7274620


nah this has got to be troll this shit aint real

>> No.7274628

I can see that, sadly you can't fucking see that the post is related to the quoted post.

>> No.7274692

Doesn't make it any less cringebarassing.

>> No.7274754
File: 15 KB, 232x262, 1388628448651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The kid with the autism question.

I wish he was my son!

>> No.7274779

There has got to be a good story behind this...

>> No.7274801

His hotel room happened to be right next to mine.

Believe it or not for a 30 year old man child he handles himself very well in public. I didn't even know he was into diapers at first. He looked like a normal guy. I didn't see him until later that night un his...overalls, and yes...adult diapers.

It was then I realized that he was fucking weird.

>> No.7274810

Oh gosh, I never actually realised that people wouldn't know actually know what the foam is for. I guess it's 'cause I've always seen it posted on /cgl/ usually on threads that mention furries.
Basically, they will use it to make fur suits and it's usually very expensive so they got it for a good deal.

>> No.7275031


>> No.7275753
File: 48 KB, 358x239, 1350204686047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddammit. i remember seeing this a while ago. I've never watched the whole thing before, fuuuuck, it just gets worse and worse.

>> No.7275761


>> No.7275936

This is pretty cute.

I agree that she needs some footwear, though

>> No.7276096
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>> No.7276123

is cult party kei supposed to look like you got dressed in your grandma's closet with the lights off?
also this girl has speaking skills at all wow stop

>> No.7276144

i will always post this in every thread

and let us not forget about:





>> No.7276257

Wasn't the person a girl? Her birth name is Sarah Rodriguez, according to an article that I do not want to search for again because the whole severed dog head thing really freaks me out.

>> No.7276290

I'm saving these clips for a comedy panel about Cringe Videos.

We are going to do a mystery Science Theater 3000 type show and play maybe 2 minutes of each video and just rag on it. Keep the videos coming.

>> No.7276296

do blood raining night please
also link plz

>> No.7276299

OMG this is the best thing ever!

>> No.7276330

Oh my god, that Kurloz is hideous. What made them think those fake teeth would be a good idea?

>> No.7276331


>> No.7276345
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All of my what.

>> No.7276404

>dat autism voice

>> No.7276431

no video but since its cosplay:

>> No.7276478
File: 381 KB, 596x381, 1323044974787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can bet any amount of money that they're using Windows on those laptops. eugh.

>> No.7276509

oh lord, this is why some people shouldn't be able to access make up.
she seems like a nice person, though

>> No.7276888
File: 1022 KB, 219x197, 1388783359572.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Oh god, this is so sad.

>> No.7276897

god i don't understand how one person can be so annoying

its like everything cringe worthy from tumblr rolled up into one human being

>> No.7276898

does she have some sort of illness or what

>> No.7276927

as if that wasn't painfully obvious from her typing skills and appearance

>> No.7276968

We are.

Hopefully by NoBrandCon it will be ready.

>> No.7276969

As in Wisconsin's NoBrand? Didn't know anyone from my local cons went on here, small world

>> No.7276982
File: 194 KB, 500x390, 1325990396972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bitch put crayons in her hair.

>> No.7277030 [DELETED] 


easily my favorite cringe video. you can tell they're on like they're uncle's farm in buttfuck nowhere

>> No.7277036


easily my favorite cringe video. you can tell they're on their uncle's farm in buttfuck nowhere

>> No.7277047

Why would anyone use sidewalk chalk as a beauty product.

>> No.7277143


'lightblonde hair'
its fucking yellow.

>> No.7277165

I...I'm almost charmed? I don't hate this person

>> No.7277169

I don't understand the hate on this video. Sure it's awkward but the cosplays are quite good, the filming and editing is done well and they're not horribly ugly and greasy.

>> No.7277174

please let them be drunk

>> No.7277191

they are kinda very unattractive, their actiing is terrible their make up is bad and they have bad cosplays. the editing isn't the best either

>> No.7277207

Has anybody posted the Davido-kun video yet?
Evangelion daisuki!

>> No.7277361

This guy sounds like a serial killer. Dear God.

>> No.7277410

Is there any other?

I also tried Sakura con, but they are full sadly.

>> No.7277415
File: 4 KB, 312x315, 1387056867747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Cloud as a husky Women
> Reno as a husky Women
> Rufus Shinra in a wheel chair and bed sheet
> Tifa looks nothing like Tifa, but less husky
> Vincent look like McLoven

Jesus H. Christ...

>> No.7277434

why are his glasses so crooked

>> No.7277508

never forget

>> No.7277560









>> No.7277620


good fucking lord they filmed parts of that in their high school

>> No.7277925

Holy shit.

The guy at 4:10 in the green fursuit with vines on it was on a documentary on TLC.

He was so fucking awkward and weird on there. Of course he was at some random furry convention.

>> No.7278240

Blonde one is a cutie, why is she/he/it with that fat injun thing?

>> No.7278252


my comm is full of furries

>> No.7278288
File: 47 KB, 720x576, 1367758102376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SHIT LOOKS DUMB. Seriously though, there is nothing cute or aesthetically pleasing about a giant animal head and giant fake paws on your feat. It's too cartoonish. I would be a lot more okay with furries if they just painted on animal faces or something.

>> No.7278351


i thought this meant shin megami tensei im not sure if im relieved or disappointed.

>> No.7279407


>> No.7279719

I thought the video was kinda cute.
That's why realistic fursuits are the best ones around. I can't dig the suit in that video because it's too cartoony for my taste.

>> No.7279983
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>> No.7280216

needs a bra

>> No.7280285

omg she used venus dying technique xD

>> No.7280297

I'm all for cringy things, but I can't get through any of these.

>> No.7280349

They're chalk pastels. Ones that aren't Crayola brand actually work pretty well.

>> No.7281121


>> No.7281128

I can't stop laughing at her jumping in and I don't know why.

>> No.7281248

Hahahaha I love JustinRPG and I also love that the rec'd videos from Youtube are Chris Hansen videos.

>> No.7281848

These niggers have the worst weebs.

>> No.7281855

....what does this have to do with Loki? Is that her cosplay? I'm so fucking sick of the Avengers.

>> No.7281950

Like 90% of the stuff on this girl's channel grinds my gears.

>> No.7281954

Is that brolita jenny...

>> No.7281974

>well, let me tell you something, FRIEND...
This guy's pissed!

>> No.7281999

AAAAAAaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh FUCK THIS GIRL. I've left so many mean comments on her video, you just reminded me to leave more.

>> No.7282012

Cerebral palsy

>> No.7282480

she's from germany

>> No.7282794

B-but her accent?

>> No.7282800


>> No.7283349

interesting because mall cops cant throw you out unless you have a hood on (clearly for not religious reasons) or your face covered

>> No.7283396

A friend of mine showed me this today.

>> No.7284452

I was waiting something cringeworthy, but that video was actually nice. Agree with other anons about lighting and socks.

>> No.7285348

There was that guy wearing a horse mask thing.

>> No.7288738

It looks like having hair like a dirty 12 year old has escaped into the mainstream. next up, necomimi

>> No.7289189
File: 94 KB, 711x960, 1389288644808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No video but I have this.
Marshall lee?
The LSP is pretty good! but it's kinda a rip off of that well known LSP, if ya know what I mean

>> No.7289463


Off-key Wesker trying to sing at Katsucon. Everyone in this video is awful, actually.

>> No.7290982


>> No.7290987

>Marshall lee without gray skin.
That looks bad.

And the LSP lumps. No me gusta

>> No.7291120


>>his whole channel
He makes me really uncomfortable.

>> No.7291128

>not a fat chick

>> No.7291489

Awh, sounds like baby had some bad experiences with women.

Good. He doesn't deserve one, ahaha.

>> No.7291898


This video is amazing

>> No.7291967

You can fight AIDS by groping japanese porn star bewbs for $10





>> No.7292055

The intro made me irrationally angry but by the time the alpaca plush went "bleblebleblebbleb bleb" in that fucking voice I was crying tears of pure joy

>> No.7292108

I remember that one girl who tried to do her own animu

>> No.7292114


>> No.7292153

And she dubbd in bad jpnese

>> No.7292160


My favourite myu song too...

>> No.7292683

No classic like "what a kawaii morning" or "my otaku life" ?

>> No.7292696

What a kawaii morning ? wtf

>> No.7292774

Venus generally annoys me to no end but she does seem to have a good sense of humour. Behind her downsy dolly persona she seems to be a person that I could like, if only she could show it more.

>> No.7293168


I don't like VA but jfc, I can't contain my laughter

>> No.7293233

It's like she's one of those cute magical girl with the talking animal tossing her around

>> No.7293307

We didn't fucking nuke them hard enough.

>> No.7293316

That try hard anime humor was not funny in the least. Are you retarded?

>> No.7293393

In my resistance to look at his awkward body I ended up focusing on the armchair behind him. You can actually see the human outline worn into it from years of sitting on his ass.