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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 572 KB, 2448x3264, 1385857697098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7218554 No.7218554[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone have more pictures of her? I don't even know what con this is, but she looks like a booth girl

Can we have a booth girl thread?

>> No.7218560

She's not a booth girl, she just likes bunny suits.

>> No.7218594
File: 24 KB, 473x354, n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bunny suit made with stretch fabric and straps

This is my biggest pet peeve ever, holy shit.

>> No.7218622

construction is top notch though. (bought probably) and it looks good. Bunny suites are hard to make.

>> No.7218646

is "booth girl" means term in English for "slut" ??

>> No.7218648

No, it's somebody who is paid to attract customers to a booth at a convention or trade show. Also known as booth babes.

>> No.7218686

sorry but your description is making sound very similar to slut !

>> No.7218692

You mean prostitute, not every slut gets paid.

>> No.7218697

Thought it was mostflogged from the thumbnail, happy to be mistaken.
I know that feel. For it being stretch it fits really poorly too, that baggy underbust.

Uhh they are basically hired models. Not sure why that would have anything to do with how many people they have sex with.

>> No.7218703

What are you, Islamic?

>> No.7218705

Wow. You're a retard. And very likely a creeper.

>> No.7218706

no I am Korea

>> No.7218709

Oh my-- I am so, so sorry for calling you a retard, please forgive me!

>> No.7218714


>> No.7218723

It's just a regular person cosplaying who happens to be in the dealers room by some tables.

>> No.7218727


>No, it's somebody who is paid to attract customers to a booth at a convention or trade show. Also known as booth babes.

Slut: an individual who is considered to have loose sexual morals or who is sexually promiscuous.

Wow they really do sound a like...

>> No.7218729

>getting this mad
Sure is Tumbler here.

>> No.7218734

Noone said she was being promiscuous at all. Are you sure you're not Islamic?

>> No.7218736

it's just like hiring cute girls to work in cafes but booth girls just stand there

>> No.7218738

Sounds like Islam anon really wants to honor kill this girl.

>> No.7218741


>Wow they really do sound a like...
Apparently the understanding of sarcasm is weak on here.

>> No.7218743


These posts are mine dumbfags

>> No.7218750

This thread is massively fucked up with quotes it's like everyone flinging their shit in random directions.

>> No.7218790

the construction cannot be top notch, it's made out of stretch and has straps to hold it up. How do you not get that?

>> No.7218798

I think anon means that its generally well put together, but construction for its purpose as a bunny suit isn't all that great. She pulled it off, whether its not good as a bunny suit or not.

>> No.7219059

Anyone have any idea where she got her bunny suit from?!

>> No.7219075
File: 120 KB, 1024x768, dsc00660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't help you with the girl OP but I can post some booth girls.

>> No.7219077
File: 83 KB, 863x537, 1385891230586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7219079
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>> No.7219080
File: 90 KB, 580x387, p1060174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7219081
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>> No.7219132

what's wrong with her armpits

>> No.7219147

Post some good looking girls i.e. western girls.

>> No.7219169

You can barely see the straps and if they weren't used, it would likely fall down and the shape would be less flattering. I don't get why you hate any fabric that has a stretch either, or how you can even tell. It looks fine aside from being a bit sheer.

>> No.7219170

Their outfits seem to encompass everything considered trashy. Well done.

>> No.7219175

Fukken pleb. Bunny suits are supposed to be tailored, tight, strapless and boned. Sure OP gurl is cute but her suit is terribly and lazily made from stretch fabric.

>> No.7219177

That is the point you sandy vagina.

>> No.7219183

>Slut: an individual who is considered to have loose sexual morals or who is sexually promiscuous.

Basically a woman, that acts like a man.

>> No.7219187

Well since we have a bunny suit expert. Where can one buy/commission a quality bunny suit?

>> No.7219194

Sure is plastic surgery in here.
I just don't get why Asians like these super obvious nose jobs.
I used to live in Korea and the only thing I could think when talking to a new person I had never met before was "LOL U HAD A NOSE JOB" 60% of the time.
It was really distracting.

>> No.7219207

I don't mind when suits had straps if they're nude or clear straps. If a girl wants to have some security then it's not a huge deal.

>> No.7219222

Except they don't have their tits and ass hanging out in the open and using their sexual ness to lure people in. Hooters is an exception ofc.

>> No.7219235

Lol, you serious? Most men have actually much better sex morals.

>> No.7219241

Keep living in that /r9k/ AU fic

>> No.7219242


most men have high sex morals because they don't get sex at all; so they tell themselves they want to be with just one woman (their "waifu")

women on the other hand would do anything to betray their beta boyfriends for an alpha

5 minutes with an alpha > 5 years with a beta

>> No.7219254

if the suit is well made she doesn't need "security"

Would you say the same thing about a corset? Bunny suits should be able to support and not slip. If they can't then they are poorly made pieces of shit.

>> No.7219258

I'm sure most reputable custom corset makers could do a bunny suit. GSTQ could probably do one too. Be prepared to drop 500-800 dollars.

>> No.7219264
File: 110 KB, 498x750, bunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunnygalore on etsy designed the modern suits for Playboy and sells them.

The point of a properly made one is that it doesn't need straps at all. They're basically a waist training corset with a padded push up bra built in. The steel boning keeps it up, and also brings the waist in and down a few inches. There's no stretch in them, either. Compare this to OP pic.

>> No.7219268

But what if you didn't want the wrinkles in the blue bunny suit pic?

The one real advantage I see in OP's pic is that the entire surface of the fabric is super smooth, which is...slightly?? more visually attractive, I think.

>> No.7219271

In my experience most corsets don't break seam for the cups. They go over, push up and pull in.

Bustiers however, which do more traditionally break for the cup most of the time come with straps (albiet removable ones).

So no, I would not say the same for a corset, though I would recomend straps for anything that also has to contend laterally with the crotch.

I say this because then a girl doesn't have to worry so much about lifting her arms up (thereby pulling herself out of the top which is held down by the crotch) or doing arching back poses.

Personally I tend to find those bustiers and bunny suits that don't have straps tend to sit very low on the bust and I don't think it looks attractive. But I stress this is a personal viewpoint.

>> No.7219282

You could ask them to use a stretch fabric draped over the top. Or a fabric without shine, like peachskin which would make the wrinkles a lot less obvious. But it should still have a solid, non stretch under structure and some boning.

>> No.7219286
File: 612 KB, 664x1000, 1385916519299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can get the wrinkles pretty minimal. You'll always have a tiny amount though, which is true for just about any clothing.

>> No.7219291

Those are awful. More Rei than Asuka but I don't like the cut of the leg holes on Asuka.

>> No.7219294
File: 168 KB, 1059x1331, 1385445129103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it's not /r9k, it's /fit.

You guys are hilarious.

>> No.7219313

Men don't realize it because they are too distracted by the v:
Women are the alphas.
When I'm with betas, those betas clearly don't deserve me. They're just around to pass the time and buy dinner.

Men who are self-described 'alphas' are usually too mean and won't get any of this v.

You have to balance alpha and beta, but always be aware that when it comes down to it, your woman is the alpha, she controls the v and she can and will cheat on and/or leave you if you try to pull too much alpha shit or start acting too beta.

Women don't owe you shit. You have to earn the v.

>> No.7219316

>beta alpha dichotomy non-ironically being applied to real life
This is true autism.

>> No.7219326

You are so unaware of reality I can't even

>> No.7219329

The only "hurrdur so ALPHA" guys that actually have an SO are usually dating theirs in kind: white trash.

>> No.7219332

It's kind of sad how some people will lose years out of their lives listening to stupid shit on 4chan. The blind leading the blind.

>> No.7219330

>most men have high sex morals because they don't get sex at all; so they tell themselves they want to be with just one woman (their "waifu")
Confirmed troll

>> No.7219335 [DELETED] 

If I get to the point with a guy where I feel it's likely I'll cheat on a guy, I take that as a qeue the relationship isn't working and end things before they get hurt. There's never an excuse for cheating. Ever. You're either a troll or a massive cunt.

>> No.7219337

If I get to the point with a guy where I feel it's likely I'll cheat, I take that as a queue the relationship isn't working and end things before they get hurt. There's never an excuse for cheating. Ever. I hope you're a troll and not actually that massive of a cunt.

>> No.7219341

Well, there's your problem. Why the fuck would anyone waste that much money on a fucking bunny suit? Anon, you're stupid.

>> No.7219342


Oh god, seeing this pic makes me want to take it to /a/ or /v/ and start a "spot the trap" topic just to have some laugh.

>> No.7219344

I was pretending to be retarted

>> No.7219346

This is why Name fags shouldn't be hated...

>> No.7219351

>implying they don't just drop their names to post anon ever

>> No.7219352
File: 661 KB, 1280x1920, 1385921494726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

herd u guise like awful bunny suits.

>> No.7219357
File: 6 KB, 260x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't blame it on that poor little suit.
The only clothing suitable for her is pic related.

>> No.7219378

Is that skirt an accuracy thing? Or has she just put it on to disguise a belly? Either way it's so not flattering.

If you're going to do a bunny suit with thighs like that I think it needs to follow the line of the thigh rather than riding that high. I just think it'd look better.

>> No.7219382

Back on topic, I've done some promo model work before, but do you think I could get into a major convention for free if I'm a booth babe there?

>> No.7219386

sure you say that yet God is the most Alpha guy from /cgl/ and every chick here wants his semen

>> No.7219389

I like those bunny suits - at least, the minimal look of the wrinkles - much better than the blue bunny suit from earlier, though I've gotta agree with >>7219291 that the leg holes look pretty atrocious.

Stretch fabric draped over the top, hm. I'm always surprised by how much more difficult construction is than it seems at first, haha.

>> No.7219391


It makes her crotch look like a really huge vagina.

Don't tell me you don't see it.

>> No.7219394

If a company hires you to staff a booth, they typically provide you with a pass, yes. But you'll also be expected to work pretty much the whole time the exhibit hall is open, with minimal breaks, from my experience, which kind of kills the whole "having fun" part of the con.

>> No.7219401

Well shit. I'll just stick to working jobs where I can wear clothes.

>> No.7219412

You sound like a fat and/or ugly bitch. The kind I'd give no attention to at a bar/club. You make all women on /cgl/ look like insufferable cunts.

>> No.7219501

More deliciously curvy bunnies wih dem hips and teddies.

>> No.7219510


I always thought alpha were the animals that take charge and lead. Women are more passive and reactive.Also the concept of alpha and beta is fucking retarded and its always changing like fashion. One minute its genetic, then its no genetic just psychological. Omegas are complete losers, or no omegas are now the secret top dogs, lol JK those are zeta males.

>> No.7219516

Honestly, the outfit is shit but I would still fuck her...

>> No.7219524

meh, op's girl looks great. It doesn't really matter if it's done super accurately to a "real" playboy bunny pattern since it's adapted from an animation as long as the construction looks clean

>> No.7219525


those thighs

good lord

>> No.7219534


>have to earn the v
>implying that's not easy through the simple art of lying.

Women like you are the reason men are good liars.

Bravo to you because you end up looking like the fool in the end after he pumps and dumps you.

>> No.7219542

Sure is lot's of "booth girls" ITT if you know what I mean.

>> No.7219545


And they end up deluded narcissistics who believe they deserve to have the high quality men for simply having a pussy.

>> No.7219553
File: 625 KB, 500x241, 4374572572.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>huge chest
>massive thighs
>nice knees
Why can't I get a girl like this

>> No.7219558

It's really obvious that you're from America when you actually like that abomination.

>> No.7219565
File: 102 KB, 577x197, 1385391782138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying most Americans don't like stick thin skeletons
>Implying Brazilians aren't the ones that promote thicker women
>implying American women aren't normally fat and they don't usually look like that pic
She's got a nice body punk that was a mouthful

>> No.7219573

Brazilians are Americans too, fool

I win

>> No.7219574

Could you post an example of a good bunny suit for big thighs? I have big thighs and I'm not quite sure what would be the best fit.

>> No.7219577
File: 89 KB, 1218x631, 1385389339706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You no darn well people only refer to The US as America and not the rest of the Americas...

>> No.7219585

her body is still hot though.

>> No.7219598

Source!? should have been easy to find but for some reason i couldn't

>> No.7219606

That's migrated breast tissue. It's from years of wearing illfitting bras. See how it kind of looks like fat spilling out from an invisible strap? It's because of having gone so long spilling out of her bra, it just stays that way.

>> No.7219617


Girls like me [read: booth babes and other attractive women] ARE insufferable cunts. We've been made that way through years of dealing with idiots and autists like you.

Men, in my experience, are TERRIBLE liars. Women just play along because we don't want to be rude. We save that for talking behind your backs.

The whole alpha beta thing is ridiculous.
Calm down and just be nice to women without expectations. If you don't expect sex from a woman, she's way more likely to give it to you.

I agree, I dump men long before I would cheat on them.
But not all women are that way, and being a dick to girls in the name of being 'alpha' is a great way to push her away into the arms of a so-called beta who's actually nice to her.

>> No.7219651
File: 65 KB, 285x276, 1382078069800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she will never crush your head between her thighs

>> No.7219656

10/10 would cuddle and take out to dinner

>> No.7219661

What the fuck is wrong with this thread, ahahaha.

>> No.7219668

>implying you're attractive and not just fat and bitter

post a pic, let's see how hot you are.

>> No.7219674
File: 71 KB, 500x500, 2367272732763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Norway, actually.

>> No.7219679

Really cute girl. Outfit looks fine.

>> No.7219692
File: 289 KB, 1600x1200, 4697835.gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7219703
File: 311 KB, 1067x1600, 5594009.gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7219728

First i was like BOOBS then i was like ewwwwwww please go away and those teeth

>> No.7219744


>We've been made that way through years of making retarded decisions in our lives through our dating choices.


We get it, you're a bitter bitch with a sandy vagina who's been used and abused.

>> No.7219760

Were you even looking at her boobs? Oh man.

>> No.7219765


You can correct teeth though. So give me the tits.

>> No.7219770

You can correct her tits too.

(make them bigger)

>> No.7219794
File: 2.69 MB, 1944x2592, 1207111839809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


theres always one guy
gross means big in germany

>> No.7219812


>> No.7219815


You talk like this, but every single women I've ever met is far more submissive than I, and they really can't take charge at all.

>> No.7219820
File: 343 KB, 640x960, bunnythighexample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I'd recommend something like this. Following the natural contour having thighs creates around the pelvis.

Before and after for example. I have no idea who this girl is and from the hair I'm presuming it's an Asuka variation. I just got a picture off google for examples sake.

Just cause personally I think it looks classier and less like someone gave you a bad front and back wedgy.

>> No.7219824

what's with all the underageb&s on cgl lately?
At least I hope they're just underage.

>> No.7219837


>Implying people don't make retarded dating choices on the regular.

How old are you? 12?

>> No.7219839
File: 194 KB, 667x1000, 1385944495513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Semi de-railing this thread into a bunny girl thread. Or trying to before we get any more lectures on male and female rights. For those who might be following this thread with interest into making bunny suits I'm going to sage dump a bunch of pictures of different cuts, fabrics and characters for inspiration.

>> No.7219848
File: 263 KB, 750x600, 1385944668755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yoko and Nia

>> No.7219850
File: 247 KB, 1000x1500, 1274381285074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7219853
File: 87 KB, 738x1082, 1385944840839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7219858
File: 344 KB, 681x1024, 1385944990875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Panty and Stocking

>> No.7219869
File: 241 KB, 800x1168, 1385945376295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7219873
File: 63 KB, 342x500, bunnies2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geass girls

>> No.7219878
File: 524 KB, 1024x681, 38175-29162-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haruhi Suzumiya girls

>> No.7219938

This girl gets posted fairly often, who is she?

>> No.7219949
File: 6 KB, 242x346, king of fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm going to call the guys who disagree with my ridiculous ideas underage!

It's time to stop posting. And I still don't see a pic demonstrating how "hot" you are.

>> No.7219979

I actually took the same picture at a different angle at Katsucon 15 (2009).

>> No.7219986

I feel like jumping like that multiple times in those heels (and then landing) to get that photo would have been a major pain.

>> No.7220053

Ahahahahahahha, nice one m8, she's not even 10 years old or younger, don't be trolling, you don't love "old cunts" like that

>> No.7220062


Jeff I implore you to abscond this instant.

>> No.7220630

who is this cutie 3.14?

>> No.7220633

jeff pls go

>> No.7220653

Oh man I'm blushing so much from just seeing the smile on her face. Shit warms my heart, can't believe I'm betamaxing this hard.

>> No.7220661

You do realize that that is not a natural smile but a forced smile that she put on when some disgusting neckbeard (e.g. someone like you) forced her to let him take a picture of her?

>> No.7220668

Somehow, I'm turned on more by knowing about this fact.

>> No.7220691

this is my new fetish

>> No.7220736

Does anyone know what sort of fabric this bunny suit is made out of?

>> No.7220742

Honestly it looks like a wet look lycra.

>> No.7220985

Jeff Seid, king of /fit/, cookie salesman and body builder.

>> No.7221110
File: 27 KB, 446x379, 1373631313916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn her face is too cute; I want to give her ice cream or something.

>> No.7221181

I could list over a dozen of girls from /cgl/ that are cuter than that. And possibly less slutty.

>> No.7221187

wow, he's actually a massive hottie, hnnngh, that body

why are people making fun of him? neckbeard losers from /r9k/ pretending they're better than him?

>> No.7221190

Oh get over your insecurities. Unless you know her personally you have no clue whether she's a slut or not. And sexual habbits aside, as a straight overweight girl, even I think she looks adorable.

The suit is clean, the ears are some of the nicest I've seen and the whole thing is very flattering and even sexy.

>> No.7221200

Source on her? She looks familiar.

>> No.7221206


>> No.7221229

Someone post that horrible homestuck bunnysuit shoot.

>> No.7221489
File: 145 KB, 960x640, 1386029085458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7221502

>less slutty

Um, no.

/cgl/ is whore central, there's a reason you have a rep.

>> No.7221632
File: 20 KB, 510x345, 1379104159840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because he is rather obnoxious. No one really rips him that bad though. He's kind of just a joke on /fit/ due to his persona.

>> No.7221732

>implying /cgl/ is naturally sluttier
as expected of a hambeast

it is funny how /cgl/ is "whore central" but girl in OP isn't

/cgl/ girls are much less promiscuous than most; we have high moral standards because we are more intelligent than the average cosplayers

>> No.7221753

Well fuck it I guess I'll just avoid women altogether.

>> No.7221763 [DELETED] 

Post was legit until you said that you wouldn't give your fat cunt to an Alpha. Then it went "oh man this is embarrassing" bad trolling. Men don't have to earn any "v", once they earn Alpha status they can have all the "v" they want. Only Betas want yours.

>> No.7221782

That's actually really dysfunctional, manipulative and controlling behavior. And it's not how any healthy relationship works, regardless of if the guy is an alpha or not.

In the case that you're not just trolling/buttmad, I hope you get some help.

>> No.7221794

/fit/, /v/ and /r9k/ need to leave

>> No.7221803

/fit/ can stay, they're attractive

>> No.7221809

This. They're total bros and some of them are even into cosplay. I like /fit/.

>> No.7221819

I'm not even that anon.
I don't give a shit about your/any other anon's points, that syntax and vocabulary use is fucking ridiculous.
>make them bigger huehuehue
These phrases are the kinds uttered by middle and high school kids.

>> No.7221834 [DELETED] 
File: 1.97 MB, 400x300, 327572727.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you earn the v
>implying alphas don't just take the v when they want
Being an alpha male means that you don't even GET the choice to give up the v because most of the time you won't (period, headache, want more money, etc). The reason beta males never get laid is that they accept any and every excuse that's thrown their way as they wait patiently for v to be given to them; meanwhile, their genitals whither and fall off from underuse.

Alphas know this and won't tolerate that kind of shit.

>> No.7221840

This is a blue board, asshole.

>> No.7221846

Bye, /fit/.

>> No.7221876

>Someone disagrees with me about /fit/?!

This board isn't a fucking hivemind, you know. In life, people are going to disagree with you sometimes. You need to deal with the fact that people have differing educated opinions.

>> No.7221947

Nah, I like it here. And I actually have the body for some good male cosplays anyways. You're acting like a whiny bitch.

>> No.7221996

Honestly, out of everything else in this photo, that run in her stockings are bothering me. I can't help my eyes straying back to it..

Her hair/wig is a bit lackluster too.

>> No.7222001

Holy fuck really?! Off topic of the thread a little, but how do you get it to go away? Work out?

>> No.7222013

So more like a normal swimsuit...Sounds easy enough that anyone getting a suit commish'd could have it altered for cheap or no money at all.

>> No.7222026

Ambiguous sentence, whoops
*I'm not even that other anon who was claiming to be hot or something whom you previously conversed with

>> No.7222041

That top is so ill fitting

>> No.7222054

From what I've seen you have to lean over and push the fat back up to the breasts using scoop and swoop

>> No.7222083

OP's picture, so much fucking shop.

>> No.7222104

Fairly certain you're wrong.

>> No.7222231
File: 651 KB, 1363x2048, 1385967364521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying females willingly give up the v
>implying alphas don't just take it
Females can't be alphas because the very definition of the word involves pulling lots of v. Females don't like sex, that's just a fact, and they'll always come up with a reason to say no. "I'm on my period, I have a headache, I don't feel like it, I need more money, etc"

Betas just sit there and accept these excuses which is why they're still virgins. They hope that if they're patient and nice guys they'll get rewarded. Alphas know these excuses are bullshit mindgames females play and that the v isn't something that's handed to you because you've been good but something you need to take!

Females are more interested in binge eating, Netflix, and clothes shopping than actually having sex. Betas lie down and accept it. Alphas take what they want.

>> No.7222250

2 stores isn't a lot.

>> No.7222258

>Females don't like sex
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. How about getting up and speaking with different kind of female ? God my geeky females friends are really into sex. And I mean really.

>> No.7222262

>Rape apology post

>> No.7222269

alpha is just what people too stupid to pronounce pathological narcissism or sociopathy call it.

its pseudo-science at best

>> No.7222277
File: 62 KB, 720x540, 1350132745967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Argh, other girls just fight so much and are all round bitches.

They gossip, go shopping, care about their appearance, and act so dumb all the time. Teehee, I don't know how to do X! Argh, such morons. Do they think they're cute?

I like videogames, science, can burp the alphabet, and lounge around in sweatpants. I don't gossip, I have serious discussions with people who have over an IQ of 20, unlike those other girls who can't talk about anything other than reality TV.

I get along with guys so much better than girls. I'm practically a man in a woman's body, and I'm just so different from those other horrible girls! :)

>> No.7222284

It's more that females just don't like unattractive guys. Beleive me, there are dudes who have pussy thrown at them. Your points are pretty stupid m8.

>> No.7222313
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Argh, other guys are rude and are all around douchebags.

They drink, drive cars, talk about girls, and act aggressive all the time. Ayy bro, you wanna go do X! Argh, such morons. Do they think they're tough?

I like fashion, anime, and Dr.Who. I don't just make love and leave, I stay and cuddle afterwards. I have serious discussions about feelings and ex-partners unlike those other guys who can't talk about anything other than the gym.

I get along with girls so much better than guys. I'm practically a woman in a man's body and I'm just so different from all the other horrible guys ^_^

>> No.7222385
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>> No.7222392

>over 20 IQ
>intelligent conversation
>21 IQ

What, are they grunting and spitting and drooling all over each other in an "intellectual way" or something?

>> No.7222425


you say that like there aren't a million other women who give it up easily

>> No.7222439
File: 132 KB, 308x601, 1384667260600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want her to smother me with that fat ass forever. Just let me crawl between her legs and tongue her until I suffocate and die with a smile and a boner.

>> No.7222561

Who are the mystery Yuki and Tsuruya?? I recognize everyone else but them.


>> No.7222569

>we have high moral standards because we are more intelligent than the average cosplayers
I think the words you're looking for are "aiming too high" and "uglier"

>> No.7222632

Protip the tits are fake.

>> No.7222704

Huh? I didn't imply /cgl/ was naturally sluttier? I didn't imply anyone was sluttier than anyone in fact.

Did you reply to the wrong post or did mine genuinely go over your head?

>> No.7222711
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>> No.7223757
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I don't see the issue.

>> No.7223801
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>> No.7224119

The difference is that pretending to be a deviant like that actually improves females' chances but ruins males' chances.

>> No.7224386

Wow, you just summarized the entire brolita community. Good job.

>> No.7224447

I fucking hate you guys.
Juding by the OP's pic, I was expecting cute western booth girls galore, instead, I get ugly landwhales.
You disappoint me.

>> No.7224461

10/would buy her ice cream.

>> No.7224548

Oh for fuck's sake janitor.

We can't have even one thread for informing a photographer of European Chii or making people aware of Rosanna Rocha's "do it right or don't cosplay at all" FB status before she deleted and reworded it, but this thread which is filled with nothing but trite bitching and barely any content based off the OP is allowed to exist for days?

>> No.7224609

Yes. Now soak it all in. So good.

>> No.7225027
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This girl is adorable.

>> No.7225064
File: 63 KB, 188x176, 1386209926985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww shit
>Chi's Sweet Ass Home

>> No.7225233

lmfao. i feel bad for the little tykes you date. older guys would laugh in your face if you tried to pull any "i wear the pants" shit around them.

>> No.7225242

Not if they're submissive.

>> No.7225245

I'm just going to say.

The way you worded that was fucking retarded, and you seem kind of bitchy.


My BF is a complete dick to people that he doesn't like / don't matter to him, to the point where my parents were worried he was mean / controlling to me. But when we're together, he treats me like I'm a princess. He's so sweet, and kind, and he will really do anything that I ask, as long as it's not something outrageous. He doesn't care as long as it makes me happy.

Women really do wear the pants in most decent relationships, because the guys just mush and want to make them happy. It's not an intentional thing (for me at least, I usually feel really bad when he does all kinds of stuff for me, because I can't do as much for him in return) it just kind of happens.

>> No.7225248

Without the tits and hair they'd look very unattractive.

>> No.7225251

>every woman ever

>> No.7225261
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>> No.7225266

Dafuq? The blonde one is very cute in the face. A bit of a wedge chin, but good symmetry and nice features.

>> No.7225298


Most obvious jealous fatty post ever.

>> No.7225855
File: 125 KB, 720x960, 72141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happened to be looking through my Sakuracon '13 photos, and realized I actually took one of this girl.
They're cosplaying Panty & Stocking.

>> No.7225902

So you deny that certain people are more apt to leading than others?

>> No.7226420

she still looks 13 years old though.
she's hot but wow too young.

>> No.7226423

A 'man' who is submissive is not a man.

>> No.7226442

its fucking based on a discredited theory on wolf behavior.

men do not all fall into one of two boxes.

the alpha/beta thing is for idiots and by idiots.

>> No.7226724

>the alpha/beta thing is for idiots and by idiots.
Which is why you only hear those who are always called Betas say this (no, your mom / imagination calling you otherwise doesn't count).

>> No.7226764

I thought women were considered to be outside the Alpha/Beta dichotomy?

>> No.7226837

Yes they are. But you ain't one yet, Betaboy.

>> No.7228751

Different anon, but you do know this board is mostly female, right? Statistically speaking it's pretty likely that the person you're calling a boy is actually a girl. Unless you're just trolling, in which case, move along.

>> No.7228756

tips on how to look like a cute 13yr old?

>> No.7228760

I watched a show on it, it's misplaced fat, or it could be loose skin. there are a lot of women that get it naturally, and even more if you look at women who have lost a significant amount of weight. Only way to fix it is surgery, and if it is misplaced fat tissue it will only come back with time.

>> No.7228762
File: 22 KB, 257x381, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It honestly looks like her suits don't have the wrinkles when laid flat at least. There are probably things she had to change so playboy didn't sue her since I'm sure they own the original design, and probably wouldn't give her the rights to sell exact copies.

>> No.7228764

Playboy doesn't own the "original design" specific designs of clothing can't be actually owned.

>> No.7228774

Except a hoe ain't gonna give no shit about me dissing Beta virgins.

>> No.7228918

You no darn well America is the whole continent.

>> No.7228920

You'll never be loved.

>> No.7228944

Actually it's two continents. Though it doesn't matter, because generally when people say America, they are referring to the US.

>> No.7228962

Actually, it isn't you fat fuck. America can be one continent or count as two separate continents (North and South) depending on where you live. This is what happens when you try to pretend you ain't below 80 IQ.

>> No.7228966

I actually am a woman though, and I don't see what's wrong with arguing against things that are wrong. Wrong is wrong, whether it's something perpetuated against my own gender or not.

>> No.7228969
File: 266 KB, 500x576, jimmies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you so mad

>> No.7228996

Your comment is contradictory. You start out by definitively saying it's not two continents. But then you go on to say it depends on where you live, which means there is no definitive answer that you say there is in you first sentence.

>> No.7229000

No, you were the one putting up a definite definition you fat fuck.


>> No.7229008

He really has nothing more than his body and his personality/persona is annoying as shit.

>> No.7229018

i think you're just jealous because you don't have that body

you'r personality is worse

>> No.7229022

Jesus, chill out. Where do you live that people think North and South America are the same continent, anyway?

>> No.7229029

stop being a child molester then

>> No.7229090

Calm the fuck down holy shit

You're wrong and you should deal with it, nigger. North and South america are two different continents. Fact.

>> No.7229219

Fuck off Fatcone.

>> No.7229222

sshhh babby shh

>> No.7229227

Need I add anything...? I hope you get anally raped in prison one day.