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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 120 KB, 375x500, tumblr_ln6nryJaxq1qbrbjzo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7193571 No.7193571[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>cosplay and/or lolita?
>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your county, so on)
>other interests/hobbies?
>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
>other info

Helpful tips:
>post a picture of something you are interested in (or screenshot your tumblr archive and post that)
>state if you are in a relationship to ward off frillseekers and those seeking dat cosplay booty
>if you are male, stating that you are a single male is not going to get you many friends-it makes you seem desperate. keep it casual

This is a thread for active community members who cosplay or dress in lolita/j-fashion only, not a "find a qt lolita or cosplayer gf" thread. Please refrain from bringing up drama or personal vendettas. If you have a problem with another person keep it out of this thread.

Have fun, and good luck meeting other seagulls!

>> No.7193574

> frillseekers
shit opie I am so stealing that

>> No.7193579

>J-fashion, interested in lolita.
>Hobbies: sewing, baking, manga/anime

>> No.7193586

>cosplay and/or lolita?
21/F/ Thüringen, Germany (I'm on the right in the picture)
>other interests/hobbies?
Lifting, vidya, languages, literature, drawing, singing, gyaru
>other info
We can have dirty foreigner meets where we only speak English and refuse to integrate into German culture, it'll be gr8

>> No.7193587
File: 77 KB, 716x960, 1384523363241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow I forgot the picture hurr.

>> No.7193589

I didn't know if posting pics was appropriate lol. I'll link mine since I already posted it once today.


>> No.7193591

You're fucking pretty and your style is so lovely. I'm a bit jealous.

>> No.7193594

Well it makes people more likely to read your shit. If you actually remember to add the picture to your post, anyway, hurr. Also for lolitas people will probably feel more like adding you if they can't see you're not a kaWHY desu milanoo monster.

>> No.7193599

Fair enough lol.

Thank you so much! Shucks I'm blushing haha.

>> No.7193606


We can have dirty foreigner meets where we only speak English and refuse to integrate into German culture, it'll be gr8

>Wie wärs mit nein.

>> No.7193608

>dat greentext attempt
this is why we won the war m8

>> No.7193621

>cosplay and/or lolita?
>a/s/l ?
21, Female, Orlando FL
>other interests/hobbies?
The paranormal, horror movies, star gazing, outer space in general (a habit I picked up from my Significant Other), I’ve been leaning away towards anime lately but continue to watch it in a vain hope of finding something interesting. I find Bee and Puppycat delightful as well as Steven Universe. I’m not turning into a vegetarian… but I’m steadily growing fonder of limiting meat and dairy from my diet.
furfuu@yahoo.com/ Skype: monsterflunk/ Tumblr: bombasticlanguage
>other info: I already have a fella in my pocket, so I’m not looking for a relationship. I’m Hispanic, overweight, frizzy haired and I don’t participate in Lolita lifestylin’. I curse quite frequently~ I only do it when I’m excited. And apparently I get excited easily.

>> No.7193660

If you guys are interested in friends come join the /cgl/ group on G+. We do hangouts and it's a pretty great time.
The actual community thing is new but the people that hangout are pretty active. We do cosplay groups and stuff too.

>> No.7193677

who the fuck still uses that

>> No.7193720


People that don't like Facebook. You don't have to use it if you don't want to join the social circle there.

>> No.7193734

Hi, I'm
>>7192682 #

I don't have any friends who are into cosplay so I usually go alone to cons. I'd love to have some friends with the same hobby. I'm in San Jose but I go to LA cons also. If you're having trouble with your cosplays, I'll try to do what I can to help.

I'll probably join the G+ group later but I heard everyone there is mostly east coast?

>> No.7193868
File: 60 KB, 512x342, oy bruva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cosplay or Lolita
26/m/Toronto Canadia
>Hobbies and shit
Drawing and videography

Friends only pls

>random shit
I get pretty stupid wig hair, pic related

>> No.7193877
File: 55 KB, 640x960, Shirahoshi (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sewing, reading, drawing, vidya games (Especially animal crossing!!)
>other info
um hi

>> No.7193914


I'm the one in the brown dress on the photo!

>cosplay and/or lolita?
>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your county, so on)
22, F, Magdeburg
>other interests/hobbies?
Knitting, literature, animals, internet, drawing, adventuring
>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
mimisaurus on Tumblr and pretty much everywhere
>other info
Been quite lonely Lolita-wise since I moved and Magdeburg isn't really the most tolerant city, so it's been pretty hard to wear Lolita. Would like some more buddies to do silly things that aren't sipping tea or doing photoshoots. Been getting bored of those.

>> No.7193917


Oh, forgot to say that I can German pretty well. I'm still improving though, so I may constantly ask what things are called and stuff.

>> No.7193919

Ah, my Skype is

>> No.7193933

you lose weight?

your mayor is awesome

>> No.7193947

>other interests/hobbies?
I'm just getting into cosplay after attending Anime Boston for the past few years. My first cosplay experience was a lot of fun, but I feel my costume (despite all of the funds) didn't quite come out up to snuff. I'm stepping it up for this year!
Other than that, I do voice acting on my youtube channel and graphic design work.

>> No.7194093

>cosplay and/or lolita?
20/f/Los Angeles, California, USA
>other interests/hobbies?
music, singing, playing piano, paranormal, video games (3DS, PSP, Wii and PS3)
>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
add me on tumblr or/and facebook
>other info
I'm a shy but a hilariously random Peruvian American peep. so I'm still working on my social skills xD

>> No.7194127
File: 205 KB, 500x378, tumblr_mu8qp2lZJu1rwl20go1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay and/or lolita?
Lolita, but I do cosplay sometimes.
Vancouver, BC.
>other interests/hobbies?
Video games, anime & manga, Jojo, Metal Gear, building Gundam models, fighting games.
>other info
My dream is to find a loli friend that lives nearby or a loli friend anywhere to talk about Jojo with. Shoot me a message on tumblr if you wanna be friends!

>> No.7194486

whats your tumblr? I'll send you a message.

>> No.7194756 [DELETED] 

>cosplay and/or lolita?

>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your county, so on)
Montreal, Quebec, Canada (I'm doubting anyone else from MTL will post though since it seems most canadian seagulls are from TO.)

>other interests/hobbies?
Aside from obvious ones like anime, sewing, manga, and video games, I like horror movies, figures, hamsters, collecting skeleton keys, and I'm getting into gunpla.

>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
Email is in the email field. I don't use skype all that much but basementflower.

>other info
OP said to state if we're in a relationship, I am. Also, my French is terrible.

I'd add a picture but the most recent thing I've done was cosplay Lucina for Otakuthon, which I'm fixing up again, so I rather not.

>> No.7194762 [DELETED] 

>cosplay and/or lolita?

>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your county, so on)
Montreal, Quebec, Canada (I'm doubting anyone else from MTL will post though since it seems most canadian seagulls are from TO.)

>other interests/hobbies?
Aside from obvious ones like anime, sewing, manga, and video games, I like horror movies, figures, hamsters, collecting skeleton keys, and I'm getting into gunpla.

>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
Email is in the email field. I don't use skype all that much but basementflower.

>other info
OP said to state if we're in a relationship, I am. Also, my French is terrible.

I'd add a picture but the most recent thing I've done was cosplay Lucina for Otakuthon, which I'm fixing up again, so I rather not.

>> No.7194770

>cosplay and/or lolita?

>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your county, so on)
21/f/mtl (I'm doubting anyone else from MTL will post though since it seems most canadian seagulls are from TO.)

>other interests/hobbies?
Aside from obvious ones like anime, sewing, manga, and video games, I like horror movies, figures, hamsters, collecting skeleton keys, and I'm getting into gunpla.

>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
Email is in the email field. I don't use skype all that much but basementflower.

>other info
OP said to state if we're in a relationship, I am. Also, my French is terrible.

I'd add a picture but the most recent thing I've done was cosplay Lucina for Otakuthon, which I'm fixing up again, so I rather not.

>> No.7195047
File: 972 KB, 300x201, ZmNUxlk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay and/or lolita?
>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your county, so on)
eastern warshington
>other interests/hobbies?
dorries and um.... food and napping mb 2hu
>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
>other info
im a faggorton princess uguu

>> No.7195369

>cosplay or lolita?
lolita who greatly admires and respects cosplay and the effort put into it.

I want a cosplay (or anyone interested in jfashion) friend interested in lolita that I can play dressup games with, go shopping with, draw, share my clothes.. we can teach each other make-up skills.. talk about otome games, play 3ds with..
but until the diretide event on dota2 is over.. I wont be able to chat much asides from email.
I havent made a throwaway email yet, but when I do I'll update my post with more info.

>> No.7195408

>cosplay and/or lolita?
I am Lolita (Please forgive the horrible photo. I swear I'm better than this)
21/F/Yokosuka, Japan
>other interests/hobbies?
I fucking love to eat and play video games. I usually browse /v/ before I discovered this board.
check field
>other info
Oh yeah, and I have a new daughter so if you don't like children, that's fine. Just skip over me because I take her everywhere. Shes mad adorbs.

>> No.7195409
File: 201 KB, 471x704, picture059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7195412

There are some West coasters. Lots of people in Texas. We can still chat even if we can't go to ons together.

>> No.7195439
File: 225 KB, 1214x1214, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay and/or lolita?
Mostly Lolita, sometimes cosplay

31, , Yokohama, Japan

>other interests/hobbies?
Cross stitching, the unknown (deep sea, outer space, the afterlife), trashy talk shows, photography, traveling (can't really do much of that as of late), translation, Scandinavian metal, and probably other stuff that just isn't coming to mind at the moment

email is in the field

>other info
I'd love to make some Lolita pen pals to write letters to using cute stationery and stickers. I'm getting more and more confined to my apartment and it's driving me nuts.

Pic is of my latest tattoo from earlier this year.

>> No.7195498
File: 93 KB, 720x960, tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay and/or lolita?
J-fashion, cosplay, lolita
24/F/NYC (Queens if you really want to be specific)
>I enjoy cooking, drawing, crafting, sewing, manga/anime, video games, and card games.
Skype: r0yalmilktea
>other info
I can meet up in Manhattan or QCM. I don't really talk much outside the internet because I'm waaay too shy. We can go out for tea or just sit around and draw.

Do you have a Skype? I'm down with hanging out with you.

>> No.7195519 [DELETED] 

>cosplay and/or lolita?
>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your county, so on)
16, female, central Alabama (save me)
>other interests/hobbies?
Video games, internet in general, rarely I draw.
>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
>other info
uh idk??? hmu friends, id be glad to meet some people since ive yet to go to a meet.

>> No.7195524

Just a friendly reminder of 4ch rule #2.

> If you are under the age of 18, or it is illegal for you to view the materials contained on this website, discontinue browsing immediately.

>> No.7195539

meanwhile 11y old faggots browse/post in the boards

>> No.7195548

Who cares as long as they're not being twats about it?

>> No.7195556

same, yeah, sorry to the person who reminded me of the rules too. never read em. id look on ~*~tumblar~*~ for friends but a lot of people there are already too e-famous or scary sjws tbh.

>> No.7195562

tumblr thread.

There's some sane people on it. The ones I follow laugh at SJW's and repost their shit calling them out.

>> No.7195599
File: 107 KB, 638x960, 1384622325245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>cosplay and/or lolita?
Cosplay and more interested in visual kei than lolita
>>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your county, so on)
25/Female/Pennsylvania (western Philly suburbs/main line)
>>other interests/hobbies?
Drawing/painting. I also like playing music, but I don't do it often, for some reason. Also, I like just normal stuff like shopping.
>>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
Skype: king_bijou
>>other info
I moved to this area a year ago from Tennessee, but due to my work schedule, I can't attend Saturday events. I don't know anyone here or even what there is to do around here.

>> No.7195603
File: 117 KB, 408x464, white haired anime boy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets try again!
>cosplay and/or lolita?
Only cosplayed twice, first was ugh tier, second meh tier. Recently got into lolita and trying to build my wardrobe.
23, f, Yorktown VA (usa)
>other interests/hobbies?
Anime/manga weeb. I collect mostly pvc figs with random merch and manga on the side. Also getting into vidya.
tumblr - leeleekins, skype - leeleekins_2006
>other info
Have a boyfriend, I'm really just looking for a lolita friend that can give me tips/talk about frills & or anime/stuff in general. I'm originally from socal and I'm in Virginia because I'm in the military woooo

>> No.7195606


Hampton Roads actually has a really active Lolita community and they're all really friendly, drama-free folk! You can find them on facebook as "Hampton Roads Lolita"

>> No.7195632
File: 408 KB, 462x684, why would you say that.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl f
>0 results found

>> No.7195654
File: 43 KB, 512x384, Hey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20/M/NYC (Queens)
>video games, comics, writing (tons of ideas to put on paper now), urban exploring
>Skype: slayerguy234

>> No.7195719

no one wanted to be friends with valle-kun so they moved before the thread

>> No.7195800 [DELETED] 

>cosplay and/or lolita?
19/f/Los Angeles, Southern California
>other interests/hobbies?
league/tf2, animu, playing piano, drawing, recently getting into D&D as well
paffafashu on tumblr
>other info
have a boyfriend, just looking for other gyaru in the 626 to hang out with :3c

>> No.7195802
File: 2.01 MB, 1512x806, 1343645456656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay and/or lolita?
19/f/Los Angeles, Southern California
>other interests/hobbies?
league/tf2, animu, playing piano, drawing, recently getting into D&D as well
paffafashu on tumblr
>other info
have a boyfriend, just looking for other gyaru in the 626 to hang out with :3c

>> No.7195823

Thanks for the info! I was still hoping to make a friend here, I joined the group and there doesn't seem to be too much discussion and I'm not quite ready for a meetup yet

>> No.7195839


I actually moved away this January to Germany, but I really do miss them every single day. I'm the anon from this pic, wearing the brown version of the dress: >>7193587

Feel free to add me on facebook if you need tips and stuff before your first meet! I may not be local anymore, but I still have family there, so I'm definitely visiting in the near future. Also, I'm still in the group. Search for "Mimi Stormageddon."

>> No.7195857

Sent request, you look adorable btw!

>> No.7195907

Tfw nobody wants to be friends with you

Fuck my life

>> No.7196071

Be my pen pal friend, anon

>> No.7196307

You're a pretty cool dude, anon :)

>> No.7196339

>cosplay and/or lolita? both. I've been kind of wanting to get into lolita recently after browsing cgl for about 5 years.
>other interests/hobbies? video games, anime, fashion, kpop/jpop, makeup, animals, working out

skype: miisaamane
aim: sunnyflamezz

I'm just looking for some online friends who like cosplaying/lolita/etc. I'm a freshman in college and don't know many people who like anime or video games.

>> No.7196478

>cosplay and/or lolita?
curious about both but most especially loli
>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your county, so on)
25/f/Henderson (215/Eastern area of Vegas basically)
>other interests/hobbies?
normal stuff. I spend too much time on 4chan and am a bit of a robot (socially awkward, super shy)
>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
in field
>other info
I dunno, I'm super non judgemental and not full of drama. I don't have many friends or a car right now but I bike around a lot. I know there aren't many people here in my area but if you're interested in being friends, I love to travel and I'd actually meet up with you if we got to be friends, no matter where you live. Honest.

oh and frillseeker is the cutest thing ever. That. Definitely. Thrill and frill. Also, let's hike! I love hiking. Not that it's related

>> No.7196580

I added you on Skype :)

>> No.7196605

oops, forgot to post the email

>> No.7196768

>cosplay and/or lolita?
Lolita, primarily Sweet, but starting to add some classic to my wardrobe
21, female, Utsunomiya, Japan
>other interests/hobbies?
manga, art in general, reading, Languages, video games, cooking, clubbing.
>other info
Currently Studying abroad in Japan, hoping to meet fellow lolitas and maybe someone to practice my Japanese with?

>> No.7196798

>cosplay and/or lolita?
Interested in learning about both. New to this board and randomly lurking threads.
18, male, U.S.A.
>other interests/hobbies?
music, all art, reading, video games, 4chan, talking to people.
>other info
Just exploring this board for the next few hours to see what you guys do.

>> No.7196879

Added back! I'll be available this afternoon to talk and junk.

>> No.7196893

I'm in Saitama Ken near the Tochigi border (the Utsunomiya line is my regular line) and also a lolita! I recommend you join the Tokyo Lolita group! And also, there's another international lolita I know if who lives in Utsunomiya, if you join the group you can ask for her. Just search "Tokyo International Lolitas" on fb.

>> No.7196916
File: 220 KB, 343x492, 1383866119786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this where I can get a qt3.14 weeaboo gf?

>> No.7196926

naw nigga,RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN! These bitches cray!

>> No.7196928

Ok, browsed this board on and off for a couple hours so far I can summarize this board into
- Girls
- And a few creepy guys that stalk the tripfags that are female.
Also moot is looking for a waifu on this board.

>> No.7196947

all hope is lost. I made out with cosplayer once and for some reasone she always tryed to bite me, what's up with that?

>> No.7196951

she thought you would make her sparkle

>> No.7196958
File: 77 KB, 251x231, 1374749208135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I make a girl sparkle, anon-kun?

>> No.7196972

this a safe for work board so we can't explain that hun.

>> No.7196983

sounds to lewd for me anyway

>> No.7198761


>> No.7198762
File: 78 KB, 749x833, 1358651105370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay and/or lolita?
>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your county, so on)
20/F/in the 812 area code
>other interests/hobbies?
Vidya, politics, volunteering, doodling, graphic design
>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
4chan email is hundredacrerain@yahoo.com
>other info

>> No.7198764


where do you go to school at?

>> No.7198847

ive read of a few hifags but it may have been you before your trip

>> No.7199082
File: 583 KB, 960x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay and/or lolita?
Lolita, mostly handmade but I've got a part time job so starting to add some brand to my collection. Saving for an IW Oddment A pack in April!
19, East Midlands, UK
>other interests/hobbies?
Law student so I'm heavily involved in a lot of law-based extracurriculars. I also play piano and bake. My favourite hobby, although I haven't had much time for it lately, is sewing, particularly my own lolita.
Email in field, tumblr is libbypeaches.tumblr.com
>other info
I'm really looking for a penpal, I'd love to have someone to exchange letters and things with. I've looked at the live journal communities and they just don't seem that lively.

That said, I am currently very busy every day of the week due to uni + my part time job, so I'm maybe looking to write once a month, or start off with just email.

>> No.7199164

I love that fabric where did you get it?
Also just a heads up that it's really important to press the seam flat of your garment- it will look so much better!

>> No.7199217

Upholstery fabric discount shop, actually! It has all sorts of weird and wonderful fabrics in it.

I know I should have pressed the seams, but I was in halls and the ironing board provided was mangled in Freshers Week. It does annoy me, because I know the dress could look better!

>> No.7199846
File: 210 KB, 1234x639, archive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay and/or lolita?
lolita, occassional mediocre cosplay

>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your county, so on)
19, London Docklands, UK

>other interests/hobbies?
sewing and costuming (my degree), languages (although not so much recently), I sometimes like to compose music, watching animus, and I play an awful lot of Pokemon

>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
Email in field, tumblr is in-trutina, skype is shiny-dunsparce

>other info
Uh, I have a bf. I think that's the only important thing?

Hello fellow UK loli! I like the idea of having a penpal too (although I'm also pretty busy so once a month is quite enough for me). I shall shoot you an email in a little bit.

>> No.7200372

You live a town away from the Gore[thier last name] couple that caged and starved their 5 year old daughter.

I'm in virginia too...

>> No.7200417
File: 69 KB, 1000x960, totoro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay and/or lolita?

19 /F /Southeastern PA, USA

>other interests/hobbies?
I play a lot of vidya, if you want to play online I'll play Borderlands 2, , TF2, Portal 2 and any sort of free fun Garry's Mod... mods on PC, Halo 4 and Halo Reach on ErxBerx. I like to read, I'm a bit of a movie addict.

I also love to cook and bake. I will spend the whole day cooking a meal just to cheer someone up. I'll surprise you with cookies, cakes, and candy if you're feelin' down. I'll make you soup when you're sick. I'll make you an entire cake just for the hell of it.

gamertag is Locksmistress
Steam ID is Broberheim
Facebook is also Broberheim

>other info
I'm nearly unoffendable
I'm really irresponsible
I'm horrible at saving money
I'm get attached to my friends easily; but I'm not clingy
I'm in a relationship
I have three cats. I love cats.
I still live with my parents, but hope to move out by next summer with my boyfriend.

>> No.7200447

I had my trip from SoCal to Nevada to Hawaii in the span of nine years.

Pretty sure it wasn't me.

>> No.7200778
File: 674 KB, 500x273, tumblr_mbhfkuEh6M1rdhu6fo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG Seriously?! This is so fantastic. :) I'd love to meet you as well as the Utsunomiya lolita.
and I did send a message to one of the admins of that group, but I haven't heard anything since. Is there a certain time where they look through join requests?

>> No.7200779

oops, forgot to say, email attached

>> No.7202052

email is in box.
I'm in the LA area.

>> No.7203415

did I do _fluff? thats the right one. underscore fluff. cant check on mobile.
this thread needs a bump anyway.

>> No.7203424

Probably off topic but is most of cgl female? Never really come here and I just don't feel that there are many guys

>> No.7203425

We're all gaybois.

>> No.7203434

Fuck off.

>> No.7203441

We are mostly guys

>> No.7203506

Quiet nigger

>> No.7203513

/cgl/ is just more upen about being female.

>> No.7204788 [DELETED] 

>Cosplay and/or lolita
Cosplay, lolita and j-fashion.
17/F/Central Okanagan, Canada B.C
>Other interests or hobbies
Drawing, skating, swimming.

>> No.7204791

>>cosplay and/or lolita
cosplay only (if I didn't have big bewbs I'd dress in qt lolita clothing)

19 Female / Houston, Tx

>>other interests/hobbies?
I love to paint, make random things to go in my apartment, manage a small vintage etsy store, watch anime

other info:
I'm switching my major from Architecture to Speech Therapy. I'll have more time to spend with family and friends, and work on things I enjoy doing - such as cosplay

>> No.7204794

accidently posted too soon, on mobile.
anime, j and k drama, makeup, videogames.

>> No.7204796


>> No.7205079

This is only for Americans?

>> No.7205096

No, there are people from plenty of countries posting in this thread, if you'd take a minute to scroll through.

>> No.7205239
File: 29 KB, 600x450, choppa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would very much like if a beautiful cosplay girl would gently touch my penis while watching Witchblade on slow-mo.
Interests: Voodoo and pirates
Dislikes: Oatmeal and hygeine

>> No.7205245

What size are your tits?

>> No.7205287

My nigguh.

>> No.7205367
File: 115 KB, 702x558, yooshi is suspicious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, time for you to leave.

>> No.7205372

Shippou get the fuck out for the last time.

>> No.7208312
File: 2.07 MB, 1600x838, Sheep Heavenly Archive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to post in the offchance that someone might be looking through this still.

>both cosplay and lolita, newbie loli
>video games, programming, general crafts
>i also like trying new things
>tigrefunk at gmail
>sheep-heavenly at tumblr
>i would love a sort of mentor into the lolita world if at all possible, i'm also a college student at the moment

>this cosplay booty and babbyfrills are not available for romancing

Pic related, is my Tumblr archive. This isn't my whole personality in a nutshell but its a lot of the media I like, as well as my go-to for conversations.

>> No.7208317

any oklahomies?


>> No.7208322

>video games fashion anime
>skype: felechtr
>other info: im 130lbs

hey :-)

>> No.7208343


I live pretty close to Oklahoma.

>> No.7208350
File: 1.99 MB, 1536x864, chokawaii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dabble in J-fashion and cosplay, mostly lolita
21/F/LV, NV
Video games, books, gardening, biking, drawing. I'm learning how to play the bass and I work in theater. I'd like to get more involved in lolita, knitting, watching more anime...
My tumblr is just a mish-mash of all the cute things I see.
Feel free to shoot me a message. I'd love to meet a lolita bud to sip tea with.

>> No.7208356
File: 962 KB, 1280x800, 1385272537998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome, I sent you an add on steam.

>> No.7208358

yeah, despite knowing quite a few femanons on there personally, you know no one's going to admit to being female on boards like /pol/

>> No.7208381

>cosplay (and getting into lolita)
>other interests/hobbies?
baking, sewing, video games (mostly nintendo stuff), comics, some fandommy shit
>other info
would be cool to know some local seagulls, I know there's quite a few of you around (but i've somehow missed every con meetup for the past couple years through complete and utter bad luck)

>> No.7208385

eh, probably not close enough.
I'm in Tulsa

>> No.7209120
File: 266 KB, 450x253, nichijou.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That is just a little far. I know there's only like... two conventions in Oklahoma too during a good year

Do you ever go to the Texas ones?

>> No.7209151 [DELETED] 

>cosplay and/or lolita?
>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your county, so on)
23/f/Charleston, SC, USA
>other interests/hobbies?
Art, crafting (mostly fibers stuff, like embroidery and needle-felting), fantasy stuff, video games, getting back into anime a bit.
>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
emain in field!
>other info
There's no other lolitas really in my area, I went to school in Savannah so I got used to having a nice comm, and then I moved back and there was nothing, so it would be nice to know someone into the same stuff!
Also if anyone is interested I'd love to have a sort of penpal to send crafts and letters and such back and forth.

>> No.7209152

>cosplay and/or lolita?
>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your county, so on)
23/f/Charleston, SC, USA
>other interests/hobbies?
Art, crafting (mostly fibers stuff, like embroidery and needle-felting), fantasy stuff, video games, getting back into anime a bit.
>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
emain in field!
>other info
There's no other lolitas really in my area, I went to school in Savannah so I got used to having a nice comm, and then I moved back and there was nothing, so it would be nice to know someone into the same stuff!
Also if anyone is interested I'd love to have a sort of penpal to send crafts and letters and such back and forth.

>> No.7209276
File: 63 KB, 640x453, 1382590332312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay, maybe a bit of J-fashion.
> 18/female/Bay Area and Los Angeles
>Running, playing piano/guitar, combat sports, cryptozoology/alium encounters, nope stories
>elaethyr@gmail/elaethyr/no tumblr
>I've been lurking for a few years; it would be nice to have fellow seagulls to talk to about things. I'd also enjoy just listening. :3

>> No.7209306
File: 140 KB, 656x737, lets go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay and/or lolita?

>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your county, so on)
18/M/Michigan (Oakland County)

>other interests/hobbies?
Dancing, vidya, writing, bad movies, getting out, beginner /fit/izen, and anime. For cosplay, I've been delving into armor/big prop making.

>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
Just made a mule for this, I'll get you my other contacts as we talk I suppose (trying to elude the few people I know irl that browse here)
sonochino@gmail.com (e-mail and skype e-mail)
(No webcam, only mic. Praying Santa is kind this year.)

>other info
Having a prop building, cosplaying, and/or dance partner would be awesome, but I'm up for just chilling with some vidya online or whatever. I'm going to Shutocon with a few undecided costumes, shit's going to be cash.

>> No.7209349
File: 48 KB, 800x600, ideas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>cosplay and/or lolita?
19/F/Norcal, Fanime area
>>other interests/hobbies?
Crafts, sewing, drawing, studying, casual gaming
x10134@hotmail / Volcanofag / no tumblr
>>other info
In a relationship. I study a looooot. I have a small collection of magazines along the lines of Pop Teen and Kera.

>> No.7209436

Why are the only posters from Michigan male.
I'm never gonna have loli cosplay friends.

>> No.7209479
File: 339 KB, 947x600, myteams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay and/or lolita?
18/M/Huntington Beach
>other interests/hobbies?
Huge into sports, anime, cars, astronomy, and music
skype: kanadelove619
>other info
The only cosplays Ive ever done I have bought, but I would love to learn how to make my own cosplays. I'd love to talk to people from all around the world.

>> No.7209523

I-I can still be your loli, Anon-san

>> No.7209531

I'm originally from Oklahoma, considering moving back. 24/f, e-mail's in the field if interested.

>> No.7209550

>all these beta males
pls leave
only alphas

>> No.7209954
File: 91 KB, 500x667, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mostly lolita but trying to get back into cosplay
>toys, model kits, baking, and cosmetology
>i can get yo' hair did for cheap
>email/AIM in field

>> No.7210014

It can't be helped.

Though, speaking personally, being male and being a loli cosplay friend isn't necessarily mutually exclusive I guess?

>> No.7210101
File: 78 KB, 768x1024, 1385360627334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay and/or lolita?
Cosplay, but I really want to get into lolita. I have a JSK and socks only right now.

21/f/Orlando, Florida

>other interests/hobbies?
anime, figures, pokemon [a lot lately, actually], 4chan, drawing will hopefully return for me once I get a new tablet

>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
aiichu on tumblr

>other info
I'm in a relationship.

>> No.7210176

>cosplay and/or lolita?
Lolita and jfash.
>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your county, so on)
21/f/NYC (Manhattan)
>other interests/hobbies?
I'm more excited for the Wolf of Wall Street than Christmas, currently watching Misfits and American Horror Story, and finally getting around to playing Katawa Shoujo. In general, the standard 4chan mix of film/television/anime/vidya.
>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
Email is tackynailpolish.bro@gmail.com. Skype is frilliest, but I rarely go on.
>other info
I usually go to NYCC and Otakon. I think Dr. Who is overrated and Primus sucks.

>> No.7210376

Have had some success making friends in these threads in the past so giving it a go.

>cosplay and/or lolita?


>other interests/hobbies?
Anime, vidya, manga, mecha, toku, figure collecting, cats, playing sports but not so much watching them

Rodimus1138 on skype and tumblr

>other info
I generally end up going to cons on my own, so I'm just looking to make friends in my area, or if you're out of state and want to talk shit from time to time that's cool too.

>> No.7211110

Can't share clothes with a male.

>> No.7211117

I fit into my girlfriend's clothes, so that's not always true. Though, it's exceedingly unlikely I'll be buying any frilly stuff for myself, so I guess it still doesn't quite work.

>> No.7211137

Believe me, flattering on me will not be flattering on them.

>> No.7211273
File: 42 KB, 430x547, il_570xN.121692281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay and/or lolita?
jfash and occasional cosplay
>other interests/hobbies?
cooking, studying languages and reading, fashion and makeup, watching old movies, photography, about to get a sewing machine for zakka projects
>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
>other info
Married. Hope this doesn't sound weird, but I really wouldn't like any (more) male friends, don't want to freak out my husband. Plus there's not enough people in my life that want to get girly and glittery with me.
Oh, and I play Animal Crossing a lot and love Professor Layton games. I hope that covers it.

>> No.7211279

Married at 20 years old?

>> No.7211293

Yes. Out of love, believe it or not, not pregnant or all the other crap people generally assume.

>> No.7211327

That's sure to last.

>> No.7211449


>seeking alpha males on a japanese anime image board with a focus on dressing up and acting out fantasies.

>> No.7211464
File: 58 KB, 540x516, 1385444280429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So judgmental.

>> No.7211474

>looking for the loch ness monster

there is no such thing as alpha or beta in humans
it is pseudo-science based on an outdated theory that applied to wolves.

>> No.7211489

Different anon, but come on. Marrying at age 20, an age where people hardly have their lives figured out and they already somehow figure out who it is they want to spend the rest of their lives with?

>> No.7211493

Statistically speaking, it ends in divorce. Humanly speaking, no need to be condescending and rude. It's also a sensitive area for me because I heard the same shit when I got married at 18, but after 10 years we're still going strong.

>> No.7211495

>"I really wouldn't like any (more) male friends, don't want to freak out my husband"
yeah this marriage is gonna burn

>> No.7211500

Yeah, marrying at 20 is fine sometimes but no male friends ever is pretty sketch.

>> No.7211505


married at 20, it's been six years since, don't listen to these people, if you know what you want, you know what you want

>> No.7211571

I just never knew people married that early, I always hear people waited at least until their late twenties, when they have some idea of structure to their lives first (a decently paying career, managing a place to live, and so on). I am convinced that anyone marrying younger than that are simply doing it "for love".

>> No.7211616

confirmed for ladies in dead-end relationships who are terrified to leave those relationships because of the 'sunk cost' of all the time they've put in

>> No.7211617

>if people are married for a long time and haven't broken up yet it's because they want to break up but are too scared to.

You may be right in some cases, but it's possible to still like someone after 3 months, anon.

>> No.7211623
File: 49 KB, 500x353, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My entertainment for the evening. Married at 20 years old? No really, what were you thinking ? If you love someone and are going to be with then long term anyway, why marry so young ? Couldn't wait until your late 20s/ early 30s??

>> No.7211646

don't you sound bitter

>> No.7211671

>but no male friends ever
Original post:
>any (more) male friends
This is implying that she already has male friends.

Meeting guy friends on the internet when you're female is tricky. I've had too many failed attempts where I'm straight up that I'm taken and that's that, but it doesn't get through. When you're talking to someone online, it's easy to make someone out to be some manic pixie dream girl. (This goes both ways!) I've had guys who break down and say that it's not fair to know that I'm spending the weekend with my boyfriend. They block me and never speak to me again.
I've had a couple of problems with bi/lesbian girls too. But I guess they're used to the dammit-she's-straight rejection, so they weren't very dramatic about it.

So a straight girl or a gay guy is a lot easier to start a friendship with, since you don't have to deal with wondering if they're going to fall for you and think they have a chance.

Not to mention is blocks the temptation to cheat. Like I said earlier, it's easy to imagine someone behind the screen who isn't there. And it's easy to pretend to be someone that you're not.

>why marry so young ? Couldn't wait
Maybe legal benefits? We don't know how long they've been together either.

> terrified to leave those relationships because of the 'sunk cost' of all the time they've put in
Jesus, I hate people with this mindset. You're having a terrible time with him, but you've been with him for 15 years, so you should be miserable for another decade? Breaking up at that point doesn't make everything before a waste of time. You can still have good memories from the relationship. Staying together after realizing it's futile is the waste of time!


>> No.7211682

>lonely neckbeard whining
I don't understand why guys post in this thread. Is it to impress girls? Do you know why no one ever replies to your posts?

>> No.7211683

just as a random example, i got married at either 20 or 21 so my friend could immigrate here. We're still married but dating our respective boyfriend and girlfriend. Works out fine.

>> No.7211722

Married-anon here.
Okay, things seem to have gotten out of hand here, but this is 4chan so what did I expect.

First, thanks for your concern about my love life, but I have been dating my SO for a long time before we got married, and only got hitched after it was clear that neither of us want to be with anyone else. I don't judge you if you fuck someone else every day, so please return the favor. I don't want to date anyone else. I dated other people before, and I'm done now. Not interested. Capiche?

Second,we did this because things are easier if you're married, so why wait if you were going to marry that person anyway? Why in the hell would I marry in my late 20s if I already know who I'm gonna marry? Because everyone else says so? And why in the hell would anyone stay in a bad relationship for this long, AND THEN MARRY?

Third, I didn't want any MORE male friends, meaning I have plenty already. As I said, I don't have enough female friends, and don't want to talk to seedy neckbeards I met on an anime board. I know enough of them irl.

Not like I haven't been asked these things before, but hope that clears it up. Cheers.

>> No.7211742

Ugh, I'm from Kamloops....hoping to find someone in the cariboo region
>cosplay and/or lolita?
Mostly cosplay, though I own two lolita dresses
>other interests/hobbies?
Horseback-riding, anime/manga, video games, drawing, writing, whiny music and tattoos
>other info
I wish to find someone in this god-forsaken place that enjoys the things I do and can be loli or dress up and have fun

>> No.7211746
File: 62 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mwrlc2o6f41qb54aoo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay and/or lolita?
21/female, queensland, australia
>other interests/hobbies?
art, building model kits, gaming and origami
in the field
>other info
in a relationship
love rock music particularly rammstein
im a super picky eater
im shy at first but as soon as i warm up to someone i become super cuddly and grow out of my shell
when im bored i love to either watch anime or play online games
i have a dog and a bird. my bird is in the picture

>> No.7211748

dropped email durr

>> No.7211922

I like you. GL

>> No.7211941

I wish when people said they liked video games, they'd state what kind of video games. ;_; MMOs? RTS? Casual? Console or PC? There's so much, the type of demographic is like so vast between genres. It'd be nice to know before going through the trouble of messaging, lol.

>> No.7212104

>no one ever replies to my post
>4 people replying to my post

>> No.7212144

For some people, its all of them.
I'm the Seattle/WA anon, and literally everything but FPS because I suck. I mostly play RPGs, MMOs, "beat em ups" like DMC, and whatever is on sale when I log onto Steam/go in a store.

>> No.7212889

>literally everything but FPS because I suck
I hear you. I enjoy them sometimes if they're single player when my suckiness doesn't matter as much, but FPSs stress me out. Playing with other people is out of the question, and even sometimes single player my suckiness gets to me and I feel bad about it

Or when an enemy comes near, I jump a little bit, which makes my mouse fly around, and suddenly I'm 180'd and don't know where the enemy is anymore and I'm dead

I'm just going to play something calm like Fez for a bit...

>> No.7212964

>cosplay and/or lolita?
>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your county, so on)
18/f/ seattle
>other interests/hobbies?
photography, cooking, eating, neighborhood exploration, cycling, video games (I pretty much like to try most games except RPGs. I never was able to get into that. My favorite is Borderlands and Sengoku Basara and I am currently playing Senran Kagura Burst and Pokemon X) and whatever else
>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
ninjagal6 atgmaildotcom
>other info
I'm still really new to seattle and I am still looking for people to connect to and of course, sewing parties is super fun

you said you are a college student. Where are you? I'm at UW

>> No.7212982

You two going to Sakuracon? If you pick up your tickets before December it'll be cheaper

>> No.7212993

Woohoo yes I am. Exempt I will be getting staff badge because I'm doing costume repair station. Yay UW costume club~

>> No.7213021

Oh, neat! Are you going to be cosplaying?

>> No.7213031

>cosplay and/or lolita?
Cosplay though would love to cosplay as Kei Yuuki from Moyashimon
>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your county, so on)
20/M/LA area
>other interests/hobbies?
Love 2hu, animu, mango, and also stuff related to my major (IR)
>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
old email from elementary school: dragon_lordz2@yahoo.com
>other info
I'd like some friends to go to cons with. I usually go with my HS friends though but would love to be friends with some cosplayers as well.

Also, makeup help pls

>> No.7213046

Yep! Well maybe not seriously while I am on shift because I don't want goop on my cosplay.
I just moved from Santa Monica but I'm back fairly often. I'm currently in IR major and it looks like we have a lot in common. I can teach you some make up
When I come back for winter break if you would like

>> No.7213098

Great! I assume you attend school in Seattle? Or did you permanently relocate?

>> No.7213127
File: 2.22 MB, 397x277, suddenlypenis.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I met up with a local seagull today through a similar /cgl/ friend thread. It was a little awkward at first-- I kept knocking shit over like a spaz. Overall it was a good experience. Three cheers for not being raped and murdered by a stranger from 4chan!

>> No.7213131

I met my boyfriend from 4chan. It's been a year and a half. Good things do happen here! I hope that you two become good friends.

>> No.7213132

Aw, I want to meet local seagulls in the NYC area.

>> No.7213134
File: 570 KB, 360x246, angst.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so many seagulls in your area
>too anxious to send any of them a message
>not one has emailed you either

>> No.7213136

That's awesome! Congrats, anon

>> No.7213141

Where are you from, anon?

>> No.7213144

this was me

I'm also OP

I've emailed a few people but they suddenly lost interest and never messaged me back.
I wish they said why ;_;

>> No.7213145

people think a thread like this is a good fun idea but become bored with it quickly.

Or they have a hard time talking, and find their conversations awkward or forced.

>> No.7213354

Yeah, they're really fun at times, but they have to give me a HUGE handicap. I'm talking Mass Effect's autoaim or how TF2 is just one giant shitfest of bullets. I''m decent at TF2, but I play it casually. Its funny to listen to people get so mad about how whichever team is losing, like this looks like a game for 10 year olds.

I haven't played FEZ, but I'm breaking into indie more and more. I've more hours logged into The Binding of Isaac than I want to admit.

Hell yeah, I'm currently organizing people for hotel rooms. I should probably pick up the ticket though, haha.

>> No.7213871

I go to SCC, I'm emailing you now!

>> No.7213880

It wasn't you, but I got too nervous to email my potential friend.

>> No.7213925

I emailed you!

>> No.7214181

Me too! Good luck on finals!

>> No.7214240

whats your email anon?

>> No.7214263
File: 347 KB, 489x467, 1383652096839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>22/m/NJ and DC
>vidya, politics, music (metal but other kinds) guns, animu, photography, conventions (obviously), I party hard
>Skype: everythingends91, kik: mrboneswildride email: allthedrpepper@gmail.com
>other stuff
just don't be a sperglord

>> No.7214752

Yoooo fellow SCC? Good luck to you as well :)

>> No.7215256

We should have a seattle area seagull meet up! Well probably after everybody's finals ( read: like January)
But it would be great to meet all of you.

>> No.7215270

>cosplay and/or lolita?
New into both.

21/ female/ Tacoma (45 minutes from Seattle), Washington (US)

>other interests/hobbies?
Gaming, drawing, writing, reading, I want to learn to knit and make clothing, fashion design

>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
adroitmacii at gmail (it may say Nymphadora but its for something else)
thedoeeyedmonster for skype

>other info
Not the romance type but I like cuddling. I'm mostly just looking for more friends from around the area to hang out with. I'm new into Lolita and I'd like some more experienced lolitas to not only be friends but to help me grow as one as well.

>> No.7215331

New to /cgl/ 10 minutes new
>cosplay and/or lolita?
>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your county, so on)
18/M/NZ Happy to be more specific Later
>other interests/hobbies?
Music, Science, Technology, Anime, Really want to get into making AMV's, Oh and Vidya
>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
Other Email: Sevendeadlysins@hotmail.com
>other info
Only cosplayed twice, once from FMA and another as Nicholas D. Wolfwood
Doubt there's anyome from NZ :L

>> No.7215375 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 500x333, 112121231313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay and/or lolita?
I barely cosplays but really I want to wear lolita.

21, male, So-Cal

>other interests/hobbies?
I don't have time for these now a days :(

>other info
works at sephora.

>Not looking for a relationship, been there done that. we're too young for that.

>> No.7215388
File: 51 KB, 500x333, 112121231313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay and/or lolita?
I barely cosplays but I really want to wear lolita.

21, male, So-Cal

>other interests/hobbies?
I don't have time for these now a days :(

>other info
works at sephora, male-to-female, Life has been difficult..

>Not looking for a relationship, been there done that. we're too young for that.

>> No.7215483

That would be great, I was actually thinking about that this morning! I'm still a little surprised that there's even so many, I didn't expect it much at all.

>> No.7215574

So you are currently transitioning or not yet? Also if you're good at makeup I would like some help

>> No.7216855


what do you need help with?

>> No.7218852

Just the actual application. I still suck with tutorials

>> No.7219547

I never got anything, anon.

>> No.7219697


I'd like that too! Do you guys do anything with the Seattle Lolitas Comm? I'm a member but I'm too shy to do anything with them.
It doesn't help that a lot of them are gorgeous and I've started at a snail's pace

Doing a seagull meet would be nice since it includes the cosplay part as well

>> No.7220495

I have never dabbled in the Frilly arts so I can't say that I have. Not really sure how a Seattle seagull meet up would work since there are lots of interests going around and I'm not sure what percent of us are of drinking age. Maybe a restaurant or something

>> No.7221812

where are you coming from in SoCal?

>> No.7222130


I'm at the USC area

>> No.7222263

>Search "Calgary"
>Crushing loneliness and despair, when there are no posts for Calgary, a 2.5 million person city, and I'm... In a dinky ass little town an hour away.

I'm pretty sure I am the only anime / video game loving dork in this entire town. It's soul crushing at times.

>> No.7222645

I met my girlfriend in one of these threads! It's been a bit over half a year.

>> No.7222650

I bonded with my boyfriend over 4chan, it's been a year and a half for me as well!

>> No.7222654

So many happy 4ch couples. Also met my SO here. Been with mine over two years.

>> No.7222692
File: 93 KB, 650x487, 1332541515062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay and/or lolita?
Both, mostly sweet lolita, begining to cosplay

18/f/ NY. Long Island to be specific

>other interests/hobbies?
Hula-hooping, cooking, makeup, drawing/painting

email's in the field.
skype - genghis_kanye
my tumblr isn't really /cgl/ relevant so I won't post that.

I'm working on losing weight & getting fit. I'd love to have some people to talk to about cosplay plans, conventions, fitness, brand releases, stuff like that.

>> No.7223019

Lets try this again...

>cosplay and/or lolita?
25/m/Columbus, Ohio
>other interests/hobbies?
Getting muh masters in city & regional planning. Finals week is here! I love to travel, eat food from local places, cook, read, and anime and manga
email address is in the email field. my tumblr handle is ricardoedwards

>> No.7224086

a bit far!
I'm in the Newport Beach area.

>> No.7224101

My normal area is Ontario though I just go to school there

>> No.7224104

Halle hier.

>> No.7227546


>> No.7227548

Hello im sugar daddy i want to spoil you and buy you clothes please leave me your contact info.

>> No.7227585

>cosplay and/or lolita?
>a/s/l ?
21, Female, Austin TX
>other interests/hobbies?
Love cooking, camping and hiking, going shooting, the paranormal and picnics
Femanonnyc@gmail.com (I moved here from NYC) tumblr is atropineatrocity
>other info: I have a fiancé.

>> No.7227597
File: 222 KB, 902x509, kobraj3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I added you to Skype. We're having an Austin meet-up, so maybe you'd like to talk about it?

>> No.7227600
File: 326 KB, 919x1300, ooohhhmakio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 result

Hey, let's be buddies~

>> No.7227604

Email me please! I don't have Skype :(

>> No.7227623
File: 82 KB, 1280x720, cobraja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, fine. I have done so.

>> No.7227678


my email address is located in the email field if you want to contact me

>> No.7228085

OP here
me too! we've been very happy together

>> No.7229082 [DELETED] 
File: 198 KB, 634x672, 1334301359380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its rainy here in socal.

I would love to spend time with someone today at south coast plaza.

>> No.7229089
File: 198 KB, 634x672, 1334301359380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its rainy here in socal.

I would love to spend time with someone today at south coast plaza.

>> No.7229234

I haven't been to South Coast during the Christmas season. How is it?

>> No.7229239

want to find out together?

>> No.7229243

I'd love to but it's the period before finals right now so I'm too busy at the moment..

Do you have an email that I can reach you though?

>> No.7229253 [DELETED] 

Oh definitely and yes! It is already in the field.

would anyone else would like to meet up? the sky gleaming with time still ticking.

tick..tock.., tick..tock..

>> No.7229256 [DELETED] 
File: 473 KB, 279x256, rolling.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh definitely and yes! It is already in the field.

would anyone else would like to meet up? the sky gleaming with time still ticking.

tick..tock.., tick..tock..

>> No.7229261
File: 473 KB, 279x256, rolling.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh definitely and yes! It is already in the field.

would anyone else would like to meet up? the sky is gleaming with time still ticking.

tick..tock.., tick..tock..

>> No.7229517 [DELETED] 
File: 499 KB, 500x281, tears1111222.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7229523
File: 499 KB, 500x281, tears.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the day is almost over
but I-I just...

>> No.7230362

I'm from Houston too and only a bit older. Q..Q Be my fwiend.
I'm such a loser. OTL

>> No.7230414
File: 102 KB, 800x1000, RE_REV_UE_hunk_121219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not many Australians here...
21/m/Melbourne, eastern suburbs.
I just do military type cosplay but I'm interested in other stuff too.
I'd appreciate it if some experienced cosplayers could show me a thing or two about crafting small stuff, I'm terrible at that sort of thing.
Pic related is my main thing.

>> No.7230470

shhhhhh I'll email you.
but I can't drive. and I'm shy.
and we'll probably only ever meet at AX because I'm scared and weary of people

>> No.7230481

nvm I backed out I'm too skittish

>> No.7230491
File: 134 KB, 600x900, 113_20121124233119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone from Spain here?
Like cosplay and the part that I enjoy the most about that is the make-up and wigs. I'm also on j-fashion.
Also love reading manga (mostly shojo manga) I go to every con I can afford travelling to.

>> No.7231275


Hey, I'm from Spain too. Huge weeaboo too, and I'd like to have a partner to travel with.

Here's my email, just if you want to talk.

>> No.7231316

Are you in the Melbourne Cosplay Community? If you ignore the dramallama teens, it's a very good place to ask for help, especially with crafting.
Though, make sure you ask for pictures of their past work, you don't want help from one of the morons with superiority complexes.

>> No.7237089
File: 24 KB, 358x400, 1333560559218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7237129
File: 33 KB, 500x500, h9F3BA756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay and/or lolita?
Cosplay but have done some lolita but nothing serious.
>other interests/hobbies?
Crossdressing, video games, unicycling, exercising and acting.
Nightspear@hotmail.com. I dont feel really super well about giving out my real name here (I have it in both my ordinary e-mail and skype name so) but you can always reach me through the e-mail adress I typed in.
>other info
I have been crossdressing for 3 years which is twice as long as I have been cosplaying. I am a decent cosplayer but I am trying harder now to improve and working right now on some props for a new cosplay.
I have been in a circus for 10 years and 8 of those years I have been training unicycling.
I play a lot of LoL, WoW, Hearthstone but occasionally some WC III, Heroes III, Populous and Bastion as well as some Borderlands and Osu! My sister stole my PS2 away from me.
I watch some animes and only read a bit of manga since I have lost a bit of interest but I am trying to keep up.
Other than that I am pretty average.

>> No.7237140

I'll anywhere near Sweden,but you sound like a really interesting person to speak to! Can I email you? I'm a fellow video game fan.
It would be nice to talk, if you want.

>> No.7237141

Meant "I'm not anywhere near Sweden"
Frick, it's 9am here

>> No.7237172
File: 448 KB, 500x280, dewy eyes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, of course! I put the e-mail there to hopefully get one so I will gladly talk to you!
capchta: interested tsevemo

>> No.7237178
File: 39 KB, 300x137, 3982057293.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay and/or lolita?: Both but now I am more into lolita. I hardly ever cosplay anymore
>a/s/l: 20/Female/ Eldersburg - Maryland USA
>other interests/hobbies? I'm currently in college getting a degree in arts (useless, I know) hopefully steering towards photography. I love birds - Especially small fat ones. I also love video games and most every type of music
>email/skype/tumblr: I left my skype in the field
>other info: I'm looking for a veteran seagull who wants to take me under their wing as a newbie lolita. I'm just starting in the fashion and I would love someone to partner with, teach me and guide me!
I originally lived in England my whole life. I've lived here in America just over a year now. I'm searching for some friends that share my interest, basically.
I also just love to randomly talk so if you're up for that instead, go ahead! I like to talk to all kinds of people. There are a few people I talked to in the last thread but I lost the emails - if you see this, please get back in touch - I didn't forget you!

>> No.7237255

How's the lolita community in Sweden? I'm thinking of going to Stockholm next May/June after my study abroad trip is finished (if I get accepted into the study abroad trip).

>> No.7237270

As far as I know it's pretty good as long as you stay away from Pastelbat. She is pretty much a bitch since she got a tiny bit of e-fame. She is really easy to recognize as well because imagine a perfect lolita length and then bam, a mans face just slapped right on there + she is built super masculine. Her shoulders are even bigger than mine (which doesnt say so much but still). All the lolitas I have met are super friendly and some of them arent super serious but they have fun non the less.

>> No.7237375


>imagine a perfect lolita length and then bam, a mans face just slapped right on there + she is built super masculine. Her shoulders are even bigger than mine

Are you a fucking walking corpse, then? Pastel Bat is tiny. If you want to dislike her for her attitude, that's fine, but don't talk out of your asshole. There's people I hate more than people like her, and that's people like you.

>> No.7237409
File: 78 KB, 600x400, past.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no need to be upset.
As I said in my other post that it didn't say much if you have broader shoulders than me.

>> No.7237603

Oh hey not only are you in the same general area you're also around same age :V

>> No.7237671
File: 140 KB, 500x467, 1382400446694.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay and/or lolita?
Lolita but I'm looking into getting into cosplay
21/female/Land of the Dutch, Rotterdam to be exact
>other interests/hobbies?
Sewing, kimono, casual gaming, cooking/baking, bjd
>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
Email is in the field.
>other info
Last time I was too chicken to actually reply to anyone, sorry about that. Currently studying criminology, living the single life and not really enjoying it I guess, the single life I mean not the criminology part. Did a minor in neuroscience recently which was pretty damn awesome. Not much else I can think of right now. Shoot me an email and I'll actually reply! Or so I like to think

>> No.7237736 [DELETED] 

>cosplay and/or lolita
17 female vernon b.c.
>other interests/hobbies?
anime, manga, videogames, painting, drawing, shopping.
reply and ill give it.

>> No.7242674


>> No.7243787


you two are close i think

>> No.7243825
File: 2.72 MB, 2448x3264, 20130821_234016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay and/or lolita?
Cosplay and Lolita
19/F/South central WA
>other interests/hobbies?
Drawing, writing, scultping, cooking
>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
kurage.hime on skype
>other info
I'm just looking for other lolitas/cosplayers in the area. I'm bad at making friends so having something in common with someone here would be pretty great. Would be nice to go to radcon with someone I don't hate.

Single, but gay, not a frillseeker. Into tomboys.
I guess... just have a picture of the yotsuba figure I put together.

>> No.7243856

>tfw probably no cosplayers going to A-Kon that browse /cgl/

>> No.7243881
File: 38 KB, 591x400, 1004592-Fernand_Braudel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come looking for a lolita dominatrix in TO
>one local person and he's 2gay4me

>> No.7243929

>cosplay and/or lolita?
>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your county, so on)
23/f/tn, usa
>other interests/hobbies?
drawing, writing, parapara, tokusatsu
>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
tumblr: meltybunny
>other info
I'm not a very good lolita but I'm a good friend? Do I sound as pathetic as possible? Good.

>> No.7243967
File: 1.22 MB, 1190x765, tumblrArchive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay and/or lolita?


>other interests/hobbies?
drawing, collecting anime figures, watching old kung fu/samurai flicks, baking, video games, singing

email in the field, and I hardly use skype, but corkyboard is my tumblr
friends only please

>other info
I can make a mean chicken curry and I like to bake for local seagull meetups. Plus Saber is my homegirl.

>> No.7243974

Not from your area really, closer to SF but wondering if you would like to play LOL sometime?

>> No.7244013

>cosplay and/or lolita?
Lolita, I don't cosplay but do enjoy it.
18/F/CA 408(fanime area)
>other interests/hobbies?
Video games, DS, ps3 and League mostly. Make up, shopping and cats.
>other info
Sort of new to lolita, looking for someone to share interest with and hang out with since Ive yet to meet a loli friend, I'm a bit shy :/
I have a son so I don't get out to much anymore to wear lolita since the friends I have arent into it, so yeah really just seeing if someone in my area would like to chat see where things go I really want to get into wearing lolita out in public more.

>> No.7244039

gurrrrrrrrrl I'm all up in milpitas we could hang some time

>> No.7244128

I feel like this is katy.

>> No.7244133

I just moved from there, I live near campbell now. Email me (:

>> No.7246146

>cosplay and/or lolita?
boystyle. I would like to cosplay with someone if I can.
24/M/Georgia (Atlanta)
>other interests/hobbies?
retro vidya, dance, and a lot more.
>other info?
Would like to be close friends with a lolita or cosplayer. It's fun talking about the fashion and I wish I can do more stuff with them. With the cosplayer, I would like to doing cosplays with them or just talk about anything really. I'm a bit introverted, but know when to turn it off in social settings. I'm skinny and I'm Asian too.

>> No.7247308
File: 575 KB, 1272x1094, its raining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no rain today , no friends today.


>> No.7247324
File: 68 KB, 634x356, cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to suck up my social anxiety and email you because I want a /cgl/ friend too!

>> No.7248508 [DELETED] 

Are you Nia?

>> No.7248514

I am sorry... but are you n-nia?

>> No.7248547

I'm from Hawaii. You wanna hang out and talk shit about itas i'm all down

>> No.7249081 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 251x231, sadbear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is raining again...

>> No.7249088
File: 24 KB, 251x231, sadbear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's raining again...
where are my friends?

>> No.7249136

Hey Olivine. I don't know if you always hang in loli at scp, but if this thread/similar is still around next week, I'll probably be in the area.

>> No.7249255

I work there, so I can just hang out with someone before my shift starts

>> No.7249404

Oh? Where do you work? I'll come say hi and try not to be so awkward. I just assumed you're a lolita, but do you cosplay or do both?

>> No.7249557

>cosplay and/or lolita?
>other interests/hobbies?
MMA, Filmmaking, Photography, Pie
>other info
I've never actually cosplayed but I've grown really intrigued, so I figured finding some experienced and like-minded people would be a good first step

>> No.7249559

shit, skype's jp.chico

>> No.7249574

Hey fellow anon. I live in NYC too. Were you thinking of getting started on cosplay? Have you been to a con yet?

>> No.7249615

I want to get into lolita ._.
email me.

>> No.7249625

you're in this thread bumping it more than anyone else, why can't you just fill out the form in op post, you'd more than likely get more responses, because just now, you seem like an anon desperate for attention whom has little to no details about them

>> No.7249658
File: 162 KB, 537x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay and/or lolita?
Wannabe for both. I just like making shit
24/f/ny (dutchess county)
>other interests/hobbies?
Baking, trying whatever stupid craft my heart desires, food network, say yes to the dress, table top games
In field
>other info
Engaged, spend a retarded amount of time commuting for work in NYC, love cats

>> No.7250229

Been to comiccon a couple of times, but never in costume

>> No.7250676
File: 157 KB, 516x702, shy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7250752

you're missing out, buddy

>> No.7250928
File: 762 KB, 750x782, Mary.(Ib).full.1127976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I want to slit someone's artery in their neck so badly!

but... I need a hug very badly!

>a/s/l (to be as specific as possible, also state that you are from the western/northern ect part of state, mention your county, so on)
I am from 318 (northern) region of Louisiana
I am 22
and I am MtF
(.... ;_; I hate my birth city so much!)

>cosplay and/or lolita?
>other interests/hobbies?
My hobbies in 1 video

>email/skype/tumblr (you can also put this in the email field)
>other info
My heart is always hurting!
I been bullied to hell online....

>> No.7250934


my fb is supaki4
so is my steam

shit i can give you my address and phone number!

I am just so sad...

>> No.7250947
File: 1.59 MB, 1500x1224, mary wwww35049506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My best experiences with random people on my long depressing internet career

>> No.7250977

We don't use letterfaces or wwwwww here on /cgl/

>> No.7250983
File: 456 KB, 671x997, mary><1377917648710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7251800


>> No.7251831


I'm way too excited about this.

Were you at Kawaii Kon?

>> No.7251915

psst email me back.

>> No.7251937
File: 1.72 MB, 1200x2093, 1305427651975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lolita mostly, some cosplay!
>21/F/Tx - Dallas/Plano area
>Drawing, movies, music, writing... really want to find someone to help me get my lolita shit together and help me make strong outfits
>Skype in email field; let me know who you are when you IM?
>Not looking to date, just want some cool friends

Have a nonsensical Harry Potter picture I saved because I could never fucking figure out what was going on

>> No.7252506

>cosplay and/or lolita?
19f, East Midlands, England

>other interests/hobbies?
Cats, fashion, art, art history, dolls


>other info
Just looking for a friend to talk to and share similar interests I guess

>> No.7252610
File: 264 KB, 500x676, tumblr_mb6ang8Irb1r8j9yro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay and/or lolita?
19, Female, London, UK
>other interests/hobbies?
Art history, online shopping, sewing, avoiding studying, baking, vintage manga
>other info
Looking for some new people to follow and talk with

Followed! What kind of art history are you interested in?

>> No.7252671

Do you use g-chat at all?

>> No.7252752

Velázquez and Toulouse-Lautrec are my two favourite painters

>> No.7253395

>cosplay and/or lolita?
Both, but more lolita.
25/F/Iowa-Illinois border.
>other interests/hobbies?
Video games (Animal Crossing, TF2, Guild Wars 2, Pokemon, etc.), drawing, internet, cats, learning Japanese, science, reading, writing, etc.
>other info
There are like no other lolitas near me. The nearest larger comm is 3+ hours away. HALP

>> No.7253456


I'm military and a few of my friends and I are getting into cosplay.

I come here because I'm fascinated by cosplay/lolita. I'm not a pervert or anything, and I don't want to wear it, I'm just genuinely interested in this stuff. I love reading about fringe hobbies, etc.

There are some truly interesting people here.

>> No.7253463

>cosplay and/or lolita?
24/f/TX (Central)
>other interests/hobbies?
Books, sci-fi, movies, comics, travel, cooking, art, museums
in field
>other info
Not single, but very interested in making new local cosplay friends!

>> No.7253526

shit nigga, I used to live in beckton last year but I finished uni and I'm home now.
Damn, I never came across another loli in the docklands area (the main london comm always seemed too far away for simple casual meets)

>> No.7253575

E-mail me.

Gonna try collecting a few SoCal seagulls so we can go after-Christmas shopping.

>my stats

6'0", thin
Like cosplay, wish I was a grill so I could be a pretty lolita.
I can drive (seems to be an uncommon trait on 4chan)

>> No.7253595


>> No.7253599

that seems shady as fuck, what are your interests?

>> No.7253612


>> No.7253616

>let me just round up a bunch of lolitas into my car to go "shopping"
>implying we will actually go shopping
>implying "shopping" isn't just what you call getting it on with rufflebutts
>implying me being weary on random anon men from 4chan makes me a pussy

>> No.7253617

voldie with you be my cosplay waifu

>> No.7253628

I cosplay. I would get into lolita, but it's not very flattering on men.
>cosplay of vidya
>can co-ord, but can't wear it

Also, it's 4chan. Everything seems shady.

>> No.7253731
File: 37 KB, 405x720, IMG_24931598709201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mystery of my identity can be unveiled through my blog . . . ?

Tumblr. . .

>> No.7253883
File: 361 KB, 720x660, 1382685775521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ATLUS, anime/manga/vns, toho, computer engineering major
SKYPE : wrigglewrigglewriggle
>extra notes
when i still lived in nippon i once tried cosplaying as suika but that's about it. I'd like to try again but it's kind of intimidating.

>> No.7253924

>cosplay and/or lolita?
19/m/South Germany
>other interests/hobbies?
Sewing, tea and biscuits, vidya, long walks on the beach, woodchucking
>other info
I play guitar for 10 years now, but ou won't ever hear me do it. Except maybe when I'm drunk.

>> No.7254127
File: 67 KB, 768x908, Img_02138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cosplay and/or lolita?
Mostly cosplay but own a few lolita outfits.
22 / trans / U.S. Las Vegas Nv.
>other interests/hobbies?
Art, guitar, digital music, classic horror movies, special effects makeup, etc
>other info
I have no life

>> No.7254421

playlist please

>> No.7255468


I don't even know what that is

>> No.7256138

Hence why I'm here, the New Year is approaching, allow plans to be drafted for the coming season!!

>> No.7256534
File: 46 KB, 834x463, no one on earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one to be with for new year's eve

...no one on earth...

>> No.7256699

Holy shit, stop whining

>> No.7256731

single male!
likes shooting guns
want friends

wat do

>> No.7256759


>> No.7256994

I have a feeling she'll be here next year..

resistance will continue with persistence..

>> No.7257037

its not even a she. its a trap. which explains all the desperation.

>> No.7257071
File: 959 KB, 1050x576, 1387858588124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I met my best friend through one of these!

>cosplay and/or lolita?

20/F/Austin, Tx

>other interests/hobbies?
Vidya games, animu, drawing. Idk I spend a lot of time just going to work, school, working out, and socializing. I haven't had a lot of time for hobbies recently.

Tumblr is batbooty. I would prefer to talk on there because it's really the only thing I check.

>other info
I won't be at Ikki and I'm really fucking mad about it.

>> No.7257443 [DELETED] 

How is it a trap, has anyone seen met the person yet?

Maybe it's just someone messing around.

>> No.7257445

How is it a trap, has anyone met the person yet?

Maybe it's just someone messing around.

>> No.7259611

she just said

>> No.7259724

she is MTF, not a trap...