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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 185 KB, 1094x730, the_kiss___kirito_asuna_cosplay__anime_sao__by_k_i_m_i-d6bpjrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7208779 No.7208779[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Before I start, obvious caveat that such things would be determined in clear terms with anyone involved.

That said, I've seen cosplayers kiss or otherwise get suggestively close at events before. Obviously some of them are couples/have established comfort zones, but sometimes I wonder if some people simply get really into character as part of an attention grab / crowd please thing. Have any of you ever pushed the envelope while cosplaying with someone you aren't seeing out of costume?

>> No.7208782

Why do people get in character? It leads to things like Deadpools acting "lolz teh random".

>> No.7208785

People who want to dress like Deadpool are going to be like that anyway; the costume is just an excuse.

...did you just trick me into answering my own question? I feel Jedi'd...

>> No.7208786

Yes countless times, and it's not even about kissing lol. Getting in character is getting in character, sexual or not.

I was cosplaying as a Pokémon Breeder and I would offer vitamins to Pokémon Gijinkas. They were skittles. Some thought I was trying to hock drugs on em. Some actually went along, discovered said tasty stat boosters and began to consume them and act as if their stats were getting pumped.

I'll go for broke and hope that others catch onto the joke or gag. If not, oh well, a good moment lost. If they do, then huzzah something funny for those who found it so!~

>> No.7208791

Because the personality of the character is just as fun as their looks. I'm sure if you saw someone cosplaying as Gaston not hamming it up by being macho it would be a bit of a disappointment

>> No.7208794

I thought getting in character was for autists and weebs or something

>> No.7208803


Yeah, I get that; I just mean getting into character past normal social boundaries. You can ham it up or hand out skittles or whatever in general irrespective of the costume (though it obviously helps), but you wouldn't generally do suggestive poses or kiss poses with a stranger outside of character.

>> No.7208830

I love doing photoshoots to bring the character to life. That being said, I've done numerous close, intimate poses and near kisses (but not real kissing) when it comes to couple cosplay. Most of the time it's with a cosplayer friend at a convention, but once I also did a romantic shoot with a cosplayer I've only met 10 minutes ago.

The pictures came out great, and I don't regret it at all. As long as the other cosplayer looks just like the character (to me), I don't mind doing close poses. It's just getting into character for the camera, for the sake of bringing the characters to life.

>> No.7208905
File: 98 KB, 300x300, hildafolk2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cosplay as Kenji from Katawa Shoujo
>Have a sign that says 'it's a conspiracy' to push it out that I'm not Harry Potter
>People ask what the conspiracy is
>Explain while in character (jokingly)
>People think I'm dead serious and get insulted
I think the whole 'feminism in videogames' has ruined it... or maybe I was -too- in-character.

Being in-character is definitely something you should practice and do though, it shows dedication. You just have to know when to stop when people don't go with it.

>> No.7208911

Tried it once. Was terrible at it. I am not an actress by any means.

>> No.7208925

I've been in character for some photoshoots and hallway photos. Depends on your partner and what everyone is comfortable with. I don't mind kissing and being kissed by people I know, but I don't like strangers kissing me and I wouldn't kiss them. There have been people that I would be comfortable doing pairing poses with after talking with them for a little while.

Don't be overly pushy, smell nice, ask politely. Back off if the asked doesn't want to and don't bash them if they don't like the pairing you suggested.

>> No.7208948

I can never take myself seriously. I like the characters and I love making the costumes but I don't want to BE that character. I'll usually stick to their temperment and use a line or two but otherwise meh. I can only get into it when I'm supposed to be an exaggerated characer like Isaac and Miria. That being said I don't like being completely out of character in costume. I still remember a girl cosplaying Miles Edgeworth one Otakon that was a fucking hyper ball of glomping and screaming and smiling. Calm the fuck down you're supposed to be the epitome of class and reasoning.

>> No.7208951

>getting into character
>Kirito and Asuna
But to get into character, there has to actually be something to the character in the first place.

Anyway, getting into character in general is really about reading the situation. If you're cosplaying someone dickish like Monokuma or Rohan Kishibe or something, then you probably don't want to get too in-character unless you're with people who know you personally or who obviously know the character. Likewise, you might not want to get too in-character with someone curt like Homura Akemi, lest people interpret it as aloofness. But beyond that, I feel like getting into character can be a lot of fun and can make things more enjoyable for spectators. That being said, fuck the idiots who use Deadpool costumes as an excuse to be lolsorandom.

>> No.7208961


Kenji was right.

>> No.7208962

I've attempted to be in character only if other people are being in character to me as well, and if there are people cosplaying as characters from the same fandom as the character I'm cosplaying as. Generally I try to avoid it though, I feel like it's something you either really need to dedicate to (and thus know your character well) or at least have a group so you at least you know for sure your character has other characters to interact with.

>> No.7208988

Not many people know about KS, so of course they're gonna take you seriously.

>> No.7208995

I'm laughing my tits off at this. I'm so sorry.

>> No.7209002
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Ahaha, that's hilarious. That's the downside to acting in character - if people don't understand what you're referencing then you just look like a tool.


>> No.7209008

you also look like a tool if you have no clue how the character acts or would respond to certain questions

>> No.7209045

I love acting in character. Outside of cosplay, I enjoy both acting and LARPing, so it's sort of expected.
I kind of wish more people approached me and asked me in character questions, or stuff, because sometimes I'll practice an accent and getting the character personality just right before the con, and then I never actually get to do it.

I've always wanted to audition for one of those "ask a _____" panels, but they always seem like they're for fandoms that are a little TOO crazy for me/things I'm not into.

>> No.7209085

Meh, I would if all parties were cool with it. But I wouldn't go and attempt it without asking first.

>> No.7209135

I only get into character for photos or if a fan of the character talks to me as if I was that character. It's kind of a depends-on-the-situation thing for me. The only difference is if I'm cosplaying a Disney Princess, where I try to be extra polite and sweet all day (no swearing, smiling a lot, perfect manners, lovely to everyone no matter how rude/annoying ). I guess it's silly of me but it does make people (especially little kids) happy.

>> No.7209142

> I guess it's silly of me but it does make people (especially little kids) happy.
This. Hell, I'll even act IC for the over-the-top weeaboos, just because it makes them happy.

>> No.7209156

When you act in character properly you can totally brighten someone's day.

This like was posted here a while back but this is why I love it when cosplayers act in character


>> No.7209187

Why would you want to make them happy?

>> No.7209197

I like cosplaying evil/crazy/douchebaggy characters because they're more fun, so I try to be super nice to everyone who talks to me. I'll be in character for photoshoots, though.

>> No.7209236
File: 171 KB, 550x438, shrug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, I'll get into character if other people interact with me in character, or for a picture, but otherwise I don't since it's easy to get into the obnoxious territory.

People just need to assess the situation and determine for themselves when it is and isn't appropriate.

As for kissing and getting raunchy for pictures... that's not for me. I'll hug you if you want or pick you up or something since there are other "cute" alternatives for pictures other than sucking face, but yeah.

>> No.7209240

Because as long as they're not hurting me, or being creepy or something, I'm fine with making them happy for a minute or two.

>> No.7209243

Doesn't that just enable them and prompt them to act creepy?

>> No.7209257

>this logic
It's my fault I raped her.
She was acting IC and cosplaying Panty.

>> No.7209266

Hence why you should avoid acting in character.

>> No.7209284
File: 18 KB, 626x551, Your mom's face when you told her you weren't a virgin anymore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You missed the point so hard.

>> No.7209699

Cartman from South Park is still the only costume I have, so when I reenact the voice and put the personality behind it, everyone I meet is like "dude, you're fucking awesome" and it just encourages me to keep going. I am only in character while i'm wearing that oven of a costume.

>> No.7209710
File: 55 KB, 720x540, 557120_10100527189714631_2138420044_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you don't constantly act like a piece of shit-eating trash
Also you sound nothing like Cartman.

>> No.7209736

Were you at Afest this year? I think I remember seeing you in the dealers room. Pretty good stuff.

>> No.7209770

This is hilarious. I would have recognized you and started a conversation immediately. I think Kenji is an example of one of those characters you really can't cosplay without getting into character. Without the personality, it just falls flat.

>> No.7210034

eh, I just go about my business unless someone ask me for a photo or to be in a video or in the random chance someone ask me to say a line or something.

>> No.7210206

I usually don't, because I think I'm pretty shit at acting and staying IC. Not to mention the constant fear of being called out by another for being OOC or something like that.

I just stick to only going IC in situations like >>7209135

>> No.7210213
File: 139 KB, 960x640, Stein and Kidd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually just limit myself to non-interactive character quirks nowadays. Like sitting in my deskchair outside and smoking as Dr. Franken Stein or nonchalantly thumbing through Black Butler doujins as Grell, etc. I used to get all in character but nowadays I'm always afraid of annoying people so I keep to myself. If someone comes up and wants me to have an in character conversation with them I'm usually all for it though.

>> No.7210225

That photo is so awesome. I love that you even have the chair.

>> No.7210236

Ha, thanks. It was actually make from a chair my (now ex) boyfriend found on the side of the road. Ah recycling~

>> No.7210242

*made. Christ how did I miss that.

>> No.7210247

You can always do IC partway too, like using well known mannerisms, such as Hinata's thing with pressing her index fingers together. I think IC can be fun if it's done right, and it doesn't make other people or yourself feel uncomfortable. Some cosplays I don't bother acting in character, either because I can't stand their personality or they're a jerk, but others I can because I really like the way they act or their personality is already quite similar to my own. I think whether you act IC or not has a lot to do with the character and and how confident you feel acting as them.

>> No.7210279

Well, it looks great. And that definitely uses the term "one person's trash is another person's cosplay prop."

>> No.7210443

Yeah, I had a lot of people recognise me and get it, but it was coming across the odd number of people that looked like they wanted to smack me in the face and rant off at me.

That's when you realize you should slide away.

>> No.7210512

This. If it's a skit, that's fine, or if you're just making a joke. People that go around the con acting like the character they are cosplaying are delusional.

>Autism speaks.

>> No.7210886

It's only really delusional if they actually believe they are the character. Some people go for different degrees of immersion in any hobby; it's only when they can't tell anymore or are otherwise incapable of stopping that they're actually delusional.

That said, it can be annoying if someone is using their character as a license to be a jerkass or an attention whore, so these people shouldn't be seen as delusional so much as what they are: jerkasses and attention whores.

>> No.7210891

What if their character IS a jerk?

>> No.7210988

I've always thought getting in character was lame. Most of us are shitty actors, look at any cosplay skit.

I'm ok with acting for a photo. That's fun and captures a moment so you don't have to be good at acting really.

I've been kissed by my character's husband and I was shocked cause I didn't see it coming but I was ok with it. We're adults. A kiss is just a kiss.
Once a girl I had met 20 mins before was dressed as one half of my otp so I asked her if she was ok with me doing a couple of suggestive close almost kissing faces. She was cool with it and it was fun. I'll admit though, I don't think I'm 100% straight cause I was just a smidge tempted. Must have been the otp-ness.

>> No.7211338

Then you can call them a jerk. It's who they are in real life if they act like a jerk while portraying a jerk, so it's a valid label.

>> No.7211374

That doesn't give you free reign to be a jerk like I can't even believe people have to ask this

Even worse are people who "interpret" a character to be an asshole so they act like one

>> No.7211377

You can have Jerk-ish moments but you should never go full jerk unless its being requested of you. The occasional sarcastic/rude comment in the context of a conversation is ok but if you just act rude the entire con then you're just going to be an asshole

>> No.7211450


Well, if they don't know who you're cosplaying, ask about it, and you respond in character clarifying nothing, they're not really going to respond positively. And you situation is worse because you're acting 'in character' as an obnoxious jackass.

I know I've had experiences where I've not known what someone was cosplaying, they assumed I did and started being in character or trying to be funny. Trying to start a normal conversation with someone and then have them ignore that and instead act like a cartoon character is awkward at least and kind of insulting at best because they're essentially ignoring your attempt at being friendly and instead want to be in their own world. Especially when you make it clear that you don't get it or know who they're meant to be.

>> No.7211469

Very into character, but I do it in a way that others know I'm having fun with it.

>> No.7211470
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I would have bought you a drink.

>> No.7212210
File: 151 KB, 791x593, FUCKYEAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would not take someone serious who looks like this and talks about female conspiracy. People have no humour anymore and feel insulted way too easily

>> No.7212799

OP here, it's actually nice to see a bit of variety in responses. I'm doing a cosplay at the request of a female friend (cosplaying as her character's SO), so I guess I'll just find out what the boundaries are in advance. I didn't want to ask before because I was afraid it was an awkward or dumb thing to ask, so now that I've seen some variety it feels less silly.

>> No.7212833

Where is this from? I'm dying

I guess if someone doesn't know you're in character, it's easy to be offended. People deal with enough basement dwellers and social rejects at cons

>> No.7212843

I'm just imagining this cosplay being a crazy weeb who doesn't understand how to be socially acceptable running around yelling shit at a con now.

>> No.7212845

>cosplay Kenji
>decide to go balls deep and hold a sign that says "Cripple the Feminist Uprising"
>have fogged glasses to block out the haters (and consequently be "legally blind" like him)
>people confront me, go off on inane babble about feminists being aliens sent to slowly destroy earth through social upheaval and crackshit like that
>people think I'm serious and laugh
>tell them I'll be the one laughing when we're all mindslaves
>get generally angry responses from everybody else though

In retrospect it was kind of maximum edge, but, eh, oh well. It made some peoples' con, but buttfrustrated some

>> No.7212847

If you read up the thread, someone said Katawa Shoujo.

>> No.7213451

>I guess if someone doesn't know you're in character, it's easy to be offended
It doesn't even matter if people know that youre in character or not. Don't get fucking offended at everything. Why would you care what some lunatic rambles about? Do you care about the insane 'priests' in the street saying the world will end soon? Just carry on and mind your own business

>> No.7218082

My personal favorite is cosplaying a character that you happen to be somewhat like (at least in passing). This coming year I'm doing Bertholdt in an snk group my friends wanted to do (yeah, i know, snk). It'll be a perfect fit because I don't talk much due to my social anxiety, and my normal facial expressions are distress, concern, and slight pained grimace. I'm also rarely out of arms reach of my boyfriend, who yes is going to be Reiner. It doubles as being a pretty solid gay couple cosplay.

Since I already mentioned snk, does anyone else feel like colossal titan cosplays are slowly becoming the next deadpool? It makes almost less sense to use as an excuse to be lolsotroll!!