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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 70 KB, 367x392, crush thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7248511 No.7248511[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You know you want it ~

~ tell us, what qt / hot tripguys and gals make you heart go doki doki?

< ( ^ o ^ ) >

>> No.7248512

DerpQueen is the only answer :-)

>> No.7248517


but she is dead

>> No.7248520

Only because that cunt Voldemort and her cunt Toronto friends have shamed her after her brother rightfully dumped that crazy little cunt (Voldemort that is) who always farts during orgasm and never could satisfy Matt's stallion.

>> No.7248526

I have a crush on That Guy and Falcone. Such cute & confident muscular guys.
>tfw you're not a 10 year old girl anymore so no appeal to them

>> No.7248535

>wanting to put your penis into anyone but Robitah

>> No.7248540

Stormy xD

>> No.7248545

I wanted to pump my semen into Claudie's cunny a year ago



>> No.7248559

That Guy likes muscular brown girls. or just brown girls.

>> No.7248561

Yes, yes.

Falcone also says he likes muscular girls.

Maybe it's a pedo codeword for lolipussy?

>> No.7248566
File: 42 KB, 324x140, onlyanswer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Fuck what is your fucking problem with her?

On topic though, Captcha has given us the one true answer.

>> No.7248569

Charms, but I'm not worthy.

>> No.7248568


Nothing in particular. She's just an entitled little cunt that forced DQ to leave /cgl/.

>> No.7248573

>forced DQ to leave /cgl/.

How do you "force" someone to leave /cgl/? Unless she physically went over to this persons house and put a gun to her head, I do not see how she can force someone out.
I can understand if she was a raving bitch and made things hostile for her, but that is the same thing you are doing now. So, perhaps you have more in common with her than your precious DQ.

>> No.7248574

She made all her friends side with her against DQ by having sex with them. Remember, the Toronto guys are massive Beta uggos, they will take even Volde's mangy pussy if they can

>> No.7248575


>> No.7248578

The biggest slut in britain

>> No.7248580

that'd be ai-honey

>> No.7248581

Oh no! The toronto tripfags didn't like someone! The only sensible thing to do is to leave the internet forever! DQ is sounding more and more like some whiny little bitch.

>> No.7248589

The robot version of Lobi?

>muscular girls

Voldie is pretty cute, most guys would hit that.

No shame in that.

>> No.7248588

shippou. I miss him ;_;

>> No.7248590

Well at least you're honest about wanting just little girls then. Respect, thought you were never gonna admit your true nature you fat rapist fuck.

>> No.7248593

They know where she lives, you stupid fuck.

Enver pro bably killed her dog and fucked the corpse.

Poolboy raped her little sister and evacuated himself on her porch.

Todd seduced her with a wink of his eye and then slept with other girls while he was with her.

>> No.7248598

If anything, you are making me like these idiots more, because if DQ is anything like you at all, then I am glad she is gone. Kinda wishing they would do all that to you now, in hopes that you might also leave forever.

>> No.7248600

the only current gen tripfag who is hot is Slutcliff

all the hot tripfags left

>> No.7248601
File: 103 KB, 367x537, 1366577182614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a crush on my girlfriend

>> No.7248603


are you fucking kidding me?

fuck off Slutcliff

you're not even hot enough to be called a Slut to begin with

>> No.7248604
File: 50 KB, 720x480, cancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jfc who the fuck defends canadafags other than more canadafags?

your trip dropping is painfully obvious

>> No.7248606


but she has big boobs

>> No.7248611

>calling a 2D character your girlfriend

I want pathetic misogynerds to leave and go back to >>r/9k/ >>>/a

>> No.7248615
File: 14 KB, 203x209, 1366579921959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I don't have a 3D girlfriend

>> No.7248620

Yes you don't. She's only in your imagination you pig in human clothes. Go jerk off on /a9k/.

>> No.7248624

DQ was kind of a flake. And crazy. Whenever I talked to her she seemed not to have a firm grip on reality. I also think she had an influence in the trend of hating Toronto trips. She was a troll, and not a very good one.

I'm not much of a dog person

>> No.7248626

>implying anyone actually liked shitpou
>implying you're not shippou

I'm glad that cancer is gone

>> No.7248627

DQ was the only tolerable one of you little piece of shit.

Note how you used to whiteknight the fuck out of her before Volde-cunt got dumped by her brother and offered her cunt to you for whiteknighiting.

You are a piece of shit.

>> No.7248628

Enver from Denver xD

hypocritical little cunt

>> No.7248632

The same creepers have been typing with the same writing style for years. I seriously hope to god that they're just trolls instead of pathetic wastes of life.

>> No.7248634

That's Canadian trips for you.

>> No.7248637
File: 40 KB, 308x346, 1366591348898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7248639

Can't handle the turth -- kill yourself neckbeard.

We've already made one or two /a/nons commit suicide, we need more frags.

>> No.7248641
File: 97 KB, 413x393, 1366589356572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're so tsun anon-kun

>> No.7248642
File: 21 KB, 425x412, 130719130758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire post

>> No.7248646

Can't argue with captcha

>> No.7248648

Go fuck yourself you ugly Jnig admiring gook.

DQ was so much better than you in every way. Better than Jnigger too.

>> No.7248651

What the fuck is this thread.

>start thread about whether sjws or autists are worse at conventions
>get banned for a day for unrelated topic (wtf)
>see this thread

>> No.7248652

Tumblr is all over /cgl/. Of course they're going to report you to the ground.

>> No.7248653

It'll be gone as soon as the janitor sees it.