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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7185353 No.7185353[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I used to look up to her, but now I feel like she's making it pretty clear that she isn't in it for cosplay..I'm so disappointed.

Is this really the future direction of cosplay?
What are your thoughts of the future?

>> No.7185360

>ever looking up to jnigger

You were never really that into cosplay.

>> No.7185367

This has been going round on tumblr, sums it up pretty nicely

“Cosplay is getting to be more corrupt as it becomes more mainstream. It’s becoming more about looking like a Victoria’s Secret model and being bullied if you don’t. I, for one, am tired of it. Cosplayers are being told, verbally or otherwise, that they need to look a certain way to do what they love. Cosplay is not a beauty contest. Society has done enough harm to the issue of body image. Lets keep it out of the cosplay community.” - Misa On Wheels

>> No.7185372

I looked up to her because she looked like she was having a lot of fun doing what she loved. Not for her costume quality.

>> No.7185373
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>I used to look up to her
>Jessica Nigri

>> No.7185374

She still does what she loves.

She loves attention and fame now.

>> No.7185383

If you like cosplay, but you don't make your own costumes, you don't actually like cosplay. You like getting your picture taken and getting attention without doing any actual work, and you're the fucking cancer that has been consuming the convention scene for the past six or so years.

Now go on and let's have all you little 16 year old fucktards from tumblr call me an elitist, and then watch me not give a single fuck. I'm tired of you little lazy fuckers thinking you actually contribute something to this community and this board.

>> No.7185386

Yeah, it's a shame.
I really hope that this isn't what the future holds for the community.

>> No.7185388
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>> No.7185389


Or maybe we just enjoy the characters that we cosplay and don't care about attention or photos.Some of us like to socialize with those who share similar interests as us.

You're an incredibly cynical and miserable person.

>> No.7185390

I was under the impression she made her own costumes?

>> No.7185394

WOW, seriously.
Oh gosh....

>> No.7185395
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>> No.7185399

I guess not then...lol
But there are so many pictures and vids of her making things. She skypes with Monika when she's making them.

>> No.7185403

But there are tons of people who just like dressing up as characters they like and don't have the ability to make their own costumes. I'm not saying JNig is one of them, but there's a better way to word that without implying everyone who doesn't make their own shit is an attention whore.

>> No.7185404

What little respect I had left for her is gone now.

This is clear and cut attention whoring.

>> No.7185406

Second that.

>> No.7185409

But hey, the guys still enjoy it, she still gets paid so what does she care what any of us "fat landwhale flat chested haters" have to say?

>> No.7185410

I'm getting tired of commissioning because I want the pride of getting complimented on shit I made with my own hands.

I'm only commissioning the advanced shit now and am 9re)learning to sew so I can work on easier costumes and work my way up.

It's not like lacking ability is an excuse. The abilities there. It's laziness that stopped me, I'll admit it.

>> No.7185413

fat and flat chested wut lol

>> No.7185416

Who cares if it doesn't make sense, it's the two most brought up "arguments" if someone says they don't like her.

>> No.7185424

Well I guess that just perfectly displays the level of intelligence of her white knights.

>> No.7185517
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I was talking to my friend who really likes her yesterday. He claims guys don't like her for just her boobs, but because she's "lively" and not afraid to show her skin like "most cosplayers". Not the boobs though, he claims!
Showed me his second favorite cosplayer, picture is the one he showed me.

>I wonder why you like her so much.
>"She's hot! XD "

Show him pictures of small breasted cosplayers, with well done costumes
>"Too much leg :/ She's almost completely covered lol.."

It's a shame. I don't cosplay myself, but I really respect those who take a lot of time and effort making costumes and doing a great job at it. Nigri is a joke.

>> No.7185535

Yo, they exist. Ever seen a chubby asian girl?

>> No.7185541

Cosplay was always about sex appeal

Since back in the day it was always the young, hot girls who were famous.

Granted the cosplyers show more skin today, but the principal was the same.

>> No.7185547


cosplay is not 100% sex appeal.

>> No.7185555

where do you think you are?

>> No.7185568

Famous to ~3000 people, is that really fame?>>7185547
yes it is, to anyone that matters atleast, hambeast.

>> No.7185573

pfffft I don't care if its not "real cosplay", if she looks like that she can do whatever the fuck she wants.

>> No.7185575
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>> No.7185577
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so much sex appeal.

>> No.7185580
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look at these huge tits.

>> No.7185586
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i love how accentuated her breasts are.

>> No.7185594

Corrrrr blimey.

>> No.7185598

Accurate costumes that look well crafted? Get that shit out of here, nerd. Nobody cares.

>> No.7185606


Now I know how nerds feel when they see "lolsuchnurdXD" types.

>> No.7185609


you think you need huge tits to be sexy? shame on you

e.g. SoB are major fetsih fuel, /tg/ has fapped all over that chick before

>> No.7185612

I remember the days of Alisa, Yaya, Miyu, Frandan, Lindze, Ginny, etc.

None of these pure maidens would ever think about showing some skin

>> No.7185618

you trolling? Yaya has her baps out as much as Nigri

>> No.7185627

Why does she never wear a wig? Her hair is greasy and dead, and it looks bad with all of her cosplays.

>> No.7185634


the cosplayers of old would certainly not get their tits out and pose nude for sites like teaserama and suicide girls

>> No.7185642


Some of the cosplays that come from /tg/ are awesome

>> No.7185683

This one looks like she has a raging boner that must be hidden with crease work.

>> No.7185693

They were being sarcastic dumbass.
I do miss days. The drama was so much more interesting. FranDan was hilarious and clearly didn't give any fucks (remember "do the FranDan"? ROFL). Miyu was way hotter than the girls we have now and had a better body than Jnig. Lindze was my favorite cosplayer because she had dem curves and even became the face of Wonder Woman on a comic book cover. Ginny was like Jnig except more entertaining because she was a complete trainwreck and did nudes. Good times.

>> No.7185695

Personally, I'd have no issue with shit like this if she'd just admit she's basically a fap fuel model for guys. There's nothing really "wrong" with that, but denying it and saying "nah I am a legit cosplayer" is just silly.

>> No.7185694

*miss those days

>> No.7185725
File: 31 KB, 219x332, talk-the-talk-and-walk-the-walk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some of us like to socialize with those who share similar interests as us.

I'm not who you responded to but you know what people used to do when they couldn't sew but wanted to socialize with those with similar interest.

They wore their tshirt of their fave show and chatted up cosplayers dressed from the series they liked.

You can be honest. Cosplay has a measure of attention whoring in it. If you didn't care anything about the photos or attention you'd go in your normal clothing and have fun anyways. But you know you can't make anything but still want the attention like >>7185383 was talking about.

>> No.7185727

But you actually are being an elitist, and guess what? I dont even have a fucking tumblr, so go fuck yourself.
Cosplay is about having fun, expressing yourself, turning yourself into the characters you love, and sharing those interests with others.
Then you have the fuckers like you who only care about the fact that you made your shit yourself. I would say people like you are the ones that actually feed off the attention. Some of us have actual careers that dont allow us to make all our shit.
Coming from someone that makes cosplays as well as buys them, you sound like one of those self conscious babies that has their cosplay experience ruined for have one hair out of place. Take the stick out of your ass and have some fun.

>> No.7185735


Yea but since cosplay is mainstream right now I can either A. wear a shirt or B. commission a costume and support a cosplayer by not only paying for their labor but also giving them credit for making the costume.

I honestly don't give a fuck about the attention whether you believe it or not.

>> No.7185737

I'll agree to that, that's what I do when I dont feel like cosplaying. But to say that people who buy cosplays for the sole reason of getting attention is ignorant and closed minded (in regards to other anon). Anyone who cosplays is obviously wanting a bit of attention, but that isn't the only reason.

Shit, if that's all they wanted, they could just walk around in underwear or some shit. Not but an expensive costume to wear a handful of times.

>> No.7185748
File: 208 KB, 495x395, nigri_please.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Much jelly
very talk no walk

Sexy characters only make sense to be cosplayed in sexy ways. Yes, character variants are cool, but crossplays are creative in their own way and characters like this borderland chick or for a very popular example: Poison Ivy make sense to be scantily clad/promote sex appeal. To hate on a cosplayer for their success or abundance of skin-displayed is not akin to appreciating cosplay. Not to mention she was fully in costume in other pics. Unless you are sexist or envious, one might as well hate many male cosplayers who go as a DBZ character, Kratos, or other commonly chest-portraying males.

Also, I doubt she was born with her body (abs aren't free). If anything, it should be motivation for those lacking assets. She isn't even large-breasted either and admits to push-up bras, not to mention that flat chested cosplayers still look amazing anyways, when their cosplays show effort. On another spectrum, many would agree Ivy Doomkitty is paving ways for voluptuous ladies interested in cosplaying.

>> No.7185749


>If you like art, but aren't an actual artist yourself, you don't actually like art.

You can like cosplay and have no want to actually make costumes yourself. The same way you can like movies but not want to actually make films. It's called being a consumer.

When you buy outfits, you are essentially walking advertisements for the person/company(s) behind said outfit. Dressing up, whether you made the outfit or not, is fueled by the want for attention and to be noticed.

It only becomes a problem when people aren't honest about their costumes. Anyone who buys their costumes but claim it as their own are the primary issue.

>> No.7185756

THIS. Plus, posing for pictures and doing action scenes is fun anyways! I've almost been kicked in the face before for the lulz ^_^

>> No.7185775


I wish I could believe you. But I think you fooled even yourself.


All of this post. No.

Bad Analogy
Consuming without skill is what's wrong with this country anyways. More people need to learn to make shit and not just depend on others.
You know very well you aren't a "walking advertisement for the person/company" You are a walking advertisement for yourself. Only when someone stops you to ask does anyone know. Otherwise everyone commenting on how cool you look from afar thinks you made it and frankly people who commission like it that way to some degree.

>> No.7185794
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Why the fuck are you comparing what's wrong with this country with what's wrong in cosplay? Get a hold of yourself, you're being stupid dramatic.

Analogy that anon provided was spot on. I like art, but choose not to make it. Instead, I buy it to display. This doesn't mean I dont like art. I like cosplay. I choose to buy cosplays instead of make them. This doesn't mean im not a 'real' cosplayer.

We're all a bunch of weirdos that dress up as fictional characters. Unless we're entering a cosplay contest, it shouldn't matter who makes and who buys cosplays. As long as you dont claim you made it when you didn't, then it doesn't matter.

You just keep going full retard, stop.

>> No.7185805 [DELETED] 


You know what I read in this post?

WAH WAH. The skilled people won't let us in their club. I'll show them. My definition of cosplay is the true definition cause it requires less work cause it's about fun all the time.

>Some of us have actual careers that dont allow us to make all our shit.

Then you don't cosplay then. The same people who whine they don't have enough money/don't have transportation/don't have enough whatever to get to the con...

You don't then. It's not something you are

>you sound like one of those self conscious babies that has their cosplay experience ruined for have one hair out of place. Take the stick out of your ass and have some fun. entitled to do.

Don't. Just don't. You know next to nothing about the poster.

>> No.7185808


that post was over your head. Let it go. You plainly cannot reason outside of a topic.

>> No.7185807

Fanboy detected.

She had a boob job. Look at her bikini pics circulating the net from this year vs a few years ago. Breasts grow for quite some time, but she has balloons on her chest now and it is painfully clear in her triangle bikini tops where you can't fake that shit. I was in denial for a while like you, I don't even like her, but stillI doubted she got fake titties for quite some time. I'm sure she still wears pushup bras for support with her new rack but damn those bathing suit pics do not lie.

>> No.7185814


You know what I read in this post?

WAH WAH. The skilled people won't let us in their club. I'll show them. My definition of cosplay is the true definition cause it requires less work cause it's about fun all the time.

>Some of us have actual careers that dont allow us to make all our shit.

Then you don't cosplay then. The same people who whine they don't have enough money/don't have transportation/don't have enough whatever to get to the con...

You don't then. It's not something you are entitled to do.

>you sound like one of those self conscious babies that has their cosplay experience ruined for have one hair out of place. Take the stick out of your ass and have some fun.
Don't. Just don't. You know next to nothing about the poster.

>> No.7185820

I'm curious, how would you guys feel about very slight modifications to a cosplay to slut it up a little? Not like completely altering the character's outfit into what is basically a bikini, but maybe making a top just slightly lower cut to show more cleavage, or making jean shorts even shorter to show off dat ass. People go in the opposite direction when an outfit is too skimpy for their comfortability, so why not make slight changes to show off your assets?

>> No.7185834

Because it's obviously attention whoring.

Be accurate. Making something more covering isn't fantastic, but it's for comfort, making something more low cut to show off your tits and your ass is just a cry for help and a demonstration of your low self esteem/need the validation of strangers who will go home and jerk off to you.

>> No.7185835


Keep telling yourself that you have an enjoyable and fulfilling life you deluded retard.

>> No.7185842

Woah, calm down. I'm not saying to like destroy a character's image by slutifying a nonslutty character because "OMG I JUST NEED TO OK", but just taking an already skimpy outfit a step further. Whats wrong with wanting to look hot as fuck?

>> No.7185843


Sure. Living the dream...

As long as you keep yourself nice and stupid by denying yourself skills.

>> No.7185855

lol at "it takes work to get those abs" HA

>> No.7185861
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>Otherwise everyone commenting on how cool you look from afar thinks you made it.

And those people are the idiots to assume something like that and are probably too socially awkward to actually walk up and ask the person about their costume. No one should EVER assume something someone wears was made by the person wearing it. You don't assume that in everyday life and you shouldn't assume that at conventions. Those people are the idiots for making that baseless assumption and not asking questions to satisfy their curiosity, not the person wearing it. Again, the problem is people not giving the props where they are due. If you see something you like and are curious about it, you should ask questions about it. Don't make baseless assumptions like a moron. During inquiry, if the person lies and claims they made it, then they are a lying piece of shit. Only at that point are they at fault for taking credit for work they didn't do. They can't be held accountable for the assumptions of socially awkward people who don't know how to ask a fucking question.

>> No.7185869


Holy shit that picture. Were they the same cosplayers at Nekocon?

>> No.7185879
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she doesn't even have abs. just 'workout lines'. THESE are abs.

>> No.7185880

Not the anon you responded to but I dont see why making your cosplay is the only option? If I have money and no talent, but decide I want to cosplay, im going to buy one. There's no reason for it to be so wrong to buy a cosplay. Sorry if you spend days making something I can easily purchase, but I can dress as a character even if I dont make the costume. That's like saying you shouldn't dress up on Halloween if you didn't make your outfit.

>> No.7185881
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>> No.7185883

You say this like talent isn't something people can acquire through hard work.

You are the very definition of lazy.

>> No.7185884
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JNig would need to do more than just running to get some legit abs

>> No.7185885


I never said the people who didn't ask are socially awkward people who wanted to and didn't. I'm talking about the person passing you in the hall that glances at you and moves on.

But thanks for explaining your viewpoint because I think I figured out where the disconnect might be.
I started cosplaying in 1998 and EVERYONE made their own stuff. You didn't have to ask, assume, or anything.

You however may have just started cosplaying in the last 5-6 yrs and it's only natural that you don't think people make their stuff. That was new norm when you entered this hobby.

>> No.7185892

Making assumptions, I see. I make all my cosplays and costumes myself and sometimes make cosplays for friends. I just think the logic behind some statements were a little flawed, that's all. I dont mind people that buy their stuff I guess. Its not generally any of my business.

>> No.7185894

all these pics are good motivation

>> No.7185896
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answer me honestly... are you autistic? why do people buy casual clothes to wear everyday? do you make those, too? you sound mad #pressed right now. mad because someone doesn't have the time to spend making a costume.

>> No.7185906

This. I have talent, and although it may not be award winning best in show cosplay talent, Im perfectly capable of making my cosplays. Sometimes I just dont feel like it. To call me lazy because I worked on a cosplay 6 months and decided I didn't feel like making another one, and choosing to buy it instead, is fucking stupid.

>> No.7185911


Nah, it was at Anime Rev 2012


I can understand that much. But you have to understand geekdom has become way more mainstream, unfortunately. With that, the assumption that everyone makes their outfits needs to be chucked out the door since there is an influx of casuals due to it being mainstream. As >>7185794 said, unless you are in a contest of some sort, there is no reason to assume it was made by the wearer. It's a matter of being realistic about how the scene has evolved/changed.

>> No.7185924

Thank you.

>> No.7185931

Not that guy, but as a photographer I wish people wouldn't look at me like an ass when I say I only take pictures of the cosplayers who have made their own cosplays at con photo shoots. I've had to make do with taking solos of everybody and deleting the ones of people who have bought theirs. It's a lot easier to take the picture then ask if they made it themselves, than to ask first and just not take the picture. My dream shot is to get a very big crowd of only diy cosplayers, and there are people who think I'm a jerk for thinking that.
It's a thing for me to put on film real effort and commitment, but it's really hard to say that in public without getting ran over by the wahmbulance. People feel they need to be offended when I don't take pictures of them, and the diy-ers those that I do photograph also feel the heat of that. When it comes to a point where you're pretty much burned by it all, you sometimes with there was a con where only diy-ers can cosplay.

I'm not saying only people who have made their own cosplays can do it at cons, but there really should be a distinction between the two types and no one should get offended when it applies.

>> No.7185942

Okay, both of your arguments are retarded, so I'm just gonna step in here and say that crafting isn't technically necessary to cosplay because no one can actually stop you, but making your own costumes is basically tradition and is a huge part of the hobby that brings us all together as a community of "cosplayers", rather than just a bunch of people who are dressed up as characters from a series that they like, finding common ground only with people dressed from the same series or another series that you enjoy. So don't be surprised if others don't think quite as highly of you as a "cosplayer" when they tell you that your outfit or props are badass and ask how you made them, even though they don't know the series at all, then you say you didn't make it yourself. It's just like... what was the point of them complimenting you in the first place, or even approaching you at all? You literally have nothing in common (based on first impression, anyway) so it was just kind of a waste of time.

I hope that even makes sense. All I'm saying is that crafting is the common ground we all have as cosplayers rather than just a jumbled mass of fans of different anime, games, comics, etc. There's nothing inherently wrong about purchasing a costume and wearing it around a bunch of people who made theirs themselves, it can just be frustrating at times.

>> No.7185948

Think about it from another perspective. Based on your logic, does this mean that..

I am not a good lolita because I dont make my dresses? So I should not wear lolita if I dont have the talent to make my dresses?

I am not fashionable because I didn't make the clothes I put together in my coord? Should I not try to put coords together then?

If I already have talent, should I turn down commissions because people should be forced to teach themselves to make their own things if they want to wear them? Force others to not be lazy?

Tell all cosplay businesses and and independent cosplay artists to stop selling their handmade goods because they're making people into fake cosplayers who ~obviously~ are only doing it for the attention?

Should I just walk around naked because I can't make my own clothing?

>> No.7185958

Shhh... you're argument is getting dumber and dumber... I was this poster >>7185942 and you should read it. No one's saying you have to make your clothing for every hobby or situation, we're only talking about cosplay here.

>> No.7185962

OP it was like that since the moment she got attention in her pika outfit .... The girl is SMART. she saw she was getting attention ... call it 15 minutes of fame .... she took that and turned it into an empire now look at all the females trying to jump on her bandwagon and her coat tails trying to do the same thing ..... there wasn't much competition at the beginning but now it's a rat race

>> No.7185963

I can agree to this. From a photographers perspective, id assume that's its just overall better to take photos of the cosplayer and the cosplay that cosplayer made. Otherwise its just kinda like a fashion shoot, as opposed to photographing the artist themselves. It sounds like a personal preference. I buy some, I make some, I wouldn't be offended if a photographer had a specific vision in mind and chose not to photograph me. Personally, I wouldn't even want to be photographed if it wasn't my own hard work in the photo .

>> No.7185973

Unlike lolita, cosplays aren't an actual fashion. Many of your questions can be replied with "No, the rules are different for that." I see your point in the ones involving commissions and business. It's a good way of diy cosplayers to fund themselves and show off talent, given that the ones they sell to will tell others where they got it from.
I'm not the guy you're responding to, I'm >>7185931

>> No.7185978

Anon from the first post you responded to on this.
It just seems like if you feel this strongly about making your own cosplays, you'd feel that strongly about other clothing types. If its only toward cosplay, so be it. Just feel like wording made it seem a bit DIY nazi-ish.

>> No.7185983

I guess I could see why buying from Chinese sweatshops on eBay and stuff would be bad, but if its bought from a local artist, or even someone human just trying to sell their handmade goods, it shouldn't be so looked down upon.
I could see how getting asked how you made your stuff only to respond with admitting you didn't make it could be awkward, but at the same time, not everyone has talents like those.

>> No.7185988

Yeah that's why I said both sides of this argument are retarded. The only thing that sucks about people buying their cosplays nowadays is that now it's almost impossible to tell who crafts and who doesn't among a sea of people in costumes, whereas it used to be the only way. We've just lost that aspect of cosplay that brought everyone together in a way that was less superficial than "we all like to dress up as fictional characters".

>> No.7185993
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I'm mostly seeing one, in the white bikini, that looks somewhat flat-chested but could've easily been shooped. Nothing like the obvious K.Kardashian pics. Either way, I wouldn't really care. People can do whatever they want with their bodies. She appears to make her own stuff, and I think she seems pretty fun, looks good in her costumes, and is hot, big boobs or not.

Though like many, I approve of busty bosoms: pic=proof that you don't need big boobs or a time-slaving costume to be cute as hell and have fun cosplaying.

Of course, having stated the aforementioned: I'm NOT biased to Yaya [who, despite all the drama she's been involved in, claims to do her own stuff in interviews nonetheless] like many here who may be or others that are considered 'famous cosplayers' anyways, so derp. If you want to change something about yourself and proceed to succeed - cool imo. I personally find Vampy to be much more attractive than her, as well as countless other random Asian cosplayers you can google 'name of anime+cosplay' but I digress.

At the abs thing - she works out nevertheless. Discredit is strong in this thread. Arnold Schwarzenegger just took roids and never worked out, right? Steve Hawkins isn't smart either because he hasn't discovered the cure for cancer? *sigh*

I'm just trying to give a positive light on this because I appreciate and respect the people:
-who are totally new and want to create everything but aren't good at it [yet]
-the people who are decent/skilled and it shows [both popular and unknown]
-the people who lack the body type/are different skin tones and still go for it to the best of their abilities
-and the ones that buy their costumes but at least admire/know their characters beyond looks and just want to have a good time with like-minded fans.

tl;dr In the end, it's all about having fun, whether that's gained through photography and notoriety or simply roleplaying, socializing and receiving feedback.

>> No.7185997
File: 250 KB, 500x375, tumblr_malmwrhXJ51qfdxxro1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigri reminds me of old time car models. They type where you'd go to the showroom and there would be some lass all dolled up to the nines with every inch of skin allowed showing. They stand next to the car and pose with it, smile 24-7. They were to fool men of days into thinking that if they purchased said car, they might attract a woman such as this. Nigri is like the spokes model for Cosplay. Cheap, slutty and doesn't really have anything to do with Cosplay in a deeper sense other than barely wearing it


>> No.7186000

Honestly, that's how its going to be now, though. The only place to really find people who make their own stuff is on online communities. Even people like Jnig(figure id use her as an example since that's how this thread started) make it sketchy since sometimes her cosplays are pulled out of her ass from one day to the next, but wip pictures can kinda guide you to the diy-ers. And quite frankly, after going to so many cons and seeing both handmade and bought cosplays, its pretty easy to see who made their stuff and who didn't.

>> No.7186048

>Wanting to look hot as fuck

Pick a character who is already that skanky then.

Accuracy is accuracy and people who know who the character is will say "Well she looks good, but did she need to make it that much sluttier?"

It's like Yoko. Yes, it's skimpy, but she is wearing shorts, not a bikini bottom. Her bikini top has underboob, but still covers her. Making either any smaller is just stupid and save for white knighting neck beards who want to jerk off to you, most people would call you out on it when comparing to other costumes.

>> No.7186144

I feel like /cgl/'s standards for 100% accuracy aren't the norm though. I doubt I'd get any comments at all, save for a few whispers behind my back from jealous bitches, but why should I care what they think?

Also, >epelfam pear-shaped
captcha gets me.

>> No.7186166

Yeah sure cause I'm gonna hand sew a Shinji Ikari cosplay. Some outfits are better bought given how plain they are. Also because I cosplay plainer looking characters can you really call me an attention whore?

>> No.7186181

>you don't actually like cosplay. You like getting your picture taken and getting attention

Jokes on you.

I buy my outfit and because its the same shit you see on ebay no one really gives me the time of day or takes my picture but I still like wearing the clothes.

Can I really be an attention whore if I don't get attention?

>> No.7186220
File: 33 KB, 533x800, 1262145030314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can this just be a fit girl thread?

>> No.7186225
File: 149 KB, 1200x1043, 1381212048826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Clearly you aren't allowed to just like the sense of fashion from the artists who designed the characters have for those characters and want to wear the clothing.

>> No.7186223
File: 75 KB, 680x1020, 1286549167290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7186318

...I need to go do more squatz now even though my legs hurt. brb.

>> No.7186339

>there wasn't much competition at the beginning but now it's a rat race

I hate that, but maybe, just maybe they'll all cancel each other out. Can't make money off your body when there are 35 of you all trying to do the sexy cosplay thing. You're just one of many.

>> No.7186348


This quote. I have been saying this for a long time too.

People are all like "Sexy girls can be nerdy too!" and I am like,

"Of course they can, but they don't need to make their sexiness a fixture at the con. The ENTIRE outside world wants and lives on their desirability. This is the one place that should be left at the door and they can just be fans. But nope, they need to feel like they own this little world too. No thank you, chicks like this, leave it outside"

It's not a beauty contest. It's a fandom gathering.

>> No.7186355


I think she has said something like that...that she is just having fun.

Everyone would guffaw if she ever said she was legit. She's tits and dyed hair and she knows it as well as everyone else.

>> No.7186371


Neckbeards are suckers and pathetic. Sex sells no matter where in society. Prostitution is the oldest profession. The trend is inescapable.

The only reasons the neckbeards think JeNigger is attractive is because she's one of those mainstream "geeks" and neckbeards are sex deprived and don't know or interact with other girls.

>> No.7186377

>It's not a beauty contest.
Yes it is, everything is a beauty contest, all of human society is built around judging others and trying to be better. As soon as you walk through those doors, you are judged, whether it's your physical beauty, or the quality of your costume.

>> No.7186409


problem here is that we both spoke in absolutes.

You know as well as I do that every moment someone judges someone on their looks. So you're right there.

But inside the con other things used to matter in addition to that. Now it's swinging around to looks being the hefty part of what matters and that's maddening that now you need to be hot and a nerd too.

Physical beauty is a lottery of genetics and a happenstance of it meshing with the time period in which you were born.

The quality of your costume is earned by working at something until you are good at it.

It's true pretty people tend to win. But we used to not care so much about all that in the con atmosphere. People bringing only sex to the table are blatantly fucking up the little haven nerdy people had. It's even worse when you realize they can take their need to be noticed with sex outside and get a good response, but they rather be the big fish in a little pond.

>> No.7186550

What's the problem with having a photo shoot like this when she is cosplaying Moxxi.

Clearly just Jnigs version of those underwear shots you find of Moxxi all throughout Borderlands 2.

>> No.7186604
File: 259 KB, 308x628, Kafei_Artwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is way inaccurate and sloppy though.

Care to post more shitty cosplays to prove your retarded point?

>> No.7186641

Angry jealous tumbrlcunts ITT

As much hate as they get Yaya and Jnig have always been awesome and friendly when ever I have run into them as opposed to the angry WHAT ARE YOU STARING AT hambeast types

>> No.7186704


Oh cause their were nice to your face makes everything ok!

Yaya doesn't think fat people should cosplay. Yaya had a bitchfest about a patent on cat ears. Yaya burned through friends super fast 2003-2007 while she used them to climb the social ladder.
Plus she is personally responsible for that travesty of a cosplay show.

Jnig decided the photographer responsible for a print she was selling didn't need to know she was making money off it. Other than blatantly being fap fodder in a culture she barely cares for she's just wrecking how people should perceive this craft heavy hobby. No big.

>> No.7186715

Everything else you say is legitimate but she's not personally responsible for how people perceive cosplay and shouldn't be judged for that.

>> No.7186721 [DELETED] 

actually she didn't say fat people shouldn't cosplay she said that you should watch out for shit places like 4chan making fun of you if they find something wrong with your costume.

Which as someone who sits on 4chan is pretty accurate point. lets not fool ourselves into thinking we are a positive support system.

>> No.7186726

actually she didn't say fat people shouldn't cosplay she said that you should watch out for shit places like 4chan making fun of you if they find something wrong with your costume or body (fat, thin, boobs to big, fabric wrong)

As someone who sits on 4chan is pretty accurate point. lets not fool ourselves into thinking we are a positive support system.

>> No.7186731

>Jnig decided the photographer responsible for a print she was selling didn't need to know she was making money off it
That's how I originally found out about Jnig, a photographer she screwed over posted about her on Model Mayhem.

>> No.7186729

did you think that maybe they were nice to you because they have to? It's kind of their job to be nice to EVERYONE that comes up to their table or talks to them that's what a public figure does ...... so big whoop they were nice to you ... story would be different if you were an actual friend/relative/boyfriend of YEARS

>> No.7186740

I knew Jessica before she got popular, She was a snobby up herself bitch and always has been. She used to sit around in our Japanese class and copy off anyoen around her and when she was asked to speak she'd just say the same phrases over and over. She can act like she is really nice when she wants to and that is her only talent.

>> No.7186750
File: 221 KB, 2048x915, 1378067937837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7186756

>pic is years old
>"or I'll really reveal some shit"
>still waiting

>> No.7186764
File: 158 KB, 1266x734, 487543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pro tip ... she got implants twice

>> No.7186784

I call bullshit on this, not even white knighting.

It's just so....vendetta. It's like being on /b/ when some kid gets dumped and makes a thread about it asking for revenge.

I can throw one of these together right now.

>> No.7186800
File: 130 KB, 428x542, jnig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wasn't joking and admits it.

>> No.7186813


Nigri is a common last name among very northern African groups. What is her ethnicity, if anyone knows?

>> No.7186829

Her mum's kiwi but I don't know if she's mentioned about her dad.

>> No.7186862

What's so scandalous about that? Lots of young women want boob jobs. Welcome to the 21st century. There's nothing wrong with getting them either.

>> No.7186866

This makes me giggle because I know her personally although I did not go to school with her. She broke up with Vann because he got pathetic and clingy and "i'm nothing without you" on her and the other dude was super young but had already started up his own company with a friend so I don't know about you, but I would've broken up with him too. There wasn't any cheating, just flirtation and the end to something that needed to end.

>> No.7186886

Nothing wrong with getting them, but she still lies about them and claims it's just padding.

>> No.7186889

Nothings wrong with, quite the opposite actually - it lets you know that she's a slut.

>> No.7186896


Or she just has money to spend.

>> No.7186903
File: 23 KB, 420x480, 420px-Hitomi-tanaka2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could have sworn getting fake boobs only definitively meant that the woman in question wasn't happy with the size of her breasts. You learn something new everyday, I suppose.

>> No.7186948

And why wouldn't she be happy with them? For what reason should she make an already sexualized body part even more noticeable?

>> No.7186952

You're not a woman, are you?

>> No.7186958

I-I am. Just a bit drunk, but I don't think it changes anything.

>> No.7186964

this is my issue with her. i think it's perfectly fine to do whatever you want with your body. i myself plan on getting a very large breast augmentation. but lying about it? saying it's just padding? it's fucked up. it shows that the only thing you care about is being viewed as perfect without any enhancements or effort.

you're not natural, get over it.

>> No.7186966

You have no part of your body that you feel insecure about purely because of how it looks? You are one lucky woman, then.

>> No.7186967


The grass is always greener on the other side?

I had a conversation a few years ago with my uncle's girlfriend over breast augmentations; she'd wanted to get implants since she was sixteen. She wasn't promiscuous nor an attention whore in the slightest. but she was just tired of always having small breasts. Everyone has their own reasons.

>> No.7186984

>t shows that the only thing you care about is being viewed as perfect without any enhancements or effort.

Not to mention the number of people who commented on that post of hers saying they will stop following her and won't support her prints if she gets them done.
She's afraid of being categorized with the other fake girls and she's afraid to lose followers. She wants people to think that she is blessed with a tiny body and huge tits.

Attention whore to the max.

>> No.7186985

Duh, you think any of these dumb cunts are in it for the Cosplay?

"Buy my prints, buy me gifts on my Wishlist, lick my twat, give me money"

They are all dumb fame whores, all of them.

>> No.7186989

i think i, more than anyone, understand her fear of that. i literally make my money on my body, sex appeal, and personality. and i don't openly talk about the fact that i am getting a boob job within the next few months. i especially don't talk about how big i want them to be. like- bigger than j-nog status i love titties.
it's a scary thing when your income, followers, and fans are your source of income and could leave for any reason.

that doesn't make it okay to lie, it hurts young girls everywhere. it makes them feel as if they should live up to unrealistic body standards and that they aren't good enough if they can't. i am not a role model, i do not claim to be, i do not want to be. i am a sex worker. j-nig is a role model to young girls everywhere, though. she chose the life of cosplay idol and role model comes with that. so i really really don't like her.
for just that reason.
nothing else.

>> No.7186990

>women with big tits want them to be smaller
>women with small tits want them to be bigger

women huh?
you never see guys complaining their dick is too big

>> No.7186993

>income, followers, and fans are your source of income
i meant to say when you're income is dependent on your fans or when your fans and following is your main source of income. mixed the two together. my bad.

>> No.7186997

Big dicks don't cause ridiculous back pains.
Also, big dicks aren't big 24/7

>> No.7186999

It's true, actually. Did leave fiance to slut up with tshirt 'vendor' b/c his daddy's $

>> No.7187002 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 1366x290, trufax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure there's a lot about JNig that hasn't come out yet.

She didn't get popular by her looks, either. Ever wonder why there are so many cosplayers that are better looking than her and aren't as popular?

JNig got popular by self-promoting.

And she used /cgl/ for it just as much as facebook. Even our former janitor has said that JNig was confirmed to have selfposted here all the time. She's been doing it for years.

>> No.7187004

I guess my nose, not so bad that I'd want a surgery though. Face and limbs' surgeries I kind of understand, but not boob jobs. Unless your job involves being nude or if you're doing it for you husband or something. Whatever man, maybe I'm just too old-fashioned.

>> No.7187005
File: 175 KB, 1157x697, 1360032463234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did she get s a nosejob or is it just shoop?

>> No.7187006


selfposting on one of the slowest, least visited boards on 4chan wont get you very far

>> No.7187014

It wasn't one of the slowest least-visited boards back when she was doing it. It only became this way about a year ago when the no drama rule was added.

you must be a newfag.

>> No.7187022

just photoshop. you can watch her vids to see that it's the same. nose jobs are not like any other surgery where you can just make it bigger or smaller and it looks the same. they look completely different, a new shape.

>> No.7187026

Wasn't that like three months ago?

>> No.7187027
File: 203 KB, 960x953, 1360182001065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judging by her old unaltered photos compared to her new ones? I think she got a nosejob. It's still big but it looks like the lump on the bridge was smoothed down. She also has the characteristic marks on the lower part between her nostrils. Her nose is still very Jew-like though.

>> No.7187030


been here since 07

posting on /cgl/ gives you nearly a million facebook likes? really?

>> No.7187047

those smile lines, yikes

>> No.7187054


it's probably because she was wearing makeup and had been smiling, makes it look a lot more dramatic than it is normally

>> No.7187055

My husband complains his dick is too big. Big dicks are hard to have sex with, and anal is a really slow, near-impossible process.

>> No.7187061

I think she would look nice as a mother of two kids with short hair and minimal make-up.

>> No.7187067

no, she has giant chasms on both sides of her face normally. it's reduced with makeup.

>> No.7187078

I think it was last November or December. It's been almost exactly a year.

The board hit it's peak around 2006-2009. It was at it's best before Jnig's time. When she started selfposting in 2009 all the good cosplayers/dramawhores had already quit and all we had left was Jnig, Dakota, and Pixyteri. Everything pretty much went downhill from there.

>> No.7187081
File: 94 KB, 325x244, 1350641468469.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's been almost exactly a year.

>> No.7187089

Exactly. Commissioning is fine I guess, but you still wouldn't be a cosplayer, just really someone who dresses up at anime cons.

>> No.7187117

>that doesn't make it okay to lie, it hurts young girls everywhere. it makes them feel as if they should live up to unrealistic body standards and that they aren't good enough if they can't.

It's really an unending vicious cycle. Girl gets boob job, lies about it to appear perfect. Other girls see that and wish they were perfect. They get boob jobs and lie about it. The cycle continues.

Women are really really good at hurting each other like this. They don't even understand the ramifications of it.

>> No.7187133

yeah but it only takes one person being honest to end the cycle. let that be you, and someone you know will take after, and so on and so forth.

>> No.7187366

Look, she is nice in person, because that is what she has to do to get more money. In private she is a rather swallow bitch, she sees her fans as numbers, she wants more because more means more money. She is passed thinking of them as humans, just numbers. Many big youtubers also have this problem, but she has it worse, which is scary to think about.

>> No.7187369

shallow I meant of course.

>> No.7187720

>waaah i want big boobs :(((
>comments are all men
>telling her they less than 3 them :P
>Natural is the way to be
>No no no no no no perfectly sized tits you have
>Same men probably still comment saying she's got the best knockers
>thanks everyone I totally didn't expect a bunch of guys to say they love my boobs if I posted this!!! :))))

yeah, I'm mad and I don't know why.

>> No.7187727

What the fuck do you even do, spooky? Cam girl?

>> No.7187744

Stop changing your username, goddamnit.

>> No.7187891

Jnigs almost at 1 million likes on fb. Thanks a lot 'murica

>> No.7187910

Don't blame America, blame all the boob loving men out there.

>> No.7187930

Second this

>> No.7187949

i said i was a sex worker earlier in the thread

i've been Spooky for over a year.

modern media is a huge reason for the sexualization and taboo-ness of tits. it's not america exclusive at all, but it's not just a thing guys do naturally like 'oh there are tits i can't think like a person anymore'

seconding what?
that i'm a cam girl?
powerful deduction there.

>> No.7187956

How is giving somebody a like on Facebook not "thinking like a person anymore"?

>> No.7187963
File: 4 KB, 184x172, 1354675801473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

h-how do I f-find where you c-cam so I can...um...donate

>> No.7187964

>i've been Spooky for over a year.
You know that's not what I mean.

>> No.7187974


Yes we did, but we fapped over it because of the badass armor and weaponry and not because of the tits.

>> No.7187976

i have a direct link on my tumblr

i've been Charlotte since i was 14. and it is my legal name.
Lotte is a nickname of Charlotte. i still don't get your point.

>> No.7187985

what? where?

>> No.7187990

those are the only links you see? are you on a phone?
add /camming to the link and you'll find it.

sage for unrelated.

>> No.7188094


Women are in competition with each other and most have a hard time understanding the concept of honor. The cycle will pretty much never be broken.


The amount of angst on that tumblr page is pretty laughable. I forgot people like this still existed. Whatever works for you though, at least your cashing in.

>> No.7188110


Soo... you make money by showing off your body, and you think its an awesome idea to alienate everyone who likes your body by making your boobs larger?

I mean i as a lover of boobs big or small, just can't understand why wemen would want to go trough that butchery.

>> No.7188112

for themselves, duh.

>> No.7188183

Your layout doesn't work for me either. I had to zoom out to see the rest of your links. ):
I'm not on a phone. Google chrome, 1366 x 768 laptop.

>> No.7188236

>just can't understand why women would want to go trough that butchery.

me either. I'm like, that's surgery. ALL surgery carries a risk. The doc or helper could nick a nerve and you lose feeling somewhere. The implants may not be disinfected properly by accident. They may not heal or sit right and they have to correct them.

And after it's over it's not really over. Implants have to be maintained every few years. So they have to go back in and that opens you up to more unforeseen mishaps like scar tissue issues and ruptures. You have to have routine MRIs to check for ruptures every 2 yrs. None of your maintenance is covered by insurance. All of it will be out of pocket.

1 in 5 breast augmentations have to have them removed within 10 yrs.

It's all a big bag of NO.

>> No.7188237

>straws,I grasp at them

>> No.7188243


Huh, what straw grasping is there? Im curious, because as much as i know of breast surgery (s)he is kinda right. They have to be changed every few years from what i have read, or at least checked up for integrity.

>> No.7188269


Facts are hardly straw grasping. Have you not looked into all that breast augmentation entails?

>> No.7188273

>big dicks don't cause back pains
Are you sure about that guuuuuurrrrl? ;)

>> No.7188589
File: 81 KB, 950x342, cakeonatonofmakeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only just now noticed how much JNig looks like Jenna Marbles in her "How to trick people into thinking you're good looking video."


Have one average looking bottle blonde, coat in make up, and bam you have dime a dozen white chick.

At least Jenna fully knows it though.

>> No.7188594

Right over your head.

>> No.7188626

What are you on about?

>> No.7188629

ivy doomkitty has THE ideal body type for voluptuous cosplaying, not just anyone can pull that off. every time i see her at a con i tell her to please keep that body shape, she is that beautiful.

though i wouldn't mind taking a nap on those boobs, they soft.

>> No.7188632

i remember when yaya had much smaller boobs, havent seen her since at a con, but if i do i am totally asking her about it.

>> No.7188633

Is there a reason why so many Americans have those types of white walls?

>> No.7188635

i love tanakas dis proportioned boobs, makes her look cute.

>> No.7188639

Looks sorta like it may be vinyl siding or something, which is a sign of a cheap house.

>> No.7188648

doomkitty and many of the cosplayers now also have gotten boob jobs.

>> No.7188654


absolutely fucking disgusting. This is why I like pale girls. They usually dont have to wear makeup to look good.

>> No.7188659

Most American apartments have generically white walls. Renters are not allowed to paint them, therefore there are a fuckton of boring white walls around.

>> No.7188662

doomkitty has implants? i felt those things against me, felt damn natural. unless my boob-fu is getting weak...

>> No.7188704

Does anyone have any recent pics from CuntWizard, preferably her ass? Thanks


>> No.7188709
File: 83 KB, 634x461, 1301897836389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how nobody seemed to know this except this one poster. All this rage for Jnig doing photos almost exactly like the character, just because it's "too sexy."

Does anyone even Borderlands?

>> No.7188718

i'm not saying she does or does not have implants but if she did, they would be less discernible since she probably has enough breast tissue to begin with.

>> No.7188719


no she turned into a prude ages ago

back to your beta board

>> No.7188725


Darn, oh well. Thanks for the update.

>posting on 4chan
>calls me beta

>> No.7188784


>pale girls
>not using make up

Lol, where do YOU live? Because it clearly isn't planet earth.

>> No.7188850

Clearly you don't know what you're talking about.


>> No.7188938

It's weird...I was looking at Leanna Vamp's fb page and thinking that all these mainstream hot bitches are hanging out together at cons like a group of Tri Delts thinking...something isn't right here.

I stay off of tumblr because I can't stand the soj but that Misa on wheels quote makes some sense. I do question these girls sincerity. There's always been some hot chicks in this hobby but now it just seems like these models are trying to get a fan base or twitter followers to promote themselves and don't actually give a fuck about the fandoms they're exploiting.

I don't know these girls personally so I can't say for sure if that's what is actually happening.

But if it is, then it's kinda sad.

This is coming from a guy's perspective. I'm not even a dorky looking guy. I don't want to see all these ultra plastic chicks in my animu con.

Also, I don't hate on people that are legit fans of the thing they're cosplaying from just because they didn't make their costume. I like seeing awesome craftsmanship, cosplays that look just like the character, and people just having fun.

I like the anon who said this:

>I'm just trying to give a positive light on this because I >appreciate and respect the people:
>-who are totally new and want to create everything but aren't >good at it [yet]
>-the people who are decent/skilled and it shows [both >popular and unknown]
>-the people who lack the body type/are different skin tones >and still go for it to the best of their abilities
>-and the ones that buy their costumes but at least >admire/know their characters beyond looks and just want to >have a good time with like-minded fans.

>tl;dr In the end, it's all about having fun, whether that's >gained through photography and notoriety or simply >roleplaying, socializing and receiving feedback.

You're doing it right :)

>> No.7189120

This! Right here. The cosplay community is slowly becoming like high school all over again. And thanks to people like jessica we are luring in people who don't give a fuck about this community just as long as they get attention from horny or desperate for fame photographers. It's like being in the real world where everyone keeps telling you who to be like or how beautiful you need to be. It's really that sad. This is a community where people escape from harsh judgements and be with people who love everything that you do no matter what you do or what you look like. It's all about anime/video games/ comics/ etc. And making new friends that could last a lifetime. But now it's like we're in the world of Hollywood where you'll go somewhere in life if you're famous or a socialite. It's said but true folks.

>> No.7189127

Also, remember when nobody gives a shit about booth babes like the ones you've seen on E3? But now people would considered booth babes to be professional cosplayers even if they don't make shit or haven't done anything for this community besides social climbing other famous cosplayers.

>> No.7189128

While I don't particularly like the fact that cosplay celebs represent cosplay to 'normal' people, it doesn't really affect what I make or what I cosplay. No one has sent me hate about not looking like a cosplay celeb. I feel zero pressure to be like them.

So many people are butthurt about their popularity. If you ignore them they will be less popular. smh this is so dumb.

>> No.7189139
File: 226 KB, 625x568, enhanced-buzz-14763-1352829052-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no fake geek girls
Dont be misogynist



>> No.7189183

I have hung out with Leeanna's boyfriend and from that short time being around her she is only doing this for the money she's the definition of "fake geek girl" ... I could not believe the things coming out of her mouth and how she views this whole cosplay scene it's basically just a stepping stone for her .... I hope she never gets far with anything because she's really a bad person

>> No.7189213

There are fakes of everything, including fake geek girls and fake geek guys

>> No.7189330

why does jess look completely different in this.

>> No.7189345

no prob. not making your costume as long as it's good. sure cosplaying is about fun but i'd rather go to a con where people are having fun AND great cosplays.

>> No.7189540

It has been half a month since I placed an order from her Store envy and I haven't gotten my order yet. I tried contacting her through her store and FB with no answer. I've been forced to start a pay pal dispute.

>> No.7189748

Holy fuck, watched a streaming of you. Fucking 10/10 spooky, would tip if I had money. Get your implants under the muscles so it's still a but squishy and won't look as fake. dem tats hnnng

>> No.7189770

What'd she do?

>> No.7189782

Just normal cam girl stuff. Her small boobs are cute, anything bigger than a C might look silly.

>> No.7189787

how much money do you make?
i always see you talking about buying expensive things/making loads of money, just curious
>i am too fat to cam

>> No.7189915
File: 7 KB, 201x300, yoshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow I am honestly surprised. A whole thread and no one has mentioned Rosanna Rocha and her "I ONLY COSPLAY IF I CAN SHOW MY TITS FOR FAME" "NOBODY DOES BOOBIES LIKE ME" attitude. Her and her Yoshi cosplay is worse than anything anyone else has done in terms of sexualizing cosplay.

>> No.7189943


Yoshi from... Mario? If I'm wrong feel free to correct me, but uh... if that IS that Yoshi... how does that even SLIGHTLY resemble him? I mean as annoying as overly sexualized cosplay is, at least you can typically SEE the character resemblance. This is just a trainwreck and an excuse to be half naked for the cameras, moreso than usual...

>> No.7189953
File: 30 KB, 500x518, tumblr_m2lcumkoJ91r22jumo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is another photo from the shoot. It was a Yoshi inspired thing I guess. Rosanna is infamous for trying to pass this shit off as cosplay.

>> No.7189957
File: 54 KB, 1280x720, 4285685532542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw everything is super blurry except: the boob

my sides

>> No.7189960

Her face why

>> No.7189970

Boobs don't count if you are fat

She needs to get that though her fat head

>> No.7189974
File: 68 KB, 700x973, 472535_612357072125582_2136321698_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


she not fat, negro

>> No.7189992

She may not be fat, but she sure as hell is sucking in reaaalll bad.

>> No.7190002

she has real nice hips/legs

but her best feature is ruined by the pelvic tattoo

>> No.7190024
File: 30 KB, 233x347, 1384151583597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a boob loving man, this needs a slight correction.

>Don't blame America, blame all the neckbeards and tween shitheads who think that she is teh sex

>> No.7190101


I get turned down by more women in the bedroom than I would being "average".

>> No.7190112

She kind of looks like a younger version of Flo from progressive...

If that Leana vamp chick is fake. It stands to reason then that a lot of them may also be, because for all these hot girls to suddenly pop up out of nowhere in such a relatively short period of time doesn't make sense.

I really hope this trend goes away, but as geek culture becomes more mainstream (i.e. marketable) it's hard to see it stopping any time soon.
Also, my cat is wearing his ribbon toy like a scarf. It's adorable.

>> No.7190136

who the fuck let this whale out of the ocean

>> No.7190148

J-Nig has now reached 1 mil likes, as she didn't need more attention!

I thing that gets me is, the more likes you have, the more likely you are to be put in the "famous cosplayer" department, even if this cosplayer has hardly made any cosplays, no one actually knows who they are, and they don't contribute to the community! Its all so fucked up

>> No.7190175

Why do manginas still consider themselves men?

>> No.7190179

Pretty sure her father's side is Italian. Jessica grew up in New Zealand.

>> No.7190311

Believe me, it could be worse, I've seen a lot of fat girls with no tits.

>> No.7190325


>> No.7190327


oh no, a person is having fun, we have to stop this !

>> No.7190355

Untill you get a look up close in person and realize that she has an insane amount of cellulite for a 25 year old. I guess doing massive amounts of heroin and being a binge drinker isnt great for keeping the body in good shape for costly.

>> No.7190372
File: 203 KB, 960x953, click.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what her face will look like in few years, she already looks like this without shoop but many layers of makeup, can only become worse.

>> No.7190377
File: 418 KB, 723x900, 1363401789995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yaya looks way better at 40 than Jessica Nigri does at 24, and that is really fucking sad.

What sucks is that she is only doing this for attention. Sure she is having fun, but she is having fun getting attention, not dressing up and meeting fans of the same thing. All of this is going to fall apart for her in the next five years, and then she will be left with nothing, and the world will have moved on to the next shallow beach babe in a push-up bra that comes along.

>> No.7190378

>in before people think Yaya doesn't look that good

For her age she seriously does. Jessica is stupid as shit to bleach her hair and fake tan the way she does. Obviously she is too stupid to think about the long run.

>> No.7190384
File: 138 KB, 640x960, 342df22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wonder what her face will look like in few years

>> No.7190388
File: 36 KB, 640x360, tan-mom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7190496
File: 177 KB, 500x1016, jess-nigri-13-when-it-comes-to-cosplay-jessica-nigri-doesnt-suck-22-photos-f693bc5a-sz500x1016-animate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's so much jelly in this thread. She's objectively hotter than every girl who posts here.
>inb4 white knights
You really need to get over it.

>> No.7190511

so you're into someone that looks like 40 year old Beverly Hills cougar with alcoholic problem and boobjob?

bet you're single virgin beta who never kissed a girl in your lifetime

>> No.7190527

>looks like a 40 year old
Nobody outside this thread would think she looks 40, so let's cut the hyperbole. All I ever see on this board is a bunch of fatties, plain janes and butterfaces. A hot girl comes in and steals everyone's attention and suddenly all the claws come out. It's sad, really.

>> No.7190547

There's really nothing that appealing about her. She has a decent body (mainly due to her boobs, which are fake) but her face is ugly and it always has to be covered in tacky, heavy makeup to disguise her ugliness. Her hair is bleached and dead and she is orange from all of the fake tanning she does.

I'm sorry but this is not attractive. She looks like every other bimbo that tries to be hot by slathering their faces in bad makeup and using daddy's money to get a boob job. There's nothing unique about her that makes her stand out from the thousands of girls that also look like her.

>> No.7190549
File: 125 KB, 634x738, marijuana_mom_of_beverly_hills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's getting there

>> No.7190553

>> daddy's money

you mean her fanboys' money. I heard rumor that she spent money she got from breast cancer fundraiser to pay for her new boob jobs

>> No.7190551

you people may not find her attractive but you are outnumbered

accept that the majority does not share your taste

>> No.7190552
File: 9 KB, 320x180, mqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's nothing unique about her that makes her stand out

>> No.7190555

>posts a picture of someone else
What was the point?

>> No.7190559

Wouldn't surprise me, internet celebrities pull this kind of shit all the time.

>> No.7190560


My preference for brown girls and dark brown/black hair alone is enough for me to know the majority don't share my tastes.

>> No.7190565

Morelike a washed out, tan-damaged bleach blonde that feels the need to remind everyone that she's hot by posting near-nudes of herself , all while trying to excuse it all with her "unique" personality which is basically a perfect match with every thirteen year old girl's "RAndOM!11" phase. Secondhand embarrassment is all I feel for her and anyone else who thinks that cosplaying counts as an actual job.

>> No.7190568

Doesn't Miyu post here sometimes? She's way hotter than jnig

>> No.7190569


only you and a few others think so
what is your opinion worth?

>> No.7190573

What's your fucking opinion worth?

I'm not the person you replied to but jesus christ is that statement retarded.

>> No.7190576

Yeah but I haven't seen her post in a really long time so I'm not sure if it counts.
Not really. I think anyone who compares them objectively without knowing who they are would agree that Miyu is alot more attractive.

>> No.7190579

>tfw a doberman is more attractive than you

>> No.7190581

In this case, the majority opinion matters more. If the majority thinks someone is attractive, and a vocal minority doesn't, there must be a reason. In this case, the most obvious reason is jealousy and white knighting. I'm not saying she's the most attractive girl in the world, but all these people saying she's 40, fat, etc. are just embarrassing themselves. I guarantee if you compared a bunch of HD photos they'd have many more flaws than Jessica.

>> No.7190583

I have no idea who Miyu is. Let me see a picture and I'll judge.

>> No.7190582


The majority also has no clue who Miyu is. Nigri has more reach. That's all.

>> No.7190586
File: 95 KB, 450x423, jok3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they'd have many more flaws than Jessica.

Doubt it.

>> No.7190585

Except it really fucking doesn't. This is an opinion of if an insignificant person who has minor fame on the internet is attractive or not. Neither side of opinions matters more than the other. This is trivial fucking shit and the fact that you think any fucking group of opinion is more important proves that you're retarded.

>> No.7190589
File: 73 KB, 491x800, Pc6iEQyGbLX6rh8J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7190588

That's really beside the point, unless Miyu is shit-talking Jessica anonymously in this thread. I'd like to see one of the girls in here post her pic. Let's compare and see if she's better looking than Jessica.

>> No.7190593

>looks older than Jessica
>tranny/man face
>worse boob job

You can't be serious.

>> No.7190591


that's miyu

>> No.7190594
File: 1.38 MB, 2437x1840, miyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7190596
File: 70 KB, 533x800, JEaWPAjTXg3iGqyj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not fapping to Miyu

i shiggy no diggy

>> No.7190597

Any takers? I'll wait.

>> No.7190599

>trying this hard
>implying that jnigger doesn't have a tranny face underneath dat makeup
>implying they aren't both ugly
>trying this hard not to be wrong
just stop

>> No.7190601

>football player shoulders
>no hips
There's no way this isn't a man.

>> No.7190602

this so much
i've seen her at a few other cons but at blizzcon i was like wut ..
Either stuffed or jub

>> No.7190606


Oh that photo. No wonder the poor thing always has those fried ass bangs in front of her face.

>> No.7190603
File: 142 KB, 500x746, PrincessVelvet-OdinSphere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7190604

This girl is definitely hotter than Jessica. I don't think there's any argument there. I really doubt there are other girls on /cgl/ that are hotter than Jnigs though. This one is probably a rare exception. I'd imagine most of the girls who post here are not very cute.

>> No.7190610

She objectively has very strong masculine features. I can see why /fit/ likes her, they're at least 50% gay and closeted.

>> No.7190611


>Jnigger white knight

Does this job pay well?

>> No.7190612
File: 148 KB, 500x746, PrincessVelvet-OdinSphere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For fuck sake, 4chan. This was not the picture.

>> No.7190617


/cgl/ should know well enough that this was her worst photoset.

>> No.7190618

Miyu has a gorgeous face but her body is getting too manly.
I agree that she's prettier than Jessica but she still needs to stop lifting before she loses her facial aesthetics too.

>> No.7190614
File: 46 KB, 517x800, qUEMYGaBcBft5vL4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


perhaps you are just jealous of her stunning good looks?

she is a model you know

>> No.7190620

>dat strong chin

>> No.7190621

That's fantastic.

It doesn't make Jnigger any less ugly.

Also, as seen in >>7190594 she has the potential to look pretty and she doesn't need raccoon eyes and a fake tan to do it.

>> No.7190625
File: 64 KB, 326x351, 1266191163187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7190628

So can we stop posting Miyu and start posting some of the girls in this thread? I'd like to see how much hotter you are than Jessica. That was the point of this thread, right?

>> No.7190626

damn. woodberry/10

>> No.7190634

What's the point? You're whiteknighting so hard that if any girl did post a picture you'd immediately call her ugly.

It's obvious your opinions about Jnignog are too strong to make rational decisions or think about anything other than whiteknighting.

>> No.7190635

I don't know who this is or why we're talking about her but to be fair JNig has much worse photos than these