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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7204199 No.7204199[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Since there hasn't been one for a while, discussion about WCS 2014?

Who are the reps for your country? Are you entering your prelims in the next year?

I'd be more tempted to enter if the preliminary rounds in US weren't so tough.

>> No.7204344

Tough in what way, OP? Do you think the competition is too tough, or is it too hard to actually get to a qualifier?

My problem is the latter. Thank you, WCS USA organizers, for making it impossible for those who live on the west coast to enter without spending a fuckton of money. I think my partner and I would have a chance if we had a qualifier somewhat close to us. Colorado isn't cutting it.

And why haven't they announced the final round location yet? I feel that things like this should be announced FAR earlier than they have been the past few years. As it stands currently, it's too damn hard to try to compete with the lack of information and shitty qualifier locations.

>> No.7204490

A combination of both? I think I am just intimidated by the final choosing of the teams each year, they always appear to be flawless in craftsmanship and maybe myself and my partner aren't at that level yet.... Though saying that, a lot of the entrants are definitely less skilled and experienced than we are, so maybe we should just enter anyway.

And yeah, getting to any of the prelims cons with a WCS standard costume and set from Seattle is a living nightmare - not to mention if we got wildcard then we'd have to pay our own way to compete AGAIN. Such a pain.

Especially annoying when it almost seems that a lot of other countries just walk into the competition.

>> No.7204501
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Spanish Representatives WCS 2014

>> No.7204686

I don't think they've announced the west coast qualifier yet, maybe you'll get lucky and it's at Sakuracon.

Big country, and I doubt many cons want to/can afford to shell out the money to send WCS winners to the finals, I imagine. Kind of limits the choices.
Actually feel bad for the US organizers, gotta be quite a task putting a pricy competition together in an environment where nobody cares.

>> No.7204846

they probably won't have a west cost, they didn't last year. Seems like most people really serious about it are going to katsu

>> No.7205083

I actually liked their skit. I loved the parts with the flames and the coffin scene. It's probably one of the stronger skits I've seen yet.

I see myself willing to enter in a few years with some more experience under my belt and more money to be able to travel. I like keeping in touch with some of the previous reps and learning a bit about the kind of things to shoot for.

I think right now it sounds like unfortunately most WCS USA hopefuls from the west coast are going to make the trek to Katsu, but that is hell expensive.

>> No.7206097

>And why haven't they announced the final round location yet?

Anime Central is hosting the finals. They just sent out a newsletter announcing it today.

>> No.7206230


US WCS also seems to burn their ties with every convention they work with.

>> No.7206241

So WCS is at ACEN next year.

Is it bad that I wanna spend ACEN 2K14 highly liquored up and high on kush and fuck with the egostical WCS fucks?

>> No.7206445

Yes, I saw that this morning. I complained and poof! It was there. Maybe if I bitch more about there being no west coast qualifiers that'll magically happen too. Well, I'll keep my fingers crossed for myself and OP to get our chance one day, since ACen is only hosting the finals and not a qualifier.

Also most people who compete in US WCS are far from egotistical. Very attentive to detail, yes, but that doesn't make them egotistical.

>> No.7206470

Anyone think Syfy is going to try and get some of the HoC into the WCS?

>> No.7206525

wow, you sound fun. What are you going to do? Stalk them and tell them their costumes are bad?

>> No.7206567

We're doing all we can to keep Syfy away from Acen.

>> No.7206581

Lunaladyoflight is highly egotistical.

>> No.7207707

Who is "we"? Unless you're high up on staff...

>> No.7208273

So what countries have picked teams so far?

>> No.7208280

Oh god. HoC hyped the fuck out of shit like Emerald City Comicon I can't imagine how they would play up WCS

>> No.7208330

So what countries have picked teams so far?

>> No.7208347 [DELETED] 

So many of us try to like her, if only because she legitimately has no clue how obnoxious she is. The kid really needs to dial back on the WCS obsession, or at least stop posting every five minutes about it. Winning the Katsu qualifier really made her a legend in her own mind. If she'd spending herself into debt and focusing her entire life on WCS, she really ought to put some work into her physical appearance.

>> No.7208348

So many of us try to like her, if only because she legitimately has no clue how obnoxious she is. The kid really needs to dial back on the WCS obsession, or at least stop posting every five minutes about it. Winning the Katsu qualifier really made her a legend in her own mind. If she's spending herself into debt and focusing her entire life on WCS, she really ought to put some work into her physical appearance

>> No.7208869

Definitely, considering WCS is little more than a glorified beauty contest

>> No.7208871

Finland, Portugal, Italy, UK, Brazil, Spain and Germany that I know of

>> No.7208938

I thought I was the only person who realized how obsessed with WCS she is.

>> No.7209350

Any of them look good so far?

>> No.7210270

Having HoC involved in WCS makes no sense ... why would people from one tv show try out to be on another tv show. If it were a contest more like ECG I could see it happening. Thankfully I don't think it'll ever be an issue.

>> No.7210399
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>> No.7210400
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>> No.7210401
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>> No.7210403
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>> No.7210405
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>> No.7210407
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>> No.7210408
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>> No.7210434

is there video of their skit? I'm kind of surprised to see Miyuki-chan

>> No.7210448


>> No.7210449

the winning skit starts around 58:40

>> No.7210457

Can't be Brazil. They're always one of the last teams to be picked. Maybe this is a prelim team for the Brazil finals?

>> No.7210462

Not possible. Filming for HoC will be wrapped _WAY_ before Anime Central. Don't you guys know anything about reality tv production time? It's not a documentary that can afford to film and edit for years. If it's not ready in under 6 months, they'll run out of money and syfy will can it.

>> No.7210470

Honestly, don't enter. Or if you do, don't expect to win and do it for the experience so that next time you can win. If you don't think your skit will win, it won't. Competition in the WCS is insanely expensive because the bar keeps getting higher and higher with bigger sets, bigger tricks, and so on. Losing is EXPENSIVE.

Look at Fox Gloves Cosplay- they came back with a skit that would've taken grand prize in any other country EASILY but lost because Cupcakes killed it with big dresses and a giant set and a cool transformation. They probably put thousands into their costumes and set and flights to Katsu and Texas only to lose in the end. And that was with a finalist-worthy skit idea, costumes, and set.

>> No.7210473

>>7210470 Same poster here
Oh and obviously I speak from experience! I entered with a skit my partner and I were only pseudo confident had a chance of winning a prelim (we planned to upgrade it for finals) and of course, we lost to people who put in 100%. And we still wasted a LOT of money to attend the con, build costumes and set pieces, etc. We're taking a break this year until we have an idea so good we're confident we'll win.

>> No.7210493

that was awesome! very unique skit.

brazil's 2014 team was already chosen as well this year during the WCS 2013 preliminaries. Otherwise their preliminaries would get way too close to the finals this time. So they fixed it this way.

>> No.7210563

I thought fox gloves skit was really weak though. They had a lot of "tricks" but the actual story was boring, at least it was to me. I'm not a fate fan so maybe it was better if you were? I thought their winning skit from a few years ago was much better and it had way less going on. I think that's why cupcake did so well, their skit was simple and easy to follow.

>> No.7210707

their skit made no sense to Fate fans

>> No.7211074


ok that was adorable

>> No.7213551

I thought they were the runners up?
If they are the actual team, hell yes.

>> No.7215465

Do you have a link for the performance?

>> No.7215509

which one? The fate skit or the holic skit?

>> No.7215761

Both of them :)

>> No.7216105

Fate skit

Holic Skit

>> No.7216152

It sucks that Canada doesn't put forth a team or have a convention that hosts prelims

>> No.7216160

Last I head from a con that was trying to bring the WCS to Canada the WCS is no longer accepting anymore countries so we cant compete.

>> No.7216598

That doesn't sound right, considering the amount of countries that have been accepted in the last two years?

>> No.7217675


Could be temporary until they get control of what they have so far and work out budget considerations, or they just want to get the teams that are in observer status (the ones who come to Japan, but don't get to compete in the Championship) moved on to regular status before they open things up further.

Also, the show is pretty long already. Not sure how much longer they can let it be.


All competitions are investments of some sort. WCS just has the Japan thing tagged on. Take that away, and it's (almost) any other masquerade. You're still putting time and effort into making costumes, building props, and getting to and from the event.

All events are gambles...it's about what's worth it in the end. I don't fault anybody for not choosing WCS in the end, but at the same time, you never know how things will go...you may move on, or you may just learn a lot for next time.