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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 151 KB, 656x984, lost_isn_t_dead_by_ver1sa-d6uko2h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7201975 No.7201975[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Too hot to be true.

>> No.7201980

Hot as my gmothers fresh shit...
btw http://ver1sa.deviantart.com/

>> No.7201994

I'm not seeing the issue here.
The Russian cosplays involve an entire team that work towards the final photo not just one person doing everything with the photo taken by some dumbass in a hallway.

>> No.7202002
File: 25 KB, 448x313, gurl say waaat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow that's a vintage insult, havent seen one of those since 5th grade.
good one anon you sure stuck it to em.

>> No.7202006

She's cute enough in her candid pictures, not sure why she felt the need to shoop the fuck out of these ones.

>> No.7202029

they need to make babies

>> No.7202114
File: 144 KB, 1152x792, burial at sea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only she had spent half as much time styling her wig as the photographer did on shopping her into an ugly cartoon character with a ludicrous body.

Her wig makes it look like she's an actress in a movie filmed in the 80s but set in the 40s. It really bugs me.

>> No.7202121

....Oh, it was an Elizabeth cosplay? Couldn't tell at all.

>> No.7202133

I hate the bio shock infinite dlc. Elizabeth looks terrible, and there was no reason to give her bigger bust. She was fine in the regular game . Her blue skirt outfit is better than this shit anyway.

>> No.7202138

Is she older? I kind of assumed that her figure is different because of that. And obviously the outfit is different, it's a different time period. Not that the game was accurate to begin with (because a corset is straight up underwear, c'mon), but they're trying, kind of.

>> No.7202139

her bone structure is exactly the same as mine. i guess i should consider cosplaying.

>> No.7202150

I think she may be a bit older? I'm not entirely sure. My bust size stopped growing in 7th grade. I assumed there was just no need for that adjustment. I'm just a fan of this overall design. It's very boring to me compared to her original two outfits.

>> No.7202162


tbh I'd just assumed she maybe stuffed her bra to fit in better with the setting because curves were fashionable at the time?

>> No.7202164

I dunno, I heard people do have a second growth spurt in their 20s but what do I know, that hasn't happened to me

>> No.7202181

Women usually change bodies in their 20s after children. Other than that, I figured my final change was in my term years. (Before menopause of course???)

Getting slightly off topic, did anyone here play the burial at sea dlc?

>> No.7202188

My chest grew 2" when I was 18 without gaining weight. Hormones

>> No.7202189

Teen years.*
I'm sorry, thus iPhone is killing me.

>> No.7202191
File: 81 KB, 600x376, 156e3beb2d832315ff2b66b421bc993c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elizabeth's initial outfit was historical accurate and the dresses worn by women early in the game are marvelously Edwardian, although the skirt shape wire frame isn't quite right, the general design is correct.

Her blue outfit is NOT accurate but in the game she puts it on because her sailor dress has been torn to shreds and is filthy.

>> No.7202201

Yes. It's okay. Just okay. Very pretty to look at and Sander Cohen is a bonus but I don't know if it was worth $15.

>> No.7202207

Yeah, but she said it was her mother's, and I assumed her mother had maybe a top or something.

>> No.7202213

Definitely not worth that price. I played it at a friend's. it's short and nothing interesting happens

>> No.7202220
File: 79 KB, 1024x637, lady comstock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She does.

>> No.7202228

Wasn't the outfit in the ship just a costume anyways? Something to show off to the masses?

>> No.7202589 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 635x960, 1240200_426027834174586_1956385065_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Monika Lee's better

>> No.7202594
File: 51 KB, 635x960, 1240200_426027834174586_1956385065_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Monika Lee's better

>> No.7202595

Am I the only one who was reminded of Priscilla Presley?? Watched Naked Gun recently, this girl has a similar face..

>> No.7202621

Nope, I totally saw it too. Most people on cgl are too young to know who Priscilla Presley is so I'm not surprised nobody caught that.

>> No.7202627

Now that you mention it.....yeah I see it too

>> No.7202646

na, the other girl is actually attractive

>> No.7202649
File: 805 KB, 670x1005, tumblr_mvyx35R9ko1qdgo08o3_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think sodii's is really good.

Also the shoop in OP is unreal.

>> No.7202683

yea no, her make-up is sloppy and terrible, plus her bratty attitude makes everything look shit. Also she doesn't have the figure and gorgeous quality that the OP coser does.

>> No.7202759

That's because OP's figure doesn't exist in nature. Also hair/wig still looks sloppy and inaccurate.

>> No.7202776

I bought the season pass so the cost was fine with that but I wouldn't pay $15 for it. I did like it but dat cliffhanger. Made me more frustrated than excited for the next part.

>> No.7202801

Do you believe everything you see on TV?
Monika is an amazing craftsman, hoe else could she get so many likes?
You're just jelly becuase she's out there having fun doing what she lvoes you you're stuck at home criticising ppeople

>> No.7202816
File: 20 KB, 300x300, Saw panties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7202825

No. She has a potato face.

>> No.7202826

Let me guess: for your next trick, you're going to try and convince me Yaya is a wonderful human being.

>> No.7202838
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, ABSOLUT BETCHES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I browse this board I feel like I need to be in the Interior Illusions Lounge with a colorful Absolut vodka drink in hand.
>inb4 that's the Gold Room

>> No.7202842

Obvious vendetta. She's an unfortunate looking girl, and you picked a photo that accentuates that. She's a horrible Elizabeth, actually she looks awful as just about anything except something like her Little Sister because she had to wear so much makeup/contacts that it almost masks her derpy looks.

>> No.7202893

I don't get it. I don't think she looks drop dead gorgeous and I hate HoC but I think this is a decent cosplay in general.


>> No.7203176

I have never tumbld, but I might gb2/fit/ or /diy/ or /ic/ (Who am I kidding? /ic/ makes me sad too).

>> No.7203203

6/10 for making me chuckle a bit.

>> No.7203235
File: 1.96 MB, 358x200, xb5bzxp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck if you head back to /diy/, it's slow as shit there. I can read all the threads that interest me and then refresh an hour later without anything new to read... The last thread I made had one unhelpful reply. More people need to populate that board, but I guess 4chan doesn't draw too many people that like to do things for themselves. /r9k/ moves a million times faster than an actually useful board.

>> No.7203289

Samefag here, you mean her Elizabeth one? I don't like the wig myself. I'm not saying it is an easy one to do, I definitely couldn't. For a more simple costume like this the wig is a deal breaker in my book if it is done poorly. My beef with her is I basically think she's overrated just like all the other "top" cosplayers these days. Some of them do show genuine talent, but honestly there are more and more talented people in cosplay these days so I feel like these people are just not that impressive.

>> No.7203335

That's true. There are better DIY boards out there, but if I'm on /fit/, I'm all, "well I guess since I'm here..."

>> No.7203414
File: 117 KB, 720x960, 1457570_457892284321474_1698553242_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fk you shes hot as hell

>> No.7203423
File: 1.37 MB, 300x225, foreverkailyn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


jfc she looks like that sad sack of shit foreverkailyn. I wonder if they're cousins.

>> No.7203432

>"shes hot as hell"
>posts a picture where you can't see her ugly face and her shapeless body
lol ok

>> No.7203435

No, nobody likes Monika's better.

>> No.7203465

This costume made me rage. The brocade she used on the hood is not cut anywhere near straight.

>> No.7203615

Not even makeup could save that face.

Until the OP cosplay group releases an unphotoshopped picture and we find out that cosplayer actually looks like a potato, IDGAF how shooped her figure is. It's shooped well and her face doesn't look tired and old.

Speaking of Photoshop, Monika Lee could have used some on those undereye bags. It's not taboo to do it and you're not fucking special and more "real" for not using it, it just looks like shit.

>> No.7204623


>> No.7204700

well there's this shot right on the front page of OP girl's DA and it's fucking nightmarish http://ver1sa.deviantart.com/art/Call-me-Elizabeth-408163947

>> No.7204714

Jesus Christ, that gif..
I can relate.

>> No.7204723

ure mam is hot as hell

>> No.7204742
File: 236 KB, 960x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this Elizabeth. At least I like her face a lot for the character/style

>> No.7204743
File: 138 KB, 960x642, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same girl

>> No.7204750

Wow her skin must be fuuuuucked if she had to use that much photoshop jesus h christ.

>> No.7204754

>dat puckering in the chest

>> No.7204758
File: 566 KB, 960x1280, 34rd7wh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good day, dear friends and readers.
I do not like to write such a plan posts and I do not like to prove something to someone.
But, as I get too many emails that I is a solid photoshop, I decided to clarify a few points.
Any high-quality photos are processed in Photoshop. During our photoshoot, in our city was disgusting weather, and believe me, my photographer has done a lot of work on the photos, to generate good result.
A little about my figure: I'm tall (175 cm), my waist in a normal state is about 64 cm/
Throughout the photo session, I was in a slimming corset, which makes my waist to 56-57 cm, it is very painful and difficult. This new corset I wore for the first time, and it is unlikely I will wear it again, because it's not worth it (my back hurts so far).
And for the people who don`t believe in my face and make-up, I can show this photo from the backstage (yes, it was made on my telefon, and believe I don`t photoshoop it :D) oi44.tinypic.com/34rd7wh.jpg

Thanks for all for your attention and sorry for my english again. -ver1sa

>> No.7204779

Honestly, you're gorgeous, Photoshop or not. And yes it's a given that professional-level photographs are edited, so the amount of bitching made about it is really stupid. Even if the OP photo was shopped to hell and back, it shouldn't matter since it's obviously well done.

It's a shame that you feel the need to defend yourself this way because it really shouldn't be necessary.

>inb4 go back to tumblr whiteknight

>> No.7204793

stop using so much gaussian blur, as an editor it pains me. There is editing, and then there is over doing it, in this case your skin is way over done especially in >>7204743
use healing brush and clone stamp, it looks so much better in comparison

>> No.7204795

>Hey guys, look at a poor-quality cellphone picture with extreme brightness and abused filters! See, I'm just as pretty as when I'm photoshopped! Please compliment me now.

>> No.7204801

not same girl

>> No.7204803

This >>7204758 and >>7204743 aren't even the same person...

>> No.7204806

>Only photos taken with DSLR are acceptable as proof of lack of photoshop!
>Mistakes harsh lighting for filter abuse

>> No.7204807

Ah my bad, granted my stance on guassian blur remains the same for the majority of photos

>> No.7204826

>I can't recognize the difference in quality between a blatantly manipulated cellphone picture and a picture of how someone actually looks! I believe every photo I see on the internet!

>> No.7204847

>eI see photoshop where there is none because it's cool to "call people out!"


>> No.7204852

You look great. I'm no shoop expert but you've got her look down well, shoop or not. I'd just suggest making the lipstick a tiny more exaggerated (the points on the top lip I mean) but shit, pretty sure we won't see someone who pulls off the Burial at Sea likeness better for a while. I don't even think that Russian chick would look good as this version to be honest.

She looks nothing like Elizabeth, not sultry enough IMO. Cute sure, but this Elizabeth should be sharp looking and have the facial features to back that up.

She's hot when we can't see her face.

>> No.7204876
File: 44 KB, 645x511, Internet_white_knight.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If I defend her, she'll have sex with me!
Go back to brown-nosing Jessica Nigri on Facebook.

>> No.7205296

I'm a heterosexual lady, but it was a valiant attempt.
Go back to calling people out for Photoshop on Facebook.

>> No.7205305
File: 213 KB, 800x744, whywolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people seriously believing you can't photoshop a phone selfie
...seriously guys? I do this all the time. I just send the photo to my email and save it to my computer to shoop later.
Girl is obv pretty, but she definitely shoops. Cell phone pictures don't prove anything.

>> No.7205318

No one said anything about believing it's impossible to shoop a phone picture...there are apps for that. Sure is reading comprehension here.

Considering that there is no obvious shoop on her cell phone picture, we can either just take her word (for now) or automatically assume every photo ever posted of an attractive person is always shooped, which just makes you look bitter and like you're trying too hard to "catch" people.

>> No.7205325

>which just makes you look bitter and like you're trying too hard to "catch" people

...or maybe we just like to be real and admit that people aren't perfect?
You sound like someone who shoops and lies about it. If it isn't, then why do you care? If it is, then so what?
Pointing it out doesn't make anyone look 'bitter,' and it usually only pisses people off when it's true and they want to maintain the illusion that they actually look like that.

>> No.7205338

>we just like to be real and admit that people aren't perfect?

It doesn't make you more "real" to accuse people left and right of photoshopping, I'm just pointing out this fact. I'm not particularly invested in proving my point, but I'm sometimes in the mood for being wordy and having pointless internet debates.

It doesn't piss me off at all, I'm sort of just amused that people immediately jump to the conclusion that photos are shooped. Turning the topic on me and trying to invalidate my point by saying I "sound like someone who shoops and lies" doesn't make your argument stronger, and doesn't make you any more righteous or "real" to call her or me out for it.

Making baseless accusations towards me doesn't change the fact that you're accusing someone of shooping in a photo she claims isn't, with basically no evidence...and yes, from where I'm standing it does make you look bitter.

I'm fully open to the possibility that she shoops every single photo she allows onto the Internet, but until some ugly candids or a bad, obvious shoop of her pop up, you pretty much have no basis for your claim that she shooped the photo she claims isn't.

>> No.7205450

>people immediately jump to the conclusion that photos are shooped
People aren't jumping to any conclusion. The photo clearly does not reflect how any human being would appear in real life. The photo posted by ver1sa has extremely high contrast, very low resolution, and on top of those, has a smoothing filter that can be applied by any smartphone. You're either blind or being deliberately stupid just so you can argue some more.

>> No.7205482

>extremely high contrast
shitty harsh lighting

>very low resolution
shitty low res camera phone setting

>smoothing filter
possibly, or it could just be a shitty grainy photo with a shitty resolution.

No one's arguing that the OP photo isn't shooped, btw.

In any case, a smoothing filter hardly disproves anything about her actual appearance. Maybe you and I just have different definitions of what "shooping" is, because to me filters and messing with color balance are no reason to claim that you're more "real" for calling it out, since they aren't exactly drastically changing her appearance.

>> No.7205569
File: 66 KB, 643x960, 1459698_672122209474752_1275422248_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is definitely pretty. Don't know why they felt like they had to shop it so much. Not like she's unfortunate without it.
I do like Monika Lee's. I think she's cute. My favorite Elizabeth is Destiny Nickelsen though. Mainly cause she already looks like she belongs in that time period.

>> No.7206356
File: 46 KB, 630x350, BioShock-Infinite-Burial-at-Sea-dlc--630x350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly thought your waist had been photoshopped, it looks really unnatural in OP.

Your makeup is great and you're very pretty but STYLE YOUR FUCKING WIG IT LOOKS DUMB AND INACCURATE

>> No.7206362

>dat scoliosis