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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7243380 No.7243380 [Reply] [Original]

What is your take on "cosplay celebrities" like Yaya Han and others? Do you respect their skill and idolize them or draw the line at respecting them for their talent? Or are they just attention whores?

>> No.7243382

That's not Yaya Han.

>> No.7243383

They're all attention whores but Yaya is the only one who comes to mind for having some level of skill in costuming.

>> No.7243387

I don't feel the same way about all cosplay celebrities. I like the ones who are "famous" because of their talent as long as they haven't done something like cheat on their wife. I don't care for the ones that are famous for looks or have done something shitty.

>> No.7243395

I respect their large bosoms and their willingness to show said bosoms

>> No.7243396

"Cosplay celebrity" is just another way of saying "Self-promoting Facebook Slut". They get the attention from uploading galleries of sexy, revealing photos for people who don't even care about cosplay to oggle. Nobody gives a crap about Yaya Han or Jessica Nigri for their craftwork skills.

All you can hope to have without turning yourself into a facebook babe is to have a niche following on deviantart. Only cosplayers care about cosplay.

>> No.7243393
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She can do non-whorish stuff, too.

>> No.7243399
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>Or are they just attention whores?

We are all attention whores, regardless of talent or popularity.

This is an ascetic based hobby, aint nothing to fret about.

>> No.7243401

Meant aesthetic.
Shouldn't post from my phone like a goober!

>> No.7243406
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does Neon really count as a cosplay celeb?

>> No.7243411
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Now I'm imagining Ghandi going on a cosplay strike.
>I will cosplay characters that don't suit me as a peaceful protest to cosplay elitism everywhere

>> No.7243414

Damn, that's some shoddy construction. I feel sorry for whoever made the base corset.

>> No.7243419
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do you think most people are looking at her construction

>> No.7243424

did she sharpie dye that wig?

>> No.7243429

When the fuck did the phrase 'cosplay elitism' start, because it really pisses me off. Calling people who actually work hard and expect you to work just as hard to be 'elitists' seems like a really silly and asspained thing to do, and it's a phrase I've only heard being used within the last year or so.

>> No.7243428

I'd say so. She's won tons of awards and has been asked to attend cons as a guest speaker/panelist.

>> No.7243432

Obviously tumblr.

>> No.7243438
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The wonders of a push-up bra. She's not that busty in actuality. Don't get me wrong, she can be pretty but she's not THAT stacked.

>> No.7243437

It's older than that. I saw posts on cosplay sites on the subject years ago. If there's a group of people in any hobby doing anything better than others, there will be martyrs calling them elitists.

>> No.7243443


This girl really needs to get her makeup and costume construction on point. But then again, big fat sloppy boobs are more than enough I guess. She should challenge herself though.

I think that's my only problem with some cosplayers. Flat out laziness.

>> No.7243452

I first saw it on cosplay.com.

>> No.7243458

I don't give a shit. Unless you have a completely fug personality, tear others down just to be #1, try to garner tons of fans but treat them all like subhumans, or lie about who made the elements of your costume, I really don't care.

Yeah, cosplay was "different" years ago and there's a lot of girls using what was a hobby about crafting and showing character appreciation as a means to get fame and fill a hole in their self esteem, but you can't expect anything to stay the same forever.

It's not the fame that bothers me, its the personalities of most of the girls who try to get it.

I'm neutral on Jnig, think Yaya needs a slap in the face, think Rosana should be shoved back into her mom and aborted, adore Kamui but think she needs a vacation from the hobby, and don't really know enough about the rest.

I heard she doesn't make her costumes? But that was just an unsubstantiated slice of the /cgl/ rumour pie so... you know... grain, salt, take, vendettafag, etc. This is kind of a call out to see if the person who claimed it is still around and can actually prove this. I've only seen one progress pic on her FB so far.

I mean, I love her armour cosplays I just have a different respect for cosplayers who actually craft and those who just model.

>> No.7243465

I was going to write this big long thing about how everything said you said is completely off the wall retarded, but now I decided that it would be better for me to just walk away from my monitor instead and not argue with somebody who obviously has some kind of learning disorder.

I'm done. People like >>7243458 are the reason why the whole hobby has become a clusterfuck attention whoring circus.

>> No.7243482
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>implying the whole hobby hasn't been a clusterfuck attention whoring circus for decades.

Social media and commodification of "nerd culture" only magnified the problem. There is no boogieman to blame. Don't like it? Grow up and get off facebook!

>> No.7243534
File: 57 KB, 679x516, whostheretard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't agree with your opinion, so you're a retard, but I'm not going to actually contribute to the discussion, I'm just going to call you a retard.
Internet debate at its finest.

Basically, this.

Attention whores still existed back then, they just weren't as obvious. I know a guy who had the Harley's Joker attitude about one of his cosplays even before Jnig did her Pikachu, and a friend of mine used to bitch to me about a girl she kept encountering at cons back in 2004(?) who was a self-proclaimed "official" Faye Valentine.

Now these personality types actually have a platform to get their egos stroked, so they're more obvious outside of just their local con scene.

You can do fuck all to stop this from happening, so I just don't see the point of giving yourself an aneurysm over it. I've seen people threaten to leave cosplay because "This is an attention whore hobby now" which is the most ill-contrived, counterproductive thing I've ever heard.

>> No.7243559

>Attention whores still existed back then, they just weren't as obvious.

been in the cosplay scene since about '02 or '03 and totally agree. it wasn't as obvious back then because if you weren't in the 'cool kids club' you didn't get invites to the super private cosplay sites and groups to see them circle jerking each other.

What was awesome back then was all the super big names all had this high and mighty 'oh I'm cosplaying right now until I get my modeling career off the ground!' then most of them just turned to pay to view sites and their nudes got leaked all over the place once people found out about them. Was fucking hilarious. Those bitches were ten times the crazy than the big names now too. Ugh Adella's constant 'totally random Aerith photo shoot guiyz! We were driving through this city and it just was so perfect for an Aerith shoot, and I happened to have my costume in the car and VIOLA, RANDOM AERITH SHOOT IN THE CITY LOL!' When her nudes came out it was delicious.

>> No.7244317

I miss Adella and her crazed Aerith fan girl phase. Memories.

>> No.7244363

she posts shit all over her FB and Instagram with updates and shit so im pretty sure she makes all if not the majority of her costumes.

>> No.7244372

Adella had nudes? Source please!

>> No.7244380

No different than models really, some can also sew. If you idolize them more than you would a Victoria Secret model, it doesn't make much sense. It's also hard to tell if some genuinely are fans of the characters they cosplay or if they just do it because they couldn't make it in real modeling.

>> No.7244502

>It's also hard to tell if some genuinely are fans of the characters they cosplay or if they just do it because they couldn't make it in real modeling.

Oh that's not true. That's easy as hell to tell.
Look at the string of costumes. Are they all hot babes showing off latex, a rack of boobs, something was wasn't sexualized before, nothing looks like it took them more than a couple weeks to make?

That is a grade A "I want to be important so I'll go be a big fish in a little pond" person.

>> No.7244510

I hear ya, but the only problem is that what if the person is just proud if their body and is a fan? Like, I've been into sports and lifting for years, and as such am pretty big (6'5 240 and lean). So, I enjoy cosplaying characters that fit my body, in part due to accuracy, but also because I like to "show off" for lack of a better phrase. But I'm also a dedicated anime fan, I've seen 300ish shows/movies/ovas, have a 10/10 waifu and have a large figurine collection. That's why it's difficult for me to automatically discount some cosplayers as just attention whores because they dress in revealing clothing. I mean, Nigiri? Obviously an attention whore. But others it's difficult to say.

>> No.7244606

I like the ones that care about the material they cosplay and have skill, like MissYeru. The ones who have skill but don't care about the material, aka Yaya, I still respect costume-wise but not as a cosplayer. And then there are those who are just talentless attention whores and ehhh

>> No.7245564

Depends, but I don't care much. Yaya's and Nigris "boobs-and-wig" cosplays aren't anything amazing. And boobs aren't as interesting as good butts and good craftmanship/communication with fans.

For professionals though:
Kamui needs an vacation/stop a little, she's going way overboard nowadays.
Elffi is my bro.
Calssara is a nice person + has given me really good tips.

My favorite still is Lightning who I could call "professional" <3

>> No.7247733

when did Neon get so many likes? just last year she was making an event to get her 3,000 likes. wtf happened?

>> No.7247736

Is that the same woman?

She looks much hotter there.

>> No.7249929

facebook "suggestion" thing every one has shot up like crazy

>> No.7250000

If you can make money from a hobby, good for you. If you're comfortable showing your body for attention and that's what makes you happy, that's not my business. I don't necessarily have any less respect for a famous cosplayer just for wearing skimpy outfits to sell prints; what I think of those types of "cosplay celebrities" has more to do with how they treat their fans/other people in the hobby, and I probably don't admire them for anything, especially not craftsmanship, but as long as they're decent people, I really don't care and certainly don't think less of them for getting money from fans.

I don't know that I idolize any cosplayers, but there are some whose skills I'd like to work my way to some day. I find them inspiring. Right now, Kamui is my girl. She's the first cosplayer I've started actively following, and I love seeing her updates. She seems genuinely down to earth and cool and puts a lot of effort into her costumes, all of which I can respect.

>> No.7250107
File: 2 KB, 125x64, 4c1380474424652s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

semi-request that is related to this thread, hope you guys can help.

Saw on the 4chan archive that at one point the attached pic (the fullsize version, obviously) was pasted in a discussion about cosplayer Bellechere (pic is of her goblin queen cosplay). I'm curious what the attached text was about but can't find the fullsize pic anywhere to see what it was. Google/iqdb/etc all give no results except for the pic itself with no text. If anyone knows what this referenced, thanks~

>> No.7250108
File: 136 KB, 375x500, 6219037795_76e74ca967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for content:

>> No.7250136

Those disgusting implants. Why even.

>> No.7250370
File: 26 KB, 446x336, 361eik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D*Con this year amirite? I got a pic with her too.

>> No.7250491

That was several years ago. However, she did wear that costume this year. Her body doesn't look like that anymore though.

>> No.7250502
File: 122 KB, 375x500, bc_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from the rest of her pics they are clearly natural boobs and not implants

>> No.7250514

They're natural Cap'n Newfriend.

>> No.7250522


That reality show outed Yaya as a maximum bitch

So between being old looking as hell and that, I don't think she has much going for her

>> No.7250534


I think once they go the JNig route and put more emphases on showing off your racks than craftsmanship then yes they are attention whores. What gets me is some will have the gall to complain about the "creepers" they attract, well no shit Sherlock. When all you do is pose with your cleavage as the center piece of your pictures you are inviting that sort of response from the douches.

Also I find it hilarious that these Facebook babe Cosplayers all do the same exact characters (Black Cat, Cat Women, Poison Ivy, Jinx, etc). I wonder what they all have in common >.>

>> No.7250728

Implanted by God maybe.

>> No.7250794

You do realize it is possible for a woman to naturally have large boobs, right?

>> No.7250804
File: 210 KB, 800x998, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I noticed the trend of same attention whore cosplays, lol

I'm working on Catwoman from the live action series because I loved it so much as a kid. Julie Newmar is my favorite.

>> No.7250813

Pretty much all the "popular" or upcoming hot cosplayers many of my friends follow are the ones who do nothing but the usual Marvel & DC, feminized video game and MMO characters with an excessive amount of tits shown.

I'd rather idolise cosplayers with great seamstress skills as well as skills for armour making, props etc. and their photos actually gain decent comments rather than thousands of unoriginal shit about how great their tits, ass and vag look in costumes.

>> No.7252005


>> No.7252025

yeah there's so many fantastic half naked characters to cosplay but they all fucking cluster around a small handful.

shits weird

>> No.7252444

fucking. this.

>> No.7252454

>I'd rather idolise cosplayers with great seamstress skills as well as skills for armour making, props etc.

Like who?

>and their photos actually gain decent comments rather than thousands of unoriginal shit about how great their tits, ass and vag look in costumes.

Well the cosplayers cant control what other people say

>> No.7252473


this needed to be said.

>> No.7252475

Seems like every popular cosplayer ends up doing the following:

>Black Cat
>Poison Ivy and Harly Quinn

>> No.7252479


>natural resting position
>stretch marks

Must be a virgin

>> No.7252521

There used to be a lot, but the only one I can think of that's still around is Pikmin Link.

>> No.7252546

If you guys can't tell this is a troll thread. We have this exact same thread every day.

>> No.7253793

Liz Katz. Because she did porno.

>> No.7253812

Any cosplayer over the age of 21 is an attention whore.

>> No.7254027

Nobody who cosplays is a celebrity. That pretty much nips in the bud any sort of fixation I would ever have regarding cosplayers. There's only one who is well known that I'd probably recognize and that's Jessica Nigri. The only reason I'd recognize her is she's hot as fuck. But she's still no celebrity. Attention whores? ALL cosplayers are attention whores to some degree. Why wouldn't they want attention for busting their asses on their costumes? I'd be bummed out if I put all the effort into making one and nobody bothered taking even a single pic of me at a con.