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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 94 KB, 480x640, 109P985-iv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7246346 No.7246346[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

New lolita general

to get the ball rollin'
>your current favorite non-main piece (no skirts, JSKs, or OPs) in your wardrobe?
>most recent purchase, with photos?
>most recent outfit, with photos?

And for my OP question
>what the fuck is this kind of hat called

>> No.7246349

Boater hat

>> No.7246355

It could also be a pork pie

>> No.7246376

i asked in the previous thread but it was in auto-sage:

anyway to find out why a seller was perma-banned on the comm_sales? I was clearing out my inbox and checking feedback replies from eglfb and noticed one of the sellers I had done business with a couple of times the past several months was perma-banned this month.

Just curious if it's something I can look up somewhere, like on the comm_sales page somewhere? I figured they would keep a list of banned users and reasons, etc.

>> No.7246385

idk where else to put this but I just compared stock photos to the dress I've been wearing and I've been wearing the bows all wrong

I've worn that dress out at least twice I'm so embarrassed oops

>> No.7246649
File: 87 KB, 480x640, chocochipstarclip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What brand originally made the star hair clips? Are the chocomint ones replicas? (just curious)

>> No.7246677

I believe the chocomint ones are the original

>> No.7246678

I would love someone to dress as a Heisenloli, speaking of pork pie hats.

>> No.7246682

The Chocomint stars are knock-offs of 6% Doki Doki's

>> No.7246713
File: 49 KB, 480x720, jsk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of blouse would look best with the Sleipnir JSK? I think white is just too harsh.

>> No.7246714

I personally think a dark red blouse would look good.

>> No.7246717

I would play up the red accents.

>> No.7246719

Ivory might go with it, but definitly no pure white.

>> No.7246745

Do normal cardigans look bad with the lolita sillhouette? I know that boleros are shorter, but I mean regular offbrand cardigans.

>> No.7246752

Only if you wear an empire waist dress they look bad.

>> No.7246754

Thanks, girls! I'll probably go for the dark red, and maybe play around to see if ivory works at some point.

>> No.7246855

I think regular cardigans can look ok as long as you're wearing an a-line petticoat. If you're wearing something with a cupcake petti, opt for a cropped cardigan.

>> No.7246858

Can you please explain the difference in poof and shape between an A-line petty and cupcake one?
I can't decide which one to invest in for my first OP.

>> No.7246866

Do you have a link/picture of the dress? Would make it a bit easier to tell what fits what

In general classic is more likely to be A-Line and Sweet tends towards Cupcake, but it's not a hard and fast rule

>> No.7246877
File: 587 KB, 500x750, Baroque.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your current favorite non-main piece (no skirts, JSKs, or OPs) in your wardrobe?
I have this lavender blouse I really love. Unfortunately there is no lavender in my closet anymore. I might try to sell it or just give it to the girl in my comm who bought my lavender-accented dress.
>most recent purchase, with photos?
Baroques Pearl Drops on Dried Flowers in black
No photos yet but I'll definitely take some when I receive it. This photoset for it was what really made me want to become a lolita (yes I'm a newfag).

>> No.7246879
File: 208 KB, 264x968, tumblr_lxwkszmzhC1qad55j-vert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic related. If you lay out your dress you can also often see what kind of petticoat it will need

Also what >>7246866 said:
>In general classic (brands as MM, VM or JetJ)is more likely to be A-Line and Sweet brands as AP, often Btssb too) tends towards Cupcake

>> No.7246880

If the Cardigan is good quality and has some weight to it it usually looks good. I have a Cardigan that's really light weight and it looks like shit because it folds up everywhere.

In addition, they might look off with very cupcake pettis.

>> No.7246890

Both those coords are so beautiful. Omg.

>> No.7246896

Thank you very much. I am interested in classic and gothic. I don't want too much poof because I'm clumsy.

>> No.7246925

A-Line sounds like what you'd want almost definitely then!

>> No.7246937

That's pretty beautiful. I really need to start paying attention to indie brands.

>> No.7246974
File: 64 KB, 240x320, 1387397410134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this dress A-line, then? The stock pictures show one colourway with what appears to be a cupcake petti, but it does look really off.

>> No.7247006

Yeah, it looks like an A-Line.

>> No.7247011
File: 1.54 MB, 1424x695, 1387398355942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think so? I believe that most Btssb dresses are bell shaped. On the other hand, VM is usually A line.

>> No.7247026

Or rather, it looks at least like it could go either way.

>> No.7247113

It is emily.smith.921230 on FB.

>> No.7247120

And her online name is Luna Lovely Cosplay.

>> No.7247135
File: 54 KB, 800x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The difference is in the skirt construction. Cupcake or bell shapes are made from a long rectangle of fabric gathered at the waist. Important part about cupcake skirts is that there is a lot of fabric around the hips and not so much around the knees, so you need a petticoat that is the same, otherwise you get big folds of fabric around your hips if your petti doesn't fill out the skirt just right. Rectangle skirts are preferred as you can make them easily from any fabric with a border print.

The A-line shape is when your skirt is cut sort of in the shape of a slice of donut, or maybe a few pieces of fabric joined together to make the "donut slice" kind of shape (if you want to know how to make it, google for "flared skirt" ). This skirt is at its widest around your knees and not so much around your hips, so if you stuff a cupcake petti under this skirt, the hip area would be too tight whereas the knee are would have lots of fabric falling into folds. It makes for a really gorgeous silhoutte as it's slimming on most girls, but you can see how it's much harder to make a skirt with a border print.

This is a tiered skirt, the top tier is smaller than the bottom. Treat it as an a-line, the hips of the skirt will be narrower than the knees area.

>> No.7247153

I appreciate all your help, kind anons. I now know the difference abd that's awesome.

>> No.7247184
File: 131 KB, 829x584, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello everyone, My partner has agreed to buy a new wardrobe for my Christmas present. I'm looking at the IKEA Musken wardrobe and I've worked out where most of my items will go.

Since I am still fairly new to lolita, I wanted to get someone with more experience to look over my plan so far and let me know if I've forgotten anything of great importance or if they have any suggestions.

General wardrobe stats: I'd class it as a small/medium size
5 blouses
20 main pieces (skirts, dresses, jackets)
Shoes interchangeable with my regular wardrobe
Umbrella in the mail
4 bags
7 head pieces

Help and suggestions are appreciated and thanks in advance

>> No.7247409

Hey, /cgl/. My boyfriend ordered me a Baby JSK straight from the site for Christmas (24,990 yen), and when he went to pick it up from the post office today he found out that customs charged him $96. Is this in any way normal? Is this a Baby-specific thing, or is this a terrible mistake?
We're Canadian if that helps. Any input would be appreciated.

>> No.7247432

This is normal, happens at everything expensive that is imported from other countries, special when being sent via EMS.

>> No.7247438

Sounds about right. I got dinged around $60 on a blouse. Also Canadian.

>> No.7247460

I assume youre putting wristicuffs/jewelry/detachable bows in the spare space..? How does the headgear go on the door?Otherwise looks great

>> No.7247605

For the head wear, I have hooks for the hats and a hanging storage bag (kinda like a hanging travel make up bag)

I did want to keep some draws free for cuffs, bows etc.
Thanks for the help

>> No.7247621
File: 50 KB, 450x475, V2902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the Vogue 2902 pattern an A-line? Looking at some of the worn pictures, I'm not sure.

>> No.7247644

Looks like a circle skirt, so yes, it's a-line.

>> No.7247665

It is a circle skirt, yes. For lolita, it would need to be shortened a little though, right?

>> No.7248052

requesting photos of a super-poofy a line dress/skirt worn in a good co-ord. for a picture guide on how to choose petticoats. all the a-line in my loli folder aren't very poofy somehow...

>> No.7248321

Gold heart bags on taobao


>> No.7248327
File: 1.99 MB, 1360x854, asdasdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your current favorite non-main piece (no skirts, JSKs, or OPs) in your wardrobe?
My BTSSB heart bag, it goes with a lot of items.
>most recent purchase, with photos?
Moi Meme Moitie tote bag
>most recent outfit, with photos?
AATP Black Cat Witch and Apple Tree op, AATP Black Cat Witch and Apple Tree headbow with added veil, AATP Coffin Bag, offbrand tights and accessories.

>> No.7248331

Quick question. If I want to order from Angelics japan site, I heard they don't allow you to order through tenso. What's the best way to order? Shopping service? I really want radiant candlelight in black and it's only in stock there.

>> No.7248345

http://japan-shops.com/angelicpretty/item/9632/ interational has one of the black jsks left

>> No.7248384


An in-store shopping service should still be able to buy it at the physical store, or get the store to order it in from another branch -- look in the shopping services thread for names of good shopping services and who to avoid.

I would also hazard that Japonica might be able to order it, they've gotten things for me off mbok where the seller refuses to sell to shopping services, so you could drop them an email and see if they can get the the dress for you.

Lastly, I was able to get some items put up on the International store a couple of years ago -- I emailed them with a link to the Japanese store and asked if they would ever restock this item on the International store (it was sold out on the international side but in stock on the Japanese one). After a few days they restocked the international site and emailed me back saying to buy it quickly before someone else did. But, I can't promise they'll do the same for you -- maybe the worker has changed or the store policy has changed.

>> No.7248783
File: 23 KB, 342x600, 1387471564399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help me? A friend of mine wants to sell me this coat from HMHM. It fits me in the bust perfectly, but is 6cm shy of my waist measurements (coat has 68 cm waist, I have 74 cm true waist). I'm pretty thin elsewhere, but I have a squarish torso. Does anyone own a coat from HMHM and can tell me if there's room to spare? Thanks!

Captcha: capable spandex

>> No.7248832

Where do you get your blog templates from? Do you have someone else custom design them, and if so, who? Or do you do it yourself?

I want to start a long-form blog to use for reviews and whatnot, but creating a nice template is beyond my basic html skills at this point.

>> No.7248842

Why can't you try it on if it's a friend of your's?

>> No.7248851

Is it only me who really dosen't like this dress? The print is too unclear and the model just looks blant as fuck.

>> No.7248856

I've been mainly doing sweet and classic outfits so far, but I've been wanting to try country lolita. My question is, do big, floppy straw hats work for country or are smaller, stiffer ones better?

Of the pictures I've seen there have only been smaller ones.

>> No.7248867

I really liked it when it first came out (before it got pulled for bad quality) but the more I look at it, the less I like it.

>> No.7248870

I really dislike it too. It's so plain.

>> No.7248871


She lives quite a bit away and we both have jobs. I would love to try it on, but she also wants to send it back for a refund soon, apparently.

>> No.7248873
File: 74 KB, 467x350, 1387475867303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem with floppy hats is that they seem way too casual and not elegant. So, if you're going for super casual it will work, but not if you're going for a more classic/country coord. A stiffer brim usually looks better for more formal looks.

Another thing to consider is proportion. A big hat looks best with a 'big' or OTT coord. It can look really bad when you're wearing a fabulous hat with a casual coord.

Pic related, because the size, and stiffness of your hat should match your dress, or else you look kind of slapdash and frumpy.

>> No.7248875

3773563 acessories
575753 tights
2 petticoats

>> No.7248876

>dat horrible third outfit
oh god, my eyes

>> No.7248879

I see. Thank you anon, that's really helpful. I will definitely take that into consideration when hat shopping!

>> No.7248904
File: 607 KB, 539x769, lizchen-R-hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem. I love hats and want to see more of them in lolita! Definitely don't be afraid to experiment to find what works well for you.

>> No.7249044
File: 186 KB, 1920x1080, blue sky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know about Heisenloli, but I want to make a Blue Sky homage dress, with shimmering accents.

/from one of my favorite montages

>> No.7249438


Thanks for this!

>> No.7249897


Thanks anon! But I'm interested in the halter neck one. Gonna wait it out a couple days and if I don't nab my AP gloria I black imma be all over the other one.

Ah ok. Yea I was just curious. I use tokyo pirates usually and she's been good. I know she's going on holiday though soon so I'll try either emailing San Fran AP or use shopping service thank you!

>> No.7250005
File: 648 KB, 680x1200, IMGP1085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for some input on a christmas outfit! Is it too christmas? Not enough? Ways to improve it? I'm also unsure what to pick for tights/socks and I'm thinking brown boots.

>your current favorite non-main piece (no skirts, JSKs, or OPs) in your wardrobe?
I really love this black blouse I got in Metas last winter lucky pack. It has a nice swallowtail back and really nice material. It also goes well with a lot of my main pieces.
>most recent purchase, with photos?
My last purchase was the Regimental stripe jsk from Meta in pink/red. Really cute for a more casual look.

>> No.7250017

The brown on the scarf looks too much. It looks like you were trying to match the trim on the dress, but since they're both concentrated in the neck area, it's like a sudden blob of brown, without it showing anywhere else. If you want to keep it, I think maybe brown tights with green boots to balance it out?

>> No.7250181
File: 92 KB, 480x640, 138202-p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who else is thinking of buying stuff from labyrinth? also, will they get pissed at me for ordering this after i ordered the lucky pack?

>> No.7250191

I love the Elaine JSK but that middle bow is killing me. Is it detachable?

>> No.7250198
File: 452 KB, 1500x1000, bg-osaka.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know how to measure properly for low waisted salopettes? I'm willing to lose the weight necessary, but I'm wondering if I'll fit it now. Also, anyone have well styled salopette coords with busty gals?

>> No.7250216

I sent in an order for IW's Lucky Pack B on Monday. Still haven't gotten a reply or invoice and they are now listed as sold out. Anyone else been in this situation before and still received an invoice eventually? I'm hoping they're just backed up on answering/sending out invoices

>> No.7250238
File: 530 KB, 720x1080, DD1Q8463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's the one i'm going for too anon! this picture leads me to think it is detachable.

what colorway do you like best? i'm leaning towards orange, just because i want the lace bonnet headdress and it seems to only come in off-white lace.

>> No.7250248

I like the orange the most. It reminds me of the sunset.

I really like the lace bonnet, too, but that veil is super gorgeous. Not sure I can justify it though.

>> No.7250318

how hard do you think it'll be to get this release? MSND - level?

I'm shooting for the Ivory Elaine!

>> No.7250374
File: 28 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20131220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys.

I have this problem.

I don't have any natural eyelashes, due to a medical problem.

So, I bought a few pairs of falsies, and I've narrowed down to these two being my favorites. Which ones work better for me / will look good with classical lolita? I'm leaning towards the ones on the right.

Ignore the other makeup and two different eyebrows, I was trying out some shit and couldn't be bothered to fetch my remover.

>> No.7250394

>your current favorite non-main piece (no skirts, JSKs, or OPs) in your wardrobe?
Current favorite non-main piece is this absolutely gorgeous Juliette et Justine blouse that I snagged from one of the Japanese secondhand shops recently. It fits perfectly and goes with fucking everything. I'm in love.
>most recent purchase, with photos?
Most recent to arrive, or most recent to order? Most recent to arrive was the aforementioned blouse. Most recently ordered was the AatP Special Set I and lucky pack, as posted here >>7234826.

>> No.7250396

I like the right one.

>> No.7250404

The right eyelashes look good

>> No.7250489

Right eyelashes. Also, you're very pretty anon~!

>> No.7250495

I thought so. The other ones look a bit too...

Clubby? I guess? I can't find the right word for it.

Thank you!

I really wish I could just grow my own lashes back in, because they used to be so thick and wonderful.

>> No.7250498

Yep. Thirding the right .

>> No.7250500

Well the site isn't working for me. Let's see how this goes...

>> No.7250508

saxe elaine gone now. still can't access my shopping cart.

>> No.7250509

sorry to be nosy, but how did your eyelashes vanish? is it troublesome? do you have to blink a lot or anything?

>> No.7250510

Is anyone going for the winter Meta lucky pack? They went up a little bit ago.

>> No.7250511

I just got a dark one but I'm seriously tempted to get a light pack too.

>> No.7250516

i got a light one.

still struggling to view my shopping cart for labyrinth release.

>> No.7250523

The same thing happened to me, and I got multiples of everything so by the time I got them out of my cart the OP in blue had sold out. I'm going to cry.

>> No.7250532

Same here, anon. Let's cry together.

>> No.7250537
File: 97 KB, 480x640, 138906-iv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ended up with the Charlotte jsk in orange and the bonnet head dress. I wanted the Elaine, but I really love this print so.

I'm sorry anon. Maybe they will have it at the US site release?

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand my lolita shopping is done for the next few months.

>> No.7250538

Did you get something else to replace it, anon? I got the skirt in sax instead, but it just doesn't feel the same.

>> No.7250541

I live in Australia, so I don't know if I'd be able to get it even if they did.

>> No.7250542

I got the Ivory Elaine jsk! It seems like that was the least popular colourway, so I probably could have waited instead of fighting the website.

>> No.7250546

No, I only wanted it in sax. The Elaine jsk was also nice but it sold out too. Hopefully one of them will get released! Cry...........

>> No.7250549

The saxe Elaine was the first one to sell out. Within like 5 or 10 minutes? I think it's by far the most popular colorway. I think the saxe looks best, because it coordinates with the water. I love orange, but I have to admit that it looks strange to have blue water and orange sky.

>> No.7250797
File: 9 KB, 199x266, EGH-97983OWW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know whether this hat is easy to find?

>> No.7250891

I never have the opportunity to wear lolita. I can't attend meets, I don't go to school and I almost never go out (and when I do it's to places I can't wear lolita to). I've been thinking of temporarily quitting lolita because spending money on dresses I never wear is such a waste. But I do love the fashion to death. What would you guys do?

>> No.7250901

Wear it out in public anyway :I
Exact same situation as you.
Just go shopping, go to the park to read a book, internet cafe I dunno.. just feel pretty.
What's stopping you attending meets though? But honestly, wear it out anyway. Otherwise I think you're wearing lolita for the wrong reasons. You don't need to wear it in the company of others unless you live in a really ghetto zone - but even ghetto zones have nice places to go around them...

>> No.7250903

I feel the same way... I spend money on new releases but never wear them so they become old .... It's been almost 2 years and I've worn lolita maybe less than 10 times, it's really sad... My parents keep nagging me about selling my wardrobe off because I don't have the opportunity to wear it out... I can't stop purchasing stuff and I'm scared of quitting... I don't want to miss out of obtaining an awesome print

>> No.7250906

I can't go to meets because of illness, and for the same reason I can't go shopping/to the park/any outdoor activity really. I dress up for myself but wearing lolita just to sit in front of the computer for the rest of the day just doesn't do it for me.

>> No.7250914

wow, the border detail at the top and on the straps looks so tacky and busy, like someone's first attempt at lolita with quilting fabric.

>> No.7250923

Do you have friends in the comm at all, or are you just a lone loli? If you have a friend with mutual interest (and preferably her own wardrobe), maybe you can invite her/them to your place to hang out.

It's your money to spend on whatever you want. If you think it's a waste, then stop/find another hobby that you won't think is so much a waste. If you find enough enjoyment in the fashion, then by all means, keep at it.

There's nothing wrong with being a collector. Are you using your parents' money to buy your dresses? If yes, you should listen to them. If not, well, just explain to them that this is your collection and it makes you happy. Another option is to find ways to wear them out more often.

>> No.7250924

Doubt they'll get mad at you. I don't remember if it's BTSSB/AatP policy, but some brands actually tell you to not buy LPs and normal items in the same shipment.

>> No.7250927

I've literally been looking in all the highstreet shops for a boater hat since summer started, understandable that none are about at this time.
Aside from taobao anyone got any decent hints?

I want a nice solid one for all year round.

>> No.7250932

I don't have the coat but since no one else has answered, I don't think the coat is going to fit you in the waist since it's 6cm off and you'll be layering clothing underneath, particularly if you're wearing lolita.

>> No.7250965

I found a nice vintage boater (and NOT straw, I do not like the straw ones!) from eBay just searching through their vintage hats. I don't actually remember what it was called, but it wasn't boater.

>> No.7250974

Thank you, I'll give that a shot!

>> No.7250976

I posted this in the new releases thread before I realised is was at limit.

N00b here.
I'm planning on getting the WQ JSK in navy, blouse in white, and headbow in navy.
But I can't for the life of me decide between the otk's or tight in either navy or white.
I'm 5'7 so I wasn't sure which would be best. I'm worried that the tights would be too short and the socks wouldn't reach over my knees.
Could I get some opinions please?

>> No.7250998


I'm 5'7 too and AP tights fit really well (surprisngly) and the socks will reach over your knees

>> No.7251005
File: 418 KB, 628x566, cinema2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick question, would it look weird to wear a beret with long gloves like in the picture?
Should I wear the matching head bow instead?
Sorry Im having a mental block.

>> No.7251006

Socks and tights fit will depend on the size of your calves (and thighs for tights) as well. Obviously if you have small calves, the length will be longer on you than someone with larger calves.

>> No.7251012

Weird? No, actually it suits.

>> No.7251019

Beret is fine.

>> No.7251027
File: 82 KB, 399x600, 6j7eg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fudge, the OP is super gorgeous but I'm kinda torn between the ivory and pink. Ivory is more versatile, but the pink looks warmer. There's no sample photo of the pink though and I'm a little worried the pink might be too purple irl.

>> No.7251055

Go with ivory.

>> No.7251081

AP U.S.A. ships internationally.

>> No.7251098
File: 415 KB, 720x1080, DD1Q8282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. And that's why I didn't buy it.

They hid that God awful detail at the tea party too.

>> No.7251103

Looks fantastic to me.

>> No.7251139
File: 19 KB, 280x373, marshmallowbun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your current favorite non-main piece
melty moon bag
>most recent purchase, with photos?
see pic

>> No.7251147

I've got really bad untreated ADD, and along with that I've got compulsions.

It's sort of like... you can focus really hard on one thing to make up for not being able to focus on anything else, and I got a shitty compulsion where I pull my hair out.

Luckily it's not the hair on my head, I guess.

The eye doctor says that it's not a problem, because eyelashes can harbor bacteria, so it's not really a big deal, it's just annoying. I don't think I blink more often or anything, and usually just wearing eyeliner keeps people from noticing.

I'm just more likely to get soap in my eyes in the shower and stuff, but it's been this way since I was 13, so I'm used to it.

>> No.7251148

yeah, fantastic almost like a dolly

>> No.7251154

Your joke was bad and you should feel bad

>> No.7251163

I found it funny.

>> No.7251282

Oh man, anon, I know your feeling so much. I've had both these too since I was very young, like kindergardenish at least, at one point I nearly had a bald spot from how badly I was pulling hair out of my head. Luckily I don't do it to my brows and lashes, just my hair.. we're opposites I guess lol.

Do you have the compulsion diagnosed as OCD or did they toss it under the ADD for some reason? I've never heard of them doing that but I could kinda see the reasoning. Meds helped me for this when I was younger but now I have it toned down to the point that it doesn't harm me the way it used to. I hope someday you get a handle on yours!

sage for o/t cool story bro

>> No.7251310

Just checked my tracking, it says 'awaiting customs charges' even though I marked down package value and it was marked as a gift. I'm fucked. Dam you UK customs

>> No.7251328

It sucks. I had the hair picking thing too (on my calves, to be specific) and even though I stopped now, I still have ugly scars left over. I wasn't even hurting myself intentionally, and now people keep asking me what's wrong with my legs. I say it's razor burn or whatever else (at some point I even made up a story of how I got some pox but that's complete bullshit because I was vaccinated) and it just feels bad to have to hide it all the time :C

>> No.7251598

The video of the Misako High Tea in Sydney has been uploaded. Thanks to Deerstalkers pictures. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=6a4jHhL9MxM

>> No.7251696
File: 67 KB, 500x750, 3froseprint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know how to order triple fortunes non-bonnet items? I'm super interested in this print of theirs but afaik they only sell through obscure select shops and I think atelier pierrot? And I don't know if that's just bonnets or other items as well.

>> No.7251704

sooo you have trichotillomania
not ADD/OCD, though they are in the same impulse disorder group
>also have had trich since 6th grade - I am 22 now

>> No.7251707

this would have worked better if the dress was actually fantasic dolly and not cinema doll. should have just kept with doll and not dolly.

>> No.7251713

I got a boater like hat from the thrift store. I had to take apart some of the brim though, but it works.

>> No.7251726

Sure, I bet you know more than several doctors, psychiatrists and therapists did.

>> No.7251753

i'm not sure if that is super clashy and way too many colors, or beautiful.

>> No.7251755

it is possible her trichotillomania is a physical symptom/compulsion of the OCD/ADD.

>> No.7251783

But she said ALMOST like a dolly. Because it's not fantastic dolly. HURRRRRRR

>> No.7251793
File: 72 KB, 500x375, bodyline-carousel-blue-07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There wasn't a coord help thread so I'll ask here

Trying to come up with something with the Bodyline Carousel jsk in blue, and I cannot find anything in the same blue as this. Is there even a name for this for me to search?

>> No.7251794

Maybe cornflower blue. Hard to say for sure because of monitor color differences and what-not.

>> No.7251848
File: 65 KB, 600x800, BbwRx2eIUAApgJd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I almost did this but after studying the ivory photo for a while I ended up getting the pink. It kinda reminds me of a purply-pink sunset and according to the description the "stripe chiffon" part is pink too (all the others are ivory) which I think means it'll have pink sleeves which would be neat. The lace is still ivory so I can coord it with ivory stuff without worrying about matching the pink.
I like all the colorways though so I don't think I'll end up hating it or anything.

>> No.7251873

Did you even try >>7230611

>> No.7251886

Sorry, didn't see it all the way down in the catalog.

>> No.7251907

It's part of the ADD.

Some people develop focused compulsions to help compensate for the lack of focus otherwise. Technically I guess it is trich, but it's because of the ADD.

Ugh. The stories.

I'm just so afraid of people judging me about it, I just pray nobody asks questions.

>> No.7251912

Are you me? My calves are my number one picking site and I have the same ugly scars, I just tell people they're old razor scars because I scar easily but THE TRUTH SUCKS REALLY BAD, especially since I haven't fully stopped. I've pulled hair to the point of balding too, I hate this shit so fucking much.

>> No.7251928

>It's part of the ADD.
This. In my case it was definitely alongside a case of OCD in its own right. Apart from the hair I also used to do the typical forced counting, have to do things an even number of times, touch something a certain number of times, even hilted and counted my breaths and such that are textbook OCD. Luckily I no longer do any of that, just the hair (and other grooming habits) and in a much lesser and non-damaging amount. But it can absolutely be two distinct disorders in the same category, and not just a symptom of one alone (or even just one ultra specific, or larger umbrella disorder).

Luckily the only 'damage' I guess left from mine is that my hair is basically permanently brittle and sheds and splits super easily, so it refuses to grow past a certain not very long length, though that could also have something to do with my natural hair texture, I don't know. I'm pretty lucky that was all I got. The most embarrassing part for me is having to clean car and house if I have guests or roommates because hair ends up everywhere between the shedding and the pulling bits off. Luckily I keep my lolita very separate from that area so I don't have hairs all over it, and I lintroll my blouses and dresses pretty religiously anyway, partially for this reason.

>> No.7252110
File: 50 KB, 300x449, twinkle journey coord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

requesting source on these white shoes? sorry if there was a better thread for this question

>> No.7252115


>> No.7252147
File: 34 KB, 640x480, bowing-in-respect-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you so much i have literally been wondering for a better part of the year and was too proud to ask for help

>> No.7252152

...do I have a snowballs chance in hell at finding these ever or a similar style? I imagine they are really popular

>> No.7252162

No problem! No need to be too proud, no one knows who you are anyway and there are a lot of helpful people here. I think they might have been rereleased and I've seen them for sale a few times before. It depends on what size you want them in, too. Lurking the auctions will definitely increase your chance of finding them. Good luck! They're very cute shoes.

>> No.7252374

What did you mark down to? I think the allowance has dropped recently. That or it's a big box and they don't believe you.

I just bought about £130 worth of dresses/blouses etc from Y!JA and Mbok. I'm not looking forward to the customs charges, but I guess I'll save on shipping, and I only have to pay the Parcelforce fee once.

>> No.7252398

>The most embarrassing part for me is having to clean car and house if I have guests or roommates because hair ends up everywhere between the shedding and the pulling bits off.

This is the worst for me. I've had trich for four or five years, and it's gotten pretty bad in the last two years since I graduated high school. I managed to pull half the hair on my head off at one point without even noticing. It's finally growing back, but I have to wear a hat or wigs at all times to hide it, because it's right in the centre of my head, so ponytails and buns are out of the question.
My floor is absolutely COVERED in short curly hairs because I only pull from those specific spots, and the hair never has time to grow back. I have to vacuum several times a week, else it starts looking hella gross.
I wish there were some permanent way to make it stop, but since it's apparently incurable, I'm stuck with it for life. I just want my hair to grow without my ripping it out.

>> No.7252526

Apparently you can train therapy dogs for trich, they jump up on you when you start pulling your hair out so you have a distraction plus like a conscious reminder

>> No.7252571

Oh I hope you stop soon, anon! I did, I only do it occasionally now but it's more of an unwanted/ugly emergency hair removal thing now and I much rather epilate it off... The scars stay, however. I don't know how I can make them go away, they're those ugly overpigmented scars and just look so bleh.

>> No.7252578

Oh I do hope it isn't ADD. I'm so scared of it. I can sit through a whole movie if I want and I pay attention in class just fine... I don't know if that's that. But the reason why I did it was out of boredom, when there was nothing to do. I see a therapist for anxiety and have been for years, so I hope I don't have anything else. I'd very much like to be mentally healthy.

>> No.7252621

5450 yen gift, but apparently they now ADD the shipping cost if its express which is was, which would have added an extra value of 6000 yen (3 dresses 2 skirts). Actual value was 130k yen so if they did open it Im expecting a £250 fee on top. If they didnt I should be charged £30.

>> No.7252623

Which SS do you use that marks down parcels or was it a forwarding service?

>> No.7252817

It was a forwarding service (tenso) as I was able to buy directly from second hand websites and brands with my debit card (although I'm REALLY paranoid atm as my moitie order hasn't shown up on my statement still but the overdraft in my account did reduce)

>> No.7252869

Has anyone contacted clobba recently? I've sent them an email but they haven't responded. Do they not work on the weekend?

>> No.7252919

According to xe.com, 5450 is about £32, but I imagine they would waive a fee that small. Maybe tenso fucked up and marked it as goods or sample? If it's a gift they should disregard the shipping, I think.

I'm honestly terrified of having packages marked down. I've never done it, and I feel like if I do, it'll be the one time my post goes missing. Has anyone ever had anything go missing with EMS?

>> No.7252931

Whoops, disregard the first bit, just looked up the gift limit; it's £36 not £30. The rest of my post stands, though.

>> No.7252945

Yea I honestly don't know. Maybe they x-rayed the package and saw some items had tags so they opened up to inspect? Who knows.. I'll be finding out soon!

>> No.7252973
File: 388 KB, 909x500, shoes for anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never fear shoe-anon!! I have seen two pairs very similar to your dream shoe and can be custom made to whatever color your heart desires



>> No.7253314

I placed an order with BtSSB yesterday and got the automatic confirmation, but it's been over 24 hours and still no invoice. Is it too early to email them to make sure they got my order? I've heard stories of girls receiving the automatic confirmation, but not the invoice, so I want to make sure I get mine especially since one of the things I got the last of.

>> No.7253321


I'm tossing up between this, and chess story unicorn castle jsk as my first non-bodyline pieces. opinions/advice please?

also, any australians know if there's a lolita scene in the ACT region? moving there soon. never bothered joining the sydney comm

>> No.7253447

I got the automatic confirmation as well and didn't get the invoice. I "reserved" the Elaine Labyrinth jsk and was wondering approximately when we would receive an invoice from BTSSB?

Let's update each other when we receive our invoices anon-chan!

>> No.7253492

It's normal for them to take a few days to send the invoice, and it's also the weekend right now. I'd say wait about a week before contacting them or worrying about it.

>also reserved Labyrinth, I'm so frickin excited

>> No.7253528

holy shit you are so thoughtful. I really like the black ones! I didn't want to be a pain in the ass and be like "weh help me find knockoffs" but that is just a dream come true. thank you!

>> No.7253530

I would suggest chess story, the other seems to scream "I am new at lolita." What color way were you thinking for the unicorn print?

>> No.7253567
File: 280 KB, 654x501, bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just tried to purchase one of the 3way chocolate bags from APUSA! I really hope my order goes through so I can finally have the perfect bag to go with my dresses.

>> No.7253610

Can IW's crepe de chine blouses be gently washed, or must you dryclean them?

>> No.7253694

The day I was considering paying a slightly scalper price for one was the day they re-released them.
I was so happy.

>> No.7253719

Does anyone have any experience with making elasticated arms bigger on OPs? I'm wondering how easy it is to do and if it will make the dress look weird. I don't think I need to let it out much, my arms are 24cm circumference. But it just pinches and if I wear it for more than an hour, it's uncomfortable.

>> No.7253722
File: 53 KB, 300x400, rose_r1_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to add that it's this dress and I'm worried that making the elastic looser will mess up the puff on the sleeves.

>> No.7253759

I'm n00b when it comes to releases, is it normal for AP to split releases like this? accessories one week, and (assuming) main pieces the next?

>> No.7254041

I did this with JetJ's Murmure de l'Ange basically I removed the elastic from the bottom of the sleeve and sewed it back up so it couldn't be seen, the fabric makes the sleeves become more 'petal' like and floaty.
However I'm assuming that the fabric for your dress is fairly thick? I would suggest removing the elastic and substituting it for elastic a few cms longer then sewing back up. A few cms won't make a critical difference to the sleeve puff.

>> No.7254050

I am new to following AP releases, but this seems to happen more often now. hell, for Melty Cream Donut they split up the release if the skirts from the JSKs.

>> No.7254146

Why are international lolitas so fucking cheap and constantly want to haggle? I never listed an OBO on my sales post.

>makes a sales post. lists domestic and international shipping costs
>"it's my dream dress anon! sending you my PayPal!"
>"oh... Can you take off $10?"
>no. Shipping internationally is expensive. I'll only accept if you send payment as a gift
>"can you take off $5 then? ^.^"
>cancels invoice and doesn't resend a new one
>"anon you still there? ;.;"

>> No.7254237

Man, it really irritates me when all someone is desperate to haggle just $5. I had one buyer who wanted to save $5 by changing tracked shipping to untracked.

>> No.7254780

Ugh.... I can't handle the difference in the way things look in natural light vs what I see in my full length mirror. I thought these colors (browns) I was wearing looked okay together, turns out I was wrong! So, so terribly wrong. I'm so ashamed.

>> No.7255161

I don't find it strange at all. $5 can make a difference in the long term. $5 here and $5 there and suddenly you can't afford lunch out with friends. I wouldn't haggle one or two, but five isn't that unreasonable.

>> No.7255183

Also waiting on my Labyrinth invoice.

>> No.7255208

Wtf? Maybe people shouldn't be in the fashion if you can't even afford lunch with friends.

>> No.7255251

> What is disposible income

If I want to expand my wardrobe, then sometimes I can't do some other thing I want. And if I decide to have a girls night out with some friends, then maybe I can't afford those shoes. There is a choice to be made, and having $5 more in my pocket doesn't hurt. I'm not saying that people should be cheapasses, I'm saying you could be more sympathetic.

>> No.7255493

I think with some people it's just a game. They feel accomplished if they get some kind of a "deal" even if they just save $1.

JC Penny found this out the hard way when they changed their pricing structure to an "everyday low prices" model instead of inflating prices and having sales all the time and then lost a shitton of money before switching back to the previous model. Most people prefer getting something "on sale" whether or not it's actually a really good deal.

I mean, the way I look at it is you're paying $100+ for an item, so what's another $5? It's like taking a $10 book up to the register at the store and then changing your mind because of the tax. People are just weird.

>> No.7255608
File: 12 KB, 240x240, 48948_300_400w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how could i make these shoes work in a gothic co ord? i own prints such as VR, melty mermaid princesss, vampire forest and twinkle journey. but i also own simple dresses like gathered chiffon in black and nightmare rising in black. i just really like these shoes and i want to be able to co ord them before i buy them

>> No.7255614


Nigger do you even budget.

>> No.7255622

I never thought I would unironically use the phrase check your privilege but holy shit here it is

>> No.7255648


They look like they'll add a lot of visual emphasis to the lower half of your outfit which will need to balance out elsewhere. Be prepared to do bigger hairstyles and wear larger collars on your blouses to achieve that.

>> No.7256030

Japonica have screwed me over with overcharging me significantly for fees, not chasing up sellers who didn't send their items (and thus making me lose money), being late to bid on items (and missing out), etc. They've fucked up my latest order with them, and to be honest, I don't even want it anymore. They're trying to charge me an extra $20 or so and I'm fed up. At this stage I kind of just want to file a dispute or something and let them have the items and get my money back but I feel like that would be too cruel. What do you guys think?

>> No.7256033

>VR, melty mermaid princesss, vampire forest
>gathered chiffon

Hnng. I've wanted all of those dresses in a certain cut/colourway for ages. I'm jelly.

>> No.7256043

It's kind of shitty to do it on items you have already won but any fees and money paid toward auctions you lost is fair game I think.

>> No.7256041

Forgot to mention, the order is only worth around $70 and they're trying to charge another odd $20 in excess fees (on top of the shipping and commission fees) which is pretty significant. I'm not sure who I'd use though if I did this as I would definitely get blacklisted.

>> No.7256059

Looking back through my past orders, they've overcharged me around $100 in total. I know lots of other people have been in a similar situation, did you just suck it up or did you get Paypal involved? I don't want to be a shitty buyer, but I hate how shady they are.

>> No.7256127

>>7253314 here again.

So, I never received the invoice email... but, I got an email saying the order was shipped out. Has anyone else ever had that happen to them or heard of such a thing? I haven't checked my account balance yet (going to do so later on the way to work) is it possible they automatically charged the card they had on file? That's the only way I can think of that the items could have been paid for.

>> No.7256425

>not getting why someone would rather put the cost it takes to eat out into lolita instead
By sacrificing eating out with friends a couple of time a week, I added $80 a month to my lolita budget. If you don't see why one would do that, you are clearly not dedicated to the fashion. My friends and I don't need to spend money to have fun, but my lolita wardrobe needs money to expend.

>> No.7256467 [DELETED] 


>mfw my friends drag me out to expensive places to eat on little to short notice
>Guys is it expensive?
>oh no anon it's only 20 euros!
>I'm already on the bus

always goddamn indian food too. Because she doesn't like Chinese food. Then she gets offended when people don't like her food.

Wow ok this turned into an OT rant sorry about that.

>> No.7256470

if they're being shitty with you and you're losing money, it doesn't make you a bad buyer. dispute what you've lost with them

>> No.7256593

Thank you so much for the advice, anon! I'll give it a try.

>> No.7256610

The tracking number baby gave me for my luckypack doesn't work. Well, I hope it shows up some time. Anyone else having this problem?

>> No.7256660

was this for Labyrinth?

>> No.7256721

Had the same issue, had my parcel marked it as gift and worth 3500 yen but still got charged.
I think it's because it's only free under £36.00 if it is between two private individuals. I used fromjapan and it said FromJapan on the parcel, so maybe that's why I got charged?
Who did you use as a SS?

>> No.7256738

Tenso. I guess next time I'll mark it lower to less than £15. May I ask whether some items still had tags attached? And did you get charged on the package value or the REAL value?

>> No.7256739

Pricecheck is dead so as a general inquiry, how much does h.naoto tend to go for secondhand? I know it generally resales for lower compared to other brands, but for the less hideous dresses anyway, is half retail a good place to start (around 150 or so) for a dress in good condition? Should I try selling on ebay or some other community rather than egl, here or tumblr? I'm not sure if there's another community like a more vkei comm that'd be more interested in hnaoto stuff.

>> No.7256747

No tags were attached and I got charged on the marked value.

It has never happened when I used Japonica, I think because they don't use their company address.

>> No.7257166
File: 112 KB, 800x600, 1310014753545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having a bit of trouble on the LSE...
Long story short:
>Buy dress from seller on Nov. 27
>Seller says she will get the dress out by next week
>Sends the dress out at the very last second of the next week
>Says it should be there by the next Saturday
>Ok cool
>Next Saturday comes and goes
>Give it until Wednesday to push about it, because Holidays mess with the post
>inquire, she says her father has the tracking info but is away, says she'll try to get it from him
>Be today, almost a week later, inquire again, she says the package was sent back to her and that she's been in the hospital so she couldn't resend it
I'm closing in on the one month mark. Should I ask her to reship it and open a Paypal claim to cover my butt / just ask for a refund, or would that be a dick move since she appears to be having an emergency sale?
I don't want to be distrustful of her, but at the same time, I can't help but be uncomfortable since there's been a spike in less than savory business practices in the Lolita community as of late.

>> No.7257171

Defiantly open a claim for safety. It is completely fair to ask for a refund but if you're willing to wait don't take the risk. You can just tell her it's for safety.

>> No.7257175
File: 94 KB, 500x667, 1387863736638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess who's back?
He bawwwwleeted his page last time, anyone have caps of the bull he spewed? I know I'll be keeping an eye on him.

>> No.7257429

Open a paypal claim for your own safety.

>> No.7257441

Just got a parcelforce letter, I was panicing and sweating bullets, only got a £20.05 charge.

>> No.7257452

I'm not sure why but reading that "introduction" post just embarrassed me. Like, how autistic can you get?

>> No.7257494

The reasons for her sale don't matter, you've paid for something that you are yet to receive. She's given you no information and not provided you with the tracking number you've paid for. There's no reason why she couldn't text/call/email her father for the number and there's no reason why she couldn't have someone else resend the parcel.
Any decent seller would have offered to refund you the money at this point, I mean who knows when she'll get out of hospital?
Open a claim and request that your parcel be posted by X date or you will escalate to a refund. DO NOT close the case until the parcel is safe in your hands!

>> No.7257502

Also don't close it until you inspect what's inside the package too.

>> No.7257500


Everything the seller told you sounds like utter bullshit.
One bad excuse after another.
Please, open a dispute against the seller, this person sounds like she is trouble.

I sold something recently, and the next day my dad died quite unexpectedly.
Promised I'd send it within 3 days, guess what I did?
I was fucking messed up and distraught but kept my promise!!!
The buyer never even knew what was going on, they shouldn't be burdened with my personal problems.
There really is no excuse not to send something you sold, EVER.

>> No.7257503

Has anyone received their Labyrinth invoice yet? I know it's been the weekend and Christmas time and all, but I really don't want to end up getting my order cancelled or anything. Not sure how long I should wait before I email them about it.

>> No.7257518

I wish there was someone I could just send all my coord selfies to so that they could tell me which one would be best to post online.

>> No.7257520

It's fine if you say obo but if someone clearly lists prices, that's just rude.

>> No.7257523

I've received Royal Gate so I'll post pictures tomorrow when the natural light is better in the morning. The fabric doesn't seem as super dark black like other items and the blue flocking doesn't look bright enough to be noticeable in dim lighting (kinda like with the Beauty and the Rose Promise, the print is barely noticeable in dim light and I have the blue version). The print detail looks really nice though. I was hoping RG would fill the void for IG but it won't reduce the value.

>> No.7257713

Haven't gotten mine either, so they're probably just busy. It's always taken me a few days to get invoices for my reserves with them.

>> No.7257723


Mine was similar, I really think it's the company vs private person thing!

>> No.7257887

I show them to my mum and my Lolita friend who knows how pathetic I am
Try and get matey with someone in your local comm?

>> No.7258033

Try "Visual Kei & J-Rock Sales" on Facebook.

I'm not a member so idk what it's like, but one of the admins is an admin on the Anime Sales page, which isn't that much of a clusterfuck. I know h.naoto is whitelisted on egl-comm-sales, but I don't think there's ever much interest in it, and there's nearly always a secret to complain whenever it gets posted.

>> No.7258094

Has anybody in NA gotten their Radiant Candlelight stuff yet?

>> No.7258158

>I don't think there's ever much interest in it
Luckily it is Frill stuff so it's lolita-oriented, but the above is the main reason I'm not sure if I should bother putting it up on the comm sales as opposed to tumblr or a comm for hnaoto fans, if such a thing exists. I guess I'll try the vkei comm and commsales anyway and just keep it if it doesn't sell for anything worth losing it for. Thanks!

>> No.7259008

Wanna get this out and there's nowhere but here

I just got a gift certificate from AP from my boyfriend's parents, and on one hand, I'm really glad that they accept the way I dress and thought about it for a present, on another, they must've done research on the fashion to have found it (because I've never talked about it before) and I can't help but wonder if they think it's really weird thing to be a part of. That, and I feel awkward that they spent that money on me. (I don't even shop at AP, not being a sweet lolita, but I could always get some cute OTKs or wristcuffs so that's not a huge deal)

>> No.7259017

why is ___ifwinterends not the official Kawaii Lolita Ambassador for Foreign Lolitas??


she's so wise and knowledgeable

>> No.7259046

You have to be cute for that, she looks like an uglier and older Sarah Jessica Parker.

I don't get why she still posts, everyone hates her and she is always called out on her shitty "arguments".

>> No.7259047

Because she doesn't understand how LJ works and apparently doesn't get comment notifications, I believe.

>> No.7259487

I'm planning on trying to get a lucky pack on the AP US site tomorrow, should I be prepared for war? I've never gotten a LP before, I'm a little nervous.

>> No.7259496

How much was it for?

>> No.7259516

Not exorbitant or anything. $50.

>> No.7259540

Put on your helmet, anon.

>> No.7259562

Because she desperately wants people to know how intelligent and informed she is about JAPAN because she LIVES IN JAPAN and SPEAKS JAPANESE and that makes her special. Even though she is unable to understand that her perspective on Japanese culture is seen through a) a very specific lense (white, foreign, female, working at a maid cafe) and b) someone who can never actually belong in Japan. It's almost sad that she doesn't realize people are blunt with her, not because it's normal in Japanese culture, but because they see her as being a lowly foreigner.

Also, shut her the fuuuck up talking about lolita like she knows much about the culture when she's only been into it for a year.

>> No.7259564

All of this. She's not blending into their culture enough and she's called out on it pretty much by everyone. I don't understand how she can be so ignorant over it, other than the fact that her head is probably so far up her ass she doesn't realize it.

>> No.7259585

Well, considering that comment she left on getoffegl about how she was "thinking about commenting in Japanese and then coming back to laugh at everyone trying to figure out what she said," she seems to genuinely think that she is a special case. Therefore anyone who points out that she is not special, and that her perspective is flawed, is just jelly.

>> No.7259599

That was pretty funny. I honestly doubt she would be able to write it out other than in romaji. She's really a diluted weeb if I've ever seen one, speaking Japanese isn't a big deal and it's not some kind of holy language of the promised land. She needs to get a grip on reality.

>> No.7259602

She seems to have a decent grasp of Japanese, but she's under the mistaken impression that she's the only person in the lolita community who does.

I don't know, she has zero concept of... well. Reality. She was raging against Venus for being SO RUDE by not being grateful for her "free trip!!!!" yet she had zero problem naming specific lolita shop keepers whom she seemed to look "cringe worthy" and "unworthy of representing their brand" by appearance alone?

>> No.7259699

ahaha, everyone always rightfully complaint about phan's shittastic miku tutorial, but i'm surprised no-one's talked about her gothic doll lolita tutorial.
>captcha: total meduces

>> No.7260463
File: 1.80 MB, 3264x1836, 20131226_053512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Know the name of this Meta print? It was a gift and they didn't remember the name. I looked on lolibrary but I couldn't find it.

>> No.7260926

It's "Sweets Time", anon ! Here is the hellolace link : http://hellolace.net/wardrobe/metamorphose-temps-de-fille/type/jsk/item/9/

>> No.7260927

Not >>7260926 but Hello Lace is a really great resource for IDing items. Just click on the type of item and scroll through and you can sometimes find whatever you're looking to ID.

>> No.7260930

>>7260926 here. Seems like lolibrary doesn't have the Sweets Time JSK.
I keep dreaming of us having a real website in which we could search everything (information, coords, sales, discussions, actual measurements, washing advice, etc) by piece instead of having to browse 5-10 different communities. That'd make everything so much easier.

>> No.7260933


Same goes for you 'muricans.
Just saying.

>> No.7260936

Oh and I actually just read that Hellolace was put on hiatus, because they couldn't find a programmer.
As a programming student, this breaks my heart. Hellolace was one of my favorite websites.

>> No.7260939

arrgh! this so f-ing much. There is a crap load of meta stuff from '09 that isn't anywhere to be found!

>> No.7260944

Thanks a million anon!
Never thought to look on hellolace because it hadn't been updated in so long. Should of thought to check anyway since it was an older release.

>> No.7260959

This. I've had US buyers who thought $5 was too much for shipping. That being said I also have had a girl from Holland who thought $7 was still too much after I offered to pay the rest. It's just how some people are.

>> No.7261017

I reserved Baby's Labyrinth in the reminiscent mirror print last Friday and haven't received an email confirming the total amount to invoice. Is it normal for it to take about a week to get an email? Did the holidays affect their normal schedule? It's my first time reserving from their international website and I'm worried about not paying on time.

>> No.7261055

I haven't received my invoice either so don't fret just yet. I'll update as soon as I receive mine so you can double check as well.

>> No.7261064

Haven't gotten my invoice either. Probably holiday-related delays.

>> No.7261222
File: 27 KB, 300x419, 1388087502079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know of reviews of or happen to own Antique Beast's Echelle Dress?

I really like it and have been wanting a new velvet piece, but it looks a little shiny so I'm worried about the quality.

>> No.7261227

All I know about Antique beasT is that each piece is made to order and not in stock. I ordered two headdresses from them and it took about a month for them to finish them but they are really nice.

Yuuki is the owner and seamstress I believe and was very nice and professional in emails... Perhaps you could email them when they open orders again and ask for a picture of the fabric?

>> No.7261245

Yeah, I've actually ordered a hairpiece from her before, and I trust the general quality of her items, I am just rather picky when it comes to velvet.
Thank you, though!

>> No.7261263

ah! well sorry I couldn't be of more help, but maybe try to email them and ask to see the fabric in natural light, she might be able to do it!

>> No.7261268

Fuck, both my credit AND debit card crapped out on me while i was trying to get the black omekashi doll set luckypack earlier on AP. :/ That shit old out in a matter of minutes!

Oh well, better luck next year. :(

>> No.7261450

I'm starting a small wardrobe with some super basic pieces from Bodyline and was wondering about their petticoats/panniers. Are any of them considered a decent A-line petti? Some seem to be reasonably poofy in the pictures.

>> No.7261453

no no no on nooooooo
do not buy petticoats from bodyline

don't do it

if you need an a-line, suck it up and buy one from classical puppets either via clobba or qutieland, which I am ONLY recommending because you are new and ordering via a real SS from Taobao might be a little intimidating to you right now, but if you want to save some money head over to the taobao thread and check out the links in the OP to find out how to order/pick an SS.

>> No.7261451

Don't buy petticoats from bodyline.
For ~$40 you can get an awesome petti from Classical Puppets; do that instead.

>> No.7261456

NO. NO NO NO. BL pettis are shit anon! For a reasonably priced petti buy a classical puppet one! There are also a vast amount of petticoat guides if you use google.

>> No.7261487


Speaking of which, does classical puppets still have their aliexpress shop? I know an anon got a petticoat off of there once.

>> No.7261488

I've used a SS for cosplay wigs but not clothing items. Since I'll be looking into going taobao anyway I might as well bypass Bodyline. Just looking for reasonable basics in goth/classic. Looking at mostly Infanta since Rose Meoldy seems to be on hiatus until February. Or is there another taobao store with reasonable basic frills for a starter?

>> No.7261499

Infanta, R-Series, Magic Tea Party for blouses (they sell dresses as well, but I can't comment on their quality), Krad Lanrete, Antaina if you need shoes.

Check out the taobao shop lists if you haven't already.

>> No.7261501


Chess story, 69th department, and Magic Tea Party all have reasonable blouses. Magic Tea Party has some very reasonable priced JSK too with good quality. Surface Spell custom has some more gothic stuff but can definitely be used for classic, and is also nice quality. Ista Mori has some interesting things. Those are the ones off the top of my head. You can check the spreadsheet for more stuff. And there are threads to keep up with updates on taobao as well.

http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kw=lolita is what I use - just scroll down and see '[2013] to 14 winter dress discussion thread December to February' and you can see what indie taobao brand is releasing what.

You can always just search loliable blouses as well, but I'm finding aliexpress to be a good alternative for these sorts of things if you want to look into something cheaper.

>> No.7261502

This may sound like a dumb question but how do I stay protected as a seller doing a payment plan? I don't want someone to do a chargeback, keep the dress, and then get compensated for only half the price.

Do you invoice them or have them send it to you as a gift?

>> No.7261503

Try surface spell, dear celine, akane&alois, Kidsyoyo and R-series.

I've really never been a huge Rose Melody fan? They always seem like babby's first ita taobao purchase, but maybe I've just seen their crap stuff out there.

>> No.7261509

As the seller you kind of already protected if the plan goes over the 45 day period. You can ask for a gift payment if you want to be 100% protected though, since they can't do a charge back on gift.

>> No.7261512

I ordered 20,000yen+ worth of stuff from her and its on its way, I'm so excited!

>> No.7261513

Post pictures and a review please! She's so nice and I was so happy with my headdresses! What all did you buy?

>> No.7261517

And if the plan goes for less than that? Wouldn't they be able to dispute them (idk saying they didn't get a tracking # for the first invoice when it's attached to the second)?

Sorry for being paranoid. I was involved in the Maiko shit storm and while I got my money back, I don't want to relive it again.

>> No.7261520

What did you buy, anon? I'm the person who was asking about a dress earlier.

>> No.7261524

What's the deal with A&A and Surface Spell lately?
Neither have had much in their shops.

>> No.7261527

probably on winter break or something, A&A never really has much to begin with though, only like 3 or 4 main pieces

>> No.7261530

Would it be safe to assume that I.W will be doing a new years sale soon?

>> No.7261532

you know I can't really say... your best bet, and I know this may be a hassle, is to call PayPal and ask. And I would literally call them at least 3 times and speak to 3 different people to make sure you haven't gotten a nub on the first call who doesn't really know how to answer the question

>> No.7261535


Akane and Alois is apparently a one woman team, with her boyfriend occasionally translating emails (last I heard). She has stuff up whenever she has the fabric, otherwise she takes it down when she runs out. It's quite slow, but the quality's pretty good for the price. I think she's just out of stuff right now/doesn't want to work on too much - she's a bit unpredictable like that.

Surface Spell ready stock's stuff is notorious for selling out within like 3 hours of posting. Their highly anticipated releases sell out ridiculously quickly, while others just have leftover stock languishing for ages. If you want a more readily stocked thing, Surface Spell custom will have more and you don't need to pray for the world's best taobao agent.

>> No.7261539
File: 240 KB, 1000x1500, 1388102189370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't help but lol at the fact this girl is wearing the dress backwards.

>> No.7261544

A bunch of head dresses and accessories, most of them made out of velvet. I'll post pictures and reviews when it arrives! Planning on getting either the swallowtail coat or a dress next month.

>> No.7261566

wow but it still looks cute?

>> No.7261579

Looking for a dress or skirt with a Japanese print included. Not waloli, just something with a kimono-like print even if it's just an accent.

>> No.7261703

It looks good like that. You would have to have a flat bust to pull that off but it does work in her. I am sure it was intentional.

>> No.7261708

I fucking love it, though.

>> No.7261722

I have to ask, I remember awhile back I saw in a co-ord thread a co-ord that combined what looked like classic lolita with medieval armor.

Does anyone have the image?

Googling is getting me nowhere unfortunately.

>> No.7261730

I thought it was backwards too. But she looks so cute.

>> No.7261894

Victorian girl dress are good as well plus fit up to 40"hip

>> No.7261911

Their Japanese site has a notice about sales in their physical stores, but nothing about online sales yet. Maybe it'll be mentioned with their next update.

>> No.7261967

How do I purchase dresses that are listet here ?: http://www.rakuten.ne.jp/gold/tokyoalice/sateihyou/pretty.html

>> No.7261969

Is it rude to buy and wear a dress that another girl in your comm already owns and has worn at a meetup? I went to a meetup recently and someone there had a dress I really liked, and I had actually been planning to get before I knew she had it. So I'm torn because I wonder how that would seem to her, if it's rude or if it would cause drama, I don't want to do it. But, I really like that dress!

>> No.7261981

Uh, no.
Plenty of girls have the same dresses. Twinning and even whole meet ups centered around dresses are/have been a thing.

>> No.7261983

You sound new.
Most lolitas don't worry about having the same dress, it's a niche fashion and there are only that many new releases and dresses in circulation. She's unlikely to get offended unless you copy her outfit exactly.
If you like the dress, get it. Make yourself happy.

>> No.7261989

Did you not see the big notice in english on their front page?

>> No.7262229

I got my labyrinth invoice today from BTSSB and the total was 37,440 yen. Does anyone know if we paypal them exactly the amount requested or do we need to add in paypal fees to the total?

>> No.7262231

Send the exact amount. PayPal fees are paid by their account.

>> No.7262333

Okay so uh, I'm getting into lolita but I'm wondering where I could buy clothes for big busted? My chest is the only problem. I'm a 36 DD

>> No.7262352

Am I the only one that gets annoyed when someone types a single word/phrase in Japanese when trying to 'prove that the Japanese (lolitas) do X!" when it's clear the majority does not speak the language?
I always feel they're trying to prove, "Since I can type it in Japanese, I'm obviously right."

>> No.7262382

that is NOT big. also, no one knows what will fit you based on your band and cup size. you need to measure around the fullest part of your bust, get that measurement in cm, and check it against the max measurements listed by the brands. it isn't rocket science, god.

>> No.7262442


TBH just because you fit within listed brand measurements doesn't mean it will look good. I'm 32DD (which is 70cm underbust and 91cm bust, so standard size) and get an ugly boobloaf in many pieces. I can get into them no prob and do not bust seams, but patterns are cut too shallow to accomodate a curvier silhouette (more than a B cup really) and end up squishing me.

So yeah, cup size kinda does matter.

Your best bet is to go for some custom sized Taobao or indie dresses. And avoid designs with short bodices, bigger boobs eat them completely.

>> No.7262458

My measurement when I was at that size was about a 41-42" bust. This is assuming your bra measurement is correct. I could fit into a good deal of full back shirred AP JSKs (so long as the listed measurements went to 110cm+). But with a lot of their older full back shirring from a year or two back and with special sets, they tend to max out around 40".

There's a lot of older baby pieces, full shirred meta, (maybe their back shirred, I only own Meta skirts at this point, sadly), and there's also a good deal of Innocent world. But like >>7262442 mentioned, not much is cut for a cup size over a B. Innocent world is the worst, but they also have very forgiving, stretchy back shirring.

I'd recommend investing in a good steel-boned underbust corset because it helps to keep your boobs from eating up the entire space of the bodice. It also helps with the flatness and pushes them up a bit higher so that it fits more nicely into the bodice. It's not a 100% perfect fix, but it helps, especially if you like high waisted/empire waisted jsks. I find they look best on me since the focus is less on my giant boobs and more on the dress itself.

I don't want to go around telling people to lose weight, because it's up to everyone to decide what they want to do with their own body. But getting a bit under 100cm or so even with a minimizer (which I would recommend anyway, helps a ton) will help so much with your choices in what you can fit into.

>> No.7262492
File: 66 KB, 660x720, bali-bal001-180-gsz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can also try a mesh bra with a "vintage" silhouette to make your bust less loaf-y and more defined so you don't look crazy squished into your OPs and JSKs. pic related, it's Bali's Flower Bra, I'm a 32D/DD, 38" bust, and this has helped prevent boobloafing and also acts like a minimizer. it's amazing.

>> No.7262531


I'm the anon who posted it originally, yea she managed to pull it off, maybe it didn't suit her the other way around.

>> No.7262544

Not same anon, but I think I'll look into that type of bra

>> No.7262581

The only people who actually care about boobloaf are snobby bitches on /cgl/. Same goes for pettis showing, bloomers showing, skin showing between the top of your OTKs and the hem of your skirt, etc. it's all bull invented by the international community because they have to put their special snowflake spin on everything.

>> No.7262594


Really? hiyl this is true to some point, people DO care about this. Even more importent: People who WEAR the clothes care about it.
When I hve a dress and I have an awful boobloaf in it, I will not wear it, because it doesn't look the way it's supposed to be, and I do not feel pretty in them.

(Although I do wear dresses with like, a slightly boob loaf, when I wear shape wear underneath. Sometimes the slgiht boob loaf you get in this won't be hidden by the dress 100%, even if I'm under the max measurements. But no regrets)

>> No.7262596

Boobloaf looks bad. Your petticoat showing looks bad. Bloomers showing is down to opinion, but usually if it's a tiny amount then it's ok. If skin is showing above the OTKs then depending on how much the dress could be too short but you can't summarise whether its either good or bad.

>> No.7262598

Uh, normal people even care about boobloaf in regular clothes, it looks ridiculous.

>> No.7262623

>hello tumblrfag

>> No.7262625
File: 117 KB, 480x640, bloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets the bloomers run free

>> No.7262694
File: 88 KB, 494x336, skeleton-computer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still waiting for my invoice
>having nightmares about getting a "oops, your item was sold out, too bad so sad" email

>> No.7262829

>The only people who actually care about looking nice are snobby bitches on /cgl/. The specifically lolita aesthetic is all bull invented by the international community and I don't respect it because I have to put muh speshul snowflake spin on everything.


>> No.7262972

MM released a resale questionnaire!

>> No.7263480

Thanks! Do you also know if BTSSB confirms receiving payment, or do they not contact you until they've shipped your reserves out?

>> No.7264066

Oh okay thanks. I just measured and Im 36 bust and 30 under if that helps any.
Alright thanks a bunch!

>> No.7265287

Anyone bought a moitie luckypack before? I'm interested but do NOT want the harpischord/alchemy print.

>> No.7265775

does anyone have any information about aatps lucifer series? i ordered the headband in a reserve and not even the reserver has heard anything about it yet. this was like a month ago