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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 28 KB, 230x368, tumblr_myl8yq4IIy1sqfgu9o1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7268500 No.7268500[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

New Ita Thread
Previous one is autosaging: >>7262853

Let's try to keep vendettas and boring coordinates to a minimum.

>> No.7268503
File: 437 KB, 917x515, 97865680790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$67?! omg what a steal~ XD

>> No.7268508
File: 91 KB, 636x960, hatsune_miku__wa_lolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7268513
File: 158 KB, 184x478, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cropped, everything else was some cosplay group

>> No.7268510
File: 231 KB, 720x1280, 1388428261964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7268514

Isn't that a cosplay? It says Hatsune Miku right in the filename.

>> No.7268519

it also says wa lolita, i also can't find the video what she could be referencing. just looks like she slapped on a turquoise wig and called it a cosplay.

>> No.7268521
File: 1.30 MB, 1024x768, fabulous_by_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"gothic lolita and brown lolita"

>> No.7268522
File: 85 KB, 337x600, tumblr_mymt05HR9a1r9t1zmo2_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

left one's not too bad but..

>> No.7268525
File: 81 KB, 500x500, tumblr_myl6p4UK4P1qbtnroo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The coordinate isn't terrible, but how on earth can she think she looks okay being that busty in a sallopette?

>> No.7268528
File: 73 KB, 500x698, tumblr_myl2ycAFeE1t9udizo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7268529

it looks like she's trying to fit into something made for an 11 year old.. not good!

>> No.7268534
File: 320 KB, 400x533, tumblr_mylfbxlreG1s4s50io1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7268535
File: 29 KB, 345x700, tumblr_myl3tbpzPh1sqfgu9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7268547
File: 357 KB, 1280x956, 1388429900782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tumblr is perfect for some ita material

>> No.7268548

Yikes! She normally dresses so well for her body type too, that's rough. Hope she realizes how doofy it looks.

>> No.7268551

ita aside, i really like the girl's shoes

>> No.7268556
File: 114 KB, 720x960, 1388430182907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it'd be even better if you could go into the lolita tag without seeing photos of 27 year olds thinking they're "nymphets"

>> No.7268558

That and the daddydom porn. I don't want to see that shit.

>> No.7268561
File: 190 KB, 499x750, tumblr_myhh52hwwY1qd96a1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7268565
File: 377 KB, 1187x797, ANTI.THE∞HOLiC.full.106671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a cosplay too. it's the anti the infite holic version of luka. pic related

(still looks like shit though)

>> No.7268568

I love all the pieces in this outfit but altogether..... yikes.

>> No.7268570

The only thing bad is the legwarmers and even then they don't really mess up the outfit that badly. I don't see the ita

>> No.7268571

Oops, only posted it because she wrote in her description "I didnt cosplay that year but did dress up lolita like"

>> No.7268576

Does her neck seem a little too long to anyone else?

>> No.7268577

oh then it's totally on topic, ita bitch trying to pass off shitty cosplay as lolita.

>> No.7268578

Well, the cardigan is brown with mint cuffs which doesn't match anything. Legwarmers that don't match anything else. Random looking accessories. Probably not the worst thing to exist, but still not very good.

>> No.7268582

Took me a moment to see it but YIKES.

>> No.7268583
File: 116 KB, 300x259, hantu-jepang-rokurokubi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ what the fuck is up with her neck

>> No.7268587


>> No.7268585

Yeah, definitely not ita. Different for sure, but not a bad coordinate.

>> No.7268591

I really, really, really hate solid pink and blue together. No matter what brand does it, it just looks like a trainwreck

>> No.7268593

mom and dad are at least stylin'

I cant even tell you how many blogs ive added to my ignore list this week

>> No.7268594

not even close to ita

>> No.7268607

Is that Robert DiNero right next to her?

>> No.7268608
File: 107 KB, 960x540, lolita_meet_up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7268617
File: 115 KB, 497x519, saddays.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to take a look at my abandoned amazon wishlist and I'm disgusted. So glad I didn't have money back then.

>> No.7268643
File: 135 KB, 960x718, gothic_lolitad6kh0bl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7268645

Oh my fsm...

>> No.7268687
File: 211 KB, 960x1280, 1388434958608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm all in for big girls getting into whatever fashion they want (since im a fatty myself), but at least take a step back and look at yourself. Salopettes do NOT look good on bigger girls, especially girls with huge knockers.

>> No.7268696

I think the striped skit has potential, but shouldn't really ever be paired with a matching vest. Too much stripes.

>> No.7268700

Its got that "sexy busty droopy overalls" look that was for some godforsaken reason popular in the early/mid 90s.

>> No.7268721
File: 54 KB, 390x750, tumblr_mymxsglUSY1rupt9lo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7268745

Her neck is making her head look really small

>> No.7268749

That outfit would be really cute if she had the jsk on and not the salopette, gurrrrl

>> No.7268751

Ahhh dude, could you post her in a different outfit? Maybe the neck thing is. An unfortunate illusion created by the neckline, I hope?

>> No.7268766

I actually think the dress is cute, the tights, converses and shitty accessories need to be ditched though

>> No.7268778

>bitch you think you're good enough to sit with us?
>do you even kawaii?
>you mad cause we're styling on you

>> No.7268781
File: 171 KB, 333x500, tumblr_myd4n9RtdY1qc0h42o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7268800

All I see is red whenever I see this damn girl post.

>> No.7268801

It's not lolita, but I think it's a cute outfit.

>> No.7268815

If only she didn't have those ugly glasses, bad posture and terrible haircut, she might even look cute in it

>> No.7268816

>all earth and jewel tones
>bright blond wig with pink tails

>> No.7268822

this is probably the best i've ever seen her look. LESS IS MORE, HILDEKITTEN

>> No.7268840

I'm almost positive she shooped her jawline to make her face look smaller/cuter and didn't think to shorten her neck too. Her head is way too small to be naturally proportionate.

>> No.7268850
File: 178 KB, 1215x793, nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is... is she getting better? After all that time?
If she'd taken care of herself and changed those boots it would really look cute.

>> No.7268859

It kind of looks like that's what she did, from those smudge lines on her neck. But she had to have had a Pixyteri/Jay Leno jawline to account for that much space, unless she moved her face up as well. But then
>bothering to shoop jawline
>shoop face smaller as well
>leave elongated neck
>leave bags under eyes
She might just naturally have a long neck and small head.
Everything from the waist down is pretty cute, at least for fairy-kei. Maybe a pink cutsew instead of yellow, and definitely a better wig and bow. None of her accessories work at all, really.

>> No.7268872

Just no. It's not even the right shape, let alone decent quality.

>> No.7268880


She was told it wouldn't look good, and she just threw a hissy fit. She's an idiot.

>> No.7268894
File: 176 KB, 800x768, 1388443500982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not anything real, but I was just searching for Sims 3 CC and came across this.

>Lolita Tea Party
>Hi there! I've always liked the lolita style for my sims, so I made this dress with a new mesh!

>> No.7268895


Isn't she the tumblr girl? I don't know her URL or who she is but it was mentioned in another thread. Anyone has a source to her blog?

>> No.7268897


Ah, I remember MY "Lolit"-Dresses for Sims 2... Horrible.

>> No.7268903


Yeah, her URL is notyourlolita. I think she's a UK loli?

>> No.7268911

Sims community is full of people who think lolita looks like that. Doesn't help that EA made an official 'harajuku street fashion' set or something full of ita-tastic stuff either.

>> No.7269001


>> No.7269027
File: 607 KB, 522x576, 1388446936863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7269036

>dress too small
>wig too big, eating up her face
This is so strange.

>> No.7269128

Scot loli unfortunately

>> No.7269133


This militant ita and an age player. For a country with such a well dressed lolita comm, your e-famous girls are shit.

>> No.7269186


I wouldn't really call her efamous.

>> No.7269202

dammit, that coat could be so cute with the right outfit.

>> No.7269212

>tea party in fuck ugly park
>right next to the jungle gym
>with paper plates
>mfw I can't even begin to dissect why their outfits are awful

>> No.7269214

Reminds me of my first lolita dress after I decided to add a truck ton of cheap ass lace to it. Thought it made it look more lolita, and thought I was looking cute too.
So young, so naive.

>> No.7269222

I just couldn't hang with a local comm at a lolita meetup if they all looked like this. People can say I'm shallow all they want, but I can't wear lolita with them and have people think that what we're wearing is the same thing.

>> No.7269260

I like her shoes, tho.

>> No.7269279

Does anyone know where I can get those specific shoes anywhere but Taobao? I've looked for them and I know they're from Swimmer and I can always seem to find every shoe except for those.

>> No.7269331


Oh god the memories of those PT Sim threads come rushing back.
That was some shit.

>> No.7269341

I like this dress but not with her accessories.

>> No.7269483

"brown lolita"


>> No.7269515

I don't think they're being made anymore. I checked the website (swimmer.co.jp/SHOPPING/) and they don't even have a shoe section now.

>> No.7269591
File: 59 KB, 395x480, swimmershoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I know they're not sold in the actual store, none of those shoes are. People sell the other shoes that are really similar that were Swimmer shoes all the time though...
Pic related, you can find any other one of that shoe pretty easily but the rainbow one is never in the group of shoes that people sell...
I'm thinking maybe the rainbow one wasn't very popular at the time it w5as sold so people don't bother selling it.

>> No.7269601

and now I know what I would look like in a salopette...

Man this makes me sad because I love this girl she usually dresses so well

>> No.7269602

I need those unicorn sneakers in my life!!! How do I even get them

>> No.7269630

Someone is selling them on Storenvy!
They're kind of pricey though. Do you want the link? Also if you want to use Taobao there are a few people who sell them there.
I actually think the unicorn ones are pretty cute.

>> No.7269631

her proportions are freaking me out, we really need to find other pictures of her.

>> No.7269684

>what if she were caucasian?

>> No.7269730

Sadly the Harajuku set is the closest to actual lolita I've seen for Sims 3. There was a set I found for Sims 2 that looked like actual older brand (not quite old school but not recent either) and always been hoping for a conversion. Does any actual good lolita exist for Sims 3?

>> No.7269835

If you search for Loli Loli Paradise on facebook she sells them

>> No.7270070

I'm guessing the people with her are her parents, and if that's so then props to her dad for looking really cool!

>> No.7270076

What if you stop bawwing about being white? This is the second thread, jfc. No one cares that outfit isn't ita.

>> No.7270235

I've been considering sitting down and doing some meshes for a proper lolita dress along with some skins of prints I like. But I haven't gotten around to it lately. I haven't done meshing since Sims 2 so I'm pretty rusty.

>> No.7270285

Does anyone have right one's blog?

>> No.7270344
File: 60 KB, 404x488, tumblr_myj9b1C0Zj1sycmrbo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7270349
File: 158 KB, 422x750, tumblr_myjilnHksi1rseuemo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7270353
File: 74 KB, 500x500, tumblr_myjl5mYT7J1rooy0ro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7270355
File: 65 KB, 477x720, tumblr_myjmueAYav1rhuqkgo4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7270493

with her face and smile, she would probably look amazing in classic with more natural wigs.

>> No.7270511

Not ita, just a cutie in a somewhat off outfit.

>> No.7270545

I wish she didn't wear that wig with every single outfit, classic or not

>> No.7270651

She has potential. I lover her weird little face. I want more loli's with little faces like this. I always feel like my face is too angular for lolita, so I try to hide it with long bangs. ;_;

>> No.7270658

>bright blond wig with pink tails
>split in the middle revealing black eyebrows

>> No.7270674

Nah, I feel you.
And why should you? If Lolita is the only thing you have in common and they do it that badly, you're not on course for compatibility.

>> No.7270802

the skeleton tights whyyyy

>> No.7270806


this entire fucking mess

>> No.7270815

I'm so glad someone else feels the same way I do. I started to doubt my taste when so many people were failing to tell her none of that is lolita and that it looks rather messy.

>> No.7270827
File: 606 KB, 500x257, tumblr_ml09jnQoTR1rjf4f5o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>socks and sandals

>> No.7270831

Dad Lolita: The hip new style

>> No.7270832
File: 310 KB, 418x750, tumblr_myorxvtkgM1s8jfido1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks highly appropriate for Dolly Kei, but jesus fuck that is so not lolita.

>> No.7270835
File: 147 KB, 720x1280, 1388521190217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone tell the chubbies to stay away from sallopettes already.

>> No.7270834

It's supposed to be wa. It also looks like geta, so I think they're triying to be ~japanese~

>> No.7270836

it still seems really fucking sloppy for dolly-kei

>> No.7270839

seems more casual than anything
i think the hair is the only thing that ruins it

>> No.7270838

god damn it seriously. this girl would be so cute in a normal sweet lolita dress. Salopettes are already much shorter than regular dresses and that whole titty thing doesnt work either

>> No.7270844

I was referring to the EGL post as Dolly Kei, I might have came across confusing. Messy is sort of Dolly Kei's thing.
Nah girl, the lack of petti and ill-fitting 'coat' whatever that is, on top of matching dark shoes to a pastel dress. It's just a coordinated mess.

>> No.7270845

I think this is really cute, but not for lolita.
I like chubby girls in salopettes. Also I'm not digging the hair.


>> No.7270846
File: 30 KB, 500x332, tumblr_my0ipbD9zm1qf6lnao1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7270848
File: 283 KB, 602x891, 1388521764670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7270851
File: 106 KB, 464x700, tumblr_mym124i53q1sb2hfuo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7270907
File: 139 KB, 450x597, 1388526038788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7270914

Oh shit, this is boston right?

>> No.7270917

How is this ita?

>> No.7270933

she got that from a lucky pack, she probably didn't realise it'd be ill fitting.

>> No.7270935

If you have to ask, you'll never know.

>> No.7270956
File: 245 KB, 450x627, tumblr_mwl9bpi9VD1sg4u7to1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7270960
File: 206 KB, 480x640, tumblr_mh91gufcHW1s0h4alo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7270962
File: 103 KB, 500x667, tumblr_moetljbz2e1qlk8y9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7270964
File: 144 KB, 432x750, tumblr_muycanhsNP1ra773bo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7270968
File: 152 KB, 409x750, 1388528203745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl is a trainwreck. She needs a lolita mentor terribly.

>> No.7270970

Without the capelet and what looks to be bloomers hanging out, this is a decent outfit.

>> No.7270985

It's still ita.
>greasy unstyled hair and lack of makeup
>nasty hairpiece
>wearing boots but not wearing a blouse (don't leave your legs fully covered but not cover your arms partially, especially if you have ham shanks for arms)

>> No.7270987
File: 110 KB, 500x375, tumblr_myn8qovXb51s35yn3o2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7270992
File: 44 KB, 173x222, omfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I know who that is
It's fun to laugh at itas from afar but when I actually know them I get such conflicting feelings.

>> No.7270993
File: 51 KB, 475x720, tumblr_myjxuqhiUy1t4sw21o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7270995

She could do with better matching socks, but that looks like pretty decent punk to me. Much better execution than most any other coord I've ever seen.

>> No.7271002

Nah, the tulle stuff on the bottom of the skirt looks like garbage.Wearing black and white socks when there is no white in the rest of the coord? The glitter bow tie and mini hat just take the cake.

>> No.7271005

Blouse? Isn't she wearing an OP?

>> No.7271007

Wearing boots and stockings along with the cape and having her arms bear just creates a really obvious blank space in the outfit. OP or not, it accents her arms, and with arms like that frankly I wouldn't want that. If she had wrist cuffs, or gloves, or something it wouldn't be so bad.

>> No.7271008

Same here, anon. Too close for comfort in the comm and the bitchiness feels too real.

>> No.7271011

I actually like this. Old school feel to it

>> No.7271014
File: 86 KB, 498x750, tumblr_ms4dbeCVuL1rg9ovwo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Gothic Lolita"

>> No.7271016
File: 209 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mv2g861Vsc1sf4gqso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this brand? I can't believe how terrible it looks.

>> No.7271022
File: 75 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mi0fco8sN21qj47tho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7271027

Misako looks so young there? How old is this? It looks really old.

>> No.7271029
File: 130 KB, 800x600, 1388530302130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7271032
File: 95 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mew0jgxL1V1qd1v3ro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7271034

If it's brand it's gotta be Meta, your one stop shop for brand itaness.

>> No.7271040

Meta is glorious.

>> No.7271042
File: 96 KB, 280x373, sKLl1xS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As if AP and Baby has never released anything ita.

>> No.7271043

Pretty sure this was from Alice and the Pirates.

>> No.7271045
File: 132 KB, 500x658, tumblr_mcml07ELgS1rjnl3wo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7271046

It is, and it was released within the last couple of years I'm pretty sure, I know it's recent

>> No.7271049
File: 107 KB, 461x750, tumblr_m8adjcJsPY1qd1v3ro2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7271074
File: 546 KB, 500x728, tumblr_m1j6ivDYdV1r8qriwo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7271095

I kind of like this, the girl could use some make-up or a wig or something, but it's not that ita.

>> No.7271116

what a kawaii shower

>> No.7271180

D-did she just wrap a length of fabric around her as a shawl?

>> No.7271199

Yeah, this is old school, not ita. Try again.

>> No.7271202

Is she wearing mittens?

>> No.7271256

That's not ita, that's just pain ugly

>> No.7271356

oh my god those red and blue ones, oh my god.

>> No.7271387

is that blouse from infanta? it looks familiar...

>> No.7271416

this isn't ita, you can't even see the details of her coord with this picture.

>> No.7271425
File: 331 KB, 1361x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some girl from my comm.

"I have tons of ideas for new dresses and trends!!!1! =^3^="

>> No.7271429
File: 804 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"Purple and green are my favorite colors! This is my favorite coord~~~"

>> No.7271432


>> No.7271433

Not dolly kei at all. Failed attempt at otome perhaps but it looks nothing like dolly kei.

>> No.7271436

oh man, that dress is going to fucking waste in that outfit.

>> No.7271440

Totally understand. Im sort of withdrawing from my comm for this exact reason, our xmas meetup was a bloody mess and i kinda feel like im a bit fed up with having a crummy comm.

>> No.7271489

What in the world is that around her waist?

>> No.7271588

is that a wig? I love it

>> No.7271662
File: 23 KB, 233x600, NO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time this girl posts, I rage.
I've been in lolita the same amount of time that she has (since 2011) and.... how does anyone not improve? HOW?!

(This is her latest ~casual punk lolita~ outfit and when someone pointed out that it wasn't very "lolita", she said "Well it's casual lolita, maybe this will help you understand" and linked an article on hellolace. I made incoherent angry noises.)

>> No.7271674

Some people are just plain retards when it comes to fashion ... She happens to be one of them

>> No.7271691

Doesn't she have a blog? I swear she makes the same face in all of her pictures.

>> No.7271718
File: 167 KB, 520x960, 1388564131999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Like this?

Why the fuck does she make that face? It looks like she's trying to shit a particularly large turd.

>> No.7271727

she's cosplaying as a kamen rider here. its kind of shitty, but if she had went with a black wig and better tights it may have been ok. still ita as fuck though

>> No.7271732
File: 129 KB, 720x960, 1388564951742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that face... she looks like she is melting. or a horse. she might look better with bangs and makeup and yknow, a better wardrobe.

i dont think this is a cosplay but it is horrendous if it is ero lolita or some crap

>> No.7271753
File: 56 KB, 411x600, wat2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so close and yet so far.

Yeah, she does have an LJ and she posts on the Lolita Daily Coords group on FB.
I wonder if she really has friends. Her LJ keeps talking about tea party outings, visiting friends, and boyfriend, but every single picture is always her in the outfit, usually in a house or room or something. Never any actual meetup pics, so it makes me wonder if she makes it up to make herself feel better?

>> No.7271761

god, is she like 35?

>> No.7271766

She's 27

Her journal makes her sound like a decent enough person to be around, but it's like, kinda lonely.

>I call this "Version 3", because I used a different type of meat. I thought a chicken sausage with buffalo flavor would be interesting to cook with. I think it worked fine. The boyfriend cleared his plate soon after filling it up, saying it was "good."

That just seems so................sad....maybe she is autistic or something? idk

>> No.7271824
File: 116 KB, 556x600, 1361307859485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've wanted to wear lolita for years but am too afraid to... every time I finally save up and go to order a dress, I back down with the fear of itaness.

It's been 4 years of this and if I wait 4 more I'll be an old fuck. Oh the dilemma.

I know most find this outfit ita... way more bells and whistles then anything I'd want to wear, but still... it has aspects I like.

>> No.7271844

If she replaced the skirt with some shorts or something and dropped making it lolita anything, it'd be a cute outfit. I don't know what you'd call it, punk? Grunge?
The coord is ita, but she's pretty, at least.

>> No.7271847

What's your favourite style anon ? You just have to make sure you have a few basis, know a little bit about make-up. You don't have to be too fancy, just well groomed. Plain is not ita either !

>> No.7271853

I actually think that outfit is awesome

>> No.7271854

I think it's meant to be punk lolita, and even if it's not really lolita it's just totally cute (plus I'm sick of people slapping on a tartant dress and calling it a day)

>> No.7271868

That's pretty cute outfit. Deffo not lolita, but cute if not labled as such.

>> No.7271920
File: 35 KB, 719x441, screenshot_2013-11-12_1418-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7272030

She looks like she picking a zit or something.

>> No.7272115

i kind of love it from the neck up? the pearls and giant feather and such in her hair, and that wig is pretty lovely.
otherwise, gurl what u doin.

>> No.7272134
File: 156 KB, 333x500, Steampunk ita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7272136
File: 54 KB, 478x1024, The heck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7272150

I can see what she was going for with that make up, it it's terrible.

>> No.7272169

I'm almost positive this is the same infamous Moitie ita pposted a few threads ago. She showed up on my Tumblr dash... how can you look so consistantly bad in Moitie?

>> No.7272170
File: 116 KB, 500x667, tumblr_myqgcd7M1H1r7b6mwo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped my pic.

>> No.7272171
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>> No.7272173
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>> No.7272174

Shinyaegl never fails to deliver moitie ita.

>> No.7272177

By being mentally retarded, or at least that's the word on the street

>> No.7272182

Annoyingly she never wants to hear constructive criticism, if she gets a suitable petticoat, neatens up the hair and does better makeup, better shoes and adds more accessories she'd look much better. She also doesn't seem to be good at taking flattering photos of herself either.

>> No.7272189

She's right, doe.
This isn't people bawwing about being white. If a white girl wore that outfit, people would agree that she's an ita because white people are just not kawaii uguu~
Japanese itas get pardoned because "oh they're just quirky nihongo street styru heehee"

>> No.7272194

fine looking
fine looking
eh, its okay
looks great
looks great
this is modeling
looks fine

>> No.7272196

Post ita pics. Take your shit discussion elsewhere.

>> No.7272199

ita as fuck, this actually pains me.

>> No.7272204

for those that don't understand

1. Dog Collar with cow bell
2. Lolipop shit in hair, + bow is ugly and too big
3. bandaid on face, blue eye lenses
4. horribly big wig
5. Coat doesnt match at all
6. Horrible Lace
7. Horrible tights
8. Leg-warmers.. just no, never have looked good and these are pink/white
9. socks
10. ugly shoes

The thing that makes it's basically a random assortment of shit she's wearing. This is how I would expect a 10 year old to dress herself. There is no balance or sense to the outfit and it would look infinitely better and cuter if she didn't just throw shit together.

>> No.7272219

That's nothing like what Meta releases, do you even wear lolita?

>> No.7272221

I'm guessing that you don't know anything about lolita or quality fabrics/designs.

>> No.7272225

All of the brands have released ita messes.
I think Meta is just known for being totally wacky and not giving a shit sometimes. It's why I love Meta, but it does produces some itatastic pieces from time to time.

>> No.7272233

It might not be lolita but that is a cute outfit!

>> No.7272235

you sound like one of those extremist lolitas that only consider loli the classic style, but not hint of street fashion. I will always see you dressing in brown or blackXblack, never trying something new or refreshing, you also never read kera or any other jfashion magazine, only stick to d_l and pictures or releases from brands. boring, dull and in the deep of your heart wishing for some more fun in your life.

>> No.7272237

Yes, they have and I love that about Meta. But it's not their style at all, you can recognize the stuff they release.

>> No.7272246

do you not see that horrendous mini hat
i love old school but jesus

>> No.7272249

dat wig tho

>> No.7272251

Not the same anon but using language like that kinda makes you sound like the special snowflake. That and you sound butthurt.

>> No.7272252

Sorry, I misunderstood. I didn't realize that the person I was replying to was referring to the image, not the fact that meta releases ita-stuff sometimes.
sage for me being an idiot

>> No.7272263

if someone's going to do a "split" coordinate like this, it helps if they actually have split items. a blouse that is half-black and white, a skirt that is half black and white...

>> No.7272269
File: 81 KB, 390x421, 1365394018187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat butt hurt

>> No.7272270


All I can see is that the top part of the dress is too small and cuts her boobs into a dozen pairs of boobs. Nooooo

>> No.7272289

>you can only see her bonnet.

>> No.7272320
File: 15 KB, 340x340, 1388610130801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's done this for years and no improvement.

It's a shame, even if she decided to continue wearing the same clothes, there here are uncomplicated things she could do to look more polished. Switch her glasses out for some thin metal-rimmed frames. Korean BB cream from a well-reputed Amazon reseller, to even out skin tone, plus a colored lip balm from Burt's Bees. A little coconut oil rubbed on the ends of her hair, and brushed through. Finally, swap her shoes out with more shoes that are a little more classy, such as American Duchess.

>> No.7272327

You must be so new if you don't recognize her instantly

>> No.7272339
File: 68 KB, 720x960, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Vampire visual kei sexy look ^^"

I have her on Facebook, her pictures are painful to look at.

How can you not recognize her?

>> No.7272341
File: 120 KB, 720x540, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7272347
File: 119 KB, 960x720, um.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neva 4get

>> No.7272348

How is it possible for that cut to be so low without any cleavage? She's clearly got knockers this is mind boggling.

>> No.7272349
File: 131 KB, 640x960, halp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her wig actually looks better in this picture than in the other ones...

>> No.7272351


>> No.7272356

I spat my coffee everywhere when I looked at this picture. She looks like she's about to puke.

>> No.7272359


My mind can't handle this, so I make myself feel better by assuming she is one very good lolita troll.

>> No.7272360


cringing so hard my face hurts

>> No.7272383

WHY WOULD YOU POST THAT she looks like a derp/about to vomit face

>> No.7272392

I'm more horrified by that shit Mikasa than anything else in this photo
Her tit is actually bursting out from the side. This is the perfect example of why it's important to wear shit that fits. An otherwise fine coord can turn into a complete disaster.
I don't like it at all, but I don't think it;s bad enough for an ita thread.
Can we just... like seriously... this is just... I... can't... oh god what are words
Not really seeing how so many people don't get why this is ita, but okay.
Ita as fuck, but I actually like this outft.
We have a winner. I think this might be my single favorite example of ita of all time. The dress itself is cute, though.
Yeah, I'm a hardcore Sims fanatic and have yet to come across any good lolita CC for the 3rd game.
I hate it when girls wear those cat shoes with lolita. It automatically ruins any coord.
Oh, Rocket Launching, very rarely have I seen you in anything that proves you actually know what you're doing when it comes to this fashion, despite your shit attitude.
Indeed. That comm is filled with itas with elitist attitudes who still can;t seem to dress themselves despite having been into lolita for years
This would be gorgeous if she had a blouse and tights on. Well it's still gorgeous anyway, but I mean lolita-wise.
This is the type of shit I used to wear in middle school

>> No.7272398

always get your daly dose, I guess

>> No.7272401
File: 79 KB, 426x640, P4072809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of the Boston lolita comm and its shittiness. Here's a coord from the fashion show, which they pride themselves on having an incredibly selective screening process for.

>> No.7272406

It's not even supposed to be a lolita outfit, salopettes aren't traditionally lolita at all and are used in lots of Japanese street fashions.

But as for the:
>Lolipop shit in hair, + bow is ugly and too big
Candy hair accessories have been popular in lolita for at least 5 years, so if you're judging this as a lolita outfit, it's nothing abnormal. The bow looks like the Miracle Candy bow and is like many others AP has released.
>horribly big wig
...Wat. It's way way wayyy smaller than many sweet lolita wigs. It's too long for my taste, but it's actually one of the smallest twin tail wigs around.
>blue eye lenses
How is this a problem? Are Asians not allowed to have blue eyes? Lenses are popular in most Japanese street fashions
>ugly shoes
They're basically like any standard sweet lolita style shoes and they're cute
>Horrible tights
These are cute and common in pretty much all fashions right now
>Horrible lace
Again, popular in sweet lolita and many other Japanese street fashions

As for stuff like the bandaid, collar and leg-warmers, they're common in street fashions like decora and what not. This is not a lolita outfit so it has elements that are unconventional to lolita outfits. I agree that the jacket doesn't match though. The rest is you being a sandy vagina.

>> No.7272411

That doesn't look bad? Just boring. But if that's a mini hat, then that's pretty gross.

>> No.7272416

I hovered over a couple of your replies, I'm embarrassed for you. If you think shit like >>7270956 is gorgeous, you have absolutely terrible taste and no idea of what a decent quality outfit looks like.

>> No.7272450

i'll admit i like the hair in that one, but the dress itself is more "goff prom at hot topic" than anything classy.

>> No.7272555

Just because something's popular doesn't mean it's nice. Look at fucking uggs.

>> No.7272578

>ignores previous three pics showing the rest of the coord

>> No.7272577

different anon but I think the outfit is cute as hell. I wouldnt classify it as lolita, but definitely lolita inspired. She's wearing a salopette which dont really fit into the "lolita silhouette" anyway.

That girls coord is fuckin cute for that whole japanese street fashion thing.

>> No.7272580

I only really glanced at >>7270956 at first, like I did with most of them, but now that I look again, I definitely agree with you regarding that one. I think it was the girl herself that made me think "gorgeous" more than anything initially. However, I double checked the rest and other than that I don't see what else would merit your attitude and claim that I have absolutely terrible taste. Kind of an overreaction over one outfit.

>> No.7272582

wait. wait. no
is she wearing those foam fake boobs from the halloween store

cus i mean
her tits

>> No.7272590
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>> No.7272600
File: 83 KB, 306x750, tumblr_mo51yqlhpi1rypk7mo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7272607

That's a lot of bows.

>> No.7272609

I love heterochromatic eyes, reminds me of Suiseiseki / Souseiseki.

>> No.7272612

this is the classic "I need to pee but I haven't had my picture taken yet" pose

>> No.7272619
File: 50 KB, 350x740, tumblr_mvnlefzVG81rypk7mo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7272636

This looks kind of sad and faded, like pastel 80s toys that were left near the attic window.

>> No.7272641
File: 51 KB, 314x750, tumblr_myqbgfdzZQ1rypk7mo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7272644
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>> No.7272657

LOL I thought the same.
I think it`s just the shadow caused by her camera.

>> No.7272671
File: 114 KB, 450x360, mfw she has a penis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Far rights face shape reminds me of Rose.

>> No.7272672

I'm all about those giant fucking feathers and flowers yo. I wish she covered up a little more because she could be some kind of crazy magical girl.

>> No.7272676

Their fashion show sucks. The organizer also doesn't know anything about styles.

>> No.7272677

Ditch the hat, change the stockings and this'd be lovely. Perhaps more natural too, not straight as fuck and bleached to oblivion.

>> No.7272680

Apart from the wig this is really cute.

>> No.7272682

How? I find that outfit terrible, she just has a cute face and a good wig and hairpiece. That blouse and skirt do not match at all. She needs to choose one or the other and go from there.

>> No.7272726
File: 236 KB, 500x553, tumblr_myodnkY9A11qanmsgo8_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saw this on tumblr with over 3000 notes.

>> No.7272732

I don't see the ita.
Apart from the socks and maybe shoes, she looks great.

>> No.7272736

This is super cute. I think she should go full tights though, and I second the shoes should be different.

>> No.7272734

Not ita. The only thing that needs to be changed are the socks

>> No.7272738
File: 98 KB, 426x640, P4072729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny that you post this because I was going through the Anime Boston fashion show galleries to find more abominations and came across this. Notice she is wearing heart print socks over similarly heart print tights.

Why can no one seem to coordinate this dress well? I have have yet to find a good picture of it worn and I don't get it. It's not like it's particularly difficult to coordinate.

>> No.7272743

Everything about this is is absolutely fine and fucking adorable sans the socks and shoes

>> No.7272779
File: 1002 KB, 400x333, tumblr_myr01b5BDX1rlk84to1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are just jelly. you don't get any notes on tumblr?

>> No.7272787

You all realize this is from Milanoo, right?

>> No.7272800


Apparently we're all no life elitists!!1!1!

>> No.7272801

This is gross, orange is gross, those socks are gross. The blouse and the fit are beautiful, so is her face and her hair thingie. She should've made a black and white outfit. This... brrr
But then again, I have an unnatural hate for orange.

>> No.7272808

Damn someone is sandy tonight.

>> No.7272817


Hi there fellow orange hater.

I don't understand why this is such a loved outfit. I didn't post it, but I really don't like this outfit.

Ah well, opinions.

>> No.7272867

I`m the anon the posted the first "not ita" comment.
I really hate orange too, I never and would never own any orange clothes.
But I think it`s a good job nonetheless for a Halloween coord.

(Also her face is adorable).

>> No.7272872

i hate orange with a passion too anon, but i forgive it because its halloween print

>> No.7272890

What's the point of spending so much money on import clothes if you're just gonna look worse than somebody who buys normalfag clothes at Walmart? This is what I wonder every time somebody looks awful in something they had to go out of their way to get, and pulls the YOU DON' KNOW ME I WEAR WHAT I WANT card.

>> No.7272897

itas detected.

>> No.7272912

That's a really good use of a seasonal novelty print, one of the few I've seen.

>> No.7272955

I'm always jealous of how this girl coords. She's always OTT but in a good way. Also she can apply makeup. Man.

I think she could change the shoes as I'm not digging the studs, get some tights, and maybe rework the vest and she'd have the tightest fucking halloween coord. I also love how she took a photo in the candy aisle.

>> No.7272976

I guess I'll give my two cents. This is ita.
A novice could even tell that just by looking at her

>have you even looked at the dress??

Three cheers for seasonal themed things, but Lolita isn't a damn costume. I honestly don't see why everyone's kissing her ass, she looks a hot mess.

>> No.7272999
File: 123 KB, 807x615, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7273089

This is what makes me glad my parents wouldn't let me commission anything when I first started liking lolita. I would have gotten someone to make me something horrible like that. I think I have a sketch of something like that, even. (That was quite a long time ago.)

>> No.7273252

Butthurt newb who can't identity a real ita detected

>> No.7273265

What makes this anymore ita than Merry Making in the Ghost Town ?

>> No.7273271

That's h. Naoto

>> No.7273292

I was ready to get the popcorn out, but she handled that pretty well in my opinion.

I mean seriously, why should the opinions of anonymous people bitching on /cgl/ keep them from wearing something they really, really like? She doesn't try to say it's not ita or make up excuses, nor is she being hostile.

>> No.7273301
File: 128 KB, 960x610, fanime_group.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we have less discussion and more ita pictures?

>> No.7273303

Why would people want to look like shit?

She's not making excuses but also not addressing the issue. It's the same "i wear what i want attitude" and most people posted ITT aren't the ones wanting to get better, they want to stay in their own little shit world.

>> No.7273305

Still fucking ita.

>> No.7273308
File: 110 KB, 350x377, baaawwww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7273335


>> No.7273339

diff anon but it's actually pretty simple. It's like the huge sweet lolita (I think she's dutch or something?) that never wears a bra. She was posted on BtB a couple of times and came on to defend herself. People told her to wear a bra since it would make her look ten times better, but nope

>I think I look fine without a bra, it's my body, I will wear things I think looks good

you can't win with these people, because like you said, they are in their own little world where the only opinions that matter, at all, are their own. They'll take any kind of criticism with a laugh and just tell you to worry about yourself, not other people.

You can't help them. They think they know what's best for themselves.

>> No.7273345

everyone looks like shit except the all black outfit. And that's probably because we can't see the details.

But pretty sure this was a doll delight fashion show, those are just the models? they don't get to pick the outfits, i bet they were crying on the inside

>> No.7273378
File: 915 KB, 1280x1920, 1388634303807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7273414

i was in the same boat, anon, and then i just said fuck it and told myself that im probably going to fuck up a lot trying to coordinate outfits but hey, its a learning process and i have to get it right eventually.

im rooting for you anon, go buy your dress and have fun!!

>> No.7273419
File: 608 KB, 1024x805, burgers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7273469

The best thing about this picture is the lil kitty in it.

>> No.7273492

>Fatty wearing a burger tee
Oh that is rich.

>> No.7273498

those sax shoes make her feet look like pontoon boats

>> No.7273519

People should be dressing for themselves, not other people. If they're not calling it lolita or trying to act like it's a masterpiece, I don't give a shit what other people wear.

>> No.7273535


The thing is though, the girl being discussed is one of those people who won't take advice and insists she looks amazing despite being ita as hell. She also thinks she's in a position to critique other people when she's not. She's one of those know-it-alls who don't know anything.

>> No.7273588

I got worried that was me for a second, because I wore a pink skirt with a black vest recently. One part was fairly questionable, but it was at least 10x better than that!

>> No.7273602

The sad thing is that this is one of the least horrible coordinates

>> No.7273608
File: 548 KB, 1024x719, 4064985959_23ab6e1b92_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That pink fabric...

>> No.7273615

As a curvier girl myself, I don't think we should wear clothes with food items on them saying how much we "heart" them. That's just asking for ridicule.

>> No.7273618

>not knowing tropigalia and burger loli
ugh, kids today.

>> No.7273627

i kind of like this? like the photo idea and the garments appear to be well-constructed, and everyone is actually styled with an idea of a personality for each individual.

>> No.7273630
File: 102 KB, 362x750, tumblr_myr54tzSir1qhhoibo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7273643

they're not well constructed if they're supposed to be lolita.

>> No.7273649

i was ignoring the whole "supposed to be lolita" part, i should have mentioned that.

>> No.7273650
File: 150 KB, 500x375, 1388638646883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"finished two lolita skirts today!"

>> No.7273653

The picture's great, but the clothes sure aren't.

>> No.7273660
File: 231 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mynubslInJ1topjavo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7273667
File: 141 KB, 500x667, tumblr_myp7u8ks6u1reybzzo3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is totally casual lolita, you guys.

>> No.7273694

she looks so deformed...

>> No.7273700

not gonna lie, I like the second girl's outfit. But I think that's because it's color-coordinated.

>> No.7273706

she did not claim that to be lolita
she called it bubblegoth because her inspiration was Kerli. A

>> No.7273716

I kind of wonder if she has some sort of oral deformity. She looks very similar to my best friend, who physically cannot close her mouth all the way because of how her teeth and jaw are positioned.

>> No.7273724

Nah, just looks like an awkward smile.

>> No.7273725

That poor Chantilly....

>> No.7273752
File: 542 KB, 1024x682, AtLeastTheyHaveEachOther.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7273767

funny enough i actually missed aristocamo the first time looking at this, still trying to figure out what the fuck is with the right girl's skirt. it doesn't look like there's someone behind her...

>> No.7273789

not ita, just unfortunate

>> No.7273792
File: 85 KB, 297x599, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just the way her skirt is flaring open and revealing underneath

I missed camo girl, too. Suiting I guess.

>> No.7273838

>dat kitty cat
I thought the same thing, anon.

>> No.7274001
File: 244 KB, 300x316, hidekiten.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7274004
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>> No.7274006
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>> No.7274068

I'm surprised to see so many girls from my comm posted here. I wonder if the girl(s)? posting them are from Boston, too, especially since two of them are ones everyone hates.

>> No.7274192

Looks more like a clash of personal tastes

>> No.7274197

>equating "curvy" with "fat"

10/10, raged

>> No.7274203

I want to see this person stand up just so I can see what they look like body shape wise.

>> No.7274205

Her face has always disturbed me. I'm glad she brushed her hair though, maybe she'll see how much nicer it looks and do it more often.

>> No.7274300

ah! i see it now. thank you anon.

>> No.7274303
File: 113 KB, 500x667, tumblr_myrhay22ny1qfllqpo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7274601

Oooooohhh drama! I'm moving to Boston soon and thought about joining the comm but are they all itas there?

>> No.7274785

...I feel like this might be Williamsburg.

>> No.7274964

Except this girl thinks she's the authority on all things lolita. She owns an ill-fitting AP salopete, a handful of bodylines worse designs and an Oo-Jia replica. She has yet to put together a half-way decent coordinate, would rather stitch bows into a square dance petti to "make it more pretty" than invest in a CP petti and posted that half her comm was ita because she couldn't recognise anything that wasn't sweet lolita.

Anyone else saying "I dress for myself" is fine but not when they rag so much on what other people wear. Can't take it? Don't dish it

>> No.7275180

I'm sorry but this ugly ita piece of shit needs to leave the Scottish comm.
She is hated by almost everyone, she makes the rest of us look bad, she always smells and slut shames anyone who doesnt dress the way she wants, she has a cheek to call anyone ita.
Her ears are like Dumbo, she cannot co-ord for shit, she is just so ugly it makes me embarrassed.
Please, do us all a favor and leave the Scottish comm, and don't bitch about it where people can see it.
She recently tried to get another girl from the comm to "twin" with her. That poor girl, she looked great and is too nice to say no, so this ita will latch on to her and make her look bad.

>> No.7275235

haha, I thought there was a duck sitting on her head

>> No.7275763


How do you know? Nobody's met her?

>> No.7275838


Some people have, I think some of the comm met her at DojCon.
Curious as to who posted the rant, though, they seem to know her better. Maybe somebody from her "comm" that she started up. Also curious as to what poor soul she's trying to twin with.

>> No.7276034

I met her personally at DojCon and have not spoken to her since then, but I have heard many horror stories of her behavior and horrible attitude to anyone who tried to give this girl advice, even nicely. Iv seen her rants about other members of the Scots Comm, calling them itas, slating them, and for what reason? Just because they didn't agree with her on her "magnificent and superior sense of fashion"

>> No.7276084


What rants? The only time I saw her say anything shitty was that one blog post about how DOJ was full of itas.

>> No.7276110

Just going to add to what the previous anon to me said, I vaguely met her at Doj and thought she was decent, but from an old friend of hers she told me exactly what she was like, and showed me screen shots of her on a different board, I cant remember which, something about assassins creed or some other? And she was a disgusting person there too, so this isnt a new thing with her.
I dont have any vendetta with her, but I have seen her outwith this being a two faced bitch numerous times, not always with lolita mind you.

>> No.7276130


Ah, okay. Makes sense. I mean, I think she's pretty annoying and I hope to god she learns how to get her shit together, but I don't have any major beef with her. She just has a bad attitude. If I'm honest I don't think she'll ever really go to meets or if she does, it'll be a rare occurrence. I think most of the comm is content to ignore her, she's not posting crap on the comm page any more and seems to restrict her gross opinions to her Tumblr.

>> No.7276219

Whoa. She's a pain in the arse but no ones met her outside a brief encounter at dojcon to make a proper judgement.
If she's still a daft bint IRL then yeah, probably would be glad to see the back of her.
This rant sounds like Karli from her friendship group. The same tone and rant style. Now that's a girl who's horrid online and IRL.

>> No.7276227


Yeah, I thought the rant seemed bizarrely *angry* for somebody in the comm when nobody really knows her well.

>> No.7276250

Urgh that's the Chess Chocolate replica girl isn't it? She's just a vile, vile creature. I've had the mispleasure of meeting her and her presentation/manner is, to put it nicely, just vulgar.
Every other Facebook status is about "kicking someone's cunt in" or generally just being abusive.
If she remains active, I can see her being a lolcow tbh

>> No.7276434

Yoooo so iv just seen this, its karli btw, and I havnt said anything here? If I had a problem with her then I would say so, not be two faced and go on an anon board to post about her,plus I barely even know jodie at all, iv spoke to her like 3 times on fb /: And friendship group? I kinda know who this is too now so cheers I guess? Thanks for calling me vile and such, but saying i say stuff like "kicking someones cunt in" all the time is actually wrong.

>> No.7276439

And can I just add im not a part of any comm because of shit like this from two faced bitches who cant say it without hiding behind anon /: I really couldnt care what gets said, but I havnt said anything about jodie, so keep me out of your petty drama,thanks.

>> No.7276619

Oh no. Your just as much a piece of shit as she is, what is even wrong with you????
No one wants you in our comm you stupid bitch.
I would never be seen dead with a vile bitch such as yourself, ever.
You think people love you when they actually hate you, wake up you stupid twat and gtfo of Lolita, you ignorant little cunt. The two of you are ita, never come near the comm and stop bein such a gross fatty chan.

>> No.7276778

They are mostly itas indeed. The worst kind, too. The kind that have been in lolita for years and take pride in their elitism, yet can't dress themselves for shit. >>7272738 and the girl in the middle of >>7270846 are two prime examples of this. I've barely interacted with Olivia, the girl in the Apple OP also known as Oliviazira, but most of the comm hates her and I've heard a mountain of horror stories about her awful attitude. Jessica, aka RocketLaunching, I can personally vouch for being a two-face bitch of the highest caliber, though she's never given me shit. The way she talks about other comm members, even her "friends", you wonder why she's even there.

>> No.7277065

The sad thing is; the Scottish comm is so lovely and generally drama free. We never got mentioned until this girl joined. She's a typical noob but she seems to have something that just makes people so angry. Hopefully once she goes to a meet she'll calm down and not be so...noobish...
As for her 'friend'. I have no beef with you: I simply don't interact with you on FB (we have a lot of mutual friends) as I feel you are brash and that we'd probably clash on many issues but the way you've presented yourself on here backs up my feelings that you simply wouldn't be suited for this comm. We are all generally very tight knit and friends however you don't seem to have the kind of personality that allows for people to have any kind of differing opinion. We don't like the way Jodie acts like she's an authority on lolita so that makes us two-faced bitches? Of course, you definitely don't seem like a rash and judgemental girl(!)

Our comm is pleasant and drama free: we'd like to keep it that way.

>> No.7277100


All of this.

>> No.7277112


Sweetheart, nobody is a two faced bitch. Feel free to show up at a meet, I'd be totally happy to tell you what I think of you to your face.

>> No.7277132

>> /:
Get out

>> No.7277154 [DELETED] 

No, I dont really care what some folk think about Jodie, its your opinion of her, and thats cool you cant always get on with everyone so its not I called you that for that reason, and i wasnt specifically calling the scottish com two faced bitches, I dont really even know whos in it apart from a few people I think, I ment im not in any com in general because of this reason, so I didnt mean it to come across as I ment it towards that. I dont care what the issues with jodie has been, I just dont see why my name was dropped in it for no reason and would like to be left out of any drama I dont have any involvement in /:

>> No.7277739

Oh my God you're right. It's Chantilly.

>> No.7278162
File: 122 KB, 1280x720, 1382933661979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit man, she tried a KR Decade coordinate but failed miserably.

I remember, it was two years before I got out of my ita phase. I was planning to do a KR Kiva coordinate with this fugly milanoo dress as shown in >>7271022

My innerpower is still pleading me to try one since, dammit

>> No.7278162,1 [INTERNAL] 

> picrelated
...i kind of think somebody just got trolled by a well-known lolita porn

>> No.7278903

>and posted that half her comm was ita
When did she do that?

>> No.7279020

how salty are you anon?