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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 54 KB, 806x521, 1385199956091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7207352 No.7207352[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey hey folks!

I just realized I had some soon-to expire customer points with one of the suppliers I buy from, and ended up getting a bunch of stuff to use as Christmas gifts. I also ended up with some extra stuff that I don't need, but know others might.

That is were you come in!

After a most successful contest/giveaway on /tg/, I have decided to give back to /cgl/ for all the cool people I have met through it, and everyone who I was able to help with my babbling and advice. I have a couple of small but useful prizes to give away, and three ways to win!


(PS, if someone can make a better thread title pic, please do. Everything I try to MSpaint comes out terrifying)

>> No.7207353


>> No.7207359
File: 88 KB, 500x500, Ben nye clown palette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first two divisions each win the same prize: A Ben Nye personal clown Palette. Everything you need to create your clown face in one kit. Great for new clowns or for travel.

>0.5 oz. Creme Foundation Clown White Lite
>0.5 oz. Clown Palette (Black/Blue/Red/Yellow)
>White Eyeliner Pencil
>2 Latex Wedge Sponges
>3/8" Flat Brush
>3" 0.5 oz. Quick Cleanse Makeup Remover.

How do you win one? Its easy!

First, you can show /cgl/ your best clown face! Simple or extravagant. Silly or cutesy. As long as it fits your face and your character and has a timestamp, you can enter! The only person not allowed in this catagory is Russian anon who know who he is.

Second, you can share you best circus, vaudeville or carnival memory. Bonus point for pics!

>> No.7207366
File: 12 KB, 300x300, MysteryBox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I like it here, and your tears of anger and frustration sustain my being!

The third prize and contest is a doozy. I know that several of you have gotten into performing or charity work through my threads. This is awesome, and I want you to show off. Pictures, articles and videos of the anon's volunteering as clowns at hospitals or performing any circus or clown act that they have gotten into will win the official Gropey Grab-box of wonder.

Whats in the GGB? What isn't?! Makeup, props, gags, meatcleavers, sealed jars of pickled specimens, candy..... Whatever I think is awesome at the time. Safe to say, it will be sweet.

>> No.7207367
File: 70 KB, 500x384, 1348443547769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and please include an email with your submission, or email me with a copy of your submission so that I can contact winners and get stuff mailed!


>> No.7207395

And here I was thinking I was gonna be productive this weekend.. Why now of all times Gropey?

>> No.7207478

Posting in a fat clown thread.

Why is fat clown spamming off topic shit on /cgl/ by the way ?

>> No.7207545

Holy shit this is real! Sup Gropes!

>> No.7207553

Makeup is on topic.
Clowns were agreed on topic.
This is a giveaway for free makeup.
You're still being a terrible human being.


>> No.7207766

Does it come with setting spray?

>> No.7207806

please consider that gropey "joked" about molesting me before sending him your address!
be careful guys

>> No.7207838

And he could have actually have done so to any of the dozens of seagulls who he met at cons. He's a perfect gentleman.


>> No.7207848
File: 1.94 MB, 3264x1840, IMAG0480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>A clown named Gropey joked about molesting

What did you expect?

Also, as anon said above me, Gropey is a chill dude. He's always been helpful to /cgl/, I especially love his LARP threads.

Also, on topic: I can't into clown makeup, but have my puppy as the saddest clown for Halloween.

>> No.7207855

Because clownbro is going to go track seagulls to their home and rape them, rather than just pick from the willing fangirls that come to him, amirite?

>> No.7207867

>sad clown puppy
Thats adorasad and I wish to squish him with cuddles.

>> No.7207871
File: 467 KB, 1280x720, It's time, Gropey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wouldn't let Gropey do it?

>> No.7207930

I would but he only likes girls and twinky boys.

No bear cave cuddles for me.
>feels bad man

>> No.7208048 [DELETED] 

Fat clown, please, keep on your fat tripname. Makeup topics are okay but this isn't one, because clown makeup has literally fuck all to do with cosplaying characters who require makeup or lolita makeup. And even when it comes to cosplaying clowns, I doubt fatty here could tell you how to get makeup anywhere near as stellar as Harley's Joker (who is an actual cosplayer).

But hey, enjoy bumping your off-topic shit to make yourself think you're less of a loser.

>> No.7208086


Gropey swings both ways?!


>> No.7208125
File: 190 KB, 816x896, guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I am bored, and again, I had points that needed using.

No, but I don't see why I can't throw in a small bottle.

That wasn't a joke. I am going to molest you, and only you, in the back of my clown car while other circus folk jeer and throw crackerjacks at you.

Why is the puppy sad? That is adorable. I will take that as an entry if you want.

>> No.7208130
File: 594 KB, 249x214, Yesss talk dirty to me, Gropey.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am going to molest you, and only you, in the back of my clown car while other circus folk jeer and throw crackerjacks at you.

>> No.7208135

So it takes 2 reports for a post to get deleted on /cgl/ by the janitor.

At least something productive out of this thread after all.

>> No.7208147


>> No.7208152

Except you tried trolling me from that email before, friend. At least get creative.

>> No.7208169 [DELETED] 
File: 453 KB, 1500x2100, jay_hunter_morris__kelly_kaduce_in_fgo_pagliacci-photo_gaston_de_cardenas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok Matt, lets talk turkey.

I got your facebook, email and phone number and address.

I have your girlfriend, Yazy's facebook, email and phone number.

If you don't like clown time, hide the thread and move on.

The rest of us will enjoy ourselves.

>> No.7208175

What the fuck?

Gropey, you're kind of scary.

>> No.7208194
File: 75 KB, 800x516, 1385263692607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back on subject.

Clowning, stage makeup or performance questions?

>> No.7208196

Don't fuck with clowns.

>> No.7208200

What do you look like as a clown? I don't think I've ever seen a picture before, though I admit I have terrible creeping skills.

>> No.7208206
File: 17 KB, 512x402, edited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As discussed before, I am a little bit defensive about my clown face. Just a bit of a superstition about it.

Though I recently, a bit over a year ago, changed my face. After the train hopping thing I changed from an auguste tramp to a whiteface of sorts.

Pic is the only photo of my old face, though you can't see my eyes and the light washed out the details.

>> No.7208282

Remind me to never piss him off

>> No.7208323

Just passing through but I must say you disappoint me with that internet tough guy shit, Gropey. Just send it to him directly rather than out here. There's enough drama to go around in these parts.

>> No.7208401


How do you not lose your spaghetti in front of all those laughing people?
I can get in front of people, but the moment a chuckle is heard, I'm suddenly mouse quiet.

Oh, and any tips on how to git gud at shapes like face designs?
I mean, obviously practice drawing it on, but like, any other ways, or is it all practice?

Ooh, and after you put the designs on, do you seal again?

When I was still a babby, we went to the circus and there was this super nice lady clown that played with us.
I want to be a qt clown too.

>> No.7208455
File: 318 KB, 900x600, 1385277447365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't, because I blocked him ages ago. Im just done with his shit. Its over. The End.


>How do you not lose your spaghetti in front of all those laughing people?
>I can get in front of people, but the moment a chuckle is heard, I'm suddenly mouse quiet.

Excellent question. Getting into the performer headspace is something that takes practice and some deep psychological self evaluation. The key can be summed up as such: They follow your presentation. If they are following you, that makes you the leader, and you can take them wherever you want.

The audience has no idea what you're going to do or say. They have no idea what is going to happen, and ideally, they will never know what is scripted and what is an accident. Its the illusion of professionalism. If you can pretend that everything is going well, then it IS going well.

For example: I did my glass walking act, which is on a triple-layer canvass drop cloth, so I can just fold it and move it off stage. Act went great, wild applause, and it was time for one of the burlesque dancers to go back on. Her act for this portion was a comedy striptease to a song about a drunk, clumsy french hooker. 2/4 of the act in, she stomps barefoot down onto a piece of broken glass that must have gotten caught in the upturned cuff of my pants. It was bad, and she was bleeding.

But the audience didn't know it wasn't part of the act. As she was sitting in the stage chair, she made big, exaggerated movements out of rocking back and fourth in pain to the music, picking out the glass, and using her stocking to bind her foot. She made a big show of having a "lame" foot, and the audience died laughing.

She ended up needing stitches, but the audience never knew, because she pretended to know what she was doing.


>> No.7208459

>Oh, and any tips on how to git gud at shapes like face designs?
>I mean, obviously practice drawing it on, but like, any other ways, or is it all practice?

Well sharpened crayon pencils, clean brushes and practice.

>Ooh, and after you put the designs on, do you seal again?

After every layer. Its like flattening a layer in photoshop.

>When I was still a babby, we went to the circus and there was this super nice lady clown that played with us.
I want to be a qt clown too.


>> No.7208463

That's one tough burlesque dancer. Glass is no fun.

>> No.7208474

I haven't met one who I would pick a fight with. I'm sure you heard about the girls from /cgl/ who tried to take my props, and one of the dancers chased the girls two block, bare foot down a street in downtown Richmond with a stiletto heel in one hand, and mace in the other.

>> No.7208490

I haven't heard about it. This is my first _hour_ on /cgl/ - I didn't even know it existed until... like, yesterday.

>tried to take my props
I don't... am I missing something? Are the props highly valuable or something? I must profess my ignorance on the subject.

I had really hoped that was 'a mace'. The mental image was only that much funnier.
I think the stiletto would be more dangerous, though.

>> No.7208498

> This is my first _hour_ on /cgl/
I thought that I hadn't seen you before, but I was wondering if I missed the birth of a new namefag somehow.

>> No.7208515

Nope, you get to see me covered in the nasty afterbirth of new-namefaggery.
Totally on accident too, I didn't realize until 5 minutes ago that I'd forgotten to remove the name/subject, decided hell, might as well stick with it

Anyways, back on-topic kind of. Gropey, you've probably been asked this before, but I have two questions - firstly, why'd you pick the name Gropey, and second, what event(s) made you decide to become a clown? I don't know a whole lot about clowns (Clowning?) really. I'd love to have some general info, it's not often I get to talk to one.
>and by not often, I mean "i've never talked to a clown before, how do you do, sir"

>> No.7208536
File: 305 KB, 1236x1974, BASIC CLOWN THEORY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Souvenirs. Trophies. Fuck if I know.

Go dig up the archives of /tg/ or /cgl/. I've gone through it tons of times. Gropey is not my main clowning name, but one I use rarely from the "Gropey and Grundlestank cacophonous clown cavalcade" I used to do. Long story short: 4th generation clown/ 3rd gen sideshow stunt performer from a circus family. Ringling Bros. Clown college graduate with a thesis in clown theory.

Clown theory broken down to the bare bones in posted pic.

Anything more you need to look up or email me, as its old news and off topic.

>> No.7208543

Huh. Interesting stuff, I'll probably go dig up some stuff in the infinite file cabinets of the grande archives. Don't mean to detract from the thread; my apoligies, sir Gropey, and thanks for your time.

Good luck to everyone entering the contest, and may the best clown win. I will lurk until I have something more on-topic to post.

>> No.7209871

So why the fuck do you think Matt or I are emailing you (And why do you think publicly threatening anybody without proof is okay?)

I think I understand why you were banned for so long.

>> No.7210178

If the shoe fits anon. Clowntrip deal with a lot of undue haters.

>> No.7210185


GRUNDLESTANK THOUGH. Whoever this person is, they must be fucking fascinating and I would like to buy both of you a drink.

>> No.7210189

This thread still going?

Are boy clowns welcome to enter too?

>> No.7210191

Sorry if you've answered this before, but how would you describe the relationship between modern actor-comedians (Louie CK, Stephen Colbert, and Matt Berry all come to mind) vs traditional clowns? They seem to have clown-like personas, at least to an outsider like me.

>> No.7210770

Man, there's a lot of deleted posts in here

>> No.7210858

Its because people cannot just ignore a thread they don't like. This is why we can't have nice things.

>> No.7211593
File: 21 KB, 326x245, red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love to enter this contest but I have no clown make up or facepaint to do clown makeup with to begin with.
I can share a clown related story.
>At a local fair
>kids show on a small stage
>It's fucking red the clown
>He preformed at my sisters 6th birthday party
>she's 18 now
>tell him this after the show
>he tells me to say happy 18th birthday to her.
>me and my friend fan girl over him for a few minutes.
I love him so much he is amazing. It was liek meeting a celebrity. Pic related, it's him, don't know the kid though just googled for it.

>> No.7211649

But anon, one contes is best story. This is a clown story and you get a bonus for a pic. Post your email and enter!

>> No.7211704
File: 969 KB, 1283x2157, 1371643473609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I actually did fill out the criteria. I-I guess this is my entry then.

>> No.7211772
File: 2.41 MB, 1623x2442, 6358556267_dc5323f3db_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Clown college graduate with a thesis in clown theory.

Gropey is this a joke - like the Surfer College of Bro back in Cali?
Or is this like a real thing? And if it is, could you provide your thesis statement or a short summary of it?

Also, you are one creepy mofo Gropey. Every time someone mentions you I think of John Wayne Gacy.

>> No.7211802

Are you kidding me? Clowning is a theater practise like any else, I did it for a unit in my high school theater course. Such pleb.

>> No.7212167

Yes its real and it is rediculously hard and demanding. He mentioned that ringling brothers had a 90% fail rate out of 200 and at the end or graduation only two people got into their circus.

>> No.7212876
File: 577 KB, 667x1000, 1364804613133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No prob man, just do me a favor and stop with the "sir gropey" and such. Its one fedora away from being euphorically beta. When people call me "Mr. The Clown" its more of a friendly nickname.

I have been getting shit for months from an email connected to Matt's facebook, with a lot of his personal info attached in the google+ profile. I don't know who either of you are until now, and was just getting sick of the spam, much less when I am trying to do something nice for /cgl/.

I have been talking to the real Matt, and we think we have come to a conclusion who would want to be a douche to us both, and have access to all his personal info. My apologies for the confusion.

He's an amazing generous and talented clown and sideshow man, and was a very close friend of mine. I am not proud to say that before my drunken trainhopping I fucked up our friendship by being a stupid, self destructive ass.

I really didn't deserve his friendship, and wish him nothing but the best.

>Are boy clowns welcome to enter too?

Welcome? I expect it! As long as your not Russian bro or Quebec bro (you know who you are! No cheating!)

>Sorry if you've answered this before, but how would you describe the relationship between modern actor-comedians (Louie CK, Stephen Colbert, and Matt Berry all come to mind) vs traditional clowns? They seem to have clown-like personas, at least to an outsider like me.

Long story short: How the humor is presented. This is apparent the aspects of internalized humor and externalized humor.

Comedians make you laugh at situational and anecdotal humor. It is about what happens to other people.

Clowns make you laugh at reactional and representational humor. It makes you laugh at absurity and representation of the human condition.


>> No.7212879
File: 46 KB, 432x679, gacypogotheclown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As other already answered the college comment, to answer your John Wayne Gacy comment, we actually studied him as he studied clown theory, and purposefully did everything you're NOT supposed to do, on purpose.

Pogo the clown broke every rule about dimensions and angles, and purposefully made as subtly sinister a face as he could. He made sure to always have his posture at a slanted angle (either looming over, or leaning back at the shoulders) which creates to illusion of even greater size. He presented his arms and shoulders off to right angled sides of the subject, which makes one feel overly enclosed etc etc.

He had being a bad clown down to a science.

>> No.7212896

Its the mouth right? It looks like a predator?

>> No.7212953
File: 712 KB, 560x552, 1385534280488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I'd give it a shot. (and take pictures after i realized that I didn't have the timestamp with it, whoopsies) ((also sorry for the horrific quality of the photo, that's a webcam for you))

I've always liked sad clowns, mostly because I had a family member that was one in his hometown. It's kinda a shoddy attempt at it, but this was something similar to his makeup that I remember. Tribute of sorts haha.
For anyone else that joins this, good luck!

>> No.7212975


If I am not mistaken, it looks like you did some forced perspective facial lines. Does your phone take better pics? Try texting a pic to your email. Sounds crazy, but it works.

Also, EMAIL!

>> No.7212994

I did! And it..sort of does. Just a bit less grainy. I sent you a few more pictures to your e-mail in there (tho just better quality webcam pics).
And I just took the makeup off a few minutes ago fuck. I'll put it on again tomorrow for better pictures!

>> No.7212996

Wait, just got your email!

The landslide of submissions, I have ordered another makeup kit, so we have four prizes:

Best boy
Best girl
Best story
Grand prize.

>> No.7213007

Its all good, the other pics gave me a good idea of what you did. You have a very defined character that compliments your facial features.

You're almost as sad looking as sadclownpuppy! >>7207848

>> No.7213016
File: 95 KB, 639x960, Buster nola 14 2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And just a reminder, do to a few people asking: NO you DON't need to go whiteface, and there are many that don't even touch white!

Here is my bro Buster, who dosn't have a single bit of white on him.

>> No.7213019
File: 101 KB, 720x960, 1364804754501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And another. Other than the white eyeshadow, she's fairly minimalist.

>> No.7213060

More ladyclowns without whiteface, please! I need inspiration.

>> No.7213065

And are there any “rules" or standards to creating your face?

>> No.7213067
File: 157 KB, 900x1355, 1351390185582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a few. Im gonna get some sleep soon. The greak bakening is upon my house, and I have a lot of dough to roll.

>> No.7213072
File: 99 KB, 717x960, 1364805636291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7213073
File: 122 KB, 374x500, tumblr_mfz1e0vtvd1rjvgfyo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7213077
File: 174 KB, 471x700, 1364806556141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7213170
File: 975 KB, 1800x4000, don't let me near kids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm >>7211593 and this is my entry. I did flowers around my eyes because I thought it would be something that little kids would like and it's pretty feminine. I added the eye brows for expression, it took a bit to find where to place them to actually move how I wanted them to. I used white on my cheeks like a fake blush sort of things and I though the blod red lips were kind of too sexy for some reason so I kind of just yeah. Doing the gradient on they eyes was suprisingly hard. I tried to stick to a pretty classic colour pallete seeming the rest of it wan't very clown like. My camera isn't amazing but it did the job. I included differnt facial expressions because I thought that would be a cool thing to include. it's not amazing but for a first try i don't think it's terrible.

>> No.7213554

You look cute anon. I tried but I suck. ;__;

>> No.7213596

Gotcha all submitted, and yes, multiple expression are encouraged. Most people have done that automatically.

>> No.7213609
File: 223 KB, 1536x2048, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id love too, but I dont have my clown makeup with me right now, but enjoy a pic of me
I normally go to charity events and birthday parties
this was during an event in halloween

>> No.7213640

That looks like its either a woochie or a proknos nose, so if you post your nose with a time stamp, and post your email, i'll take it as a submission.

>> No.7213714

I honestly thought this was a random lolita from the thumbnail.

>> No.7213725

I think its obvious that a lot of lolita translates easily into clown costumes, because both are styled off of the basic designs and shapes of older, styles of clothing.

>> No.7213750

This reminds me of.... what was that guy's name... competition about "queen of /cgl/"? And the other guy who pretended to be a famous female Korean celebrity model's competition - whatever happened to that? Curiosbear I think?

>> No.7213754

Curiousbear isn't either of those people. She just does little j-fash/cosplay competitions for cosmetics.

>> No.7213964

I have no idea about anything ya'll are talking about.

>> No.7213968

You're talking about idolin who tried to run an idol contest on here. And Curiousbear lives in Korea but she has never pretended to be a famous Korean celebrity. She was a model years ago but not a famous one.

>> No.7213984

>mfw i can never be a cute clown girl like it's been my dream to do since I was little

I have a clown persona thought of, but turning that into reality is a completely different thing.

>> No.7213989
File: 367 KB, 510x800, Karakuri.Pierrot.full.680252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I hope asking this in here is okay, because it's more related here than in the makeup thread.

I'm trying to replicate pic related on my actual face. I wear glasses, so masks don't work very well for me.

How would you go about doing so? I know absolutely nothing about makeup like this, only 'beauty' makeup as it were.

I want to avoid the whiteface and just add the markings around the eyes. I just can't make it look nice.

>> No.7214099

Why not? There are several anons who now clown either as a hobby or even professionally because of these threads. If you can study and try new things, you can do it.

You will never get it perfect, because that image takes no account for depth, pitch and actual facial shape. I am unfamilliar with the character, but it looks like a mask, so your best bet would be a mask, or to try with good quality grease crayons.

>I want to avoid the whiteface and just add the markings around the eyes.

Well, then there isn't much else I can suggest.

>> No.7215869

Happy turkey day folks.

>> No.7217049

Happy black friday! Is this thread still going?

Does one have to post here to enter?

>> No.7217245

Thanks Anon.
I just got what turkey day ment I assumed it was some clown thing. also how many people have entered so far?

>> No.7217249

Just take your glasses off for photos like everyone

>> No.7217318

let it go on the records that /cgl/ is down to clown

>> No.7217351

Then I walk around most of the day without a chunk of my cosplay on?

For most cosplays that's fine, but I can't do that when the cosplay has a mask.

>> No.7217592
File: 61 KB, 447x595, tumblr_miakw1QYj91ria01so1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, and I highly encourage it!

Four stories, 2 guys (emailed), 6 girls (2 on /cgl/, 4 emailed) and one puppy.

It always has been.

Well, you're up shit creek darling.

>> No.7217620

Why don't you just make the mask so it fits you glasses under is? build the mask around the glasses.

>> No.7218453

Kabump. I got some time to kill before a gig. Sup folks?

>> No.7218636

how come some peopell on this board have such negitive things to say about you on occasion? I've only ever really seen you post in threads when people need help, like one I think is was about doing face and body paint and you posted >>7208125 I even have that imaged saved from ages ago. You never seem to act rude either, what's up with that?

>> No.7218653

Because people think he comes off egotistical or that costumes and performing arts have nothing to do with cosplay. He's not bishi hunbandu material either.

>> No.7218690

I honestly think mass hatred of clowns has something to do with it.

>> No.7219033

How many times can you enter?
I love playing with clown styled make up but can never find a look that feels like my personal character...so I'll prob. send variations

>> No.7219054

I would husbando the shit out of gropey. Every time i watch him talk competently about preforming or clown culture my ovaries explode.

>> No.7219191
File: 62 KB, 640x400, 198280826_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you blame them? Even kids today are at best indifferent. Clowns are creepy relics of a bygone era. The fact that a lot of unhinged retards like to use clownish warpaint doesn't help. Picture is one of more hilarious examples.

>> No.7219226

Kids today suck. Watching a real clown perform is still as awesome now as it was then.

>> No.7219520

I was deathly terrified of clowns until clownbro came along. He convinced me to go see a real circus and now I don't even know why I was scared in the first place.

>> No.7219901
File: 1.83 MB, 380x267, 1380644049486.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets say 5, but i'll only pic the best of your spread as your entry. But please, post here for everyone to admire!

Oh my.

Most people under the age of 25 wouldn't know a real clown if they got headbutted by one. Big top circuses come and go, and sadly, its in a waning phase. Thankfully vaudeville, cabaret and alt art scenes keep it alive.

Its like mimes. Everyone says "I hate mimes", but have you ever actually seen a professional? Not "busking in the park" but a real, honest to god, professional mime? A good mime is astounding to watch.

(And before anyone asks, yes, pantomime is a clown skill, and mimes are a kind of clown)

I feel accomplished!

>> No.7219999

>Oh my.
Is this good or bad? You'd be a wonderful husbandu~!

>> No.7220005

He is a self destructive drunken bastard. And he would probably agree with me here and say he probably wouldn't until he figures his own shit out.

>> No.7220041
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Pretty much. Besides, the whole "long time fiance getting knocked up by her secret drug dealing boyfriend less than a month before the wedding" tends to kill my feeling of suitability of such position as your "husbandu".

But this is a clown thread. Back to the funny.

Honk honk.

>> No.7220057

that looks less like a clown and more like a badly disguised hit-man....

I wonder if there was ever such a thing as a clown hit-man, John Wayne Gacy.doesn't count, seeing as he was a serial killer, not an assassin

>> No.7220069
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No. Never. You're crazy.


>> No.7220071


>> No.7220077

You're new to my threads.

I'll dump an /s/ thread sometime.

>> No.7220108

But the tragic mysterious performer thing is why they want you. Its a vicious cycle.

>> No.7221068
File: 87 KB, 185x324, camus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unrelated to this contest thingy, but I do have a makeup question for you. I am going to be cosplaying Camus from Detroit Metal City (Pic related). Im assuming that the makeup that bands like Kiss wear is similar to clown makeup. What kind do you suggest I use?

>> No.7221073

You look like a cute little puppy.

>> No.7221150

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck that.

Gene Simmons of KiSS swears by Ben Nye.

If I am not mistaken, they even make an official "KiSS makeup kit". Its just white and black grease paint, and a black grease pencil.

Follow my guide, and it will be fine. Pics would be cool though, and Detroit Metal City is fucking awesome

>> No.7221165

Thanks. Can you post up your guide again? I dont have it saved.
Planning on having it by Fanime. Should have a full group plus Manager-san. Hope we can find a Bitch Pig of Capitalism. That would be sweet.

>> No.7221212

I post it every time I make a thread. Fifth post I made. >>7208125

>> No.7221475 [DELETED] 

If I made a gropey print cuddle pillow, would anyone buy one?

>> No.7221982 [DELETED] 

Jesus fuck no. That sounds more like a punishment.

You're not helping me not be hated.

>> No.7222082
File: 16 KB, 267x403, 1386048795556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahhh thank you anon, with this my life goals have been met, to resemble a dog pretty much completes my life. (I kind of like dogs a lot.)

>> No.7222728 [DELETED] 


>> No.7223085 [DELETED] 

would it smell like sadness, and cheap whiskey?

>> No.7223263 [DELETED] 

He smells like oldspice and cloves. Its really nice ^_^

>> No.7223267 [DELETED] 

That sounds really comforting, still don't want a clown pillow in my room though.

>> No.7223294 [DELETED] 

He reminded me of my grandpa, in a comforting, not creepy way. Smoke and oldspice with a hint of liquor.

>> No.7223619

Whatever makes you happy.

>> No.7225439


>> No.7225562

has anyone else entered? I wish people would post here so we could see them.

>> No.7225905
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As I said in >>7217592, Four stories, 2 guys (emailed), 7 girls (3 on /cgl/, 5 emailed) and one puppy.


I agree, I wish more people would post in the thread.

>> No.7226090

Im sorry I derailed your thread while you were gone. Can we have more insperation?

>> No.7226581
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As long as you don't get me banned, its fine.

>> No.7226660 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7226663
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Stupid picswap.

>> No.7226665
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>> No.7227216

>mfw you'll never be a pretty clown girl
>mfw I have no face

>> No.7228130
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That is a bad attitude to have, and thi sis your excuse to change it.

>> No.7229166


>> No.7231362

daily bump

>> No.7231385

I found out today that my grandfather was a carnie. My mom told me he went by the name Bucket Dave. This knowledge makes me feel more compelled to possibly try and submit something.

>> No.7231437

Gropey the Clown... Is that the one who stopped some guy from slapping his girlfriend around, while he had a buncha $50 bills stapled to his chest?

Or were they $20s?

>> No.7231942
File: 77 KB, 660x880, Edit to protect the normal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do our people proud, anon!

I don't think that was his girlfriend, and they were mostly $5s, $10s and $20s. The guy who saw this and asked for a photo did the big money.

>> No.7231980

>That wasn't a joke. I am going to molest you, and only you, in the back of my clown car while other circus folk jeer and throw crackerjacks at you.

Disgusting. Also, way to threaten to release the address and phone number of two regulars.

>> No.7231987
File: 79 KB, 460x613, MarianneWhiteFaceClown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I released no ones address, and together we have figured out who has access to enough of their personal information to make a fake account AND dislikes us both. The problem has been dealt with, and we are on the terms we started on: Not having any involvement with each other.

Now shut up and smile. Its clown time.

>> No.7232581

>Now shut up and smile. Its clown time


>> No.7233029

You're frills indeed.

>> No.7233064

Your. Fucking autotext.

>> No.7233964

Im sure this is a silly question, but how do you go about picking a nose? Is there a method? Is there a clown boutique and try them on?

>> No.7233971
File: 1.40 MB, 360x260, 1384751781857.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do you go about picking a nose?
I must be five today, that made me laugh to myself.

>> No.7234007
File: 22 KB, 640x480, sendintheclowns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Gropey,

I skimmed over the tripfag tantrums, so I'm sorry if you've addressed this already: I'm interested in your contest, but I was just wondering if there's a general standard for what constitutes a 'clown face.' Like, for example, must your face have a white foundation to qualify? Or is there such thing as making a general clown aesthetic with your normal skin tone?

Asking because I'm really interested in clowning around, but I don't own any 'traditional' makeup.

>> No.7234850

I'll save you some time and link you:


I'd suggest looking up the different types of clowns. Whiteface isn't the only clown out there! There's also auguste and tramp, both of which do not have white foundation

Happy clowning!

>> No.7234985
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Hey hey folks! Three shows, with the last piddly one being so-so, but I live!

Huh... You know, I never really thought of it. I have had my nose for almost a decade now, and it was selected for me by a veteran clown, based on both my painted and unpainted face.

It sounds silly, but yes, there are clown boutiques, and most high class professional prop and costume stores have cases and racks specifically for pro clowns. You can try on various shapes, sizes and styles.

You know that scene where Harry is picking a wand? Its kind of like that.

U havn a giggle m8?

The anon in >>7234850 is 100% correct. And don't forget, Kabuki, mime, comedia del arte etc and any form of clowning tradition is welcome!

Off topic, when a friend of mine passed from cancer (also a clown), he requested the the Krusty rendition of send in the clowns be played at the wake. It was hilariously sad.

>> No.7235758

>You know that scene where Harry is picking a wand? Its kind of like that.

Does /cgl/ have drawfags? This needs to be drawn.

>> No.7238796

Can we get an extension until after christmas? There is a lot going on for most of us.

>> No.7238821

Yeah, my face is kinda a mess right now because my allergist won't let me take my durgs while he's doing some tests. They stay in your system for a couple of weeks, so I've been having a pretty miserable time.

>> No.7239555

Im dealing with a death in the family right now anyways. I also feel like I tanked on one of the shows I did this week. I think its best if this waits a bit right now as I am not in a good mindset to judge the contest right now.

After new years ok?

>> No.7239663

That would be great. Im sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself Gropalope.

>> No.7241837


>> No.7242671

Hope you're doing okay Gropey, gonna dump a question here and maybe a seagull can answer it since you're occupied right now-

I recently found out that Mehron hair white existed and am wondering if that (or similar product) with eyeshadow over it would work well for covering and recoloring eyebrows to match a wig? All other methods except wax don't work on me and the wax is such a pain to do.

>> No.7243337

Who are you cosplaying?

>> No.7243675

Not for a specific cosplay, just more of a general when I need to match my brows to my wigs. Acrylic paint looks too fake and just gluestick+foundation+powder doesn't cover my brows enough. They're very course and dark. And like I said, the brow wax works but is a pain to do when the rest of my makeup is very simple, this seems like it could be a quicker and easier alternative if it can be used to cover very black brows to recolor them.

>> No.7246378
File: 92 KB, 576x522, 09_clown_auguste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just dumping some basic clown make up tuts for inspiration

>> No.7246380
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>> No.7246383
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>> No.7250582
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Thanks for the support.

Hope everyone is doing well. I'll answer the emails I havn't responded to after I get back from a funeral.

Keep on laughing.

>> No.7250623
File: 78 KB, 500x225, too funny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My condolences.

In other news I just lauged at this for about 90-120 seconds.

>> No.7250770

this thread is terrifying

>> No.7251353


>> No.7253088

I have some really basic questions that ate probably already asked :
What is the best brand that can be used for like a whole day at a cnvention ?
And what should I use as a base ?

>> No.7253365

Gropey's makeup guide >>7208125

>> No.7255976

Bamp for clowntime

>> No.7260617

Hey hey kids.

Merry Christmas.