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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7258606 No.7258606[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I do it?

The nearest comm is about 200km away and I live in a small city (100k pop). So far I've found only one person besides myself who is into it, and met a lot of people who knew the heck I was wearing out on the street. So there is definitely a community base somewhere!
How do I get these people to find me? How do I find them?
Its been a year and its getting pretty lonely and I'd love to have more people to fight off bogans with.

> Facebook group an imperative?
> Flyers around town? At the anime store, university, library?
> What should be on the flyer?

>> No.7258621

You in Straya, cunt? Join your state comm. Anyone who's in your local area will probably be in it. Unless you're in NT or something.

>> No.7258630
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Traveling 200km to and back just for 2hr meets?

>> No.7258634

And I've joined my state comm. That's how I found the one and only person from my locale.
But there are lolitas I've known from other walks of life from the the state comm's hosted city and they didnt even know about the comm. So I'm guessing, why not go local?

>> No.7258648
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if you're gonna make posters use something from imai kira

>> No.7258655


To be honest, I doubt you're going to find anyone else. In Victoria, small cities with comparable populations (Bendigo and Geelong in our case) only have one or two lolitas max.

I guess if you really want to try to find others, you'd just have to go out more often and see who approaches you.

To be honest, the flyers sound like they will probably attract unwanted attention -- either from otaku creepers or hot messes.

>> No.7258681

Probably... I'm still under the notion, don't knock it till I try it. Thank you for the grounding however, I'll be ready for any disappointments.

Yeah, creepers seem a little threatening though those can happen even just having a Facebook group in general (hence invite after screening only!), but hot messes can be salvageable? And If I used wording that targeted the fact that the group is for developing lovely outfits? And let them I mostly just dont want lurkers or "I'll just watch from the distance" kind of members at the moment, only people who are serious and actually immersed in the fashion.

I might do!

>> No.7258776

Being in QLD sucks, when you're in the middle of nowhere. I'm part of the comm but I find it hard to make a trip to Brisbane more than twice a year. I plan to head further north to Townsville area next year for a family visit and I believe there's some girls there through the Brisbane Rufflebutts fb page, so I guess it's a good thing that all of QLD is put into the single Briscomm genre. As far as I know Brisbane Rufflebutts encompasses all of QLD and it would be nice if the fb page actually reflected that (unless I'm totally missing something and there's a seperate QLD page?)
idek I am retarded because of the heat right now. It's hard to search lolita pages when they're usually 'secret' and you have to be invited to them...fml

>> No.7258804

Hi anon I understand exactly where you are coming from. I'm further north then Townsville and the only lolita in my city but I have travelled to Townsville before for a meet. The townsville lolitas are lovely, most of them are members of rufflebutts and the townsville comm page. I hope you get to meet with others soon.

>> No.7258841

Two questions, how many girls are in the Townsville comm and how the hell do you manage the heat? It must be terrible up there!

>> No.7258850

Absolutely no separate QLD comm as far as I've scoured. There's just the encompassing Australian Comm.

Damn this heat too, I just want to be cute and not sweat like a horse

>> No.7258878


Is there one for ACT? Or should I go with NSW?

>> No.7258906


facebook groups/263198573701246/

>> No.7258938

Joining the aussie Lolita feels.
Being 5 hours away from a major city sucks.

>> No.7258940

Another Canberra loli?

>> No.7258952

What's your major city?
Those feels when there's no fellow lolita friend in your area to admire your wardrobe/swap pieces/help you dress/go to lunch with you...So ronery

>> No.7258954

Kinda smack bang in the middle of Sydney and Brisbane.

>> No.7258963

There are 11 in the group but normally five or so show up to meets. I try to wear light weight coords in summer and if I am going all out I try to spend most of my time in aircon. The heat is bad but the humidity is worse. Do you live somewhere near Mackay or Rocky anon?

>> No.7258966

I know there are some girls in I Newcastle and Gold Coast anon.

>> No.7258976


Not yet! I'm moving to being uni at ANU there next year. Honestly, I'm pretty nervous about joining the comm because I'm very new at lolita and have only half assed bodyline coords in my bedroom before. But I do want to get serious about it and meet other lolis, and hopefully not be overly newbie ita.

>> No.7258980

Yeah, Rum City. There have been lolitas here and in surrounding areas, but they've all moved.

>> No.7259048

>small city
>100k pop

Try living in 8k

>> No.7259233

8k is a town, not a small city

not even ausfag but lurking for info on this anyway

>> No.7259247


Seconding this! We always try to stick to places with air-con. :/ To hot...fook dat, especially now summer is here.

The fb page for the NQ lolis is private, but if you make a post on the Bris comm's page one of us will add you to the group if you would like?

>> No.7259250

>No separate QLD comm

internet skill fail

>> No.7259252

What are the magic key words?

>> No.7259333

oz lolita archives
egl archives
....asking anons on cgl

The list goes on.

>> No.7260029
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>townsville, austrailia
>mean max temp 85 degrees

I mean I'm sure it hits 90 sometimes but that's nothing

>> No.7260147 [DELETED] 

Wow I would hate to live were you do then anon.

It's mostly the humidity that kills.

>> No.7260153

Wow I would hate to live where you do then anon. What's your average temperature?

It's mostly the humidity that kills.

>> No.7260223

The humidity and temperature is even worse in Cairns.

>> No.7260248

You are absolutely no hope whatsoever.
>Listing Oz lolita as if it is still active
>Egl archives as if they aren't out of date
>Asking cgl as if that isn't what we're doing
No. There is no QLD only comm. There is only the brisbane comm which handles all of QLD.

>> No.7260298

I'm in the Newcastle UK comm and we've had about 5 Aussie girls try to join not realising.

>> No.7260629

I'm in the same situation as OP, and what I've done was have a facebook page for my area and posted it in the state's community page. I've also made effort to wear lolita while out and about, and going to conventions closer to my area. Surprisingly, I've managed to run across people who wear the fashion, even if they happen to be in cosplay (at the local con) or in muggle clothing. As with the fb group, from what I saw, it's a good idea to keep it updated and active even if there are only a handful of people in it. I like scoping out the town and leaf through tourist/park district brochures for meet up ideas. Having a bunch of options might encourage others to want to attend meets.

>> No.7260938
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Did you even read what that post was in reply

>Absolutely no separate QLD comm as far as I've scoured. There's just the encompassing Australian Comm.

I am not sure what you got out of that but I read that as anon thinking that there was no QLD comm at all only the Australian one on fb.

Both egl and oz lolita may be out of date and almost non active but there are still recent post with answers and information if you bother to look.

And anon did not ask but I sure hope they read as there is now relevant information.

>> No.7260940

Holy shit anon I'm going to ANU starting next year as well.

>tfw not a loli but only an enthusiast :(

>> No.7260942
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>> No.7260949

My bad anon guess I should have read all the replies to understand the post better.

I do agree with >>7260938 however.
The above mentioned places may be overly inactive but there are answers to be found if anyone bothers to actually search them.

>> No.7260954

So is there really a loli in NT somewhere?

Someone was saying that there was somebody form every state at the Misako tea party.

>> No.7262334

bump for more aus lolis!

>> No.7262338


Ooh, are you staying in a dorm?
Also, I just own a few crappy bodyline pieces ATM but I'm gonna buy a good op once I get a new job in Canberra

>Also tfw Canberra Lolitas ignore my FB request

>> No.7262348

Yeah there was a girl from Darwin although I think she's moving/moved.

There was anon.

>> No.7262370

No, I live here.
Hope it all goes well for you next year! Might see you around campus then :D

>> No.7262428

I remember being directed to search for someone who was supposedly from my city a while back on OZlolita and had no turn ups then, so I guess I truly am awful at internet skills. Good thing I said "as far as I scoured" instead of saying I searched everywhere, that would be even more embarrassing.
So if In interpreting this correctly, do you suggest there is a comm for all over QLD that isn't Rufflebutts?

Thank you so much!! I know its not a question most people can answer but I was bummed this just turned into an Aus lolita thread without even just some advice on what would be decent to write on a poster without seeming like a kawaii neko cosplay group but not seem snobbish, that's the most of what I wanted. I've made the FB page now, and am working on the opening message. Never ran anything like this before!