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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7172692 No.7172692 [Reply] [Original]

Lolita Coord thread!

-Full Coordinates
-Partial Coordinates
-Recent Purchases that need suggestions
-Anything else you need help on!


-Include as much personal information as you feel comfortable with (EX: body type, measurements/size, face shape, coloring, type of features you have, etc.) (Selfies are also welcome)
-What you are and are not willing to do (EX: you're willing to try wigs, only want to wear sweet, prefer natural makeup etc.)
-The style you're going for (EX: toned down sweet, OTT classic, old school gothic, etc.)
-Any other information that will help us hand-tailor our suggestions so you can get the most out of it.

>> No.7172713
File: 572 KB, 810x640, BTSSB_CherryParadeOPSuggest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, awesome. I actually do have something I'd like help on.
I have an OP that my boyfriend got me, but I'm having difficulties making coords with it because all I do is pretty basic stuff. I'd like to have an elegant outfit with it to surprise him, I know he likes classic a lot. I know it's kind of a sweet dress but I would like suggestions <3

Extra reference:
I'm about 1.67m tall, and my body type makes OP's very short on me (I'd prefer not to share pictures but it hits quite a bit above my knees). I don't have an underskirt. I'd like to wear it with a floral kind of headpiece, it's white and has got pink-ish accents (in case the picture isn't clear)
I'm sorry if this wasn't really a make-me-a-coord thread, I just can't think of anything past the floral tights/elegant shoes stereotype. I'm terribly uncreative.

>> No.7172841

There's nothing wrong with keeping a coord simple and considering your height, the tights+elegant shoes combo may be your best bet.

Is the bow at the waist removable? That would tone down some of its sweetness. You can also make the dress look more classic by layering a sophisticated, elegant bolero over it. Depending on the shape, you may even be able to get away with a blazer, but I doubt it.

Also, do you plan on using a pink socks+bag combo or white? Once I know the answer to these questions, I'll be able to whip up a collage really quick. c:

>> No.7172860

Yeah, the bow is removable and I usually keep it off. I was planning to use as much white as possible - my wardrobe is pretty devoid of pink, so accents/accessories would be possible but socks and bags are a no-go. Thank you very much in advance!

>> No.7172873

Only somewhat related, but, how would one go about getting their ponytail to stay up like the girl to the far right of OP's picture?

It looks like a wig, but I'd love to do that with my own hair. The only problem is that it never seems to bump up that much and always slips down.

>> No.7172889

I did high ponytails before and I just tie it at a really high point (so if it slips it's not down to my neck) and tease and curl the fuck out of it. What I think you can do is also do two ties. Tie up a section of your hair, and then the remainder right below the top section. It will make the pony tail look bigger and longer and it should be easier to style the top section

>> No.7172895
File: 1.74 MB, 1224x852, mc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could use some help too. Putting together a Mozarabic Chant coord, and completely stuck on the leg and footwear, and not 100% decided on a blouse. These blouses have stuck out to me the most (I like the reddish tint of the short-sleeve one more) but I'm not so sure about the lace, any opinions or other options? Everything here sans the blouse has already been purchased.

I noticed I forgot to add a wig/hair color, and I intend my hair to be honey-colored.

>> No.7172898

Oh whoops, the text over the hat was kind of cut off. It says that I'm intending to remove the strap and buckle, and adding ribbon plus the matching MC headbow. Probably obvious, but just making sure.

>> No.7172900

Pretty much what >>7172889 said, but I tie it a little lower and then clip it higher/upwards with a toothed clip. The clip gets covered by the hair and teasing, and it stays there for ages.

>> No.7172923
File: 199 KB, 1000x800, coord.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess since the thread is up and running, I'm putting together a casual coord for running around doing errands in tomorrow. I'm looking for concrit, and in particular suggestions for the headpiece (I plan on trying looped braids tomorrow, but pigtails if my hair can't manage it).

Also I do intend to wear the skirt by itself. Not sure if it's a faux pas especially since it's an underskirt....

>> No.7172991
File: 1.01 MB, 794x781, whiterose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright here is what I would suggest. Mind you, they don't have to be these exact items.

-A bolero or cardigan with a more structured, classic design to down play the ruffle-y sweetness of the bodice. Just make sure it can accommodate those puff sleeves and doesn't look awkward with the neckline.
-A pair of off-white lace tights with a floral pattern. They are more elegant than white, opaque tights with floral patterns.
-Classy, grown-up boots may detract away from how unconventionally short the OP is because it visually cuts your leg into two parts. This down plays the length of your leg and visually breaks up the distance from your hemline to the bottoms of your feet. (sorry if that doesn't make sense, I'm having a hard time explaining) If you're not into boots, then some offwhite classic shoes with delicate heels would work nicely.
-Keeping the neckline open looks more ladylike, especially with an elegant choker.
-Keep your other accessories simple and delicate. If you can carry a theme (pearls, roses, soft pin) through them, it would look nice.
-Ideally, a classic purse would go with this outfit, but I was suddenly overcome with nostalgia and the sort of hime-ish turn this outfit had taken. You can replace it if you'd like.

Soft pink lips (or a gradient if you're into that) and neutral, subtle dolly eyes would look nice with this. Think Kotakoti without all the bigotry. Otherwise, just keep it simple and natural.

What are you planning to do with your hair? I think a low-key hime-ish style would be nice; or at the very least lots of volume and romantic curls. It would balance the headdress nicely.

Ways to make the outfit more interesting:
-Scatter small pearls throughout your hair/wig
-Rose shoe clips
-A rose corsage to go on your cardigan or to one side on the waist of your dress.

>> No.7172997

That coord looks lovely, thank you so much!
My natural hair is too short to really style, so I'll probably be wearing a wig - I have one just as you described, with lots of volume and romantic curls, so I think that'll work out. Thanks again! I can't wait to try something like this out!

>> No.7173019

Honestly, I think the off-white of the underskirt look s a little 'off'. There's nothing there to balance it out. Also, since the blazer looks more structured in comparison to the delicate, flowy-ness of the skirt that makes it look even more out of place.

I think this would look cutest with a skirt that is closer to the color family of the blazer and top. Do you have a skirt with cleaner lines than the one pictured? I think a pleated one would look really cute and compliment the blazer well.

As for the hair piece, that style of bow always makes me think if little girls, but that could be just a personal preference. A headband might look a bit odd if you're planning pigtails or braided loops, anyway. Either of those hairstyles would look adorable with a barrette or a hat.

A brown, satchel-style bag to match your shoes would complete this nicely.

>> No.7173046
File: 40 KB, 250x333, iw_blouse_elda_color1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you find a cream-colored blouse with brown accents on the lace like pic related? (or even just a brown neck ribbon if you think that detailing is too much for the print)

I suggest cream because I really like the lace detailing on the bodice and I think a blouse in the same color would compliment it well. The brown detailing would still tie the other browns your using together well. A high or open neckline would also suit the design of the dress better than a big yolk-like peter pan collar, imho.

As for your legs, I would go with crochet tights to match the color of your blouse (whether it be brown or otherwise) and a pair of classy brown shoes that match your bag. Lately, I've been into t-strap mary janes.

Brass colored accessories with a cross or filigree motif would look nice with that print, as well.

What kind of wig/hair style are you planning on wearing, by the way? I ask because cloche hats (which is what your picture looks like, forgive me if I'm incorrect) can look kind of awkward with certain face shapes and hair styles. Does your hat match your bag? My monitor could just be awkward. If not, make sure to pull in that color brown some other way so it's not out of place.

>> No.7173052
File: 175 KB, 859x640, vr coord in progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a co-ord I'm working on! I'm really excited to wear Vampire Requiem.

I'm 5'8, hourglass with a fairly long torso. My measurements are Bust 37, Waist 27. I have a round face and am pale with freckles. I have dark brown hair, black eyes.

>> No.7173061


First of all, thanks for all the advice so far!

Unfortunately no - this is the only real solid colored skirt I have. Everything else is patterned and dressier (I'm still building up my wardrobe and I keep forgetting that I should buy good basics instead of being attracted to every pattern). There's really no other way I could pair the blazer - which I could throw out of course, because I really would like to wear the skirt out.

The hairpiece was filler, I forgot to mention that. I'll keep the hat and/or barrette in mind.

Only other thing that comes to mind that would go with the skirt are white or beige chiffon shirts, but I'm not sure if the white would become overpowering at that point, or if the whites are too different to match.

Suddenly, coording an off white skirt seems pretty hard...

>> No.7173075

Thank you both. I'll have to try this.

>> No.7173109

Wardrobe-building is a skill I learned the hard way. It takes some practice. Definitely stock up on some basics and make sure that the pieces you buy can be coordinated several ways with what you already have to build a size-able wardrobe. Again, I learned this the hard way.

Here are some things I would try:

-If you have a skirt that coordinates with the blazer, use it. Even patterned skirts can look casual if coordinated right. Switch out the turtle neck for an off white one if you have it.

-Start from scratch and use the skirt as a focal point. Pick items that are in a more washed-out color palatte if you can. Think ethereal, casual and cute. Switch the blazer for a cardigan/bolero so it matches the flowy-ness of the skirt better. Use an off-white blouse in lieu of the turtle neck. Switch the blazer out for a light-colored cardigan. Make sure your bag and shoes still match, but go for a lighter color. If you can, it'd be great if they coordinated with your cardigan.

-Ditch the blazer, tuck the turtleneck in and use a brown loliable belt if you have one. Wear tights or socks that better coordinate with the turtle neck.

Hope this helps! If I had a better idea of what's in your closet, I might be able to help more. Good luck!

>> No.7173113
File: 405 KB, 594x578, Screen Shot 2013-11-02 at 8.04.22 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd really appreciate some coord advice with this.

In addition to what I've collaged, I will likely be wearing a soft pink pearl bracelet and a gold/pink rose ring.
If I decide to wear a wig, I'll be wearing a soft blonde twintail wig and the matching headbow.
If I decide to go with my natural hair, I'll likely wear it in a high ponytail like the girl in OP's pic. I have coppery light-brown hair.
I'm not sure what to wear blouse wise. While I would prefer wear white, long sleeve chiffon blouse that I own, I feel like the sleeves would look weird with the jacket, as its sleeves are rather short; I might just wear short-sleeve peter pan collared shirt instead.

I also have either a pair of simple offwhite flats with bows (from bodyline) or a pair of pink RHS. Since I want to wear this outfit in early December, I could easily pick up something else beforehand, so I'm open to suggestions.
For tights, would some white rose-patterned ones be okay?

I'm somewhat short (5'1") and slim/average sized but rather board like. I'm going for a sweet but slightly more mature look.

Sorry for sort of rambling.

>> No.7173136

I am not quite sure how the strawberries, especially with the red necklace, fit in with this dress, since the print is so hard to see. If the print is not too bold, you might be able to get away with printed tights without the coord looking too clashy. As for shoes I think you are better off with something white but with a heel. Flats in general look pretty bad. Since it's a winter coord maybe you can get something that would cover up more of your feet, especially for a more mature look.

>> No.7173149
File: 105 KB, 240x320, baby_jsk_marysheepbabydoll_add17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a better picture of the print.
The shoes I own have a very slight heel, maybe equivalent to tea parties (or slightly higher), but yeah, I think something with more of a heel would be better.

>> No.7173153

Here's what I would suggest:

-A bonnet with a stiffer brim would look better with this skirt.
-A bustier or corset would make this outfit look less casual and therefore better match with the OTT-ness of the bonnet and shoes. In my opinion, anyway. It would also emphasize an hourglass figure well, I think.
-The heart-shaped bag is a classic sweet staple and looks out of place to me with such a gothic coord. I would trade it in for one of those infamous coffin or bat-shaped bags by MMM. A bit predictable, I'll admit, so if it's just not your style, then an elegant black handbag would do just as well.
-Curvier Lolitas look great with open necklines. If that's not your preference, then one with a small, modest collar would be better. High necklines tend to look awkward on bustier Lolitas. A black blouse with lots of pretty lace and details would really make this outfit less casual and more elegant (super ruffle-y sleeves would look awesome if you like that sort of thing).
-Cross, coffin and bat motifs work well with this print as far as jewelry is concerned.

If you just want to wear a blouse, I would switch to a different hair accessory. A bonnet with a blouse+skirt coordinate looks out of place to me, even if it's a fairly dressy skirt.

What are you planning on doing with your hair and makeup?

>> No.7173189

No problem! I look forward to seeing the results!

Here are my suggestions:

-Coppery hair would look cute with this coord, but I think a wig would be warmer since it covers your head (where most of your heat escapes) and would be around your neck for added warmth. I only suggest that since you said you'll be wearing it in December. The ponytail idea would be adorable with a spring-y coord.
-I would go with the pink shoes since they better match your bag and balance the outfit out more. If you want to try something else, pair of shoes with a row of bows to echo the design of the jacket would also look nice. Or a cute pair of boots.
-As for the red strawberry necklace, it doesn't seem to be quite the same shade as the berry-red in the print, but that might be okay. As it stands now though, it looks sort of out of place. So I would add more red accessories. Possibly consider replacing the pearl bracelet with a red one. Or switch the red necklace for pink. Then again, judging by the shape of the jacket, it may look better without a necklace. -As far as blouses go, long sleeves would probably be warmer and more practical, honestly. Even if they are chiffon. As long as the sleeves aren't billowy, they should be fine. You should consider what looks best/is the most practical for when the jacket is off, too.
-If I were you, I would consider a pair of tights that had a pattern texture-wise rather than color. Colorful, rose-printed tights would be too busy for that particular print, I think. Then again, since this outfit is so sweet, white, solid opaque tights wouldn't be out of place. There's also a good chance you can get them in a more substantial, warmer fabric if that's something you're concerned about.

Hope that helps!

>> No.7173204

not the coord poster but this is so detailed. would you help me with my coord anon <.<

>> No.7173216

I'd be glad to!

>> No.7173229

Thank you so much for the advice anon. I'm fairly new to lolita and I don't have many blouses or hair accesories yet but now I know what to look out for.

I think you are definitely right about the bonnet.
Noted, I probably should invest in a black bustier or corset soon.
I completely understand, the bat bags are very cute imo.
Thank you for all the blouse suggestions! Could you give me an image, so I know what to look out for in-particular?
Noted thank you!

Do you think black gothic knee high (tight fitted) laced boots would work better? Or would it be even more OTT.

I might switch to a different hair accesory, maybe something that I have to wear in an up do? Do you have any suggestions?

I forgot to mention my hair is curly/wavy. I plan to wear it up but if I go with the bonnet, I'm not quite sure. Do you have any recommendations.

I haven't decided on makeup yet.

>> No.7173240

You're awesome, anon. Many thanks.

You might be right about the red necklace; I myself was doubting it but didn't want to end up being too plain.

I have a thickish pair of subtly rose patterned tights, so I'll probably take your advice and go with those and a pair of pink shoes.

Your advice and comments are much appreciated!

>> No.7173247

For hair, I'm thinking of a honey-colored Mermaid from Lockshop, but until I actually get the funds just using my own hair, which is about shoulder length and soon-to-be the same color. It's thick and voluminous enough to work so I'm not concerned.

The bag's a slightly lighter color in person than in pics, but if the hat doesn't match I don't mind continuing to search for headgear, it was pretty cheap. And thanks for the blouse suggestion - I've only seen just plain black or white blouses with this dress (when it comes to people who use those colors) and I didn't like the look, but a blouse like this would definitely work!

>> No.7173264
File: 1.76 MB, 3264x2448, DSCN1521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could use some help with this dress. I'm not used to wear prints and so this is puzzling me so hard.

-Style I'm going for: Anything not overly sweet is fine.
-What I want to achieve: I aspire to pair this JSK with a black blouse (the chiffon Dear Celine one with the big neck ribbon, I think its name was Poet of Spring?), but I am stuck with the rest of the coord.
-What do I look like: I have dark hazel eyes and long, wavy dark brown hair with full straight bangs, oval face, fair skin with pink undertones, 33-25-33 at 5'6''. I've been told empire waists look nice on me so I am comfortable with not obscuring the top half of the dress.
-Unwilling to do: No pink bags/shoes, I wouldn't really use them with the rest of my wardrobe. No contacts or fake lashes either, I have a weird prescription and I'm limited to my glasses.
Willing to do: Pretty much anything else. I'd rather use my natural hair but I am fine with wigs.

Sorry if this is so vague you can't do anything with it.

>> No.7173287
File: 26 KB, 250x333, blouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are very welcome.

I would highly recommend getting an assortment of bustiers, vests, cardigans, boleros and jackets as you build your wardrobe, especially if you're into gothic. They're good basic, staple pieces that make your closet much more flexible. You can pair the same skirt with each of those items and make it look totally different. That, and they're all good ways to dress up an otherwise casual coord. It's especially useful if you're like me and prefer to wear skirts unless it's a special occasion.

As for the boots, it depends on how you'd coordinate them. I tend to associate thick, chunky soles with more elaborate outfits. Or 'old school' gothic lolita.

I think an updo wold look very pretty. Try looking at pictures of classic lolitas for inspiration. Victorian Maiden's model's wear updos a lot. Same with Juliette et Justine, if I remember correctly. I think a hair corsage in that same blue would be very pretty. Depending on the type of updo, a circular head dress with flowers, feathers or veils might also look nice. But if you plan to go with the bonnet, I think leaving it down and creating lots of volume would look pretty. It depends on your face shape, though.

Pic related is an example of what I'd call an open-necked blouse. (If you tuck the straps in.) Princess sleeves are not everyone's cup of tea and can be difficult to work with if you're just starting out, but they're gorgeous if done right.

I think smokey, neutral eyemakeup would be good as long as it isn't too heavy. I tend to use a berry-colored lip tint when I go for darker eyes because it's more natural-looking and subtle.

Hope this helps!

You're welcome! I'm glad I could help some.

That sounds very pretty!

If that hat doesn't work out, you could possibly try another style? One of those wide-brimmed felt hats like what VM sells would look cute with the voluminous hair.

I love this dress, so I can't wait to see what you come up with.

>> No.7173312
File: 43 KB, 240x320, pariswindows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to find what to wear with this JSK. I have a off white blouse but I feel like it blends in with the JSK. Suggestions?

>> No.7173316


Ah, thanks for the pointers. I redid the thing with your advice in mind, and once I laid out it on the bed, it does look a lot softer and more cohesive. I'm just nervous because I have a beige cardigan, but surprisingly, it doesn't clash as much as I thought it would once I added more items. Thanks a lot again.

>> No.7173322

Sauce on book purse please.

>> No.7173411
File: 1.09 MB, 1113x857, haenuli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted this a couple times in the other thread. Still unsure of which tights would be better to use and what I should do about a hair accessory. I have a floral headband there now but I'm unsure if I should go for something else. Also, what kind of makeup would be best for a coord like this? I intend to just wear my regular hair with it, which is dark brown with blunt bangs and straightened, unless someone has a different suggestion.

>> No.7173428

That is very good advice, I definetly will invest in these items along the way. I have quite a few dresses and skirts, 7 jsks/ops and 4 skirts but very little items appropriate for tops so it's definetly about time to sort that out. Do you have any recommendations on what brands I should purchase from?

My boots soles are a lot less chunkier than the mary janes so I may consider them. I'm a bit of a sucker for the old school look my self.

Thank you anon :) I'll definitely have a look for inspiration. Hopefully I can find something. That's an excellent suggestion. My face is Heart shape (I think) and somewhat long).

I think that is one of the nicest looking princess sleeved blouse I've ever seen. I have actually consider getting this I.W blouse before as it's quite elegant. It's good to know open necked blouses suit bustier lolitas.

Thank you for your suggestion, I think I will try that. I normally go for either a pink or red lip so a berry would be a nice change.

You are an extremely helpful and kind anon. Thank you.

>> No.7173437
File: 524 KB, 1024x768, She said she won the world, at a carnival.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried

>> No.7173438

I love the cape!

I think if you want to wear the floral headband you should use the black tights however if you'd prefer to use coloured tights a black headpiece would be more suitable imo.

Depending on what type of head piece you'd wear you could make this more gothic or classic. But it depends what look you'd like to go for.

May I ask where the cape is from?

>> No.7173484
File: 176 KB, 450x675, infanta OP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just starting out with lolita and have fallen in love with this new release from Infanta. If anyone has any coord suggestions, I'd be grateful. I don't want to look like a total ita and waste the dress's potential.

>> No.7173464

It's actually something I found on Google, tried to track down, failed, gave up on, and then found on eBay of all places by accident. I got it from the seller jstuffsale. They're not currently selling another but they may post another one eventually. You could also search "book shaped bag" and find some similar items.

>> No.7173672
File: 939 KB, 2606x1242, Vampire skirt for anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read what the other anon suggested and wanted to throw in my own two cents.
I think that if you want to use that heart bag you need to make the outfit more "sweeter, romantic" goth by using more using bows and roses throughout your outfit to help bring it together.
My outfit still uses the skirt as the focus piece and the colors are a black x blue combo. I've also listed where I found the pieces and included a make-up suggestion.

For the headpiece, I agree with the first anon about a harder bonnet and found a picture of a girl with dark brown hair and bonnet w/ flowers in it. Although it's in pink you can get the idea about how you could wear it with this skirt.

For the blouse, I found the long sleeved surface spell blouse with square neck-line and also included the Magic tea party blouse which is shorter sleeves but if this outfit is for a convention, it's nice to be able to have a bolero to take off if it gets hot outside but too cold inside.

With the bag, adding a matching rose key charm or accessory will add interest and help carry the rose theme through.
Tights I kept simple and with the shoes, a pair with bows would look very cute. If funds are tight and you stick with the mary-janes add a medium size rose at the buckle to help soften the look of them.

>> No.7173808
File: 70 KB, 480x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I think I def get that, the thing about the tights vs headpiece. Which color of purple do you think would be better if I were to go for the colored tights? I want to go more gothic for this, so I would suppose that that might change what would be the better tights option? As for the headpiece, I wasn't sure what else to do. Originally I had something similar to pic related. I'm still a bit of a noob and am more familiar with sweet than I am gothic so I'm not quite sure what the best head piece would be.

Anyways the cape is Lapin Agill! I snagged it off the comm sales, I'm excited for it to come in.

>> No.7174020
File: 200 KB, 1200x1325, Infantagate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here you go anon. There is a really pretty gold gate necklace on Putumayo's website for only about $16 that would be lovely with this dress.

The shoes are Vivienne Westwood, the tights are Zohara, the earrings are etsy, and the flowers for your hair you can find at your local crafts store.

>> No.7174065

Thank you so much, this is wonderful!

>> No.7174091

This is a bit weird but I am also just starting out in lolita after years of wanting to and I have also just bought this dress in purple...
I have a matching pair of shoes in purple but don't know what kind of tights to go for? I was thinking either plain black or something with a hint of gold.

>> No.7174109

Go with tights that has gold.

>> No.7174118

I'd also like to know where the capelet is from, if possible.

>> No.7174124

I thought as much, thanks!

>> No.7174131

I'm glad it's understandable the darker purple would suit gothic better I think. The headbow is nice perhaps a little sweet but it could work. Dark coloured bonnets, Black headdresses, mini veils, round headdresses, dark corsages, or alice bows.

It's gorgeous I hope it suits you really well when it arrives :)

>> No.7174196

It's from Lapin Agill.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. The tights are pretty cheap so I might just buy both, I could always use the lilac in a future sweet coord. I was worried a bonnet might make me look like a giant baby but I'll have to just play around and see what looks best (maybe get some cheap-but-nice stuff off taobao). Thanks for the help!

>> No.7174291
File: 146 KB, 593x733, MGR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having trouble choosing a headpiece for Chantilly's Phantom Merry Go Round and would appreciate some opinions. The dress has a slight sheen to it and a tiny amount of lace around the neck and sleeves. The gold accents are much richer than pictured, and the rest of the dress is a pure ivory, not tinted like the picture.

These are the pieces I've considered so far: the circular piece can be customized to have different ribbon colors, so ignore the wine ribbon; however, does the lace look out of place for the dress? Thoughts on the middle option? As for the bottom option, I have the bow pictured. Would it look too weird if I just accented it with a gold flower or something? I'm trying to not break the bank (since I already did on the dress), but if there's anything else beyond these that would look good, I'd be happy to know.

Also, I have gold shoes, and was wondering if it would be too much to wear ivory socks with gold accents and instead just settle on ivory-colored lace tights.

>> No.7174300

That looks like a sweet mildred floral headband, right? She will make those in custom to match dresses when her shop is open. So if you don't own it already, contact her maybe and have her make one with gold and ivory?

>> No.7175744

Thank you so much anon for the time and thought to make this. I really appreciate it and it's opened my eyes to other possibilities of how to do it.

I do agree that the floppy bonnet would look strange. I'm actually planning on ordering a few of the blouses too so that's great. I never thought about accesorising my bag or shoes, thank you so much anon. I really like this coord.

>> No.7176590
File: 110 KB, 480x640, GloriaAgnesSkirt-navy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could anyone help me with coording Aatp's Gloria skirt in navy interestingly? I'm a bit stuck on accessories and bringing out the colors in the stained glass.

>> No.7176600

I think it would be gorgeous with dark red and gold. On my phone though so no pictures :( maybe with the Roland jacket or other open front coat in wine red?

>> No.7176968
File: 37 KB, 312x600, 107375_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, I recently bought this dress but have no idea what would match with this piece.
Would like to know what you guys would advice me to wear with this dress.
I like classic outfits and really dolled up outfits.

>> No.7177005
File: 70 KB, 300x400, Ekaterina OP - Mary Magdalene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I need some advice with this OP. Or rather, the KidsYoyo replica of it, which is actually really nice, and really close to the original, but without the corduroy.

I have a pair of burgundy tights that match the dress' color, and I also have a pair of patterned lacy tights that are white. Would it look okay to wear the white ones over the burgundy, so you can see the red underneath? or would that be too much?

I just feel like I need to spice up the outfit since the OP is so plain.

(also, is there a way to make the back of the skirt look less strange? I have to pull the lacing almost all the way tight, and then it bunches up funny. The replica has lacing that goes further up the back than the original.)

And, just to be a pest, can anyone suggest an inexpensive blouse or cutsew that I could pull off with it? 'S getting too cold for short sleeves. I guess it would almost have to be high collared with the neckline of the OP.

Pic related; the original OP because I can't find a photo of the replica in the right color; similar tights because I have no idea where I got mine from; and the back of the two for comparison.

Sorry for the long post.

>> No.7177011
File: 1.02 MB, 666x860, gyregrehifjre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong pic. My bad.

>> No.7177012

I'd go with dark brown tights, and then try to bring in another color in your shoes / accessories. A nice light cream, or maybe a dark blue or red.

That OP is gorgeous, and that hanger is wondrous.

>> No.7177047


OT: but you're the Romford anon, right? Barking anon here.

>> No.7179734


>> No.7180108
File: 110 KB, 592x559, Ekaterina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't layer the tights if I were you; someone in my comm did that, except with navy and it looked wonky. White lace tights really only look good layered over light colors. You should wear one or the other, then go for really fancy burgundy or brown shoes, since you want more details.

The bunching up is inevitable if it's laced tightly. No specific blouse or cutsew comes to mind immediately, but I think a lacy turtleneck or something high-collared would be best.

>> No.7180115


I've got a pair of burgundy shoes and a pair of white; I was planning on doing either white tights with the burgundy shoes, or the other way 'round.

Thanks for the advice c:

Do you think that just a plain white turtleneck would be fine? I'm short on cash and need to get this coord finished ASAP, I can just hit up the thrift stores.

Also, I wish I could get that first pair of shoes. But... I can't walk in heels to save my life. I can do little 2 inch heels at most ; u ;

>inb4 emoticon

>> No.7180118

Is that necklace from ebay? If so, I had the same one and it just arrived in the mail broken. It's super cheap. Pretty, but I wouldn't recommend unfortunately

>> No.7180180

You could also go for a super low neck cutsew or blouse to give the impression of a long-sleeved OP if you wanted...

>> No.7180264

Are skin-toned pantyhose acceptable in lolita? They'd work in a coord of mine but I don't think I've ever seen a (good) coord with them, and that may just mean something.

>> No.7180266

Forgot to mention that these pantyhose do have a design on them, they are floral with roses. If they didn't it would be a little pointless other than making my legs not looks like crap.

>> No.7180330
File: 113 KB, 398x600, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like them, but I think you have to take the outfit in less of a lolita direction and more of a vintage direction. Kinda like pic related I guess, where it's not strictly lolita at all but you can see the influence.

>> No.7180341

I only use skin tone pantyhose when I'm wearing OTKs, I like to smooth out the thigh above the OTKs with them.

>> No.7180358

Same! They also help to keep the OTKs from falling down.

>> No.7182042
File: 81 KB, 267x690, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got this set underway but I'm not sure how to wear it yet. Some help would be greatly appreciated.

Extra info: I'm 1.65m tall and weigh 45kgs. My hair is long and dark brown, I don't wear wigs. The style I'm going for is gothic and I'd like to build on the religious theme of the dress and OTKs, so I guess I'd be trying to look dark but still classy and a bit innocent.

The thing I'm having most trouble with is shoe colour. Black would probably look bad because the OTKs are black as well, but I can't think of any other colour that would look good.
As for the blouse, I thought off-white would look good but now I'm not so sure anymore. As for the asseccories, crosses and similar things would be great. I was thinking silver would probably look best with this coord.

>> No.7182046

Also, it's the long version of the dress.

>> No.7182048

*accessories I'm a dumbass

>> No.7182050
File: 147 KB, 567x850, T2iKPsXf0aXXXXXXXX_!!186720356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Krad Lanrete Phantom of Opera skirt, short version, mine is black x silver. I have no idea what to do with it.

>> No.7182051

Get a real rosary for sure. That will look lovely with it.

>> No.7182053
File: 134 KB, 567x850, T2nKftXahXXXXXXXXX_!!186720356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7182506
File: 266 KB, 1382x640, coordhelp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to go for a sweet casual look, but I have no idea what I'm doing. I got this dress from a friend and I don't really have much to coord it with, so I tried matching the purple used at the hem of the dress (don't know if you can see it, but most all the pictures have purple ribbons on them or are chocolate bars wrapped in purple packaging)
I'd really prefer not to wear a wig and not wear long socks, which is why I'm aiming for something more casual. (also not sure if this matters, but I'd wear skin coloured tights with it to cover up my mosquito bites and scars (I'm clumsy as all hell) when I go out.)

>> No.7182544

I don't think those shoes work with the colour of that dress. Also, those socks are a complete no go. Wear white or brown tights, depending on what shoes you pair with it.
I would also ditch the cardigan/sweater you've got and go for one that is shorter (aim for your natural waist) or at least smaller, probably in brown.

>> No.7182586

I'd ditch the socks and go for a plain pair.

>> No.7182593
File: 81 KB, 640x478, purple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The shoes are shiny so they're coming out wonky in the photos, but in person they are the same color as the darker stripes on the dress.
I figured as much for the socks. Do you think white lace ankle socks would work? I think the white tights might be a bit too much.
Also I took a picture of the purple in the print, do you think the purple sweater would still be a bad idea? I kinda want to change things up and make this casual sugary-sweet instead of toned down. If the purple sweater still won't work, the only brown jacket/cardigan/thing is a brown tweed one.
(Also I'm sorry if how I'm wording this is weird, I don't mean to negate anything you say, I'm really reading and considering your advice. But it's rather difficult for me to get a coord together for this dress. I wear primarily classic (or super toned down sweet that's borderline classic), so when my friend gave me this dress it really threw a curveball at me and I don't have much to coord it with. I had to pull some stuff from my casual clothes just to find things that match, haha.)

Thank you!

>> No.7182600

I don't think there's enough purple in the print to justify the cardigan/ sweater thing. It looks too baggy to me for lolita anyway. I agree with the other anon and would say a brown cardigan or bolero would go a little better. If you're from the UK New Look do really nice cardigans for a reasonable price.

>> No.7182617

You do realize that your images are so dark that no one can tell what colours are in them, right?
I've seen the dress and those shoes (I own the shoes) in person, and I still don't think the cardigan or shoes are a good idea.
Also, white lace ankle socks would be fine, but I don't see why a nice pair of white tights would be too much.

>> No.7182631

Aw shucks, I was really hoping it would be okay. Either way, I'm not in the UK, but I have an H&M and F21 really close to my house (along with a few other stores whose names escape me). I'll try and hunt down a brown cardigan for this dress.
One moment while I control time and space to make it so sunshine filters through my windows instead of... Well... Nothing because it's dark when I get home.
Nonetheless I think we have different shades of the pink shoes, because I just held the shoes up to the dress and they are pretty much the same colour. The shoes might be a smidgen darker but it's hard to tell because they're not matte. Also I think the white tights would be too much because the dress has stripes on it of a very light pink and a darker pink and would look off.

>> No.7182632

Also, if I manage to find a good brown sweater/cardigan, I think I'll swap out the pink shoes for a pair of brown tea parties instead. I think I'll have to settle making this coord more toned down sweet instead of sugary sweet, though.

>> No.7182663

I personally think longer cardigans look terrible with lolita, because they mess with the overall silhouette. If they come over the petti poof then it loses your waist. Even for a casual coord. Go for a cute short cardigan for a better look. I'd definitely say go for it in a pink or brown though rather than purple. The purple brings in another 'main' color and then you're trying to balance far too many colors. For a more toned down or casual look, stick with a smaller pallette of the pink and brown as main, with whites and maybe purples as accents.

>> No.7182682

Thank you, I'm probably going to stay away from white, but I'll try and find a good cardigan.

>> No.7182735
File: 69 KB, 312x638, why_would_you_bother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is all this strange photochopping going on here?

>> No.7182748

It actually looks like some kind of weird pixelization/ compression issue resulting from shitty quality phone pics being resized.

>> No.7182765
File: 278 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mvnsq92ES61qecu65o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think long cardigans can work well with lolita, as long as it fits well and goes well with the outfit (as with anything). Pic quite related, though you can see that she buttoned up the top to make it more form fitting and slightly more flattering to the silhouette.

>> No.7182781

It's called pixelation? Why the fuck would I photoshop my foot?
I do admit they are shitty quality, this phone actually takes really good photos when the lighting isn't terrible (like it is in my room), though.

Wow, that's really pretty, I have a cardigan like that but I've never known how to use it. Major inspiration!

>> No.7182914


>> No.7183060
File: 141 KB, 609x603, 1K18b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone can't take pics right but I have those shoes too!

>> No.7183175

I think it only just works with that dress since it's empire waisted so doesn't have that same poof out from the waist that most princess line or natural-waist dresses do.

Gold or silver shoes depending on your accessories!

>> No.7183212
File: 2.59 MB, 1584x1944, jytdvgy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm still trying to find/ save up for the dress in the top co-ord before i start on it, but ive got bits and pieces from the bottom one which i will be working on more during the holidays hopefully.
i would appreciate any crit you guys can give me on these or in general, as im heavily considering picking up lolita again after just lurking for a few years and i still have A LOT to learn.

>> No.7183218
File: 33 KB, 250x333, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently got the short version of this in the mail. I have all the basics to go with it, but it just looks so boring. Any tips on how to spice up some plain items?

>> No.7183266

Accessorize with complementary colors in things like rosettes, brooches, flowers. When putting together your outfit, use interesting jewelry, hairstyle, shoes, hairpieces.

>> No.7183269

A bolero or shawl could also spice things up a bit. I agree with what >>7183266 said too.

>> No.7183284
File: 1.66 MB, 2592x1936, shoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... I can take pictures but the lightings shit. I'm not going to respond to anymore comments about whether or not I can take a picture or about the lighting.
I took another picture, lighting's still not the best, but it's better and I think the colour is a bit clearer now.

>> No.7183381
File: 114 KB, 868x640, 71616_477486085628042_89704163_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7183392

Damn they look like clown shoes.

>> No.7183406

the pink is cute! Maybe I'll get that color... a friend of mine has them in black and red, I was thinking of getting another pair.

>> No.7183419

You're honestly being such a bitch when people are just trying to help you.
Don't ask for advice if you're just going to blow it off.
Don't post shitty photos in which you can't see the colour for shit if you're doing it to showcase the *colour* of something.
Maybe just don't post on /cgl/ at all

I'm not going to respond to any more of your posts, considering you've basically ignored all of the advice I and other anons have given you.

>> No.7183474
File: 158 KB, 318x322, 1371053849091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only responded bitchy to the people who bitched at me. If you look back and actually read what I wrote, the only time I really blew off advice was when someone said the shoes didn't match the dress, when really they do, they just don't photograph well. I tried asking if some things would work instead of others because of my limited items that match this dress. Finally, if you looked I took people's advice and I'm going to go shopping for a brown cardigan. Also, the original *colour* of something photo was to show how much purple was in the print, not the shade of purple, which is why I didn't think the terrible lighting would be that bad. Honestly I don't care if you stop responding to me, because you're the one who's been being bitchy and, well, in turn causing me to bitch back.

I would recommend getting them in matte, I only got the shiny pair because it was all that was in stock and honestly the colour is quite dark compared to some sweet dresses. (In my case it worked out though, I bought them for my one pink dress, and they ended up being the same colour, haha.) I believe the matte pair in light pink are a bit lighter than the shiny pair.

>> No.7183524
File: 1.32 MB, 3264x2448, 20131107_173630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this ollar too big for somebody who uses their natural hair? It seems like it makes my head seem smaller.

coord con-crit in general appreciated, as I'm not really a fan of it right now

>> No.7183533

Hi hi sandy-chan~
Could you post a better picture of your top half so we can see the collar better? From what Im seeing it looks too big.

>> No.7183558
File: 130 KB, 439x405, curl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Curling your hair under will give it more volume while still giving the impression that the hair itself is straight. That would definitely help. Pic related is a gal blogger showing the difference in volume you get when you straighten your hair using a flat iron vs. a curling wand. Just make sure you use one that has a big barrel.

Other than that, I really like the simplicity of this coord, so I wouldn't change much as far as the main pieces go. It's balanced and cute; there isn't enough toned-down AP like this imho.

The most I might do is suggest that you switch out and add some items and that's only if you want to bring more color into the coord. For example's sake, let's say you wanted to add pink--just make sure all the pinks you use match. You could layer a pink bolero/cardigan over the JSK. I actually think the yolk collar and lace sleeves would look cute peeking out of a pink card. Then I would suggest you switched those black shoes out for a pair of pink ones and add a pink purse (or a purse with pink in it that matches the motif like a BtssB bunny bag).

That brings me to my next suggestion: you can definitely make it more visually interesting by accessorizing, though. Pick motifs in the print that you like. The obvious choice would be white rabbits. Jewelry would be a good place to start. You can also do little things like look closely at the lace of an item and see if it matches a motif in the print. Close attention to detail like that is really awesome to me.

Here's a youtube tutorial that better articulates the points I'm making:

/watch?v =FsMNZk67AVo

>> No.7183587
File: 223 KB, 1170x978, IMG_20131109_123655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello anon~

Yes, here is a photo. Sorry for the shittiest quality in the world, I'm on my phone.

>> No.7183597

I like that collar, it looks cute.
Also your wall is fucking great.

>> No.7183603
File: 269 KB, 794x1280, cardi idea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! I usually do curl my hair on the very bottoms when I'm going out, but I'll definitely look into the one that keeps it looking straight.

Thanks! I've been searching for a cute and affordable bunny necklace, actually. I also kinda want to do a glass bottle/"drink me" motif. There are a few small details that are never brought out with this print (theres a cup of tea with roses) that I want to utilize, but I don't know how to bring out the roses without jumping on the flower-crown train which really doesnt match with this dress.

>You could layer a pink bolero/cardigan over the JSK. I actually think the yolk collar and lace sleeves would look cute peeking out of a pink card.
Did you read my mind? Ive actually been planning a coord like this for when it gets colder, pic related is an old pic i posted on tumblr.

Thanks for all the advice! It really helps.

Unfortunately, I cant get that video to work?

Sorry I keep spamming myself itt. I'd spoiler the image if I could.

>> No.7183607

Oh, and the blouse in this photo is a different one, with a smaller collar.

>> No.7183610

How OTT do you want to go? You could always make a cup of tea headdress with roses in it if you have any sort of crafty bent, or put small rose clips in your hair as well as your bow.

>> No.7183614
File: 93 KB, 280x373, wh_0_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks and thanks.

Doesnt the collar kind of make my shoulders look ..big? And make my hair look really flat? Or am I just being self-concious?

>up of tea headdress with roses in it
Anon. Thats GENIUS. I will definitely do that one day for a con. I have no idea what im going to do for the tea cup to make it not heavy/breakable but still realistic, but I WILL FIND A WAY and it will most likely include a lot of hi-gloss spray coat.

Also, I will probably do the small rose clip thing. Reminds me of pic related. It would be great in a dusty or deep pink for a more classic take on it. The rose petals on the dress have some deeper, darker magenta color on it but it might be a little hard to coord properly since most of the colors on the dress are dusty pastels. Sorry for the rambling.

>> No.7183655

May I ask where the blouse is from? It's super cute.

>> No.7183679

The one I started the post with was by Magic Tea Party (taobao), and the one I posted with the cardigan is by AP. I might sell the magic tea party one, but I'm still debating on it.

>> No.7185054
File: 50 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mw25w4Kiom1s2dbbxo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get some concrit on this co-ord? I can't help but feel something is off.

I was thinking of maybe changing the bow for a small cameo brooch and changing the belt to something with a subtle detail such as this.


>> No.7185067


>> No.7185069

Your frame is pretty small going from this and other photos I've seen of you so I wouldn't worry too much about your shoulders looking broad.

I also think the contrast between the flat, vertical hair and horizontal collar is nice.

>> No.7185072

For me, what throws it off is the waistcoat's black. The necktie is nice for balancing out the lace on the skirt but more black is too heavy, I think.

>> No.7185084

That's actually part of the dress, it's a JSK.

>> No.7185090

The necktie is a dark brown, if you like I can take a more up close photo of it to give people a better idea of the shade.

>> No.7185165

I have really thin arms and small torso, so most blouses look terrible on me. What type of blouses should I wear or try?

>> No.7185196

Chiffon will make you elegant and will drape well around your arms, but heavy cotton will look frumpy on you.

>> No.7185219

Have you tried those princess sleeve blouses?

>> No.7185255

I don't want to try wearing one because my arm is so tiny. My arm at the widest is 7-8 inches.

>> No.7185259
File: 1.16 MB, 1048x674, batbag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I think it would be really fun to do stuff like this with Angelic Pretty. But I'm always worried it will look awkward.

>> No.7185262

Do it anyway. Would like to see a Gothic take on AP.

>> No.7185302

Thanks for the encouragement!

I really like oldschool gothic Lolita and want to do an updated version of it. At the same time, I really like AP but don't feel very comfortable in super sweet Lolita, nor do most of their printed items look very good on me cut-wise. Their solid pieces are much more flattering on me, imho. I thought trying something like this was the best way to have my cake and eat it too.

>> No.7185351
File: 385 KB, 632x586, Screen shot 2013-11-10 at 3.55.16 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried developing a simple coordinate revolving around Dreamy Horoscope, and I do believe I want to incorporate the different shades of blue as seen here. I'm not sure though, something seems like it's not piecing together perfectly, but it also seems decent? I'm not sure. The stars are a headband, and I included the bolero only for the fact that I may want to layer in these next few months. Advice, please?

>> No.7185455

Honestly, I'm not a fan of layering socks and tights, but that could just be personal preference. Also, the blue in your tights don't really match the blue that you're using. It's good that you added the bolero for more structure, though. Here's what I would do:

-Get a more noticeable headpiece to go along with the stars. Or, style your hair/wig in a hime bouffant to call attention to the headband as it is rather small. Having some silver stars scattered throughout your 'do would look cute, too.
-Trade the white bolero for a sax one (make sure it matches your bag) because with the cut of this JSK, it's important that you give the upper half a little structure. The more structured, the better. A round neckline would also look better with the JSK and blouse you chose.
-Ditch the tights. Or find a pair of tights that have the same sheer white/navy color scheme if you're concerned about warmth.
-Get a pair of sax shoes to match the rest of the sax in your outfit.
-Add some delicate silver jewelry (a necklace and bracelet should be all you need, but you can add more) to balance out the silver in your hair. Just make sure it matches the motif you're going for.

That way the outfit is better balanced and looks more put-together.

>> No.7185478
File: 487 KB, 767x1279, 2013-11-10-17-14-37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So out of these, perhaps go with the navy? Say I were to ditch the sax colored bag and went with something white? Or should I keep the sax Melty Moon? I also thought about white tights, but I'm not so sure. (I need to wear decently opaque tights due to a skin condition that is noticeable on my legs).

>> No.7185511

That would still be a bit off balance in my opinion. It may work if everything else is sax blue, depending on how you coordinate it. (Also, I think the sky blue tights match your bag better than the blue your originally used, but that could just be my monitor being off). These tights you've selected look sort of semi-sheer, but would a pair of really thick opaque tights work? I own a pair that are warm and toasty and you can't see anything through them. It might be different with your skin condition, though.

I think the melty moon bag is really cute and matches the motif well, so I'd like for it to stay in the coordinate if possible. The white shoes might work in that case since there's white in the bag.

Here's some points to consider for balance and layering if you're struggling:

I like to break my coord down when I'm planning it. Usually I do halves (upper half and lower half of an outfit), but you could do thirds if you want. Then I think about the colors I'm using. In your case, it looks like navy, sax and white. Try to make sure each color you're using is in each section of the coordinate and evenly distributed. Once I started thinking about that, my outfits started looking a lot more balanced.

Next thing to consider is layering. A good way to make a well-balanced coord is to follow these suggestions: generally, it looks best when your blouse matches your tights/socks and your shoes match your bag. Lighter colors usually look better layered under darker ones as well. That's not always the case, though.

>> No.7185521

Thank you so much, I will consider all of this! I'm glad that I'm not a complete lost cause, though. Now that you say it, the baby blue tights do seem to tie everything together in a nice way. I will use the techniques you suggested as I continue to plan this.

>> No.7185526

You are very welcome! I can't wait to see the results.

>> No.7185545

I really don't want to post any kind of selca, but... could someone please suggest what kind of dress cut/shape looks most flattering for:

Height: 5' 1" / 154cm
Weight: 95~98 lbs. / 43~44kg
Measurements: 34D-28-35 / 86-71-88
Super short torso, sort of boxy-shaped, and most fat concentrated at belly unfortunately.
Skin tone and facial features are stereotypical of a Basque person, Google it if you need help because idk how else to describe my face.

Interested in mostly bittersweet sort of style and would like to branch out to classic as well. Feel free to post actual pieces that might look good too, idk. Looking for things to add to bookmarks to admire/consider purchasing. Thanks seagulls.

>> No.7185551
File: 1.22 MB, 1138x711, coord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time putting together a full lolita coord, so I wanted to know if it was ok. I've been into fairy kei for the past few years so.. ;;
Anything I should change?

>> No.7185554
File: 617 KB, 928x596, coord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woah, sorry I have no idea why it turned out so huge.. I've downsized it a bit, sorry!

>> No.7185633

Sounds like you're a mix between rectangular and apple shaped as well as a bit on the busty side? I'm a bit taller, I have a similar body type minus the boobs. If I'm right, here's some things I do that're worth considering:

-Use as much poof as possible to create waist definition.
-Buy dresses with as little detail on the bodice as possible (esp. art the waist).
-Dresses w/dark colors around the bodice/waist are also great. Esp. if you gain weight in your middle.
-You can't go wrong with cuts that are popular in Classic brands. Drop waist JSK/OPs/dresses that don't have a seam at the waistline tend to look best. They elongate my torso and create definition. A skirt+bustier/corset combination also works for the same reasons.
-If you're thick enough around the middle to disrupt the silhouette, invest in shapewear, control top tights and/or a corset. This will make the lines of your outfit a lot cleaner.
-If you have good legs, don't wear socks/shoes that cut your calves off awkwardly. Either go bare-legged or wear tights/socks that are long enough to look like tights.

Some tips I've heard curvier Lolitas give each other that may work for you:

-Open necklines for blouses and dresses are the best. Avoid blouses and dresses that are too fussy and have high necklines.
-If your boobs are big enough that it creates a curve by the side of your arm, then get a bra that pushes them together, this will also make the silhouette look smother. Just look out for excessive cleavage (unless you're doing an ero look).

That's all I know that seems like it would be helpful. Some of it may work and some of it may not. As for your features, from what I understand, most Basque people have red to brown hair, green eyes, fair olive skin, long oval faces and long noses. If this is you, then you would look amazing in classic, imho. Look at how JetJ and VM style their models for inspiration. Although it's mostly gothic, the flaasco blog has some great classic coords, too.

>> No.7185653

Looks good for a first try at a full coord! Although Salopettes, while they look great with fairy key, are generally considered Lolita-related because they're usually quite short and sometimes don't have the right skirt shape. Since you're new, you might want to try getting the JSK in another cut. It may be best to stick to basics since you're just starting out. You picked a really adorable print, though and brown colorways have been popular as of late.

Also, are your blouse and socks white, off-white or cream? My monitor is crappy so I can't tell the difference between those colors sometimes. Cream is another way you can coord this that I think would look nice. Baby's shade of cream (also known as Kinari) in particular would compliment this dress nicely. If you want to add more, I would also throw in a cute brown bag and some pretty gold jewelry that fits the theme of the print. It would look cute with the wig you've chosen, too.

These are just some suggestions you might consider.

>> No.7185675

This all makes sense! Thank you so much!!

I actually have dark brown hair and eyes, but the rest is absolutely spot-on. I own one classic piece so far, haven't coorded it yet but when I tried it on, right away all my friends told me I looked so great. So I think maybe classic might actually work out really well for me... thanks again!!

>> No.7185721
File: 47 KB, 841x938, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I'm still pretty new, so I was wondering If I could get a few suggestions. I just ordered lady sloth's magical landscape. Just the nw skirt, I wasn't too sure about some of the bodice work with jsks. Anyway, I was considering this blouse and some patterned cream tights, and that's so boring. I was thinking it needed a brown vest of bolero?

>> No.7185732
File: 1.40 MB, 1000x1193, info.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome! I made an info graphic to emphasize some of my points and add to it.

Hopefully, this will give you some ideas as well. I can't wait to see you start posting outfits!

>> No.7185746
File: 51 KB, 520x395, ughhhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops I Have a Bodyline Addiction- an autobiography by me
Anyway, this is my first Kuro/Gothic coord. I'm usually Sweet/Classic, so this was a nice change of pace. I wore solid black tights and a long, straight black wig with this. I took some killer shots wearing this in a graveyard for a self portrait assignment. I would totally wear this again.

>> No.7185793

I have a question... I'm a busty Lolita (100cm, 32G) with an underbite and chubby face.
I love the look of peter pan and high collars with lovely ties, but they just choke me and eat my chin and make my face look even fatter than usual. I also have a problem where my bust pulls the Jsk down somewhat so the top of the dress doesn't rest at my sternum but rather just above my chest. This means that instead of showing the cute collar, it also shows an awkwardly large amount of the blouse.

I know I can just wear lower-cut blouses and whatnot, but I just love the look of a cute bow on the neck. I feel like it can give a boring outfit the kick it needs.

Do any lolitas have a similar dilemma? What's your usual solution?
I'm buying a blouse fr taobao soon and am trying to find what will suit my body best but also cater to my tastes.

>> No.7185875
File: 393 KB, 700x791, dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm waiting on pic related to arrive in the mail. However, I'd really love some help coording it. I was thinking of using some standard-issue black tights as the print is so busy that I'm hesitant to go crazy with socks or tights. But other than that, I'm pretty much clueless as to what to do with it.
Also, my hair is a light brown caramel colour, with reddish tips that come and go as I dye my hair pretty irregularly.

>> No.7185904

Gave some pretty good advice for busty Lolitas. read the thread of comments before it for more tips. Like they said you can focus on other details (they listed sleeves) to make your outfit look less boring. if you want something that pops near your face/neck area, you'd probably be better off with a choker or something. Or an interesting head piece. You can also skip a blouse and wear an OP. You also have the option of laying a cardi or bolero over.

>> No.7185966

diff anon here, but this is really helpful! Do you (or anyone else) have any tips for what to wear with that structured vests like that excentrique one, and what type of body types it suits?

>> No.7186094

Do you have a link to the tights? They're super cute!

>> No.7186170
File: 575 KB, 540x520, help..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I get some concrit for pic related?

I'm thinking of selling the dress but I wanted to give it a go before I did.
I'm moving my wardrobe into a sweet/classic style with a brown base so I do have things that will match, it's more the style of the dress, how versatile it can be, and how it looks on me that I'm a little unsure about.

Other details to help with concrit:
I tend to wear stuff very casually with minimal accessories, I'd prefer to keep outerwear to a minimum as it's summer over here, I'd prefer to not wear wigs (also because of the heat), and I look really round faced if I have all of my hair down (it's brown and just passed my shoulders.)

>> No.7186184
File: 128 KB, 400x1096, outfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wore this outfit recently to an art opening. I wound up putting my hair up in a bun with a burgundy bow at the nape of my neck, so don't worry about the scraggly hair in this pic. I didn't wear a petti here, but I do have a small a-line one I can tuck under.

I'd appreciate some concrit on wearing lolita skirts (particularly this one, Mozarabic Chant) in non-lolita ways. I'm almost 30, so I feel I need to tone things down a lot, but I love the look of classic. I guess the style I'm going for is otome? Any advice on how to improve this particular look and how to tone things down in general?

>> No.7186197
File: 143 KB, 500x500, 7032742675_8104960ccf_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly think those kinds of vests look good on almost everyone because of the shape the boning creates. Though you might want to be careful if your super busty. Having a super tiny waist and an I cup--while it looks great in other fashions--might not mesh well with Lolita. Not because "OMG BOOBS!11" or anything like that, but because it might create an unbalanced silhouette. If that's the case, just go easy on the tight lacing, get a similar garment that's not under bust, or get an unboned item with a similar design. If you want a little bit of control but no boning, there's always shapewear.

Most people wear these vests with high/tie-neck blouses, but as you can see, it looks fine with open necklines, too. I personally like really elegant blouses with these kinds of vests. An ero/classic look would be really cool.

>> No.7186199

That looks so fucking cute omg

Idk why but I feel like having some soft curls around your neck or a choker would be nice.
Also maybe some subtly printed black tights or lace topped socks would be nice too

>> No.7186215
File: 213 KB, 1062x682, newcoord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a serious problem with making coords... I own all of this (except the tights but they are next on my list for sure). Would this be on point?

>> No.7186216
File: 455 KB, 388x418, cu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon!

Curls and a choker sound nice. I do have a few chokers but none that would work. I've got a heap of pearls and some gold chain though.

I'm not 100% sure about black and brown together but any examples would be great. Lace topped socks sounds really cute.

Here's a close up ref of the dress as well (sorry for the creases, it's been in storage.)

>> No.7186221

It seems a bit short and like it doesn't have much poof, but I'll give it a try anyways. (Also that bow in the middle looks awkward, you might want to see if you can remove that if you decide to keep it.)

The thing I love about basic pieces like this they're versatile. If you have a variety of shoes, stockings, blouses headwear, etc. that match a basic dress, then you can build a large number of outfits. You can also drastically change the way a dress looks just by how you style yourself and your coord.

Just think of what kind of feel you want the outfit to have. Simple and classic? Sweet? OTT and ladylike? Casual and bookish? Think of these things and build a coord accordingly. You can also do this by themes. Do you want to use chocolate? Violins? Autumn? This can really change how an outfit looks. Especially if you style yourself differently in terms of hair and makeup.

Other ways to change the appearance of the dress:

-Get cream-colored dickies with different necklines to wear with the dress. High collars, tie necks and Peter Pans are good basics. It's cooler and less bulky than wearing a blouse underneath (although that is an option for cooler months.)
-Layer stuff over it. I'm not sure how hot it gets where you live, but it's hot and humid in the summertime where I am and I can usually get away with a thin, cotton bolero over an OP if it's short-sleeved.
-Pin up the skirt with a corsage to make it look like it's an overdress and wear an underskirt underneath. Brown and cream are both basic colors and shouldn't be that hard to find or commission. This may also address the length and shape issue.
-Use a waist cincher to break up the dress some--provided you remove the bow.

These are merely suggestions, obviously. Just thought I'd give you something to think about if you decide to keep the dress.

>> No.7186231

My first meet ever is coming up in two weeks, and I'm really nervous. I don't want to be branded as that girl who can't dress herself.

I have a coord all done and it's cute and fine, but the meet is outside, something I didn't plan for when I bought the dress. It's wine, and my only coat is a navy blue pea coat.

What do? I don't have the time or money to buy a new coat, but mine will look awful with the rest of my outfit. I might skip the meet altogether if I can't come up with a solution.

A friend of mine has a pink coat, which would look /better/ but still not very good :/

>> No.7186233


wine and navy look fine together...

>> No.7186235

Tights are by Victorian Maiden, I don't think they're still up.

>> No.7186234

I'm a little confused, do you want to wear otome, or do you want to wear lolita pieces in normal outfits in a vaguely classic way?

I like this outfit, I think it's a nice showcase for the skirt. And I've found MC to be a really versatile piece since it's very mature and beautiful but also eyecatching. However, the outfit's not really otome; for that, I'd expect to see a little more color and/or quirkiness? There's nothing really keeping with the themes or colors of the skirt other than the necklace.

For me, the keys to incorporating a classic feel into normal wear are making one item your "statement" piece (usually a skirt, but occasionally a fancy bolero or tights or something) and then accessorizing with classicish items. For instance, I've worn my MC skirt petti-less with a nice vest, a scoop-necked long sleeve shirt, and a pair of heeled oxfords. The vest and the shoes gave the skirt a bit of a classic feel but the regular shirt and no petti kept it toned down.

>> No.7186236

They don't look fine. It may be because it's a darker wine (almost burgundy rather than dark red) but I've put it all on together, and it looks really bad. The coat doesn't cover all of the dress, so it's like navy, then a stripe of burgundy, then white.

>> No.7186237

>I'm almost 30, so I feel I need to tone things down a lot

my first question, which is really the only important one is... Do you WANT to tone shit down because of your age, or do you just feel pressured to because of your age? Because seriously, no matter how old you are, you should be wearing what you want to wear because it makes you happy, not compromising your tastes simply because you think others are judging you.

>> No.7186240

This. I saw an old woman come in to work today, she must have been maybe 70 or older, she was wearing full-on lolita.

It looked really strange on her, but you could tell she was enjoying herself, and she loved how she looked, and that was wonderful to see.

>> No.7186247

This right here, people.

>> No.7186256

I'll be glad to help you. Also, just because you're a certain age doesn't mean you can't wear these kinds of things. There are plenty of ways to tone down classic to where it looks almost normal. Here are some tips and pointers to think about:

Toning Down Lolita for everyday

Hair: Simple styles are good. Just make sure it's neat--ESPECIALLY if you're going to be wearing it down. Even just blowdrying your hair and/or curling the ends of your hair under (though make sure you go all the way to the root) makes a huge difference. Loose curls, intricate braids and chignon buns--which can be worn high or to the side--are also a good choice.
Head: Lolita-appropriate vintage hats are your best bet. Small bows and pearl headbands also look nice.
Dress: Really simple, solid dresses are your best bet. That, or 'normal' prints and patterns such as florals, tartan, polkadots and houndstooth.They look almost like sundresses if worn right. In cooler weather, try wearing a cardigan over them. I would definitely recommend some petty poof though, even if it's really slight.
Blouse: Not too many frills or bows. Avoid big, yolk-like collars. Basic high-neck or round neck blouses are easy to find off brand. Secretary blouses are also a good option.
Skirt: These are the ultimate in casual wear. Wear it plain with a blouse ( it also looks cute tucked in and with a Lolita-appropriate belt) and/or a cardigan. Blazer style jackets and vests are also good options. The 'solid and simple' rule applies here too, but since it's not all over, you can get away with more prints (like the skirt your wearing). Poof is a must, especially for printed garments or else they can look awkward.
-Legs: Bare legs or crochet ankle socks and tights in the winter.

>> No.7186268


>seems a bit short and like it doesn't have much poof
Most IW is rather short on me which is a shame for lolita wear but since my day-to-day look is more lolita-inspired I don't think it'll be too much of a problem.
Trying to get the right amount of poof is hard, it looked super sad with none but it's really easy to overstuff this particular piece.

>that bow in the middle looks awkward
I'm not 100% on the bow either, it might sit a little better if I give it a proper press but other than that I think the middle portion of the dress needs something to break up all the stripes

>Use a waist cincher to break up the dress
I didn't think of a waist cincher (more like a simple ribbon) but I'll give it a try!

>what kind of feel you want the outfit to have
Sweet/Classic is my current go-to. I'm building a wardrobe around the colour brown with gold accents and a chocolate theme

>Get cream-colored dickies
I did think about using some dickies but since the sleeves of the OP are chiffon and slightly see through I thought it might look a little odd?

I'll try to get my hands on some for the rest of my wardrobe though because I think they'll make a nice addition, when I do I will give them a try with this piece.

>Layer stuff over it
I have this gorgeous IW bolero I want to wear with it but the heat over here atm will kill me.

>Pin up the skirt
I'll play around with this idea since I think it's got potential.

Thank you very much for the help, I really appreciate it!

>> No.7186269

-Feet: 'Normal' shoes in the sense that they're not plastered in bows or super chunky. Classy mary janes, t-straps, knee high boots, heeled oxfords and just plain pumps are all good options. Avoid wild colors and stick to more common ones like brown, tan, black and neutrals. Maybe some red.
-Accessories: 'Ladylike' is your watchword when it comes to jewelry. Also, your handbag shouldn't be shaped like anything other than a handbag.

The best tip I can give you is to think about how 'average' people dress and apply that to Lolita. Do you see people wearing big, head-eating bows and bonnets? No. Are their outfits super match-y? Not usually unless it's all black. Now for your coord/style.

I don't know much about otome so I'm not going to write from that perspective. I definitely agree with what the other anons are saying though; it would be better to incorporate classic into your everyday.

However, I think the all black on this coord looks a little awkward. There's nothing to tie in with the skirt. This is how I would coordinate it:

-Cream blouse and cream crochet tights (the tights especially would make the lace at the hem pop, which I just think is gorgeous).
-A basic cardigan in that deep plum color or possibly a similar shade of purple to the skirt.
-Keep that necklace; it's awesome
-Brown shoes, bag and hat.
-Loosely curled hair, natural makeup, neutral eyes and berry-colored lips

Also, I don't know if it's your coloring that makes me think so, but I think you would look best in jewel tones and/or a washed-out color palette. Purples and greens especially.

Some fashions you might consider are cult party kei as well as the style of the staff in Grimoire. (formerly Dolly kei but I think that died out.) I haven't seen your face, but for some reason I get the feeling that that sort of whimsey might suit you better than the kind associated with otome.

Hope this helps! I might make another chart tomorrow for toning down Lolita.

>> No.7186274

Can you see the sax socks under the boots. Sometimes you can and sometimes you can't. Either way, try to bring some more sax into the outfit. I think some more accessories like that bracelet would not be amiss. Consider clipping a smaller blue bow in front of the pink one? You could also try finding a cardigan or bolero in that color. I think the fur collar would look cozy and sweet over it.

Oh and I wouldn't wear the wrist cuffs as boot toppers. That could look awkward. They would probably look less awkward with the long-sleeved cardigan or bolero. I'm not sure as I haven't seen them.

All in all it's a really cute coord, though. Those are just suggestions. I really like it.

>> No.7186282

Ahh thank you! It means a lot that you think its okay at all, I'm not used to making coords because in the past I've just worn full sets...

These socks would definitely show above the boots, they're OTK and on me go up past the dress's length. I think a blue cardigan would be super cute! I'll look for one. Also I'm sure that I have a smaller sax bow, and I also considered putting smaller tiny bows throughout the wig because its really poofy.

I've never seen anyone wear the wrist cuffs at all honestly. They are really cute and soft, so it kind of feels like a waste but... what the hell are you supposed to do with them?

>> No.7186303

You're welcome!

>>I also considered putting smaller tiny bows throughout the wig because its really poofy.

Oh gosh this didn't even occur to me, but it would be super cute. Go for it.

Maybe try and turn the wrist cuffs into mock fur cuffs for the cardigan? I'm sure you'll find something.

>> No.7186331

Would someone mind doing this for me? It doesn't have to be as detailed as that other anon but

Height: 5'3"/160cm
Weight: 118-121 lbs/53.5-55kg
Measurements: 30C, 33-27-35/84-68-89
As far as I can tell I'm rectangular like woah but otherwise average build, I guess. I've been told I'm built like a gymnast (not muscular at all, though.)
People have described me as 'black Irish' in coloring, but I have pale olive skin. Heart-shaped face. Long black bob. Pert nose. Someone once said I look a bit like Bjork. I've also been told I look like something that was drawn by Brian Froud.

I have a decent idea of what looks good on me and a lot of what that other anon said works for me, too. Other suggestions are welcome obviously. I'm more curious about what styles you guys think would best suit me based on my description of myself.

>> No.7186375


I've been dying to get that JSK, how is it?

>> No.7186468
File: 50 KB, 400x600, 1331968972437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd probably be really good in high waisted corset skirts with loose-fitted blouses a la Atelier Pierrot as they would create a shape for you - the corset emphasizing a waist, and the poof of the blouse and skirt exaggerating bust/hips.

>> No.7186482
File: 60 KB, 500x500, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wowowow thanks!! I have a couple of half-complete coords tbh. Even so I've already gone out in public/to events a few times with my frills. I just don't really have money to buy the items in my bookmarks right now, but soon. Christmas is almost here ~ . And then I'll have several full coords at once and won't be worried about popping up in an ita thread! :>

You get a selca after all for your help. I can't wait to be better than this, not worried about posting my full body or face!!

>> No.7186486

Could anyone provide examples of coordinates with aprons? I'm looking for toned down sweet/country/old school sweet looks I can use as an inspiration. Sorry for the lack of info.

>> No.7186542

The quality's really good and so is the fit. The only thing is I was expecting the bodice to be a dark brown judging by the stock photos but it tuns out it's black.

>> No.7186544

Just curious, are you Spanish? I'll leave my throwaway email in the field in case you are, me too : D

>> No.7186576

So gothic then? That's what I meant by 'what styles'. ahahah sorry for not being clear.

>> No.7186578

In my family history yes I am but I'm born and raised in the US and mixed with other things too, I'm sorry! But ye the furthest back we can go in the family history on both sides is to the Basque Country, and I'm very proud of it! Even though I'm so mixed at this point I still look very typically Basque, it confuses people here because they only associate these facial features with Russian or Israeli people...

>> No.7186612

Thanks! I think so too.
I hadn't thought of that yet. Maybe those well known Vivienne Westwood heels would look good.

>> No.7186633

Thank you! Ah, I'll keep a lookout for them then haha

>> No.7186665
File: 39 KB, 420x582, froud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say Gothic. If you really look like a Brian Froud drawing/Bjork, then I'd say you should play it up. 'Elegant dark whimsy' would go really well with the looks you've described. Think like, some sort of changeling or a witch that lives in the woods.

>> No.7186696
File: 851 KB, 1280x885, LINEcamera$2013-11-06-21-15-48_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to figure out a winter coordinate, but I can't quite get it past this on what accessories, headpiece, or stockings to wear. The vest has a black/white houndstooth pattern, I wanted to center the coordinate around that.

>> No.7186769

I-I want to do this too...

Height: 5'4"/ 162 1/2cm
Weight: 113lbs/ 51 1/4 kg
Measurements: 26-19 1/2-26 1/2 /66-49.5-67.5cm
I'm pretty "triangle-shaped" and I have medium-fair skin, that's slightly paler on my face. I have a round face due to my half-chinese side. small round nose, perked up slightly. mousey brown hair, down past muh boobs. I've lost weight recently, too.

a-any suggestions?

>> No.7186838

Yeah, hence specifically mentioning Atelier Pierrot rather than VM/MM/any other classic brand that does high waisted skirts, especially with the way you describe your colouring. It sounds like you'd be equally good in classic, but I think the contrast would be more striking in gothic.

>> No.7187178

Darn, your English was too fluent to be true. Thanks for answering anyway!

>> No.7187182

i think a 50's esque hat would be cute with it.

>> No.7187242
File: 30 KB, 398x241, girls_laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I laughed a lot more at the thought of you saying "why the fuck would i photoshop my foot" irl

>> No.7187299
File: 481 KB, 1068x698, whimsicalvanillaidk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classic lolita here giving my first try at sweet lolita. I have no idea what I'm doing though! The first thoughts that come to my head are big fluffy wig, printed OTKs, and tea party shoes.

I'm wondering, all my shoes are brown or black, so not sure if I want to go buy white shoes off bodyline to go with this. Do you guys think some light brown oxfords would clash too much? I also have a brown bag of the same colour that would help balance it out. Otherwise I'm having the items in the photo.

Left some space in the image for anyone who wants to add their thoughts to it.

>> No.7187353


Forgot to say, my hair is dark brown.

>> No.7187557
File: 145 KB, 352x634, IMG_2987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7187590
File: 53 KB, 240x320, marieantoinette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got this JSK from mbok, but I have no idea how to coord it. Any suggestions?
I'm pretty slender, 32-24-34 and 5'4". Probably will use a wig + contacts, so my real hair/eye color don't really matter.

>> No.7187612

n-no one?

>> No.7187647
File: 51 KB, 300x400, mary_jsk_dotchiffon_color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would love suggestions for this dress that I want to buy but are currently afraid to because I don't know how to coord it.
I kind of just want actual coord pics people have worn with this dress, if anyone has any? Thanks!

>> No.7187691

Sorry to be a bother, but can you help me out with the most flattering dress cut/shape for me as well?

Height: 5'6"/5'7"
Weight: ???
Measurements: 30D/34-24-36, 26" underbust / 86-61-91 66 underbust
Normal length torso, hourglass, long legs, most fat concentrated in the rear.
I have extremely porcelain skin, light blue eyes, and naturally blonde hair. (I'm very German/Nordic looking.)

I'm interested in classic and gothic and have a preference to non-prints. I prefer brand/indie, but am willing to get some cute non-brand if the style/sizing is right~ Thank you very very much for anyone that does this...

>> No.7189860
File: 64 KB, 300x400, 221-0107_08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have pretty much perfect measurements for Mary Magdalene, so you should wear all of their things. I think that a princess line shape will be super flattering on you, and the lack of waist seam will avoid that awkward look of bodices running short (since lolita items are made for a predominantly Japanese market and the average height there is 5' 2"). From your description of your coloring, you sound like you'd be better in their mints and dusky pinks. Don't buy anything long-sleeved because it will be 3/4 sleeved on you, but the short-sleeved OPs could be super cute. Victorian Maiden will also fit you really well and is slightly longer.

>> No.7189875

She's actually a bit too big of a cup size for MM to sit correctly, but with a sports bra to distribute the excess breast tissue she could make it work I think.

You really want a default 2 inches (default pattern allowance for cup size on a princess seamed bodice) between bust and underbust for MM, but 4 isn't terribad, it's just eating into the wearing ease which will cause some puckers and pulls on the bodice.

>> No.7189891

I figured she might be able to get away with the cup size issue because her full bust is slightly under their usual measurements, and her ribcage and waist are teeny. Bigger cup sizes on smaller bodies seem to be able to manage it better, as long as the vertical distance over her boobs doesn't cause too much riding up

>> No.7190035
File: 495 KB, 554x654, Screen Shot 2013-11-13 at 8.47.25 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking about buying IW's Westminster skirt in navy to ease the pain of missing out on the JSK. I'd like to co-ord it with a bustier. Do you guys think something like this would work?

>> No.7190040


If it was me I wouldn't worry too much about missing out on the JSK, skirts are way more versatile anyway.

>> No.7190059

could anyone help me think of a way to coord IW royal parade in green that isn't boring white blouse/socks or black blouse/socks? i was thinking a gold blouse would be exciting, to match the gold in the print, but i have yet to see a gold blouse that isn't that awful shiny satin stuff.... any suggestions?

>> No.7190138

Skirt or JSK? I was thinking you could always add pink into the mix, or look for a blouse with gold accents rather than gold as the main colour. I imagine a bronze/coppery brown would be lovely with it too.

>> No.7190310

it's the jsk and i'm not a huge fan of pink but that does give me the idea of lavender which i adore. I also didn't think about brown which sounds like it could be really elegant. Thanks!

>> No.7190824

Just a quick dumb newbie question - would it look bad to pair a short-sleeve bolero with a long-sleeve blouse?

>> No.7190843

I don't know about that. I'm 5'6", 25" waist and AA cup, and I adore MM, but they're really too short for me. Their pieces usually don't have waist seams, but they do have shaped waists, and they sit too high. The sleeves and skirts are too short, too. It makes me sad because I longed for MM for ages before I could afford them. I keep buying and reselling hoping one will fit...

VM is nowhere near as good quality but fits me a lot better and has a sort of similar aesthetic.

>> No.7190871

Late reply but no she brought it off Felicity, I didn't know there were any lolitas in Barking though, you're brave girl I feel uncomfortable walking around in a summer dress there

>> No.7190914
File: 173 KB, 464x760, AatP poison casual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been in lolita for around a year and I'm still building my wardrobe up. Here is a basic co-ord I'm working on.
Cardigan - I.W
Blouse - R-series
Skirt - AatP 'Poison de l'amour'
Underskirt - Little dipper
Bag- Gold mossimo oxford bag

I will be wearing black tights with tiny gold stars and black oxfords, For head wear it'll be either the matching bow or a black beret with a rose brooch bow.

Any feedback would be helpful even if it's a simple 'Looks good'
Many thanks in advance

>> No.7190921

yeah its a basic solid coord. the only thing you can do to improve it is to include accessories.

>> No.7190923

That underskirt doesn't suit the skirt and at first I thought it was the petticoat poking out from underneath. If you want to use an underskirt, you should use one that follows the contour of your skirt so it almost looks like it's part of the skirt.

>> No.7190929
File: 2.85 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of regret buying the socks, planning this co-ord (minus stuffed animal), I'm a huge newb when it comes to accessorizing. Would the socks work better if I maybe wore a black bow or should I just scrap them and wear tights?

>> No.7190965
File: 233 KB, 520x702, T2unaGXgVbXXXXXXXX_!!11942814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this Infanta dress from a friend, and I need some advice for a coord! I wanted to use it at a con about one week before christmas, so christmas theme is very welcome!
I'm 165cm tall, not curvy but not really skinny.
My hair is currently dyed pastel pink but I can use wigs, my face is triangular and my skin tone is something between yellow and peach.
I have some large eyes, a small nose and small mouth with medium lips.

>> No.7191059

Is the skirt black or brown? Either way you need some black on top somewhere to balance.

>> No.7191194
File: 643 KB, 696x822, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on pic related?

Collage on the left is what I'm aiming for, pic on the right is what I've got so far.

The bonnet really needs have combs sewn in, be re-shaped and also be dyed because it's white and the dress is ivory. I was going to make the other accessories during my time off next week.

I was planning on continuing the rose + pearl + gold accent motif throughout the outfit because it's rather versatile.

As for hair I was thinking curls.

Sauce for some nice lace gloves, perhaps a fan and also a shawl would be appreciated. I considered a blouse but I realized it was going to be really hot, a breathable bolero would work as well though.

>> No.7191197

Get a blouse. A shawl is not enough.

>> No.7191199

Where is your blouse, lady?

>> No.7191202

It's too hot for a blouse, but not too hot for tights? Just get something shortsleeved. Also, do not do striped tights.

>> No.7191227

I'm B38 (36D) W30 H37 height 5'05 shoulders 16...lots of fats around my shoulder~armpit area. I'm Chinese. Please don't recommend anything sweet.

Being in lolita for the past year I've learned that I look pretty shit in most high waist skirts and empire waist dresses, big collared puff sleeve blouses make me look swollen on top.

I find my shoulders look less massive with necklines like this, but I'm worried the poof in the sleeves will cause my shoulders to look big. Should I get pic related?

Also general tips on how I should dress would be great.

>> No.7191230
File: 148 KB, 460x700, T2FNQ_Xh8XXXXXXXXX_!!87209185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped my pic

>> No.7191231

If you're going to wear a bonnet, you need to wear a blouse + legwear. Bonnets are more dressy/formal, while not wearing a blouse is casual. It just looks weird.

>> No.7191256
File: 45 KB, 220x329, t02200329_0685102412242030293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Scrapping the shawl idea then.

I'm not 100% against using a blouse but it looks like it'll get to 30+ degrees for the event so I'd rather opt for a bolero. I have been eyeing off IW's princess sleeved boleros for a while so it might just be a good reason to finally get one.

I'm a little pissed because I did purchase a short sleeved blouse in advance but it just didn't suit the jsk.

And just to clarify I do plan on wearing legwear, I just haven't ordered anything and won't until I get some more advice. Sadly, most of the stuff I already have is all white and not ivory like the dress.

And on the topic of striped tights I thought it looks quite nice in pic related but I would like to try it in person to see. All of the tights I was looking at seemed to be rather breathable so they wouldn't be too much of an issue in the heat. I find no legwear to look a little off anyway.

Thanks for the help guys!

>> No.7191258

Really? Mine came today and it seemed fine. Obviously a bit cheap but yeah. The packaging definitely wasn't good though, (assuming we got it from the same seller) I can see why yours was broken. It came in just black plastic packaging with no wrapping or anything. I was afraid mine was broken too but I suppose I got lucky.

>> No.7191264

Honey, I live in a 100+ F degree climate and wearing a blouse really isn't that bad, lightweight chiffon is your friend and it will prevent you sweating directly onto your dress.
As far as legwear goes, you could wear some sheer ivory tights that have a really light floral pattern to them, I think stripes would be too bold and gaudy for that dress. They look okay in a 220x329 photo but in person I think they'd look weird.
Also I wouldn't totally scrap the shawl idea, I just wouldn't use it as a replacement for the blouse. Just my two cents!

>> No.7191266

i think thats an amazing idea and also a seamless way to have blue x black. bravo anon

>> No.7191269

Why do people wear solid coloured tights that don't properly match their coordinate? It just looks cheap, tacky and messy.

>> No.7191293

I've just started searching online again to see if I can find anything suitable.
Kicking myself because I didn't buy any classic chiffon blouses in my last taobao order.

And I appreciate the help from you and other anons!
I really want to do this dress justice but this is new territory for me.

I'online shopping again to see if I can find a suitable blouse of bolero but most places are moving into winter stock. suitable .

Thanks for the advice.

>> No.7191297

Shit, forgot to delete my crap off of the end.

>> No.7191312

I know that feeling, forgetting something really important or not knowing you'd need it until after you make an expensive taobao order and not being able to make another one for a long time, lol
You're off to a really really great start, I just don't want you to regret any photos later or risk damaging the dress without wearing a blouse; a big part of lolita is covering your shoulders and it would be a shame for you to try and compensate with a shawl instead and end up covering a large part of the lovely bodice of that dress. Don't forget to shop around for Forever 21 blouses too, they can be great in a pinch and the chiffon is usually really nice and lightweight! I've had a lot of luck thrifting this kind of stuff, especially at Plato's Closet. If you have a similar chain where you live that caters to a younger crowd I'd definitely check there too!

>> No.7191356

Thank you very much for your input! Also I find that even though I am a D-cup, I'm really flat, so I don't think the bust should be a problem. Thank you for the colour input as well.

>> No.7191373

Chiming in to say, watch the underbust then. I have a pretty big ribcage and I have a little trouble with some MM cuts.

>> No.7191401
File: 923 KB, 1041x727, AP Gawffik outfit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the same way. Even though AP is known for their sugary sweet ott lolita looks and pieces, they do have plenty of elegant, understated pieces that looks wonderful as part of a Gothic lolita or classic lolita look.

>pic related

I can't tell if the socks are supposed to be black and white or black and off-white. The rose corsage is meant to be worn with the bonnet (tucked in?).

>> No.7191859
File: 168 KB, 751x720, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm this anon again. Some of you had good ideas for my coord so I finally managed to come up with something. Opinions? I'm still not sure on the bag and headpiece.

>> No.7191869
File: 31 KB, 400x400, 129078964087246822bonnet[D]jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would definitely go with a black headpiece. Do you have any black bonnets? Since your coord is churchy stained glass window themed, I think bonnet would match well considering it was part of a Sunday best outfit.

Pic related, except in black (Maybe some red accents, not too much though). I like what you've got so far!

>> No.7191882
File: 181 KB, 1094x479, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a very good coord, but the first one that I've made for Alchemy.

>> No.7191991
File: 50 KB, 267x260, daffhgh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! I'm not really fond of bonnets but I was thinking of a black headpiece as well, maybe something like pic related. It kind of gives off those orthodox christian vibes.

>> No.7192021

Can you guys help me out?
My measurements are 90 - 74 - 97 and I have no idea what type of dress would suit me as my first Lolita dress. I've been into japanese fashions for a while but I haven't tried Lolita before so I'm kind of worried to spend a lot of money on a brand dress and it not sit properly.
I don't want to start out with bodyline either so..
Height is 156cm tall. I'd appreciate any help!

>> No.7192028

give us underbust too

depending on the underbust you should really be perfect for any brand other than something super tiny (size 1 MMM, some MM)

>> No.7192038

My underbust is around 76cm, but I'm worried high waisted JSK and OP's will look like tents because of the difference of my bust and waist.

>> No.7192096

no that wouldn't make any sense because the dress would drape over your waist but not define it, those styles would be fine.

>> No.7192404
File: 857 KB, 720x1030, PhotoGrid_1384466508522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this any good?

>> No.7192422

Might choose a darker red for the blouse, but man, that's pretty hnnnng~

Would look nice with a little purse, like a red heart or something.

>> No.7192493

i think the white socks are a little out of place, since there doesn't seem to be any other white to balance it out

>> No.7192515

I meant them to match the pattern on the jsk

>> No.7192565
File: 198 KB, 244x325, teddybears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the print doesn't look all that white to me, though

>> No.7192602

Recommended dress cuts/shapes and blouses for my body?

Height: 5'3"
Weight: ~110 lb
Bust: 33 in
Underbust: 29 in
Waist: 28 in
Hips: 36 in

Normal torso length, longer legs, hourglass or rectangular (I'm not sure if there's enough of a difference in my measurements to be considered hourglass).

I have the whitest of white skin, rofl, and my eyes are hazel with brown hair. Mostly interested in Gothic and dark Classic stuff--sometimes non-printed Sweet.

If you can help me, I will be forever grateful!!!

>> No.7192606

Between an A cup and B cup in case the bust measurement doesn't give that away, rofl.

>> No.7192759

Then what do you suggest instead? I mean, the coord isn't final. I specifically posted here to get help so it'd be nice to get ideas and suggestions if something looks bad. I'm all ears, anon.

>> No.7192774
File: 28 KB, 240x320, bbtssbprincessfrillpink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This was the first lolita item I ever bought. When I first wore it, I felt super pretty, but I couldn't coord for shit because I had no idea what I was doing. It found its way into the closet and I stopped thinking about lolita in general for a year until I started getting more pieces and figuring stuff out.

My style has developed into classic with far more muted colors, but I really love this jsk because of all of the beautiful details and don't want to give up on it.

I was thinking of a grey blazer-style jacket, but honestly I have no idea where to start. Is there a way I can use this jsk in either classic, or at least toned down sweet?

>> No.7192797
File: 134 KB, 300x300, Hitler Youth Cut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have hair accessory suggestions for super short-haired gals? I have my hair in a Hitler Youth haircut (similar to pictured, but slightly shorter/less glorious), and I've been kind of stuck as far as hair pieces go. I don't know how big of a bow my hair could handle, and I don't often see girls in Lolita sporting my hair styles. I also feel like headbands just look super dumb because of the shaved sides, but idk if that's just me!

>> No.7192801

You could go with the Atelier Pierrot corset skirt/loose blouse combo as well, you definitely aren't an hourglass at all but that will create more curves on you. Actually you seem to have good measurements for Atelier Pierrot in general, pretty sure their fixed size items will fit you perfectly.

>> No.7192805

You could always wear a cutsew or blouse over the dress so it's more like wearing a pink skirt, as well. Grey sounds like it would be super cute with it, and since the detail is also in the skirt you wouldn't lose too much by covering the bodice. If you do that you could always go pink x black as well, maybe even black turtleneck/tights/boots if you really want to make it "casual".

>> No.7192823

hhhhhh tHANK you.

So I would definitely be like a rectangular shape? I'm always really hesitant to make judgments like that on body shape, rofl. It's just useful to know because I always see people posting guides to use depending on body type, and I get rather confused with them. Granted, idk how accurate most of them are.

>> No.7192877
File: 1.14 MB, 1000x1000, elizabethrose coord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently got the JSK and the bolero in the mail. I basically don't own anything else that would be suitable with it.

This will be my first coord. I kind of stuck to the two colours of navy and wine, and did two variants. Is one better than the other? Or a mix of those? Or is there another colour I can sneak in? I'm not necessarily planning to buy those specific items but I could use a good starting point.

>> No.7192882
File: 29 KB, 480x640, CtV1EspiTY6L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got the MM onepiece. I really love it, but I don't know what to wear with it, and neither does anyone else, it seems - every worn pic I've seen so far has no accessories at all. I was thinking of wearing a pair of Grimoire tights and then wearing accessories that bring out the colors in that print, but idk.
I have brown hair and light olive skin, and I'm tallish and thinnish.

>> No.7192895

I think it'd be lovely coorded with grey like you mentioned, or a nice dusky plum.

Normally I'm all for people using their natural hair in lolita, but in this case you might want to just get a wig. Most hair accessories are meant to go either on top or the side of your head.

If you really don't want a wig, then I'd suggest going bigger on the headpieces to balance out the short hair. Hats, maybe with a net veil if you're into gothic or classic, drapey head jewelery. I wouldn't wear a bonnet, but a floral crown (I know) or similar sort of garland might be nice with the right coord.

>> No.7193051

Thanks! I've actually always been told that big head pieces look stupid with my hair though? For the same reason, actually. No hair to balance out giant accessories.

>> No.7193174

this anon, reporting back with part of a coord. I'm not quite sure what blouse or socks/tights to go with; any suggestions?

Also, I'm not quite 100% on the shoes; I can't find any reviews on this color of them specifically, but all the other colors that do have reviews seem to be lighter/more red than the stock image. Hoping that this will stay the same for this pair, since I can't seem to find any others close to the right color

>> No.7193178
File: 1.31 MB, 1060x730, coord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot image like the dumbshit I am

>> No.7193597
File: 11 KB, 183x275, MC4567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I make something gothic out of ivory MC?
I'd really appreciate come help.

>> No.7193607
File: 62 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mugyzkYjB21qbtcnvo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how should I coord this. Specially wich stockings should I use.
Pic not mine

>> No.7193710
File: 598 KB, 2098x1592, Detectice Coord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a coord collage for you anon, I'm not sure if it turned out well but I hope it'll give you some inspiration for that gorgeous OP.

>> No.7193872
File: 1.82 MB, 1024x1464, PhotoGrid_1384541774655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the capelet looks much lighter in person than in the picture

and i had shoes and more accessories, but the image limit on the collage maker is nine.

>> No.7193905

I bought that dress too, anon! But I'm going to dye it all-black with PolyDye (prepare thy gas mask)

>> No.7194159

I love this OP, and that coord collage!!! I have a mighty need. It's an Innocent World dress? What is it called? It's going on my wishlist, man.

Ooh! Best of luck. Is there any reason why you are specifically dying that dress black?

>> No.7194176

I'd like to see some cords of AP's dreamy sky. Preferably the sapolette. Could some one help me out?
I really want to buy it in navy, but I'm wary of it being a potentially difficult item to coord.
Also any other sappolette outfits please.

>> No.7194209

Ohh, that's very nice! Thank you anon, I love it!
I wish you luck!
It's called "Standing Collar Tartan Check OP"

>> No.7194211

Noooo why! It's so gorgeous, just buy another IW OP that's already black ;_;

>> No.7194214

That's what I was thinking! Anon should put it up for trade or sale... So I can buy it.

>> No.7194303

Hourglass is like, 10" difference between bust/waist and waist/hips. Honestly I think most of those guides are useless as shit unless you're an absolute beginner how do I dress myself 101 sort of deal. No-one just fits a body type, you could be a rectangle but be insecure about wide shoulders or have a scar you want to cover on your neck or whatever, so it's more about knowing what flatters certain areas of the body and creates the image you want to go for.

>> No.7194339

You don't want anything like a big-ass bow or bonnet, but stuff like crowns/garlands/full size hats to my mind are like "full" head accessories.

>> No.7194344

I'm hopelessly confused about body types, so I'm the lame person they make those for. I over-think it a lot, rofl.

>> No.7194356

The trouble with the guides is that they're invariably trying to make your body type go towards one 'ideal' which is usually an hourglass, or 'emphasize your good features' so if you don't want to do that and want to play up something else then they're immediately useless. For example, I know my shoulders look wide in puff sleeves, but sometimes I want them to look wide because I have a small torso and want to balance the megafloof of the 3 petticoats I have on without resorting to a huge twintail wig. That's something a guide is never going to recommend to someone with "wide shoulders". They're certainly helpful as a starting point so you know what things emphasize or minimize certain areas, but beyond that they're about as useful as the Lolita handbook.

>> No.7194358

NO for the love of all things holy NO

>> No.7194366
File: 122 KB, 330x495, f+f replica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am getting this dress.

What should I do?

help me I am new at this.

>> No.7194387

Replace the lace when you get it
Replace the tie belt thing as it looks bad
maybe the bow as well

otherwise lace tights, and some cream floral headpiece with pearl necklace

>> No.7194395

I get replacing the lace, but what looks bad about the bow and tie?
Once again, new to this.

>> No.7194399

the bow looks like it's made from the wrong cloth, maybe if you could get a nice grossgrain and tie a nice bow it would look better
Same about the tie

>> No.7194405

No its not, its just smooth and flat unlike the drape of the rest of the dress has. The bow is fine.

>> No.7194415

I hope you realize how long this dress will be.

>> No.7194469

Really? It looks like the same fabric to me, it seems odd that they would use something different.

This is what I thought

yup, that is why I bought it. I am a little tall and wanted something to hit a few inches below my knees for once.

>> No.7195651
File: 87 KB, 340x255, gduz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how to coord the skirt without white or black, so
I thought about grey or some red but i don't have enough to combine.

I'd like to archieve a toned down/casual or classic/goth look.

Any ideas?

>> No.7195683

Oh, I love misty sky! I think pink would look lovely with this colorway. You could do a pink blouse, white socks and pink shoes and then wear the blue hairclip and maybe a blue necklace.

>> No.7195797
File: 28 KB, 600x600, 26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think white lace tights and either a dark red or white blouse, since those seem to be your coord colours. Because of the neck ties and the choker, you could go with a blouse or cutsew with a slightly lower neckline which would add trim at the neckline but not take up all the space. Pic related is kinda what I'm thinking of, but obviously in a different colour - you could still slip the neck ties under the collar and have the choker on, but it won't be as "all of the things around my neck" as a high collar blouse would be.

I suspect it would lean more towards classic, all I want to do is coord it with rich shades of brown and bronze

I guess in some ways you're limited by the big block of brown so that's why people bring the contrast into the tights. I actually think it would be adorable in a pink x brown x whatever that off-white colour is coord, with a pink blazer, pink tights, brown shoes, and pearl accessories to keep the off white.

>> No.7196070
File: 947 KB, 3508x2480, muhperiodfashion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a pretty poor attempt. I think the only way this would work would be if you really payed on the whole 'Victorian Gothic/Gothic Revival' look. It's a bit harder with the ivory, but brown and wine with gold jewelry everywhere is probably the way to go. You might want to take a look at Dolce & Gabanna's A/W '12 collection, they did a gothic revival kind of deal with that one.

Source for everything is Google Images, apart from the earrings, which are from Harrods.

>> No.7196146
File: 361 KB, 480x640, lamedotchiffonivoryjsk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a bit stuck on deciding how to coordinate this dress from Baby. I would like to coordinate it with either burgundy and or green. I'm not sure if I should go for simple or intricate accessories as well.

>> No.7196158

Pale blue, maybe?

>> No.7196160

Burgundy would be pretty.

>> No.7196169
File: 37 KB, 135x180, 2006 - Red Riding Hood - 130243 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this dress a few months ago but am I bit stuck on how to wear it. I want to avoid doing red so I'm thinking cream and brown, but any suggestions?

>> No.7196170

I don't know, isn't that a little bit too samey-same?

>> No.7196188

Royal blue with silver accessories would look amazing. Try coordinating it with a blazer to really stray away from the sweetness of it.

>> No.7196275
File: 223 KB, 250x175, 1373483806926.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for your input, but i look pretty ill if i wear pink with my skin color and it would be a tad to sweet/ not wearable for work for me :/
Same as with pink - i'm trying to avoide the sweetness of the brighter colored versions i think, but maybe i'll try some icy blue stuff with it if i got my hands onto some :)
Thanks also for your input. Yep, i'd like to keep/make it somewhat classy so grey/silver will be probably the best way to go.

>> No.7196513
File: 1.32 MB, 1321x723, Osanpo Candy-chan coord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got the AP candy-chan skirt and I'm waiting on an auction to end on the AP fur trim sweater. Everything else is on taobao.

>> No.7196565

It's lacking a lot, but it's a start...maybe.

>> No.7196567
File: 832 KB, 1141x674, idkwellitried.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...forgot my pic

>> No.7196573
File: 216 KB, 650x555, tumblrlolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since I wasn't able to do this for halloween, I'm wanting to wear this on ILD for shits and giggles. I really do love Holy Lantern though!

>> No.7196590
File: 35 KB, 135x180, IMG_7413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this OP recently. I already have some things in mind for it, but I'd appreciate some more inspiration if anyone would like to suggest some accessories and such. Seems like there are lots of different ways to coord it. Thanks!

>> No.7196835

it was at least bearable until I saw those accessories.

>> No.7196909
File: 561 KB, 500x750, fancy egg skirt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought the long version of this skirt because I tend to own mostly JSKs and also wanted to add a bit more colour to my wardrobe.

I'm having a bit of trouble, partially because I am quite short (5'3) and the skirt is long, also because the skirt is so busy I'm struggling to create an outfit that doesn't look too OTT. I'm into classic and classically-sweet style, so this is bordering into the 'too-sweet-for-me' territory. I love the skirt, but I've only got one outfit I keep rewearing for it at the moment as I just don't know how to mix it up a bit without looking like the skirt is swamping me! I don't really want to sell the skit because it is beautiful, but if I can't find an outfit to make it work. Am I doomed to not suit a long, busy skirt?

Any suggestions for outfit ideas are more than welcome!

>> No.7196911

Please, just no. It doesn't even match. Even if it's wasn't already horrible, you're clashing the gold on the dress with silver accessories.

>> No.7196920


are you retarded?

>> No.7196922

>points out that your outfit sucks and clashes
>hurr durr, ur lyk retarded

If you don't want criticism, don't post here. At least they told you why it looks like shit.

>> No.7196938


i think the point is for the outfit to clash/look tacky

>> No.7196941

Exactly what did they expect putting those ugly ass gold zippers on every colorway and piece

>> No.7197013
File: 593 KB, 500x750, fancyegg1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have that skirt too! I have the normal version though, which is super-short (I'm 5'3" and it's a good four inches above my knee), so the swamping thing isn't a problem for me. Pic related is the outfit that made me want to buy it. I'll also post my current co-ord for it and the co-ord I'm putting together atm (waiting on some things to arrive).

>> No.7197015
File: 124 KB, 500x414, fancyegg2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how I currently wear it, give or take a different blouse (ignore the sunhat, I wore it to a wedding that day and it was really hot).

>> No.7197016
File: 72 KB, 500x500, fancyegg3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the outfit I'm working on. Waiting on the bag to arrive, still need to find an appropriate ring and pair of shoes. I hope this was helpful!

>> No.7197019

If you're worried about it looking OTT, I think I would try to put the emphasis on the skirt with only light balances. I would focus with co-ording with white and just highlighting colours of the dress with small items like a headband or necklace rather than patterned tights or a bolero which draw more focus.

>> No.7197035

What is this print called?

>> No.7197039

Fancy Egg, it's by Meta.

>> No.7197048

I wanted to pick tacky accessories since crosses and bats used to be popular

I couldn't find any studs in gold and I didn't think silver/gold would look that awful. What popular tumblr themes would you suggest instead?

I did post here for criticism? I understand that it's not the greatest outfit but Holy Lantern was dubbed as the "everything popular and then thrown altogether on a dress." I thought it'd be fun to play on that

Yeah it's not supposed to be a serious coordinate :(

like I said I wanted to do it for Halloween because I thought people would get the joke. I really love the dress and I've coordinated it properly before (no shitty tumblr motifs). I don't really know what's popular now but I know for a fact that studded flower crowns, creepers, crosses, and other "creepy cute" elements were in at least a year ago

>> No.7197185

that wig looks disgusting

>> No.7197529


Thank you very much kind anons!

>> No.7197724

Ever since I've seen these two coords, I really want this skirt. What have you done?!

>> No.7197747

i just threw it on to have some kind of long hair, since my own is really short and even more disgusting at the moment. sorry if it offended your sensibilities, anon

>> No.7197773

> liking my co-ord that much

Oh my. ;-; thank you anon! It's a beautiful skirt. The fully-elasticated one was my first choice, but I missed it secondhand and ended up buying my normal version from ODIP. I really want the other version, though, it's so cute! I love the chiffon trim on my one though.

>> No.7198415
File: 51 KB, 866x472, help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons, need your help! Not quite lolita, but I'm going for a boystyle look and need your advice!
I mostly need advice when it comes to clothes for I don't know what to do with my look.

Not sure what I'm going for here in my picture, but something sailor boystyle? Military boystyle, if I replace the poofy breeches with shorts? Or even piratey ouji? Anyway, please give me your opinion which outfit is good to you (or if none of them are good, help me out with advice!) Thanks!

>> No.7198422
File: 229 KB, 332x444, op.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure how to go about this dress. Wondering if I should stick to all ivory, or if there is a color I can mix in with accessories/shoes that will look ok.

>> No.7198425
File: 1.11 MB, 1078x700, coord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on making this classic sweet, and playing with different colors. Thoughts?

>> No.7198964

Your clothes look like they're too big/long for you. And what's that check thing you're wearing?

>> No.7199619

I think its the angle of the picture and crappy camera and I was leaning back. Those clothes contour to my body very well except for the poofy breeches, but the checkered thing is supposed to be a buttcape? or skirt that covers the top half of the pants. I can remove it if I tuck it or seam rip it