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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 60 KB, 391x500, nordic_map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7191703 No.7191703[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread went over the limit, continue here.

>> No.7191723

NOW, guys more pictures of awesome cosplays from Nordic cosplays! And names of those cosplayers too!

>> No.7191730
File: 852 KB, 900x601, i_need_your_love__2_by_hiipia-d6edpmw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7191733
File: 174 KB, 1024x1535, danganronpa__enoshima_junko_by_uzumakisabina-d6l1m02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sabina from Sweden.

>> No.7191740

Old thread

>> No.7191745

Sabina is awesome! Amy other good swedish cosplayers? Besides JoC

>> No.7191752
File: 56 KB, 900x596, ayanami_rei_by_shiroiaisu-d5s99t1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7191755

Her over a thousand times. Her costumes rock and she's just a sweetheart.

>> No.7191777

What is JoC?

>> No.7191779
File: 87 KB, 600x899, karneval__yooooogi__like_candy_by_yaminoshadow-d5qxti6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YamiNoShadow from Denmark

>> No.7191787

A cosplay group called Jar of clouds

>> No.7191800

Yeah, who are they? Educate us, please.

>> No.7191798

aaaand why you can't add them to here? I'm kind a lost what kind a cosplay group is this Jar of clouds anyway?

>> No.7191803
File: 335 KB, 500x1000, 1377380281139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<--- must be cosplayed.

>> No.7191838
File: 146 KB, 529x800, dsc_0722_da_by_chigami-d6u37qi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chigami from Sweden

>> No.7191840
File: 432 KB, 1000x667, pandora_hearts__artwork_by_riku_risa-d5h9i0i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Risa from Denmark

>> No.7191842
File: 467 KB, 524x800, you_can_t_turn_back_time_by_lirlys-d6mrxge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lirlys from Finland

>> No.7191843

I just asked if you knew about some other swedish cosplayers since I already know about Jar of clouds :) just Google it and you will find some pictures

>> No.7191844
File: 255 KB, 1024x1534, x_down__the_queen_by_kelevarcosplay-d6rehty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kelevar from Denmark

>> No.7191853

I've sort of gotten the idea that they're the most well known swedish cosplayers outside of scandinavia, especially now that their leader girl got some more fame with the Link costume she wore to last NCC? Wasn't there even some drama surrounding why she didn't come to the stage when they gave out the awards?

>> No.7191857
File: 188 KB, 753x501, elfquest_by_jozo_dono-d59dkg4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jozo-Dono from Finland

>> No.7191858
File: 97 KB, 729x1095, yukio_okumura__2_by_yaci_chan-d49cbyb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yaci from Finland

>> No.7191860
File: 1.51 MB, 1024x1534, ___skywise____by_thelupin-d57z7uv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TheLupin from Denmark.

Nordics seem to have a good knack for ElfQuest cosplay.

>> No.7191866

Isn't there some more drama going around of that leader girl?

>> No.7191879
File: 355 KB, 650x979, 2dfa235b231a58f36101045fdf4b9d95-d5qy4ji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hanskinuskij from Finland

>> No.7191891
File: 685 KB, 600x900, derse_dreamer_by_sowah-d4yl2wo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sowah from Sweden

>> No.7191894
File: 280 KB, 684x1168, akaboshi__ibun_suikoden_by_tinneri-d4g0ut8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TINNERI from Finland

>> No.7191907
File: 227 KB, 600x900, bring_hope_without_fail_to_someone_out_there_by_shichanny-d6n1pwx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ShiChanny from Finland

She is just so cute...!

>> No.7191913

Tennyo, Pilerud and Mitternacht are three faves of mine when it comes to craftmanship <3

>> No.7191911
File: 1.21 MB, 1009x652, ren_hakuryuu___magi_by_mourum-d6egd92.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mourum from Finland

>> No.7191912

ShiChanny is so awesome! And cute! Her costumes have "quality" written all over.

>> No.7191917
File: 297 KB, 594x890, ce0d42a9dce4093f07cd7931934d9716-d69mea2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pahviperua from Finland

>> No.7191921
File: 79 KB, 720x478, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swedish Jack sparrow, from.. Uhm.. Sweden.
Great cosplayer imo but so far he has only cosplayed Jack sparrow as far as i know.
Goes to most swedish cons, nice Guy!

>> No.7191922
File: 88 KB, 1024x680, cosplay__morgiana_by_ginger_i-d6hdlv1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ginger-I from Finland

>> No.7191924
File: 129 KB, 1024x819, captain_jack_sparrow_by_charly_chan-d6nc1wg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finnish version of Jack Sparrow

>> No.7191926

Wow, that looks.. Real!

>> No.7191928

I love that photo of him. Dont know his real name tho. I think he has some videos on youtube too.

>> No.7191959

Name of this cosplayer, please?

>> No.7191975
File: 165 KB, 600x923, yuuko_ichihara___welcome_to_my_shop_by_hansku-d6oxhsl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hansku from Finland. She is so great ;A;

>> No.7192001
File: 283 KB, 750x500, cos__hs__dangerous_mind_by_keychainy-d5345qm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keychainy from Finland

>> No.7192081

she's so photogenic huff huff

>> No.7192150
File: 797 KB, 922x614, hyperdimension_neptunia__nisa_01_by_mourum-d65xhwl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She really is!

>> No.7192162

what's up with this?

>> No.7192181

The Scandinavians love Japanese culture/language so much because they have no culture whatsoever.

Incredible school systems though

>> No.7192208

We don't? I'm a finn and I love our finnish culture! And we do have our culture!
But oh, you said Scandinavia so it's okay as Finland is not part of Scandinavia.

>> No.7192210

>actually believing this

>> No.7192213


"The clearest example of the use of the term "Scandinavia" as a political and societal construct is the unique position of Finland, based largely on its southwestern part having been part of Sweden for more than seven centuries, thus to much of the world associating Finland with all of Scandinavia."

are you sane?

>> No.7192218

I'm very sane. Thank you very much.
Same source here (who uses wikipedia as source, are YOU sane?)

"In English, Scandinavia usually refers to Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. Some tourist-oriented sources argue for the inclusion of Finland and Iceland, though that broader region is usually known by the countries concerned as Norden, or the Nordic countries."

>> No.7192224

I hate all of you. Every last one of you.

>> No.7192225

more for you to read do your homework

While the term Scandinavia is commonly used for Denmark, Norway and Sweden, the term the Nordic countries is used unambiguously for Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland, including their associated territories (Greenland, the Faroe Islands, and the Åland Islands).[18] Scandinavia can thus be considered a subset of the Nordic countries. Furthermore, the term Fennoscandia refers to Scandinavia, Finland and Karelia, excluding Denmark and overseas territories; however, the usage of this term is restricted to geology, when speaking of the Fennoscandian Shield (Baltic Shield).
In addition to the mainland Scandinavian countries of:
Denmark (Constitutional monarchy with a Parliamentary system)
Norway (Constitutional monarchy with a Parliamentary system, independent since 1905)
Sweden (Constitutional monarchy with a Parliamentary system)
the Nordic countries consist of:
Faroe Islands (an autonomous country within the Danish Realm, self-governed since 1948)
Finland (Parliamentary republic, independent since 1917)
Åland Islands (an autonomous province of Finland since 1920)
Greenland (an autonomous country within the Danish Realm, self-governed since 1979)
Iceland (Parliamentary republic, independent since 1918, but in union with Denmark until 1944)
Svalbard, which is under Norwegian sovereignty, is not considered part of Scandinavia as a cultural-historical region, but as a part of the Kingdom of Norway (since 1925), it is part of the Nordic countries (Norden).

>> No.7192229

>The Americans love Japanese culture/language so much because they have no culture whatsoever.

ftfy, babe

>> No.7192230

Scandinavians are Ameriboos though.

>> No.7192231

So why are you responding if you believe Finland isn't part of Scandinavia? The fact is the nations described in Scandinavia are so inbred and their languages so lost they can't communicate with one another in their home nation, so they default to English.

Outside of 30 years of eugenics the only thing you hold to your name is adopting foreign culture and serving food over beds of ice.

>> No.7192236

Yes, every single one of us. We love you, big brother USA! <3

>> No.7192239

lol I can tell you're being sarcastic.

And hey, modern cowboys and Native Americans have a pretty cool thing going on. Other than that there isn't much.

I'm American and have no idea why the fuck I'm in this thread. lel.

>> No.7192244
File: 282 KB, 900x1359, black_rock_shooter___a_new_tomorrow_by_jatek-d6ofqex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this conversation, I thought we are here for Nordic cosplay.
So have a photo of jatek from Finland.

>> No.7192247

Fatty needs to lose some weight.

>> No.7192258

I'd love my to shoot my black rocks off in her.

>> No.7192281

or maybe you need glasses, fucktard

>> No.7192289

where the hell did that come from?? she looks gorgeous and fits very well to cosplay as black rock shooter!

>> No.7192290

She seems absolutely normal, not fat.

>> No.7192293 [DELETED] 

Jatek is a great cosplayer! Check out her vanille cosplay, it's awesome!

>> No.7192299
File: 283 KB, 730x1095, vanille.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jatek's Vanille cosplay

>> No.7192307
File: 458 KB, 665x1000, _ART5381 (3)-Redigera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7192308

It's funny how small the cosplay circles are in all the nordic countries or at least here in Finland. Everyone knows each other. And I assume it's like this in all the other nordic countries, too?

>> No.7192315

well, yeah. it's a bit like that. if you dont know someone you certainly know about them. it's not that big community... i went to 2 conventions outside my country and ppl are already talking about me here in this thread lol

>> No.7192329

She might be thin to you, since most of you people from Finland are fatties. I ain't saying she's obese but she is fat.

>> No.7192359

what are you, the chief of some starvin-marvin tribe in the wilderness? come on, why cant ppl be nice to oneanother? if u think she's fat, then go ahead and THINK it. u dont have to shove it up ppls face just cause you can be anon and because you know it will start a discussion. grow up and get out of your mom's basement.

>> No.7192362

Seems like where you come from, everyone suffers from eating disorders. Due to that, you have lost the ability to recognize what a normal, fit person looks like.

That, or you are too used to overshoopped Japanese cosplayers.

I am so very sorry about that.

>> No.7192375

I can't believe what I'm reading! Most of finnish people are fat and you think that this is a good example of that? Holy shit, yeah, you totally need some glasses! Let me tell you that this is what a normal person looks like! Wow, yeah, I know this might be a bit of a shock for you since it seems like you haven't seen a normal person before.

>> No.7192384

obviously trolling. dont feed this shit.

>> No.7192546
File: 166 KB, 900x1350, Siesta00_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

corbin/korppu/lyria from Finland

>> No.7192616

post more of her!

>> No.7192960
File: 1.71 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_0454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Denmark is a small community, but with the active level of organizers we have started to get one of the best shows on the road domestically. We are very proud to work with what we do. There are some of us that talk together and there are lots of great cosplayers out there. What usually makes me happy isn't the people that I hear about the most, but the newcomers to the scene, like Sabina from Sweden, and others that try stuff out that we don't often hear about.

Recently I was very happy to meet Henrik Pilerud at Gamex who did a Spacemarine cosplay, someone I haven't heard about since the scene online is very competition focused and not so much community based and supportive.

TL;DR The cosplays that get all the attention are usually the ones competing, I'm personally glad to see there are so many nice people coming on the scene who wants to be part of that community since in the Nordic countries we are generally very supportive. There is some drama yeah, but we all know each other, so people tend to confront! :D

This cosplay has been my favorite :D since I was expecting to see some ever since I caught that DragonCon movie from last year with the Yip Yip Aliens. Their Swedish and they are awesome!

>> No.7193316
File: 39 KB, 420x376, 546082_318366251623227_746926955_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shin-Shin or whatever it is people call her nowadays is an amazing cosplayer, makes great costumes. (From Finland, yes) But I've been told by numerous of people, and noticed, that she's a huge prick towards others whom disagree with her, childish as hell, gets super butthurt easily and is just downright rude. People have asked her how she did some parts of her costumes, and she just turned them down rudely, saying that it's her ''professional secret''. Finland has alot of great cosplayers with great personality, then there are those whom are just assholes. (The twins, for example.)

And stop saying stuff about Elffi. He's a GREAT cosplayer and yes, he's trying to make LIVING OUT OF SOMETHING THAT HE LOVES. Are you people seriously going to snort at artists too that they take money for having people listening to their music!? People NEED to make a living out of things, and he's trying to make a living of something that he loves! So shut up. And he's GREAT in person, not a stuck up arsehole like those whom were mentioned before.

>> No.7193361

Post moar

>> No.7193368

That armor is awful...

>> No.7193424
File: 231 KB, 398x314, 1344209463457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I beg to differ. The feeling I'm getting from Elffi's actions isn't that he loves cosplaying or the characters he picks; it's the attention he loves. You can see from the way he's posing for pictures that all he cares about is looking good shirtless; every character has a smug macho look on their face when cosplayed by him no matter how the character is actually like.

His costumes aren't shitty quality and I have nothing against him as a person since I don't know him personally, but I'm just pissed when he picks only characters who are shirtless/who belong to a currently popular series. About three or four years ago I got a totally different feeling about him; it really seemed like he cosplayed as characters he loved but these days it's all about looking hot and doing popular characters just for the sake of attention.

Yeah, I know. You can't own characters and your day shouldn't be ruined if someone picks your favourite character just because he looks hot. But damn, the way Elffi "uses" my favourite characters and makes them all look super macho even though they're not makes me super irritated.

>> No.7193484
File: 8 KB, 301x167, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7193490
File: 471 KB, 1024x1536, cemetery_by_yukimuussi-d6gqy46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is loving an attention a bad thing? In some level, all of us cosplayers must love attention - other wise we would just be home sewing and showing our cosplay pictures only for our mums.

Is it any wonder that Elffi, with that background of his, is used to performing and being looked at and that maybe unlike all the "normal" Finns, he ain't shying away from the attention but embraces it as part of cosplay.

He ain't prick, he's always ready to answer to questions about his costume and he represents very well Finland and Finnish costumery internationally. And even though he ain't always shirtless (you just remember those cosplay, I wonder why...) why shouldn't he show what he has? Do we criticize small, petite people when they mostly cosplay cute, childlike characters?

I am glad we have such an outgoing, straight backed fellow as a represent of Finnish cosplay.

[and here a picture of Yukimuussi from Finland]

>> No.7193495

thats quite something, to shoot at a graveyard infront of someone elses grave :/

>> No.7193499

Finland Finland [by Tamuki]

I challenge all the other Nordics to bring your own Hetalia!

>> No.7193503
File: 45 KB, 800x569, aph__boy_of_north_by_tamuki-d3470l8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7193537

Remember doing One Piece cosplay with a friend and going on an adventure i.e. following him around and imitating him.
He was a p cool guy.

>> No.7193543

lol do you want him to cosplay schoolboys and shotas lol?
he can only cosplay grownup males....theer are not that many of them in anime who actually have a decent outfit to cosplay.

there are tons of cospalyers out there who cosplay characters I like...and some of them I don't like in thr role? and? I bet your "precious characters" also got cospalyed 6439522028times worst somewhere in the world lol. if you want, you can go and cospaly your favorite character better by yourself.

>> No.7193551
File: 37 KB, 500x375, lataus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She/He never said that Elffi should cosplay schoolboys and shotas...

>> No.7193553

Total sidenote, I wish Elffi cosplayed characters like Tyki Mikk more often. That cosplay was dapper as hell.

>> No.7193555

Oh it was! I showed a picture of him in Tyki costume to my mum and after that she understood why I went to conventions ;)

>> No.7193556

Elffi isn't as nice as he seems, he talks a lot of shit about people behind their backs and often acts really stuck-up at cons. Some of his costumes that he claims to have made aren't actually completely made by him. You can see how the quality of his costumes went DOWN after he moved and after his ex-girlfriend moved out. He gets really butthurt if you criticize his costumes/props at all. And he often asks his fans what he should cosplay, picks the one that's most popular and cosplays it.

If he was actually a good cosplayer and cosplayed characters that aren't shirtless all the time(most of his costumes are shirtless or some way revealing, you can't claim otherwise), people wouldn't be so annoyed. But it's a bit annoying when the most known cosplayer from Finland is this kind of cosplayer.

>> No.7193557
File: 1.16 MB, 320x240, gin-says-bye-bye-o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh comoon guys, Elffi is just a big big silly dork who is cosplayer like us (.. or most of us). He wants attention yes, and he cosplay because attention... But, don't we ALL of us cosplay because attention?

Now now, before anyone of you anons gives me roar about "I don't cosplay because of attention!!11!"#¤" I have news for you... You do cosplay because of attention. In every cosplayers soul, there is a little or a huge attention whore. It doesn't matter if you upload your pictures to hundreds of social media website or you don't upload anywhere, you still seeks attention while doing cosplay or when you are cosplaying.

In Elffi's case, he seeks attention more than anyone else, but, that's how he rolls. It's actually saddens me that he is popular and he almost HAVE to cosplay from popular series/half-naked mans that his fans will be satisfied...

>> No.7193559

Some of us actually hate attention and pick not as well known characters because of that reason. I would say most people cosplay because they really like some character, not because of the attention it gives.

Stop speaking behalf of everyone.

>> No.7193560

Elffi and other cosplay attention whores, stay out of Desucon. It's a convention for people who actually watch anime.

>> No.7193561

Sorry to break this to you but I'm a Finnish cosplayer who has costumes I've never worn in public, don't have any photos of them online and I haven't really talked about making them to anyone except my few close friends when they asked. This is attention seeing exactly how?

tl;dr don't make assumptions about "everyone" because you will be wrong.

>> No.7193565
File: 200 KB, 605x605, 1313248825293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because there may be cosplayers worse than Elffi doesn't mean someone can't get upset over an attention whore cosplaying their favorite character. Elffi is no better than Yaya or J-Nig or any other cosplayer who's main reason for doing this is for attention. I'm not saying that it's criminal and he shouldn't do it, but I do admit that it rubs me the wrong way. Especially when he cosplays from series I genuinely like simply because he figured that since they're popular at the moment he'll get more attention. It also bothers me how he doesn't care about looking like the character. He looks like Elffi in a costume in every one of his new cosplays, as opposed to the character he's apparently trying to be.

Everyone is free to cosplay whatever they want for whatever reason, but then again everyone is also free to complain if something bothers them. No need to get so upset just because someone doesn't agree with whatever Elffi does.

Just my two cents.

>> No.7193566

can we PLEASE not turn this into an elffi thread just post more photos of lovely fellow nordic cosplayers

>> No.7193567
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Hunter X Hunter - 15 [720p].mkv_snapshot_21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recall he was going to cosplay Hisoka but the show never got popular enough in Finland so apparently he gave up. I might have liked to see it though.

>> No.7193572
File: 187 KB, 600x701, lovely_complex___fun_by_tinneri-d5bx5fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tinneri (finnish) is so damn precious

>> No.7193577

okay guys if you could show only one favourite costume/cosplayer from your own country which/who would it be?

>> No.7193582
File: 695 KB, 1000x667, a_small_lie_is_distorted_by_shichanny-d66o88n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ShiChanny ! She's such a cutie and has gorgeous costumes.

>> No.7193588

he's the only cosplayer who gives cosplay from Finland some attention in international areas. many people start liking Finland after he visited their countries. you would prefer to be forgotten and everybody things you are grumpy and inroverted? okay great. better gossip about the only person who gets your country some positive attitude, right?

Also since when is the quantity of watching anime related to how good a cosplayer is? some cospalyers watch no anime at all and are amazing artists.

>> No.7193593

with shirt: Ichigo 1, Ichigo 2, Minato, Tyki, Amidamaru, Rai, Ragna, Vash, Ichigo 3, Barnaby, Kagami, Sinbad, Dynasty Warriors
= 13

shirtless: Kamina, Jecht, Gilgamesh, Gildarts (just half), Shura, Mihawk

not even 1/3 of them are shirtless....that is not "all" or "most of them" LOL

>> No.7193615

no one said he should watch more anime or whatever, but it'd certainly be nice if he actually watched or read the series he cosplays from you know? and I don't really care about what people internationally think about finland since it doesn't affect me in any way, but it'd certainly be nicer that if finland is represented it'd be someone who actually gives a shit about the characters and series rather than just the attention and fame.

>> No.7193617

Old costumes don't really count because in the beginning he cosplayed characters he liked, the he just started attention whoring.

>> No.7193620

All of this. I really dislike it when people cosplay from series/games they haven't even watched/played and don't know the character aside from googleing.

>> No.7193624

And what series of the ones he cosplay you claim he did not watch/play? and how shall YOU know what a person actually watched/played?

>> No.7193627

LOOOL so you make the random rule "that does not count" to support your hypothesis....great...that is pathetic lol

>> No.7193664
File: 632 KB, 1000x662, it_s_not_my_history__it_s_simply_history_by_noyn-d6n7nm5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Trinode/Majo/noyn from Finland. Her costumes are so awesome.

>> No.7193666
File: 437 KB, 600x900, the_guardian_by_noyn-d4eulfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7193693

http://myanimelist.net/profile/Elffin *cough*
The bars would be a lot longer if he'd still update it.

>> No.7193697

SMT cosplay of a demon, sweet tits. I'm about to go look at this girl.

>> No.7193702
File: 180 KB, 900x1348, k__damn_monkey__by_riku_risa-d6it0zw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Risa from Denmark (+ special quest from France: Shigure-chan)

>> No.7193714

LOL I don't think he is using this account anymore LOL....such an old profile pic...last updates 2011....sounds like a dead account to me
and I don't even have an myanimelist account. does that now mean I never watched any anime?

>> No.7193717

Yes, it totally means you have never watched any anime.

>> No.7193719

Congratulations. You have received the dumbest comment of the thread award.

>> No.7193722

I can confirm that Elffi talks a lot of shit about other people behind their backs. I've actually overheard him do this at a convention, he was talking VERY rudely about his fans and making fun of them.

I've also heard rumors from many different people that he's gotten a lot of help with his costumes from his friend who's very experienced with sewing. And seeing how the quality of his costumes has been declining since he moved to another city it seems plausible. The Kuroko costume at least is clearly bought but he has never admitted it publicly.

>> No.7193728

LOL You say that but you have no proof of it......try recording it next time...

>> No.7193729

Costumes Elffi has done without knowing the character:
- Tyki Mikk
- Amidamaru
- Rai
- Ragna the Bloodedge
- Jecht
- Barnaby Brooks
- Shura
- Sinbad (he had no idea how the character was when asked about it)

>> No.7193732

He has watched Tiger&Bunny so he does know Barnaby. He even watched the movie (The Beginning) when he was in Japan.

>> No.7193739
File: 383 KB, 772x514, Sinbad32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This. Especially picking Sinbad annoys the hell out of me since we all know he knows shit neither about the character nor the series and only picked Sinbad because his girlfriend picked Kougyoku so that they could do a ~couple cosplay~ and kiss in front of the camera even though in the series Sinbad is a manipulative jerk towards Kougyoku and her crush is only one-sided. What angers me even more is that his fangirls tell him he is the best Sinbad cosplayer ever although there are plenty of better ones. Imo Regzo (pic related) is the best Finnish Sinbad and she loves the series and knows the character she picked.

>> No.7193772

"We all know" ?!?!

Didn't he start watching the anime immediately when it aired and ranted about it on especially Twitter every week after the newest episode? And now he is claiming to be watching the 2nd Season. You call that "not watching or knowing anything?"

So basically you and your friend got butthurt because someone stole your character and cosplayed it. Oh how sad.

>> No.7193779

And how are you sure he knew the characters BEFORE he cosplayed them? Maybe afterwards he started watching the series because people asked stuff about the characters and he didn't want to lose face.

Jesus you're a huge whiteknight.

>> No.7193776

Hello Regzo ;D

hahaha selfpost XDDDD Regzo is butthurt coz of not enough attention TROLOLOLOL
thread is full of butthurt Finns who want attention too but are to bad or ugly to get any trololol

>> No.7193783

I really doubt she would want her face to be posted in here, atleast she wouldn't resort to selfposting. :P And her Sinbad IS better than Elffi's too.

>> No.7193784

And you know that because you installed a webcam in his apartment to see him watching anime,whuuuuuut???
how you want to prove that???

>> No.7193787

soro is that you

>> No.7193789

How about basic checking the dates of twitter posts of him ranting about the daily EP of Magi and then seeing the dates of when he started to make his costume? As he always posts hella lot of WIP photos about every shit.

Or is that too complicated for you?

>> No.7193795
File: 1.21 MB, 320x240, Stephen-Colbert-Popcorn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7193796


Smells like soro indeed.

But yeah, Regzo isn't the type to selfpost. And like >>7193783 said her cosplay was 100% better than Elffi's.

>> No.7193797
File: 91 KB, 400x400, 43032584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just leave this here.

>> No.7193799

I love this thread. Elffi haters and whiteknights fighting and once in a while someone tries to reel the thread back on tracks by posting good cosplay, but it always fails. Good example of how much more people love drama.

>> No.7193806

I'm not sure but is this the girl who ate a hippo and doubled her weight? Also had some... *cough* Well you know, affairs.

>> No.7193809
File: 846 KB, 1159x1200, sin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sure?

>> No.7193810


..regzo cosplayed as sinbad BEFORE the anime even started so don't you dare compare her costume to that shitty anime version

>> No.7193813

Sorry to disappoint you guys but that wasn't me.

>> No.7193815

I god this drama *take's a potato chip... and eats it* So what's the problem in cosplaying a character you don't know? How about cosplaying it because you like the costume? want to cosplay with a friend/group? or think you suit for the character?

"NO you can't cosplay him/her because you're not IC/you've not watched the series/the character doesn't suit for you!!1"

>> No.7193814

Regzo's costume is done only with manga references so yeah, don't compare it to the shitty anime version that Elffi did.

>> No.7193826

Yeah this is the mentality in Finland. If you cosplay a character just because it looks nice and you don't know anything about the character/series, most people in here are going to diss you.

I think the dissing people because they don't look like the character is more /cgl/ thing though.

>> No.7193827

didn't regzo make her costume before the anime came out? so maybe there should be manga references too in that pic. anyway they're both pretty mediocre, but at least regzo doesn't have elffi's godawful washed out face and worbla-everything...

>> No.7193828

so you are angry on him that he cosplayed from the anime you did not like?
So the other one shall be better because it is not the anime version? great reason to judge costumes....lol "I did not like the anime! so all anime cosplay from magi is bad! only manga cosplay is good"
your critique is so lame.

>> No.7193831

what is a washed out face? and what is bad with worbla? the cosplay worlds most known cosplayers use it. Yaya, Kamui, Lightning....it's awesome!

>> No.7193833

they probably meant that it's stupid to compare a cosplay from the manga to a cosplay from the anime. although the anime was pretty shit compared to the manga, and so is elffi's cosplay for that matter.

>> No.7193835


i think the point was that it's unfair to say regzo's costume is worse than elffi's based on anime references alone. regzo's looks more like the manga version and elffi's more like the anime version. that's it. whether you prefer the anime or the manga version is irrelevant. of course elffi's looks better if you look at the anime version is alone and vice versa.

>> No.7193837


So it's so cool and hipster to cosplay something before anyone else even knew about the series!! Woah so deep! That makes all the costumes done after that automatically shit, right?! :"D

And of course anime sucks, manga don't. Don't start with that old story. Ever considered people have different opinions and taste?

Today one must always cosplay from something SO deep and otaku. Something which is not known to the wide audience yet. If you do this you are magically the best elitist super cool cosplayer in the world.

If someone likes the mainstream series like Elffi does (everyone knows he is a shounen fag) is that really such a bad thing? He clearly enjoys all the long manly epic fights and never ending stories. What's so wrong with that? At least he got the backbone to admit it in public.

>> No.7193845
File: 2 KB, 256x256, missingthepoint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7193864

reading this thread makes me regret that I was born as a finn.

now I can easily see why elffi was the only one ever able to climb out of this shitty cave of ours.

so pathetic.

you have no idea how the other countries just read this and laugh at us?

im so ashamed.

>> No.7193879 [DELETED] 

When she was working on it she said she only had a couple of unclear references because Sinbad didn't get his jewelry back for a long time and the anime wasn't even announced until many months later. She's admitted herself that they're very inaccurate compared to all the new and more detailed reference material and the anime concept art. (sage for offtopic)

>> No.7193883

When she was working on it she said she only had a couple of unclear references because Sinbad didn't get his jewelry back for a long time and the anime wasn't even announced until many months later. She's admitted herself that they're very inaccurate compared to all the new and more detailed reference material and the anime concept art. (sage for offtopic)

>> No.7193902

Let them laugh as much as they want, they're not any better themselves.

I feel so much more sorry for those people who actually seriously defend Elffi.

>> No.7193904
File: 406 KB, 467x700, 3444eb565cde6321403533cd14150dc4-d4vjgiq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lirlys from Finland

>> No.7193907

here comes homestuck...

>> No.7193922
File: 182 KB, 900x1267, students_by_umiyo-d4rcjcw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umiyo & Shewon from Finland

>> No.7193924
File: 193 KB, 900x1358, swan_lake_by_narudossu-d4r2ifn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread needs some love.

Here, have NaruDossu!

>> No.7193927
File: 55 KB, 600x402, jack_frost_i_by_shisukoisa-d5mosvv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shisukoisa from Sweden

>> No.7193931
File: 147 KB, 800x1088, finding_your_way_by_su_rine-d5lq2ew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Su-rine from Denmark

>> No.7193937
File: 510 KB, 667x1000, the_bunny_polices_are_here_by_plasticgay-d4nr28e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plasticgay & 5thAlice from Finland

>> No.7193939
File: 315 KB, 500x738, degozaru_by_hanskinuskij-d5wb9ej.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hanskinuskj from Finland

>> No.7193994


Sorine & Elffi were like the barbie dolls when they walked together in Japan.

Both tall, slim and blonde. So freaking awesome.

>> No.7194175
File: 122 KB, 900x1350, Siesta00_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7194177 [DELETED] 

They asked for more jatek, not korppu.

>> No.7194180
File: 153 KB, 900x1350, Frostbite 13 402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7194183

They asked for more jatek not korppu.

>> No.7194185
File: 278 KB, 721x1188, victory__by_punvisual-d4mj7p4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PunVisual from Finland

>> No.7194187

whooooa! thats a nice freya actually :D

>> No.7194191

whoops refered wrong

>>7193361 requested more korppu

>> No.7194190

I like her, she's cute.

>> No.7194195
File: 75 KB, 800x530, lenalee_and_allen_by_yaci_chan-d588217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TINNERI and yaci from Finland, both very nice on the eye

>> No.7194198
File: 133 KB, 849x700, the_future_is_still_nowhere_by_tinneri-d3aqqx6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more TINNERI and lirlys

>> No.7194210

Who's got a good eye on good male cosplayers out there that probably arent as famous as they deserve to be?


>> No.7194253

What's with that most more famous/over the average cosplayers in Finland are lesbian or bi?

>> No.7194262

Because it's a cool thing to be right now.

>> No.7194270

No but srsly, from 10 cosplayers I meet, 2-3 are straight. Go outside Finland at the number is far bigger. Nothing wrong against gay people but why/really?!

>> No.7194320

The number of great guys altogether on con scene that are single on top of that is quite low (most of the great guys I've met at cons are in a relationship). If the guy should be a cosplayer on top of that they are really few and far between (or they aren’t all that interested in women/anyone)
Since most female cosplayers tend to be rather chill and great people it's easy to be at least heteroflexible.

>> No.7194343

That's....quite an good answer :)

No, but I just find it wierd. Most great finnish female cosplayers tend to have lots of crossplay, and some don't even cosplay than just dudes, and most of these kinds of persons are really butch.

>> No.7195239

Why most average peoples in earth are straights?

>> No.7195243

Mie-Rose from Denmark (also NCC 2014 representative)

>> No.7195246
File: 1.15 MB, 1024x768, when_dealing_with_people_by_mie_rose-d6rbsev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hups forget a picture

>> No.7195298
File: 2.23 MB, 2176x3872, 127696173128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what this is about Elffi, at least he seems to have watched enough anime according to his MAL although he mostly watches shit. I remember Rimppu and other "top cosplayers" of Finland saying they don't watch anime because "most of it is bad". This is the exact mentality that doesn't belong to Desucon at least, why do they even go there.

Anyways this is the only Finnish sexually attractive Finnish cosplayer I have ever seen, can someone confirm if he really has a dick?

>> No.7195301
File: 1.09 MB, 1944x2592, 1127_127638595747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only Finnish sexually attractive Finnish cosplayer

>> No.7195302

Like who? Majo, Yumi and AG are the only non-straight above the average cosplayers that I know of.

>> No.7195305 [DELETED] 

Please let's not talk about him again, we went through this a million times in 2010 and he quit cosplaying because of it.

>> No.7195309

Because of what?

>> No.7195310

Please let's not talk about him again, we went through this a million times in 2010 and he quit cosplaying because of it. And he quite possibly was the overall best cosplayer of Finland. You don't see anyone putting that much effort into details and having such large scale of skills.

>> No.7195311

Because of all the drama regarding his gender and the creepy fanboys masturbating over his pictures.

>> No.7195313

Well it's expected that if you pass as a decent trap and cosplay as Touhou characters you will get that kind of reputation. And why would it even matter if someone faps to your photos? That is pretty much the reason why we tend to take the photos at conventions.

>> No.7195315

Maybe, but that story is older than shit and been through so many times so I don't see why we should go through it again for the millionth time. Let him be already.

>> No.7195319

well, there actually is more great single guys on con scene than you know, but many of them are not into cosplay and due to being more or less stereotypical geeks, they are a bit insecure when it comes to girls (they don't come to talk to you automatically, you need to go to talk to them instead)

>> No.7195353
File: 430 KB, 1200x800, diablo04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pixelninja from Sweden is probably my favourite Swedish cosplayer.

>> No.7195354
File: 153 KB, 600x900, metroidvaria12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7195436

I hate when people paint on abs like this.....

>> No.7195440

Which ones have qualified for NCC so far?
Website is not that updated yet

>> No.7195454

Mie-Rose, YamiNoShadow & YayDei (dA) are going to be Denmark's representatives.

Idk is there NCC representatives from Sweden, Norway & Finland chosen yet...

>> No.7195491
File: 188 KB, 600x1052, let_s_go__by_shewon-d6nnwnk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finland has shewon (pic related) and another girl who goes by the name sestracosplay (I think?). The 3rd representative will be chosen in February.

>> No.7195577

What kind a cosplayeras are these?

>> No.7195605
File: 356 KB, 600x800, 8423673827_9642f4fdf0_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Norwegian Jack.

>> No.7195758

Does he have a site where you can see his cosplays? Even though he doesn't cosplay anymore.

>> No.7195821

nope, he deleted every cosplay page what he did have when he did stop cosplaying.

>> No.7195950
File: 93 KB, 800x1199, levi__3_by_buww-d6qadik (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buww from Finland

>> No.7196137
File: 646 KB, 496x751, Ka222Ko333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about her? I have heard that there is some kind of drama about her. Any experience?

>> No.7196316


>> No.7196323


>> No.7196371


>> No.7196610
File: 149 KB, 1024x890, katherine_by_cosbeast-d6uhuda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

capriciou-s from Finland

>> No.7196613
File: 1.55 MB, 889x1200, ace___where_am_i_supposed_to_go__by_ag_emily-d5d1pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AG-Emily from Finland

>> No.7196688

soro stop trying to sage the thread whenever people talk about you, it's your fault for being a drama hungry shit

>> No.7196708

Haven't we talked about this once? Soro and her drama is boring as shit. Let's just forget her and post some really good cosplayers here!

>> No.7196715
File: 252 KB, 608x900, haseo_cosplay__feel_the_pain__by_yaminoshadow-d6lhtrw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7196795
File: 24 KB, 959x233, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shut up, soro. You fucked up consciously and you bear the responsibility.


We had a whole thread dedicated to her here in February, but it never hurts to spread the message. To sum it all up:

>She stalks people
>She harasses people for no reason
>If you unfollow her on twitter or tumblr, she will fucking hunt you down and demand an explanation. She's proven to come up to strangers in conventions and angrily ask them why they unfollowed her on twitter.
>Her costumes are bought or made by other people, she blackmailed her friends to make her Kotetsu costume
>Despite this she has declared herself as the best Finnish Kotetsu many times
>She was loudly talking shit about other cosplayers in a convention, and after this on person overheard her doing so and told about it here, soro ironically got mad at her for "speaking shit about her speaking shit about others"
>When she was having a fight with a person, she snuck into her house and called everyone on her phone's contact list to tell them not to be her friends because she's "a bully"
>She claimed to know Elffi "in real life" after meeting him only once and still sucks up to him despite speaking shit about him too how he's so stuck up and an asshole

Pic related, it's from the previous thread.

>> No.7196847

What's with that wig anyway? Isn't Erica's hair short and pulled behind her ears?

>> No.7196855
File: 593 KB, 1551x2066, Erica.Anderson.full.565346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, actually the hair is a little bit shorter and yes the ears are showing but yeah..

>> No.7196873

Is there any danish drama at all?
Ive been to a few danish con and there doesn't seem to be much problems at the con itself, but the girls cosplaying on stage also seem icecold and its constantly the same winners
I know most of them from fb and dA, but I dont know any of them in person

>> No.7196933


>> No.7196952
File: 41 KB, 215x406, shynordics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about Norway and Sweden NCC contestants? Have they been selected already?
Since Denmark and Finland has already been posted.

>> No.7196955

I think that Sweden hasn't chosen NCC contestants yet... And Norway might have two contestants chosen, but I'm not entirely sure about it...

>> No.7197008


>> No.7197090

The finnish repsesentative shown in the picture is definitely better of our two chosen ones. The other one was quite a surprise, and I'm under the impression that she's quite a nobody? So far our team seems a little worrying compared to this year, but who knows how the other preliminaries in Frostbite will go.

>> No.7197234

One will be chosen at kultcon if I'm not wrong?

General question on the topic, how does nordic cosplay competitions work? What should I watch out for as a first time competitor? How does the competitions differ between cons and countries?

>> No.7197325

Wasn't it established in the previous thread, that all the "better" cosplayers were invested in other contests and thus didn't take part in the earlier qualifiers?

>> No.7197365


>> No.7197384

I think the problem was that the NCC contest was announced too late (only a month beforehand) so nobody had the time to prepare a costume and a stage show.

>> No.7197385

You do know that saging is the best way to feed the trolls?

>> No.7197383

I don't think they have been chosen yet.. What did you guys think about the people from norway and sweden that competed in the previous NCC?

>> No.7197395


>> No.7197444


>> No.7197826
File: 287 KB, 600x900, trio_by_shichanny-d6mgdfm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lapirin, ShiChanny & Lirlys from Finland

>> No.7198699


Self-post from Finland.

>> No.7198782

what is wrong with lapirin's costume and face in this one? she looks awful

>> No.7198809

So many people who do not know how to sage in this thread.

Have we finally run out of drama? Good riddance.

>> No.7198868

Just a very unflattering picture.

>> No.7198913

We could always complain how desucon requires cosplay competitors cosplay something from a japanese source..

>> No.7198926


This! THIS! Ilona & Desucon should really lose their pants on this one. Even though Desucon is "anime & manga" conventions it shouldn't affect to cosplay competitions... especially to NCC, where you can cosplay almost anything.

>> No.7198928

Nope, there is only one person who can't take critique.

>> No.7198939

I actually agree on the NCC part. The preliminaries should be held under the same character rules as the finals to make it fair. Otherwise I don't mind the restrictions in their normal competitions though.

>> No.7198952

Their charter says that they exist to promote anime and manga: they'll lose their status as a non-profit organization if they don't follow it, and would have to completely recharter the entire con if they wanted to change it.

>> No.7198957

It was a nice change when they lost the restrictions from ECC the previous year. Altough some people kinda lost the point of the whole thing when the preliminary winner (well deserved) was from a japanese source. The fact that people talked about losing the restrictions wasn't so that a western costume would win, it was so that cosplayers wouldn't have to restrict their character choices and could bring their A-game in a costume and a character they really have passion for, not choose based on the opinion of the organizers.

I think that considering the fact that NCC preliminaries in Tracon have no restrictions it's okay for them to restrict in a strictly anime & manga based con. ECC just doesn't have other preliminaries in Finland so it's no wonder that some years there's been a lack in quality or versatility in the preliminaries.

>> No.7198958
File: 31 KB, 442x464, 1370296771240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Desucon 2013 _did_ allow Western series in its Eurocosplay Preliminares, didn't it? I don't think that Splinter cosplayer was cosplaying from a manga you know...

When it's about regular cosplay competitions I think Desucon has every right do decide whether Western series are allowed or not. It _does_ claim to be the most "anime" anime convention in Finland so I don't think bronies, Adventure Time and Supernatural belong to its cosplay competitions. Just my two cents.

>> No.7198962

Yes, 2013 EC preliminaries were held without restrictions, but all the previous years have been restricted.

And yes, this, it's very much okay if you want to restric regular comps, but you have to consider how fair it is to restric international competition preliminaries in the same manner.

>> No.7198970

My opinion as an ex-desu-organizer is that there is no inherent reason why Desucon should provide a preliminary at all. The international comps are nice but they are also a bit of a hassle compared to regular contests. All those rehearsals, all of the diva-ing from the contestants, all of the drama...

Also cosplay isn't the point of Desucon, it's an extra program kind of like the vidya room. A lot of anime fans are also cosplayers and play vidya, so why not if the con has space? But it's not the the main selling point of the con so it can be dropped out of the programming if the people, the main venue or the time is needed for something else.

I think the complaining about western characters boils down to one thing only: cosplayers like to think they are crazy important and that the con should provide them exactly what they want all of the time, regardless of what the "idea" of the con is.

>> No.7198980

After all this western craze fades away you don't care anymore. Desucon should stay like it is. It's the only frigging contest in Finland where they require a costume from an eastern source because they're not like Animecon who desperately want to please everyone even at the price of abandoning their principles. I cosplay from both western and eastern sources and I still think Desucon shouldn't allow western cosplay because it's a damn anime convention.

>> No.7198984


>I think the complaining about western characters boils down to one thing only: cosplayers like to think they are crazy important and that the con should provide them exactly what they want all of the time, regardless of what the "idea" of the con is.

This. The rage that emerged when Frostbite was announced to be the first anime convention in Finland that prohibits underage con-goers from attending is a good example of this. Con-goers these days (especially the younger ones) expect con organizers to give them conventions whenever they want, wherever they want (usually in Southern Finland near Helsinki) and if there are some restrictions everyone gets butthurt and demands that things should be changed OR ELSE THEY WON'T BE ATTENDING THIS CONVENTION!11 Some people really seem to think that just because they started their Frostbite costume in this August the organizers of Desucon should make a U-turn and make the convention cater for ~everybody's~ needs. Ugh.

>> No.7198987

There's no such law or ordinance that prohibits them from allowing western sources to cosplay qualifiers.

With that said, it's their convention, they can do their own decisions.

>> No.7198993

Well nobody made Desucon held ECC preliminaries in the first place either, so the argument of "well we could choose not to have it at all" is as pointless as putting up age restrictions to your con in hopes of getting "people that are actually interested in our con programme" to come full your lecture rooms.

Yes, cosplayers are demanding, but there's a good reason behind it. Cosplayers, like it or not, are thing the public notices, they are a marketing point for all the cons. If you want such showy marketing, all you in actuality need is a well-flowing competitions, a couple of changing rooms and maybe two lectures about the hobby, photoshoots are a good plus. Not a lot of things and mostly cosplayers do it for cosplayers themselves. Haven't seen a cosplay organizer that wasn't a cosplayer herself yet.

So no, I don't see why non-cosplayers keep complaining that cosplayers are so needy and egoncentric when we are just trying to tweak our own things better and fairer for ourselves.

The fact that we try to make competitions so that cosplayers get the most out of them isn't about how crazy important we think we are, it's about making the competitions a competition. Not just a show for all the non-cosplayers to oggle at. It's a show that the organizers hold but where the con-goers bring the actual content. So it should be a give and take -change.

>> No.7199000

7198970 here, I've been cosplaying for nine years so uh.

It's true Desucon didn't have to have said yes to ECC prelim years ago. We didn't have any good reason to say no either, and contrary to what you think, Desucon doesn't say no or ban things just for the hell of it (at least didn't when I was organizing, do tell me if this has changed...)

At least back then I was under the impression that Bakacon or Animecon or some other con would soon take the other ECC prelim for themselves and the western chara debate would end then and there. It didn't happen, which I guess was one of the reasons Ilona changed the rules this year. I'm still waiting for that other prelim, Cosvision? Anyone?

I disagree strongly about the point that cosplayers market the con in any way. Desucon at least hasn't really needed any extra marketing for years now, and I cringe every time a newspaper has an article about "funnily dressed up kids" when the point of the con, is, uh, dissecting Japanese cartoons in a meaningful way...

>> No.7199200
File: 126 KB, 467x700, 129725953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of liked this guys Kamina does anyone have more pictures of him? What else has he cosplayed?

>> No.7199208
File: 123 KB, 1740x680, 1402433_493324924115467_133287042_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the twins (päivi) that were mentioned earlier here is taking part in NCC preliminarities with this costume..

>> No.7199218

I seriously hope that she doesn't win because they couldn't give a shittier image of Finland. I don't give two fucks about their sewing skills, they're way too stuck up and I hate how they need to compete in every contest imaginable and treat anyone below their fame level like shit.

>> No.7199236

It's because all the other cons in Finland suck balls

>> No.7199248

Tracon doesn't suck balls

>> No.7199305

Except that Tracon is hands down better than Desucon.

>> No.7199317

He has cosplayed as Okabe from Steins;Gate and Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII. You can find more pictures of him on dA where he goes by the name Elmoren.

>> No.7199323

Does someone here know the dA or fb or any site at all of that V1 from this summer's NCC finals? She was lovely but I haven't found her from anywhere to see what else she's done

>> No.7199334

She also seems to have Facebook and blog

>> No.7199370

Thanks a ton!

>> No.7199642

I'd like to hear some facts to back up this claim, if you don't mind?

>> No.7200099

Better place for holding a convention, better and especially more varied programs, bigger artist alley, for some reason usually higher quality of cosplay in the competitions though this year was a bit of a letdown, and they don't go around boasting and making total asshats of themselves and marketing by forcefully stuffing their things down people's throats which is a thing that really makes Desucon less likeable for me. Also I find Tampere nicer place for a con than Lahti and the area around Tampere-talo beats Sibeliustalo with more easy restaurants and grocery shops close by even though those aren't really the cons' merits itself.
I do admit that there are some fields where Desucon does better, but these things definitely make Tracon very much better convention in my point of view.

>> No.7200468

>Better place for holding a convention, better and especially more varied programs, bigger artist alley
Well, Desucon IS an anime convention, while Tracon is anime-roleplaying-games which gives them a lot wider range for the programme. And yes, their convention place is a lot bigger (which allows them to have a bigger artist's alley) than Desucon's but you really can't blame a convention for that because Finland doesn't have a lot of huge conference buildings at an affordable price.

>usually higher quality of cosplay in the competitions
I've always thought Desucon's Eurocosplay and Hall cosplay categories have set really high standards for cosplay, but again, because Tracon is a lot bigger than Desucon they can have the huge amount of 40 contestants unlike Desucon.

>they don't go around boasting and making total asshats of themselves and marketing by forcefully stuffing their things down people's throats which is a thing that really makes Desucon less likeable for me
Couldn't you just say right in the beginning that this is the reason you don't like Desucon? You either hate their guts or really respect their creativity.

>> No.7200736

It was pretty much Pararin who gave single handedly that fucking bad reputation for Desucon. When he was in charge of the marketing or something all he did was go around dissing other cons and saying how superior desucon was, eventually he got kicked out from desucon because he was a terrible pain in everybody's ass and everyone hated him.

They both have their pros and cons, but since I'm not a terribly huge anime fan I only go to tracon nowadays because I don't feel like paying a lot to get into the convention.

>> No.7200857

And then he screwed with Fanfest. Oh joy that drama was delicious!

>> No.7200867

which is too bad because it was a pretty good idea, considering all the western media taking over anime cons drama.

>> No.7201919

Yeah but Para's behavior and how he took Fanfest's lost was terribly amusing and childless.

>> No.7203067


>> No.7203074

I fucking hate scandinavians. I wish there was a way to remove you from humanity.

>> No.7203091

inb4 titans arrive

>> No.7203109

Those times are over, nords are pussys now.

>> No.7203396


>> No.7204089

Any upcoming cons?

I know Kultcon starts in Sweden tomorrow, anyone going?
The performance part in the comp is something Sweden really needs, going to be interesting to see.

>> No.7204135

My:Närcon is coming up soon, the first time they try it

>> No.7208705

I don't want this thread to die just yet! More photos of nordic cosplayers, please? :)

>> No.7208924
File: 196 KB, 1024x680, cosplay__morgiana_iii_by_ginger_i-d6msj0a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ginger-I from Finland

>> No.7208927

hey what is this Swedish Cosplay Championship? Why they use same cosplayers every year?

>> No.7209125

Place 1-3rd place in the final and you are guaranteed next year.
The good ones re-qualify each year, then contenders are added from the other competitions and the net competition "bubblare". (So you either need to impress with a costume on stage in another competition that qualifies you to SM or "impress" people on the internet where you need decent work and a good enough amount of people who like your work.)

Since the Swedish pool of cosplayers is small to begin with it happens that the same kind of people are in the finals, since they tend to win competitions and have a following. Not complaining though since I get to see great craftsmanship.

>> No.7209371

I think that they have changed the "place 1-3 and you get a free pass"-rule now though. Btw not all contestants this time are "famous" people