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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7249041 No.7249041[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If you could, would you sell pictures of yourself to others and make a profit off your appearance in the cosplay community? Do you consider this sort of thing skillful or damaging?
Ex. Cosplay Deviants, posters, calendars, signs, etc.

>> No.7249042

it's lame and will never stop being lame.

Unless you are showing off your original design that you made people have no business making profit off pictures of someone else's designs.

>> No.7249051

not only is it lame, but also damaging cosplay community

ever since few people made profit off of selling cosplay prints, many other people started doing it, and in turn people's ego grew bigger and separation of community grew just as larger.

>> No.7249052
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People will fap to you either way

may as well make some money from it

>> No.7249071

Why doesn't jnig get flack for the obvious play on 'Nigga please!' ?

>> No.7249075
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I'm torn because modeling can be a real job and it's basically the same thing. Marketing yourself to those who can help you pay bills and finance your hobby.

Every cosplayer I know who sells posters of themselves usually say something along the lines of 'I'm so lucky to get paid to do something I love.' So I feel although most cosplayers would be against it due to competition and the negative outlook that sexuality is not okay to be flaunting around. If given the chance they'd do the same if the chance appeared. Cosplayers tend to be hypocrites. At the same time though anyone who has a skill will self promote it, cosplay related or not.

I don't see it as damaging, smart more than anything. But I do get bored of the same overdone characters by any hot cosplayer ever. It's a formula to make money. Models have been doing this for centuries but when cosplayers do it all hell breaks loose.

>> No.7249078
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most cosplayers who are against prints are ugly and couldnt sell them even if they wanted

>> No.7249082

you're comparing an actual job where you're hired to wear other people's design vs a dorky hobby where these cosplayers are using designs that are not theirs/ not sactioned by designers, as means to profit.

gimme a break, seriously?

>> No.7249089
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who here buys prints anf why?

>> No.7249090

By this comparison, are you okay with cosplay booth babes hired by the actual companies at stuff like TGS and E3? Or even the cosplayers acp has sign up to hang out at booths for anime companies at cons.

Just curious, not that anon I'm just passing by this thread and think you have a good point, but.

>> No.7249092

Not really. Models have been sporting cheap halloween costumes longer before us, which also aren't sanctioned by the designers. But I do get where your coming from. So you feel if they personalized designs then sold them it'd be okay? Which is ironic because cgl seems to hate when cosplayers do that.

>> No.7249095

not every anons in cgl think the same way. If it's original design, fine. their design, they deserve it.

>> No.7249109
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Has any cosplayer ever been sued for cosplaying specific characters by the designers? No.
Have they been hired before to help promote the company? Yes.
That's. what. models. do.

>> No.7249107

It's obnoxious and screams attention whore. Not to mention it does take the fun out of just cosplaying a character you like for the sake of it versus being someone who scams stupid people into buying self prints. The people who do this arent as impressive as they think.

>> No.7249110

both booth babes and ACP cosplayers were hired by companies in order to promote their product/event. With ACP, they don't get paid, rather they get their badges comp'd.

Ask yourself, when's the last time any legit company ever promoted cosplay print sales? I've never seen one, and I'm sure many people haven't either. That's because there's no profit to be made for the company from promoting them.

>> No.7249115

Why is her wig red if she's cosplaying Cutie Honey? Siiiiigh . Bitches always messing up my old school anime.

>> No.7249121

It is an expensive hobby though, and putting so much effort into a costume and getting nothing out of it but tired hands and an empty bank account can be disheartening after years of doing it. So I do see the allure it has if someone could make a living off dressing up.

>> No.7249123

can you imagine PR backlash if famous cosplayer get sued for it? Not to mention, most of them don't make enough money off prints to justify lawsuit

>> No.7249124


>> No.7249128

Tfw her photographer gets nothing.

>> No.7249132
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>it's an expensive hobby
>a hobby
That's exactly it. A hobby isn't a real job or a form of currency. It's what you do for fun. Literal definition of a hobby. And it's not that expensive. I work retail and can afford three cons a year with one to two new cosplays per con.

People need to stop trying to turn a hobby into a business. It's not going to happen.

>> No.7249135
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only thing I dont like is when they sell pics of their tits then turn around and act aghast when someone sexualizes them

>> No.7249134

If I knew there was demand I would do it. Why not? I'm not going to delude myself into thinking people want photos of me without them specifically requesting though.

>> No.7249138

I've never really understood what the big fat deal is. You're taking a 2D design and making it into a 3-dimensional outfit and then selling an image of that outfit with you in it. Everyone knows that copslay is an homage to someone else's design. You don't buy a cosplayer's prints thinking "WOW THEY ARE AN AMAZING DESIGNER."

Credit for the design is given when you credit the design source. You credit the cosplayer for construction (or lack of). Unless the original source says, "no cosplay please" which would be retarded, who the hell cares?

>> No.7249142

and that's what bugs me about cosplay prints. The economy and contract negotiation is so fucked up (most of time though, non-existent) that it's too one-sided.

>> No.7249146
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>Hobbies shouldn't become a profession.

Tell that to any successful artist, singer, writer, actor, etc. ever.

>> No.7249148

You could say the same thing for golf. Are you pretending to be retarded?

>> No.7249152

They already know it's a long shot. It could happen but probably not.

>> No.7249156

Not quite. Touhou's author sues people who sell fanworks of his series. He's done it to many doujinshi artists and to a couple of chinese cosplayers who were selling books that included cosplays of Touhou characters.

>> No.7249166

I dont like paying for physical things I hope more cosplayers star selling "sexy" photoshoots and stuff instead

>> No.7249163

Yes I could say the same about golf. Professional golf players get paid. Some even get their face plastered on cereal boxes. Your point?

>> No.7249167

Hobbies can become professions , but very few actually make a living out if it. It's more about your connections.

Also, cosplay just can't be turned into a main source of livable income. Keep dreaming.

>> No.7249168

A lot of the reasons for the print-hate just come off as bitterness that stems from people like Jnig who only do these things to stroke their own massive egos. I can't see buying a print from someone who obviously is only involved in the hobby for self-serving reasons, but if it were a respectable cosplayer who puts a lot of effort into their costumes, I might buy something from them.

>people have no business making profit off pictures of someone else's designs.
What about fan-art, including plushies and other "unofficial merch"? What if it was made by following someone else's tutorial? Sure its someone else's design, but if they actually put their own effort into it, it's not the same as printing out another artist's work and trying to sell it as your own.

>not only is it lame, but also damaging cosplay community
How so? How is someone selling prints legitimately hurting the cosplay community? It was already brought up in another thread that egocentric people have always existed in cosplay, they just have better platforms to whore themselves out now. I don't see how selling prints is inherently attention whoring unless the person selling them clearly intends for it to be.

Modeling and cosplay aren't really the same thing, though. As a model you're selling your look. Cosplay is not about trying to sell your look or advertise what you're wearing, but about recreating a 2d image in 3d.

>And it's not that expensive
Depends on what types of cosplay you're doing. Elaborate cosplays could run you a few hundred.

>A hobby isn't a real job or a form of currency
If profiting off of a hobby is bad, wouldn't that also demonize the entirety of AA?

I do agree with this.

This bugs me, too. I mean, the photogs agree to this, but it seems even more dickish than SG's old photography contract...

>> No.7249170
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Now does that happen to every golfer? No. A very few. In fact for most people it's not going to happen. This is a very simple concept to understand.

>> No.7249176

It's already happening..has been since forever. Hence why it's popular?

>> No.7249184

The probability of it happening for an individual is not a good enough for it to be a serious investment.

>> No.7249185

I never said every cosplayer ever is going to be famous, but those who can should. Butthurt much?

>> No.7249192
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I didn't say or imply you did.

>> No.7249208

But you did. By suggesting that hobbies shouldn't become serious professions because it's unrealistic. When in actuality most professions only got that way because of their love for the hobby. What part am I missing?

>> No.7249218

The part where I said
>By suggesting that hobbies shouldn't become serious professions because it's unrealistic.
I didn't post this however, most normal people who understand natural speech can understand this to mean that the odds are very low thus not making it a wise investment in time or money. I can't make it any simpler.

>> No.7249239

I'm really proud of all my past work in the past, so I was thinking of selling post-card sized prints of my costumes (with photog's permission) at artist alleys alongside my other artsy crap. I feel like if I made some kind of huge poster type deal thing though, it'd make me feel vain about myself. I don't care if other people do it, I just don't feel THAT great about my stuff.

So it's like a trading card of sorts.

>> No.7249241

Okay, well I'm talking about those who can and are. People who have money thrown at them for posting just a single picture of cleavage. If you were in their shoes would you make a living off of willing fans? The thread topic.

>> No.7249244

Except you're making money off others designs. And that's unfair, easy, and not respectable.

>> No.7249247

> well I'm talking those who can and are
Oh so like 5 people who will get really lucky. Nice shit thread.

>> No.7249263

I have more respect for cosplayers who have been doing it for awhile and then sell pictures then this new generation of cosplayers with 200K likes and never started cosplaying up until 3 years ago when they saw other girls making money doing it. I've been a fan forever but never dressed up because I thought it was stupid till I found out you could make money out of it.

I bet 90% of these new girls would quit cosplaying if they couldn't make money from it and weren't being invited to conventions.

>> No.7249271

Cosplayers being invited guests at cons always made me laugh. That self importance.
People sucking Pilkmin Link's cock especially.

>> No.7249293
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No I'm just asking for opinions on the subject, get the stick outta your ass. Has nothing to do with statistics, just fucking use your imagination. Damn anon. Over complicating the simplest topic here.

>> No.7249295

No one cares. If they get paid, oh well. They're getting money while you're crying about it on 4chan.

>> No.7249301

I agree with this! I don't mind being a fan for someone who obviously has love for the fandom, but a fetish model who just puts on a pink corset and blonde wig then sells posters of it calling it a Peach Sexy Cosplay leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

>> No.7249312

>Over complicating things
I was trying to explain what a hobby was because apparently this concept is to hard for you to understand

>> No.7249334

This. So much this.

>> No.7249343
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>> No.7249342

Selling pictures of yourself is prostitution.

>> No.7249346

Half of any artists' alley involves work from other people's designs. Lord knows how many pins/bookmarks/perler sprites/fanart prints I've seen of copywrited characters.

No, my real problem with cosplay prints is a lot of 'em just suck. Either the source material for the print was too low res, or the print's kinda blurry, or there's so much photoshop its noticable...a quality product's hard to come by.

>> No.7249352

Lol yep, thats what I was referencing. But I mean, I can't really hate her as much as I hate her fans for supporting her actions.

>> No.7249371

I personally think it's pathetic when cosplayers sell prints of themselves, it's a hobby and something you do for fun, not a get rich quick scheme. There are exceptions if you want to do it for a career like Yaya or Jnig, but let's face it they have no real job skills so that's all they can do is show tits.

>> No.7249377

saying cosplayers are like models is like saying eSports players are like football players.

It's outright retarded.

>> No.7249386

What if showing their tits is their job skill? It apparently got them this far, they're already set for life.

>> No.7249405

Then I don't think you know what models do. Cosplay models not only have to look good in costume and in front of a camera, but most of them make their own shit too and do all their promoting without the help of an agency. Tell me moar about cosplayers being not as pro as models.

>> No.7249411

What a sad way to live

>> No.7249428

Nah, I bet it must be nice to live in fame because your body is your merchandise and heavily sought after.

>> No.7249467

You know what really takes the fun out of cosplay? Jealous fatties. They care way too much about other more attractive woman and freak out over sexuality. Haters gonna hate? But really I think most people generally advertise their best attributes and there shouldn't be any shame in doing so.

>> No.7249472

>You know what really takes the fun out of cosplay? Jealous fatties.

Also people who need to make everything about sex so they are noticed.

There is a happy medium.

>> No.7249493
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be grill gamer
optional: wear cosplay

get donations

>> No.7249502

Why not be sexy? Sex is natural and beautiful. Provides less stress and is inspirational. Though I agree that there's a time in place for it, but I feel a lot of sexual shaming of the feminine body when it's something worth celebrating and enjoying to the fullest.

>> No.7249505

Where do you get your shit info from? Comparing cosplay hobbies to an actual professional modeling job is beyond laughable.

This. Both extremes are obnoxious.

>> No.7249511

I guess spreading STDs is a beautiful thing too
>mfw 1 in every 4 people has one

>> No.7249513

I love sex. I have sex with my wife all the time. But there's seriously a time and place for it, and it's not the cosplay hobby. Oversexualization of this hobby has ruined a lot of people's mindset and inflated egos. People don't care if you even made your costume anymore. People get recognized for the wrong reasons.

>> No.7249515

It's so easy I would do this. Nothing better than receiving many compliments and money every day for just looking good. But then again looking good is a whole other skill set that I lack knowledge of.

>> No.7249520

Youth is very limited. These people will find out soon enough once they start sagging. Getting by with only your looks and no brains/skills won't last.

>> No.7249536


you cant separate cosplay from sexuality

the characters were designed to be sexy (yes even the clothed ones)
and you are dressing like those sexualized characters, so what do you expect?

>> No.7249534

Or maybe the right ones as most of those who are oversexualizing things cater to the audience who want it most? The fans get what they want and it's clear most of them want T&A. Some even want more. But really this size of some famous cosplayers boobs isn't harming your life directly, it's just entertainment and should be respected as such. Who's really at fault here, the cosplayers or the fans?

>> No.7249540

Too bad she is nothing special looks-wise.

>> No.7249548

None of that is true. Do you know what cosplay means? Not every character ever is designed to be a big breasted woman or shirtless man. The fuck..
I've cosplayed Klingons. Don't even.

You can separate the two pretty damn easily.

>> No.7249550

True, most anime and comics are drawn by the male gaze. It's only natural women assume that's what men want. Then get ridiculed for choosing that life style.

>> No.7249567

You are aware Star Trek even does this right? Dem uniforms.

>> No.7249586

Women fought for our right so we wouldn't have to be treated like objects. Why are we progressing backwards?

>> No.7249589

> Not every character ever is designed to be a big breasted woman or shirtless man.

You do not need to be big breasted or shirtless to be sexualized

The vast, vast majority of female characters in media(and probably most men too) are created to be attractive.

>I've cosplayed Klingons. Don't even.

Bad example, because plenty of people want to fuck Klingons.
But even if you personally cosplay something non-sexual, 99% of women cosplayers choose attractive characters.

Sex is a part of life, and affects everything we do, you cant simply ignore it.

>> No.7249593

Can someone please explain this logic that comes up in threads like this all the time:

-Oh ppl who sell prints are hurting the community!!!
-They take away the attention from ppl who work hard and have amazing skills!
--But wouldnt that mean your cosplaying then for attention or at least recognition and not fun?

>> No.7249598

You are aware that all the uniforms are the same?
Not to mention saying all characters ever are created to be overly sexual is retarded as fuck.

>> No.7249609

We deserve it more because we put effort into our costumes and actually know the character for starters?

>> No.7249627

I don't know, but it's pretty damn enraging. I think the women who do this are just lazy and some men continue to act like cavemen and will continue to buy their shitty prints.

>> No.7249632


>-Oh ppl who sell prints are hurting the community!!!
>-They take away the attention from ppl who work hard and have amazing skills!
>--But wouldnt that mean your cosplaying then for attention or at least recognition and not fun?

No one said the skilled people weren't doing it for some attention. Of course they are, they are just earning it through a skill and not their body.
They were just pointed out there are people who ONLY do it for attention and those people are hurting the community.

>> No.7249653

>They were just pointed out there are people who ONLY do it for attention and those people are hurting the community.


>> No.7249662

newsflash, cosplay was always about hot chicks and sex appeal

you newfags probably dont remember someone like Alisa Chan or sites like Teaserama

>> No.7249672

I've been cosplaying since 1999. And no, it wasn't. Try again.

>> No.7249682


Let me see.

1. Sexualizing things for the sake of sexualizing them.
2. Lying about what they are actually fans of.
3. Not giving credit to photographers and commissioners so they can look like an amazing jack of all trades just for more attention and $$
4. Taking the spotlight off people who have been sewing for years and have paid their dues and make amazing things as a result.

1.Really not much all that wrong with this except it makes the cosplayer look desperate for approval rather than cosplaying something cause they like it.
2. Everyone now feels they have to jump on the bandwagon to be noticed now. You see less and less older cosplay when not more than 5 yrs ago you saw more cosplay from the 80s and 90s cause less people lied about what they liked.
3.Lying is just bad. If you have to omit facts to look better in the eyes of strangers you got some issues.
4. See if we took the spotlight off the hotpants and bra cosplay we could get back to skill which enriches the entire hobby as we have more emphasis on techniques that get wide spread and make us all better. And less focus who got a boob job.

>> No.7249685

>Except you're making money off others designs. And that's unfair, easy, and not respectable.
Whoops better shut down like half the booths in Artist Alley.

If the idea itself wasn't bad enough, the fact that people donated thousands and
>Out of focus photography
>Exif shows the camera she raised funds for was only used in 2 photos
>Complete arbitrary, generic, unfitting location
>Couldn't be assed to buy shoes with the hundreds she raised for a cosplay that looks like some mass produced lingerie

>> No.7249686


backing up >>7249672

I've been a cosplayer since 1998 and I remember. No it wasn't about hot chicks and sex appeal.

There were some, of course. But they were outliers in a skill and fandom driven hobby.

>> No.7249697

How does this stop someone from just ignoring all of this and just keep cosplaying? This is where I'm having the difficulty understanding peoples arguments. Why do people need so much validation? It must be exhausting for both types of cosplayers to care so much about attention.

>> No.7249723

Cosplaying has always been about getting attention, not 'because I love the character I want to BE them' that's bullshit and you all know it.

Attractive women dressing up as attractive characters and other people liking it so much they may want to buy pictures of them is not hurting the cosplay community.

More anons need to admit they're jealous of good looking girls who get to dress as cute characters and make money off of it.

>> No.7249730
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> not 'because I love the character I want to BE them'

>> No.7249735

>Saying things makes them true
The opposite of what you said is true and you know it.

>> No.7249737

>happy medium
If no one can actually tell this is pretty much a troll trolling trolls thread.

>> No.7249747

Don't talk shit about mai crazy cospuray waifu

>> No.7249753

Nope. What I said is true and only a few anons can admit it to themselves. Cosplaying is and has always been about getting attention and most who shit talk famous cosplayers who get money off of it are just jealous.

>> No.7249757

Nope. What I said is true and only a few anons can admit it to themselves. Cosplaying is and has always been about the costume and most who shit talk famous cosplayers who get money off of it are correct.

>> No.7249764

Spoken like a true jelly uggo.

>> No.7249768

No you are the on who is an uggo.

>> No.7249773

Lol good one

>> No.7249811

>If you could, would you
Yes they would.

>> No.7249825

well, isn't that the whole point of artist alley?
I've also made all my costumes, so I don't really see a big deal. If you don't want to buy it, then don't buy it, big woop, it doesn't affect you.

>> No.7249832

that's a huge double standard and you know it

>> No.7249841

how do you know? Just because people who sell prints of themselves, it doesn't mean they don't love the series it's from.

Just like most all artist alley folks, they love drawing as a hobby = make money off of it = smart

but if a cosplayer does the same, they're somehow prostitutes. That's such a stupid logic. It shouldn't be taboo, and not all people who sell prints of their costumes have prints of them being "sexy," maybe it's just a print of a really awesome costume, geeze all this jelly

>> No.7249846

>tfw no breasts

I cannot do this, men who are into girls with small bodies and small breasts don't go around throwing money at them.

>> No.7249849

I agree with you except for that some people actually love the character, and that should be something people aspire to doing to making it a costume they love

>> No.7249853

>I'm such a big fan of Bstman, here's a photo for $10 of me wearing Harley Quinn. Tee hee

> I actually used my talents to draw and create this awesome Batman drawing. I'm inspired by Jim Lee. Here's an awesome Batarang keychain I made with my laser cutter

I don't think the two are the same

>> No.7249856

people cosplay for different reasons, it's not right to just define someone else's aspirations for a hobby, so you're both full of bullshit really

>> No.7249859
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Actually there's a lot also drawn by women, too. Usually the more lewd ones tend to be drawn by women. Picture related.

>> No.7249868

really now

What if the guy casted and molded his batman costume helmet or whatever, made all his weapons, learned how to actually sew a good body suit and based it on his love for Jim Lee and made a fuckin' bat mobile or what have you.

Isn't that equal or even more than the same thing?

>> No.7249875

yeah, and take a dynamic picture of that versus a terrible picture a guy drew of a nerd wearing a harley shirt. Double. fucking. standards.

>> No.7249876

>like cosplaying
>be attractive
>cosplay attractively
>sell prints to fans
>make money
No worries except for jealous fatties but they don't really matter, do they?

>> No.7249887

It all boils down to what type of audience you want looking at your cosplay work. If you want neckbeards then you show your tits. If you want admiration from seamstresses and other cosplayers you create well made costumes. If you want both then you do some boob cosplays and some more difficult cosplays. This shit isnt hard to understand. If someone chooses to sell prints thats their fucking business. Its not stopping others from making costume nor does it mean you will get less attention. If your a good enough cosplayer skill wise other cosplayers will notice. No one is losing attention here just the type of attention you get.

>> No.7249899

just because the artist is female doesn't mean the illustration isn't informed by male gaze.

>> No.7249907

Being that epic is great.
Selling prints of yourself like you're some kind of celebrity is just sad.

You missed the point, I think

>> No.7249928

why? I think I did. I wouldn't think it was sad. I would definitely want to buy a print of that because I thought they put a lot of hard work into it (especially if I'm a fan of their work). You don't even SEE their face if they're cosplaying batman ( like it even should matter). It's showcasing their skill and and their ability to be a badass batman. They're not trying to be a celebrity like an artist isn't trying to be picasso or amano. They're just showing off their skill.

I'm definitely sure you don't get the point.

>> No.7249961

I don't know what you mean, how can it be formed by men when the art team is entirely female?


The other artists she works around are also female, so I don't know how a man's gaze would affect them when there are no men around while they are working.

>> No.7249996
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Because her hair is red?

>> No.7250119

>complains about people messing up "my" old school anime
>doesn't know that Cutie Honey sometimes has red hair depending on their outfit


>> No.7250127

No, it always looked dark pink to me

>> No.7250151
File: 127 KB, 786x503, Honey1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like the whole Sailor Moon argument all over again.

But the one Heza is doing is Re: Cutie Honey. That version's hair is much darker then classic. It's to the point you either have to go with a pink wig that's almost red, or just go straight up red.

and actually looking at a lot of the shots, Heza should have probably gone with a darker red.

>> No.7250160
File: 534 KB, 317x564, Cutie_honey_f_(manga).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looked dark pink to me

different anon, but it's always been red to me.
(to be fair, the art style is SUPER inconsistent in the past. The new cutie honey has always had red hair though

>> No.7250165

I guess i always saw it as pink because it had a more magical girl type feel to it. No idea about the red. Thanks for clarifying anons without slinging mud.

>> No.7250164

Heza is CLEARLY wearing the Re: Cutie Honey outfit.

And that shit is blood motherfucking orange.

>> No.7250167
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>> No.7250173

I don't really care about the revamp of cutie honey or Heza tbh

>> No.7250175

well, the costume she's wearing is specifically re: cutie honey, so your hatred is unjust and misdirected (if you supposedly didn't care so much) hilarious, anon

>> No.7250180

Oh alright, that costume looks really shitty anyway. I mean, the design itself is ugly I mean.

>> No.7250189

even if you don't care, you have to admit she's accurate

nobody said you had to like it

but you're a fucksuck for beinjg all "wah wah I hate it anyway" just cop to the fact that you didn't know cutie honey when you pretended you did

>> No.7250194

>suggesting all cutie honey's default outfits across time aren't ugly

>> No.7250200

I just assumed she was trying to be cute and nostalgic by referencing "Amanda Please" from the Amanda show

>> No.7250210

I grew up with cutie honey. Just because I wasn't familiar with this particular design doesn't not make me a fan. Seriously wtf.

>> No.7250247

>didn't see the irony in their bullshit


>> No.7250259

>cosplayed kingons
Female ones? Cause... those bitches always have their tits out.

>> No.7250529
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none of them are

>> No.7250543

>posting this picture literally every time the topic of being a girl nerd sellout comes up

Just an FYI, that guy gave heaps of money to the male Tich PvP streamers too, so this isn't really a case of someone getting a ton of money for being a ~gurl gamer~.

Sage for no actual contribution.

>> No.7250555
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>> No.7250606

I don't actually wear the costumes I make, but I'd sell pictures of them in a heartbeat while giving a portion of the profits to the models unless otherwise specified. Shit, son, materials are fucking expensive. Two and a half gallons of mats for shitty resin ranges somewhere around $750, and that's not including the cost of labor, masks, filters, coveralls, fans, gloves, etc.

>> No.7250608

screenshots or it didnt happen

>> No.7250647

what I dont get is why the fuck would anybody buy this shit, isnt it easier to just download the pick and print it yourself (because its fucking easier than to buy it from the person you're going to masturbate to).

>> No.7250652

i play on tich and stream. how do i get monies?

>> No.7250654

You're underestimating the length lonely neckbeards would go to have female contact.
You really only need to be decent looking to get money, look at Dodger, she's pretty much a midget with no tits or ass and gets a fuck-ton of money and presents from neckbeards.
Be sure to just show your face if you're not confident with your body

>> No.7250660

How to become a famous cosplayer
>don't be fat
>hide your face behind a lot of make-up
>tits or GTFO

If you look at it that way, the majority here can become a cosplay attention whore.
But the hardest part shall be to sell yourself as a product.
Making all those prints and going to all those cons to sell shit sounds pretty expensive and time consuming.
and then you will have to be lucky to attract a lot of people to make money.
I would rather stay a NEET.

>> No.7250680


It's funny how there are ALWAYS people who claim that if the uglies were pretty they would sell prints too and they are just jealous that they can't.

Not everyone feels the need to do that. Just so you know.
They aren't ugly or make shitty costumes or anything. You just don't hear or see them because they aren't beating a pot and pan together saying "Look at me, LOOK AT MEEEEE"

>> No.7250682

>what I dont get is why the fuck would anybody buy this shit, isnt it easier to just download the pick and print it yourself

I don't get it either.
I've tried to think my way around it and I see no reason to ever buy someone's prints.
Maybe the people buying them are inept at printing on a glossy piece of paper.

>> No.7250694

Step 1) Stop being ugly.
Step 2) Start being a 5-6/10.

Most neckbeards don't want an actual smoking hot model with tits pretending to like games; it's hard to believe that. Rather you have to be a fugly cunt like Felicia Day and become "omg hottest girl in the universe:)" by sucking up to neckbeards and pretending you like the worthless shit that they like.

>> No.7250719

Dodger's not THAT bad.
But your point is still valid.

>> No.7250763

so...like a pornstar then?

>> No.7250988

In theory, the cosplayer would have access to higher resolution images than they post online, and they'd be free of any facebook or deviantart compression. Using a higher quality source would result in a higher quality print.

In practice, most prints' quality sucks anyway.

You want to start talking things that I really don't get, let's talk about Cosplayers with amazon wishlists and mailing addresses so you can send 'em stuff.

>> No.7251008

It was definitely intended for the male gaze. Women can objectify other women in order to make something that will sell and men will enjoy. Just because it was created by females doesn't mean that it still doesn't cater to men. Have you played any of those games? There are heaving animated loli chests in every speaking scene, huge blinking doe eyes, and terrible moe voice acting with tropey ecchi jokes. What small percentage of women would be playing a game like this? Even as a woman attracted to women, I was glad I could rent this and not spend money on this trash.

>> No.7251015

I've bought one print in my life, and that was of Yaya's Carmilla cosplay, because I love the shit out of that cosplay in a construction way. I wouldn't care who's body it was on, the construction of that costume is amazing.

This is probably the only reason why I would ever buy a print from anyone. if the costume is well done, the composition is pretty, then I'll buy the print. otherwise why would I buy something when I could just save the photo and print it on photo paper?

>> No.7251017

Dodger is really pretty imo, and one thing she has going for her is that she isn't all "I'm a NURDY GURL TEEHEE XDDD", but I do agree.

>> No.7251018

Act like you have tourettes and be completely up your own asshole.

Just reverse image search the pic and you'll get a bunch of threads about it. The girl's name is Titters and there's 1-2 other guys she arenas with who were also handed thousands. I don't know if they got to keep it or if the guy was a troll and did a chargeback, though...

>> No.7251022

I don't know what's going on in this thread but I'm just posting to say I love HezaChan because she is cute and has great taste in anime.

>> No.7251172
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>You want to start talking things that I really don't get, let's talk about Cosplayers with amazon wishlists and mailing addresses so you can send 'em stuff.

That is nothing more than the natural progression of ego and what we call cosplay now.

>Costumers make costumes for love of the fandom and attention
>Someone wants the attention without the work
>Buy costume or they make the focus their body.
>they now have the attention they seek
>how else can I get things I haven't earned for free?
>make amazon wishlist.

>> No.7251194

I've only ever seen pornstars on twitter do that. Sad.

>> No.7251203

People have asked me for prints, so I think I'm going to do it. I find it stupid as well but if I already have an audience promising me what is essentially free money then it's really hard for me to pass up just based on moral qualms with the idea.

I could really use the money, too.

>> No.7251215


the only people who buy prints are men who fap to your tits

as long as you are ok with that

>> No.7251252

Another thread to remind us that white females are the most privileged group in the universe, and they had better do what they tell everyone else to do - check it - themselves.

>> No.7251320


>> No.7251338

go be a dag back on tumblr mate, no one cares about that here

>> No.7252001

I liked that cosplay except for the string that went across her boobs. I thought it really detracted from the merit of the overall construction of that costume. She could've easily used double-sided fabric tape (much stronger than regular double-sided tape) to keep it attached to her skin instead.

>> No.7252020

I've never bought a print before but if it was a cosplayer I really liked I would to support them. I feel the same about Artist Ally. A lot are very talented and I like being able to buy prints/buttons/ect to support them, plus their merch is awesome. If I was a popular cosplayer and people asked me to sell prints I probably would. I know it's never going to happen but to the cosplayers who do do it, I don't really see a problem with it. Cosplay is super expensive and if you're a popular cosplayer who is almost expected to always put out new costumes then it can really help go towards materials and what not.

>> No.7252029

Nah. If I made my own characters, and those characters gained popularity, maybe. I have a superheroine outfit that I've been tossing around my brain for the better part of a year.

But replicating someone else's character design, taking pictures of myself in that costume, photoshopping myself to look more attractive as that character, and selling it? Feels wrong.

>> No.7252041
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>> No.7252066

thanku for catching my joke.

>> No.7252136
File: 117 KB, 1132x1000, alexander mcqueen 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question for you guys regarding prints.

I make pretty elaborate outfits, some bordering on couture status. I have a whole string of original designs I am going to be producing in 2014.

How does /cgl/ feel about selling prints of the costumes themselves? As in, the costume, on a museum-type display mannequin, like they did with McQueen's "Savage Beauty" exhibit at the Met? Also, perhaps they would be assembled into some type of photo book.

Just an idea I've been tossing around in my head for a while. I wonder if there would be a market for it at all.

>> No.7252235
File: 159 KB, 400x560, zuhair murad pre-fall 2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, they're your own designs and you plan to portray them without a model, so I wouldn't compare your work to selling cosplay prints. Go for it!
If /fa/ was actually about fashion I'd say you'd get better answers there, but they're all a bunch of hipsters with overpriced generic shit. No haute cotoure at all *sighs*

>> No.7252246

>Feels wrong.

Totally agree.

I know people are like "Well then shut down all of artist alley too"

Well yeah actually. They also shouldn't be profiting from drawing or selling things with other people characters. Just cause it's the way things have been for a long time doesn't make it right.

I know it's always harder to be a good thoughtful person aware of feelings outside your own.

>> No.7252267

this is a really nice idea, but i unfortunately don't think you will get the same kind of feedback as the cosplayer mashing her boobs together
maybe if you cater to fandoms, which is exactly what cosplayers do actually, and make series-inspired dresses, you might find yourself being able to sell them better. for example, you could do a sailor moon or disney princess inspired dress or something of the sort. i still don't think it would immediately get the same amount of attention because it requires more brain power to look at a beautifully constructed dress and appreciate than grab your dick and money and jerk off to a pair of tits.

>> No.7252270

Are you stupid? The entire anime culture in Japan profits off of doujin works. Japan seems to understand that fanworks help the actual original medium tons of artists, directors and mangaka cite doujin works as some of their main popularity boosts. Besides most people are creating media that wouldn't be created otherwise, the fact that it's using other peoples' characters doesn't make it any less legitimate and just allows fans to have an outlet as well as introducing new fans who were attracted to the fan made media..

>> No.7252297

>Just cause it's the way things have been for a long time doesn't make it right.

Yeah I think you missed this line.

Perhaps you lack a little imagination. We don't HAVE TO use other's brain children as subjects. If anything, having to create your own thing could ramp up creativity rather than just riding on the backs of something someone else came up with.

It's nice that they can put a good spin on it by saying "well it upped my popularity."
Have you ever thought they might say that because they know people are going to steal their work so you might as well look on the bright side.

I'd write more but I gotta get to work.

>> No.7252308


I didn't miss that line, I don't agree with it, there is nothing wrong with it.
Anyways, that's not how it works. People cosplay and go to cons to meet people who like a specific things and show their love for a specific show, game or book, they don't go just because they like anime in it's generic form. People make things from other peoples' artwork because people who buy art aren't there to buy it from a general art perspective.

Also, lack of creativity? It can be argued that the character becomes different by simply changing the face and modifying the coloration and the design slightly.

There are plenty of people who do OC, but most people don't want it. The hobby isn't all encompassing.

Honestly, you sort of sound bitter.

>> No.7252328

Actually, it holds the costume in the right shape. Normal girls don't have cleavage naturally, their boobs have to be pulled together by something, and in a costume like this a bra isn't going to cut it.

Tldr the string is necessary to maintain the illusion

>> No.7254045

That's the photographers fault. There should be a flat fee or a percentage cut from sales. As a photographer I wouldn't bother doing fuck-all with lighting or post-processing if I'm not getting paid. Who knows, maybe he's getting his dick sucked or gets to plow her in return.

>> No.7254048

Totally agree. Makes no sense what so fucking ever. OMGERD STAHP STARING AT MY BOOBS (meanwhile they only thing she's wearing is pasties.) Stupid bitches...

>> No.7254051

>Youth is very limited. These people will find out soon enough once they start sagging. Getting by with only your looks and no brains/skills won't last.
You could also look at it another way: youth only lasts so long, so why not capture it in an image before it's lost forever? Take pics while you can, because beauty doesn't last.

>> No.7254056

Yeah, they are all skin tight and sexy. Good job being oblivious.

>> No.7254058

>I don't know, but it's pretty damn enraging. I think the women who do this are just lazy and some men continue to act like cavemen and will continue to buy their shitty prints
Implying men will EVER not find women visually appealing. Fucking noob. I bet you're a hideous fatty IRL. Stay mad jelly.

>> No.7254118

same thing with artists selling their artwork. People don't print out their pictures because they're a crappy version with watermarks all over it most of the time

>> No.7254122

don't listen to all the idiots going "waaah waah you're a whore." It's a double standard view of thinking and are just full of jelly. I'm going to start selling prints too because people always ask. I already sell nick nacks at artist alleys, so why not throw in another thing to make a profit off of

>> No.7254125


That's a nice way to look at it.

Problem is when people tread on their looks they rarely develop other things about themselves so once the 'hot new thing' rolls in the 'was hot old thing' doesn't know what to do with themselves.

So it's nice to say, I'm just living it up while it last, but it almost always goes down a less than stellar way.

>> No.7255482
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Somebody never saw the Duras sisters. The old action figures of them had even more inflated boobs, lol.

>> No.7255610


Good idea. People are going to tug it over you so why not make a few bucks from them?

>> No.7255618

I have always, always hated this cosplayer's version of Honey. Her nose and mouth bother me.

>> No.7255829
File: 54 KB, 489x604, no-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Her nose and mouth bother me.

Do not say shit like this.
Just don't.
Do not go around disliking someone's rendition of a character because you don't like their natural features. There ain't shit anyone can do about it and you need to get it out of your head that those thoughts are remotely ok to have.

I would venture to say someone is entitled to their opinion but in this case they aren't.

Furthermore don't be hung up on someone's looks cause that is the new way cosplay is judged. Fucking shallow as fuck.
FANDOM. They liked a character and made their clothing. They didn't make their face. They liked a thing and want to enjoy showing their love for the thing. Don't be a shitty human and say stuff like "Well her nose isn't right for the character"

Shut the hell up about stuff like that. This is why this hobby is headed down the crappy road it is now. Cause people like you actually think like that and then have the gall to think it should be said.

>> No.7255862

>don't judge someone because they don't look like the character
That's stupid.
You're stupid.

>> No.7255899

>There ain't shit anyone can do about it
Except for contouring makeup, you mean. Haven't you seen the crazy things cosplayers in these AoT threads are managing? There's a lot someone can do.

>> No.7255953

Because if you sell posters and have less than 50k fans you look like a pathetic wanna be. Look at me, I have 1k fans, like that means shit, let me sell posters of myself because I think I'm popular like the big girls.

>> No.7256361

For the record, I used to get requests to sell prints a lot on my page then when I started selling them, less than a dozen people bought them in the 2 months I had them for sale. So a whole lotta talk and no action. Just word for the wise... I wish I had waited until I built a bigger fanbase before trying. Waste of an investment to get them printed too soon.

>> No.7256539

it it rude to ask a cosplayer if she wouldnt mind selling sexy pictures?

>> No.7256586

You should have done a pre-order then you wouldnt have wasted money printing more then people wanted.

>> No.7256648


What? He's not stupid.

You're stupid.

>> No.7256709


Gotta agree with the other anon.
You're stupid.

If you're gonna sell prints as a character, at least look more like the character than some other person.

That's what bugs me about Yaya
"Buy this print of a character you can barely recognize since I look nothing like them"

>> No.7256716
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>Except for contouring makeup, you mean. Haven't you seen the crazy things cosplayers in these AoT threads are managing? There's a lot someone can do.

I'll give you some of that. But there is only so much contouring and even professional make up can do. See 'Cloud Atlas' movie for their major make up.

Faulting people for not being born with the specific genes to have Cutie Honey's nose is abhorrently stupid.

>> No.7256719


We aren't talking about having the perfect face to sell a print.

We are talking about hating someone's version of a character because of their born with features.

>> No.7256744

I can and do. I didn't get into cosplaying with the idea that one day I would be selling prints of myself or making some sort of business out of dressing up like my favorite characters, though. I mean, I've been cosplaying for years and only just recently started selling prints. I only started doing so because I had a lot of people who follow my work ask me multiple times.

I honestly don't see a damn thing wrong with it. If someone wants to toss me $10 for a nice, high quality picture of me doing what Iove, more power to them. I put any money (which really isn't much) from the prints toward making more costumes, so its not like I'm rolling in money and buying myself TVs and consoles and shit.

I think what people wanting to get into selling prints need to understand is that you aren't just going to magically sell a jillion prints. Sales will be slow and frustrating especially if you have in your head that you're gonna sell even close to what Jnig or Yaya or those big names do. I sell the most prints when I am at a booth at a con, because its easier to interact with people there versus a storenvy home page.
Also - printing costs money, and depending on who you shoot with that will take a chunk of the "profit". Discuss the option of selling prints before doing a photoshoot with your photographer, and make sure everything is clear between the two of you.

>> No.7256746


Well in that case
Yeah that person was stupid
And you are not

I assumed we meant prints

>> No.7256770

do you mean all of neptunia or just that picture?

>> No.7256865

I would do it, but I wouldn't be proud of it.

I'm perennially broke.

I don't really like the idea of "famous" cosplayers in any capacity. There's something just sort of skeevy about it, like you're turning fandom into a competition or like you're one of those "gamergurl" stereotypes who just wants people to awkwardly obsess over wishing they were dating you.

I just want to geek out over the stuff I obsess over with a bunch of other people who geek out over the same stuff. I only cosplay so people will come up to me and start talking about whatever I'm cosplaying.

>> No.7256878

I hate to admit it, but I'd buy a print poster sized of things I'd never see in a real canon poster but wish I could, like a really good Harley/Ivy cosplay poster where they are shipped together.

I wouldn't pay much for it, though. It would have to be under $20.

>> No.7257230
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>I just want to geek out over the stuff I obsess over with a bunch of other people who geek out over the same stuff. I only cosplay so people will come up to me and start talking about whatever I'm cosplaying.

This is the 1st reason I cosplay.
I just want to find my fellow nerds and babble on about our favorite things for 20 minutes. Made some decade long friendships like this

2nd reason is getting to be in my favorite character's clothing. It's just a cool feeling to look in the mirror and see _______ staring at you in real life. It's such a feeling.

3rd is attention. Who doesn't want to feel like they are walking down a red carpet with all the cameras going off.

4th is taking pictures. I'm an amateur but decent photog and I do enjoy taking good photos of others and have them be so happy to see themselves look cool.

>> No.7257247


Fuck off. She's doing stupid shit with her mouth. If it's supposed to be that kind of toothless smile that anime characters do, it never translates well into real life. So, yes, she looks fucking stupid and her nose could use some contour.

>> No.7257263


You are a bona fide spoilsport.

You are demanding something that is so trivial and only in your mind it's frankly sad to see.

By all means, continue on. I'm sure your quest for perceived perfection in this hobby with serve you well.

>> No.7257271

It had nothing to do with perfection? It had to do with people who do stupid, out of character poses when trying to cosplay or sell prints. Her pose looks stupid. Her facial expression looks stupid. And, because of her badly lipsticked mouth and beak of a honker she looks like she should be on a Fruit Loops commercial instead of cosplaying.

A simple Google search pulled up better results compared to this dumpster fire.

>> No.7257290


Nigga she kawaii as fuck

I'm not even that individual, but seriously /cgl/ is bad as fuck about this shit. She is who she is, her costume is fine don't get your panties in a bunch because she's hotter than you and start taking potshots at her nose.

Which looks fine.

>> No.7257294


>It had nothing to do with perfection

>Here are the imperfections I take issue with

>> No.7257303




I don't have a problem with it otherwise, I don't see why people would.

>> No.7257316

Why is it that whenever someone criticizes someone else here, it's assumed that the reason is jealousy? It's as if nobody is allowed to think that someone is ugly or something is unattractive, because holy shit, totes jealous. Not even, honey. She doesn't look great in the face and her nose size makes her look haggard. She'd only be useful for a fuck if a paper bag were placed over her head. Take your Tumblr justice and shove it up your ass. Not everyone has to like what you do.

>> No.7257320


I can tell it's because some bitch is jelly because she gets all personal and shit.

And no one ever does this shit with girls who are actually mediocre looking or something, they only do this with girls who are obviously hot as tits.

IF you were pulling this bullshit over every ham-faced selfpost that'd be one thing. But you're not, are you? You're talking shit about a picture you know get's reposted a fuckton because it gets dudes thirsty.

Honestly? I don't think it's "jealousy" per se, I'm just trying to piss you off. I know it's bullshit status games.

But knock it off, it's pretty fuckin' pathetic.

>> No.7257322

>don't get your panties in a bunch because she's hotter than you

Let's not go down this road. An anon can have other issues that don't involve jealously.
It can be body dimorphism, cultural differences in acceptable looks, or just a can of self-haterade that gets turned on others.

So I'm with you on them being wrong. Just not it being auto jealousy. They have issues though, no doubt about that.

>> No.7257324
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>No one ever does this shit with girls who are actually mediocre looking

How fucking new are you? This is either your first night or first week on this board.

>IF you were pulling this bullshit over every ham-faced selfpost that'd be one thing. But you're not, are you? You're talking shit about a picture you know get's reposted a fuckton because it gets dudes thirsty.

This picture barely gets posted because it's old, actually. JNig, Ardella, and Precious are the ones who get posted more. Also, who the fuck are you to tell me what I do and don't do? This is an anonymous picture board and you're acting like I'm doing something that nobody else here does. I give criticism to hamplanets, pox faced bitches, and anyone who seems to half ass a cosplay.

Status games? Really? You are new as fuck. Someone didn't like the same thing as you and you went apeshit yet claim that I'm getting personal. Really, go back to Tumblr. It's so fucking apparent that you came from there. Your post reeks of moralist shit.

>> No.7257328

holy shit people like you are the cancer of this board and need to stop treating /cgl/ as one entity

>> No.7257346

>holy shit people like you are the cancer of this board

Sorry but no.
The cancer of the board are people who write off a whole cosplay cause they don't like someone's nose and lips. Then when confronted about their shitty behavior their best response is "don't be so moral, everyone else does it"

That is what is wrong with this place.

>> No.7257357
File: 700 KB, 1053x1070, anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being this mad just because someone else doesn't agree with you about a picture
>sjw bullshit detected

>> No.7257361

>That is what is wrong with this place.
Whats wrong is how new you are. Wow, people are shits when they aren't tied to their irl faces and identities, who would have known?

>> No.7257370

See >>7257361
You're so new that it's painful. This is /cgl/. People get criticized here for their work. If you don't like it, then get the fuck out. You're the one who made it a point to nitpick a post and novel about how someone isn't allowed to have a different opinion than you and you're still bothering to argue with the person over something completely asinine. You are the one who got defensive, called someone stupid, and blew shit up into what the thread has been derailed into. Seriously, did you even read your fucking post? They didn't say that the person couldn't cosplay. They criticized the pose and lack of effort with make up, which DOES help with cosplays. If you can't handle an opposing view without acting like a child throwing a tantrum in a store, then this really isn't the board for you.


>> No.7257377
File: 133 KB, 500x375, 1381700823314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of this butthurt over >>7255618
If this got your panties in a knot then you won't survive in /cgl/. People critique in more harsh ways than this. This was fucking tame compared to what is usually said.

You are the one being stupid over literally nothing.

>> No.7257389

>Rufflebutt's chin is too big
>Nigri has a huge forehead and a boyish frame
>Potato has a god awful smile
>And whatever the hell that "butterface" Yoko's name is
>Soni isn't even using the right eggplant

You must be new here if you're this shocked by someone nitpicking this hard.

>> No.7257395

Their head would probably explode if they saw a Yaya or Ai-Honey thread.

>> No.7257405
File: 17 KB, 1420x370, where you belong.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She didn't cosplay a character she suited, nor did she attempt to contour her face. Not to mention that the actual fucking picture is just....bad.

/cgl/ used to be a helpful place where you could point shit out to help people, as in when they don't suit a character or if something about the cosplay is off, but now it's just Asspat Central. A place where shitty cosplays get praise for no reason. Ya'll need to shut the fuck up and get over your little insecurity issues about this stuff because the reason that cosplay is headed down to Shittown is because none of you can accept any sort of criticism, especially about the suitability of your face or shape.

Man up and accept the criticism that you're asking for by posting on boards like this.

>> No.7257418

Her boobs are perfect she suits the character

>> No.7257422
File: 177 KB, 769x595, 1387882590054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ut oh, the badass brigade has arrived. Everyone back up.

I like that the general consensus is still "Everyone else does it, it's how it is here"
What a golden group you all are.

And I am not new. I'm about as oldfag as it gets and I barely trip cause it's usually not needed. I do believe my first post on this board was in 2005 or 06 and I've been a cosplayer since 1998.

It is really a treat to watch how many assholes this hobby attracts now. You guys are amazing. Thank goodness it wasn't like this years ago or we would have missed out on some great cosplay cause someone's nose was wrong or they had the wrong eggplant.

>> No.7257424

>We aren't talking about someone looking like the character, we're talking about someone looking like the character.

>> No.7257426

>Thank goodness it wasn't like this years ago

It was ALWAYS like this. Where the fuck have you been? There has always been community drama and con drama. It's only become more widely known because of the internet, but bitchiness still existed within the hobby. You coming here with dates, using outdated terms like oldfag, and mentioning a trip only shows how much you're trying to cover your ass and make your argument seem more valid. There are people who come to this board who have cosplayed for fourteen years who attested to drama back in the day.

You're trying so hard and all your efforts have done is made you look like a colossal dumbass.

>> No.7257431
File: 55 KB, 810x810, 1380727265637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didn't witness drama, therefore it never existed anywhere
>Can speak for every single community and location
>Blanket statements
>Brings "street cred" to seem legit

>> No.7257433
File: 45 KB, 402x604, 1275672793708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that "butterface" Yoko's
You mean Ashlynn?

>> No.7257435

"Look at me, I'm an oldfag! I've wasted more time on this site ergo I'm well-respected and more intelligent than you are!"
You're like the old fucks in their 60's I work with who think they know better than you because they lived through Vietnam (meaning they watched it on TV), even though they're fucking deadbeats scanning groceries for the rest of their lives.

>> No.7257436

..What. The. Fuck.
>The body
>The armpit
>Those weird rolls

I don't understand what is happening here.

>inb4moralfaganon DIS IS PERFECT THO STAHP H8ING

>> No.7257438
File: 36 KB, 402x604, 1275672714708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't talk shit about her, she's /cgl/'s favorite cosplayer
but only because she had a seizure, fell down a flight of stairs, and died.

>> No.7257440

I would never buy prints because obsessing over 3D isn't healthy. When you think about it they just go home and get drunk and fuck some dude and you paid for all that.

My money is spent only on 2D.

>> No.7257442

Seriously, nobody cares if you are an actual fan. Cosplaying is all about looking good. I have discussions about anime with my male friends, not with women and their shallow opinions.

If I see a good looking sexy girl who resembles one of my favorite characters I'm gonna ask her for a picture. I don't even care if she can't name the character.

Now if I see a fatty cosplaying one of my favorite characters I'm gonna be just grossed out. I don't care if she knows everything about the character.

>> No.7257446

>I have discussions about anime with my male friends, not with women and their shallow opinions.

>If I see a fatty cosplaying one of my favorite characters I'm gonna be just grossed out. I don't care if she knows everything about the character.

You're either trolling or can't see how you're a walking contradiction. You also sound like one of those girls who claims that she's "just like one of the guys" and "not like other girls."

>> No.7257449

>All women have shallow opinions
>Cosplaying is all about looking good tho

>> No.7257450

The part about the fatty knowing everything about the character isn't something that actually happens. It was just "if" she knew.

From my experience the prettiest cosplayers also have the most knowledge about anime(at least among women).

Ugly and fatties are always cosplaying shitty shows like Naruto and Fairy Tail.

>> No.7257467

Ask any Samus cosplayer what her favorite Metroid game is. Acceptable answers are: Super Metroid, Metroid Fusion, Metroid Prime.

I have never met a Zero Suit Samus cosplayer that has given me one of these responses. It's always "Smash" or "Other M" or even better "I just like Samus lol"

>> No.7257637

While this is a troll post I do agree with the central argument. Being an actual fan does not mean that your costume will look any better than anyone else who does. Now while I do think you will work on something harder if you are emotionally invested in the work, I also think that it is possible to make a good outfit for something you're not a fan. You can't convey all your knowledge of the character outside of their general looks and poses in a cosplay photo manwhile you can easily look at a characters signature poses through a Google search. If we took cosplayers wearing similar quality outfits where one was a fan and one just did research and mimic their poses, you would not be able to tell the difference between the two.

>> No.7257706


cause we all know how much zero suit samus show up in Super Metroid, Metroid Fusion, and Metroid Prime

serously get the fuck over yourself and your acceptable answers bullshit you fedora wearing manchild

>> No.7257805

Lol I'll never get why Heza has so many whiteknights. She's a tryhard, and a bad one at that, which is why she's still barely known in the scheme of things despite her attempts at self promotion. She's a typical attention whore cosplayer who doesn't give a single shit about the things she cosplays. I've tried talking to her about her cosplay source material at cons and it was clear she knew nothing, it pissed me right off because she cosplays a lot of shit I really like. SHE is the kind of cancer that killed cosplay.

So you can go fuck yourself right back to tumblr.

>> No.7257833
File: 78 KB, 284x550, fel3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't even know who the hell she was until you just said her name. I Googled her just now, found her gallery, and the other anon really has their head far up their fucking ass. The majority of her gallery consists of cosplays of young, female characters or ones that at least have youthful faces-- She possesses none of this. Period. In her blue Felicia gallery, there's even a picture with some massive fucking wart on one side of her nose. It's even the site's banner!

Her massive schnoz really does stop her cosplays from looking good. Maybe anon has a thing for Jew noses.

>> No.7257854
File: 235 KB, 532x675, 1343514696844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her tits, probably. Same reason Yaya and JNig have knights.

>> No.7257912

wait what

please explain this to me because touhou is the hugest thing since huge. aren't cons swarming with touhou fanworks? does the creator just sue the best-selling ones? because there are a lot and i'm pretty sure the fanworks include more than just art/cosplay prints and doujin.

>> No.7257919

Lonely desperate betas cling to any girl thats moderately good looking and shares an "interest" in the same stuff they do.
They subconsciously think that defending them will make this girls appreciate them (something uncommon for them) and maybe get the fish if they whiteknight hard enough.

>> No.7257921

omg are you real

do you know how many artists go "guys what are the popular series right now, i'll google some reference pics and draw some fanart to sell"

i have friends in artist alley who do this every year and it's all over artist circles. why do you think pretty much every single booth has the same fandoms? each booth will sell maybe one or two prints of the artist's personal favorite fandoms, but unless their main fandom is already big, the rest they draw 100% to make profit. getting a table, hotel, printing, etc is expensive and they need a way to guarantee they'll at least be able to make the cost of all that back, never mind profit.

sure, a few people /might/ buy their print they drew of an obscure fighting game they love, but a lot more will buy a picture of batman or the latest fandom craze.

tl;dr it's a business no matter what angle you look at so get your head out of your ass

>> No.7257932

if women are only exposed to media aimed toward males, or taught that's the only thing that'll profit, then obviously they'll create works that are informed by male interests aka the male gaze.

women can enjoy make gazey things as well but since the product would first and foremost be created with men in mind, or modeled after the marketing for men without adapting it for women specifically, it's called "male gaze" and not just "general fanservice."

>> No.7257956

ZUN doesn't object to the vast majority of Touhou fanworks because copyright laws are different in Japan and let's face it, Touhou is kind of an institution there. What he has a problem with is people commercializing Touhou fanworks on a large scale- there was a company that produced body pillows in huge quantities, for example, and he asked them to cut that shit out. I don't think he would waste his time going after a doujin circle or fanartist.

I would totally buy a book of awesome couture-quality designs. Personally I'd prefer to see them in a photoshoot context on a model, because I think you can tell so much more story with a whole setup (I'm thinking of Kirsty Mitchell's Wonderland series as an example), but if the outfits are awesome enough I'd probably buy it even if the photos are of mannequins.

Wait, what? I haven't namefagged for months, who the hell even remembers me? I'm surprised and oddly flattered.

Pretty much this. It took me 3 years of selling at artists' alleys in order to even start breaking even, and the majority of those sales are from on-site commissions.

>> No.7257963
File: 89 KB, 570x761, young-old-people-08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We had drama and the people who caused it weren't celebrated for it. They were looked at askance and people tried NOT to deal with them if they could help it.

I'm afraid all you have done for your argument is NIL.

You are cute. Keep talking. None of what you are defending was actually said.

I cannot wait till you get old and some kid demands to know why they should ever listen to you. I hope you remember your post and your cavalier attitude. It will happen. I just hope you remember words you said before.

Anyways, wonderful way to spend a couple minutes this afternoon. You are all very entertaining.

>> No.7257966

>What small percentage of women would be playing a game like this?

>I don't like it therefore no woman like it

lol ok

>> No.7257976

I'm not going to sell posters, just small 4.25x 5.5
If they don't sell, big woop, why do you care so much? And I said there was a market already for them, so why not? People already bought prints of my stuff off of deviantart. I think that's just what "you" think it looks like. Not everyone has such a bloated terrible view of others. As stated I also already have a well established art table that does well. Haters gonna hate

>> No.7257977
File: 9 KB, 250x188, 543435632423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, so I finally figured out it's the suit from the reboot of Honey Flash, blah.

I wish I could find an amazingly tacky version of the "New Cutey Honey" OAV series that was released in the 90s or whatever.

IN VELOUR. Even though I know it's shiny, for some reason I always thought a velour suit really fits with Honey. ugh, I love you Go Nagai.

>> No.7258023

You're just as entertaining. You derailed a thread because people didn't agree with your bullshit while you're simultaneously trying to act high and mighty with DURRHUR IM AN OLDFAG XD XD OLDER THAN U LAWL /B/ WAS NEVER GOOD

You've gone in complete circles this entire time. As everyone else said, go back to Tumblr with your sjw bullshit. Criticism exists.