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File: 96 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mqhnwuCis61rt8x5go1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7191068 No.7191068[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is 27 too old to be a Mori Girl? Most people think I'm still a teenager, but I think I'd feel awkward.

Also, general mori girl thread.

>> No.7191090

I don't know what a Mori Girl is, but 27 is still young to me and damn you're cute.

>> No.7191097

Just looked it up. This is my new favourite Japanese fashion trend.

>> No.7191102

Any time someone asks if they're "too old for ___" I want to link them to this


>> No.7191121

That is just brilliant. I would love to watch more. Inspirational even!

>> No.7191124

That was cute.

>> No.7191145

I don't think so. 27 is still young and it's a cute style that suits you very well. I thought mori girl consisted of earth tones and lots of knitted layers and such. Is there a new style?

>> No.7191175

Thank you for posting this. I'll be turning 32 this year and I couldn't agree with this more. As you get older, you do get better, and less fucks are given. Either you blend in and eventually let yourself go, or you do your own thing.

>> No.7191274

Wow, I would really like to see that movie.

I find it ridiculous when people ask if they're too old to do something, just do it! You should be building your confidence to do it rather than thinking your age is somehow a factor.

At the same time I understand. Getting older is a hard thing for people because recent generations put such a high premium on youth, everything is marketed to the youth. It sucks that we have to jump that mental hurdle, but when you do you're free.

>> No.7191285


god that woman at 1:15 is my new style icon

>> No.7191539

Aaah, I can't wait to be an old lady now

>> No.7191690
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This thread inspired me to check out the dead mori girl comm on lj, where I found this gem:
that horrifying face shoop, I can't imagine she's so hideous that it's an improvement to her real face.

Sorry for bringing loli bitchiness into mori but that entitlement in her comment called it forth. I still enjoy her blog.

>> No.7192017
File: 64 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mw1tji4CTv1ql5a9co1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any tips on how to start a mori boy wardrobe?

I have a problem where I can envision full co-ords, but I just can't seem to find core components in England. Most of the things in how-to start's are skirts and womens vests, and as much as I like them and don't really mind wearing them, I don't want them to be my only option.

So does anyone have any guides or links to stuff (ideally in england and not online, but that can work too) that would help me build up a decent wardrobe from scratch?

Pic really not at all related even though it's in the mori boy tag.

>> No.7192030 [DELETED] 

I think they just shopped different faces onto model shots from a clothing shop maybe its meant to be a joke?

>> No.7192039

Mori kei would look beautiful even on a woman in her 60's. It's a great style for all ages.

>> No.7192059


>> No.7192064
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>> No.7192111


Some basic components I could envision for mori boy are
-oversized wool sweaters, vests and cardigans in earthy tones
-oversized men's (lumberjack) shirts in appropriate colors
-vintage tweed jackets and waistcoats, preferrably well-worn
-jeans in light blue or earth tones, either men's wear or women's "boyfriend jeans"
-tweed shorts (you might have to modify long trousers and look in the women's section for a better fit) with tights or kneehighs
-scarfs, shawls, knit caps

I can imagine you'll find a lot of this in thrift stores. I'm not from the UK so I can'T point you to specific shops, sorry.

>> No.7192118

I don't see why anyone would be too old for mori. Looks like something old hippie grandmas wear really, but in a good way?

>> No.7192126
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I feel like I just had some kind of revelation. Thanks for posting!

>> No.7192168
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>> No.7192172
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>> No.7192180
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>> No.7192183
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>> No.7192187
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>> No.7192190
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>> No.7192193

Who is this model, anyway?

>> No.7192194
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>> No.7192202
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sorry anon I don't know, but I think the photo shoot is called "Nostalgic Mode"

>> No.7192209
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>> No.7192222
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>> No.7192227
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>> No.7192235
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Oh wow, thank you so much!

>> No.7192261

Can we get some more pictures of western mori girls "doing it right"?
>>7191690 This isn't bad, I understand she get's all of her clothes from japan anyway (Yes, her face is freaky). But I think mori girl can rely a lot on thrifting and making/altering clothing and a lot of western girls do that... but often it ends up looking just a tad off, does anybody understand what I mean?

>> No.7192297

I think it's really hard for westerners to get Asian fashion silhouettes right, because we're so used to emphasizing an hourglass figure in everything all the time. It also doesn't help when people pick up stuff from F21 that is about 90% similar to current Japanese brand stuff, but don't think about how off the complete outfit will look when everything is only 90% on trend. For a lolita comparison, you might be able to mix a Walmart shirt or sweater with brand for a good look, but if the shirt, skirt, socks, and shoes all came from Walmart you're in trouble.

>> No.7193651
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>> No.7193691
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There's also the thing with mori making us look like linebackers. I think so many girls try to directly imitate how the Asian girls wear it, and fail to take into account how broad their shoulders may be, if their hips are wider, just general skeletal things like that. Not saying it can't be done, but it takes a bit more effort.

>> No.7193910
File: 333 KB, 1280x1188, tumblr_mw83jehvqJ1s9xcnko1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this girl makes good and interesting coords.

>> No.7193961

Just look at all the mori magazines and brands, most of their models are caucasian.

>> No.7193976

What's her tumblr?

>> No.7194029

Her coords aren't terrible (some are better than others), it's just that she herself is nuts.


>> No.7194042

Interesting, I've been following her for a while now and she never came off as nuts to me.

>> No.7194045
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I just started following her, and just reading some of her posts, I am definitely getting nutto vibes.

>> No.7194050

Her random post about "MORI SPIRITUALITY" didn't weird you out? Maybe it's just me. I generally tend to back away from most newer mori girls who seem way too into the lifestyle aspect right off the bat.

>> No.7194055

Those ladies are everything I want to be in life, holy shit they are amazing.

>> No.7194058

I wear lolita but I was thinking about trying mori for days I don't feel like wearing a petti. Are there any tips or guides for western girls? Like I'm rather busty, so I don't know if I can pull off the layers and draping look.

>> No.7194066
File: 107 KB, 640x480, mori-girl-fashion-valon-magazin-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, it didn't phase me in the least. Maybe that's because I've been exposed to a plethora of nutcases throughout my life.

I can't get behind the lifestyle at all. I just really love the fashion especially during this time of year because it's easier to work with.

>> No.7194785

Not old. Actually it's a style that's been around for awhile longer than I thought and it didn't have a name to it. There was a YouTube video interviewing several Japanese women who wear the style but none of them had a clue what they wore had been named as such. One of the women interviewed said she's been wearing the style for 10 years and dresses her toddler in a similar fashion. Also most of the women interviewed looked a about 30+ anyway. I think when it came out in popularity, most of the depictions of this style showed younger women. I'll try to dig up that video and link it.

>> No.7194796

I love her blog and outfits but her style of makeup with her mori coords still bug me though. Especially the circle lenses. She's like the only mori girl who wears them and it makes her face look really weird :/

>> No.7194815

Found it

>> No.7194832

I guess you'd just have to avoid things that add bulk to the chest area is all. Surely you could still do layers and draping.

>> No.7194843
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Apparently forty isn't old to be wearing mini skirts either, so go figure OP.

>> No.7194869

>literally implying she can bend over to wear mini skirts at 70+

what a retard

>> No.7194878

Her video about it is so ridiculous. She's rambling about her introduction to the bindi and blah blah blah.

Girl, please. WTF does this have to do with mori.

>> No.7194911
File: 332 KB, 483x668, Screen Shot 2013-11-16 at 6.05.38 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Katalina Orlova.
The shoot is from Mori Papier Vol. 1, in what anon already said was a shoot titled 'Nostalgic Mode'.
She's been in a coupe issues of Spoon magazine sporting Emily Temple Cute too.

>> No.7194921

Thank goodness someone else thought the same.
I do adore her outfits, but I have grown quite tired of her blog being nothing but makeup reviews.
I'd love to see more of her actual outfits though (and more of other western mori girls)

>> No.7195041
File: 84 KB, 650x975, Tziporah Salamon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've spent the last hour going through all of those ladies' videos! Thanks anon

>> No.7196077
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Bumping for more Western mori