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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 26 KB, 432x301, RILAHELPME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7235941 No.7235941[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Old one is auto saging


>> No.7236159
File: 60 KB, 750x750, 1386802276209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got these in the mail in white and the shaft is loose as hell. Is there anyway to take these in at the seams in the front and back starting as close to the bottom of the shoe as possible? The material is some kind of cheap pleather/vinyl, so I assume it can be sewn, but I figured I'd see if anyone has any suggestions or tutorials I could look over before I start hacking these things up.

>> No.7236171

A simple dart along the back will fix that.

>> No.7236249
File: 103 KB, 728x1024, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking about doing >pic related.
I found out the maker of the dress doesn't maker them anymore, so what should I do? Find an alternate and edit it slightly maybe?

>> No.7236254
File: 19 KB, 200x407, riversong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I don't know what happened to my image.

>> No.7236266

It might help you to look at the dwcosplay-sales and the dw-cosplay livejournal. They go for sale quite a bit, but it can be pricey.

>> No.7236268

I love you, thanks.

>> No.7236271

Where could I find some of those? possibly in white or blue?

>> No.7236576

So I am planning a shirtless male crossplay in the near future. I saw a while back there was a tutorial image of someone who did, what I think was Oorichi(?) by air brushing a nude bodysuit to look like a guy's chest and ab area. I am by no means skilled enough to do that kind of airbrushing, so I was wondering if a) anyone had that image for reference purposes and/or b) knew of someone I might be able to commission to do the airbrushing for me.

>> No.7236600


I have the video link for it.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Ayi1ZC1xwc

>> No.7236622

What does cgl think about cosplaying a character from a game/comic you've never played or read? Would watching/reading a few things about their personality, and some gameplay suffice?

>> No.7236661

Don't do that. It reeks of "try hard" attention whoreishness. Cosplay a character you actually like. This is where that shitty "fake nerd girl" crap comes from.

>> No.7236721

Most people cosplay for the design. As long as you don't say you're a fan of the game when you're not, it's fine.

>> No.7236730

dont do it. no point in putting in all that effort for a character you dont care about. and youll feel like shit when a huge fan wants to talk about the series with you and you have to tell them you're not a fan.

>> No.7236732
File: 821 KB, 1280x720, akko igazi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the input! I wouldn't really be doing it for attention. I'm very interested in the character design nevertheless.

One more question, what fabric should I order to make a cape? I've been thinking about cosplaying little akko from lwa, but since I'm not that familiar with fabrics, I'm not sure of which one to get.

>> No.7236735

Alright, thanks. I guess it wouldn't hurt at all to play the game.

>> No.7236737
File: 57 KB, 529x560, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, so im looking to try and make canti's feathered black angel wings, and im really not sure where to start. Ideally id like to somehow maintain a sort of cartoony look to them, since ive tried to do the same with the rest of the cosplay. Any suggestions or tutorials you could give would be awesome, i have no idea what im doing when it comes to this stuff.

>> No.7236845
File: 84 KB, 414x596, elf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would I do the little loop at the end of her braid without doing anything permanent?
I'd like the wig semi-easy to change the style for when I cosplay other characters.

>> No.7236856

Freeze-spray and a super tight band

>> No.7236872

In addition to >>7236856 might I suggest white school glue. It will seal it very well, but will also wash out with warm water and conditioner.

>> No.7236896

Got2B Glued freeze spray in layers until it holds solid. And like the other anon said a really tight hair band. Make sure you smooth in the hair into the braid too, don't want any stick-y out-y pieces.

>> No.7236949

Alright, I'll try that first to see if that helps. Thanks anon.


They're only available in black, white, and some variant of beige. Like I mentioned above, they very loose on me, but I'm a size 10, so it might just be the assumption that everyone with big feet has big legs? Idk.

>> No.7236967
File: 17 KB, 404x446, 1277487461587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two questions;

1. I'm cosplaying Freddie (pic related) for ALA, but I lack chest hair. What's the best way to simulate it?

2. I have brown hair, so I'm going to dye my hair black/a darker brown after getting it cut like his. Best dye to use? Anything that's good but can wash out/is temporary?

Thanks, really appreciate it guys.

>> No.7236971
File: 96 KB, 538x312, IMAG0115_1_2_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current hair color. It's probably just a bit too light.

>> No.7236980

There is no good way to fake facial or body hair for cheap. Just draw lines on, make it cartoony instead of realistic.

As for your hair, you can try temporary colour rinse. Go to Sally's, it's in an blue bottle and is about $5. You put it in your hair while it's wet and dry it, it washes out next time to wash your hair with nothing left in your hair at all. Otherwise, a demi-permanent hair color is the next option. Takes 5-6 washes to get it out, but the chemical makeup of your hair is never the same after that.

>> No.7236992

Draw in with like an eyeliner pencil? That's what I was thinking originally. Thanks for the help.

>> No.7237096

if you have a black wig you could cut off small pices of hair and glue them to your chest with skin glue

>> No.7237105
File: 88 KB, 500x281, doctorwho613_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone has an idea in what material to make those eyedrives?
I still have some left over worbla but maybe there is some other material I can use

>> No.7237158

That nasty looking forehead wrinkle tho

>> No.7237298

Beginner, first time making a dress for a cosplay, I need to buy the fabric. How many yards should I buy for it? It's going to be knee-length dress with 3/4-length sleeves, simple bodice, and a skirt made like a lolita skirt so what is a ballpark range on how much in general each part takes?

>> No.7237303

If you are making it from a pattern, which you really should be doing unless you know a lot about pattern drafting, then the back of the pattern package will have the yardage you need. As for a ballpark figure? That is hard to say without knowing your measurements and seeing the dress.
But yeah, look at the back of the pattern package.

>> No.7237308
File: 7 KB, 268x188, fire eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would most of you go about making Fire Eggs? Any Chance I can make this and have them glow?

>> No.7237315

I don't have a specific pattern because I was having a hard time finding one with a sweetheart bust + the sleeves but I know of the pattern for the skirt from one of the lolita magazine patterns which is basically rectangles.

>> No.7237327

I don't know how large they're supposed to be, but if they're chicken egg-sized, then you can buy plastic eggs online. The ones for easter egg hunts usually open up as well, and you can put battery-powered single LED lights inside. Paint as needed.

>> No.7237358
File: 41 KB, 500x500, f6a34e3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How accurate is Antaina sizing?

>> No.7237368
File: 291 KB, 500x659, DrStein.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys first time cosplay maker here. I don't sew. Correction I tried and well I don't sew well. But I am looking at doing a stein cosplay. How would you go about getting the lines in his jacket that look like they ripped there and he used the big stitches to hold it together. I don't want big open gaps in my coat. Do you recommend cutting them and doing a small threaded sew back together? Or how would you guys get the look. (I want to be as close to the coat as I can.)

>> No.7237374

Alright thanks guys!

They're pretty accurate to me. I ordered a pair of something like your pic in size 39 after measuring my foot and it fit fine.

>> No.7237380

Thank you, every answer is important. I'm planning my Taobao order and I really want golden tea party replicas. I usually have to wear size 40, 'cause my right foot is slightly bigger than another. Since I really want these shoes and like my shoes comfortable, I've considered getting them in 41 just to be sure but if the sizing is very accurate they would feel a bit big on the smaller foot! Sorry for typos

>> No.7237386

Measure your biggest foot with socks on because it also depends on how thick the socks/tights/whatever you wear with the shoes. If they're negligible thickness, then just measuring your foot by itself is fine.

>> No.7237388
File: 33 KB, 232x313, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bust size is right in between two sizes for this. Should I size down or up?

>> No.7237395

I'll try that and the draw on way, see which works better. Thanks.

was raising my eyebrows in the pic lol

>> No.7237397

Always size up. It's easy to take things in at the sides; not so easy to let the out. Besides, better to be a bit baggy than straining the closure.

>> No.7237401

Size up; you'll be wearing it over at least a JSK/OP, if not a blouse + JSK / OP, so you'll want the extra room for a nice fit.

>> No.7237402

Cut + resew to get the seams, then use embroidery floss for the 'stitches'

>> No.7237407

for the stitches I am looking at alternatives to el wire. Trying to find a black stitch then i could get to glow blue

>> No.7237419
File: 1.08 MB, 866x608, Liz4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need help buying from egl.
Never bought second hand before, please give me some tips to use the lj comm and how to avoid scalpers.

>> No.7237428

I'm pretty noob too but my advice is pretty obvious but always relevant: always use paypal. ALWAYS.

I payed for three dresses in less then 2 months. I never got any of them - all from different sellers. At least paypal already gave my money back on one of them. Waiting for the other resolutions now...

>> No.7237444

Obviously, make sure that the seller has good feedback - but you should also check that the people who gave her feedback have good feedback.

>> No.7237460

Do buyer also have feedback? How do you setup a feedback page? Is it within the lj comm or is it on an external, personal blog?
What do the tags in front of each post mean? Can you also request items instead of browsing the entire journal to find a specific item?

>> No.7237793

Nobody responded in last thread, so reposting here.

Hi, I'm looking to cosplay Quote from Cave Story. The design's probably not going to be exactly like this, (his other design doesn't have the pockets on his pants/the strap around his thigh), and I was wondering on how to go about making the hat and the antennae? I was just going to buy a trucker hat on ebay that was the right color coordination, but all the ones I found are mesh in the back (which I don't want). For the antennae, I thought maybe I could try painting some broken headphones, but I have no idea how I'd affix the antennae to them and then keep them on my head.

>> No.7237799
File: 162 KB, 310x496, JAPQoute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddamnit captcha ate my image

>> No.7237803

How would I go about dying streaks into a wig? The one I'm getting is from Arda, and I just want to dye the tips of it a darker purple.

>> No.7237809

There are many ways to dye a wig. I personally like the sharpie method, but there are a few other ways that work well.


>> No.7237811

Oh and for your hat question?

>> No.7237831

Uh, there's nothing in that hat section that's even remotely similar to the hat in the picture. Or a trucker hat in general.

>> No.7237848

No, it does not hold your hand and tell you step by step how to make that exact hat. But, there are several hats there that share many similarities (Newsboy hat, military hat) that you can use to get an idea of how to make your own.
And just below those hats are headphone tutorials. Yes, they are for vocaloid, but again, you can use that as a starting point.

Since you are new, I am going to tell you something that will save you a lot of grief later on: When making a costume, 80% of the time, you will not find the exact pattern and set of instructions to make exactly what it is you want. They way this works is you find things that are similar, and you use those as a starting point to build from and make the modifications you need to get it to be what you want.

>> No.7237858

Ok, with the headphones though, would I be able to hide the part that attaches them together (the headband bit) underneath my wig/hat?

>> No.7237860

I accidentally ordered a wig in the wrong color, and I'm wondering if there are any characters who I could cosplay with it instead of reselling it or something.

It's a really long (like past butt length) deep blue wig. Could easily style it or cut it up, but anyone with long dark blue hair?

>> No.7237877


how dark blue are we talking? a picture would help, hopefully you can find somethere here though

>> No.7237883
File: 111 KB, 497x877, ss (2013-12-12 at 05.23.10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty decent quality, which is nice.

Unfortunately most of the characters you linked have super short hair, but thanks for the link!

>> No.7237884

Got this off of someone.
"First, You'll need a small package of sculpey (silver if you'd prefer not to paint it, a tan or a mild color would be fine if you plan on painting). The silver sculpey isn't quite as metallic as the eye drive so I painted mine with a gunmetal grey waterbased acrylic so you'll need that as well if you choose.

Secondly, Work the sculpey until it's soft and warm then use some kind of cylinder (a rolling pin, paint spraycan, hair spray can...redbull?)to roll the clay flat. Once it's about a centimeter thin, you want it sturdy but light enough to not weigh on your face, use something sharp (xacto knife works best) to cut the general eye drive shape out.

Finally, mold to your face however works best. With your hands, directly on your face, combination of both. If you let the cut clay cool it will hold it will hold form better and let you mold it. Then bake (follow instructions on sculpey) and try and form some aluminum foil under the eye drive so it holds it shape and doesn't sag while baking. Paint when cooled!"
I think it should fix right onto your face, but if it doesn't you could just use spirit gum to stick it on there.

>> No.7237887

did you even look at what she linked? thats every anime character with blue hair, long and short

>> No.7237892

I looked at a few pages before posting that, but I narrowed the search and it's pretty resourceful.

My bad.

>> No.7238037
File: 363 KB, 616x1000, 31273043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chihaya Kisaragi: The Idolm@ster
Umi Sonoda: Love Live
Aoi Futaba: Vividread Operation

>> No.7238182

Can anyone give me advice on getting a contact prescription? Particularly on how I can not have to spend $200 on a visit.

I could just "guess" but I'd rather not mess with my eyes. I don't need glasses, btw, or have any vision problems.

>> No.7238186

If you don't wear prescription glasses, then why do you want/need prescription contacts?

>> No.7238189

Prescription or no, you should know your base curve

>> No.7238191

If you live in the US, a lot of shops won't ship to you without one, as per FDA regulations. Even if it's just an eye doctor telling them plano is okay, many shops won't risk it because of the fines they can face.

>> No.7238199
File: 131 KB, 800x1000, 1386916960817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need help on how to make a gem or where to find one. Pic very related. As you can see, I'm trying to be Steven Universe the kid with the gem on his belly. I have all the stuff got him, but now I need the final touch a Rose Quartz gem. Can anyone help me? It would be grateful if you did.

>> No.7238203


*for him

>> No.7238227
File: 279 KB, 500x281, stevuni.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you could try making one out of paperclay, sand it down and paint the sides different shades to add some depth or maybe try an arts in crafts store, they usually have fake crystal/gem looking things

>> No.7238238
File: 388 KB, 685x1383, flabebe cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm designing and making a couple of gijinkas for upcoming cons and I want to make sure they look god before I completely put them together.
This is going to be a Flabebe gijinka. I think it looks good but does anyone have any advice on how to make it better? I'm already making the giant flower so that part is staying.

>> No.7238240

1- A stunning lack of pigtails where they clearly should be.

2- you draw like you're fucking 14.

>> No.7238241

No need to be rude. It was just to get help and what am I supposed to do, create a masterpiece?
And okay I had them on at first in the drawing but wasn't sure how they'd work with the big flower crown. I thought the pigtails would get in the way.

>> No.7238244
File: 941 KB, 1862x2300, swirlix gijinka 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my other gijinka too.
I always thought Swirlix looked kind of like a 80's character and I asked for help on /cgl/ before for the design on the shirt and was wondering what kind of accessories and stuff I can add to the outfit to make it more fun!
The two things I want to stay the same in this outfit are the shirt design and the petti.
Any other help is really appreciated.

>> No.7238248

Wow how much sand do you have up your vagina?
Who even gives a shit, all that matters is if the design is good.

>> No.7238250

You could incorporate it's evolution item (can't remember wtf it was).

>> No.7238259
File: 55 KB, 166x176, whipped dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh whipped dream? That would be cute!
I don't know how I never thought of that.
I'll think I'll change a couple things like the cloud shirt clip to be a whipped dream and add some whipped dream bracelets and hair clips. Thank you anon!

>> No.7238263
File: 68 KB, 287x371, 1386922581916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where I can get a mens pant pattern? It doesnt even need to be fancy, i can do an elastic waistband (that would actually be preffered) i've just never made mens pants before, nor have i ever made pants out of non-stretch material

>> No.7238267


>> No.7238363

Thankyou for the link!! as stupid as this sounds, though, i think i'd rather buy a commercial one. ive never had good luck printing out my own patterns.

>> No.7238615
File: 21 KB, 146x114, sayaka-miki-skirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a good Sayaka Miki skirt tutorial? I can't seem to find one anywhere. I have a feeling that making a regular pleated skirt then cutting it diagonally would just make it look weird.

>> No.7238628
File: 529 KB, 846x704, nonon2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help on finding similar tracksuit? On Taobao maybe?

>> No.7238638


My friend made a box pleated skirt on fabric she had already cut diagonally. It is a regular box skirt - it's just that it's asymmetrical.

>> No.7238639
File: 161 KB, 380x590, tumblr_mvpv3vtLOc1slnf7ro1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys know where I can get shoe's like Ryuko's that don't break the bank? I've seen these shoes around but they are always 120$ plus.

>> No.7238641

If I recall from the Madoka threads we used to have, the best way to get the angle is to make a plain pleated skirt and then cut the angle after it's done. That way everything lines up with minimal effort.

>> No.7238759

Thanks for the advice ! I will try it out tomorrow !

>> No.7239029

Could I get some tips on sewing garments for babies? Like, actual babies under age 1, not toddlers.

I am making a kigu for my boyfriend's friend's new son. I have not seen this baby in person, but I know babies are small and grow quickly (he was born about a week ago.)
Kigurumis are baggy so I didn't figure it'd be too much of an issue, and I was gonna make it zip instead of button closed incase anything happened with the buttons. The way I sew my hoods are extra large, too, so I also figured a big baby head wouldn't be an issue, either.

Anything else I should take into account? There are 0 small children in my life so I can't really compare this project to anything.

>> No.7239034
File: 40 KB, 420x570, body.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This may be a stupid question, but does anyone know how to make the scarf thing in the seifuku mako wears? is it just a triangle rolled up?

>> No.7239058
File: 168 KB, 1600x1067, newbornmittencovers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it a newborn? You may want to include extra fabric that can be used as a hand cover. Newborns scratch the shit out of themselves so they usually get these things put on their hands.
Picture is an example of the mitten things built into a garment.

>> No.7239059


i think i saw something similar in Forever 21 a while back

>> No.7239067

I've always wondered what the reason of those were. I thought it was something about just keeping them warm.

Great, thanks! I'll put pattern some in!
Yeah he's a newborn, born December 4th.

>> No.7239068
File: 11 KB, 94x190, 1 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Argh I have always wanted to learn how to make these cascade type things. Can anybody help me out with a diagram?
I've seen a bunch of those on ebay for under $40
Seconding this. I saw them on their website as well.
It's pretty much a square that's folded diagonally. It runs under the collar and through a white loop usually sewn onto the blouse and you pull the sides down a little bit to get that look.

>> No.7239072

Yeah, newborn nails are sharp as fuck and they tend to flail a lot because they can't control their limbs well yet.

>> No.7239074

It's called a flounce.

>> No.7239258
File: 148 KB, 598x481, 1309006546990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any ideas on how to make kotos mallet from kyousogiga?

>> No.7239277
File: 13 KB, 480x360, skkkkyyyyy8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i always overbuy fabric tbh, but its cheaply available to me. still, not enough info; we need to know the length of the dress, whether or not you're plus size, and even the width of the fabric which can vary from 36" all the way up like 160".

idk, theres places in downtown la's garment district that just specialize in notions like that but i never visit because i never use that stuff (might change in the future), i would google something like downtown la + swaorski or crystal or fashion district etc and see if anyone has a website and whether or not they do phone or internet orders.


no idea, but vogue has the only sewing patterns ive ever liked even a little bit?
fly-front trousers are difficult enough that you should probably get some cheap zippers and look up a tutorial before you try this. i fucked up my first attempt (⊙‿⊙✿)

take a pleated skirt pattern, slash an asymmetrical hem, and blend one of the side seams together so you just have this sort of wrap, would probably be the easiest/less likely to end in tears.

footlocker tbh, they're athletic hi tops. nike, adidas, et al. maybe check outlets, but avoid ebay because these labels get knocked off quite a lot. pic rel8ed are vans sk8his, which have the ankle padding, you can probably mock something to go over the tongue, or you can get those zipper tongues that you thread the laces thru to make shoes quick release maybe.

take whatever you're using as a scarf, fold it into a triangle, then roll it up. same way boyscouts do their bandanas.

can't really tell what i'm looking at.

>> No.7239292
File: 1.11 MB, 1848x1392, Mami eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm cosplaying Tomoe Mami for the local premiere of Rebellion, which make up is more accurate to her eye-shape?

>> No.7239307

I happened into a really large sheet of old wonderflex (before they made the smooth stuff) and want to know the best way to cover up the texture. I've been gessoing it after I formed it but its taking the longest time ever and seems like it'll just crack if I happen to bend it accidentally. Not to mention the sanding doesn't look very good imo, and I can sand shit like bondo pretty well. I haven't seen any ideas out there other than Gesso so any seagulls have some secrets to share? I was thinking about covering the form with papermache... but that sounds like a recipe for having a bad time.

>> No.7239322
File: 19 KB, 259x337, 1386995674978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I want to cosplay Harley Quinn but I don't know how to make the outfit
I was thinking 2 zentais sewn together to make the pattern but I don't have a website

Do you guys have any ideas ?

>> No.7239327

buy one online

>> No.7239325

Gesso and modge podge + sanding.

>> No.7239331

Sewing two already made zentai suits together will not work out right. It can be done, but the fit will not be right at all. Best bet is to make it from scratch using 4-way stretch lycra spandex, or buy a premade Harley suit.

>> No.7239335

Is that supposed to be transparent? Because if it is, then you're going to run in to a lot of problems with balancing and weight.

>> No.7239337
File: 24 KB, 366x341, l (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

find a pattern for a catsuit, slash it apart for the paneling.

>> No.7239340
File: 66 KB, 640x481, koto-of-kyousogiga-cosplay-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, the only way i've seen it done is like this, just not sure what she made it out of in terms of the exterior.

>> No.7239349

What do you think best method would be
I'd rather not buy one

>> No.7239354

You were already told the best method.
here >>7239337 and >>7239331

>> No.7239359

Mixing the two? Or two different layers?
This is a new one to me.
And if mixing 1:1?

>> No.7239362

Wtf are you mixing?
1. Get Cat suit pattern
2. Cut pattern into proper panels
3. Cut out fabric
4. Sew that shit together

How the fuck does mixing fit into this?

>> No.7239365
File: 861 KB, 300x169, 1386997238399.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude I wasn't responding to you.

>> No.7239366

They were talking about something else Anon

>> No.7239376

Okay so for this method how would I make the hat this is my first time ever making a outfit ;-;

>> No.7239386
File: 18 KB, 500x395, gr8ting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'll need:
- catsuit pattern
- huge roll of paper, preferably pattern paper, but which is frequently pointlessly expensive
- a grading ruler like this; i wouldn't use a quilting square, i honestly do not trust their accuracy.

first, trace your original pattern onto your paper, very accurately. you can use the edge of your ruler to ensure your pattern isn't rolling, and use things like your phone to weight it down if you don't have pattern weights. this is so you don't have to rebuy the pattern if you mess up. then you'll want to figure out where you want your slashes. you can guess, you can measure yourself and compare it to the pattern, keeping in mind it'll be inaccurate because the pattern is two dimensional and you are not, or you can sew up a test catsuit and mark it up and cut *that* apart, assuming your fabric hasn't stretched or distorted.

the grading ruler is so you can make the slashes accurately, and so you can add in the necessary seam allowances to your paneling so you don't lose length or width from the new seams. the amount of allowance you'll need depends on how you're seaming it, what machines you're using.

id buy the cheapest 4-way stretch you can find that isn't seriously flawed with the expectation of making *at least* one test garment, before you buy your final fabrics.

>> No.7239842
File: 174 KB, 1000x720, Pearl_aa5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would be a good fabric and pattern to use for her?

>> No.7239845

well. what is she wearing?

>> No.7239862

can we see how you draw then?

>> No.7239868

are you saying only an expert in a craft can say whether a product of that craft is bad or good?

>> No.7239885

I bought a shirt, but now that I have it I noticed that the color isn't dark enough, I read that is possible to darken it with a bath in a mix of coffee and water, anyone know if this works?
Or do you have better suggestion?

>> No.7239896

>no!!! it's her own style, b-baka!!!!!11!1

>> No.7239928

No, but >>7238240 is being immature bitch. I heard talk like that at kindergarten 15 years ago

>> No.7239946
File: 256 KB, 1024x1200, pearly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A shortened kimono, I guess?

>> No.7239950

It looks like a shortened, sleeveless kimono with a style blouse.

>> No.7239973

then go google that with 'patten' at the end

>> No.7240001

Any recommendations for fabric?

>> No.7240184
File: 640 KB, 500x933, 1387059786900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to work on my boa cosplay, but was thinking of maybe embroidering beads on the skirt instead of painting the pattern or sewing on the design, would that look tacky?

>> No.7240186

left corner makeup looks good

>> No.7240190

it looks like some sort of inflatable, why dont you try a see through fabric and make the shape out of wire?

>> No.7240243

Yes, that would look awful. Applique, embroidery or painting would all look better

>> No.7240284
File: 198 KB, 500x280, sports.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anyone know of a site that has jerseys made already for characters from Ace of Diamond and/or Oofuri?
Or would be cheaper to find a place that makes custom jerseys for teams?

>> No.7240300

Are you fucking serious.

>>7240184 as long as you are using small, HQ beads (not pony beads or some shit), add similar detailing to the top, and have a metric ton of patience, it will look incredible. To reduce your frustrations, instead of doing the whole thing in beadwork, I would do the whole thing with fabric applique then edge all of it with beads. For the bodice, do the zig-zag and feather patterns with the beads. This will be amazing, I guarantee it.

PS, it's a hella tacky outfit no matter what. Embrace that.

>> No.7240516
File: 86 KB, 480x640, Photo10280555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I make this cute? So far I got some black leggings but I dunno what else to wear with it..

>> No.7240643
File: 1.53 MB, 2160x1620, DSC06077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, thanks anon, ill take that into account (though i want to avoid painting on the pattern), ill probably try it out on a little piece though to see how it comes out

thanks, yea itd be nice to add it to the top too to balance it out. what kind of beads would you recommend? I bought some kinda "eh" ones to test it out but if i can find some better ones somewhere thatd be great

>> No.7240658

On what you posted, I like the clear glass round and oblong ones the best (like the first two on the far left of the top strand). You could definitely use both of those in the same line, but don't mix in any of the completely clear or frosted ones. Try to stick with similar colors if you vary the shape.

>> No.7240665

ok, thanks, ill go and see if i can find them selling individual ones to keep the same pattern throughout

>> No.7240892
File: 469 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mx9gzmoIx81shv7iyo7_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im planning to make a corset for Elsa from Frozen and I would like to make it a zip up, is that possible? Also any tutorials or free corset pattern links would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.7241129

I believe the high top Trigger based Ryuko's shoes off of is the Puma Jesper High Top.

They sell dirt cheap used, would be probably require a little modification on the strap and side logo.

>> No.7241148

If you're going to make a legit corset, then no it can't be zip up. You will break your zipper or rip off skin before that ever closes.

You could wear a corset underneath a fitted bodice though. The corset would already be in place and then you can make the bodice zip-up.

If you don't want to do two pieces, you could just reinforce the bodice with good quality boning. This won't cinch much, but it will smooth out your silhouette.

It just depends how much cinching you want.

>> No.7241162

There are legit corsets that are made with heavy duty zippers, but this isnt the norm. It would also have to zip up in the middle and will show. I woudlnt recommend it for cosplay purposes.

>> No.7241199

It's possible (lapped heavy duty zipper, in the same way as you'd do a hidden busk), but you kind of sound like you have no idea what you're doing with respect to sewing in a zipper let alone constructing a corset given the wording of your question. I suggest looking at the corsetmakers livejournal and going through the tags, also have a look at Foundations Revealed for a free pattern drafting and construction tutorial.

>> No.7241258
File: 80 KB, 640x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What materials would be better to make this?

>> No.7241328

My old iron broke and I'm in the market for a new one. Suggestions? I'd like to try and keep it under $50 if possible.

Same goes with garment steamers- I've never owned one but I'd like to get my hands on one. Brands/model suggestions?

>> No.7241821

Where can I buy some silk for non rape prices? I know the material is expensive but I just want a reasonable price.

>> No.7241831
File: 139 KB, 1200x945, 1387154743658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can add a zipper to any pattern easily, and put it anywhere you want it, though how you do it would depend on the type of zipper applique you want and i would need more information to instruct you. i don't know enough about corsetry to verify what >>7241148 said about it.

a cotton twill or a really heavy basketweave for the jacket, for the kimono thing a cotton basketweave would be easiest to sew, your question is really vague though.

industrial presses are the best, home irons are totally inappropriate, price range is around $200ish for an industrial press modified for home use.

if you live near a fashion capital, which would be nyc, chicago, or los angeles, you'll have jobbers available in the garment district who sell old season fabric for very little, i can get silk for about $4 a yard if i'm not too picky about color.

>> No.7241903

Okay well not everyone can drop $200 on an iron, never had home irons do me any wrong

>> No.7241912

How is an industrial iron much different than a home iron?

>> No.7241919
File: 37 KB, 1280x720, thooorororo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick glance on the internet shows irons for closer to $100. skip alcohol for a few months.

total steam output and your control over steam, and temperature. they're a lot more effective at pressing seams flat and tbh home irons are totally inappropriate for fusible interfacing, which is invaluable for a lot of techniques; bubbling fusible is mostly caused by poor application or with inappropriate equipment, than the fusible itself.

>> No.7241920
File: 52 KB, 300x243, 300px-XY_Celosia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm planning on cosplaying Celosia from the new Pokemon games, but I'm having trouble finding a unitard that i could paint the stripes on. does anybody have a better suggestion than that or am i stuck trawling ebay and dancewear sites?

>> No.7241940

I don't even drink (alcohol allergy) so calm your fucking tits. There isn't just ~*one*~ type of iron that is acceptable, and while industrial ones might be better that doesn't mean it's the only option in the whole entire universe. I've never had my interfacing bubble so maybe I'm just not as incompetent as you with an at home iron.

>> No.7241941
File: 188 KB, 510x570, body.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I replicate the plumes on her hat and baton? I bought ostrich feathers but I'm not exactly sure how to achieve the same look.

>> No.7241960
File: 230 KB, 683x1024, _PAR1931.683x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know we're on 4chan, internet hate machine that it is, but nothing that i wrote was meant to be acerbic so there's no need to question my skillset because you're upset that the advice i gave you wasn't the advice you wanted to hear. home irons are for pressing wrinkles out of shirts, industrial irons are for constructing clothing (they are also handy for the former, i do it constantly), and yeah, they do stuff industrials into home shells and sell them to you, but at an unnecessary mark up, so it's actually cheaper to be a little bit patient and find an industrial with an attache reservoir. industrials are also nearly indestructible and can be disassembled and repaired in the event that something does happen, which is frequently not the case with home machines, making them a much cheaper investment in the long run especially when you consider that $50 really is not that much money at all.

piping or bias binding would be the most professional solution, but you'd have to be prepared to sew, i'm not sure what skills you have or how much effort you want to put into this.

little horse hair bundles.

>> No.7241966

Just wondering, would it be stupid to do a teru teru bozu gijinka for a convention?
I know they're really simple, but I absolutely love them.

>> No.7241967

i'm a beginner-intermediate as far as sewing goes, but i've never really had experience with bias binding. i'm having a bitch of a time finding a unitard with the right shape/cut though. thanks for your suggestion!

>> No.7241973
File: 672 KB, 1839x2625, 1387160481872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

binding is very easy, so long as you're over the habit of pulling or pushing on your fabric pieces and you don't have any feed issues with your machine, and you have a good press and a fabric that isn't fussy about being pressed and repressed.
i don't know where to point you for a sewing pattern; if you don't know how to modify one, though, that romper wouldn't be a massively difficult first project to alter, honestly; just be prepared to do a few muslin tests before you have an acceptable solution.

>> No.7241981

aaah i hadn't even thought of a romper, thanks! i'm actually pretty ok at altering patterns, so i'll look into that.

>> No.7242014
File: 103 KB, 492x790, capn2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey, i am new to cosplay and a novice at sewing. i was wondering if anyone had any sites or videos to be used as guides for sewing these type of line things you see on the capn's torso. i dont know what they would be called so that would be helpful too.

>> No.7242033

Normally I'd say they're pintucks, but I think in this case it's just multiple layers on top of each other and the little bits that look like pintucks are the hems.

>> No.7242038

If I were to guess, they're overlapping fabric [seams]?

>> No.7242042
File: 1.19 MB, 1752x2336, FOTCCA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh heh heh.
I am familiar with this image.

>my shirt

>> No.7242058
File: 584 KB, 980x650, Kinagase.Tsumugu.full.1626424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, so this is the first post I have ever made on /cgl/, and I don't even know if im posting in the right place. I am going to attempt to cosplay pic related this May, and I am trying to find a vest that would match his. First thing that came to mind is a tactical vest. Unfortunatly, real ones go for around $400, and I don't have cash like that.

So where can I find vests like this? Experience with sewing/making a costume is basically 0, but I'm pretty sure I can pull this off (the thread spindals and the shoulder pad)

Let me know if I should be in /k/ or wherever...

>> No.7242066

thanks, i think they are large pintucks. found this video on how to do them if anyone else is interested:

>> No.7242103

where did you get this I NEED one

>> No.7242137

I actually got it at a goodwill where my grandma lives.
Maybe you can find one online?

>> No.7242453

I'm not questioning your skillset as much as I am your intelligence. It can hardly be considered advice when your suggestion is to spend 4x what I am realistically able to drop on an iron without ever even actually mentioning a specific brand or model. Obviously an industrial iron would be superior to an at home model, any idiot could come to that conclusion. I'm a hobbyist cosplayer, not a seamstress- the whole point was to get opinions on an affordable and decent iron, and while it might be 'omg totally inappropriate' to use an at home model for construction I've never once had an issue with my old one until someone knocked it off a table and the shell cracked. I had it for well over half a decade and it was definitely under $50, so it's not like it's that tall of an order. Some of us have bills to pay and their whole life doesn't revolve around sewing, y'know?

>> No.7242464
File: 185 KB, 683x1024, _PAR1943.683x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally seconds on google found the same steam iron used in the classrooms at lattc without a resevoir for only a few dollars more than your budget. i'd be happy to show you if you apologize for being such a fucking cunt :)

>> No.7242471

Why would I even want an iron without a reservoir? Either way you just proved my point that you don't need to drop an assload of money to get a decent iron.

>> No.7242479
File: 128 KB, 400x600, 1387174938004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can buy a resevoir for less than ten dollars.

i was quoting retail price points, this isn't the price you should expect to pay for professional equipment but it's not really my problem if you don't want to see the auction.

>> No.7242488
File: 119 KB, 620x940, 1387175293246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to make a similar dress to the one Marilyn Monroe is most remembered to wear. I'm just at a loss as what material would be best? Chiffon? Silk? Satin? Thanks in advance.

>> No.7242492


>> No.7242502

>He chose a material and style — rayon-acetate crepe with sunburst pleats — that would be heavy enough to flow when Monroe walked but light enough to blow up in a breeze.

>> No.7242505

So it's not a couple dollars more than my budget because it's a fucking auction and the price can keep going up.

If you weren't such an insufferable bitch about everything I'd probably be interested in it and in learning more about higher end irons, but you're obviously too comfortable up there on your horse.

>> No.7242506
File: 12 KB, 450x338, crepe-de-chine-1000-diamond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

silk is a fiber; you can weave chiffon and satin from it. it looks like a very lightweight crepe, which was just confirmed by >>7242502 before i sent this post. crepe can be difficult to work with, it doesn't have the best stability and doesn't take well to complicated pressing.

it's at $70 to buy it now and has a handful of people watching it. i didn't antagonize you until i called you a cunt just a few posts ago, i really think you're being unreasonable and that's why i've decided to withhold from actually being very helpful, until you stop and apologize. you're acting like a child.

>> No.7242520


You certainly came off as snarky and condescending earlier so maybe check your 'tude at the door if that's not the vibe you're trying to give off.

Once again you weren't being helpful when your suggestion is not only something way out of my price range (which was the whole point of me posting), but also lacks information on types, brands or models anything other than 'industrial press/iron'.

>> No.7242532
File: 215 KB, 493x740, 1387176928654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we've already covered that back in >>7241960 when i explained that you were getting mad over nothing, we've also covered that you aren't getting my help until you calm down, so i don't know why you're continuing to bitch at me.

$70 for an industrial press plus a few bucks for a plastic jug is unusually cheap, and actually cheaper than the questionable home presses you can buy at joanne's or the admittedly passable rowentas you can get there too. brand isn't hugely important in the industrial markets aside from part availability because they're all dominated by a handful of companies that everyone uses; in sewing machines, it's pretty much juki and brother, for example, with the odd consew. you don't have any industrial equivalent to modern day singer because they would fail in short order and everyone would just go grab some jukis.

i don't know, i feel like what's actually happening here is you want a free lunch and you're upset because i was the one who told you that an appropriate tool is going to cost a little bit more than you're expecting to pay. if you'd like to pay even more, by buying something that isn't really appropriate just to replace it later, that's up to you.

>> No.7242537
File: 35 KB, 800x600, fatehollowataraxia1023k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need help finding a skirt that best matches Saber's in her training outfit. I could add the ribbon the the back just want to find something similar in length and pleats in the front.

>> No.7242555

It's like you're completely missing the point of my replies and what I'm saying and it's blowing my mind. I don't NEED a fancy high end iron. I'm perfectly fine with a decent at home model provided it gets the job done. I do not do enough sewing to justify or require an iron that say, a seamstress would want. It boggles me that you don't seem to comprehend this no matter how many times I rephrase it. I'm still going to be able to do everything I need to do with a home model, interfacing and all, it's never hindered me before. Yes, I get that they aren't as good as industrials, but like... you aren't really helping me in the least. I'm not saying you're wrong, just that it isn't exactly applicable to my situation. The most valuable information you gave me is that Rowenta is a decent brand, and lo and behold, I see an assload of different types for under $50. It's not like a home model iron is going to randomly crap out on me just because it isn't an industrial, so I don't see why I'd need to replace it unless someone accidentally knocked it off a table or something like my previous one.

>> No.7242574

anon, this iron had a shit ton -over 1500 5 star- good reviews.
Try this.

I'd recommend my own iron but it's old as shit.
Though it has lasted for over 10 years... but it didn't get much use until the last couple....

>> No.7242581

Thanks so much bro!

>> No.7242586
File: 350 KB, 400x300, tumblr_m0n3aoAB9J1r73trdo5_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No prob, that other anon was being an ass.

>> No.7242605
File: 1.66 MB, 800x4000, pleated a line lotlita skirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the most part, you can just fold a rectangle into a few pleats here and there, put in a zipper on one end and sew on a waistband. fairly simple. If not see pick related for a more complicated approach.

>> No.7242653
File: 96 KB, 480x1433, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning on cosplaying Alessa Gillespie (from the original SH game, not the movie or Origins), where can I find a dress with a massive Peter Pan collar like she wears? Pic related. Would I have to make my own?

>> No.7242656

You probably won't be able to find the dress with the collar, however, there are tutorials for making Peter Pan collars(especially in the lolita community) so you could modify a pattern to make Alessa's collar.

>> No.7242767

Make it. Peter Pan collars are really easy to make. That costume is really simple, so focus on getting the right wig and doing simple fresh faced make up.

>> No.7242796

you should badger people into cosplaying from the same thing with you, because I forsee people thinking youre a grown up bioshock little sister.

>> No.7242807

Yes, get a cute Harry.

>> No.7242821
File: 131 KB, 599x1023, 1387197793476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this May
Is this for Fanime by any chance?

Anyway, unless you make it yourself or commission it, you won't really find a vest with a side closure like that. The main part of the vest might be a kind of material you'd find in active wear (and also breathable, since I don't see him wearing a lot of restrictive materials), but that collar looks like it was ripped off of a winter vest and shoved on. If you didn't want to make it, and sacrifice some accuracy, I'd look around for things similar to pic related. If you wanted to take a crack at making it yourself, it shouldn't be a hard project to do.

>> No.7242860

I wanted to ask someone to go as Dahlia, actually! Problem is, no one wants to go barefoot in the winter, and this is very much babby's first cosplay (that's why it's a simple character). Is there anything I can add to distinguish myself from little sisters? I can't think of anything other than having bandages peeking under the uniform just a tad. Maybe a sketchbook with butterfly drawings? Or the one Cheryl had?

>> No.7242868

A sketchbook could help. Dahlia could wear flip flops and take them off for photos. I would love to see a dahlia. If you went to the same con as me, I'd even try to do a small group with you. Silent hill 1 was the best (and part 2 of course)

>> No.7242893

My ultimate fantasy is several people doing a SH4:The Room group cosplay with one person dressed up as Tommy Wiseau :( *sniff* never going to happen

>> No.7243672
File: 792 KB, 732x960, KILLER_FROST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have an idea on how I can make the silver parts without something like worbla? I can't afford worbla at the moment anything like clay that I could sand or any ideas? Help is much appreciated thank you

>> No.7243676

Air-dry clay could work, but it will be heavy. I suggest foam and paper mache. It will be lighter and a lot less brittle.

>> No.7244241
File: 615 KB, 1326x510, cosplay shoes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to paint some shoes. I know they don't look exactly the same, but I just need to add some dark red/burgundy color to them. What kind of paint would be the best way to go about doing this?

>> No.7244247

fabric paint

>> No.7244366

Obviously, but what kind of fabric paint? The shoes have a faux leather and suede. I've heard about fabric spray paint but I'm not sure if that would be good for these or not.

>> No.7244369

Go two options. Leather paint like angelus leather paint(which a lot of people who customize converse use)
or fabric paint. I generally go with tulip brand brushable paint if I don't have jaquards textile paint.

I generally use a sponge when I paint my shoes, and do it in thinner layers to get even coverage.

>> No.7244375


Maybe try this? I heard the name of this paint has changed though, but I don't know it offhand.

>> No.7244376

Seconding Tulip Soft paints. They don't need to be heat set so they're great for shoes. My only problem is their colors seem to be compeletely retarded so check that it's actually the right color before you buy.

>> No.7244412
File: 223 KB, 406x298, BeBe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wondering if I could get some help on this cosplay, I'm kind of stuck on the pink candy looking part on BeBe's head.
How exactly am I suppose to wire it to make it retain that shape with a wig? I mean it's kinda just a big candy but I have no idea of where to start. Or any tutorials on making nonsensical wigs might help.
It's the only part I can't figure out.

>> No.7244431

Best way I can think of is to have foam inside it to retain the shape. years back, Sarcasm-Hime did a Jinx wig with massive cones on the side. Obviously yours will be a bit trickier as the sides don't taper off like her's did, but you may still find the tutorial useful.

>> No.7244479


Hey, you just asked about what kind of paint, not a whole big tutorial on how to use it.

Tulip fabric paint is like the basic fabric paint when people talk about fabric paint. You can get it at most art stores like Joanns and Michaels and what not, probably even walmart and most all fabric paints do the same thing so it doesn't really matter too much.

If the faux leather material is less fabricy and more latex feeling, you can also use the same fabric paint, just sand it slightly first.

>> No.7244483

You can probably use pink insulation board for the shape since it's light (and pink) or do a foam board base and paint it pink. Either way, they both should work for when you start gluing wefts to it.

>> No.7244486

actually, they look like they have a bit of poof, so the insulation board would probably work better since it's thicker and you can carve it easily

>> No.7244495

you can probably get some small samples of the stuff from home depot/ lowes or something since they come in big sheets

>> No.7244534

Thanks for all the ideas. I now have an idea of how to draft my wig and will be shopping for this stuff on Thursday and seeing what would be the best for me.

>> No.7244781
File: 76 KB, 470x700, tumblr_lw7x9eZAlp1qcwlqfo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone knows how she made it so smooth ?
Is she wearing a corset underneath it or like shapewear ?

>> No.7244805

Most likely some kind of Shapewear. Corsets only work under heavier fabric.

>> No.7244848

I have a question about fabric.

I ordered this striped fabric from e-bay, the only place where I found the colour I wanted. The description said it was a cotton-mesh and, since my english is horrible, I thought it would be a light material, like the one used for tshirts. The fabric I got is very stiff. I want to make a dress out of it, is it possible with this kind of fabric?

Also, should I fill a paypal dispute for them not giving me the fabric I was expecting. The descritption was not very clear, but that may be the fault of my broken english...

>> No.7244851

It might be an outdoor fabric(like the kind used for outdoor chairs) have you tried running it through the wash a couple times? Usually fabric is stiffer before it's been washed, and softens up after a wash or two.

>> No.7244852

I'll try to do that, was suggested it before as well.

I'm sad because the fabric is absolutely not proper for what I want to make (a cutsew dress) but I can't find the right colour and pattern anywhere. This was my hope and it's crushed.

>> No.7245276
File: 61 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any idea where to get plant vine stocking? Or how to get the pattern onto a pair - should I paint it, etc?

>> No.7245299

Is this just an example or are you actually looking for thorny vines specifically?

>> No.7245313


Thorny would be ideal, since I want to cosplay her (briar beauty)

>> No.7245418

Not anon you were arguing with but speaking of sewing machines..

Are Jukis what's in?
I own a 1862 Singer (made in 1987 and im the second owner after my mother) and I feel that it might be on its last leg, now I found one that's been refurbished for $50 on ebay but I wouldnt mind stepping up and spending a few bucks more for a newer machine..

The reviews for the cheaper end Jukis are subpar but I'm not trying to spend $500 on the other ones.

>> No.7245448

Alright, I know this thread is near auto-sage, but I recently bought one of those cheap sailor moon costumes to fix up.
I know there was an anon a while back who did the same thing, does anyone have the tutorials she made?
The costume's skirt and collar are salvageable, and the puffy parts of the gloves/shirt and the 'boots' are salvageable if I can dye them to the right hue.

>> No.7245491
File: 271 KB, 800x450, DSC_1117_zps72891977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can now order small runs of digitally printed fabric very cheaply, though i haven't used these sources and so i don't know where to point you. i would start googling.

you can use heavier fabrics for more structured dresses, but upholestery fabric would be too much, and if it's not what you want, i would just return it.

depending on where you live, you should be able to find an industrial straight stitch for $200 or less complete with table and motor. vintage singers, the old black metal ones that allsaints bought up to stuff in window displays, can still be had for like $150ish last i checked, and they're great machines too. i don't have any experience with juki's home machines, i don't really like home machines at all, so i can't tell you much about them.

>> No.7245503

Can anyone help me find better references from Lucina from Fire Emblem's great lord armour? Preferably how the back of the armour and the cape is supposed to look?

>> No.7245506
File: 688 KB, 2261x1845, 1387321344738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic:

>> No.7245523

Navy stockings? Knee high navy socks with white may janes with short hair that's curled at the edges maybe.

>> No.7245752

A question about ponytail wigs:
Is it possible to dismantle the clip-on ponytail, and salvage the wefts from it to edit the base wig?

>> No.7245787

I want to cosplay Chihiro, and am not ready to try to learn to sew yet (Chihiro is my favorite character right now and I feel if I fuck up with sewing, I'll be disappointed with myself forever) so can anyone suggest where I can buy a good CHihiro cosplay or provide links to listings?

>> No.7245868
File: 204 KB, 1037x1280, Persona_4_The_Ultimate_Akihiko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I plan on cosplaying Akihiko Sanada from Persona 4 Arena and I'm stuck between two wigs:

I think the second one in Silver looks like it could be better, but I'm worried that the wig might be too small, because my head is somewhat big. I'm not really sure though because I've never worn a wig before; this is only my second cosplay, and the first one had a hat so I didn't need a wig.

>> No.7245879

Arda is famous for their larger sized wig caps. they have the measurements and how to measure your head for a wig in case you worry.

>> No.7245881
File: 2.02 MB, 3264x2448, 20131217_211412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I already own an industrial straight stitch with a walking foot..

So I am just looking for a smaller home machine to transport and store away since I dont have room for two dedicated sewing tables.

Pic related its the industrial that I have

>> No.7245895

That machine is beautiful.

My great grandmother had a machine just like it in her basement. I wanted it so badly when they sold off all of her shit, but I wasn't allowed to have anything despite having grown up in the house.

>> No.7245921
File: 142 KB, 600x837, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually just need an opinion or two or ten.
I want to do this spider sakizo design, but I just realized.
>it has ten legs.
>spiders do not have ten legs
So should I go for accuracy to the art? Or accuracy to the...you know...real life?
Eight seems more realistic and less....dumb. But ten is true to the art.

>> No.7245922

I don't think the ront two are meant to be legs. I think they might be kinda like the pinsir looking things that spiders sometimes have

>> No.7245926

I'd do the ten, maybe the super small ones are supposed to represent fangs instead of legs.

>> No.7245932
File: 150 KB, 507x411, jesus_ref.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I'd go for eight, given that it's more accurate, easier to wear and make, and people probably won't be counting the legs because of the HOLY SHIT factor of the costume as a whole.

Also, I'd like some opinions, too. I'd like to cosplay Jesus from Saint Young Men. On one hand, the character's depiction both design-wise and in the manga isn't offensive, but on the other hand, some people get really touchy when religious topics come up. Do you think anyone will raise a fuss?

>> No.7245931

I think those two little ones near her crotch are supposed to be the mandibles.

>> No.7245936

Hmmm. I had sorta considered that. If other people are thinking that too maybe I'll go with that

>> No.7245940

I think it should be okay. I've seen people in Jesus outfits go around purposely acting like a hyperactive tool before and they seemed to have gotten away with it. Saint Young Men Jesus is a pretty chill dude.

>> No.7245943

If you cosplay Saint Young Men Jesus, you need to have a Saint Young Men Buddha with you. Otherwise you're just another annoying "hipster Jesus" costume, or just a normal hipster with a weird flower crown.

>> No.7245941

Weren't you the guy that just wanted to walk around casually in it in Japan for no reason?

>> No.7246046
File: 94 KB, 1600x1067, 1369807650788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There has been Saint Young Men cosplayers before and they didn't seem like they were bothered.

Do try to get a Buddha though.

>> No.7246094

Newfag to /cgl/ and cosplay here:

Does it generally cost more to buy a cosplay already made, or to make it yourself?

I was planning a crossplay (as Homura) and have only a month left to get it together. Money's a bit of an issue for me (I know, cosplay's an expensive hobby, won't go for the cheapest option, but still).

I have no experience with cosplay or anything, I'd love to make it myself (learning to sew would be super helpful), but aside from cost, I'm also worried about having enough time to make it. Is it realistic to do it in just a month?

>> No.7246099

If you're still new and mess up a lot of materials it can cost more. Normally it's a lot cheaper to do things yourself.

I could make a Homura costume in a month easily, but I'm not sure if a novice can. I think you could, though.

>> No.7246105

Making things yourself is cheaper than buying it... on the condition that you know what you're doing. If you're just starting out, the chances of messing up is higher and will require you to rebuy the material. You say you have a month, but how many hours per day? I know I start very very early to build up my cosplay, but that's because I work very very slow.

>> No.7246114

How many hours per day is maybe... seven per day for the next three weeks? Hard to say, some days (over winter break) I have the whole day free, other days I'll have maybe five-ish from working all day.

How much more might it cost? I know that's kinda a difficult question to ask, though...

I might be going to Otacon later next year as well, if so I'll definitely get that cosplay planned a lot earlier.

>> No.7246116

>How much more might it cost? I know that's kinda a difficult question to ask, though...
I meant to say, if I had to rebuy the materials.

>> No.7246126

Are you planning to make props? You could probably manage to make just the costume in time, but props are a little more demanding time-wise because you need to let them dry between coats, etc. How much it's going to cost depends on how badly you mess up, honestly. Sometimes you can still salvage it, sometimes you have to just suck it up and redo it.

>> No.7246137

Pleated skirts are easy, even for a beginner, so you probably won't mess up. If you're careful and smart about it, you shouldn't mess up the tights either. Block off the argyle diamonds with tape when you paint. Sailor collars aren't too hard either... The thing you're most likely to mess up on is the main white part and the collar of the black undershirt. If you have to completely redo those parts it'd probably be an extra $20 or so since it's not that much yardage. Assuming you're a relatively average sized and not huge, anyway.

>> No.7246185

yeah, but it depends on how it's attached to the clip. If it's sewed on, great, just cut it off. If it's glued, you'll have a hard time.

>> No.7246212

What would be the best method to sewing a pair of leggings like this? I have the two fabrics in those colors, I just don't know how I would get a clean pattern like that without fraying or obvious seams...

>> No.7246214
File: 689 KB, 661x1217, DissidiaBartz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I accidentally a picture

>> No.7246255

I keep forgetting, I'd like to plan for making props, but I worry that would be the most expensive part, too. I might just buy those mostly already made, while I'm buying a wig.

That doesn't sound terrible then, thanks for the motivation to at least get this started! Is 5'7" a problem with 'average sized and not huge'?

>> No.7246258

No, that's within normal-tall range for a woman.

>> No.7246262

When I did this costume, I took a part of pair of leggings and used them as a pattern. If you have a one seam pair of leggings you just block out where you want the stripe to go, cut it out and then add seam allowance

>> No.7246265
File: 762 KB, 570x720, mreow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually let me include a picture.

I made the white and gray blocks on each leg a bit too wide. I over-estimated how big I needed my seam allowances to be and blocked out the colours after I had seam ripped the leggings rather than doing it on my body. If you draw out the blocks on yourself while you're wearing leggings (or have someone do it for you) or at least mark them, they'll turn out a lot better.

>> No.7246683
File: 60 KB, 700x380, hanyu-cosplay-witch-costume-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone tell me if cosplaybuy.com is worth buying from? I'm planning on buying the Hanyu outfit, but want to check first that im not going to get ripped off.

>> No.7246686

I am not familiar with them, but after a quick look at their site, I am rather skeptical. A lot of their images look identical to ones found on other sites, and they're rather inconsistent.

>> No.7246722

any experience with cosplayfu?

>> No.7246739

Cosplayfu has rather decent footwear. Haven't bought any of their costumes, but I have purchased a few of their boots and they fit well and are rather well made.

>> No.7246767

Possibly buy fake Rick Owens?
I have a pair and they look decently similar and got them for like $30.

>> No.7246781

There are customer photos on the site. I have a Hong Kong from Hetalia cosplay from them and it's alright. I say stay away from the thinner material, cause I see a lot of puckering in their seams.

>> No.7246910
File: 1.63 MB, 954x922, 1387395706741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any advice on making a mistletoe leblanc costume? i wanna do it as cheap as possible, does anyone have any ideas? or premade costumes i can order then fix?

>> No.7246991
File: 1.99 MB, 1489x2450, 06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started work on this version of Fuu from Magic Knight Rayearth (character in green with the oversized sword) last summer and planned on making the sword blade with a typical aluminium rod/sintra sandwich method, while scaling it down a tiny bit to reduce the length and weight balance.

I had a huge 2m length sheet of sintra but had to move overseas and it's now cut up into smaller pieces.
Is there any chance of it being structurally secure if I make the length of the blade out of several pieces attached to one core, or is not using continuous pieces a no go?

I don't normally agree with cutting corners but I now live somewhere where it's much harder to get hold of my favourite materials without breaking my budget. Any other suggestions would be welcome, because this sword is just too... Long and thin. But I really want to make it!

>> No.7247193

Posting on this board because I feel like you guys more know about online selling:
If I buy something on Storenvy or Etsy and it isn't worth a perfect review for one reason or another, am I supposed to just leave the review or contact the seller first? Once my friend left a subpar review for a shop, and a couple days later the shop contacted and told him they'd "appreciate it if he contacted them before leaving a less-than-perfect review next time." I thought that was pretty fucking weird (and rude) but is there just some etiquette I'm not aware of?

>> No.7247207

That sounds weird to me as well. If it's something the shop seller can fix, sure, contact them. If it's just not a super awesome item, that's just how it is.

>> No.7247237
File: 109 KB, 282x412, Main-karen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright /cgl/ I really love Karen from Kiniro Mosaic and could easily cosplay her, my problem is I'm black.

So should I do my own spin on it (ie keeping black hair instead of blonde) or buy the blonde wig and fuck everyone else?

>> No.7247244

I want to make a Jinx Christmas cosplay but there's no design for it sigh.

I'd think it'd be pretty hard to do it cheap but the easiest solution is to take christmas fur (santa hats) and use that for the trim.

>> No.7247250

1st, thats not a problem. You're good.
Go with blonde, but get a shade that compliments your skin tone. Ask a hair stylist what the optimal shade would be if you have to.
If you really don't like the outcome, change it to black. I don't know how many people would realize her as Karen that way, but either is good.

>> No.7247280

Thank you! I had a look at a clip I own and it's sewn on, so I'll see if that seller has the colour I want.

>> No.7247283

Thanks anon! I've done blonde cosplay before but I wasn't too sure about someone like Karen, I think I'm pretty set on her for Anime North 2014

>> No.7247352

As long as it is held together securely, you seal up any seams, and prime it properly, it should be fine.

>> No.7247378


Thanks, I think I'll take that method.

>> No.7247405

Will spray paint work on sunglasses? Is there a certain way to do it? Im was just thinking of using freezer for my stencil and just spray paint it on then put a sealing or finish spray of some sort.

>> No.7248371

Okay so living in a small town isnt much help, the fabric shop we have here is small and there isnt many choices. Is there any good places to buy fabric online?

>> No.7248529

Joann's, fabric.com (though they are slow and their customer service is not great), spandex world ($$ shipping but best stretch fabric you'll find).

>> No.7248544
File: 309 KB, 1280x875, 1387457245419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this fanart or original? if it's fanart where can i find high res colour pictures of the moon kingdom?

>> No.7248613


That is fan art.

High rez pics of the Moon Kingdom don't exist due to the age of the anime it is from

>> No.7248744

How can I tell the difference between a bad wig and a good wig?

Some places charge $50-$100 for a wig which is crazy to me, but on the other hand, there are some <$20 wigs on ebay for my character, but if they're that cheap, I wonder if it'll somehow break easily or something.

>> No.7248767

Not even in an artbook somewhere? Le sigh

>> No.7248771

Bad wigs are thinner, the fiber will be shinier and may not take heat. Bad wigs also tend to have button skin tops (a really tiny skin top in the middle- They can be found in nicer wigs but I generally avoid them if possible) or no skin top at all. Random ebay wigs are a gamble. If your character has simple hair, you might be okay, but if it's a complicated updo or something you may want to do it yourself. Personally I always buy from the same reputable sellers- It might be a bit more costly, but I know I'll get a good wig.

>> No.7248847
File: 624 KB, 2250x3000, fag_in_a_hoodie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, so here's the latest update for my Kariya Matou from Fate/Zero cosplay.

I'm still waiting for my white contacts to come in the mail, so I'm going to hold off on applying the actual scar makeup until then. I went to Wally-mart today and bought myself foundation and primer (shit was more expensive than I thought) to practice putting on my face for this picture; you are supposed to put the primer on before the foundation, right?

Here's the video I'm using as a reference for said scar makeup:


Any specific makeup brands that /cgl/ recommends? Thanks for all the help so far!

>> No.7248853

9/10 would bang

i'm a guy btw

>> No.7248863


how can I make money online to support my hobby?

>> No.7248905
File: 443 KB, 640x721, 1377710771745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I haven't done any cosplay yet but I'm looking at making Jotaro's belts from Stardust Crusaders. Does anyone have any tips for materials and construction? or better yet a site which they're sold at? I know about the ultraviolence replica

>> No.7248984

Make the belts out of pleather and then get some leather paint to do the triangles.

>> No.7249016

Are my go-to websites because my local Joann's is really small and the little quilt shops only stock cotton.

The first three also do swatches which is a godsend for online shopping.

>> No.7249021

*First four do swatches

>> No.7249029

Where can I buy a vinyl bodysuit? I'm male and I need a red one.

>> No.7249040
File: 55 KB, 720x480, 102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Not even in an artbook somewhere? Le sigh

I don't think so. I have a couple of the artbooks and they don't show much of the MK.

Someone, in all the talented artists out there, should make a large detailed study of the kingdom.

If I was looking to make a lolita print like I saw some people talking about I'd commission someone for a $100 or something.

It's high time there was a long ass poster of the MoonKingdom out there. It's a wonder Naoko didn't do it by now.

>> No.7249050

Can Kona cotton be used for making a dress? I'm not sure what kind of fabric to look for the costume I'm making being new to this.

>> No.7249079

i was wondering what type of fabric i should use for a sailor fuku. i was thinking broadcloth? maybe not but my fabric store doesnt have much variety.

>> No.7249083

self posting

>> No.7249091

oh god yes thank you.

>> No.7249191


cotton poplin for the sailor collar and skirt.

It's proper weight for the wear of a real school uniform and takes pleats like a champ as well.

The rest of it can be a lighter cotton but can be poplin as well.

>> No.7249348

thanks a bunch, by the way im new to sewing and i was wondering what are some good fabrics i can stick to?

>> No.7249376

That doesn't make sense since every cosplay is going to made of something different. Also, everyone has a preference.

>> No.7249417

any types of fabric to avoid then?

>> No.7249537

If it's just a normal cotton dress that doesn't need too much weight then yeah Kona is good enough.

>> No.7249756

Looking for a pair of brown lolita boots. Would it be with it to buy off bodyline or not?

>> No.7249791
File: 297 KB, 477x720, tumblr_may746pXuT1qfv8lto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm trying to make a Sharrkan cosplay but I can't for the life of me figure out what the hell the pants are called he's wearing. They are like right below the knee length but tighten around like the end of sweat pants and it looks to be polyester/silk.

>> No.7249817

I think if you google harem pants, you may get what you're looking for
They were a trend two years ago in Japan.

>> No.7249997
File: 220 KB, 392x253, 1355079311697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How should I go about the designs on the gun? What tools/materials should I get?

>> No.7250002
File: 64 KB, 500x687, tumblr_my0xlnANn81rozpyoo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

add michael levine

cotton basketweaves are always a breeze. synthetics can be difficult to predict, because some are very easy while others will slip, distort, or won't take to complex pressing. silks and stretch fabrics can be difficult. linen normally handles like cotton but i've had a few linens which had incredibly poor stability.

if you know how to case elastic then you can use any pattern for an easy pant and just slash it at the calf.

>> No.7250009

Sculpy works really well. You can shape it by hand, but slay sculpting tools can obviously be very useful as well.

>> No.7250043
File: 221 KB, 817x2353, acoc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

making this filipino assassins creed costume- (pic related)
needs weapons, and it's...missing something
any tips or improvements would be amazing! thanks!

>> No.7250055
File: 76 KB, 400x611, yellow1.2_400w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm completely new to lolita, and I was thinking of buying a cheap skirt off of a designer on Storenvy. /cgl/, does this look like a nice skirt?

>> No.7250068

Just passing by to say Metamorphose are doing winter lucky packs right this second which is a blouse, skirt, socks and accessories under £100. May be good for a starting lolita.

>> No.7250071

Looks ok to me from that pic. Did you search online for reviews of the designer?

>> No.7250075

I did, but they seem to be a very small seller or they have just started out. The bolero and skirt were only $40 shipped so I just kind of went for it.

Thank you! I'm looking into it now. I like a lot of the pieces Meta does.

>> No.7250092

>Filipino assassins creed costume

brother, I share your joy of our pinoy culture, but just be an assassin's creed guy that's tan.
People won't get it being "Filipino" themed unless maybe you have a yoyo as a weapon and work in a barong somewhere

>> No.7250109

actually, if you're really gunning for this then get rid of the boots and the vest, incorporate the barong as the hood and shirt with a tagalog. You can make the pants white or brown, but you best be wearin' chenelas and be sporting a spiny yoyo.
pretend one of your terrible past experiences is finding broken glass atop a wall you're trying to break into. (It's damn hot in the philippines, what are you doing, son)

>> No.7250125

I was trying to find the best balance between AC and the philippines XD
would the chenelas really work out? klinda hard to really run in those- but maybe that's just me
i've also got a barong on, but it's under the hood and behind ish the handkerchief- apologies for crappy illustration

>> No.7250153


>> No.7250178

is anyone have a character sheet of Andy W. Hol?

i can't find em in google

>> No.7250282

Thanks anon. I was trying to avoid clay but if that's the best way, then I guess that's what I'll use

>> No.7250309
File: 69 KB, 1000x1000, bs2148963-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just as an example you can make em more strappy

>> No.7250313

and yeah, just get rid of the vest, gotta see dem awesome stitched vented designs. It's the pointed hood and coat tails (and I guess also the knife thing but whatever) that makes the assassin's creed connection

>> No.7250314


>> No.7250433

I want to make a dress that is lined and has frayed edges. What's the best way of doing this?
I would post a picture but it's a spoiler for Rebellion.

>> No.7250442
File: 300 KB, 988x1280, 1387524185962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh, lining it and leaving edges raw. you can select fabrics which don't fray, you can use knits which just roll, you can use stay stitches to control fraying, or you can stick little raw facings onto finished hems or inside seams to pretend that you have raw edges.

>> No.7250447

How would I keep the two fabrics together? Heat n Bond?
(Madoka Magica Rebellion spoilers through the link)

>> No.7250456
File: 1.52 MB, 1197x893, gareth pugh fall 2008 fur 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

needle thread in the color of the self, bobbin thread in color of the lining, and just stitch them together, that would be the fastest way. or you could do a sort of blind hem by hand.

>> No.7250592

Thanks! I will keep that in mind.

>> No.7250838


Lots of step by step progress of them working on the gun if that helps you at all

>> No.7251038

That does help thanks anon for the link!

>> No.7251406
File: 31 KB, 387x207, belt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any idea where I could buy a belt like this one? I know its an awfully simple thing, but that makes it more difficult to search for online and I'd like to be as accurate as possible.

>> No.7252414
File: 38 KB, 500x388, tumblr_my5s23GuCw1s4ddyqo5_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please help me http://strawpoll.me/896709

>> No.7254119

I found a pattern I needed for a cosplay but the pattern states to use jersey knit fabric. I was going to use a cotton-blend. Can I still use the pattern? I really only need it for the sleeves, neckline, and bodice, as I would be making a rectangle skirt not from the pattern.