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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7269845 No.7269845 [Reply] [Original]

I just made a new fashion account on tumblr and I want to follow people! Post your url and what type of blog you have.
My blog is mer-kei.tumblr.com

>> No.7269877
File: 488 KB, 622x482, my blog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be happy to follow you! ...where is your follow button on the page though?

My tumblr is royal-emblem-tea.tumblr.com
I reblog jfashion, zelda, my art, and stuff. :) I'd be happy to have some seagulls to reblog.

>> No.7269883

just started this

a lolita in public experiences blog.

I'll be changing the theme seasonally, and if you could submit that would be the most helpful thing.

I need a better icon though, any suggestions?

>> No.7269889

OP, your layout doesn't have a follow, reblog or... any button that should be there. :/

>> No.7269915

ahhh sorry I wasn't paying attention when I put my theme in! I changed it so it should work now!

>> No.7269922

:) Followed.

>> No.7269935

Just so you guys know, visiting a blog's archive (if they have one) will reveal the +Follow and Dashboard buttons if you can't find them on the blog's main page!

>> No.7269949
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>personal posts, outfit shots
>some inspiring gothic architecture
> I like all styles of lolita

Pic related is one of my recent personal posts.

I would like to follow lolitas who also post outfit shots and personal posts!

>> No.7269957


mostly whatever I want, some fashion and food
I try to figure out what my followers like and reblog things accordingly

>> No.7269958


I mostly just reblog whatever I feel like. I decided as part of my new years resolution to start drawing and painting again since I kind of stopped for a long time and used to love it, so I made a sub blog to post my work too.

The art blog is empty atm but I'll start adding stuff at the start of the year.

>> No.7269983
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Fashion in general, cute things, stuff about the universe. I reblog Classic and Sweet, mostly.

>> No.7270004
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Darker J-fashion stuff, but not really goth. I use it as my own personal fashion inspiration, so I don't post a ton.

>> No.7270008 [DELETED] 



>fashion, cute stuff and a bit of animu

>> No.7270014
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fashion, cute stuff and things i like.

>> No.7270066
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> http://altered-imagery.tumblr.com/

Various J-fashion reblogs but predominately lolita.
I'll be getting back into posting my outfits in the new year.

>> No.7270153
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Basically clothes and pretty/cute stuff.

>> No.7270158
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A lot of Touhou and Pokemon, but also little things that inspire me, like nice photos and cute fashion.

The links on my page currently don't work due to a name change, but I'll fix it eventually.

>> No.7270159
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My lolita blog.

>> No.7270191

Cute stuff, anime, lolita/jfash and general lame jibber-jabber.

>> No.7270222
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Cute things, art, scenery and general weeb stuff.

>> No.7270243
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>Cute things
>Japanese street fashion

>> No.7270271

Cute things, tea, sweets, cats, giveaways, kyary, kpop, things I find funny, sometimes selfposts...

>> No.7270296
File: 377 KB, 1898x961, d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Tumblr is centred around vanity, arrogance and beautiful women - often nude. Occasionally I blog about my life.

>> No.7270333


>> No.7270347


Oh wow haha, how could I forget that.


>> No.7270389
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> pretty japanese scenery
> cute things

>> No.7270446
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>lolita fashion (mostly sweet, also gothic, classic, and good coords)
>cute desserts
>occassionally art that is cute or lolita-related
>my own coordinates once in a blue moon

Already follow, haha

>> No.7270469

Lolita and cute things

>> No.7270477


Video games, anime, animals, fashion, and things in between.

>> No.7270494
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Manga and illustrations from artists I like with ocasional merchandise posts. I've been doing a lot of reblogs because my computer died, but I have some art books I'd like to scan when everything gets back up to snuff. My likes are a more personal archive for me of clothingn & model photos for reference and art tips.

A lot of blogs I have been following seem to be inactive so I'm peeking into these kind of threads to find new ones to check out.

>> No.7270497

irrationalgoods.tumblr.com is my main blog where I post fandom, tea, writing and personal posts.

knittedlace.tumblr.com is my lolita and fashion blog.

>> No.7270881
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>mostly jfashion and weeb shit with some occasional taobao finds

>> No.7271127
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Just started this sideblog, but it should be only for lolita related things

>> No.7271142
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>Already follow, haha

>> No.7271170

Mostly anime, cute things, occasional nsfw so sorry and I've followed almost all of you now, my blogs kinda shit right now though i'm going to be fixing it soon

>> No.7271184
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lolita/jfashion, tattoos, magical girls, studio ghibli, photography, misc. pretty/cute/funny things.

>> No.7271214
File: 2.04 MB, 1582x769, kawaiibd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>j!fashion, specially lolita
>sometimes art
>sometimes food
>random anime posts
>generally cute, pale and vintage

I followback if the blog has similar posts to mine.

>> No.7271260

I'm looking to follow the personal blogs of lolitas, like if you occassionally post jfashion, but post a bunch of funny things and maybe blog about your life too.

my dash is too pink..

>> No.7271301

stalker trying to gain e-fame

>> No.7271311
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I'm just looking for funny blogs where I can become tumblr friends with someone, and send them a bunch of asks honestly.

>> No.7271315

I normally hate autoplay, but your playlist is lovely... Do you have it posted somewhere?

>> No.7271333

UGH I just realized it was Kingdom Hearts. It's been so long it near punched me between the eyes when I remembered it.

>> No.7271340


>>7269949 here, im trying to make my blog more personal and I would love friends! I really enjoy exchanging asks and emails.

>> No.7271341

It's only one song. "Dearly Beloved" from Kingdom Heart's OST.

>> No.7271344

i have a tumblr with a small lolita following. i'd like to make friends but the few people who've messaged me so far are kinda....idk, they like to reblog stuff about feminism and it weirds me out. how do i find sane people to befriend on tumbles

>> No.7271347
File: 486 KB, 500x281, tumblr_lfqlv9lPYJ1qeozb6o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't. Any girl i've met through tumblr has either been really awkward, hardcore sjw, or some guy with a sissy fetish.
I found my lolita bff on cgl.

>> No.7271362
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55% lolita/kawaii 45% other stuff because it's my personal blog

>> No.7271364
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I try and post more gothy/pretty stuff.

>> No.7271366

whats your tumblr?

>> No.7271395
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(excuse the old screencap)
i mostly post and reblog gyaru and other cute j-fashion things with some fibromyalgia pain-blogging sprinkled in

>> No.7271409
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>robots and robot accessories

>> No.7271421
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JoJo, Dragon-y things, Kyary, Vidya, Cute stuff, animu, fashion, new clothes/things I've gotten, etc etc

I'll probably be doing a bit of HTTYD stuff and probably toothless cosplay WIP.

I love expanding who I'm following and such!

>> No.7271491
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Pastels and such. I also love seifuku!


>> No.7271687
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Pink, Pastel, Sweet lolita, Gyaru, Couture, sometimes Punk & the rare personal post.

>> No.7271946
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Gothic/classic lolita; self-post and hauls

>> No.7271988
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I reblog lolita and some other j-fashions, deer and other animals with antlers, anime, mostly free! at the moment (Makoto is my husbando) text postes that make me laugh. Anything I actually post usually consists of either badly taken selfies, my drawings or photos from my trip to Japan. Or sometimes screenshots from manga I am currently reading.

My theme is the default one and it sucks but I don't understand it enough to change it properly. I also sometimes add annoying comments when I reblog things. I'm not very good at tumblring.

>> No.7272307
File: 65 KB, 612x612, cherryribbonjsk-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My main blog. It's not super active and I don't reblog stuff on it, but most of what I post is cgl relevant (Jfashion, my animu doodles, etc. )

>> No.7272500
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kawaii, j-fashion, with a mix of personal posts/outfit posts

>> No.7272507
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Mostly lolita, other jfashion, general kawaii, some cute anime, occasional couture, various art

>> No.7272519


All cosplay and tutorials. I just started it up, so there are only a few pages worth of posts.
For my regular, nonsense vidya/comic/movies posts blog, just drop the cosplay from the url

>> No.7273511

Does anybody use the android tumblr app? Is it good or bad? I want to reply fanmail from my phone. Currently can't do it on my android browser. Also can I post more than 1 picture in one post, and do line breaks automatically appear from the app? Deciding if I want to hand tumblr all those permissions

>> No.7273705

I do. It actually works pretty well, though sometimes it takes a long-ass time to start loading things. It's easy to send mail, but sometimes navigation is a little odd (you can't search through tags on someone's specific journal).

>> No.7273823

Sorry for asking so much but can I
>post more than 1 picture in one post, and do line breaks automatically appear
In the app?

>> No.7274095

>goes on blog
>random anime gifs with occasionally dumb edgy posts
>pretty much any blog on tumblr
>browse cosplays and selfies
I smell a wanna be kawaii fattychan

>> No.7274130

photosets you can do and the line break, the read more? type [[more]] at the beginning of your post

>> No.7274132


nah, she's cute. check out selfies.

>> No.7274135

not even fat

>> No.7274144


>> No.7274269

blind obviously

>> No.7274273

camwhore due to lack of self esteem

>> No.7274459

Does anyone have any Blogger/Blogspot lolita blogs they'd recommend? I have my own but I don't know if I want to share it. I'm still pretty new to blogging.

>> No.7274472

Siriusc's http://marietuonetar.blogspot.fr/

>> No.7274483

Someone sounds jelly.

>> No.7274485


>> No.7274543

Mine sucks, but I'll put it up. Its a mixture of anime, video games, funnies, bdsm, sex, with a decent amount of lolita, dolly kei, j-fashion, cute pictures, and my life.


>> No.7274548
File: 1.56 MB, 1280x931, Tumbbllrrrrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime gifs, occasional disney, occasional cats, video games, shit ton of kawaii stuff, cosplay, and some of my own cosplay shit

>> No.7274576

I was sharing my art with you the other day on another board! Ha

>> No.7274581

In the /soc/ thread right? XD

>> No.7274586


>> No.7274590
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http://believeintheartofthecards.tumblr.com/ (main blog)
>fashion, animu, kawaii, video games
http://weeaboocosplay.tumblr.com/ (cosplay blog)

>> No.7274594

Yeah, that's the one.

>> No.7274610

no, not really. Just have uncontrollable hate towards someone that trys so hard to be something they're not.

>> No.7274622

You don't even know that person. You're projecting.

>> No.7274644

Thats funny anon. In fact, i do know this person. Otherwise i wouldnt be throwing so much shit at them.

>> No.7274653

So you're a vendetta-chan. Lovely.

>> No.7274676

Yeah, sure.

>> No.7274797


jfashion,dmm, shingeki no kyojin,free, puppies, beautiful things, hair...

>> No.7274882

Its kind of assy for doing anything but looking at your dash or reblogging.
And it just flat out ignores the existence of read mores and just shows the whole post

>> No.7276473


>> No.7276507
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>> No.7276513

Any ageplay blogs? (I'd post mine first but I'm scared)

>> No.7276611

I'm a lolita with a secret ageplay fetish. I'd love to ask for your blog, since I'm trying to get the guts to make my own. It's hard to find nice aceplay blogs that aren't Humbert Humbert trash.

>> No.7276631


Lots of anime, video games, artwork, and with a side of armor. I mostly post what I like.

>> No.7276819


Really old cartoons, Pokemon, Spoooooky stuff and lolita.

>> No.7278259

mostly things I find interesting

>> No.7278270

May I ask how you got the word "weeaboo" in hour tripcode?
Is it by coincidence, or is there a trick to it? I'm baffled. lol

polite sage for offtopic

>> No.7279675
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I self post a lot with lolita and cosplay. When not self posting I am either making text posts or reblogging /a/ weeb shit like jojo, LOGH and fujoshi shit. I'm down for talking and answering any asks though!

>> No.7279957


j-fashion, anime, animals, other things that interest me.

>> No.7279982
File: 1.02 MB, 973x618, 1388947369618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mori, natural kei, occasional dolly kei
Pic related


>Main blog, animu, photography, weeaboo shit

>> No.7280289


I just started mine a couple days ago. It's my personal blog where I post everything that interests me and I want to share; cosplay, lolita, vidya, animu, music. Basically whatever I do in my spare time. Looking for friends!

>> No.7280797
File: 1.39 MB, 1280x1024, ARCHIVE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I reblog a lot of anime, vidya, and illustrations. I have some dumb humor and animals sprinkled throughout. I reblog J-Fashion and general cute things every now and then.

>> No.7280854


Followed! You're just what I was looking for!

>> No.7280936

I ended up remaking my tumblr so I don't have much but I like cute things, lolita fashion, anime, video games, and I'm hoping to start a let's play/cosplay/figure blog/videos so idk if those things interest you feel free to follow me ; u;


>> No.7280970 [DELETED] 

Followed! I hope we get to become friends and discuss a lot about our interests

Followed! Aaaaaaaa I'll probably be talking to you about cosplay/animu things and hopefully get to talk to you about our similar interest as well

>> No.7280996


Followed! I hope we get to become friends and discuss a lot about our interests

Followed! Aaaaaaaa I'll probably be talking to you about cosplay/animu things and hopefully get to talk to you about our similar interest as well

>> No.7281307
File: 1009 KB, 1133x626, 1388980454635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad to hear! I'm not a super frequent poster (as my interest in wearing mori has waned), but I have periods when I post a bunch.

Is another of my side-blogs, which is more focused on black, white and grey clothing it seems.

>> No.7281463

mine is a mix of outdoorsy stuff and j-fashion that includes mori, dolly kei, otome, lolita

>> No.7281482

Link anon? The outdoorsy stuff interests me

>> No.7281493

I'm completely retarded.

>> No.7281519


OH! I'm already following you! I really enjoy your blog

>> No.7283156


>random cute stuff, anime, pastel, music, and other personal stuff

>> No.7283159
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forgot the picture lol

>> No.7283169
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Followed a bunch of you!

>> No.7288197
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>gross shit

cute/pink blog:

>> No.7290624
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>> No.7291031

Are there any active Lolita Confessions blogs on tumblr that aren't, well, shit.
I love seeing other people's opinions on things, but all the decent ones are gone.