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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7270449 No.7270449[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What Lolita things are bothering you lately? Get it off your chest!

Old thread >>7249822

There's ANOTHER Bodyline LP post up on EGL. Not even the schadenfreude of the impending opening posts can stop me getting somewhat mad at seeing another one.

>> No.7270467

Why do people title their sales as "leaving Lolita" when they are not?

>leaving Lolita all must go!!
Same user posts on d_l a month later

>leaving lolita sales! rare items!
Sells only one generic LP dress

>> No.7270471

To get you to look at their posts by tricking you into thinking they might actually be selling something good.

Also my peeve:
>USA based lolita shops and sellers closing until the fucking 4th for 'holiday'

>> No.7270488

>Barely passable "lolita" offbrand items
Read as: Goodwill cardigans, decora or fairy kei converse, punk clothing, etc

>New items and some reposts
1 or 2 small new accessory items and the entire old sales post with maybe 10% discounted if at all

>Poorly lit or posed proof shots
I know not everyone has a camera, but if you really want to sell the piece a least try to take a decent picture

>> No.7270526

Newbies all up in my comm.

>muh bodyline
>omg let's do /photoshoots/
>where do i buy basic items
>i have no money
>bodyline bodyline bodyline
>how does shipping work
>what is a shopping service


>> No.7270637

"Sax? SAX?? You're so pretentious. It's fucking light blue."

>> No.7270642

I hate cardigans.

>> No.7270648
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>> No.7270664

This happens on almost every FB group I'm a member of.

>Fucking noob asks an obvious question

Usually over the course of days, if not weeks, they'll keep answering.

>> No.7270754

So people who run shops aren't allowed to take a vacation? :/ because they're in the us?

>> No.7270781

A holiday isn't a vacation.
Also here in the US the majority of Americans work right through New Year's, I know I did.
And I work in clothing retail. Excessive days off like that is just sloth, especially when they didn't even take that time off for Christmas.

>> No.7270800

Depending on what kind of shop it is, you probably don't want to be completely swamped especially around times where government offices arent open.

I've been wanting to sell/auction off a few things since two weeks ago but thinking about how the post office sucks around this time of year I decided to hold off until after new years.

I could imagine running a shop is similar. People have their money from christmas and probably want to take the time off so they arent entirely swamped with orders while the post office is still incredibly busy or having to take an extra day or two off of the shipping time because of christmas eve/christmas and new years eve/ new years day

>> No.7270805

>you probably don't want to be completely swamped especially around times where government offices arent open

Government offices are open. USPS only closes on Christmas Day and January 1st.
Check your local post office lobby, some have revised hours, but they should be open on official non-holiday days. Not wanting to ship due to time and possible delay however is actually a reasonable issue.

>> No.7270804

I'm sorry, after I work for four months straight sixty to seventy hours a week, making things for the Halloween/Christmas/winter rush, I'm taking a week off. I'm sorry I'm sooo lazy.

>> No.7270808

Don't take it so personally anon, do what you have to do. I just don't like ordering an item only to find out that my money is being held for processing because the person suddenly decided they were going to fuck off for four days.

>> No.7270814

Yeah, that makes sense. I wouldn't be taking orders while I'm in vacation, that doesn't seem right. Or at least let customers know on your site before they order that there'll be a delay.

>> No.7270824

Noobs in my comm buying loads of coords but still no petticoat

>> No.7270828

brands or taobao shops really need to do a "getting started" pack.

Offer a solid colored shirt, light or dark petticoat, and some socks.

Could be pretty cheap and I bet lots of people will buy them up

>> No.7270830

I'm new to buying the fashion, and bought my first two actual petticoats about two months ago through pruany. They still haven't come in yet, and the ETA has passed. I know it's probably just delayed because Christmas, but I'm getting a bit antsy about it. And I already purchased a few dresses, so seeing them sit in my closet and being unable to wear them well hurts... plz come in soon, kthxbai

>> No.7270860

Saxon Blue refers to the dye used to make it.

>> No.7270867
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local omm being overrun by out of state-rs trying to organize meets in.

if it takes you 3hrs to get here by train, and you CLEARLY live outside the city since you don't pay our taxes then get the fuck out and stop trying to set meetups here. most annoying is that they know the same 2-3 places for tea which isn't very good anyway.

>> No.7270892

>The fact that the BL lucky packs are actually selling.

Like, not cause I wanted one. It's like when I see girls order from Milanoo even though they've heard all of the horrible shit they come out with.

I know some girls are in it 'for the lolz', so okay, but in a month when egl is flooded with bad reviews from girls whining that their lucky packs sucked, I'm going to have the worst headache.

And I don't shit on BL. The bulk of my closet is BL, but those are carefully picked out of slews of shit I'd never, ever fucking put on my body.

>> No.7270898
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>> No.7270919

That's a great idea, and could get some beginner lolitas to start with the basics. But I can also see the noobs in my comm whining over the price...
>b-but anon that's the price of TWO bodyline dresses!

>> No.7270922

even worse, bodyline actually has basic petticoats, socks, blouses and cutsews but most beginner lolitas just go for the print dresses...

>> No.7270926

No one should ever recommend BL pettis to a newbie lolita.

>> No.7270931

Doesn't matter.

I'd buy like 6 if it came with a blouse, too. If they made it random like a lucky pack it would be just tops, even if the price didn't save you THAT much money. (Like even just 10-15 bucks off).

>> No.7270961

Thing that grinds my gears right now:



>> No.7270963

No, but it would still be better than nothing if they made the effort to buy it themselves. Plus, it's their prechush BL so they should get it!

>> No.7270984

A friend of a friend wants to get into lolita, she was all excited about Milanoo dresses of course. I told her not to buy from them, said I could give her advice about getting into the fashion. I tried to point her to different brand/offbrand companies but apparently she is an expert on lolita and sewed her own dress (completely by hand) even though she hasn't even seen a lolita dress in person. She made her dress out of bed sheets and "high quality" lace. There's also no room for a petticoat. She just got a lolita dress for Christmas, from Ebay. It's t-shirt material, black and white striped, and looks like something you could find at F21. She just has no idea and won't listen to me or even do research on her own. Why can't people be bothered to learn about something they are interested in?

>> No.7271065
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Post a pic of your friend's "lolita" attempts? I'm curious as to how bad it is

>> No.7271274
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people misusing the word "ita" and "weeaboo" in a desperate attempt to fit in.
makes me feel oldfag

>> No.7271385

>friend wears all designer stuff
>expensive car, camera, computer, collectibles
>finds out I am lolita
>"oh anon I am too! I should show you the beautiful shiro-loli I got from Milanoo!"
>but friend you have such nice things
>why would you do this

>> No.7271401

she'll learn. we all start somewhere. still is painful though.

>> No.7271405

Bands do do this. It varies as to which ones which years, but it's pretty common. Usually they include a solid colored dress and headbow too.

>> No.7271412

Even just brand sets op+ headbow or jsk+headbow would be great for beginners. My first lolita dress was a black striped BTSSB OP with a matching headbow.

>> No.7271424

>international sales comm
>USA Buyers only

fuck off to a usa specific sales comm.

>> No.7271454

How bloody useless postal tracking in my country is. Seriously fuck NZ post.

>> No.7271453

The point of the pack mentioned by >>7270828 was that it would have basics that most newbies either forget or don't invest in right away like they should, i.e. a blouse, petticoat, and socks.

No brand does that, to my knowledge.

>> No.7271477

so.. you're jealous they get to take those days off? because that's what i'm getting from this.

>> No.7271556

go away nia

>> No.7271577

Read through the posts and you might find out the reason.

>> No.7271602

Not that anon, but I post that among my annoyances to almost every thread like this and I'm not Nia (not even sure who that is). It's a totally valid complaint, especially given how much that attitude has erupted among newbies this past year.

A girl in my comm called Masquerade Theater ita because it comes in black/off-white. That was literally her entire reasoning. She said anything black/white or off-white was ita, so I pointed to another girl wearing MT in an amazing, absolutely flawless coordinate and asked if she considered that ita. She said yes because of the color combo.

>> No.7271614

I never have issues with tracking in NZ.

>> No.7271619

A bunch of bitchy cunts in my comm have been making fun of me behind my back for only owning five dresses and saying I don't have the right to call myself a lolita. I've only been collecting a year and it's not like I boast about my wardrobe or anything, so it's seriously bitchy to hold my lack of it against me. Also, the same girls doing it only own low grade off-brand like Bodyline and a couple of cheap ass second hand brand items no one gives a shit about that they brag about constantly. I've done the math and my wardrobe actually costs (and would sell for) significantly more than all of theirs except for one. Forgive me for valuing quality over quantity.

Not that I have anything against girls who wear Bodyline when they're not being dicks.

>> No.7271679

Seriously? The fact that your package only gets any online tracking updates upon pick up and delivery doesn't piss you off? The fact that we have nothing to suggest what day things will be delivered on? Im glad you never have issues but damn our postage system is stone age.

>> No.7271993

Is there even one? I know of the English Sales Page, but I don't think there is a US specific one.

>> No.7272007


You mean AP's special set LP? the bigger one that not only comes with a blouse+jsk+headbow+socks already coordinated, but also a petti, matching handbag and even a coat? They've done their their LPs as jsk version and +petticoat version for at least a couple of years now. The only thing missing is shoes.

The only downside is that it gets snapped up really quickly, plus it's a bit daunting as a newbie to be fighting a clickwar.

>> No.7272014

Wow, really? Are they 13 or something? I've never during my 5 years as a lolita heard of someone being mocked for their small wardrobe. It's not like everybody who starts lolita instantly buys a complete 20-dress wardrobe at once. Jeez. I've been collecting for five years and I only own 12 main pieces, because I only buy things of quality that I really love.

>> No.7272017

This annoys me so fucking much. If you have access to a post office, you have no reason to refuse international sales. Lazy cunts.

>> No.7272020

basically this.
to be mocked for how much lolita you own is simply stupid. youre doing the right thing anon. quality is much better than quantity in the long run. itll be worth it in the end, trust me. all i collect are quality pieces because i want something that lasts. look at what fanny rosie has, all her items are quality pieces albeit not the biggest wardrobe, it is simply stunning.

>> No.7272021

>try to do international shipping
>merciless bitching and moaning about shipping prices
sorry but there's a reason amerifags do that

>> No.7272023

If they won't pay that price, don't send it. Instead you're taking several continents off your potential buyer list because you can't handle a bunch of entitled prissies who're already going to complain because
>why are these socks $60
>there's a tiny bit of red on the soles
>that's disgusting
>no price it down to $10 it's damaged

>> No.7272053

They can fuck off because it doesn't matter if you only own five dresses, as long as you can coordinate them well and do some variations in the outfits.

>> No.7272078

Eurofags do this, too.

I just put a big warning to int'l buyers that shipping will be expensive because I'll only use ems.

>> No.7272141

I have a friend who wears the se 3 dresses over and over (all old school BTSSB). She only wears the fashion for meets and events. Everyone loves her and she always looks fabulous.
No one has ever said boo about her wardrobe size. I think the size issue is an online phenomenon that doesn't translate into reality.

>> No.7272149

I have only two dresses that I wear for formal occasions (e.g. weddings) but I've never had any complaints about that. If she only gets to wear them occasionally then there's nothing wrong, it would only look weird if she wore the clothes 24/7.

>> No.7272230
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really ugly handmade shit

>> No.7272238
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>when people attempt to call out someone in an attempt to derail a thread with a vendetta like this

this shit. this fucking shit is annoying as hell. you're doing no one any favors.

>> No.7272239

that couldn't fit a petti if it tried
captcha: madmodu small

>> No.7272286

Idiots trying to insist that Bodyline is brand quality.

>> No.7272303

>ugh i want this but i can't afford it
>wah wah
>lets make a magazine for no reason that nobody but us will read
>steampunk steamshit

>> No.7272314

Chantilly did a petticoat + accessories
AP does full set just short of shoes (petticoat, coat, blouse, jsk, headbow, socks, bag) periodically.
Maxicimam has done them too

and some other brands have as well, they even call them starter sets half the time

>> No.7272318

As someone with over 100 main pieces, let me just say that If you have 5 dresses and wear them well, I'm going to be way more impressed with you than by some bodyline-chan who has a bad attitude. Just saying.

>> No.7272321

Lolita tips.

I'm kinda irritated that she's using a charity thing to get followers, but also kinda glad that donations are going to charity...

>> No.7272334

Stop trying to make bittersweet happen Gretchen oh my god

>> No.7272370

>sales post
>make up stain in every damn collar

I hate this so much. How hard can it be not to smear your dirty fucking face on your expensive clothes?!

>> No.7272387

Are you talking about hilde?

>> No.7272516

I've tried doing EMS only, but I'm stopping international shipping all together. I have to fill out like two customs forms, then end up still filling out more at the post office. They have to figure out in their computers from the 80s what is city, state, provence, whatever from " fvarianofistervine, 3456 topinqitike, noverspergenBtire, 54 fuir." which takes like 10min, and I get super freaked about how long their country's customs are taking to pass the package through and if it will arrive safely.

I just can't do it anymore.

>> No.7272534

You don't just fill up the forms online? That's all I do, and I've never had issues sending anything. International shipments are a pain.

>> No.7272536

>Girls in community managing to make full or near full brand outfits look bad.

>Girl in community who has taken that "newbie to swan princess" phase that should only take about a year and has managed to turn it in to about 7 years and still hasn't learned how to properly do her make-up or dress herself.

>Those young girls that think they are so cool and edgy, but are just doing things the adults do and don't feel the need to flaunt over the web.

>> No.7272575

I live in the US and work in a staff position at a university and we're off until the 3rd. Have been off since Dec. 23th. The faculty is off until the 13th, so we're not even off as long as them.
It really depends on where you work on if you work through New Years or don't. It's not a because it's the US we all work right through it. And shops have the right to close for it as long as they want as well.

>> No.7272583

It happens, but makeup is usually really easy to remove from clothing. At least attempt to clean the clothes before you take pictures and try to sell it

>> No.7272606

She spends more on sunglasses than most brand dresses sell for new. Its not like she isn't into the idea of designer brands, or that she can't fit them... I just... I don't understand. Why Milanoo?

>> No.7272618

She doesn't respect or understand it as a fashion yet, she probably thinks it's a costume.

>> No.7272637

I've seen a lot of people in Europe do the same thing. It's not a thing only people in the USA do.

>> No.7272697

I hate replica arguments no matter the context. Neither side is going to change their mind so each side is just screeching at a brick wall. I don't know why people keep taking the bait because it ends up the same way every single time.

>> No.7272731


Curious: What is the easiest/best way to remove make up?

>> No.7272752

No printer, have very little reason to get one.

>> No.7272754

Baby oil

just try it

>> No.7272796

My sales are always open to international buyers, in fact the bulk of those who buy my clothes seem to be from Australia for some reason, but I do kind of understand why some people only want to ship domestically. First of all, I have literally never had an international buyer who didn't ask me to mark down the item value due to customs and/or mark the item as a gift, and it's almost always after they've already paid the invoice. I don't have a problem with lying about the value (I refuse to mark as gift anymore, though, because the postmen have taken notice that I was doing it so frequently and though they haven't said anything against it, I don't want to risk it) but I think it's very understandable why someone would since they are asking you to break a federal law. I've heard quite a few stories of people asking after paying the invoice and demanding a refund when the seller tells them that they're not comfortable doing so, which is completely unacceptable and if done to me would result in negative feedback. I've actually had a buyer that expected me to mark as a gift without even telling me and were mad about having to pay the customs fees and was going to leave me neutral feedback over it until I explained why there was no way in hell they could get away with it, so they just left me none.

>> No.7272813


Seconding this. Unless you're allergic to baby oil, after you use it you'll wonder why you spent so much on makeup removers.

>> No.7272819

I use evening primrose oil or sweet almond oil, which is used as a base in aromatherapy. Makes your skin feel sooo lovely. I started using after cleaning up after a DIY waxing session, have not looked back.

>> No.7272826

>Masquerade Theater ita
>Masquerade Theater ita
>Masquerade Theater ita
>one of the single most beautiful and amazing dresses in the entire history of lolita ita

Bitch needs to die in a fire. Seriously, if she said that at my comm, she would probably be bitched out so hard she'd never come back.

>> No.7272901

my beef with her is that she never answers a bunch of damn questions and claims theyre eaten. gdi, if youre going to be the only fucking "helpful" blog, answer your damn asks. im so fucking butthurt.

>> No.7272917

If I got as many newb-level, bodyline-centric, it's-already-in-the-fucking-tags questions as she got I'd delete a bunch and pretend I didn't get them too.

>> No.7272916

She wants to come to meets with me now though.

>> No.7272938

i try to make sure to check the tags before i ask questions at least, and none have been answered. the last time she answered them was when i was a little nooblet a year or so ago. i try to shop/look around for things by myself, but sometimes i just need second opinions and shit.

>> No.7272975

You aren't paying for her help. Get the fuck over yourself and make some friends if you want someone to bounce ideas off.

>> No.7273056

people asking 'hey does the coord look ok?' really grinds my gears.

>> No.7273274

>WTB list of specific brand prints
>WTT bodyline and used offbrand

>> No.7273294

Bitches who tag their replicas as the real thing.

>> No.7273402

>make some friends
i have them, just none are roris gdi

>> No.7273429

I had a girl ask to trade Bodyline for my Iron Gate skirt once.

>> No.7273466

Then make some loli friends. Or is that impossible because you're too cunty for even other lolitas to put up with?

>> No.7273544

Not that anon, but how does everyone make lolita friends? My comm is very small, and we're all kind of spread out, so there aren't any lolitas in my area really.
I follow a number of lolita blogs, but I'm not a super big fan of reaching out digitally; it always seems forced and awkward to me.
I really don't know how to make loli friends irl or online.

>> No.7273554

That some anon in the draw thread is having a go at people who occasionally post themselves even on different boards. Why does it matter?

>> No.7273565


That the draw thread is being shitted up by all sorts of people, period.

I don't like the people who criticize without being asked. I don't like the snippy people who think all concrit needs to be sugar frosted. I don't like random anon calling everyone an attention whore. These threads used to be stress free, wtf happened. I just wanted to look at cute people and cute drawings.

>> No.7273579

There are some really talented seagulls and it's a shame there work is being overshadowed by all the complaining, and 2edgy4u anons.

>> No.7273831

A little back story, I worked at a farmstand where I had to "dress up like Alice" (I used it as an excuse to wear lolita, since the dress I used was machine washable and I didn't have to touch anything dirty). Got a new, better paying, job so I helped one of my mother's students take my place. Mother's been teaching her for years and she's a really "sweet trustworthy girl", so when she asks to borrow the dress I used, I told her ok as long as I got it back by October (when the season ended)
>It's now January
>Where the fuck is my dress
>Student ducks out of class before my mother can talk to her
>Student might be hiding the fact she destroyed my dress, despite my mother saying I'd handle all the laundering for it (can't be machine-dried).
>But she also said she REALLY loved the dress and wished she could keep it.
>She might be attempting to steal it.

My bloomers are a fucking bunch because I love that dress and if I don't see it by a week after my mother's school get's back in session I am going to that pathetic high schooler's door and I am going to stay there till I either get $200 and a damaged dress, or my dress fully intact and that girl in tears for trying to steal it. (Ok, maybe not that extreme, but I will let her know she fucked up.)
Not to mention it's special to me, because my father bought it as a present... 3 or 4 years ago? Around there, but it showed me how much he cared that lolita makes me happy. I've had girls try and buy it off me while I was still wearing it ("Hey, anon-chan! Are you interested in selling the dress you're wearing? I really like it, would you take $250 for it...?") I always refuse, but it was nice knowing that such a simple dress was well received? I don't know. I'm fucking upset.
(wow this ended up being a book, sorry.)

>> No.7273889

no, girl.
don't be sorry.
you deserve to get your dress back from that little rat.

>> No.7273972

Not that anon but id assume so. Fuck Hilde grinds my gears too.

>> No.7273978

yea, totally a cunt because i just want some questions answered. ooh, so bad. im up there with the scammers. IM BURNING IN HELL FOR MY SINS

>> No.7273981

No reason to be sorry!! Girl needs to give you your damn dress back!

>> No.7273990

Tell that girl...

Tell that girl that you are the designated owner of that dress, that it belongs to you and that you deserve to have your precious belongings back!

She might be able to wear it, but she will never share the bond that you have with that dress! It is being wasted on her and she knows it. Go forth and demand your clothes!

Don't let your soul go naked, anon!

>> No.7273992

>Don't let your soul go naked

>> No.7274000

If this is a recent occurrence I feel like you might me in my comm. Care to give a general location?

>> No.7274007

I seem to get alot of messages from people on egl asking to buy items with accounts created on that day. What should I do. I don't want to sell in case its a scammer but I dont want to come off as rude acusing them if its an actual reputable person.

>> No.7274021

Is this really a problem? The packages I get are almost always marked as a gift, without me asking. Even those from official stores like grimoire. So far, if something got held in customs I just had to provide the normal bill and pay my fees and noone was arrested for breaking the law.
Once I was able to get out of fees because I insisted it was actually a gift.

>> No.7274040

couldn't they do the money over wire transfer or bank transfer? That way there's no way for them to "dispute." I know that means they would have to trust you 100%, but it sounds like you have feedback etc.

You could even do the "gift to family or friends" option on Paypal, same thing.

>> No.7274046

why on earth would that bother you? My loli frinds and I go out like once a week and we kind of check with each other and concrit or admire

>> No.7274049

You should have just looked at her really seriously and been like "you might want to go brush up on the definition of ita and some other lolita basics and then come back. There's a lolita 101 panel at the next con..." etc

>> No.7274071

Thanks for the advice. I never thought of it that way. I'll do that instead I just don't want another sitution of that one girl in the boston comm recieving the item then filing a claim to get her money back.

>> No.7274149

Oh I like this idea. I've had a person with a new account want to buy something before and I turned her away.

>> No.7274308

go "taken" on her ass.

>> No.7274319


>> No.7274320

The LSE mod Ash or whatever has been grinding my gears. She's so set on trying to stop one scammer, only because she was scammed by them. She's throwing out a whole bunch of misinformation, and ignoring others' pleas to help with their scamming troubles. She seems like a real drama monger and even though it's a legit scamming issue she's making too much of a huge deal over one thing that affected her rather than trying to help others as well.

She's also trying to play detective as if she's some loli gangster.

Her whole attitude just seems so self serving and selfish it's pissing me off.

Also on an unrelated note she's fat and can't dress herself.

>> No.7274330

She really annoys me too

>> No.7274338

Taking off for a week after months f working 60 hours a week is completely and entirely a different situation than taking four days off for holiday from your online shop.

With an online shop you literally only have to put things in packaging and drop them at the PO.

>> No.7274345

As an Australian, I find it really hard to believe that ALL of your buyers ask for the value to be marked down/for the item to be marked as a gift. We don't even get charged for customs here, there's no need to (unless you want to hide from whoever you live with how much you spent?). Even on a $650 parcel I didn't get hit by customs. Sadly, Abbot wants to change this though.

>> No.7274346

The hate that lolitas with illness and chronic diseases inparticular experience. Why is there so much hate? It can be extremely difficult living and coping with an illness, some can't even live a life outside of illness.

>> No.7274349

>offer items for international sale, on the condition that the buyer pays shipping costs
>confirm sale with buyer from EU
>send invoice with cheapest shipping avaiable internationally
>"A-anon, could you maybe reduce shipping price? It seems a bit much..."

Well, fuck you. $20 international from the US is a pretty fucking good deal. Unless, of course, you want me to send it in an actual box, instead of a padded envelope, in which case the price is going to literally triple.

Please take your cheap ass somewhere else.

This is why I don't deal with international shit.


>Sell shoes on ebuy to some girl in Russia
>Send invoice, she asks about shipping prices
>Discuss shipping. $20 from US to Russia is the cheapest I can find
>No response over one month later

I'm just waiting to be able to open a fucking case against her. THat's something you should maybe fucking ask about before you agree to buy something.

>> No.7274350

I don't know why so many people lend their dresses/clothes to random people they don't even know. I don't even lend my lolita stuff to friends unless it's an accessory (never been asked for a dress, but I wouldn't do it). I lend books out and they come back destroyed, why would you bother trusting some random person with a $200 dress?

There's a difference between being nice and stupid. And I thought I was a doormat.

>> No.7274351


That or religion bashing. People incorporate their fandoms, personalities and aesthetic into lolita. Why should they have to exclude their religious orientation, just so one or two militant atheists don't get *~offended~ *.

>> No.7274358

I'm ok with chronic diseases (I have one myself), but I hate when people use it as an excuse, valable or not. I really hate when people seek pity out of illness.

>> No.7274370

because 99% of the time that it gets incorporated it just looks bad. hijabs rarely look good in lolita because the piece itself is almost always much too plain and lacking in detail compared to the dress that the person is wearing and it just throws the outfit off.

i personally don't have anything against trying to incorporate your faith (or anything for that matter) into lolita so long as you don't sacrifice the general aesthetic and outfit quality just so you can be a special fucking snowflake.

>> No.7274377

Bumping for more input, did anyone actually ever experience problems after marking a package as a gift/receiving one? Because almost all of my packages come as gifts, I thought it was the normal thing to do... I do it too for things I send out.

>> No.7274378

unless your online shop is your sewing business where you produce the garments at home.

>> No.7274387

Whatever you do, this is something everybody should learn:
If you mark it as a gift don't include the receipt in the package and don't write something like "Thank you for your purchase" on a card! This gives the buyer the chance to claim it as a gift from a friend to customs.
On the other hand, if you mark it as goods, include the receipt ON THE OUTSIDE of the package like a proper shop would. Those shipments usually have the clear plastic stuck on the outside of the box with the receipt but you can just stick an envelope labeled "Receipt" on. This avoids SO MUCH trouble with packages being stuck for ages in customs and possibly being opened and the content damaged.

>> No.7274394


>two militant atheists don't get *~offended~ *.

And this is why Atheists hate us.

>> No.7274395

The fact that replicas have become so common and that people will pay around $200 for them, as seen here: >>7272761

It shouldn't even be a question as to whether or not they're terrible. I don't know why they're not banned yet on LSE. Then again, the mods there are terrible and don't seem to know anything about lolita.

>> No.7274400

I'm Atheist and I think that true atheist don't give a fuck about what you wear, as long as you don't push it in people's face. You believe in whatever you want, if you think it's good for you.

Fashion wise it's another thing tought. If it don't look good it don't belong, period. If you want to wear any religious thing and won't drop it for fashion sake, you'd better have some serious coordination skills.

>> No.7274403

Which is super easy if you've gone to visit your family for the holidays or something like that. It's dresses, jfc, not fuel or food. It can wait.

>> No.7274443

I don't think people paying 200 for a replica is the norm at all. It sounds more like they're newbies that honestly think a replica is supposed to go for the same amount as the original.

>> No.7274444

What's grinding my gears at the moment? It's that classic oldie of someone not returning feedback, in my case a seller. I left positive feedback, and have politely asked her twice now whether she could leave me some in return. Looking at the feedback pages of her other buyers, she just can't be bothered to leave feedback for anyone.

I find it pretty selfish to not return feedback. They took the time (however small) to improve your status in the community, so what's 2 minutes out of your time? Hell, it doesn't take a minute even. If you're one of those people that won't leave feedback, please post that fact somewhere on your sales post.

I think what makes this situation particularly frustrating is that the seller was replying to me quite happily, in present time but suddenly ignored me when I brought up the subject of feedback. She hadn't gone offline though, she replied to other people and has since posted a couple more times on the sales comm. She is choosing to be a lazy and/or selfish cunt and not return feedback.

To answer your question my local lolita : no, I won't meet up with you. It's left a bitter taste in my mouth how you blatantly ignored me the second I mentioned feedback, and continue to ignore me. I know it's just feedback, but the way you so obviously fled from it like it's toxic was pathetic, really.

She actually browses cgl, so she'll probably know who I am if she saw this comment.

>> No.7274447

Hmm, me too. If we are in the same comm I'm glad to see it's not just me who's been annoyed. They all seem nice, but fuck. GOOGLE.

>> No.7274549

the mods on any of the facebook sales communities are terrible.

>> No.7274579

The girl who posted about vintage clothing (or colors? IDEK) on the mentoring FB group. It seems like I keep seeing her name everywhere.
What is her deal?

Also a little disappointed no one showed her some great coords with turquoise, purple, or uncommon colors. Maybe they didn't want to confuse the newbie?

>> No.7274680


>> No.7274700

Ugh yes I've bought about 6 items on the comm each from a different seller and what do you know only one has the manners to return feedback even if it was like 3 months after

>> No.7274708

Yeah, shipping internationally from the US can actually be a pretty big pain in the ass for multiple reasons:
-The price for First Class shipping (the cheapest) increased by almost 60% last year.
-There is no affordable tracking.
-There is no way to ensure signature on delivery.
-Expensive methods with tracking (EMS) still cannot guarantee tracking to all countries. If the tracking ends up not working, USPS will just shrug and say "too bad, so sad".
-Overseas buyers usually want packages marked down to avoid customs which is understandable, but then the insurance is useless.
-USPS can deny insurance payout for bullshit reasons like "you probably didn't pack it well enough" and you can't do anything about it.

I still ship overseas, but I've gotten into a few slightly stressful situations because of USPS being so inconsistent and vague about their services.

>> No.7274746

She's shitting upp all the swedish comms and even EGL. That girl is so obnoxious... Wasn't there a secret about her recently?

>> No.7274766

Having bought from US sellers before i expect AT LEAST 20USD shipping on medium sized items like dresses and small coats. I really don't know why other buyers don't assume shipping is going to be expensive from the USA.

>> No.7274787

Jesus. Who drew this picture? It's hilarious.

>> No.7274990

The cheapest option is actually the flat rate padded envelope. Everything else is just fucking ridiculous. If I can't fit it in that envelope, it doesn't go international.

>> No.7275050

It wasn't a $200 dress when my dad got it for me, it was only about $70. But my mother vouched for her and she was going to lose the job if she didn't get a family-friendly-Alice-dress (mine had set really high standards in the employer's eyes), and the dress stayed at the farmstand in the back, the family who runs it is basically my family. The dress was never supposed to go home with her. But she snatched it on the last day.

>> No.7275062

Please keep us updated, I'm rooting for you!

>> No.7275075

confirmed cunty ita bodyline-chan

>> No.7275087

For some reason my post office doesn't carry the flate rate padded envelope.

>> No.7275237

Mine doesn't either. They told me to buy them online.

>> No.7275255
File: 112 KB, 600x600, 1359017839512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same as >>7275062
I'm really curious, let us know how it goes.

>> No.7275283

i really want to get into lolita, but i am afraid of how people might perceive me. i want to incorporate a lot of vintage pieces within my coords (not like 80's with scratchy lace and shiny polyester, but nice stuff) but I see a lot of people who look down on things like offbrand.

i'm interested in classic/gothic, and i love the idea of coording pieces. im just nervous. i've been collecting vintage blouses for a while because i like to wear them in my day to day outfits, plus I knew it could come in handy one day to have some unique pieces if I ever wanted a lolita wardrobe.

I don't know, I guess what I'm saying is I feel like I'm doing things right, but at the same time I don't. I just want to make sure I have everything going well before I even buy a petti + JSK.

>> No.7275291

I've been in the fashion almost a year with a largely offbrand/Bodyline wardrobe, and I've never seen someone looked down on for just having offbrand. If you saw that, maybe it was because they didn't have the foundations of lolita right (wearing an offbrand skirt with no petti). It's understandable to want to feel right with the fashion before investing in it. You can't know until you try. We don't all start out with amazing wardrobes and coords. It'll take a little trial and error, but you seem to have the right thinking.

>> No.7275306

any major store like walmart usually has a "mailing" section with bubble envelopes for as little as 75 cents. you can always try that?

>> No.7275371

For flat rate packages you have to use flat rate envelopes/boxes.

>> No.7275432

>invite a friend to go to a con with me
>"hurr durr how's the hook up scene?"
>"what about alcohol?"
Fuck I must be a very lame virgin but I hate people who go to cons to get laid and to hook up.

>> No.7275447

then it's kind of stupid of them to not keep them available in the post office...

>> No.7275448

It's not just you. I mean, do what you want I'm not gonna stop ya, but people who go to cons to hook up will kinda get less respect from me. You can have fun without sex and/or alcohol.

But maybe it's just us being prudish, who knows.

>> No.7275457

Here you guys go then

>> No.7275458

Fuck it.

I'm not going with this friend. I really don't wanna be around someone who just wanna go to hit on girls. He even said that he doesn't really like the idea of cons but is only going to hit on chicks.

>> No.7275462

they're free to order!

>> No.7275468

In my experience, those kind of people can be clingy as fuck and when they figure out no one wants a piece of their dumb asses, they'll just whine and follow you around the con.

>> No.7275479

I can imagine, after the first hour he will probably want to leave. Also he's one of those PUA guys, which makes it even worse.

>> No.7275489

One of the two, I'm sure you can guess which! The horrible one.

>> No.7275495

>a virgin hating on PUA
Guess which one women like more

>> No.7275507

I don't care if women have a problem with virgins. I go to cons to buy stuff, to take pictures and for a bunch of other reasons, but I don't see cons as a club for people to get laid.

>> No.7275691

i'd rather hang out with a virgin than some asshole who just sees me as a real-life xbox achievement.

>> No.7275789

I know that feel, one girl in my comm keeps doing it.

>> No.7275798

I've been into lolita for a long time, and have some "brandwhore" friends, and if it looks good, people won't look down on you. Maybe a dumbass would, but not most people.

>> No.7276246

Oh hi. You're not horrible, and neither are the new comm members, but I'm starting to miss the days when I knew everyone in the group and we all knew our stuff.
Not 100% sure about photoshoot-chan though. Might be something brewing there.

>> No.7276560

Why do people have problems with this anyways? If I don't want to sell to overseas buyers then I won't. Is not against the rules so go buy from somewhere else. "oh are you sure shipping is this much?" "can you please check in the post office?" "so expensive, are you sure you can't lower the price? oh also I want tracking number but I don't want to pay more" "wont lower your price? Ok I'm not interested in it anymore"

Fuck you international lolitas with your dumbshit attitude.

>> No.7276565 [DELETED] 

>wants questions answered
>hurdur ita bodyline chan desu yo
this logic seems to apply to everyfuckingthing

>> No.7276608


As an EU lolita that's been fucked over by US only sales several times, these idiots also piss me off.

Yeah, for some sellers it's just too much hassle to ship internationally (still understandable), but then there's others who used to sell abroad, but stopped because of whiny dumb cunts. Thanks a lot, you whiny dumb cunts.

>> No.7276688

Sorry, my bad, I should have specified "literally never had an international buyer from a country with customs", especially since I mentioned how most of my transactions are with girls in Australia. I've never had this happen with anyone from a country without customs, it's virtually always girls in Europe with one exception from Singapore.

>> No.7276692

If it doesn't look like shit, all the power to them. However, once shit starts breaking rules, I don't care what your faith is, keep it out of lolita if you don't want to be called out on it.

>> No.7276704

Dude, I've had an international seller not want to pay $8 for shipping when I offered to split the cost for something that was supposedly a dream item. Eight. Fucking. Dollars.

>> No.7276748

Dude, a girl in my comm who I talked to maybe a grand total of three or four times wanted to borrow my Masquerade Theater OP so she could see Phantom on Broadway in it. NYC is four hours away. When I told her no in a very polite manner (keep in mind she really pressed the issue and tried to pressure me into it for over a week, but I still remained polite instead of telling her to fuck off) she went on LJ and made a friends locked entry about what a bitch I was for not helping make her dream come true and how anyone not willing to lend their brand to girls who lacked it was a disgrace to lolita, doesn't deserve to wear it, and shouldn't be allowed in the comm. I also want to point out that she's one of those people that has a new dream dress every other fucking month, so "dream come true" my ass. I wouldn't allow anyone to borrow any of my dresses period unless they were among my absolute best friends and I knew for a fact they would treat anything of mine the wore like it was their first born. Masquerade Theater, though? Fuck that shit, no one wears my precious baby. I don't care if you're Obama, you're not wearing my angel.

>> No.7276756

It's not normal, but it happens more often than you'd think. A girl in my comm boasted about only having to pay $234 for her Sugary Carnival replica.

This was after the epic value decrease of the original.

>> No.7276761

name and shame. or at least post pics of that delicious sounding entry

>> No.7276759

How'd you find out about the post? Did you call her out? Did anybody call her out?

>> No.7276794

A friend in the comm who was on her LJ sent me a screencap. I didn't say anything to her, but six people commented. One flat out told her she couldn't believe how entitled she was acting (and got deleted as a result) but the others were telling her in the nicest way possible why it was understandable that I didn't lend it out to her. One said that it would be nice if people were more generous with their brand, but she thought not letting them in the comm was going too far.
I don't feel comfortable giving her screen name, especially since it was from a long time ago, but I'll ask a friend to send me the cap again and post it as soon as I have it. It's pretty epic.

>> No.7276805
File: 17 KB, 525x317, ss (2014-01-03 at 05.58.47).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is a lolita name is that like a scenekid name for kawaii people

>> No.7276810

Less grinding gears and more frustration on my part but

>take long hiatus from lolita, haven't really worn it since graduating in 2012
>Finally decide to get back into it
>go on comm sales
>can't get past the block to buy that first item again

I just paid off my credit card, I don't want to have to put money back on it, argh.

All my money has been going to travelling overseas, and now I want a bangin' wardrobe for when I do it, but I can't get past that block to buy it.

I wish that I was in college again with no bills and I could drop $150-$200 on a dress like it was nothing.

>> No.7276817

Lots of girls that are heavy into J-fashion have a kind of name like that... Pastelbat is one that comes to mind even though I don't much like her.

Same in Japan, I saw a snap the other day of a girl who went by "Creamy Sauce" or something.

It's just someone wanting efame.

>> No.7276824
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>> No.7276825

Nah people who can work vintage into their coords well are very highly considered. Id not worry too much, have a look at other related fashions like Dolly Kei as additional inspiration for working vintage with brand ect...

>> No.7276831


>> No.7277008

I remember you posting this, I feel embarrassed for that girl again. Why would you have the audacity to act like that? Sheesh.

>> No.7277474

I think "Marie" is pretty "lolita" as far as names can be considered "lolita." It's better than something like "Lindsey" or "Madison" or something like that.

>> No.7277643

Honestly these end of the year wardobe posts are pissing me off.

I get that its accepted on EGL and whatever, but fuck it's flooding the page and Idgaf how many dresses a complete stranger owns. It's clearly just showing off and I think that shit belongs on tumblr or FB, not EGL.

>> No.7277654

Get over it, they've been a thing for about 5 years and most people enjoy them. You can just scroll past.

Also, FB and Tumblr wouldn't work with it at all. Are you jelly of all the pretty clothes you don't have?

>> No.7277658

>I get that its accepted on EGL

What are you talking about? It's not "accepted", it's encouraged. People love them and they're part of the monthly theme.

>> No.7277669

Oh god I'm so so so so soooo fucking sorry I don't like something you guys do and expressed my opinion anonymously and honestly pretty politely (by egl standards) on a separate board that was specifically meant for petty annoyances.

I've learned my lesson, please don't whip me sirs.

From now on I'll ask your permission before I not like something, mmkay?

>> No.7277672

Egl wardrobe posts are fun. its like the lolita version of 'you laugh, you lose'. you jelly, you lose.

>> No.7277676

There's this girl in my comm and she's the most manipulative little cunt ever. But she has everyone on her side. I know that I'd end up being the "bad guy" if I exposed her.

But she just goes on and on and on, "wahhhh I have an eating disoder" "wahhhhhh they're threatening to send me back to rehab!" "wahhhhhh someone saw the scars from my SELF HARM on my wrist and SAID SOMETHING ABOUT THEM" "wahhhh I hate myself".

And then she goes from that to talking about how cute and sexy she is and how she's better than everyone else and I really just don't even?

She constantly begs for attention and puts her entire fucking life on social media, then changes her URLs and names on Facebook because people are "stalking" her, which is complete bullshit. No one would have anything to stalk if she wasn't such an idiot.

>> No.7277677

Lol you're pretty butthurt
Your opinion is your opinion, but their opinion is that yours is stupid. Get over yourself.

P.S. I've never posted in this thread before, so I'm not either of the people who responded to you

>> No.7277679

egl literally moves at a snail's pace now. it's refreshing, inspiring, and helps to break lurkers out of their shell and it's fascinating to see how a person's wardrobe evolves. so.... maybe just don't read egl for a month.

>> No.7277692

if you do it here anon, no one will ever knooooow

>> No.7277724
File: 22 KB, 797x213, gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, she'll eventually find out. I'd say it here, and she'd know it was me because I think she was the only person that she told.

Anyways, I'm just gonna vent here. I'll probably feel bad later, but whatever. She pisses me off.
She complains about her eating disorder and then brags about her 18 inch waist.

>> No.7277736

If it wasn't clear enough that you're butthurt and mad jelly in the first post, it sure is now. I also suspect you might have assburgers.

>> No.7277748

Thanks, guys! I'm heading back to school on Monday, but my mom's going to keep me updated via FB about the girl. If she refuses to give it back, I am going to make the drive to her house. I got to go over the game plan with my mother before hand, since I'm home from break, and it looks a little something like this:
>Mother is going to talk to the girl before class
>If the girl brings it in the next day? It's dropped.
>Doesn't bring it in? My mother is going to e-mail and/or call her parents.
>Parents try and fight her and defend their daughter for stealing a dress? Mother's going to meet with them.
>If none of the above works, I'm taking the drive down, since there's nothing else my mother can do without jeopardizing her job.

My mother's doing so much to help because she feels bad. I say she 'vouched' for the girl, but she also pretty much begged me to lend it to her. I was raised to be really respectful of my parents, so I felt like denying her would be wrong. If my dress ends up ruined, my mother promised to buy me a new brand dress, and I'd get to keep the money the family gives me to make up for the dress.

Also kind of a hilarious point, if the main office catches wind of this, this girl actually can be punished by the school. My mother doesn't want to go this route, but the school has a strict policy of not making an ass of yourself anywhere. A bunch of kids got kicked out for posting pictures of themselves goofing off downtown.

>> No.7277753
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>> No.7277779


>> No.7277805

Haha that was the first person I thought of

>> No.7277819

I think they're talking about her because I've seen the pics in >>7277724 on her blog.

>> No.7277821

YES. Having to deal with her all of the time is awful.

>> No.7277830

I feel so bad for you. I bet at least half your comm feels the same way as you but are too polite to say anything.

>> No.7277835

That looks nasty.

And who the hell poses for photos in a shiny zebra bra, a corset and track pants? I knew she had shitty taste and was trashy, but ew.

>> No.7277836

I hope they do. On one hand, her life is far from ideal and I feel bad for thinking bad things about her, but on the other hand...bitch shut the fuck up and get your shit together instead of just complaining about it online.

>> No.7277847

I only know about her because of her posts on her to that thread about her, and she seems like an insufferable little shit. It might not be all her fault, but life is shittier when you have a shitty attitude.

>> No.7277868

which thread about her? the one a few months ago with her and misako?
you know she made that thread herself, right? and then b'awwwed and said she wasn't the OP when things got out of control.

>> No.7277877

Not sure if I'm imagining this... But her waist line looks strangely low on her body. Maybe it's weird proportions but... Geez...

>> No.7277887

You get taxed on packages valued over $1000 in Australia, FYI.

>> No.7277897
File: 276 KB, 800x450, kapu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's fucking skinnier than a mannequin, it's disgusting.

>> No.7277922

Oh I didn't mean those kind of proportions. I could see she's disgustingly underweight. I just meant like, people who have naturally high waists, low ones, etc. I'm sure if it's just the pictures or what.

>> No.7277923

Ah, okay. I'm not sure.

>> No.7277929

Itas acting like they know what they're talking about is seriously driving me up the wall.

I have a friend who is new into lolita and have heard all the following from her:
>"I don't need a petticoat right now" despite owning 3 skirts already
>"No, pastel one-colored dresses are all sweet, and I'm trying to go classic"
>"I bet the other lolitas would think I'm really weird if I wore anything from this site" (and links Classical Puppets)
>"I don't have any money, do you want me to make you a commission?"
>"Maybe we can buy each other dresses we want"
>"Is bodyline considered brand?"
>"That dress has too many frills" (regarding the Baby/Disney crossover)

I am so done.

>> No.7277936

Take her on a "trip" and kill her. We need less people like her in the world.

>> No.7277957
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>> No.7277962

A true firecrotch.

>> No.7277963

On some days I'm tempted. I'm trying to educate her but apparently color theory is difficult.

I don't know how to feel right now.

>> No.7277986

Then unfriend her etc. Plus I was sure she stopped being active in the lolita comm because of cunts like you.

>> No.7277990

Not sure if appropriate thread to post but...Just saw a post on the sales comm with shit from Daiso (100 yen store located in the US, everything is pretty much a buck fifty) going for 10-17 bucks, like what the fuck man.
I understand wanting to make money 'cause shit really is cute (I just bought it myself the other day, the faux fur collars are really fuckin cute for a dollar fifty) but man that's just messed.
I considered reselling them myself but not for like 7 to 12 times the original price.

I was considering making a post the other day on the regular comm, just for others info, 'cause I'm nice as hell, but now I also want to make it just to discreetly out this other person. What should I do anons?

>> No.7277995

She didn't stop. I don't even have a problem with her lolita activities. Just her in general.

>> No.7278000
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, 1370901191854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck her shit. You can still find those damn earmuffs and collar at Daiso. Somebody actually paid $10 for the fur collar.

All that shit cost $1.50. She's from fucking LA, we have Daisos EVERYWHERE. I just gave my friends some of the heart shaped fur earmuffs as Christmas gifts.

>> No.7278007

She talks constantly about her ED and shows off her scars at every opportunity and brags about how kawaii she is, idk how she could point you out specifically

>> No.7278012

Jeeze, I've never seen her go so far as to show off her scars before. When was this?

>> No.7278013

Ugh, I'm in the Norcal area where we have shitton Daiso's too. I know people know that Diaos always has plenty of loliable accessories n sutff, but apparently not enough people know? I don't even think those collar are worth fuckin 10 dollars, they're cute but they're obviously cheaply made.
Iunno I just angry easily, I really want to make a post but I also don't want to look like a fuckin noob for posting about something people may already know, ughhhhhh

>> No.7278016

>*Get angry easily
angry makes typos welp

>> No.7278018
File: 56 KB, 500x500, 1388818312905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Itas who think oldschool is ita.
People who believe TLC.
Fuck those groups in particular.

>> No.7278019


Could I have a link to the sales post?

>> No.7278021


Are you kidding? She does it all the time. She used to be pretty bad for deliberately taking photos where they are in plain view.

>> No.7278022

Well apparently some people don't know because somebody already paid $10 for one of the collars, and she doesn't specify they're from Daiso. So if you don't have one in your area, you may have not seen them. I don't mind people selling Daiso stuff, but that huge markup just kind of pisses me off. It's like buying stuff from Dollar Tree then selling it for $15.

>> No.7278026

Off the top of my head, she posted a picture of her "knitting" that was at least 75% her wrists

>> No.7278027

Not kidding, considering the fact that I actively avoid seeing her shit pictures. She's just a complete embarrassment to our comm and I want her to go away.

>> No.7278028
File: 19 KB, 300x224, earmuffs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These are the Daiso earmuffs. They're not even adjustable either. The furry heart ones I gave my friends were at least adjustable.

>> No.7278031

It's still on the first page on the comm, and now I feel slightly bad for getting angry 'cause the cut says she apparently needs money for hospital bills but, eh.

>> No.7278034

supposedly one of her friends posted her to a proana forum saying she was faking recovery. So Im pretty sure more people are fed up with her than she believes.

>> No.7278036


I wouldn't be that surprised. You don't brag about having an 18 inch waist if you want to get better.

>> No.7278037
File: 148 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking tumblr cut it off...

>> No.7278038
File: 2.06 MB, 2448x3264, 2013-12-31 16.06.01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Original anon, I even took a picture of all the earmuffs they had when I saw them, just 'cause.

>> No.7278049

>>"I don't have any money, do you want me to make you a commission?"
>I don't have any money
>Do you want me to make you a commission?
>Do you want to give me money?
No no no no no noononononononononno
I don't even have a mfw for this. I had a friend like this outside of the frills who constantly asked me to commission her. She was such a shit artist and just kept whinging that she never had money and nobody would commission her and expected me as her friend to pay her to draw shit for me.
I'm laughing now though, I now make decent money from art commissions and she failed at art school and can't get a job and expects her boyfriends to pay for everything. I like hearing stories from old friends who tell me how she still bitches and moans about me. Her jelly is so delicious.

>> No.7278072

She seems to be a pretty horrible person, but somehow she hit the jackpot of POC, ED, & SH so all the SJW just lap that shit up. (Ugh that's a disgusting amount of abbreviations, but you know what I mean)
Thank god she got rid of that nasty ass weave that started 4 inches off her scalp though

>> No.7278196

The blonde one? Yeah I felt bad for her wearing that, but this new "hairstyle" she has going on is just sad. I'd pay for her to get a new haircut if it meant I didn't have to see that gross hair in the selfies she takes.

>> No.7278207
File: 111 KB, 1280x720, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm angry at UK mail over my Meta lucky pack. They had the status set to held waiting to pay customs fees yesterday at 6 in the morning yet there was no fee to pay card given to me yesterday. They don’t work on the weekend unless you pay £12 for them to do that so this means I’m gonna have to wait until Monday to see if a card shows up so I can pay a charge I don’t agree with just to have it delivered in the next 5 days after that.

It’s annoying when the parcel has been in the UK since the 27th and I paid £20 for the shipping. It's a petty issue but it's really annoying me right now.

>> No.7278218

I don't blame you, anon. I'd be pissed, too.

>> No.7278250

I'm annoyed because I ordered a very light blonde, curly l-email brand wig off of ebay. I've had l-email wigs in the past and I've loved them, so figured why not?

Item arrived earlier than expected but it's not the same wig as what the picture showed. It's a more golden (slightly yellowish in some parts) blonde and not very curly. I guess I'm still happy because it's still very nice quality and wasn't very expensive, but it's not what I ordered.

>> No.7278257

bodyline petticoats aren't better than nothing, you can't even tell when you're wearing one. maybe stacking them idk

>> No.7278271


Ddue that sucks, make sure to leave appropriate feedback about that. Sucks that you have to deal with it though, even if it's not the biggest possible issue, you still have every right to be upset. :/

>> No.7278363

The bust of the special set version JSK of Candy Sprinkle is really roomy but the waist was made to stretch so little that if you have a bust over 85cm there is no way in hell you're getting that JSK on over your head. How do I construction, AP?

>> No.7278367

isn't there like a side zipper or something?

>> No.7278375

>order stickers on ebay from singapore
>order post its from someone in singapore four days after i ordered the stickers
>post its arrive two weeks
>sticks have not arrived in a month
>messaged the seller twice
>has not replied in four business days

fucking cunt, at least keep me updated

>> No.7278378

Paypal dispute time.

>> No.7278391

Not on the special set version.

>> No.7278750

> shopping service invoices me $215 for shipping on a package weighing max 2 - 3kg
> email them and ask to recalculate
> no reply
> have to pay tomorrow else fees out the ass
> panicking

When I get the package it'll have the real shipping cost on it, right? Then I can open a case with Paypal and get some of the money back? Don't think I'll be using this shopping service again.

>> No.7278755

i think theyre charging you out the ass....
when my package was 10 lbs or so i was charged 180 aprox.
what SS?

>> No.7278763

Japamart. I've never used them before, but I saw a couple of good reviews and kinda got sucked in by how easy their deposit/bidding system is. They're been really good with communication and everything so far, but then suddenly I got this unexpectedly huge invoice. I'm kinda freaking out.

>> No.7278776

so i went through my old invoices and it was jan 2013... 28-29 lb package for $215.
i never used them before but theyre definitely overcharging on shipping.

>> No.7278781

Thanks, anon. I'm in the UK so the cost is a little higher, but I don't think it's that much of a difference. Do EMS shipping labels have the shipping price written on them? It's been a while since I've had something sent by EMS.

>> No.7278786

i threw away my parcel boxes so i cannot say. there may be some truth to location, but i doubt the difference is that huge... i live in Seattle, WA if you care to know.

>> No.7278790

No worries anon, thank you for your help. You've certainly made me feel better; I was a little worried that I'd just made a huge mistake and that the charge was correct.

>> No.7278818

I don't think you'll be able to open a dispute as PP doesn't protect against items you paid for with multiple payments. My shopping service does this too, I'm sick of it.

>> No.7278826

I'm not disputing the items, I'm disputing the shipping, which I'm paying for in a single payment. But you may be right; Paypal is pretty fucked. I'll see what I can do.

>> No.7278970


Did they say what shipping method is being used? Did you order anything really big in volume, but low weight? Because it sounds to me like you might have ordered something for EMS, so they've defaulted to FedEx.

>> No.7278989

I didn't even think of that. I ordered three skirts, two blouses, a bolero, a book and a necklace.

Oh god, that means I have to pay customs on the shipping as well. This is literally going to kill me. They specifically said on the invoice that the shipping method was EMS though? Would've thought they'd contact me if it couldn't go through EMS so I could split the shipment.

>> No.7279001
File: 45 KB, 1060x362, cap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friend delivered caps. I forgot the part about her boobs. I neglected to mention she's kind of overweight and couldn't fit in MT in the first place. One of the things I told her when she kept pressing the issue was that her breasts were too big for it, since I thought that was a way nicer way to tell her that it just wasn't physically possible. I'm pretty sure she edited out the worst parts of the entry because I remember it being a lot longer and even meaner. I haven't read it in forever, though, so I could be wrong.
Yeah, I don't get it either. When my friend initially told me about it when it happened, I thought she was exaggerating until she showed me. It's the sort of shit you see told in horror stories online, but never think you're actually going to have to deal with yourself.

She was 16 or 17 when she wrote this, by the way. She's less obnoxious now, but not by much and she still rants about how much she hates brand whenever she gets the chance.

>> No.7279010


Sorry, should say too big for EMS. But judging from your items, that clearly isn't the case. The rate for a 2KG FedEx parcel from Japan to UK is 20,580 yen, which is pretty close to your $215 quote.

Hopefully it's just a fuckup that you can sort out once they come back from the New Year holiday.

>> No.7279012
File: 1003 KB, 500x253, shutabitchdown.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit so much stupidity and bitterness in one post. Her sense of entitlement is off the charts.

>> No.7279017

Hopefully. I'm just freaking out because if I don't pay by tomorrow, I'm gonna get hit with late payment fees. But then if they've fucked up I shouldn't have to pay that invoice at all, right? Ugh, I don't know. I do have the money to cover it, but I know I'll feel awful about spending so much, especially considering how little the items themselves cost in comparison.

At least if they do send it with FedEx, it'll be here quickly, haha.

>> No.7279022

>i don't get how someone this selfish could call themselves lolita
Because throwing a fit over someone not borrowing their fucking expensive as hell clothes isn't selfish at all!

>> No.7279029

You should have just told her "I'm not sharing my dress and that is final" and ceased talking of the subject afterwards.

>> No.7279042

>borrowing a dream dress
I don't know how anyone could just borrow a dream dress anyway, giving it back must be painful.

>> No.7279052

I'm from Europe and recently an american friend wanted to buy some lolita and cosplay items off of me.
>Figure out the shipping will be close to $40
>Tell friend, apologise on behalf of my country, etc
>"what if I pay for the shipping, cant you just give me the items for free then?? I AM your friend after all"

I am pained by this

>> No.7279054

Oh god. I know someone who lent a whole outfit (brand blouse/dress/accessories) to someone she knew quite well and thought of as a friend... who then freaking lent it to someone else. Whose parents didn't approve of lolita and cut up the dress. Bear in mind this was way back when the exchange rate was shitty as fuck, brands had just started shipping overseas and a trip to Japan was an excuse for people to run a shopping service. It was like, $500 of stuff destroyed. Thankfully she eventually (some months later) got most of the money back, but obviously she would've rather had her clothes. There are perhaps three people tops that I would consider lending one of my dresses, and two of them only if I was with them whilst they were wearing it just to make sure. If I slip/spill/run into something and destroy my own dresses, that's my own fault, but damned if I'm going to let anyone else have the opportunity to do so.

>> No.7279056

She's not your friend, she's a fucking freeloader.

>> No.7279060

Oh no, we're not friends anymore, no worries. I was already losing my patience with her when this happened.

>> No.7279074

>Organize a meet-up
>Someone always whines about:
Just make your own damn meet-up and don't attend mine.

>> No.7279085

Wow. Just wow. I am flabbergasted that anyone could act that way and think that people would agree with them. Why would you post that online?

Is she still like that? Can we have pics of her? She sounds so jealous that it's consuming her.

>> No.7279089

Good riddance. You don't need "friends" like that. I mean, to me there's a line - it's fair enough that she might back out of the sale due to not being able to afford the additional shipping, but asking for it for free is plain rude and taking advantage of a so-called friendship.

>> No.7279132

What an entitled bitch. She may've grown up a bit since, but the shit she said then was totally uncalled for. I don't loan out my expensive belongings unless I am fully prepared to never get them back. Even if she did everything right the dress may've been ruined by accident through no fault of her own. Plus she couldn't afford to buy you a new one if she did ruin yours! I think you gave her the best advice possible: sell some of your less favorite items for your DREAM dress--it makes sense.

>If I slip/spill/run into something and destroy my own dresses, that's my own fault, but damned if I'm going to let anyone else have the opportunity to do so.
This is my philosophy as well. I'll forgive myself in time, but I will never forgive others. It's good that I know this about myself now.

What? How awkward for you. Glad you don't have to deal with her anymore.

>> No.7279196

Seriously, you don't need a second opinion from her. She can barely dress herself.
Safe yourself some time and just post directly to an advice thread on here.

>> No.7279198

>you shouldn't be allowed to be a lolita unless you are a communist

>> No.7279249
File: 214 KB, 800x800, 1388883137118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girls who have brand should WANT to help the more unfortunate who cant afford it
Won't somebody think of the girls who have the wealth of owning a computer, internet access, goofing off on it for hours, but who can't afford impractical novelty dresses?

>> No.7279365

>life is shittier when you have a shitty attitude.

truer words were never spoken

>> No.7279645

yuuup. if you're not happy, don't come? it's as terrible as those people who comment on sales posts with "SO PRETTY too bad i cant afford it/cant fit it". your whining isn't magically going to make it fit/affordable so shut up.

in addition to this, people who say they're coming then don't show up to an RSVP event, and don't bother to let the hostess know in advance. not acceptable.

>> No.7279664

This makes me want to throw up

>> No.7279712

>list a sale
>it gets a comment
>"SO PRETTY too bad i cant afford it/cant fit it"

>> No.7279729

Hey anon just a heads up but random links inserted into stuff that you're browsing (that lead to ads) is a sign of a virus.

>> No.7279733

The bias in that image is astounding. The way she makes you seem like a cunt and her so victimy, I just want to puke.

>> No.7279743

>'i think it should be made a rule that to e in the comm you have to be willing to let girls without brand borrow yours. I would have no problem doing it. no one else should.'




>> No.7279744

>deliver a punch in the mouth via internet

if i were a sales comm mod i would ban anyone that did that.

>> No.7279745

Or some add-on in your browser that you installed without noticing while installing something else. It's happened to me before, and they're simple to remove, at least.

>> No.7279749

You know she'd be the first one to demand reparations if she lent something and it got damaged...
>not a slave to brand
>entire post is whining because she couldn't afford/borrow brand piece

>> No.7279785

>youre so kind, id want her expelled

>> No.7279917

"If i had brand i would let girls borrow" ...suuuuure. She doesn't have brand so what the fuck does she know. What a entitled retard.

>> No.7279941

Update on this - got a reply from them, turns out it really was an honest mistake, not an attempt at a scam or anything like that. They've corrected the invoice to just under $70.

>> No.7280028
File: 23 KB, 288x499, 89685635424131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see wardrobe post
>nice preview picture, excited
>open LJ cut
>"Watch my wardrobe video!"
>close LJ cut

>> No.7280111

I just want to point out that I know a girl whose mother's name is Lolita. Not a nickname, it actually was the name she was born with. You don't get anymore Lolita name wise than that.

Ironic, too, since her daughter had already done five guys at age 13 and they're Asian, so she honestly looked ten when this was happening.

>> No.7280267

The irony truly is amazing
I wish I had instead of being so nice about it every time I denied her. I think trying to be as gentle as possible gave her the impression it was a possibility.
This. For me, even just seeing pictures of girls in the dream pieces I lack is painful. Luckily, I'm only missing one of the six pieces that qualify as "dream dress" status for me, but MT has retained it's place at the absolute top since was announced for reserve and before I had it I honestly could not look at pictures of it. The rest just gave me a bittersweet "someday..." feeling.
>Whose parents didn't approve of lolita and cut up the dress.
This was fucking hard to read. I would be so enraged at her parents that I don't think I would have any emotional energy left to have any negative feelings for years. Being dead serious right now, I would have sneaked over to their house in the middle of the night and slashed all their tires and graffiti'd the fuck out of the house exterior with giant cocks or something like that. I'm so glad she got most of her money back, but damn.
I'm so tempted to share photos from her ita days, but if she found out it could lead to serious backlash. I feel the screen cap is justified enough to post where she can't really say anything, but pics are going beyond my comfort zone. She's not ita anymore, but her big thing back in the day was pairing raver candy and Invader Zim t-shirts (girl had an impressive variety of them) with pastel skirts. Her favorite coord was a Gir hoodie with black and neon green striped sleeves matched with her black Milky Planet replica skirt and pink/black striped tights.She wore these massive black boots covered in buckles with them, too.

>> No.7280313

>Even if she did everything right the dress may've been ruined by accident through no fault of her own
This is the primary reason I would never lend out my MT to anyone. I've had cars in NYC splash filthy water on me (luckily I wasn't wearing anything special) and have missed getting shat on by pigeons by less than a foot. Shit happens beyond our control sometimes.
I know right? It's a sad, sad world we live in when a girl has to make sacrifices to afford a $500 dress,
It was actually a friend who took the screen cap, but I let her know on Skype and she sends her gratitude. It was the product of ad-ons she didn't know she had. I guess she's done several virus checks and they came up with nothings, so she had no idea what the issue was until I shared this with her.
The best part is how mean she is regarding my appearance, yet apparently I'm the bitch.
I'm 99% sure there's actually a rule against posts like that.

>> No.7280329

why dont people like videos, just curious? I really love the videos. Especially the well done ones.

>> No.7280360

>Just make your own damn meet-up and don't attend mine
And most of the people who complain are people you don't want around anyway.

>> No.7280362
File: 67 KB, 480x330, 098765432345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because I don't want to see a ten minute video
Because some videos do not even show the dresses properly
Because I do not know if the video is well done
Because I just do not have the patience
Because I do not know if it is worth my time

Really, I enyou looking at nice photos much more. I can look at the dresses if I want or scroll down immediatly without wasting much time. I don't know, I just do not like it very much.

I know there were some people last time who did both, and if I saw the photos and liked the clothes I enjoyed the video, but otherwise? No.

>> No.7280475

Oh God, her. I love her archive and stuff but even non-repeated questions (thoroughly searched archives, etc) tend not to get an answer. I've sent her about 7 different ones over the past year after checking tags for similar questions, none of which were answerable using the FAQ or Google or the archives or were just WHAT PETTICOAT DOES THIS DRESS NEED questions or were super vague, and she only ever answered two of them.

>> No.7280509

I like videos, but I think they're a good thing to do on the side, or do at another point seperate from the wardrobe. I think looking at pictures gives us a better feel for what the person has. While a wardrobe video might be nice to actually see how things are stored a bit better than just photos, especially if you have a nice setup or a cute room to show.

>> No.7280712

on egl_comm_sales, yes. everywhere else it's free fucking game.

>> No.7280724

i like to open a bunch of tabs at once, and unfortunately my laptop is getting pretty old, so it chugs at opening so many tabs. photos i'm willing to wait for, but videos, as >>7280362
said, might be just shitty, low framerate webcam videos with poor lighting and a muffled distorted voice going OKAY THIS IS MY DRESS, THESE ARE MY ACCESSORIES, THIS IS MY KITTY HI KITTY, THESE ARE MY POSTERRRS, THIS IS MY ROOOOOM... i don't care.

>> No.7281231

I browse on my phone. Videos are annoying to watch on a phone. I also don't like the sound of some persons' voices. I also don't want to waste time watching a video with content I don't like--it's easier to judge at a glance whether I'm going to enjoy looking at the photos or not.

>> No.7282056


anon you replied to. A mod has just removed the feedback I left for the seller. I know it sounds petty, but it isn't so much the lack of feedback that annoys me, it's how she's lied to me about certain things, broke promises and ignored me unless I publicly called her out on it. If she had just turned around and said 'no, I can't/won't leave feedback' it wouldn't be so bad.

I thought it was worth bringing up that you can get any feedback you left for someone else removed, even positive. It says so under Rule 10, but I don't think many are aware of it. I'll be utilising this rule in future if people refuse to leave me feedback.