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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 81 KB, 405x331, fluffyrabidretard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7230821 No.7230821[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Give us your greentext, your Danger-chans, your screencaps! Let's hear about the itas in your comm and online! Starting with a hot topic from last thread.

>> No.7230835

Where can I find that thread where Kapu was whining about being cuter than everyone?

>> No.7230836

Isn't this that girl who gives shitty lolita advice and has yet to construct one full coord?

>> No.7230844

>Meet girl through cosplayer friend who's interested in getting into lolita and asked for some pointers.
>She's overweight but not obese, somewhat weeby, wears those moving cat ears and refers to herself as "Neko-chan"
>Neko-chan links me to a black and white Milanoo lacemonster.
>I show her reviews of Milanoo and show her some Bodyline pieces.
>"Oh Anon-chan my boobs are way too big for those" - The dresses I linked her to came up to a 4L.
>She buys lacemonster anyway and posts worn pics in the comm.
>Other girls comment on the poor quality and recommend Bodyline, f+f, Anna House etc.
>Neko-chan leaves the group, blocks me and b'awws to our mutual friend that I'm a fatshaming elitist and was trying to force her to buy "expensive Japanese burrando" The most expensive item I linked her to was around £40 and her lacemonster was £70 easily.

>> No.7230852

Oh, she's so much more than that, Anon! Here's where her saga starts in the previous thread.
I recommend reading through the whole thing, it just escalates and gets better.

>> No.7230858

That's not how you use "so-called".

Among other issues.

>> No.7230862

I just noticed that omg. And she calls me illiterate lol

>> No.7230885

I'm sure she used to have written on her page that if any porn blog followed her then she'd block them,unless it was run by a woman.

>> No.7230886

So since I'm a girl I should make an anti women rape/dom porn blog and follow her and it's fine?

>> No.7230890

I'd believe it. I'm shocked anyone seriously follows her to begin with. The reblogs she gets of her asks where people are like "I THOUGHT LOLITAS WERE SUPPOSED TO BE LOVELIES" are depressing. At least she responds to them the right way - lolitas are just people, it is just clothes. It's a shame she doesn't actually believe that though.
>Lolita has really helped me so much in life. Before I discovered, and I mean truly discovered, Lolita fashion I was utterly miserable. I used to self-harm, and I used to be suicidal. I’ve tried to kill myself numerous times, because I never felt like I had anything to live for. Now that I have Lolita, I no longer feel like my life is meaningless. Whenever I feel empty, whenever I feel depressed or suicidal, I no longer feel the need to make myself bleed. Now I go to my room, lock the door, and I put on my Lolita skirt. I look in the mirror and I see myself, and I tell myself that I’m a princess. I tell myself that I’m a beautiful princess and that I’m worth it. That I deserve every good thing in the world. That I’m a gift to this universe and that I matter. Then I smile and go out, and I face the world, because I’m a princess and nothing can phase me. Lolita does that to me. Lolita makes me feel like I matter. It makes me feel like I’m no longer invisible or unimportant. To me, Lolita isn’t just a fashion. To me, Lolita is life itself. So if you ever wondered “Why do you take Lolita so seriously, it’s just clothing”, now you know.

>> No.7230891

I can't find it written on her page anymore so maybe she realised she was being ridiculous.
But hell yeah, it'd be fun to see if she comments.

"now I have lolita"
>doesn't have a full coord

>> No.7230893

>I put on my Lolita skirt
I put on my robe and wizard hat

>> No.7230897

I'm looking for it but there's a reaction image of an AP dress with hat that says "I put on my dress and wizard hat"

>> No.7230898
File: 1.19 MB, 776x668, im rori better than you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this her precious lolita skirt

>> No.7230903

Really? She's not just taking selfies in her school uniform?

>> No.7230913
File: 505 KB, 500x667, ouch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah it's "schoolgirl cosplay" ah.

I scrolled her /tagged/me and well
she really shouldn't be giving advice

>> No.7230915
File: 536 KB, 833x669, 123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is this

>> No.7230916

the most special snowflake in the sky.

>> No.7230919

Weird as fuck, but at least she looks like she knows what she's doing with her hair and makeup. She just shouldn't call it lolita.

>> No.7230920


Alex you seriously need to chill the fuck out

>> No.7230922

Did she forget to lighten her skin and smooth out the cakeface/pimples? Her old photos look so much better when she shooped them.

>> No.7230929

hover headband

>> No.7230932

OP here. Who?

>> No.7230939

Dude I actually like this, but it's nowhere near being lolita

>> No.7231036

I think that her lolita skirt is a bodyline thing.
I follow her and remember that this was a 'school girl' photo set. which is silly considering she is still in school

>> No.7231042

I could understand a photoset but this is just like fifteen same outfit shots and i just eurgh

>> No.7231072

Agreed because she honestly looks really cute, but not Lolita. That makeup is harcore.

>> No.7231075
File: 65 KB, 422x750, tumblr_mu2idiC1x91svf008o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7231109

Oh god this offends my eyes.

>> No.7231299
File: 291 KB, 499x249, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god, this girl just liked my outfit post on tumblr.
Someone tell me what to feel.

>> No.7231456


>Be me at first lolita meet
>average looking b&w coord with a non print replica from Taobao
>babby's first lolita
>approached by a girl I know from our anime con scene.
>Be cool
>"I love Lolita fashion so much and my daughter dresses in it too!"
>she is under 20 with 2 kids and married. also pregnant
>but ok
>tells me to watch out because my outfit isn't brand that I'll be shunned
>shy so not approached much by other girls. This shun thing must be true!
>don't go to meets until I have at least some BL pieces and have some real burando to my name

>> No.7231460



>don't see this girl again
>be cool, make acquaintances
>think "these girls are actually really nice" but worry because they probably all think I suck behind my back
>realise the world of Lolita in my city doesn't revolve around me, girls are genuinely nice
>see this girl from my first meet at a convention for Lolita Parade
>has her oldest child in a tutu because "she wants to parade with us"
>she's wearing a lacemonster with tiger print nekomimi and music note socks
>ok whatevs
>when parade happens staff tell her it's not safe to have a kid on stage with lighting and stuff
>child sits on sidelines and screams
>comm is flustered and pressured into having child on stage
>child wipes snotty hand on my dress, other girls' dresses
>mother is all like "all my poor babby those lolis r not luvliez"
>stays a member of the comm's FB group but constantly posts passive aggressive statuses about how she'd "love to wear lolita today but doesn't want to be shunned by the comm"
>realise she's a complete retard IRL and now just follow her for lulz as she blows up about anything and is always right, even when she's wrong
>sat next to her at another parade and she insulted every single participant
>told the comm mods what a huge bitch she was
>everyone is happy now

>> No.7231468

Is anyone else bothered when people state their sexual preferences on their profiles? I can't really find a smooth transition between "My blog will feature dolls, dresses, cute food, and fancy decor" and "I'm a lesbian". Unless you're actively trying to use tumblr as a dating site. I'm not ashamed to be a lesbian, but I don't really see how it's relevant in most cases online.

Besides the fact people don't tend to just announce they're heterosexual.....

Name: Suzy Q!
Age: 18
Interests: Hamsters, Cosplay, Dr. Who, Avengers
About me: Student in NYC, coffee drinker, music addict, heterosexual :)

>> No.7231472

Same thing happened to me, along with that morbidly obese tumblr lolita, I forget her name now. I was a little put off, but if your picture is out there, it's bound to be enjoyed by someone you'd rather not.

>> No.7231475
File: 345 KB, 340x499, dress-n-wizard-hat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


AP reaction images are always appropriate for any situation.

>> No.7231473

My guess is to put some people off or using it as bait.

The reason anyone does anything.

>> No.7231486

Oh my god this is so... So, so sad.
What a sad hoe.

>> No.7231506

You know, instead of responding to her rude as hell unsolicited and ill-qualified "advice", people should just respond with her own photos and tag them with her name.
She does a good enough job of discrediting herself on her own.

>> No.7231512

Why? it's old dramu now.

>> No.7231516
File: 66 KB, 479x393, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God her attitude pisses me off.

>> No.7231527

Why do you come to lolita threads? I'm not trying to be rude, just curious. As far as I know, you aren't a brolita or anything. Do you think we're kawaii? Do you want us to be your girlfriend?

>> No.7231533

So she's an extremely insecure cunt?

>> No.7231537

Pfft. BE rude. He's ronery and trying to get us to recognize him via tripping, even though as far as we know he only sometimes cosplays. No relation to lolita, just trying to increase the size of his e-peen. Never says anything worth saying in threads anyhow.

>> No.7231538


>> No.7231540

Not for lolita, but it looks pretty cool she seems to have decent application skills(needs to blend a bit more)
oh nm I think she photoshopped the liner markings on.

>> No.7231549

I feel the same way. It's just not necessary to tell a stranger -- or even an acquaintance -- your sexuality. It really bugs me that people will ask you who you want to fuck before they ask you your preferred pronouns (seeing as they're using the latter information WAY MORE).

>> No.7231568

Thanks for bringing me back, anon.

>> No.7231583

Geezous. No
Why would anyone make themselves that unattractive ? I have a lip and ear piercings. But damn, that's just way way too much.

>> No.7231588

We have a REALLY similar girl in our city... everyone who owns brand is an elitist, she puts others off joining the comm because she tells them how horrible we all are. Truth is that we kicked her out after she and her creepy boyfriend started obviously hitting on a 15 year old. We asked her to stop and she wouldn't.

>> No.7231597

Holyshit, that's a high pedestal.

>> No.7231643

I put my sexuality to find other lgtb friends and to deter homophobes from following my blog. That way I only have followers who accept me and I won't end up befriending a homophobe again then losing them when they find out my sexuality.

>> No.7231648

Can she just die?

>> No.7231651
File: 12 KB, 265x225, thenwhypostaboutit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can it be lies if there's proof though

>> No.7231663


>> No.7231675

So is she denying she posted the contents of these screenshots?

>> No.7231682

>doesn't care
>makes tumblr post

>> No.7231690

Most closed minded people assume the majority, if not all people are heterosexual, until they say something. I'm guessing people make it easier to filter that out for them .it doesn't bother me .

>> No.7231692

This girl's blog though, jesus christ.

>> No.7231698

Man, you can still find people who are obsessed with teh kawaii yaois and yuris, but who really dislike actual gay people. I dunno how that works, either.

>> No.7231700

looking through her posts, I wonder if she's one of those people that send themselves anonymous comments and respond to it

>> No.7231701

I've never quite understood this. If people don't care, why do they need to make a post that they do?

>> No.7231704

* why do they need to make a post saying they don't care

Sorry. I did not proofread before sending, my bad.

>> No.7231705

It's like she walked into a parlor during a 2 for 1 sale and said, "I CAN'T DECIDE, GIVE ME THEM ALL."

>> No.7231708


I'm guessing a lot of people kept sending her notes about it, so she just wanted to make a post to clear everything up and stop them.

> As in 'your concern is unwarranted'

>> No.7231715

I think you might be right, how sad.

>> No.7231716

I think she does. Those anons sound alot like her.

>> No.7231732

She only has a selfie and one coord post up there... She barely has any content. It's hard to imagine she'd be getting anon comments.
That's sad...

>> No.7231735



Oh my... oh my...
I want to see a photo of the Christmas outfit she's talking about.

>> No.7231737

I feel like sending her an anon. So atleast one will be real.

>> No.7231741

hmmm this person really looks like a dude in my comm...

>> No.7231743

omg, it IS that dude I'm thinking of! He quoted that convo word for word about 'lolita cosplay' right from the group page, loooooooool

>> No.7231747
File: 672 KB, 536x702, 1386567932645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

christ. dat huge wig, wire rim glasses, overall ita monstrosity dress...

>> No.7231749

hahaha and he totally twisted that conversation to make it look like people were really harsh to that person, when they weren't, at all.

>I hate drama~!
>let me completely make up parts of this conversation to show how 'mean' people are!
>drama is LAME!

>> No.7231751

>talent agency
This reminds me of that episode of That 70s Show where Jackie gets accepted into a model agency but it's actually a scam and they just want her to pay them their agency fee.

>> No.7231753
File: 10 KB, 508x146, HOWDAREYOUDRAMALLAMA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pic related - his 'quote'

actual quote copy/pasted

>Welcome!! You may think of cosplay as fashion itself, but we tend to be pretty adament about distinguishing between lolita and cosplay, since many confuse the two cosplay is emulating a particular character, while lolita is akin to other street fashions, with its own rules, brands, magazines, etc. I'm working on putting together a resource page for the group, you might want to check it out when it's up! (*^▽^*)

>> No.7231757

I'm not bothered, it could be relevant if it's part of a personal blog or a blog about LGBTQ issues. I mention my sexuality if it's relevant, otherwise--no. It's not a dating profile... but maybe she is using it as this. You are straight, of course you wouldn't list your sexual orientation, because yours is considered "the default."

Talking about my sexual orientation online has definitely helped me come to terms with it. I've also found support.

Of course this girl is obnoxious and immature and her mention of her sexuality seems incongruous. I outgrew my *lolz random* phase at 15.

>> No.7231760

correction:*if* you are straight...

>> No.7231761

Hey guys I know this is offtopic but the general is dead: why don't we have a secrets thread? Does the janitor actually delete them?

>> No.7231764

Casual Passer By Guy, I guess you don't like guys posting here? I try not to post or do anything and only stumbled on lolita a few days ago but became slightly obsessed with how amazing some styles looked. It's more art appreciation than anything else.

In general, my last words on cgl

- This style reminds me to style a daughters room in neutral or nice colors instead of a rainbow of bright rainbow gibberish. Sorry just can not stand the diabetic inducing styles but I love the dark blue, night sky, type stuff.

- I think girls are worse at dressing than guys. I can't imagine a guy being into a fashion subculture and dressing this badly

- back to point 1 and not raising a daughter on an explosion of pinks and tacky shit.

>> No.7231768

Oh, is this the one who got naked in a park and goes to BDSM events all over the place even though she's on disability?

>> No.7231778

>claims we have no life
>spends most of time scrolling though tags on Tumblr to reblog posts there she doesn't like with extensive, berating commentary

>> No.7231781
File: 22 KB, 400x300, raver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't imagine a guy being into a fashion subculture and dressing this badly

>> No.7231793

Is that Deadmau5?

>> No.7231861

she looks like that guy from portlandia oh my god

>> No.7231862

it's actually a dude

>> No.7231864

I mean, as a guy he passes okay? Just looks like an awkward chick who doesn't know how to make-up.

>> No.7231873

yeah he's not the worst, that's for sure

still kind of side eyeing him lying about those quotes in his 'i hate drama' post, but w/e

>> No.7231888


Its a new wave of people without self identity, so they try to cling to anything that would make them special.

>> No.7231896

I know this comm... I guess it would just make everything worse to bring it to the attention of the mods though. All I can say is, this person is really grasping at straws, lovely girls, never felt unwelcome even when I was super ita and struggling with things.

>> No.7231897

Yeah, if it weren't for that attitude I feel like he could put in the effort and be really cute. What a shame.

>> No.7231936

Nope, though she does attend swingers parties... Man its sad knowing that theres more of these people.

>> No.7231996

I have a better theory: she lurks here, saw this, got butthurt and decided to post on her blog pretending she has many people concerned about her and pretending she doesn't care. Typical teenager.

>> No.7232012

There was one. Looks like it got deleted? Oh well.

>> No.7232023

I would agree, except she can't even use eBay. I think she got messages from other lurkers or anons.

>> No.7232026

Yeah, neither do I.

>> No.7232030

This, except I doubt they sent her here out of concern... more like grabbing the popcorn and hoping she brings her crazy on over.

>> No.7232034

Oh no I didn't think anyone was concerned. I figured people told her about this to possibly spur a crazy reaction.

>> No.7232048
File: 12 KB, 211x213, dat guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7232071
File: 15 KB, 374x250, 1313684588753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she even has a faq

>> No.7232077

>I can't imagine a guy being into a fashion subculture and dressing this badly
>90% of brolitas, "dandys" and aristocrats

anyway the fact i was a poorfag child who never had anything pink or cute or even got to wear cute frilly dresses is probably why im wearing them today, dang..

>> No.7232086

sounds like a self fulfilling prophesy but if the mods have been trying to help him but he's lying to them and shit talking them then maybe you should say something? dunno that is a hard decision

>> No.7232090
File: 61 KB, 360x360, 99658_8798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another pic

>> No.7232093

Well, he's not unattractive.. Just needs to learn how to apply make up and dress better.

>> No.7232094

no he is pretty cute, not sure why he's wearing dog ears in that picture tho

too bad he's a snarky little twat though

>> No.7232097
File: 6 KB, 500x409, 5463535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw i spell the same word differently each time

>> No.7232107
File: 128 KB, 308x308, 1376273288869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7232141
File: 76 KB, 615x960, pinknpurple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After looking at her page and checking out just a handful of her photos, that one actually seems pretty normal compared to a lot of them.

>> No.7232149

this isn't my cup of tea but she's so good at makeup hory sheeit
i want to see her do the makeup for a drag queen's wedding or something

>> No.7232151

I really regret clicking on this before I took my nap before work.

>> No.7232161

I'm sorry. Good luck with that nap.

>> No.7232162

I actually like her style and it's obviously not lolita. And the fact that she used the word to describe the make up doesn't necessarily mean she was going for the lolita fashion meaning either.

>> No.7232166

The only other meaning has to do with pedophilia. She probably just threw on as many quirky fashion tags as she could to try and maximize her exposure.

>> No.7232167

i must know how she did the eyebrows!!!

>> No.7232176

Look what I found~


>> No.7232229

looks like he baleeted? i can't see his tumblr.

>> No.7232245

Thank god I got those screenshots for secrets!

Probs my fault because I sent him an anon saying it was really sad that he had to re write those quotes to fit his 'I hate dramuuuu' victim complex post

>> No.7232268

did he delete the blog? It was on yesterday but not anymore

>> No.7232325


Wow, I've been there a few hours ago, now it's deleted?!


Shit, I forgot to do that. Please keep posting them for lulz.

>Probs my fault because I sent him an anon saying it was really sad that he had to re write those quotes to fit his 'I hate dramuuuu' victim complex post

Lol, sad if some cgl drama and anon hate is all it takes to make him go butthurt and delete his blog.

>> No.7232343

She's claiming she's never worn lolita before, but the pics of her in the bodyline skirt posted here are tagged classic lolita and other lolita tags. Also I wonder if there's a local comm near her.

>> No.7232384

Oh shit anon, I never thought of it that way. I was a poorfag child too.

>> No.7232385

Because with tumblr mentality, it gives them oppression points, which they can use in arguments about SJW shit

>> No.7232389

Kapu is a fucking cunt

>> No.7232400

I pretty much thought the same.

If he learned to makeup and got some decent coordinating skills, he'd be really cute. Too bad he seems like he has a shit personality. Though, it's not uncommon for certain types itas to have that kind of attitude, I've found. They either never grow out of it or eventually get their shit together. Lets hope he does.

>> No.7232401

It's like she stuffed ten kilos of kosher salt in her ass. I don't know her enough to say whether she's a cunt or not normally, but she has been awfu in the gyaru comm group on facebook. Whatever you say to her, she gets sassy and defensive with you and just comments "um that's just rude~" to a point where girls didn't even want to give her concrit anymore because she would snap at them for "their tone".

>> No.7232409

She will not last long in the gyaru comm, then.

also links plzz I want to see the hilarity before she flounces.

>> No.7232411

Aesthetically, it almost applies to me (must be the split color thing goign on but her apllication is awesome. I've goot get her eyebrows secrets.

>> No.7232414

Just saw the link someone posted. All good to go now.

>> No.7232416

Agreed. She has the worst fucking attitude. Her tone when she types online grates on my nerves. It's fake sugary sweet know-it-all

>> No.7232505

I had a similar attitude when I was 13-14, and so did many of my equally 2snowflaek4u ~alternative~ friends. Needless to say, I was the lolita of the group. A pure, kawaii maiden, unlike those dumb mainstream preps with their designer pink polos and their gossip and their elitism~ Oh man I'm so happy tumblr wasn't around and I didn't have a LJ or whatever.
So really, I don't automatically condemn people for having attitudes like this as long as they're just dumbass teenagers and not still thinking like this when they're adults. Your brain is not fully developed as a teenager but if someone in their late twenties is this much of a brat, I'd give up on them.

>> No.7232533

screenies and/or links I love Kapu drama

>> No.7232549

I thought she stopped posting her stuff online (besides waist training).

>> No.7232568

Guys, whatever happened to Rabbit?

>> No.7232677

She joined the local ita comm, to whom she is generally rather nice, but still badly dressed

>> No.7232692

I have this ita that goes by "Teddybear" in my comm and she is such an annoying self absorbed twat.

> Post to the comm about her problems & asks for advice.
>The comm gives her advice.
>Takes none of the advice and starts victimizing herself.
>Post comments on sales "WISH I CAN BUY IT BUT I CANT BCUZ I HAZ NO MONEY!!!"
>Post comments but obviously doesn't read the whole post but post anyways because everyone is commenting. WTF?
>Wears the same BL outfit to every meet.
>Is just an overall twat.

I just want her to go away or stop posting.

>> No.7232694

This is so unsettling. The pink contacts are solid, and it's strange at first, but noticing this just makes it worse for me... She has skill, but I really don't like the aesthetic in my own personal taste, ya dig?

>> No.7232710

i would love it if i could send a small electric shock through the internet to every person who comments "oh it's so beautiful but i'm broke!" okay good for you that sucks, now shut the hell up.

>> No.7232729
File: 62 KB, 544x517, 1363019741848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lurker here. That's how you bitches sound every other day. Seriously this bitch is crazy to infinity and beyond but so are all of you. She just happens to suck at doing it passive aggressively like you. Also she doesn't have the style. So does that mean that if she had more money and had better dresses it would be ok to go around calling everyone ita for every little thing?

>> No.7232733

Oh boy

I sure am glad you stopped lurking long enough to drop that bomb on us

Thanks for your contribution

>> No.7232737

Girl in my comm (who doesn't wear lolita, except for one horrible "cybergawf" lolita creation she posted once, didn't get asspats for so she bawwwleeted) keeps spamming the page with LOLITA MEMES IN ENGLISH XD HYUK HYUK DOGE SO FUNNI STAHP DOLAN PLS XD RANDOM

I want her to leave

>> No.7232743

Its pretty true.

I know 4chan is the internet's dumpster but tumblr should be slightly higher up on the content quality. Unfortunately its not and you get cunts like that "reblogging" (which is, in itself cancerous) and instead just being a cunt.

>> No.7232746

Oh no honey I've been here for 3 years just reading the drama. I don't comment much but this is just too good. The pot calling the kettle black? Is that what Americans say?

>> No.7232780

> So does that mean that if she had more money and had better dresses it would be ok to go around calling everyone ita for every little thing?
The answer is yes.
Although having half a brain would help.

>> No.7233111

bump for more

>> No.7233112

There's this thing called Hypocrisy. But I'm sure you haven't heard of it.

>> No.7233119

And yet, you posted this. One of us, one of us.

>> No.7233126

This, and she's have to be able to actually coord those dresses, know how to define the substyles she claims to love so much, give constructive criticism without being a thundercunt, and graciously lose a contest without insulting the contest and trying to amass the tumblr army in the name of SOCIAL JUSTICE ON THESE RACIST JAPANESE MONSTERS.
because so far she has been able to do exactly none of those things.

>> No.7233155
File: 6 KB, 256x256, 1363773313476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stay at a place you dont like
>complain about the place
>still staying

ahhh people like you

>> No.7233452

i think i found something interesting

>> No.7233454

>This is what cute looks like.

>This is a board about everything and nothing at once. if you like that kind of thing then please follow if not well gtfo. just kidding you can stay.
Special snowflake syndrome detected.

>> No.7233463

I've actually seen a number of homophobic Tumblr users. That site isn't as dominated by special snowflake SJWs and hard-core yaoi fans as 4chan makes it out to be. It's used by all kinds of people.

>> No.7233468

I'm one of them and I'm just baiting them for funsies.


>> No.7233470 [DELETED] 

oh god most uncute thing ever

looks like she covered her real brows well and drew in new ones, i'll watch the video

>> No.7233533

Oh yes. Or something else disciplinary but harmless, like a squirt of water to the face. I'd also like to apply this to YT commenters. No. Bad morn. No. Go think about what you did.

>> No.7233536

Wow I should not be typing without my glasses on.

>> No.7233538

so visual-kei gothic lolita so rori

>> No.7233541


>It is rude to call someone, who actually studies the culture and history of Japan, a weaboo. I shows that you don’t have respect for anyones dreams.
>Just wanted to share this because I am so tired of people using it.

this girl hha

>> No.7233550

Reminds me of fakebois.

>> No.7233560

And you are exactly the type of person she's talking about lmfao. Sad.

>> No.7233562

She applies it really well, I'm actually kind of impressed.

Not lolita tho.

>> No.7233568


>> No.7233589
File: 40 KB, 530x410, 1386683247056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she called this classic lolita

>> No.7233601


>> No.7233661

wow than beanie so classic

>> No.7233664


Man, this girl is so oblivious. PAINTED FRUIT CUP NEVER 4GET.

But tbh, there are worse people in the comm lately.

>> No.7233679

that's a girl???

>> No.7233725

This. I wish she'd stop saying how mean everyone is to her when nobody ever was. Can't wait for her new dress and matching ouji thing though

>> No.7233737

Tell me more, anons. It is an ita stories thread after all.

>> No.7233746
File: 313 KB, 1270x1816, GLB_VOL_16 (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want to hear a good ita story? Misako back in 2005 is the best ita story.

>> No.7233749

Is she with miku? Even if her outfit is pretty weird, that was more or less 2005 in a nutshell.

>> No.7233753

Will do the meetup she wore fruit cup hat to
>Wears part of crappy vocaloid cosplay she made herself
>Unfinished seams,loose threads everywhere like everything else she makes
>Earlier that morning said she needed to clean out a fruit cup to paint
>Brings cat ears
>Puts them on and starts meowing
>We go outside for photos
>I smoke
>Tries to knock cig out of hand saying "Lolitas don't smoke"
>Posts the pics of her taken on tumblr months after leaving the group
>Right after leaving the group over something that was her fault, makes statuses threatening members with harm
>Threatens to bash heads in with aluminum bat
>Still have her added for the lulz, she can't take concrit and spams dolldelight shit every day

>> No.7233756

I like lookin a the fashion and the dresses I just don't like you

>> No.7233757

Except it's not her outfit...she's a paid model on a gig.

>> No.7233759

Forget Misako. Aww, younger Miku. I used to love An cafe, and this is about the year they debuted. Time flies.

>> No.7233760

Here's my hypothesis.

That's her on her blog, being a bitch as her. Everyone needs to rant sometimes, which is why they come here under anonymity and just rant. Maybe they're not particularly good - I know I'm not. But lots of people here would probably offer firm but gentle concrit in real life. You see stories about that all the time, or people wishing they could be bitches to peoples' faces. But instead they politeloli around. So they come here to bitch.

Just a hypothesis though. I don't know enough about the communities (being that I am not good and have no money)

>> No.7233762


Also, she has BO and is still friends with the craziest of all crazies in our comm. But that's another story. I actually think she's poor and can't get a job for some reason, which kind of explains the making things out of trash thing.

>> No.7233763

2005? How old is that hag?

>> No.7233764

She can't get a job because she wears her 'lolita' and other 'jfashion' stuff to the job interviews...

>> No.7233765

Every time I see miku these days I only see his small penis

>> No.7233771


Aaaah. That makes sense now. It probably has something to do with staying true to her real inner goth dansou visual kei self or something

>> No.7233774
File: 13 KB, 330x221, daishi23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also wants to be called Darkness Vampire. She's like 23 why though

>> No.7233779



>> No.7233782

People just can't understand her 'dark humor' and start meaningless drama

>> No.7233786

It's like she's trying to copy Shun and Amani at the same time.

>> No.7233788

I loved An Cafe too anon. I wish they would tour America, i would go in a heartbeat, even if i have to be around weebs

>> No.7233790


>> No.7233794

Tanuki, anon, check tanuki

>> No.7233823

Lol oh god. I swore it was photoshopped too.

>> No.7233827

I would of went in 2005-2008. I kind of rolled out of their music, but I really loved them back in the early days. (Kanon fan here)
It would have been fun to see then though.

>> No.7233844

Could we get back to the ita stories, please?

>> No.7233896
File: 107 KB, 511x467, 1386703478440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While she isn't exactly "ita" in the traditional sense, do you guys remember Maikodolly, the infamous scammer who stole several thousand dollars' worth of brand last summer? She's been posting some pretty cray-cray shit on facebook this year.


>> No.7233910

I'm guessing all the tuna stuff is a euphemism for lesbianism?

>> No.7233925

Yes you do deserve anything bad that happens to you, you scamming cunt Maiko.

It's always funny looking at her pictures as you can see her wear stuff that she probably scammed from someone.

>> No.7233948

How is anyone still friends with her after what happened? How does she go out in public and attend meets without being physically attacked? It is so clear and obvious that she pulled some awful scamming shit, there is no room for interpretation at all.

>> No.7233951

sounds like typical attention-seeking statuses to me. "I'M SO IMPERFECT I WONDER IF IT'S ALL WORTH IT VALIDATE ME"

>> No.7233961

What scam? Must know it all about this drama, please.

>> No.7233965
File: 104 KB, 720x960, 1386706698153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to her FB she's still unemployed, not studying and trying to charge money for these fugly phone cases.

>> No.7233968
File: 95 KB, 960x720, 1386706787162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She also ruined her laptop and is "Pleased panda ish pleased as punch" with the outcome. I have no words.

>> No.7233977
File: 133 KB, 440x259, 1384817610286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat shitty decoden

>> No.7233981
File: 488 KB, 499x367, 1386707195065.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>be at the tail end of a meet, walking through train station ready to part ways
>comm is relatively ita free
>lookin good
>feelin kawaii
>my weeb senses start tingling
>notice large group of hot topic mall goth types frolicking in the centre of the concourse
>someone in a pikachu onesie
>girl in cat ears
>girl sat on floor playing on her DS with a naruto headband
>assume that as we are outside of a con/ in public there is no risk of glomps/ free hugs/ yaoi paddle attacks
>get to within a few metres of them
>naruto-chan leaps up from the ground
>she is pointing and waving
>rest of the group starts gasping and cooing
>start walking as fast as my tea parties will allow me to
>pass the group without incident
>genuinely think only reason my burando remained untouched by weeb fingers is because we aren't at a con
>hence no weeby free-for-all con mentality
>look back at group to check we aren't at risk of surprise yaoi paddlin' from behind
>naruto-chan waves frantically at me
>she thrusts and wiggles her hips
>realise she is wearing a petti as a skirt
>on its own
>a fucking black and red, sad, deflated petti
>oh god she thinks she's one of us
>continues to perform ita mating ritual dance as I nope the fuck away to my train platform

>> No.7233986

In a nutshell, Maiko spent thousands on burando over the course of a year on a family member's credit card, then filed a shit tonne of chargebacks. Hardly anyone got their money back, and even those she eventually refunded got hit with chargebacks again. She even scammed brand stores like AP and Baby out of money, her bullshit actually potentially caused a delay in some items being shipped from AP (I think it was the first Misty Sky release). She even had the balls to turn up to an AP tea party in a dress she scammed while dozens of people were trying frantically to get their money back

>> No.7233987


Dude I seriously just googled it last night for my mom to show her why she should be careful selling things, it's that easy to google.

>> No.7234000

>continues to perform ita mating ritual dance as I nope the fuck away to my train platform

You are awsome

>> No.7234017


Haha, I felt your worries while reading, even though this went better then I expected. It's not really a horrorstory, it's a "thank god this di dnot turn out 100000x worse"-story.

>>oh god she thinks she's one of us
>>continues to perform ita mating ritual dance as I nope the fuck away to my train platform

Let her have some fun, this is really the least awful outcoming of the situation. She was probably 14 and will be much more ashamed then you once she outgrew her weeabo phase.

>> No.7234020

>Let her have some fun
It's not as though the OP ran up to this girl called her an ita and pissed on her hot topic petticoat. She calmly walked away and ignored her.

>> No.7234028

Yeah, they were actually pretty harmless and it was honestly quite sweet how excited they were to see real life lolitas. I'm certain I wore some absolute horrors back in the day, but I never remember feeling anything other than 100% kawaii, so I totally understand where ita chan was coming from with her wiggling.

I had an encounter with a similar group once though, that didn't end very well, so I guess that's where a lot of my worry stems from. I wasn't dressed in lolita at the time, and it was a good job, because they tried to pick me up and throw me into a fountain.

>> No.7234030

well it's not like it was a good laptop.

>> No.7234036

>It's not as though the OP ran up to this girl called her an ita and pissed on her hot topic petticoat.

It's not as though the OP passed by a group of 14 year old weeabos who turned out harmless but badly dressed. She ran away as fast as she could and later posted in the /cgl/ ita Horror Stories thread about how an Ita dared to wave at a group of perfect roris.

>> No.7234043

I'm a cosplayer that likes lolita and if I wore a dress that cost hundreds and a group of weeaboos started shouting and pointing at me like a zoo exhibit, I'd be unnerved and want to get out of there too because they really have no sense of personal space. And someone thrusting their hips at me in general would be fucking bizarre.

>> No.7234045
File: 904 KB, 800x600, mlkmlk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not exactly ita, but I find it amusing that this girl lists her replica dress as "offbrand". That doesn't really make it any less obvious that it's a replica, if anything it makes it more so. Nice Milanoo shoes that don't match at all, too.

Why are most of the girls featured wearing shitty replicas or just cheap crap in general? I feel like people prioritize wigs over everything else when they're not even essential.

>> No.7234049

The horror here is the second-hand embarrassment

>> No.7234052

Oh god she was at a local con I went to. She wore the dress backwards the first day and when a friend politely noted it might be reversed (the waist ties were tied around her neck and front bow was on her back) she claimed that's how it was supposed to be worn

>> No.7234056

>the waist ties were tied around her neck

How is that even physically possible?

>> No.7234057

Just because I may as well, here's fountain story:

>be wearing normal clothes
>way too hot for pettis or blouses any of that shit
>still looking kind of 2edgy4u but nothing outlandish or interesting
>be hanging out with friends in city centre
>nerd shopping and buying art supplies
>sit down for break near art gallery
>so fucking hot outside
>wtf this is england
>where is my constant rain and bitter cold
>sit on art gallery steps in the shade
>lovely view of huge fountain/ sculpture thing
>notice group of kids lurking deeper in the shadows
>one of them knows one of my friends
>entire group comes and sits around us
>several have white painted faces that have melted and cracked in the heat
>black lipstick
>huge unwieldy boots
>some wearing anime shirts and carrying anime merch
>weeb/ mallgoth crossbreeds perhaps?
>loud and irritating, no concept of personal space or appropriate conversation
>one of them suggests we should cool off by going in the fountain
>I've definitely seen drunk people pee in there
>not to mention it's not a fucking pool
>group begins to move
>say I'm going to stay here
>white face painted goth man grabs my arm and begins to walk me down the steps
>some of them are already splashing about in the fountain
>surprised they don't care about getting their preshus UFO plushies and expensive nu rock boots wet
>still trying to pull away from guy
>he steps up onto fountain ledge, pulling me
>asks this other girl to grab my ankles
>wait wat no fuck plz stop
>girl clambers out of fountain
>thankfully the water soaked into her already weighty gawth attire has made her heavy
>she falls over the ledge
>take this opportunity to nope the fuck back to the safety of the stairs, grab my things and gtfo

My town used to have a great goth scene back in the 90s but holy shit, it's bad now.

>> No.7234058
File: 167 KB, 838x983, Replace man with ita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Replace the man with the ita, and tumblr with /cgl/.

>> No.7234060

They were pulled up under her armpits from the back and over her shoulders, tying around her neck in the back

>> No.7234063

>>he steps up onto fountain ledge, pulling me
>>asks this other girl to grab my ankles
>>wait wat no fuck plz stop

Oh my fucking god, how awful! I hate people like that, I am sorry this happened to you. Glad it ended out good for you.

>> No.7234069

It was a pretty uneventful story told in a mildly amusing way for the entertainment of fellow seagulls, y u so mad?

>> No.7234070


Hahahaha, this sounds hilarious. How can anyone do something that stupid and think "Yep, this make sense. Lokks great! Let's go!"
Any pictures/more stories?

>> No.7234073

Shit, I saw someone do something similar with waist ties on a dream sky replica. Sure, I get being creative with your outfits, but using waist ties like that is like using a pair of socks for gloves.

>> No.7234076

I don't even know man. There's photos from the con but she wore it correctly in other photos so maybe she learned? Either that or so many people asked her about it she changed

>> No.7234079


I like it when itas praise me. It means they're open to looking like me so I try pointing them in the right direction. Calm your tits bro - teach don't hate.

>> No.7234083

I later realised that they all hung out in a particular park just outside the city centre and it was a horrible, horrible clusterfuck of a place, mostly because of the creepy 30 year old goth men chasing round 13 year old weeby emo girls. Usually they only appeared in the actual city centre if the police had kicked them out for drinking underage in public.

>> No.7234089

If she'd come and spoken to me, I'd have definitely been perfectly lovely and offered concrit if she'd asked. I was just really set on edge by the large group of that kind of people, who past experience has taught me to fear.

I've actually been known to give my contact details to newbies/ itas I meet at cons and meets, and it's been really lovely watching some of them flourish. I like to think my vagina is relatively sand free and my tits pretty calm.

>> No.7234096

ima man and want to start wearing frilly outfits
can i into ita?

>> No.7234115

Please post the pictures of her wearing the waist-ties like that. Please.

>> No.7234162
File: 357 KB, 350x190, tumblr_l9lbs4Ur4g1qbjtzz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that sounds uncomfortable as shit.

>> No.7234173

For some reason I want someone to participate in the GLW contest wearing an L-email wig that looks like a GLW wig. Like one of l-email's rhapsody style ones.

>> No.7234177

Plot-twist, they're actually the same wig!

>> No.7234180

Exactly my reason, anon.

>> No.7234190
File: 169 KB, 640x830, photofhgfh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Maikodolly dramu.


>> No.7234192


>> No.7234194
File: 117 KB, 599x643, photofsfsf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7234201
File: 149 KB, 599x743, photogfhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's all for now, I think.

>> No.7234205

If she's letting people walk all over her it means she's a pushover. I hate this logic, just because it you get passive aggressively annoyed over it doesn't make you strong enough to tell people to shut up.

>> No.7234208
File: 130 KB, 680x511, 1324339651311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7234215

>hello kitty
>party ribbon
At least have a fucking theme to your shitty deco. Jesus.

>> No.7234217

I dunno, it's kind of nice that it helps her I guess?

>> No.7234235

Yup. Passive aggressive people are the worst. They bit their tongue, then complain on FB or tumblr how shitty their life is.

>> No.7234247

Does anyone have a screenshot of this post? It's been taken down.

>> No.7234253

I wish there was a sit like tumblr that didn't allow you to delete posts. Especially on tumblr people end up being hypocritical idiots all the time because they can just pretend they didn't take anything down.

>> No.7234255


Damn autocorrect.

>> No.7234273

If someone reblogs it though, it's still able to be seen. I don't think her posts had many notes though.

>> No.7234285

Copy link, paste on google seach. Click the green arrow that is next to the search result. Select "cached". Your welcome.

>> No.7234288

That doesn't work if google hasn't "seen" it by the time it's deleted.

>> No.7234289

Comes up wih this, here's a repost of her post

>> No.7234297

yeah she said she got all the money from life insurance when her mom passed...

>> No.7234302

oh good, thanks for this, I made a secret with screenshots from the post but i had a feeling he would come and say 'you made that UP, DRAMA LLAMAS TRYING TO BRING ME DOOOWN' now i have more proof it came from his baleeted tumblr

>> No.7234320

hahaha this.

>> No.7234322

>fluffyrabidkitten likes this
Why am I not surprised

>> No.7234345

>be at the tail end of a meet, walking through train station ready to part ways
This is going to end well.

>continues to perform ita mating ritual dance as I nope the fuck away to my train platform
I suppose I should be glad no one died. Would've made a cooler ita story though...

>> No.7234428

This sounds eerily like Leazes Park in Newcastle.

>> No.7234464
File: 170 KB, 400x400, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL what on earth? this is the infamous maikodolly? her???

>> No.7234471

too bad some dumb fuck didn't know how to reblog all the text

>> No.7234489


Oh God, she's one of /those/. Those people who try to look "psycho" online, but when they see the person IRL, they just stare at the ground.

>> No.7234497
File: 10 KB, 126x126, 1270791740196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ that's a lot of dried jizz on 1 single surface

>> No.7234519

it's a relive she's doesn't want to kill herself anymore, but the fact that her appearence and her pretty clothes are the whole base for her new find self-esteem is...well, you know.

>> No.7234523

...whoa gonna break the news on her? because I won't.

>> No.7234838
File: 115 KB, 279x253, 1386737478398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you even seen dried cum
because that's not what it looks like

>> No.7234999

So this anon confused fluffyrabidkitten for Kapu and sent her this.

>> No.7235003
File: 91 KB, 768x837, _20131211_012609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, dropped my pic.

>> No.7235012

I'm trying to figure out what that gunk is too.

>> No.7235015


>> No.7235024
File: 102 KB, 768x776, _20131211_014118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her response

>> No.7235077


>> No.7235138
File: 51 KB, 475x474, 1296782740314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't understand your reaction face but it was a joke. "jizz" sounds funnier than cream cheese.
i tried, okay
what do u want from me

>> No.7235145
File: 26 KB, 500x640, 1376190418633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7235150

It was her grandmother that raised her who died, pretty sure.

>> No.7235151

Please post screenshots. I'm really curious as to what he said.

>> No.7235155
File: 39 KB, 1024x576, toystory_371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks like that thing from Toy Story.

>> No.7235536

what a wonderful human being. Does anyone have her mom's info? I want to send some of this stuff to her. Though she jumps around between calling her her mom and her evil stepmother and her adopted mother and she's apparently abusive for making her do her homework and not letting her wear her cat collar to school.

>> No.7235540

I hate it when people try to justify their bitchiness with "I know I'm a bitch." Congratulations, you successfully developed the basic self-awareness that is the hallmark of early childhood. In fact, that makes it worse than if you didn't know because it shows you have the means to change and consciously act differently and yet choose not to.

>> No.7235548

No, there are caps from the incident on the gtfo post where she says her mother is dead, multiple times.

>> No.7235669

It bothers me a bit that she doesn't understand kink and daily life are separate things, unless she's owned and collared she shouldn't wear it out

>> No.7235755

I've been browsing this thread the past couple days and somehow missed this?? I'm the admin he misquoted heh.
We've had a lot of issues with him already, so time to talk to the other admins and figure out what to do about it all...funny how the ones saying "OMG I HATE DRAMA!!!11!" are always the ones who create it themselves.

That being said, definitely do bring things to our attention if we don't catch them ourselves! As innocuous as our group seems, sometimes we do have some poison seeping in that needs to be taken care of before it wrecks havoc.

>> No.7235776

oh my god i think ive seen her irl

if this is at her she works at cyberdog in camden town

>> No.7235791

Yep it's her

I never understood the appeal of cyberdog, its ridiculously expensive and not exactly designer quality

>> No.7235794

Plus it all looks like shit.

>> No.7235795

me neither, the only thing I've ever bought from there is hair dye back in my scene dayz

only reason i go is because you have to admit it's a pretty cool place to show people who've never been to London before (or at least, it is on a saturday, every other day of the week it's pretty dead)

>> No.7235820


My then not boyfriend took me there just to show me the BDSM basement. I guess that was romantic. We officially started dating a day later.

>> No.7235828

that's the sweetest story i've ever heard ;_;

believe it or not i've never actually been to the room of unfathomable lewdness, is it as bad/amusing as people make it out to be?

>> No.7235867

When we were 13 my friends and I used to go and hang around in Cyberdog because 'OMG ITS LIEK BEING HIGH'. Ah, those were the days. Then they put a sex toy section upstairs and wouldn't let us go in for some reason.

A couple of my friends have some of the UV/3D t-shirts, but that's it I think.

>> No.7235868

It's pretty empty actually.

>> No.7235881

Kind of reminds of The Alley in Chicago.

>> No.7235915

Wait there's a bdsm basement? Might check it out tomorrow
There seem to be a fair few London lolitas into the kink scene. I've seen a sweet lolita in a Torture Garden photoset before, that you anon?

>> No.7236506

Some of their ideas are neat but they're so poorly executed. :(

>> No.7236628

Gurl, I know exactly who you're talking about. That moron comments on every fucking thing. Did you see that shit where that other girl went from picking a decent bodyline dress to, "No nvm!!! I got an Alice dress!" Like geez, you were doing so well and then crash.

>> No.7236632


Like >>7235868 said, it's pretty empty. I don't remember much except for overpriced BDSM stuff and some weird mechanical bugs.


Nope haha. I don't even live in London - we were just there for the FF concert.

I keep my kink relatively under wraps anyways. BF at the time thought it would be a great joke to take me there. Little did he know.

>> No.7236642

a bad decision

>> No.7237370
File: 185 KB, 500x381, tumblr_mw4a09Zivw1ssx7ymo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a total ita in my local comm and I just don't know how to correct her without sounding rude:
>girl goes to first couple of meetups wearing a jsk with nothing more than a bra under it
>refuses to wear petti unless it's an "important event"
>see her in last meetup wearing a weird looking skirt
>mfw she comes closer to me and I see that it's not a skirt
>mfw she's wearing bloomers as if they were shorts
>another girl from the comm tries to kindly tell her that bloomers are undergarments and shouldn't be worn with nothing on top
>ita becomes wild roaring beast who uses as an argument that she's been a loli longer than any of us
>ask her how long she's been a lolita
>mfw she answers she's been a lolita for 8 years but only worn it for the last one.

pic not related

>> No.7237381

>>mfw she answers she's been a lolita for 8 years but only worn it for the last one.
How can you be a Lolita without wearing it?

>> No.7237389

According to her, yes. That being lolita is not just about the clothes and she feels lolita inside (whatever the fuck that means) and blablabla lots of bullshit.

>> No.7238632


>> No.7238642
File: 60 KB, 543x415, barack-obama-seems-legit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she answers she's been a lolita for 8 years but only worn it for the last one

She has been a Lolita for 8 years but doesn't know the basics? Seems legit

>> No.7238645

It must be embarrassing to be around her. Make a secret about her so she gets all butthurt and stops going to meets if you don't want to be harsh and she doesn't get the message that she looks like shit.

>> No.7238649


Also post pics if possible, some ita drama for the weekend would be nice

>> No.7238671

>but lolita is a state of mind!
>but I was born already a lolita!
>but even my mom dressed me in lolita as a kid!

>> No.7238672


>> No.7238682


Kind of related.

Lately I'm starting to feel like the only one not shouting from the rooftop about being in a poly-open-bdsm whatever relationship and that I'm losing cool points for it. I don't know when this became a requirement of the lolita liftestyle.

I'm open to all of that, whatever floats your boat, and I know my heterosexual life might seem boring to them but parading their bedroom antics all over my dashboard doesn't really make them seem any deeper either.

>> No.7238686

I don't understand how this is supposed to sit flat, still.

>> No.7238689 [DELETED] 

That's exactly what I was going to say.
Goddamn I miss the green.

It's the same in any city, though.

>> No.7238700


Begging for votes on gaia.
being on gaia

>> No.7238714
File: 215 KB, 644x459, ohgod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually this is better.

>> No.7238730
File: 157 KB, 300x477, 1379343771076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they don't even show my state

>> No.7238736
File: 115 KB, 652x970, hana_zone-d42jswd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheeky little girl hid most of her worst FB photos.
So rori.
When confronted about this one, she said it was "cosplay". She wore a cosplay to a lolita meet-up... great

>> No.7238744

the fuck is with the sonic in the background

>> No.7238758

It's like she tried to cross maid with nun.

>> No.7238932

I love you. I really do. You would not believe how discouraged i was when I first got into sweet lolita, posted in /cgl/ with wild enthusiasm, and promptly got made fun of.

>lolitas are just people in clothing
>but our clothing is better and more expensive, lets make fun of them

Given, now that I know the difference, blatant Ita's do get on my nerves on occasion, especially those who can't take constructive criticism, but I was like that once too.

>> No.7238935


>> No.7238936

There was nothing cute about a clockwork orange.

>> No.7238939

This is like my myspace "about me" when I was 12.

>> No.7238944

It's funny, I saw this the other day on comm sales on facebook and was like "wow that might be the ugliest decoden I've ever seen."

>> No.7238951


Wow so rori
much cosplay
gret meet up outfit

If i were her, I'd hide my photos on fb too. Is shel always that bad?

>> No.7238953
File: 411 KB, 1308x1500, fuck-that-bitch-yao-pff-l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"Call me 'Darkness Vampire'"... This actually make me laugh

>> No.7238982
File: 35 KB, 610x203, 37518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7240408

She sounds like an ita fucktard but I've seen some super cute ero coords with just bloomers.