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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 103 KB, 960x960, jhsdfghjk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7265810 No.7265810 [Reply] [Original]

Cosplay groups where every member in it looks perfectly suited for the character?

>> No.7265815

Venus looks like she has two empty black sockets in her head.

>> No.7265817

>Jesus Christ does that Venus have two black eyes?
>oh, no, it's just Jessica in her typical whore makeup
Nice try op

>> No.7265819 [DELETED] 

>nigiri thread

>> No.7265820

omg, that's so amazing. The only problem I have with it, and it's very minor, is the Jupiter's shoes are really ugly.

>> No.7265823

Shouldn't Sailor Mars be more voluptuous?

>> No.7265824

Your other problem should be the lack of chest protector

>> No.7265826

That is not a very good example. Mars always comes across as a strong angry girl, not a soft sad face. Mercury is shy and humble, but at least her body matches (short/wide). venus is not at all girly and elegant. The only perfect person is Jupiter.

And I'm not judging because of who they are. I think venus should have been more suited for neptune and mars would make a good moon or pluto. mercury has a more saturn or moon face.

With such a simple cartoon style like sailor moon you gotta match the personality. And the way a face looks (and acts) reflects the character a lot

>> No.7265827

This. Mars should look sexier than that.

>> No.7265828

Huh, so that seam under their bust was a chest protector?? The things you learn, man.

>> No.7265829

Dat Mercury and Mars tho. Hnng. Jupiter's great too. Venus though... just really stands out in a negative way. Bad makeup choice and doesn't share the same petite body-type as the others. Normally I wouldn't be so harsh but this IS a suiting-the-character-perfectly thread so...

>> No.7265837

sorry for not knowing but whats a chest protector??

>> No.7265839

you're right. I was giving the benefit of the doubt since the photo is overexposed, but I don't see even the slightest hint of a shadow.

>> No.7265841
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>> No.7265848

Yep. The chest protectors look pretty obvious in the live action though. After that, I just can't like a senshi cosplay without that detail.

>> No.7265846

Kinda wish Mercury went with a lighter wig

>> No.7265851
File: 74 KB, 720x960, 1388293675236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know these cosplayers are hated but at least try to make sure the aspect you're complaining about is actually missing before you assume so.

>> No.7265852

I'm honestly surprised Nigri went for Venus rather than Usagi herself.

>> No.7265863

Isn't Venus the favorite of most girls anyways?

>> No.7265866

Nigri should've cut the bangs instead of sweeping them to the side like that

>> No.7265868

Damn man. That's hella unnoticeable. Whoever made their costumes should've done something else for the chest armor because it blends in way too much. Like give it a slight shine or something to make it distinguishable.

>> No.7265875

i want to cosplay sailor mercury but i don't know which pattern/tutorial would be the best?

>> No.7265873

>Mercury's wig is all wrong
>Jesus fuck, Venus needs better fitting makup

Mars is passable. Jupiter's only real problem is her hair ties are the wrong colour, her height and body type work nicely though.

>> No.7265878

No, Mars is supposed to be pretty in the face, but thin. There's concept art in the re-released mangas addressing this, and then Jupiter was bragging about how she had bigger tits than the other girls and asked Mars if she wanted to compare.

>> No.7265889

She is? I was always a big fan of Mercury and Sailor Moon

>> No.7265893
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Captcha: "help withdat".

>> No.7265896

Why don't people love Jupiter more? She's my personal fav.

>> No.7265897

This sounds absolutely terrible. Isn't what these girls did what most cosplayers do anyway? Only instead of just a seam it appears to bulge out a little.

>> No.7265901

I can't see theirs at all in actual pictures though, and it's weirding me out.

>> No.7265902

My personal favorites are Venus and Jupiter although Starfighter and Venus tie.

>> No.7265924

There's really only one reference that I can recall where you can tell it's supposed to be armor. I can't find the image now, but there's a sequenced image where Mercury gets her outfit blown away and you see it get blown off piece by piece.

>> No.7265933


Moon and Mercury are nearly tied in Japan for favorite.

Don't know the favorites in the US.

I like how clean the uniforms seem to be sewn.
Wigs need work. Mercury is always deceptively hard to get right. The bangs on the other three aren't how they should look but I can see why they did it that way.

None of them are wearing the right make up. They over did it on the eyes.

>> No.7265942

I don't know any of them besides Jessica, so if they're all drama-y like her I don't know, but from this and other pictures Jessica uploaded earlier, I think the blue one is cutest. (I don't know their names, never watched Sailor Moon.)
Of course, none of them look perfect for the character, at least not as far as I can tell.

>> No.7265948


Man, Jessica's age really shows with the costume, she looks waaaay too old for Venus.

>> No.7265968

No that's just J-nigs black soul peaking through

>> No.7265975
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Ahh geez. I'm a big dumb Moon fag and have some thoughts.

>Venus in general
Might as well get this out of the way. Makeup is way too heavy but it's Jessica so what did anybody really expect. Ages the character and just isn't flattering whatsoever.
The way they did the bows remind me of the crappy storebought cosplays you can get and takes away from the cleanliness of the skirts/collars/etc. From what I know of these girls' skill levels I'm surprised they look like the way they do.
They're just a bit too short but that's me being an asshole. Not a big deal but certainly something I noticed; Venus and Mars's gloves resemble Uranus/Neptune length which are much shorter than the inners.
>Natural hair on Jupiter
I can understand a time crunch/convenience thing but Katie has made some really nice wigs before and could have easily done a high ponytail with fluffy bangs. Pretty sure she's done a cosplay with a similar hairstyle recently iirc.
>Mercury's wig
Too long and incredibly flat
>...Actually all of the bangs on everybody's hair/wigs
Seems nobody tried to fluff up the bangs but I guess most cosplayers don't actually do that anyway.

Positive things!
>They're all pretty cute
>I like their heights for the characters
>Uniforms aren't bad - look pretty nicely made save for a few things
>Katie really is suited for Jupiter, good choice

All and all, decent... but not exceptional especially for the talent of the people in the group. Maybe opinions will change if/when they have nicer photos taken (this seems to be Instagram quality). I also have to wonder why or how they couldn't get a Moon to join them.

>> No.7265989
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>pits of endless black mascara

>> No.7265991

surprised by how bad riddles wig is. Also bothered that the skirts are the same length all the way around.

>> No.7265992

I dont know how jessica manages to make venus looks slutty even without her tits hanging out

>> No.7265993
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>> No.7265995
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>> No.7265998

It's her ridiculously outdated raccoon eye makeup that's doing it. This is the worst I've seen her makeup look in a while and that's saying something.

>> No.7265999
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>> No.7266002
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I love that Mars, cute as a button.
I'm really disappointed about Jupiter though, she's my favorite character and I don't feel like this person did her justice. Although the body type seems pretty spot on. Her face is just...yeesh. Not cute at all.

The Mercury looks really dorky to me too but I can't put my finger on it: Can't tell if it's because her wig looks like a mop, or that she's dwarfed by everyone in that group.

JNig should just go home. Although kudos to her for not dressing down to a titty cosplay for once in her cosplaying history.

Overall I think the main costumes are executed pretty well.

>> No.7266018

Overall, I think that the picture is okay. Just okay. There's something "off" in each of the scouts, and that bothers me enough to comment on it. Mercury's wig is wrong, very wrong. God help me, Jupiter's shoes are ugly as fuck and her hair, (though good for being natural) isn't right. Though the height is good for Jupiter. Mars is a cutie, but I always felt her beauty would be harsher. The gloves tick me off just a bit. And jesus, Venus looks terrible and just throws the whole thing off.
At a glance, however, they look okay.

>> No.7266028
File: 37 KB, 740x494, 1388299968467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're asking for the impossible OP. With groups, there's always one weak link that really drags the group down or one REALLY good person that makes everyone else look like shit. Even if you find a group where you think everyone looks great, it's going to get torn apart by nitpickers.

Really your best bet is to find group photos of of good but not great cosplayers.

>> No.7266108


Never realize Riki was the size of a hobbit.

Shit she's even wearing heels. Damn.

>> No.7266145


>"perfectly" suited for the character
>pic of Sailor Moon characters
>cosplayed by white girls

Haha-no. Not with those euro noses.

>> No.7266148

ok I don't follow any of their social media at all, so I was simply going off of OP's picutre just FYI.

But, going ot mention that the chest protector is a completely separate piece: it is not just a seam under the bodice.

>> No.7266155
File: 597 KB, 900x586, star_power_by_callesto-d3iyfba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's rare. I'm happier finding groups who all have really nice construction, which can also be rare. It's extra noticeable if one person in a group has poor craftsmanship and the rest are great (or vice versa). Here, have a Sailor Moon group I think is really cute and nicely done.

Jupiter is the best. She is the reason I wish I was tall.

>> No.7266158

eh, this group looks pretty mediocre to me

>> No.7266163


Mediocre or not, it's better than the Jnigger group OP posted.

>> No.7266169

They all look pretty good, but I'd love to see a pic of them all not doing that circle floor pose thing. Why is it that Jupiters look amazing most of the time?

>> No.7266170

>none of them are whales

>> No.7266177

It's weird not seeing JNig and Riki with their tits hanging out.

Once I heard they were doing Sailor Moon I figured they'd find a way to shoehorn in their cleavage.

>> No.7266210

That Mars looks way too "12yr old face".
Also, fucking nigri with her fucking makeup. God damn it. You don't even have eyes. Cut that shit out.
These cosplays are just mediocre if we're really judging by "every member in it looks perfectly suited for the character".

>> No.7266215


Ace Attorney fan here.

This is not the best but I think this is wonderful! Everybody looks suitable for the character (physically)

>> No.7266228

This is an example but it doesn't explain what a chest protector actually is.

>> No.7266242
File: 1.83 MB, 2304x1536, DSC_2139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a challenger appears

>> No.7266243

Funny because I thought they all fit, except Jupiter. She even used her real hair, thus fucking up this entire group.

>> No.7266245

This is a joke right?

>> No.7266246

Jessica's boobs went missing. This is an outrage!

>> No.7266249
File: 97 KB, 685x944, smnotes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is pretty well done, especially Mars. She's supposed to be a slender beauty, and the girl dressed as her has the cutest face between them and her body type looks right, with the Jupiter girl being a close second. Mercury should be a little taller and thinner though. There's a small body type comparison in my image to show what I mean.

I don't think the "chest protector" thing is a big deal. It's pretty much only defined by a line in the anime/ manga, and if I recall correctly, there's been instances where the fabric around the upper body and chest on the sailor soldiers have gotten ripped like normal fabric. The bows look cheap though, but I've yet to see a Sailor Moon cosplay where the bows don't look a little ridiculous.

I've gotta say though, Jessica N looks like a hot mess in the face. She looks way older than the other girls, and honestly doesn't stand out among them in a positive way at all. If ever there was proof that she's mediocre and only gets attention because her tits are normally hanging out, this is it.

>> No.7266257

I think her face would look fine if she took off the damn mascara. At least Monika seems to have an understanding on good makeup vs Jessica's mess.

>> No.7266283

I think they look decent except for JNig's way to freaking heavy eye makeup, Mercury's terrible wig, and the gloves are to short.

>> No.7266339
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>tfw no black souled gf

>> No.7266375

Venus looks gross as fuck and has a weird chest. I'd rather a Japanese, or Asian sailor cosplayer/s/ but that mars is still pretty good.

>> No.7266415
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>> No.7266421

None of them are asian so they don't look perfectly suited to the character.

>> No.7266422

Nothing satisfies cgl.
This group is really cute, with well made wigs and costumes.

>> No.7266423

>dat Gumshoe

>> No.7266424

I don't think the faces they make really fit the characters.

>> No.7266434

I second this. Some of them look not so great. Costumes are good, but their faces are really plain. The Rarity is also too fat. Someone as chic as that character wouldn't be a lard ass.

>> No.7266476

You guys know the Mars is Monika Lee right

>> No.7266477
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which pony should be the busty one

>> No.7266489
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yeah cuz they totes look SO azn

>> No.7266511
File: 11 KB, 251x240, 1316463873228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that rarity isnt even close to a "lard ass" are you kidding me?
Also didn't know that only skinny girls could be "chic"

>sage for even replying

>> No.7266518
File: 1.16 MB, 837x1762, 1383858282995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a Sailor Moon thread a while back someone posted this incomplete costume and we loved the bows.

Why is it that bows almost always look like ass?

>> No.7266527
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>> No.7266535
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>> No.7266540

Pic does get bonus points for it being a trio you don't normally see

>> No.7266547
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>> No.7266551

still don't see the huge eyes or not black straight hair.

My point is its fucking retarded to compare cartoon characters to real people. Because they aren't real fucking people.
Yeah, they live in Japan so they are assumed to be Japanese. But they don't LOOK Asian.
They LOOK like fucking anime characters. Which are pretty damn inhuman looking.

>> No.7266550

jesus christ that bow is so pretty i can't even

>> No.7266586

>looks exactly like the characters

they're goddamned ponies.

>> No.7266596

the pink one of course

>> No.7266598
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, flyawaynow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waiting for the day J-Nig and her wanna be whore friend Monika do this one

>> No.7266602
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never going to happen
life is shirt

>> No.7266604
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Jnig already did it with Electric Lady

>> No.7266607

Redo it with Monica so I can hate it more than this picture

>> No.7266608

But jnig already did Panty with electiclady as Stocking and I think they had a falling out after jnig lied about making her costume.

Been a while and I don't track drama but I think that is how it went down.

>> No.7266609

Probably had Kara make her Panty, and Monica make her Venus. Jessica was judging craftsmanship at Anime South this weekend, which is bad enough.

>> No.7266611

That's not cosplay so it doesn't count.

>> No.7266610
File: 220 KB, 533x800, 1383842597627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is supposed to have made their sailor uniforms?

They look very much like Zan's work, complete with the funky bows.

Pic related Zan

>> No.7266612

I really want to know who's dick she sucked for all this undeserved recognition.

>> No.7266616

If you read like any of the descriptions of Jnig's photos, it would tell you "Costume made by Katie Cosplays Riddle's Messy Wardrobe and Monika Lee " She posted that on almost all the photos she has posted to her page of Venus.

>> No.7266620
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>bra strap showing off

>> No.7266624

Sorry, I don't follow them, I'm just a Moonie and their work is very similar to hers and she does commissions.

>> No.7266625
File: 207 KB, 640x960, 2w3e4r5t6y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sword Art Online

>> No.7266626

ew no, I only like the Neptune and Uranus here

>> No.7266628
File: 572 KB, 750x578, 1333876214977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your opinion?

>> No.7266630

>implying I follow Jnig's cosplay page

>> No.7266631

Well, I think Jupiter there works the best because of her height and face. Using your own hair is fine, but I agree that she could have styled her bangs a bit more, then again, she's never been that great with wigs

>> No.7266633

we know, it's because she ALWAYS has the same expression for all her cosplays

>> No.7266636

At first I enjoyed it, coming back all I see is problems.

>> No.7266635

I think if the Fluttershy from >>7266527 would make this perfect.

>> No.7266638
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>> No.7266665

Too bad Katiecosplays is a jealous bitch to other cosplayers (even publicly through twitter), riddle is a judgmental bitch and Monika is just a twat and rude to her fans unless they look like guys who will spend money on her.

>> No.7266667

post the whole group

>> No.7266682

That's the first I've heard Katie is a bitch, she seems okay.

That aside, I think their Sailor Moon cosplays are a perfect example of how all the big names in cosplay are not that impressive at the end of the day. All their wigs/hair look decent except Riddle's which is just sad looking...but for how popular they are I'd expect them to be able to do a better job on fairly simple costumes. I understand that fukus are not the easiest thing in the world, but they're also not the hardest.

>> No.7266684

left to right:

>> No.7266686


but there are six girls

>> No.7266691


>> No.7266689


>> No.7266696

I don't want to defend the big names but, yeah, serafukus are deceptively difficult to get perfect. It generally takes years of consistent remakes for a cosplayers to get something that is well regarded. Seriously, pop in on of the Sailor Moon threads and check out the high standards.

>> No.7266724

I love how every girl in the cosplay community now tries to attach themselves to Jessica Nigri to bask in the attention pool.

>> No.7266725
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>> No.7266740

You are perfect, anon.

>> No.7266758

Actually the only good one is Merc. Everyone else has terrible hair or didn't iron their costume or bad make up.

Mercury is the only one who escaped those mistakes.

>> No.7266767

That made me smile. Gumshoe and Maggey were always two of my favourite characters.

>> No.7266777
File: 360 KB, 800x573, ash-cosplayer-rides-a-rapidash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplaying within your species

>> No.7266796

this is embarrassing to look at, dear lord

>> No.7266808

the shoop on their faces hurts my eyes

>> No.7266817
File: 51 KB, 408x525, nigriscout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if she means they all made their own, or if it was a collaborative effort

>> No.7266835

actually, if you go through earlier pictures, she says that they're made by everyone BUT her. that's the only photo that she captioned saying she played a part in the creation of the costumes.

but she didn't actually make any of it.

>> No.7266837

That girl has the perfect face for Stocking.

>> No.7267026

She went off on another cosplayer on twitter asking her why she had so many fans on fb versus her twitter and essentially saying that the other cosplayer was buying ads or fans. I mean we all wonder it but it was cuntish of her to actually try to publicly call out another cosplayer with no proof just attacking her out of the blue.

>> No.7267035
File: 216 KB, 606x810, 1335291869808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an instagram picture showed her sewing gloves during a con panel but thats all I remember

look at instagram /cgl/ that is where she posts majority of her progress shots

>> No.7267042


>> No.7267063

Here is the link to the convo on Twitter https://twitter.com/katiecosplays/statuses/396510737608081408

>> No.7267080

wow Katie G a cunt

>> No.7267096

People are just now figuring this out? Katie has always been like this.

>> No.7267098

yeah I looked at a few there are two where she says me, and a few others with no mention of her helping. they are all inconsistent.

>> No.7267104

Dammit I didn't think Panty could look like even more of a whore.

>> No.7267111

Ha amazing, I like the fact she has the guts to say that stuff

>> No.7267114

If it was actually something worthwhile, I could see that, BUT WHO GIVES A SHIT IF SHE HAS MORE FOLLOWERS ON ONE THAN THE OTHER?

There's a difference between speaking your mind and picking a fight for no reason.

>> No.7267117

Because all the girls that try to leech off of Jnig's popularity are some of the rudest, most insecure and egotistical of all the cosplayers. Riddle, Katie, Monika, Destiny

>> No.7267118

Every single cosplayer says they dont care about likes, yet so many get butthurt when someone has more than them and they dont think they deserve to.

>> No.7267119


While questionably mean you know everyone wants to call people on their bullshit.

>> No.7267126

Yeah but most cosplayers are stupid enough to look like a raging cunt trying to call people out without any proof to back themselves up. She just sounded like a jealous twat.

>> No.7267128

I mean aren't

>> No.7267137

I literally just got back from the convention this group was at. Used to hate Jniggs like the rest of you, but then I actually talked to her. She and the rest of the group were extremely sweet towards everyone, and if you got up close enough to see the detail of their outfits they were pretty damn good. She's very personal towards her fans, and admit that she browses 4chan occasionally and thanks you all for giving her a backbone.

>> No.7267142

You're welcome.

>> No.7267146


1. Everyone EVERYONE is nice to your face.
2. I think she means to thank 4chan for giving her all the free publicity. What she cosplays shows her lack of backbone. She's a follower in her choices.

>> No.7267165

Not necessarily. There was a drunk in the audience following she and her friends around the con, making her uncomfortable and she more or less ignored him. She's nice to whomever she feels like being nice to, unlike you morons who probably aren't even capable of interacting with others in basic social situations. She admit she's not perfect, said she wasn't great at sewing and that most of the time when doing it she receives a lot of help. Dunno, that's all I'll say. Definitely have a different opinion after meeting her, so the rest of you go enjoy your jelly.

>> No.7267213

This reeks of JNig, I absolutely love it.

Anyone's going to ignore or report a creepy stalker drunk. What >>7267146 seemed to be referring to was interactions between kewl coscelebz and their (more or less) normal fans. He/she is right though, everyone is nice to your face, especially when they have a reputation and job on the line.

You can read from this thread that at least 90% of people here harbor no such jelly. If you can't do something well that you're trying to supposedly make a living from, why not practice it? Everyone improves with time, and with as many contacts as you have, you could easily excel and boost your reputation just that much more.

Sage for making me believe for a split second while I was typing that I was actually talking to fucking JNig.

>> No.7267218

Even if it isn't, she's gonna see it.

>> No.7267564

I heard Katie has epic mouth herpes. Wish I was joking,

>> No.7267627
File: 270 KB, 1278x611, Fixed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For crying out loud, fix those colors.
Like this.

>> No.7267707

Who the heck is Destiny? Guess I'm not up to date on who's who. I only know Katie now because of this thread.

>> No.7267711

>venus's wig
>moon's wig
>that shitty satin fabric
>mars missing her bow gem
>moon's back bow literally falling off

ugh this is a train wreck

>> No.7267712

I followed Katie for years back in the LJl days and she was always really stuck-up. She's one of those "I'm a ballerina y'know a real one" assholes who passive-aggressively snarks about everyone else's Princess Tutu costumes. The only time I remember her being anything resembling a decent person without her head stuck up her ass was around the time she'd first started cosplaying, when she was in her late teens. Beyond that she always came off as having a shitty attitude (trying too hard to come off as "POSITIVE! CAPSLOCK! XD" to conceal how much of an insufferable arrogant cunt she is).

>> No.7267739

This. Point 1 exactly

>> No.7267740
File: 139 KB, 1024x679, 1388384027425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cosplay groups where every member in it looks perfectly suited for the character?

Ok then.
These chicks did a nicer job AND they did something different and interesting by doing art cosplay.

>> No.7267742
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>> No.7267741
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because Jupiter is the best sailor senshi.

>> No.7267749


Holy fuck, those are actually almost all awful. I couldn't figure out half of the, Why is their Mars wearing a purple wig? Chibiusa didn't even bring a fucking ball it looks like she just won a wrestling match.

>> No.7267753

in a lot of official art by naoko mars is depicted with purple hair, the official art for that image included as well.

>> No.7267752
File: 18 KB, 192x506, 1388384650456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is their Mars wearing a purple wig?

Yeah, can't take anything you say seriously. You aren't a fan.
Exit is that way >

>> No.7267754

not to mention, anime does portray some characters with dark hair with blue/purple/green sheen sometimes.

>> No.7267761

I feel like Uranus is the strongest in this group. I think it's painful to look at for the most part, though. Even with the colors fixed. Even in the weak-ass chain, however, Venus and Moon really stand out to me as the worst.

>> No.7267808

Ever notice how Anna the photographer desperately clings to popular cosplayers like JNig and Monika and Riki and Katie to make people believe her photos are better because she's taking pics of pretty people

>> No.7267811


are we looking at the same bow? that bow looks like shit, it's awkward and stiff. it's the belt/skirt i'm impressed by. the bow needs to be fixed, it looks really flat and 2 dimensional

>> No.7267812
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>Jessica was judging craftsmanship
I was willing to put up with her until I read that. Jessica has made some seriously Milanoo tier shit, if she actually makes things herself.

>> No.7267813

i dont like anna's work but why the fuck are you all vandetta chan sounding here.

>> No.7267815

I wish Jessica picked a different blonde for that. It's playing too much off of the orange in the fabric and even more off of the orange in her spray tan.

Captcha: even Thensuca

>> No.7267818

not the person you're replying to, but the purple in that girl's wig is wayyyyy too light/bright for mars regardless

>> No.7267823
File: 114 KB, 700x450, mars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That cosplayer's wig is too bright for Mars though- I'm all for purpley Mars wigs, but they should be pretty dark.

>> No.7267837


I am the person you're replying to, and this is what I meant. It's SO purple. I always interpreted it as black with a purple sheen, in the way the art is so light and watercolory. That wig looks... party city purple to me. Even compared to the art.

>> No.7267841

i've always thought this group looked really good overall except pinkie pie.
fuck, could you maybe pick something other than a t-shirt and fucking sweatpants?

>> No.7267913

Think they all fit the body type really well, except Mars could use a more padded bra.

As for the costumes. Mercury's wig is horrible. Venus needs less eye makeup and better colored wig. Jupiter needs a wig as well and they all need that seam under the bust.

>> No.7268305

I really want to know what fabric Riddle used for the white leotard part of the costume, I don't know why but it just looks perfect to me.

>> No.7268422

There is no fucking way Jessica made this.

>> No.7268445

>passive-aggressively snarks about everyone else's Princess Tutu costumes
Fuck I thought I was the only one who got steamed over her doing this. She always covered up her comments with LOLs and XD's to make them seem not as bitchy.

>> No.7268456

As a Princess Tutu cosplayer, I kind of want to see these and judge for myself and how snarky she is. I've only ever gotten really genuinley positive comments on my Tutu costumes from her. ANyone have screenshots?

>> No.7268504
File: 513 KB, 801x551, 1388428054276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bethany Maddocks group turned out pretty good

>> No.7268511

I hope you're joking

>> No.7268515

Bethanys face in this picture perfectly explains how I feel about >>7268504
>Bethany Maddocks group turned out pretty good

>> No.7268516
File: 74 KB, 960x640, 1388428430686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn dropped the pic

>> No.7268520

>Pluto's hair
muh sides

>> No.7268532

I am always disappointed when there's no Mercury. I love Mercury.

>> No.7268537

Mars and maybe Jupiter are the only decent looking ones.

>> No.7268536
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>> No.7268541

venus is my least favorite, i only know one person who likes venus. most people i know (boys included) like jupiter. my boyfriend likes saturn but he has a boner for cyborgs and short dark hair.

>> No.7268545

pluto is complete and utter garbage, uranus is barely visible but has an odd facial expression, neptune is meh, saturn wasn't even immediately identifiable as saturn to me (i had to look at her collar color and try to figure out who she was trying to be, her hair/facial expression are really bad and out of character, she looks way too cocky for saturn), venus's face doesn't really fit her character but her costume isn't terrible, and moon is missing some stuff and is extremely underwhelming. mars and jupiter are the least terrible ones but their wigs/hair isn't great and they're missing the stripes on their collars (so is venus actually). jupiter's green is way too bright also. they're the only ones who fit their characters though.

>> No.7268562


Did Moon eat Chibi?

>> No.7268566

She's always been my favorite. I like her 'ditsy' personality.

>> No.7268573

I love Mercury too. Be happy a Mercury doesn't exist in this shit group though.

>> No.7268610
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It's really too far back on archaic sites like coscom or LJ to find much anymore but this one was easier to find since it was comparatively recent. http://lionboogy.livejournal.com/731637.html

There was another Tutu cosplayer - Stagsleap - who would write similar or even ruder comments on people's photos or Youtube skits, despite having only one year of ballet experience at the time.

>> No.7268612
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cant tell if hip roll or fat roll

>> No.7268636

Jupiter is more immediately likable to both genders though. She's more adult looking while still having cute hobbies and she is never annoying or a bitch.

Usagi is appealing to girls who have self esteem issues. She's cute, but she's dumb and is a crybaby. Ami is a cool character, but sometimes her one-track, "let's study" crap gets out of hand and she isn't a 'sexy' character. Rei is cool when she's doing miko stuff, but she can seem aloof due to her mysteriousness. Minako is kind of strangely characterized. On the one hand, she was the first senshi and is more experienced and she was the captain of the Inners back in the day. On the other hand, she can be just as stupid and clueless as Usagi.

(I love all of them, so please don't get butthurt if I've said something bad about your fave.)

>> No.7268637

>chooses old as shit cosplay of hers
>one of the very first she made herself

What are you going to do next? post her first pikachu and talk shit about it

>> No.7268659

skirt?! wayyy too short in front

>> No.7268672

ugh those pleats are so fucking awful

>> No.7268732

Wtf is with this Bethany?I always see her getting posted in sexy / fap/ w/e threads and I don't know why.I even like chubbys but she's just very unattractive.Self promoting?

>> No.7268742

ugh, really? I do not think she is an attractive girl either, i can't believe people actually do

>> No.7268746

probably self posting, she's that kind of girl, kinda like how she;s been posting pics with Nicole Marie Jean lately to mooch some followers off her

>> No.7268747
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Naoko Takeuchi has stated in canon that Moon is a little chubby compared to the other girls, drawings be damned. I think this girl has a nice cosplay - wig needs work and she's missing some accessories but it's a generally good start.

>> No.7268755 [DELETED] 

>a little chubby
lolz maybe you should take a second look at her

>> No.7268757
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I personally think she looks like Elanore from the female chipmunks...

>> No.7268769

the japanese concept of chubby is not the same as the western concept of chubby. what we see as "chubby" over here is downright obese in japan.

>> No.7268771


how does she have 200K likes


>> No.7268772

That girl isn't chubby, she's fat. There's a difference.

>> No.7268797
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>> No.7268803

Outer senshi need more love.

>> No.7268804

But anon, how can they be cosplaying cousins if they aren't even the same race!

>> No.7268805

Like for Like shit.

>> No.7268806

Uranus and Neptune look great. Pluto not so much.

>> No.7268813

Only Pluto looks ok! Uranus and the orher one are chubby

>> No.7268817

>Money for Likes shit.

Fixed that for ya.

>> No.7268821

Now THAT is a mars

>> No.7268831

Really? Nearly all the groups I see the Jupiters are short and chubby if not outright fat.

>cue largest planet jokes

>> No.7268892
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Wow, yeah that's meant to make her sound better than others just from the way it's phrased. At best it makes her look tactless. At worse it makes her look shallow and self centered.

A good way to phrase that could have been, "I love seeing cosplay of Rue, you look so precious. Tuck your ribbons in though so your legs look even sleeker."

>> No.7268910

these skirts are FAR worse then the jnig group
dont even pretend

>> No.7268940

They took different approaches to the skirts. I kind of like the pleated ones a little better since no one seems to be able to hem a fucking circle skirt with out it wrinkling to save their lives.

>> No.7268948
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>those sad sad pleats

>> No.7268951
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nope. The skirts are fairly equal. They were just going for different looks.

The OP group was going for the gathered flowy look from the manga. Some people prefer this. It also explains their shorter gloves as the manga gloves did not extend to the elbow.

The group in >>7266155 was going for the pleated look from the anime. Their gloves are also longer as a result & their bows have the flatter appearance they do in the show.

>> No.7268957

If that was true Mercury wouldn't have shoulder rolls and the bows would be different. Manga style my ass. They just have sloppy skirts and gloves.

captcha: wrongs slicenc

>> No.7268961

not to mention, Mercury's hair is peeking at the bottom of her wig

>> No.7268974
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>If that was true Mercury wouldn't have shoulder rolls and the bows would be different.

Good point on Merc. She didn't get shoulder rolls until they turned Super.
I don't think their skirts look sloppy though. The bows do.

Sorta related. I hated to bows on PGSM. They just looked like a giant X on their chest instead of a legit bow shape.

>> No.7268999

Yeah, not to be mean, but I'm American and even I wouldn't call that girl "chubby". She's fat.

>> No.7269013

Chubby =/= fat
I'm sorry, but no fat person or out of shape person should cosplay from Sailor moon.

>> No.7269019

Hnnng, that Uranus.

>> No.7269029

I dislike those ridiculous bows too, but mmf, that Mercury is so damn cute

>> No.7269048

Uranus is so great! She's my favorite senshi, her and Neptune are so cute and oh my god don't get me started. I love the outer senshi like woa. I wish the pleats on their costumes were a little better, but I can deal.

>> No.7269062


I try not to post here, but.. that what you said kind of goes hand and hand. Why work with the guy who has 100 likes compared to the guy who has 10,000?

I asked J for a photo on two separate occasions. One time she said she would be right back and never came back. Another time she walked by and Anna was around the corner who was also wanting to do photos. Despite I asking again, J said she had to get photos from Anna and that was the end of it.

For what it was worth they both seemed nice to other people through very brief interactions, but I don't really get why J couldn't stop for 5 seconds and allow me to take one photo. Even if somebody was not aware of who I am, I atleast look like I know what I am doing.

>> No.7269102

It could be nothing personal, perhaps? Her and Anna are good friends so maybe that's why she prioritized getting photos with her first. I know I do that sometimes and it has nothing to do with doubting the skill of an unknown photog, it's just that if I'm limited for time, I'm gonna shoot with someone I know (and know where they post the photos and how good they'll be) over an unknown.

>> No.7269113

Wow, I was the person who asked for the example and I'm not seeing what the big deal was. I quit dance in elementary school but even the tiniest bit of research (and watching the series too) would make it obvious that ballet dancers hide their laces and don't tie them in bows or anything.

It seems more like she was trying to educate than insult but if it was a picture of me I guess I might think differently. And even then I'd probably shrug it off. Why so butthurt?

>> No.7269117

>Why work with the guy who has 100 likes compared to the guy who has 10,000?

Cause that's a shitty thing to do.
If someone has a good costume who gives a shit if they only have 100 likes.

Why do I even have to explain this?

>> No.7269119


I think 95% of people who attend conventions have little to no problem donating 5 seconds of their time for 1 photo whether it from a complete stranger or not.

>> No.7269138

j as in Jessica?
Seriously she stops for every person who asks for a photo, especially if you ask to be in it

>> No.7269140

THIS. Not every good cosplayer starts out with 10,000+ likes. Everyone has to start somewhere when it comes to exposure. Only cosplayer this never applied to was JNig since she's always dressed like a whore.

>> No.7269148


Well I asked twice and I got no twice.. well to be fair "later" twice.

>> No.7269200
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Hate to be the one to use this.. but, in her case?

"Travis, when a woman says “later”, she really means not ever."

>> No.7269215

You were obviously not at the co then, because Jessica did not judge the costume contest. The judges were Rikki, Katie, and Lindsey. Monika and Jessica MCed the contest but did not judge. They were not even present in prejudgeing.

>> No.7269220

haha ok

>> No.7269225
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new picture I found

>> No.7269228

trying so hard not to rage.

>> No.7269230
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>> No.7269231

why does that venus look so old ughh

>> No.7269232
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this guy wouldn't stop following them

>> No.7269238

They look displeased.

>> No.7269308

she doesnt look 'old' just bad lighting giving her smile lines.

dat sailor mars doe

>> No.7269312

god is that jessica nigri? I bet she's buttfuck ugly without the makeup and magic bra lol

>> No.7269329

Because its Jnig

>> No.7269332

That Mars is so cute.

>> No.7269334


I follow her for the loldrama and she was saying that Riddle or another girl was making Venus.

>> No.7269360


Um, no. Jessica looks at least forty in all of the pictures posted in this thread. It isn't magic or shoop making that possible. Less makeup might help, but the texture of her skin is terrible due to tanning.

>> No.7269384

Is he suppose to be Reggie Ray from Not Another Teen Movie?

>> No.7269385

Man you guys are rough on JNigs. I know she isn't popular around here, but she isn't THAT tragic looking.

>> No.7269398

The girl dressed up as mars in OPs post reminds me so much of Twilight girl, she always makes the same face

>> No.7269406

it's monica lee...

>> No.7269431

the sleeves look great, i'll give her that

man she looks old here though. i think it's because of the tanning (and, as a result, the weird "stretched skin" look her face always has) and her nonexistent, flesh-colored lips. she looks like a middle aged woman desperately clinging to her 20's.

>> No.7269447

the best parts about the costumes are the sleeve rolls. SOME of the hip rolls look like they are tapered properly, but some look weird (like Riddle's doesn't have enough of an angle from the hip down to the V) and the gloves look ok, though the fact that the arm rolls are a completely different fabric than any thing else on the costumes is annoying.

But that's really it. The skirts are not done correctly and it looks like they went with the manga fabric (swishy-er and shinier) instead of a decent cotton for the anime versions, since they are obviously doing the show versions. the chest bows look bad/flat and are the wrong fabric again for the anime as well as the sailor collar. And the lazy 'seam under the boobs' for the chest protector when I know Riddle could have easily made an actual separate piece like it's supposed to be is annoying. obviously the wigs are terrible aside from Jupiter using her real hair.

Jupiter is the best out of all of them.

I am really nit picky with senshi cosplay though. And they look better than most of the ones you usually see, so that's points for them.

>> No.7269456

> loldrama

ok this is bullshit
say what you want but Jnig is one of the ONLY cosplay celebs that doesnt ever have drama.

fucking yaya and monika have more drama and you can probably name worse offenders

The most it ever had was one or 2 things long ago which were both one sided stories opposing Jnig

>> No.7269466

I am in this position right now, not in saying that my costumes are the shit I am rather new to sewing and shit, but I had a photog promise to shoot with me and he has been making excuses for a full year after he cancelled at con, and he continues to shoot with people who have a crap ton of likes. Just because they have likes.

>> No.7269485

Do you even follow her?

>> No.7269496

follow her instagram she constantly post progress shit. /cgl/ seems to only fucking care about facebook fan pages

like recently she posted a photo of her sewing the venus gloves at a panel

>> No.7269504

>unaware how easy it is to stage pictures
>thinking instagram is 100% accurate
okay slick

>> No.7269522

I understand pleats are annoying to do, so I forgive them. I get more picky on footwear and limp bows on senshi uniforms.
Uranus and Neptune look great though

>> No.7269526

Was at that panel. She did indeed sew them.

>> No.7269527

>makes her own costumes

>> No.7269532

Did you go to anime south?

>> No.7269556

This is a good cosplay. Panty is a whore and Jnig looks like a whore.

>> No.7269574
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I had to leave the room every panel this fat fuck was in. He was loud, obnoxious and drunk and was really disgusting towards all of HoC and JNig. Wouldn't stop following them around. Felt kind of bad for them.

>> No.7269582
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>> No.7269583
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Panty is more of c lass act than Jnig.

>> No.7269588
File: 40 KB, 562x437, HA_HA_HA,_OH_WOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good god what prove do you bitches need?

if she is so ugly why do can you not believe she makes anything? You believe yaya.

its sad she was sewing during a panel at a con yet there is still disbelief
sewing isnt a godsend skill only pros can even try, it isnt very hard to do.
dont you all say the costumes are terrible anyway? isnt that your own proof she made it?
where is the proof she didnt make anything ?

>> No.7269590

saw her in person and I'd say she looks better irl. I can't believe how petite she is! Ugh, she is definitely cute imo.

>> No.7269594

>You believe yaya.

if yaya had not been making most if not all of every costume she has in the decade she's been cosplaying, someone would have come forward with proof by now. Jnig does make some of her stuff and she points out when she doesn't, so i don't get why people are all over her about lying. Her stuff is mediocre and the awesome props she gets she'll tag whoever made it in the photo. But she does make a lot of her stuff, nbd

>> No.7269596

She has that "hurry and get help face"
When people this huge actually exist. I always want to ensure my non cosplay friends we don't all look like this at cons.

>> No.7269597


dear god

>> No.7269599

sewing is the only skill woman on /cgl/ have, if they make it out like sewing skills are one of the top 3 greatest skills to have they feel more important because irl /cgl/ is full of ugly useless human beings

>> No.7269610

btw Jessica told me that she had help sewing her costume. If I remember correctly I think she said she sewed her gloves and had Monika and her other roommates sew the rest.

>> No.7269615

She told me this as well. She says in the picture posted on fb that she didn't make the Venus cosplay. calm the fuck down /cgl/

>> No.7269617

>"Im being torchered by my management please fucking help me!"

in that first line of dialogue lel

>> No.7269625

Right, because trying to make a profit off a photographer's work without crediting them doesn't create drama. She showed her disgusting personality when she got called out on that shit. She's a fucking entitled snob.

>> No.7269629

Who is it? lol

>> No.7269634

THAT is the one thing I was talking about you autist

can you name ANY other incidences?

fyi every other cosplay celeb has had their bitch moments, or way more. dont act like jnig is the only one in the terrible bitch pot

>> No.7269640

Ugh... I've worked with a photographer like this. He agreed to work with me but then when he got in contact with "famous" cosplayers, his personality changed. We did the photoshoot but he was fucking insulting saying shit to make me feel inferior to these other cosplayers. I'm a great seamstress, style excellent wigs, do good makeup, and do my best to look pretty and yet... just because I don't have a shitton of likes on Facebook, he treated me like a peon. It was a free photoshoot but I never wanna work with him again.

>> No.7269654
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she didnt act bitchy, the only thing that happened was her manager responded

honestly we dont even know what happened

jess could have ranted but held it in and didnt say shit
she may have done something very wrong but it wasnt "a disgusting personality"

that kind of personality is one that calls someone ugly or fat irl and continues online harassment...thats just my opinion though, cgl will find any way to hate jnig and use that to make it out like she is the devil in the cosplay community

>> No.7269666

Why are they walking around without gloves on? Gloves are part of the costume bitches.

>> No.7269668

that is their booth they probably were signing posters and stuff.
that guy stood there forever
you cant run from your own booth

>> No.7269674

They were handing out prints. They stood up for a quick picture because this fat ass wouldn't fit behind the table.

>> No.7269685
File: 702 KB, 982x887, 1377204030220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh man, do I need to bring back all the screenshots of the copyright mess.

>> No.7269702

Photographer not photographers. Who are the others? I know there was the catwoman picture but after that fiasco where yes she did act poorly every other photo she has permission to use. Most of the cosplayers selling prints make sure to talk to their photogs before about whether or not they will let them sell prints. Pissing off one photographer is nothing in comparison to the shit that Yaya has pulled (ex. -marrying for a green card then leaving her husband to be with another dude. -Still being married to him today. -Throwing fits about cat ears and craft foam wings. etc) which is what the other anon was trying to point out. Hell some of the other cast members of the Heroes of Cosplay stole money from a Cancer survivor when they were suppose to make her a costume but they never did. So ya Jnig is kinda small time in comparison to others.

>> No.7269700

>being this booty ravaged when someone brings up proof about your slutty cosplay waifu actually having drama

>> No.7269707

Again, must I post screenshots. Too bad the new rules are in place or else I could just start a new thread and let you sort out what you want to believe versus what happened.

>> No.7269713

And you don't wear gloves when you sign stuff? Just because you're signing pictures doesn't mean you get to break costume.
Also why do these random cosplayers have a booth for signing pictures?

>> No.7269721

Are you fucking stupid?

>> No.7269726

Apparently. Why don't you enlighten me.

>> No.7269724

If you cant post screenshots tell me at least one thing she has done that you would deem worst that stealing money from a Cancer survivor or marrying a dude for a green card? I'm not talking petty cosplay drama I'm talking stuff that makes her a horrible human being.

>> No.7269743

So this means she's gotten into fights with at least two photographers, then?

>> No.7269750

The other photographer incident is when she was running a photoshop contest for "her" pictures. One of her fans photoshopped a picture of her alternate color Morrigan costume and even took out the photographer's watermark and replaced it with his own and Jnig sold prints of it. The photographer was pretty upset and made a thread on Model Mayhem asking for advice and after he talked to Jessica about it she acted like a pissy child and her fanboys harassed the guy.

>> No.7269751

>Photo taken without permission.

That always got me, it's pretty freaking obvious she's posed and looking at the camera(or the photographer) for the photo.

Without permission my ass.

>> No.7269758

Jessica and Monika were sitting down handing out, setting out and signing prints. It is their booth. They sell their prints for money to fund their projects. They didn't feel like wearing their gloves. Big fucking deal, get that stick out of your ass and own up to the fact that this hobby is shit anyway and nobody cares if you break character or not.

>> No.7269765

that was her managers post faggot

do you read?
>she didnt act bitchy, the only thing that happened was her manager responded

>> No.7269779

Ah ic. Well bitch better have learned by now not to try and pull this shit anymore. I doubt she made that much money off the prints so I still maintain that she's not the worst out there unless that other anon from before wants to enlighten us on what they feel is the worst thing shes done because I am willing to listen.

>> No.7269781
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>> No.7269794

Here's the original MM thread about it.
She deleted the picture and all the drama attached to the picture on Facebook a long time ago and I lost my screens a couple computers back, so this is all I have anymore.

>> No.7269804

LOL its cute that you think the person starting the thread didnt post a picture of Jnig and co and expect it not to turn into people whining about her.

>> No.7269807

Nah, there are definitely worse than Jnig out there. She's more on the "Hey, that's uncool" level than "Jesus fucking Christ, what the hell?" level.

>> No.7269812

>Felt kind of bad for them.

not me. I won't ever feel bad for the kind of people they attract. They know they are doing it.
I know 4 of the cosplayers in that photo and of the 4 of them 3 of them look down on you if you aren't popular.

>> No.7269815

they have a point in the thread about editing and how it is like music
is that true?

>> No.7269814


>> No.7269818

> I won't ever feel bad for the kind of people they attract


what is your point?

>> No.7269822

LOL please tell me the three friends your talking about are the ones that arent famous because I only recognize Riddle, Jnig, Monika, Lindze and Kaite.

>> No.7269833

There's no laws about "sampling" photography, the photographer still retains copyright as long as their image is used in the end product. Honestly, I think it's kinda ridiculous to compare the two for this type of thing.

>> No.7269851

Probably didn't wear their gloves because they might get stained by pen ink or something, since it takes a little bit for it to dry on glossies.

>> No.7269882
File: 35 KB, 500x375, 2934-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just because I don't have a shitton of likes on Facebook, he treated me like a peon.

Sad where we are going.

About 5 yrs ago I started taking my own photos. There were several reasons:

1. Photographers being lazy with their settings. If you shoot a pale girl right before me in sunlight and then attempt to use the same settings on my caramel toned skin it's going to throw things off.
2. Early digital camera took cool toned photos. Light skin looks good in cool tone. It makes dark skin look sick. Again, no one was fixing it in post either.
3. Probably what was subconscious racism. There were few tanned characters 10 yrs ago and that made me pick characters who weren't my color. Of course that isn't spot on looking to a photographer so they asked for less pics of me than they would if I had been dressed as Anthy instead of Misato.
4. Photographers just throwing ALL their photos up on public site. If you look like a goob, forgot to take your badge off, no one told you a snap came undone on your skirt, you're shit out of luck. Everyone saw it.
5. Photographers getting huge heads about who they "know" Listen, I am happy you know your craft enough to know when to bring up the ISO or fool around with the f-stop but you should also realize that a point and shoot can do some excellent work if wielded right.
6. Big head pt.2 I know photographers want people to come to their site to ooo and ahhh over their work. Everyone wants to feel admired, but taking pics of only the popular folks is false flattery. No one is coming to your site to check out your exif data. They came to see the pretty girl in the photo. Real skill comes from shooting many types of people and places consistently well.
7. I can take as many photos as I need to to get it right. Some people consider a shot done with 1 or 2 photos. They'll get impatient with you if you ask for more to make sure it's good.


>> No.7269890

What a bunch of dicks hiding behind Anon posting so they can tear down other people. who the fuck cares if their costume isn't perfect?

They're having fun. fuck off with your nit picking. Spend more time working at your own cosplay and less time giving a shit what other people are doing.

>plot twist: You're part of the problem.

>> No.7269892
File: 114 KB, 440x330, 34493918_OVR_440x330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


^my first digital camera from a few years ago

tl;dr: Your hard hours working on something should be seen properly and not half assed due to some photographer not thinking you are hot or important enough. Take your own photos.

< the camera I just got

>> No.7269901

Or are you just one of those desperate betas sucking her diseased clit nonstop?

>> No.7269908

i don't need to defend any of those women, they're adults.

just stop acting like they are the only problem when you little cunts are busy tearing everyone else down.

>> No.7269911

Thank you. I've been thinking about learning how to take good photos of myself so I wouldn't have to deal with asshole photographers with inflated egos. I may take a few classes at the local community college to learn more about lighting, angles, and editing. In the long run, the time spent will save me a shitton of anger and frustration.

>> No.7269918

you're that saaaaaaame whiteknight that comes into jnig threads spewing the same thing. angry people on the internet on both sides. there's no point of even arguing for or against either side because nothing will ever change or please /cgl/

>> No.7269925

the second half of your statement is true. people will always trash other people to make themselves feel better.

I have never been on cgl before tonight though.

>> No.7269939

Iiiinteresting. What pointed you here?

>> No.7269942

my white knight senses told me i was needed.

>> No.7269955
File: 40 KB, 405x720, 1388473087242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha, nice response.

>> No.7269991


Very glad I could help.
There are lots of resources you can check out online too.

This one is great as it shows you the effects of shutter speed, ISO, ect immediately. It even gives you tips too.

I saw this vid once that I wish I could find for you but my compy has been formatted since then. The guy in it talks about angles and specifically headshots. He had very specific ways to make you appear like you do in real life.
I remember one thing he said though, he always tells his subjects to bring their chin towards him as much as they can and then he tells them to tuck it back just a little and then the jawline looks proper.

I also have done a couple panels on proper photoshop and I can tell you that all most photos need is contrast & vibrance fixes. Next tier is levels, exposure, and curves. But that's it. Usually not much else needs to be done.

>> No.7270003

>It seems more like she was trying to educate than insult

I think we must read tone pretty differently through text. The comment looked like it was posted solely for the purpose of pointing out someone's error/lack of ballet knowledge, with an awkward fake compliment shoehorned in at the beginning to soften the blow somewhat. "AWW CUTE! BUT I CAN TELL YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING BECAUSE REASONS XD HASHTAGSUPERIORITYCOMPLEX"

>> No.7270039

Destiny Nickleson maybe? She's the only Destiny I can think off

>> No.7270040

Thank you for this! It's very helpful indeed. A lot stuff that link goes over are things I didn't know anything about prior. I'm going to have to test out the angles you mentioned though. I have a crummy digital camera at the moment and a tripod so might as well practice a little, right?

>> No.7270053

>what is your point?

I don't feel bad because "Let me get my tits out for you" cosplay invites creepers who think they have some kind of kinship with you.

I can't feel bad when they know exactly what they are peddling.

>> No.7270061
File: 52 KB, 350x336, 3918989_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It seems more like she was trying to educate than insult

People who educate tell you why they tuck their ribbons in. They don't just say 'I spotted that you did it wrong'

That's why it's telling on what kind of person probably is. She didn't want to educate. She wanted to show she knew something someone else didn't know.

>> No.7270119
File: 37 KB, 555x448, 1388483541284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, I know that guy.
I have his Facebook right here, no damn joke.
Facebookurl /ricky.floyd1

>> No.7270250

you can always tell you've one once they start talking about your waifu, gotta resort to name calling cuz you know im right

>> No.7270272

I feel a bit bad for them and I don't even like them. There's no reason for someone to follow you around at a con regardless of how they, or you happen to look. It is just annoying and rude.

>> No.7270483

Still smells like butthurt or vendetta to me.

>> No.7270578

YES. he is very loud and obnoxious and even more so when he has a few drinks. he kept spamming his own fb page and his living for the moments fb page with nothing but "OMG JESSICA NIGRI" before the con. total psyco fanboy........ imo.

>> No.7270590
File: 238 KB, 962x1332, killme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7271012

See, she actually seems human here, and that's really nice. In her photos, she comes across as a self-obsessed attention garnering whore, but in this, she seems like a normal fan. Maybe it's because she's practiced every single answer to those questions undoubtedly time and time again, and expressing one's self in different types of media has it's inherent advantages and disadvantages, but that still struck me for some reason.

>> No.7271055

Who is this? Anyone know?

>> No.7271485

I don't know. But, I like what I see. Very nice legs!

>> No.7271490

He followed the cosplay guests around all weekend like a lost puppy!!!!! In some random hallway shots of J-Nig, you could see him creeping somewhere in the background. Sad! LOL

>> No.7271521

One of the first things I noticed is that Mars' shoes are wrong....they're supposed to be pointed in the front...not rounded.

>> No.7271623

I imagine this is what all her fanboys are like...

>> No.7272003

i did

it was horrible

>> No.7272009

Here is that fat fuck's facebook

He was so fucking annoying and kept getting in the way of everybody

facebook DOT com SLASH LivingForTheMoments

>> No.7272010
File: 80 KB, 960x636, okay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first time meeting jnig IRL and honestly she wasn't too bad.

I didn't get any pics with her or anything, but she was pretty polite to everyone who she had to deal with, fugly weeaboos included. Apart from disliking her makeup and general sluttyness, she actually seemed kinda chill.

>> No.7272096


People have been starting to take things way too far. Yes Arjay was annoying at the con and kept inviting himself along to things buts it's devolved to the point where one of his so called friends has message him that he needs to do everyone a favor and just kill himself. That's taking things beyond a certain line. I won't say who sent him that, although I have a strong feeling she's been posting here. I know someone who's trying to get him to publicly post the message for every one to see how this cosplayer acts but I highly doubt he's the kind of people who would.

>> No.7272129
File: 96 KB, 638x960, pixel_kitty_Anya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She did not make that Anya outfit. She borrowed it from PixelKitty cosplay. So disappoint, because I love PixelKitty and she's very sweet.

>> No.7272231

You said "she", so that narrows it down as to who it was that sent him that message. Sorry that happened. I'm sure that arjay guy is cool once you get to know him, but he was just way too out of control at times. during the late night saturday panel he was actually trying to TALK OVER the guests to get them to hear him. if he gets like that at cons when he drinks, then maybe he SHOULDN'T drink, or at least not as much! You know? Sure, it's all about having fun, don't don't take fun away from others.

>> No.7272250

>he was actually trying to TALK OVER the guests to get them to hear him
Damn, that's rude. Obviously not as rude as telling somebody to kill himself, but it's definitely asshole behavior.

>> No.7272254

Very unprofessional on his part to run around a con intoxicated if he's representing a "business". That's my opinion. It's "Living for the Moments", not "Living for the DRUNKEN Moments".

>> No.7272719

Wow, he posts about Jessica a lot...

>> No.7272954

Indeed. He probably fanboys over every pretty cosplayer at every con he goes to, especialy if they have big boobs!

>> No.7272977

That he does. His obsession is pretty damn creepy... very stalker-like looking at that page.

>> No.7273567

The amount of people here who attended anime south... What were you cosplaying/wearing? I attended as well, and would kinda like to meet more people from /cgl/.

>> No.7273657
File: 64 KB, 465x700, tumblr_lnutsmESdn1qdlvzfo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except those are two separate cosplays entirely. Even the details are different. All it takes is a google search to compare them, faggot.

>> No.7274283

Yeah, it's pretty painfully obvious that these 2 costumes aren't the same. Nice try, though!