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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 75 KB, 455x379, 2ff3c29ba641e0_full-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7244563 No.7244563 [Reply] [Original]

How bad is yellow fever at cons outside of the US?

>> No.7244596


If the con is themed on anything of Asian media, it's as rampant as AIDS. So basically, anything that isn't Comic-Con.

>> No.7244666

Canadians are just as bad but I don't know about non north american countries

>> No.7244769

Canadians are just as bad?

>> No.7244786

From what I've heard, the British have yellow-fever weebs too.

I think it's just like >>7244596 said, not an American or even English-speaking thing.

>> No.7244847

Lol see piplup and voldefart

>> No.7244849
File: 884 KB, 500x450, 1387301453922.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's everywhere.

>> No.7244853 [DELETED] 

Hey, Piplup is just an innocent american who left the shitty canadian group after Todd cheated on her for two years.

>> No.7244857

>giving a fuck

>> No.7244859

DQ's brother wasn't Asian. Not saying that voldefart wouldn't go for a bit of Todd if she could.

>> No.7244865

Besides in asia, there some people have white-fever.

>> No.7244874


I wanna take all their little tan dicks. All of them!

>> No.7244887

Is that TOP on the top photo?

>> No.7244896

You do realize that none of them look like that naturally? It's all plastic surgery. Meaning that the seed they will put inside you will result in ugly offspring.

>> No.7244918 [DELETED] 
File: 539 KB, 500x250, TABU+WAVING.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both of them are.

>> No.7244925
File: 539 KB, 500x250, If you know what I mean.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TOP is both on top and bottom.

>> No.7244936

>wanting children

>> No.7244944

AWWW SHIEEET yellow fever thread and I'm not on my computer to spam eunhyuk and yesung

>> No.7244961

hngggggggg hyukkieeeeeeeeeeee my anchovieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.7244966

I don't give a fuck, I'm not trying to wed anyone.

>> No.7244976
File: 272 KB, 874x1353, 1387306496234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aw shieeet, another jewel. I jumped back into my laptop because Hyukspam

>> No.7245049

I'll never understand why you girls go for asian guys.

They look like complete idiots.

>> No.7245075


Baww someone's insecure. Wah wah wah people's tastes are different from mine

>> No.7245105

>why do women have personal preferences. Baww

Someone might like you one day, lonely anon.

>> No.7245109

Lel. None of us are wanting to reproduce with them, pleb.

>> No.7245128
File: 413 KB, 500x500, GDragon+BSX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually didn't realize Gdragon is 5'10". I swore he looked so much smaller compared to.the other members of Big bang. And when he did duo stuff with Top.

>> No.7245131

They fluff up their height statistics a little. I wouldn't be surprised if he is actually 5'7".

>> No.7245139

Sexy korean boys are the closest thing to animu we're ever gonna get.

>> No.7245155

But how much of a vapid whore do you have to be if you're unable to tell apart actual beauty and plastic surgery?

>> No.7245160

This kind of beauty is skin deep, fake or not. Why are you so asspained?

>> No.7245164

Why does it matter if they were born that way or had a doctor make them that way?

>> No.7245170

Lol can we get back to the original topic pls

>> No.7245171

The point is that it's not even skin deep. It's just ugly people with rich parents that you want to fuck.

>> No.7245174

I don't think.there's any kpop fan in existence that doesn't know they all get paid to have some kind of surgery to look like idols. Seriously. No1curr...

>> No.7245175

Because you are only attracted to them because the "beauty" tells you they have good seed. But they don't have good seed, in reality they have mutant seed. It's like arguing why not to live a lie. Like why not just keep living life in an alternate reality where you have some 3DCG Korean boyfriend who loves you and thinks you're hot when you're in fact a landwhale and he doesn't exist.

How can you live a lie and love a lie?

>> No.7245177


Miserable person pls go

>> No.7245179

More like no woman cares... no wonder Korea went to shit when they allowed to have themselves ruled by vapid whores.

>> No.7245184

>assuming any of us wants to have their babies.

Uh, moving on.

>> No.7245181

>desperate shallow cunt telling me that I'm miserable
Go eat some more ice cream fatty

You call me miserable yet you would have sex with me without hesitation, now that is really miserable.

>> No.7245186

If you are only able to be attracted to someone for the sake of procreation and producing good offspring, then I'd have you check your priorities and see a therapist first.

>> No.7245188
File: 533 KB, 500x229, top2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd have TOP's babies.

>> No.7245192

Men have their fap and big titty threads, but us women can't even have this. Fuck. Just go away man.

>> No.7245193

Everyone is attracted only based on seed potential - that's what attraction exists for - you just lie to yourself to accept that it's okay to fuck a monster

>> No.7245196

But here's the difference - if guys find out that the boobs are fake then most will be disappointed and drop it. Same if the girl used to be ugly and looks only good due to plastic surgery, into the trash she goes.

>> No.7245201

Also this thread isn't even /cgl/, do don't talk back you deluded landwhale

>> No.7245214

I'm a guy. Nice strawman retard kek

>> No.7245217

>she has an opinion. She must be fat.

>> No.7245223

Somehow, when a landwhale does this, it is even more pathetic when guys pretend to be girls

Doesn't matter if it's true

>> No.7245232

When did I specify that I was a girl. I'm ripped like fawking zeez bruh ya fucking beta cum at me

>> No.7245243

>I'm ripped like fawking zeez bruh ya fucking beta cum at me
so obvious pretending

so sad

>> No.7245251


Nigga I benchpress two suns with my dick when im flaccid. Do you even lift u beta manlet

>> No.7245300

Stop embarassing yourself and back to the kitchen

>> No.7245306


>ugly people with rich parents

I'm sorry that you didn't have rich parents anon

>> No.7245310
File: 55 KB, 800x585, le dump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>probably 5'11 king of manlets
>doesn't touch chest
>does a bro split
>doesn't work legs

Into the trash it goes

>> No.7245348

I didn't

but I was born with superior genes and I am Asian which is why I said that you would take the chance to ride my stallion without hesitation

>> No.7245352
File: 705 KB, 1800x1200, 1387317452245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



more like pony

>> No.7245357
File: 13 KB, 200x235, cat-in-a-tie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jelly /r9k/ neckbeard-chan and /fit/-chan battle it out in the yellow fever thread.
Will Janitor ever return?
more news at 11

>> No.7245376

there is not /fit/-chan, but then again you're probably samefagging

>> No.7245384

If you look like >>7245128 I will. I don't care if it's fake or not. It's superficial either way.

>> No.7245445
File: 198 KB, 1200x1600, Photo on 10-11-13 at 1.26 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted this photo already on /cgl/ I think but w/e
>in b4 fox and the grapes reaction

>> No.7245458

You're kinda cute, why are you so bitter?

>> No.7245465

Where do you live you sexy fuck?

>> No.7245474

Toronto, Canada

I'm not bitter, just honest

>> No.7245485

I think they wear shoelifts or inserts to make them look taller. Like those sneakers have a lot of room if they're big. eg. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhFq_n1-VMo

>> No.7245522

I've never seen a white girl with a fetish for asian guys that wasn't fat and/or ugly. Just saiyan.

>> No.7245541
File: 384 KB, 844x1388, 1387322259280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have massive yellow fever.

So superior to every other race.

>> No.7245543

I am newscat anonette
why do you type like an /r9k/ neckbeard?
are you one on the inside?
>bunch of vapid whores
I dunno that sounds pretty bitter to me

>> No.7245554
File: 1.99 MB, 400x300, nosefornews.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a cat with a nose for news.

>> No.7245558

I bet you go to U of T. All the Toronto asians go to UT

>> No.7245562

So, you think you're better than average.
That's pretty funny.

>> No.7245626

>hamster nibblan on food
>suddenly huge predator assaults hamster
>hamster panics
>instead of running away he starts eating faster
my sides

>> No.7245653
File: 1.40 MB, 2500x3246, Wchangmin_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great choice of OP's pic, Changmin is soo beautiful

>> No.7245682
File: 407 KB, 1280x1804, 1385762524818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7245693

It looks more like he was trying to hide it from the cat so the cat wouldn't eat it, because that hamster was way too chill to be scared of that cat.

If it was actually afraid, it would've run for it.

>> No.7245730

Uh, what? Gdragon is definitely 5'4". Where did you get 5'10', lol. Even if you watch interviews you can tell he's super short.

>> No.7245799

I love TOP, I especially love the little bags under his eyes. He was born for fitted suits and black and white film.

It's a shame he has a strong personality and an interest in art and design because it makes me like him for more than his looks. I don't usually follow celebrities and superstars, but TOP has a place in my heart. I hope he continues to be successful in his career and happy in life.

>> No.7245802
File: 484 KB, 1096x1920, 1387331130374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my picture.

>> No.7245824
File: 130 KB, 500x531, tumblr_mgwi7kWfJW1rt5s0uo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed, I like Kpop but I really only care about TOP since he's an interesting guy.

>> No.7245856


Yeah we do. Its bloody awful.

>> No.7245873
File: 67 KB, 650x437, birdsAbandonThread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Butthurt white boy and yellow fevered whiteknights

> And to top it off, not related whatsoever to /cgl/!

>> No.7245886

Who's white?

>> No.7245888
File: 25 KB, 496x373, 08.wir.skyrock.net.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friends lynch me for listening to male kpop at all, but I like TOP for more than his sound and looks. I mean the dude likes designer furniture, I can't help it.

>> No.7246004
File: 982 KB, 245x216, leoclappingwithhighenthusiasm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty bad. Especially if they're anime and kpop fans. I think girls are really attracted to male idol groups because they're like their Chinese cartoons but in a somehow "non 3DPD form". It doesn't help that kpop idols build upon that illusion by providing skinship fanservice to each other and say cheesy stuff to the fans.

>> No.7246031
File: 109 KB, 1200x670, top_close.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say TOP?

>> No.7246034
File: 88 KB, 737x753, jagiya_oppa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've got nothing on our token Asian /fit/izen Jagiya.

>> No.7246040


The white girls are the worst and hella common at cons. Asians I let slide for obvious reasons. But if they are white or black, GTFO with that shit. Half the time they are damaged goods anyway so you generally want nothing to do with them. At that point they aren't dating the guy for what he is, only the idea they have in their head of what he is. Recipe for disaster. Never date someone who idealizes or worships a culture that isn't of their own. It's almost always stems from some sort of self hate.

>> No.7246042

Holy shit he's hot.

>> No.7246045

I love TOP so much, it's weird because I don't generally care for the whole kpop scene but TOP is mai husbando. I don't get it.

>> No.7246052

The one time I dated an Asian guy (because I liked him, not because he was Asian) all the fucking bitches with yellow fever came out of the woodwork. I actually had some chicks stalk me on LJ and talk shit just because I was dating him. There were girls who would try and hit on him in front of me. They didn't even know him so they couldn't have liked him for him, and no offense to him but he was 5'2" and average looking so the chance of them just finding him super cute for reasons other than yellow fever are low.

>> No.7246053
File: 46 KB, 450x593, cha_seungwon_HC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here, but I have an actor oppa too - I really enjoy Korean blockbusters for some reason.

I'm not a fan of babby-face asian guys who look barely out of their tweenage years (which for many of them is actually true), so the overall look of kpop groups turns me off.

>> No.7246106


Yeah, it's a damn shame.

Yellow Fever, Jungle Fever, Cocaine Addiction, etc. any of those and people who only date a specific race (that isn't of their own) are dating with either a fetish or an agenda in mind. Love is never a part of that equation and it never leads to anything worthwhile relationship wise, IMHO.

Cons are full of damaged people with fetishes. Finding someone to sleep with for fun can be relatively easy. Finding someone who's legitimate relationship material, no. Specially, when you're Asian.

>> No.7246107


>> No.7246113

I think I need to start going to /fit/ and stuff...

>> No.7246120

>tfw no qt3.14 oppa

>> No.7246178
File: 99 KB, 500x641, 1386527821285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try different glasses,these are too bold,and I think make you look like you have a square face. You are cute either way ;)So smile.

>> No.7246216

He has a cute face, but is he dyel?
You remind me of how guys on /fit/ say
>tfw qt3.14 azn gf
and post a pic of a Girls Generation member.

>> No.7246245
File: 58 KB, 648x486, 1381992468448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this on /fit/'s archive. Yes, he looks dyel.

>> No.7246257

Oh my lord. That looks too good to be true.

>> No.7246259

i knew there was a reason i had to be on cgl today

>> No.7246266

For /fit/'s standards, he's dyel. If you compared him to average Asians, he's pretty darn fit.

>> No.7246268
File: 112 KB, 616x722, jagiyaoppa2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7246323

There's too much idolization for this to be legit. I wouldn't be surprised if a screen of this thread turned up somewhere.

>> No.7246337

Well damn.

>> No.7246341

Uh, I'll have to disagree. I mean, you can be immersed in a culture without being an insane fantard. I have a preference for Asian guys and girls myself, and I don't think I need to feel weird about the preferences I'm attracted to. The pets I'm dating needs to have a good personality too, of course.

Everyone has a preference. I don't think that should be an issue. I understand people who are butts and go stalking areas for Asians. That's creepy.

>> No.7246351
File: 8 KB, 320x261, stdilloncrop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unf..this guy. my favorite porn guy.

>> No.7246352

No mas.

>> No.7246392

He is so freaking handsome. I was never really interested in him until the Doom Dada video came out - that song is so strange and perfect. And the video too. He seems really interesting. and sexy. A killer combination

>> No.7246394

He's not 5'4, taeyang is 5'3~5'4 and he's definitely taller than taeyang. I'd say he's 5'6~5'8

>> No.7246398


I'm guessing you're white.

Sounds like you just have an Asian fetish to me.

You're no different from a white chick who has a "preference" for black dudes.

It's just weird to have a preference for a race and culture you aren't a part of. You can respect and indulge in a different culture while still having a preference for your own. I can also understand other elements offsetting a particular preference due that person compensating in other areas in their personality and the like. This is normally what results in healthy (keyword) interracial dating. But to straight up prefer a race and culture you aren't a part of over your own? Makes no sense and it sounds like you don't value part of your identity, ie race in this instance.

But that's just my opinion at the end of the day.

>> No.7246400

how many of you have been told
>"you shouldn't wear that, only cute Asians should wear that"
or something of the like?

>> No.7246407
File: 79 KB, 720x960, bbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They do exist.
I used to live in Korea and I knew a bunch of good looking girls there that were mainly interested in Asian guys.
Having yellow fever also doesn't necessarily mean that you fetishize a culture. For some it's really just about the looks.

>> No.7246412
File: 1.12 MB, 1181x720, 1387357641340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying that girl in the image is good looking

Interracial dating is fetish fueled 90% of the time.

>Grass is always greener on the other side

>> No.7246420

All. The. Goddamn. TIME.
Can't wear pleated skirts/shorts + tights or OTKs without hearing some kind of snark. Or turtlenecks+skirt. Or high ponytails. Goddamn I just like feeling cute not trying to feel Asian...

>> No.7246427

you're probably a landwhale, it's not that you're not asian.

>> No.7246431

Nah, a bit chubb but not offensively so. The comments are from my family, and they cite "Trying to look Asian" as the problem.

>> No.7246434

I fucking hate this shit, one of my close friends is Chinese, and whenever we hang out with her and my boyfriend's guy friends they interrupt me EVERY GODDAMN TIME to compliment her on how cute she is, even when we were going around in a circle telling stories.

it pisses her off, because she can't break the "cute" mold, and it pisses me off, because I have social anxiety as is, and low self confidence, being interrupted is a no-no, and we both agree on this.

>"you two should just switch clothes, the cutesy stuff would look better on her"
we hear this shit all the time. fucking no. every time she gives me an apologetic look, poor girl.

then why not say "you're not cute, you shouldn't wear that"
why "you're not Asian" its dumb.

>> No.7246435
File: 89 KB, 455x600, 869519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Puerto Rican born in America. I'm engaged to my Chinese girlfriend, that I've been together with for five -- going on six years now. She's seriously my best friend, and I'm attracted to her kindness and intelligence more than anything.

Having a preference =/= having a fetish. Try again.

>> No.7246438

>>implying that girl in the image is good looking
Pointy ellbows, 2/10, am I right?

>> No.7246445

As long as they're happy, what does it matter?
Does cgl expect women to look like air brushed photoshooped models? The hell. Most people are pretty plain looking on average.

>> No.7246446


>I'm attracted to her kindness and intelligence more than anything.

So then, how does this disprove anything I stated? Oh wait, it doesn't. Your post proves nothing at all.

I've dated outside my race myself and had decent relationships. At the end of the day I still prefer those of my own race. That doesn't take anything away from me enjoying my previous IR relationships though because they were sweet and fun girls who I still keep in touch with once in a while.

>> No.7246448

Your family sounds like they haven't been exposed to fashion ever. Unless you're wearing a kimono and painting your face like a geisha. Pleated skirts don't make someone Asian. You can be into jfashion without wanting to "be Asian."
That's just...obnoxious.

>> No.7246452

I find Asian people more attractive than my own race. I'm not exclusive or anything. It's just what I visually find appealing since growing up with jpop, jrock and anime. I didn't go stalking her down though. We met through cosplay, gaming and a mutual love for Asian history. I don't know how this is hard for you to understand, but interracial couples are real and not a fetish. I feel sad for you.

>> No.7246459


So you grew up with exposure to a culture that wasn't about nor made for you. Which explains your preference for Asians over your own. I think that predicament is more sad than my general understanding of interracial relationships. I can only hope you celebrate your own heritage and history as much as you do her's and she joins you in that celebration with a legitimate interest in it.

>> No.7246460

>dating outside your race is a fetish.

What the fuck am I reading.

>> No.7246461

I bet they use the word miscegenation unironically too.

>> No.7246464

Actually I do. My girlfriend and I took a trip to PR just this spring to visit my grandfather . I find it sad you think dating outside your race means you have to be or act a certain way. I'm from America. I was born here, but I love my family and it's great to have so much culture on both sides.

>> No.7246500


pffft hahah

>> No.7246503

Men wise- it's pretty bad. I identify as a bisexual that leans heavily towards women, and Asian men (pretty Asian men) at this point are the only type of guys that I find attractive. But they're waaay out of my league, so I just stick with girls. Women wise- I do like Asian girls, but I don't find them more aesthetically pleasing over any other race.

>> No.7246506

I particularly like Chinese men

>> No.7246509


> Translation: I don't like masculine men/masculine facial features.

Meaning you like men who, pretty much, look like women, lol.

>> No.7246511

Uh. A lot of Americans are second gen, and there is actually a lot of twces and culture here. I still have a lot of fun tradition from my grandfather and dad's side.

>being this ignorant

>> No.7246512

The definition of masculinity varies in every culture. You sound uneducated.
And yes, most Asian men have a feminine face or softer features because of their genetics, but that doesn't make them women. Go read a book.

>> No.7246513

Ancient Chinese men had the most beautiful hair, especially the ones who.worked with the emperor.

>> No.7246523

Not every American is an uncouth red neck with no culture.

>> No.7246527

>people with platic surgery have feminine features

lel really?

>> No.7246528

lolwat. Rednecks by far are the best representatives of muricun "culture".

>> No.7246530

>i dont like masculine
>therefore no matter what culture you dont like it
>therefore you like girly looking men
I think you are the retarded one, just saying. Your attempt to be omg so edumacated is retarded.

>> No.7246531
File: 332 KB, 1280x720, that's how you lift it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does he lift? his makeup brush?

this how real men lift like

>> No.7246536

Nope. I disagree. Have you been watching too much tv?

>> No.7246537

Not every woman wants that kind of man.

>anon sucks because she has personal preferences. Lel

>> No.7246538

Maybe it's because you're a dyke in denial and don't want a man at all?

>> No.7246540

>Implying gender and sexuality were one thing

>> No.7246541

You make no sense.

>> No.7246557

>must be gay because I don't want a roid ridden man

Dat logic.

>> No.7246562

>must be gay because I don't like women with big fake tits
>must be gay because I don't want to fuck every woman I meet
>must be racist because I'm not really attracted to black girls
>must be age discriminatory because I don't want to sleep with a 60 year old woman

This is literally how dumb you sound, anon.

>> No.7246568

>you need to do roids to be a real man

Like what, bitch?

>> No.7246569

"american" culture, not "i stole cultures from around the world and pretend its my own"

>> No.7246573

Or perhaps many different groups of nationality and ethnicity actually do live here now? It's 2013, not 1771

Where are you from exactly?

>> No.7246574

Can you read? AMNERICAN culture, not OTHER cultures[that migrated there]
>o-oh chinese new year is american culture because i moved here LELELELELELL!!! XD

>> No.7246576

I think you should stop replying to obvious troll, anon.

>> No.7246577

>it's weird to have a preference for a race and culture you aren't a part of
>it's weird if you prefer blondes

That's how stupid you sound.

Race and culture in terms of preference are no different than hair color, height, or lifestyle.

Now, if you're obsessing about them because OMG!! JAPANESE!!!!!!

Well that's a problem. But to prefer an asian, because you generally like the appeal of their looks, that's not a fetish.

>> No.7246589

To all the white guilts ITT:

American culture is still deeper and more meaningful then the Korean one, so y'all better shut the fuck up.

>> No.7246623

Asian male here and I got a confession. As much as I like to look at qt asian girls, they dont really appeal to me as much as American girls do. I go to cons for fun and hope that qt 3.14 white/black/hispanic girls notice me...

My ex told me that being a cute, skinny asian male at cons was very desirable at cons but I had a hard time believing her. Is this true though?

>> No.7246628

I fucking hate that gook that keeps self posting since he makes all asian guys look bad. Fuck off you insecure beta and go back to /fit/ and /r9k/

>> No.7246632

A lot of people are interested in what's different. A lot of Indian people like lighter skinned people because it's uncommon in their country.
Same with being a Japanese man or woman surrounded with their own race. When a white person shows up, it is different and makes you curious.

I think true love doesn't care about race though. I love seeing couples of same or mixed race together because it's sweet imo.

>> No.7246648

Are you shitting me? You saying that men don't like fake tits? All the Playboy Bunnies have them and they are still selling. Your tastes=/All men's taste

>> No.7246652

Yes, I was only about Alphas who actually get to pick. I'm sure fake tits work wonders on the trash and on old men who can't get any.

>> No.7246730

Are you hating on >>7246034 oppa because he's stylin' on ya?

>> No.7246732

>American culture
u wot m8

>> No.7246744

>Not saying that voldefart wouldn't go for a bit of Todd if she could.


>> No.7246747


Wow you're an idiot. If you looked at the history of Asian countries you'd realize that femme dudes were not always in style. I didn't deny that there couldn't be masculine Asian dudes because there are. YOU are just not into them. You're into the ones that already look like women. The fact that you got offended over my statement is telling of your own insecurity with what you like.


>Comparing race with hair color and lifestyle (both things easily changeable).

The only one who sounds like a complete idiot here is you. Nothing wrong with having fetishes and partaking in them but they should never be the ultimate deciding factor when entering a relationship. It's amazing how many people are getting offended over this.

>mah-mah feelings

Grow the fuck up.

>> No.7246753
File: 213 KB, 900x670, straw-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7246763

voldefart would go for anything she could get at this point

>> No.7246768

Asians generally have more "Neoteny" than other races. This is scientifically proven and is shown in things like less body hair and sweat production.

Neoteny is basically less change between child and adult, so basically they develop less "adult" features on average. Hence the females look more child-like and men less masculine.

>> No.7246788
File: 54 KB, 580x513, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a need for Sugita.

>> No.7246800

I'm actually surprised by the number of my friends who are NOT into Asians. I think I've only known two guys who were victims of yellow fever, and neither of them were at all into cosplay and only watched anime very casually.

If your entire life is driven by primitive biological impulses that don't really apply in a modern society and that you probably can't explain past "hurr men have libido, women stay in kitchen", I feel bad for you, son.

>> No.7246989

no he means the other one, and I agree it's pretty lame

>> No.7247009


Correct, it's the guy with glasses. Fuck I hate people that reek of negativity even more than people that reek of insecurity (this guy stinks of both). I wonder if this is how civilized black people feel when groids make them look crappy in general

>> No.7247097

Go back to /pol/. Asian guys are best, deal with it you sad little racist man.

>> No.7247103

I'm asian lol. I just dislike beta / insecure asians that make us look bad

>> No.7247110


>Asian guys are best

Let me guess, you're a white chick.

I'll never understand why yellow fever is so rampant in the white community.

>> No.7247116

American culture is a mixture of cultures from around the world.

>> No.7247125

Somehow we always get dragged in these dumb conversations even when it's about Asian people. Unbelievable.

>> No.7247134

For women it's mostly white guilt. For men it's mostly Asian women being more child-like as anon above said and also more woman-like and less insufferable-bitch-like. There isn't a social group anywhere in the world nearly as privileged as white women yet they're the ones constantly shrieking "chek ur privilege!!1!!" and victimizing themselves.

>> No.7247143

>It's just weird to have a preference for a race and culture you aren't a part of

No its not.I'm white and I REFUSE to date a white man (unless hes half mixed and doesnt look to white..) . I just find white people super ugly including myself. I don't know why anyone finds them attractive. I prefer asian men,but im also okay with few other races and mixes. its just find asians to be most attractive. Its this fucking attitude why its so hard to date an asian man. Asians date other asians. Give us ugly white girls some love..

>> No.7247148

>race and culture
>and culture
Everyone has their own cultural elements to their lifestyle. If you're going to japan, looking for a damn geisha or the perfect kawaii anime school boy or something, that's ridiculous and turning someone into a fetish.
But for a lot of people, we're just dating someone from our own country, who shares a similar culture because we grew up in the same place, and just happen to like each other for whatever specific traits, not because ~omg different culture wow~

Having a physical preference does not automatically equal a cultural preference. I like short guys, black hair, and medium skin tones. Thus, many Asian guys are attractive to me. That doesn't mean I prefer totally different behaviors than I'm used to.

>> No.7247146
File: 156 KB, 1277x479, 1382684038948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I THINK he lifts more than a makeup brush...

Pic related. I'm just investigating, not stalking.

>> No.7247152

>Give us ugly white girls some love..
it's not because you're white.
It's because you're ugly. Your race has little to do with it, trust me.

>> No.7247160

Post pics and I will try to judge you as objectively as possible

>> No.7247170


pretty sure >>7246577 wasn't saying there is something wrong with having a fetish. Just saying that Just b/c you PREFER Asians (over your own race) doesn't automatically make it a fetish. Some people just find Asians attractive.

>> No.7247176

pretty sure your missing the point. I'm ugly b/c I'm white and have white features (aka white nose, white eyes, white lips) You may find white people attractive but I do not. Therefore in my eyes white girls = ugly

>> No.7247202


And I'm saying that if you meet my standards and I with yours, I'd be happy to continue this conversation since I'm asian.


>> No.7247271

I want to hear more stories

>> No.7247385

Dat Sugita. Too bad he's losing his hair. ;_; I love it when he cosplays as the characters he voices.

>> No.7247567
File: 9 KB, 640x417, chinorri-640x640x80-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just fucking with ya. Nice depth.

Dude is cut and has a strong Adonis belt. Would benefit from a good bulk though to add some mass imo. Chest, lats and delts are pretty small.

Pic related, a real qt, L? Xiaojun, current record holder for the Snatch (176kg) and total (380kg) in weightlifting in the 77kg weight class. He's 5'8 170.

>> No.7247589
File: 9 KB, 490x690, tumblr_m7w6hnh3Eu1rayq2ao1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, that shitty .jpg compression. Here's a better pic.

>> No.7247609

He is literally one of the most attractive guys I've ever seen. Holy shit

>> No.7247669
File: 1.07 MB, 400x394, amazing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can someone so perfect looking exist?

>> No.7247683
File: 122 KB, 612x612, 6993323786_a2b7ce83a3_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be mixed with Asian
>Asian guys feel more comfortable to approach me because of this
>Non-Asian friends always try to get me to set them up
>They think I'm crazy for turning them down
>Most of my Asian guy friends look like >>7246268
>None of my friends want to touch white girls unless the look somewhat like pic related.

You have to come from a good family (educated) and be either in school or finished school with something useful ($$$). That's pretty important. You should be 6 1/2 - 7 without makeup and 8-9 with it. With a slender, fit or average-ish body. Especially if you're trying to go for the 'hunky' ones. You also need to remember that the Oppa types or fairly attractive types you post (90%) come from families that are well off or educated.

Because at the end of the day, you need to pass the parents approval and they can be pretty picky.

>> No.7247698

this made me laugh really hard anon thank you and i dont even know why

>> No.7247705
File: 862 KB, 300x224, NOFashunwalk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw asian
> mfw don't want to date asians
> mfw white guys will probably fail the 'parental approval' tests though

Captcha: rallyps Money

Yes captcha, it is true that you need to have a respected job and make $$$ in order to gain asian parents' approval.

>> No.7247710

do girls with yellow fever actually prefer asians to white men

>> No.7247715

You guys know he's a huge douchebag, right? He used to shitpost on /r9k/ constantly, has narcissistic personality disorder, etc. Just look up his name on the archive.
Also, he's actually half-white.

>> No.7247716

How much money does the girl have to make? I make $70,000 a year and my job will eventually get me to $100,000 a year after a couple years. Good enough or not good enough?

>> No.7247718

>doing anything for the approvel of your Asian parents
I pity people that bend over backwards for their parents. I respect my elders, but they think they know my happiness more than I myself do.

>> No.7247721

what do you do for a living

>> No.7247725

I thought he probably would be and so I looked him up on the archive and he is a pretty big douche. I don't go on /fit/ so even if he wasn't I wouldn't talk to him anyhow.
That doesn't change how perfect his face looks though, he's adorable.

>> No.7247727

I'm a meteorologist.

>> No.7247735


Why would you get paid 6 figures if we haven't been struck by meteroids or space shit in a long time?

Fucking stupid

>> No.7247741

Well that's how much I make so no point in arguing with it anon. Also you know that being a meteorologist means that I study the sky and not outer space right?

>> No.7247743

Not the anon you're responding to, but wow. Just... wow.

>> No.7247746

I have crazy yellow fever for those big titty slightly chubby japanese cosplay girls.

>> No.7247748

I make $60,000 a year... Am I good enough or not?

>> No.7247750

>tfw Plip male (Shit-tier, Easy-modo, DC1 for those with the fever)
>tfw even the girls with yellow fever won't even look at you
>tfw even if I do get into a relationship with one, I would totally think she was just settling and the relationship would fall apart.
>tfw most of us don't really help our image anyway, especially at cons (How's SoCal btw? Is it basically the same? Jesus, I wished some of our guys behaved as well as them koreans or chinks)

I just don't think we count in the standings anymore. SEA+Latino=5 kinds of DURRDY. Lucky for the guys that do make it though.
Funny enough, I do feel better when someone goes "Well, HAH! I got a white girl!" and posts her pic, then every guy in the thread's laughing their asses off because he hooked up with the anime club's landwhale.

>> No.7247755

Is this in AUSD? Sounds cushy if it is.
>"How's the weather, Anon?"
>"Fucking hot, m8."
>"And now the traffic."

>> No.7247759

No, he's just yankin your chain. His joke is practically a cliche.

>> No.7247762

top lel, Stormy having shit taste in men, what a fucking surprise

at least he's not a 5/10 like your current (last?) boyfriend

>> No.7247763

No I live in the U.S. actually.

>> No.7247766

Can you grant me a wish?

>> No.7247767

I just said he was looked good anon. Looking good doesn't translate to dateable for me.
And I still am dating the one you're talking about, we've been together for a really long time.
And he's not a 5/10.

>> No.7247769

>I just said he was looked good anon
yes and I pointed out that this is true and he actually looks good unlike your boyfriend
5/10 may have been too much for him

>> No.7247771

That's not bad actually. But, another thing to think about is your family/background. They also look to your parents and family too. Do you respect or have a good relationship with your family and do they have respectable jobs. Asian parents are all about appearances and want to be able to brag. But, also need to know that 'future grandchild' are in good hands. All Asian parents want grand kids, that is pushed upon their sons to carry on the bloodline. If you don't want kids or a 'family' life, Asian families are not for you.

Hmm, that is kinda cutting it on the low end. What do you do? (Also same thing I told other anon, also applies)

>> No.7247773
File: 41 KB, 720x720, 1386810338711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not actually all that bad. Sure, I like to troll and bait (inb4 epic lulz) people but that's because I'm bored...

I lurk here too, I just don't post much. I also looked you up and you are very cute.

>> No.7247777


You are one thirsty ass beta ROFL

>> No.7247778

Are they really that picky? It's not worth it to me then.
And I'm a funeral service manager. I guess that would be too strange for an Asian guy's incredibly picky family though.

>> No.7247782

There is more biological within races but between them. I'm half white and I have plenty of white friends but being white doesn't automatically make me or them ugly. You're ugly because you're ugly, not because you're white.

>> No.7247786


Most first gen families don't give a fuck.

If he loves you enough and is a man, he shouldn't give a fuck about myopic opinions (especially those of his family)

If he lacks the will to be independent, that's a huge red flag my friend.

>> No.7247787

derp, i meant more biological variation within races than between.

>> No.7247789

Trolling can be fun, it's just hard to know if what people are saying is a troll or not sometimes since this is online.
Also thank you!! And why do you lurk /cgl/? Do you cosplay?

>> No.7247799
File: 1.00 MB, 3072x2304, 100_0488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If an Asian guy who looks like >>7247589
or >>7246268 is going to date outside his race, even a mix-Asian chick. The parents except her to be almost perfect. Crazy, I know.

Now, if you find a guy like >>7246268 who dates someone who looks like (pic related), then red flags should go up. He might be over 30 already, kinda out of prime marrying age or is poor with poor background. That means he's defective, something is wrong with him and thus not even an average/ugly Asian girl wants him.

>> No.7247801

buttmad white guy who got rejected by stormy detected

'tis m'kay

>> No.7247805


Retarded generalizations YAY

>> No.7247810

Why do you almost always post pictures of hot/cute Asian girls with your posts?

>> No.7247808

dont be nice to him just because he said some nice things to you

>> No.7247809


I've pulled models (HURR DURR INTERNET) so go ahead and convince yourself that I'm a troll or liar.

Stay mad son

>> No.7247814


That's if you want the good looking ones that aren't completely struggling and broke. Because, its not just them you have to look after if that is the case, its also their equally poor family.

A lot of non Asian girls just tend to go for a 4,5,6/10 tier Asian guys instead. Parents are still a bit picky, but will take you in if you have a good job and your family is alright too.

>> No.7247815

Asian guys are pretty heavy on the "my type" kind of thing, and it's known that they also have weird tastes. This girl might actually be a perfect match for some asian guy out there even if he is pretty good looking.

>> No.7247817

A conversation can't hurt, I like talking to people!
Also I was curious why he goes on /cgl/, and of course I'll be nice if someone is nice to me.

>> No.7247819

Pls bulk brah, you'd look joocy with your insertions+Adonis belt with another 20 pounds of muscle. What are your stats (height/weight/three lifts)?

>> No.7247822

It's not generalizations, its the ugly truth. White people do it too, Asians tend to be more blunt about it. Everyone wants the best for their kids, but Asians are known to be very vain and materialistic.

I'm also part Asian myself and see this a lot. I also live in Asia and perhaps because I'm older and already married myself. I can a speak with a little bit more experience and still dealing with it since a lot of my younger friends are dealing with this crap.

>> No.7247820

Don't pick up Asian guys at a con. It evens out the odds. Tilt it back to normal by hitting on the guy somewhere else, and don't outright expose the fact you are into that Japanese shit. Then it's pretty much in the bag as long as he isn't thinking it's some elaborate ruse.

>> No.7247834

Yeah, but the family wouldn't accept her unless she was absolutely loaded. It's called the 'pretty veil' or pretty effect that money causes. A girl like that, would be seen as more attractive because of her financial backing...rather than the same girl who made $30,000-$45,000.

>> No.7247835
File: 50 KB, 660x439, 1387426279462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn this man is good looking. He aged like a fine wine. He's more handsome now than he was in his 20's.

>> No.7247837
File: 74 KB, 960x720, 1387426289118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Asians are very materialistic
>Israel is in Asia

>> No.7247841

Asian guys will also will not permit themselves to marry up, or maybe even date a girl of higher standing than himself. The fucking weird thing is, it's not out of pride as much as it's more or less "Don't look at her, you don't fucking deserve that. Who the fuck do you think you are?"

>> No.7247842


Are you east coast?

There is a vast difference between 1st, 2nd, and 3rd+ generation asians.

I'm 2nd gen and I definitely see this as prevalent behavior among other 2nd gen individuals.

I grew up in a family that's within the <0.3% income stratum but as a result of such an upbringing, nothing turns me off more than unwarranted pride or materialism.

>> No.7247843

How does it feel to see an Asian who actually can lift? >>7246531 This Alpha guy could probably rek your shit.

>> No.7247845

Oh please. Jagiya is ripped as hell.

>> No.7247846

Motherfucker, this is her chance to finally dump her fuggo boyfriend for someone better, stop trying to stop her.

>> No.7247848


I'll be honest, a lot of asian guys have had a tough upbringing from a social standpoint in the states. As a result, a lot of them have an inferiority complex and it's quite sad to see.

>> No.7247851
File: 400 KB, 800x600, hnnng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice thread for insecure white girls to validate each other's shit taste

but at the end of the day

deep down

you know that those slant eyes just can't compete with this divine beauty, the muscular body, the natural charisma, the unique face (versus cookie cutter plastic surgery) and the confidence that just resonates from this picture

go post your "ahaha, i totally don't want this" responses, no1currs what you say, you know you want him more

>> No.7247853

I come here because I love seeing pictures of people getting really creative with their cosplaying and I love it when they really do the character justice. Also the dramu and hate is pretty funny too, as is the fail cosplay threads.

At first, it was to piss people off but now it's become a habit which I'm trying to break.

>> No.7247855

It's all about appearances sadly. Korea especially. When you apply for jobs you have to add a picture with your resume. Girls are getting plastic surgery as young as 14 and 16. People always watching what you have and how you dress.

For example. I knew two black girls that taught in Korea. One did the afro thing with jeans and t-shirts, put on a blazer to be dressy. Didn't really believe in makeup. She had a hard time finding work and didn't get treated that great. Other black girl also had afro hair she wore in nice curled styles and actually very nice. Even prettied herself up nails/makeup. Koreans were very friendly towards her and helpful.

>> No.7247856


Asian loser tripfag who doesn't even lift can go fuck himself anally.

There is no one on 4chan who can compete with God.

Or the other hot /cgl/ white guys either, to be honest.

>> No.7247857


>> No.7247860

ripped=/=strong Jagiya is just cut, he doesn't look that strong.

>> No.7247863
File: 1.01 MB, 400x444, exo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7247861

I went to korea on vacation and made out with some korean boys. it was a lot of fun but i'm not so into korea these days and thinking about how i used to talk about korean guys i am so embarrassed and ashamed. wait til you ladies take off your yellow tinted glasses and realise how ridiculous you have been, its truly horrible.

>> No.7247862

That's matriarchy for you.

He prolly just had surgery for not only face but also plastic six pack.

>seriously believing slant eyes actually get born like that
Unless his parents are 2/3 white, no chance.

>> No.7247864

That also drives them to not care about their appearance, get fat, pick up strange(and not always socially accepted) hobbies easier. That in turn justifies their inferiority complex.
The only great hope is that they study to a point where they can math and science this earth to technological and financial glory. Their love lives with real women are the price we pay.

>> No.7247865

Not how it's never the 8-10/10s that have yellow fever.

Gee, I wonder why.

>> No.7247874
File: 138 KB, 612x816, Hot fit guy 57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, I've seen dudes on /fit/ that would reck God looks wise, pic related.

>> No.7247867

Yeah I used to lurk for a while before I actually started posting at all. I like /cgl/ because there are a lot of amazing cosplays and lolitas and I like looking at the progress threads and seeing all the cool things people make!
I dress fairy kei mostly but it doesn't seem like very many people here do sadly and I cosplay a bit and this board has really great advice.
The hate here is actually pretty ridiculous but it used to be a lot worse before.
I don't talk in the dramu threads, but I do think they're pretty funny to read.

>> No.7247868

because they're busy having sex with guys like God, duh

>> No.7247869

Rofl so many trolls in this thread I love it <3


There's a few that do.

>> No.7247871

What's wrong with that girl? I think she's hella cute and would date her.

>> No.7247872

wait why's his eye crooked??

>> No.7247876


Lol I look way better than him

>> No.7247878

>Stormy literally begging for cock of a desperate Asian tripfag who samefagged himself into the thread
Thread is hilarious.

>> No.7247877
File: 9 KB, 350x457, glass_of_water_350[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here you go.

>> No.7247879

post face
if you're actually handsome the hoes will rain down onto you with compliments
if you're not, well, no whiteknights for you buddy

>> No.7247880

Post pics then. Better body maybe, but that face is aesthetic as fuck no homo.

>> No.7247882

I posted my pictures in the other thread >>7247783

>> No.7247883

Yeah, legit. But the con-going girls aren't all into that. It's a difference of taste.

>> No.7247884

Lol to all the posters in this thread, are you guys just buttmad or trolling?

I love when people use some generalization or reductionist view to make life simpler when it's anything but simple.

>> No.7247885

Stop dropping your trip, you little shit.

>> No.7247886

>could not find post

Post them again. He's also 6'4, so you best not be a manlet.

>> No.7247889

Toronto guy could break him in half easily.

>> No.7247890


I don't need self validation. I've posted myself on a few 4chan boards in the past and I always get comments when I'm not seeking them (the same applies to real life).

In b4 you think im delusional

Btw my face and body look way better than that guy and I'm 6'2.

Lol troll <3 that's not me

>> No.7247891

shota face

>> No.7247892

That is totally true to a point, I've seen that type of behavior. But, I notice that more with the average/cute type of guys who make an okay living.

I've lived in both US and Canada. I have been living in Asian for some time now. I agree its different between the different generations for sure. Remember, I'm a 'Ahjumma', haha so my views are a little different then you (I assume you're much younger than me).

In Asian, this is normal behavior. Outside of Asia, the 3rd generation is much more relaxed I find and 2nd generation parents are also a little more relaxed. But, if 1st Generation grandma/grandpa is around....that can cause trouble too. You also see this in FOB types strongly.

I also come from a well to do family, going back to my Grandparents time. So, I see a lot of that stuff.

>> No.7247893

you're ok looking but you're not "way better than him"
he's actually slightly more attractive than you to most women probably

>> No.7247894

What are your lifts then m8? And post pics dude, no one is going to believe you otherwise. Won't it feel good to prove people wrong?

>> No.7247897

What thread was it in? Phone app won't link to it.

>> No.7247901

gurl, he is so out of your league it isn't even funny. pls stop

>> No.7247900


Nah because I'll be outed.

I recently broke the 1k club a month ago so I'm happy as fuck.

I don't really care because I get hit on at cons and in real life more than I'd like.

>> No.7247902

Although that video was funny I have talked to people in other threads and noone made a big deal about it.

>> No.7247904



Stormy you're taking bait

>> No.7247907

maybe it's just because i have the luxury of high cheekbone genetics but his cheeks look sort of..? chubby?
Like his body is skinnier than his face.
Richard simmons has a face exercise book that my mom bought like 20 years ago lol
but it targets stuff like that

>> No.7247908

I told you she's desperate for some kind of cock that isn't as ugly as her boyfriend. It's probably the first time she sees a plastic surgeried attention whore on the Internet, so she instantly went into heat and needs a right & proper fucking.

>> No.7247909

To be honest, I've never heard of fairy kei before and I just googled it right now. How is it different from lolita fashion? What have you cosplayed as? I've never cosplayed before and I really want to start but I just don't have time. I've always wanted to start off easy and do Titan Eren or Rei from Free! but don't want to look like an asshole...

>> No.7247910

Yeah I guess I did take a bit of bait.
I've been with my boyfriend for over 2 years though and love him so I just think these anons are being a bit crazy is all.

>> No.7247912

Never mind, found it. Fucking hell dude, you're scrawny looking. Skinny fat/skelington is not good looking m8. I mean, some girls might prefer it, but it's not better.

>> No.7247913

>targeted fat loss

oh wow, are you serious?

>> No.7247914

Are you even going to drop trip to deny that you have plastic surgery or what, you lazy fuck? Yoshifuru should've wiped your kind off the planet.

>> No.7247915

Dear god /cgl/ is easier to troll than yahoo answers.

>> No.7247916

are you for real

>> No.7247917

I'd say it's a higher ratio in the con scene than the average.

>> No.7247918

We're not on /fit/

>> No.7247920


yea dude I once ate a diet of apple cores for my cut and I dropped from 140 lbs to 130 lbs. I'm 5'11 guy btw

>> No.7247919

>expecting vapid whores to know
They literally jump on your dick without questioning anything if you post a pretty picture. I used to do it all the time.

>> No.7247924
File: 61 KB, 746x1024, 1387428433882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expecting fake pretending to be a korean to know who that is

>> No.7247925


I'm more interesting in trolling the insecure guys from /fit/ that won't accept the fact that different girls have different tastes in men. OMG WOMEN ARE ATTRACTED TO SOMETHING THAT FIT DEEMS UNMANLY? MY DEEP WORLD VIEW IS SHATTERED

>> No.7247926


Omg what happened to colonel mustard from FMA did they release a new anime about FMA later years?

>> No.7247930

>implying /fit/ gives a shit
Literally every single girl that would pick some wimpy Asian loser over a Greek god is trash material. Don't get me wrong, it's not like they actually give a fuck about your preferences in particular; you are way too unattractive to get their attention even. We're just reminding you that you are mentally ill - you taught yourself to love those wimps because you can't get us.

>> No.7247931

I'm kind of surprised this thread is still here. I used to make yellow fever threads all the time and they were usually immediately deleted.

>> No.7247935


Dat projection

Stay mad and ugly anon <3

Enjoy posting on your fitness board and showing your "muscles" to other men while I'm drowning in pussy faggot

>> No.7247937

Yeah fairy kei is basically a random Japanese fashion, there are a lot of Japanese fashions like mori and pastel goth but I never liked them quite as much as fairy kei.
And lolita is actually a lot different if you know the fashions well enough, lolita is a lot fancier and is more brand-oriented and they try to keep a specific silhouette and fairy kei is made up of a lot of cheery and pastel clothes and cute characters!
And I'm not as good at cosplay as a lot of /cgl/ so i don't post mine here but I've cosplayed Agito from Air Gear, Terezi from Homestuck, Erio from Denpa Onna to Saishun Otoko, and a few more.
And oh gosh Titan Eren doesn't look very easy! Attack on Titan is popular right now though so if you asked in a help thread I'm sure you could get some pretty good advice for it! And I wouldn't advise cosplaying Rei from Free unless you had on a school uniform. What anime do you like besides those two?

>> No.7247938

>I've been with my boyfriend for over 2 years
Why endure so much suffering? I mean, man I wish I had saved his face. It's so funny how bad he looks. Must be a case of buyer's remorse of epic proportions here.

>> No.7247941


Lol that was you?

I just made a thread to see if mods / janitors delete things arbitrarily. The answer seems to be yes

>> No.7247944

>says she's happy with Uggo
>goes back to reply to fake Korean who's keeping her ovaries ignited

Just say "Fuck me, fuck me please!" already and be done with it. The neckbeard behind the screen is probably gonna jerk off to it but at least he'll be gone.

>> No.7247949

300th for ITT we find out Stormy == Slutty

>> No.7247950

you sound like a retard

>> No.7247953

The fact that this thread got so many replies in such a short amount of time proves that we need our rules back.

>> No.7247955

>/fit/ doesn't know this
>/fit/ lifts for girls

You're not trolling, you're shitposting. Besides, all things being equal, a guy with a more muscular physique (to a point) wins as far as "who is hotter" among most women. Of course, some have preferences that go against the norm, but I'm talking majority.

>> No.7247956

/tg/ here, I just wanted to say this same-fagging is all very confusing, but I am cool with my strong-fat tummy and it's hard for me to understand how much insecurity is on this thread. Maybe I should lurk /fit/ more often

>> No.7247959
File: 52 KB, 500x500, 121522058138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not suffering! Our relationship is actually really great. He is the kindest and sweetest guy I've ever met, is funny, supported me even when I started dressing fairy kei, and I think he's really cute.
I couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend.

>> No.7247961


All trolling aside
>Besides, all things being equal, a guy with a more muscular physique (to a point) wins as far as "who is hotter" among most women

This is true

>> No.7247964

She probably is. I mean, Jesus, has anyone saved pics of her boyfriend? Post em

>> No.7247965


Shhhh happiness isn't supposed to exist on the internet. People will be upset that you have it

>> No.7247967

i was joking about richard simmons but this nigga's got some chubby goddamn cheeks

>> No.7247968

What does she look like? Is she cute?

>> No.7247969

>I couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend.
Well maybe he is the ultimate Beta who caters to your every interest

but you could always ask for a pretty one instead.

>> No.7247971

She looks OK with makeup and is currently one of the most popular girls with the losers who come here to masturbate to girls, but she doesn't even compare to the oldfag goddesses of /cgl/.

>> No.7247972

Stormy is actually really cute. I don't know why she insists on staying with her boyfriend.

>> No.7247976
File: 97 KB, 336x613, 1381696109636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has a really low quality webcam so it's hard to tell. I'd say 6/10.

>> No.7247980
File: 149 KB, 640x480, 1384232506154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are much better pictures of Stormy than that.
This is my favorite personally.

>> No.7247982

She kind of looks like her boyfriend with lots of makeup and a bad wig in that pictu--- OH MY GOD! What if...?

>you are now aware that Stormy is actually a crossdressing ugly male who pretends to be his own girlfriend

>> No.7247983

She's a solid 7/8 imo, depending on preferences. I personally say 8ish, but I like her type so my preferences are skewed.

>> No.7247984

That's one of my least favorite pictures I've taken... I just wanted something more than a bust-up picture for once when I posted that.

>> No.7247986

>it's her least favorite picture because it reveals her real gender the most

>> No.7247987

I just get the feeling she looks bad irl. She never posts anything that's not horribly dark and grainy.

>> No.7247991

She looks pretty good to me. Qt 7.5/10

>> No.7247992

Looks like your gook e-boyfriend got bored of you. Everyone laugh, laugh!

>> No.7248020

I didn't leave. I'm just at the gym right now.

>> No.7248067

South America here
I would say 60% of the girls get wet for korean and japanese singers or actors. The rest doesn't really care.
Most men here like big breasts and big butts so they don't really pay attention to asians.

>> No.7248085

If you are going to cosplay, cosplay older Red from Pokemon please. You'd look amazing as him.

>> No.7248095

I'm going to have to believe that this can't be the photos of the OP talking about looking way better than >>7247874
because that guy's looks are average at best.

>> No.7248137

Hmmm, I like it. I'll see what I can do to make it as least shitty as possible.

You probably went to bed already but I can't just not reply back. I feel like all I would need to do is pack on a few more pounds and dehydrate myself and pray that I'm not the worst Titan there... Jesus, he's naked, I don't know how I could fuck that up too much. Do I not fit Rei's body type? I really liked the school uniform so I would consider that as an option. I know you said you don't post your cosplay pics here but how was your Agito cosplay?

>> No.7248159
File: 144 KB, 752x1063, 1387436165197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't go to bed! I'm watching an anime right now actually.
And whoops I thought Titan Eren was one of the red completely muscle Titans.
I only watched 2 episodes of Attack on Titan so mostly all I know is from random pictures I see and when I searched it, one of the first results was pic related. As long as you're not doing that version it shouldn't be that hard after all.
And my Agito cosplay was okay. I bought roller skates that looked like Agito's and bought the jacket and altered some pants to look like his and got a post-op patch for the cosplay. It wasn't a bad cosplay, but it's nothing compared to the things I see here.
Also I agree with that anon, Red from the Pokemon Adventures Manga would be really cool! Plus it doesn't seem too difficult.

>> No.7248165


hey storm
how bout you drop the 0 and get w/ me.
the hero obv

>> No.7248167

Can you two take this somewhere else. This isn't a dating site for you to get off on.

>> No.7248173
File: 474 KB, 1920x1080, 1387436866936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you watching? I'm actually about to watch the new episode of HunterxHunter and catch up on One Piece (don't judge me). I got bored one day and started it and I got hooked. I also like watching videos of big anime conventions on Youtube and admiring people's work.

>> No.7248184

I'm watching Mirai Nikki! I had been meaning to for a while and started today and it's really good so far.
Also how is HunterxHunter? I had heard of it before but never knew what it was about. And I won't judge you for liking One Piece! A lot of people do watch that.
And I want to be a good cosplayer, I just need to improve my sewing skills first. I can make good props and sew little things, but I can't make clothes yet.

>> No.7248212

This thread is in autosage, their conversation isn't disrupting anyone.

>> No.7248216

I saw Mirai Nikki a couple weeks back and I really liked it. I loved how each of their diaries were linked to the person itself and not just some random future telling crap. The ending got a little shounen but it was fine. I don't want to ruin anything for you so I'll just leave it as that. How long have you been doing fairy kei/cosplaying and where are you from?

>> No.7248218


I watch anime too

>> No.7248229

Yeah I'm just about to start episode 4 and it's really good! I'll probably stay up and watch it since I'm not very tired today. And it is really cool, Yuno is a pretty crazy stalker though. And thank you for not telling me spoilers!
And I've been cosplaying and going to cons for the past 4 years and I've been into fairy kei for over a year now.
And I've moved a lot but I live in New Jersey right now. Where are you from?

>> No.7248230

Cool, what anime do you like to watch?

>> No.7248241

Surprisingly and unfortunately, I've only been to one con which was NYCC a couple years back. New Jersey, really? I move around a lot too and I lived in NYC for more than 10 years but now I live in Hawaii. I'm finally going to be able to go to another con which is Kawaii Kon in April and I plan on moving back to NYC in about a year or two, depending on my circumstances. I really love HxH. It has a great story, characters, character development, OST, pretty much everything. I suggest you check it out when you get a chance.

>> No.7248245

Oh that sucks that you've only been to one con, it does make sense since you said you don't really cosplay though. Where are some places you've moved? And how's Hawaii?
I also hope Kawaii Kon will be fun! And so you really liked living in New York I'm guessing?
And okay! I'll check it out HunterxHunter and put it on my list of anime to watch.

>> No.7248260

I've moved from Brooklyn to Manhattan, South Carolina, California, and then to Hawaii. Hawaii is alright, as long as you don't mind the hot weather and sun all the time. I'm personally not a fan of the weather here. I have to be more vigilant when it comes to wearing sunscreen and hats. It's great for vacation but not to actually live here. At least all the people here are nice and friendly. How old are you, if you don't mind me asking. And how's New Jersey treating you?

>> No.7248275

Oh wow I've moved a lot too, I even lived in Germany at one point. I really want to move back one day, it was great!
And that's what I had heard about Hawaii, I don't think I'd want to live there for too long because it seems really lazy. It really does seem like a nice place though.
And I don't mind! I'm 18 right now. How old are you? And New Jersey is okay, I live in a small neighborhood with not much to do though. I've never lived in one place for so long before this actually. I'd really love to move back to Germany one day. Have you ever visited Europe?

>> No.7248295

I've never visited Europe but my friends have been thinking about going to Amsterdam for the usual reasons like weed and prostitutes. I feel I have to go with them to keep them out of trouble. I've never been to Germany but I have lived in Korea for a while as well. How's Germany? I feel like being Asian in Germany would make me an anomaly and get weird looks. I just turned 21 on the 12th of this month. What part of NJ do you live in?

>> No.7248307

Oh wow you should try and keep them out of trouble. I have to keep my friends out of trouble sometimes too. Do you do drugs?
How was Korea? And Germany was great! If you like sweets they have all the best candy, everyone there is really nice, the markets have really interesting stuff, almost everyone knew a good amount of English, and you can travel to other countries for fun.
Also the people there were really nice so I'm sure you'd be fine being an Asian there. And I live in Centeral New Jersey at the moment.

>> No.7248324

No, I don't do drugs. Not anymore, anyways. All I've ever done was weed, no hard drugs. What about you?
Korea was really fun but everyone there are always on the move and will not hesitate to bump into you. Good luck trying to ask someone for directions or even just striking up small talk with a stranger. I feel as if everyone there is introverted unless they're with their friends.
It's getting pretty late here and I'm getting kind of sleepy. I think I'm gonna call it a day and go to bed. Hopefully I can talk to you again tomorrow. Have fun watching Mirai Nikki. Good night!

>> No.7248330

Oh I've never done any at all. Most people have at least tried them at some point but I never really wanted to. It's good that you stopped!
And wow, Korea sounds pretty busy.
Also it is pretty late. It was nice talking to you! /cgl/s pretty slow so we can talk in this thread again tomorrow or you can just respond to me in a random thread if you want to talk. And thank you and goodnight!!

>> No.7248397

ITT: Slutty Stormy thinks she's found a new boyfriend in a cheap troll who pretends to be a korean fgt (probably some neckbeard from /a9k/).

>> No.7248534

He actually is a neckbeard from /r9k/, and he constantly bawwwed about how much he hated being white.
I wish he still tripped on there, earlier this year this thread would have started a shitstorm.

>> No.7248762
File: 156 KB, 1600x900, rei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please do Rei. You'd make the best Rei because of your facial features and most of the guys that cosplayed Free! characters are extremely dyel.

>> No.7248786

If he does Rei he should wear the uniform version for his first cosplay or else he'll be instantly seen as an attention whore who just wants to show off. I think he'd make a great Rei too.

>> No.7248809

/cgl/ really will try to make anything sound bad won't they? She hasn't said a slutty thing the whole thread.

>> No.7248819

>still responding to a /r9k/ neckbeard pretending to be some Asian guy from google

>> No.7248831

They were just telling him his idea sounded good.
Also where is the real guy if Jagiya is fake? I reverse image searched and nothing came up.

>> No.7248860

>holder for the snatch

>> No.7248901

REAL /r9k/ neckbeard here. That actually is Jagiya and his body. There was a thread where everyone was asking for timestamp and he did one but that was it. He's more active on /fit/ and posts body progress pics more.

>> No.7249259

uh-huh, sure fake-Janigga

I checked your archives

nothing like that happened

>> No.7249260
File: 54 KB, 559x672, th (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I talk to people in threads a lot. This is just the first time anyone decided to make a big deal out of it...
I've made a couple friends on /vp/ threads, 3 friends on /adv/ threads, and a couple friends on /cgl/ by talking to them though threads and noone ever called me a slut or thirsty or anything for it before now.
I haven't said anything suggestive this whole time either and am fine with my boyfriend which I've said a couple times too. I don’t know why people are getting so crazy.
I just like talking to people.

>> No.7249268

I guess you missed it.

>> No.7249357

You can't possibly think that's him, right? Come on... THat's too good to be true and if something is too good to be true, it probably is...

>> No.7249373

How would it not be true? It's the same person as in all the other pictures and he posts in /fit/ threads and shows his progress sometimes. Jagiya really does look like that, and what's too good to be true about him is that he is a narcissist and only dates Asian girls and he trolls excessively.
So really no, he's not too good to be true. He seems pretty normal in this thread though I guess because he's not trolling at the moment.

>> No.7249390

You forgot your trip, Stormy. Stop defending the gook, you slut.

>> No.7249409

The only reason they're mad is because some new trip from another board just comes out of nowhere and steals your attention from them. I'm just saying, if you want to upgrade, it's there...

>> No.7249443

I don't go on /fit/ and I only met him in this thread.
How on earth would I know any of that about him?
And that person didn't seem to be defending him to me.
Anyone can talk to me... All you have to do is reply to something I post with a conversation.
And my boyfriend is the sweetest and nicest person I've ever met and really cares about me. I wouldn't give him up easily and noone I've met could be an upgrade from him.

>> No.7249455


It's some /fit9k/ loser posting body pics and using a Koreanfag's face as his.

>> No.7249464

I kind of just ignore everyone who has anything negative to say about me. Everyone who calls me a plastic-surgery gook faggot, doesn't really bother me anymore but it did get under my skin before. Anyways, hi!

I don't know why you're so hung up about if anything about me is real. Why do you care so much? No matter what I do, people like you will always find a way to insult me.

>> No.7249475

Hello! And sorry I actually have to go after this post because I have a 2-3 hour long thing to go to.
And it is best to ignore them if they're being negative, people here find things to pick on with everyone... And sorry I have to go! I'll be on later.

>> No.7249481

Okay, no problem. I have to go back to work anyways. Talk to you later.

>> No.7249712

>Why do you care so much?
Because you're a shitty trolls, who avoids the "bullies" because it's the only way you know how to keep pretending your story is legit.

A good troll would provide more material. Most importantly, real people do actually care about people thinking they're just pretending to be who they are. Once again, you are a troll, so you are hoping that we will buy your cheap make-believe bait. I actually asked the real relevant boards about you and they all say you're just a shitty troll who wishes to be a gook.

The fact that, out of nowhere, you started posting massively ITT just shows how little you succeed in deceiving people on other boards. /cgl/ is full of gullible cunts (average seagulls) and of complete fucking tools who fall in love with trolls (slutty-Stormy) so here you can jerk your ego by pretending to be an actual master troll (you're not).

I used to pretend I am Andro from /soc/ and I also got all the pussy promised to me on /cgl/ - much more than you will ever get, because you suck dick.

>> No.7249966

>has been with her boyfriend for 2 years and has been extremely loyal to him
>talks to people on boards for fun and it had never been a problem before yesterday
>now I'm a slut somehow
What is wrong with you? Don't throw me around just for your post.
I haven't done anything wrong and I was just talking to people as always. How the hell does this make me a slut?

>> No.7250052

I can't believe people are making such a big deal over this.

>> No.7250073

Lol, why would he choose such a mediocre body to post then? It's just lighting+low bf%.

>> No.7250100
File: 43 KB, 401x453, really depressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah… I've never had people on this board be like this to me before... It was just small talk anyways because I like to see what people are like sometimes and I think it's nice to talk with people and I've made a lot of friends this way.
I made one of my best friends by starting a conversation just like this one in this thread
And I’ve talked to a lot of people this exact way and noone ever got mad at me for it. I thought it was just nice talking to people and seeing what they were like.
I even explained I have my boyfriend still and we have been together 2 years and I love him so there’s no reason I’d want this guy as my new boyfriend or that I’d be “thirsty.”
I can’t believe I got the nickname slutty-Stormy over this too…
I hope the name will go away at some point but it probably won’t… I wasn’t even being slightly suggestive and it just came out of nowhere.
I really can’t believe I’m labeled as a slut over just making small talk with people. I thought it was just a friendly thing to do and a good way to make friends.
I really hope it’s just temporary trolling…

>> No.7250135

That's because you're an 18 year old attention whore who found a sexy oppa who's interested in you. People are mad at that fact. Accept it and love it. This is /cgl/ afterall.

>> No.7250143

Also, it wouldn't be a bad idea to keep him around just in case it doesn't work out with your current boyfriend and he's planning to move back to NYC anyway.

>> No.7250217

Could you post a picture with your face and body?
Because you don't have even one picture I've seen with your face and body in the same shot and then people would stop arguing weather you're real or not too.

>> No.7250251

Don't worry about it. I used to get a lot of hate on /fit/ too but I just ignore it. That's probably my fault for baiting and trolling so much but it's all in good fun. What was that thing that you had to go to that lasted for 2-3 hours?

>> No.7250264

I don't know, I just usually try to be nice and I try and help people out when I can and not many people here seemed to dislike me and I don't want things to change you know? I just want to have fun here and be friends with people.
And I'm in my last year of high school right now and the winter concert was today and I had to be there an hour early because I had a solo in one of the songs! So with me being there an hour early and the concert lasting an hour and a half I was gone for 3 hours.
And you said you had to go back to work, what's your job?

>> No.7250290

Last year of High School? Wow, I wouldn't have expected that. What song did you perform as a solo?
As for my job, I don't really want to say here. Sorry.

>> No.7250302

Yeah I'll finally be out next year. I know a few other 18 year old seniors though so it's not really that uncommon to be 18 and in High School. And I am in show choir and we did Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas and I had a big singing part in it!
And that's totally fine! I understand. Do you have any fun plans for Christmas?

>> No.7250316

Yeah, my bad. Most of my graduating class was 18 but I was 17 at the time. Which part was your solo? And do you enjoy singing? I could never be in front of hundreds of people and put on the spot. I'd rather be behind the scenes kind of guy, contrary to my "narcissistic" ways.
I'll be going to a friend's house and have a little get together and a white elephant gift exchange. There won't be any children around so it'll probably get a little dirty. It'll be a lot better than last year's, which I just spent Christmas at home watching anime in the dark... What about you?

>> No.7250328

I don't know how to say what part it was without writing out every word! But I sang in soprano 1 which is the highest pitched voice part and I sang the "here we are as in olden days" part and I sang at the end "and have yourself a merry little Christmas now" and said "Merry Christmas!!!" at the end.
And I really like singing! I don't get nervous too easily either so I'm fine in front of big audiences. And I can't sing low at all, my voice range is really high.
And cool! That sounds like fun. I think I'm not doing anything all that special, I'll just open all my Christmas gifts and mess with what I got all day and then exchange gifts with my boyfriend if I can see him that day. And do you play anything and did you ever sing?

>> No.7250365

This is probably a silly question but did you dress in your fairy kei outfits or in a formal type of dress? How often do you go out in fairy kei or do you just do it for cons?
Do you already have something in mind that you want from your parents or are you just going to accept what ever they get you?
Asian mom made me pick up the violin and piano when I was younger but that didn't last long enough to actually be great at it... Dad didn't really try to get me into anything, which I really appreciate. What about you?

>> No.7250386

Oh everyone in our show choir dressed in all black with a Christmas sweater and a Santa hat. And as for dressing fairy kei, it really depends on the day!
Sometimes I wear fairy kei, but I have a lot of more normal looking clothes too. I wear wigs a lot though and I wear circle lenses most days because I like how they look and some people even asked me where I got mine and bought some too!
And I made my parents a big Christmas list because I'm kind of hard to shop for, I'll be happy with whatever I end up getting though!
And oh that's cool, do you still know any piano songs? And the only instrument I ever played was the ocarina, I think it sounds really pretty and it was the only instrument I was very interested in learning to play.

>> No.7250405

This could have been a TOP thread instead of facebook messaging.

>> No.7250437

The thread is in autosage so our conversation isn't hurting anyone. I do wish I had a better topic to talk about though because I'm sure he doesn't know much about lenses or Jfashion which seems to be where our conversation headed.
And you can choose to hide the thread, it's on page 7 and won't last for too much longer.

>> No.7250439

When did you start dressing in fairy kei? I could never do that since I would be too self-conscious. Where do you buy most of your things? Taobao like most people here?
All I learned were the basics. Now that I look back on it, I should have stayed with it. I could have made it big! Was one of the reasons for learning to play the ocarina Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time?

>> No.7250450

I started dressing fairy kei a bit over a year ago, it's fun! And I am not too self conscious about what I wear unless I feel like something doesn't match. And I bought all my current things at thrift shops, Ebay, and on Storenvy.
I tried to buy from Taobao once but it didn't work out but I'll definitely try again some other time. That site has really interesting things.
And yeah that would be cool! And actually I heard saw some street performers when I was pretty young and one of them played an ocarina and I had never seen one before and I thought it sounded nice and was really interesting! I do know Ocarina of Time songs though, it seems like anyone who owns an Ocarina should know at least a song or two from that game. Did you play Ocarina of time?

>> No.7250492

How did it not work out with Taobao? Did you not receive your package or something?
Do you know how to play Song of Time and Zelda's Lullaby? That would be awesome! OoT was one of the first games I've ever played and one of my favorites. The storyline and characters were great and so were the boss battles. Lately, I haven't really been into any games since none of them have any real storylines or basis to actually play. I'm a really big fan of the Metal Gear Solid series though so I plan on getting the new one for the PS4. What about you?

>> No.7250524

No matter matter what I did I couldn't actually buy from the shopping services I chose! The bank wouldn't let me. Next time I'll just ask in the Taobao thread because it was kind of a hassle when I tried..
And I can play the Song of Healing and Zalda's Lullaby. And awesome! I actually mostly only play hand held games like SP and 3DS games. I play Pokemon more than anything else, At one point I used to play competitively! Were you ever really into Pokemon?

>> No.7250556

I was very into Pokemon when it was still very new, like Red and Blue and Yellow. Eventually I stopped at Gold and Silver but I've been thinking about getting the new one X and Y ever since I saw the new Pokemon anime Pokemon: Origins. It's on Youtube in subs or dubbed if you want to watch it. Some of the attacks and screams are very brutal. It's about Red and not wussy Ash. Charizard X is finally recognized as a dragon type too.
Did you ever finish Mirai Nikki?

>> No.7250671

X and Y are really nice and if you have a 3ds you should get one! And actually I had been meaning to watch Origins but forgot about it. I remember when it was first announced actually lol, it looked good and well animated too! I wonder if dub or sub is better.
And I haven't finished it, I'm on episode 10 so far.

>> No.7250816
File: 85 KB, 520x695, 656576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it could still happen

>> No.7251730

But she didn't find any oppa, guy who's pretending to be korean is a white neckbeard from /r9k/ after all.

>> No.7251764
File: 47 KB, 500x700, 1387597859858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can it also be an eunhyuk or yesung thread?

>> No.7252299

400th for slutty Stormy

>> No.7252741

Thank you I'm such a slut. Our conversation was so lewd I'm surprised anyone could even bear reading it.

>> No.7252797

I was also disgusted by the lewd talk of fairy kei and Pokemon. My eyes needed a break from all that...

>> No.7252825

Yeah I'm sorry it got so out of hand. I regret how much dirty stuff I typed, you must have been pretty put off.

>> No.7252860

So how's your weekend so far?

>> No.7252871

Pretty good! I'm working on a cosplay for an upcoming convention and am watching Mirai Nikki.
How has your weekend been?

>> No.7252889

What character are you working on and which convention are you going to?
My weekend hasn't been going that well... I caught a cold and I've just been sleeping all day yesterday. When you finish Mirai Nikki, you should check out Log Horizon, which is kind of like Sword Art Online.

>> No.7252916

I'm working on a Gijinka of Swirlix from Pokemon and it's for AnimeNext which is months away, but it's good to start on cosplays sooner than later.
And that sucks that you're sick! I get sick pretty often so I know how you feel. I hope you get better soon!
And I'll have to check it out Log Horizon because I loved Sword Art Online, I don't know why they never continued it into the Gun Gale Online arc, I heard that was the best one and I was excited for it but it looks like it might never come out.
Do you have a favorite anime by the way?

>> No.7252963

I've tried googling what Gijinka of Swirlix is but I can't get a straight forward answer. Do you mind explaining what that is?
I really hope they come out with Gun Gale Online early next year. I really liked SAO but I didn't really care for that second season with the flying and elves. I know SAO gets a lot of hate on /a/ but I liked it. A lot of people would disagree with me but my favorite anime would be Samurai X and a close second would be Angel Beats. I really love the music and sad moments in that. What about you?

>> No.7253003
File: 745 KB, 1200x1500, Jirachi.full.1243074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh a Gijinka is a human version of a non-human character.
I drew my own design for the Gijinka I'm making. There are a lot of Gijinkas of Pokemon actually! One of my favorites is pic related. It's a Gijinka of Jirachi.
And I agree with you but I haven't heard of any sort of release date or anything for GGO... Also I didn't like the Alfheim Online arc nearly as much at the Sword Art Online one. They really didn't need to put in the "big brother" thing and the tentacle scene was really unlike how the series normally goes and it generally just wasn't as good, plus they weren't in real danger so the original risk that was in Sword Art Online was gone!
And my favorite anime are Blue Exorcist (That anime gets a lot of crap but I loved it) Hell Girl because it was really unique and had a lot of interesting situations, and SAO. I also really like Heaven's Lost Property.

>> No.7253080

Ahh that makes sense considering all the pictures of humanized Pokemon. How far along are you with it or did you just start? When's the next convention?
Blue Exorcist was on my to-watch list but One Piece is taking up all my time. I started Hell Girl: Two Mirrors(?) and I really liked the concept. My favorite episode is the one where this one girl is obsessed with her neighbor to the point that she doesn't care if he's dating another girl. But that girl is fooling around with someone else and she gets sent to Hell. I think the guy's name was Kei. You should try cosplaying as Hell Girl one day. When did you start watching anime?

>> No.7253097

I'm not too far along, I'm still finalizing my design and I ordered the skirt for it and the wig but I got the wig in the mail yesterday and it was actually the wrong color... If I can't find something to do with it I think I'll just sell it. And AnimeNext is June 6th to 8th so I have a lot of time!
And Blue Exorcist is great! You really should watch it. And so One Piece is really good I'm guessing? My boyfriend loves One Piece but I never watched it.
And Hell Girl is really good, and it's not like most anime. Every episode is really different from the last one. And I actually wanted to cosplay Ai! I just felt like I didn't suit her. And I think I started watching Anime when I was 12. I was kind of a weaboo and I only watched Naruto and was completely obsessed with it for a year or 2. When did you start watching anime?

>> No.7253126

How much does it usually cost to make a costume? I understand it varies from character to character but what would be a good estimate for decent character? What's your budget for the Gijinka you're planning to make?
I guess my first anime I've ever seen was DBZ when I was 7 or 8 and my older brother would kick me off the TV to watch it and I would just watch it with him.
Lol how bad of a weaboo were you? Just a little bit or like my favorite Cuppy Cakie Maker

I actually still keep up with Naruto... I've invested too much time into not to see how it ends.

>> No.7253153

If you don't thrift or make things yourself, it can cost a lot of money! Usually cosplays cost at very least $60. There's a lot to get for cosplays though, there's a top, a bottom, accurate shoes to worry about, contacts, a wig, and possibly accessories.
I've already spent about $65 for the skirt, wig, and contacts and I'm not very clost to being done yet. Luckily I already have clay, fabric, and paint for most of the stuff I need to make, but I still have to get a shirt and have it custom printed too.
And I watched some anime before I was 11 or 12, but I didn't actually know it was anything other than a regular cartoon until then lol.
And I was an idiot and would wear a hidden leaf village headband to school sometimes and would make hand signs and wear Akatsuki shoes and was obsessive about Sasori and Hidan and I would constantly read my one Shonen Jump Naruto book and would recite lines to my friends and I'd buy tons of Naruto trading cards but I had no idea how to use them or play with them! I was really bad. Also I had some pretty bad "lolita" clothes for a while... I really didn't know the difference between lolita and what I was wearing at the time.
And I watched a lot of Shippuden, but so much of it became fillers that I stopped. I actually don't mind Naruto and would still watch it now, but there were just way too many fillers for me!
I actually forgot where I left off. It was a few years ago.

>> No.7253160

Where to find non-crazy yellow fever cute anime-loving girls?

My boyfriend's friend is a pretty attractive Asian (works out regularly and is very nice and such), and he didn't really date before due to well, being pretty shy. He got some confidence now and oh man he is so bad at dating. My boyfriend and I really want to help him out.

>> No.7253194

Would it be possible to paint the wrong colored wig you received into the one you want? I don't really know much about wigs so I don't know if that's possible. Since you've been cosplaying for a while, I'm sure you have a lot of materials and clothes you can use from past cons, right? That is, if they match the style of the character you're trying to go as. I saw a 9 foot Bumblebee that can fully transform with lights and i thought that was the most amazing thing I've seen. I'm sure that costed a crap load of money.
Thank god I never had that phase lol At least you calmed down a lot from that didn't let it ruin your life. How did your classmates react to that?

>> No.7253223

I heard there's a trick where you can sharpie your wigs to be a different color, but I really don't want to mess up because then the wig would be ruined...
And I do have a lot of materials and clothes to use for it, having stuff to already use makes things a lot easier! And I've seen a lot of really amazing things at conventions and that costume sounds really cool! I was thinking of bringing a camera to take pictures of cool cosplays and outfits this time when I go.
And wow you're lucky you never had a phase like that, I'm just happy I grew out of it before High School. And mostly I had a few friends who were just as bad as me and we would be geeks and exchange fanart and talk about new episodes of Naruto. Some people of course avoided me and my one friend warned me I was being excessive and I thought she was just no fun but eventually I toned down and so now I'm not even nearly like I was back then. Now I watch a lot of anime and I still want to visit Japan one day too, but I know it won’t be the anime dreamland me and my friends thought it was back then and I can hide my power levels and actually know if I’m being crazy. There is an anime club at my school and a lot of the kids there are like me from back in my obsessive Naruto stage… I hope they’ll grow out of it all soon. It takes a while for some people. Did you ever have any funny stages in your life?

>> No.7253254

Luckily I'm very aware of my surroundings and people's body language so I know if they aren't interested in what I'm talking about, like anime, so I learned how to hide my power level as well. The only bad stage I had was my gangster stage which was very embarrassing now that I look back on it. I don't know if this is a stage or not but I just prefer to be myself or with one or two friends and just hang out. I mostly like to just sit around and watch anime and google different things and follow up with related topics and it's a never ending research about nothing and everything. Well, I also had a "gym rat" stage where all I ever did and thought about was going to the gym and drinking protein shakes but thank god I got over that. When people ask me about my weekend, I usually tell them I went out in town or something vague. I could never tell them I stayed home all weekend and watched anime. Some people just wouldn't understand.

>> No.7253268

That's good, I'm better with things now but back then I didn't know how to tell who liked me and who didn't and who was interested in what.
And I don't really hang out with very many people and I mostly sit at home, make stuff, browse 4chan, and watch anime. I don't know if this is a stage really.
And lol well at least the "gym rat" stage was something good for you since you were working out a lot! I remember when I thought situps were actually helpful and I wanted abs so I would do a bunch of situps and became really good at them. I realized I wasn't getting any results at all though even though I could do 65 full situps in a minute so I stopped.
Luckily my friends know I watch a bunch of anime and don't do much on the weekend so I don't have to make anything up but some people do have to. Do you have any real life friends who also like anime? Also do this thread is going to go away soon. Do you want to add me on Skype or just talk on 4chan every so often?

>> No.7253287

Yea my friends know I watch anime and they always joke around saying that it must be an asian thing so they'll overlook it. I know people who also like anime but I wouldn't really call them friends, more like acquaintances. Wow, I didn't even realize it's on the last page. Yea, skype sounds cool.

mine is: Jagiya.

There's a period at the end.

>> No.7253294

Oh I see, and yeah I know what you mean. It sucks you don't have any actual friends who do though and just acquaintances. And okay! I'll add you.