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7215792 No.7215792 [Reply] [Original]

So tonight is the night!
How excited are you?
What are you going for?
How badly are we going to crash the baby site?
>>7207447 Old thread

>> No.7215830
File: 28 KB, 1500x1175, msnd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going for the Midsummer Night's Dream JSK I in black.

>> No.7215831

Trying to get JSK I in navy.

I'm scared...

>> No.7215835
File: 74 KB, 709x960, may-the-odds-be-ever-in-your-favor-source.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jsk 1 in navy
I slept till 5pm today and have had 2 things of mt dew and a bunch of pie

>> No.7215836

>JSK I in navy
Oh honey, good luck with that.

>> No.7215837

Does anyone even give a shit about the Baby rerelease?

>> No.7215841
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Oh no, no.

Very hopping for this for all of us.

>> No.7215845

The Special Dress reservation is going at the same time, right. Is it going to be popular, or overshadowed by MND?

>> No.7215854

Probably overshadowed by MSND. I mean, it is the single most popular release that Baby/AatP has ever come out with and it's significantly less money.

>> No.7215872


Is this 1 jsk per colorway for each person?

>> No.7215880

oooh shit. so glad I decided against using a SS

>> No.7215881
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JSK I in navy as well.

>> No.7215998

What exactly does this mean?:


Google translate gave me this, but a better translation would very very much appreciated:
I cope by increasing the number of ■ production, but there is a case reservation is difficult even if I have sorted it to each store more by the reaction.

I am sorry, Please for your understanding.

>> No.7215999

Even if you line up at the store to reserve, you aren't guaranteed you can reserve due to a limited number of pieces

>> No.7216001

No it's one DRESS and one headpiece per person. Even more restrictive

>> No.7216009

I can just see them kicking back with their pop corn, eager to view the blood bath

>> No.7216014

That's what I'm going to do since I'm broke. Hoping to find it next year for around retail.

>> No.7216021 [DELETED] 

I hate to be the one to tell you, but this reserve is too limited to negate the resale value of MSND by much if at all. Only the widely available rereleases like VR or the ones Angelic Pretty comes out with bring down the going price. You're still looking at $500+ once this shit's gone.

>> No.7216030

I hate to be the one to tell you, but this reserve is too limited to negate the resale value of MSND by much if at all. Only the widely available rereleases like Vampire Requiem or the ones Angelic Pretty comes out with bring down the going price. You're still looking at $500+ once this shit's gone.

>> No.7216041
File: 44 KB, 374x374, 1353068766850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friends are going apeshit over this Midsummer reserve. And now there's that Moitie Royal Gate, basically an Iron Gate rerelease, and from what I gather in another thread, AP is rereleasing Sweet Cream house? Juliette et Justine also just rereleased the Crucifixion dress.

It's odd that all the brands are rereleasing prints right now. I'm sad that I'm not participating in any of the excitement, though. I don't want any of these things.
>that feel when you're invited to the party but it's not your kind of party

>> No.7216044

>Juliette et Justine also just rereleased the Crucifixion dress
I was actively wishing for this just a couple of weeks ago. Alas, MSND takes priority.

>> No.7216052

I'm afraid these things mean the brands are financially troubled.

>> No.7216054

Huh, I was under the impression that it would be a fairly large release. Ah well, I'll survive. Absolutely nothing compares to VR, shit was released something like 3 times wasn't it?

If Royal Gate wasn't fucking flocky and I wern't broke, I'd be all over it.

>> No.7216057

Midsummer was rereleased (reservation reopened) three times on its first release because it was so damn popular.

VR was only rereleased once (black and red), with blue as the new rerelease color.

>> No.7216066

I take it you haven't been paying any attention to the threads? This shit is cray. Not only are they in low amount, but they're limited to one dress (not even one of each variation, just one dress period) and one head piece per person. They had to give out lottery tickets to girls at the store where they did the pre-reservaton because way too many showed up. They even apologized on their website because they're predicting they won't have any store reservations left after it goes up tonight.

Also, VR was rereleased once (at least that I know of) but they made a shit ton, someone told me they made more of them than the original. Either way, it was enough so that it didn't even sell out on reserve.

>> No.7216073

>Midsummer was rereleased (reservation reopened) three times on its first release because it was so damn popular.
Fuck, I had no idea.

AatP has come out with a surprising amount of really popular prints in the past few years. I remember way back in the day when not a lot of people were particularly into that brand.

>> No.7216078

So is no one going for the BABY print at all then?

>> No.7216084

Only to the rerelease specific ones, so I did catch that they were limiting things to one dress per person. I did miss the bit about the lottery though, that's AP levels of crazy right there.

>> No.7216107

I have no idea why that one won out of ALL the other dresses. I was desperately hoping for my little red riding hood or snow white :/

>> No.7216111

Same. I'd have loved to get Snow White.

>> No.7216112

I have to agree I really wanted snow white to win too.

>> No.7216113

Going to try for one, probably going to fail. All three shopping services I contacted sent the same "sorry, will try Saturday, but can't promise anything" email, so I'm kind of beating my head on the desk. I should have gotten in earlier, but I'm an idiot.

>> No.7216134

Oh god, I sent a message to my SS days before they even listed the Reservation. So glad I did.

>> No.7216144

I figured the usual no-limit style would be in place, but nope. Really strict this time. Apparently the limit of 1 dress per person is lifted at midnight, so people may luck out tomorrow, but I'm not holding my breath.

>> No.7216153

Well good luck, Anon. What colour/style are you going for?

>> No.7216154

Midnight is when the reserve starts.

I think you mean midnight tomorrow.

>> No.7216161
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>> No.7216166

I'm not sure what you mean.

17:00 = being 5:00pm in Japan and 7:00pm my time. The exact phrase used was "The restriction will be lifted at midnight tonight", so I assume that the shopping service meant midnight in Japan is when the reset is, such that they can go back on Saturday.

>> No.7216167

No, it lifts Midnight JST, it starts 5 pm JST.

>> No.7216168

the reserve starts at 5pm japan time? 17:00?
I guess it is 12am pst, and 3am est

>> No.7216169

Good luck, seagulls.

>> No.7216171

JSK I in black

>> No.7216185

Sorry I was thinking in PST...

>> No.7216187

Gotcha. It's all good. Time zones are a tricky thing.

>> No.7216188
File: 28 KB, 500x316, 1329709231967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, on the items individual reserve page it says it starts at 17:00
but on the main reserve page it says 18:00

>> No.7216189

Oh no thats for the baby release never mind.

>> No.7216199

Do you guys know if Baby asks the buyers to pay for PP fees? Also, is it really true that it's only one JSK? I was hoping to get both types. This is lame as fuck.

>> No.7216204

Yes it's true. One dress and hair accessory per person. And no, the PP fees are deducted from their end when you pay.

>> No.7216203

They usually take care of the PP fee, unless that's changed within the year.

>> No.7216208

Thanks you guys. It really sucks that they won't let us buy two since I wanted the JSK I in navy and JSK II in black. Since the example was JSK I and JSK II in navy, I thought that the color variation might be ok. It also blows that the page wasn't translated into English because I'm sure a lot of people will be making that mistake. Thank god for cgl because if I didn't see the thread, my order would have been canceled.

>> No.7216206
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30 min seagulls, 30 min

I'm thirsty but I don't want to have to pee.

I can't decide if I like this more or less then AP releases, at least I am not frantically waiting for my browser to go "C-C-CHANGES" for 3 days, but the server is going to be flooded all at the same time.

>> No.7216207

They'll probably overcharge on shipping to make up for that though.

>> No.7216211

Possibly. I haven't checked the actual postal costs on my parcels from them in a while, but they're usually pretty reasonable.

>> No.7216217

gah I keep my alarm clock 10 min fast to trick my groggy ass out of bed in the morning and it keeps tricking me into being more excited then I should be

>> No.7216220

It's okay, anon. We're all jittery. Those in the US are possibly extra-jittery from the caffeine.

>> No.7216222

Eastern Time, no caffeine, checking in.
Passing out as soon as I get my damned dress.

>> No.7216223

20 minutes!

>> No.7216225

I commend you on your clean living. The lack of stimulants in your system will hopefully allow your clicking finger to remain accurate and true.

>> No.7216227

eastern time also, all the caffeine, I have to stay up till 5am anyway to medicate my cat
Then I will pass out and sleep the sleep of many sleeps.

>> No.7216229

My cat is asleep beside me, mocking me. I hope yours feels better though!

>> No.7216233

So like, stupid question, haven't done baby reserves before, we don't need to enter payment info after we click reserve right? They e-mail us latter? I don't have to copy my credit card info?

>> No.7216234

Just refreshed. Site's starting to lag...

>> No.7216235

They email after, yeah. And they only take PayPal from international orders.

>> No.7216236

Nope, only Shipping Information and Email and such.

I've been getting a bit of lag on and off since around 2:00 EST... Kinda nervous

>> No.7216238

Same. Worried as hell. I won't be crushed if I don't get this dress, but I will be disappointed because I missed it the last time due to being too broke.

>> No.7216239

lagging a lot

>> No.7216237

Ok, good, thank you kind anon

>> No.7216241

I should be leaving for work but DAMN IT I'd never forgive myself if I didn't at least try to get it.

>> No.7216242

Yep. Lagging quite a bit on my laptop. NOOOOOOO. I don't want to miss out!!!

>> No.7216244

Your SS seems to be gravely mistaken. That limit isn't being lifted, where did they get that idea from?

>> No.7216245
File: 18 KB, 300x300, tumblr_mfgu53g0Yy1qze3rto9_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eastern time
Wow, sorry you had to stay up. California here and it being midnight is alright. No caffeine or anything. I fucking hope I get this dress though. JSK I in navy ha ha ha good luck me.


>> No.7216246

Ah the things we do for lolita!

I'm worried that JSK I will look awful on me. JSK II was so unflattering that I ended up selling it. I'd be bummed if I end up selling JSK I too, that is, if I'm lucky enough to get it.

>> No.7216247

It's an in-store service. I'm assuming that is what they were told by shop staff.

>> No.7216249

I keep debating about trying or not.... Arg..

>> No.7216251

I should add that they included the disclaimer that they don't believe there will BE any stock left by then.

>> No.7216252

don't its not worth it if you are not inlove leave more for the rest of us

>> No.7216253

Oh i'm in love, i just shouldn't be spending cash right now! ... but i'd spend more if i wait.

>> No.7216254


>> No.7216257


>> No.7216258


>> No.7216259
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>> No.7216260

My clock says 2:57. Time for the refreshing game.

>> No.7216261

gasp what if the red text won't dissapear and I won't know they're accepting now

>> No.7216262

holy crap the site is dying.

>> No.7216263

site is totally dying

>> No.7216264


>> No.7216265

I got to shopping cart page. COME ON, LET ME LOG IN

>> No.7216266


just got the sold out screen for jsk ii

>> No.7216267

fuck it keeps crashing on shopmaker

>> No.7216268

Shit. I'm probably going to get that too.

>> No.7216271

Missed it because of site errors. Literally crying right now. Good night, cgl.

>> No.7216269

i have jsk i navy in my cart but i can't get to the fucking pay screen

>> No.7216270

"access is concentrated"

>> No.7216272

Same. This is killing me!!! I doubt that Baby even has the whole "Will be in your cart for 5 minutes" thing implemented.

>> No.7216273


Now here's hoping I actually get it~

>> No.7216276


>> No.7216279

So has anyone actually managed to get one?!

>> No.7216281

shopmaker is totally dead...

>> No.7216280

Apparently not because I had one in my cart since the second it went up, but the site kept crashing before I could check it out and its gone.

>> No.7216286

I just realised that my phone number is off by one digit. Is there anything I can do to correct it? Email them or something or am I screwed?

>> No.7216283

I keep getting "unable to connect" on firefox

>> No.7216284

Apparently. They're all sold out.

>> No.7216285

it really is, we killed it guys.

>> No.7216287

same here arrrrghhh

>> No.7216288

I didn't even get the fucking pink box. All I got was a dead page from Chrome.

>> No.7216289


>> No.7216294

Everyone give up, everything is gone.

>> No.7216293

and now there's a 503 on the reserve page...

>> No.7216295


>> No.7216296


>> No.7216297

Basically what happened to me and my friends. :/ I had three people with it in their carts, and the site just DIED.

>> No.7216298


>> No.7216301

annnd I missed it.
Oh well.

>> No.7216302

All the jsks are sold out but they still have head bows
I find this sick and twisted, maybe there will be another reserve round?

>> No.7216305

Also how important is the phone number, I'm afraid now, guys.

>> No.7216303

FUCK for some reason there were 2 JSKs in my cart and somewhere in the repeated attempts to get the extra out of my cart it sold out. My corrected cart is taunting me now. Dammit Baby, fix your website.

>> No.7216304

So Shopmaker finally went through past the logging in page AND IT IS SOLD OUT. SO FUCKING BUMMED.

>> No.7216307

Happened to me too. Somehow got four in cart and it wouldn't let me remove any.

>> No.7216306

Exact same thing happened to me.I feel awful.

>> No.7216309
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>> No.7216310

hair bows are sold out too now.

>> No.7216314

The stupid thing refused to log me in until it's sold out.

I sent baby an order via email. If anyone else wants to do so, the instructions are here:

Hey, it's already all sold out, what have we got to lose? If enough people send email orders Baby might even reconsider increasing the stock.

>> No.7216312

In the same fucking boat, Anon

>> No.7216316

Same. It's still in my shopping cart but I can't buy it. I keep clicking and clicking hoping it goes through. even though I know it won't.

I was trying to reserve this for my friend. I feel fucking terrible.

>> No.7216317

This is so the opposite of the DDC release. Then every cgler it seems got one. Here we all are sad and naked.

>> No.7216319

That doesn't work. It's been done before.

>> No.7216323

I think Angelic Pretty makes more stock per release than Baby does. Ugh. ugh. ugh ugh.

>> No.7216320

Gonna rage buy something else now. Possibly JetJ's Jesus dress...

>> No.7216321

So, if we got the confirmation email, are we set? First time reserving with Baby.

>> No.7216325

Also, we are only competing with the international market when AP releases things
When baby releases things we get the Japanese market too.

I think my boyfriend is more upset then me, he now has no idea what to get me for xmass.

>> No.7216324

If you got one, you seem to be the only one. And I am really mad at you. I'm sorry.

>> No.7216326

That feel when you look at your cart and it is full of all of the attempts you made for the damn dress after it is sold out.

>> No.7216328


I know it won't. But like I said. What have we got to lose? Both jsks and ribbons are already sold out anyhow.

At least I let them know I want the dress and added a note asking them to consider restocking the dress. Gets a load off my mind that I already tried everything in my power to get that message across.

>> No.7216331
File: 179 KB, 589x564, 1311114420389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand, anon. I'm sorry.

LMFAO I don't know why, maybe it's a mix of the adrenaline and me trying to deter the eternal sadness of missing the reserve, but the bit about your boyfriend made me laugh really hard. That's sweet. I hope you get something else good for xmas, anon! Maybe MmM's Royal Gate?

I'm right here with you, guys. We tried. It will be okay.

>> No.7216333

All gone. My shop didn't get any at all.

>> No.7216334

Please stop showing up to school wearing these things.

>> No.7216337


>> No.7216336

Which shop, anon?

>> No.7216338
File: 27 KB, 460x334, 1288809659833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol wat

>> No.7216339

I now have an overwhelming urge to buy the replica as a protest.
Damn you BABY. I was willing to throw hundreds of dollars at you. I would have gotten two dresses had you allowed it. Instead you shun me and mock my naked pain.

>> No.7216340

Wow that is crazy that a japanese store didn't get any!

>> No.7216342

Yeah it was shocking. Not a single damn thing. They couldn't get the site to load.

>> No.7216343

I had a replica and sold it, because in my mind it didn't compare to the original a least bit. The print was washed out, the measurements were off and the details were cheap.

Now I have no replica and no original and I'm sad and defeated and have nothing to wear forever.

>> No.7216346

That really doesn't seem like a good model for the shop. You'd think each shop would get x amount for sure. Maybe due to their normal sales or something and then there would be some sort of additional pool for more/internet orders.

>> No.7216350

ehhh, it is cute but I think I am going to go with something off my wishlist for cheep of mbok whenever the chance arises and some ps4 games as I only got him 1 and we have beaten it and now need more to play.

He is crushed though, I've been laughing for like 20 min at his pouting. Ivory is my dream dress anyway so navy was settling so I'm not really that upset about it.

>> No.7216351

I sold one of my favorite dresses to afford this and spent $60 when you include shipping on a pair of AatP socks just so I would have an account for the sake of having a higher chance during the reserve. On top of that I have to be up in four fucking hours for a twelve hours shift at a restaurant the day after Thanksgiving. I kept thinking "it will all be worth it once you get MSND!"

All my disappointment.

At least I really fucking like those socks.

>> No.7216353

w-what socks were they anon?

>> No.7216356

I am ensaddened. The Black Friday midsummer massacre is a night that will forever live as a moment if pain, disappointment, and heartbreak for us all.

>> No.7216357

Good luck to you and your boyfriend with finding another nice dress then!

I hope the rest of your day goes better, Anon!

>> No.7216360

I wonder if that Baby re-release is going to be as crazy.

>> No.7216361

I got mad and sent Japonica an email to try to get a dress. Not sure if I'll win the auction. RAGE BUY RAGE BUY RAGE BUY FOREVER

>> No.7216364

The website is laggy... waiting to see if i get the jsk i want.

>> No.7216366
File: 27 KB, 480x640, 109P833-bsv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These. They go perfectly with Masquerade Theater in black. Ironically, a lot better than the actual MT socks do. I bought them to wear with that and Castle of Nightmare.

Also, I just got the invoice for them, it's only $41 total, not $60~ like I guestimated, so that makes me feel better.

>> No.7216368


I actually bought a bunch of stuff last month secondhand that hasn't arrived yet so am looking forward to that. And wearing that. Instead of Midsummer. Fuck this shit.

>> No.7216369

gaaarrr, i keep getting error messages.

>> No.7216371


>> No.7216373


>> No.7216376

Thank you for your kind wishes, Anon. I plan to attempt to use the money for something higher on my wishlist instead, so it will all be okay.

>> No.7216374

Finally got through -- got the jsk but not the bow. I can live with that.

>> No.7216377

Glad to hear it!

>> No.7216385

You reply to the confirmation email where they tell you the total and the PP address to send the money to, right?

>> No.7216387

Thanks anon! It's actually an item that's been on my wishlist for YEARS so I hope that I win it at the cost of how much I would have spent on MSND. I hope that both of us will own MSND eventually. Good luck to both of us with future purchases!

>> No.7216388

Thanks! It worked, thankfully things seemed to cool down for the baby items.

>> No.7216397

WTF, not the same amount of headbows as JSKs for the Baby release? Both dresses are still in stock for the colourway was was gunning for, but no matching headbow!

>> No.7216401

There might have been enough but some people may own the dress already but not the headbow and bought just that

>> No.7216402

Yeah you've gotta love that. What i find even more annoying when i was ordering my headbow was sold out and now it is back -- i don't want to make to orders. Last time i made multiple orders for the same release the girl asked me to try not to do that in the future. I don't want to get on her shit list.

>> No.7216406

Those scumbags. I hope with such a far off release date they might consider doing some more? It's doubtful, but I still hope.
I feel you man. I had the headbow open in a seperate tab, clicked reserve, and found the item went to a different cart than the dress! I freaked out and closed the tab, kissing the headbow goodbye forever....
I saw the pink headbow come up, like you said, and didn't get it for exactly the same reason.

>> No.7216417

If I had've known the dress was going to stay up this long, I would have gotten the headbow in the cart first :(

>> No.7216421

>huge lineups for tiny stock
its like saying apple is financially trouble... its not though, with what seems unlimited stock.

>> No.7216422
File: 30 KB, 240x320, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well there's this glorious looking thing still available lel

>> No.7216476

If I had the money, I'd definitely have gotten that instead.

>> No.7216560

Thank god I'm strictly gothic. This is totally my sweet lolita alter ego's drem piece and the last thing I need is something over a grand on my to get list.

>> No.7216805

Don't worry it'll happen. Just give it some time and then you'll start falling for AP

>> No.7216903

I would have been all over that had it been in a solid color

>> No.7216941

Managed jsk I in navy with barette. Thank you based Lolita goddess.

>> No.7216964

This is the second reservation that I've missed out on this year. Both because Baby's shopping system crashed when I tried to actually view the cart. I wish that there were a better way to reserve and may just have to suck it up and use a shopping service from now on, because I can't begin to express how frustrating the whole thing has been.

Unfortunate for many in the thread, I don't think I actually have to even try.

>> No.7217015

※Reservation start: At 16:00 JPT on December. 6
Don’t miss this special chance!
■110P203 The dream in a midsummer night jumper skirt I (Navy)/Period for the beginning of March, 2014 ~ middle of March, 2014.
■110P204 The dream in a midsummer night jumper skirt Ⅱ (Navy)/Period for the beginning of March, 2014 ~ middle of March, 2014.
※Reservation start: At 18:00 JPT on December. 6
Don’t miss this special chance!

>> No.7217025

Very nice! Hopefully this run will have a few more than last night.

>> No.7217026
File: 8 KB, 235x208, monkeh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you anon. Thank you for letting us know!

I'm actually going to reserve the Doll Coronet JSK, which is at 17:00 so that's good the Midsummer reserve is an hour later! There's still hope for us all!!

>> No.7217029

Wait, is it at 16:00 or 18:00?

>> No.7217033
File: 298 KB, 750x300, bana_750_300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone translate what this Sentimental Circus collaboration banner says here? I love SC!

Here is the link to the info, which google translate didn't really understand:

The bag will be available at those two bookstores, but then there's something written about the keychains?

>> No.7217050

Wait, so no black? Whatever, I'm sure I could find someone willing to trade colorways with me. I wonder how many of these there will be. Hopefully I don't experience the same crushing defeat as last night.

>> No.7217052

The banner says "Sentimental Circus 3rd Anniversary Costume Collection" Looks like the keychains will be a BABY/AatP in store special.

>> No.7217068

Oh okay thank you! I don't really want one of the keychains, but wasn't sure if I had to purchase a keychain to get a bag or something. Thanks!

>> No.7217079

Shop staff said there will be even less this time.

>> No.7217097

Wow. That is a crap business model.

>> No.7217122


>> No.7217127

Has it on the reserve page underneath the items.

>> No.7217298

Some participating bookstores will be doing a lottery (500yen for 1 play), if you play once you get a free shopper bag present. The lottery prizes are pictured down at the bottom, some plush, keychains, and pins

>> No.7217670

Wow, they are already sending out invoices... That was sure fast!

>> No.7217828

Yeah, wasn't expecting anything this soon!

So, who managed to snag something and what did they get?

Navy JSK I here. Forgot to grab a bow though.

>> No.7217841

Why are they shipping out the items so late if they have such small stock in the first place?

>> No.7218338

I just got one of the baby JSKs in black. It wasn't a high demand item. I also didn't get the head bow, even though they are still available. I don't want to be "that customer".

Good job snagging a navy jsk i! I tried for a black jsk ii but never got past the first screen.

>> No.7218340

I think they still have to make them.

>> No.7218355

Jsk I in navy with matching barette

>> No.7219251

Not really. By keeping the numbers so low, they're minimizing any chance at a decrease in the print's resale value, which keeps most of the fans happy.

>> No.7219255

>I also didn't get the head bow, even though they are still available. I don't want to be "that customer".

What are you talking about? If you buy a JSK, it's perfectly reasonable to buy the matching headbow.

>> No.7219257

Shit, I planned on wearing the dress to a con that's from 3/21-3/23. I doubt it would get here in time for it.

>> No.7219490

They've historically gotten mad at people reserving stuff from the same set in multiple orders. Better not to press your luck being an international shopper with Baby.