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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 206 KB, 500x530, Cosplaywig_CWS_PL031_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7246789 No.7246789[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

New Wig thread!

Old one is in autosage >>7176700

>> No.7247562

Currently in the process of deciding between Arda, Lucaille, and Fantasy Sheep for a light pink wig.

I have a smaller head and price isn't much of an issue ((Though the Taobao prices are always tempting)).

>> No.7247564

Depends on when you need the wig. If you don't want to shell out extra for the shipping, it took almost a month for my wigs to get in from Lucaille, but I wasn't in a hurry to get mine.

>> No.7247571

If the wig is long, stay away from Arda. I got a hip length wig from them, and while I know long wig tangle badly anyway, I swear the thing could get tangled laying down flat. I do like the company though, and the fibers they use are more realistic than any other wig brand I've used, since they don't have that plastic shine to them.

>> No.7247574

Wouldn't be much of a rush, I'd be wearing it more for Lolita than cosplay, so I don't need it for a specific con or anything. My hair is just too flat and mousey to work with anything.

Also is Cyperous still god-tier for more natural wigs?

>> No.7247619
File: 92 KB, 500x375, tumblr_msgwizuW701qgwps9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have experience working with lace front wigs? I'm going to re-do the hairline on an Arda lace front wig, and while I researched the general technique, I'm still nervous about it. Also, has anyone had any luck with gluing fabric with wig hair over to the front of a wig to make a natural looking hairline? Some people make it look perfect, and on others the wig is completely off of their face. Pic related.

>> No.7247648
File: 140 KB, 816x576, Kagami.Sumika.full.1116487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi /cgl/. I'm new to wig styling, and I was wondering if anyone could give me advice on how to style a wig for this character.
It's mostly just the front arched bit above her bangs that I don't understand. Does anyone have any tutorials for how to do something like that? I'm not even sure what that bit is called. Any help is much appreciated.

>> No.7247701


This person links to a Japanese tutorial. I used to have it translated, but I lost the image in a hard drive crash, and googling isn't doing much to find it again. I hope it' some use to you though.

>> No.7247728

This is super helpful, and really clever. I can get the general idea of it from google translate. Thanks a bunch anon!

>> No.7247734
File: 144 KB, 250x427, dahlia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any suggestions for a Dahlia wig? I initially intended to buy from Arda because they sell premade braids and I wanted the braids to look even/not sloppy, but they don't have any basic wigs resembling her hairstyle in the same reds as the braids.

Should I opt for a lacefront for her bare forehead, or would braiding long bangs and sweeping them back suffice? It's my first time doing anything other than simple styling so I may be overthinking this, but any advice is welcome.

>> No.7247945

Lace front wigs are totally worth the price you pay. I have never tried doing the glued hair thing but I do create my own faux lace fronts to stick in front of the hairline of regular wigs. It looks decent but obviously hand-tying would be the best.

I think the issue with the glued hair technique is that it's super thick and hard for people to attach or they don't even try. Using some wig tape to tack it down into place would help as well as remembering that natural hair is less dense at the hairline, then gets more dense the farther from the hairline you go.

>> No.7248037

arda's wigs are huge around the head

>> No.7248043
File: 10 KB, 480x360, Heed!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not who you responded to
>ardas wigs fit me the most comfortably of any wig I've tried
>roomy, enough that I can even use the optional straps to tighten it and it won't give me a migraine
I must have a huuuge head then :(

>> No.7248054

This. They're only really good if you're just wearing them for a photoshoot, my Tigre Long and the ponytail to my Jeannie tangle with barely any movement. Luckily the wigs are easy to brush out without losing a lot of fiber, but they're high maintenance when walking around in at a con and can look bad in hall shots if you're not careful.

>> No.7248147
File: 463 KB, 600x600, 1387435788372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in love with this wig but don't want to buy it from GLW. Anyone know where I can find something like it?

>> No.7248149

Oh my god that wig is precious

I also want sauce on this wig

>> No.7248172

Do you not see that huge watermark in the corner?

>> No.7248177

I, like the OP, would rather not buy from GLW.

>> No.7248183

Go for Lucaille, or maybe Epic Cosplay; both have cap sizes that aren't super small, but are still suitable for smaller heads.

I've done my own lace fronts and it has a bit of a steep learning curve, but once you get the hang of it it's more tedious than anything. If you're working with a pre-made lace front, go buy some cheap tulle and practice knotting techniques with some of that pinned to a wig head. It can be a bit frustrating to learn, but it's a skill worth having, IMO.

>> No.7248187
File: 11 KB, 259x194, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the advice. I'll go ahead and get a lace front then. The only person I saw pull off the glued front wig was a master wig designer and I'm definitely not at that level. Not looking forward to hand ventilating the thing though.

>> No.7248190

Ah, thanks for the advice to practice. I didn't think of it, and I'd obviously like to avoid fucking up the wig. Knowing my luck I'd end up doing it too.

>> No.7248546

Thanks guys. Will Lucaille stand up to non-cosplay, semi-regular use then?

>> No.7248622
File: 696 KB, 1284x637, holy shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a-am I dreaming? is this real life? I really want to go and buy so many wigs but i'm scared this is just one huge scam. I recognize some of the thumbnails from taobao stores and the original prices seem legitimate enough.

>> No.7248689

holy hell what? where is this, anon?

>> No.7248692

Aliexpress, there's already a thread for it here

>> No.7248693

What store is this, anon?!

>> No.7248696

What /shop/ on alliexpress? Just the shop name would be fine.

>> No.7248700

Does anyone have some reliable ebay wig stores? I need a long blacl wig, but I'm going to pretty much destroy it. I don't want to spend 30-40 bucks on it, then haha.

>> No.7248706
File: 333 KB, 495x482, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about getting this lolita wig in dark blonde. Anything I should know?

Info: My hair is currently a bit lighter than the photo color. It is veryyyy long and hard to style at ALL due to length & weight of the hair. :/


>> No.7248725

Those photos are of a Coscraft style that's no longer for sale, so I'd be wary.

>> No.7248784
File: 111 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know how to tackle a shaved head wig?

>> No.7248788

Sew the half of the wig you're using onto a bald cap...? Not sure, just an idea though.

>> No.7248803
File: 95 KB, 254x328, nope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this exact wig in a different color and it was shitty. Tangled instantly, never went back, shiny and unflattering and frizzy. Taking into account what shipping might be, it's not worth it.

>> No.7248816

I bought four wigs for under $7. I'm going to take my chances.

>> No.7248825

Damn.. ;_; Anyone know a place to get something similar that won't cost me like 50-65 bucks? :/

>> No.7248841
File: 996 KB, 1500x1060, madoka-magica-dark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any wigs from this Aliexpress shop that could do for Homura cosplay?

>> No.7248886
File: 80 KB, 600x600, fashion-wig-mel-in-light-gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this wig from coscraft but it only seems to be available in blone and other pastel colors. Are there any other stores that sell this wig style besides coscraft in darker tone?

>> No.7248899

Maybe go and look for yourself? I ordered a black long wig for my Jade cosplay.

>> No.7248917

not the op, but it's /store/109066

>> No.7248937

I did, but I'm not sure about which one to get.

>> No.7248970

Has anyone bought from wigisfashion, they seem to have a nice variety of fashion wigs but never heard of it before.

>> No.7248974

Hit and miss like any store but the quality is decent enough for the prices

>> No.7248986

Thank you I think I'll give it a try.

>> No.7249099

Lucaille or L-email wigs? I have a cart on both sites full of about 8 wigs - l-email being cheaper in the long run. My only issue if that all the reviews of l-email wigs is that the top of is thin and I have black hair (ordering a few blonde, lighter colored wigs) so I don't know if I should risk it.

>> No.7249125

I honestly really hated my l-email wig (I ordered a rhapsody style one for a halloween costume) and thought it was really not worth my $20.

The top was incredibly thin, the wefting was shit (there is one area on the top/back of my wig where there is a huge gap), the wig was very shiny, and it shed quite a bit.

I haven't ordered from Lucaille, but I thought my l-email wig was way shittier than the wigs I have from GLW, Arda, and the one taobao shop with the weird looking model.

>> No.7249242

my junko wig was actually pretty nice, some of their wigs are a lot shitter than others, usually the most popular wigs are lesser quality since most people buy those, its weird. i had a pink rhapsody and i hated it though. it was agreeably ugly

>> No.7249248

Ive heard this store is a complete hit and miss. the advice i was told is to buy from sellers with a lot of reviews. some may come in really late or early. Im gonna try to buy a few wigs after i get paid

>> No.7249261

I saw this from a friend, but seeing as many of the pics are stolen... This just smells like 'too good to be true' for me.

>> No.7249279

Considering the low ratings of people not receiving their items, the inability to pay through paypal, and the fact that these wigs come from a variety of sellers and the ENTIRE store is 90% off-- seems like credit or identity fraud waiting to happen. No one on the entire site has items this low. And I believe that anyone who falls for this blatant scam should keep an eye on their bank records.

Remember, if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

>> No.7249338

Guess I'll know soon enough...

>> No.7249391

They might just be clearing inventory

>> No.7249432

I've purchased a few times from Aliexpress (mainly, craft supplies). It works like Taobao, etsy, storenvy, etc, except that they don't use paypal. The payment information should really be secure, so that the actual seller does not see that information, it just gets transferred from your account to theirs. However, it's up to them to be honest about the item and actually ship said item (properly). If it doesn't end up working they do have a system where you can file a dispute. If the seller doesn't follow through you can escalate it to get the website involved, but that might just involve getting the store shut down, who knows.

It's either stock clearing or "hey let's make a really good deal and try to scam a lot of people out of money!"

I'd just advise to not spend much if you want to try it out so you're not out a lot of money if the seller is a dupe

>> No.7249673

Hmm, thanks! Looks like I'll just go with Lucaille - mostly because I really like their "ayamo" wigs based off of people who get their street style snapped a lot.

While on the topic of Lucaille, I see that they can make you a custom wig if you send them a picture? But when I go to the Q&A sections of their website, it looks like someone asked to make a wig but they'll only make it if you order at least 20? The english is a bit choppy so I just wanted to make sure I was comprehending correctly!

>> No.7249687

Yeah, I spent under $10, so I'm not regretting it. Hope the wigs aren't too bad.

>> No.7249704

>And I believe that anyone who falls for this blatant scam should keep an eye on their bank records.

I buy a number of things on Aliexpress: Black Milk dupes, shoes, supplies, wigs, etc. Like >>7249432 said, Aliexpress is a selling platform where sellers create their own shop and sell from there. The seller does not see your financial information at all because your money goes into an escrow account. You'll notice a debit on your end but the seller doesn't get the money until you confirm delivery of the item and that everything was satisfactory.

I've even gotten a refund from a seller on Aliexpress so the payment system is secure but I would just have major misgivings buying from that seller since their feedback score is too low for my comfort and things do seem too good to be true. I try to buy from sellers good but still believable prices who have at least 99.5% feedback. Most of this seller's negatives come from people who bought razors or something and apparently the razors were shitty. Ñot sure why you'd buy electronic products from China anyway but whatever. Wig-related issues were much lower than razor issues, but they seemed to be due to different color, sometimes thinner than shown, or non-receipt. While I do hope everyone gets their items and that they are acceptable, I guess at least things are cheap enough that you won't be completely out of money if things go south.

>> No.7250106

And now all the items have been taken down in the store. Sure seems like a scam to me.

>> No.7250111

Were people really having to debate on if this seller was legit? I saw teenage girls on tumblr throwing their parent's money at the shop, but it's sad to see anyone on here would fall for it.

>> No.7250112

There was someone who mentioned that maybe they accidentally set off the 90% discount. I can't help but laugh when imagining the store owners waking up and seeing that they've received hundreds of orders... only to realized in horror the mess-up.

>> No.7250118

Seriously? I guess the owner has a lot of refunding to do . Shit

>> No.7250132

>people can't make mistakes

Yes, you're perfect anon.

>> No.7250144

Where the hell did you get that from what they posted.

>> No.7250146

That was meant for >>7250111
Sorry. Misfire

>> No.7250172
File: 148 KB, 1222x813, screens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that's the case, someone accidentally setting everything in the store on discount. I had dumped a number of wigs in my shopping cart but never checked out because I got busy and left my comp for a while.

Here's a screen cap of what I see now. Their prices jumped to about what you'd expect them to be. I wonder what that means for people who already bought - I hope the seller honors the prices, it was their fuck-up.

>> No.7250182
File: 169 KB, 500x375, IMG_0290x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good method for attaching and securing arda's hair-buns on an arda wig permanently?

>> No.7250186

I'll cancel my order , because fuck no

>> No.7250187
File: 4 KB, 188x140, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope so

I bought a variety of wigs I plan to resell

>> No.7250188

Probably the safest bet now that they emptied their store too save for 1 dress or something, it's really kind of gone wonky.

>> No.7250197

I just looked at my order and it still says $6.57 total
I already paid, so my payment is being processed. I took screen caps via my mobile though and said if the prices change that I'm canceling my order entirely. Fuck their mistake.

>> No.7250199

probably to sew them in with wefting thread or hot glue, and use the comb things inside of it also.

>> No.7250204

Well, they need to either honor the already made orders of refund the people who paid. I'm sure they'd rather do they then lose hundreds of dollars on cheap wigs.

>> No.7250206


I've bought that same wig early March/April from wigfever,

Hope that helps

>> No.7250275
File: 226 KB, 456x760, Sonicchannel_blaze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this in the old thread, but it got no replies and now that thread is dead, sooo I'm posting it over here.
How would I go about making a spiked up ponytail? I was planning on just hairspraying it (maybe turning the clip upside down?) would that work?
Pic related, it's who I'm cosplaying a gijinka of.

>> No.7250293

yeah, just turn it upside down and don't just go crazy with hairspray yet, I suggest using got2bglued styling gel or something equally strong to first style the spikes ( don't use to much, a lot of people have this problem) but cover your hands with the stuff and lightly caress the spikes into shape, don't just squeeze in the gel, it makes the hair look flat and ugly) after you get the shape, you attack it with hairspray and if you're confident, heat.

>> No.7250294

Same here. The shop said there was a 5 day processing period for preparing orders (I believe), so I just sent them a message and I'll send another one if I don't hear back from them in 5 business days.

>> No.7250310

And if anyone ordered wigs, it looks like you can go to the order page in your account and click the item and it will give you a "snapshot" of the price and item listing from the moment you purchased it.

>> No.7250482
File: 37 KB, 500x300, 1304575406-nausicaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, also dont be afraid to use some heat to get your shape. A hairdryer on low can really help you keep/get the shape you want. Also please post pics in the progress thread! Blaze is so awesome.

I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for a good Nausicaa wig. (Pic related, I'm doing the movie version in her first outfit) I've found a few but I'm having trouble finding the right color. So far out of the ones I've found I like this one the most.

>> No.7250666

Is Lockshop good? They seem reeeally expensive for what you get, but they have something similar to what i'd like.

>> No.7250674

Oh hey, I'll do that now. Thanks anon !

>> No.7250769

Unfortunately I still was unable to find any info I was looking for.
Thanks for making this thread anyway, OP

>> No.7251079

Lucaille wigs are really nice and thick. Most of the wigs I've looked for and bought were made with the less shiny/looks natural fibers too. The fibers are really smooth too. I hate how ratty and gross some of the fibers in Arda Wigs feel.

I can't say anything about Lucaille's new English site because I got all my wigs through an agent on Taobao. With fees and such, I think the pricing works out about the same on both.

>> No.7251547

Any updates from the Aliexpress store? All it's items have dissapeared.

>> No.7251810
File: 506 KB, 539x594, amethyst.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to find a wig for amethyst from Steven Universe, but I have no idea how to get that volume. Any help?

>> No.7251847

Back-comb/tease the under layers like crazy! You might want to combine two wigs together, too.

>> No.7251866


Any tutorials on how to combine two wigs??

>> No.7251871
File: 76 KB, 270x360, 5831_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old as fuck question, but any idea where I can get hime wigs which are not lockshop/GLW/cyperous? I found some on ebay, but the brown one is 40 dollars and I'd like to shop around a bit more before settling down on one. I'd preferably like a brown or black hime wig.

>> No.7251999


You can check the Aliexpress thread. People have been discussing the wig discount fiasco there as well.

>> No.7252045

Anyone have any recommendations for a decent white short/bob wig for under $20, or should I just suck it up and pony up the $15 extra dollars and buy from Arda/Epic?

I wouldn't ask but this is for a costume I'll only wear once or twice.

>> No.7252051


Thank you so much!!

>> No.7252093
File: 222 KB, 588x990, 1387615801814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm newish to wigs and I was wondering how can I make super thick [pic somewhat related] braids for a wig.
Also should I make the braids separate from the wig and then add them on?

>> No.7252104

Need some help here: Are there any other wig sites (preferably Canada/US based) that do pig tail wigs *NOT THOSE TWIN TAIL LOLITA CLIP THINGS*?

I've searched but Arda seems to be the only one and I'd rather have options?

Or, if you have reviews on Arda's chibi I'd love to hear them. I have a 23" scalp measurement.

>> No.7252121

wigsupplier.com aka L-email wigs. I have one from GLW and 2 from L-email, they are pretty much the same damn wig, and L-email's is just $11. Its not as thick, but it isn't grossly thin or anything. Also L-email has really nice rhapsody wigs.

>> No.7252155
File: 16 KB, 304x357, 1387621051854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know of a really good tutorial for putting wigs in buns? i'm putting together some mori kei but i have thin hair and i'd rather just get a wig
i tried it on a purple wig i have but i cant seem to get the technique right
pic related, i want to make it like this basically but maybe rat it out a little more

>> No.7252157

also just to clarify im not using the purple wig for the outfit i just havent gotten a wig for the outfit yet so i was trying it out

>> No.7252165

l-email rhapsody wigs are shit, they're really shiny and thin on top but super tangled on the bottom so you get a strange triangle effect. they also shed like crazy, I have their pink one and I despise it. only ever wore it once because it was such a pain, I wish I would have just saved my money and gotten GLW or hell even gambled on an ebay wig.

>> No.7252168

If the wig doesn't have a parting in it already, you have to do a kin of loose zig zag parting at the back to prevent the netting from showing through. Make a part down the back, the take smallish sections from the left side, and put it on the right side, then take a smallish section from the right side and pass it onto the left side etc.

To make the buns, take a section of hair that's in the area you want the buns and tie it into a bun shape. Then it's just a case of pinning the remaining wig hair around that bun.

>> No.7252169

>implying GLW are any better
>implying GLW are worth the money

>> No.7252170

Geez, so many typos. Thanks phone.
Sorry about those!

>> No.7253013

I have a 'Help' question:
I own a white wig that I used for a previous Cosplay over 2 years ago. It's a long white one. I wish to re-use it next year for a new Cosplay. The only problem is, it has the remnants of bright yellow Kryolan body paint left in the bangs and a few of the front pieces. I've tried washing the wig but I am unable to remove it. Any tips or tricks to removing body paint from a synthetic wig? Thank you

>> No.7253086
File: 246 KB, 667x1000, 08FUS_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently bought this magenta wig from Epic Cosplay with the intention of wearing it with a slowpoke kigurumi but now I dont know what else I could use it for. Does anyone have any character suggestions I could use this wig for?

Its alot less bright then pic related (stock photo). As for quality, its very soft and doesnt tangle easily. As my 4th wig I have ordered from Epic Cosplay, it is easily considered one of the better quality wigs Ive purchased. Definitely going to keep ordering them over Arda. Only reason is ciz Arda only restocks their items every couple of months and never seem to have what I need in stock. Luckily Epic Cosplay usually has a decent color palette to choose from and has alor of versitile styles to work with.

>> No.7253142

I have two Lockshop wigs and they are really good. Both are really thick, have soft fibres and tangling is easy to brush out - just go thorugh it with your fingers. Even though they don't really get tangled. They also look pretty natural, not shiny at all.

>> No.7253295

Dawn dish soap. Apply liberally to problem areas and work it in before rinsing it all out.

>> No.7253333

Thank you, will give it a try

>> No.7253493
File: 145 KB, 400x600, T21vm9XeXaXXXXXXXX_!!14240653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has anyone bought this wig from alpaca? is it true to color? i'm hoping its lighter, imput would be nice

>> No.7253517
File: 45 KB, 500x375, 4178641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I hide dreadlocks under a wig?

>> No.7253556
File: 228 KB, 1600x1600, $_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Arda wigs tangle easy when they're long. Do EpicCosplay's have the same problem? Also does anyone have any experience with this GhostCos taobao shop? The light blue here is about the color and style I need but I'm worried it looks a little thin.

>> No.7253563

Epic's wigs are a smoother fiber and tangle less then Arda's does. More people go with Epic for longer wigs.

>> No.7253568

I've had great experiences with Epic's long wigs! I bought my first in April for a cosplay I've worn about 3 or 4 times and has remained practically tangle free. Since then I've gotten a few more which have all been amazing.

All long wigs have a tendency to tangle but Epic wigs are much better suited than Arda.

>> No.7253584
File: 127 KB, 960x704, 1387694735842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically, yeah. Just cut and style half a wig and wear a bald cap underneath. Like this.

>> No.7253587
File: 141 KB, 863x960, 1387694801061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7253594

Their fiber tangles less and is easier to detangle than Arda's. I find their wigs less suited to spiking, but for long and loose styles Epic's are the way to go. Their fit is larger than Lucaille's in my experience, but smaller than Arda's, so it's a good company for all head sizes.

>> No.7253596

If you feel like restyling it into drill curls, Misha from Katawa Shoujo?

>> No.7253597

you can buy these wigs on ebay for $13

>> No.7253621

i have a taokaka and it's honestly just fabric braided to look like the braids. Way easier, thicker and looks just as good

>> No.7253656

I want a nice natural looking wig for lolita that is ultra thick/has a lot of hair. My first thoughts are to go for GLW or Lockshop. I've gotten some advice from girls telling me to go for bodyline, only to admit they've never bought wigs anywhere else before and couldn't really compare quality. Suggestions?

>> No.7253677

Is this how you make your own wig?

>> No.7253685
File: 101 KB, 500x669, yogurt cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate to say pinkie pie

holy fuck

>> No.7253688

>I hate to say pinkie pie

That's the wig they were selling as a suggested wig for Pinkie Pie.

>> No.7253689


>> No.7254005

I know, I just figured naming the taobao source might get a better idea of general quality of the wigs.

>> No.7254013
File: 336 KB, 1078x1048, 1387731252986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Pinkie Pie, do Heart Throb

>> No.7254100
File: 98 KB, 750x750, 1387736731388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to look at/buy a wig from Lucaille but their site won't load properly aside from the homepage... Does anyone else have this problem?

Lolitas, what sites/shops do you recommend for cheap and decent quality wigs with little shine? I've picked one from L-email (pic related) but I don't like any of their longer wigs.

>> No.7254108

That's.......... really fucking cute. Damn you.

>> No.7254175

Has anyone had experience using apple cider vinegar to remove/reduce wig shine?

>> No.7254184

Bodyline's are on the thin side, but the fiber is nice in their newer wigs. They will be as much as wigs anywhere nice though, so I don't know if they're worth it. I only have a short BL wig.

>> No.7254187


I've never heard of this method or tried it, but I can only imagine how horrible the wig must smell afterwards. Have you looked into the fabric softener method instead?

>> No.7254217

This. I really only buy them if they are on the cheaper side (around like 20usd) and when I'm already buying something else. Otherwise not worth it anymore than buying from lockshop or GLW

>> No.7254231

>just ordered 3 long wigs from Arda

Any tips on keeping it not a tangled clusterfuck during a con? Bought two Luthiens and their gingerbread seasonal wig.

>> No.7254249

Motions oil spray and a quick brush through every time you wear it. If those are really curly styles, use your fingers to detangle between wears.

>> No.7254252
File: 92 KB, 530x795, 25AG_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you'd all recommend Epic Cosplay for long wigs? Has anyone actually purchased and used their Hera wig? First time doing a cosplay with really long hair and I'm naturally concerned about tangles.

>> No.7254269

I read an article that that the smell should go away on its own after a few hours or a day or so, but I'm skeptical. I'm tempted to try it out on an older shitty wig to see what it does.
I'll look into the fabric softener method, thanks.

>> No.7254302

The curliest style that has ever been styled if I can get away with it. I'll look into the oil spray, thanks!

Now, if I can think of a way for my own curly hair to not get so tangled throughout the day. Haha.

>> No.7254306

I used apple cider vinegar on my scalp due to some dandruff issues, and the smell was gone ~6 hours later. Nobody around me noticed save for boyfriend, and a day later he said it was fine.

Given that hair is porous and wig fibre isn't, I would think you'd be fine.

>> No.7254407


i wouldn't recommend their long wigs unless you need one urgently. for the price, the fibers are not good quality and tangle really easily even with proper care.

>> No.7254542

Thanks for the heads up. Are Lucaille's long wigs a better choice, then? Don't need it for several months.

>> No.7254550

I've had the opposite experience. The fibers are slicker and less natural looking but tangles just slide out. I do pre and post treat my wigs when I wear them. Any long wig will take time.

>> No.7254557

would you guys say that coscraft's wigs are good quality? i'm thinking of buying from them because i live in the uk so it's local and the wigs all seem very cheap.

>> No.7254561

Given everything in this thread, does anyone have a seller they WOULD recommend for long wigs? I know there are a number for lolita/gyaru, but they often lack the less natural colors needed for cosplay.

>> No.7254644

I have a long one I bought because of the color and it's decent. Tangles are pretty easy to get out with conscientious care.

>> No.7255020

I picked up a couple long, wavy wigs from Lucaille and they are a bitch and a half to manage.
They are manageable, but it takes a lot more work than my Luthien does.

Honestly? They'll all tangle to a degree as there is no miracle fibre that doesn't tangle at all.
You just need to pretreat with Motions Oil or silicone spray and deal with tangles as often as you can while wearing so they don't get worse.

>> No.7255366
File: 12 KB, 215x248, 1387780748933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh sorry, this wasn't for a taokaka cosplay I just used a picture of her braids because they were similar in thickness to what I am trying to achieve. I can't find very many other examples of super thick braids for some reason.

>> No.7255393
File: 18 KB, 578x723, 1387781343702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just can't find any good lacefront wig with this color
Can someone help me ?

>> No.7255413

I'd do Arda's cady in Jade then grunge it up with sharpies. You aren't going to find that exact color anywhere, so start light and add the lowlights

>> No.7256182

not the other anon but i saw this and thought of your post, i hope it helps you

>> No.7256189

What a shitty Joker design

>> No.7256652
File: 16 KB, 637x273, Griffith_Post-Eclipse_Anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for a decent Griffith Wig.

>> No.7257757

Thank you! I'll give this a shot and see how well it works.

>> No.7258175
File: 514 KB, 333x656, wig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one style a wig in this exact shape?

I have a Magnum from Arda.

>> No.7258182

but why a Magnum

I would have started with a Blue Steele instead; those short sides are going to give you trouble. If you can't get a new base, you might need to keep your sides longer or buy wefting to thicken it up.

For the top: backcombing and hairspray. Remember to keep the can at least a foot away from the wig and spray sparingly at first, only adding more ass you need it. You do not want to drench your wig.

>> No.7258195
File: 56 KB, 225x350, wig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to find a suitable wig, but the mix of that color/length is becoming kind of impossible to find

>> No.7258245

I already had the magnum in the right color so I figured I'd use it instead of buying a whole new wig.

But thanks. Hopefully I can try this without completely screwing it up, heh.

>> No.7258464
File: 323 KB, 469x370, Editted_Photo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to do Rose Quartz from Steven Universe, and I have nooo idea on her wig. I want it to have good volume. Also styling ideas would be gr8!

>> No.7259052
File: 113 KB, 480x640, 2013-12-25_05-21-29_935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wig that I got is light purple/blue, but then randomly cuts to a darker and more intense blue around where the bang are. Pic related is the color difference.
Is there any way to lighten the darker blue to at least look more like the lighter part in the wig?
The difference looks more dramatic in real life than up close.

>> No.7259087

I'm looking for a wig that can be used for Bro Strider from Homestuck.. One that wouldn't have to be styled. Maybe in an ash blonde colour

>> No.7259089

Are you doing Trowa from Gundam Wing??

>> No.7259105

You're going to have to style it unless you get it commissioned. How new are you to cosplay? It won't be too difficult.

>> No.7259110

I've been into cosplay for years but wig styling is not my thing at all. My hands shake due to a condition I have so sewing and styling eludes me. I'm looking for a commissioner right npw but my luck fails me. I have a small head so all wigs look big on me.

>> No.7259232


>> No.7259399

what wig is this? i was thinking of cutting my rhapsody wig to be about this length but if that ones not to expensive i'd rather just get that! its cute as fuck.

>> No.7259424

You can't lighten the plastic hair strands. You'll have to darken the rest of the hair to match the bangs.

>> No.7259526

Thank you for letting me know! I guess I'll just give it to a friend.

>> No.7260011

Hmmm that might work especially with the ponytails add ins, but what about that bun at the top? Do you think that I'd be able to let it down?

>> No.7260273

Then just get a shoulder length wig and a ponytail extension or two?

Just sew the clip's wefts into the wig itself and pull the hair that isn't framing you face back with the extension(s) and rubber band it.

>> No.7260423

Are there any wig shops in the US (not GLW) that sell natural looking styles? I'm looking for something more appropriate for fashion wear, not top of the line but not shitty either. I hear that lockshop isn't very good, which is a shame because I like their designs. is insomnium wigs decent? I'm used to buying cosplay wigs but I'm lost on fashion wigs lol.

>> No.7260641

I take wig commissions and I'm familiar with this character. Where do you live, anon?

>> No.7260795
File: 164 KB, 700x1200, w140-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has anyone gotten this wig from bodyline? if so how is it and pics?

>> No.7260808

I live in Australia. I'm in the talks with a local commissioner but I'd love to look at your work if you have a page or pictures.

>> No.7260834

styling isnt that hard dont waste your monies unless you really cant do it. either that or if you have a friend who knows how to??

>> No.7260857

I explained earlier that my hands shake due to a medicle problem. Keeping my handwriting legible let alone haircutting is a tough job. If I could I would

>> No.7261604
File: 1005 KB, 828x636, Sewing Progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a wig and some wefts in the mail last week, and this is progress of me sewing the wefts in.
I finished styling it and such, but I'm afraid you guys will beat me if I post pictures of it worn, and it ends up looking bad.

>> No.7261606

It looks fine, but is the color supposed to not match?

>> No.7261609

Yeah. I was purposely trying to do light brown hair with blond bangs. It's supposed to be for an OC of mine, as sort of a "for fun" cosplay sorta thing.

>> No.7261611
File: 726 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_0702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wig after I've styled it

>> No.7261893

oh sorry my bad, was dumb and didnt read that.

>> No.7261916
File: 22 KB, 121x335, Tsukimi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any suggestions for a Tsukimi wig? Arda's Leia is too long and doesn't look full enough, her hair looks thick and wavy

>> No.7261955
File: 24 KB, 333x500, 416PKGFZjuL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to decide between EpicCosplay, Arda, and AnimeStuffStore. I have a slightly bigger head and thickish hair so it's hard to fit it all inside most taobao/ebay chinese wigs. I think the diameter of my head is like 23.5". Which should I go for?

Pic related, just want something natural-ish to go with sweet lolita.

>> No.7261984
File: 466 KB, 1215x717, Vi_0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've been looking around for guides on how to do this but no luck. Don't need info on the bald cap part as I already have a side cut. Anyone know of any? I feel like the wig might just fall apart if I start cutting into it.

Also Arda magenta or raspberry for league of legends Vi. Thinking the Magnum Long would be a good starting point? Up for suggestions

>> No.7262016

Is the side of vi's head shaved? I thought it was just tightly braided. She has some braids coming off the back too

>> No.7262027
File: 1.16 MB, 2657x1656, 1388123102989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she has dreads at the back I believe. But the side of her head is definitely buzzed, you can see on the game model and on some of the other concept art

>> No.7262042

I wonder if you can just cut a wig rather short, or would that look much too messy?

>> No.7262046

I've seen a guide where they tried that but ended up felting or something to get the look? I honestly didn't like how it looked personally so I might end up just buying a couple of wigs and experimenting if I can't find any guides/advice

>> No.7262089

Damn, she has a cool character design.

>> No.7262214

If you're reaaaally good at wefting short wefts, then maybe

>> No.7262236

>game model

Yeah, costumes off of 30 polygons shit fests are gonna be super accurate.

>> No.7262239

man, the character designer for LOL has a hard-on for vertical striped tights.

>> No.7262242

Do you ever contribute anything or are you just around to shit yourself trying to shit on other people?

>> No.7262246

I can't say anything about the other two, but as someone with a 23" head and thick hair, Arda should fit you comfortably.

>> No.7264564

thank you, anon!

>> No.7267363

cant lighten wigs

>> No.7267370

If you don't pull the braids too tight, you can probably get away with using a standard wavy wig without the part showing.

>> No.7268067

does anyone know where i can find a miku wig with pigtails less than 70 cm? anything longer than that reaches past my ass

>> No.7268273
File: 30 KB, 500x333, 18691f1e-noscale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figured most of you understand how annoying finding the right color wig is for some characters, I need a good Mitsuru wig any suggestions?

>> No.7268453

Take a look at Arda's Luthian or Erowyn in Crimson (AR030).. but I have no experience with their long wigs

>> No.7268818

I'm looking for some short clip-on bangs for cosplay since I'd like to use the base wig for more than one character and cutting it would wreck that. Has anyone used Arda's short bangs? The description says they can't be sharply parted but I need to be able to brush them to the side, and in some of their gallery photos it looks like people have done that. If anyone has firsthand experience with them, input would be great.

>> No.7269633

I considered getting that wig but it's a bit too red there was someone who used that exact wig for it and it was too bright for my tastes.
It's okay if you can't find anything I've been looking for months, their new color swatches had a color that looked promising but on second look it may be too grey. Such a strange color. If you search for wine red wigs you get worse results than maroon.

>> No.7270759

Im the one who suggested the Crimson..

So I just recieved their new color ring and Crimson was the one they included and in person it looks almost perfect. I could take some indoor and with flash photos tonight if youd like and take outdoor shots tomorrow

>> No.7270771

which arda color would be good for junko
is her hair like more gray or more pink?
i was thinking dusty rose or light pink...

>> No.7271560
File: 193 KB, 600x898, 1411_1_expand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are Cyperous wigs in terms of looking realistic? Thinking of getting pic related as an everyday wig since I can't find many good quality blonde wigs with straight bangs.

>> No.7271570

I'd say light pink. Dusty rose looks too dark in the slideshow.

>> No.7271590

you can always try amphigory? i haven't bought from them in years but they do have a ton of wigs, sometimes on sale.

>> No.7271889

I'd appreciate that! Cyperous quit carrying the wig I originally wanted to get and it's just driving me bonkers looking for the right color.

>> No.7271891

My best friend swears by them, they are expensive but for good reason she has had her Lina wig for 4 years now and it hasn't shown any signs of wear.

>> No.7271898


>any straight wig
>add waves yourself

>> No.7272297

Lightning Redux, one of their new colors, is pretty spot-on for Junko.

>> No.7272645

Does anyone happen to have ordered this model from L-email?

I have looked for reviews but everywhere they're pretty mixed. I'm mainly concerned about it being too thin (especially since I have dark hair) or shinny since I want it for casual wear.

Also, for people with who have bought from them, do their pictures tend to show the real color?

>> No.7272651
File: 117 KB, 500x749, wig1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot picture

>> No.7272696
File: 60 KB, 675x450, 1-1776649364.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for a wig for Killua, pic related. I'm having a surprising amount of trouble finding something in a decent color (a silvery white) with enough fluff and layers to work with, so any help would be really appreciated. Thanks in advance!

>> No.7272711

Currently out of stock but Epic Cosplay makes a wig called the Apollo available in white and silver. Those wigs are fluffy and amazing for spiking. I had to thin out my Apollo wig for the character I was styling, it was a good thing though.

>> No.7273803
File: 27 KB, 600x408, 1388643283004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys know if this Ayanamisatoru wig is any good? If not, have any ideas where I can get a nice Usagi wig with decent odangos. Call me lazy for not wanting to make the wig myself but I don't trust myself when it comes to wigs.

>> No.7273817

Anyone know where I can get a decent pair of clip on bangs?

>> No.7273818

you're still going to have to move the odangos up and back more, and style the bangs properly. But that's any usagi wig ever, so I guess if the wig is nice then it would be fine

>> No.7273861

Any good rakuten stores?

>> No.7273895


>> No.7273968
File: 64 KB, 704x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know a way to get this sort of coloration and look? I've had no luck

>> No.7274063

I have it and I have a small head, but my hair still shows a little in the back, no matter what I do. I have my hair pinned to my head and under a wig cap, but it exposes the nape and bottom part of your hair line. OR is slipps back and shows your hairline on your forehead. it's also really heavy. it also tangles, no matter what. I use motions sheen oil spray on all my wigs and this one still tangled like crazy. I really like my other wigs from them, but I've decided to buy some stuff from Arda and 'build'/alter their wigs into a much better sailor moon wig.

>> No.7274066
File: 85 KB, 600x800, 1388660536487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pic of me in it, not my pic.

>> No.7274075

I have not, and personally, i don't like the look of it BUT! It looks like it will have the same problem that >>7273803
has. It's probably going to be very heavy, and will probably show the hairline at the nape of your neck.

>> No.7274190

It won't look like it's emitting light, but dyeing an orange wig with either sharpies or FW ink is your best bet.

Just leave a couple areas untouched and use a thinner mix around them to get a softer contrast between the red/orange.

>> No.7274781
File: 13 KB, 370x394, 1388699985981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought this from Match Wigs. I've heard pretty good things about this store, but does anyone else have any info on what to expect?

>> No.7275169

Bleeggghhh just got my EpicCosplay Theia in the mail today and I realize I might of ordered the wrong color... tried it on and OMG its way to big for my head. fml

I guess Ill stick to asian company wigs, my lucialle fits wonderfully and my Arda is just as big as the EC one..

But its my own damn fault for not measuring my head.. guess I'll use that tutorial that was posted earlier..

>> No.7275243

I wonder if it varies by style?

I have an Apollo and Nyx from Epic and they fit fine. I typically use Asian and normal American brand wigs. Arda wigs are monstrously huge on me though.

>> No.7275328
File: 70 KB, 500x281, 9390887699_b380a04dc5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See its not even the width that's an issue (well it is but hey that can be fixed) its the length if that makes any sense.. like it covers my ears entirely, as if I need to pad my head..

Ironically my arda fits fine in that sense, just the typical larger width.

Can anyone help me locate a wig for this character then? I found a couple on ebay but Id like it kind of fuller..

Captcha: enrage ecentric

>> No.7275568

i got a matchwigs wig for christmas and i have to say it is lovely, it isn't a long one- about shoulder length maybe- but it's soft and the colour was quite accurate- it said it was grey and the picture was darker but it came as a paleish silver, though it's not a big deal to me and it isn't very shiny either. i love it a lot!

>> No.7275743

How much for shipping should I expect paying in taobao stores that ship international?
Are any other stores that do it apart from grand young, lucaille and fantasy sheep btw?

>> No.7276087

Someone once mentioned that there's some of the Epic stock that is just huge for some reason when I was complaining that a wig I got from them fit my head like a hat, and they knew what question to ask to make sure you got the right batch. I have another wig from them that fits fine, and my one arda wig is ok, but asian wigs are definitely better for me too.

>> No.7276716

Phew ok well I emailed them so I hope we can get something worked out.. I'm cutting it close to do any oversea shopping..

Lucaille has a Jan 20 deadline, for a February festival

>> No.7276772

I've ordered from them before, shipping took about two months so order in advance. Pretty decent wig.

>> No.7276854

I wound up doing both to a really cheap amazon wig. The vinegar method didn't work at all. The only noticeable difference was that my wig smelled vaguely of pickles for a few days until I went to the fabric softener method. The fabric softener helped a bit, but I eventually had to cover the wig in dry shampoo to remove the shine. That being said, Dove's dry shampoo works great.

>> No.7276868

My SO ordered a wig and I'm a little worried that it might be too small. Is there any way to stretch a wig or would tons of pins help?

>> No.7276946

that's chinese new years, buddy

>> No.7277090

Does Sharpie dying a wig have anny affect on the quality? I have an already rather dark purple wig, but I want to dye it black. The wig is SUPER great quality and I really don't want to ruin it in any way. I haven't done this before, so sorry if this is a dumb question, but is it safe?

>> No.7277128

It won't change the texture per-se. Some people say it makes the wig fiber a little less glossy but for some wigs, that's a good thing.

Best bet: Do a test swatch on an area that's not seen and proceed accordingly

>> No.7277458

You won't get it black.
You may get it close if you hand sharpie it and heavily concentrate the ink but then it is going to rub off on everything: your skin, fabric, everything.

Basic rules of wig dyin: you can't lighten a wig and you can't go black.

Buy a new wig or deal with the purple.

>> No.7277817

Use Copic ink. It's a thousand times better and you will get black. Rinse with cold water and your quality will be the same, won't run and isn't sticky.

>> No.7278651
File: 70 KB, 720x960, wig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the advice. This is the wig, if it gives any better perspective (it's not this shiny, just bad lighting/bad phone camera.) It's very long and I want to use it for a Sailor Mars cosplay. I know some people do use purple for Sailor Mars, though...

>> No.7278718

Just cut the pigtails.
Come on, girl, you could have figured that out.

>> No.7278791

That color is lovely! Just straighten it don't bother with the dye. That color is perfect for Mars.

>> No.7279166

Okay! Thanks so much :)

>> No.7279376

Has anyone ever ordered a wig "special order" from Amphigory? I need a wig for a con on Feb 8th, so if I order like, early next week it SHOULD have plenty of time to get here, right?

>> No.7280330


Sorry it has taken me so long to get these photos up and labeled and what not! I'll link my flickr account for ya!!

And incase anyone is interested its Arda's New Colors ring and I also got a bunch of brunette tones to compare too!


>> No.7280370

No worries it's for a spring con, and the crimson might just work. I know Maroon was too vibrant and this looks a bit more toned back.

>> No.7280763
File: 263 KB, 2000x710, gadget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am trying to find a good wig for Gadget but I'm having great difficulty deciding on a colour. Sometimes she's got dark golden blonde hair, othertimes apricot. I found a great light orange colour on Alpaca but I'm not sure if my monitor makes it look right or if it's actually pink. Any advice?

>> No.7280765
File: 423 KB, 1656x1216, Maya_Reference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning to cosplay Maya Fey sometime in the near future, and there are a few things I need help with, in regards to the wig. First, would the small bun be sturdy enough if I pull a small section of it into said bun and hairspray the hell out of it? Second, how should I go about the hair beads? How should I make/apply them?

>> No.7280777

I'd go with the second from the left (which I think is the orange one you're talking about). I always thought of Gadget as being a ginger/strawberry blonde cross. But as for monitor color differences, that I don't know.

>> No.7281813

Has anyone ever gotten wigs from YesStyle?


>> No.7281982
File: 1.94 MB, 1357x1453, 234432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so I started to cut and style some of a wig that was sitting around for a while in my room. This is also the second time I've done it and I was wondering if anyone could critique my work?

>> No.7281987
File: 761 KB, 1520x2688, 23423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7281988

>censoring a mannequin head

>> No.7281990

youd be surprised by how how many people do it.

>> No.7282206
File: 53 KB, 600x600, candy-curls-set-candyfloss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm desperate for this wig (Or similar) in black.

Anybody know where I can look?

>> No.7282212
File: 14 KB, 213x200, 1389013360713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does Lockshop compare to Lucaille? I've only had specific style cosplay wigs from Lucaille this far and would like to get a well natural looking longer brown one for casual wear/mori/fantasy shit. Both carry wigs I like but which one holds up better in terms of tangling, static and overall fiber quality?

Any other brand suggestions that'd fall into the same price category?

>> No.7282333

Are there any places that do specialized or commission wigs? I really want to get a good Dr. Weird wig so I can try it next con I go to (whenever that is).

Tried to modify one by myself like an amateur and it fell apart.

>> No.7282425
File: 33 KB, 640x625, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make a wig with an updo, not to show my hair in the back?

Also, your opinion on using motions oil sheen on long wigs? What's your experience with it like?

>> No.7282501

Had experience, love the smell of it and it does help when you have a lot of tangles. I'd say worth it.

>> No.7282513

That's great to hear, might have to order a can then. Thanks Anon!

Does it keep your wig from tangling too?

>> No.7282530

It prevents the worst of them and makes detangling the ones that do form easier.

>> No.7282535

A shit ton of patience to do the up do.

Buy wefts and make the wig thicker as longer wigs tend to have filler hair to thicken it as opposed to long fibers throughout.

I do it in sections. Pull the upper part up first, comb through as you continue pulling sections and just keep piling on the rubber bands. It will take a long, long time, and be frustrating as fuck. I prefer clip ons when possible.

>> No.7282587
File: 64 KB, 677x284, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Understood, thank you kindly Anon!

Normally I'd go for clip-ins too, but I think it'd look weird for the hairstyle I want. I can't really find a clear picture, but the I want to do the hair in my photo.

>> No.7282738
File: 54 KB, 527x564, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better picture of what concerns me, the back.

>> No.7282839

To get the fullness Maya's bun has, you should probably make a separate bun. Depending on the thickness of your wig you might expose the hair net. Just buy black wefts and glue them over a styrofoam ball. Depending what kind of "hairband" (that purple... object around her bun) you use, it should be really light. As for the hair beads. You could use styrofoam balls for those as well, but you'd have to coat them several times. Or just find a christmas ornamets. Make a hole through the ball, take a section of hair and push it through (looping the hair works best) and attach a small hair band at the bottom of the sectioned hair. Push it inside the bead and it should stay still rather well.

Much love for PW cosplay!

>> No.7283272

You're going to need to either buy a wig intended for an updo or else buy additional wefts and sew them around the edge of the wig so that nothing shows.

>> No.7283661
File: 437 KB, 676x2576, altered hairlines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just rekindled my love for Phoenix Wright, and I really would like to cosplay him, but his hairline is really daunting.

I'm not sure if I should go for one of Arda's lacefront wigs, or take a risk and try one of theFiveWits premade widows peak wigs (I'm not a fan of their website in the slightest, but I've heard good things about the quality)


I was also considering just using this tutorial, but I just don't know.

>> No.7283678

Arda came out with a pre-made widow's peak, you know. Both the shorter and much longer version comes out in a couple of months.

>> No.7284103
File: 151 KB, 629x334, sw180-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have any of you ordered wigs (and/or costumes) from coscolle before? I keep eyeing their wigs, and I'm pretty sure they don't ship overseas, but I have a friend who would be able to buy one for me and ship it. They're pretty pricey but then again I'm assuming it's because they're high quality.

>> No.7284108
File: 175 KB, 640x286, sw193-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also wondering to what extent do they come styled, it says they had wax applied to them but it doesn't say more than that.

>> No.7284121

Are there any good really short/pixie cut wigs other than Arda's Rocky? I'm considering doing a female Ninth Doctor - I know a lot of people do her with long hair tied up, but I just can't see it myself.

>> No.7284205

I didn't even know there were wigs just for updos! Ant idea where I might find those? I really appreciate all the help.

>> No.7284317

And ebay frequently has some from TaoBao wig brands.

Your best bet for Anna's going to be Arda, since they stock an updo for most all of their colors.

>> No.7284424

You can try using a white marker or white acrylic dying but it probably won't work very well.

>> No.7284431

Ahhh thank you so, so much! I'll look for a nice wig and I'm sure I'll find one now!

>> No.7284547
File: 787 KB, 739x940, 45678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to find a good wig for Aoba (dramatical murder) and I've only found two I like. Both sellers have some worrysome negative feedback so I'm not sure which I want to order from. The first one is wigfever and the other is skcos_shop, both from ebay.
Does anyone have experience of either seller or even better the specific wig ? Suggestions for other similar wigs would also be appreciated !

>> No.7284962

I'm looking for a Sailor Moon wig that isn't very yellow, and is more toned down. I saw the one in this thread, and it's a little too yellow for me.

Does anyone know where I can buy one online? I have never styled a wig before so I would rather purchase one.

>> No.7284988

have you looked at lucaille's? I usually buy my wigs from them and have never gotten a bad one.


Out of the two you linked, I like the first one more. I'm not a fan of the transition from the base blue to the tips.

>> No.7284996

wow I worded that horribly

>I'm not a fan of the transition of the blue from the base to the tips

Thats a little bit better.

>> No.7285007

I've bought from wigfever before, it was a wavy brown 60cm wig. I would say the quality is okay? It was kind of really shiny, but the fibers feel soft and didn't tangle at all even when I wore it out for several hours.

>> No.7285032
File: 436 KB, 655x585, cloud-complete.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already posted in the help thread but this'll probably be more useful

Does anyone know where I can get a good Cloud wig? There are thousands of them online but I'm never sure which ones are good quality and which ones to avoid, any links to sites or pages would be really helpful, thanks :3

>> No.7285447

Oh FFS Alpaca. I ordered the orangey wig I mentioned here >>7280763 but apparently I can only order it in batches of 8 or more. But they have another listing for it, singly, at exactly the same price. Could they not just have let me buy the single one, or is it likely not to be in stock, hence the two listings?

>> No.7285574

Alpaca has 2 or more listings for most of their wigs, one is studio stock pictures and the other one is cosplayer features. The wig is pinkish IRL. Also it could be a custom or pre-order wig, which must be ordered in batches of 15 usually (I'm guessing they already have 7 spoken for). I don't recommend it for what you want to use it for anyway, since it's really an orangey pink and quite thin.

>> No.7286493

I bought that wig from moemall (which I think is the same as lucaille?) and what I got was absolute shit so I'm kind of iffy about that.

>> No.7287227

Sorry about the dopey question, but at a place like Arda Wigs, can I use one of those prepaid credit card to pay? I don't have credit or paypal at the moment.

>> No.7287426
File: 339 KB, 700x522, Asuka4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So for my Anna cosplay I found this wig from Lucaille being the most accurate in color It's normally an Asuka wig but I'm just not adding the clip ons. However, does anybody of you know an ebay site that sell REAL Lucaille wigs and not just use their pictures? Or do I have to go through their english website and pay for their expensive shipping? I need the wig before the end of february

>> No.7287429

moemall on ebay does, i believe!

>> No.7287440

Damn, really? Well now I'm glad I know.

Back to the original anon, honestly the ones on ebay dont look that great, try taobao?

>> No.7287475

Thank you! After some googling it seems like they are reselling real Lucaille wigs so I will orobably go through them then

>> No.7287482

Anyone have experience with Lingyisun or Meilifang? Found a long blue wigs that's the perfect shade. Just not sure how big the wig cap is and how easily they tangle for long wigs.

>> No.7287490

Is this a good place to ask about styling wigs?

I bought a wig a long time ago, so this weekend i completely wrecked it. I wasnt wearing it at all so I dont feel so bad but I was looking into some other wigs but am dreading having to style it.

They always come with those super long bangs that I can't seem to cut properly.

>> No.7287527
File: 424 KB, 506x507, 1389224352846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know which shop has wigs that are as volumous as GLW's Rhapsody? I'm looking for one in brown or dark brown and I wasn't able to grab one for myself because it got sold out.

>> No.7287543

is there good wig sellers on aliexpress ?

>> No.7287550

Does Lockshop restock ever?

>> No.7287737

How do you smooth down fly-aways?
I finally got the shine taken care of but the fabric softener method didn't smooth it out so it looks like I have a ball of electricity permanently over my head..

>> No.7287768
File: 190 KB, 700x1200, w072-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bodyline's one is awesome. Has a bit of a gradient at the tips if you dont' mind that.

>> No.7287774

Dryer sheets. Just give it a once over and you're gold.

>> No.7287793
File: 7 KB, 228x221, banbaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where to get a good afro wig? It's for a Banba cosplay so I'd need one that's a little bigger and will give me some room to play around with.

I don't know the first thing about wigs or what stores are reliable sources. Thanks!

Also, shout out to the other Princess Jellyfish cosplayer in this thread. Good luck on your Tsukimi >>7261916

>> No.7287899
File: 30 KB, 242x201, Untitled-1 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of afros, any suggestions on how to do this?

>> No.7287940

depending on how you're going with the rest of the costume I would just use that sponge/foam like material.

>> No.7288108


Bodyline wigs in general are pretty great for the price, don't be thrown off by the terrible photos.

>> No.7288121

Quick question. I'm black and I wear classic Lolita. I want to get a wig so my hair can be longer and fuller at meets and in pictures. So I was wondering what would look better. Should I get a wig specifically for Lolita or should I get a wig that designed to look more like natural relaxed African American hair? I just don't want to stand out because of a bad choice.

>> No.7288130

Sweet! Are they synthetic wigs though?
Thanks so much though, I've always wondered about those Bodyline wigs.

>> No.7290322

if your hair looks fine with your coords colourwise and you don't want to make a silly choice/mistake, i think a wig that looks more like your natural hair would be a good choice.

>> No.7290351
File: 13 KB, 320x320, 2380306-2380305-hina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone give me advice for making a Hinata Hajime wig? I found a wig in a nice color but I'm having trouble styling it and don't want it to look like shit.

>> No.7290504
File: 302 KB, 1117x1580, apollo-justice-official01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regarding lace front wigs, does anyone have experience working with lace fronts that AREN'T Arda? I'm starting on an Apollo Justice cosplay, and I think Arda's lace front is too thick/has too much fiber - Apollo's hair lies down pretty flat on his head save for the ahoge, and I'd end up razoring out half of it to make it look the way I want. I'd much rather get a thinner wig and save myself the trouble, if possible.

tl;dr I want a lace front wig that's thinner fiber than Arda's. Any suggestions?

>> No.7291017

I've made a lace front to attach to an existing wig, it's very time consuming but worth it.

>> No.7291729
File: 107 KB, 400x600, Meltyduo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where I can get a mint/brown split wig for cheap, with shipping taking no more than 20 days to the UK?
It's sort of desperate.

I found this split wig for £20 but it's a lot longer than I wanted http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/21-colors-Lolita-Split-type-Cosplay-Wig-Girls-young-girl-2-Ponytails-hairnet-/150778268021?pt=US_CSA_MWA_Wigs_Extensions&var=&hash=item231b15c975

Also, how long does wigsupplier/l'email usually take to get to the UK?

>> No.7292829

I asked in the new thread but just in case you only look at this one:

Did you follow a tutorial or did you just wing it?

I've been looking to do something similar, but to the back of a wig to make an updo look more natural but have had no luck finding anyone talking through modifying even the front of a wig.

>> No.7292955

Where's a good place to get a hime wig? or to style one?

>> No.7292959

Looking for something like this in lavender myself... I saw a white one and a pink one on ebay a while back, but not reccently...