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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7230634 No.7230634 [Reply] [Original]

Didn't find one in the catalog, so let's go.

I know this is supposed to be in /fa/ but let's not kid ourselves here. /fa/ would destroy this within a minute.

>> No.7230689
File: 119 KB, 610x813, Boscia-Tsubaki-Beauty-Oil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been using this on my face, and argan oil on my eyes at night, and holy shit, my skin is looking incredible. Along with a dead sea mineral 'facial peeling' once a week, my skin has seriously never looked better. I have little bumps under my skin, the kind that you have to manually squeeze, ugh, to get rid of, and they're starting to disappear on their own.

>> No.7230733

I have a bit of a complicated question.
I've been battling depression for years and I was crusty and hairy 24/7. Now I'm starting to crawl out of it, but all these beauty treatments take so much time and seem so exhausting. I rarely even wear makeup, and my friends all do it every day, making me look like a troll in comparison. Sometimes I really wonder how some people remember to take care of their nails, face, legs, clothes etc daily. I wanna be pretty every day but it takes me an hour to put minimal amounts of makeup on.

Has anyone else been through this? How'd you get over it?

>> No.7230767


Start out just doing as much as you can and go from there. It used to take me a really long time to do my makeup and now I can have it done in fifteen minutes or so.

It's going to seem exhausting if you treat it like a chore though. For me, makeup and beauty treatments are more ritualistic and indulgent, something really fun and relaxing I enjoy. Just take your time, try to relax, and think of it as spending some "me time" to pamper yourself instead of something you "have" to do.

I will say though, that if you're still fighting the depression, it will be harder. When my cat was diagnosed with kidney failure, I could just not give a fuck about my body for some time. You have to be in a place when you really just have the time and energy to be able to care about your appearance.

>> No.7230770


Also, addendum- I don't think make up every single day is a good idea. Give your skin a break sometime.

>> No.7230775
File: 702 KB, 1400x1423, 136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, all you have to do it stop being lazy, and take it slowly.
If you can't be bothered to spend hours in a day, I recommend spreading it over the week in slots of 10-15 minutes, when you have time.
For example, this is my beauty schedule.
>Monday: Face mask
>Wednesday: Wash hair, face scrub
>Thursday: Face mask
>Friday: Tweezing
>Saturday: Manicure
>Sunday: Wash hair, face scrub, shaving
I know it sounds a lot but it's not much if you spread it out. Now, a lot of girls like to push it all to the weekend, but I like to spread it out. And remember you can do these while doing something else, For example, I leave my facemask on or do my manicure while watching TV.

As for the makeup, if you feel it takes hours in the morning, go by the Golden 3: only use 3 products that you feel you need the most. For me, that would be undereye concealer, blusher and eyeliner, but you may choose something else instead. This should take you 5 minutes, no more.

As for clothes, think ahead. Choose some outfits in the weekend for the week ahead so you don't have to spend time every morning worrying what you're gonna wear.
Again, take it small steps at a time, there's no rush. You can do a little every day, and if you fall behind, no worries, just go on with it.

>> No.7230879

For skincare things, think of them as a routine for your heath, similar to taking vitamins. You don't have to do makeup everyday, but taking care of your skin should be done everyday.

I've been an ugly duckling too, anon, and at first applying beauty stuff overwhelmed me. This is how I solved it:

-Getting an epilator saves time. Shaving in the shower also saves time. You don't need to shave everyday, depending on circumstances.
-Don't go all out with clothes. Limit dresses. Get basics so you can layer, instead of wasting 15 minutes figuring out how to match a mint chiffon blouse. Get a full-length mirror.
-Cleanse everyday. As for exfoliant, I only do it when I remember, and that's working well for me so far.
-Cut your nails when you notice that they're too long. Don't waste your time trying on nail polish if you don't enjoy it.
-Use Bb cream. I use Etude House's Dear Girls. It is a concealer, highlighter, and foundation in one. Always pat it on, not swipe, and pat on moisterizer if you've dry skin.
-Eyeliner, mascara, etc, are not necessary and should only be saved for ocassions.
-Get lip balm.
-Save the curling iron for ocassions, look for simple and quick hair styles like a side braid or bun.

What I'm saying is: take shortcuts and cut out the extra fluff.

>> No.7230895

Are these still allowed here?

Sticky says beauty generals are supposed to go in /fa/

>> No.7230899

>implying /fa/ggots would ever welcome seagulls and a beauty thread.

>> No.7230911

We should invade /fa/ with this kind of thing. Like, next time it autosages we should just redirect to a /fa/ thread and see them rage.

>> No.7230914

Why are you so evil, seagull?
We could just stay here and talk about BB creams in peace, why would you want drop-crotch pants and fendora hats enthusiasts to bother us?

>> No.7230953

I'm going to buy some new Missha 13 cream from RoseRose Shop, but at the moment they have a 30% sale on Etude House. While I am buying things, is there any Etude House products that people would recommend, or even recommend against buying?

>> No.7230973

My face has been doing that thing where it simultaneously dries out and breaks out.

It does this every winter, and usually I just switch from my regular face wash/moisturizer combo to using an olive oil and sugar scrub with the occasional dab of acne gel for particularly stubborn pimples, but it hasn't seemed to be helping this year.

I use the scrub every day, and the gel every other day (but only as needed). I've been using a benzoyl peroxide gel, and was considering switching to using something that has salicylic acid instead to see if that helps with either problem. I've tried only using the scrub every other day, but it makes the dryness problem worse and doesn't really affect the acne that much.

It's been a couple years since I stopped having severe teen acne, and this is the first winter in that time that this hasn't worked for me, so I'm hoping not to have to talk to a dermatologist about it quite yet.

Any input would be appreciated!

>> No.7231079

I'm trying to develop a regular daily skincare regime, but I'm kind of unsure where to start. Is it possible to do something that isn't extremely expensive, or do you have to go big in order to take care of skin?
For what it's worth I have somewhat oily nose and a problem with blackheads in that area, which combined with dark circles and some lines starting are my biggest concerns.

>> No.7231087

Using your scrub every day is a problem. It's too irritating for your skin and especially so for your acne. Every other day is also too much. I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to be using sugar on your face either. The granules are too big and rough. Pick out a more gentle scrub with tiny beads, use it 2x a week, and use a heavier moisturizer. Also consider getting a gentle cleanser instead. Personally I stopped putting acne treatments on my skin when I break out cause I find it dries me out far more than I'd like.

Check out r/skincareaddiction on reddit. They've got pretty comprehensive guides.

>> No.7231112


I like buying the cotton puff pads from Etude House. The cheap ones really aren't any better than something you can buy in the grocery store, but you can get them cheaper when RRS is having a sale and they come in much cuter packaging.

Also all of the Etoinette stuff is so pretty. The pink blush is the prettiest colour I've ever worn, so I'd really recommend that if you've got pale skin. I wish they had the Season 2 stuff in already.

I also like the Sweet Recipe stuff, especially the lipstick. JOR201 is a lovely orange, and it wears almost like lip balm.

If that sale runs out, TesterKorea is having a 30% off sale of many of their brands for most of the month and they have the Etoinette Season 2 stuff in already.

>> No.7231123

At first I was loathe to go here, I hate reddit so much, but I swallowed my pride and did. Holy fuck I've been doing everything wrong forever, I hope I didn't seriously fuck up my skin beyond being salvageable!

On that note, what're everyone's thoughts on African black soap? I ordered some and it hasn't arrived yet, but I've heard great things.

>> No.7231127

Honestly, your acne is probably due to dry skin sloughing off and blocking your pores, and using acne medications and rough scrubs are probably just going to make the problem worse. Switch to a gentler wash, start applying a moisturizing toner (one that's alcohol-free, Lush makes a few nice ones as well as Boscia) before you moisturize, and switch to a slightly heavier but non-comedogenic moisturizer. It'll take some time, but your acne should slowly clear up. You can probably use the gel ONLY on the worst of the individual comedones/zits if you want them to clear up faster, but don't apply it to your whole face.

>> No.7231129

I forgot to mention, it's due both to your dry skin sloughing off as well as your skin overproducing oil in response to the dryness.

Sage for double post.

>> No.7231142

Anyone have some ideas for getting rid of ugly keratosis pilaris on my legs?

It's a problem with cosplaying. it looks like I have some serious acne all over my legs, and it's gross. I've been washing them with an exfoliating scrub every other day to every three days, and moisturizing the fuck out of them every night before bed, but it doesn't seem to be helping.

>> No.7231155

My nose is very dry and flaky. Also when I wash my face with a washcloth it gets very red on my nose and above my lip. What's wrong and what can I do to fix it? The rest of my skin is normal with the exception of a little acne.

>> No.7231219


>> No.7231234

The only thing that has ever worked on mine (I have it on upper arms, thighs, and the bottom of my butt) is exfoliating it with a really rough sponge and an acne scrub every goddamn day. I then use an oil free moisturizer on it. It was probably really bad for my skin, to be honest, but I was an insecure teenager who thought no one would ever like her because of her bumpy skin.
At this point I've pretty much given up on it. I'm really bad about picking at my skin, so that's sometimes a problem, but I really don't think there is much you can do to get rid of it.

>> No.7231244


It sounds like your chafing, likely due to the winter weather. Try and apply a heavier moisturizer.

>> No.7231290

Good ways to get rid of stubborn-as-fuck black heads?

>> No.7231295

This. I've tried so much crap to get the ones off my cheeks and nose and they just STAY. Forever.

>> No.7231298

Same, i'm starting to loose hope

>> No.7231303

I just broke out recently on my cheek and now I have a shit ton of reddish purplish scars.

I need suggestions for:
-a really good concealer for scars/acne (not just dark circles please)
-any kind of product or method that makes scars heal faster?


>> No.7231306

Wash your face.

Just wash it with a towel and water like three or four times a day. Do it consistently and they will be gone within weeks. Keep doing it and they will never come back. Don't try to push them out or some shit.

>> No.7231312

Dont forget moisturizer!

>> No.7231322

Does anyone have any experience using BioOil on their face? I have a ton of acne scars and I can't quite cover them up with my everyday makeup.

>> No.7231334

Any suggestions for dark spots? I developed a couple on my face and while I tried lemon juice (seemed to work for a bit) they just come back. Is there a more effective/easier way?

>> No.7231350



prepare for a ton of flaking though, and you might need to see a doctor for it.

Anything that sloughs off skin faster increases the rate of spot disappearance. Can use salicylic acid too

>> No.7231356

Lip stain is supposed to last longer than lipstick, right?

>> No.7231419

Hey does anybody know a decent, garden variety (as in something most retailers would have) unscented shea butter-based moisturizer? My bf and I both have very very dry skin due to skin conditions, allergies, and work (he's a gunsmith, I'm a hairdresser, constant hand washing). Plus he's allergic to fragrances, to the point that if I wear it and sit near him it can cause a reaction. There's gotta be something out there that will work right?

>> No.7231424

It does, if applied right. Its basically an inky marker thing that will literally stain your lips. Works best on clean, freshly exfoliated dry lips in my experience. I've had it last up to two days with minimal reapply. You can wear a gloss over top too, some lip stain pens come with a little gloss stick on one end now.

>> No.7231448

Hey, I have a really bad dry skin problem. I wash it and moisturize it twice a day and use a mask once every two weeks, but it doesn't seem to be helping. My skin's pretty sensitive so I need to be careful about experimenting with different products. The dryness has gotten so bad that my face feels almost scaly. Any suggestions?

>> No.7231458

Chemical exfoliates as opposed to like physical ones with beads or rough products are much better for you. Get a nightly treatment oil to add to your routine, especially if you're dry. Your mask should be a moisture mask, if it's anything else switch it to that.

Also, professional or high end products really are worth it when it comes to your face.

>> No.7231464

Eugh I've had patches of that on my face before. E45 cream cleared it up for me, that might work for you?

>> No.7231491


Balls. I'm almost out of my scrub with no leftover funds to buy more. Do you think a sugar scrub would work? I just use regular moisturizer though because the oil in it helps break down the keratin, and I'm not really in danger of getting actual acne on my legs.

I have issues with picking at it too though. When they filly develop, and I can feel them being all... stick-uppy, I just can't help myself. It's really bad.

>> No.7231497

Scars don't heal. They're permanent. Scars are a forever thing.

You could try something like Mederma, or tea tree oil, which supposedly reduce the visibility of scars, but they'll never actually disappear without a dermatologist's treatment.

>> No.7231500
File: 52 KB, 400x300, cyclax apricot scrub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't recommend ever using sugar as a scrub, as it causes lacerations in the skin, which are VERY damaging.

Why don't you get the ones from the dollar store?
I would never use their scrubs on my face, but I actually use big jars of facial scrubs from them on my arms/legs.
Pic related, 300ml for £1 and it lasts me a couple of months of using it twice a week.

>> No.7231505

Poor seagulls or those who like elf cosmetics, go to the dollar store. Some are selling elf branded make up for only $1.

>> No.7231626

Their drawing show creamy eyeliner is awesome. Some say even better than MAC.

>> No.7231632

Could I get a recommendation to a fairly cheap skin-care/makeup brand to order from online? I'm brand new to makeup and such, skincare. Deciding I should probably look somewhat presentable in life.

By affordable I mean not 70+ USD for a single item. Preferably not 20+ but I get that quality comes with price sometimes.

>> No.7231641

I've used them on leg scars before, and it only works if you use it as directed. Any less and it does nothing.

>> No.7231649

You'll do well with most korean brands.

>> No.7231671

Dollar Tree is good for elf. I kind of hate elf, though. Some of their stuff is good or okay, but others are complete shit even for a $1. Their brushes are good.

>> No.7231688

I'm a big fan of "Say yes to" products.
Most of them are between $10-$15.
My favorite are the blueberry cleansing wipes, the carrot night cream, and the blueberry eye cream. The grapefruit scrub is pretty awesome but I can't use it in winter or it dries me out too much. Amazon has a lot of them as an add on item and those are comparable to the price IRL at walgreens.

I have heard awesome things about Skinfood but haven't tried it. I've tried a couple of the MyBeautyDiary masks. I loved the Apple Polyphenol, but it contains parabens.

>> No.7231694

I love elf brushes . You really can't beat that price. Just remember to wash them after use to prevent breakouts.

>> No.7231790
File: 37 KB, 600x439, too cool for school product.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Too cool for school, they have a limited color palette and it's a little more expensive than others korean brands but the packaging is awesome and the product is really good (basic eyeshadow are super recommended).
Does anyone knows some korean brand that have non translucent lipstick line? cause almost everything is lipcare or glossy.
I love ELF! Is really really cheap, have a lots of colors and eyeshadows are amazing.

>> No.7231811

Where can you order Korean brands?

>> No.7231812

Did you catch the insane Cyber Monday sale on the Yes To products? I have my code, but I have to wait until Tuesday to use it.

>> No.7231814

I like Skinfood. I tried a couple of their BB creams and they work pretty well. I think in general though it's cheaper to buy online than in stores though, at least in the US.

>> No.7231837

rubyrubyshop on ebay
All I can think of now. Perhaps the anon who answered you will provide more.
Definitely agree! Always thought reddit was only slightly above 9gag, but their niche subreddits are pretty informative and nice. If you like makeup, r/makeupaddiction is pretty good too. I think the only thing I don't like about them both is that their top threads give me a hivemind-ish vibe.

>> No.7231863

I have serious eczema break outs on my face, particularly around my eyes and mouth.
After various failed treatments, it's come to my attention that this likely will take years to overcome and nothing will make it significantly better. Even when I can control the pain of it, my face still looks rather unsightly.

So I guess my next best option is makeup. Anyone have tips on hiding [super] flakey skin (is that possible?)
Covering up redness?
Makeup you can recommend to someone who is likely to scratch at their face without thinking first?

I'd really like to go back outside without feeling like a total eyesore.
>tfw other psoriases/eczema patients can just wear sleeves over their icky arms
>tfw the best option for me is just a bag over my face

>> No.7232002

scars disappear over time, anon. i had some acne scarring on my face for a while and it's been healing slowly for a few years.

some people swear by dermal rollers (these odd-looking, medieval torture device-resembling rollers covered in tiny needles) and following with vitamin e oil to help lighten the scars. check some youtube tutorials before you decide anything though.

>> No.7232013

Don't use olive oil OR sugar scrub on your face. Both work fine on other parts of your body where the skin is much more resilient and thick, but with your face just DON'T. Switch to argan oil or something similar, since olive oil blocks pores and is way too thick for your face. Same thing with sugar. The crystallized consistent is too harsh on the sensitive skin of the face. If you need a scrub, op for jojoba beads or something specifically designed as a face scrub.
I used both of these, sugar + olive oil to my face and I tended to break out, my skin was dull and had these tiniest of cracks, like the layers of the skin were broken (apparently they were). Now, after NOT using either of them on my face and after switching to argan oil, I've noticed that my skin is much more healthier and sort of plumper (if that makes any sense). The lines have smoothed down, my face is not as dry as it used to be and I break out far less.

Unfortunately I cannot help with your acne, but definitely stop using both of those immediately.

>> No.7232047

Scars are not forever. Don't give false statements.
Argon oil and bio oil both work well on scars, as well as expoliating

>> No.7232058

so do you just rub this oil in and go to sleep?

been there!
beauty everyday doesn't mean full on glamorous doos that take an hour each morning. you'll get more compliments on your "natural" looks anyway I found.

I agree with
except I think eyeliner is every day.
with practice from my routine I found that my eyeliner + BB or CC cream combo + lipbalm are my quickest but fullest looks I'll need for the day in under 15 mins, I save foundations and what not for more special days but still let my skin breath on the weekends because my acne and what not is a shit to deal with but ever since starting morning and night face washes and moisturizing (after avoiding it like the plague since it makes me feel yuck and greasy even with the oil free kinds).

also i found getting my eyebrows professionally shaped stopped me from looking troll like by 45% troo fax

these are really small things really. as for shaving, its a bitch and I hate it. I only do under arms these days and am looking for other paths...

>> No.7232066

>The Golden 3
Seagulls, what are your 3 daily makeup items you use on a daily basis?
If you use more, what are the 3 most important to you?

>> No.7232070

Mine are:
>undereye concealer
>brow liner

>> No.7232087

Most important products for daily makeup are:
> BB cream (Missha Signature in 23)
> powder (Makeup Forever HD Powder)
> lip balm (Sometimes plain, sometimes tinted)

But on top of that I wear:
> Concealer
> Blush
> Eyeliner

When I've got some time or when the mood strikes:
> Illuminator
> Eyeshadow
> Lipstick
> Mascara

>> No.7232096

Mine are
-étude house bb cream with a bare mineral powder to seal it
- lip balm from lush
-two faced mascara

>> No.7232104

Being a hairy SE European mammoth, I can say that an epilator helped me a LOT. It won't stop your hair from growing, but it'll be more sparse and a lot finer. If I manage to find a picture of me with an awful unibrow before and my eyebrows currently, I'll post so you can see.

Downside to epilators is that they fucking hurt until you get used to them, and you can't get used to them because they hurt.

Also I hate moisturizer, everything sticks to my face all the time and it never ever dries so I look oily as shit even when there isn't any oil.

>> No.7232112

>Foundation (that matches my skin colour) Illamasqua no.2 has been fantastic.
> Eyeliner
> Lipstick

>> No.7232126

I have had eczema for years on my arms and on my eyelid at one point. Makeup and other products would end up making my skin even more itchy and irritated
I did a lot of research, and the one thing that helped me the most was a high concentration Hyaluronic Acid serum. Hyaluronic Acid is a water-holding molecule that is naturally occurring in skin and joints. I'm not sure if you already tried it, After putting it on, my skin almost feels normal to the touch. You can still see the patches but it looks way better. The itchyness also went down by a lot. It does itch a little sometimes, but it's nothing compared to when I used to get these intense urges to scratch.
The one I used is by Nature's Way (amazon.com/Natures-Way-Hydraplenish-Serum-Ounce/dp/B0019LS0QK/) But honestly any reputable brand with a high concentration (88%) will work. It's a plus that there's no unnatural preservatives or fragrances so people with sensitive skin won't react to it. I've already given it to my co worker, whose daughter has really bad eczema on her face and neck. She came back the next day and said that there was a lot less redness, and the dry flakiness is gone. Yes it's expensive and you have to apply it everyday, but I'd say it is completely worth it when you compare it to those prescription steroid creams that make your skin even worse with long-term use. Amazon is cheaper but places like Vitamin shoppe and other supplement stores in town will have it.

>> No.7232130
File: 23 KB, 326x434, playcoloreyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These new palettes from Etude are fucking fantastic. No idea if they're available anywhere online, but I recommend if you can grab one.

>> No.7232135

"Hyaluronic acid with biocell collagen" capsules also work really well and they're generally cheaper than the serum. I use it occasionally and it makes my skin super soft. Just remember that your skin is going to retain a lot more moisture when you're using HA, so you've gotta drink a lot more water to avoid dehydration.

>> No.7232140
File: 29 KB, 493x280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that red eyeshadow
I can never find red ! I had to buy manic panic gothic red " blush" and use it as eyeshadow.

>> No.7232150
File: 156 KB, 540x515, wetnwild_enteranewrealmtrio001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried to find the Wet 'n Wild palettes? They've put out at least 3 eyeshadow palettes with reds that I know of, and the pigmentation is really excellent. They're super affordable too.

The names are "Enter a New Realm", "Three's a Party", and "Night Elf". I think the last two were LE, but you can still find Enter a New Realm on Amazon and you may be able to find the others on Ebay.

>> No.7232152
File: 79 KB, 550x520, infrared.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ka'oir has a strongly pigmented red for $16.

>> No.7232155

Ahhh, thank you so much. I use wet and wild for their blue and purple eyeshadow. I didn't know they had red!

>> No.7232160

No problem :)

>> No.7232163
File: 46 KB, 150x150, bunnies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dammit, I forgot to finish my sentence here, didnt help I was typing on my crappy phone.
Let me re-write this sentence
> I save foundations etc for special days but still let my skin breath on weekends because acne blah blah, but ever since starting morning and night face washes and moisturizing (after avoiding it like the plague since it makes me feel yuck and greasy even with the oil free kinds), I've seen a huge improvement! May or may not have anything to do with replacing dairy in my diet with soy & alternatives, but we'll see.

>hello my SE European mammoth who hates moisturizer twin!
Tonight was the night I've been researching epilator brands.. I've been on the fence deciding whether or not to drop a hundred on a good home waxing kit or an epilator. I imagine both would eventually cause the same effects with eventual hair thinning... But please do inspire me and others with some progress reports!

> TLDR; Just yah, would love some CGL opinion on whether to drop the bomb on wax or an epi...

>> No.7232165

I heard epi helps with the amount of hair in the long term more than wax, but a lot of women can't deal with the pain.

>> No.7232177

I'd be willing to pay $16 for really great red eyeshadow. Thanks to one or both anons. (Not sure if same anon )

>> No.7232179

You save lots of money with an epi. Like everyone says though, it really hurts

>> No.7232195

I've been using Philips Satinelle Ice Premium
it has a cooling pack that you put in the freezer before using so it soothes the skin a little, and it helps. Has a special bikini zone attachment too, but it'll scar easily down there and other than myself no one else has had the guts to use that (that I know of). Waxes are waaay too expensive and I prefer having no audience for my genitals, no matter how many times they did it.

>> No.7232206

It depends on your face what you use everyday. I have blonde eyelashes so mascara is super important. You should use the stuff that makes the most difference for your face- I don't use foundation unless I'm having a bad skin day- My minimal look is mascara, a few swipes of eyeshadow, and undereye concealer.

Also, seconding skincare being the most important.

-If you don't do anything with your skin, start with a simple daily cleanser and moisturizer. If you have blemishes get a spot treatment, if you're over 25 get an eye cream. The key to skin care is to be super consistent with your routine.
-Exfoliation gets important the older you get. I just use the Olay clairsonic knockoff because I have sensitive skin. Whatever you do, once or twice a week is fine.

-Look into the idea of a capsule wardrobe. Buy things in neutral colors or a few favorites, and find a daily uniform you can fall back on, like "tights plus dress plus cardigan" or "Jeans plus vintage blouse plus flats" or whatever.

-Get one of those little nail file/shine/buff blocks. Keep it in your bag. I pretty much only file my nails when I'm at work, then I enjoy making them shiny.

-If your hair takes more than 10 minutes to style on an average day, you're doing something wrong. Apply a product when it's wet and then brush it, or put it up. I shower at night since I have long hair, then I can avoid the blowdryer and the damage heat can cause. Avoid using irons if your hair is shoulder length or longer. You only really need to wash your hair 3 times a week.

>> No.7232207

From someone who had the same exact problem; stop using products with benzoyl or use some with a smaller amount of it. You'll still experience some dryness with other products but much less than with benzoyl.

I also got out of my severage teenage acne phase maybe a few years ago. I use gentler product now, and my skin seem much better.
Harsh acne products strip your skin of it's natural oils. One: that makes it dry, two: it makes your skin less able to regenerate/heal itself. That may be something I encountered more because I have a very sensitive skin, but the products I used were so intense that it traumatized my skin and I don't know it'll ever look completly healthy again. So, I would recommend not using harsh products.

Even though, you technically shouldn't scrub everyday, if you really feel the need to, go towards specifically "gentle scrubs" and give yourself at least one or two days a week without it.
Investing in a good skin specific mosturizing is great too. Winter can be rough on the skin, it needs an extra help.
I sometimes also massage my face with coconut or argan oil at night. It activates your skin and moisturizes it.

>> No.7232209

they implied getting a home waxing set, not beautition?

>> No.7232211

>so do you just rub this oil in and go to sleep?

Yep! You can put moisturizer over it, but it's actually perfectly fine on its own. It doesn't leave any residue, and you only need three drops max for your entire face, so there's no worries about waking up to an oily pillow.

>> No.7232215

Not the anon you're responding to, but my hairdressers have always warned me that it was better to blowdry your hair (not using full heat) than letting it air dry or worse, going to bed with wet hair.

>> No.7232219

I think they were wrong, because blow drying damages and (gasp) dries out your hair.

I almost always go to bed with it wet, and it's soft and healthiest when I do. When I blow dry, it's dry and frizzy.

I'm not sure where your hairdresser learned that, but they should probably check their facts.

>> No.7232220

When I don't blowdry, my hair is soft and frizzy, when I don't it's a bit rough but less frizz.
Where do I struck the balance?

>> No.7232222
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How the fuck would letting your hair air dry be worse than using artificial heat from a blow dryer? Your hair dresser needs to go back to school.

>> No.7232238


>Sephora brand baked foundation face powder
>Benefit's Dallas blush/bronzer (to make my pale self look a little less so)
>Black eyeliner and/or mascara

>> No.7232241

Wear an amount of makeup you are comfortable with. I think makeup is a step-by-step process for everyone, you'll learn what you enjoy/want and if you feel the need, you'll seek out more. It depends on your particularities/features but a quick basic makeup could be
- BB cream + concealer if more coverage is needed (if your skin gets really oily during the day, throw some powder on)
- Eyelashes curler + mascare
- Tinted lip balm and/or gloss

For body hair, personally I am lazy so I use either wax or a depilator so I only have to deal with it once or twice a month.

For clothes. I have "quick and easy outfits" that aren't sweatpants based. Find interesting tops that can stand on their own and match them with some simple neutral color jeans. Don't have to think too much about it, you can just throw it on if you woke up late.
It's also easier to know what to wear if you always shop clothes with outfits in mind.
When I have time, I plan out my outfit and try things on... but I do enjoy those kinds of things. Yo can also start thinking about what you'll wear while showering, brushing your teeth or putting makeup on. Weirldy, all moments where ideas just seem to flow in your head.

Washing your face is something you should do day and night though. Go with something easy to use (i.e. foam face wash and mosturizing/protecting cream). Then you can pile on some more. It can help you remember to use some products if you leave them at the right. I put my scrub in my bath so I use it while showering (also easier to wash off); I always have handcream in my bag so that I use it if I am waiting/bored or taking the bus/subway; body lotion either by my bed, computer or tv (suspicious, but useful), etc.

>> No.7232246
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Anyone else excited like a little fucking girl about these?

>> No.7232253

Make up routine (I use mostly french product, they tend to be awsome and not that expensive within EU)

>Couvrance foundation (spf50) OR Agnès.B BBcream
>Powder from Réserve naturelle
>Réserve naturelle pencil Liner or étude house one
>Oh my lash ! mascara + l'Oréal mascara
>nearly any brand for lipstick, but I love l'Oréal and Clinique

I do full face make up every day, but the Couvrance fondation is really good, it's made by Avène which also sell really good skin care product.
I use Neutrogena's visibly clear line for wash and moisturize my face, it's slightly acid and leave my face really fresh and enlighted.

I also look forward to try Clinique's three part face wash program, any seagull tried it already ?

>> No.7232256

I'm drooling. These colors are absolutely beautiful.

>> No.7232261


Something you'll find commonly? Not that I can think of.

Some health food stores might have Indian Meadow Herbals Love Your Face Cream, which while unscented, is not shea butter based but is a really heavy duty moisturizer.

If you are willing to order online, check out Shea Terra stuff. Their facial cremes are not scented and some of them have shea butter.


Seconding RoseRoseShop. Also try TesterKorea, they're having a sale. Those are generally where I've found the best prices on Korean cosmetics.


Top three? Foundation, mascara, tightlined eyeliner. Blush is the runner up, so for me it's more like the Golden Four. Even if I do nothing else, those four. After that it's concealer, especially undereye concealer. My 'simple' routine consists of foundation, undereye concealer, blush, tightlining, and then mascara.

>> No.7232265

More than one hairdresser told me that actually.
It is normal that when you wake up after a night of sleep your hair looks better than if you just finished blow drying it, since it had time to gain it's oil and set itself.
Sure, you have to blow dry in the proper manner (low heat + distance) and bonus points if you use some heat protection products, but it isn't nonsense.
You can research it if you want. The opinions are mixed since the studies are recent, but the main consensus is that it's either probably right either blow drying is as at least as good as air drying.
From what I gather the reason why letting your hair air dry isn't that great is because your hair is at it's weakest point when it's wet and leaving it being, instead of finding a way to take care of it, gives it more time to get damaged. Especially if you are turning and tossing around on it while in bed.

>> No.7232270

Does anyone have a primer to recommend? I never found one I liked.

>> No.7232272

There's a swatch-review up for the second palette if you Google it. The shimmery ones look like crushed velvet in pan. Just gorgeous.

>> No.7232280

You're comparing blow drying your hair and putting it heat in it to sitting around in your bedroom to let it air dry. I don't go to sleep with soaking wet hair, so I'm not sure how that would somehow be more damaging than pitting heat on it.

>> No.7232282

Does anyone have recommendations for products used to reduce/soften under-eye wrinkles? I'm fucking 23 years old but get awful under-eye wrinkles when I smile. Not attractive.

>> No.7232288

Oh, never do that. It's as messy as it is ineffective.

>> No.7232286

Is there anything to be done about slightly sunken-in undereye circles/bags? At first I thought it was a deficiency thing, so I got all my levels checked. After getting all that stuff under control over the course of the past year, my undereye bags/circles have improved a lot, but the improvement stopped a few months ago. They're a lot better than when I started, but they've stayed the same and are still noticeable. I've tried color-correcting stuff, every concealer that's been recommended, and even that thing that gossmakeupartist recommends (putting light concealer/highlight stuff in the dip where your eyes sink in to trick the light into bouncing off and making them 'disappear'). A problem I have is that my concealer job always looks great in my house/own mirrors, but as soon as I see myself out in public (no matter what the lighting is), it looks horrible. This is my one complaint with my face, makes me look so much older. I know there's something that can be done, what am I doing wrong? (Sorry if this is hard to follow, English isn't my first language)

>> No.7232291

I'll look into it, thanks!

I've got both Elidel and Protopic, none of which work significantly well if at all. I usually just have to smear my face with vaseline every 15 minutes and sit inside all day so no one has to see me. My skin seems to absorb things like mad, but nothing ever seems to help?
I recently got off a tapering prescription of Prednisone, which everyone thought would fix my skin at least for awhile before symptoms came back, but even before I finished the dose, once it decreased, my symptoms returned and it was back to being a full blown problem within a week of being off the pills.

>> No.7232292

Only if you're an idiot.

>> No.7232293

Has anyone had success getting that dewy flawless foundation look that you see on a lot of asian girls? The closest thing that's worked for me for lasting and coverage has been snail moisturizer as a primer and Missha #13 with HD setting powder. It looks great for what it is but compared to a lot of girls I see it's not the look I'm trying for. Many of the girls tend to have pretty stellar skin without makeup too so I feel as if I may be fighting a losing battle here.

>> No.7232297

I'd like to know what you've been using to get all of your legs flawlessly smooth with ten shitty strips and no leftover wax afterwards.
Stop being such a salty cunt.

>> No.7232298

i have a slight female mustache and would prefer to do it myself than pay 25$. any tips and product recs?

>> No.7232302

Facial wax strips work okay here

>> No.7232303

Get better lighting, everyone looks like a star in their bathrooms. Put your mirror near a well lit window and avoid side-light. If you only have lamp options, stay away from warm-light bulbs (anything that casts a cosy yellowish light). You will be instantly able to see if you need to change something about your concealer. Something as small as the way you apply it could have a huge impact.

I couldn't be arsed to replace a broken bulb on my vanity for the whole winter. Apparently I was drawing one of my brows waay darker on for the whole time. I only noticed it when I got a new ID card with my pic printed on it.

>> No.7232308


I don't do it in my bathroom, anyway. Sometimes I even do it outside (I have a terrace/balcony thing, idk the word, attached to my room). It looks fine outside/in natural, but it's at shops/school/fluorescent light that it starts to look bad I guess, and I can't really replicate that at home.

>> No.7232309

Basically, the longer you are leaving the water in your hair the more pressure it can put on the membrane which holds the cuticule together. By pressuring the membrane, there is more chance of breakage and split ends since it might dislodge the cuticule.

>> No.7232312

Oh sorry, no clue then. I struggle with that sometimes as well, tend to avoid a few shops just because they have godawful lighting in their fitting rooms.

>> No.7232318

What brand of make up is it?

>> No.7232321

Etude House Princess Etoinette collection

>> No.7232326

Water makes it softer and easier to break. If I'm just sitting in my bed reading a book while my hair dries, that's alright though?

I put a leave in conditioner in while its still damp/mostly dry

>> No.7232335

I wear foundation, but before I apply I put on sunscreen. It says you have to apply every 2 hours...what should I buy that won't mess up my makeup, but gives me that protection with high SPF that i need?

>> No.7232345
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I want to get one of those makeup consultations at Macy's because I want to know how to makeup better and what would suit me. I'm afraid that they all work on commission and won't give me completely accurate information just so they can sell their brand. I just don't know who else to ask. Should I just go get consultation anyway?

>> No.7232347

Yeah, go to a couple at least and just try things out. Don't feel pressured to buy anything, and if they try just say "I'd like to wear it around for a while to see how it stays on my face/if it cooperates with my skin/if my significant other or friend like this look on me"

>> No.7232348

Try sunscreen spray! I've never tried it before, though, so I can't speak for effectiveness.

>> No.7232351

A "scar" is forever. If it goes away, it wasn't really a scar.

Scars form when you have a wound or burn, or other injury, that doesn't heal completely. Scar tissue (which is actually the same as regular skin, it just arranges itself differently) forms around the wound. This usually leaves either raised skin or depressed skin, depending on the nature of the wound. The new skin is often very sensitive to UV light, and does not have hair follicles or sweat glands.

True acne scars are 9/10 atrophic scars, which produces the pitting that some people do have to deal with. There are treatments for it, but you'd have to see a dermatologist for that.

Most acne "scars" are just pigmentation leftover that fades out on its own with time. A true acne scar is permanent without treatment.

>> No.7232424


If you have any brands you like, Sephora might be able to help more. I'm pretty sure they'll show you how to apply makeup if you have any on you.

>> No.7232442

Does anyone have recommendations for moisturizers or exfoliants to use for tempermental skin? My skin is seriously disgustingly oily, but I still get skin flaking around my nose - even when it's not cold out.

>> No.7232486

Maybe try washing your face without a washcloth for a bit, it might be irritating your skin even more.

>> No.7232517

I went through the same. I started out by incorporating one thing, then adding more to the routine as previous tasks became more automatic. I still go through "fuck it" periods now and then, and have found that covering a few basics helps prevent me from looking like a total troll.

1. Hair: Fancy ass hair cut. Seriously worth it. I can roll out of bed with hair that hasn't been washed in a week and still get compliments when grabbing coffee.

If you're in one of those can't-be-arsed-to-do-a-full-shower moods, but your hair is getting gross- dry shampoo with a boar bristle brush. I like Lush's "No Drought."

When you do wet wash, avoid SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate) shampoos and rubbing your hair hard with the towel when drying.

2. Skin: Exfoliate in the shower (kessa, body scrub, etc.) I started with using Shea Moisture Raw Shea Butter Body Lotion for both my body and face. Covering at least the dry spots, like elbows and knees, and the face no matter what.

Once you get used to that, get a separate face lotion. Sephora has a great return policy, so just pick up whatever and try it out for at least a week.
I use Weleda's rose cream or Cerave.

Sleep by midnight. Drink a shit ton of non-sugary fluids.

3. Lips: Quickly and gently rub your lips with your towel after showering to make them soft and smooth. Tinted lip balm whenever lips feel dry.

4. Laser hair removal, girl. Of course, mileage will vary person to person. But shit's awesome and super worth it if you can score a Groupon or referral discount. 2 years later, I have only a few faint hairs I need to pluck/shave once every 5 weeks.

That's pretty much my post-depression starter level 1. I got used to doing this much, and after a couple months leveled up to using sunscreen, filing nails, threading eyebrows, and using concealer or a tiny dab of BB cream for undereye darkness. Then leveled up to eyeliner, simple eyeshadow, blush, full face BB cream, and nail polish.

>> No.7232520

I use African black soap as my daily face soap and it's awesome. My bf started on it too, and it's really helped make his skin less red, oily, and pimply.

>> No.7232524

I am super duper cheap and Clinique's pressed powder is pretty much the only thing I splurge on. It's $23 at Sephora but totally worth it!


>> No.7232530

>Burt's Bees lip balm
>Face Powder

>> No.7232531


Seconding this anon's reccomendation. It's very good at keeping my oil at bay, I only need to apply it about once the entire day and I still get that dewy glow most of the day without looking totally greasy.

>> No.7232550

Wash and exfoliate every day, but with something gentle. Then, once a week-

1. Steam your face. (Make tent with a towel over the back of your head, and your face over a bowl of super hot water.) Drop some essential oils or crushed vitamins in if you feel like it. Or substitute pure green tea or floral water for the water.

2. Mix and brush on an egg or clay mask. Egg should be applied in 2-3 layers, with each layer being allowed to dry slightly before applying the next. Clay should not be watery, more like a simple syrup to mustard consistency. Rhassoul,
bentonite, and french green clays are great.

3. Wash off mask with warm water and clean towel. Use gentle patting motions with the towel instead of hard rubbing.

4. Wipe on toner, preferably cold.

5. Light lotion. Let it fully absorb before following up with an optional heavier face cream.

6. Change your pillowcase and towel as often as possible, at least once a week. Get mini face towels and use a fresh one daily if you can.

My roommate has immaculate skin and swears by wiping your face with ice cubes after showering, but before applying lotion. I find the refrigerated toner is enough.

>> No.7232565

I also have sensitive skin and had the snake skin problem when I moved to a drier area. I washed my face once instead of twice a day, or just a quick, cold water splash in the morning instead of a wash.

>> No.7232567

Eyeliner, pencil for my eyebrows, and lip tint.

>> No.7232652

Seconding trying a few places, especially cosmetic-specific stores like Sephora and Ulta. Avoid the fuck out of the Sephoras inside JC Pennys though. A friend works at a JC Penny and says they don't always get trained as well as they should. If anyone starts to pressure you into buying right then, tell them you're waiting to see if it triggers your allergies or something and you'll be back in a day or so if it all goes well. I do this a lot (have legit allergies though) and it usually gets me less hassle.

Also theres a few great books in the beauty section of Barnes and Noble (its in the health and fitness stuff) that give you basics from foundation and out. They're good if you want some general info on what works for which skin types and colors and some application tips.

>> No.7232798

I was looking into getting a bb cream but i'm not sure which to get, as I don't really know my skintone. Is there somewhere I can get samples to test out which looks best?

>> No.7232831

Does anyone have tips or advice for growing in eyebrows? I've never really plucked or 'styled' mine and they're naturally sparse.

>> No.7232856
File: 98 KB, 720x543, Skin79_all_BB_creams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To find out your skin type, wash your face with a facial cleanser and wait half an hour. If your skin feels tight/flaky it's dry, if it feels okay it's normal or if it's oily then... yeah, surprise, it's oily.
Once you figure which one you are, google your skin type and also look for some informative videos on youtube about how to care best for it according to your skin type.
This pic doesn't includes all BB creams, of course, but it's a good starter once you know your skin type and the coverage you want.
As for samples, it's more difficult as they are mostly based on Asia, but give it a try on google.
I think there are some special serums for that, but no miracle worker.
There's a reason why eyebrow pencil is such a popular choice among seagulls for the Golden 3.

>> No.7232862

Why is applying blush so hard?

>> No.7232863

Foundation, concealer and mascara.

>> No.7232869

So how does contouring work? What product do I need for it?

>> No.7232870

You probably have a bad brush.
Oh, and it's useful if you know what kind of look you're going for with the blush.
See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9aH-Ijz6QXQ it gives a good idea on how using the same product but applying it in a different way can make all the difference.

>> No.7232874

Do you have the right brush?

>> No.7232967

Anyone have any suggestions for a good dry shampoo for oily hair? I shower every morning but my hair is always disgusting by evening and I have to shower again if I'm going anywhere nice.

>> No.7232989

My hair/scalp is pretty oily, I've used both Batiste and Psssst! brands and they seem to work fine.

>> No.7233020

Not sure if anyone knows anything for this because it seems to be a nasty male problem, but I get an oily as fuck forehead when I don't wash my face every 30 minutes. Does anyone know what causes this, and how to prevent it?

>> No.7233044

Okay, there are 3 things that need to be mentioned here.
1. Use a mild cleanser, or even better, just plain water when you wash your forehead, and avoid rubbing.
2. As soon as you're done, put on an oil-free and alcohol-free moisturizer on your forehead.
3. Try to wash it less often, if you're not going anywhere. Sometimes the skin tries to make up for the loss of moisture by making extra oil, so that may be one of the reasons why your skin is so oily.

However, if after a few weeks this doesn't seems to somewhat control the gravity of the problem, try seeing a dermatologist as there may be other skin issues beneath this.

>> No.7233054

You could try using an astringent after washing your face and before moisturizing. Don't use it too much though, because it's pretty harsh stuff. I'd save it for special occasions, but if you want to use it more frequently, I'd suggest no more than every other day. You can also try controlling your shine throughout the day with oil blotting sheets. Just make sure to pat and not rub the sheets on your face. The same goes for when you're drying your face: pat your face dry with the towel, never rub it.

>> No.7233136
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Look for something waterproof that's non-comedogenic/says it won't clog pores. Neutrogena's got a lot of suncreens that fit that quota. Pic related is the godsend I use.

>> No.7233143


Loose powder/finishing powder/cornstarch or arrowroot powder.
Men tend to be really oily and then not use makeup. A little powder goes a long way to decrease shine.

Washing your face less often will make you oily for a few days, but will decrease your skin's oil production over time, making you progressively less oily.

>> No.7233208

Does anyone here use skin79 BB cream? I'm interested in picking some up but don't know where to order it. Amazon has it cheap but a lot of the reviews suggest that there's a lot of counterfeiting going on. I could buy it directly from the retailer but that triples the price. Anyone have any suggestions? New to makeup, sorry if this is a retarded question.

>> No.7233238

Where do you guys buy your makeup online? Amazon rarely has the stuff I want.

>> No.7233245

I buy a lot of makeup (both Asian brands and "regular" brands) from Ebay.

>> No.7233274

I got mine from Amazon, from the seller "NEVER PRICE" and thank god it ended up being real. Not sure if that store sells it anymore because when I go to the page I got it from, it now says "Honest Skin" is the seller. hmm.

It's a bit of a risk but you honestly just have to look up guides on how to spot fakes - packing differences, container differences.. Also, I believe they recently changed stuff up so it's important to find an updated guide. Unfortunately, you can't tell until you get it in the mail.

But I have to say I recommend at least trying to get your hands on it! All the American "BB creams" were too dark/orange for me, and the Hot Pink one matches my skin pretty much right out of the pump (that being said, I have sort of a gross grey-color to my face). I mean, the cream changes to match, but it doesn't really need to for me.

>> No.7233276

I got the skin79 super BB cream, the hot pink one. I got it from Amazon from a user called skin79, so I assume it's legit.

>> No.7233285

Does the lemon juice and egg white mask thing work? I hear it can improve even acne scars.

>> No.7233293

I squeezed a blackhead once, it was like someone planted a fucking bomb in my nose and the shrapnel flew everywhere

>> No.7233295

Avoid lemon juice like the plague if you have acne/sensitive/acne prone skin.
But I hear egg white masks are quite good for the skin. Try adding some vitamin E instead, or maybe some yoghurt, smashed tomatoes, papayas or avocados.
Might as well make a salad from then on.

>> No.7233339

Thank you both! I'll look into how to spot fakes. I hear the hot pink works wonders.

>> No.7233406
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I want to start making my own shampoo. An environmental friend of mine got me started on it. She made me a sample of her batch and it felt great in my hair.
Is there anything else I can add to this combo of ingredients?
She used Dr. Boner's Peppermint Shampoo, Rosemary Oil and Jojoba oil.

>> No.7233455


roseroseshop and rubyruby76 on ebay are reputable

jesus fuck do not put lemon juice directly on your face the ph is way too harsh on it

seconding batiste

I might get torn apart but ELFs blush brush works fantastically and I wash it at least once a week and had no fallout

your routine inspires me

>> No.7233457
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PFFFT Dr. Boner.

>> No.7233459

questions about the african black soap, googled a bit, what brand is better, sheamoisture or shea terra organics?

>> No.7233474
File: 220 KB, 1280x853, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Benefit is so fucking cute. Anyone try their stuff?

>> No.7233475

What's the makeup scene like in Japan? Do they mostly use American stuff? (I'm going on the Jet Program soon and I'm wondering if I need to stock up)

>> No.7233476

Have you tried washing your hair less?

>> No.7233479

Oh cool, did you get accepted as an alternate? (I'm a current JET)

The makeup here is actually usually not American. There are a few brands that you can find consistently in drugs stores (like revlon), but a lot of the other cheaper brands are Asian (usually Japanese or Korean). In Departments stores you can find the more famous brands like Estee Lauder and Lancome, but smaller brands that you might typically see at a place like Macys (like Urban Decay, Origins, Benefit) I've never seen here.

>> No.7233482

It's Japan... They have lots of types of make up, including American stuff like maybeline (sp)

>> No.7233484

I wish the gif users would go back to tumblr. Yes, you're very mature

>> No.7233494

I wash mine once a week. It's clean for as long, and basic bitches only make the disgusted face if I tell them.

>> No.7233498

> Iknowyourfeel.jpg

I wash mine once in two weeks or once in a week and a half, because I'm half so my hair is really fragile, and people also make disgusted faces when I tell them.

>> No.7233499

It's Dr. Bronner, anon
But I like that one better

>> No.7233506

I have combination skin and bought the Nivea skincare program for my skin type
The cleanser, toner, mask and scrub work great, but the goddamn moisturizer is marketed as mattifying and it actually made my nose oily as fuck while causing redness on my dry cheeks. What do??? The regular Nivea cream works fine on my cheeks and everywhere else but if I put it on my nose it would be like rubbing lard into my skin.

>> No.7233570

I love Mirabella's, but I've also heard lots of good things about Smashbox and Benefit's Porefessional.

They're Real! is my absolute favorite mascara and a godsend.

>> No.7233628


My schedule is very simple and takes very little time.
I try to work fast in the shower to save on water costs, It usually costs me 10 minutes of time for a full routine (body wash, shampoo, conditioner, shave), If I only wash my body and my fringe it takes only 3 minutes a day.
Skin care takes only 2-3 minutes in the morning and 2-3 minutes in the evening if you don't bother with face masks.

Monday :
Morning: shower (full routine), wash face, toner, moisturize.
Evening: wash face, 10 minute aspirin mask, toner, moisturize.
Morning: shower (body wash only), wash fringe, wash face, toner, moisturize.
Evening: wash face, toner, moisturize, tweezing.
Morning: shower (full routine), wash face, toner, moisturize.
Evening: wash face, toner, moisturize.
Morning: shower (body wash only), wash fringe, wash face, 3 minute mask (Dr. van der Hoog), toner, moisturize.
Evening: wash face, toner, moisturize, tweezing.
Morning: shower (full routine), wash face, toner, moisturize.
Evening: wash face, toner, moisturize.
Morning: shower (body wash only), wash fringe, wash face, toner, moisturize.
Evening: wash face, 20 minute mask (Shills Super Magnetic Attraction Peel-Off Mask), toner, moisturize.
Morning: shower (body wash), fringe wash, wash face, toner, moisturize.
Evening: wash face, toner, moisturize.

If you want better skin, at least wash your face once or twice a day and moisturize (toner is good but optional), it costs so little time there really is no excuse not to do it.
You don't need expensive and fancy products either, so that's not something to use as an excuse either.
At first I hated the face routine too, it's boring and I always made excuses to be lazy.
I literally forced myself in the beginning and now it's just routine and I don't even think about it any more, I just do it.

>> No.7233636


For me, the only thing that worked so far is Paula's Choice's RESIST Skin Revealing Body Lotion with 10% AHA or other products with a high percentage of AHA or a product with salicylic acid.

>> No.7233887

I'm going to Sephora this weekend and I want to splurge a bit on a foundation to wear at cons. I was thinking about getting MakeUp Forever's Mat Velvet+, since I am pale and have oily skin, but you guys have saved me a million times when it comes to makeup and skincare so I thought I'd ask for recommendations here first. I'd rather not spend more than about $30-$35.

>> No.7233893

Foundation, blush, mascara.

Followed closely by a nice neutral lip pencil and eyeliner pencil in brown + felt tip pen in black.

>> No.7233912

>Most acne "scars" are just pigmentation leftover that fades out on its own with time. A true acne scar is permanent without treatment.

I have this! Is there any way to help them fade faster?

>> No.7233917
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>> No.7233923

Well fuck. I wish I had the courage to do this, but I'm afraid it will look too trashy.

>> No.7233932

This example is exaggerated so that everything shows up in the photos clearly. It's usually more subtle.

>> No.7233941


Before i had bangs cut in I would wash it once a week.

My bangs get really dirty fast so now its twice a week.
There have been instances where I've only washed my bangs and I've gotten really disgusted looks from people when i tell them.

Anyone who has ever touched my hair though says its so soft and shiny.

>> No.7233947

Go to a Sephora (avoid ones in JCPenny's) Because Sephora does not work on commission.

>> No.7234062

I'm pretty sure I do.
Thanks, that's really useful!

>> No.7234085

I also just wash my bang twice a week usually because it tend to be dirty, or I do some homemade dry shampoo with a flour basis. My hair is really dry naturally, I need to buy some argan oil, but it's also really soft and easy to style.
I have to change my shampoo type every three to six months or it get used to it and tend to break again.
My hair is really a pain to deal with yet people can't stop saying how much they want to have such pretty hair...
>4ever dry haired half loligirl

>> No.7234167

not sure if makeup and eczema would be an okay mix, but for redness i use elf's color correction powder in cool (bc pale and pink undertones). it's like $3

>> No.7234183

>-a really good concealer for scars/acne (not just dark circles please)

>> No.7234189

So, I looked up bio oil's ingredients:

Calendula Officinalis Flower Extract (Calendula Oil)
Lavandula Angustifolia Oil (Lavender Oil)
Rosmarinus Officinalis Leaf Oil (Rosemary Oil)
Anthemis Nobilis Flower Oil (Chamomile Oil)

Retinyl Palmitate (Vitamin A)
Tocopheryl Acetate (Vitamin E)
Oil base
Mineral Oil (Paraffinum Liquidum)
Cetearyl Ethylhexanoate
Isopropyl Myristate
Glycine Soja Oil
Helianthus Annuus Seed Oil

Fragrance (Rose)
Alpha-Isomethyl Ionone
Amyl Cinnamal
Benzyl Salicylate
Hydroxyisohexyl 3-Cyclohexene Carboxaldehyde

Color (Orange)
D&C Red No.17 (CI 26100)

All that fragrance and even something for color. Is there anything like this I can get that doesn't have those useless ingredients? All that shit for the smell really turns me off.

>> No.7234283

Seconding They're Real! as a really great mascara. I've got thick lashes and I've had people ask me what brand of falsies I'm wearing with about two coats; my friend with thinner lashes uses about one coat to get nicer definition.

The only problem is that it's a bitch and a half to get out; absolutely worth it IMO.

>> No.7234349

Im sorry for the ignorant question. But this bb cream are transparent? They addapt directly to your skin tone? Because i looked for them on ebay and it didnt say for what skin color are.

>> No.7234364

Not that anon, but don't fucking buy BioOil for acne scars.

They say that more pure mineral oil is less comedogenic.

That is an utter lie. Also, half the ingredients list is full of fragrance, one of which is quite irritating to the skin.

>> No.7234366

Some are suppose to adapt, but the usually come in light, medium and dark. I use étude house which comes in four different light to medium beige coverage.
You can always get samples if you aren't sure which to choose

>> No.7234375

Asian BB cream is not really transparent, but it's not opaque like foundation is, either. They have slightly different tones (which is why you should first buy samples of them off eBay first and trying them, before buying a full bottle). But even if the it's not an exact match, it will blend into your skin tone similar to "smart shade" foundation.

>> No.7234385

They were asking about the ones' pictured specifically. I know that some BB creams don't have any shades.

>> No.7234390

I change my shampoo and conditioner too. Once a week I use a deep conditioner.

>> No.7234396

There's a cheap hard candy one called Glamoflage that's for dark circles and tattoos.

It comes with a little pencil. The pencil is really good for acne scars and the concealer/pencil set costs $6

>> No.7234397

Going to try this. I love my falsies, but I really have no time to put them when I'm in a rush.

>> No.7234399
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I have been looking everywhere for a legit site that sells Innisfree's Marshmallow ECO Natural Cover BB Cream. I got a free sample of it with another purchase and it was really great and perfect with my skin. If anyone knows where to find it I'd be really grateful.

>> No.7234409

Anyone have any good recommendations for clay masks? Preferably cheapish ones at popular stores?
I have issues with redness and acne and I'm loving the way they make my skin feel.

>> No.7234446
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You might want to try this stuff, which is 100% bentonite clay. It's pretty cheap; I think you can find it for about $6.50 or so in any natural grocer type place (Whole Foods is where I got mine).

It comes as a really fine powder that you have to mix with water, and you have to be sure to balance the ratio of powder to water so that it has a mustard-like consistency. It took me a couple of tries to get it right, but there's a lot so don't feel too bad if you waste some on your first attempts.

>> No.7234531

Dude, thanks. I will look into that.

On a similar note--
Ive heard Benefit's concealer is really good?
Also, is green concealer worth it?

>> No.7234536
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Guys help. I have a bunch of under eye wrinkles. Similar to pic related, but deeper and more droopy. I also have some above the cheekbone area. Sucks since I'm only 19.
I noticed I started getting them few years ago and they get worse every fucking day. What do I do seagulls, is there any way of softening them or just stop them from getting worse?
Any advice is welcome really.

>> No.7234538

Do you put moisturizer or eye cream? That would be a good start, I think? Sorry, I dont have any personal experience.

>> No.7234539

how do you even do this??

>> No.7234541

okay so i wasn't being careful on how much i shower and wash my hair, and now it's gross and gets greasy the day after i wash it. now i'm washing my hair every second day and i bought dry shampoo. what else can i do??

>> No.7234547

I use a sugar scrub every week and I never get any. I love St. Ives apricot scrub, it does wonders for me.

>> No.7234569
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-Get two concealers, one too dark for you, and one too white for you.
-Get a brush appropriate for blending. (I'm no professional, but personally I'd use a stippling brush with lots of volume. Alternatively, Elf's Powder Brush, which really isnt a powder brush)

if you want it to be less striking, dont make the dark concealer too dark and keep it close to your skin tone. Alternatively, use foundation 1 shade darker than your normal one and use a bright concealer to highlight your face (no contouring).

>> No.7235143

I got mine from Pinky Paradise. I bought a small kit of the BB creams to test them out by the skin79 was my favourite by far. I'm not sure what the prices are on the amazon sellers but on pinky it was about $20

>> No.7235247

love the they're real! mascara i got as my bday gift from sephora. best mascara i've used

i don't love my make up forever foundation i got for my wedding, but i love korres and mac

love this shit! i use apple cider vinegar, it mixes a lot better and i think has better skin benefits

thank you!


green concelear is great for hickeys just sayin
>green concealer
>regular foundation on top, i use liquid
>seal with powder

>> No.7235249

seaguls., what's the best liquid eyeliner?

I want to get one that wont fucking smudge, waterproof if I must. I have heavy eyelids so my eyeliner gets everywhere once i sweat

something with a good brush but not felt tip because mine dried out too easily

I'm an intermediate level with applying liquid, I got an ELF and sonia kashuk eyeliner brush and neither were very good

>> No.7235278

Skip the liquid and go straight for gel.

It's easier to apply, most are waterproof, and so long as you apply it correctly, they don't smudge.

>> No.7235283

If you want a foundation for cons from Sephora, ask an employee about Color FX. I'm thinking about getting some myself next time I go there. The only downside I should mention is that it runs over $40, but hear me out first. Here is a link to check it out on Sephora's site

It was recommended to me to for doing cosplay/photoshoots because it offers a good full coverage. Its medium-full coverage that is buildable and a little goes a long way.
Here is a list of things that ARE NOT in Color FX foundation
- Parabens
- Sulfates
- Synthetic Fragrances
- Synthetic Dyes
- Petrochemicals
- Phthalates
- GMOs
- Triclosan

It is also a vegan product that does not contain gluten, mineral oil, or talc. I know it looks pricey but I think its good to invest in a high quality item instead of spending too much on a bunch of cheap stuff over and over that doesn't work. They also have other foundation products in their line that are a little less expensive worth checking out too.

>> No.7235286

I just realized I typed "Color FX" and its called "Cover FX". Whoops.

Time to go to bed. Good luck Anon!

>> No.7235347

>implying 4chan didn't use gifs before tumblr was around
I suppose you're trying to sound like you've been around for a long time, but it's having the opposite effect. You're either new or have selective memory.
Also I doubt that anyone having a giggle about the word boner is trying to come off as mature.

>> No.7235426

Snail gel anyone?

>> No.7235444

You should contact the seller who sent you the sample to order it for you, since that's the entire point of sending samples.

>> No.7235452
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hell yeah gross hair together

my hair is butt length wavy+curly, oils take forever to reach even mid way let alone the ends unlike straight haired people get so I don't wash my hair as much, either 1-2 times a week because the oils are essential as hell and my hair never feels as good as it does after the 3rd/4th day and thats after putting my hair in buns and whatnot go try get the ends to pick up oil too.

I also have blunt loli bangs, and that shizz gets greasy after a day especially since I straighten it... which I therefore stand by my curly hair vs straight hair + long vs short oil catch explanation.

otherwise people don't even ask to touch my hair and say its so healthy and want to know what I use.

>> No.7235511


hnnngh that wig is so beautiful and thick

>> No.7235513

That wig is stunning.

>> No.7235517

You guys have shit taste in wigs.

>> No.7235521

Your opinion lel

>> No.7235751

Thank you! That actually looks perfect. I've got a $15 off coupon for Sephora anyway, so I think I'll end up giving it a try.

>> No.7235831
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I have them too. I've tried all manners of creams, using sunblock everyday for two years, getting more sleep, improving my diet, drinking more.
Nothing works. I'm the same age as you, and I'm 99% sure it's genetic. I'll probably save up for a lower lid blepharoplasty if it continues at this rate, I can't even wear undereye concealer for fear of aggravating the wrinkles.

>> No.7235848

Sasa carries innisfree, try there!

>> No.7235849

Idk, I bought bio oil for leg acne scars (I know, I'm disgusting) and it works great. I guess not for your face, but works.

>> No.7235890

Shea Terra. Though the bf and I are using Nubian Heritage right now.

>> No.7235927

They have American stuff, but it can be way more expensive and worth stocking up on beforehand. Japanese higher tier and traditional products are great (ex.Yojiya, Blackpaint, Shu Uemura), but the contemporary mid and low level stuff is more cute than quality. Korean cosmetics are really popular, and a lot of girls go crazy on shopping sprees when they do weekend trips to Seoul.

I usually stock up on lipstick/OCC lip tar, foundation, lotion (face and body), loose mineral eyeshadow, Sugarpill, and Organix shampoo before going. Sometimes Dr.Bronner's.

Oh, and I get a prescription for hormonal birth control for the year, and set the pharmacy auto-fill for a location closest to my friend, who mails it every 3 months. Getting hormonal birth control in Japan is a joke.

>> No.7235950

Seconding CoverFX. It's amazing, especially when applied with a foundation brush.

I really recommend also getting a nice primer, and finishing powder with silica (no talc). They make a huge difference in wear and appearance.

>> No.7236354

I use Laura Mercier foundation primer and I love it. I bought my first bottle of it back in February and I'm almost finished with it. You only need a little bit and you get a good amount in a bottle. Since using a foundation primer, my foundation looks and feels so much better on my face.

Another primer I hear great reviews about is Smashbox Photo Finish Foundation Primer. I've never used it myself so I can't review it, but whenever I hear people talking about foundation primers its either Smashbox or Laura Mercier.

>> No.7236756

I use the Smashbox Photo Finish primer and I love it. It's so smooth and does a nice job of erasing pores, plus you can get decent-sized bottles of it for $10.

>> No.7236914

>>7235278 I tried bobbi brown and maybelline, BB was obviously better but it's not my style

went to sephora, tested like 8 different liners today, deciding between these three:

kat von d tattoo liner
nars carpates
stila's stay all day waterproof

>> No.7236937

Does anyone have any tips on contouring for someone who has a really square jaw? I just try and put shadows on my cheek bones/under my jawbone and it just makes my face look bigger. I highlight too.

>> No.7236944
File: 52 KB, 369x438, facecontour-small2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you googled "contouring for square jaw"? If you want to soften, downplay an area, so you want to be going dark along the sides/angles of your jaw to soften them rather than underneath which accentuates an already existing jawbone. If you think your face looks bigger you need to be bringing the shadows more into the middle This picture might help.

>> No.7236951
File: 91 KB, 600x761, 1373056981661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for posting this, that square jaw diagram looks like it's traced from a photo of me because my face is basically shaped exactly like that.
Contributing with another contouring infographic.

>> No.7236952

is it offline only? i can't find their online store on their website.

>> No.7236955

Marc Jacobs Genius Gel foundation looks fucking amazing in photos. It covers serious acne and hyperpigmentation, dark circles, you name it. But even with its amazing coverage, it looks skin-like--it doesn't wash you out or make you look like you're wearing a mask. It blends like a dream, doesn't crease or settle into lines or pores, it's like irl photoshop. Ridiculously amazing. The whole Marc Jacobs line is pretty much the shit miracles are made of, especially their eyeliners, which are crazy pigmented.

>> No.7236966

it's too small to read, what brand is that and where can i get it?

>> No.7236983

Kat Von D's foundation. If you're pale and oily I honestly can't imagine why you would ever think to pick anything else. It's a godsend of foundations.

>> No.7237005

whaaat? I tried their lightest shade and it oxidized badly--way too dark after a few hours. Not exactly a godsend. The lasting power is impressive though. Surprisingly enough, when I tried the covergirl 3-in-1 foundation, it had a similar texture and lasting power, but the lightest shade was actually too light for me, so if you're on the more extreme end of the pale spectrum, worth a shot.

>> No.7237020

I have extremely pale and dry skin. That said, I think that you would really like MUFE's Mat Velvet, as well as NARS Sheer Matte Foundation (a little bit pricier, but well worth it if it matches your skin). I own both, and don't work very well with my dry skin type, but would work well on oily skin. Kat Von D is also worth a shot.

>> No.7239815

Does anyone know some effective pore strips/clay? My blackheads are currently ravaging my face and it's making me lose so much confidence. I looked at SkinFoods eggwhite stuff but my friend told me it wasn't good..

>> No.7239820

try making ur own with a gelatin and milk mix you can google if you want specific measurements, i think michelle phan had a video on this

>> No.7239836
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You know you can click on thumbnails to open the picture, right? The Etude House logo is clearly visible...

I use a pore stick for mine rather than strips. I haven't found any strips that stick enough to the teeny bit of my blackhead that actually sticks out (mine are more like...lumps with tiny black dots as opposed to the black bit being really visible)

>> No.7239844

Where I live it's incredibly hard to find gelatin by itself for some reason.
I have very very very sensitive skin, would that be safe for it? It looks kind of scary haha..
I just want something that will remove the really obvious blackheads on my nose and cheeks..

>> No.7239874

Aw crap, those little mounds with a tiny dot on top that explode into a huge nasty string of oil and sebum
...I love popping those
Dat feeling of being clean again

Sorry if I'm being gross

>> No.7239881

But don't they leave scars?
I'm always scared to pop em.

>> No.7239882

I have a problem with enlarged pores / hair follicles on my nose and upper cheeks. It's really noticable to me, though I'm not sure if anyone else sees it.

Is there any way to help reduce this? It's one of the few things that I'm REALLY self conscious about. Makeup doesn't cover it.

>> No.7239888

It should be safe if you can use strips. I actually find pore strips more painful/irritating to use than these since the strips pull at all of my skin and these just push down around the blackhead. You can find different types of pore stick (they come by many names, including 'blackhead extractor' 'pore extractor' etc.) depending on your needs, maybe the spoon ones (they look like a tiny spoon with a hole in the middle) may be less scary looking and more suited to your needs...

Just don't push too hard and make sure your pores are as open as possible before you use it, so best to use after a hot shower/hot face wash.

No I understand the feeling. I think of mine more like toothpaste, you get like the tiny plug out and then a whole string of white stuff and then it just keeps going and in the end there's a hole in your face. Although I am guilty of popping whiteheads which aren't 'solid' enough so sometimes it's just like a whole lot of pus and blood and then lymph...

>> No.7239935
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I have tons of little whiteheads along my jawline. I've never had a problem with whiteheads before in my life and I don't know where they came from... but I hate it, all these little bumps ruin my skin texture and it's hard not to pick at them. My skin would be nearly perfect if it wasn't for them.

What can I do to take care of them and make them go away?

>> No.7239994

Damn girl, do you have a tumblr or youtube or something? You seem to know your stuff.

>> No.7240016

I'm sorry, but that eyebrow story was hilarious

>> No.7240018

They're real mascara and the coralista blush are really wonderful! Plus their products always smell really nice.

>> No.7240027

I'm having an extraordinarily rare side effect from my birth control patch. By extraordinarily rare, I mean the last reported case I can find was a single person in 2004.

Basically, the patch is lightening my skin. Now I have a few perfect squares of lighter skin.

It isn't a huge deal, but what's the best way to even out my skin tone and make the pale patches less noticeable?

>> No.7240130

ooh got the same thing here, anon

>> No.7240145

What is the cost of a Dermablend system, and can I wear it during light exercise (commuting by bicycle)?

>> No.7240161

Hey there, I'm a cosplayer who has only recently started getting into using makeup. I was curious if I could get any recommendations for foundation that has excellent coverage, comes in light tones (porcelain), and gives a natural appearance. Something that photographs well is definitely a plus. My experience with cosmetics is limited to drug store brands so any advice would be greatly appreciated!

>> No.7240163

Use papaya soap, many asians use it to lighten the skin and darker spots but it needs a long time till results show.

>> No.7240305
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Since yesterday some parts of my cheeks were pretty red. I was able to cover them up with make-up so that was fine, but later that evening they started itching a bit. I scratched lightly, pinched a bit, then left it. I then put sudocream on it overnight thinking the red would be gone by the morning.

Holy shit, it is fifty times fucking worse. It is bright red, incredibly itchy, after swelling a bit, and there's a cluster of little bumps. What the hell happened?

I didn't eat anything out of the ordinary, do anything out of the ordinary. However, on Thursday night I did use a Lush face mask which had been out of the fridge for a week. That is the only thing I can think of. This has never happened before, and I usually take good care of my skin.

>> No.7240320

Sounds like a bad allergic reaction to something. Sometimes just sticking to your usual skincare routine can help it return to normal but you might need a topical general allergy rash cream if you have any.

>> No.7240375

Don't put anything on it! Keep it clean with water and leave off the moisturiser/any other products and see if it goes away on its own after a couple of days. If not I'd recommend asking your doctor. I've patches of eczema and stuff on my face brought on by certain soaps and messing with it can make it a hundred times worse. (Like, to the point where I had eczema directly under my goddamn eye for a month. Shit sucks.)

>> No.7240389

This happens to me when I go out in the sun, as the other anon said before it's an allergic reaction. I usually put aloe vera and calendula on my skin to soothe the itching and burning sensation, but the plants does not make the rash heal faster, it takes from 3 days to a week for my skin to heal by itself.

>> No.7240396

Very hit and miss leaning on miss, imo. Their bronzer One Hot Minute is very glittery in a little girl kind of way and made my face go kind of red. Their primer Doctor Feelgood didn't work at all and was a bitch to peel out. Hello Flawless, a powder foundation of theirs also looked rubbish on me. However their blushes truly are great, and High Beam is a must!

>> No.7240410

Am I the only person who doesn't like Asian cosmetics? I don't care for the packaging at all, and I don't like anything too shimmery and frosty.

>> No.7240422

I'm more than willing to deal with shit packaging if it means the product is amazing. I saw a review comparing two eye primers, one from Missha and one from Smashbox. The latter's packaging looked great but the reviewer's make-up slid off after a few hours whereas the Missha one stayed on all day and has shit 2-bit packaging.

>> No.7240442

I had my roommate look at it earlier and she thought it looked like an allergic reaction, too. Makes sense since I'm pretty sure the face mask contained ingredients like egg. Careless mistake on my behalf, really.

I did try and use some rash cream overnight but it did seemingly make it worse, so I might do what another anon said and not leave anything else touch it for the moment.

I did have some nappy rash powder on it earlier today but I have since taken it off and am now soothing it with a towel and some nice cool water. It just feels sort of tepid now instead of giving me the urge to tear at it, so that's one good thing at least!

>Like, to the point where I had eczema directly under my goddamn eye for a month.

Ouch, that really does suck. Hope you were alright after it!

> 3 days to a week for my skin to heal by itself.

I'm glad the aloe vera and calendula manage to help! Even though it mightn't help with the healing process as least it alleviates the itching.

Thanks, seagulls. I've never had a facial reaction to anything before and I got a bit of a fright!

>> No.7240544

I`m planning on cosplaying pic related.

I can`t find red eyeliner though, is it bad if I use lipliner?

>> No.7240547
File: 574 KB, 1415x1000, SenbonzakuraMiku2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops, dropped picture

>> No.7240558

red eyeliner is pretty common, I've even seen pharmacies carry them. Try looking harder.

>> No.7240560

It looks like hotpink liner rather than true red. Try walmart, really.

>> No.7240562

Could use red eyeshadow and apply it with a thin brush and some water

>> No.7240564

I`ve been trying really hard ;_;
(so much that the cosmetic section sales associates at Target & drug stores probably think i`m a suspicious person)

I think that`s just the colouring of the picture.
It`s suppose to be red.

I don`t have red eyeshadow. Does that work? (sounds kind of like it would be really faded rather than a strong defined line)

>> No.7240569
File: 277 KB, 600x600, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, it is possible

>> No.7240586

To use eyeshadow, you just have to dip your brush in a little bit of water before you grab the color. It'll go on more like cream, so you'll get a smoother line and darker color.

It will also stain your face easier, so be warned.

Red makeup in general is relaly good at staining face.

>> No.7240998

I just googled what eyebrow threading is, and holy shit. I've never had the balls to mess with my eyebrows because I'm scared of fucking up and tweezing is a lot of pain, but I think this time I might actually be able to do it.

I just always assumed that people mean threading in extra eyebrow hairs (somehow) when they say that, derp. I feel like an idiot, haha.

>> No.7241078
File: 31 KB, 475x400, swatch_lunarsea__49482_zoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, just get a white liner and pack red/hot pink eyeshadow on top of it. Lime Crime has a white liquid eyeliner that seems like it might be sticky enough, they also have a bright fucking orange one, maybe you could pack pink on top of that to get the color.

>> No.7241094

I'm tired of people going "omggg but that pain"

It's two-three minutes tops, unless you're hairy as big foot. Eyebrows aren't painful. I wouldn't recommend getting your lip threaded because that's so sensitive.
I've never seen eyebrows look as good non threaded. Getting them waxed us never clean enough and not sanitary.

>> No.7241099


Coconut oil. I have it on my upper arms, and if I use coconut oil before bed, it's gone in the morning.

>> No.7241100

Only works on fresh scars, but I had some success with using it to lessen the appearance of an old piercing scar.

>> No.7241108

Is there a good "starter pallet" of sorts when it comes to eyeshadow?
I'm sick of buying drugstore crap that doesn't work very well but don't want to continue buying nicer makeup like I do now, i.e. very randomly.

Does any major company put out a 5-10 colour collection that would be worth purchasing?

>> No.7241111

Lip liner is your friend. :)

>> No.7241112

I have this problem too, I'm about to make a korean makeup haul order from ebay so any recommendations?

>> No.7241161

try the naked pallets?? they're pricey, but the colors are good for smokey eyes. they released a new one with rose colors in it too.

>> No.7241167

There are some things that aren't worth the money and eye shadow is one of them if you ask me.
Cheap eye shadow stays as long as expensive one for me and your eye lids aren't an area that will break out anyway.

As such I have just bought a huge ass pallet off ebay with 100 colours. You'll always find a matching colour this way.

Still your call, obviously, but I personally don't think quality matters when it comes to eye shadow.

>> No.7241171

I'm the anon you're replying to, and the reason I've decided to invest in some decent eyeshadow is that I actually think there is a pretty big difference.
My cheap eyeshadow doesn't last as long, doesn't blend as well, and doesn't have as rich of pigmentation as the little more expensive eyeshadow that I have.
I also tend to get millia really easily, and I've noticed that they're worse when I wear cheaper cosmetics.

>> No.7241180

You could use lip liner, and then just use red or pink shadow to set it since lip liner doesn't dry so fast.

>> No.7241182

After you do your eyebrows maybe twice, it doesn't hurt anymore. Especially if you get rid of the new hairs before they can really take root, they come out pretty easily.

And it really doesn't hurt that much in the first place. Just pull in the same direction that the hairs grow in.

>> No.7241187

Get ELF palettes. I have their 50 color palette, and having been a preformer for 10+ years, I can say that they are definitely worth your money.

They're no worse than any other more expensive brand I've tried, the color stays well, blends well, and I've never had trouble with it.


ELF seems to be the best cheaper brand in terms of quality to value. I wouldn't suggest their brushes, though, as they're a bit coarse.

>> No.7241190

How dark are you naturally, and how much lighter did the patch make your skin? You could always try one of those self-tanning moisturisers on the pale areas - i.e. don't go all out with the self tan and get orange squares on your body but try darkening gradually.

>> No.7241191

I would add that you should go to the doctor if you can as if it doesn't settle by itself you may need steroid creams and possibly a course of prednisone if it's really bad. I remember BunBun (the makeup blogger) had a bad allergic reaction after a facial and had to have prednisone tablets as well as using steroid/anti allergy creams on her face for ages and pretty much it didn't settle for a few months...

Naked Basics if you like mattes or the first Naked palette. They're worth it on sale.

>> No.7241214


Looks like they're having a sale right now on what looks like their dupe version of the naked palette.

Urban Decay Naked Palettes go for $52, this Coastal Scent Revealed Palette is $10.

You're welcome.

>> No.7241219

I was so excited to share this palette with everyone that I posted the link twice. I own a few coastal scent products and they haven't disappointed me yet.

>> No.7241255

I have ELF brushes and none of them are coarse.

>> No.7241256

Can anyone suggest a makeup palette of neutrals which are cool toned?

All the popular neutral palettes are warm toned and look awful on me (naked 1, naked 2, everything by stila, too faced, lorac pro, the new marc jacobs palette everyone loves). Naked 2 is half warm, and the cool half are more grey and swatches proved them too dark for daily wear. Others I've found have two or three neautrals in the colors I need, and the rest are purple or something unwearable.

I really don't want to spend $200 on a custom palette but it's looking like I may have to. So far I've been using single eyeshadows from a slew of brands and it's really inconvenient. There must be a cool toned neutral palette out there, right?

>> No.7241263

This tutorial is pretty helpful:

>> No.7241270

I got a set of them last christmas, and the face brushes are really awful. They're sort of pointy. I have those and a set of those Eco brushes, and the eco brushes are so much softer and nicer on my skin.

>> No.7241274

the Studio line brushes, the black brushes are super soft. their $1 brushes, the white handled ones aren't great.

>> No.7241350

Who cares about the packaging ?
So far the only make up that gives me coverage and won't break me out are products from Étude house and the face shop. American make up never covers me entirely or gives me redness after. At NYCC in 2012, I broke out entirely on one side of my cheek using Loreal true match. Before that, Almay didn't break me out but never covered my blemishes.

I don't care about the way the bottle or box looks, Korean make up has not failed me yet.

>> No.7241357

Not hard enough. You seriously didn't try eBay?

Jordana lip liner had red you can use on your eyelid. Wet n wild has red eyeshadow. Manic panic gothic red eye shadow. And there are several more, including brands sold at Cvs and Duane Reade. Not that hard.

>> No.7241376


Living in Korea damaged my skin potentially beyond repair- be it some combination of cosmetics, water, diet, stress, etc I don't know. But it led to a terrible cosmetic cycle.
Break out -> feel self-conscious -> spend $20-40 at Etude trying to find a solution -> products cause a breakout

rinse repeat

>> No.7241437

I have the ones with black handles. I'm not sure if they're the studio ones, I bought them all together at Target last Black Friday. I can't seem to find the set on their website.

The eye brushes seem to have brown natural fibers, but the face brushes have black synthetic feeling fibers. The foundation brush especially is really awful. It doesn't work at all, and no matter what I do, it leaves streak marks on my face, so I end up going back over with a foam wedge to smooth it out anyway.

The eye brushes are really nice, but the face brushes are coarse and sort of scratchy.

>> No.7241439


You can even use lipstick on a brush and set it with powder if you're desperate.

I don't think you were looking very hard, anon.

>> No.7241446

You're the idiot who never gave your skin a chance to heal. Sometimes people break out in new environments. Smearing make up all over your broken, damaged but still healing face is the worst possible thing.

>> No.7241456

Alright seagulls, what's the most effective way you've found to remove makeup, particularly mascara?

Every damn time I think I get all of it off, I always wake up with black residue under my eyes or worse yet, still on my eyelashes.
I can't even wear powder foundation since I'm afraid it won't come off based on how ineffective I am at removing just eye makeup.

Any ideas?

>> No.7241462

Has anyone bought from f2plus1 on ebay for Etude House products? They're a top-rated seller so I wouldn't doubt them on delivery or anything, but does anyone know if what they sell is legit?

>> No.7241466

My face brushes have white/brown fibers. I have a kabuki brush, a foundation brush, a blush brush and a regular face brush. The kabuki face brush is especially soft, it feels like fur.

>> No.7241472

>Lime Crime

If online's okay:
Ctrl + F 'Red Eye Liner'

Both Coastal Scents and BH Cosmetics have pallets that run the color gauntlet and they're both inexpensive + pigmented.
Also as >>7241187 mentioned, ELF pallets are also decent.

Makeup wipes, heavily focased around my eyes + eyelashes then follow it up with cleanser.

>> No.7241482

Forgot to add to the Bloody Mary, I have purchased that eyeliner and the red mascara for costumes and if you can ignore how 'goth' they're webpage/descriptions are it's actually pretty good quality.

>> No.7241554


Use an oil cleansser, best one I've used is Josie Maran Argan oil Cleanser, I've heard good things of Shu shu uemura too but those are expensive

>> No.7241675
File: 152 KB, 409x601, faceshape1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what shape is my face?
what websites have accurate/good advice for faceshapes?

>> No.7241729

Too Faced Naked is cool-toned, pigmented, and works well for daily wear.

>> No.7242568

Maybe try a different makeup remover? I use neutrogena's dual phase makeup remover, put a bit in a cotton pad and rub carefully the eyelashes (under and over them) until the pad comes out clean. Then I wipe with another pad other eye makeup or rests of mascara that smudged around.
To finish I wash my face using biore's detoxifying facial cleanser (the self-foaming one) and massage it around, that removes all my foundation and face stuff.

That does the job for me! to verify if you removed all your makeup take a pad with moisturizer and swipe it around to catch any residues.

>> No.7242579

Okay so I tried MAC foundation today
even had one of the ladies working put in on "professionally"

1.) Made my face all shiny
2.) If anything even touched my face, it rubbed off (Even hours l8tr)
3.) For the first time in my history of makeup, it actually felt like I had something on my face

I don't get the hype
Is it like Starbucks to White Girls? Just some silly fad

>> No.7242970


Yes. Also their webstore beautynetkorea. Pretty sure they sell legit stuff.

There's currently someone selling fake Etude House Princess Etoinette lipsticks on ebay, and I thought it was fairly obvious that they're counterfeit, but they're selling like hotcakes. Makes me so sad.

>> No.7243025

Some of their "classic" products are great but most of their new releases are just to feed the hype.
What foundation did you tried? I have tried the face and body foundations and it's great, super long lasting, natural and has a nice dewy finish.

>> No.7243117

Do you guys have any ideas for clearing up melasma? I got it from a combination of hormonal bc (not on that anymore for the last year, though) and living in a very sunny area (I use 50 SPF sunscreen, but am still outside quite a bit), and it won't go away. It's all across my upper cheeks with one patch on my lower lip.

Is there anything I can do to get rid of it?

>> No.7243685

The mineral foundation
wait it out

>> No.7243829

Oh shit, I do remember that. Saw the photos too. Poor girl.

My face is still somewhat puffy but the redness has settled quite a bit save for where the bumps were (which is now turning flakey - gross, but I'll take it over those bumps!). It's still slightly itchy tii but I think it's on the road to recovery. It should hopefully be fully cleared up by Friday, and if not I'll head to the doctor then.

>> No.7243870

I've tried both their studio fix and sculpt. Hated them both. They were super heavy, looked very make-upy, smelled bad, and in general looked shit. I switched to BB creams a third of the price and I've noticed a huge difference.

>> No.7244002

how are etude house's blushes? I'm considering getting something from their lovely cookie line, but to be honest I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to korean/asian brands

additionally, what brands are generally good/are there any that should be avoided?

>> No.7244714

Not the Anon you were talking to but I'm seconding EcoTools, they are seriously the softest brushes ever, although some of them are a bit bulky and not great if you like to keep brushes in a makeup bag/carry bag.