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7245178 No.7245178[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone ordered from there? A lot of reviews say "never ever order from ali" but to me it seems like eBay with individual sellers and individual policies, you just look at the best rated one. On the other hand, I saw plenty of the products on ali that were on sale in newyorker and mango for ten times the price, and some people say they would buy from there again.
What are your experiences?
Have you ordered from there?
Which sellers would you recommend, if you have?
Which ones to avoid?
What do you suggest buying from there?

>> No.7245178,1 [INTERNAL] 

Alibaba is a legitimate website, however their clients do wholesale and not much direct consumer sales. Aliexpress is basically like eBay. The first time I tried to order from them they had trouble processing my credit card. The second time I ordered everything was fine (didn't order any Lolita stuff, I ordered a pair of jelly shoes). I didn't get a tracking number but the shoes came in about 3 weeks. They are generally cheaper than eBay, but you can't sort the search result by price+shipping.

>> No.7247537

Not OP, but bumping this because I'm curious as well!

>> No.7247541

My Chinese friends have told me that AliExpress is supposed to be the more international version of Taobao. It has a bunch of the same Taobao items for still a cheap price, but not as inexpensive as Taobao.

With that said, I've also been told that it's like eBay and varies from seller to seller, like you said, OP.
There might be more negative reviews because there's more crappy things sold out of China, maybe? Just always have to be on the look out for what you mean to buy.

I haven't purchased anything from there before, but I definitely would consider it if something came up. Just haven't had the need to.

>> No.7247558

My dad has bought things from there before, he liked what he got.

>> No.7247576

Apparently they have a bunch of wigs on sale going from around $15.00 bucks to a mere few dollars. I'm really tempted to pick some up.

>> No.7247688

I have bought from aliexpress. My advice, don't buy anything name brand if you want genuine. The more diamonds the seller has the better. Read reviews, and you are paying a cheap price, expect a cheap product. Aliexpress is perfectly fine as long as you realize your not going to get top quality products for such a low amount.

>> No.7247699

Oh, also, they will lie on customs. Some countries (like the Us), it is illegal to buy counterfeit items from overseas (such as my lifeproof case). It is a pain in the ass to get a refund because the whole system is automated and pro-seller.

>> No.7247780

So I have a few friends who are saying these guys are a front for Milanoo. Thoughts?

>> No.7247793

aliexpress is like ebay, amazon, taobao
there are milanoo shopfronts on aliepxress but milanoo doesn't own aliexpress.

>> No.7247887

I've bought two wigs, both were ridiculously inexpensive and arrived on time and in great condition.
Like others have said, it mostly depends on the seller. Just use common sense and look at the reviews, ratings, and methods of shipping. Using China Post might be free, but the site itself says that it's unreliable so don't even bother with it. You'd be better off paying the extra for shipping.
Other than that, my experience has been good so I highly recommend it if you're on a budget.

>> No.7248107

I've ordered about 50-60 things from there in the past year so I'm kind of a AE sage I reckon. I've only nor received 1 item from them but I got my money back. Can jusr look at a seller and determine its reliability now. Overall this website is a great alternative if you prefer to do single orders than do big bulk Taobao ones. The prices end up pretty close in the end.

yep basically this. read the signs . if no reviews on entire left behind you're best not to try, however I have been successful.

overall this website is only for the Scam-savvy and not something you'd let your grandma use.

I've picked up some accounts Milanoo staff have created to peddle their shit, I'll link them once I get home tonight so you can see and identify them in the future but its extremely tell tale. The entire site is just a English/Russian/etc interface to purchase taobao.

>> No.7248109

I heard they dont do paypal right? I did want to try buying from hyere but not sure how

>> No.7248110

excuse le typos :'(

>> No.7248122

nope, just by card. allow me to confirm my sources but I believe you're safest with a credit card? or least safest I can't remember. I just use my visa card ATM. I'm on my phone now so its difficult to navigate the help forums, but there's a guy who posts there that gives out great advice.

like one of them I remember was to never purchase electronics there simply for the fact theres no warranty to fall back on. I'm excited to see a AE thread though so I'll definitely be back to confirm and drop some more buyer advice to stay afloat there.

I've bought a cute lolita dress for $30 shipped from there (boguta brand I think) and CP Pettis for $25 shipped while they still had their sale. its a goldmine once you learn to filter the crap.

>> No.7248164

OP here, was worried that the thread was deleted.
Thanks for the response, you guys! Can we get some seller/item recommendations and reviews going? By the way, how honest are they with the materials, save for leather? Also, if you spot any fluffy and warm mori-able clothes from a good seller, please link!

>> No.7248169

Do link all the Lolita shops you know please!

>> No.7248171

I buy from aliexpress quite often with mixed results. It's like taobao, kind of a hit or miss.
They're not really like milanoo because each store is owned by a different person, like taobao, etsy, ebay etc

All in all I thought it was okay - kind of sketchy, sometimes sellers will "sell" you your item and then delete their store and try to take your money. Apparently I bought from one of these stores (watch out for the too-good-to-be-true deals) and someone from aliexpress let me know, got a refund from them and I had my money back in a few days. So the stores can be sketchy, but the overall site has great communication. I'd just recommend buying from stores that have plenty of reviews.

>> No.7248194

Can anyone link some wig shops they've used?

Also stores that sell shoes and cute legwear would be nice, too.

>> No.7248198

You've seen that post on tumblr I take it?

I've checked out the seller and the prices are low, low, low, but jesus, they didn't even bother shopping out the watermarks from the stores they took photos from.

It may be mean, but I kind of hope that everyone who was gullible enough about this particular seller ends up learning a valuable lesson about cosplay shopping the hard way.

>> No.7248219

Yup, saw the Tumblr post. I knew it was too good to be true, and plus I didn't have enough funds right now so I held off on buying anything (I probably would have gotten only a few wigs anyway). Unfortunately, a few people I know were really excited and apparently some ended up buying a lot, spending around $30.00 for around a dozen wigs. I wouldn't say it's mean to want them to learn their lesson, I sort of hope they realize this too.

>> No.7248225

Just type in mori girl in the search bar and you'll find a lot.
The seller "JOHN Online Store" has loads, I ordered from them but didn't receive the items yet as I chose the cheaper shipment method. I did ask them about sizing and such and they were very friendly.
If this topic is still up when I receive my package, I'll let you know more

>> No.7248235

I get most my wigs and dresses from this site. On one occasion I got four dresses, two jackets, a sweater and jeans. Second time I used them was for another dress and a wig for a cosplay. You have to make sure when you order from them to talk to the store representative in the chat. That person makes sure they get their shit done fast and ship to you immediately.

>> No.7248261

is the seller that's on that tumblr post reliable? most of their reviews were decent (and included reviews on the wigs) so i was hopeful but now i'm getting nervous.

>> No.7248265

It seems to be just like eBay to me, they don't bother shooping watermarks out either.
I'm going to be buying about 10 wigs from there, for about $20. If they delete the shop, I'll try and get a refund.

Honestly, even if the wigs are shit or don't arrive, or if they delete the store, I don't really care.

>> No.7248292


I'm ordering a wig to test it out. If all else fails, I'll only be out $2.

>> No.7248323

I've bought some other stuff from aliexpress and I would liken it to "Chinese ebay." In fact, you can usually find the same things on both ebay and aliexpress but slightly cheaper on aliexpress. The seller is not supposed to get money until you confirm that everything is a-okay. If you have a problem you're supposed to contact the seller and they are supposed to help make things right.

I think the most I've spent on a single item has been $170 and it came out just fine.

>> No.7248332

Thank you very much!

>captcha: eat daterpoo

>> No.7248334

Honestly I was too worried about my gelt even if the bargain prices were so great, but this thread is really encouraging so I'll try!

>> No.7248372

I just saw that and I'm so tempted to buy a wig I really need. It's only $2 and free shipping so I won't care if I lose the money.

>> No.7248375

A lot of people are making a huge deal over Ali because they've read all over that its a scam. Well so is Ebay, people just as easily do the same thing on there and other sites but it doesn't stop them.
Honestly, I feel that depending on what stores you buy from, you'll be fine. Just check their ratings.

>> No.7248376

I went on and gave it a shot with 2 wigs but if it's shit, it's only $3 lost.

>> No.7248377
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>> No.7248393

I tried to order from there, but you can't pay with paypal only by creditcard. I like the stuff they have though. A friend of mine buys a lot of parts and LED-lights in bulk from there (And occasionally an outfit for his dog) and I've never heard complaints.

>> No.7248405

I've bought several things from AE. From jewelery to shoes to bags to wigs. I can make reviews with pictures later. I'm at work right now but I can tell you in advance that everything that was said in this thread is true. Some stores are great some are shit. Look for the good feedbacks and you'll have nothing to worry about.

>> No.7248597
File: 60 KB, 568x381, 1387460512022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like all of tumblr is blowing up over Aliexpress because of that wig sale post. Sitting back and waiting for people to start calling Taobao a scam for the same reasons.

I've never even used Aliexpress before but it took me five minutes to get the hang of it and realize that you REALLY need to look at the item reviews and the shop review before buying anything.

>> No.7248666

Will do!
Aliexpress URLs are blocked here (i assume now a lot of the shop sellers have great bots now that i still get the occasional LOOK AT MY SHOP WE HAVE 30% OFF SALE personal message on the site.
First time opening a Google Docs before so I hope it works...

Sorry its a bit messy right now

>> No.7248670

I'm curious, do you have a link to it?

Sounds too good to be true to be honest.

>> No.7248672

>The seller is not supposed to get money until you confirm that everything is a-okay.
I'm very sure this is wrong... otherwise they woulnt be posting out your product in case your account is empty/frozen/etc and you still get the product.

>> No.7248673

Why would you make me eat daterpoo after i've helped you? :<
Seriously though, no problem!

lol Tumblr

>> No.7248675

I sell on a Japanese website and it works like that. It's pretty fucking weird.

>> No.7248676

I'd love a review of any shoes you bought, those in the links are super cute!

>> No.7248679

So, would you say most products available at the shops you purchased your items from would be a fairly alright quality?

>> No.7248694

Yeah, the entire website is a scam. Those thousands of shop fronts? All the same person? Thousands of reviews? Same person.
Some people really need to sit down and think before they type, wow.

>> No.7248705

Has anyone ordered any of the GLW wigs off of store 117831? If so, is the quality comparable to GLW?

>> No.7248712

What the heck!! What site is this?

Indeed! Though thinking about it now, what would you like to know? (It was only til this afternoon I would get into Aliexpress reviews so whoa)

Tastes will differ, but to compare to quality items I do own, I certainly havent received anything similar to brand yet definitely, but its just like your average Taobao haul and thats all I can say. Cute stuff but doubt you'll keep lovely looking forever. Fashion degradable.
Cute alternative clothes for wearing out the street.

>> No.7248717

Which shop is doing the super wig sale? I'd like to buy atleast 3 or so to do a review.

>> No.7248728

I sell on Buyma. We can't receive the money until the customer leaves positive feedback. Surprisingly it's hardly been problematic, but I'm not sure if AE works the same way.

>> No.7248729

I'd like to know this too

>> No.7248732

Weird.. well with the type of scams some sellers have known to pull on customers, it makes it appear they get the money before they receive any feedback?

>> No.7248733
File: 23 KB, 500x43, aliexpress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chunqing zhou

>> No.7248738

Thanks for this!
I have a strong feeling this seller either accidentally set their sale to 90% off (happened before) or its a scam.
There is no profit for this person. They'll only lose money just ordering it if not being the actual factory for it.

>> No.7248742

>Tfw this shop account was only used to harvest bank information

>> No.7248748

Go halainn (Morin girl blogger) has done some reviews of aliexpress on her blog. Also, Infanta is selling there direct now (link on egl)

>> No.7248754

I tried to buy fabric there before, but from what it seemed they only sold great quantities (like, if you want to fill your store with chinese goods, you buy from there)

>> No.7248791

Even if they dont end up shipping any wigs, its not hard to call your bank and file a chargeback

>> No.7248796

But that doesn't stop the scamming shop from having your credit card info

>> No.7248813

My shopping cart is set

s-should I o-order...?

>> No.7248822

Do it. I ordered this morning

>> No.7248852

You could have something like Alipay

>> No.7248888

Why don't you guys use Maestro?

>> No.7248892

What's Alipay?

>> No.7248912

I don't know if this helps, but I've bought from Aliexpress before (some dual brooch clips and some cabochons) - three items in total, and I haven't had a problem so far. It's great because they have a lot more variety than ebay, and as long as you read reviews you should be fine.

>> No.7248976

I use this site a lot for things like blouses, tights, accessories, etc. The items are a bit hit-and-miss, but if the store has a high rating you should be okay. Even though some of the items aren't always so great, or sometimes never arrive, it's really easy to get a refund as the seller doesn't get paid until you've confirmed that you have the item and you're happy with it. Most sellers are very reasonable anyway, as they all want your repeat business. I ordered a blouse recently, and the seller messaged me saying that it was out of stock, but that I should apply for a refund and she's sent me two free blouses as compensation.

Watch out for the shoes, though. They're cheaply made, and some sellers don't seem to know how to scale things up for Western sizes, so they've made them longer but not wider. Smaller sizes (like a UK 2 - 3) are generally okay, but much past there and they get a bit uncomfortable. I've only ever bought high heels, though, so I can't comment on the flat shoes.

>> No.7248994

Something like paypal for alibaba and aliexpress websites, but I've never used it.

>> No.7249003

The seller might have bought a bulk lot of wigs at 'fell off the truck' prices. People are likely to buy a lot if the item is cheap (example: any dollar store ever).
Or its a scam... who knows! I dropped $10 on wigs and can easily open a dispute if I get shafted. I've ordered from Ali before and never had a problem.

>> No.7249545

I know shipping will take quite a while from China but would it arrive within a month? The prices are too good to pass but I need some wigs soon. Too bad I can't upgrade shipping...

>> No.7249553

I wouldn't count on it. I'd even give the time a month and a half
I'm hoping my wigs come before Katsucon

>> No.7249566

There's also this store, apparently.
xiangping cao

Wavering due to mixed/low reviews. I don't need to deal with another case of identity theft.

>> No.7249731

seconding this

>> No.7249795

thirding, especially if there are any stores with a lot of those sheer socks that were popular this past summer.

>> No.7249921
File: 5 KB, 186x139, images-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it a shopping service? Or works lioe one? Because i saw someone telling that the shipping costs were free and it really looks like a shopping service to me, where they tell you the shipping cost later

>> No.7249938

It's not a shopping service. Most items have free shipping.

>> No.7249984

The fit of the shoes, if they're adequately comfy, basic stuff.

>> No.7250076

its a service because its in english but not one if you get what i mean? some are drop shippers too? i doubt all of them are from the factory

someone already linked a list of what they bought that was cute and shoes

>> No.7250096

>just bought $13 worth of wigs

If they're shitty, it'll just be good, cheap styling practice or something.

>> No.7250115

>someone already linked a list of what they bought that was cute and shoes
If you're referring to >>7248666 I saw it but I'm not a lolita and don't really do "cute" so none of that stuff really appeals to me, lol.

>> No.7250131

guys how does one get with alipay?

>> No.7250233

The sale shop just took (almost) all of it's merchandise offline.

I bought $13 worth of wigs, crossing my fingers that one turned out alright, but I had considered that it was likely an error in the system and their stock wasn't supposed to be on sale.

I doubt they'll ship out what was ordered and will instead keep the money until people file claims.
I'm going to wait until the end of my 3 day period before submitting a claim, since they have a "we'll ship it out within 3 days" policy. Who knows. Maybe we'll get lucky.

AliExpress has a full refund guarantee if the product doesn't arrive or isn't as it is. You just have to escalate the case. Similar to eBay.

>> No.7250244

I saw this and took screen caps of my order which still says $6.57. Even if I don't get a refund, I'll make a fuss . I just want wigs or a refund. Just cancel my order and I won't bother them again. That store is probably going to lose business with this fiasco. I think enough anons took screen caps this morning.

>> No.7250245

What do you want to bet all the braindead kids on tumblr that ordered will still complain and whine because they were too dumb to get how filing a case works.

Oh well. At least they'll all probably stay away from aliexpress after this so the site won't get flooded with newbs like taobao threads do now.

>> No.7250256

I don't even know how any of the braindead tumblr users could have composed themselves to even order. They were too busy throwing a fit about how the entirety of the website was a scam.

>> No.7250261

I've bought from Aliexpress around 25 times and only had a problem with 1 seller and 1 item that shipped to a wrong address. Just know that unless it's 100% clear cut and in your favor like the seller never shipped your stuff or your items were delivered to a wrong address and tracking proves this, Aliexpress will side with the seller.

As >>7247688 said, brand name things are replicas and as long as you know that and are cool with it, shop away. My friend and I bought a ton of those fancy print leggings at about $7 per pair and the printing and quality were quite nice. Many sellers list items without the name too so you do become creative with your search words. Like if you wanted makeup palette dupes, they have them for a lot of major brands like Too Faced, Urban Decay, Benefit, etc. but they generally don't mention the brand anywhere.

I bought a lot of designer shoes/boots replicas for reasonable prices so it's just a matter of culling through the results. Also, the sorting features for results are your friends! I always set them to Free Shipping, 1 Piece Only, and sort by price. If you hover with your mouse over the seller's feedback, you can see their rating without going to the item page too so within your results, if you sort like I do, you can find the most reliable seller with the products lined up in ascending price order.

As for paying, they use escrow. Your card gets charged but they hold the money in escrow until you confirm delivery and say everything was as it should be which "closes" the transaction and releases money to the seller. Escrow sounds weird but it's pretty common for a lot of money transactions, like mortgages etc.

All in all, if you do your research, like you would on eBay or Taobao, Aliexpress is a decent place to shop for things like shit you see on YesStyle but don't want to overpay for. Steer clear of electronics and shit with moving parts. Accessories, clothing, shoes, and the like are pretty safe though.

>> No.7250266

I saw the Tumblr post when it only had a thousand notes or so and ordered a bunch of wigs. Aliexpress is really good about refunding you if your order doesn't arrive though. You have to clear the payment when you receive your item, so if nothing shows up, I'll say so. I had to do it before with some shoes that never got to me.

In the past, I've had good luck with ordering off the site. As long as you look at ratings and read the reviews to weed out fake sellers, you'll be fine. I bought a relatively nice lace front pink wig from a seller on Ali and it was super thick.

>> No.7250273

This escrow thing, is this the only thing you have to win things with AliExpress in the case of a an item not arriving?
What do they check for if the item goes to the wrong place or is never shipped?
Is the system often abused? If I don't like the item I got, could I say it never arrived and got lost in the mail? Or what. If you know.

>> No.7250286

The seller has a certain amount of time to ship your package. (For this wig seller it's 7 days.) If nothing gets shipped out, you automatically get refunded.

If you do not receive your item, or you are unsatisfied with the item, there is an option to say that you did not get your item and you will be refunded. I'm sure that this system get's abused, but you get a seller score and if you constantly abuse the refund button, you'll get a crap score and you may not be able to order things.

>> No.7250287

Any speculation on why everything was taken down right away? Was it a scam after all? An error in pricing?

>> No.7250292

It's late.

>> No.7250303

Either the owners fucked up really hard and didn't mean to have everything 90% off, or they are legitimately out of stock and they took the listings down. I think the first scenario is more likely though.

>> No.7250304

If the store fucked up, we still get our wigs right?

Even if they turn out to be bad, they were inexpensive and I'm sure they'll be useful for something at least.

>> No.7250308

Probably not if it was a mistake. I doubt they have the stock to accommodate the amount of orders they received. We will most likely be refunded. I'm ok with that though. It was worth a shot.

That store will probably get really bad reviews and have to make a new account if this was a mistake.

>> No.7250320

How many wigs do sellers usually keep in stock? The ones I'm looking at had around 150 orders placed when it was taken down.

>> No.7250325

I was wondering that, too. It looks like some of mine had as few as 12 orders. I'm going to hope against all odds that they follow through with some of the orders.

>> No.7250331


It depends on the seller. I don't know if they have their own warehouse or a warehouse supply. It's possible that the orders go through and we all get our wigs, but I'm being a bit pessimistic on purpose just in case.

>> No.7250335

Do they have any grounds not to process our orders if they have them in stock?

>> No.7250345

Let's all join our hands in prayer for our two dollar wigs, anon. Pray with us.

>> No.7250346

AliExpress doesn't know if they're in stock and neither do we. I don't think anyone can stop them from pretending they don't have that stock.

Most, if not all, of the wig pictures they had were from other sellers. I doubt they have a warehouse.

>> No.7250352

I knew that the pictures were stolen, I was just saying in general for AliExpress stores, the amount of stock depends on the seller.

Haha. Yeah I hope somehow this works, but I'm still putting my money on all of us just getting a refund in 6-7 days.

>> No.7250423


Group prayer for all that we actually get wigs.

>> No.7250445


Let us all join hands.
My fellow Seagulls, the Cosplay God smiled down upon us on that day in which we were greeted by a wig sale of massive proportions. May He continue to be forever giving as we would be forever grateful for these wigs to be shipped and of good quality.
Please, Lord, hear our prayer.


>> No.7250448

So, what payment methods do they take? I don't have a credit/debit card. All I have is paypal and cash, and obviously the latter won't work.

>> No.7250568

They seemed to have fallen off the face of the earth. They have taken down EVERYTHING, and are not responding to people messages and all~
This is going to be exciting turn of events.

>> No.7250571

At least from what I gather of this thread, they didn't get any money yet and don't have anyone's financial information. So I'd say this is a case of someone done fucked up, and instead of dealing with it and getting the inevitable bad feedback they're just running away and setting up a new shop.

>> No.7250574


>> No.7250585

I was about to say "no they haven't???" and have been confused about people saying that they're backing out but then I realised I placed my order with the other store, xiangpin cao.

Everything is still up on that store.
There is also the possibility of this insane sale because the store wants some good reputation so they can scam more people again later. It has happened before?
>mixed reviews and feedback
>massive sale to get some positive attention
>once sale is over, back to normal service

who knows though, it likely was just a mistake. I'm not too worried.

>> No.7250600
File: 318 KB, 700x691, 1380113282100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to start a thread like this about an hour before this was posted yesterday and had a link to aliexpress. the link wasn't allowed to I got rid of it and linked a tumblr post with a link to it and I got banned for a day. I don't have anything relivant to post anymore I was just sad, why o why me.

>> No.7250603

Watch as you get banned for complaining about your ban.

>> No.7250601

I lol'd. But seriously. What a day. At least it makes a decent cosplay related story for any of my fellow friends who missed this fiasco.

>> No.7250602

that's not true; I bought nine bucks worth of wigs, and they sent me the email saying that the transaction had been paid successfully. I checked my records, and the amount has been paid to them

>> No.7250605
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Not the first and probably not the last time I will be.

>> No.7250610

I'm sorry anon.

>> No.7250617
File: 162 KB, 651x720, 1374961921060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not that bitter, this thread turned out pretty well anyway, I was going to post more of a general "shops that seem too good to be true" thing than just aliexpress. Oh well.
Are we taking bets on whether or not people are going to get thier wigs?

>> No.7250627
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I think from the amount of people ordering, we're just hoping to get refunded. If not, I'm out $6.57. Meh

>> No.7250636
File: 16 KB, 500x333, 1387537529082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I felt the same way, i was going to order three seeming I would be losing <$10 but then I just couldn't be bother, they would probably be terrible and then if they were good I have no wear to store them at the moment and am not currently planning any cosplays. I hope everyone does get theirs and they are half alright at least though.

>> No.7250637

Thanks. I was originally going to order $25 worth of wigs. So thankful I didn't. I do hope I get refunded. That's like a meal at Burger King, and I love their fries.

>> No.7250642

Is it already confirmed that they arn't sending them out? What did you pay through? If you used paypal you most likely will. Is burger king's food actually any good? I've only gone there for their $1 slushies. (also they are called hungry jacks where I live)

also where not wear, oops.

>> No.7250646

whats up with
they are having one dollar wigs? Want to try some but dont want to get scammed...

>> No.7250648

only credit card

>> No.7250658

Yeah, OP here, was afraid of getting baleeted myself. When the thread got started it had disappeared immediately so I just thought "oh well", but the next day it came back up on the front page.

I suppose it's how you word it? Some janitors may think it's some sort of advertising or spam. Tbh there's no reason for it to be deleted because it's basically just like the Taobao thread.

By the way, would anyone be interested in continuing the thread after this one runs its course? We could recommend shops, review items, help with people searching for a particular item. Or it could be a one-time thing, depending on how seagulls feel.

>> No.7250662

Oh, anon!

>> No.7250663

They don't take PayPal since they're a company similar to Tao Bao. They only take credit. It says it take 3 days to process payment though, so I have a feeling they'll just cancel the orders since I'm sure a lot of people bought wigs.

Burger King is pretty good. Them and Wendy's have the best burgers IMO. I also really like their breakfast stuff with French toast sticks.

>> No.7250664

I would be interested. And thanks for making this thread, OP

>> No.7250669

/cgl/ is a mysterious beast.

I think these threads continuing on would be cool but then it's pretty much the same as taobao without the following so I doubt it will be popular enough.

Ah, hopefully it'll all work out regardless. We don't have Wendy's in Australia. I'm not really a big fast food person apart from subway I love those god damn suns. When I do go for a burger it's ussully because I don't have the money and then i just buy a $2 Mc double because it is cheap. Maybe I will try out hungry jacks next time I am near one.

>> No.7250670

Yum. I gotta say McDonald's cheeseburgers are my favorite. And that damn Oreo mcflurry.

Thanks Australian anon. Do have some delicious burgers today.

>> No.7250675
File: 1.42 MB, 692x720, 1375314522006.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't make myself buy McFlurries, they do taste nice but they are like $4? I can a soft serve for 30c. It's 10.50pm so I won't be today, but you should, I wish you the most delicious burgery goodness will grace your life today.

sage for off topic.

>> No.7250683

Thanks for this thread. Got some extra cash and letting myself buy cute normal clothes. I searched doll and filtered the dresses and some are lovely.

>> No.7250715

>No Wendy's in Australia

I'm sorry

>> No.7250760
File: 54 KB, 533x400, wendys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are they good as well? some times i serioulst consider going to America on a shopping trip, like travel around and just buy stuff that is strangley expensive here or go to shops we don't have. I also really want to go to a walmart they look dope. But it sounds like you guys don't have stuff we do like crunchies and you guys don't have paddle pops (sickening thought if you really don't)? We have a Wendy's that do ice cream and really rocking milkshakes, pic related.

>> No.7250771

As >>7250261 explained, your money is debited from your account shortly after paying and put into escrow. The seller doesn't get the money until you confirm satisfactory delivery though.

Re: yes your money went somewhere, but it's not on the sellers pocket until you say things were peachy.

>> No.7250782

If they fuck up, no they dont have to give it to you.
I have a strong feeling they'll just PM everyone saying "Um sorry we out of stock sorry!!!!" and then close shop. That's what happened when I bought a CP petti they advertised for $15 yet its $20 on the Classical Puppets page, and has always been on stock.

The $2 breakfast muffins were real nice until they upped the price to $3.50, you're 20c short of paying McDonald's amount for bacon and egg muffins which *supposedly* have nicer bread and sauce but smaller in size. Tho HJacks muffins are better imho. And I say this as a McDonalds employee.

Its weird they sell them for $4, theres like 4 cones worth of icecream in it so its like you're paying $3 just for the sauce and topping...
Assuming you're an Aussie, currently the cashing system forgot to put a fee on the Kitkat and Kitkat sauce toppings so you can add them to your waffle cones or sundaes whatever for free : D Go crazy provided you like that Kitkat anyway.

>> No.7250784

I heard CP can take weeks for them to actually constuct the petti and it drags out a lot of peoples orders.

I've never brough breakfast stuff apart from a morning sub from subway once which was terrible. Or wehn I brought a bacon and egg mcMuffin in japan and the bread had maple sryup through it and was disgusting.
Yeah oath, you can just ask for a soft serve in a lid with topping ofr 80c anyway. Kitkat stuff? I though we only had flake.

>> No.7250785

It was a mistake.
Seriously, a year on Aliexpress, seen it happen so much. There must be something with the website seller's formatting that makes you accidentally sellect 90%. Or their engrish got in the way. I'm guessing they meant to do a 10% sale.

What phase of the transaction are you in? Are you still in Fund Processing? Because it may or may not indicate whether they have your cash yet.

They wont lose business, they'll just restart a shop again lol

Here's a guide
Though i honestly cbf with this. Would love to hear your experience with it though, it looks like it has some crucial benefits.

forgot to namefag here but eh

>> No.7250793

I know. Wtf. You can just buy a huge pack of 100 Oreos and soft served ice cream for $1 or so and cut out the McDonald's middle man of over charging for no good reason. If I can get two cheeseburgers and fries for less than $5, why would a mcflurry alone by $4?? Fuck their thievery.

>> No.7250795

Either way, that employee is so fired.

>> No.7250796

Damn we had a Kitkat Mcflurry in our country once, shit was so cash. Especially considering that I lived in Bumfuckistan and no country nearby had it. We were special once.

>> No.7250798
File: 679 KB, 150x150, 1369276968276.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you anon, this is my sentiment completley.

>> No.7250800

Very few if any Aliexpress stores are actually shop fronts for warehouse direct. Very few.
This is why Aliexpress is partially a SS... depending on the seller. You see 7 different sellers for a Hello Kitty floor rug right? They're not 7 different accounts from the warehouse, they're 7 different people drop shipping or ordering an then shipping your product from the Taobao site to your door.
A lot of these sellers who do this are just some English speaking Chinese people who are looking for a little cash somewhere.

If a seller has nothing in stock, they tell you and you yourself must cancel the order after 3 days and you will get a dropdown on the cancellation page asking why you're cancelling. One of them is "Seller out of stock" and it may likely penalize the the seller. And that's it.

What sort of key terms do you use to find dupes? I've only really gotten confident with clothing terms, I've never dared buy any makeup otherwise bar Duo lash glue (5 for $15 whereas the shizz is $7 a tube here)

Yeah I did that too, I kept forgetting to read the little red box properly thinking it was just my captcha, I got pretty sad about it too oddly :( Guess coz I just didnt expect it. I just post links in textdumps now.

>> No.7250809

Yep I'm pretty sure they meant to do a 5% sale instead. Must be the wording in the seller's store formatting that confuses the poor people :(

Fair enough, but items taking a while to make never stop them though? But literally, they were selling me an item with free shipping that would cost THEM $5. And used Out of Stock as an excuse, I guess hoping I didnt know about the Taobao store.

What cheezes me is the drinks really. A large coke is $3.45 or something for about a glass and a half of coke (the ice cubes make it look heaps more you can see the difference as you ask for no ice on the drive thru with the instant machines), yet go down and get a bottle of coke for $2.50 from the Woolies down the road and ask for a cup of ice from the Front Counter person and you're set to chill at McDs with your McDoubles. Or if you're really cheap a 75c generic cola + free cup of ice.
Oh and the frozen cokes.. once melted theres only half a cup of fluid in the cup, yet costs over 4 bucks for a large I think. Wild.

>> No.7250812

Oh forgot the second part of that comment wtf

No I meant the KitKat Mcflurries. I guess that isnt nationwide then.. Typically extra toppings are 70c but the software update forgot to add it in so you can theoretically add an infinite amount of the crushed up kitkat and sauce for free lel

>> No.7250814
File: 120 KB, 480x640, genetics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well they're successfully serving the fat and lazy-to-think-let-alone-walk for a reason

>> No.7250837

People who blame genetics make me laugh. Is that person asleep? Haha

The gif is so beautiful

>> No.7250842

Well here's a lovely sample of what a uncredited "lolita dress making" company that uses brand pictures would make for you instead
Click on the colour options and you'll see what I mean

Looks kinda cute on its own I guess.

>> No.7250846

Oh man even the sleeves are too short for the model. However as a super shorty the length is perfect for me.

>> No.7250850

what is this, a dress for ants?

>> No.7250849

It says on my page that if they don't send out the stuff in 4 days, the order will be canceled, and I'll get my money back, so I don't see a need to panic. It also looks like the amount was posted to my account, but it still hasn't been withdrawn, and I assume it won't be.

>> No.7250852

Thanks for that info, anon.

>> No.7250853

Would do! The bodice may be too long though? I'm 165cm and brand bodices being too short on my frame happens..

This makes me wish I didnt already own like 4 each of cute jumpers and jackets

>> No.7250880

That lady at your Wendy's counter? That's what everyone looks like at Walmart.

>> No.7250882

For my orders, they had processed and shown up as withdrawn from my bank account when I made the purchases, but now that the order was "awaiting shipment", the money is back in my account and there's no notification of a purchase to the website. Kind of strange, but oh well. I had to cancel my orders anyway because of the big Target-getting-credit-card-info-stolen fiasco. I haven't gotten any money taken from me, but I have shopped a couple times at Target in that timespan they listed, so I'm keeping a vigilant watch on my account. My boyfriend's family got almost completely wiped by the frauders...

>> No.7250885

I have made ... I don't know 60 orders, things go right 95% of the time, sometimes sellers are scammers just like ebay but you will get a refund from aliexpress if you don't get your items.

>> No.7250900

Wow your Wendy's looks absolutely nothing like the ones in North America. Interesting seeing the changes made to market in different countries

Personally I like the breakfast subs from Subway. It's pretty much the same as a bacon & egg mcmuffin, but bigger and you can add whatever additional toppings you want in it. It's almost the same price too. Goddamnit I came in this thread to buy cheap wigs and now I'm hungry for Subway

Going back ontopic, so does anyone know the deal with the store posted in >>7250646 ? Is this our second go-to store if our glorious first one doesn't pan out?

>> No.7250909

That doesn't make sense the seller can't see your payment info twat.

>> No.7251060


Anon from >>7250261
>What sort of key terms do you use to find dupes?

I've found that you can search for most things by product name and sometimes color/shade name without the brand to cast the widest net since many sellers leave off the brand name. Or sometimes they will use product initials e.g. TF = Too Faced, UD = Urban Decay, and so on.

So if, for example, you wanted one of Urban Decay's Naked eyeshadow palettes, you'd just type in something like "nude eyeshadow palette" or "ud nude eyeshadow palette" and then sort from there. Like I said earlier, I always click the option for Free Shipping and 1 Piece Only to start from. If you plan to overbuy and resell, you can input the max quantity you want too. For something specific you can just type in like "primer potion" or "porefessional"

I bought some of those huge eyeshadow palettes like what Coastal Scents sells, same shit and plain packaging but $10 less for the 120 color ones (though I guess Coastal has holiday sales going on now so the amount saved is less). If you're not finding what you want, you can cast the widest possible net by using broad terms like "lip primer" to see all possible things. The sellers get creative or really stupid with their names so you might come across some really random things with any given search.

Was there something particular you were looking for? I can list a few sellers I've bought makeup items from and was happy with.

>> No.7251069

What are crunchies and paddle pops?

>> No.7251086

If you "don't do cute" then why did you specifically ask for shops selling cute leg wear and stuff? Maybe be a little more specific next time.

>> No.7251102

But.. Woolies is long gone?

>> No.7251130

Whatever is in your area then!
(unless you're telling me Woolworths the entire business is off the map, I'm confused since we have at least 3 of them where I live? Or is it called Safeway where you live?..)

Don't bother with >>7250646. Seriously, you can try and but you'll see its not worth the energy just like what happened on the other post. Know your economics. There's honestly hardly such a thing as $1 cosplay wigs on AE. On Alibaba maybe, if you order like a bulk of 10,000.

Btw I'm confused as why Alibaba is mentioned in the title, this is strictly catered towards business owners.

>> No.7251132

The UK version of Woolworths went out of business years ago. They might be confused.

>> No.7251138
File: 47 KB, 424x394, frend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dangit, then my sweet McFlurry hax will be useless then

>> No.7251156

lol all drinks (even like 40 oz [so ~1 liter]) are a dollar in 'murrica

sage for way off topic.

>> No.7251264

I tried ordering a wig once from aliexpress.. 30days it never arrived and after agreeing for a refund with the seller, took another 10..

Ended buying same one from Lucialle instead for ironically the same price at the time..

You can't believe how hard it is to find a pastel green color wig..

>> No.7251511
File: 45 KB, 386x416, fsdfsdfsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a wig from there for 5 dollars and it's very cute, pic related. I think it looks very realistic.

>> No.7251559

Bumping the thread for news.

My payment just cleared and the countdown has started for 6 days to see if it ships. I'm going to stick this out and wait to see what happens unless someone gets some other news.

>> No.7251574
File: 19 KB, 216x300, Paddlepop-216x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they are run by differn't companies, just same name. Maybe your subs are slightly differn't but the egg on ours are supposedly and omlette and are rubbery and gross.
You poor, poor, baby, shhhh, it's going to be alright, no more tears.
Looks cute anon.

>> No.7251712

Are paddle pops a specific brand/recipe or is it just a different name for popsicles?

>> No.7251906

Try the term 'mint' instead. (Not that the previous sale shop had any... I combed through all of the greens.)

Mine cleared about 24 hour ago and still no word. Waiting patiently.

>> No.7252034

You Americans make me laugh. But no it is s specific and amazing icecream by streets.

>> No.7252037

I ordered from the other ship - xiangping cao and my order is also awaiting shipment now.
Might I also remind people that all wigs and items are still up on that store.

>> No.7252040

Because there were people I know who bought things from there too, but sorry for the confusion :(

>> No.7252198
File: 10 KB, 839x112, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For reference, if anyone needs this - search filters for the best/most reliable items.
Sorry for the squiggly lines, my dog ate my mouse cable so I gotta use the shitty trackpad on my laptop.

>> No.7252201

Oh and the '1 piece only' can be checked off if you're buying stuff like stationery or zakka fabric/sewing kits. Your country for shipping obviously, only circled it because it's set to USA for me automatically.

>> No.7252223

Do you think they will send your wigs?

>> No.7252236

just saying

>> No.7252251

Like we said earlier in the thread, I'm not too optimistic. But the refund is guaranteed and I am a patient person.

>> No.7252655

So what's the "final verdict" about this? While reading the whole thread I'm still not sure whether it's safe to buy from here.

>> No.7252660

Use it like taobao or ebay, read reviews and pay attention to ratings. If it looks too good to be true it probably is, but only you can decide what to throw your money at. Also, beware milanoo.

>> No.7253062
File: 86 KB, 1173x118, aliexpress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good news! Thanks so much mod, let's hope spambots don't come back and ruin it though.

Testing http://www.aliexpress.com/

>> No.7253079


Am I not banned anymore for aliexpress? If so, navy blouse chan I have two links for you! They're rather plain though, and one of the sellers has no feedback. The tie blouse's seller has good feedback though, and the blouse itself should fit you.



>> No.7253249

Yay! I was so pissed when I discovered that was a banned link.

>> No.7253272

Navy blouse-chan (one of them) here! The second one is actually fantastic, thank you! I actually have a bunch of aliexpress options saved on my account, but I guess I'm too picky- they're either in the perfect shade but not a cut I prefer, or the perfect cut but too bright blue. I think I'll try this one!

>> No.7253301


guys, this can't be the legit thing, right? there's an ugly replica of this floating around on my-lolita-world and a few other sites, but the photos on this page are of the real product. I sent a message and no response as of yet.

>> No.7253396

They have good feedback the item has two reviews and one really seems to like it so even if it's not the real thing it must be a good replica.

>> No.7253400


I kinda like this.. Not even a lolita but it's cute.

>> No.7253565

That's literally just a dreamy sky replica, you can get them for half that price on taobao.

>> No.7253696

They're cheaper on taobao? Got any links?

>> No.7253718

Here's too you should go ask the taobao thread, I used to have a link to another store that I got from there and I think one or possibly two anons ordered from there, I don't really follow the threads anymore.

>> No.7253730

two fuck

>> No.7253755

This is a dumb question but are the prices on taobao in chinese or japanese currency?

>> No.7253760

You're right. It is a dumb question.
>Go Google it.

>> No.7253770
File: 587 KB, 1036x720, 1378540220500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese, it can be confusing becuase the signs are the same.
Stop being a douche, you douche,

>> No.7253780
File: 26 KB, 500x310, tumblr_m7qyo92Nvz1qk7dzzo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! Have some cute bear desserts.

>> No.7253782
File: 20 KB, 144x232, 1373521249374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem Anon.

>> No.7254026

True, but then again your wage rates are lower to make up for it
I'm currently getting paid $18 hr at my McDs

Press shift to make the lines automatically straight
After all this time posting and using docs textdumps and pastebins I am so happy.

The first one is gorgeous!! Buying with my next paycheck!

>> No.7254031

Where do you live?

>> No.7254032

going to guess Australia, which has a very high minimum wage.

>> No.7254047

Holy crap For $36 shipped I dont know how they do this feat without removing stuffing

Yep, Australia

>> No.7254052

Infanta has its own store and it's legit.

>> No.7254075

How do you know it's legit, anon?

>if it is goodbye money

>> No.7254097

Why buy from Infanta's aliexpress when you can just order directly through Infanta via email and skip the markups?
A review was published somewhat recently where the girl would have had to pay like $10-20 more through Aliexpress.

>> No.7254272

I was always taught to never buy things from ebay if the seller feedback is less that 99.8%..
Mfw ali sellers barely hit above 96%

>> No.7254282

idk I bought from a lot of sellers with score under that, never got scammed in my life.

>> No.7254295


I think it depends on the seller, imo. There are some Asian sellers who sell a ton of stuff/clothes, and their feedback is less than that, but you go into their negative reviews and it's all fat Western women going "UM, THE SIZE SAID LARGE BUT IT WAS DEFINITELY NOT A LARGE!!!!!!!! DO NOT BUY FROM THIS SELLER!!!" Obviously everyone on cgl knows about Asian sizing, so if that's where the negatives are coming from, it doesn't apply here.

>> No.7254298

Yeah, there's this sweater with a bunny on it that I looked at
and a good deal of the reviews complained about the sleeves being too short
the seller even had "these are chinese measurements for chinese people, we are smaller than people in the us, please keep that in mind" in HUGE LETTERS under the size chart, with the sleeve length clearly displayed. But nope, still got bad reviews.

>> No.7254357

So, any news with the wig sale thing yet? As in, anyone's order been sent out yet?
It's not that I'm expecting anything to get sent out at all and especially not this soon, but hey, you never know.

The other store ( >>7250646 ) still has all items up and have been deleting and adding new things while the sale has been going on. Not sure if the people in charge are just blind or if they think it'll sort itself out - in case it is a mistake and not something they did on purpose of course.

Pretty much the same sort of feedback the other shop had so eh. Sometimes you gotta take a gamble. I'm not that worried.

oh goodness this is glorious.

>> No.7254485


Yeah, those people are idiots. If they're legit, they should have sizing charts, but people still bluster 'it doesn't fit me! I fit into an American XL but the XL here is too small!" Fucking duh, you're buying shit from China where there are less larger people.

>> No.7255547

I buy heaps of stuff from aliexpress but here's my warning: The same seller will use many different seller names and will have slightly different descriptions in each one. if you buy a wig because it has a slightly different tint than the other ones in the search listing, chances are the same seller is selling the same wig with different pictures or description.

>> No.7255897

Are you sure you're not just thinking of different sellers selling the same merch?
Aliexpress isnt just online shopfronts, many are acting as SS's for the same Taobao products

>> No.7255900

Yeah, I've bought from people 89% and above just fine.... Never been scammed, but as said there was on product I had lost in the mail from a 98.9% or something seller. I'm more willing to take the risk sometimes and actually been the first person to order from some stores. I always send them a message first (usually asking a question about the product like if they have a certain colour they didnt list or whatever) just to see if I can trust them by how they speak. Still havent became a loser to any of this yet, but even with my stringency I know someday I guess I'll have to hit a bad one.

>> No.7255936
File: 8 KB, 968x166, suchscam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I needed this thread. I've been in a rage since I saw people starting to shit on Aliexpress for being a scam site. I've been using it for months, I've put at least $300 into the website and I haven't once been disappointed.
But no matter how many times I say "hey you guys know it's a marketplace just like eBay or Taobao" I still have FRIENDS warning other people not to use the website because "it seems suspicious."
In more related news, I placed an order from that super cheap wig seller, let's see what happens.

>> No.7255940

I've used aliexpress for two years now. I don't know why people keep saying its shady just because it isn't ebay. I ordered from the 90% sale wig thing too. Any news?

>> No.7255943

Isn't most of that just hearsay on tumblr? It reminds me of every other idiotic thing on tumblr. Like when it was going around that circle lenses would fuck up your eyes and idiots were using a fucking qtip on them to 'clean them' I think they used alcohol on them sometimes.

Or how every once in a while a "matter of fact" post about how to make your life easier comes along like, oh you should rip apart chinese takeout boxes, that's why they're designed that way. I wonder about the number of people who spilled food everywhere.

Anyway, I love places like aliexpress because they have things that western store just don't carry. I just bought one of those big, squishy bean bag pillow chairs for my room, free shipping. They also have inflatable furniture that looks pretty legit comfy.

>> No.7255970

Nothing yet from me, anon. But my order only has about a day and a half left before it auto-cancels. I'll let you know what happens either way.

>> No.7256124
File: 515 KB, 641x440, goodbye money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been searching furnishings for strawberry items and oh my I am about to go totally broke.

Pic related is $30 free shipping, I don't even care.

>> No.7256166

Actually if you just google aliexpress reviews and alibaba reviews there are a lot of negative ones or at least where items never arrive and people have to file a claim. A lot of people have nicknamed the company "Alibaba and the 40 Theives"

I always check the reviews because there are idiots out therw but there are also bad sellers.

One time I had a rep try to force me to accept that my package had arrived even though it hadn't.. so right at the 30 day mark I filed a claim and refunded my $$. Two weeks later I had a message from the rep saying the wigs were back in stock.. no thank you.

>> No.7256172

Same. Says it is being processed, but will auto cancel order in a day.

>> No.7256367


Mainly because aliexpress will most often side with the seller in disputes where the seller is being a hardass. Meaning more sellers will pull shit they can't pull on ebay. I haven't run into one yet, but I always check reviews to make sure that they're legitimate.

>> No.7257327

I'm concerned because the seller's store has no wigs at all in stock anymore, all they have is this weird fleece thing.

>> No.7257381

You can manually extend processing date by going into the My Orders page.

I've extended it to 40 days. I don't mind keep extending it on the off and tiny chance they will eventually send it to me.

>> No.7257382

also my wig order says "Awaiting Shipment".

>> No.7257412

When it auto cancels do you automatically get a full refund?

>> No.7257413

its fine

>> No.7257543

Anyone have any pictures of stuff they got from Ali?

>> No.7258669


My order has about a day and a half until it autocancels. Anyone have any new updates?

>> No.7258698

Just bought 3 wigs for fairly cheap with a bit of Xmas money, now waiting for the payments to go through. If there's still a thread when they get here I'll write a review.

>> No.7258705

I could take some. What do you want to see?

>> No.7258708


>> No.7258857

My order also

>> No.7258911

My time limit just ran up and I received an email from AliExpress saying the order was cancelled and my money will be refunded. It will take 7-10 work days for the refund to go through.

>"The seller failed to ship Order No. --- before 2013.12.24 22:47. Therefore, the order has been automatically cancelled. We will refund your payment as soon as possible."

>> No.7259165

A+ example of why you need more intuition than just going with buyer reviews


also i'm disgusted 8 people bought this

>> No.7259167

See, they do take your money and everyone claiming they dont in this thread either is lying or needs to read more

>> No.7259169

some kawaii shit comin thru

cute blouse

Liz Lisa rep bag
fuzzy beret

>> No.7259204

That's great, anon. I'm a little sad I won't get my wigs, but ah well

>> No.7259263

Aww, I'll go ahead and cancel my order. Grieving the loss of my two dollar wigs.

>> No.7259666

I had some money to burn, so I placed an 30 wig order, for 33 dls... let the games begin

>> No.7259726

Whats up dudes?

Thinking about buying some stuff on this website, but kind of sketched out about it? It says you get the refund if your item doesn't get shipped. Can anyone who has gone through the dispute process vouch for that?


>> No.7259817
File: 525 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20131226_082443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going through my papers pile I found this. A seller included it in an item they posted to me.
I just knew there'd be a thread for this some day

>> No.7259821

You don't even need to dispute it in the case of the wig seller. The person didn't even click the option for "yes I actually sent this out" before the processing time finished so everyone got their money back. That's not a shady seller.

If they claimed they sent it (the purchase status will change to "its posted" or whatever just like eBay) and nothing arrived after months of waiting, then it calls for dispute.

>> No.7259823

Haha aww that's adorable.
Who'd you buy from?

>> No.7259828
File: 240 KB, 406x414, bread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a mighty need for this.

>> No.7259832

Oh no...that's too cute.

Does anyone have any good recommendations for art supplies? The con I'll be selling it is around a year away, but I'd rather not procrastinate for once in my life. Anything from markers to craft supplies to actual set up stuff would be helpful.

>> No.7260252

So anybody got news about this shop?

>> No.7260267

I think they high tailed it, but everyone I know including me and my girlfriend got an email saying the order was cancelled and well be refunded in 7-10 days.

>> No.7261283

Not bad - what store did it come from?

>> No.7262003

Would you mind doing that review of the Dream Sky salopette replica?

>> No.7262593

Some loliable outwear?




>> No.7262729

I'm also curious.

>> No.7262902

What are you talking about? The shop did not get paid at any point in time. There is a 3rd party money handler who you pay. They let the seller know that they have received the money and must fulfill the order to get the payment. No one said we weren't charged anything, we just knew that if shit didn't pan out, we would get our money back.

>> No.7262907

How long does the tracking number on orders take to work? I got one but I come up w/ nothing

>> No.7262995

I ordered many wigs, both from xiangping cao and chunqing zhou, but no tracking number yet...
Does anyone get their order at least shipped ? :/

>> No.7263557

Same anon
Oh nvm I got them..

>> No.7263661

my order is waiting for shipping too... I order from xiangping cao

>> No.7263714

You should go back and read >>7250261
They explained how Aliexpress uses "escrow". No company will just ship items out without some sort of secured payment. Your card gets CHARGED but the seller doesn't see the money until YOU confirm delivery/that everything was fine.

No one is lying and if you don't believe anyone in the thread, go read the FAQ on Aliexpress

This page in particular backs up what everyone's been saying.

>> No.7263720


>Xianpoing cao
Wow they actually "filled" your orders? I thought they would just cancel everyone's orders rather than ship out items at a rate of 90% off.

>> No.7263741

This might have already been posted, but:

Aliexpress is basically a more individual form of Alibaba, which was an industrial supply market. That being said, aliexpress now functions like ebay and other sites, with a little less restriction.
-You can define the exact quantity you want
-Super cheap
-Read reviews first and only buy from people with diamonds next to their name or tens of thousands of positive reviews/sales
- Expect 3-4 weeks shipping
- Check details of item to avoid 'technical detail' rip-offs such as ordering a wig and getting only a wigcap.

I'm an electrical engineer who doesn't buy cosplay stuff from aliexpress, but I do get a lot of my components there in bulk, so the site is fairly legit. You just have to really watch the sellers.

>> No.7263773

who knows... they didn't cancel my order... I'm going to wait the 8 days left, in order to see if it cancels automatically

>> No.7264486

Actually I'm not sure if they "filled" the orders, like you said, because you know, when you buy on Aliexpress, there's 24h to confirm the payment, and if nothing is done, the payment is going to be automatically accepted and your order automatically goes "Awaiting Shippement".
Still no news about my orders from the two sellers, and no answers for my messages. Some of my friends on Facebook told me that some of their friends got their orders shipped, but I will not believe them until I see a screenshot.

>> No.7264535

I'm assuming they misinterpreted.

>> No.7264536

I'd say 1-2 days until you can start seeing info pop up on the Tracking page thing

>> No.7265505

Quote posts, dammit!

>> No.7266272


I'm sorry I'm new here and I don't really know how to use 4chan's quoting system. Now it's ok, I think ?

>> No.7268799

Any news about the wig sale?

>> No.7268952

I thought most people's orders basically timed out and were canceled thusly refunds are on the way to everyone from escrow.

One of my friends got her notice of cancellation a few days ago and was kinda sad she wouldn't get her 35 wigs she ordered.

Anyway, refunds from Aliexpress typically take about a week to show up so people ought to start seeing their accounts credited pretty soon.I wonder if anyone got an actual shipment or if the store literally just let everything time out and will then reopen as a new store.

>> No.7272159

Sweet, one of my makeup palette dupes made it to customs sorting! If anyone is interested I can post pics and details e.g. seller info when it arrives

>> No.7272186
File: 961 KB, 687x620, patchidaki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the looks of the other items on there it seems like it was just an oversight on their part.

Also, I made my first purchase, bought this dakimakura 1st+2nd picture(3rd is too lewd) and if anyone wants a review after it arrives I'll be happy to do one.

>> No.7272458

Has anyone bought any shoes from Ali?

>> No.7272466

Yes, it's basically the same shit you can buy in a store anyway since a lot of footwear is coming from China nowadays.

That said, it depends on the seller. I have gotten some really cute heels from some store but got burned on one sale where the seller sent me boots about 1 whole size too small. Toes were crammed into the boots, seller was all "Oh wear them and they will stretch". Opened a dispute and lost because I couldn't pull the insoles of the boots out to measure them and take a pic. The boots were fur lined. Yup... so always check feedback and if the seller has none yet, put the item on the backburner and wait for someone else to buy and leave feedback before you proceed. That was what my problem was, I bought from what I thought was a promising seller with no feedback.

>> No.7272745

I'd like a review pls!

>> No.7272755

What palette is it? Been eyeing the infamous 120 palette for years and may just finally get it.

>> No.7272835

It's actually one of the 120 color palettes. I have an Urban Decay dupe palette on the way too.

>> No.7274042

So I received my order and I was very pleased. The clothes are pretty and were as described and like on the pictures. The communication went very well too and they were very friendly :)
One skirt wasn't in stock though but the seller contacted me before I had paid and I just chose another skirt I liked too.

Here's what I bought:

>> No.7276288

Okay, so there's been a lot said about not using the China Post Air Mail, but what if that's the only option offered with one of my items? Am I essentially waving goodbye to my money if I still buy it?

>> No.7276293

Really? I haven't heard this. I know it's slow, but that's always been the case. What's going on with China Post Air Mail now? I just ordered something using that option.

>> No.7276295

You could probably message the seller to ask for different shipping, but it'll cost you. What's wrong with Airmail though? I've used it before and been fine.

>> No.7276300

Hell, I order 90% of my ebay stuff via cpam and it's slow but it's gotten here fine. I live in Europe, so idk how it is for North America or elsewhere but I never had any trouble with it.

>> No.7276303

I thought it was the singapore one or the hong kong one that was crud. That's all I read when I google opinions of it, people always switch to

>> No.7276318

This is where I read not to use China Post, guessing the original poster may have been mistaken too?


Thank you for reassuring me! Reading through the thread, it seems a lot of people use the free shipping. I only read the first few posts, and then got too excited and went and created a basket full of things.

>> No.7276324

I think the reason for issues with Airmail is that it isn't insured like EMS, and isn't as well tracked. I've used it for a small Taobao order though and it came through fine. I've also got three wigs shipping Airmail from different sellers right now, and they seem to be fine as well.

Go with whatever option seems best to you, it's your money after all!

>> No.7276325

oops i got confused, its hong kong post thats better than china post.

>> No.7276388

Mind linking to the store where you bought your wigs?

>> No.7276450

Anon from >>7272159. Checked my tracking number today. My order moved from customs down on Long Island to Tampa, FL. Way to fucking go, it only had to move north in the state a handful of hours, so ship it to FL please.

This is the 2nd time an order of mine has gone to another state. Who's getting it? The seller I picked had 100% feedback so I felt pretty safe ordering from them. Any other long-term Aliexpress users have this happen before?

>> No.7276457

I had this happen with me a lot, it's the USPS or whoever delivers it.
I live in Finland, and for some bizarre reason my orders have sometimes come through Norway or Denmark despite them having jack shit to do with those countries as AliExpress frequently ships not only to and from Russia, but also Germany and pretty much all of Eastern Europe. All of my friends who live there usually get their stuff faster than I do despite being in bumfuck nowhere, so I guessed that is their usual route. But sometimes it strays for a while.

>> No.7276466

Thanks for replying. Did you eventually get your parcels?

It sounds like the shipping routes are counter-intuitive but if things eventually get delivered, that's what's important. I also wondered if the sellers make mistakes addressing the parcels.

>> No.7276468

Yeah, I did! I was never scammed by any shopping site, at least not yet.

>> No.7276667

Any fabric recommendations from there? I'm looking for ones that require 5 meters or less minimum order. So far I've found this, which looks pretty cheap (in a bad way) in the first picture, okay in the second. I'm going to look around their shop to see if they have swatch books. http://www.alibaba.com/product-gs/414824374/100_polyester_50D_75D_satin_fabric.html?s=p

>> No.7276718


Xiangping Cao's wigs are back to a normal price !!!
Do you guys think that it's a sign ?

>> No.7276736

Yeah it's a sign that their sale has ended

>> No.7276753

But what about the orders ? That's what I was talking about ._.

>> No.7276775

I had placed three orders with them. One got cancelled, and the other two are still "awaiting shipment".
Don't really think anything will happen tbh.

>> No.7276802

I STRONGLY recommend ebay over ali for fabric.
You pay with paypal, it's as cheap as, and most of the good stuff isn't really made in China - Taiwanese shops sell adorable fabric for next to nothing, as do Indians, and it's a bit better in terms of quality

>> No.7278199

Will people on Ebay offer swatches?

>> No.7278201

Probably if you ask

>> No.7278206

Apparently the rumor was that since you can only pay by credit card, the seller would take all the people's credit card information and steal the accounts or something like the sorts

>> No.7279143

Is there a specific site for tracking ePacket packages? The link Aliexpress lists is EMS, but I don't know if that's an accident or something, since I didn't use EMS.

>> No.7281026

Today, my order passed from "awaiting shipment" to "finished"... I think I was scammed...I send a mail to the store asking for my tracking number, but I think I'm going to report the seller in order to get my money back

>> No.7282317

Any news on the wigs?

>> No.7282356

Check that you haven't been refunded already. It shows the order as finished if the seller doesn't ship on time and it auto-cancels. Refund will go straight to your bank account, so check your online statement.

>> No.7282380

Sometimes refunds take a few days to show back in your bank account but yes, if it goes straight from Awaiting Shipment to Finished then it means the seller took too long and the order was automatically cancelled.

>> No.7282399

I've ordered from Aliexpress for years and no problems here, but be sure to look at the shop ranking. It's a good idea to message sellers about items, see how well they fair with communication.

Here's a shop that sells a lot of cute stuff, I've ordered from them and they just seem to be a storefront for the Ruis Collection/Littlepaw from Taobao.

>> No.7282403

Yea, most of my friend had their order cancelled, and they all got their money back, don't worry about it.

>> No.7282633

The money goes into a holding account, so the buyer's sent it to a third party but you the seller won't get it until the buyer says the transaction went okay.

>> No.7284055

Sure thing

>Take note this the first time I've bought a replica dress and I havent seen the original in person yet. I do have numerous other AP to help gauge brand quality if it helps.

- Bodice is made of chiffon-like material, printed nice and clearly.
- Fully lined with this satiny dress lining.
- Skirt has 3 layers, top is chiffon followed by satin+tulle, the tulle is all covered with the satin so its very comfy
- Fabric seems delicate to snags! I snagged a thread in some part, you can see how it warps a line of the print. Not noticeable from afar but still kinda a shame
- At the seams are some snags too, I'm guessing all due to the quality of the fabric, I'll post some photos in reply to this to show you what I mean.
- The lace quality on the top of the bodice is blobby looking and just meh, but I guess thats what you compensate for the price. The narrow scallop lace on the trims is very nice though.
- Obviously no shirring, and this fabric is in no ways stretchy. The straps are adjustable though.
- You'll want to get a lighter and hem the ribbon on the back-ties because they're left to fray otherwise.

WARNING: When I got the dress, some of the blue lining stained my blouse when I tried it on for 10 mins around my bedroom, it washed off thankfully but yeah, dont try it on straight away unless you've got a dark shirt on!

> TLDR; Overall, its good value for money compared the $100 or whatever Oo Jia is probably charging replicas of these for. It's actually my most favourite "everyday wear" now, I could literally wear this thing Monday to Sunday like a cartoon character.

>> No.7284062
File: 401 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20140105_063822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related 1

I didn't finish typing one of those points about the skirt layers, but the middle layer is satin+ the chiffon hanging at the end of the skirt

and the tulle isn't quite tulle but more like a slightly stiffer version of the organza of CP pettis

>> No.7284065
File: 369 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20140107_210412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also forgot to mention the way those bows were sewn on.
yergh! still need to make time to adjust those, I think tonight's my night.

BTW it comes with a detachable bow, but mine was very sad looking.

>> No.7284080

Aliexpress products are shit

The only interest is to scam other buyers into rebuying it for 4x time the price

>> No.7284514

I'm actually weirdly interested in the Baby cloak replica linked in >>7248666 . They seem to only be selling it by a lot of ten though? Really weird.

>> No.7285748

And so is Taobao, are you complaining about that too? That's where the products come from.

Me too! I found the seller's taobao page as well, it's real.

>> No.7286109

Uh, I don't know if it has been pointed out, but Alibaba, AliExpress, and Taobao are all owned by the same company, Alibaba Group. So many of the items and sellers on Taobao are bound to be on AliExpress and Alibaba as well.


>> No.7286147
File: 239 KB, 1280x960, daww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another note from a seller, this one is from Loli Loli Shop for Princess, the second time I've ordered from them.

>> No.7286162
File: 245 KB, 960x1280, oh youuuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both occasions I got an accessory freebie.
And of course I'm giving you a 5 star, you!

>> No.7286649

Oh, that's cute! "I think you like pink" is a really nice comment.

>> No.7288213
File: 40 KB, 750x498, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it's true I do like pink

From the other thread about finding cute loliable shoes at alternate webstores I've come across a cute couple:




>> No.7288800


has anyone here ordered wigs from this shop here in the last weeks? is your order already shipped or are you still waiting for it?