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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 88 KB, 600x503, ftsy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7237956 No.7237956 [Reply] [Original]

Nostalgia thread?

I miss when, before each comm had a Facebook page, people would post photos from meetups. I loved seeing what people did at their meets in their area, and the outfit shots of people who otherwise didn't post online. I especially loved seeing themed meets.

I miss got_lolita too.

>> No.7238149

KKJJ pettis, lolitafucks, and the fruits parlor replica in every d_l post.

>> No.7238152

>KKJJ pettis
I've still got mine. Somehow, it has survived years of use, two major moves, and about a hundred wears. I had to replace the string because it started to get a bit frayed/thin where I would tie the knot, but it's otherwise still in dandy shape. Cannot say the same of the Malco Modes petti I got from CV.

>> No.7238154
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These threads legitimately make me sad/feel old, because the online community used to be so much stronger. I'm 22 now, and bought my first dress at 16. I feel nearly ancient.

On the plus side though, it is nice to buy the dream pieces you wanted when you first got into the fashion for a fraction of the cost, and actually have the money to cord them correctly. Some of my favorite things came out between 2006-2008, before prints were paramount and Baby reigned supreme.

>> No.7238172
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Jesus, that camel toe...

>> No.7238184
File: 996 KB, 500x281, tumblr_m24bofxQvb1qh94v6o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel ya.
its heartbreaking when some of your favorite lolitas go out of the fashion as well.

and in my years, trends are the stupidest fucking thing.
"Blackxwhite coords are AMAZING"
"ew blackxwhite coords are ita!"

now its faun ears, and piling on a clusterfuck of accessories.

I hate that people who hop onto the latest trends like to diss people who aren't in them, by posting them in Ita threads.

timeless fashions are the best

>> No.7238200
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Right in the middle of the picture; you just can't look away...
I can practically smell the smegma friction through time and space.

>> No.7238204
File: 76 KB, 500x376, Tumblr_mag9y4Enjj1qh6r18o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still love so many classic and gothic coords from the early EGL bibles. I will always feel like the 18 year old from back then.
I hate the trendies who set the "this is ita " or not rules because I feel they are just young newbs trying to be cool and please everyone, but lack actual knowledge.

>> No.7238211
File: 213 KB, 569x744, 1386917788576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw a bunch of old black x white coords and oldschool sweet coords scanned from the old GLB posted to ita threads once.
I responded "that's not ita, its oldschool"
and I was quickly shut out and they kept posting, saying "well its ugly as fuck, so it belongs here, while other anons agreed."
>things like pic related were being posted, as well as girls that wore the fashion today
girls, don't diss your roots..

perhaps the most stupid thing I've done, was I had a handmade replica (tailored to my height) of the famous dress from kamikaze girls, and I was told to take all the bows and ribbons off of it because multiple seagulls told me it looked ita.
months later, I regret it.

>> No.7238274
File: 460 KB, 416x750, tumblr_mn6xsilDpb1rkfv4po1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish we could go back to when simple coords weren't considered bad or ita. I loved and still love basic and a 'plain' coords. I hate how simple but well coordinated outfits are now considered ita because they don't have pastel vomit prints, or 4 dozen tulle overlays, or rings and braclets and hairclips galore, or extra collars and bows and glitter.

I'd rather see well coordinated simple outfits like we used to then outfits covered in whatever isthe trend of the month

>> No.7238281

It's dismaying that so many people have forgotten what lolita looked like in the late 90s or hell, even in the early-mid 2000s. The dresses weren't as full, pettis were not as poofy, and the typical coordination was, as it's been said, a lot more simple and aesthetically clean compared to the "common" type of lolita today. Shoot, I still remember people taking issue with colors that were too bright (pinks needed to be pastel) or patterns that today would be simple (like big polka dots) were considered flashy.

>> No.7238288

Tbh it seems the trend to post badly done ott sweet to ita threads nowadays. The days of posting well done old school seem to be over for the most part. Unfortunately there was a LOT of ita looking, unpolished shit from the old school age of ten plus years ago, so it gets posted. Then people whine "just because it's old school doesn't mean it's ita!!" When really some of the shit IS ita......and old school. Eh, just my 2 cents.

>> No.7238293

I definitely can't deny that there is ita old school stuff, but the main problem is newer lolitas shoving all oldschool, even very well done oldschool under the ita umbrella because it's not what's popular now

>> No.7238296

yeah, I get that. thats why I wouldn't of had a problem, but the fact that they posted tons of oldschool GLB scans is what irked me

>> No.7238299

I'm glad I'm not the only one who misses the innocent doll vibe of old lolita. It was what got me into this fashion in the first place.
Don't know if I'd dare wear it to the big meet or con now, for fear of clueless newbies labeling it ita, even if it's genuine oldschool Baby. Well, more to avoid the hassle of dealing with them, really. I've already had AP replichans lecturing me how my lovely plain Meta is, well... too plain to be real lolita.

>> No.7238305

I've dealt with the same. I just look on the brightside that, so long that everyone is obsessed with prints, plain dresses will go for dirt cheap. The doll look is what got me into it too, and I still try to keep it in my outfits

>> No.7238306
File: 284 KB, 800x1165, kg01_l1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's sad when one of the iconic outfits from Kamikaze Girls would have people screaming "ita!" today

>> No.7238310

that picture just made me jump out of my chair, run to my closet, and tell that dress I was sorry for tearing the ribbons off of it.
I guess being posted in an ita thread wearing that dress and the squaking of newbie seagulls got to me

>> No.7238311

The doll look is what also got me into lolita, and I really miss the "broken doll" vibe we sometimes had in old school styles.

>> No.7238323

a girl in my comm has that whole outfit and it's lovely. none of us think it's ita.

>> No.7238347
File: 62 KB, 265x202, skirt_024_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss In the Starlight. I know "they're back" but it's not what it used to be.

>> No.7238407
File: 58 KB, 430x640, 05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so much this

I also miss the times when daily lolita was more active and the only place (besides lolita snap) to post your newest coords. When you received 50+ comments for a good or even mediocre coord, and owning a more sought after brand piece made you super special and you received lots of compliments for your effort you've put into your coords even if it were simple, you weren't the prettiest or the photosetting was boring. Today the standards became so high, even a perfect coord with a professional photosetting will bring you only 20 comments at max (unless you are e-famous like xylia or fannyrosie). Yeah I know, livejournal is pretty much dead nowadays anyway so the amount of comments are not the point actually, but even on tumblr you will find tons of perfect coords who litereally receive zero attention, and that's pretty sad imo. I'm not lusting after e-fame or anything, but the excitement for lolita pretty much toned down and it became so common and normal, that nobody cares anymore for each other. I really miss the only community livejournal (esp. daily lolita) used to be, where we shared the excitement for the fashion, and nobody screamed "ita" for small mistakes. We used to be much closer, and that's what I miss the most.

>> No.7238427


So if we all can agree that some oldschool outfits were wesome, maybe we could post more pictures?

>> No.7238432


Comments are dead, which is what makes me most sad. When people commented, you know they put thought into the comment, even if it was criticism. I liked that aspect the most. I wasn't into lolita then, but I miss the lj community like hell.

>> No.7238504

The problem with Tumblr is that it makes things hard to find if you don't utilize the tagging system. Poorly dressed noobs are more likely to spam the tags with excited first coords and irrelevant BS, while more seasoned and skilled people like fannyrosie and lavenderlillies use Tumblr for more of a personal photo/outfit diary than a lookbook for an audience and don't really make that effort to put their outfits out there on that site. On d_l, if you post, you're posting for an audience and you have basically the same chance of having your post viewed as anyone else because there are no "followers."

>> No.7238522

Anon, have you still got the ribbons? Maybe you could fix it again.
I'd love to hear about it.

>> No.7238526
File: 102 KB, 725x1049, 1382819797348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just go back to the craft store and get some more ribbons and sew them on????

>> No.7238527
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>> No.7238529
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>> No.7238530
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>> No.7238532
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>> No.7238544
File: 231 KB, 736x1050, OS red green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect thread! I spent all of yesterday looking at one of the first issues of Kera and then some of the English GLBs.
Does anyone know if a+lidel still run or have a site? I can't find much thanks to the supermarket lidl. My first dream dress was one of theirs and I'm thinking I might have to actually recreate it.

This girl was my dream. I seem to look at this picture almost once a week lately.

>> No.7238555

Me too! Perfectly dress proportions, fabric looks devine, I only wish I knew what it were. Probably would be unflattering as heck on me for all I knew, but the curiosity for this particular one I have is strong.

And the red velvet bow on your pic related is just perfection...

>> No.7238577

I miss the simple coords so much. It's why I fell in love with classic, so it's discouraging to see my favourite substyle being corrupted, for lack of a better word, with the sweet trend of adding tons of lace, ruffles, and unnecessary prints.
The fact that there's becoming an 'oldschool classic' is so upsetting.

>> No.7238578
File: 74 KB, 326x700, 1359584397610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is going to sound hipster as fuck, but I miss when lolita was still super obscure and unknown. I could go out in a relatively plain coord like this and some people would stare, some people would compliment me, but nobody but the most hardcore anime nerd knew what I was going for. From time to time I'd get approached by a girl who knew about it but didn't know anyone outside of Japan wore it, and asked for tips on how to get started herself. Basically anyone who knew enough to recognize the style was also a fan of it.

I should note that the lolitas in my country are quite media-savvy and members of the comm have been in the news several times. It's not as well known as in Japan, but most people have heard of it at some point.

Years ago, when someone brought up gothic lolita being worn at cons a girl started angrily raving about lolitas being perverts trying to attract pedophiles. A few weeks ago I overheard random fratbros on campus (mid)identifying another girl's outfit as lolita and then lapsing into the "I heard it's really expensive she must have a sugar daddy" spiel. This shit is extremely upsetting to me. Partly because that girl was just wearing some Hot Topic dress and didn't deserve to be lumped in with us, but mostly because there is apparently an "us" that people seems to recognize and have opinions about. Even my boyfriend was prejudiced against it before I told him that A) most of my clothes he thinks are so cute belong to that fashion and B) those assumptions of his were total bullshit. He's since acknowledged that "my" kind of lolita is cute, but he's still wary of the girls I talk to at meetups.

I've always hated being labeled for what I wear (Why no, I'm not a teenager anymore. Why do you ask?) and lolita used to be 'safe'. It's not anymore. I'll continue wearing it because I love it but I often wish my comm was smaller and more quiet so I could enjoy my weird little hobby in peace.

>> No.7238582
File: 73 KB, 390x640, 1368950186063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing I can find on a+lidel is their blog, which hasn't been updated much in 2013. Their online shop and website are both gone, I get the impression they mostly do one-off pieces for special customers these days?


Meta's velveteen dresses remain my idea of perfection in lolita.

>> No.7238596
File: 224 KB, 510x679, 1368949963049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss when it was harder to order from Japan: not because I wish we could go back to the days when it was practically impossible to get all these gorgeous dresses, but because it was much more acceptable back then to make your own stuff and do what you could with what you had on-hand. It felt like you could be a "good lolita" without spending a ton of money, if you were talented and put in the effort to understand the style.

>> No.7238599
File: 57 KB, 287x600, OS gothic velvet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's all I could find too, but thank you. It's a shame, they had some lovely velveteen pieces too back in the day.

Everything should be velvet.

>> No.7238600

What is the name of this dress?
I must have it.

>> No.7238602
File: 125 KB, 314x686, 1333909231709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to hate the fuck out of velvet, but velvet lolita is absolutely stunning, especially when it's a deep, solid colour. Velvet wines and forest greens, goddamn.

>> No.7238605
File: 40 KB, 275x550, OS gothic rachel and velvet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly, I found some gorgeous deep green velvet in a bargain bin yesterday but it would have only made half a skirt at most. Gotta get some moolah in for the real deal.

You posted my favourite prince, also.

>> No.7238607

Jesus christ I want that JSK...

>> No.7238608

>hobby becoming mainstream
>getting full of cunts and band-wagoning retards
it's not exactly prophetic, but it is comparable to other "nerd shit" in modern popular culture today. Lolita might not be fedoras for girls, but lolis are a particular variety of female nerd.

I think old-school has more of an artistic harsh edge to it. It has a sort of jarring, peculiar quality to it. Modern lolita is really aesthetically pleasing though; has it gone from an art to a craft? Is there room for art-elitism in lolita?

>> No.7238610
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>> No.7238611
File: 14 KB, 300x400, MetaVelveteen2010_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meta: Velveteen High Waist Pinafore Dress from 2010. Came in black, red, navy and green; there's also a skirt, rose pin and boater-style velvet hat from the same year's series :)

>> No.7238612

Forgot my text, but does anyone know the name of this dress? I think that btssb did a bunch of tartan jsks like this but the bodice is slightly different.

>> No.7238619

BlackxWhite isn't ita, but it tends to be harder to pull off without looking cheap. It's gotten a bad rep because of that and so people will steer clear of it just to be safe sometimes.

Split wigs are fine too, as long as they're either in nautral colors or match the coord. It was when newbs started wearing pastel split wigs with goddamn everything, matching or not, that they became ita. But newbs and weebs will wear party city/unnatural colored wigs with lots of things that they don't go well with, so it's more a matter of them being bad at dressing themselves than a fault of the item.

>> No.7238643

That's Fumiko, the designer of Chantilly. The picture is pretty hard to see, but the first two items she's listed as wearing are from AP and Meta.

>> No.7239363

>I've always hated being labeled for what I wear (Why no, I'm not a teenager anymore. Why do you ask?)

nobody asked, enoby pls go

>> No.7239429

i thought KKJJ's pettis -were- the malco modes?

>> No.7239440

I miss the good old days.
I miss the clunky platform shoes, the tiny ribbons and bows everywhere...Lately when I feel frustrated or overwhelmed by lolita (comm drama, a release I missed out on ect) I go through my old bibles and look at where lolita came from and I fall in love all over again.
I feel that if I had no prior knowledge of lolita, what passes as lolita these days would not capture my attention or my interest like the old school did. I agree with the suggestions that lolita now fits a more modern aesthetic and I feel like lolita started originally to break away from modern aesthetics. You can buy lolita-esque dresses at normal clothing stores these days and accessories can be used in multiple styles. I miss when lolita was a stark, harsh sillouette, covered in maxi pad headdresses and bell sleeves that reminded me of victorian children...none of this melty donut shit (still cute and makes me hungry) that only reminds me of some kind of donut mascot girl.

>> No.7239538

You's thinking of Candy Violet's "fluffy petticoat" which was a malco modes petti. KKJJ bought petticoats from a bridal shop in the LA fashion district.

>> No.7239637

Mainstream ruins everything. I miss when lolita was obscure too...
I hate it being labeled as a Pedo or age play fetish.

>> No.7239644

No, the KKJJ petticoats were ones she bought in bulk on the cheap to sell at a profit (not bad) but she had lots of issues with being a cheapass when it came to shipping. Like the time she literally shipped someone's petticoat smashed into an old soda pack.

>> No.7239654

blame mana for naming the damn thing

he fucked every future generation of gaijin lolitas over.

>> No.7239664

whatever happened to candy violet aka vivcore. i went to buy something off the website but it wouldnt let me

>> No.7239667

No, I think sweet lolita has worsened it with its prints that have Teddie bears and pacifiers on it. Gothic and classic never screams age play the way sweet does.

>> No.7239669
File: 48 KB, 250x333, inafairytale JSK AP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, I still have my KKJJ petticoat. It's dying. I had to layer some chiffon, but it's not holding up much longer.

Are you me? I started buying lolita around the same time and I'm also 22. I'm trying to hunt for pieces in that time, but it's so fucking hard. I'm kicking myself for not buying this when it was on mbok the other day.

Two words: Avant Gauche
Basically, d_l has become daily_photoshoot

>> No.7239670

I wonder this too. I know that for some time, she focused on some quaintrelle look as part of her business. I guess she's done with Candy Violet. Oddly enough, I still own a cutsew from her, but I haven't worn it in a long time. Pink doesn't suit me. I should use the pretty screen print as part of a tote bag or something.

>> No.7239672

I think Rose Chocolat has it on their website.

Oh man, I can't believe I remember that shop's existence.

>> No.7239673

i need a lacy petticoat from her

>> No.7239701

Does anyone remember when linglam was where everyone got their rocking horse shoes and then there was that huge petition to boycott? That wasn't even that long ago...

>> No.7239704

hory shet. Yes. I feel weird redirecting newbies to old egl posts about eBay sellers because the new enemy is M*lanoo.

>> No.7239705
File: 138 KB, 600x853, 1365657231514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you miss getting away with black shoes with sweet lolita because back then, it was hard to find matching shoes

>> No.7239707
File: 30 KB, 279x400, Countrylolita2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when country lolita was a thing

>> No.7239709
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>> No.7239757

>Mfw I just realized I knew about lolita about 9 years ago.
>Mfw I just realized that most people I met when I started doing research on lolita have already left
>Mfw I don't even have a face, just feels

>> No.7239761

Damn you just reminded me how much I love that dress.

>> No.7239765

I know those feels. Everyone I got into Lolita with years ago is absent from communities or really keeps to themselves. Then again, I don't remember the drama being this insane in 2004/2005

>> No.7239767

I hate prints. All of them. There isn't a single one I want. They all look like bedsheet cupcake dresses.
Give me old school goth loli or nothing.

>> No.7239769
File: 167 KB, 826x1300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always hated prints too, and now it seems that's all I see new gen lolitas wear.

I'm going back in time 7-8 years. Thanks

>> No.7239770

blaming it on other styles doesn't change anything, though the cutesyness of sweet does make the name look even worse.

>tfw gothic lolita
>wore my AATP dress and got called an "ageplay whore" by some frat boy who thinks he knows all about the fashion just because he knows its name

fuck this

>> No.7239777

Lol he was jealous of your frills.

>> No.7239799

On the other hand, I got called a 'bloody satanist' once while dressed in very sweet print, just in black colorway.
>peeps just be dumb

>> No.7239807

Her blog post says AP but I can't find the name of it.
The closest I can find is the BTSSB one but that has lace all around the front rather than having the middle portion cut out, and is plain rather than having the extra layer of fabric.

>> No.7239839

linglam and RTBU are still on ebay, of course, still peddling foam-soled rocking horses... and now replica socks for insane prices!

i mostly remember that you weren't shit without a pair of rocking horse shoes, and girls would discuss who had the best for the money, whether people preferred foam or wood, and we ONLY had the up-the-leg laceups. they were the tea party shoes before there were tea party shoes.

yes, rose chocolat! wasn't their quality hit or miss for the price?

i've always loved this dress, that the border print is just a swath of lace. i'd love to recreate it for myself.

>> No.7239854

>the fruits parlor replica
That made it hell for me to find. I would put in my post
>not looking for bodyline replica
>4 different people still offered

>> No.7239871

Most old school dresses you can sew yourself since a lot of it is non print. I feel like doing that anyway. Love Mana from back in the early 2000's.

>> No.7239986

There is ONE print with very small pacifiers on it. And teddy bears have been a thing in lolita since old school times. And I swear, why does every stuck up bitch use the phrase "screams". No. No dress screams. You sound like a bitch ever time you use that phrase, and throw in the whining about age play.... ugh. Stereotypical bitch.

>> No.7240002

The dress is made of shantung. I own it and it is a beautiful piece.

>> No.7240044
File: 19 KB, 240x400, OS duo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, that's so cool. Thanks!

>> No.7240064
File: 1.21 MB, 350x280, WHUvhiH.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking through Avant Gauche's old magazine scan galleries and links
>time has worn away my innocence, my rocking horses scuffed by daily struggles, only torn raschel lace lines my heart now

I am looking for an oooooold lolita link. It was a gothic lolita dress up doll game/webpage. It was sprites and had a gloomy atmosphere. I think the girl you dress up was a BJD? Anybody have a link or remember this?

>> No.7240106

I miss seeing dl posts from the really well known girls back in 2008/2009. I can't remember the names of a lot of the really popular dl posters, where have they all gone? Anybody got updated info on if/where they post outfits. I mean, the girls who regularly got 100+ comments

>> No.7240108


>> No.7240297

I do remember that game! ...but I don't remember the name or anything either.

>> No.7240303

I wonder whatever happened to Sae and Takuma and the gang.

>> No.7240470

I miss duplica, shibahime, redtonic, osea_chelleo, and faunkegin.

>> No.7240509

Now that's a name I haven't heard in awhile.

>> No.7240513

She is still around, she was also the one that managed everything at the IW tea party in Vienna.

>> No.7240580

I think black shoes look lovely if the wearer has dark hair to balance it out.

>> No.7240978

That dress is gorgeous. Anyone got a name? My katakana reading is pretty poor.

>> No.7240984


>> No.7241022


>> No.7241030

No! No no no! Stop it now, anon! Matching the shoes with hair color is almost a fashion crime! It's like those girls who match their prom dresses with their make up AND nail polish. It's very very tacky. Just don't.

>> No.7241038

Dude. Chill.
There's nothing wrong with black shoes and black hair together. My hair is black naturally. Should I never wear black shoes?
No, btw. I wear gothic lolita

>> No.7241303

It's a replica, calm your tits.

>> No.7241865

non-print replicas look more accurate

>> No.7241957

I've never gotten this. I love it when everything is monochrome.

>> No.7242090

The shoes, yes, but it was also the really slow service. I've bought a set from them a while back on their second hand brand selection. I wasn't happy that there was a stain there, but dry cleaning managed to remove it and make it look new. The only thing that bothered me more about my purchase was how slow the service was. I was very surprised that they had even got back with my emailed question, but after the order was sent, I didn't hear from them at all. I didn't get tracking or knew exactly when they had shipped my item, so I had to wait it out and hope for the best.

>> No.7242092

Ah..aha, I've always had a thing for shiro and kuro lolita. I still want to do the whole "fraternal twin" thing like in this picture.

>> No.7242098

I think I know what you are talking about. Didn't the doll (who I think was naked) you were supposed to dress up sat slouching on a giant arm chair?

>> No.7243250

I will never forget the way lolitas used to line up around the block to suck the dick of any guys who posted on EGL saying they wanted to try gothic aristocrat or ouji.

And now nothing. Years of shitty magician and waiter coords have broken their spirit.

>> No.7243269

what about chantelle/lilac_ambience?

>> No.7243275

At old school sweet, wearing black shoes with having no black was quite common actually.

>> No.7243457
File: 84 KB, 398x585, 1322719639918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oldschool lolita don't care about your fashion rules, oldschool lolita don't give a shit.

And that's why I fell in love with it. I love the look of an all-white coordinate with stark black hair and clunky black shoes. Pic not related, but still.

>> No.7243463

Old school had it's own rules. Honestly though, old school is so different from modern lolita because it wasn't as well defined, the definition lolita has as a style now makes it a bit more elegant and refined(or candygumballsugarsweet) and the difference is old school lolitas were trying to look like creepy little dolls or fluffy pure princesses than they were refined elegant ladies (or icecream sundaes).

>> No.7243794

Yup, black shoes were totally acceptable with a colored coordinate. Now I wouldn't dream of doing it, but it was definitely a thing 6-8 years ago.

>> No.7243801
File: 60 KB, 510x340, f0114717_20394478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes! She did! This gives me hope.

>> No.7243851

I like her but she didn't really post enough for me to actively miss her.

>> No.7243959

I've wanted to play that game for so long, I remember playing it in high school. When I found it, it was attached to a board with a similar layout to 4chan.

>> No.7248649

Meetup posts and photoshoots. I loved the Oregon and Washington comms.

>> No.7252348

I miss lots of old drama. I wish one of the old lolcows would try and come back. Preferably talia. I love talia drama.

>> No.7252395
File: 126 KB, 719x799, angelicprettyvol15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something I was thinking about...what was the "turning point" of lolita where old-school became old-school, in your minds? When did the styles turn over? Maybe it corresponds to a certain GLB where there's a noticeable difference in the styling of the models, but I don't own many volumes so I couldn't research it myself.

>> No.7252397

When prints started becoming a thing, Alice bows (headbows) are more popular, and the dress cuts are similar to what we see today. I'd say around 2007.

>> No.7252399

I freaking love black shoes with sweet prints or light colours, it reminds me of literal old school typr outfits. I am just starting out in lolita and own a few sweet prints including sweet ribbon strawberry OP in red and I fully intend on wearing it in a coord with thick white stocking and black shoes.

Because I am just starting out in the fashion i have to admit that sweet really appeals to me but old school peices like >>7240044 make me swoon, the hime cut hair, puffy long sleeves, knee highs covered in lace, so perfect. However since I am just starting out I feel nervous thinking about actually including any of these into what I wear. I havn't even worn lolita out before and have yet to join a comm but I feel liek some of the things I would want to wear would get me labeled as ita from teh get go.

>> No.7252407

Wow I just started to read through my post and was appauled by the amount of mistakes and then I realised it was 2.33am. Oh my, I should stop posting now.

>> No.7252419

Definitly 2007. I started around that time and my biggest dream dress was Baby's Maria Antonio, definitly one of the last old school sweet release.

>> No.7252424

> appauled
Good night, sis.

I'd say just wear what you want. If you're worried, play it safe for a while as you start to get out in lolita more. After a while, go for it. If you look polished, have the proper silhouette, and don't hurt anyone's eyes, you'll be fine.

>> No.7252491

Oh my word this is gorgeous

>> No.7252509

This describes when I first got into the lolita community so accurately.

>> No.7252589

I think "normal" fashion and lolita started converging around 2008-2009 when victorian/vintage/lace really became a thing. If you think back to the late 1990s and early 2000s lace and ruffles were not a thing at all and only started reappearing with boho, and even then only in small amounts to start with, then in the last 5 years it's like lace overlay/trim/ruffles on everything, flared "skater skirts" and a crapton of florals. That's also when I think of old-school as becoming old-school, in reference to >>7252395. I quite like the crossover of lolita into looking "vintage" and "retro" these days though because I'm not at university and can't just wear what I like any more, but people understand a black poofy skirt and high collared blouse with tights/boots/blazer more than princess sleeves and platform shoes and maxipad/round lace headdress.