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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7219884 No.7219884[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can I wear pantyhose with lolita?
I am an older woman, in my 40's, and I want to know if lolitas can wear pantyhose. Knee socks look too childish and casual. I think only proper women can wear pantyhose under skirts.

>> No.7219887

Have you even attempted to look through the Lolita threads on here? Not everyone wears OTKs, it's not hard to answer your own question.

>> No.7219890

I've never worn knee socks with lolita.
usually just some generic pantyhose but I also have a nice one from aatp

>> No.7219891

I'm just afraid of looking childish. All I asked was a simple question.

Your catty response is because I'm an older woman, isn't it?

>> No.7219893

Stop trying to be Francis.
You will never be Francis.
I miss the actual Francis.

>> No.7219895

They do have a point, you'd be better off posting your question in an existing lolita thread or at least attempt to make one if there really isn't one going rather than just posting a personal question.

Also, as abrasive as their comment may be phrased your response hasn't done you any favors.

>> No.7219897

No, it's because it's question that could have been answered by looking at ANY of the Lolita threads on here at the moment.
Why should we help you if you can't help yourself?

>> No.7219898

I am Frances. I sell Mary Kay.

>> No.7219900

This is because I'm an older republican woman. I can tell.

All lolitas are childish.

>> No.7219902

I'm not Lolita; I just pay attention since the threads are right in my face.
You should learn to do that yourself.

>> No.7219905

Don't you dare lie to me. :(
Don't you dare break my heart.

>> No.7219906

>All lolitas are childish.

If you're older shouldn't you know better than to make highly generalised insults. Either this is a troll or you are genuinely making an idiot of yourself.

>> No.7219910

not sure if troll but uh yeah it's fine just wear something. otk's work.

are you talking like sheer nude pantyhouse or coloured types? plenty of people wear coloured tights you just have to look at pics

3/10 for getting me to respond

>> No.7219911

Would you like to buy some Mary Kay? We have some new scents this season to lift your holiday spirit!

>> No.7219909


You should really know better than to try to get into this stupid fetish-y hobby. It's filled with a bunch of fat, insecure loser whores who wish someone would flip their skirts up over their heads and pound them mercilessly.

>> No.7219915

Sheer pantyhose, of course. They're the most ladylike.

>> No.7219916


oh jesus do not feed the troll we already have age and political party 2 seconds into this thread

>> No.7219918

They are discriminating against me because I'm a conservative republican woman in my 40's.
all I wanted to know was if I could wear pantyhose.

>> No.7219919

Where can I see where to order from you?

Also please recommend places to buy tights that I can afford to wear daily to the office. Sheer to toe in queen sizes please.

>> No.7219920

You can email me and we can discuss your Mary Kay order!
I buy all my pantyhose from Leggs brand. Sheer, nude colored pantyhose look best with peeptoe pumps, but I prefer opaque because they're most ladylike.

>> No.7219923

I will email you if I see something I can afford next paycheck. :)

>> No.7219924
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>> No.7219925

Still have that Black Master Daddy who makes you cut access holes in your pantyhose?

>> No.7219930
File: 86 KB, 254x304, aggrivated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7219931

are there really this many people too new to know about this troll? http://getoffegl.livejournal.com/581027.html

>> No.7219935

I am not a troll! All I asked was a simple question!
This is why all lolitas are childish!

>> No.7219937

You need a therapist. You have been making posts like this on livejournal and 4chan for YEARS. Get help for your obsessive behaviour please.

>> No.7219936

guys wait is this a joke or

>> No.7219940

well shit not everyone can spend all their free time going through getoffegl

>> No.7219941

This foolishness has been going on since 2008, you guys. http://getoffegl.livejournal.com/tag/frances

>> No.7219944

I love Frances and my mom likes Mary Kay.
Win-win situation.

>> No.7219945

frances lmao

>I'm not fat and ugly, I'm beautiful and plus sized!!
> these childish lolita dresses are so immature here let me keep showing you

>> No.7219943

There was a time a couple years ago when she (or numerous joke copycats) was making threads here on a daily/weekly basis. This is not limited to getoffegl by any means.

>> No.7219946

I've only actively been on cgl for a year and never bothered with getoffegl and still know who/what she is. Quit makin excuses for being stupid, butthurt anon.